DmBCTo:~r:t.] MANCHEST'lff.R DIS~BICT. a Contlnued. 12ft ------------------~------------------------------------------------------~-=-~--------~ SMALLWARE MANUFACTURERS. Oontinued. SILK MANUFACTURERS. PhythianJoseph;WaverleyMills, St. Simon st~,Salford Ryde W. D., Sons & Co. (silk damasks, brocatellea. Standring lohn & Co., Livesey Street Mills~ Man upholstery, tapestries, table covers, railway chester ; and Lion Mills, Blackley; Manchester fabrics, borders and embroideries), Ashenhurst warehouse ··57, Newton street. Telegrams, Works. Pay day first Friday "Thistle, Manchester." Telephone No., 1266. See advt. Wadsworth C. H. (fringes, &c.), Spread Eagle Mills, BOOTHSTOWN. Trentham street, Chester road, Hulme Waters J. & E. & Co. (and sewing cotton manufac 6 mues N.N.W. from MANCHEI!ITER. turers), Tal bot Mills, Ellesmere street, Hulme ; Letters should be ctt:ldressed, ••near MANCHESTI!:k.,. office 47, Mosley street. Pay days Tuesday and Friday, 12 to 1. Telegrams, "Aqua, Man· chaster." COTTON SPINNERS AND MANUFACTURERS. Whitehead George E., Heath Mill, Culcheth road, Makin Edward, jun. & Co., Garden Mill; 260 looms, Newton Heath regattas, stripes, ginghams, &c.; and Moorside Wood John A. (coach lace, &c.), 82, Great Bridgewater Mill, Ainsworth; Manchester warehouse 40, street. Pay day first Tuesday and last Friday, New Brown street 11 to 1. Telegrams, "Laces, Manchester." Wood Robt. & Co.,Sunnyside Mills, Ordsallane, Salford Yates William & Sons, Boothstown Mill; 9,000 Woolf & Higham, Ellesmere street, H ulme ; ware· spindles ; 242 looms ; and Westbrooke Mill, house 16, Tib street. Pay day first Tuesday. Castle ton; Manchester warehouse 9, New Brown Telegrams, "Woolfam, Manchester." street. Pay day Tuesday or Friday • CLAYTON. BLACKLEY. 2! m.ues E. from MANCHESTER, !l mites N.E. from MANcli:E81'E:R. Letters ~ho-uld be addressed, "tt.tar MANCHESTER." Lette1's &ho'IJJ,d, be ctt:ldrased, " nea1' MANCHJ!lSTER.•• BLEACHERs, DYERs, CALico PRINTERs, &c.
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