NS Royal Gazette Part I
Nova Scotia Published by Authority PART 1 VOLUME 222, NO. 44 HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF We have caused these our Letters to be made Patent and the Great signed: J. J. Grant Seal of Nova Scotia to be hereunto affixed. G/S WITNESS, Our Trusty and Well Beloved His Honour ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God, Brigadier-General The Honourable J. J. Grant of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her Other (Retired), Lieutenant Governor of the Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Province of Nova Scotia. Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. AT Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, this 22nd day of TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL October, in the year of Our Lord two COME, OR WHOM THE SAME MAY IN ANY WISE thousand and thirteen and in the Sixty Second CONCERN, year of Our Reign. G R E E T I N G: BY COMMAND: A PROCLAMATION signed: Lena Metlege Diab PROVINCIAL SECRETARY WHEREAS in and by Our Writs for the election of MINISTER OF JUSTICE Members to serve in the House of Assembly for the AND ATTORNEY GENERAL several Electoral Districts of the Province bearing date the 7th day of September, 2013, the respective Returning Officers of the said Districts are commanded to summon NOTICE the persons elected according to the exigency of the said Writs to attend the General Assembly of Nova Scotia at Referral of Environmental Assessment Report such time and place as We shall notify by Proclamation Pursuant to the Nova Scotia ENVIRONMENT ACT for that purpose; This is to advise that on October 20, 2013, the Minister of NOW KNOW YE THAT WE, being desirous and Environment has referred the Environmental Assessment resolved as soon as may be to meet Our People of Our Report to the Environmental Assessment Review Panel Province of Nova Scotia and to have their advice in for review, in accordance with Part IV of the Environment General Assembly do hereby, by and with the advice of Act and Section 24(2) of the Environmental Assessment Our Executive Council for Nova Scotia, appoint Regulations.
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