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Lsd 01 01 28-05-1952.Pdf Ptt. S^.IX62 — m — Wednesday V dnm e I WSKS Tuesday 28th May, 1952 No 1 - i | 13ihH ay, 1952 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE OFFICIAL REPORT (Part II—Proceedings(Part I -Questions other andthan AnswersQuestions) and Answers) CONTENTS Members Sworn [CoIb. 2— 18]. , parliament secbetabiat NEW DELHI Price Six Annas (Inland) Price Two Shillings (Foreign) r PARLIAMENTARY DEBATESa*®-- (Part I— Questions and Answers) OfFICaAL REPORT 269 " 270 Bajknmari Amrit Kaur: There are HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE other methods, of course; but no su«* Wednesday, 2Sth May, 1952. gestions have been made to me. Jaiiab Amjad All: Can the hon. Minister tell us what are the chi^ The House met at ^ Quarter Past Eight features of this family planning? Does of the Clock. it include birth control? . [M r, Speaker in the Chair] Rajknmari Amrit Kaur: I’opulation MEMBERS SWORN planning, that is, spacing of families and limiting families, naturally comes Shri Nityanand Kanungo (Kendra- under the term "birth control**. para). Shri S. V. Ramaswamy: Will the hon. Shri Raj Bahadur (Jaipur-Sawai Minister be pleased to state whether Madhopur). there are any birth control clinics run by Government anywhere in India, and if so, what is their number? ORAL ANSWERS TO- QUESTIONS Rajknmari Amrit Kanr: There ar« Family Planning Scheme none. *227. Shri Velayudhan: WiU the Shrimati A. Kale: Is the Govern­ Minister of Health be pleased to state: ment aware that this particular rhythm method has been declared unsuitable (a) the progress made in the by Dr. Marie Stopes? Family Planning Scheme started by the Government of India; and Mr. Speaker: Order, order. We are (b) the number of experts working going into opinions. in the field? Dr. M. M. Das: May I know whe­ The Minister of Health (Rajknmari ther it is a fact that the Family Amrit Kaur): (a) Government have Planning Committee of the WJI.O. sanctioned the establishment of three came to the decision that this parti, centres: one in the Lady Hardinge cular item should be dropped from the Medical College, New Delhi; one m agenda, and if so, may I know whether the Lodi Colony. New Delhi and the the Government of India also proposes third at the Ramanagaram Health Unit to drop this item? in the Mysore State for conducting Rajknmari Amrit Kaur: No. Sir. pilot studies on the use of the ‘rhythm method* of family planning. Shri Namhiar: May I know to what extent ‘ the American experts can (b) Two women workers from advise us about Indian family planning? America have just arrived in the first instance for a period of one year. The Rajknmari Amrit Kanr: Well, Sir» United Nations Population Division experience anjnvhere can be utilised has also offered the services of a Demo­ in any country, according to local grapher to assist Dr. C. Chandra­ conditions. sekhar, Director of the U.N. Office of Help to Famine A reas in Population Studies who is incharge of Andhra Desa the Ramanagaram Centre. *228. Shri Velayndhan: Will the Shri Velasmdhan: May I know whe­ Minister of_ Food and Agricnltnre be ther any other method excepting the pleased to state: one that was mentioned here had been (a) the extent of Government of recommended by some exjterts from India’s help to the famine areas of England? Andhra Desa; and 55 PSD 271 Oral Answers 28 MAY 1952 Oral Answers 272 <b) the grant given to the Madras (b) how the Exchange Value Jovernnxent by the Central Govern­ between the Russian Rouble and ment for relief measures? Indian Rupee was calculated; and The Deputy Minister ot Commerce (c) whether there is any agreement and Industry (Shri Karmarkar): ila) between India and Russia on the and (t^). Attention is invited to the exchange Value of the respective Answer to Starred Question No. 32 on currencies? 20th May 1952. The Deputy Minister of Commerce Shri Velayudhan: May I know whe­ and Industry (Shri Karmarkar): (a) ther and if so to what extent a special The wheat obtained from Russia lagt grant has been made to the Madras year was against a barter deal. Government for the relirf of famine (b) Does not arise. in Rayalaseema? , (c) No, Sir. Shri Karmarkar: 1 do not have the exact amount, but I may say that the Shri Velayudhan: May I know Government of India have agreed to whether the rate of exchange between bear 50 per cent, of the expenditure the Indian rupee and the Russian on gruel centres ooened in the scarcity rouble is assessed on the sterling or areas subject to a maximum of Rs. 48 not? ^ V lakhs. Shri Karmarkar: Our transactions Shri Velayudhan: May I know what amount has been given as grant from with Russia are through sterling, but the P.M.’s famine relief fund and to I am not aware on the basis of the which agency has it been given, viz. material available to me at the moment the Madras Government or any other what is the rate of the rupee in terms private agency? of the rouble. Shri Karma^;kar: Regarding the first Shri T. K. Chaudhuri: How does the part of the question, Rs. 373 lakhs barter deal work out on the basis of and 5 thousand have been given by rupee rouble exchange? the Prime Minister frogj^ the funds at his disposal for the purpose of general Shri Karmarkar: As the hon. Mem­ relief. But I am not sure of the ber will understand, barter deal is on agency through which this fund is to the basis of exchange and the ratio be worked. between the rouble and the rupee does not come into the picture. In this The Prime Minister (Shri Jawahar- instance, Russia supplied us ' wheat, lal Nehru): Apart from, I think, a grant 100,399 metric tons, in exchange for of Rs. 25,000, the agency has been the the following Indian commodities: raw Governor of Madras. jute 5,000 metric tons; shellac 2,500 metric tons; tea 1,850 metric tons and Shri Raghabachari: Is there any tobacco 5,500 metric tons. The price fscheme to prevent the recurrence of of the one was equal to the price of famine? the other. Shri Karmaricar: This question is about relief of famine. Shrimati Renu Chakravarlty: How does this compare with the price paid Shri Punnoose: May I know whe­ for U.S. wheat? ther the Government have received representations from the Travancore- Shri Karmarkar: I think this trans­ Cochin Government to the effect that action should compare favourably like relief measures may be extended to every other transaction. certain coastal areas in that State? Shri Karmarkar: I am afraid the Shri Velayudhan: May I know whe­ question relates to Andhra Desa. ther there is any difficulty in the matter of trade transactions because Mr. Speaker: Besides, it is outside this exchange has not been decided as the scope. between the Russian rouble and the Indian rupee? , Russian Wheat (P rice) Mr. Speaker: He is proceeding on an *229. Shri Velayudhan: Will the assiunption. Minister of Food and Agriculture be pleased to state: Shri Velayudhan: No, Sir. He said that the exchange has not been decided (a) the price of Russian wheat and it is on that, I am asking the purchased by India; . question. 273 Oral Answers 28 MAY 1952 Oral Answers 274 Mr. Speaker; He said that it is not legumes, at the Indian Agricul­ necessary to decide that, because goods tural Research Institute, New are excb^ged on barter basis. DelhL Dr. M. M. Das: May I know wh§t <iii) Scheme for the improve­ are the commodities that have been ment of pasture grasses and supplied by the Indian'XTovemment to legumes in Bombay State. the Russian Government for importing Russian communism into India? (iv) Scheme for the improve­ ment of pasture grasses and Shri Karmarfcar: I am afraid the legumes in Madhya Pradesh. hon. Member did not hear my reply. (v) Scheme for the trial ol Mr. Speaker: Next question. Indian Pueraria species and for investigations on factors influenc­ Fodder Positign ing flowering and seed setting in Kudzu Vine, at the Indian Agri­ cultural Research Institute, New *230. Dr. Ram Subhag Singh: Will Delhi. the Minister of Food and A^cnltnre be pleased to state: Dr. Ram Subhag Singh: May I know (a) the cattle-fodder position in whether some cattle have actually died India; and in Hissar? (b) whether Government have any scheme for the development of grass­ Shri Karmarkar: I have no infor. land in India? mation on the point. What I said was that the overall normal shortage can­ The Deputy Minister of Commerce not however be termed as scarcity of and In du s^ (Shri Karmarkar): (a) such a nature as to cause loss of life. The quantity of fodder produced in That is the general proposition— the country is not normally suflRcient whether there has been any loss of life to maintain the entire cattle popula­ in individual areas it is not possible to tion in a state of nutrition necessary say. to enable them to produce their best. Dr. Ram Subhag Singh: May I know The overall shortage cannot, however, the cost involved in the grass develop­ be termed as scarcity of such a nature ment schemes. • as to cause loss of life. However, due to the failure of summer monsoon in Shri Karmarkar: I should ask for 1951, ‘acute scarcity of cattle feeds notice of the question. was reported from the States of Punjab, Ajmer, Rajasthan, Saurashtra, The Prime Minister (Shri Jawahar- Bombay, Delhi and Pepsu. The situa­ lal Nehru): It is not so much a cost tion has been out under control in aU of grass development schemes, but a the States except Punjab (Hissar choice between pasture lands and District) which was reported to be cultivation of foodgrains.
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    C.B. (D) No. 68 LOKSABHA THE TRADE AND MERCHANDISE MARKS BILL, 1958 (Report of the Joint Committee) PRESENTED ON THE nTH AUGUST, 1958. z:t,~'75.Nsgt J~ - (;0\'3\ Z2,2675.N58t J8 LOK 060191 SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI August 1958 OhananJayarao Gad~ ill ih IIIII/I 1111111111111111111111111 i111/u/ CONTENTS GIPE-PUNE-060 I 9 I .• ar:s I. Compo,dtil'D of the Joinl Committee iii-h· z. Rep,lrt of the Joint Commiuee \'-Xil 3. Minutes of Dissent xiii-:<i\' 4. Arrangement of clauses 1-6 5. Bill as amended by the Joint Committee 7-73 APPENDIX 1- /vl•>r!on in the Lok Sabha for reference oft he Bill to Joint C(•mmitt<.e APPENDIX 11- Motion in the Rajya Sahha APPENDIX 111- Li.;r of A;soCilti•ms who tendered eviJcnce hcfore the Joint Committee 77 APPENDIX IV- Sr Hcmcnt nf m-::moranda,'rcrrcsentat i0ns rcceind hy the Joint Commit! ee 7:-l At»rJwntx v- Minutc~ oft h.: Sittings of the J.lint Committee 79-125 663 L.S.-1. , THE TRADE AND MERCHANDISE MARKS BILL, 196i Composition of the Joint Committee Shri J . M. Mohamed Imam-Chairman MEMBERS Lok Sabha 2. Shri C. R. Pattabhi R~"Ylan 3. Shri Radhelal Vyas 4. Pandit Dwarka Nath Tiwary 5. Shri Kailash Pati Sinha 6. Shri C. Bali Reddy 7. Shri Nibaran Chandra Laskar 8. Shri Tayappa Hari Sonavane 9. Shri Akbarbhai Chavda 10. Shri Shiva Dutt Upadhyaya 11. Shri K. P. Kuttikrishnan Nair 12. Shri Ram Krishan 13. Shri Jaswantraj Mehta 14. Shri Bishwa Nath Roy 15.
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