Hello Python!

Maryam Tavakol Machine Learning Group

Winter semester 2016/17

1 Programs & Programming

• A program is a set of instructions

• Every program is written in terms of a few basic operations that its reader already understands

• Defining new operations and combining them to do useful things is the heart and soul of programming

2 Programming Languages

3 vs. Interpreter

*http://www.c4learn.com/c-programming/compiler-vs-interpreter/ 4 Run a Python Program

• The Python program is saved in a file

• The program is executed by Python interpreter

• Interacting with it is possible in a program called a shell Expressions: Arithmetic

>>> 4+13


• Unary & binary operators

6 Expressions: Arithmetic

• Operator precedence

• A collection of rules which defined the order of operations

>>> 212 - 32 * 5 / 9


>>> (212 - 32) * 5 / 9


7 Expressions: Arithmetic

8 Expressions: Comparison

>>> 2 == 2 #Equality


>>> 2 != 2 #Inequality Comments! False

>>> 0 < 2 < 5 #Chained inequality


>>> 2 > 2


9 Expressions: Boolean Operators • The operator not yields True if its argument is false, False otherwise

>>> not 1 == 1


• The expression x and y first evaluates x; if x is false, its value is returned; otherwise, y is evaluated and the resulting value is returned

>>> 2 == 2 and 1 != 1


• The expression x or y first evaluates x; if x is true, its value is returned; otherwise, y is evaluated and the resulting value is returned

>>> 2 == 2 or 1 != 1


10 Variables

• A variable holds information (1.343, ‘hi’, [1,3,6,7])

• In Python this is simple:

11 Variables

• Their values can vary as the program executes

• (no more knowledge

of old values)

12 Variables

>>> degree_celsius = 26.0

>>> 9 /5 * degree_celsius + 32


>>> difference = 100 - degree_celsius

>>> diference


13 Types

• Type consists of:

• set of possible values

• set of operations that can be applied to those values

• Unlike /C++ and Java, variables can change types. (Python internally keeps track of the type.)

14 Computer Memory

>>> degree_celsius = 26.6

• Value 26.0 has the memory address: id1

• The object at the memory address id1 has type float and the value 26.0

• Variable “degrees_celsius” contains the memory address id1

• Variable “degrees_celsius” refers to the value 26.0

15 Assignment Statement

«variable» = «expression»

• Executes as follows:

1. Evaluate the expression to produce a value. (with a memory address)

2. Store the memory address of the value in the variable. (Create a new variable otherwise, or reuse the existing variable)

16 Reassigning to Variables

Consider this code:

>>> difference = 20

>>> double = 2 * difference

>>> double


>>> difference = 5

>>> double

40 Augmented Assignment

• To create shorthand notation:

>>> score = 50 >>> score = 50 >>> score >>> score 50 50 >>> score += 20 >>> score = score + 20 >>> score >>> score 70 70

18 Augmented Assignment

19 Bugs

• Something went wrong…

>>> 3 + moogah

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in NameError: name 'moogah' is not defined

>>> 3 +

^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

20 Statement Split

• Two possible ways:

1. Make sure your line break occurs inside parentheses

2. Use the line-continuation character, backslash, \

21 Summary

• Programs and Python interpreter

• Expressions; arithmetic, comparison, boolean

• Variables and types

• Computer memory