Journey Within: the Spirituality of Thomas Merton (1915-1968)

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Journey Within: the Spirituality of Thomas Merton (1915-1968) Journey Within: The Spirituality of Thomas Merton (1915-1968) by Elmor van Staden submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS in the subject: SPIRITUALITY at the UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE Supervisor: Professor Celia E.T Kourie January 2016 PREFACE To the question of how I came to discover Thomas Merton, I have no straightforward answer. I do believe that, for me, the journey that eventually led to the writing of this thesis started in early childhood. I was raised in a loving Christian home, in the context of a rather conservative Afrikaans culture and school system, and regularly attended Sunday services at the local Dutch Reformed church with my family. This laid the foundation for my subsequent studies in the humanities (people management and psychology) at undergraduate level, which culminated in the completion of an Honours degree in Biblical Archaeology. My passion for reading works on spirituality grew from that point onwards; and it was during such reading that I came across Thomas Merton. In a way, I could almost say that I did not find Merton, but that he found me. Merton’s simple but profound writing on mysticism (contemplation) somehow resonated with me. In reading his works, I discovered a new terminology, a new language, which I could use in the endeavour to put words to my deep desire for inner wholeness, love for my fellow human beings, and for union with the Divine. I came to realise that my imperfections, my foolishness, my brokenness are all obstacles to this union that I long for. Thankfully, through studying Merton, I also came to realise that it is these very imperfections, this foolishness and brokenness – in other words, ‘my humanity’ – that God is completely in love with. I have therefore come to discover how whole I am in my fragmented self. In Merton, I have found a source of encouragement: an incentive to engage my whole being in my loving search for God. I have also discovered that the meaning of my life does not depend on how successful I am in this endeavour, but that this meaning is reflected in the absolute irrelevance of the contingencies of my efforts. Through Merton, I discovered a deep knowing that whether or not I succeed, God is ‘right there’ – perfectly, invincibly and utterly given to me, with complete abandon, as the intimate quality of my own inner journey. This work, which turned out to be a journey in itself, would not have been possible without the patience and support of a number of ‘fellow travelers’ who lovingly accompanied me on the journey. It is to these individuals that I owe the completion of this dissertation: ii My deepest gratitude goes to my wife and partner in life, Carien, for her endless patience, encouragement, and support. Carien, I love you more than words can describe. A study of this magnitude can never be undertaken without some sacrifices. One such sacrifice for me was the reduced time I had available to spend with my two lovely teenage children, Marco and Elmarie. Thanks so much to you both for your patience and understanding in allowing me the opportunity to fulfil this dream. To my mother, Marie: Thank you, Mom, for listening so patiently and attentively during our countless discussions. This afforded me an opportunity to reflect on my work, and contributed in no small way to my own transformation and growth. Dad (Koot), thank you for the example you set, and are setting, that life is ‘to be lived’. I am also highly indebted to my supervisor, Professor Kourie, for the professional, yet caring way in which she guided me through my studies. Celia, your friendship means a lot to me. Last, but not least, I would like to acknowledge my editor, Alice, thank you for your dedication and putting your heart into the editing of my work . May the mystery of life continue to inspire us all and may our hearts continue to be transformed by the love that guides us on our own individual journeys. iii DEDICATION I dedicate this work to my brother, Leonard. Having had the opportunity to have grown up together and sharing the bond we do is probably what Merton had in mind when he spoke of grace. iv DECLARATION I, Elmor van Staden, declare that Journey Within: The Spirituality of Thomas Merton (1915-1968) is my own work and that all sources that I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of the reference. SIGNED: _____________________ DATE: ____April 2016 v SUMMARY AND KEY TERMS This research project investigates the relevance of the spirituality of the well-known twentieth century Trappist monk, Thomas Merton (1915-1968), for a postmodern contemporary society. The research follows a phenomenological approach. This investigation is done especially in terms of his understanding of the inner journey which is, paradoxically, also the journey to God. The study commences with a short biography of Merton, highlighting the key events that shaped his life and that influenced his spirituality. Merton’s concept of the true self versus the false self is then analysed in relation to spiritual growth, psycho-spiritual development, or what Merton, towards the end of his life, referred to as ‘final integration’. This is followed by an analysis of contemplation, a major element in Merton’s spirituality. It includes an investigation of the relevance of contemplation for holiness, the world of technology, inter-religious dialogue, passivism and non-violence. Merton’s prophetic wisdom is also analysed especially in light of the value of contemplation within the work-place. The study is concluded by drawing together the threads of the research and extrapolating the major findings. Key Terms Thomas Merton; spirituality; psycho-spiritual development; spiritual/inner journey; true/false self; contemplation; mysticism; interfaith dialogue. vi OPSOMMING EN SLEUTELTERME Hierdie navorsingsprojek het ten doel om die relevansie van die bekende twintigste-eeuse Trappiste monnik, Thomas Merton (1915-1968) se spiritualiteit vir die 21ste eeuse postmoderne samelewing te ondersoek. ‘n Fenomenologiese benadering word deurgaans gevolg. Die ondersoek fokus op die spirituele-/innerlike reis, wat, paradoksaal, terselfdertyd ook die reis na God is. Die studie het ‘n bondige biografie van Merton as vetrekpunt, met ‘n fokus op die hoofmomente van sy lewe veral in soverre as wat hulle sy spiritualiteit gevorm het. Merton se begrippe van die ware versus die valse self word ontleed in die konteks van spirituele groei, psigo-spirituele ontwikkeling, of soos Merton veral aan die einde van sy lewe daarna verwys het, ‘finale integrasie‘. Kontemplasie, as een van die hoofkomponente van Merton se spiritualiteit, word vervolgens ondersoek, en die relevansie daarvan in terme van heiligheid, die wêreld van tegnologie, intergeloof-gesprekke, pasifisme en nie-geweld word ontleed. Merton se profetiese wysheid word daarna ondersoek, veral in die lig van die waarde van kontemplasie vir die werksplek. Die studie word afgesluit met ’n ondersoek na die samehang van die onderskeie insigte en ‘n ekstrapolering van die belangrikste bevindinge. Sleutelterme Thomas Merton; spiritualiteit; psigo-spirituele ontwikkeling; spirituele-/innerlike reis; ware- /vals self; kontemplasie; mistiek/e en intergeloof-gesprekke. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ......................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION .................................................................................................................. iv DECLARATION ............................................................................................................... v SUMMARY AND KEY TERMS ..................................................................................... vi OPSOMMING EN SLEUTELTERME ........................................................................... vii Chapter 1 ............................................................................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Research problem ............................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 Raison d’être for the research ................................................................. 1 1.1.2 Stating the research problem ................................................................... 2 1.2 Aim of research .................................................................................................. 2 1.3 Demarcating the area of research ....................................................................... 3 1.4 Methodology and Theoretical Framework ......................................................... 4 1.4.1 Literature research .................................................................................. 4 1.5 Delineation of chapters ....................................................................................... 5 1.6 What is spirituality? ........................................................................................... 6 1.7 Mysticism: acme of spirituality .......................................................................... 8 1.8 Summary .......................................................................................................... 10 Chapter 2 ........................................................................................................................ 11 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................
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