PLANNING AND HIGHWAYS (WEST) COMMITTEE AGENDA Tuesday 2nd March, 2021 at 5.30 p.m. This extraordinary meeting will be held remotely. Joining details will be emailed to all participants. The meeting will be livestreamed for the public to view on the Council’s YouTube channel, ‘sunderlandgov’ at:- Membership Cllrs Armstrong, Blackett, Fagan, Lauchlan, F. Miller, Rowntree (Vice Chair), Thornton (Chair) P. Walker ITEM PAGE 1. Receipt of Declarations of Interest (if any) 2. Apologies for Absence - 3. Applications made under the Town and Country 1 Planning Acts and Regulations made thereunder Report of the Executive Director of City Development (copy herewith). For further information and assistance, please contact Paul Wood at
[email protected] Elaine Waugh, Assistant Director of Law and Governance, Civic Centre SUNDERLAND 22nd February, 2021 Item 3 Planning and Highways (West) Committee 2nd March 2021 REPORT ON APPLICATIONS REPORT BY THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF CITY DEVELOPMENT PURPOSE OF REPORT This report includes recommendations on all applications other than those that are delegated to the Executive Director of City Development determination. Further relevant information on some of these applications may be received and in these circumstances either a supplementary report will be circulated a few days before the meeting or if appropriate a report will be circulated at the meeting. LIST OF APPLICATIONS Applications for the following sites are included in this report. 1. 19/01319/OUT Land West Of South Lodge Farm North Road Hetton-le-Hole Houghton-le-Spring 2. 20/01754/FUL Land To The North Of Mount Lane Springwell NE9 7UQ 3.