National Association for Environmental Education (UK) An organisation for anyone who has an involvement in Environmental Education and Sustainable Development. An educational charity for teachers of Environmental Education everywhere! ALL MEMBERS RECEIVE THESE BENEFITS: For details and rates, visit or Environmental Educaon journal 3 mes a year contact
[email protected] Resources and informaon for teachers University students FREE │ Join NAEE today! and educators Network with outdoor and environmental educaon specialists NAEE: Helping re-connect Share your ideas with NAEE online, twier, young people with their facebook, LinkedIn, pinterest environment, in and out NAEE works with key related groups in the UK of school. and worldwide Write for Environmental Education: We welcome arcles, book reviews and website suggesons from NAEE members, supporters and readers. We are especially interested in case studies, including environmental educaon, outdoor classrooms, forest schools etc. — in primary or secondary schools and colleges. Arcles may occasionally be reprinted either on their own or with other arcles in NAEE publicaons or on the website. Photos should be as high resoluon as possible and sent as separate jpeg files. You must have the permission of the picture taker. For more informaon, please contact
[email protected] . Executive Committee: If you want to find out more about the roles of the NAEE Execuve Commiee, and consider becoming nominated to this governing body, contact the Naonal Coordinator at
[email protected] . National