Schein's Common Sense Emergency Abdominal Surgery
Moshe Schein · Paul N. Rogers (Editors) Schein’s Common Sense Emergency Abdominal Surgery Moshe Schein • Paul N. Rogers (Editors) Schein’s Common Sense Emergency Abdominal Surgery Second Edition With 97 Figures and 21 Tables MosheMoshe Schein, Schein, MD, FACS, MD, FACS, FCS(SA) FCS(SA) SurgicalSurgical Specialists Specialists of Keokuk, of Keokuk, Keokuk, Keokuk, IA 52632, IA 52632, USA USA FormerlyFormerly: Professor: Professor of Surgery,Weill of Surgery,Weill College College of Medicine of Medicine CornellCornell University, University, New York, New York, NY,USA NY,USA Paul N.Paul Rogers, N. Rogers, MB ChB, MB MBA,ChB, MBA, MD, FRCS MD, FRCS(Glasgow) (Glasgow) ConsultantConsultant General General and Vascular and Vascular Surgeon, Surgeon, Department Department of Surgery of Surgery GartnavelGartnavel General General Hospital, Hospital, Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, Scotland, UK UK EditorialEditorial Adviser: Adviser:RobertRobert Lane, Lane, MD, FRCSA, MD, FRCSA, FACS FACS Graphics:Graphics:EvgenyEvgeny E. (Perya) E. (Perya) Perelygin, Perelygin, MD and MD Alexander and Alexander N. Oparin, N. Oparin, MD MD LibraryLibrary of Congress of Congress Controll Controll Number: Number: 2004104706 2004104706 ISBN ISBN3-540-21536-0 3-540-21536-0 Springer Springer Berlin Berlin Heidelberg Heidelberg New YorkNew York ISBN 3-540-66654-0ISBN 3-540-66654-0 1st ed. 1st Springer-Verlag ed. Springer-Verlag Berlin HeidelbergBerlin Heidelberg New York New York This workThis iswork subject is subject to copyright. to copyright. All rights All arerights reserved, are reserved, whether whether the whole the wholeor part or of part the of the materialmaterial is concerned, is concerned, specifically specifically the rights the ofrights translation, of translation, reprinting, reprinting, reuse of reuse illustrations, of illustrations, recitation,recitation, broadcasting, broadcasting, reproduction reproduction on microfilm on microfilm or in any or inother any way,other and way, storage and storage in data in data banks.banks.
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