Justice & Peace Link Information sheet on justice & peace issues March 2021 Ongoing to Sunday, 7 March Fair Trade Fortnight Join the Fairtrade Festival here Thursdays, 4-25 March 7.30pm – 8.30pm Global Healing Lent course hosted by the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) Laudato Si’ Animators in the UK. You can still join this series of reflective evenings with inspiring speakers, prayer and discussion, using the film-based resource “Global Healing”. These engaging documentaries will inform and challenge people to respond to Pope Francis’ call to Care for Our Common Home. Suitable for all who are concerned about what is happening to our world and who want to take action. Please register here or email
[email protected] The latest issue of the NJPN E-Bulletin is available now. Click here to view. Also NJPN North West Justice & Peace E-Bulletin March 2021 Events Monday, 1 March & the first of each month – Pray and Fast for the Climate. Join people around the world praying & fasting for climate justice. Prayer points are here. Monday, 1 March 8pm You can also join an on-line prayer time for climate justice and reconciliation of God, humanity and all creation. Click here to register Wednesday, 3 March 7.00 - 9.30pm Return to the Golden City Workshop following on from the showing of the film and discussion last month. In a non-judgmental and emotionally safe place you will, in small groups, look at your 'other' and see how you can have your ‘cup of coffee'. We will all learn from each other and leave feeling empowered and more able to build bridges.