European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2020; 24: 8756-8766 LncRNA FGD5-AS1/miR-5590-3p axis facilitates the proliferation and metastasis of renal cell carcinoma through ERK/AKT signalling

Y. YANG1, M.-H. DONG2, H.-M. HU3, Q.-H. MIN4, L. XIAO5

1Department of Urology, Juancheng County People’s Hospital, , , 2Clinical Laboratory, No. 6 People’s Hospital, Qingdao, Shandong, China 3Clinical Laboratory, Qingdao No. 8 People’s Hospital, Qingdao, Shandong, China 4Nursing Department, People’s Hospital, , Shandong, China 5Department of Nephrology, Ju County People’s Hospital, Rizhao, Shandong, China

Yang Yang and Minghuan Dong contributed equally to this work

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: Amongst noncod- CONCLUSIONS: Mechanistically, lncRNA ing RNAs, competing endogenous RNAs (ceR- FGD5-AS1 can competitively interact with miR- NAs) are popular and interesting regulatory 5590-3p and regulate the downstream signal- mechanisms involved in oncogenesis and tu- ling of ErkAKT to enhance the malignancy of mour progression. LncRNA FGD5-AS1, also tumours. This lncRNA could become a poten- known as miR-5590-3p, is involved in the regu- tial target molecule for treating and diagnos- latory role of ceRNA in many cancers. However, ing RCC. the roles of lncRNA FGD5-AS1 or miR-5590-3p in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) remain unclear. Key Words: We investigated how FGD5-AS1 and miR-5590- LncRNA FGD5-AS1, MiR-5590-3p, RCC. 3p regulated clear cell proliferation and metas- tasis in RCC. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Real Time-quanti- tative PCR (RT-qPCR) was used to detect the ex- pression of FGD5-AS1 in tumour issues and re- Introduction nal cancer cell lines. MTT, scratch test and tran- swell assay were performed to confirm the ef- Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is one of the fect of FGD5-AS1 on the proliferation, migration most common and malignant tumours of the or invasion of the above cell lines. RNA pull- urinary system, accounting for 80%-90% of down and Luciferase assays were used to de- renal malignant tumours. RCC is derived from tect the target site between FGD5-AS1 and miR- 5590-3p. In addition, we examined the proteins renal tubular epithelial cells and includes more related to ERK/AKT signalling related via West- than 10 histological and molecular subtypes, ern blot analysis. Finally, we used the RT-qPCR amongst which clear cell RCC (ccRCC) is the method to detect the mRNA levels of E-cadher- most common and accounts for the majority in and vimentin. of cancer-related deaths. Molecular histology RESULTS: LncRNA FGD5-AS1 was highly ex- revealed that other non-ccRCCs (nccRCCs) are pressed in renal cancer tissues, especially in involved in papillary, chromophobe and MiT patients with metastasis. This effect facilitat- family translocation in collecting duct, med- ed the proliferation, migration, epithelial-mes- 1,2 enchymal transition and invasion of renal can- ullary and oncocytoma tumours . The 5-year cer cells. Silencing the expression of FGD5-AS1 survival rate of RCC is more than 70% for with FGD5-AS1 siRNA significantly inhibited the patients without metastasis but is less than malignancy of tumour cells. RNA pull-down and 10% for the patients with metastasis1,3. The Luciferase assays demonstrated that FGD5-AS1 number of estimated new cancer cases and targeted miR-5590-3p to interact with miR-5590- deaths of RCC in the United States reached 3p negatively. Furthermore, miR-5590-3p inhib- 73,750 and 14,830, respectively, in 20204. RCC itors could eliminate the FGD5-AS1 siRNA-in- is also amongst the 10 most common cancers duced upregulation of E-cadherin and downreg- 1 ulation of vimentin. worldwide . A series of genes, including VHL,

8756 Corresponding Author: Li Xiao, MD; e-mail: [email protected] FGD5-AS1 facilitates renal cell carcinoma

SDHB-D, FH, MET, FLCN and TSC1-2, are in- Patients and Methods volved in the occurrence of RCC. The oncogen- esis of RCC has different pathological patterns Tissue Samples that are distinct from each other. Discovering Renal cancer and adjacent nontumour tissue the detailed molecular mechanism underlying samples were collected from patients who un- the carcinogenesis of RCC is imperative for de- derwent surgical operation at Juancheng County veloping diagnostic and therapeutic strategies People’s Hospital. A total of 28 patients with renal with increased effectiveness. cancer, including 16 males and 12 females, were Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are a series of included in this study. The patients were aged 41- RNA molecules that are not translated into a 78 years old with an average age of 58 ± 11 years. protein. They mainly include miRNAs, tsRNAs, Tumour pathological types were determined via piRNAs, lncRNAs, pseudogenes, and circRNAs. HE staining after surgery. Amongst all cases, 28 They play important regulatory roles in tumor- were RCC. Patients with severe or unstable heart igenesis and participate in all hallmarks of the disease and incomplete data were excluded from multistep development of human tumours, in- this study. In accordance with the 2002 AJCC cluding breast cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer clinical staging criteria, specimens lymphoma, glioblastoma, prostate cancer, ovar- from 9, 5, 12 and 2 cases were classified as stage ian cancer, and RCC5,6. LncRNAs can perform I, II, III and IV, respectively. All studies were biological functions as oncogenic molecules and approved by the Ethics Committee of Juancheng tumour suppressors and as novel diagnosis bio- County People’s Hospital and signed informed markers or potential therapy molecules. Inter- consent forms were provided by the participants. estingly, lncRNAs, pseudogenes and circRNAs The tissue samples were snap-frozen in liquid are involved with competing endogenous RNAs nitrogen and stored at -80°C. (ceRNAs), which regulate other RNA transcripts by competing for shared miRNAs7,8. Cell Culture Herein, we aimed to find lncRNA-miRNA The human proximal tubular cell line HK-2 pairs with a ceRNA mechanism for modulating and RCC cell lines (786-O, ACHN and SN12- the proliferation and metastasis of RCC. LncRNA PM6) were purchased from the American Type FGD5-AS1 is highly expressed as an oncogene Culture Collection (ATCC; Manassas, VA, USA). in many cancers, including oesophageal squa- The HK-2 cell line was maintained in K-SFM mous cell carcinoma9, non-small cell lung cancer supplemented with 0.05 mg/ml BPE and 5 ng/ 10 11 12 (NSCLC) , oral cancer and colorectal cancer . ml EGF and incubated at 37°C and 5% CO2. It can promote cancer cell proliferation, migra- Other RCC cell lines were cultured in Dulbec- tion and invasion by interacting with different co’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (Thermo Fisher miRNAs, such as miR-383, miR-107, miR-520b Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) supplemented and miR-302e9-12. FGD5-AS1 also regulates the with 10% foetal bovine serum (FBS; Gibco, Life development of periodontitis and neuronal inju- Technologies, Rockville, MD, USA) and 1% pen- ry via competitively binding to miR-142-3p and icillin/streptomycin (Hycult, Life Technologies, miRNA-22313,14, respectively. However, whether Rockville, MD, USA) and incubated at 37°C and

FGD5-AS1 plays a potential role in RCC by 5% CO2. competitively combining with miRNA remains unknown. Cell Transfection In the study, we first found that lncRNA FGD5- Si-FGD5-AS miR-5590-3p inhibitor, their neg- AS1 was upregulated in renal cancer, especially ative control FGD5-AS1 overexpressed plasmid in patients with the clinical metastasis of renal and blank plasmid were purchased from Ribo- cancer. This effect facilitated the proliferation, bio (Guangzhou, China). Before transfection, cell migration, epithelial-mesenchymal transition lines were seeded in 12-well plates and cultured (EMT) and invasion of renal cancer cells. Fur- for 12 h. For transient overexpression, si-FGD5- thermore, it could competitively interact with AS, miR-5590-3p inhibitor and recombinant plas- miR-5590-3p and regulate downstream signalling mid were transfected into the above-mentioned ErkAKT to enhance the malignancy of tumours. cells with the help of Lipofectamine 2000 (Life Hence, this lncRNA may be a potential target Technologies, Rockville, MD, USA). The sam- molecule for the treatment and diagnosis of renal ples were collected after 24 h to quantify the cancer. mRNA or protein expression of the target gene.

8757 Y. Yang, M.-H. Dong, H.-M. Hu, Q.-H. Min, L. Xiao

Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase and Erk (#3316s, 1:2000) and GAPDH (#3316s, Chain Reaction 1:2000) were purchased from Cell Signalling TRIzol and microRNA isolation kits were pur- Technology (Danvers, MA, USA). chased from Qiagen (Valencia, CA, USA). Tissue samples or cells were homogenised in TRIzol, MTT Assay and total RNA, including miRNAs, were extract- At 48 h after transfection, the cells were seed- ed and reverse transcribed in accordance with the ed into 24-well plates to a confluence of 60%. A manufacturer’s protocol. The expression levels of total of 200 µl of diluted MTT solution was added E-cadherin and vimentin mRNA (GAPDH as an to each well. The plates were then incubated for internal reference) and lncRNA FGD5-AS1 and 2 h in accordance with the instructions of the miR-5590-3p (U6 snRNA as internal reference) MTT kit (Abcam, Cambridge, UK). Absorbance were detected via SYBRGreen quantitative PCR was recorded by using a microplate reader (Mul- (qPCR). The PCR primer sequences were as tiskanEX, Lab Systems, Helsinki, Finland). follows: the upstream sequence of GAPDH was 5′-TGAAGGTCGGAGTCAACGGG-3′, and its Scratch Test downstream sequence was 5′-CCTGGAAGAT- Cells were cultured for 48 h after transfection. GGTGATGGG-3′. The upstream sequence of U6 When the cell confluence reached 95%, 200 μl snRNA was 5′-CTCGCTTCGGCAGCACA-3′, pipette tips were used to create scratches. After and its downstream sequence was 5′-AAC- changing the medium to serum-free medium for GCTTCACGAATTTGCGT-3′. The relative ex- 24 h, the cells were observed under an inverted pression levels of the target genes were calculated microscope. The relative migration capacity of via the 2−∆∆Ct method. the cells was determined. Three visual fields in each group were collected for analysis. Luciferase Reporter Assays Dual-Luciferase reporter vectors were con- Transwell Assay structed to test the direct binding sequence of Cells were transfected with FGD5-AS1 and miR-5590-3p. HEK 293T cells were cotransfected control siRNA or FGD5-AS1-overexpressing and with miR-5590-3p or control mimics and firefly blank plasmids in 12-well plates (10,000 cells/ Luciferase reporter vector containing wild-type well) for 24 h. Then, 5000 cells per well were (WT) or mutant (Mut) sequences of lncRNA seeded in inserts that were pre-equilibrated in 8 FGD5-AS1 by using Lipofectamine 2000 reagent μm-pore transwells (Corning, Costar, CA, USA) (Life Technologies, Rockville, MD, USA) and a with media. After 24 h of incubation, the inserts Renilla Luciferase reporter vector to normalise were rinsed, fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde for 10 transfection efficiency. Renilla and firefly Lucif- min, and then, stained with crystal violet (Beyo- erase activities were measured at 24 h post-trans- time, Shanghai, China). The numbers of cells that fection by applying the Dual-Luciferase® Report- had migrated were counted under a microscope er Assay System. (ECLIPSE Ti, Nikon, Tokyo, Japan).

Western Blot Analysis RNA Pull-Down Assay Cells were homogenised and run on 12% so- Biotin-labelled miR-5590-3p and negative dium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel elec- control were designated as biotin-miR-5590-3p trophoresis gel. The proteins were transferred to and biotin-NC, respectively, and incubated with a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane (PVDF, cell lysates. Then, streptavidin-coated magnetic Roche Molecular Biochemicals, Quebec, Cana- beads (Life Technologies, Rockville, MD, USA) da), and then, blocked with 5% skim milk powder were added. The pull-down assay was performed at room temperature for 1 h. The polyvinylidene with the biotin-coupled RNA complex, and the difluoride (PVDF) membrane (Millipore, Bed- quantity of FGD5-AS1 was measured via qPCR. ford, MA, USA) was incubated with primary antibodies at 4°C overnight, and then, incubated Statistical Analysis with the appropriate HRP-conjugated secondary Each experiment was performed at least three antibodies. The films were developed with an ECL times, and data were analysed with GraphPad System (Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA). The an- Prism 5.0 software (GraphPad Software, Inc., tibodies for Phospho-Akt (#12178s, 1:2000), Akt San Diego, CA, USA). Comparison between (#4691s, 1:2000), Phospho-Erk (#4370p, 1:2000) two groups was performed via t-test. The com-

8758 FGD5-AS1 facilitates renal cell carcinoma parison of means amongst multiple groups was FGD5-AS1 in RCC lines was higher than that in performed via one-way analysis of variance, and normal renal cell lines (Figure 1B). Furthermore, the Bonferroni test was selected as the post hoc FGD5-AS1 expression in 14 patients with renal test. p<0.05 was considered statistically signifi- cancer and clinical metastasis was higher than cant. that in 14 patients with renal cancer but without clinical metastasis (Figure 1C). These data indi- cated that lncRNA FGD5-AS1, which was highly Results expressed in renal cancer tissues, was related specifically and substantially with the malignant LncRNA FGD5-AS1 Was Upregulated degree of renal cancer. in Renal Cancer Tissues and Cells and in Patients with Renal Cancer and FGD5-AS1 Facilitated the Proliferation, Clinical Metastasis Migration and Invasion of Renal We firstly examined the expression of FGD5- Cancer Cells AS1 in renal tumour tissues and adjacent normal We treated SN12-PM6 and 786-O cell lines tissues in patients with renal cancer and clinical with si-FGD5-AS1 to investigate the function of metastasis to understand the expression of ln- LncRNA FGD5-AS1 in the development of RCC cRNA FGD5-AS1 in renal cancer. We collected and found that the treatment significantly si- 14 paired renal cancer and adjacent normal tis- lenced the expression of FGD5-AS1 (Figure 2A) sues and detected the expression of FGD5-AS1 with a considerable reduction in cell viability via real-time PCR. qPCR results showed that (Figure 2B). We also successfully enhanced the FGD5-AS1 expression in renal tumour samples expression of FGD5-AS1 with FGD5-AS1-over- was significantly increased compared with that in expressing plasmid in the above cells (Figure adjacent non tumour tissue samples (Figure 1A). 2A). This effect resulted in a remarkable in- In addition, we determined that the expression of crease in cell viability (Figure 2B). Cell migra-

Figure 1. Expression of FGD5-AS1 in renal tumour tissues and cells and its correlation with the clinical metastasis of patients with renal cancer. A, qPCR analysis of the expression of FGD5-AS1 in tumour and adjacent tissue from patients with kidney tumours. B, qPCR analysis of the expression of FGD5-AS1 in normal renal and kidney cancer cell lines. C, qPCR analysis of the expression of FGD5-AS1 in tumour tissue from patients with metastasis and without metastasis. **p < 0.01.

8759 Y. Yang, M.-H. Dong, H.-M. Hu, Q.-H. Min, L. Xiao

Figure 2. FGD5-AS1 facilitated the proliferation, migration and invasion of renal cancer cells in vitro. A, qPCR examination of the expression of FGD5-AS1 in SN12-PM6 and 786-O cell lines with FGD5-AS1 siRNA or its recombinant plasmid. B, MTT assay of the proliferation of SN12-PM6 and 786-O cell lines with FGD5-AS1 siRNA or its recombinant plasmid. C, Wound scratch test of the cell migration capability of SN12-PM6 and 786-O cell lines with FGD5-AS1 siRNA or its recombinant plasmid. D, Transwell test of the invasion capability of SN12-PM6 and 786-O cell lines with FGD5-AS1 siRNA or its recombinant plasmid. Data are presented as mean ± SD (n = 3). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. tion capacity was determined via the wound than that in the siRNA negative control group scratch test. The scratch in SN12-PM6 or 786- (Figure 2C). The wound width in SN12-PM6 O cells in the si-FGD5-AS1 group was wider or 786-O cells treated with FGD5-AS1-overex-

8760 FGD5-AS1 facilitates renal cell carcinoma pressing plasmid was lower than that in the cells FGD5-AS1 Aactivated AKT/ERK treated with the siRNA negative control (Figure Signalling in Renal Cancer Cells 2C). We further tested the effect of FGD5-AS1 We treated SN12-PM6 cells with si-FGD5- on cell invasion via transwell assay and found AS1or FGD5-AS1-overexpressing plasmid, and that the number of SN12-PM6 or 786-O cells then, determined the expression patterns of phos- in the si-FGD5-AS1 group was less than that phorylated AKT and ERK via Western blot anal- in the siRNA negative control group (Figure ysis to study the signal pathway involved in 2D). By contrast, the number of SN12-PM6 FGD5-AS1. We found that FGD5-AS1 siRNA or 786-O cells in the FGD5-AS1 recombinant inhibited the phosphorylation of Akt and ERK, plasmid-treated group was higher than that in whereas the FGD5-AS1-overexpressing plasmid the blank plasmid-treated group (Figure 2D). promoted the phosphorylation of Akt and ERK These findings indicated that LncRNA FGD5- compared with the negative control (Figure 3A). AS1 facilitated the proliferation, migration and Moreover, we subjected 786-O cells to the same invasion of renal cancer cells. detection method and found that the results of Ln-

Figure 3. FGD5-AS1 activated AKT/ERK signalling in SN12-PM6 and 786-O cells. A, Western blot analysis (left) and statistical analysis (right) showing the expression levels of p-Akt and p-ERK in si-NC-, si-FGD5-AS1-, vector-NC- or vector- FGD5-AS1-treated SN12-PM6 cells at 48 h post-transfection. B, Western blot analysis (left) and statistical analysis (right) of the expression levels of p-Akt and p-ERK in si-NC-, si-FGD5-AS1-, vector-NC- or vector-FGD5-AS1-treated 786-O cells at 48 h post-transfection. Data are presented as mean ± SD (n = 3). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.

8761 Y. Yang, M.-H. Dong, H.-M. Hu, Q.-H. Min, L. Xiao cRNA FGD5-AS1 were similar to those of SN12- 3p could strongly interact with FGD5-AS1 se- PM6 cells (Figure 3B). These results demonstrat- quences (Figure 4A). We constructed WT and ed that LncRNA FGD5-AS1 might activate AKT/ Mut FGD5-AS1 reporters with a Dual-Lucifer- ERK signalling in renal cancer cells. ase reporter system to confirm the interaction between FGD5-AS1 and miR-5590-3p. MiR- FGD5-AS1 Targeted MiR-5590-3p to 5590-3p mimics, together with a WT- or Mut- Negatively Interact With MiR-5590-3p FGD5-AS1 plasmid, were cotransfected into The interaction of lncRNA and miRNA is a SN12-PM6 cells, and then, luciferase assays crucial method of gene regulation. We searched were performed. We found that miR-5590-3p an online database to identify which miRNAs mimics significantly downregulated the Lucif- have complementary sequences with FGD5- erase activity of WT-FGD5-AS1 plasmids but AS1 to determine whether lncRNA FGD5- did not dramatically change that of Mut-FGD5- AS1 performed a gene regulatory function AS1 plasmids (Figure 4B). We also examined via underlying lncRNA-miRNA interactions. the expression of miR-5590-3p in SN12-PM6 Bioinformatics assays showed that miR-5590- cells treated with FGD5-AS1 siRNA and dis-

Figure 4. FGD5-AS1 targeted miR-5590-3p to negatively interact with miR-5590-3p. A, Sequences of miR-5590-3p are in orange and those of the target lncRNA FGD5-AS1 are in blue. B, Luciferase reporter gene assays for confirming the direct targeting of FGD5-AS1 to miR-5590-3p. C, qPCR analysis of the expression of miR-5590-3p in SN12-PM6 cells with FGD5- AS1 siRNA or its recombinant plasmid. D, RNA pull down assay of the binding of miR-5590-3p and lncRNA FGD5-AS1 by the miR-5590-3p biotin probe. E, Negative correlation between miR-5590-3p and FGD5-AS1. **p < 0.01.

8762 FGD5-AS1 facilitates renal cell carcinoma covered that FGD5-AS1 siRNA could upreg- FGD5-AS1 Enhanced the EMT of Renal ulate miR-5590-3p expression (Figure 4C). Cancer Cells by Negatively Interacting By contrast, miR-5590-3p expression was con- With MiR-5590-3p siderably downregulated in the group treated Given that EMT has been shown to be a crit- with FGD5-AS1-overepressing plasmids (Figure ical process for the migration, invasion and me- 4C). Furthermore, we performed the RNA pull- tastasis of cancer cells16, we treated renal cancer down assay to detect the enrichment of LncRNA cells with si-NC, si-FGD5-AS1, inhibitor-NC or FGD5-AS1 by the miR-5590-3p biotin probe. As miR-5590-3p inhibitor and analysed the expres- shown in Figure 4D, FGD5-AS1 enrichment by sion of EMT markers, such as E-cadherin and the miR-5590-3p biotin probe was remarkably vimentin, via real-time PCR assays. The expres- more than that by the negative control probe. In sion of miR-5590-3p showed that transfection addition, correlation analysis demonstrated that was effective (Figure 5A). We found that com- LncRNA FGD5-AS1 expression was negatively pared with the negative control, si-FGD5-AS1 correlated with miR-5590-3p (Figure 4E). These could significantly enhance the expression of findings indicated that FGD5-AS1 played a role E-cadherin in SN12-PM6 cells. Compared with in tumour progression by targeting miR-5590-3p si-FGD5-AS1 alone, si-FGD5-AS1 together with to interact with miR-5590-3p negatively. the miR-5590-3p inhibitor remarkably restrained

Figure 5. FGD5-AS1 enhanced the EMT of renal cancer cell lines SN12-PM6 and 786-O by negatively interacting with miR- 5590-3p. A, MiR-5590-3p expression was verified via RT-qPCR analysis. B, qPCR analysis of the expression of E-cadherin and Vimentin in si-NC-, si-FGD5-AS1-, si-NC + miR-5590-3p inhibitor- and si-FGD5-AS1 + miR-5590-3p inhibitor-treated SN12-PM6 cells. C, MiR-5590-3p expression was verified via RT-qPCR analysis. D, qPCR analysis of the expression of E-cadherin and vimentin in 786-O cells treated with si-NC, si-FGD5-AS1, si-NC + miR-5590-3p inhibitor and si-FGD5-AS1 + miR-5590-3p inhibitor. *p<0.05, **p<0.01.

8763 Y. Yang, M.-H. Dong, H.-M. Hu, Q.-H. Min, L. Xiao the expression of E-cadherin (Figure 5B). The suppress the proliferation of colorectal cancer26 expression of vimentin contradicted the above and gastric cancer cells27. However, until now, results. The mRNA level of E-cadherin and vi- evidence showing that miR-5590-3p has been mentin in 786-O cells was consistent with that in investigated in RCC does not exist. SN12-PM6 cells (Figure 5C, D). These findings The mechanism of ceRNA is the Rosetta stone indicated that FGD5-AS1 enhanced the EMT of of the hidden RNA language8. LncRNA FGD5- renal cancer cell by negatively interacting with AS1 or miR-5590-3P is involved in ceRNA regu- miR-5590-3p. lation in several kinds of cancers except for RCC. FGD5-AS1 upregulates FGFRL1 via sponging miR-107 to promote lung cancer cell prolifera- Discussion tion10. FGD5-AS1 also acts as a ceRNA on miR- 383 to promote the malignancy of oesophageal Noncoding RNAs are widely involved in the cancer by enhancing SP1 expression9. In addition, multistep development of tumours5,17,18. LncRNAs miR-302e and miR-520b are competitively bound are the most popular and important noncod- by FGD5-AS1 to promote CDCA7 and USP21 ing RNAs and have been widely researched in expression in colorectal cancer12 and oral cancer11, various cancers, including RCC19,20. LncRNAs respectively. However, miR-5590-3p interacts with aberrant expression exhibit biological func- competitively with LncRNAs SOX9-AS1 and tions as an oncogene or tumour suppressor. HO- SNHG14 to enhance SOX9 and ZEB1 expression TAIR, MALAT1, H19 and SPRY4-IT1 are high- in hepatocellular carcinoma28 and lymphoma29, ly expressed as oncogenes, whereas CADM1- respectively. Interestingly, RNA pull-down and AS1, TRIM52-AS1, MEG3 and BX357664 are Luciferase assays demonstrated that FGD5-AS1 expressed at low levels as tumour suppressors targeted miR-5590-3p to negatively interact with involved in the recurrence, metastasis and prog- miR-5590-3p. Furthermore, miR-5590-3p inhib- nosis of RCC21,22. To our knowledge, lncRNA itors could eliminate the FGD5-AS1-siRNA-in- FGD5-AS1 has not been discovered in RCC. Our duced the upregulation of E-cadherin and the investigation showed that this lncRNA was high- down-regulation of vimentin. Our study found ly expressed as an oncogene in RCC. In RCC, its that the lncRNA FGD5-AS1/miR-5590-3p axis artificial overexpression enhanced the prolifera- facilitated the cell proliferation and metastasis of tion, migration and invasion of renal cancer cells. RCC through the ceRNA mechanism of lncRNA The purpose of this study was to describe the and miRNA. ERK/AKT, as the target gene of regulatory role of the FGD5-AS1/miR-5590-3p/ miR-5590-3P, might mediate the RCC-promoting ERK/AKT axis in RCC and the cellular/mo- effect of the FGD5-AS1/miR-5590-3p axis. lecular mechanisms underlying the function of In addition, the abnormal activation of signals, this axis. Our experiment yielded several new such as Erk and AKT, is usually found in many discoveries. Our study is the first to demonstrate cancers. Inhibiting ERK and AKT phosphory- that lncRNA FGD5-AS1 could competitively in- lation in lung cancer30 and renal cancer cells31 teract with miR-5590-3p and activate ERK/AKT suppresses cell proliferation, whereas activating signalling to facilitate the proliferation, migra- ERK and AKT signals enhances the invasion and tion, EMT and invasion of renal cancer cells. In metastasis of renal cancer cells32. Our findings addition, FGD5-AS1 was negatively correlated are consistent with the view that FGD5-AS1 over- with miR-5590-3p expression, with the former expression promotes ERK and AKT phosphor- being upregulated and the latter being down- ylation, whereas FGD5-AS1 silencing inhibits regulated in RCC. Silencing the expression of ERK and AKT phosphorylation. FGD5-AS1 with FGD5-AS1 siRNA significantly EMT is a biological process wherein epithelial inhibited the malignancy of tumour cells. This cells are transformed into mesenchymal pheno- effect showed the potential roles of FGD5-AS1 in typic cells through a specific process. Through the diagnosis and treatment of RCC. EMT, epithelial cells lose polarity and connection MicroRNAs are small noncoding RNAs23 and to the basement membrane and other epithelial include miR-22, miR-185 and miR-210, which are phenotypes. At the same time, cells exhibit strong downregulated and involved in the tumorigen- interstitial phenotypes, such as the capability for esis of RCC24,25. Human miR-5590-3p has been migration and invasion, antiapoptosis, and ex- demonstrated to target the 3′-UTR of TGFβ-R1, tracellular matrix degradation. In this study, the TGFβ-R2, SMAD3, SMAD4 and DDX5 genes to expression of the epithelial marker E-cadherin

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