Lamesley Ward Factsheet

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Lamesley Ward Factsheet Lamesley Ward Factsheet Lamesley ward is located in the South of Gateshead along with four other wards – Birtley, Chowdene, High Fell, and Low Fell. Lamesley is largely rural with wide-open spaces and woodland. To the south it adjoins Chester-le-Street and Sunderland. It includes the settlements of Kibblesworth, the northern part of Birtley including the Elisabethville estate and Eighton Banks. Lamesley also includes the southern part of the Team Valley and the A1 as it passes by the Team Valley, the Angel of the North and Birtley. Lamesley has its own parish council. There is a small proportion of flats in the area but the majority of properties are traditional housing. Over half of the housing is privately owned with a large proportion of properties owned by the Council. Neighbourhood Deprivation (Overall IMD 2015): To view an interactive map of IMD 2015 and its domains visit Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2018 Area/Population Population, ONS Mid Year Ward Population Estimates (Current data: 2017) BME Group, ONS Census (Current data: 2011) Area: Population: Males: Females: 26.1km² / 10.1mi² 9882 4753 5129 0-19: 16-64: 65+: BME Group: 2295 (23.2%) (22.1%) 6057 (61.3%) (63.2%) 1946 (19.7%) (19.3%) 172 (1.9%)(3.7%) Community Safety All Crime, Northumbria Police (Current data: Jul-Sep 18) Rate per 1,000 pop Current data for all wards: RC&S C&G WS&S W&HS LF DH&WE W&LL C&RG Ch P&H Bl WN&W GH Sa De LH&B Bi D&T La Fe HF WN Br 8 10 13 16 18 18 19 21 22 23 25 25 28 30 33 34 34 35 35 38 40 41 65 40 Trend data for Lamesley and Gateshead average 20 compared : 0 Jul-Sep 12 Jul-Sep 13 Jul-Sep 14 Jul-Sep 15 Jul-Sep 16 Jul-Sep 17 Jul-Sep 18 Anti-Social Behaviour, Northumbria Police (Current data: Jul-Sep 18) Rate per 1,000 pop Current data for all wards: C&G DH&WE RC&S WS&S W&HS W&LL WN LF Bi P&H WN&W C&RG Bl Ch La De GH D&T Fe HF LH&B Sa Br 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 10 11 12 13 18 20 Trend data for Lamesley and Gateshead average 10 compared : 0 Jul-Sep 12 Jul-Sep 13 Jul-Sep 14 Jul-Sep 15 Jul-Sep 16 Jul-Sep 17 Jul-Sep 18 Deprivation Population within 10% Most Deprived Areas in England, IMD (Current data: 2015) % Current data for all wards: Bi Bl C&G C&RG Ch DH&WE LF P&H RC&S Sa W&HS W&LL WN WN&W WS&S GH La D&T Br LH&B De HF Fe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 20 22 26 29 41 51 64 Population within 20% Most Deprived Areas in England, IMD (Current data: 2015) % Current data for all wards: C&G C&RG DH&WE LF P&H RC&S W&LL WN WS&S W&HS Bi La GH Bl Br Ch D&T LH&B Sa WN&W De HF Fe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 19 20 25 26 26 33 37 43 51 54 59 69 83 Children in Poverty, HMRC (Current data: 2015) % Current data for all wards: LF WS&S DH&WE C&G RC&S W&HS Br WN W&LL Sa Ch P&H Bl GH La Bi WN&W C&RG D&T LH&B HF De Fe 5 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 16 16 17 18 18 19 20 20 22 23 24 24 31 32 40 30 Trend data for Lamesley 25 and Gateshead average 20 compared : 15 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Economy and Worklessness Working Age Population, ONS Mid Year Ward Population Estimates (Current data: 2017) Economically Active, Estimated From ONS Mid Year Ward Population Estimates (Current data: 2017) In Employment, ONS Census (Current data: 2011) Working Age Population (16-64): Economically Active Population (16-64): In Employment (16-64): 6057 4799 (79.2%) (80.8%) 3769 (62.2%) (69.4%) Unemployment (JSA + Universal Credit Claimant) Rate, DWP (Current data: Nov 2018) % Current data for all wards: LF WS&S C&G DH&WE RC&S P&H W&HS Bi La Bl W&LL WN&W WN Ch GH Br Sa C&RG LH&B HF D&T De Fe 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 6.0 Trend data for Lamesley 4.0 and Gateshead average 2.0 compared : 0.0 Jan 14 Jul 14 Jan 15 Jul 15 Jan 16 Jul 16 Jan 17 Jul 17 Jan 18 Jul 18 Youth Unemployment (JSA + Universal Credit Claimant) Rate, DWP (Current data: Nov 2018) % Current data for all wards: WS&S C&G Br W&HS Sa LF DH&WE Bi P&H RC&S WN Bl GH La W&LL Ch WN&W C&RG De LH&B D&T Fe HF 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 10 10 10.0 Trend data for Lamesley and Gateshead average 5.0 compared : 0.0 Jan 14 Jul 14 Jan 15 Jul 15 Jan 16 Jul 16 Jan 17 Jul 17 Jan 18 Jul 18 Education Attainment of 5+ GCSEs Grades A*-C, Gateshead Council (Current data: 2014/15) % Current data for all wards: (NB Criteria for calculating GCSE results was revised in 2013/14) Sa Fe LH&B WN&W De Bl D&T P&H Bi La W&HS HF C&RG GH W&LL WN DH&WE WS&S C&G Br Ch RC&S LF 42 45 52 53 55 55 57 58 62 62 63 63 64 64 65 73 74 74 75 77 78 78 82 100 Trend data for Lamesley and Gateshead average 80 compared : 60 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Attainment of 5+ GCSEs Grades A*-C incl. English & Maths, Gateshead Council (Current data: 2015/16) % Current data for all wards: P&H Sa D&T W&LL HF WN&W Bl Br Fe La Bi C&RG De GH WN LH&B C&G WS&S W&HS DH&WE Ch RC&S LF 38 40 45 47 47 48 48 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 57 58 63 66 68 69 71 72 78 70 Trend data for Lamesley 60 and Gateshead average 50 compared : 40 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Pupils with a Special Educational Need, Gateshead Council (Current data: 2018) % Current data for all wards: LF WS&S W&HS C&G Bl RC&S WN DH&WE W&LL WN&W Ch GH P&H Bi D&T HF Br La LH&B Sa C&RG De Fe 7 11 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 18 Trend data for Lamesley 17 and Gateshead average 16 compared : 15 2016 2017 2018 Health and Wellbeing Male Life Expectancy, PHE/ONS (Current data: 2011-15) Age Current data for all wards: (NB Earlier data uses 3 year average. Latest data uses five years) Br DH&WE La D&T HF LF Ch Bi Bl GH W&LL C&G C&RG LH&B W&HS RC&S WS&S De Fe P&H Sa WN WN&W 73 74 74 75 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 82 78 Trend data for Lamesley 76 and Gateshead average 74 compared : 72 2006-08 2007-09 2008-12 2010-14 2011-15 Female Life Expectancy, PHE/ONS (Current data: 2011-15) Age Current data for all wards: (NB Earlier data uses 3 year average. Latest data uses five years) La HF Br D&T DH&WE W&LL Bi LH&B LF Bl GH C&G WS&S WN C&RG W&HS RC&S De Fe Sa P&H Ch WN&W 78 78 78 79 79 80 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 84 86 85 Trend data for Lamesley and Gateshead average 80 compared : 75 2006-08 2007-09 2008-12 2010-14 2011-15 Lifestyle Behaviours, NHS SOTW Lifestyle Survey (Current data: 2012) Current data: Smoking Adults Binge Drinking Adults (NB Significantly higher/lower than Gateshead average shown as H/L) Lamesley Gateshead Lamesley Gateshead 27% 19% 27% 26% Obese Adults Healthy Eating Adults Lamesley Gateshead Lamesley Gateshead 15% 18% 30% 29% Limiting Long Term Illness, ONS Census (Current data: 2011) Current data: Limiting Long Term Illness Lamesley Gateshead 26% 22% Child Obesity - Reception Class, NCMP (Current data: 2013/14 - 2015/16) % Current data for all wards: C&G WN WS&S LF C&RG W&HS RC&S Bl DH&WE Br Ch GH De La WN&W D&T Fe LH&B W&LL P&H Bi Sa HF 16 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 28 28 28 L 30 Trend data for Lamesley 25 and Gateshead average 20 compared : 15 2010/11 - 2012/13 2011/12 - 2013/14 2012/13 - 2014/15 2013/14 - 2015/16 Child Obesity - Year 6, NCMP (Current data: 2013/14 - 2015/16) % Current data for all wards: C&RG Bl W&HS C&G La WS&S DH&WE LF WN HF LH&B Ch Bi GH D&T W&LL RC&S WN&W Sa Br De P&H Fe 30 31 31 32 33 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 38 39 39 39 41 41 42 44 45 H Trend data for Lamesley 40 and Gateshead average 35 compared : 30 2010/11 - 2012/13 2011/12 - 2013/14 2012/13 - 2014/15 2013/14 - 2015/16 Housing and Transport Residential Properties, Gateshead Council/TGHC (Current data: Apr 2017) Total Residential Properties: Owner Occupied: Gateshead Housing Company Rented: 4487 2431 (54.2%) (53.7%) 1221 (27.2%) (22.2%) Private Landlord Rented: Registered Social Landlord Rented: 749 (16.7%) (21.3%) 86 (1.9%) (2.8%) Car Ownership and Travel to Work, ONS Census (Current data: 2011) Current data: Car Ownership by Household Travel to Work by Public Transport Lamesley Gateshead Lamesley Gateshead 65% 63% 18% 21% Community Cohesion and Engagement % who agree that their local area is a place where people usually get on well together, Gateshead % Council You and Your Local Area Survey (Current data: 2018) Current data for all wards: De Fe Bl Sa HF LH&B W&LL GH P&H Br WN&W C&RG Bi RC&S Ch WN C&G La W&HS DH&WE LF D&T WS&S 76 76 77 77 81 87 89 91 91 92 92 94 95 95 96 96 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 L L L L H H H H H H H % who feel strongly that they belong to their local area, Gateshead Council You and Your Local Area % Survey (Current data: 2018) Current data for all wards: De Br HF Fe P&H Sa Bi LH&B WN&W La GH Bl Ch C&G W&LL RC&S D&T W&HS DH&WE WN LF C&RG WS&S 51 52 53 53 56 56 58 59 60 60 65 67 69 71 72 73 73 76 77 77 77 79 88 L L L H H H % who have given unpaid help at least once per month over the last 12 months (Taking part in or % supporting any group, club or organisation), Gateshead Council You and Your Local Area Survey (Current data: 2018) Current data for all wards: WS&S DH&WE De W&LL Ch LH&B LF WN&W D&T W&HS WN La P&H Fe GH HF Br C&RG C&G Bl Bi RC&S Sa 15 16 17 20 22 23 23 23 24 25 26 26 26 27 28 29 33 34 36 36 39 42 46 L L L H H % who have given unpaid help at least once per month over the last 12 months (Helping out % someone who is not a relative), Gateshead Council You and Your Local Area Survey (Current data: 2018) Current data for all wards: WN&W De W&LL DH&WE WN WS&S C&G D&T RC&S Ch HF Sa Bl GH LH&B La LF C&RG Br Bi P&H Fe W&HS 24 25 25 28 28 28 29 29 31 31 31 32 34 34 34 36 36 37 40 40 40 51 54 H H % who have given unpaid help at least once per month over the last 12 months (Helping to improve % your local area but not as part of a group), Gateshead Council You and Your Local Area Survey (Current data: 2018) Current data for all wards: Br WN&W Bl WS&S DH&WE WN C&RG W&HS La Ch C&G P&H W&LL LH&B GH RC&S Fe HF LF Bi De D&T Sa 12 12 15 15 17 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 24 26 31 31 32 32 33 34 38 L L L H.
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    Hellens Group May 2019 g Matter 7 Hearing Statement Local Plan Examination in Public 2019 The Strategy, Housing Growth Areas and Safeguarded Land for Washington This matter considers the strategic policies (SP3, SS2 and SS3) and the Housing Growth Areas (HGA1-HGA6) for Washington. Hellens Group Matter 7 Hearing Statement May 2019 i Issue 1 – Strategic Policies Q1.2 Are Policies SP3 and SS2 justified and effective? 2.1 To be justified a policy must be “the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence”. To be effective it must be “deliverable over the plan period and based on effective joint work on cross-boundary strategic priorities” (paragraph 182 of the NPPF 2012). Policy SP3 relates to the strategy for the Washington sub-area which includes the metropolitan area of Washington and the village of Springwell. The Policy proposes a number of economic, town centre and strategic housing growth policies which include Green Belt releases. Hellens Group supports the Council’s approach to Green Belt release and the recognition at paragraph 4.28 of the Regulation 19 Draft Core Strategy that “without alterations to the Green Belt, the plan would not be able to accommodate housing needs, especially in the north of the city (Washington and North sub-areas).” 2.2 Turning to national planning policy, the NPPF states that Green Belt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances, through the preparation or review of the Local Plan (paragraph 83 of NPPF). Paragraph 4.26 to 4.29 describe the process that has been gone through to establish these exceptional circumstances.
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