In this month’s Bulletin

This month’s issue is dedicated to the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases, to accompany the Prince Mahidol Award Conference on the same theme, as introduced by Viroj Tangcharoensathien (74) in the editorial section. Nicholas Banatvala et al. (75) list actions needed to prevent noncommunicable diseases and improve mental health. Manjulaa Narasimhan & Mukesh Kapila (76) discuss the implications of self-care for health service provision. Sophie Cousins (79–80) reports on the introduction of a ban on coal-burning in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Kalpana Balakrishnan explains to Gary Humphreys (81–82) how her training in neurotoxicology has informed her public health work at the Center for Advanced Research on Air Quality, Climate and Health in India.

Bhutan, Cambodia, , , Sri Lanka, and Viet Nam Tobacco, alcohol, salt, activity, health systems Titiporn Tuangratananon et al. (129–141) analyze implementation of national Botswana action plans. Towards consistent clinical care Neo M Tapela et al. (142–153) describe primary care guideline implementation.

Philippines Obesity prevention by taxation Frances Claire C Onagan et al. (154–159) describe the development of a tax on sweetened beverages. Is the tax cost-effective? Akshar Saxena et al. (97–107) model the impact of a tax on sweetened beverages.

Fruit and vegetables, tobacco Law, medicine, public health A range of health impacts and alcohol and economics Sowmya Kadandale et al. (118–128) Krycia Cowling et al. (83–96) track Roger S Magnusson et al. (108–117) call for closer examination of the links changes in domestic commodities discuss the legal capacities needed between the industry and after countries join the World Trade to work on current population noncommunicable diseases. Organization. health issues.

Air pollution, climate change and People in motion Understanding risks human health Harry Rutter et al. (162–165) map the Meri Tuulikki Koivusalo (166–168) Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum & factors influencing physical activity. reviews the risks in some finance, data Annette Prüss-Ustün (160–161) and technology initiatives for disease discuss the interactions between control. climate change, and noncommunicable diseases.

Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:73| doi: 73

XSL Version: xslver | JobID: JobID | Title: journal-title | Copyright Year 2 | Volume 87 | | Issue issue | pub-date pub-date EditorialsEditorials

Overcoming internal challenges and external threats to noncommunicable disease control Viroj Tangcharoensathien,a Orana Chandrasiri,a Orratai Waleewonga & Nattadhanai Rajatanavina

Despite global commitments, progress describe the strategies employed when ing noncommunicable disease burden. on noncommunicable disease preven- arguing for the introduction of this tax.6 However, further studies are required to tion and control has been slow and To enhance the promotion of physi- investigate the effect of such agreements uneven, particularly in low- and middle- cal activity, which has multiple positive at national level.13 income countries.1 This theme issue on impacts on health, Rutter et al. propose Other strategies to tackle the non- noncommunicable diseases presents a a system mapping of factors contribut- communicable disease burden are also selection of papers that analyse how the ing to activity.7 needed, such as innovative financing burden of noncommunicable diseases Health promotion campaigns are mechanisms and the use of new tech- could be addressed more efficiently. another prevention strategy. To finance nology and data.14 Countries will need The World Health Organization such campaigns, 20 countries have used to adapt their health systems to the (WHO) has recommended 16 best-buy innovative financing or created health increasing burden of noncommunicable interventions2 that are highly cost– promotion foundations.8 diseases, and sharing of experience effective, affordable, and could save a External threats, combined with between countries will be important total of 9.6 million global premature weak national capacities, allow indus- for implementation of new guidelines. deaths from noncommunicable diseases tries to have a significant influence on The strategies and lessons learnt from by 2025.1 Furthermore, every United noncommunicable disease control, for adapting and implementing Botswana’s States dollar (US $) invested in these instance through threatening govern- first primary health-care guidelines interventions would yield a return of ments with law suits and sponsoring for adults are presented in this theme at least US $ 7 by 2030 from increased front groups9 to challenge scientific issue.15 employment, improved productivity evidence on the health consequences of Many countries are unlikely to and longer life.2 However, the imple- harmful products. Food industries em- achieve the global noncommunicable mentation status of these interventions ploy similar tactics to those of the tobac- disease targets by 2025 unless bolder in seven Asian countries shows that co and alcohol industries to undermine political actions are taken to translate progress is uneven and capacity gaps public health policies on noncommu- political pledges into financial commit- exist.3 In these countries, the absence nicable disease control, as highlighted ments. Effective implementation to ad- or inadequate capacity of national non- in a paper on palm oil by Kadandale et dress the countries’ internal challenges communicable disease coordinating al.10 Tobacco company lawyers helped by strengthening national systems to agencies – that is, agencies responsible to conceal evidence on the dangers of better monitor progress and hold all for multisectoral actions to prevent and smoking and used threatening litiga- stakeholders accountable are needed. control such diseases – is a major barrier tion that prevented successful lawsuits Good governance, transparency, civil to the successful implementation of the against their client companies.11 For society engagement, and policy coher- noncommunicable disease agenda. instance, the tobacco industry has filed ence across sectors would also contrib- Papers in this issue also show that lawsuits against Thailand for increasing ute to improve countries’ capacities to addressing risk factors is an important the size of health warnings and against address external threats and protect and cost–effective strategy, but political Australia for introducing plain packag- people’s health. ■ actions are needed to reduce exposure ing of tobacco products. More than a to these risk factors. For example, action decade into the implementation of the References to reduce air pollution and to mitigate Framework Convention on Tobacco Available at: climate change can address leading risk Control, State Parties have yet to fully umes/97/2/18-228809 factors for noncommunicable diseases.4 fulfil their obligations. Magnusson et Evidence on the effect of legislation de- al. argues that legislative and regulatory signed to reduce unhealthy diets is also actions are central to successful non- needed. A modelling paper by Saxena communicable disease prevention and et al. shows that the introduction of the control.12 Legally binding instruments sweetened beverage tax in the Philip- at international and national levels pines in 2017 would not only raise have contributed to progress on tobacco government revenue, but also reduce control, but have yet to be applied to the health-care costs of noncommunicable protracted challenges of the harmful diseases, prevent catastrophic health use of alcohol. Furthermore, trade and expenditure by patients and reduce investment agreements might influence deaths from such diseases.5 Onagan et al. the availability of commodities affect- a International Health Policy Program, Ministry of Public Health, Tiwanon Road, Muang District, Nonthaburi 11000, Thailand. Correspondence to Viroj Tangcharoensathien (email: [email protected]).

74 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:74–74A | doi: Editorials

Actions needed to prevent noncommunicable diseases and improve mental health Nicholas Banatvala,a Svetlana Akselrod,b Douglas Webb,c Tim Sladden,d David Hipgravee & Miriam Schneidmanf

The 2018 Political Declaration of the and accountability structures. The to cooperate with philanthropic foun- Third High-level Meeting on Noncom- second priority is achieving greater dations, civil society and the private municable Diseases notes that progress policy coherence across government to sector to identify additional resources and investment on noncommunicable effectively deliver national multisectoral to support Member States.8 In the 2018 diseases have been insufficient to meet action plans on noncommunicable Political Declaration, heads of State the health-related targets of the sustain- diseases, including stronger legislation and Government called upon WHO to able development goals.1 Countries face and regulation to reduce levels of risk promote action on noncommunicable many challenges in responding to the factors, and to build enabling environ- diseases. This call included the need rapid rise in noncommunicable dis- ments for health-promoting behav- to coordinate with other UN agencies, eases and improving mental health as iours.5 The third priority is increasing development banks and regional and part of the 2030 agenda for sustainable effective, pro-health partnerships with international organizations; explore new development.2 These challenges include civil society and the private sector, giv- financing, implementation, monitor- insufficient political action on noncom- ing due regard to managing conflicts of ing and evaluation and accountability municable diseases; limited government interest. The fourth priority is stronger mechanisms; and develop national non- capacity for policy development, coher- systems for service delivery, including communicable disease investment cases. ence and implementation; insufficient community-based responses with risk The WHO Independent High-level domestic and international finance communication strategies and social Commission also recommended that as well as issues around the impact of contracting mechanisms. the international community consider economic, market and commercial fac- While the responsibility for ad- a multidonor fund to catalyse financ- tors on noncommunicable diseases; and dressing these priorities lies with coun- ing for the development of national weak health systems, including limited tries, the UN system has a key role in noncommunicable disease and mental progress on achieving universal health catalysing these responses. The United health responses and stronger policy coverage.3 Nations Development Programme and coherence at country level.9 The United Nations (UN) Inter- the World Health Organization (WHO) The 2015 Addis Ababa Action Agency Task Force on the Prevention are already providing support for devel- Agenda was clear that noncommunica- and Control of Non-communicable oping noncommunicable disease invest- ble disease responses should be financed Diseases has undertaken joint missions ment cases in 15 countries.6 Many others from domestic resources.10 Seven years to over 25 countries to support govern- are also requesting support. To respond after the first noncommunicable diseases ment responses to these challenges.4 The to this demand, a solid mechanism is Political Declaration,11 now is the time missions, in which 17 UN entities have needed. The task force has proposed a to catalyse this response and build sus- participated, have galvanized political catalytic fund for governments to use tainable health-promoting policies and support and influenced policy and prac- in collaboration with development programmes to reverse the increasing tice by engaging with governments, who partners, aligning with recent United levels of noncommunicable diseases have primary responsibility for tackling Nations Economic and Social Council across the world. ■ noncommunicable diseases, as well as (ECOSOC) resolutions and the 2018 nongovernmental organizations, the Political Declaration. References private sector and academia. The 2017 ECOSOC resolution Available at: These missions have identified pri- urged governments, the private sector umes/97/2/18-228700 orities for an effective national response and donors to explore financing for on noncommunicable diseases. The first noncommunicable disease prevention priority is developing national frame- and control, and to mobilize adequate, works comprising an investment case; predictable and sustained resources a prioritized and costed national plan for the programmatic work of the task with sustainable financing; maximized force.7 In 2018 ECOSOC further called domestic resources; and coordination upon the task force and its members

a United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases, World Health Organization, avenue Appia 20, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland. b Department of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. c Health and Innovative Financing, HIV, Health and Development Group, United Nations Development Programme, New York, United States of America (USA). d Sexual and Reproductive Health Branch, United Nations Population Fund, New York, USA. e Health section, United Nations Children’s Fund, New York, USA. f Health, Nutrition and Population Global Practice, The World Bank Group, Washington DC, USA. Correspondence to Nicholas Banatvala (email: [email protected]).

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:75–75A | doi: 75 Editorials

Implications of self-care for health service provision Manjulaa Narasimhana & Mukesh Kapilab

Self-care interventions for health are the patients’ points of view, attention mobile applications and be articulated in among the most promising and exciting to human rights and health-sector ac- the context of self-care health. new approaches contributing to univer- countability are essential to improve The potential of self-care is that it sal health coverage (UHC). The World individuals’ autonomy for self-care.6 can reach those who may not normally Health Organization’s (WHO) working Health workers, including medical doc- come to a health-care setting. Self-care definition of self-care is “the ability of in- tors, may be challenged by new forms can also support health goals in low- dividuals, families and communities to of self-diagnostics and self-treatments resource settings with fragile health-care promote health, prevent disease, main- for noncommunicable diseases and systems. With increased cooperation tain health, and to cope with illness and sexual and reproductive health. As between communities, health tech- disability with or without the support health professionals integrate new nology developers, practitioners and of a health-care provider.”1 The scope technologies of self-care in the areas health ministries, multisectoral self-care of self-care in this definition includes of testing, diagnostics, treatments and interventions that meet people’s needs health promotion; disease prevention health maintenance into their practices, through comprehensive and integrated and control; self-medication; provid- health care will change. Issues of shift- health services can be envisioned. As ing care to dependent persons; seeking ing health costs, for health systems and roles and responsibilities shift among hospital/specialist care if necessary; and individuals, and patterns of reimburse- different health practitioner groups, rehabilitation, including palliative care. ment will need to be addressed. On the inter-professional communication will This definition recognizes that individu- other hand, self-care may be a preferred be vital. als act to preserve health or respond to option in situations where patients are WHO is developing a consolidated symptoms by determining their health- treated disrespectfully in health clinics, normative guideline around self-care, seeking behaviour and when to interface for instance women living with human including for sexual and reproductive with professional care.1 Self-care is immunodeficiency virus (HIV).7 Self- health and rights. Through a broad, therefore comprised of actions within care interventions fulfil a particularly consultative process, this guideline an individual’s control to manage health, important role in these situations, as will build upon existing recommenda- including noncommunicable diseases or the alternative might be that people tions,4,9,10 including those for noncom- sexual and reproductive health. would not access health services at all. municable diseases, HIV self-testing With the increase of noncom- As individuals become increasingly and self-management of abortion. Self- municable diseases such as diabetes, able to take more active roles in their care holds promise for reducing health cancers, cardiovascular and chronic lung health management, people-centred inequities, potentially enhancing user diseases, self-care can play a vital role in approaches will become more ac- autonomy and advancing UHC. ■ preventing and reducing underlying risk ceptable and patients will be seen as factors, optimizing treatment and man- active participants of their health and References aging complications.2 In this regard, the well-being.8 Available at: declaration of the Global Conference on Improving access, equity and safety umes/97/2/18-228890 Primary Health Care highlights the im- of health care lies at the heart of self- portance of empowering individuals as care. For instance, the potential of digital self-carers and caregivers.3 Self-care for health in self-care is limited for vulner- noncommunicable diseases is not new able populations who may not be able to and WHO has developed interventions access the new technologies. Similarly, for primary health care in low-resource while pharmacies and pharmacists play settings.4 For instance, WHO recom- an increasingly important role in pro- mends self-measurement to monitor viding information and services, factors blood pressure for the management of such as out-of-pocket costs may not hypertension in patients where the af- allow all those who need services and fordability of the technology has been interventions to receive them. established.5 With increased access to More research is needed to drugs, diagnostics and devices converg- strengthen the evidence base. However, ing with rapid advances in digital tech- use of existing technologies could sup- nologies, new configurations of self-care port various noncommunicable disease are made possible. Furthermore, as the and sexual and reproductive health pro- power dynamics between doctor and grammes, which could be delivered for patient shift to be more inclusive of instance through digital technology and a Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization, avenue Appia 20, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. b Defeat NCD Partnership, United Nations Office for Project Services, Geneva, Switzerland. Correspondence to Manjulaa Narasimhan (email: [email protected]).

76 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:76–76A | doi: NewsNews

Public health round-up

already obligatory in Thailand, as are Indonesia tsunami response textual warnings. Thailand also bans tobacco advertisement and promotion, restricts sponsorship and forbids the sale of tobacco products to people less than 20 years of age as well as the sale of single cigarettes. Despite these control efforts the prevalence of tobacco use remains high in Thailand where, according to its 2017 national Smoking and drinking behaviour survey, roughly one in every five adults in the country smokes. The same survey reported that 37.7% of males aged 15 and above smoked, compared with 1.7% of females in the same age group. Plain packaging of tobacco products is recommended under the Guidelines

UNICEF/Arimacs Wilander for the Implementation of Articles 11 and 13 of the WHO Framework Conven- National and provincial authorities continue to assist people affected by the tsunami tion on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), which hit Indonesia on 22 December 2018, breaking along the Sunda Strait and a legal treaty that aims to protect pres- devastating Banten and Lampung provinces. According to Indonesia’s National Agency ent and future generations against the for Disaster Countermeasures, 437 people were killed, and 14 059 injured. This photo shows residents searching through the rubble to salvage possessions from their home devastating health and socio-economic that was damaged during the tsunami in Tanjung Jaya Village, Panimbang District, impacts of tobacco use. The introduc- Pandeglang, Banten, in the western part of Java. tion of plain packaging is expected to further boost the country’s tobacco control efforts. WHO forms gene editing ethical, social and legal challenges as- “Thailand’s bold steps against to- sociated with human gene editing. The bacco – the single most important cause advisory group group will assess the state of human gene of preventable deaths worldwide – is editing research and its applications, the commendable and reflects the country’s The World Health Organization (WHO) technology’s potential uses, and societal earnest efforts in promoting health is setting up an expert advisory group to attitudes to the technology. and well-being of its people,” said Dr develop global standards for governance Based on this work, the group will Poonam Khetrapal Singh, Regional and oversight of human gene editing. advise the WHO Director-General on Director of the WHO South-East Asia, The move follows the recent appli- potential oversight mechanisms for re- congratulating Thailand on its new to- cation of the new CRISPR-Cas9 technol- search into, and application of, human bacco legislation. ogy to edit the human genome. gene editing technology, and will make The technique uses an enzyme to recommendations in that regard. centre/releases/2018/1704/en/ edit gene sequences. The sequences are known as clustered regularly interspaced gene-editing/call-for-members/en/ short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and WHO Director-General the enzyme is called CRISPR-Associated pushes for end of polio (Cas). Tobacco packaging In December 2018, Chinese sci- breakthrough WHO Director-General Tedros Adha- entist He Jiankui announced that he nom Ghebreyesus underlined WHO’s had used CRISPR-Cas9 technology to Thailand has become the first country commitment to the final push to eradi- edit the genes of embryonic twin girls, in Asia to adopt plain packaging for cate polio on a 4-day visit to Afghanistan an intervention he maintains will help tobacco products. and Pakistan, the only two countries protect the twins from human immuno- Legislation requiring plain packag- where wild poliovirus cases were re- deficiency virus infection. ing for tobacco products will enter into ported last year. The announcement sparked an in- force on 10 September 2019. Together with WHO Regional- ternational debate about the ethics and Under the new rules, cigarettes will Director for the Eastern Mediterranean safety of such research. be sold in drab brown coloured packs, Dr Ahmed Al-Mandhari, Dr Tedros met WHO is establishing the expert free of any logos or images except for with heads of state and senior govern- advisory group to examine the scientific, graphic health warnings, which are ment officials in both countries and

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:77–78 | doi: 77 News

witnessed first-hand WHO-supported the banner: “The Political Economy of health programmes. Cover photo NCDs: A Whole-of-Society Approach”. Dr Tedros also visited the Emer- The overall aim of the conference is to Village women carry dried cow dung gency Operations Centre for Polio cakes in the Teliarganj area on the propose solutions at national and global Eradication in Islamabad, Pakistan, outskirts of the city of Allahabad, in the levels to accelerate implementation of where he commended the work of state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Cow dung NCD prevention and control measures. government and partners as “one team cakes are a major source of domestic Policy-makers and other senior under one roof” and highlighted the fuel for rural households and a source of government officials attend this annual critical importance of Pakistan work- indoor air pollution. conference, as well as representatives ing closely with Afghanistan to prevent from civil society organizations, inter- cross-border transmission. national organizations and development “We must all give our best on this partners, universities and industries. last mile to eradicate polio once and for all. My wish for 2019 is for zero polio enceprogram ■ transmission. You have WHO’s full support to help reach every child and

stop this virus for good,” Dr Tedros said. AFP/Getty Images Dutta. Diptendu As recently as 30 years ago, wild Looking ahead poliovirus paralysed more than 350 000 4 February - World Cancer Day 2014 children in more than 125 countries ev- Road traffic injuries leading 6–8 February – WHO Symposium on ery year. In 2018 there were 29 reported the Future Digital Health Systems in cases in just two countries – Afghanistan killer of young the European Region, Copenhagen, and Pakistan. Denmark Road traffic injuries are now the leading Polio eradication requires high killer of children and young people aged 13 – 14 February – First Food and immunization coverage everywhere Agriculture Organization, World 5-29 years, according to Global status to block transmission. Unfortunately, Health Organization and African report on road safety 2018. some children are still missing out on Union International Conference on The WHO report, which was re- Food Safety, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. polio vaccination for several reasons, leased in December last year, found that including lack of infrastructure, remote 3 – March - International Ear and road traffic crash-related deaths con- Hearing Care Day locations, population movement, con- tinue to rise, with 1.35 million fatalities flict and insecurity and resistance to in 2016, the latest year for which data vaccination. are available. Pedestrians, cyclists and Failure to eradicate polio from these motorcyclists are the main victims and last remaining strongholds could result those living in developing countries are in a resurgence of the disease, with as worst affected. many as 200 000 new cases predicted “These deaths are an unacceptable worldwide every year within 10 years. price to pay for mobility,” said Dr Tedros at the launch of the report. India to tackle air pollution He noted that there are proven measures to reduce road traffic injury, India has launched an action plan to including strategies to reduce speed- cut air pollution in the country’s 102 ing and address drinking and driving, worst affected cities. Announced on among other dangerous behaviours. 10 January, the National clean air plan Also, safer infrastructure such as dedi- targets cuts in industrial and vehicular cated lanes for cyclists and motorcyclists emissions as well as a reduction in the can also help, as can improved vehicle burning of biomass. The overall aim of standards such as those that mandate the plan is to achieve a 20-30% reduction electronic stability control. Finally, in particulate matter concentrations by prompt, effective post-crash care is vital 2024, relative to levels reported in 2017. to improving survival. According to the WHO global am- bient air quality database, 14 of the 15 cities with the worst air pollution in the The Prince Mahidol Award world are in India. A study published in Conference Lancet Planetary Health in December 2018, reported that toxic air claimed This annual conference, held in Bang- 1.24 million lives in India in 2017. kok, Thailand, focuses this year on non- communicable diseases (NCDs), under

78 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:77–78| doi: News

Air pollution in Mongolia Starting in May, the government of Mongolia will introduce a coal burning ban in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, as part of efforts to clean up the city’s air. Implementing the ban is going to be a challenge, but reducing air pollution is of fundamental importance to improving population health. Sophie Cousins reports.

In June of last year, Dr Rokho Kim, an complex mixture of solid and liquid par- Mongolia office. “These stoves can burn environmental specialist for the World ticles suspended in air, and comprises a coal, wood, and dung, but during the Health Organization’s (WHO) Western wide range of substances, from sulphates winter, when temperatures can drop to Pacific Region, visited a school on the to black carbon. −40 °C, coal is used because it burns outskirts of Mongolia’s capital, Ulaan- Particles with a diameter of 10 longer than other fuels.” baatar. microns or less can penetrate the lungs, “The coal used in the stoves is a “I was concerned about the proxim- but the most harmful are those with a primary cause of Ulaanbaatar’s air pol- ity of schools to sources of pollution,” diameter of 2.5 microns or less. Such fine lution, much worse than other sources he says. When he got to the school, he particles can cross the lung barrier and of pollution such as cars and trucks or found that it stood right next to one of enter the blood system. Fine particulate waste burning,” Vanya says, citing a the low-pressure boilers used to heat pollution has health impacts even at very World Health Organization Regional Of- the city’s hydraulic grid. “The boilers are low concentrations. fice for the Western Pacific policy brief heated using raw coal,” he explains. “The Ulaanbaatar’s air pollution prob- published in 2018. The brief states that chimney for this particular boiler was lem has grown with the city, which has 80% of Ulaanbaatar’s air pollution in the just few metres from the school’s fence. almost tripled in size since 1990, and winter months is caused by households In the winter time the smoke must have today accommodates just under 1.5 and low pressure boilers burning raw been unbearable.” million people. The way it has grown is coal in ger districts. A central Asian country bordered as important as the extent of its growth, Referred to as raw coal, the fuel by China and Russia, Mongolia is with intensive rural-to-urban migration burned is not washed or processed in known for its vast tracts of largely empty resulting in a sharp increase of informal any way and produces copious amounts grassland, freezing winters and nomadic settlements. These settlements are com- of particulate matter as well as sulfur culture. In recent years it has become prised of structures called ‘gers’ – por- dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen known for something else: some of the table, circular dwellings made of wood oxide. Dug out of the ground in the city’s world’s worst air in the winter months. and canvas that are insulated with felt. Nalaikh area, it is also very cheap. The most polluted air in Mongolia Ger districts, located in the north of the “There is really no affordable alter- is found in Ulaanbaatar, where 46% of city, are now home to more than 60% of native in terms of clean fuel,” says Vanya. the country’s population resides. Ulaanbaatar’s population. “As a result, in the winter months over The defining characteristic of air “Gers are heated with traditional 600 000 tonnes of raw coal are burned pollution in Mongolia – as in many stoves which stand in the centre of the for heating in the city’s approximately countries – is the high concentration of structure and are connected to a chim- 200 000 gers, accounting for about 80% particulate matter. Measured in micro- ney that passes up through the roof,” of Ulaanbaatar’s winter pollution.” grams (millionth of a gram) per cubic explains Dr Delgermaa Vanya, health The Mongolian National Agency for metre, particulate matter consists of a and environment officer at the WHO Meteorology and Environment Moni- toring reports that in 2017, in the winter months that extend from November to March, the mean concentration of particulate matter for the country as a whole was between 80-140 micrograms per cubic meter. In ger districts of Ulaanbaatar, the concentration of fine particulate matter can reach well above 1 000 micrograms per cubic meter. Mongolia has a population of 3 million people and in 2016 an esti- mated 1 800 people died from diseases attributable to household air pollution and a further 1 500 people died from diseases attributable to outdoor air pollution. These included: ischaemic heart disease; stroke; lung cancer; acute low respiratory infections and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. UNICEF/Tamir Bayarsaikhan UNICEF/Tamir Rokho is keen to stress that the impact of pollution goes beyond the Ger district of Bayangol and Songinokhairkhan districts, Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia. respiratory tract and lungs. “The main

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:79–80 | doi: 79 News

consequences of air pollution are not purchase stoves that produce less pol- for the sustainable development of clean just a bad cough; they are heart attacks, lution. Since January 2017, electricity energy options. and strokes. There is also emerging in many of the city’s highest-polluting Just under a year later, there has evidence regarding neurodevelopmental districts has been provided free of charge been some progress. For example, the diseases, and adverse birth outcomes, at night. Needless to say, this has little government passed a law on hygiene and the relation between early exposure impact on households not connected in 2016 prohibiting the burning of all and later non-communicable diseases, to electricity. types of waste. There has also been an such as diabetes,” he says. To support the government’s anti- initiative to encourage people to move Bataa Chuluunbaatar, health spe- pollution efforts, in February 2018 out of the gers into better insulated and cialist at UNICEF Mongolia concurs, WHO released a set of suggested actions. less polluting apartments. saying, “Air pollution affects all the Suggested short-term actions in- According Shagdar Urantsetseg, organs that are supplied by blood cluded a ban on the burning of waste as the officer-in-charge of environmental vessels. It affects brain development, fuel and improving indoor air quality by health in the Department of Public lung function, and the cardiovascular banning smoking indoors. WHO also Health at Mongolia’s Ministry of Health, system.” Chuluunbaatar believes that suggested improving ventilation in gers a fund had been set up to give those who children are particularly vulnerable and other homes and the use of better live in gers or small houses in designated to particulate matter as their bodies insulation to reduce the need for heat- ‘air quality improvement zones’ the first develop, and points to possible evi- ing. The creation of a sustainable sup- 30% of their mortgage towards purchas- dence that the finest particulate matter port scheme to help low-income groups ing a new apartment. To date, some 86 can pass through the placenta to an adopt affordable cleaner technology was households have moved to newly built unborn child. also proposed. apartments. More transfers of this kind The 2017 Mongolia national pro- will be required to have an impact on the gram on reduction of air and environ- 200 000 or so gers in the city. mental pollution aims by 2025 to de- The outright ban on the burning of crease air pollutants by 80% and calls for The coal used in unprocessed coal will come into effect in prohibiting the use of unprocessed coal the“ stoves is a primary May in six central districts of the capital everywhere except in thermal power cause of Ulaanbaatar’s and will cover the use of raw coal in plants in Ulaanbaatar. air pollution. households, companies and enterprises, In the past, efforts to curb pollution Delgermaa Vanya except enterprises with special licenses have focused on rehousing ger district ” for energy and electricity generation. residents in apartments connected to the The government has also com- communal heating grid. More recently, A key medium-term suggestion mitted to providing households in ger the government started discussing the was for Mongolia to introduce more districts with cleaner processed solid feasibility of connecting existing homes stringent national standards for outdoor fuels and plans on having 600 000 tonnes to city utilities. Subsidies have also been air quality, while suggestions for the long of such fuel stored by September 2019. offered to families encouraging them to term included the drawing up of plans Dr Sergey Diorditsa, WHO Rep- resentative to Mongolia, welcomes the government’s commitment to ban the use of raw coal. “The challenge is going to be making sure the ban is imple- mented effectively,” he says. Diorditsa argues that, in the long term, the country will need to develop alternative energy sources. “It is impor- tant for Mongolia to continue to think how to introduce clean energy sources and technologies, and this may mean transitioning from fossil energy to renewable energy, using solar or wind power,” he says. Diorditsa also stresses the impor- tance of communities and government working together on improving housing in ger areas. When the next winter rolls around, better insulated housing will

UNICEF/Eric Portas Pasquall UNICEF/Eric Portas Pasquall make a huge difference to the heating needs of the residents of Ulaanbaatar and to the air they are obliged to Mongolian family inside a traditional Mongolian dwelling. breathe. ■

80 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:79–80| doi: News

Kalpana Balakrishnan: the power of data to drive positive change Gary Humphreys talks to Kalpana Balakrishnan about her background in biophysics and how science has informed her public health work.

Q: You grew up in India, but moved to the USA in 1984 where you obtained a Kalpana Balakrishnan acquired her undergraduate doctoral degree in biophysics at Johns education at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Hopkins University. How has that begin- New Delhi, India (1983), and her doctoral degree in ning in science influenced your work in biophysics from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, public health? Maryland, USA (1991), where she also undertook A: Well, I think this gave me the post-doctoral training in environmental physiology, foundation to approach things on the population dynamics, and environmental health basis of first principles. I spent my doc- engineering/risk assessment (1991-1995). She has toral years training in neurotoxicology, Courtesy of Kalpana Balakrishnan looking at how neurons respond to Kalpana Balakrishnan established one of the largest inter-disciplinary different kinds of signals, how they pro- occupational and environmental health research cess the signals, and what affects signal groups in Chennai, India, at Sri Ramachandra University, an institution with transduction. So it was a really hardcore which she has worked since 1995 and where she has occupied a number of mechanistic way of trying to figure out positions, including Professor of Biophysics and Head of Environmental Health how things work at the cellular level, Engineering (2000-2012) and, since 2010, Director of the Indian Council of a paradigm I continue to apply in the Medical Research, Center for Advanced Research on Air Quality, Climate and larger realm of public health. Health. Her research group serves as a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for Occupational and Environmental Health and as a Q: How did you get from there to public Center for Advanced Research on Air Quality, Climate and Health for the Indian health? Council of Medical Research, Government of India. A: The thing that really triggered the transition was exposure to new areas of study during my post-doctoral years. One of my advisors at Johns Hopkins my work, and I ended up at here at the Which I did, by bringing evidence to the encouraged me to take a couple of Sri Ramachandra Medical College & attention of large and small industries. courses on population dynamics and Research Institute (now Sri Ramachan- Not just on chromium, but on a wide health economics just to make me ap- dra Institute of Higher Education and range of harmful environmental factors preciate how I might consider applying Research) in Chennai. I am a researcher in a variety of sectors, ranging from my mechanistic knowledge. It was not at heart and I really wanted to kick-start leather and textiles to power, chemical easy, partly because it was so far away research into occupational exposures manufacturing and cars. from my laboratory-based skills, but it within the medical university. turned out that I found a perfect niche. Q: What was your first project? … spending Q: Which was? A: I started by looking at health another 30 years on A: Essentially applying my knowl- risks from exposure to chromium. I “ edge of physiology and toxicology and was fortunate enough to get access to exactly how chromium looking at the mechanisms of normal some industrial units handling chro- affects human tissue, and abnormal response at the cellular mium. That was a defining moment but who cares? That level based on the dose of external for me. I went to this factory and I saw guy in that factory is stimuli. Morton Corn, Patrick Breysse these workers who were just drenched dying! and Peter Lees – my advisors at Johns in chromium. I came back home and Hopkins – trained me on the funda- just sat and cried. I was thinking how ” mentals of how you can measure things futile it was to produce another study in the environment and assess health on chromium toxicity. I said to myself risks. I was looking at occupational I'm sure I can understand a bit more by exposures to asbestos, cadmium, beryl- spending another 30 years on exactly Q: How did industry view this? lium and nickel. The context of the work how chromium affects human tissue, A: With misgivings initially. The was industrial, but the methods were but who cares? That guy in that factory manufacturing industry at that point extendable to the general environment. is dying! was so skeptical of these kinds of assess- ments because they thought they would Q: You returned to India in 1996. Were Q: So that was your induction into a appear in the papers the next day. But you able to apply those skills when you public health way of thinking. they let us in to do the assessments and got home? A: It certainly was. I knew I didn’t make the recommendations. It was all A: Fortunately, yes. I went to several just want to showcase these problems. about finding solutions, suggestions that government departments to talk about I wanted to do something about them. they could consider internally. Finger-

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:81–82 | doi: 81 News

pointing without proposing feasible assessment made a huge difference to fuels. So it seemed logical and ethical to solutions is not constructive. awareness of the issue and started people look for ways of making this available to thinking about what to do in response. the other 60%. Q: Do you feel you were able to make a difference even though the industries Q: You also carried out a study looking Q: Is LPG available everywhere in India? you were looking at were self-regulating? at the impact of a pregnant mother’s A: Not everywhere, and as you A: I don't think we can possibly exposure to air pollution on her baby’s might expect, distribution problems make a dent in the magnitude of the birthweight. and access problems arise more in rural problem they have, but we have created A: That’s right. We examined areas. LPG distribution is highly regu- a movement, and many industry sectors whether exposure to fine particulate lated in India and is also subsidized by have benefited from our assessments and matter (PM2.5) during pregnancy were the government. The oil marketing com- guidance on solutions. associated with lower birthweight. The panies bottle the LPG and supply regis- study provided some of the first quanti- tered, authorized distributors who sell to Q: So at what point did you start working tative effects estimates for linking rural- consumers. There have been a number on the health impact of indoor air pol- urban PM2.5 exposures and birthweight of consultations about expanding access lution? Did it come out of the work you in India. by enlarging LPG distributor networks. were doing in industry? They want to scale distribution to a A: Yes it did. Initially we were point where anybody who wants to use focused on the occupational environ- LPG can. Currently coverage is around ment, but then we started thinking about 70-80% in rural areas; the government population level exposures. It was at this There is nothing wants to get to 95% by 2020. time that I met Professor Kirk Smith of “more powerful UC Berkley, who is one of the pioneers than data if you Q: Do you think they will reach that of air pollution research, and, inciden- want to bring about target? tally, also a physicist by training. In 1988 change. A: Well, thus far, the programme we started going to communities, some has exceeded its targets. So it seems rural, some peri-urban, looking at ambi- ” very likely. ent pollution monitors, but we felt that they were only getting part of the picture Q: What about alternatives to LPG, because no measurement was going on such as electricity, perhaps generated in people’s homes. So I proposed using Q: So the evidence of harm was steadily through solar power? the instruments that we used to measure accumulating. What came out of it in A: I think we have the ability to workers’ exposures to assess women’s terms of a response? develop renewable electricity in India exposures and child exposures to house- A: Initially we didn’t quite know on a huge scale. If the investment in in- hold air pollution. The big breakthrough how to address the issue because there frastructure is made why not? But right came when in 2000 when we were given was no access to clean energy in India. now, LPG is perfect. a four months contract to measure levels The only thing that was sort of working of particulate matter in 400 biomass- were these improved cooking stoves. In Q: What about the future for yourself? using households. the field, however, we’d see these stoves A: Well first I would say that, in my just lying in the corner; nobody was opinion, nobody has the bandwidth to Q: How did you make the measure- using them because they couldn’t really do high level policy and hard-core field ments? hold the pans that a traditional stove research at the same time. And for me A: We used air sampling pumps would take, and would break down the choice is simple. I just want to be a that mimic the deposition of particulate most of the time. So after studying the scientist! If it were not for the encour- matter into the lungs. We presented the evidence for a number of years we said, agement provided by WHO and some results of the 400 household measure- “Let’s reframe our thinking. Let’s stop other reputed bodies, I would never ments in the first WHO consultation in trying to improve the way we burn stand up and speak my mind about what 2002. That same year WHO invited me biomass and focus on clean fuels.” By should or should not be done. I would to present the epidemiological evidence 2014 when the household air pollution much rather be in the lab, or the field on the risks from household, solid fuel guidelines for WHO were being formu- and let my data do the talking. I believe use at the World Health Assembly. WHO lated, there was enough evidence to say that it is by engaging in ground-based had put together an assessment compar- that liquid propane gas (LPG) is likely research that I can contribute the most ing the disease burden attributable to the only technology that, when scaled, for this issue. Because there is nothing different health risk factors such as salt can consistently meet the minimum more powerful than data if you want to intake, tobacco use etc. Lo and behold emission and exposure targets set by bring about change. Unfortunately, not in South Asia and India, household air the WHO guidelines. We knew there many of us in developing countries are pollution ended up ranking amongst was a lot of demand for LPG in India, generating solid data. ■ the top 10 risk factors. This came as a and we knew also that 40% of the world’s complete surprise. That comparative risk population were already using clean

82 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:81–82| doi: ResearchResearch

World Trade Organization membership and changes in noncommunicable disease risk factors: a comparative interrupted time-series analysis, 1980–2013 Krycia Cowling,a Elizabeth A Stuart,b Roni A Neff,c Daniel Magraw,d Jon Vernickb & Keshia Pollack Porterb

Objective To investigate the relationship between joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the availability of several commodities with both harmful and protective effects for the development of noncommunicable diseases. Methods We used a natural experiment design to compare trends in the domestic supply of tobacco, alcohol and seven food groups, between 1980 and 2013, in 21 countries or territories joining WTO after 1995 and 26 non-member countries, using propensity score weights. We applied a comparative interrupted time-series framework, by using multivariate random-effects linear models, adjusted for gross domestic product per capita, the percentages of urban population and female labour force participation. In the tobacco model, we controlled for Member States that had ratified the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and in the alcohol model, the percentage of the population identifying themselves as Muslim. Findings Following accession to WTO, member states experienced immediate increases in the domestic supply of fruits and vegetables of 55 g per person per day on average, compared to non-member countries. The analysis showed gradual increases in the geometric mean of the supply of tobacco and alcohol of 6.2% and 3.6% per year, respectively. We did not detect any significant changes in the availability of red meats and animal fats; seafood; nuts, seeds and legumes; starches; or edible oils; and results for sugars were inconsistent across model variations. Conclusion The results suggest that WTO membership may lead to increases in both harmful and protective factors for noncommunicable disease, but further exploration of country-specific variation is warranted.

Introduction was associated with increased imports and consumption of edible oils, meats, processed foods and sugar-sweetened bev- Noncommunicable diseases are increasing in prevalence erages, while the results for tobacco were inconclusive.11 A worldwide, especially in low- and middle-income countries, study examining 42 countries showed that between 1970 and and now account for most of the global morbidity and mor- 1995, higher trade volume was significantly associated with tality.1 Unhealthy food and alcohol consumption and tobacco increased cigarette consumption in low- and middle-income use contribute to a significant proportion of the noncommu- countries only.12 However, another study did not detect any nicable disease burden. These three risk factors collectively relationship between foreign direct investment and tobacco explain approximately one-quarter of the total disease bur- consumption in 50 low- and middle-income countries between den worldwide.2 Evidence suggests that globalization and, in 1997 and 2010. The study, though, found a significant positive particular, trade and investment liberalization may play a key association between increased foreign direct investment and role in increasing the supply of these risk factors.3,4 Studies consumption of alcohol and processed foods high in salt, fat have shown that as countries liberalize, the consumption of and sugar.5 Case-control studies have identified an increase unhealthy commodities increases.5–7 For example, consump- in sugar-sweetened beverage sales in Viet Nam following its tion of meats high in fat has increased in the Federated States accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO),13 while of Micronesia due to decades of foreign dependence and food no significant changes were detected of such sales in Peru imports,8 consumption of high-sugar and high-fat items has following its ratification of a free trade agreement with the increased in Fiji after becoming increasingly reliant on food United States of America.14 imports9 and meat and snacks consumption increased in WTO agreements and institutions are an important set Central America after lowering trade barriers.10 of trade policies. As of 2017, 164 countries were members of Few studies have used longitudinal data from many coun- WTO, 126 of whom were original members of the predecessor tries or causal inference methods to examine relationships General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.15 Accession to the between trade and investment liberalization and changes in WTO is a discrete liberalizing event that is broadly comparable noncommunicable disease risk factors, limiting conclusions across countries, despite variations in accession commitments about generalizability and causality from existing studies. A between countries, facilitating the comparison of countries systematic review found that liberalizing trade and investment joining the WTO with non-member countries. To provide

a Department of Health Policy and Management, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, 624 N. Broadway, Hampton House 380A, Baltimore, MD 21205, United States of America (USA). b Department of Health Policy and Management, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA. c Center for a Livable Future, Department of Environmental Health & Engineering, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA. d Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA. Correspondence to Krycia Cowling (email: [email protected]). (Submitted: 15 June 2018 – Revised version received: 6 October 2018 – Accepted: 8 October 2018 – Published online: 6 November 2018 )

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:83–96A | doi: 83 Research WTO membership and noncommunicable disease risk factors Krycia Cowling et al. . .) Edible oils Edible ( continues (kg/capita) Sugars (kg/capita) Starches (kg/capita) (kg/capita) animal fats animal fats Red meats and Red meats Seafood (kg/capita) Commodity, by year by Commodity, legumes (kg/capita) Nuts, seeds and Nuts, Fruits and Fruits vegetables vegetables (kg/capita) Alcohol than 14 years) (kg/capita older a Tobacco Tobacco than 14 years) (g/capita older 44.2 1468.9 6.6 48.1 11.7 76.9 0.6 1.8 0.1 0.7 109.6 85.9 113.5 187.0 12.7 14.5 0.3 6.7 640.3 1199.7 75.4 115.7 72.9 93.9 5.4 8.1 13.5 13.7 38.7 45.4 167.3 172.2 33.8 32.6 9.1 10.7 796.2 517.1 1.2 2.9 99.7 165.9 6.5 12.6 0.8 2.2 12.1 14.1 202.8 272.2 26.6 39.7 5.3 10.0 321.4 517.5 28.4 55.7 181.9 141.5 5.0 3.7 7.2 8.5 25.9 40.6 187.6 155.2 26.4 20.1 14.0 15.3 366.6307.3 2885.8 14.1 994.2 20.3 32.9268.7 59.5 117.9 173.7 134.6 2531.4 162.2 1.8 47.1 0.3927.2 3.4 46.5 3.7 131.5 0.1 371.6 102.4 30.3 2.3 51.9 25.9 4.2 44.9 165.7 85.6 2.1 131.2 33.9 79.4 149.7 231.4 3.8 307.6 2.1 261.1 11.0 232.9 15.7 4.3 20.9 44.5 26.1 21.1 24.3 37.7 5.2 203.1 43.1 2.8 264.8 67.0 5.2 12.3 12.3 68.2 30.9 279.8 1.0 249.6 29.5 6.9 45.2 4.6 9.7 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1093.0 2679.3 5.9 6.2 260.4 350.0 4.9 5.5 22.8 25.4 26.4 34.2 111.5 148.5 24.3 33.1 10.5 9.9 4263.5 2332.2 93.7 106.5 167.3 118.2 7.6 6.0 1.6 5.7 65.3 45.8 190.8 183.6 31.8 28.3 13.1 13.2 2030.8 1679.4 3.1 1.2 153.3 188.2 10.53931.3 12.2 2766.6 3.9 24.5 5.7 54.6 16.4 155.3 13.8 437.8 162.8 8.2 204.0 10.9 40.7 14.5 41.2 34.0 15.2 28.1 21.7 50.7 236.8 225.0 5.2 6.9 5.4 7.9 5851.6 1771.9 14.7 54.2 196.8 439.9 5.7 10.1 0.9 6.4 26.8 56.9 242.5 207.3 29.8 48.7 8.8 7.6 1388.2 1539.2 56.0 168.8 96.3 189.7 1.09801.6 7.1 2766.3 27.5 56.32240.5 14.2 57.1 3054.4 61.6 188.4 61.4 15.6 133.4 229.0 10.0 4.7 243.6 136.4 2.3 21.3 390.7 42.6 0.5 0.0 11.1 3.8 2.2 34.4 6.2 1.2 26.3 3.2 253.1 180.3 21.0 23.9 37.1 21.2 241.1 188.6 4.8 23.0 10.5 36.8 0.4 7.5 C b b

b b b b b Table 1. Table each commodity in 1993 and 2011 WTO membership and domestic supply quantity for by included in analysis, ountries and territories Kyrgyzstan (20 Kyrgyzstan Dec 1998) Panama (6 Sept Panama 1997) Lithuania (31 2001) May Mongolia (29 Jan 1997) Georgia (14 June Georgia 2000) Armenia (5 Feb 2003) Oman (9 Nov Oman (9 Nov 2000) Bulgaria (1 Dec 1996) Jordan (11 Apr Jordan 2000) (11 DecChina 2001) Nepal (23 Apr 2004) Latvia (10 Feb Latvia (10 Feb 1999) (13 Nov Estonia 1999) Albania (8 Sept 2000) Republic of (26 July Moldova 2001) Country or territory membership date) WTO members (by WTO (21 Jan Ecuador 1996)

84 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:83–96A| doi: Research Krycia Cowling et al. WTO membership and noncommunicable disease risk factors . .) ( continues Edible oils Edible (kg/capita) Sugars (kg/capita) Starches (kg/capita) (kg/capita) animal fats animal fats Red meats and Red meats Seafood (kg/capita) Commodity, by year by Commodity, legumes (kg/capita) Nuts, seeds and Nuts, Fruits and Fruits vegetables vegetables (kg/capita) Alcohol than 14 years) 16.1 22.7 58.2 267.0 4.1 7.5 6.7 21.1 11.8 19.1 210.4 228.5 17.4 32.6 0.9 1.9 (kg/capita older 957.5

Tobacco Tobacco than 14 years) (g/capita older 792.8 789.4 0.0 0.0 264.8 384.6 12.1 21.2 5.3 9.1 17.2 14.0 259.8 232.3 28.0 29.3 9.8 12.1 382.0 249.1 15.3 16.1 92.0 61.9 6.5 3.6 4.8 4.4 8.9 8.0 246.6 260.3 19.5 17.1 17.1 17.4 533.9 1212.1 6.7 21.2 92.9 149.5 4.8 15.6 11.9 33.9 17.2 48.8 184.9 185.6 12.9 21.8 1.8 3.4 174.6 116.5 7.3 16.4 17.6 26.5 10.4 20.5 0.1 0.3 8.4 9.4 169.7 210.6 3.7 6.5 1.3 3.1 336.1 287.3 40.7 62.8 85.9 202.9 5.6 13.7 14.4 12.1 31.3 21.4 188.4 177.2 19.0 20.9 9.2 8.5 985.9 4148.3 2.1 34.2 68.9 65.1 2.2 12.1 7.4 40.6 15.5 15.4 192.2 206.0 4.5 24.5 2.9 1.9 492.2 10 630.4 1834.8 47.1 107.4 108.2 179.6 2.8 3.7 14.3 22.4 68.2 55.7 282.3 261.3 35.5 49.0 6.7 13.2 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011

1083.6 1676.5 6.6 2.9 213.6 155.1 4.8 3.5 1.3 2.9 7.8 5.2 177.4 187.1 20.2 18.9 13.4 17.3 1900.8 1250.2 4.5 6.0 119.1 254.9 5.5 9.9 3.7 4.1 14.4 15.2 250.4 287.8 27.5 28.1 16.5 15.5 2624.2 2484.2 0.6 0.0 218.5 175.3 4.1 8.3 4.9 10.7 15.9 19.5 164.5 159.1 27.6 31.2 15.9 15.5 3606.3 4199.2 15.9 11.3 206.71105.0 179.3 20.4 2304.8 16.0 0.0 18.3 0.0 9.4 253.2 10.7 241.8 13.2 2.2 187.4 3.0 212.4 73.6 4.8 71.1 4.1 14.6 4.8 16.5 5.5 201.4 204.8 35.2 43.9 7.9 4.8 1336.5 1402.3 37.2 93.78924.3 131.11420.8 2095.6 223.4 6.0 11.0 2830.4 3.7 68.9 58.0 134.5 97.2 7.6 245.6 125.0 14.31689.4 3.2 207.1 53.7 4.2 1.0 1386.8 35.2 24.6 4.1 333.7 3.0 282.7 49.1 2.2 1.2 45.6 60.9 14.4 16.5 48.9 262.1 74.5 26.8 9.4 0.8 231.2 77.6 12.9 305.5 338.3 4.6 11.2 305.4 3.7 16.1 35.5 5.3 39.9 1.1 66.2 4.7 2.7 61.2 18.8 280.9 219.1 19.6 27.7 6.6 19.8 14 ) b b,d b c b b ebanon 6887.7 5326.6 22.3 22.9 537.2 291.7 26.0 21.3 3.5 11.1 28.4 25.8 186.4 182.2 46.0 49.2 14.3 18.6 Kazakhstan Iraq Russian Federation Iran (Islamic Republic of) Azerbaijan New Caledonia 3558.9 2495.2 113.2 96.2 126.5 175.8 1.4 6.3 20.1 28.4 39.4 52.6 182.7 160.4 23.2 25.9 16.3 14.3 Ukraine (16 May 2008) French PolynesiaFrench 1838.6 1181.3 96.8 87.5 170.1 174.1 6.8 7.0 40.1 48.1 65.7 68.2 171.6 164.3 38.5 33.5 9.3 14.4 Algeria Liberia Viet Nam (11 Jan Viet 2007) WTO non-member as of 2011 WTO Afghanistan 207.0 799.0Ethiopia 0.0 0.2 63.0 56.5 People's Lao 4.3Democratic Republic 5.9 0.1 0.1 21.5 14.6 183.3 191.4 3.4 9.2 1.6 3.2 Belarus Saudi Arabia (11 Saudi Arabia Dec 2005) L Cabo Verde (23 Verde Cabo July 2008) BahamasDemocratic Republic People's 2008.1of Korea 1564.6 65.7 35.6Kiribati 228.9 363.7 5.5 2.7 24.6 29.5 73.0 56.8 99.8 101.0 40.7 43.7 3.7 6.5 Country or territory (13 Cambodia Oct 2004) (. . continued

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:83–96A| doi: 85 Research WTO membership and noncommunicable disease risk factors Krycia Cowling et al.

quantitative evidence on the role of trade and investment liberalization in the global noncommunicable disease burden, we studied changes in the do- Edible oils Edible (kg/capita) mestic supply of tobacco, alcohol and several food groups at the national level after WTO accession and compared to these trends in non-member countries.

Sugars Methods (kg/capita) Study design We used a natural experiment approach to compare domestic supply patterns of nine commodities in 47 countries

Starches or territories, from 1980 to 2013: 21 (kg/capita) countries or territories joining WTO between 1996 and 2008 (exposed group) and 26 countries not in WTO as of 2011 (unexposed group; Table 1). We defined exposure as accession to WTO and the post-exposure period was therefore the (kg/capita) animal fats animal fats

Red meats and Red meats beginning of each country’s individual WTO joining date. The years 1980 to 1995 comprise the pre-exposure period for all countries, as the first countries joined the WTO in 1995.

Seafood The commodities were tobacco (all (kg/capita) types); alcohol (all types, including beer, wine and spirits); and seven food groups

Commodity, by year by Commodity, relevant to the development of noncom- municable diseases, either protective or harmful. These food groups were: fruits

legumes and vegetables; nuts, seeds and legumes; (kg/capita)

Nuts, seeds and Nuts, seafood; red meats and animal fats; sug- ars; starches; and edible oils. We based the selection of these food categories on a review of common elements of indices of dietary quality16–19 and dietary 20,21

Fruits and Fruits diversity and available evidence on vegetables vegetables (kg/capita) the protective and harmful effects of major food groups for the development of noncommunicable diseases.22–24 A list of food items included in the dif- ferent commodity groups and the data

Alcohol completeness for each item is available

15 25 than 14 years)

(kg/capita older from the figshare data repository. We hypothesized that following WTO ac- cession, the supply of tobacco, alcohol, edible oils, red meats and animal fats and sugars would increase; the supply of starches and nuts, seeds and legumes

Tobacco Tobacco would decline. The expected trends in than 14 years) (g/capita older fruits and vegetables and seafood were 78.2 163.4 46.9 61.3 292.0 371.0 4.2 8.1 25.4 28.1 2.8 10.9 196.8 153.2 16.0 23.9 7.2 9.8 53.4 287.8 11.4 18.6 160.0 311.6 0.7 1.2 0.9 0.7 27.0 37.9 232.4 235.1 13.4 10.2 13.3 10.2 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 1993 2011 150.6 121.8 58.6578.9 41.8 336.2 83.7 11.1 143.6 9.9 6.7 16.9 341.7 277.3 1.8 6.2 2.1 7.4 25.5 31.3 34.8 33.7 187.4 35.5 162.2 27.1 31.4 37.2 243.7 311.1 7.9 9.2 6.0 20.3 7.0 5.7 2104.4 2454.6 3.4 0.6 66.1 70.4 7.0 6.1 6.0 2.5 8.2 10.6 177.9 171.1 20.2 28.6 7.7 7.0 3390.0 3072.21605.8 60.71361.6 52.7 148.7 268.8 1029.2 8.8 369.2 4.7 0.9 1.4 12.0 146.6 4.6 127.9 185.7 41.6 208.6 1.4 47.4 0.4 4.0 53.3 0.3unknown. 41.8 0.5 4.6 105.2 0.5 203.5 3.6 13.0 24.8 35.1 12.4 30.2 56.9 189.1 3.3 215.7 175.6 234.8 10.9 7.3 16.7 19.0 11.4 9.4 11.3 10.7 7.5 From our sample, we excluded

) original member states of WTO and b

b all members of the former General b,c d Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Nine d e countries in the unexposed group joined Da

1992. from data Soviet Union member states analysed former We WTO in 2012. the country after 2011 since did not analyse data joined We ta ended in 2011 when country Sudan and South Sudan. divided into site. WTO web the from obtained membership dates We WTO in 2013. the country after 2012 since did not analyse data joined We b a c d e Note: Quantities for each commodity for the periods before and after joining the WTO are presented for the first and last years with complete data for all countries, except for pre-exposure tobacco data for Oman, which are from 1992. from for Oman, which are for pre-exposure data tobacco except countries, for all data complete years with the first and last for presented WTO are and after joining the the periods each commodity before for for Quantities Note: WTO: World Trade Organization. Trade WTO: World WTO in the final two years (2012–2013) Sudan Turkmenistan Sao Tome and Sao Tome Principe Timor-LesteUzbekistan 283.0 922.3 6.2 7.9 46.6 49.8 10.8 12.6 0.0 6.0 40.2 32.8 305.5 218.3 3.3 11.5 1.1 4.7 Tajikistan Yemen Vanuatu Country or territory Samoa (. . continued

86 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:83–96A| doi: Research Krycia Cowling et al. WTO membership and noncommunicable disease risk factors

Table 2. Baseline characteristics of countries included in study on WTO membership and changes in noncommunicable disease risk factors

Covariates WTO membersa (n = 21) WTO non-members (n = 26) Standardized difference in means (P)b,c No. of countries per area NA (0.55) East Asia and Pacific 4 8 Europe and central Asia 10 7 Latin America and Caribbean 2 1 Middle East and north Africa 3 5 North America 0 0 South Asia 1 1 Sub-Saharan Africa 1 4 No. of former Soviet Union 8 7 NA (0.41) member states Mean GDP per capita in 2005 Int$ (SD) Year 1980 5565 (8 314) 6907 (9 697) 0.15 (0.69) Year 1995 4805 (4 845) 6357 (11 005) 0.18 (0.55) Mean % of female labour force participation (SD) Year 1980 44.1 (25.1) 42.1 (26.0) −0.08 (0.82) Year 1995 51.9 (18.3) 46.5 (22.4) −0.26 (0.37) Mean % of urban population (SD) Year 1980 38.2 (20.6) 37.2 (21.9) −0.05 (0.90) Year 1995 53.1 (20.1) 45.8 (20.9) −0.35 (0.23) Mean % of Muslim population (SD)d Year 1980 30.0 (40.4) 36.0 (43.4) 0.14 (0.70) Year 1995 22.4 (36.2) 41.8 (42.8) 0.48 (0.11) Mean weight of commodity per capitae Tobacco, gram (SD)f Year 1980 1890 (1 532) 2182 (1997) 0.16 (0.67) Year 1995 1358 (1 045) 1913 (2 716) 0.26 (0.38) Alcohol, kilogram (SD)f Year 1980 25.2 (36.9) 29.8 (33.0) 0.14 (0.72) Year 1995 29.2 (26.2) 26.3 (27.5) −0.11 (0.71) Fruits and vegetables, kilogram (SD) Year 1980 108.9 (74.7) 165.8 (93.0) 0.64 (0.09) Year 1995 137.1 (61.1) 159.0 (113.2) 0.23 (0.43) Nuts, seeds and legumes, kilogram (SD) Year 1980 6.0 (3.5) 7.9 (6.2) 0.36 (0.34) Year 1995 4.4 (2.6) 6.4 (6.7) 0.38 (0.19) Seafood, kilogram (SD) Year 1980 7.7 (6.8) 17.0 (17.8) 0.62 (0.09) Year 1995 9.5 (8.9) 13.9 (18.6) 0.30 (0.32) Red meats and animal fats, kilogram (SD) Year 1980 28.0 (32.2) 27.2 (18.2) −0.03 (0.93) Year 1995 37.3 (23.8) 28.7 (20.9) −0.38 (0.20) Starches, kilogram (SD) Year 1980 193.1 (37.2) 223.0 (52.1) 0.62 (0.10) Year 1995 215.5 (55.4) 207.8 (53.3) −0.14 (0.63) Sugars, kilogram (SD) Year 1980 24.4 (14.8) 23.9 (14.1) −0.04 (0.93) Year 1995 23.2 (8.9) 21.5 (13.1) −0.15 (0.61) Edible oils, kilogram (SD) Year 1980 6.1 (4.5) 6.8 (4.4) 0.15 (0.70) Year 1995 7.3 (4.8) 8.3 (5.5) 0.19 (0.52) GDP: gross domestic product; Int$: international dollars; NA: not applicable; SD: standard deviation; WTO: World Trade Organization. a Countries joining WTO between 1996 and 2008. b We calculated standardized difference in means as follows: (mean for non-member states – mean for member states)/(combined standard deviation). c For continuous variables, we used two-sided t-tests to calculate P-values. For or categorical variables, we used χ2 tests. d Covariate used in alcohol models only. e Commodity available for domestic consumption. f Data for population older than 14 years. Note: The years presented are the first (1980) and last (1995) years we used for analyses of the period before countries and territories included in the study started to join WTO.

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:83–96A| doi: 87 Research WTO membership and noncommunicable disease risk factors Krycia Cowling et al.

or after the analysis period; data for ) −4 10 these countries were censored to exclude a × values in or after the year they joined. (1.93 NA NA For countries that comprised the former NA −4 10 Soviet Union (eight exposed, seven un- × exposed), the analysis period begins in 1992, when independent countries were 8.46 established. NA NA Data sources NA

The data sources for all commodities 87.917 (19.290) were the Food and Agriculture Orga- nization national commodity balance

sheets (tobacco) and food balance sheets 123.200)

NA NA (all other commodities), which measure NA Starches Sugars oils Edible 5.308 (0.464) 6.133 (0.003) 0.150 (0.243) the annual supply of each commodity, 0.616 (0.189)0.298 (0.371) 0.019 (0.879) −0.133 (0.088) 0.011 (0.052) −0.012 (0.102)

by country, and are widely used as a 5228.010 (1 proxy for consumption.26,27 We obtained ) 3.667 (0.828) 0.185 (0.0367) 0.953 (0.186)

covariate data on urban population and −5 10 female labour force participation from ×

the World Bank’s World Development a

28 (5.61 NA NA NA

Indicators; population data from the −4 fats

29 10

0.184 (0.020) 1.437 (0.049) 142.441 (0.020) −18.940 (0.163) 0.066 (0.950) United Nations Population Division; 0.008 (0.865)0.001 (0.875) −6.277 (0.133)0.004 (0.533) −0.120 (0.904)0.003 (0.553) −2.401 (0.115) 0.250 (0.176) −0.070(0.296) 0.005 (0.730) 0.396 (0.073) 0.018 (0.0027) 184.153 (28.207) 12.292 (2.310) 0.052 (0.0107) × gross domestic product (GDP) per 2.55 capita from the Institute for Health and animal Red meats ) −0.0058 (0.0015) −93.382 (21.924) −2.055 (0.632) −0.0251 (0.0061) 30 ) 25

Metrics and Evaluation; percent- −6 −11 10

10 age Muslim population from the Pew ×


31 a

Research Center; and the ratification (0.875) 0.001)

−6 (6.86 (9.97 NA NA 10 dates for the Framework Convention −5

−10 ×



on Tobacco Control (FCTC) from the 10


0.826 (< ×


United Nations Treaty Collection. −1.46 4.38 Variables −1.13 a We measured all commodity variables NA NA in units of grams (tobacco) or kilograms NA (all other commodities) per capita. For 3.070 (1.585) 2.950 (0.747) Nuts, seeds Nuts, tobacco and alcohol, we restricted these and legumes measures to the population older than 14 years, as is standard.33,34 We con- 656.286) trolled for the following key confound- NA NA ers established by the existing literature NA Fruits and Fruits 7.571 (0.218) 0.313 (0.060) in all models: GDP per capita, urban vegetables population and female labour force par- 6917.032 (1 ticipation.4,5 Models for alcohol included a

each country’s proportion of population 0.001)


identifying themselves as Muslim as NA a covariate, because being Muslim is Alcohol −1.088 (0.337) 7.268 (0.883) −1.413 (0.265) −3.845 (0.022) 0.496 (< linked to lower rates of alcohol use.35 −0.025 (< ) −0.030 (0.013) −255.959 (87.756) −0.0713 (0.0449) ) 0.003 (0.0012) 20.161 (5.345) 0.002(0.0013)

Models for tobacco included a variable −6 −10 10

10 indicating whether the country had ×


a ratified the FCTC, because this ratifica- (0.251) NA 0.001)

−6 (2.8 (4.95 NA 10 tion represents a commitment to reduce −5 −10 × 36 10 10

Tobacco tobacco use. 0.098 (0.477)0.061 (0.054) −0.118 (0.133)0.449 (0.004) 0.037 (0.050) 19.794 (0.003) −1.276 (0.367) 0.107 (0.171) −0.017 (0.151) −0.137 (0.436) 0.032 (0.367) 0.944 (0.199) 1.660 (0.530) 0.215 (0.046) 0.071 (0.014) 437.215 (95.743) 0.076(0.0158) 0.162 (0.0454) × × −0.017 (0.024)−0.010 (0.099) 0.014 (0.160)−0.204 (0.032) −0.009 (0.202) 1.993 (0.004) −1.029 (0.069) −0.005 (0.491) −0.001 (0.804) 0.006 (0.637) −0.036(0.016)

4.759 (<

om best-performingWTO membership and changes in noncommunicable study disease risk factors, model to 1980–2013 −9.72 7.83 Propensity score weights −1.3 d ohol model.

With observational data, the non- f obacco model. obacco random assignment of the exposure (in c this case, WTO membership) can create a,b Model output fr

imbalance in covariates and baseline levels of the outcome variables between 37 3e C Only included in alc I Only included in t Na Da dollars. n 2005 International

repository. from the figshare available model output effects complete shown (when applicable); fixed not year for individual values oefficient logarithm tural of commodity used in model. values

the groups compared. Characteristics and SEs. covariances are ta presented f a b c d e FCTC: Framework Convention on Tobacco Control; GDP: gross domestic product; NA: not applicable; SD: standard deviation; SE: standard error; WTO: World Trade Organization. Trade World WTO: error; deviation; SE: standard NA: not applicable; SD: standard domestic product; gross GDP: Control; Tobacco on Convention Framework FCTC: Table 3. Table Variable ( P ) coefficient effect, Fixed WTO membership WTO membership*year GDP per capita % urban population labour % female participation force ratification FCTC % Muslim population Year Constant (SE) variance Random effects, Intercept Slope of the groups in the pre-exposure period and slope Intercept Residual

88 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:83–96A| doi: Research Krycia Cowling et al. WTO membership and noncommunicable disease risk factors are presented in Table 2. Although no reflecting the number of days of mem- Democratic People's Republic of Ko- differences were statistically significant, bership. Each commodity model had the rea, Ethiopia, Iraq and Sudan. Lastly, to improve comparability, we estimated following equation: we stratified models by income group. and applied propensity score weights All analyses were conducted in Stata that optimized comparability on pre- version 14.2 (StataCorp. LCC, College exposure values of each commodity. Station, United States), except for the (1) In the first step, we estimated pro- twang package for propensity scores, pensity scores to predict the probability run in R version 3.3.2 (R Foundation, of WTO membership as a function of Vienna, Austria). annual values of each commodity in where i indexes country; j indexes year the pre-exposure period using a gen- (1980 to 2013); x is a set of countries- eralized boosted regression modelling and year-specific covariates; β’s repre- Results approach.38,39 In the second step, we used sent coefficients estimated by the linear Fig.. 2, Fig 3, Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 propensity scores to construct weights model; and ε is the residual error term. show average trends for each commod- for each country, with all exposed coun- Covariates for urban population, female ity for the exposed, unweighted unex- tries or territories receiving a weight of labour force participation and percent- posed and weighted unexposed groups. 1, and unexposed countries receiving a age Muslim population (alcohol model Trends during the pre-exposure period weight of p/(1−p), where p is the esti- only) were continuous, ranging from 0 illustrate the improved comparability mated propensity score. This weighting to 100%. The FCTC covariate (tobacco between the groups after weighting. estimates the average treatment effect on model only) ranged from 0 (not ratified) Outputs from the best-performing mod- the exposed group, i.e. the average effect to 1 (ratified), with a fraction reflecting els to estimate changes in supply of the of joining WTO for those countries or the number of days after ratification commodities are shown in Table 3. The territories that did join. in the year during which each country coefficients for the WTO membership Fig. 1 (available at: http://www.who. was ratified. All models were run with and WTO membership*year terms in- int/bulletin/volumes/97/1/18-218057) commodity-specific propensity score dicate whether there is any difference in displays the balance, between the weights applied as inverse-probability- the level and trend, respectively, of each groups, for annual values of the com- of-treatment weights. commodity for countries and territories modities and covariates during the We tested multiple model varia- joining the WTO, compared with non- pre-exposure period, before and after tions for each commodity. For six com- WTO members. The domestic avail- applying weights. The balance metric is modities (tobacco; alcohol; red meats ability of fruits and vegetables increased the absolute value of the difference in and animal fats; seafood; nuts, seeds the most: the average annual supply group means divided by the standard and legumes; and edible oils), we log- of fruits and vegetables was 19.79 kg deviation across both groups; 0.25 is a transformed the commodity values to per capita (95% confidence interval, generally accepted balance threshold.37 constrain predicted values to be greater CI: 6.60–32.99) higher in countries or Improvements are reflected by the than 0. The key output of the best- territories that have joined WTO than weighted values generally being closer performing model for each commodity in non-member countries. For tobacco to zero than unweighted values, though, is presented in Table 3; additional output and alcohol, the WTO membership*year in several cases, improving balance on and model fit graphs are available in the coefficients suggest significant increas- commodities sacrificed balance on co- figshare repository.25 ing trends in the availability of these variates. However, we further controlled products following WTO accession. for the influence of covariates in the Sensitivity analyses The geometric means of the supply of regression models. We did several sensitivity analyses to tobacco increased by 6.2% (95% CI: Commodity models assess whether various aspects of the 0.0–13.0) annually and of the supply study design affected the estimated ef- of alcohol by 3.8% (95% CI: 0.0–7.7) We modelled changes in domestic sup- fects of WTO membership. First, to annually. In the tobacco model, the plies of the commodities using separate eliminate the influence of missing data, FCTC ratification coefficient indicates linear regression models for each of we restricted the analysis period to 1993 an 18.5% (95% CI: 1.8–32.4) lower the nine commodities in a comparative to 2011, years with complete data for all geometric mean supply of tobacco after interrupted time-series framework. We 47 countries. Second, because the effects ratification. In the random effect model, used WTO membership as the treat- of WTO accession may take time, we ex- the intercept and slope are significantly ment (t) term and used a treatment*year plored lagged values of the WTO mem- different from zero for all commodi- interaction (ty) term to compare the bership and WTO membership*year ties, indicating substantial remaining pre- and post-exposure level and trend terms. Third, to examine whether the heterogeneity across countries in both in the commodities (c), respectively, in effects of WTO membership were pre- the level and trend in domestic supply the exposed versus unexposed groups.40 dominantly mediated through economic quantities (Table 3). For unexposed countries, the WTO growth, we excluded GDP per capita The sensitivity analyses generally membership variable was always 0. For from all models. Fourth, we excluded supported the main findings. The treat- exposed countries, this variable ranged several countries in the unexposed ment effect on fruits and vegetables was from 0 (before accession) to 1 (after ac- group that may be poor comparisons robust in all sensitivity analyses. The cession); for the year of each country’s due to war, famine or isolation from trend coefficient for the alcohol supply accession to WTO, we used a fraction the global economy: Afghanistan, stayed of a consistent magnitude and

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:83–96A| doi: 89 Research WTO membership and noncommunicable disease risk factors Krycia Cowling et al. remained significant in most analyses. trade agreements should be considered of these products can help to tackle the The trend coefficient for the tobacco as social determinants of health at the noncommunicable disease burden at the supply also remained of a consistent global scale. As the burden of noncom- root cause level. This approach can be magnitude, but not always statisti- municable diseases continues to grow, achieved through actions grounded in cally significant. In only the lagged effect stakeholders should prioritize identify- the Health in All Policies framework45 models, treatment effects for sugars were ing the most effective strategies to curb and the application of health impact significant and similar in magnitude the increase in risk factors, including to- assessment to proposed trade and in- to those in the main model, providing bacco and alcohol use and poor diet. For vestment policies.46 At the global level, some evidence of an initial decrease example, addressing aspects of trade and further development and consideration in the availability of sugars following investment policies that alter the supply of international agreements to prevent WTO accession, followed by a minimal steady increase. When we stratified the Fig. 2. Changes in the supply of all forms of tobacco, by joining WTO members and non- analyses by country income group, the member states, 1980–2013 results did not support any of the main conclusions. However, propensity score weights were generated to balance the 2500 sample and likely generated false results from these models, which were run with 2000 23 countries or less (out of the total 47) per income group. Further details on 1500 each sensitivity analysis are available in the figshare repository.25 Range of WTO accession dates 1000

Discussion All forms of tobacco 500 Here we show that following a country’s (grams/capita older than 14 years) accession to WTO, there was a signifi- 0 cant increasing trend in the domestic 1980 1990 2000 2010 2013 supply of alcohol; a borderline signifi- Year cant increasing trend in the supply of Mean for joining WTO members Unweighted mean for WTO non-members tobacco; and a significant immediate Weighted mean for WTO non-members increase in the availability of fruits and vegetables, compared with non-member WTO: World Trade Organization. countries. Assuming that increases in Notes: The grey box represents the range of accession dates for countries and territories joining WTO. Aberrations in trends starting in 1992 likely reflect the changing composition of countries in each supply likely translate to increases in exposure group due to data availability for former Soviet Union countries. We obtained weighted means consumption, these changes have both by applying tobacco-specific propensity score weights. positive and negative implications for global health. For example, recent re- Fig. 3. Changes in the supply of all types of alcohol, by joining WTO members and non- search has indicated that any amount of member states, 1980–2013 alcohol consumption increases the risk of a range of negative health outcomes, hence an increase in alcohol supply 60 could be harmful.41 Likewise, an increase in tobacco use is negative, as tobacco contributes to several noncommuni- cable diseases.42 In contrast, increases 40 in fruit and vegetable consumption can protect against the development of numerous noncommunicable diseases.24 20 The WHO recommends a 400 g intake All types of alcohol Range of WTO accession dates of fruit and vegetables daily,43 although even an intake of 200 g per day has been found to reduce the risk of many non- (kilograms/capita older than 14 years) 0 communicable diseases and premature 1980 1990 2000 2010 2013 44 mortality. We estimate that average Year increase in the supply is about 55 g of Mean for joining WTO members Unweighted mean for WTO non-members fruits and vegetables per person per Weighted mean for WTO non-members day higher in the countries after join- ing WTO. WTO: World Trade Organization. Our results provide more evidence Notes: The grey box represents the range of accession dates for countries and territories joining WTO. Aberrations in trends starting in 1992 likely reflect the changing composition of countries in each about the links between trade liberaliza- exposure group due to data availability for former Soviet Union countries. We obtained weighted means tion and global health, suggesting that by applying alcohol-specific propensity score weights.

90 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:83–96A| doi: Research Krycia Cowling et al. WTO membership and noncommunicable disease risk factors 2010 2013 2010 2013 s s O non-members WT O accession date O accession date WT WT 2000 2000 Range of Range of Year Year Sugars Unweighted mean for Red meats and animal fats O non-members 1990 1990 O members WT WT Mean for joining mean for Weighted C 1980–2013 members and non-member states,

1980 1980 0 0

50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10

Kilograms/capita Kilograms/capita WTO: World Trade Organization. Trade WTO: World WTO. joining and territories countries for dates of accession the range represents box grey The Notes: startingcountries in each composition of in trends Aberrations the changing in 1992 likely reflect means obtained weighted We Soviet Union countries. former availability for data due to group exposure weights. applying commodity-specificby score propensity Fig. 5. Fig. WTO joining by and sugars, and animal fats, meats hanges in the supply of red 2010 2013 2010 2013 s s O non-members WT O accession date O accession date WT WT 2000 2000 Range of Range of Year Year Unweighted mean for Starches Fruits and vegetables O non-members 1990 1990 O members WT WT Mean for joining mean for Weighted C 1980–2013 members and non-member states,

1980 1980 0 0

50 50

250 200 150 100 250 200 150 100 Kilograms/capita Kilograms/capita WTO: World Trade Organization. Trade WTO: World WTO. joining and territories countries for dates of accession the range represents box grey The Notes: startingcountries in each composition of in trends Aberrations the changing in 1992 likely reflect means obtained weighted We Soviet Union countries. former availability for data due to group exposure weights. applying commodity-specificby score propensity Fig. 4. Fig. WTO joining for and starches, hanges in the supply of fruits and vegetables

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:83–96A| doi: 91 Research WTO membership and noncommunicable disease risk factors Krycia Cowling et al. and control noncommunicable diseases, increases in sugar-sweetened beverage cession. Our results confirm previous like the FCTC, but focused on other consumption13,48 are somewhat sup- findings of increased tobacco7,12 and noncommunicable disease risk factors, ported by our weak finding that the alcohol5 consumption associated with is warranted. Such agreements can domestic supply of sugars increases trade liberalization. Finally, few studies legally bind countries to health com- steadily over time following WTO ac- have examined fruits and vegetables mitments, providing a counterweight for commitments to international trade and investment rules. Fig. 6. Changes in the supply of nuts, seeds and legumes; seafood; and edible oils, by Our findings are suggestive but joining WTO members and non-member states, 1980–2013 not conclusive, warranting additional exploration and we suggest several po- Nuts, seeds and legumes tential avenues for future research. For example, given substantial unexplained 20 country-specific heterogeneity indicated by country random effects in all models, 15 Range of WTO accession dates additional analyses of smaller groups of countries and individual countries are needed. The effects of WTO member- 10 ship may differ by level of economic

development and other country-specific Kilograms/capita 5 factors, such as geography and climate, which affect the baseline supply of various food groups, tobacco and types 0 of alcohol. Researchers could recreate 1980 1990 2000 2010 2013 this analysis with one income group at Year a time and a similar analysis of selected Seafood low- and middle-income countries with substantial noncommunicable disease 20 burdens may provide further insight Range of WTO accession dates into the links between WTO member- 15 ship and changes in noncommunicable disease risk factors. Single country studies could permit more nuanced 10 understanding, for example, by looking

at tariff changes for specific products Kilograms/capita 5 and subsequent changes in their sup- ply. Another area for future studies is to examine differences associated with 0 specific provisions in WTO accession 1980 1990 2000 2010 2013 agreements and other trade and invest- Year ment policies, as specific concessions differ. Understanding which compo- Edible oils nents of these treaties have the greatest 20 influence on noncommunicable disease risk factors and other aspects of public 15 health is important when tailoring Range of WTO accession dates future agreements to be more health- promoting. Further, researchers should 10 also conduct similar analyses for other products that contribute to noncommu- Kilograms/capita nicable diseases, particularly unhealthy 5 foods high in fat, salt and sugar. This study both supports and 0 contradicts findings from previous 1980 1990 2000 2010 2013 research. We were not able to confirm Year findings showing increases in consump- Mean for joining WTO members Unweighted mean for WTO non-members 10 47 tion of meat and edible oils following Weighted mean for WTO non-members trade liberalization. Discrepancies may be due to differences in the sample; WTO: World Trade Organization. Notes: The grey box represents the range of accession dates for countries and territories joining WTO. previous studies examined only one to Aberrations in trends starting in 1992 likely reflect the changing composition of countries in each five countries in the same geographical exposure group due to data availability for former Soviet Union countries. We obtained weighted means region. Studies showing trade-related by applying commodity-specific propensity score weights.

92 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:83–96A| doi: Research Krycia Cowling et al. WTO membership and noncommunicable disease risk factors

consumption in the context of trade the available supply of each commodity In conclusion, changes in domestic liberalization, but our findings support and are only a proxy for consumption, supply of alcohol, tobacco and fruits the results of an analysis showing that the true measure of importance for and vegetables could have important changes in trade policies led to an in- health. In addition, there was substantial implications for public health, particu- crease in imported fruit in five Central missing data for certain items summed larly for the development and preven- American countries.10 to create commodity variables, which tion of noncommunicable diseases. This study has limitations. A pri- may affect the validity of the data for Overall, findings indicated substantial mary limitation is the comparability these categories. The commodities ana- country-level heterogeneity. Therefore, of countries joining versus not joining lysed were also limited by the available additional exploration of variations WTO. We assumed that trends would product categories; importantly, this did across countries is critical to identify have been similar between the two not allow us to distinguish changes in factors that mitigate the negative role groups if none of the countries joined trends in the availability of specific foods and enhance the positive role of trade WTO. However, differences in trends high in fat, salt or sugar, an important and investment agreements in the global could be due to the influence of other determinant of obesity and noncommu- noncommunicable disease burden. ■ unobserved events correlated with WTO nicable diseases.49 Finally, for tobacco accession and the outcomes of interest and alcohol, illicit sales and homemade Funding: Krycia Cowling was supported or innate characteristics of countries in varieties are not captured in this data, by a Center for a Livable Future-Lerner either group. which may comprise substantial por- fellowship during the time of this study." Another key limitation is the quality tions of supply and consumption in of the commodity data, which measure certain countries. Competing interests: None declared.

ملخص عضوية منظمة التجارة العاملية والتغريات يف عوامل خطر األمراض غري املعدية: حتليل سالسل زمنية مقارنة متقطعة، ما بني عامي 1980 و2013 دراسة الغرضالعالقة بني االنضامم إىل منظمة التجارة العاملية بعد النتائجاالنضامم إىل منظمة التجارة العاملية، شهدت الدول )WTO( وتوافر العديد من السلع ذات التأثريات الضارة األعضاء زيادات فورية يف اإلمداد املحيل من الفواكه واخلرضوات والوقائية من أجل تطوير األمراض غري املعدية. وصلت إىل 55 جم للشخص الواحد يف اليوم يف املتوسط، مقارنة الطريقةاستخدمنا تصميم التجربة الطبيعية ملقارنة االجتاهات بالدول غري األعضاء. أظهر التحليل زيادات تدرجيية يف املتوسط يفاإلمداد املحيل للتبغ والكحول وسبع جمموعات غذائية، بني اهلنديس إلمدادات التبغ والكحول بنسبة ٪6.2 و ٪3.6يف السنة عامي 1980 و2013، يف 21 دولة أو منطقة انضمت إىل منظمة عىل الرتتيب. مل نكتشف أي تغيريات جوهرية يف توافر اللحوم التجارة العاملية بعد عام 1995 و26 دولة غري أعضاء، باستخدام احلمراء، أو الدهون احليوانية، أو املأكوالت البحرية، أو املكرسات، أوزان درجات النزوع. طبقنا ًإطارا ًازمني ًمتسلسال ًمقارنا ًمتقطعا، أو البذور والبقوليات، أو النشويات، أو الزيوت الصاحلة لألكل، باستخدام نامذج خطية ذات تأثريات عشوائية متعددة، معدلة وكانت النتائج للسكريات غري متناسقة عرب تنوعات النموذج. للناتجاملحيل اإلمجايل للفرد، والنسب املئوية لسكان احلرض االستنتاجتشري النتائج إىل أن عضوية منظمة التجارة العاملية قد ومشاركة املرأة يف القوى العاملة. يف نموذج التبغ، قمنا باملكافحة تؤدي إىل زيادة يف كل من العوامل الضارة والوقائية لألمراض يف الدول األعضاء التي صدقت عىل االتفاقية اإلطارية ملكافحة غري املعدية، ولكن هناك تعزيز ملزيد من استكشاف االختالفات التبغ ويف نموذج الكحول، النسبة املئوية للسكان الذين ّيعرفون اخلاصة بكل بلد. أنفسهم بأهنم مسلمني.

摘要 世界贸易组织成员国与非传染性疾病风险因素的变化 :一项断续时间序列比较分析,1980–2013 年 目的 旨在调查加入世界贸易组织 (WTO) 与获取若干 结果 成员国加入世贸组织后,与非成员国相比,平 商品(此类商品对非传染性疾病的形成兼具有害因素 均每人每天的水果和蔬菜国内供应量立即增长 55 克。 和保护因素)之间的关系。 分析显示,烟草和酒精每年的供应量以几何平均数的 方法 我们使用自然实验设计、倾向评分权重来 形式逐渐递增,分别为每年 6.2% 和 3.6%。我们尚未 比 较 1980 至年 2013 年期间,在 1995 年之后加 发现获取红肉和动物脂肪有任何重大变化 ;海鲜;坚 入 WTO 的 21 个国家或地区以及 26 个非成员国的烟 果、种子和豆类 ;淀粉;或食用油;以及与糖相关的 草、酒精和七类食品组在各国内的供应趋势。我们采 结果在不同模型中是不一致的。 用断续时间序列框架,使用多变量随机效应线性模型, 结论 结果表明,成为 WTO 成员国可能会导致非传染 根据人均国内生产总值、城市人口百分比和女性劳动 性疾病的有害因素和保护因素增加,但仍需进一步探 力参与进行调整。在烟草模型中,我们控制了已批准 索其针对具体国家的不同变化。 《烟草控制框架公约》的成员国,在酒精模型中,我 们控制了自认为穆斯林国家所占的比例。

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:83–96A| doi: 93 Research WTO membership and noncommunicable disease risk factors Krycia Cowling et al.

Résumé Adhésion à l'Organisation mondiale du commerce et évolution des facteurs de risque de maladies non transmissibles : analyse comparative de séries chronologiques interrompues, 1980–2013 Objectif Étudier le lien entre l'adhésion à l'Organisation mondiale du compte du pourcentage de la population s'identifiant comme étant commerce (OMC) et la disponibilité de différentes denrées avec des de foi musulmane. effets à la fois nocifs et protecteurs pour le développement des maladies Résultats À la suite de leur adhésion à l'OMC, les États membres non transmissibles. ont connu une augmentation immédiate de l'offre nationale de Méthodes Nous avons utilisé un plan d'expérience dans les conditions fruits et légumes de 55 g par personne et par jour en moyenne, par naturelles pour comparer, entre 1980 et 2013, l'évolution de l'offre rapport aux pays non membres. L'analyse a révélé une augmentation nationale de tabac, d'alcool et de sept groupes d'aliments dans 21 pays progressive de la moyenne géométrique de l'offre de tabac et d'alcool ou territoires devenus membres de l'OMC après 1995 et 26 pays de 6,2% et 3,6% par an, respectivement. Nous n'avons pas constaté de non membres, à l'aide de pondérations par le score de propension. changements importants concernant la disponibilité de viandes rouges Nous avons appliqué un cadre comparatif de séries chronologiques et graisses d'origine animale ; de produits de la mer ; de noix, graines et interrompues, à l'aide de modèles linéaires à effets aléatoires multivariés, légumineuses ; de féculents ; ou d'huiles alimentaires ; et les résultats rajustés pour tenir compte du produit intérieur brut par habitant, du relatifs aux sucres variaient d'un modèle à l'autre. pourcentage de la population urbaine et de la participation des femmes Conclusion Les résultats suggèrent que l'adhésion à l'OMC peut à la vie active. Dans le modèle relatif au tabac, nous avons tenu compte entraîner une augmentation des facteurs à la fois nocifs et protecteurs des États membres ayant ratifié la Convention-cadre pour la lutte pour les maladies non transmissibles, mais il convient de réaliser de antitabac, tandis que dans le modèle relatif à l'alcool, nous avons tenu nouvelles recherches sur les variations par pays.

Резюме Членство во Всемирной торговой организации и изменения в факторах риска неинфекционных заболеваний: сравнительный анализ прерванных временных рядов, 1980–2013 гг. Цель Членство во Всемирной торговой организации и изменения для алкоголя — доля населения, идентифицирующая себя как в факторах риска неинфекционных заболеваний: сравнительный мусульмане. анализ прерванных временных рядов, 1980–2013 гг. Результаты После вступления в ВТО в государствах-членах Методы Авторы использовали естественный эксперимент для наблюдался немедленный прирост внутренних поставок фруктов сравнения тенденций внутренних поставок табака, алкоголя и овощей (в среднем до 55 г в день на человека) по сравнению и товаров семи продовольственных групп в период с 1980 по со странами, не являющимися ее членами. Анализ показал 2013 год в 21 стране или территории, которые вступили в ВТО постепенное увеличение среднего геометрического значения после 1995 года, и в 26 странах, не являющихся членами этой поставок табака и алкоголя на 6,2 и 3,6% в год соответственно. организации. Анализ проводился с использованием весовых Авторы не обнаружили существенных изменений в доступности коэффициентов предрасположенности. Авторы применили мяса домашнего скота и животных жиров, морепродуктов, методику сравнительных прерванных временных рядов и орехов, семян и бобовых, а также крахмала или пищевых многовариантные линейные модели случайных воздействий, масел. Что касается сахара, в разных моделях были получены скорректированные по валовому внутреннему продукту на несовпадающие результаты. душу населения, процентной доле городского населения и Вывод Результаты позволяют предположить, что членство в участию женщин в трудовой деятельности. В модели для табака ВТО может привести к увеличению как полезных, так и вредных контролировались государства-члены ВТО, ратифицировавшие факторов распространения неинфекционных заболеваний, но Рамочную конвенцию по борьбе против табака, а в модели необходимо проведение дальнейших исследований вариаций в различных странах.

Resumen Composición de la Organización Mundial del Comercio y cambios en los factores de riesgo de las enfermedades no contagiosas: un análisis comparativo de series cronológicas interrumpidas, 1980-2013 Objetivo Investigar la relación entre la adhesión a la Organización tabaco, controlamos a los Estados miembros que habían ratificado el Mundial del Comercio (OMC) y la disponibilidad de varios productos Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco y, en el modelo del alcohol, básicos con efectos tanto perjudiciales como protectores para el el porcentaje de la población que se identificaba como musulmana. desarrollo de enfermedades no contagiosas. Resultados Tras la adhesión a la OMC, los Estados miembros Métodos Se utilizó un diseño de experimento natural para comparar experimentaron un aumento inmediato de la oferta interna de frutas las tendencias de la oferta interna de tabaco, alcohol y siete grupos y hortalizas de 55 kg por persona y día de media, en comparación de alimentos, entre 1980 y 2013, en 21 países o territorios que se con los países no miembros. El análisis mostró incrementos graduales incorporaron a la OMC después de 1995 y 26 países no miembros, en la media geométrica de la oferta de tabaco y alcohol del 6,2 % mediante el uso de ponderaciones de propensión. Se aplicó un marco y el 3,6 % anual, respectivamente. No se detectaron cambios comparativo de series temporales interrumpidas, siguiendo modelos significativos en la disponibilidad de carnes rojas y grasas animales, lineales de efectos aleatorios multivariados, ajustados según el mariscos, nueces, semillas y legumbres, almidones o aceites producto interior bruto per cápita, los porcentajes de población urbana comestibles, y los resultados para los azúcares fueron inconsistentes y la participación de la mujer en el mundo laboral. En el modelo del entre las variaciones del modelo.

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Conclusión Los resultados sugieren que la pertenencia a la OMC puede las enfermedades no contagiosas, pero es necesario seguir estudiando dar lugar a un aumento de los factores perjudiciales y protectores de las variaciones específicas de cada país.

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96 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:83–96A| doi: Research

Modelling the impact of a tax on sweetened beverages in the Philippines: an extended cost–effectiveness analysis Akshar Saxena,a Adam D Koon,b Leizel Lagrada-Rombaua,c Imelda Angeles-Agdeppa,d Benjamin Johnsb & Mario Capanzanad

Objective To assess the potential impact of a new tax on sweetened beverages on premature deaths associated with noncommunicable diseases in the Philippines. Methods In January 2018, the Philippines began imposing a tax of 6 Philippine pesos per litre (around 13%) on sweetened beverages to curb the obesity burden. Using national data sources, we conducted an extended cost–effectiveness analysis to estimate the effect of the tax on the numbers of premature deaths averted attributed to type 2 diabetes mellitus, ischaemic heart disease and stroke, across income quintiles over the period 2018–2037. We also estimated the financial benefits of the tax from reductions in out-of-pocket payments, direct medical costs averted and government health-care cost savings. Findings The tax could avert an estimated 5913 deaths related to diabetes, 10 339 deaths from ischaemic heart disease and 7950 deaths from stroke over 20 years. The largest number of deaths averted could be among the fourth and fifth (highest) income quintiles. The tax could generate total health-care savings of 31.6 billion Philippine pesos (627 million United States dollars, US$) over 20 years, and raise 41.0 billion Philippine pesos (US$ 813 million) in revenue per annum. The poorest quintile could bear the smallest tax burden increase (14% of the additional tax; 5.6 billion Philippine pesos) and have the lowest savings in out-of-pocket payments due to relatively large health-care subsidies. Finally, we estimated that 13 890 cases of catastrophic expenditure could be averted. Conclusion The new sweetened beverage tax may help to reduce obesity-related premature deaths and improve financial well-being in the Philippines.

Introduction obesity has been endorsed by the World Health Organization and others as a cost–effective policy solution, if retail prices Sugar-sweetened beverages are a driver of obesity,1–4 and increase sufficiently (10–20%) to reduce consumption.8,9 How- increasingly contribute to the burden of noncommunicable ever, evidence on the effectiveness and fairness of these new disease in low- and middle-income countries.5 This is particu- sweetened beverage taxes remains limited. larly true in the Philippines, where 31.1% (17.5 million) of the In this paper, we investigated the hypothetical impact of 56.3 million adults in 2013 were overweight and the percent- the new tax for different income groups in the Philippines age of overweight youth has nearly doubled, from 4.9% (0.9 using extended cost–effectiveness analysis.10 This approach million of 18.5 million) to 8.3% (1.7 million of 20.3 million), is important for a study in the Philippines, where economic in 10 years.6 This has left health officials looking for strategies inequalities persist and the consequences of public policy are to mitigate the burden of obesity. not always clear. Some people, including industry representa- On 19 December 2017, the Tax Reform for Acceleration tives, have expressed concerns that taxes on direct consump- and Inclusion Act was signed into law and was implemented tion unfairly burden low-income consumers.11 The evidence in January 2018. This included a 6 Philippine pesos per litre on sweetened beverage taxation is insufficient to support this excise tax on sweetened beverages made with caloric or non- claim. This study therefore sought to fill a gap in the global caloric sweeteners and a 12 Philippine pesos per litre tax on pool of knowledge by examining the relative impact of the new beverages made with high-fructose corn syrup (equivalent tax12–17 on the health and financial well-being of households to 0.12 United States dollars, US$, and US$ 0.24 in January in the Philippines. 2018, respectively). This two-tiered levy represented retail price increases of approximately 13% from 45 to 51 Philippine pesos per litre of regular cola and 26% from 45 to 57 Philippine Methods pesos per litre of cola made with high-fructose corn syrup, Overview respectively. Milk, 100% natural fruit juice and 3-in-1 instant coffee were excluded. We used a method of extended cost–effectiveness analysis The Philippines is one of 27 countries that has introduced based on studies of increased tobacco taxes and other inter- a sweetened beverage tax, joining others such as Chile, France, ventions.10,18–20 Extended cost–effectiveness analysis is a policy Mexico, Spain and six municipalities in the United States of assessment method for estimating the impact on three major America.7 This solution to curbing the rapid escalation of outcomes: (i) health benefits (i.e. the reduction in premature

a Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, United States of America (USA). b International Development Division, Abt Associates Inc., 6130 Executive Blvd, Rockville, MD 20852, USA. c Independent Consultant, Block 14 Lot 4 Lapulapu Street, New Capitol Estates 1, Batasan Hills, Quezon City, Philippines 1126. d Food and Nutrition Research Institute, Department of Science and Technology, Manila, Philippines. Correspondence to Adam D Koon (email: [email protected]). (Submitted: 15 July 2018 – Revised version received: 31 October 2018 – Accepted: 8 November 2018 – Published online: 5 December 2018 )

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:97–107 | doi: 97 Research Sweetened beverages taxation in the Philippines Akshar Saxena et al. mortality); (ii) elimination of out-of- the impact of sugar taxes on disease tional Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia) the pocket expenditure by patients, reduced incidence and mortality in Australia,15 population was simulated to 100 years government expenditure on health and Canada17 and South Africa.12–14 of lifetime or death to estimate the re- the financial risk protection associated Following previous methods,12,16 we duction in disease incidence, premature with those reduced expenditures; and first calculated the effect of reduced con- deaths and health-care costs over a 20- (iii) the consequences across socioeco- sumption on body mass index (BMI) by year period 2018–2037. nomic groups (e.g. income quintiles). converting change in consumption into Health expenditure We applied the method to ascertain change in energy intake and translating the consequences for different income this into impact on body weight. We as- We calculated the reduction in health groups of imposing a sweetened bever- sumed that sugar-sweetened beverages expenditure associated with the reduc- age tax in the Philippines. have an energy density of 1800 kilojoules tion in disease incidence for both the (kJ) per litre.13 Reduction in consump- households and the government. The Estimation methods tion and energy intake was converted Philippines Health Insurance Corpora- Beverage tax, price elasticity and consumption into change in body weight using an tion (PhilHealth), a parastatal organiza- energy balance equation which stated tion that operates the national health We converted the 6 Philippine pesos that a daily energy change of 94 kJ was insurance scheme, provided the case tax to a percentage (13%) based on a associated with a change of 1 kg in body rate for type 2 diabetes mellitus-related price of 45 Philippine pesos per litre weight for adults, assuming no change in hospital admissions (International of a regular cola drink, which was the physical activity.25 We used the change in statistical classification of diseases mean price of sugar-sweetened soft body weight and average height of indi- and related health problems,28 ICD drinks in the Philippines (available viduals in each age quintile category to codes: E11.0, E11.1, E11.5 and E11.6), in the data repository).21 We then obtain the change in BMI by age quintile ischaemic heart disease (ICD code: multiplied the percentage change in (available in the data repository)21 BMI I25) and stroke (ICD codes: I60, I61, price with price elasticities to obtain was modelled as lognormal distribution I62, I63, I66, I67.4). The mean annual the percentage change in quantity of and a change in BMI will change the costs for these three admissions were cola consumed. In line with evidence mean of the distribution. 12 424 Philippine pesos, 10 468 Philip- from other low- and middle-income Second, the changes in BMI were pine pesos and 30 302 Philippine pesos, countries, we assumed that 100% of converted into incidence of type 2 dia- respectively. Due to lack of detailed the price increase would be paid by betes mellitus, ischaemic heart disease age-, sex- and sector-specific costs in consumers instead of by distributors and stroke using the potential impact the PhilHealth database, we assumed or manufacturers (i.e. pass-through fraction, defined as the “proportional that the mean cost applied uniformly rate of 100%).22 reduction in the incidence of a certain across all age groups. We multiplied the cola consump- disease, resulting from a specific change To estimate out-of-pocket pay- tion in each quintile by the own-price in distribution of a risk factor in the ments by patients and government elasticity estimate for its respective quin- population at risk.”26 We obtained the expenditure through subsidies to tile. Own-price elasticity is the change baseline age-and sex-specific incidence, patients, we apportioned the health- in quantity of a product purchased in prevalence and case-fatality rates of care costs in each income quintile by response to a change in its price. As the diseases from DisMod II software the level of government financing and we did not have local price elasticity package (World Health Organization, co-payment under insurance for each estimates, we used elasticity estimates of Geneva, Switzerland). We used data on quintile. Health insurance is largely demand for sugar-sweetened beverages the relative risk of type 2 diabetes mel- provided by PhilHealth and out-of- by income quintile from another mid- litus, ischaemic heart disease and stroke pocket payments are determined by dle-income country, Mexico23 (which due to a unit increase in BMI from the age, employment and income. Out- are similar to estimates from Chile; Global Burden of Disease study27 and of-pocket payments form a major available in the data repository).21 We the change in BMI by age quintile cat- proportion of health care financing in used the pre-tax per capita daily con- egory (from the first step) to derive the the Philippines, and attempts have been sumption of sugar-sweetened beverages age-and sex-specific potential impact made to address this, especially for the by age, sex and income quintiles from fraction estimates using the EpigearXL lowest income quintiles. As a result, the Philippines Food and Nutrition add-in for Microsoft Excel, version the bottom quintile only pays 20% of Research Institute (available in the data 14.0 (EpiGear International Pty Ltd, their health-care costs out-of-pocket, repository).21 Brisbane, Australia). The baseline inci- whereas the highest quintile pays up to Disease incidence dence rate was scaled by the potential 83% of the costs. Government share of impact fraction to obtain the incidence financing health-care costs also varies We used a previously published math- and mortality rate due to the interven- by income quintiles and while govern- ematical model16,24 to estimate the effect tion. The changes in the incidence and ment provides 67% of financing for of reduced consumption of sugar-sweet- mortality rate after the intervention then the lowest income quintile, its share ened beverages on disease incidence formed the inputs into the cohort life- of financing drops to only 8% for the over the 20-year period 2018–2037. tables. Using Erstaz add-in to Microsoft highest income quintile.29 Using this This model has been used to estimate Excel version 14.0 (EpiGear Interna- estimate of out-of-pocket payments and

98 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:97–107| doi: Research Akshar Saxena et al. Sweetened beverages taxation in the Philippines government financing as a proportion Additional tax revenues from the Philippines Demographic and of health-care costs, we estimated the Health Survey 2013. We obtained the reduction in out-of-pocket payments We estimated the total change in tax BMI, the mean height of the popula- and government expenditure for each revenue due the tax and calculated the tion and sugar-sweetened beverages averted case of type 2 diabetes mellitus, proportion of this change borne by each consumption by age, sex and income ischaemic heart disease and stroke. income quintile. We used sugar-sweet- quintile from the Philippines National Financial risk protection ened beverage consumption at baseline Nutrition Survey 2013. The baseline and the mean price (45 Philippine pesos) characteristics and the inputs are shown For financial risk protection, we esti- of a litre of sugar-sweetened beverages in Box 1. mated catastrophic health expenditure to calculate the post-policy tax revenue. Sensitivity analysis (disease expenditure exceeding 10% Data sources of total yearly household expenditure) We conducted three univariate sensi- and the number of individuals avoid- We obtained the total population by age tivity analyses. First, we reduced the ing disease-related catastrophic health and sex, and income quintile for 2013 pass-through effect from 100% to 50%. expenditure after implementation of from the Philippines Statistics Authority Second, we increased the pass-through the tax.30 and the distribution by income quintile effect to 150%. The pass-through -ef fect could vary substantially across countries, across retailers within the Box 1. Input parameters used in the extended cost–effectiveness analysis of the country and across time. A study in the sweetened beverages tax in the Philippines United States showed that retail prices Size of population of sugar-sweetened beverages in areas 98.2 billion (Philippines Statistics Authority, 2013). where a tax was implemented increased by 61% in the first month followed by Daily consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, by income quintile 22 Quintile 1 (poorest): 0.13 L; quintile 2: 0.18 L; quintile 3: 0.21 L; quintile 4: 0.26 L; quintile 5 (richest): 93% in the second month. Third, we 0.29 L (National Nutrition Survey, 2013). used a uniform price elasticity measure across all income quintiles by applying Average proportion of health-care costs as out-of-pocket payments, by income quintile a mean price elasticity of −1.166 across Quintile 1: 20% (Philippine pesos 424/2093); quintile 2: 37% (Philippine pesos 932/2528); quintile 3: 52% (Philippine pesos 1741/3358); quintile 4: 71% (Philippine pesos 4211/5945); all income quintiles. We obtained this quintile 5: 83% (Philippine pesos 11640/14007; Philippines National Health Account, 2013 as figure by calculating a simple average of cited in Racelis at al.).29 elasticity values across the five income Income per capita quintiles quintiles from Mexico (available in the 21 Quintile 1: Philippine pesos ≤ 23 523 (US$ 470); quintile 2: Philippine pesos 23 524–35 886 data repository). This helped us to see (US$ 470–718); quintile 3: Philippine pesos 35 887–53 943 (US$ 718–1079); quintile 4: Philippine the health effect due to differences in pesos 53 944–91 136; (US$ 1079–1823); quintile 5: Philippine pesos > 91 136 (US$ 1823; Family consumption and risk factors at baseline Income and Expenditure Survey 2015). and on health-care costs due to differ- Gross domestic product (nominal price) ences in subsidy levels across the income 15 806.4 billion Philippine pesos (Philippines Statistics Authority, 2015). quintiles.

US$: United Sates dollars. Results Fig. 1. Projected potential deaths averted due to diabetes mellitus, ischaemic heart We present the results by income disease and stroke after implementation of the sweetened beverages tax in the quintile on the number of premature Philippines, 2018–2037 deaths due to type 2 diabetes mellitus, ischaemic heart disease and stroke; the reduction in out-of-pocket payments; 3000 the additional tax revenue generated; 2500 and the financial risk protection ob- tained. The estimates for health-care d

te costs and tax revenues are in nominal

er 2000

av terms, meaning that they do not account 1500 for price inflation. We also did not apply a discount rate to convert future costs

. of deaths 1000 into present value. No Fig. 1 shows the number of prema- 500 ture deaths averted due to the new tax, projected over 20 years. We estimated 0 that 5913 type 2 diabetes mellitus- Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 related deaths, 10 339 ischaemic heart Income quintile disease-related deaths and 7950 stroke- Diabetes mellitus Ischaemic heart disease Stroke related deaths could be averted. The Notes: Q1: lowest income quintile, Q5: highest income quintile. From January 2018 the tax on sweetened impact was more pronounced in the beverages was levied at 6 Philippine pesos per litre (United States dollars: 0.12). fourth and fifth income quintiles of the

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:97–107| doi: 99 Research Sweetened beverages taxation in the Philippines Akshar Saxena et al.

Table 1. Summary findings for the extended cost–effectiveness analysis of the In addition, we estimated that there sweetened beverages tax in the Philippines could be a net increase in annual tax rev- enues, with the government receiving an Variable Total Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile additional 41.0 billion Philippine pesos 1 2 3 4 5 per annum (0.26% of the 2015 nominal gross domestic product of 15 806.4 bil- No. of diabetes mellitus 299 540 28 917 55 289 66 045 76 960 72 329 lion Philippine pesos). Fig. 4 shows that incident cases averted the lowest income quintile could bear No. of diabetes mellitus 5 913 522 1 006 1 321 1 532 1 532 deaths averted over 20 the smallest proportion (14%, 5.6 billion years Philippine pesos) of this increase in tax No. of ischaemic heart 40 882 3 594 7 149 8 881 10 280 10 978 burden while the highest income quin- disease incident cases tile could bear the largest share (26%, averted 10.5 billion Philippine pesos). No. of ischaemic heart 10 339 908 1 794 2 259 2 616 2 762 To measure financial risk protec- disease deaths averted tion, we estimated that the tax could over 20 years avert 13 890 cases of catastrophic health No. of stroke incident 19 858 1 768 3 454 4 302 5 013 5 321 expenditure. cases averted No. of stroke deaths 7 950 705 1 387 1 732 2 022 2 104 Sensitivity analysis averted over 20 years Total health-care 31.6 3.0 5.7 6.9 8.2 7.8 When we reduced the pass-through savingsa over 20 years, effect to the lower bound of 50%, we billion Philippine pesos observed changes in effects in both Total reduction in out- 18.6 0.6 2.1 3.6 5.8 6.4 absolute terms and in the distribution of-pocket payments across income quintiles. First, we esti- over 20 years, billion mated that the number of type 2 diabe- Philippine pesos tes mellitus-related premature deaths Changes in annual 41.0 5.6 7.0 8.0 9.9 10.5 averted over 20 years could be reduced tax revenues, billion to 3091 (a reduction of 47%), while isch- Philippine pesos aemic heart disease and stroke-related No. of cases of 13 890 8 269 1 953 2 184 1 484 0 deaths decline to 5574 (46% reduction) catastrophic expenditure averted and 4280 (46% reduction), respectively (Table 2). In contrast to the reduction a Total health-care savings include savings on government costs and patients’ out-of-pocket payments. Notes: The estimates for health-care costs and tax revenues do not account for discounting and are in in premature deaths, we projected an nominal terms. From January 2018 the tax on sweetened beverages was levied at 6 Philippine pesos per litre increase in tax revenues to 44.7 billion (United States dollars: 0.12). We projected effects over the 20-year period 2018–2037 Philippine pesos. Lastly, we estimated that 7483 cases of catastrophic health population, with around half of the over- Projected government contribu- expenditure would be averted (an 46% all deaths averted in these two quintiles. tions to health-care costs also differed reduction). The smallest effect, with around 10% across income quintiles. Due to progres- Applying a price elasticity of −1.166 of overall deaths averted, was among sive policy, government expenditure across all income quintiles we projected the lowest quintile, who had relatively on health (government schemes and that the proportion of overall type 2 dia- lower consumption of sugar-sweetened compulsory contributory health-care betes mellitus deaths averted for quintile beverages at baseline. financing schemes) contributed to 67% 5 could increase to 30% (1811 of 6056 We projected a reduction of 31.6 (37 403 of 55 557 Philippine pesos) of deaths) from 26% (1532 of 5913 deaths) billion Philippine pesos (US$ 627 health-care costs in the lowest quintile in the baseline scenario (Table 3). A million) in health-care costs over the and 8% (16 117 of 190 521 Philippine similar pattern was observed for stroke 20-year period (Table 1) and a total pesos) for the highest quintile, with an and ischaemic heart disease-related out-of-pocket cost savings of 18.6 billion overall contribution of 28% (130 028 deaths, and the shift occurred from Philippine pesos (US$ 369 million) over of 465 241 Philippine pesos) across the quintile 2 to quintile 5. The total tax the same period (Table 2). Given the quintiles (Table 2). This distribution revenue and distribution of its burden unequal distribution of out-of-pocket of funding across quintiles is reflected across income quintiles was roughly payments across quintiles, the highest in the distribution of savings across similar to the baseline scenario. income quintile could save the most (6.4 quintiles, as the tax could contribute billion Philippine pesos; 35% of total to 10 billion Philippine pesos (US$ 198 Discussion out-of-pocket savings) while the lowest million) in savings over 20 years and income quintile could save the least (0.6 57% (3.1 billion + 2.6 billion Philippine Our analysis showed that an excise tax billion Philippine pesos; 3% of total out- pesos) of these savings could be from of around 13% on sweetened bever- of-pocket savings; Fig. 2). quintiles 2 and 3 (Fig. 3). ages in the Philippines may generate

100 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:97–107| doi: Research Akshar Saxena et al. Sweetened beverages taxation in the Philippines

Table 2. Summary findings for the sensitivity analysis of the pass-through effect for the extended cost–effectiveness analysis of the sweetened beverages tax in the Philippines

Variable Total Quintile 1 Quintile 2 Quintile 3 Quintile 4 Quintile 5 Pass-through effect reduced to 50% No. of diabetes mellitus incident cases 164 162 15 729 30 294 36 305 42 153 39 681 averted No. of diabetes mellitus deaths 3 091 251 514 702 814 810 averted over 20 years No. of ischaemic heart disease 22 037 1 934 3 887 4 801 5 522 5 893 incident cases averted No. of ischaemic heart disease deaths 5 574 488 976 1 221 1 405 1 484 averted over 20 years No. of stroke incident cases averted 10 691 949 1 873 2 311 2 712 2 846 No. of stroke deaths averted over 20 4 280 378 752 930 1 094 1 126 years Total health-care cost savingsa over 20 17.3 1.6 3.1 3.8 4.5 4.2 years, billion Philippine pesos Total reduction in out-of-pocket 10.2 0.3 1.2 2.0 3.2 3.5 payments over 20 years, billion Philippine pesos Changes in annual tax revenues, 44.7 6.1 7.8 8.8 10.7 11.3 billion Philippine pesos No. of cases of catastrophic 7 483 4 490 1 048 1 124 821 0 expenditure averted Pass-through effect increased to 150% No. of diabetes mellitus incident cases 410 108 40 156 75 161 89 891 104 876 100 024 averted No. of diabetes mellitus deaths 8 225 759 1 401 1 819 2 106 2 140 averted over 20 years No. of ischaemic heart disease 57 185 5 030 9 912 12 389 14 371 15 483 incident cases averted No. of ischaemic heart disease deaths 14 466 1 277 2 486 3 150 3 657 3 896 averted over 20 years No. of stroke incident cases averted 27 819 2 499 4 802 5 990 7 043 7 485 No. of stroke deaths averted over 20 11 137 997 1 927 2 410 2 842 2 961 years Total health-care cost savingsa over 20 43.3 4.2 7.8 9.4 11.2 10.7 years, billion Philippine pesos Total reduction in out-of-pocket 25.5 0.8 2.9 4.9 7.9 8.9 payments over 20 years, billion Philippine pesos Changes in annual tax revenues, 37.3 5.1 6.2 7.2 9.0 9.7 billion Philippine pesos No. of cases of catastrophic 19 202 11 513 2 667 2 974 2 048 0 expenditure averted a Total health-care savings include savings on government costs and patients’ out-of-pocket payments. Notes: The estimates for health care costs and tax revenues do not account for discounting and are in nominal terms. From January 2018, the tax on sweetened beverages was levied at 6 Philippine pesos per litre (United States dollars: 0.12). We projected effects over the 20-year period 2018–2037 Pass-through rate determines how much of the increase in tax is passed to consumers as an increase in retail prices instead of being absorbed or paid by distributors or manufacturers. Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100%. population-level health gains. We dem- reduction in BMI was obtained in the can be made in health-care promotion onstrated that the wealthiest quintiles lowest levels of socioeconomic status.33 through taxation. will be most affected by the tax. This Similarly, in Australia, it was estimated This analysis of the relative impact differs from a recent study in Mexico that a 20% tax would lead to almost 50% of such a tax illustrates the power of that demonstrated that the reductions of the gains within the lowest income regulation of sugar consumption in in consumption were higher among the quintiles.15 While the findings from our the studied contexts. On the one hand, lower socioeconomic status group (10%) study differ from those studies, as to sugar plays a powerful role in fuelling than among the high socioeconomic which segment of the population bene- the obesity burden and related health status group (6%)31,32 and the maximum fits, they all illustrate that improvements conditions. On the other hand, regu-

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:97–107| doi: 101 Research Sweetened beverages taxation in the Philippines Akshar Saxena et al.

Fig. 2. Projected reduction of out-of-pocket health-care payments by income quintile the progressive attainment of universal after implementation of the sweetened beverages tax in the Philippines, health coverage. Our findings suggest 2018–2037 that distributional benefits of these taxes reflect not only a country’s underlying level of domestic consumption, but also 7.0 the degree to which the health system has installed measures of financial 6.0 protection for low-income households. Furthermore, sugar-sweetened beverage 5.0 taxes are a way for countries to raise rev- enues, a hard-to-achieve policy priority 4.0 of low- and middle-income countries’ health systems. 3.0 Taxing sugar-sweetened beverages is a political undertaking. Taxation pol- 2.0 icy development involves cooperation among an array of influential actors who 1.0 have different interests. Many countries combatting the growing threat of non- Reduction of out-of-pocket payments, PHP billion Reduction payments, of out-of-pocket 0.0 communicable diseases also benefit eco- Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 nomically through domestic sugar pro- Income quintile duction, consumption and international PHP: Philippine pesos. trade. These forces are historical, socially Notes: Q1: lowest income quintile, Q5: highest income quintile. From January 2018 the tax on sweetened contingent and often path-dependent as beverages was levied at 6 Philippine pesos per litre (United States dollars: 0.12). they are tied to the political trajectories of decision-makers, including elected Fig. 3. Projected reduction of government health-care costs by income quintile after officials. Nevertheless, in this new area implementation of the sweetened beverages tax in the Philippines, 2018–2037 of research, we still do not know enough about how industry and the govern- ment can work together to strengthen 4.0 the health and well-being of citizens.35 Of all the policy interventions to curb consumption of harmful products, from marketing restrictions to warning 3.0 labels and manufacturing regulations, re costs, PHP billion

ca taxing sugar-sweetened beverages may prove to be the most useful at present. 2.0 Some countries are experimenting with tax structures to incentivize reformula- tion of sugar-sweetened drinks36 and the possibility of taxation may even 1.0 facilitate self-regulation by the beverage industry.37 Early evidence suggests that health advocates need to remain vigilant to

Reduction of government health- Reduction of government 0.0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 ensure that sugar-sweetened beverage Income quintile taxes endure. In the United States, a PHP: Philippine pesos. tax in Cook County (which includes Notes: Q1: lowest income quintile, Q5: highest income quintile. From January 2018 the tax on sweetened the metropolitan area of Chicago) was beverages was levied at 6 Philippine pesos per litre (United States dollars: 0.12). repealed after two months.38 Beverage manufacturers undermined Berkeley, lating sugar proves to be an effective bearing about 30% of the tax burden. California’s sugar-sweetened beverage tool for curbing consumption, and This is especially important in low- and tax by passing a pre-emptive state-wide importantly this tax does not appear middle-income countries, where non- ban on other local sugar-sweetened to function as a regressive imposition communicable diseases are rising.34 beverage taxes.39 Borrowing tactics on the poor. In fact, the tax evaluated Therefore, our research contributes from tobacco and alcohol, the food and in this study reflects pro-poor health timely evidence to suggest that sugar- beverage industry in Mexico continues financing in the Philippines. As such, the sweetened beverage taxes are not univer- its efforts to counteract the Mexican tax burden would progressively increase, sally regressive and can be compatible sugar-sweetened beverage tax in several with the bottom two income quintiles with health-system goals that include ways.40 All indications are that the sugar-

102 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:97–107| doi: Research Akshar Saxena et al. Sweetened beverages taxation in the Philippines sweetened beverage tax in the Philip- Fig. 4. Projected annual revenues from the sweetened beverages tax by income pines will face similar challenges. For quintile in the Philippines, per annum, 2018–2037 example, an influential sugar-sweetened beverage manufacturer in the Philip- pines announced layoffs of employees 12.0 only weeks after passage of the new tax.41 Similarly, an international producer of 10.0 sugary powder mixes has threatened to relocate its manufacturing business 8.0 elsewhere in response to the Philippines tax.42 These examples underscore the 6.0 importance of using sound evidence to provide arguments in support of sugar- 4.0 sweetened beverage taxation and its role in reducing noncommunicable diseases. 2.0 Our study has several limitations. First, we did not have direct estimates 0.0 of the price elasticity of sugar-sweetened Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 beverage consumption by income Income quintile quintile for the Philippines. Instead, we used estimates from Mexico because PHP: Philippine pesos. Notes: Q1: lowest income quintile, Q5: highest income quintile. From January 2018 the tax on sweetened the countries are similar in important beverages was levied at 6 Philippine pesos per litre (United States dollars: 0.12). ways, such as their tropical geographical locations that underpins food-chains, shared colonial legacy that affects cul- non-caloric drinks such as water but of all sugar-sweetened beverages avail- ture, diet and language, and common would likely switch to other untaxed able in the Philippines. The two-tiered trade partners that influence dietary drinks. Third, we did not include the 12 tax structure may encourage product patterns. Second, we did not have cross- Philippine pesos per litre tax on sugar- reformulation, which our model is un- price elasticity estimates for substitutes sweetened beverages made with high- able to accommodate. Fourth, we did such as milk and fruit juices. We do not fructose corn syrup because we did not not have data on variations in health- expect that individuals would switch to have access to data on the composition care use by income quintile and disease

Table 3. Summary findings for the sensitivity analysis for elasticity for the extended cost–effectiveness analysis of the sweetened beverages tax in the Philippines, 2018–2037

Variable Total Quintile 1 Quintile 2 Quintile 3 Quintile 4 Quintile 5 Mean elasticity of −1.166 applied across quintiles No. of diabetes mellitus incident cases 305 269 29 946 46 495 62 377 81 316 85 135 averted No. of diabetes mellitus deaths averted over 6 056 546 835 1 244 1 620 1 811 20 years No. of ischaemic heart disease incident cases 42 087 3717 6 018 8396 10 932 13 024 averted No. of ischaemic heart disease deaths averted 10 646 940 1 510 2 135 2 782 3 279 over 20 years No. of stroke incident cases averted 20 427 1833 2 911 4 037 5 352 6 294 No. of stroke deaths averted over 20 years 8 172 731 1 167 1 624 2 160 2 490 Total health-care cost savings over 20 years, 32.2 3.1 4.8 6.5 8.7 9.1 billion Philippine pesosa Total reduction in out-of-pocket payments 19.5 0.6 1.8 3.4 6.1 7.6 over 20 years, billion Philippine pesos Changes in annual tax revenues, billion 40.9 5.6 7.3 8.1 9.7 10.2 Philippine pesos No. of cases of catastrophic expenditure 13 826 8 556 1 632 2 011 1 627 0 averted a Total health-care savings include savings on government costs and patients’ out-of-pocket payments. Notes: The estimates for health care costs and tax revenues do not account for discounting and are in nominal terms. From January 2018 the tax on sweetened beverages was levied at 6 Philippine pesos per litre (United States dollars: 0.12). We projected effects over the 20-year period 2018–2037 Own price elasticity of demand of a good is the change in quantity demanded of the good in response to a change in its own price. We obtained the mean elasticity of −1.166 by calculating a simple average of elasticity values across the five income quintiles from Mexico (−1.12 in Q1, −1.41 in Q2, −1.24 in Q3, −1.09 in Q4, −0.97 in Q5 (available in the data repository).21

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:97–107| doi: 103 Research Sweetened beverages taxation in the Philippines Akshar Saxena et al. condition and we assumed 100% utili- Philippines and elsewhere to understand Hatt, Stéphane Verguet, Charmaine A zation of health-care facilities by those the impact of new sweetened beverage Duante, Glen Melvin P Gironella and with any disease condition. Fifth, due taxes on different income groups after Eldridge Ferrer. to lack of data on costs in primary-care implementation. How this evidence is setting we used health-care costs associ- used to inform debate in the Philippines Funding: This work was funded by USAID ated with inpatient settings, whereas for and in other countries is political and through the Health Finance and Gover- several noncommunicable diseases, the difficult to predict. Nevertheless, we nance Project [AID-OAA-A-12-00080]. care could be, and often is, managed in argue that methods such as extended primary-care settings. Lastly, we did not cost–effectiveness analysis can help Competing interests: Authors AS, ADK, consider non-medical costs such as loss inform the discourse on health-system LLR, and BJ declare no competing inter- of productivity, transportation costs and strengthening and its role in poverty ests. Authors IAA and MC are employed caregiver costs. alleviation globally. ■ by the Food and Nutrition Research This study contributes to the grow- Institute (FNRI) within the Philippines ing base of evidence43 to suggest that Acknowledgements Department of Science and Technology. sugar-sweetened beverage taxation can This study was made possible by the In this capacity, they have advocated for be a cost–effective means of addressing United States Agency for International the sweetened beverages tax before its the growing threat of noncommunicable Development (USAID) through its fi- passage and FNRI may benefit from rev- disease in low- and middle-income nancial support for the Health Finance enue generated by the new tax. countries. However, there remains a and Governance Project. We thank An- need for empirical research from the drea Feigl, Sharon Nakhimovsky, Laurel

ملخص استخدام نامذج توضح آثار فرض رضائب عىل املرشوبات املحالة يف الفلبني: حتليل موسع ملدى فعالية التكلفة تقييمالغرض األثر املحتمل لفرض رضيبة جديدة عىل املرشوبات اإلقفاري، و7950 حالة وفاة بسبب السكتة الدماغية عىل مدى املحالةعىل الوفيات املبكرة املرتبطة باألمراض غري املعدية يف 20 عاما. يمكن أن يكون أكرب عدد من الوفيات التي تم تفادهيا بني الفلبني. ُاخلمس ْني الرابع واخلامس )األعىل( من الدخل. ويمكن أن تؤدي الطريقةيف يناير/كانون ثاين 2018، بدأت الفلبني فرض رضائب الرضائب إىل إمجايل من التوفري يف الرعاية الصحية قدره 31.6 بقيمة 6 بيزو فلبيني لكل لرت )حوايل ٪13(عىل املرشوبات املحالة مليار بيزو )627 مليون دوالر أمريكي (عىل مدى 20 ًعاما، كام للحد من عبء السمنة. باستخدام مصادر البيانات الوطنية، قمنا تؤدي لزيادة يف العائد بقيمة 41.0 مليار بيزو )813 مليون دوالر بإجراء حتليل موسع ملدى فعالية التكلفة وذلك لتقدير أثر الرضائب أمريكي( ًسنويا. يمكن ألفقر ُمخس أن يتحمل أصغر زيادة يف عبء عىل أعداد الوفيات املبكرة التي تم تفادهيا والتي تعزى إىل النوع الرضائب )٪14 من الرضائب اإلضافية؛ 5.6 مليار بيزو( ولدهيا الثاين من داء السكري ومرض القلب اإلقفاري والسكتة الدماغية، أقل مستوى من مدخرات يف مدفوعات اجليب بسبب الدعم عرب مخاسية الدخل خالل الفرتة 2018 إىل 2037. كام قدرنا الضخم ًنسبيا للرعاية الصحية. ويف النهاية، قدرنا أنه يمكن تفادي الفوائد املالية للرضائب والناجتة عن التخفيضات يف مدفوعات 13890 حالة من النفقات الكارثية. اجليب، والتكاليف الطبية املبارشة التي تم تفادهيا، ومقدار التوفري قد االستنتاجتساعد الرضائب اجلديدة عىل املرشوبات املحالة عىل يف تكاليف الرعاية الصحية احلكومية. تقليل الوفيات املبكرة املرتبطة بالسمنة، وحتسني الرفاهية املالية يف النتائجأدت الرضيبة إىل جتنب ما يقدر بنحو 5913 حالة وفاة الفلبني. مرتبطة بداء السكري، و10339 حالة وفاة بسبب مرض القلب

摘要 建模分析菲律宾对甜味饮料征税的影响 :扩展成本效益分析法 目的 旨在评估菲律宾对甜味饮料征收新税与非传染性 第五(最高)收入五分位。20 年内,征税可节约总 疾病过早死亡间的潜在影响。 计 316 (亿比索 6.27 ,亿美元 US$)的医疗保健额, 方法 2018 年 1 月,菲律宾开始对甜味饮料征收每 并且每年的税收收入可提高 410 亿比索(8.13 亿美元)。 升 6 菲律宾比索(约 13%)的消费税,以遏制肥胖负 最贫困的五分之一人群可以承担最低的税负增加(额 担。我们采用扩展成本效益分析法来分析国家数据来 外税收的 14%;56 亿比索),并且由于相对较高的医 源,研究对 2018 至 2037 年间收入五等分位的人群征 疗补贴,自付费用最低。最后,我们估计可避免 13, 税,并估计由于征税而避免因 II 型糖尿病、缺血性心 890 起灾难性卫生支出案例。 脏病和中风过早死亡的人数。我们还通过减少自付费 结论 对甜味饮料征收新税可能有助于减少与肥胖相关 用、避免直接医疗费用和节省政府医疗费用来估算税 的过早死亡,从而改善菲律宾的健康状况。 收的经济效益。 结果 20 年内,征税可避免约 5913 人死于糖尿病,10, 339 人死于缺血性心脏病,7950 人死于中风。因征税 政策而免于死亡的人数最多的人群可能位于第四和

104 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:97–107| doi: Research Akshar Saxena et al. Sweetened beverages taxation in the Philippines

Résumé Modéliser l'impact d'une taxe sur les boissons sucrées aux Philippines: analyse coût-efficacité approfondie Objectif Évaluer le potentiel impact d'une nouvelle taxe sur les cardiaque ischémique et 7950 décès attribuables à un accident boissons sucrées sur les décès prématurés associés à des maladies non vasculaire cérébral. Le plus grand nombre de décès évités pourrait se transmissibles aux Philippines. situer dans les quatrième et cinquième quintiles de revenu (les plus Méthodes En janvier 2018, les Philippines ont commencé à imposer une hauts). La taxe pourrait générer des économies totales en soins de taxe de 6 pesos philippins par litre (environ 13%) sur les boissons sucrées santé de 31,6 milliards de pesos philippins (627 millions de dollars des afin de réduire le fardeau de l'obésité. À partir de sources de données États-Unis) sur 20 ans, et rapporter des recettes de 41,0 milliards de pesos nationales, nous avons réalisé une analyse coût-efficacité approfondie philippins (813 millions de dollars des États-Unis) par an. Le quintile le pour estimer l'effet de cette taxe sur le nombre de décès prématurés plus pauvre pourrait supporter la plus faible augmentation de la charge évités imputables au diabète sucré de type 2, à une maladie cardiaque fiscale (14% de la taxe additionnelle; 5,6 milliards de pesos philippins) et ischémique ou à un accident vasculaire cérébral, pour tous les quintiles afficher la plus faible diminution de débours en raison de subventions de revenu, sur la période 2018-2037. Nous avons également estimé les pour les soins de santé relativement élevées. Enfin, nous avons estimé avantages financiers de la taxe découlant de la diminution des débours, que 13 890 cas de dépenses ruineuses pourraient être évités. des coûts médicaux directs évités et des économies de coûts des soins Conclusion La nouvelle taxe sur les boissons sucrées pourrait contribuer de santé réalisées par le gouvernement. à diminuer le nombre de décès prématurés liés à l'obésité et améliorer Résultats Nous avons estimé que sur 20 ans, la taxe permettrait le bien-être financier aux Philippines. d'éviter 5913 décès liés au diabète, 10 339 décès dus à une maladie

Резюме Моделирование влияния акциза на подслащенные напитки на Филиппинах: расширенный анализ экономической эффективности Цель Оценить потенциальное влияние нового акциза на диабетом, 10 339 смертных случаев от ишемической болезни подслащенные напитки на показатели преждевременной сердца и 7950 смертных случаев от инсульта в течение 20 лет. смертности на Филиппинах, связанной с неинфекционными Предотвращение наибольшего числа смертных случаев может заболеваниями. произойти среди четвертого и пятого (самого высокого) Методы В январе 2018 года Филиппины ввели акциз в размере квинтилей дохода. В целом введение акциза поможет сэкономить 6 филиппинских песо за литр (около 13%) подслащенных 31,6 млрд филиппинских песо (627 млн долл. США) в течение напитков с целью уменьшения числа людей, страдающих 20 лет за счет сокращения расходов на здравоохранение и ожирением. Используя национальные источники данных, авторы увеличить ежегодный доход страны на 41,0 млрд филиппинских провели расширенный анализ экономической эффективности песо (813 млн долл. США). Для самого бедного квинтиля по квинтилям дохода за период 2018–2037 гг., чтобы оценить увеличение налоговой нагрузки будет минимальным (14% влияние акциза на преждевременную смертность, связанную от дополнительного акциза, 5,6 млрд филиппинских песо), а с сахарным диабетом 2-го типа, ишемической болезнью сердца экономия собственных средств пациентов достигнет самого и инсультом. Авторы также оценили экономическую выгоду от низкого показателя из-за относительно больших субсидий введения акциза за счет сокращения собственных расходов на здравоохранение. Кроме того, авторы считают, что можно пациентов на медицинское обслуживание, предотвращения предотвратить 13 890 случаев запредельных расходов на прямых медицинских расходов и сокращения государственных здравоохранение. расходов на здравоохранение. Вывод Новый акциз на подслащенные напитки поможет снизить Результаты Введение акциза могло бы предотвратить преждевременную смертность, связанную с ожирением, и предположительно 5913 смертных случаев, связанных с улучшить финансовое благополучие на Филиппинах.

Resumen Elaboración de un modelo del impacto de un impuesto a las bebidas endulzadas en Filipinas: un análisis ampliado de la relación coste y efectividad Objetivo Evaluar el impacto potencial de un nuevo impuesto a las médicos directos evitados y los ahorros en los costes de la atención bebidas endulzadas en las muertes prematuras asociadas con las sanitaria para el gobierno. enfermedades no contagiosas en Filipinas. Resultados El impuesto podría evitar unas 5913 muertes relacionadas Métodos En enero de 2018, Filipinas comenzó a imponer un impuesto con la diabetes, 10339 muertes por cardiopatía isquémica y 7950 de 6 pesos filipinos por litro (alrededor de un 13 %) a las bebidas muertes por accidente cerebrovascular en 20 años. El mayor número de endulzadas para reducir la carga de la obesidad. A partir de fuentes de muertes evitadas podría encontrarse entre los quintiles cuarto y quinto datos nacionales, se realizó un análisis de ampliado de coste y efectividad (más altos) de ingresos. El impuesto podría generar un ahorro total en para estimar el efecto del impuesto en el número de muertes prematuras la atención sanitaria de 31 600 millones de pesos filipinos (627 millones evitadas atribuidas a la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, la cardiopatía isquémica de USD) en 20 años y recaudar hasta 41 000 millones de pesos filipinos y el accidente cerebrovascular, en todos los quintiles de ingresos durante (813 millones de USD) en ingresos anuales. El quintil más pobre podría el periodo 2018-2037. También se estimaron los beneficios financieros soportar el menor aumento de la carga tributaria (14 % del impuesto del impuesto a partir de las reducciones en los pagos directos, los costes adicional; 5600 millones de pesos filipinos) y ser quien menos ahorrase

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:97–107| doi: 105 Research Sweetened beverages taxation in the Philippines Akshar Saxena et al. en los pagos directos debido a los subsidios relativamente grandes para Conclusión El nuevo impuesto a las bebidas endulzadas podría ayudar la atención sanitaria. Por último, se estima que podrían evitarse unos a reducir las muertes prematuras relacionadas con la obesidad y mejorar 13 890 casos de gastos catastróficos. el bienestar financiero en Filipinas.

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106 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:97–107| doi: Research Akshar Saxena et al. Sweetened beverages taxation in the Philippines

32. Colchero MA, Molina M, Guerrero-López CM. After Mexico implemented 38. Dewey C. Why Chicago’s soda tax fizzled after two months – and what a tax, purchases of sugar-sweetened beverages decreased and water it means for the anti-soda movement. The Washington Post. 2017 Oct increased: difference by place of residence, household composition, and 10. Available from: income level. J Nutr. 2017 08;147(8):1552–7. doi: wp/2017/10/10/why-chicagos-soda-tax-fizzled-after-two-months-and- jn.117.251892 PMID: 28615377 what-it-means-for-the-anti-soda-movement/?utm_term=.16f52c2e0d08 33. Barrientos-Gutierrez T, Zepeda-Tello R, Rodrigues ER, Colchero MA, [cited 2018 Nov 18]. Rojas-Martínez R, Lazcano-Ponce E, et al. Expected population weight and 39. Dewey C. California, home of the first soda tax, agrees to ban them. diabetes impact of the 1-peso-per-litre tax to sugar sweetened beverages The Washington Post. 2018 Jun 30. Available from: https://www. in Mexico. PLoS One. 2017 05 17;12(5):e0176336. doi: http://dx.doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0176336 PMID: 28520716 first-soda-tax-agrees-to-ban-them/?utm_term=.194f226edaec [cited 2018 34. Nugent R, Bertram MY, Jan S, Niessen LW, Sassi F, Jamison DT, et al. Investing Nov 18]. in non-communicable disease prevention and management to advance the 40. Carriedo Lutzenkirchen A. A policy analysis of the 2014 Mexican soda tax. Sustainable Development Goals. Lancet. 2018 05 19;391(10134):2029–35. London: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; 2018. doi: PMID: 29627167 41. Lardizabal C. Workers’ unions: Coca-Cola claims TRAIN law behind layoff of 35. Roache SA, Gostin LO. The untapped power of soda taxes: incentivizing 600 employees. [internet]. Manila: CNN Philippines; 2018. Available from: consumers, generating revenue, and altering corporate behavior. Int J Health Policy Manag. 2017 06 14;6(9):489–93. doi: http://dx.doi. caused-600-employee-layoff.html [cited 2018 Nov 14]. org/10.15171/ijhpm.2017.69 PMID: 28949460 42. Desiderio L. Nestlé mulls halt to powdered juice, coffee production. 36. Briggs ADM, Mytton OT, Kehlbacher A, Tiffin R, Elhussein A, Rayner M, [internet]. Manila: The Philippine Star; 2018. Available from: https://www. et al. Health impact assessment of the UK soft drinks industry levy: a comparative risk assessment modelling study. Lancet Public Health. 2016 juice-coffee-production [cited 2018 Nov 18]. 12 16;2(1):e15–22. doi: 43. Sassi F, Belloni A, Mirelman AJ, Suhrcke M, Thomas A, Salti N, et al. PMID: 28804786 Equity impacts of price policies to promote healthy behaviours. Lancet. 37. Veerman L. The impact of sugared drink taxation and industry response. 2018 05 19;391(10134):2059–70. doi: Lancet Public Health. 2017 01;2(1):e2–3. doi: 6736(18)30531-2 PMID: 29627166 S2468-2667(16)30039-1 PMID: 29249476

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:97–107| doi: 107 PolicyPolicy & practice & practice

Legal capacities required for prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases Roger S Magnusson,a Benn McGrady,b Lawrence Gostin,c David Pattersond & Hala Abou Talebe

Abstract Law lies at the centre of successful national strategies for prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases. By law we mean international agreements, national and subnational legislation, regulations and other executive instruments, and decisions of courts and tribunals. However, the vital role of law in global health development is often poorly understood, and eclipsed by other disciplines such as medicine, public health and economics. This paper identifies key areas of intersection between law and noncommunicable diseases, beginning with the role of law as a tool for implementing policies for prevention and control of leading risk factors. We identify actions that the World Health Organization and its partners could take to mobilize the legal workforce, strengthen legal capacity and support effective use of law at the national level. Legal and regulatory actions must move to the centre of national noncommunicable disease action plans. This requires high-level leadership from global and national leaders, enacting evidence-based legislation and building legal capacities.

Introduction implementing “policy, legislative, and regulatory measures, including fiscal measures”10 to address noncommunicable Noncommunicable diseases, including cardiovascular disease, disease risk factors and to developing legal expertise to inte- cancer, respiratory diseases and diabetes, cause an estimated grate “public health-related legal issues into noncommunicable 41 million deaths each year.1 Fifteen million of these deaths disease country support.”11 occur in people aged 30–69 years,1 at a time of life when This paper identifies some important areas of intersection people are working and more likely to have dependants. Over between law and prevention and control of noncommunicable 12 million (85%) of these premature deaths occur in low- and diseases, arguing that law lies at the centre of effective action. middle-income countries, where health systems may be fragile We suggest actions that WHO and other health development and access to treatments suboptimal.1 So far, progress towards partners could take to strengthen national legal capacities and global goals (Box 1) and political commitments on noncom- accelerate implementation of legal and regulatory strategies. municable diseases has been disappointing.4 Unless urgent action is taken, the burden of mortality and disability from Law and noncommunicable diseases noncommunicable diseases will increase substantially, driven Implementing preventive policies by population growth, longer life-expectancies and the global diffusion of risk factors such as tobacco use, harmful alcohol In 2017, the World Health Assembly endorsed an updated use, obesity, poor diet and sedentary lifestyles.5 set of policy options and cost–effective interventions for re- The effective use of law and regulation lies at the heart ducing the burden of noncommunicable diseases, including of successful national noncommunicable disease action minimizing the major risk factors (consumption of tobacco, plans.6 Law includes international agreements, national and alcohol, unhealthy foods and drinks high in sugar).12 Many of subnational legislation, subsidiary legislation (also known as these recommended policies are legal interventions, requiring regulations) and other executive instruments, and decisions of legislation or executive actions for effective implementation courts and tribunals. As a broader concept, regulation includes (Box 3). Sales of tobacco, alcohol, processed foods and sugar- legislation, fiscal policies (such as taxes and subsidies) and sweetened drinks have expanded rapidly in low- and middle- other legally binding standards. Recognizing the power of law income countries because of trade and investment liberaliza- to improve the public’s health, the World Health Organization tion, leading to greater foreign direct investment, imports and (WHO) offers technical assistance to governments on appro- advertising.14,15 Implementing WHO’s evidence-based, highly priate legal strategies (Box 2). Constraints and challenges in cost-effective policy interventions (called best-buys) should be using law effectively at the national level include the lack of a priority for governments, but requires political commitment, personnel with legal training or expertise, lack of resources for funding and strong legal capacity. enforcement, and the influence of vested commercial interests The force of law is needed to implement effective poli- in drafting, implementing and enforcing laws. Despite these cies for prevention and control of noncommunicable disease challenges, law remains an important tool for taking action risks because voluntary implementation will rarely be in to reduce the burden of these diseases. Encouragingly, heads the commercial interests of food, alcohol and tobacco com- of state and governments have committed to promoting and panies. There are similarities in the ways these industries

a Sydney Law School, University of Sydney, New South Wales, 2006, Australia. b Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases Department, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. c WHO Collaborating Center for National & Global Health Law, Georgetown University, Washington, United States of America. d Health, Law and Development Consultants (HLDC), The Hague, Netherlands. e Health Systems Development Department, World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, Cairo, Egypt. Correspondence to Roger S Magnusson (email: [email protected]). (Submitted: 15 July 2018 – Revised version received: 14 October 2018 – Accepted: 23 October 2018 – Published online: 20 November 2018 )

108 Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:108–117 | doi: Policy & practice Roger S Magnusson et al. Law and noncommunicable diseases seek to influence not only legislative Box 1. Global targets for reductions in noncommunicable disease risk factors outcomes, but also the perceptions of politicians and the public, the framing Global Monitoring Framework on noncommunicable diseases (World Health Organization)2 of issues for debate and the generation Overall target: of favourable evidence.16,17 A growing • by 2025, a 25% relative reduction in mortality from cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes literature illustrates the ways in which and chronic respiratory diseases in persons aged 30–70 years. these industries, their allies and proxies, Eight supporting targets: lobby governments, donate to political • 10% relative reduction in harmful use of alcohol; campaigns and undermine scientific • 10% relative reduction in prevalence of physical inactivity; evidence, seeking to shift the public • 30% relative reduction in mean average population salt intake; focus from healthy public policies to- • 30% relative reduction in prevalence of tobacco use (persons older than 15 years); wards personal responsibility and fears of paternalism.16,17 Industry may also • 25% relative reduction in raised blood pressure; seek to pre-empt enforceable standards • 0% increase in diabetes and obesity; by implementing weaker, self-regulatory • 50% coverage for drug therapy and counselling for those at risk for cardiovascular disease; codes or may lobby to increase industry • 80% coverage of affordable technologies and essential medicines for treating influence through partnerships and noncommunicable diseases in both public and private facilities. co-regulatory approaches.18 When Sustainable development goal 3 (United Nations)3 regulating and dealing with these in- Target 3.4: dustries, governments and international • by 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from noncommunicable diseases through institutions should implement rigorous prevention and treatment and promote mental health and wellbeing. conflict-of-interest policies to avoid inappropriate forms of influence.16 Apart from seeking to reduce non- Box 2. Scope of technical work on law and noncommunicable diseases by the World communicable disease risk factors, law Health Organization is an important tool for establishing in- stitutional and governance mechanisms The World Health Organization’s (WHO) work at the intersection of law and noncommunicable to support public health functions. For diseases includes: example, Samoa’s Health Promotion • supporting governments to develop laws and regulations on health matters through Act, enacted in 2013, established the technical assistance, training and provision of technical resources; Samoa Health Promotion Foundation, • comparative analysis of laws in different jurisdictions for WHO publications, including giving it a legislative mandate to engage biannual reports on the global tobacco burden; in health promotion, fund research and • analysing litigation and industry opposition to policies and laws, and integrating lessons advise the health minister.19 Through learnt into technical assistance and resources; executive action, governments can • gathering evidence in support of effective public health laws and policies in Member States; also establish a national coordination • providing assistance to Member States in litigation matters; mechanism to implement a whole- • intervening in legal disputes; for example, through the amicus briefs filed in disputes over of-government approach to policy tobacco control laws7–9; and implementation that ensures policy • engaging with other inter-governmental organizations on legal and normative issues. coherence and mutual accountability of those ministries that have a bearing may permit individuals or groups to to supress information about the health on noncommunicable disease risks. An claim remedies for interference with effects of sugary drinks, as illustrated by example is Mexico’s National Council their rights. In such countries, health- an example from Colombia (Box 4). 25 for the Prevention and Control of related rights may provide one avenue Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases, International human rights for challenging actions (and omissions) which brings together the heads of na- by governments and corporations that International law can also influence tional executive agencies to coordinate are harmful to health, as seen in India national policies on noncommunicable cross-sectoral actions and policies.20 and Uganda (Box 4).22–24 disease prevention and control. For The WHO Independent High-level On the other hand, national con- example, parties to the WHO Frame- Commission on noncommunicable stitutions typically protect a range of work Convention on Tobacco Control diseases has emphasized that action non-health-related rights that may have assumed an obligation under must start at the top, with the president conflict with public health policies. In international law to implement policies or prime minister of a country leading a some countries, the right to freedom of on reduction in demand and supply multisectoral national response.4 expression protects commercial speech, of tobacco products.27 Most countries Constitutional rights which may undermine efforts to restrict have also ratified at least one interna- the marketing of tobacco, alcohol, un- tional agreement recognizing the right The constitution of many countries healthy food and drinks, and breastmilk to health or other health-related rights. guarantees health-related rights to their substitutes. Civil society organizations Such agreements include the WHO population.21 Constitutional rights not have also relied successfully on the right Constitution, various United Nations only limit parliamentary powers, but to freedom of expression to resist efforts (UN) conventions (e.g. the Interna-

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Box 3. Legally oriented best-buys and policy interventions for noncommunicable States, requiring them to adopt “legisla- disease prevention and control tive, administrative, budgetary, judicial, promotional and other measures” to- Highly cost–effective policy interventions (best-buys) recommended by the World Health wards full realization of the right.29 Organization include: Each country’s compliance with its • increasing excise taxes and prices of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages; human rights obligations is reviewed • eliminating peoples’ exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke in all indoor workplaces, through a process known as Universal public places and public transport; Periodic Review, overseen by the UN • comprehensive bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; Human Rights Council. Universal Pe- • implementing plain tobacco packaging and/or graphic health warnings on all tobacco riodic Review provides an impetus for packages; governments to strengthen health-relat- • comprehensive bans or restrictions on alcohol advertising across multiple forms of media; ed rights,30 and may assist governments • enforcing restrictions on the physical availability of alcohol via reduced hours of sale in defending rights-based claims made by retail outlets; corporations, such as freedom of ex- • mandatory product reformulation and front-of-pack labelling to help people to reduce pression or property rights. During this salt intake. process, human rights treaty bodies may draw attention to priority risk factors, Other cost–effective policy interventions include: urging Member States to implement • implementing and enforcing drink-driving laws and blood alcohol concentration limits via effective policies on noncommunicable sobriety checkpoints; diseases. For example, concerned about • eliminating industrial trans-fats through legislation banning their use in food manufacturing; increasing food insecurity (including • taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages at a rate high enough to encourage people to its link with obesity) and low levels of reduce sugar consumption. breastfeeding, the Committee urged the Other recommended, legally-oriented policy options include: United Kingdom of Great Britain and • measures to minimize illicit trade in tobacco products; Northern Ireland to implement national • bans on cross-border tobacco advertising; policies on breastfeeding in accordance • setting minimum alcohol prices; with World Health Assembly resolutions and the International Code of Market- • enforcing a minimum age for purchase of alcoholic beverages; ing of Breast-milk Substitutes; increase • reducing the density of retail alcohol outlets; taxes on unhealthy foods and sugar- • restricting or banning promotions of alcoholic beverages targeting young people; sweetened drinks; and “consider adopt- • requiring labels for alcoholic beverages to include information about the harm caused by ing strict regulations on the marketing of alcohol; such products, while ensuring improved • implementing subsidies to increase people’s intake of fruits and vegetables; access to healthy diets.”31 Similarly, in • replacing trans-fats and saturated fats with unsaturated fats through mandatory 2014, the Committee expressed concern reformulation, product labelling, fiscal or agricultural policies; about tobacco addiction in Indonesia, • implementing nutrition labelling to encourage people to reduce consumption of energy, recommending indoor smoking bans sugars, sodium and fats; in public buildings and workplaces, • improving urban environments to ensure ease of walking, connectivity and access to public and a ban on tobacco advertising and transport to encourage people to engage in more physical activity. sponsorship.32 In 2007, the Committee Source: World Health Organization.13 on the Rights of the Child recommended that Chile “take necessary measures to reduce and prevent the incidence of tional Covenant on Economic, Social right to health that are directly relevant obesity among children.”33 This report and Cultural Rights; the Convention to noncommunicable diseases. These could strengthen Chile’s position in on the Rights of the Child; the Conven- include the obligation to ensure access counteracting litigation initiated by food tion on the Elimination of All Forms of to health services without discrimi- producers against the country’s restric- Discrimination Against Women) and nation; nutritionally adequate food; tions on marketing to children. regional agreements (e.g. the African safe and potable water; and essential International human rights law Charter on Human and People’s Rights). medicines.29 Under the Covenant, UN and practice is a neglected resource Unlike the WHO Framework Con- Member States also have an obligation for governments seeking to reduce the vention on Tobacco Control, health- to respect, protect and fulfil the right to burden of noncommunicable diseases. related provisions in human rights health. The obligation to protect requires Analysis of specific health rights within treaties are often expressed in general countries to prevent third parties, in- international human rights agreements terms and were not framed with non- cluding corporations, from violating this provides important guidance in many communicable disease risk factors in right. Member States must also remedy areas, such as tobacco control and mind.28 Nevertheless, the Committee on regulatory failures, such as “failure to marketing of foods and beverages.34 Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, discourage production, marketing and International treaty bodies could make the treaty-monitoring body for the consumption of tobacco, narcotics and greater use of the WHO Framework International Covenant on Economic, other harmful substances.”29 The obliga- Convention on Tobacco Control27 and Social and Cultural Rights, has identi- tion to fulfil the right to health addresses authoritative sources of guidance on fied core obligations arising under the the problem of inaction by Member risk factors, including the Global Ac-

110 Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:108–117| doi: Policy & practice Roger S Magnusson et al. Law and noncommunicable diseases tion Plan on Prevention and Control 2 Box 4. Examples of constitutional rights litigation affecting noncommunicable disease of noncommunicable diseases, when risk factors evaluating Member States’ compliance with their obligations under human Constitutional rights may provide remedies for groups harmed by government or corporate rights treaties. actions or omissions: India Trade and investment In India, individuals may petition the Supreme Court to enforce fundamental rights and liberties agreements in the Indian Constitution. The Supreme Court has ruled that the exposure of non-smokers to tobacco smoke violates the constitutional right to life and personal liberty.22 The Court issued International trade law is another im- an order, subsequently implemented through national legislation, required federal and state portant area of law that impacts on risk governments to implement smoking bans in several public settings. The Supreme Court has also factors for noncommunicable diseases. held that the right to life in the Constitution encompasses a right to live with human dignity, International trade and investment which encompasses the right to food. In a series of orders, the Court has expanded coverage and legal entitlements under food assistance programmes.23 agreements can affect noncommuni- cable disease risk factors in complex Uganda ways; for example, by reducing prices, The High Court of Uganda has ruled that the emission of tobacco smoke, dust and smell from increasing competition, and facilitating a tobacco factory in a residential area violates the right to a healthy and clean environment, as protected in the Ugandan Constitution.24 Finding that the National Environment Management international trade and investment in Authority had failed in its responsibilities, the court ordered the relocation of the factory. harmful products, such as tobacco and Colombia alcohol.35 A Colombian civil society organization, Educar Consumidores, successfully challenged an order In legal terms, trade and invest- given by a regulatory authority, the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, directing ment agreements discipline how states Educar Consumidores to cease transmission of a television and radio campaign that pointed can regulate. For example, World Trade to the quantities of sugar in sugary drinks and their harmful effects. Educar Consumidores and Organization (WTO) law establishes representatives of another civil society organisation successfully petitioned for review by the core principles of trade law, including Colombian Constitutional Court, which held that the ban violated consumers’ constitutional prohibiting discriminatory regulation, right to receive information – and to inform others – about the health risks of sugary drinks.25 requiring that regulation be not more On the other hand, constitutional rights may conflict with public health policies on trade restrictive than necessary to pro- noncommunicable diseases: tect health, and requiring minimum United States of America standards of protection for intellectual The city of San Francisco passed a local ordinance requiring billboards advertising soda drinks property rights. The WTO panels have to display a warning that added sugars contribute to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay. In applied these principles in adjudicat- response, the American Beverage Association obtained an injunction on the basis that a 26 ing legal disputes concerning tobacco mandatory warning infringed their First Amendment rights to free speech. An appeals court has agreed to re-hear this case. control. For example, a WTO panel held that United States legislation banning flavoured tobacco, but exempting men- alcohol marketing originating in the on minimum alcohol pricing.43 The thol-flavoured products discriminated United Kingdom,41 and the scrapping tobacco, food and alcohol industries in favour of domestic products.36 More of a Finnish confectionary tax because are increasingly suing governments, recently, a WTO panel upheld Australia’s of rules concerning state aid.42 relying on constitutional and human tobacco plain packaging laws as not Investment treaties, whether bilat- rights guarantees, although with mixed more trade restrictive than necessary eral or as investment chapters in trade success.44 and not an unjustifiable encumbrance agreements, can also impact on legisla- On the other hand, litigation and on the use of trademarks.7 WTO com- tion concerning noncommunicable use of other complaints mechanisms mittees have also discussed legal mea- diseases. The tobacco company Philip can be used to hold industry to account sures to reduce harmful alcohol use37 Morris International recently challenged for harm caused by their products, to and improve healthy diets,38 although tobacco control laws in Australia and improve access to medicines and to such measures have not resulted in Uruguay. These claims, which were vindicate other health-related rights.6 WTO disputes. unsuccessful but expensive to defend, Tobacco litigation in the United States Regional trade agreements are in- concerned plain tobacco packaging, has had a major impact. A Department creasingly important. Customs unions, health warnings and other labelling of Justice lawsuit found that for half a such as the European Union, can lead requirements implemented in response century the tobacco industry engaged to harmonization of laws, such as to the WHO Framework Convention on in a pattern of fraudulent conduct to through the 2014 European Tobacco Tobacco Control.8,9 deceive the American public about 39 45 Products Directive. However, rules Litigation and complaints the effects of cigarettes on health. concerning free movement of goods, mechanisms Complaints made under consumer state aid and communications can also protection laws are another underused be used to challenge fiscal and regula- Challenges to policies for prevention tool. For example, an Australian court tory measures. Examples include the and control of noncommunicable dis- imposed a fine of more than 2 million (recent unsuccessful) challenge to the eases are frequently resolved in national Australian dollars against the Heinz introduction of minimum unit pricing courts and tribunals, as illustrated again food company for engaging in false and on alcoholic beverages in Scotland,40 by the alcohol industry’s 5-year at- misleading conduct by advertising that limitations on Sweden’s ability to restrict tempt to overturn Scotland’s legislation a chewy fruit snack, containing about

Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:108–117| doi: 111 Policy & practice Law and noncommunicable diseases Roger S Magnusson et al.

Box 5. Examples of innovation in legal and regulatory approaches to prevention and to support regulatory actions by govern- control of noncommunicable diseases ments; for example, implementing plain packaging of tobacco products59 and Chile the International Code of Marketing of In 2015, the Chilean Ministry of Health published regulations on the nutritional composition Breast-milk Substitutes.60 WHO, with of food products, implementing an earlier law passed in 2012.47,48 These laws require packaged its development partners, should invest food that exceeds limits set (per 100 g or per 100 mL) for energy, sodium, sugar or saturated further to increase technical resources fat, respectively, to be prominently labelled as “high in” each of these nutrients. The same law prohibits food advertising that is directed at children younger than 14 years where the food in law and regulation. exceeds the limits for energy, sodium, sugar or saturated fat. Finally, foods that exceed the cut-off WHO could also facilitate the dif- points for over-consumed nutrients cannot be sold in pre-school, primary or secondary school. fusion of policy across Member States Mexico by creating opportunities for govern- Mexico’s 1 peso per litre tax on sugar-sweetened drinks, implemented in 2014, resulted in a ments that are leading the way to share seasonally adjusted reduction in consumption of taxed beverages of 5.5% in 2014, and 9.7% in their practical experiences of drafting, 2015, compared with estimates based on trends in consumption before the implementation implementing and enforcing laws and of the tax.49 fiscal policies.10 Since legal systems vary South Africa widely, such exchanges among officials In 2013, South Africa introduced regulations under its Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants and stakeholders in different countries Act to impose maximum limits for sodium across 13 categories of food including bread, breakfast are likely to be more productive than cereal and porridge, processed meat, savoury snacks and potato chips.50 These limits took effect exhaustively cataloguing health laws or in June 2016, with lower limits to be phased in from 30 June 2019. One study estimated these promoting model legislation. Recent 51 regulations could avoid 5600 cardiovascular disease deaths per year. experience with plain packaging of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland tobacco products shows that technical Effective from April 2018, the soft drinks levy introduced in the United Kingdom has two tax activities such as training workshops, levels that apply according to the sugar content: 18 pence for drinks with > 5 g sugar per 100 online platforms linking people who 52 mL, and 24 pence for drinks with > 8 g sugar per 100 mL. The levy incentivized reformulation work in a common field and compara- of products by soft-drink manufacturers even before the tax took effect, reducing expected revenues from pounds sterling (£) 520 to £240 million in the first year of the law. tive analysis of laws and litigation can also facilitate policy diffusion. United States of America Six States (California, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon) and more than 350 cities Mobilizing the legal workforce and counties, including New York city, have raised the minimum purchasing age for tobacco from 18 to 21 years.53 In California and New York city, a minimum age of 21 years is required to Building legal capacity means mobi- purchase both cigarettes and electronic cigarettes.54,55 lizing a workforce with the technical skills to navigate legal issues arising in key areas of noncommunicable disease two-thirds sugar, was beneficial to the cable diseases has also been proposed, to prevention and control.61 Such efforts health of children aged 1–3 years.46 encourage public and private financing, could help to translate evidence and aligned with the sustainable develop- WHO guidance into country-level ac- Effective use of law ment goals.58 However, even in the tion. Creating a platform for lawyers, absence of these major reforms, we see legislators, educators and public health Legislation and executive actions are opportunities for governments and their experts to interact may not only improve essential for noncommunicable disease development partners, including WHO, the exchange of advice and information prevention and control, while many of to strengthen national noncommuni- across governments, civil-society orga- the challenges to effective national plans, cable disease prevention and control. nizations and academia, but also provide such as defending litigation initiated Sharing good practices mentors for young leaders working on by industry, also call for technical legal reform of laws on noncommunicable expertise. However, governments face The WHO Independent High-level diseases in low-resource countries. major obstacles to using law effectively, Commission on noncommunicable Leadership requires greater invest- including lack of trained personnel, diseases encouraged governments to ment in legal capacity within WHO lobbying by powerful industry groups use their “full legal and fiscal powers and other agencies working in health and uncertainty about the extent of their to achieve public health goals.”4 This development, and careful assembling of country’s obligations under trade and includes regulating harmful products a legal workforce. Donor funding for a investment agreements.16 Nevertheless, and practices, and strengthening the dedicated public health law programme as Box 5 illustrates, governments can institutions, functions and official roles within WHO to support countries in overcome these challenges and pass that are needed to ensure compliance implementing best-buy policy interven- innovative laws for prevention and with legal standards.6 Effective use of tions could have a substantial impact.62 control of noncommunicable disease law requires budgetary resources for en- Within available resources, we see two risk factors. forcement, including training. Distinct key areas where global leadership could Public health advocates have called from its law-making role, WHO’s power strengthen legal capacities. on the World Health Assembly to make to develop soft (non-binding) normative First, WHO could facilitate profes- bold use of its legal powers, through a standards, together with its capacity to sional exchanges and mutual support convention on alcoholic beverages56 or convene and disseminate expert knowl- among those who use legal knowledge obesity57 and unhealthy diets. A global edge, remain powerful tools. WHO is in key practice areas. Fostering such a coordinating agency for noncommuni- already developing technical resources transnational network could be achieved

112 Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:108–117| doi: Policy & practice Roger S Magnusson et al. Law and noncommunicable diseases online, with support for legal practi- and local governments can be powerful and imposing health-based taxes on tioners working in key thematic areas, innovators (Table 1). Unlike national sugar-sweetened drinks.66 countries and regions, and in different governments, smaller, defined localities Coordinating regional action languages. With appropriate support, often have more homogeneous constitu- these communities of practice will encies, smaller and more efficient ad- Regionally coordinated action can ac- grow and evolve, seeking out strategic ministrations and less time-consuming celerate the implementation of legisla- opportunities, developing novel legal legislative processes. In response to tion, particularly by smaller countries. arguments, providing expert evidence political activism, social mobilization The best opportunities exist in regions in litigation (through filing of amicus and specific social, economic and demo- that have a strong history of coopera- briefs), documenting case studies and graphic factors, local and city adminis- tive action. WHO’s regional offices and developing technical resources in areas trations can become laboratories for in- other regional political groupings (e.g. of need. novation, trialling new legal approaches. the Pacific Community, the Caribbean Second, knowledge provides the The impact of these local innovations Community, the African Union, the foundation for action. In the context can be evaluated, disseminated and Association of Southeast Asian Nations of tobacco control, for example, data- implemented both horizontally (to other or the Organization of American States) bases of case law and legislation facilitate localities) and vertically (at state and could lead, coordinate and support na- comparative analysis and assist lawyers national levels).64 tional noncommunicable disease poli- and health professionals to anticipate Local governments have been lead- cies. Deliberate, planned, regional action tobacco industry strategies.63 No com- ers in many areas of noncommunicable could benefit small, remote and vulner- parable resource exists for taking action disease policy. In the United States, able populations whose governments on unhealthy diets or harmful use of local jurisdictions were the first to may otherwise engage in prevention and alcohol. Consequently, industry legal impose higher taxes, marketing restric- control in a piecemeal fashion and at a arguments are neither systematically tions and bans on smoking in public slower rate. Regional action allows more tracked nor easily anticipated. places, among other interventions.65 efficient use of legal resources, although Building on local innovations Some cities and towns have adopted careful groundwork is needed to create a a range of additional strategies, such shared vision and agreed principles for Although prevention and control of as banning trans-fatty acids from the action. Box 6 summarizes an example noncommunicable diseases ideally food supply, raising the minimum from WHO’s Regional Office for the require a national response, state, city purchasing age for tobacco products Eastern Mediterranean.

Table 1. Examples of local innovations in prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in the United States of America

Policy innovation and example Description Reference Information disclosure Calorie labelling rules Restaurant chains and food retailers in New York city must disclose New York City Health calorie counts on menu boards for standard menu items Code §81.50 (2017) Soda warning rule Billboards advertising sugar-sweetened drinks in San Francisco city must San Francisco Health contain a health warning about the impact of added sugars on obesity, Code art. 42 §4203(a) diabetes and tooth decay (2015) Haemoglobin A1C registry New York city’s health code makes glycated haemoglobin (a measure of New York City Health blood sugar control) a reportable condition by pathology laboratories. Code §13.07 (2006) The registry helps to identify patients with poorly controlled diabetes or who need follow-up care Marketing restrictions School advertising law Maine was the first state to prohibit brand-specific advertising of food or Title 20-A Maine Rev. Stat. beverages in school buildings or on school grounds Ann §6662 (2007) Healthy food incentives ordinance Fast-food restaurants in San Francisco city are prohibited from providing San Francisco Health free toys in children’s meals Code art. 8 §§471.1 to 471.9 (2011) Taxation Sugar-sweetened beverage tax The city of Berkeley was the first jurisdiction in the country to impose an Berkeley Municipal Code excise tax of 1 cent per ounce on sugar-sweetened drinks Chapter 7.72 (2014) Sugar-sweetened beverage tax Philadelphia was the first major city to levy a tax of 1.5 cents per Philadelphia Code §§19– ounce on sugar-sweetened drinks and to earmark tax revenue for 4101 to 4108 (2016) improvements to parks, libraries and recreation centres Built environment: zoning Urban agriculture incentives California State’s Urban Agriculture Incentive Zones Act reduces property Cal Govt Code §51042 taxes for landowners who enter a contract to permit small-scale (2017 agriculture or animal husbandry for at least 5 years on vacant lands Ordinance to control prevalence of fast- The city of Los Angeles limits new fast-food restaurants in areas with an L.A. Cal. Ordinance food outlets over-concentration of fast-food outlets 180103 (2008) §: section; §§: sections.

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Box 6. Example of effective and regionally relevant legal interventions for control of in turn to adoption of strong, legally- noncommunicable diseases by WHO binding standards at international and national levels. The rapid progress also The World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (WHO-EMRO), reflects global investment in capacity- partnered with the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown building, technical assistance to WHO University, Washington, United Sates of America, to spur legal reform for noncommunicable disease prevention and control. The project identified affordable, feasible and cost–effective Member States, and expansion of legal legislative and regulatory interventions that were suitable for implementation in the Eastern resources, assisted by organizations such Mediterranean Region. as Bloomberg Philanthropies and the The comprehensive dashboard of legal interventions proposed that WHO-EMRO Member Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. These States prioritize interventions in three key domains: (i) noncommunicable disease governance factors, which have accelerated progress mechanisms requiring multisectoral collaboration, accountability and transparency; (ii) tobacco in tobacco control, are not yet present control laws in compliance with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control;27 and for other noncommunicable disease 67 (iii) laws to promote healthier diets, such as reducing consumption of sodium and sugar. risk factors such as unhealthy diets and WHO-EMRO committed to support Member States to enact and enforce population health harmful use of alcohol. Legal and regu- improvements through these priority interventions. The project includes implementation latory action must move to the centre guidance tools as well as capacity-building initiatives led by multidisciplinary teams of legislators of national noncommunicable disease and public health experts.68 The EMRO–O’Neill Institute partners published a detailed description of the evidence-based legal policies to reduce noncommunicable disease prevalence in the action plans. This requires high-level Region.69 leadership at global and national levels, developing evidence-based legislation through transparent processes, enforc- Conclusion and normative guidance into action, ing it, evaluating its effectiveness and receives inadequate attention amid building legal capacities. ■ Legislative and regulatory actions lie the dominance of other disciplines in at the heart of successful national and global health development. This needs to Acknowledgements local strategies for noncommunicable change. Rapid progress in tobacco con- We thank Sibel Ozcelik, Han-Hsi Liu disease prevention and control. How- trol has not been accidental, but reflects and Jingyi Xu. ever, the role of law as a public policy agreement about the critical importance tool, translating scientific evidence of law to tobacco control – leading, Competing interests: None declared.

摘要 预防和控制非传染性疾病所需的法律能力 法律是成功制订预防和控制非传染性疾病的国家战略 要风险因素政策的开端。我们明确世界卫生组织及其 核心。我们所说的法律是指国际协议、国家和地方法 合作伙伴可以采取行动来动员合法劳动力 , 加强法律 律、法规和其它执行文书 , 以及法院和法庭的判决。 能力并支持法律在国家层面上的有效利用。法律和法 但是 , 人们对法治在全球卫生发展中的重要作用知之 规行为必须转向国家非传染性疾病行动计划的中心。 甚少 , 且法学的作用往往被医学、公共卫生和经济学 这需要在国际和国家层面上实施基于实证的立法和建 等其它学科所替代。本文确定了法律与非传染性疾病 设法律能力的高层领导。 交叉的关键领域 , 以法治工具作为实施预防和控制主

114 Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:108–117| doi: Policy & practice Roger S Magnusson et al. Law and noncommunicable diseases

Résumé Capacités juridiques requises pour prévenir et maîtriser les maladies non transmissibles Le droit est au cœur des stratégies nationales efficaces de lutte visant à prévenir et maîtriser les principaux facteurs de risque. Nous contre les maladies non transmissibles. Par droit, nous entendons les mettons en évidence des mesures que l'Organisation mondiale de accords internationaux, les législations nationales et infranationales, la Santé et ses partenaires pourraient prendre pour mobiliser les les réglementations et autres instruments exécutifs, et les décisions professionnels du droit, renforcer les capacités juridiques et soutenir des cours et des tribunaux. Cependant, le rôle vital du droit dans le une utilisation efficace du droit au niveau national. Des mesures développement de la santé à l'échelle mondiale est souvent mal juridiques et réglementaires doivent être placées au centre des plans compris, et éclipsé par d'autres disciplines telles que la médecine, la santé d'action nationaux pour la lutte contre les maladies non transmissibles. publique et l'économie. Cet article définit des domaines d'intersection Cela nécessite un leadership de haut niveau de la part des dirigeants clés entre le droit et les maladies non transmissibles, en commençant internationaux et nationaux, à travers l'adoption de lois fondées sur par le rôle du droit en tant qu'outil pour mettre en œuvre des politiques des données scientifiques et un renforcement des capacités juridiques.

Резюме Правовой потенциал, необходимый для профилактики и борьбы с неинфекционными заболеваниями Закон лежит в основе успешных национальных стратегий по с роли закона как инструмента для реализации стратегий профилактике и борьбе с неинфекционными заболеваниями. по профилактике и борьбе с ведущими факторами риска. Под законом подразумеваются международные соглашения, Авторы определяют меры, которые могут быть предприняты национальное и субнациональное законодательство, Всемирной организацией здравоохранения и ее партнерами нормативные акты и другие постановления исполнительных по мобилизации юридического персонала, укреплению органов, а также решения судов и трибуналов. Однако правоспособности и поддержке эффективного использования исключительно важная роль закона в области развития закона на национальном уровне. Правовые и нормативные глобального здравоохранения часто плохо осознается меры должны стать основой для разработки национальных и перекрывается такими дисциплинами, как медицина, планов действий по борьбе с неинфекционными заболеваниями. общественное здравоохранение и экономика. Настоящий Для этого необходимо заручиться поддержкой мировых документ определяет основные области пересечения между и национальных лидеров, обеспечить принятие научно законом и лечением неинфекционных заболеваний, начиная обоснованных законов и развитие правового потенциала.

Resumen Fortalecer la capacidad jurídica para la prevención y el control de las enfermedades no contagiosas La ley es la clave del éxito de las estrategias nacionales para la prevención prevención y control de los principales factores de riesgo. Se determinan y el control de las enfermedades no contagiosas. Por ley entendemos las medidas que la Organización Mundial de la Salud y sus asociados los acuerdos internacionales, la legislación nacional y subnacional, los podrían adoptar para movilizar al personal legal, fortalecer la capacidad reglamentos y otros instrumentos ejecutivos, así como las decisiones jurídica y apoyar el uso eficaz de la legislación a nivel nacional. Las de los tribunales y las cortes de justicia. Sin embargo, el papel vital de acciones legales y reglamentarias deben pasar a ser el centro de los la ley en el desarrollo de la salud mundial a menudo no se comprende planes de acción nacionales para las enfermedades no contagiosas. Esto bien y se ve eclipsado por otras disciplinas como la medicina, la salud requiere un liderazgo de alto nivel por parte de los líderes mundiales y pública y la economía. Este documento identifica las áreas clave de nacionales, para promulgar una legislación basada en pruebas y crear intersección entre la ley y las enfermedades no contagiosas, empezando capacidades jurídicas. por el papel de la ley como herramienta para implementar políticas de

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The palm oil industry and noncommunicable diseases Sowmya Kadandale,a Robert Martenb & Richard Smithc

Abstract Large-scale industries do not operate in isolation, but have tangible impacts on human and planetary health. An often overlooked actor in the fight against noncommunicable diseases is the palm oil industry. The dominance of palm oil in the food processing industry makes it the world’s most widely produced . We applied the commercial determinants of health framework to analyse the palm oil industry. We highlight the industry’s mutually profitable relationship with the processed food industry and its impact on human and planetary health, including detrimental cultivation practices that are linked to respiratory illnesses, deforestation, loss of biodiversity and pollution. This analysis illustrates many parallels to the contested nature of practices adopted by the alcohol and tobacco industries. The article concludes with suggested actions for researchers, policy-makers and the global health community to address and mitigate the negative impacts of the palm oil industry on human and planetary health.

Introduction to an estimated 100 000 premature deaths in the region from pollutants and documented increases in respiratory, eye and Public health discourse increasingly focuses on the role of skin diseases.11 The impact of the industry on planetary health, alcohol, tobacco and sugar in the growing burden of noncom- that is, “the health of human civilisation and the state of the municable diseases. Increasingly this dialogue highlights how, natural systems on which it depends”,12 through the cultivation in the pursuit of increased profits, the industries involved in practices of oil-palm trees has also been well-documented. these products aim to shape public and political opinion as This entails large-scale deforestation, including loss of up to well as influence research outcomes to influence policies that 50% of trees in some areas; endangerment of endanger public health.1,2 The palm oil industry is missing at-risk species; increased greenhouse gas emissions (due to from this dialogue. deforestation and drainage of bogs); water and soil pol- Palm oil is one of the world’s most commonly used veg- lution; and the rise of certain invasive species.13,14 etable oils, present in around half of frequently used food and Estimations suggest that more than two-thirds of the consumer products, from snacks to cosmetics.3,4 Worldwide palm produced goes to food products, making the processed production of the oil has increased from 15 million tonnes food industry’s relationship with the palm oil industry criti- in 1995 to 66 million tonnes in 2017. The rapid expansion in cal.15 With the United States Food and Drug Administration’s use is attributed to yields nearly four times other vegetable ban on trans-fatty acids (TFA) due to their potential adverse oil crops, with similar production costs; favourable charac- health impacts in 2015,16 and a similar recommendation by teristics for the food industry (its relatively high smoke point the WHO in 2018,17 an increase in the use of palm oil as a and being semisolid state at room temperature); and strate- potential replacement for TFA in ultra-processed foods could gies aimed at ensuring government policies are supportive be anticipated. This paper aims to describe the relationship to the expansion of palm oil cultivation, production and between the palm oil and processed food industries and how use.5 While these factors associated with palm oil offer clear these interconnect with public and planetary health. Box 1 advantages for the processed food industry, the oil contains a lists the key terminology in the palm oil industry. much higher percentage of saturated fats compared to other vegetable oils.6 Although its negative health impacts are con- Approach tested,7 a meta-analysis of increased palm oil consumption in 23 countries found a significant relationship with higher The commercial determinants of health are defined as “strat- mortality from ischaemic heart disease.8 Another systematic egies and approaches used by the private sector to promote review found that palm oil consumption increased blood products and choices that are detrimental to health.”19 We levels of atherogenic low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.6 As adapted a 2016 framework on the commercial determinants of early as 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) and health (Fig. 1) and applied it to the palm oil industry to review the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) described the the three domains: (i) drivers (internationalization of trade evidence linking saturated fat consumption with increased and capital, expanding outreach of corporations and demands risk of cardiovascular disease as convincing.9 of economic growth); (ii) channels (marketing, supply chains, The indirect health impacts of oil-palm cultivation are lobbying and corporate citizenship); and (iii) outcomes (on less contested; clearing land for plantations by slash-and-burn the environment, consumers and health). The environment practices has led to recurring episodes of harmful in component was adapted from the initial framework to expand South-East Asia.10 The most recent occurrence, in 2015, led the scope beyond the social environment.

a United Nations Children’s Fund, World Trade Centre Block 6 (10th Floor), Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 29-31, Jakarta 12920, Indonesia. b Department of Global Health and Development, The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, England. c College of Medicine and Health, University of Exeter, Exeter, England. Correspondence to Sowmya Kadandale (email: [email protected]). (Submitted: 15 July 2018 – Revised version received: 4 November 2018 – Accepted: 5 November 2018 – Published online: 8 January 2018 )

118 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:118–128 | doi: Policy & practice Sowmya Kadandale et al. Palm oil industry and noncommunicable diseases

Drivers Box 1. Key terminology in the palm oil industry Internationalization of trade and Haze: smoke from biomass burnings, where resulting fine particulate matter reduces air quality capital to hazardous levels. Palm oil: palm oil is harvested from the fruit of oil-palm trees (species: guineensis). Common Oil-palm plantations cover over 27 alternative labels for palm oil include: vegetable oil, vegetable fat, , , million hectares worldwide, an area palm fruit oil, palmate, palmitate, palmolein, glyceryl, stearate, , , approximately the size of New Zealand. , palm stearine, palmitoyl oxostearamide, palmitoyl tetrapeptide-3, sodium laureth The industry is estimated to be worth sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium kernelate, sodium palm kernelate, sodium lauryl lactylate/ 18 60 billion United States dollars (US$) sulfate, hyrated palm glycerides, etyl palmitate, octyl palmitate, palmityl alcohol. and employs 6 million people,7 with an Slash and burn: method of farming where forests are cut and any residue is burnt. additional 11 million people indirectly Smoke point: temperature at which oil produces a continuous, clearly visible smoke. Important dependent on it, particularly in rural indicator of the stability of oil, a higher smoke point allows more versatility in cooking. areas where jobs can be scarce. In 2014, Trans fatty acids: type of unsaturated fat associated with raising low-density lipoprotein Indonesia and accounted for cholesterol that is known to increase the risk for heart disease and stroke. over 53.3 million (85%) of the 62.4 mil- Ultra-processed foods: processed substances extracted or refined from whole foods, (such as lion tonnes of global palm oil produc- fruits, crops or grains) e.g. oils, hydrogenated oils and fats, flours and starches, variants of sugar, tion and have rapidly expanded their and cheap parts or remnants of animal foods usually with little nutritional value compared to the original whole food.17 farming and exports. Indonesia, for example, increased production from 19.2 tonnes in 2008 to 32.0 tonnes in 2016. The largest importers of palm oil Fig. 1. Commercial determinants of health are India, China, the European Union countries, Malaysia and Pakistan.20 The palm oil and processed food Drivers Channels Outcomes industries have mutually benefitted from increased sales and consumption Internationalization of trade and capital Environment of products through rapid internation- Marketing alization and trade. This trend is likely Consumers to continue as low- and middle-income Expanding Supply chain countries increasingly move from eat- outreach of Health corporations ing fresh, minimally processed foods Lobbying to ultra-processed products.21 Sales Corporate citizenship by manufacturers of ultra-processed Demand of growth foods containing palm oil have been 22 expanding. Source: Republished with permission from Kickbusch et al. 2016.19 Expanding outreach of corporations highlighted the threat to smallholders’ environmental and labour practices, the Although many companies use palm oil, livelihoods, making palm oil production industry has sought to portray its prod- processing and refining is concentrated a controversial political issue.25 ucts as sustainable, while highlighting in a limited number of corporations. Demands of growth the contribution to poverty alleviation. Companies source their supply from For example, in advance of the Euro- their own concessions, from a large The palm oil industry is projected to pean Union’s 2020 ban on palm oil as number of third-party suppliers and reach a production value of US$ 88 a biofuel, the industry launched adver- smallholders, both independent and billion by 2022.20 The increasing avail- tisements featuring smallholder farmers tied through partnership agreements.23 ability of palm oil, alongside increasing whose livelihoods would be lost.25 There Increasingly, large corporations are numbers of countries banning TFA is also a mutual benefit for the palm expanding palm-oil refining capacity, in processed foods,26,27 means that oil and processed food industry, with expanding the scope of industry concen- palm oil will likely remain the food the latter targeting advertisements for tration.24 Indonesia and Malaysia have industry’s preferred vegetable oil in ultra-processed foods towards children used government policies, including ultra-processed foods. With China and (similar to efforts by the tobacco and subsidies and land incentives, to assist India continuing to import palm oil for alcohol industries in targeting children industry expansion and facilitate greater consumption, the growth in its use is and adolescents)28,29 and the palm oil investment.23 anticipated to continue. refining industry benefiting from the More than half the plantations in corresponding increase in sales of foods Indonesia are industrial estates of > 6000 Channels containing palm oil.30–33 hectares owned by private companies, Marketing Supply chain with 40% smallholders with plantations < 25 hectares and 7% state-owned.13 Marketing of palm oil does not occur The global palm oil supply chain has When attempts are made to regulate oil- in the traditional sense. Responding to many businesses, systems and struc- palm cultivation, industry leaders have a backlash against accusations of poor tures, making it difficult to draw a clear

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Fig. 2. Global palm oil supply chain

Stage of value chain Simplified palm oil value chain Companies in food value chain

Agricultural production Oil palm plantations

Mill and collection port


Processing, transport, trade Refinery / fractionation plants crude palm oil and palm kernel oil and distribution

Palm olein (liquid fraction) (solid fraction)

Manufacturing Non-food uses (biofuels, Food Animal feed Packaged food manufacturers chemical, and personal care) manufacturing

Retail and consumption Food retailers and other outlets Restaurants Retailers

Source: Adapted with permission from Ceres, 2018.34 line between the different components against regulation.36 For example, the palm oil producers, consumer goods and identify the impact of each ac- industry-backed World Growth Institute manufacturers, retailers, investors tor.23 For example, a recent brief by the criticised the World Bank's framework and NGOs which certify sustainability nongovernmental organization (NGO) for palm-oil engagement – which seeks and fair labour standards and include Ceres, unpacks the key elements of the prioritisation of smallholders over entities such as the Roundtable on Sus- supply chain and the American indus- large corporations and cultivation of tainable Palm Oil and country-specific tries and companies linked to them plantations on degraded land instead groups in Indonesia and Malaysia. In (Fig. 2).34 PLC, who claim to of forested land – as 'anti-poor'.37 The 2017, the Roundtable certified ap- be the largest user of physically certi- palm oil industry has also sought to proximately 13.4 tonnes (approxi- fied palm oil in the consumer goods influence global health policy-making. mately 20%) of the global production industry,35 recently published details For example, during the drafting of as sustainable. The Roundtable also of its entire palm oil supply chain; this the 2003 WHO/FAO report on Diet, has partnerships with the United Na- included 300 direct suppliers and 1400 Nutrition and Prevention of Chronic tions Economic and Social Council, mills used in its food, personal care and Diseases, the Malaysian Palm Oil Pro- United Nations Environment and biofuel products.26,27 The scale of the motion Council questioned the palm United Nations Children’s Fund, aimed supply chain is massive and, even by the oil-related health concerns raised by the at improving its members’ business company’s own admission, social and report and suggested that any efforts to practices. Twelve of the 16 Roundtable environmental issues persist.26 The sup- curb consumption would threaten sev- board members are representatives of ply chain demonstrates a strong associa- eral million peoples’ livelihoods.33 These palm oil processers, manufacturers, tion between the palm oil and processed tactics, establishing lobbying structures retailers, banks, investors or inter- food industries. Global food processing in political and economic hubs, fighting national food processing companies. corporations are further venturing into regulations, attempting to undermine The sustainability certification effort palm oil refining, creating blurred lines reliable sources of information and us- has been linked to limited amounts of across the supply chain, making it diffi- ing poverty alleviation arguments, are reduced deforestation, with a recent cult to hold individual actors account- similar to those pursued by the tobacco study finding little impact on forest able for any adverse outcomes. and alcohol industries.38,39 loss and fire detection.40 Other studies Lobbying Corporate citizenship have found that the Roundtable’s board members were still associated with Apart from establishing a strong lobby- Several major companies and countries companies involved in mass defores- ing presence in the European Union,1 have joined to create industry associa- tation.41 Investigations by NGOs have the palm oil industry has fostered part- tions to showcase their sustainability found child labour and human rights nerships with policy and research insti- efforts. These are membership organi- violations at Roundtable members’ tutes providing policy recommendations zations composed of oil-palm growers, plantations.42

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Despite some positive initiatives by Box 2. Search strategy for the rapid review of the literature on the impact of palm oil on the palm oil and processed food indus- the environment, consumers and health tries to cultivate, produce and source palm oil through sustainable, ethical We made an online search via the PubMed® database using the keyword “palm oil” in conjunction practices, challenges remain. Agencies with relevant terms (AND “environment” OR ”pollution” OR ”climate change” OR “consumer” OR “health” OR “disease”). The review was conducted in June and July 2018 and updated in October entering partnerships with industry-led 2018. The criteria for inclusion were articles published after 2000, in English language, of initiatives are at risk of becoming com- relevance to human health (through studies on humans or animal studies that drew conclusions plicit in detrimental practices. Indeed, on potential implications for human health), consumers or the environment. Articles were NGOs such as Palm Oil Investigations excluded if they were linked to animal husbandry practices, speculative in nature (e.g. profitability withdrew support for the Roundtable analyses), primarily aimed at industrial processes (e.g. monetizing palm oil mill effluenta) or drew after evidence of harmful business prac- conclusions of limited relevance to the topic (e.g. zoo-based conservation education). tices emerged.43 While five articles initially appeared to be of relevance to palm oil and consumers, on further review, they were excluded. We therefore complemented the “consumer” keyword search Outcomes with a review of the non-peer-reviewed literature, identified through search by the Google search engine using the same keywords. We limited the search to sources from governments, Given the importance of assessing the international agencies, NGOs and trusted media sources. Some of the results for “consumer” outcomes of the palm oil industry, we also yielded additional references relevant to environment and health, due to the intersection conducted a rapid review of the literature between human and planetary health, consumer practices and palm oil cultivation. Much of the grey literature related to consumers and the environment was focused on advocacy to better understand the impact on the campaigns and calls for palm oil boycotts by NGOs and were therefore excluded as being environment, consumers and health. beyond this paper’s scope. We made a keyword search initially via the PubMed® online database to identify NGO: nongovernmental organization. a peer-reviewed articles and subsequently Highly polluting wastewater by-product of the palm oil production process. via Google search engine to identify other sources of information (Box 2). The review Environment was conducted in June and July 2018 and continually linked to the palm oil in- updated in October 2018. Of 435 articles Forest, peatland and biodiversity losses, dustry.5,10,12,46,52,53,63,69,75,77 In response, identified and scanned, we included 40 increased greenhouse gas emissions countries including Indonesia and Ma- peer-reviewed articles and eight articles and habitat fragmentation as well as laysia are increasing industry regulation, from the grey literature (Fig. 3; Table 1). pollution are environmental concerns seeking to prevent slash-and-burn prac-

Fig. 3. Flowchart of articles selected for the rapid review of the literature on the impact of palm oil on the environment, consumers and health

435 articles identified through a search in PubMed® for keyword palm oil AND

Environment OR Consumer (39) Health OR disease pollut*OR climate (230) change (166) 363 articles excluded after initial screening

Environment OR Consumer (34) Health OR disease pollut*OR climate (181) change (148) 72 articles reviewed for suitability

Environment OR Consumer (5) Health OR disease pollut*OR climate (49) 32 articles excluded based on: animal husbandry practices; change (18) speculative in nature; conclusions of limited relevance to the topic.

Environment OR Consumer (5) Health OR disease pollut*OR climate (21) 40 articles included from the PubMed search change (6)

Environment OR Consumer (0) Health OR disease pollut*OR climate (28) change (12) 8 additional articles included from limited grey literature search for keyword consumer by Google search engine (including articles with overlap to environment or health outcome)

48 articles included from both searches

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:118–128| doi: 121 Policy & practice Palm oil industry and noncommunicable diseases Sowmya Kadandale et al.

Table 1. Articles included from a rapid review of the literature on palm oil and environment, consumer and health outcomes

Author, Year Type of article Title Edem, 200244 Review Palm oil: biochemical, physiological, nutritional, hematological, and toxicological aspects: a review Sundram et al., 200345 Reviewa Palm fruit chemistry and nutrition World Health Organization-Food & Report Joint WHO–FAO expert consultation on diet, nutrition, and the prevention of Agriculture Organization, 20039 chronic diseasesb Fitzherbert et al., 200846 Research How will oil palm expansion affect biodiversity? Mukherjee & Mitra, 20097 Review Health effects of palm oil Oguntibeju et al., 2009 47 Review Red palm oil: nutritional, physiological and therapeutic roles in improving human wellbeing and quality of life Bester et al., 201048 Research Cardiovascular effects of edible oils: a comparison between four popular edible oils Hayes et al., 201049 Review Replacing trans fat: the argument for palm oil with a cautionary note on interesterification Loganathan et al., 201050 Review Health promoting effects of phytonutrients found in palm oil Oyewole et al., 201051 Review Public health nutrition concerns on consumption of red palm-oil (RPO): the scientific facts from literature Persson et al., 201052 Research Preserving the world's tropical forests – a price on carbon may not do Chen et al., 20118 Systematic review Multi-country analysis of palm oil consumption and cardiovascular disease mortality for countries at different stages of economic development: 1980–1997 Anonymous, 201253 Commentary The other oil problem. The world’s growing appetite for cheap palm oil is destroying rain forests and amplifying climate change Downs et al., 201354 Research Reformulating partially hydrogenated vegetable oils to maximise health gains in India: is it feasible and will it meet consumer demand? Fattore et al., 201455 Systematic review Palm oil and blood lipid–related markers of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of dietary intervention trials Ho et al., 201456 Research Impact of 2013 South Asian haze crisis: study of physical and psychological symptoms and perceived dangerousness of pollution level May et al., 201457 Reviewa Research advancements in palm oil nutrition: recent advancements in palm oil nutrition Downs et al., 201558 Research The need for multisectoral food chain approaches to reduce trans fat consumption in India Hosseini et al., 201514 Research Pollutant in palm oil production process Mancini et al., 201559 Review Biological and nutritional properties of palm oil and palmitic acid: effects on health Odia et al., 201560 Review Palm oil and the heart: a review Sun et al., 20156 Meta-analysis Palm oil consumption increases LDL cholesterol compared with vegetable oils low in saturated fat in a meta-analysis of clinical trials Whitmee et al., 201512 Research Safeguarding human health in the Anthropocene epoch: report of The Rockefeller Foundation–Lancet Commission on planetary health Boateng et al., 201661 Review Coconut oil and palm oil's role in nutrition, health and national development: a review Crippa et al., 201662 Research Population exposure to hazardous air quality due to the 2015 fires in Equatorial Asia Koplitz et al., 201663 Research Public health impacts of the severe haze in Equatorial Asia in September–October 2015: demonstration of a new framework for informing fire management strategies to reduce downwind smoke exposure UNICEF Indonesia, 201664 Report Palm oil and children in Indonesia: exploring the sector’s impact on children’s rightsb Vijay et al., 20165 Research The impacts of oil palm on recent deforestation and biodiversity loss World Bank, 201611 Report The cost of fire: an economic analysis of Indonesia’s 2015 fire crisisb Hermes, 201765 Online media Lack of consumer demand for sustainable palm oilb article Karthik et al., 201710 Research Understanding the Southeast Asian haze Lebbie et al., 201766 Research Predictors of hypertension in a population of undergraduate students in Sierra Leone Loganathan et al., 201767 Reviewa Health-promoting effects of red palm oil: evidence from animal and human studies Paddison, 201768 Online media 70% of brands in Malaysia and don’t disclose palm oil useb article (continues. . .)

122 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:118–128| doi: Policy & practice Sowmya Kadandale et al. Palm oil industry and noncommunicable diseases

(. . .continued) Author, Year Type of article Title Paterson et al., 201769 Review Climate change affecting oil palm agronomy, and oil palm cultivation increasing climate change, require amelioration Shankar et al., 201770 Stakeholder Policies for healthy and sustainable edible oil consumption: a stakeholder analysis analysis for Thailand Sheldon et al., 201771 Research The impact of Indonesian forest fires on Singaporean pollution and health Singh et al., 201772 Research Prevalence and correlates of hypertension in a semi-rural population of Southern India Coriakula et al., 201873 Research The development and implementation of a new import duty on palm oil to reduce non-communicable disease in Fiji Di Genova et al., 201874 Review Pediatric age palm oil consumption Gallardo et al., 201875 Research Current and future effects of global change on a hotspot's freshwater diversity Ismail et al., 201876 Systematic review Systematic review of palm oil consumption and the risk of cardiovascular disease Meijaard et al., 201813 Situation analysis Oil palm and biodiversity: a situation analysis by the IUCN Oil Palm Task Force Nicholas et al., 201877 Research Palm oil in Myanmar: a spatiotemporal analysis of the effects of industrial farming on biodiversity loss Sin Teh et al., 201878 Reviewa sn-2 hypothesis: a review of the effects of palm oil on blood lipid levels Palm Oil Investigations, accessed Online factsheet Names for palm oilb 201879 World Wildlife Fund, accessed 201880 Online factsheet Palm oil: The hidden truth lurking in your homeb World Wildlife Fund, accessed 201818 Online factsheet Which everyday products contain palm oil?b a Denotes articles authored by the . b Denotes grey literature – all other articles are from peer-reviewed sources.

11 tices and restoring peatlands. Although Health burn practices have affected the health the results are limited, companies are of populations in South-East Asia, attempting to engage in more sustain- Reports of the health impacts of palm especially the most vulnerable groups able palm oil cultivation and production oil consumption in foods are mix of the population, such as infants and practices.13 Nevertheless, plantations with ed.44,49,51,55,59,61,66,74,76 Some studies link children.11,56 Haze episodes, even across palm sustainability certification only en- consumption of palm oil to increased country borders, have been linked to compass a fifth of all oil-palm cultivation, ischaemic heart disease mortality, raised premature deaths and increased respi- certification does not yield the desired low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, ratory illness as well as cardiovascular benefits and there is limited consumer increased risk of cardiovascular disease diseases.62,71 Of major concern is the demand for sustainable palm oil.65 and other adverse effects.6,8,9 Other stud- effect of exposure to particulate matter 7 Consumers ies show no negative effects or even on fetal, infant and child mortality, as favourable health outcomes from palm well as children’s cognitive, educational In recent years, there have been cam- oil consumption.7,45,47,48,50,57,60,67,78 Four of and economic attainment.81,82 The direct paigns by NGOs to increase consumer the nine studies in our literature search and indirect impact of the palm oil cul- awareness about palm oil production showing overwhelmingly positive health tivation industry on children, including practices, although success appears lim- associations were authored by the Ma- child labour practices, is especially con- ited.65,80 From the processed food indus- laysian Palm Oil Board, again drawing cerning. In Indonesia, around half of 4 try and health perspective, much work parallels with the tobacco and alcohol million people employed in the industry remains to be done. Palm oil derivatives industries38,39 and calling into question are estimated to be women. Even when in food, household and cosmetic prod- the credibility of claims in favour of they are not directly employed, children ucts can be listed in any one or more of increased palm oil consumption. The dependent on palm oil workers are ad- its 200 alternate names.79 Some countries contested nature of the evidence sug- versely affected by inadequate maternity such as Australia and New Zealand only gests the need for independent, com- protection, low breastfeeding rates, lack require peanut, sesame and soy oils to prehensive studies of the health impact of child-care opportunities, poor mater- be explicitly labelled, while palm oil can of palm oil consumption. Countries nal health and nutrition, and difficultly fall under a generic category of vegetable such as Fiji, India and Thailand have in accessing education.64 oil.79 The World Wildlife Fund lists more initiated policy dialogues and analyses than 25 common alternatives to palm aimed at better understanding the role Discussion oil labelling found in food products of palm oil in diets and best approaches (Box 1).18 With its inclusion in many ev- to reducing saturated fats in the food- This paper illustrates how the palm oil eryday products, unclear food labelling chain, but these discussions are far from industry, in close connection with the and sometimes conflicting information conclusive.54,58,70,72,73 processed food industry, impacts hu- on health impacts, it can be difficult to More unequivocally, land-clearing man and planetary health. The impact know how to identify palm oil in foods. practices for oil palm cultivation have also cuts across other sectors, such as Consumers may be unaware of what major public health consequences. Since education, child protection, as well as they are eating or its safety. the 1990s, air pollution from slash-and- having implications for gender-related

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Box 3. Suggested actions to address the palm oil industry’s impact Address impact on health Researchers • Investigate the health impact of ultra-processed foods, including specific ingredients such as palm oil; • study the long-term consequences of daily consumption of unhealthy, ultra-processed foods and their ingredients, including the effects on children; and • research the effect of combinations of ingredients in ultra-processed foods. Policy-makers • Identify and address industries that adversely impact noncommunicable diseases and the broader human and planetary health agenda; • develop and enforce stricter labelling requirements for ultra-processed foods, including listing of ingredients and their potential harmful effects; • regulate the palm oil supply chains across sectors such as health, environment, labour, and child protection, including needed gender-related policies and practices; and • consider measures to reduce the production and consumption of unhealthy, ultra-processed foods. Global health community • Tackle the issue of unhealthy mass-produced and processed foods and beverages synergistically instead of discretely by ingredient (e.g. palm oil, sugar, fats); and • facilitate consumer awareness and action on the negative impacts of palm oil cultivation, production and consumption. Mitigate industry influences Researchers • Drawing on experience with the tobacco and alcohol industries, understand and mitigate the influence of industries involved in palm oil production and manufactured foods; and • exercise caution when engaging in research activities using funding from the palm oil and related industries. Policy-makers • Avoid the influence of lobbying by food industries whose practices adversely impact human and planetary health; • develop and enforce strict regulations that avoid political patronage or related practices (i.e. elected officials sitting on industry boards); and • introduce measures to reduce the population’s consumption of unhealthy, ultra-processed foods (e.g. by taxation, restricting advertising) and to increase the consumption of healthier, whole foods. Global health community • When considering partnerships with the palm oil industry or their related entities, ensure public health priorities are not co-opted by private sector agendas; and • avoid the risk of perceived or real complicity, including avoiding funding or partnership opportunities for health that might come at the expense of other sectors such as environment or labour. Work across SDGs Researchers • Study interlinkages across complex systems of the palm oil and related industries aimed at identifying cross-sectoral solutions. Policy-makers • Design policies that do not sacrifice longer-term health, environmental and social concerns for immediate economic gains and profits. Global health community • Identify allies across sectors such as environment, child protection, labour and gender that can join in evidence generation and advocacy around the detrimental impacts of palm oil on human and planetary health; and • reform global health governance structures and funding mechanisms with the aim of promoting intersectoral action instead of narrow disease-specific programmes.

SDG: sustainable development goal. policies and practices. A limitation planetary health outcomes of the palm fully consider practical policy options of our rapid review is that not all the oil industry, spanning other sectors such and their implications. For example, information from these industries is as labour, gender and use as biofuel. encouraging use of oils with lower publicly available and, with limited peer- The palm oil industry is an over- saturated fat content in ultra-processed reviewed materials available on the palm looked actor in discussions on non- foods could have a greater detrimental oil industry, we included media reports, communicable diseases. The current impact on the environment than palm environmental activist web sites and widespread use of palm oil draws atten- oil, through further deforestation and other grey literature. This article is not tion to the ultra-processed unhealthy loss of biodiversity (given the need for meant to be exhaustive and therefore food system and the need to deepen more natural resources to cultivate such does not avert the need for an extensive and expand existing research on the crops). Policy-makers may therefore systematic review of the human and industry. However, we need to care- need to consider ways to reduce the de-

124 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:118–128| doi: Policy & practice Sowmya Kadandale et al. Palm oil industry and noncommunicable diseases mand for oils more specifically and for Mitigate industry influences child labour and human rights abuses, unhealthy ultra-processed foods more as well as gender-related issues, such broadly. Such actions would benefit We need to mitigate the influence of as inadequate maternity protections in not only the noncommunicable disease the palm oil and related industries on palm oil plantations, understanding and agenda, but also human and planetary public health policies and programmes. addressing the influence of the palm oil health as part of the sustainable develop- The relationship between the palm oil industry cuts across different sectors ment goals (SDGs). and processed food industries, and the and different SDGs. Therefore, narrow, Suggestions for action tactics they employ, resembles practices health-specific measures cannot be adopted by the tobacco and alcohol in- implemented in isolation. Addressing the palm oil industry’s dustries. However, the palm oil industry impact goes beyond a single industry, receives comparatively little scrutiny. Conclusions product or sector. Taking a multifaceted Palm oil use will likely continue, given approach, we suggest three sets of ac- the relatively low production costs of As the most prevalent vegetable oil tions for researchers, policy-makers and palm oil, high profit margins of ultra- in food manufacturing, palm oil is an the global health community (NGOs processed foods, abundant use of palm integral component of the food supply and international organizations; Box 3). oil in processed foods and prevalence of chain. While the direct health effects of Understand impact on health palm oil use in several industries (with- palm oil remain contested, the indirect out a current viable alternative). As seen health impacts of cultivating this prod- We need to better understand and ad- with recent examples, the public health uct are many. Commercial determinants dress the content, health impact and community, whether multilateral agen- play a vital role in a complex system that supply chains of palm oil products. cies84 or research institutes85, is not im- leads to the production and consump- The evidence on health remains mixed. mune to industry influence. Political ties tion of foods detrimental to human Furthermore, the so-called cocktail to industries merit further exploration.86 health. The discourse on noncommuni- effect remains unknown; individual Work across the SDGs cable diseases and human health can no ingredients of ultra-processed foods longer be separated from the dialogue may be harmless alone, but consumed Palm oil use in ultra-processed foods on planetary health. ■ in combination, daily, could be damag- follows a long, complex chain. Even ing.83 This also includes understanding as the direct health impact remains Competing interests: None declared. the associated supply chains and the unclear, cultivation and production needed accountability measures aimed and related practices contribute to at addressing potential determinantal environmental pollution, respiratory actions from the palm oil and related illnesses and loss of biodiversity. Fur- industries. thermore, with documented forced and

ملخص صناعة زيت النخيل واألمراض غري املعدية ال تعمل الصناعات واسعة النطاق يف عزلة، بل يكون هلا تأثريات الضارة التي ترتبط بأمراض اجلهاز التنفيس، وإزالة الغابات، ملموسة عىل صحة اإلنسان وسالمة الكوكب. من بني العوامل وفقدان التنوع البيولوجي، والتلوث. يوضح هذا التحليل العديد التي غالبا ما يتم إغفاهلا يف مكافحة األمراض غري السارية، هي منأوجه التشابه بني الطبيعة املتنازع عليها للمامرسات التي صناعة زيت النخيل. إن سيطرة زيت النخيل يف صناعة جتهيز تنتهجها صناعات الكحوليات والتبغ. وخيتتم املقال بإجراءات األغذية جتعله الزيت النبايت األكثر ًإنتاجا يف العامل. لقد قمنا مقرتحة للباحثني وواضعي السياسات واملجتمع الصحي العاملي بتطبيق العنارص التجارية املحددة إلطار العمل الصحي لتحليل للتعامل مع اآلثار السلبية لصناعة زيت النخيل عىل صحة اإلنسان صناعة زيت النخيل. كام نقوم بتسليط الضوء عىل عالقة مربحة والكوكب، والتخفيف منها. للطرفني يف هذه الصناعة مع صناعة األغذية املصنعة، وأثرها عىل صحة اإلنسان وسالمة الكوكب، بام يشمل املامرسات الزراعية

摘要 棕榈油行业与非传染性疾病 大规模行业通常不是孤立进行的,相反地,它会对人 响,包括与呼吸系统疾病、森林砍伐、生物多样性丧 类与地球健康产生切实影响。在与非传染性疾病作斗 失和污染有关的有害耕作实践。该分析表明酒精和烟 争的过程中,棕榈油行业通常会被忽视。棕榈油在食 草行业所采用的实践与其争议性的本质存在诸多相似 品加工行业占据主导地位,是目前世界上生产量最大 之处。本文为研究人员、政策制定者和全球卫生社区 的植物油品种。我们采用影响健康的商业因素框架来 工作者总结了建议行动方案,以解决和减轻棕榈油行 分析棕榈油行业。我们强调该行业与食品加工行业之 业对人类和地球健康带来的负面影响。 间的互惠互利关系及其对人类和地球健康所产生的影

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:118–128| doi: 125 Policy & practice Palm oil industry and noncommunicable diseases Sowmya Kadandale et al.

Résumé L'industrie de l'huile de palme et les maladies non transmissibles Les grandes industries ne fonctionnent pas en vase clos; elles ont des sur la santé des individus et de la planète, et notamment des pratiques effets tangibles sur la santé des individus et de la planète. Un acteur culturales néfastes liées à des maladies respiratoires, la déforestation, souvent négligé dans la lutte contre les maladies non transmissibles la diminution de la diversité biologique et la pollution. Cette analyse est l'industrie de l'huile de palme. Étant donné sa prédominance dans établit de nombreux parallèles avec la nature contestée de pratiques l'industrie alimentaire, l'huile de palme est l'huile végétale la plus adoptées par les industries de l'alcool et du tabac. L'article se conclut largement produite au monde. Nous avons appliqué les déterminants par des propositions d’action pour que les chercheurs, les responsables commerciaux de la santé pour analyser l'industrie de l'huile de palme. politiques et la communauté mondiale de la santé examinent et Nous mettons en évidence la relation mutuellement profitable entre atténuent les effets négatifs de l'industrie de l'huile de palme sur la cette industrie et l'industrie des aliments transformés ainsi que ses effets santé des individus et de la planète.

Резюме Производство пальмового масла и неинфекционные заболевания Крупные предприятия функционируют не в изоляции, и здоровье и благополучие человека и планеты, включая методы результаты их деятельности оказывают ощутимое воздействие на культивирования, имеющие такие негативные последствия, как здоровье и благополучие человека и планеты. Одним из факторов, респираторные заболевания, уничтожение лесов, сокращение который часто упускают из вида в борьбе с неинфекционными биологического разнообразия и загрязнение окружающей заболеваниями, является производство пальмового масла. среды. Этот анализ иллюстрирует многие параллели со спорным Преобладание пальмового масла в пищевой промышленности характером практик, применяемых в алкогольной и табачной делает его наиболее распространенным растительным промышленности. В статье авторы предлагают исследователям, маслом в мире. Для анализа производства пальмового масла высшему руководству и мировому сообществу специалистов авторы использовали коммерческие детерминанты системы здравоохранения действия по устранению и смягчению здравоохранения. Авторы подчеркивают взаимовыгодную связь негативных последствий производства пальмового масла для этой индустрии с пищевой промышленностью и ее влияние на здоровья и благополучия человека и планеты.

Resumen La industria del aceite de palma y las enfermedades no contagiosas Las industrias a gran escala no operan de forma aislada, sino que tienen humana y del planeta, incluidas las prácticas de cultivo perjudiciales que un impacto tangible en la salud humana y del planeta. Un agente que a están relacionadas con las enfermedades respiratorias, la deforestación, menudo se ignora en la lucha contra las enfermedades no contagiosas la pérdida de biodiversidad y la contaminación. Este análisis ilustra es la industria del aceite de palma. El predominio del aceite de palma muchos paralelismos con la naturaleza controvertida de las prácticas en la industria del procesamiento de alimentos lo convierte en el aceite adoptadas por las industrias del alcohol y el tabaco. El artículo concluye vegetal más producido del mundo. Se han aplicado los determinantes con varias sugerencias de posibles medidas para que los investigadores, comerciales del marco de la salud para analizar la industria del aceite de los responsables de la formulación de políticas y la comunidad mundial palma. Cabe destacar la relación mutuamente beneficiosa de la industria de la salud aborden y mitiguen los impactos negativos de la industria con la industria de los alimentos procesados y su impacto en la salud del aceite de palma en la salud humana y del planeta.

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128 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:118–128| doi: Policy & practice

Implementation of national action plans on noncommunicable diseases, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam Titiporn Tuangratananon,a Sangay Wangmo,a Nimali Widanapathirana,b Suladda Pongutta,a Shaheda Viriyathorn,a Walaiporn Patcharanarumol,a Kouland Thin,c Somil Nagpal,d Christian Edward L Nuevo,e Retna Siwi Padmawati,f Maria Elizabeth Puyat-Murga,g Laksono Trisnantoro,h Kinzang Wangmo,i Nalinda Wellappuli,j Phuong Hoang Thi,k Tuan Khuong Anh,k Thinley Zangmol & Viroj Tangcharoensathiena

Abstract By 2016, Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) had developed and implemented national action plans on noncommunicable diseases in line with the Global action plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (2013–2020). In 2018, we assessed the implementation status of the recommended best-buy noncommunicable diseases interventions in seven Asian countries: Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam. We gathered data from a range of published reports and directly from health ministries. We included interventions that addressed the use of tobacco and alcohol, inadequate physical activity and high salt intake, as well as health-systems responses, and we identified gaps and proposed solutions. In 2018, progress was uneven across countries. Implementation gaps were largely due to inadequate funding; limited institutional capacity (despite designated noncommunicable diseases units); inadequate action across different sectors within and outside the health system; and a lack of standardized monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to inform policies. To address implementation gaps, governments need to invest more in effective interventions such as the WHO-recommended best-buy interventions, improve action across different sectors, and enhance capacity in monitoring and evaluation and in research. Learning from the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the WHO and international partners should develop a standardized, comprehensive monitoring tool on alcohol, salt and unhealthy food consumption, physical activity and health-systems response.

Introduction notably SDG 1 to end poverty.4 In 2017, the WHO Global Conference on Noncommunicable Diseases5 reaffirmed non- Noncommunicable diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, communicable diseases as a sustainable development priority cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes, claim a in the Montevideo roadmap 2018–2030.6 high proportion of overall mortality, pushing many people The WHO estimates an economic return of 7 United into poverty due to catastrophic spending on medical care.1 States dollars (US$) per person for every dollar spent on so- Yet noncommunicable diseases are mostly preventable. The called best buys – evidence-based, highly cost–effective policy United Nations (UN) General Assembly has adopted a series interventions which tackle noncommunicable diseases.7 There of resolutions2 which reflect the high-level commitment to could also be a reduction of 8.1 million premature deaths by prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases. In 2013, 2030 if these best-buy options were fully implemented, which Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) represents 15% of the total premature deaths due to noncom- resolved to develop and implement national action plans, in municable diseases.7 Despite the rising burden of these diseases line with the policy options proposed in the Global action plan in low- and middle-income countries, only an estimated 1% for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases of health funding in these countries is dedicated to prevention (2013–2020).3 Noncommunicable diseases are also embedded and clinical management.7 This level of spending is unlikely in sustainable development goal (SDG) target 3.4, that is, to to have a significant impact. reduce by one-third the premature mortality from noncom- Country-level gaps in legislative, regulatory, technical municable diseases by 2030, and are linked to other SDGs, and financial capacities impede the translation of global com-

a International Health Policy Program, Ministry of Public Health, Tivanond Road, Muang District, Nonthaburi 11000, Thailand. b Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine, Ministry of Health, Colombo, Sri Lanka. c Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. d Global Practice on Health, Nutrition and Population, World Bank, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. e Department of Health, Manila, Philippines. f Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. g Health Sciences Programme, Ateneo de Manila University, Manila, Philippines. h School of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. i Policy and Planning Division, Ministry of Health, Thimphu, Bhutan. j Management Development and Planning Unit, Ministry of Health, Colombo, Sri Lanka. k Health Strategy and Policy Institute, Ministry of Health, Hanoi, Vietnam. l Health Promotion Division, Ministry of Health, Thimpu, Bhutan. Correspondence to Viroj Tangcharoensathien (email: [email protected]). (Submitted: 15 July 2018 – Revised version received: 6 November 2018 – Accepted: 13 November 2018 – Published online: 19 December 2018 )

Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:129–141 | doi: 129 Policy & practice National action plans on noncommunicable diseases in Asia Titiporn Tuangratananon et al. mitments into national action. Most tries, inadequate government funding Bank as lower-middle income, except low- and middle-income countries and high out-of-pocket payments often Thailand, which is classified as upper- have weak health systems, with limited prevent poorer people from access- middle income.14 Population size ranges domestic and international funding for ing treatment for noncommunicable from under 1 million in Bhutan to more prevention and health promotion inter- diseases.8,13 than 250 million in Indonesia. There are ventions. Between 2000 and 2015, only We assessed the implementation large variations in the prevalence of risk 1.3% (US$ 5.2 billion) of total global status of best-buy interventions in seven factors for noncommunicable disease, development assistance for health was Asian countries, which have participated its associated burden and measures to contributed to noncommunicable dis- in collaborative studies of noncommuni- tackle them across these seven countries ease programmes.8 The problems are cable diseases: Bhutan, Cambodia, Indo- (Table 1). compounded by a lack of coordinated nesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand Although these seven countries action across the relevant sectors within and Viet Nam. We also assessed gaps have a similar pace of socioeconomic de- and outside governments.9–11 WHO has in institutional capacity and provided velopment, they are diverse in terms of recommended that innovative sources suggestions for improving policy imple- population size, health-system structure of domestic financing be explored.12 Yet mentation. All countries in this analysis and decentralization of governance for in most low- and middle-income coun- are currently classified by the World health (fully devolved to local govern-

Table 1. Profile of seven Asian countries included in the analysis of best-buy interventions for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in July 2018

Variable Bhutan Cambodia Indonesia Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Viet Nam Total population, millions in 2017 0.8 16 258 102 21 69 94 (2016) Economic and fiscal measures15 GDP per capita in 2017, current US$ 3110 1384 3847 2989 4065 6594 2343 Government revenue, excluding 18.9 17.4 12.5 15.2 14.2 20.0 21.5 (2013) grants in 2016, % of GDP Health expenditure15 Current health expenditure per 91 70 112 127 118 217 117 capita in 2015, current US$ Physical activity indicators16 Prevalence of physical activity by adults age 18+ years in 2013, % Both sexes 91 NA 76 NA 76 70 76 Males 94 NA 75 NA 83 68 78 Females 88 NA 78 NA 70 72 74 Estimated deaths related to physical 14.0 NA 8.0 NA 6.9 5.1 4.1 inactivity in 2013, % Alcohol indicators17 Total alcohol consumption per 6.9 14.2 7.1 12.3 20.1 23.8 17.2 capita by alcohol drinkers older than 15 years in 2010, litres of pure alcohol National legal minimum age for on- 18 None None 18 21 20 18 premise sales of alcoholic beverages, years National maximum legal blood 0.08 0.05 Zero 0.05 0.08 0.05 Zero alcohol concentration, % Tobacco indicators18 WHO FCTC, year of signatory; year of 2003; 2004 2004; 2005 Not 2003; 2005 2003; 2003 2003; 2004 2003; 2004 ratification signed or ratified Prevalence of tobacco use among young people aged 13–15 years in 2016, % Both sexes 30.2 2.4 12.7 12.0 3.7 15.0 4.0 Males 39.0 2.9 23.0 17.6 6.7 21.8 6.9 Females 23.2 1.9 2.4 7.0 0.7 8.1 1.3 Prevalence of tobacco smoking among individuals older than 15 years in 2016, % Both sexes 7.4 21.8 NA 22.7 15.0 20.7 22.5 Males 10.8 33.6 64.9 40.3 29.4 40.5 45.3 Females 3.1 11.0 2.1 5.1 0.1 2.2 1.1 Total tobacco taxes, % of retail price Tobacco 25.2 57.4 62.6 62.1 73.5 35.7 banned FCTC: Framework Convention on Tobacco Control; GDP: gross domestic product; NA: data unavailable; US$: United States dollar.

130 Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:129–141| doi: Policy & practice Titiporn Tuangratananon et al. National action plans on noncommunicable diseases in Asia ments in Indonesia and the Philippines, Fig. 1. Noncommunicable diseases global action plan framework: the interlinks and partially devolved in Sri Lanka). between six objectives in achieving national targets on noncommunicable Lessons from their experiences can be diseases shared with other countries striving to implement their national action plans on noncommunicable diseases.

Approach We based our analysis on the policy op- Objective 1: raise priority of noncommunicable diseases tions in the six objectives in the global action plan on noncommunicable Objective 2: strengthen national governance capacity dieases.3 These objectives form the guiding framework for WHO Member States to develop their national action Objective 5: support national Objective 3: Achieving national targets capacity for research on noncommunicable diseases on noncommunicable plans (Fig. 1). National research ca- noncommunicable diseases strategies and best buys diseases pacities (objective 5) and monitoring and evaluation (objective 6) provide evidence which supports the applica- Objective 4: strengthen health systems Objective 6: tion of best-buy interventions (objec- for noncommunicable diseases monitoring and evaluation tive 3) and monitors progress towards achieving targets. Health-systems strengthening (objective 4) supports the implementation of the action plan. All four objectives (3, 4, 5 and 6) should be enhanced by good governance Note: Based on the WHO Global action plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases 2013–2020.3 (objective 2) and a heightened non- communicable diseases priority that online databases. We used personal con- Viet Nam, but less affordable in 2016 sustains the agenda across successive tacts with the health ministries in each than in 2008 in the Philippines. governments (objective 1). respective country to obtain further Second, countries are required to Given the six objectives act in syn- information on the institutional capacity eliminate exposure to second-hand to- ergy to contribute to noncommunicable to address noncommunicable diseases. bacco smoke in all indoor workplaces, diseases prevention and control, we did public places and transport. Bhutan not attempt to address all of them, but (which has a total ban on tobacco) had to focus on implementation of the best Implementation of best the highest compliance rate (score: 10 buys for four major noncommunicable buys out of a maximum 10), followed by diseases risk factors (tobacco, alcohol, Thailand (score: 7/10), while Indone- unhealthy diet and physical activity) and Table 2 provides a summary of the sia (score: 1/10) had yet to scale-up for health-systems response. implementation status of best-buy in- compliance to protect the health of In the first half of 2018, we gathered terventions across the seven countries. non-smokers. information from country profiles in Tobacco control Third, countries are required to a range of sources from the published introduce plain or standardized packag- literature: (i) the WHO report on the All six countries that are State Parties to ing or large graphic health warnings on global tobacco epidemic 2017 which was the WHO FCTC,18 and also Indonesia, all tobacco packages. Thailand and Sri compiled by the Framework Convention which is not a State Party to the Conven- Lanka were the two best-performing on Tobacco Control (FCTC) secretari- tion, have implemented tobacco control countries, as text and pictorial health at;18 (ii) the WHO Global status report interventions. There are five indicators warnings covered 85% and 80% of on alcohol and health 2018;19 (iii) the to monitor progress as mandated by the the front and back areas of cigarettes WHO Global status report on noncom- Convention. package, respectively. Health warnings municable diseases 2010;20 (iv) the Non- First, countries are required to in- covered only 40% of package areas in communicable diseases progress monitor crease excise taxes and prices on tobacco Indonesia. 2017;21 (v) national capacity survey data products to achieve the total tax rate Fourth, countries are required to on physical activity, salt policy and between 51% and 75% of retail price enact and enforce comprehensive bans health-systems response to developing of the most sold brand of cigarettes. By on tobacco advertising, promotion and treatment guidelines from the WHO 2016, no country in our analysis had sponsorship. Bhutan had the highest Global Health Observatory data reposi- achieved the target of 75%. Thailand level of compliance with a score of 10 out tory;22 and (vi) the Noncommunicable had the highest tax rate of 73.5%, while of 10 each for direct and indirect bans, diseases country profiles 2018 report on Cambodia had the lowest rate of 25.2%. followed by Viet Nam with a compliance availability of essential medicines for Cigarettes were more affordable (defined score of 10/10 for a direct ban and 6/10 noncommunicable diseases.23 Addi- according to the cost of cigarettes rela- for an indirect ban. Indonesia had the tional published literature was retrieved tive to per capita income) in 2016 than lowest score (1/10) on eliminating expo- from a search of PubMed® and Scopus in 2008 in two countries, Indonesia and sure to second-hand tobacco smoke; the

Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:129–141| doi: 131 Policy & practice National action plans on noncommunicable diseases in Asia Titiporn Tuangratananon et al. . .) Viet Nam Viet ( continues Mandates textMandates and pictorial health warnings on packaging of other cigarettes, smoked tobacco and smokeless tobacco, 50% of covering and back front Six specific areas. health warnings approved Compliance Compliance 5/10 in score: 2016. Not yet introduced smoke-free in regulation bars pubs, café, and public transport Compliance Compliance on direct score advertising ban: 10/10; ban: promotions 6–8/10; indirect ban: promotions 6/10 Total tax: 35.7% Total cigarette of retail price in 2016. more Cigarettes in affordable 2016 than in 2008 ) 25 Thailand ). Complete ). Complete 25 Mandates textMandates and pictorial health warnings on packaging and other smoke of cigarettes 85% of covering tobacco, Ban and back areas. front Ten on smokeless tobacco. warnings specific health approved compliance with smoke-freecompliance in health-care regulation facilities, educational facilities, government universities, indoor offices, facilities, pubs and cafés, restaurants, bars and public transport Compliance score: 7/10 score: Compliance 2013 MPOWER from (score report regulations Comprehensive on advertising, market and sponsorship, promotion (no promotions and indirect WHO reported in 2017 score MPOWER report Total tax: 73.5% of retail tax: 73.5% of retail Total price in 2016. Retail cigarette No changes price affordable. between 2008 and 2016 Mandates textMandates and pictorial health warnings on packaging of and cigarettes other smoked covering tobacco, and 80% of front (Ban on back areas. smokeless tobacco.) specific health Four warnings approved Compliance score: score: Compliance 6/10 in 2016. Not yet smoke-introduced in regulation free cafés, restaurants, pubs and bars score Compliance advertisingon direct ban: 8/10; ban: promotions 5–10/10; indirect ban: promotions 6/10 Total tax: 62.1% of Total price cigarette retail in 2016. Tobacco No price affordable. changes between 2008 and 2016 Philippines Sri Lanka Mandates pictorialMandates and text health warnings on packaging of cigarettes, other smoked tobacco and smokeless tobacco, 50% of front covering Twelve and back areas. warnings specific health approved Compliance score: score: Compliance 5/10 in 2016. Not yet smoke-free introduced in indoor regulation restaurants, offices, pubs and bars cafés, score Compliance advertisingon direct ban: 6/10. No ban on except promotions of tobacco appearance on television brands or films (product 9/10; score: placement) promotions indirect ban: 6/10 Total tax: 62.6% of Total price in cigarette retail less 2016. Cigarettes in 2016 than affordable 2008 Mandates pictorialMandates and text health warnings on packaging of cigarettes, other smoked tobacco and smokeless tobacco, 40% of front covering Five and back areas. warnings specific health approved Compliance score: score: Compliance 1/10 in 2016. Not yet smoke-introduced in regulation free facilities, government restaurant, indoor offices, pubs and bars cafés, No ban on direct advertisingtobacco in TV magazines, or radio, point-of- billboards, sales or the internet. on free score Compliance distribution ban: 3/10; discounts promotional ban: 0/10; on television products non-tobacco tobacco with identified names ban: 1/10 brand Total tax: 57.4% of Total price in 2016. retail price Retail cigarette Cigarettes affordable. in 2016 affordable more than 2008 and text health warnings on packaging of other cigarettes, and smoked tobacco smokeless tobacco, 55% of covering and back areas. front specific health Two warning approved Compliance score: score: Compliance 5/10 in 2016. Not yet compliance enforced and in restaurant facilities government score Compliance advertisingon direct ban: 8/10. No ban on indirect except promotions on publicizing social corporate responsibility activities of tobacco companies Total tax: 25.2% of Total price in 2016. retail Retail cigarette No price affordable. changes between 2008 and 2016 Not applicable pictorial Mandates Compliance score: score: Compliance 10/10 in 2016. enforced Not yet in compliance bars, pubs, cafés, government facilities and universities Compliance on direct score advertising ban: 10/10; and promotions sponsorship ban: 10/10; indirect ban: promotions 10/10 Not applicable, Not applicable, as sale of tobacco banned in Bhutan 24 18 High 18 18 8–10; 3–7; 0–2 3–7; 0–2

Indicator descriptionIndicator Bhutan Cambodia Indonesia tion status of best-buy interventions for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in seven Asian of noncommunicable countries in July 2018 and control diseases in seven the prevention of best-buy interventions for tion status Compliance score as per score Compliance WHO report. Mandates plain Mandates or standardized packaging or large warnings graphic with all appropriate characteristics compliance: moderate compliance: minimal compliance: High compliance: 8–10; moderate compliance: minimal compliance: Compliance score score Compliance smoke-freefor as per environments WHO report. Total taxes as % of the taxes Total price of the most sold was of cigarettes brand maximum 75% and minimum 51% above, Implementa

Table 2. Table 4. Enact and enforce 4. Enact and enforce comprehensive bans on tobacco advertising, and promotion sponsorship 3. Implement plain or standardized packaging and/or health graphic large warnings on all packagestobacco 2. Eliminate exposure exposure 2. Eliminate second-hand to smoke in all tobacco indoor workplaces, and public places public transport Best-buy intervention demand-reduction measures Tobacco excise 1. Increase and prices on taxes products tobacco

132 Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:129–141| doi: Policy & practice Titiporn Tuangratananon et al. National action plans on noncommunicable diseases in Asia . .) Viet Nam Viet ( continues Yes 18 years 18 years except Yes, advertising on containers Comprehensive Comprehensive media campaign implemented between 2014 and 2016. and Content audience target guided by with research, post-campaign evaluation Restrictions place, only by density and intoxicated for persons No No Thailand Yes 20 years advertising except on Yes, containers Comprehensive media Comprehensive implemented campaign between 2014 and 2016. audience and target Content with post- research, guided by evaluation campaign Restrictions all categories for density and specific except events Yes Applies voluntary salt food in processed reduction and snacks with healthier Mandatory logo. choice labelling in food for regulation guideline daily amounts Yes 21 years except Yes, advertising on containers No media campaign No media campaign implemented between 2014 and 2016 Restrictions all for categories No No Philippines Sri Lanka Yes 18 years Regulations only health warning for labels on alcohol advertisements and containers Comprehensive media Comprehensive implemented campaign between 2014 and and 2016. Content guided audience target with post- research, by evaluation campaign Restrictions only for density places, hours, and specific events No No Yes Yes, except advertising except Yes, on containers Media campaign Media campaign between implemented 2014 and 2016. Content audience and target research, guided by with post-campaign evaluation hours and places No No Yes Regulations only on sponsorship alcohol National media National campaign on implemented and radio television between 2014 and and 2016. Content audience target research, guided by though no post- evaluation campaign made was No restrictions Restrictions only for No No Yes, except for for except Yes, spirits Yes, except except Yes, advertising on containers No national No national media campaign implemented between 2014 and 2016 18 yearsRestrictions all for No defined legal age except categories years 21 density No No 19 19 19 24 22 Indicator descriptionIndicator Bhutan Cambodia Indonesia Excise tax on beer, wine tax on beer, Excise and spirits Legally binding Legally on alcohol regulations advertising, product sponsorship, placement, health sales promotion, warning labels on advertisements and containers Restrictions on- and for sales of off-premise by beverages alcoholic of places days, hours, densitysale, of outlets, to specific events, for at persons, intoxicated stations petrol Implemented a Implemented anti-tobacco national mass-media campaign support to designed of at control, tobacco duration least 3 weeks with all appropriate characteristics legal minimum National on- and age for sales of off-premise beverages alcoholic salt national Adopted policies Applies voluntary or mandatory salt cut-offs on selected foods ) Unhealthy diet reduction measures Unhealthy 3.Increase excise excise 3.Increase on alcoholic taxes beverages Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures Harmful use of alcohol 2. Enact and bans or enforce comprehensive restrictions on alcohol to exposure advertising (across multiple types of media) Best-buy intervention 5. Implement mass-media effective that campaigns the public educate about the harms of smoking/tobacco use and second-hand smoke 1. Enact and enforce restrictions on the availability physical alcohol of retailed hours (via reduced of sale) national 1. Adopt reduce policies to salt/ population sodium consumption (. . continued

Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:129–141| doi: 133 Policy & practice National action plans on noncommunicable diseases in Asia Titiporn Tuangratananon et al. Viet Nam Viet Less than 25% Less 2/12 drugs No Yes Thailand Yes Yes 11/12 drugs 9/12 drugs Yes Yes 18 Philippines Sri Lanka 4/12 drugs Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Less than 25%Less than 25% Less than 25% Less 4/12 drugs than 50% More 3/12 drugs than 50% More 11/12 drugs than 50% More Yes Yes 23 22 years, at least one at years,

Indicator descriptionIndicator Bhutan Cambodia Indonesia Availability of selected Availability noncommunicable diseases medicines of 50% or more at primary-health care facilities Country has within implemented, past 5 public national recent programme awareness activityon physical of national Availability the guidelines for of management diseases, cardiovascular and cancer diabetes, respiratory chronic diseases of primaryProportion health-care facilities cardiovascular offering for risk stratification of the management high risk at for patients heart and stroke attack 22 24 ) 20%) of

tal and non-fatal tal and non-fatal 30%, or ≥

WHO: World Health Organization. World WHO: brand. of the most sold 2000 cigarettes to purchase required product gross domestic of per capita by the percentage is defined of cigarettes Affordability Note: Health systems for 2. Drug therapy mellitus and diabetes hypertension using risk approach), total to and counselling individuals who have had a heart attack and to or stroke persons with high risk (≥ Best-buy intervention activityPhysical 1. Implement communitywide and public education campaign awareness activity, physical for which includes a mass media campaign 1. Member State has national management guidelines for major four noncommunicable diseases through a primary care approach a fa event cardiovascular in the next 10 years (. . continued

134 Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:129–141| doi: Policy & practice Titiporn Tuangratananon et al. National action plans on noncommunicable diseases in Asia country had no bans on direct advertis- diet.21 Salt policies cover four best buys supports reduction of premature mor- ing or sponsorship; and low compliance interventions; (i) reformulating and tality in SDG target 3.4. (score 3/10) on banning free tobacco setting target of salt in foods, (ii) pro- By 2016, all seven countries had distribution, moting an enabling environment for developed evidence-based national Fifth, countries are required to lower sodium options, (iii) promoting guidelines for the management of four implement effective mass-media cam- behaviour change through media cam- major conditions through a primary paigns to educate the public about the paign, (iv) implementing front-of-pack health-care approach, although there harms of smoking and second-hand labelling. Thailand had introduced a was no detail on the scope and contents smoke. All countries except Bhutan and salt and sodium reduction policy for of guidelines. Three countries, Philip- Sri Lanka had comprehensive campaigns 2016–2025, focusing on labelling, leg- pines, Sri Lanka and Thailand, reported in the media in 2014 and 2016. islation and product reformulation.24 that more than 50% of their primary Alcohol control In 2016, Thailand adopted national health-care facilities offered cardio- policies to reduce population salt and vascular risk management of patients There are three indicators in the Global sodium consumption, in the form of a at risk of heart attack and stroke. The status report on alcohol and health 2018, voluntary salt reduction in processed remaining four countries reported fewer that were used to monitor progress on food and snacks. Manufacturers who than 25% of their primary care facilities reduction of harmful use of alcohol.19 comply with the salt reduction recom- offered these services. First, countries need to enact and mendation (including those on fat and Indonesia and Sri Lanka reported enforce restrictions on the physical sugar) receive a healthier choice logo by that 11 out of 12 priority noncommu- availability of retailed alcohol. The legal the food and drug administration of the nicable diseases medicines were avail- minimum age for on- and off-premise health ministry. A regulation was intro- able in more than 50% of their primary sales of alcoholic beverages in 2018 was duced in 2016 in Thailand, for manda- care facilities. Viet Nam and Cambodia the highest in Indonesia and Sri Lanka tory package labelling (of salt, fat, sugar, needed to scale-up availability of these (21 years), followed by Bhutan, Philip- energy and other contents) through the medicines, as only 2/12 and 3/12 medi- pines and Viet Nam (18 years), while guideline daily amount. Bhutan and cines for noncommunicable diseases Cambodia did not have a defined legal Sri Lanka have drafted salt reduction were available, respectively. age. All countries in this study except strategies, although an explicit policy In addition to the cross-country Cambodia had introduced restrictions on salt reduction was not yet available. analysis in Table 2, Box 1 provides a on the on- and off-premise sales of Average daily salt intake was 10.8 g (in synthesis of intra-country analysis of alcoholic beverages by timing or place, 2010) and 8.0 g (in 2012) in Thailand their noncommunicable diseases inter- although these was not yet comprehen- and Sri Lanka, respectively,26 which is ventions, achievements and gaps. 19 sive. more than the 5 g recommended by the Institutional capacity Second, countries need to enact and WHO.27 Population behaviour change enforce bans or comprehensive restric- actions, such as creating awareness on Translating the UN General Assembly tions on exposure to alcohol advertising high salt intake and empowering people resolutions into interventions with good in all types of media, product placement, to change their behaviours, had been outcomes requires institutional capac- sponsorship and sales promotion, and introduced in Bhutan and Sri Lanka. ity to deliver these political promises. implement health warning labels on Physical activity We obtained information directly from alcohol advertisements and containers. health ministries on their institutional We found that almost all countries had Implementing public education and capacities for noncommunicable dis- introduced regulations on advertising awareness campaigns is the indicator eases (Table 3). for all categories of media except on for monitoring progress of promoting All seven countries had designated alcohol drinks containers. physical activity.21 By 2016, Cambodia a unit or equivalent body in their health Third, countries need to increase and Viet Nam had not implemented any ministry with responsibility for non- excise taxes on alcoholic beverages programme activities that support be- communicable diseases. The number including beer, wine and spirits. The havioural change in the previous 5 years. of full-time equivalent professional staff Global status report on alcohol and The Global action plan on physical ac- in the unit ranged from four in Bhutan health 201819 does not provide detailed tivity (2018–2030), adopted by World to 41 in Sri Lanka. As required by the information, such as tax rates, trends Health Assembly resolution WHA71.628 WHO FCTC reporting, the number of of tax rates and changes of affordability in May 2018, urged the WHO Member full-time equivalent for tobacco control of alcoholic beverages. However, most States to implement the promotion ranged from three in the Philippines to countries had imposed excise taxes for of physical activity and requested the 41 in Thailand. all alcoholic beverages, except on spirits WHO to develop global monitoring and Funding for noncommunicable dis- in Bhutan. The available information reporting systems. eases interventions (including preven- would not be helpful for monitoring Health-systems response tion, promotion, screening, treatment, progress on changes of affordability and surveillance, monitoring and evaluation, specific policy interventions. Two indicators are proposed for moni- capacity-building, palliative care and Unhealthy diet toring health-systems response to non- research) were available in all seven communicable diseases: availability of countries, except for a research budget The availability of a salt policy is cur- treatment guidelines and availability in Cambodia. rently the only indicator used by WHO of essential medicines at primary level Data were not available on an- to monitor progress on unhealthy facilities.21 Access to essential medicines nual spending on noncommunicable

Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:129–141| doi: 135 Policy & practice National action plans on noncommunicable diseases in Asia Titiporn Tuangratananon et al. diseases, although all countries relied the population who are low income, and on the skill-mix of technical staff in on government budget allocation and Viet Nam has earmarked the tobacco countries’ health ministry noncommu- a small proportion of donor funding. tax for the tobacco control programme. nicable diseases units, and staff turnover Health insurance subsidized the cost of A great variation on annual spending rate, are not routinely recorded and treatment in Cambodia, Indonesia, Phil- on tobacco control was noted in these reported. This evidence is critical for ippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. A 2% countries, ranging from US$ 21 739 in analysing gaps and strengthening the additional surcharge from a tobacco and the Philippines to US$ 12 million in Viet capacity of noncommunicable disease alcohol excise tax was earmarked and Nam (Table 3). units. In the countries we analysed, managed by the Thai Health Promotion information was also lacking on gov- Foundation29 for comprehensive inter- Challenges ernment spending on health promotion ventions for noncommunicable diseases Implementation gaps interventions. Using the WHO Health and other risk factors. An earmarked Accounts database,30 we estimate that tax from alcohol and tobacco sales in Institutional capacity assessment in the the global average investment on health the Philippines is used to subsidize seven countries is constrained by several promotion and public health interven- health care in general, for the 40% of limitations. Disaggregated information tions worldwide in 2012 was 4.3% of

Box 1. Best-buy interventions for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases: summary of achievements and gaps in seven Asian countries in July 2018 Bhutan Although smoking is illegal in Bhutan, the current prevalence of tobacco use among young people and adults is estimated to be 30.2% and 7.4%, respectively in 2016. The country has good performance in ensuring smoke-free public spaces (compliance score 10/10) and total bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. Although excise taxes and restrictions on the availability and advertising of alcohol are in place, the legal minimum age for sales of alcohol beverage (18 years old) is the lowest among the seven countries. Bhutan is developing strategies on reduction of daily salt consumption and promotion of physical activity. While clinical guidelines for the management of four major noncommunicable diseases are produced, only four out of 12 essential medicines for management of these diseases are available in more than 50% of primary care facilities. Cambodia Tobacco control policies need considerable improvement. The tobacco tax rate is the lowest among the seven countries, 25.2% of the retail price. No price changes between 2008 and 2016 means that cigarettes are affordable by the WHO definition.18 There is room to strengthen compliance on smoke-free public spaces, increase the health warning areas on cigarette packages (55%) and introduce a ban on indirect marketing promotions. Cambodia needs to introduce a legal minimum age for sale of alcoholic beverages and to restrict alcohol availability, limit daily salt consumption and promote physical activity. The country needs to scale-up the availability of essential medicines in primary care facilities. Indonesia A very high prevalence of tobacco use was reported in Indonesia; 12.7% of young people and 64.9% of men are current tobacco users. Though not a State Party to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the government needs to increase the low tobacco tax rate (57.4%) and make cigarettes less affordable to discourage new smokers, scale-up the current low level (score 1/10) of compliance on smoke-free public spaces, increase health warning areas on cigarette packages (currently 40% of front and back areas), and introduce a ban on advertising and market promotion. Alcohol consumption is religiously prohibited and legal measures to reduce alcohol consumption are well-implemented. The legal minimum age for purchase is 21 years and restrictions of the times and places of alcohol availability and advertising are in place. Indonesia has yet to introduce a salt reduction policy. Health systems are responding well as 11 out of 12 essential medicines for noncommunicable diseases are available in primary care facilities. Philippines Although cigarettes were less affordable in 2016 than in 2008, the Philippines needs to further increase the tax rate (62.6%), improve compliance on smoke-free environments, increase the size of health warnings (50% of cigarette package areas) and increase compliance on bans on advertising and promotion. The country also needs to review the current legal minimum age (18 years) for sales of alcoholic beverages, introduce policies to limit daily salt consumption and increase the availability of essential medicines for clinical management in primary health care. Sri Lanka Although the tobacco tax rate is 62.1%, the lack of regular tax increases means that cigarettes are still affordable. Sri Lanka needs to further strengthen compliance on smoke-free environments and bans on advertising and promotion. The country is on the right path towards implementing salt reduction strategies and promotion of physical activity. Due to the strong emphasis on primary health care in the country, the availability of essential medicines at the primary care level has been ensured. Thailand Tobacco control is well-implemented with a high tax rate in place (73.5%), health warnings on 85% of the back and front package areas (which ranks third globally1) and comprehensive regulations on advertising, market promotion and sponsorship. However, Thailand needs to improve compliance on smoke-free environments. Due to Thailand’s policy of universal health coverage, nine essential medicines for noncommunicable diseases are available at primary care facilities. Viet Nam Lack of regular increase in tax has resulted in more affordable cigarettes in 2016 than in 2008. Viet Nam therefore needs to increase its tax rate (35.7%) improve compliance on smoke-free environments and increase health warnings from the current 50% of package areas. Increasing the current minimum legal age for sales of alcoholic beverage (18 years) may prevent youth drinking. The country needs to introduce policies to reduce daily salt intake (currently only dietary guidelines are available and there is no front-of-package labelling1), promote physical activity, and ensure more essential noncommunicable diseases medicines are available in primary care facilities.

Note: See Table 2 for more details and data sources. Affordability of cigarettes is defined by the percentage of per capita gross domestic product required to purchase 2000 cigarettes of the most sold brand.18

136 Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:129–141| doi: Policy & practice Titiporn Tuangratananon et al. National action plans on noncommunicable diseases in Asia current per capita health spending advertising and promotion. Besides Industry Interference Index to monitor (US$ 38.6 of US$ 989.2). Despite the Sri Lanka and Thailand, integration of tobacco industry actions.38 Viet Nam well-established monitoring and evalua- noncommunicable disease interven- and Indonesia have demonstrated high tion system of the WHO FCTC, data on tions at the primary care level need to levels of industry interference,39 with expenditure for tobacco control is not be strengthened in the remaining five marginal improvement between 2015 routinely updated for many countries. countries, to ensure essential medicines and 2016, which may be linked to the For example, the latest expenditure data for clinical management, prevention of lack of progress on tobacco control in on tobacco control in the Cambodia, In- complications and premature mortality. both countries. The tobacco industry donesia and Philippines were outdated, Funding gaps for noncommunicable dis- has been more effective in promoting from 2008, 2008 and 2007, respectively. eases, as reported by health ministries, their products than governments have Taxation on tobacco and alcohol remain an important national agenda been in implementing effective interven- has not reached the global targets in in these countries and the governments tions, as reflected by the slow progress in these seven countries, mainly due to the need to invest more on effective inter- tobacco control efforts in the countries lack of multisectoral action to enforce ventions such as the recommended best we analysed. In Indonesia, a non-State legislative decisions on taxing these buys, intersectoral actions and health- Party to the WHO FCTC, the level of harmful products and counteracting system responses for noncommunicable tobacco industry interference is the industry interference. These concerns diseases. highest, although the health ministry were highlighted by the UN Interagency Another possible explanation for is drafting guidelines for interaction Task Force on noncommunicable dis- insufficient progress of noncommu- with the tobacco industry.40 Article 5.3 eases conducted in these countries.31 nicable diseases prevention policy of the WHO FCTC guides State Parties Furthermore, primary prevention efforts is industry interference.32 There is to protect their tobacco control policies in the seven countries are hampered by evidence from other countries that the from the vested interests of the tobacco weak regulatory capacities, inadequate tobacco,33–35 alcohol,36 food and beverage industry.41 Global experience shows how legal consequences for law violation and industries37 use tactics to interfere with the tobacco industry’s corporate social conflicts of interests among government policies aimed at reducing consumption responsibility activities are a platform officials. Regulatory gaps were illustrat- of their unhealthy products. for government officials to participate ed by poor enforcement of smoke-free The South East Asia Tobacco Con- directly in the industry’s activities. environments or of bans on tobacco trol Alliance has pioneered the Tobacco All countries in this study have yet

Table 3. Institutional capacity for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in seven Asian countries in July 2018

Indicator Bhutan Cambodia Indonesia Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Viet Nam No. of full-time 4 7 16 19 41 39 7 equivalent technical professional staff in noncommunicable diseases unit under health ministrya No. of full-time 14 6 12 3 10 41 20 equivalent staff in health ministry for tobacco control25 National funding for Yes Yes, except Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes noncommunicable research diseases prevention, budget promotion, screening, treatment, surveillance, monitoring and evaluation, palliative care and researcha Sources of funding for Government Government Government Government Government Government Government noncommunicable budget and budget, budget budget budget and budget, health budget, health diseases and their risk donors donors and health and health donors insurance and insurance, factorsa and social insurance insurance Thai Health donors and protection Promotion earmarked schemes Foundation tobacco tax Government 23 000 (2014) 22 200 (2008) 882 414 (2008) 21 739 (2007) 462 235 (2016) 892 359 (2015) 12 000 000 (2016) expenditure on tobacco control (year), US$25 US$: United States dollar. a Personal communication with health ministries.

Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:129–141| doi: 137 Policy & practice National action plans on noncommunicable diseases in Asia Titiporn Tuangratananon et al.

to establish procedures for disclosing rates against the preferred level of tax Conclusion interactions between governments and rate, similar to the FCTC MPOWER the industry. report.18 Estimations of daily salt intake Our survey identified more challenges Industry interference with govern- requires laboratory testing to quantify than achievements in these seven Asian ment policies is further highlighted by 24-hour urinary sodium excretion,45 countries, although some progress has Thailand’s experience in introducing an and only a few countries worldwide been made since implementing their excise tax on beverages containing sugar conduct such surveys.46,47 The burden- national action plans on noncommu- in 2017,42 where the government faced some 24-hour collection of urine can be nicable diseases control. Key underly- resistance by the Thai Beverage Industry replaced by urine spot testing,48 which is ing barriers for insufficient progress Association that challenged the links more practical and less costly. Salt intake of noncommunicable disease policy between obesity and drinking soda.43 using spot urine samples can provide are the lack of institutional capacities To address the commercial deter- countries with a good indication of of noncommunicable disease units minants of noncommunicable diseases mean population salt intake.49 The level in managing action across different and policy interference by industries, of daily salt intake is a powerful message sectors; inadequate investment on countries require improved governance, for policy advocacy in educating the primary prevention; and inadequate political leadership and a whole-of-gov- public and benchmarking with inter- health-systems responses on clinical ernment approach to making legislative national peers. Monitoring measures management. The multifactorial nature decisions on taxation and strengthening for unhealthy diet reduction need to be of noncommunicable disease requires regulatory capacities. more comprehensive. Such monitoring coordinated health action across sectors Monitoring and evaluation gaps needs to cover people’s consumption within and outside the health system, of trans-fat and sugar-sweetened bev- including tax policies, health policies, The existing systems for surveillance of erages; policy interventions such as food policies, transport and urban de- health risks, including the prevalence introduction of sugar-sweetened bever- sign. To overcome implementation gaps, of smoking, alcohol per capita con- ages taxes and bans on trans-fat in food; governments need to improve the coor- sumption, daily salt intake and levels and the food industries’ responses and dination of noncommunicable diseases of physical inactivity, need strengthen- adherence to policy. units with other sectors, invest more in ing, standardization and integration Learning from the FCTC global to- effective interventions such as the WHO for comprehensive noncommunicable bacco epidemic report,18 the WHO and recommended best buys, and improve diseases policies to be formulated. In- international partners should develop a monitoring and evaluation capacities. ■ tegrated household surveys such as the standardized, comprehensive monitor- STEPwise approach to surveillance44 or ing tool on alcohol, salt, unhealthy food, Acknowledgments equivalent should cover all noncom- physical activity and primary health- We acknowledge the contributions of municable diseases risks in one survey. care readiness to provide noncommuni- technical staff in the noncommunicable The lack of global standardized cable diseases services. The indicators in diseases units in the health ministry in detail reporting on alcohol control the country capacity survey24 are inad- all seven countries. hampers countries from monitoring equate to drive health-systems responses and advancing the alcohol control to noncommunicable diseases. Competing interests: None declared. agenda; for example, monitoring tax

摘要 不丹、菲律宾、柬埔寨、斯里兰卡、泰国、印度尼西亚、越南的非传染性疾病国家行动计划的实施 截至 2016 年,世界卫生组织 (WHO) 成员国均已根据 距的主要原因包括资金不足 ;机构能力有限(尽管指 《预防和控制非传染性疾病全球行动计划 (2013-2020)》 派了非传染性疾病部门);卫生系统内外不同部门的 开展并实施了非传染性疾病国家行动计划。2018 年, 行动不足 ;以及缺乏制定政策的标准化监测和评估机 我们评估了亚洲七国预防和控制非传染性疾病的“最 制。为了解决实施差距,政府应更多地采取有效的干 合算措施”以及其它推荐干预措施的实施情况。这七 预措施,例如世界卫生组织预防和控制非传染性疾病 个国家分别是 :不丹、菲律宾、柬埔寨、斯里兰卡、 的“最合算措施”以及其它推荐干预措施,从而改善 泰国、印度尼西亚、和越南。我们从一系列已发表的 不同部门的行动力,提高监测、评估和研究的能力。 报告和卫生部门直接收集数据。调查涵盖了减少烟草 根据《烟草控制框架公约》,世卫组织及其国际合作 使用、减少有害使用酒精、减少身体不足活动、减少 伙伴应制定关于酒精、盐和不健康饮食、身体活动不 高盐摄入等干预措施,同时还有卫生系统反应,我们 足和卫生系统反应的标准化综合监测工具。 由此确定实施的差距,并提出解决方案。2018 年,各 国在此方面的进展并不均衡。干预措施的实施存在差

138 Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:129–141| doi: Policy & practice Titiporn Tuangratananon et al. National action plans on noncommunicable diseases in Asia

Résumé Mise en œuvre de plans d'action nationaux sur les maladies non transmissibles au Bhoutan, au Cambodge, en Indonésie, aux Philippines, au Sri Lanka, en Thaïlande et au Viet Nam En 2016, les États membres de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) selon les pays. Les lacunes étaient largement dues à un financement avaient élaboré et mis en œuvre des plans d'action nationaux sur les inadéquat; des capacités institutionnelles limitées (malgré des unités maladies non transmissibles conformément au Plan d'action mondial dédiées aux maladies non transmissibles); une action inadéquate dans pour la lutte contre les maladies non transmissibles (2013–2020). les différents secteurs au sein et en dehors du système de santé; et En 2018, nous avons évalué l'état de l'application des interventions l'absence de mécanismes de suivi et d'évaluation standardisés pour les plus avantageuses recommandées en matière de maladies non orienter les politiques. Afin de combler ces lacunes, les gouvernements transmissibles dans sept pays asiatiques: le Bhoutan, le Cambodge, doivent investir davantage dans des interventions efficaces telles que l'Indonésie, les Philippines, le Sri Lanka, la Thaïlande et le Viet Nam. Nous les interventions les plus avantageuses recommandées par l'OMS, avons recueilli des données à partir de toute une série de rapports publiés améliorer l'action dans les différents secteurs, et renforcer les capacités et directement auprès des ministères de la Santé. Nous avons inclus les en matière de suivi et d'évaluation, mais aussi de recherche. En interventions qui concernaient la consommation de tabac et d'alcool, s'inspirant de la Convention-cadre pour la lutte antitabac, l'OMS et ses une activité physique inadéquate et une consommation de sel élevée, partenaires internationaux devraient élaborer un outil de suivi complet et ainsi que les réponses des systèmes de santé, et nous avons identifié les standardisé sur la consommation d'alcool, de sel et d'aliments malsains, lacunes et proposé des solutions. En 2018, les progrès étaient variables l'activité physique et la réponse des systèmes de santé.

ملخص تنفيذ خطط عمل وطنية بشأن األمراض غري املعدية، إندونيسيا والفلبني وبوتان وتايلند ورسي النكا وفييت نام وكمبوديا قامت الدول األعضاء يف منظمة الصحة العاملية )WHO (يف عدم كفاية التمويل؛ والقدرات املؤسسية املحدودة )عىل الرغم من عام 2016 بتطوير وتنفيذ خطط عمل وطنية بشأن األمراض غري الوحدات املخصصة لألمراض غري السارية(؛ وعدم كفاية العمل املعديةبام يتامشى مع خطة العمل العاملية للوقاية من األمراض عرب القطاعات املختلفة داخل وخارج النظام الصحي؛ وعدم غري املعدية ومكافحتها )2013-2020(. يف عام 2018، قمنا وجود آليات موحدة للرصد والتقييم لتوجيه السياسات. وملعاجلة بتقييمحالة تنفيذ أفضل التدخالت املوىص يف األمراض غري الفجوات عىل مستوى التنفيذ، حتتاج احلكومات إىل أن تستثمر املعدية يف سبعة بلدان آسيوية: إندونيسيا والفلبني وبوتان وتايلند أكثر يف التدخالت الفعالة مثل أفضل التدخالت التي توىص هبا ورسي النكا وفييت نام وكمبوديا. قمنا بجمع بيانات من جمموعة منظمة الصحة العاملية، وحتسني العمل عرب خمتلف القطاعات، من التقارير املنشورة، كام مجعنا البيانات مبارشة من وزارات وتعزيز القدرة عىل الرصد والتقييم يف األبحاث. بناء عىل االستفادة الصحة. وقمنا بتضمني التدخالت التي تناولت استخدام التبغ املحققة من االتفاقية اإلطارية ملكافحة التبغ، فإنه جيب عىل كل من والكحول، والنشاط البدين غري الكايف واالستهالك املرتفع من منظمة الصحة العاملية والرشكاء الدوليني تطوير أداة رصد قياسية امللح، وكذلك استجابات األنظمة الصحية، وحددنا الفجوات وشاملة لكل من الكحول وامللح واالستهالك الغذائي غري الصحي واحللول املقرتحة. ويف عام 2018، كان التقدم متفاوتا بني والنشاط البدين واستجابة النظم الصحية. البلدان. وكانت الفجوات يف مستوى التنفيذ ترجع إىل حد كبري إىل

Резюме Осуществление национальных планов действий в отношении неинфекционных заболеваний в Бутане, Вьетнаме, Индонезии, Камбодже, Таиланде, на Филиппинах и в Шри-Ланке К 2016 году страны-члены Всемирной организации действий были связаны с недостаточным финансированием, здравоохранения (ВОЗ) разработали и осуществили ограниченными институциональными возможностями (несмотря национальные планы действий в отношении неинфекционных на наличие специально созданных отделов по борьбе с заболеваний в соответствии с Мировым планом действий по неинфекционными заболеваниями), недостаточностью действий предотвращению и контролю распространения неинфекционных в разных секторах внутри системы здравоохранения и вне заболеваний (2013–2020 гг.). В 2018 году была проведена оценка ее, а также с нехваткой стандартизированных механизмов состояния рекомендуемых и наиболее популярных мер борьбы мониторинга и оценки для информирования лиц, принимающих с неинфекционными заболеваниями в семи странах Азии: в стратегические решения. Для ликвидации отставания Бутане, Вьетнаме, Индонезии, Камбодже, Таиланде, на Филиппинах правительства должны больше инвестировать в эффективные и в Шри-Ланке. Были собраны данные ряда опубликованных меры борьбы, которые рекомендованы ВОЗ как наиболее отчетов, а также получены сведения непосредственно из популярные, улучшать взаимодействие секторов и расширять министерств здравоохранения. Авторы включили в обзор возможности исследований, мониторинга и оценки. Опираясь действия в отношении употребления табака и алкоголя, борьбы с на опыт Рамочной конвенции по борьбе против табака, недостаточной физической активностью и высоким потреблением ВОЗ и ее международные партнеры должны разработать соли, а также оценили реакцию систем здравоохранения, стандартизированный всеобъемлющий метод мониторинга выявили недостатки системы действий и предложили способы их потребления алкоголя, соли и вредных продуктов питания, устранения. По состоянию на 2018 год страны демонстрировали а также оценки физической активности и реакции системы неравномерный прогресс. Основные недостатки предпринятых здравоохранения.

Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:129–141| doi: 139 Policy & practice National action plans on noncommunicable diseases in Asia Titiporn Tuangratananon et al.

Resumen Aplicación de planes de acción nacionales sobre las enfermedades no contagiosas, Bhután, Camboya, Filipinas, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Tailandia y Vietnam Para 2016, los Estados miembros de la Organización Mundial de la Salud falta de financiación, a la limitada capacidad institucional (a pesar de las (OMS) habían elaborado y aplicado planes de acción nacionales sobre las dependencias designadas para las enfermedades no contagiosas), a la enfermedades no contagiosas de acuerdo con el Plan de acción mundial inadecuación de las medidas adoptadas en los diferentes sectores dentro para la prevención y el control de las enfermedades no transmisibles y fuera del sistema de salud y a la falta de mecanismos normalizados (2013-2020). En 2018, se evaluó el estado de implementación de las de supervisión y evaluación que sirvieran de base a las políticas. Para intervenciones recomendadas en siete países asiáticos en materia de subsanar las deficiencias en materia de aplicación, los gobiernos deben enfermedades no contagiosas: Bhután, Camboya, Filipinas, Indonesia, invertir más en intervenciones eficaces, como las recomendadas por Sri Lanka, Tailandia y Vietnam. Se recopilaron datos de una serie de la OMS, mejorar las medidas adoptadas en los distintos sectores y informes publicados y directamente de los ministerios de salud. Se aumentar la capacidad de seguimiento y evaluación y de investigación. A incluyeron intervenciones que abordaron el uso del tabaco y el alcohol, partir de las enseñanzas del Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco, la actividad física inadecuada y la ingesta elevada de sal, así como las la OMS y los asociados internacionales deberían elaborar un instrumento respuestas de los sistemas de salud, se identificaron las deficiencias y de seguimiento normalizado y completo para el consumo de alcohol, se propusieron soluciones. En 2018, el progreso fue desigual entre los sal y alimentos no saludables, la actividad física y la respuesta de los países. Las deficiencias en la aplicación se debieron en gran medida a la sistemas de salud.

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Bull World Health Organ 2018;97:129–141| doi: 141 Policy & practice

Integrating noncommunicable disease services into primary health care, Botswana Neo M Tapela,a Gontse Tshisimogo,b Bame P Shatera,b Virginia Letsatsi,b Moagi Gaborone,c Tebogo Madidimalo,c Martins Ovberedjo,c Haruna B Jibril,b Billy Tsima,d Oathokwa Nkomazana,d Scott Dryden-Peterson,e Shahin Lockman,f Tiny Masupe,d Lisa R Hirschhorng & Shenaaz El Halabih

Abstract Despite the rising burden of noncommunicable diseases, access to quality decentralized noncommunicable disease services remain limited in many low- and middle-income countries. Here we describe the strategies we employed to drive the process from adaptation to national endorsement and implementation of the 2016 Botswana primary healthcare guidelines for adults. The strategies included detailed multilevel assessment with broad stakeholder inputs and in-depth analysis of local data; leveraging academic partnerships; facilitating development of supporting policy instruments; and embedding noncommunicable disease guidelines within broader primary health-care guidelines in keeping with the health ministry strategic direction. At facility level, strategies included developing a multimethod training programme for health-care providers, leveraging on the experience of provision of human immunodeficiency virus care and engaging health-care implementers early in the process. Through the strategies employed, the country’s first national primary health-care guidelines were endorsed in 2016 and a phased three-year implementation started in August 2017. In addition, provision of primary health-care delivery of noncommunicable disease services was included in the country’s 11th national development plan (2017–2023). During the guideline development process, we learnt that strong interdisciplinary skills in communication, organization, coalition building and systems thinking, and technical grasp of best-practices in low- and middle-income countries were important. Furthermore, misaligned agendas of stakeholders, exaggerated by a siloed approach to guideline development, underestimation of the importance of having policy instruments in place and coordination of the processes initially being led outside the health ministry caused delays. Our experience is relevant to other countries interested in developing and implementing guidelines for evidence-based noncommunicable disease services.

Introduction to improve access and quality of noncommunicable disease services delivered at primary health-care facilities while bol- Noncommunicable diseases cause 41 million deaths each year stering the universal health coverage agenda.2 Some countries and accounts for an estimated 71% of all deaths globally.1 Of in sub-Saharan Africa have adapted the WHO package to the the deaths caused by noncommunicable diseases, 32 million local context, however few have endorsed them and only two occurred in low- and middle-income countries.1 In sub-Saha- countries, Benin and Togo, have done a national implemen- ran Africa in 2015, 34% of all deaths (3.1 million/9.2 million) tation.2 However, published experiences from the translation were due to noncommunicable diseases.2 Due to increasing of evidence-based guidelines to routine practice in resource- life expectancy, rapid demographic transition and additional constrained settings are scarce.11 Thus, sharing experiences on risk introduced by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the implementation of evidence-based guidelines for the delivery World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the Afri- of noncommunicable disease services at primary health-care can Region will experience steep rises in noncommunicable level in such settings is important. Here we describe the disease incidence and related mortality over the next decade.3 strategies employed to drive the process from adaptation to However, services to prevent and control noncommunica- national endorsement of such guidelines and the plan for ef- ble diseases in the Region are largely inaccessible or lacking in fective implementation and sustainment of the 2016 Botswana quality, particularly for poor people and rural residents.4,5There primary healthcare guidelines for adults. is global consensus that using the primary health-care system, which provides a decentralized and integrated platform of Local setting care, is important in addressing noncommunicable diseases.6–9 WHO’s Package of Essential Noncommunicable Disease The burden of noncommunicable diseases in Botswana, a Interventions (WHO PEN) for primary health care in low- middle-income country in southern African, reflects that resource settings10 provides evidence-based clinical guidelines of other countries in the Region. In 2014, an estimated 37%

a Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom. c Division of Global Health Equity, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, United States of America (USA). b Ministry of Health and Wellness, Gaborone, Botswana. c World Health Organization, Gaborone, Botswana. d Faculty of Medicine, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana. e Division of Infectious Diseases, Harvard University, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, USA. f Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, USA. g Department of Medical Social Sciences, Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, USA. h World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. Correspondence to Neo M Tapela (email: [email protected]). (Submitted: 2 August 2018 – Revised version received: 6 November 2018 – Accepted: 12 November 2018 – Published online: 8 January 2019 )

142 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:142–153 | doi: Policy & practice Neo M Tapela et al. Noncommunicable diseases services, Botswana

Table 1. Prevalence of noncommunicable disease risk factors among adults aged 15–69 years, Botswana, 2014

Risk factor All (n = 4074) Male (n = 1321) Female (n = 2753) No.a Weighted % No.a Weighted % No.a Weighted % (95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) % of people who currently smoke tobacco 4066 18.3 (15.9–20.7) 1316 31.4 (27.5–35.3) 2750 4.9(3.5–6.2) % of people with insufficient fruit or vegetable 3651 94.8 (93.4–96.1) 1161 95.8 (93.9–97.6) 2490 93.8 (92.2–95.4) consumptionb % of people with insufficient physical activityc 3671 20.1 (17.4–22.7) 1182 14.3 (11.3–17.3) 2489 25.9 (22.7–29.2) % of people who are overweight or obesed 3906 30.6 (28.5–32.7) 1299 19.8 (17.0–22.6) 2607 42.3 (39.5–45.0) % of people with hypertensione 4056 29.4 (27.3–31.6) 1314 30.4 (27.2–33.7) 2742 28.4 (25.9–30.8) % of people with elevated fasting glucose level or 3481 4.5 (3.3–5.7) 1115 3.3 (2.2–4.9) 2366 4.8 (3.6–6.1) currently on treatment for diabetesf % of people who are aged 40–69 years and have 3468 9.7 (6.9–12.6) 1113 9.3 (5.2–13.5) 2355 10.1 (6.7–13.4) a 10-year CVD risk of ≥ 30% or an existing CVDg CI: confidence interval; CVD: cardiovascular disease. a Denominator of proportion is reported. b More than five servings of fruit and/or vegetables on average per day. c Less than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week. d Definitions of overweight and obesity are a body mass index of ≥25.0 kg/m2 and ≥ 30.0 kg/m2, respectively. e People with systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg or currently on hypertensive medication. f Elevated glucose level is defined as a concentration of ≥7.0 mmol/L in venous blood. g A 10-year CVD risk of ≥ 30% is defined according to age, sex, blood pressure, smoking status (smoker defined as current smokers or those who quit smoking less than 1 year before the assessment), total cholesterol and diabetes previously diagnosed or a fasting plasma glucose concentration > 7.0 mmol/L.13 Data source: Botswana STEPS survey report on non-communicable disease risk factors.14

(5920/16000) of deaths in the country vider used international professional context. The model considers outer, e.g. were due to noncommunicable dis- guidelines. In 2013, the health ministry, legislation, policy, funding, and interor- eases.12 In the same year, a population- in collaboration with the University of ganizational networks, and inner, e.g. based noncommunicable disease risk Botswana, initiated the adaptation of the leadership, organizational culture, readi- factors survey conducted among 4074 WHO package for Botswana context,19 ness for change and individual adopter adults aged 15–69 years showed that leading to the endorsement of the coun- attitude, including contextual factors an average of 29% (95% confidence try’s first national primary health-care that influence the implementation pro- interval, CI: 27–32) of participants had guidelines for adults in November 2016. cesses. Below we describe, and Fig. 1 hypertension and 18% (95% CI: 16–21) These guidelines contain standardized outlines, the strategies and processes we were smoking (Table 1).15 algorithms for screening, risk strati- undertook during the implementation, Of the 2 million people living in Bo- fication and management of diabetes, using the models’ four phases: explora- tswana, about 95% reside within 8 km of hypertension, asthma and screening for, tion, preparation, implementation and a health facility and basic health services as well as algorithms for broader man- sustainment. 16 are available for free to all citizens. The agement of common clinical complaints Exploration lowest level facilities, the primary clinics and preventive care in adults. In addition and health posts, are each staffed by one to evidence-based treatment decision To understand the limitations in pro- or more general nurses, who have at least support for health-care providers, the vision of noncommunicable disease a two-year nursing diploma following guidelines also emphasize promotion services in the public health-care sys- secondary schooling. Botswana’s health- of patient self-management through tem, the health ministry’s national care system shares characteristics with individual counselling by a nurse and noncommunicable disease programme, other countries in the Region, includ- a dietician, as well as group education, conducted a multilevel situation analy- ing a primary care-based health system defaulter tracing and strengthening sis. The analysis consisted of a policy structure, shortages in health-care work- coordination of care. and literature review, assessment of force, weak supply chain management available national statistical data, key and underdeveloped health information Approach informant interviews as well as stake- systems.17,18 holder inputs from consultative forums. Before 2016, there were no national To guide implementation of the guide- The stakeholders were part of a techni- clinical guidelines for noncommuni- lines, we selected the conceptual model cal working group that met periodi- cable diseases. Adults presenting to of evidence-based practice implemen- cally, and included managers of related primary clinics with a major noncom- tation in public service sectors.20 We national programmes, specialist and municable disease, such as diabetes, chose this multilevel model, among general clinicians, academics, hospital hypertension, cardiovascular disease, various dissemination-implementation administrators and representatives from chronic respiratory disease and cancer, options,21 because of this model’s op- civil society and development partner were managed and referred incon- erational specificity, emphasis on imple- organizations. sistently, depending on an individual mentation rather than dissemination Before 2016, a national policy or providers’ training or whether the pro- alone, and relevance to public sector strategy on noncommunicable diseases

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:142–153| doi: 143 Policy & practice Noncommunicable diseases services, Botswana Neo M Tapela et al. was lacking. The only national policy with elevated blood pressure had not district hospitals. Preliminary analysis instruments related to noncommuni- been previously diagnosed with hyper- of the first 142 surveys returned (rep- cable diseases were the Alcohol Policy, tension. Of the 1088 participants with resenting 136 clinics and six hospitals, Tobacco Policy, Nutrition Strategy, hypertension, 585 (weighted percentage: spanning 10 districts across the country) Essential Health Services Package, and 53%) had uncontrolled blood pressure revealed that essential medicines, basic Botswana Public Health Act, and these (Tapela NM et al., Botswana Health equipment and relevant laboratory tests did not comprehensively address non- Ministry, unpublished data, 2018). These were generally available. Furthermore, communicable diseases. Published local results are similar to those found in opportunities for continuing medical studies on noncommunicable diseases other surveys in the Region,25 and indi- education and professional development management at primary health-care lev- cated that improvement of services for across professional levels for noncom- el were few, and all were descriptive.22–24 detecting people with hypertension and municable diseases were lacking. Only Nonetheless, they indicated gaps in controlling hypertension was needed. six (7%) of the 84 doctors and 27 (2%) diagnosis, quality of care and control For other chronic noncommunicable of the 1377 nurses surveyed had received of disease. These findings have been diseases such as diabetes and asthma, any in-service training for noncommu- corroborated in analyses conducted fol- we hypothesized that the percentages nicable diseases management during lowing guidelines endorsement (Tapela of people with diagnosed disease and the previous two years (Government NM et al., Botswana Health Ministry, the disease under control were also low. of Botswana, Ministry of Health and unpublished data, 2018; Mosepele M et To assess capacity of facilities to Wellness, personal communication, al., University of Botswana, unpublished deliver essential noncommunicable August 2018). data, 2018). For example, analysis of data disease services, we used a self-reported In addition, we visited six primary from the 2014 Botswana STEPS survey survey derived from WHO Service clinics and two district hospital clinics on noncommunicable disease risk Availability and Readiness Assessment in two districts to interview key infor- factors14 revealed that 637 of the 1725 tool.26 We distributed the survey to all mants and to directly observe consulta- participants (weighted percentage: 43%) 639 primary health-care clinics and 32 tions for four noncommunicable dis-

Fig. 1. Strategies employed in facilitating endorsement and initial implementation of Botswana’s national primary care guidelines, 2014–2017

Exploration Preparation Implementation Sustainment

Sociopolitical context • Review relevant policies and • Facilitate development of • Distribute primary • Cascade related national and funding legislation supportive policy health-care guidelines and development plan objectives • Review current instruments supportive policy documents to district level spending on health • Establish partnerships to • Fully cost and allocate funding for support initial training primary health-care guidelines

Client and • Hold broad stakeholder • Establish an intersectorial • Hold annual technical • Hold annual technical interorganizational consultations technical working group working group briefings working group briefings networks • Public awareness campaign • Continue public awareness on available primary health-care services for noncommunicable diseases

Organizational • Conduct analysis of local data • Review evidence; identify • Delivery standardized • Continue trainings and characteristics • Consult related health and adapt guidelines that multimethod in-service coaching; issue professional ministry programme are structural/ideological fit training and coaching development points • Assess facililty readiness and current clinical practice

Leadership • Understand health ministry • Present primary health-care • Embed measures in • Embed measures in strategic direction under guidelines at health ministry ministerial key ministerial key current leadership leadership meetings performance indicators performance indicators • Nationally endorse guidelines

Individual adopter • Identify national • Scout for local • At district level, designate • Continue engagement and characteristics programme to lead effort master trainers and train multidisciplinary recognition of local champions master trainer teams

Fidelity monitoring • No action taken • Develop an implementation • Monitor indicatorsa and • Explore the collection of clinical and support plan, including service provide feedback to facilities outcome data using an electronic package and roles of on performance data health information system providers and training materials for providers • Develop training material

a Indicators are based on RE-AIM framework, which assesses five domains: reach; efficacy; adoption; implementation and maintenance28 Note: We used the conceptual model for evidence-based practice in public service sectors20 to guide the implementation process.

144 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:142–153| doi: Policy & practice Neo M Tapela et al. Noncommunicable diseases services, Botswana eases: cardiovascular diseases; diabetes; Table 2. Observed quality of follow up care for hypertensive patients, Botswana, 2015 chronic respiratory disease and cancers (Tshisimogo G et al., Botswana Health Service component No. of patients (%) Ministry, unpublished data, 2018). A n = 82 general physician knowledgeable in primary health-care guidelines observed Patient characteristic the consultations and employed a pur- With comorbid diabetes 16 (20) posive sampling of about 20 consecutive With other noncommunicable disease comorbidities 9 (11) consultations at each facility. Table 2 Assessment illustrates findings from observations Asked about symptoms 78 (95) made for 82 follow-up visits for indi- Asked about hospitalization interval 1 (1) viduals with hypertension, carried out Measured blood pressure 82 (100) by 11 health-care providers. Of these Used correct blood pressure measurement technique 66 (80) consultations, 59 (72%) involved ap- Measured weight 24 (29) propriate step up of antihypertensives, Measured height 0 (0) that is, initiating new drug or increasing Measured waist circumference 0 (0) dose for patient reported medication Performed foot exam 11 (13) adherence, but still had a blood pressure Treatment and monitoring over 160/100 mmHg. Only 27 (33%) Asked about medication adherence 47 (57) patients received any advice related to Appropriately increased antihypertensive medication 59 (72) healthy diet, physical activity or weight control, and no patients had ever had Ordered appropriate laboratory tests 22 (27) their body mass index or waist circum- Scheduled appropriate follow-up 65 (79) ference measured at the given facility. Education and advise These assessments indicated that health- Provided education on disease danger signs 4 (5) care facilities were generally equipped Advised about physical activity 14 (17) to provide quality clinical services, but Advised about healthy diet 36 (44) primary health-care providers would Advised about alcohol consumption 4 (5) need training to effectively implement Advised about tobacco use 2 (2) the guidelines and deliver quality care. Provided any advice on lifestyle modification 27 (33) Preparation To identify options for evidence- lected clinicians and management staff environment. Therefore, starting in based care delivery models in rural or in district health teams. Based on the mid-2015 and concluding in late 2017, resource-limited settings, we did a web- findings from the literature review, the development of a multisectoral strat- based literature review by primarily key informants deemed the integrated egy for the prevention and control of searching PubMed and HINARI, using models, such as Wagner’s Chronic Care noncommunicable diseases 2017–2022 the search terms “quality improvement” Model (CCM),27 most favourable for was accelerated to provide a national or “guideline implementation”; and the health-care system context. There- roadmap for noncommunicable disease “primary care” or “chronic diseases” or fore, the national noncommunicable interventions both within and outside “noncommunicable diseases” “health- diseases programme believed that the the health sector. During the same pe- care services” or “care”; and “rural” or available WHO package,10 underpinned riod, planning for Botswana’s 11th na- “resource-limited” or “sub-Saharan Af- by this Chronic care model, to be the tional development plan, for the period rica”. To select the model that best fitted most fitting. 2017–2023, was underway. The health the context of Botswana’s health system, Details of the process of adapting ministry, an actor in this national plan- we considered the alignment with exist- the WHO package to the Botswana con- ning process, identified this timing as ing national policies and guidelines. We text have been previously described.19 opportune. The consultative platforms also considered the ongoing transition Briefly, algorithms for screening, risk were leveraged by the health ministry of the health ministry, which started stratification and/or management of dia- to sensitize stakeholders across sec- in 2015, which is a strategic paradigm betes, hypertension, asthma, breast and tors, and foster intersectoral action and shift from curative-focused approaches cervical cancer were embedded within long-term resource allocation to reduce and disease-specific programmes algorithms for broader management of mortality and morbidity of noncommu- to an emphasis on prevention, early common clinical complaints in adults nicable diseases. diagnosis and integrated treatment. (Table 3). The national formulary, which Once we anticipated endorse- To gain insights on current practice comprises a list of essential medicines ment of the guidelines, we developed and potential structural constraints, covered by the government budget and a guidelines implementation plan and we held a series of meetings with free to patients, was revised to include training programme for health-care clinical experts, the Health Ministry relevant medicines from the WHO es- providers with support of a public– Permanent Secretary, manages for sential medicine list. private partnership (Box 1). Training HIV, tuberculosis, primary health care The endorsement, effective imple- materials that were developed were and maternal health programmes and mentation and impact of the guidelines non-proprietary, facilitated by private clinical services department, and se- would depend on a supportive policy sector funding and use of readily avail-

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:142–153| doi: 145 Policy & practice Noncommunicable diseases services, Botswana Neo M Tapela et al.

Table 3. Outline of the essential noncommunicable disease package included in the 2016 Botswana’s primary health-care guidelines for adults

Service componentsa Service task examples Provider of service Patient Education and self- Advise individuals or groups on lifestyle modification, Nurse at primary clinic or dieticianb management support smoking cessation, by employing the five A’s: ask; advise; assess; assist; and arrange Screening and risk stratification Ask about lifestyle risk factors, including tobacco; harmful Nurse at primary clinic for people older than 40 years alcohol use; diet and physical activity; family history; past medical history; and symptoms related to diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and chronic respiratory disease Assess age, sex, HIV status, BMI or waist circumference, Nurse at primary clinic blood pressure, fasting or random glucose level and total cholesterol level for patients with more than two other risk factors Screening women for cervical Do pap smear or VIA for females aged 30–49 years and Nurse or midwife at primary clinic, VIA and breast cancer physical breast exam for females aged 40–69 years performed at district hospital by nurse or midwife Triage and emergent referral Assess the criteria for emergent status, such as systolic blood Nurse at primary clinic, in consultation with pressure above 200, unstable angina, acute stroke or diabetic nurseb or doctorb ketoacidosis Risk-based treatment For patients with hypertension: initiate antihypertensive if Nurse at primary clinic, with initial review by blood pressure is persistently above 140/90; rotating doctord For confirmed diabetes: prescribe metformin and an ACE- inhibitor Assess 10-year CVD riskc Nurse at primary clinic For patients with a CVD risk of 10–20%, suggest lifestyle Nurse at primary clinic modifications For patients with a CVD risk of 20–30%, suggest lifestyle Nurse at primary clinic, with initial review by modifications and prescribe statins rotating doctord For patients with a CVD risk above 30%, suggest lifestyle Nurse at primary clinic, with initial review by modifications and prescribe statins and aspirin rotating doctord Refer patients who have uncontrolled disease despite Nurse at primary clinic primary clinic management (e.g. blood pressure > 140/90 despite three antihypertensive medications) to district hospital Organizational Delivery system design Trace missed visits and conduct home visits Nurse at primary clinic, supported by community nurse or social workerb Provide care coordination support for patients requiring care Community nurseb across facility levels Professional Decision support Train and coach nurses at primary clinics Master trainer team ACE: angiotensin-converting-enzyme; BMI: body mass index; CVD: cardiovascular disease; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; VIA: visual inspection with acetic acid. a Service components supported by systematic monitoring and evaluation of care, provider training and mentorship, availability of essential medicines and diagnostics. b Members of the multidisciplinary master trainer team. c CVD risk is assessed according to age, sex, blood pressure, smoking status (smoker defined as current smokers or those who quit smoking less than 1 year before the assessment), total cholesterol level and diabetes. d General practitioner seeing patients at district hospital or conducting outreach visits to primary clinics. able software. We used the RE-AIM monthly to the district health manage- Implementation framework28 and additionally WHO ment teams and national noncom- HEARTS technical tool29 and Partners municable disease programme, using The health ministry planned that the In Health Guide to Chronic care inte- routine district health management implementation should be done in gration of endemic noncommunicable reporting practice. On a quarterly three phases, by scaling up noncom- diseases,30 to define a standardized set basis, the national noncommunicable municable disease services in 8–10 dis- of performance indicators (Table 4). disease programme compiled and tricts during each phase. The first phase The national noncommunicable dis- provided feedback of reports data to began in August 2017 and involved ease programme revised paper-based facilities. A subset of these indicators eight districts where an international and basic electronic reporting to has been included in key performance nongovernmental organization had include these indicators. Facility staff targets for the health ministry and in established multidisciplinary diabetes members reported on these indicators the 11th national development plan. clinics at district hospitals in 2012.

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Within each district, the health lead- Box 1. Curriculum development for multimethod training on primary care-based ership assigned health-care providers management of noncommunicable diseases, Botswana to a district-based multidisciplinary team of master trainers. To obtain A multidisciplinary team of clinical experts, many of whom had been involved in the primary the ideal mix of skills in the team, the health-care guidelines adaptation process, developed the curriculum. Funding and technical support of the curriculum development and training material design, the health ministry leadership consulted with district- established a public–private partnership. The curriculum consists of three modules: (i) risk based health-care providers and the assessment, diagnosis and treatment; (ii) health education and counselling; and (iii) principles noncommunicable disease programme. of systems and quality improvement generalizable to chronic conditions, such as longitudinal Each team consisted of one doctor, one documentation, missed visit tracing and responding to medicine stock outs. clinical nurse, one dietician and one The curriculum for master trainers included a fourth module on how to be a trainer, encompassing community nurse or social worker. The principles in adult learning, mentorship and team-based work. Trainings were intended for team participated in an intensive five- maximum 30 participants, with trainer:trainee ratio of 1:10 at most. Training employed several day multimethod training programme pedagogical methods, including participatory didactic sessions, focus group discussions, practical (Box 1). Thus far, 32 master trainers skills training (such as diabetic foot exam) and role-plays for communication and counselling. covering eight districts have been Training of master trainers was five days long and included one clinical nurse (in the first phase trained and are currently providing of implementation, the nurse was from a comprehensive diabetes clinic), one community nurse or social worker, one medical officer and one dietician from each district. Subsequently, these training and case-management coach- master trainer teams would lead three-day general trainings in their respective districts (for a ing for providers at primary health-care minimum of two primary care providers per facility trained in each district) and offer long-term facilities throughout their given dis- phone-based and site-visit mentorship to health providers at primary clinics. trict. Implementation at an additional To evaluate the training, a team from the health ministry’s national noncommunicable disease nine districts began in May 2018 and programme performed surveys before and after training, assessing the participants’ knowledge, implementation in the remaining 10 skills and confidence in managing conditions. In addition, observation of trainee performance in districts is planned to start in 2019. role plays gave the trainees immediate feedback and if needed, the trainers provided additional The aim is achieving national roll-out practice. by August 2020. Sustainment Many of the strategies we employed many delays. In retrospect, delays were To foster a sustained system change, took into consideration contextual fac- due to a combination of inner and outer much was done and planned in advance. tors (Table 5). For example, emphasizing contextual factors, including misaligned For example, inclusion of guidelines the potential threat of noncommuni- agendas of stakeholders exaggerated by indicators both in the ministerial key cable diseases reversing health gains conventional siloed and disease-specific performance targets and in the national made by combatting the HIV epidemic approach to guidelines, underestimation development plan will support high- facilitated prioritization of noncommu- of the importance of having policy in- level policy prioritization and collective nicable diseases during the exploration struments in place and coordination of programme accountability. To ensure phase. The health ministry addressed the processes initially being led outside long-term support and institutional- limited expertise in analysing local the health ministry. Development of ization of guideline-compliant care, data and identifying research evidence, Botswana’s noncommunicable disease we engaged health-care providers and a reality in many health ministries in strategy was an enabling and necessary district health managers early on as part low- and middle-income countries,31 policy step towards guidelines endorse- of the preparation process. Additionally, by collaborating with academia. This ment. The two-year process of develop- training local master trainers in parallel collaboration enabled in-depth analysis ing the noncommunicable disease strat- with development of non-proprietary of local data and synthesis of published egy provided intersectoral stakeholder training material will enable future literature. Instead of a more rigorous and engagement that was instrumental for trainings that do not rely upon external resource-intensive assessment of service the prominent inclusion of mortality resources. To incentivizing participation provision, we distributed self-reported reduction of noncommunicable diseases by nurses, the guidelines training is ac- surveys to facilities and visited purpo- in the national development plan. The credited for nursing clinical professional sively selected facilities. These surveys process also helped to bring together development points. were administered by University of individuals across the health ministry’s Botswana research fellows affiliated with programmes and sectors, who were Lessons learnt the national noncommunicable disease relevant to adaptation of the guidelines. programme. Analysis of local data clari- During the preparation phase, the By using and strengthening the country’s fied local gaps as well as helped engag- national noncommunicable disease primary health-care platform, we have ing policy decision-makers, who were programme needed to coordinate di- accomplished a positive step towards sceptical that international averaged verse stakeholders, consider efficacy of decentralizing quality health-care ser- figures reflected local context. More guidelines and other factors in decision- vices for noncommunicable diseases. analyses of these data, including further making, such as strategic alignment, Botswana is well placed to demonstrate disaggregation by social determinants of equity and the health ministry capacity quality and sustained services because health, should be emphasized to better of additional health services. The pro- of these guidelines and the political sup- inform policy and practice. gramme also needed to handle multiple port of the national development plan The preparation phase, leading up nonlinear processes, such as develop- objectives and accessibility of health- to endorsement of the guidelines, was a ment of policy instruments. The health care services. lengthy, iterative process and subject to ministry has had an inadequate capacity

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9 Table 4. Key noncommunicable disease performance indicators for Botswana's national income countries. We addressed these primary health-care guidelines implementation issues by developing a multimethod training coupled with a mentorship pro- District-level indicator by implementation outcomea Target gramme. Phased implementation lever- aged the experience of existing district Adoption hospitals with multidisciplinary diabetes % of facilities with ≥ 2 providers trained > 90% teams. These teams, while focused on a Maintenance single disease and based at district hos- % of facilities with ≥ 2 consecutive monthly reports submitted to > 90% pitals, had experience managing patients district monitoring and evaluation team with chronic conditions. They were Reach therefore well placed to serve as mentors b % increase in individuals enrolled in care, compared with baseline > 10% and receive patients with complex issues, Coverage of blood pressure screening among residents older than 40 > 10% such as multimorbidity or needing spe- years cial care, referred from primary clinics. Coverage of cervical cancer screening among female residents aged > 10% Train-the-trainers model mirrored that 30–49 years of Botswana’s successful national HIV Coverage of screening for breast cancer by physical exam, among > 10% training programme.36 The potential female residents aged 40–69 years synergies of applying relevant HIV ex- Implementation perience and resources to noncommu- % of new visits by patients aged 40 years or older where CVD risk is > 90% nicable diseases decentralization have assessed and documentedc been described,37–39 and incorporating % of new visits where patients with 10-year CVD risk above 30% is > 90% this approach should be suitable in other started on statin African countries. % all visits where patients with blood pressure above 160/100 > 90% We had to assess and address antihypertensives are increased health-care workforce limitations. While Efficacy of service provision there were some concerns that primary % people with hypertension with most recent blood pressure < 140/90 > 60%d health-care guidelines would introduce mmHg (among enrolled patients with a visit during the previous month) additional unbearable workload, facil- Mean change in systolic blood pressure over the past 12 months for −5mmHgd ity readiness assessments revealed that people with hypertension most primary clinics generally com- % of people with diabetes with most recent glucose or HbA1c level < 8 > 60%d pleted patient consultations by 2 pm. To mmol/L and above 6.5 mmol/L (among enrolled diabetics with a visit further facilitate the work of the provid- during the previous month) ers, we also employed task-shifting. The % patients enrolled in careb with at least one visit in addition to intake > 90% introduction of master trainer positions, visit (retention) which included 50% routine clinical BMI: body mass index; CVD: cardiovascular disease: HbA1c: glycated haemoglobin. practice and 50% training and men- a Indicators are based on RE-AIM framework, which assesses five domains: reach; efficacy; adoption; torship of primary-care clinicians and implementation and maintenance,28 WHO HEARTS technical tool29 and Partners In Health Guide to nurses, required additional sensitization 30 Chronic care integration of endemic noncommunicable diseases. of facility leadership, such as meetings b Patients enrolled in care at baseline are individuals who had at least one visit during the 12 months period before guidelines implementation, were not known to have died or relocated and who meet any of the and workload negations. These posi- following criteria: known hypertension or diabetes, older than 40 years, or a 10-year CVD risk above 10%. tions were modelled after the existing New patients are those with same clinical criteria as above, enrolled in care during the 12 months tuberculosis and HIV nurse coordinator following guidelines implementation within the given district position and provide an example that c CVD risk assessment deemed completed if the provider had checked and documented: age, sex, blood facilitated the master trainer positions’ pressure, blood glucose level, BMI or waist circumference, tobacco use and human immunodeficiency virus status. acceptability among health-care provid- d The target consists of two categories: (i) new diagnosis, patients diagnosed within the past 12 months; ers and administrators. and (ii) knowing diagnosis, patients diagnosed over 12 months before end of reporting period. Notes: Targets to be achieved within 12 months of guidelines implementation start. Facilities submit reports Challenges monthly including patient-level data, data are then aggregated across districts and nationally reviewed on quarterly and annual basis. Data will be augmented by periodic purposive audits. While political commitment exists, disbursement of funds has been delayed due to complex bureaucratic proce- for health-care stewardship in general,32 emphasized and developed as a strategy dures involved in budget allocation. and this shortcoming was also seen in for improving clinical service delivery. This delay has resulted in a decreased the guidelines development process. We With regards to implementation, implementation pace and failure to found that strong interdisciplinary skills strategies employed were informed execute a national communication in communication, organization, coali- by published literature on effective campaign to raise public awareness on tion building and systems thinking, as guideline implementation and qual- services made available or improved well as a technical grasp of best-practices ity improvement.11,33–35 Limited clinical by the primary health-care guidelines. in low- and middle-income countries, knowledge and confidence in non- Both epidemiological surveillance were particularly important. In Bo- communicable diseases management and monitoring of health services tswana, and in many low- and middle- by health-care providers have been are necessary to assess the near and income countries, these skills should be described in other low- and middle- long-term impact of these guidelines,

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Table 5. Key strategies employed in response to contextual factors during adoption and initial implementation of Botswana primary health-care guidelines

Key implementation strategies by implementation phasea Contextual factors Exploration Multilevel assessment to understand sociopolitical landscape, funding, current Concerns that noncommunicable diseases might reverse clinical practice and strategic priorities. Used broad stakeholder inputs; review health gains made when combatting HIV.b Existing national of policies, legislation, programme reports, local data analysis, and operational noncommunicable disease programme to spearhead effortb research Assessed facility capacity and readiness to deliver quality services at primary Constrained resources for rigorous facility and provider and/ health-care level. Used purposive sampling and local university trainees to or client assessment general local data at lower cost In-depth analysis of local data, leveraged partnerships with academic institutions Limited research evidence interpretation and analytical expertise within the health ministry; data available from the 2014 noncommunicable disease risk factors surveyb Preparation Selected and adapted guidelines that fit model of care aligned with health Key policy instruments did not exist before 2016; the global ministry structure and strategic direction. Embedded noncommunicable diseases advocacy for UHC; the health ministry’s primary care- within primary health-care guidelines, aligning with the health ministry strategic oriented strategic directionb direction and emphasizing integrated primary health-care services for individuals with multiple risk factors and morbidities Engaged future on-the-ground adopters early on, starting with guidelines Before these guidelines, the experience and focus of adaptation, to ensure context appropriate guidelines and facilitate ownership and health-care providers was predominantly HIV-focused, thus sustainment challenging adoption Set up a broad technical working group and leveraged intersectoral forums to Tradition of siloed, disease and/or programme-focused advocate for national prioritization of noncommunicable diseases and enable approach to guidelines development development of supportive policy instruments, such as a noncommunicable disease strategic plan, national essential medicines list and a national development plan Achieved strong and streamlined stakeholder coordination to minimize fatigue The small pool of local technical experts presenting risk of and redundancy, through multiple nonlinear related processesc meeting fatigue Implementation Started implementation in districts with some experience in multidisciplinary Hospital-based multidisciplinary diabetes clinics established chronic disease management in 2012 in eight districtsb Coupled standardized in-serve training programme with long-term mentorship Positive and recent experience with HIV training programme, to support continued change in practice using master trainersb Monitored standardized performance indicators,d which include process No existing routine reporting of noncommunicable diseases measures to signal early on delayed progress and suggest solutions to address care; cumbersome paper-based reporting delays Established public–private partnership to provide technical expertise and Absence of global funding mechanism for expediently obtain funding for initial training noncommunicable diseases; slow government budget allocation processes Sustainment Included noncommunicable diseases mortality reduction priority and strategies 10th National Development Plan ending in 2016b in the next national development plan. Selected indicators included in health ministry’s key performance indcators Developed experienced local master trainers and non-proprietary training Recent and positive experience with national HIV training material to allow for future trainings without need for external resources programmeb Going forward, will explore future electronic monitoring of primary health-care Existing patient-level electronic health information primarily indicators, and regular feedback to providers, which will be critical to ensuring for HIV, tuberculosis and child health continued high-quality surveillance data HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; UHC: universal health coverage. a We used a multilevel model that divides the implementation process into four phases: exploration, preparation, implementation and sustainment.20 b Enabling contextual factors. c Nonlinear related processes were noncommunicable disease strategy development, review of essential medicines list, development of primary care guidelines d We defined the indicators according to the RE-AIM framework.28 however national surveys can be costly and consolidating related surveys, such evidence-based guidelines need to be and paper-based monitoring unwieldy. as the noncommunicable disease risk reviewed periodically to ensure align- Advocacy is ongoing for more resource- factors and tobacco surveys. Collabora- ment with evolving evidence. While efficient surveillance, by including key tive pilot projects are exploring feasible HIV guidelines have been updated noncommunicable disease indicators in options for monitoring quality of care every two years in Botswana, regular large better-resourced national surveys, using electronic patient-level integrated review of other guidelines has been less such as the HIV and population surveys, health information platforms.40 Finally, successful, and a review of the primary

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:142–153| doi: 149 Policy & practice Noncommunicable diseases services, Botswana Neo M Tapela et al. health-care guidelines would need to be evant to stakeholders of national health facilities, districts and national pro- actively promoted. programmes. The lessons may provide a grammes; Botswana Harvard AIDS In- road map and implementation insights stitute Partnership; Letshego Financial Conclusion that inform introduction of a WHO Services Botswana and Primary Care package specifically, or of other clinical International. By sharing our experience in adapting, guidelines that improve services deliv- endorsing and implementing evidence- ered at primary health-care facilities in Funding: The curriculum development based guidelines for noncommunicable similar settings. ■ and initial implementation described diseases, we hope to help other countries was supported by funding from Letshego planning to implement health services Acknowledgements Financial Services Botswana. for noncommunicable diseases. We We thank the Botswana Ministry of anticipate that lessons learnt will be rel- Health and Wellness officers across Competing interests: None declared.

ملخص دمج خدمات األمراض غري املعدية يف الرعاية الصحية األولية، بوتسوانا عىل الرغم من ارتفاع عبء األمراض غري املعدية، إال أن احلصول الصحية األولية الوطنية يف الدولة يف عام 2016، وبدأ التنفيذ عىل اخلدمات الالمركزية ذات اجلودة العالية لألمراض املعدية ظل املرحيل ملدة ثالث سنوات يف أغسطس/آب 2017. وباإلضافة ًحمدودا يف العديد من الدول منخفضة الدخل ومتوسطة الدخل. إىل ذلك، فإن تقديم الرعاية الصحية األولية خلدمات األمراض نحن هنا نصف االسرتاتيجيات التي استعنا هبا لدفع العملية من غري املعدية قد تم إدراجه يف خطة التنمية الوطنية رقم 11 للدولة مرحلة التكيف إىل مرحلة التأييد الوطني وتنفيذ إرشادات الرعاية )2017 إىل 2023(. خالل عملية تطوير اإلرشــادات، أدركنا الصحية األولية للبالغني يف بوتسوانا لعام 2016. وشملت أمهية املهارات القوية متعددة التخصصات يف جمال االتصاالت، االسرتاتيجيات تقييم مفصل متعدد املستويات بمدخالت واسعة والتنظيم، وبناء التحالفات، والتفكري يف النظم، والفهم التقني من اجلهات املعنية وحتليل متعمق للبيانات املحلية؛ واالستفادة من ألفضل املامرسات يف الدول منخفضة الدخل ومتوسطة الدخل. الرشاكات األكاديمية؛ وتسهيل تطوير أدوات دعم السياسات؛ وعالوةعىل ذلك، فإن األجندات غري املنسقة للجهات املعنية، ودمج إرشادات األمراض غري املعدية يف إطار إرشادات الرعاية والتي ُبالغ يفيها نتيجة األسلوب املنعزل لتطوير اإلرشادات، الصحية األولية األوسع ًنطاقامع مواكبة التوجه االسرتاتيجي والتقليل من أمهية وجود أدوات للسياسة قيد التنفيذ، وتنسيق لوزارة الصحة. وعىل مستوى املرافق، شملت االسرتاتيجيات العمليات التي تتم بشكل مبدئي خارج وزارة الصحة، قد تسبب وضع برنامج تدريبي متعدد املناهج ملقدمي الرعاية الصحية، ذلككله يف حدوث تأخريات. تناسب خربتنا الدول األخرى واالستفادة من جتربة توفري الرعاية لفريوس نقص املناعة البرشية، املهتمة بتطوير وتنفيذ اإلرشادات اخلاصة بخدمات األمراض غري وإرشاك منفذي الرعاية الصحية يف مرحلة مبكرة من العملية. ومن املعدية القائمة عىل األدلة. خالل االسرتاتيجيات املتبعة، تم اعتامد أول إرشادات للرعاية

摘要 博茨瓦纳将非传染性疾病服务纳入初级卫生保健 由于非传染性疾病负担的日益加重,诸多低收入和 首个国家初级卫生保健指南于 2016 年获得批准,并 中等收入国家获得优质、分散式的非传染性疾病服 于 2017 年 8 月开始分阶段进行三年实施计划。此外, 务的途径仍然有限。本文中,我们描述了所采用的策 该国第 11 个国家发展计划 (2017-2023) 还涵盖了提供 略,该策略推动《2016 年博茨瓦纳成人初级卫生保 非传染性疾病服务的初级卫生保健服务。在指南制定 健指南》从适应实际情况到获得国家认可和实施的过 过程中,我们了解到,在沟通、组织、联盟建设和系 程。这些策略包括了纳入广泛利益相关者的意见和对 统思考,以及对低收入和中等收入国家的最佳实践掌 当地数据深入分析基础上的多层次详尽评估 ;利用学 握技术等方面强大的跨学科技能至关重要。此外,利 术合作伙伴关系 ;促进支持性政策工具的制定;将非 益相关者的议程方向偏离、指南制定的孤立方法过于 传染性疾病指南纳入更广泛的初级卫生保健指南,并 夸大、制定政策工具的重要性被低估以及最初卫生部 与卫生部的战略方向保持一致。在医疗机构层面,策 以外领导协调流程造成了延误。我们的经验关乎其他 略涵盖了为医疗护理提供人员制定的一种多方法培训 有兴趣制定并实施循证非传染性疾病服务指南的国 计划、利用人体免疫缺陷病毒护理提供的经验以及在 家。 早期过程中聘请医护人员。通过采用此类策略,该国

150 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:142–153| doi: Policy & practice Neo M Tapela et al. Noncommunicable diseases services, Botswana

Résumé Botswana - Intégration des services de prévention et de prise en charge des maladies non transmissibles dans les soins de santé primaires Malgré la charge de morbidité croissante des maladies non transmissibles, ont été validées en 2016, et une étape de mise en œuvre graduelle, sur l'accès à des services décentralisés de qualité pour lutter contre ces trois ans, a commencé en août 2017. De plus, la prestation de soins de maladies reste limité dans de nombreux pays à revenu faible ou santé primaires contre les maladies non transmissibles a été incluse dans intermédiaire. Dans cet article, nous décrivons les stratégies qui ont le 11e plan national de développement du pays (2017-2023). Pendant été employées pour mener les étapes d'adaptation, de validation et la phase d'élaboration des lignes directrices, nous avons constaté de mise en œuvre à l'échelle nationale des Lignes directrices 2016 du toute l'importance, dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire, de Botswana sur les soins de santé primaires pour l'adulte. Ces stratégies ont pouvoir compter sur de solides compétences interdisciplinaires en inclus: une évaluation multiniveau détaillée avec une large implication matière de communication, d'organisation, de création de coalitions des parties prenantes et une analyse approfondie des données locales; et de réflexion systémique et d'obtenir une bonne compréhension le recours à des partenariats universitaires; la promotion de l'élaboration technique des meilleures pratiques. Nous avons par ailleurs observé d'instruments politiques propices; l'intégration de lignes directrices des retards provoqués par des problèmes d'incompatibilité d'agendas portant spécifiquement sur les maladies non transmissibles dans les entre les différentes parties prenantes, exagérés par des approches lignes directrices générales sur les soins primaires, en écho à l'orientation cloisonnées lors de la phase d'élaboration des lignes directrices, par la stratégique du ministère de la Santé. Au niveau des établissements sous-estimation de l'importance d'avoir des outils politiques déjà en de santé, les stratégies ont inclus: la création d'un programme de place et par des difficultés de coordination des processus initialement formation multiméthode à destination des prestataires de soins; pilotés hors du ministère de la Santé. Notre expérience peut être utile l’exploitation de l'expérience acquise dans la prise en charge du virus pour d'autres pays qui souhaiteraient élaborer et mettre en œuvre des de l'immunodéficience humaine et l’implication des prestataires de lignes directrices pour des services de soins contre les maladies non soins très tôt dans le processus. Grâce aux stratégies employées, les transmissibles fondés sur des données probantes. premières lignes directrices nationales sur les soins de santé primaires

Резюме Включение медицинской помощи в связи с неинфекционными заболеваниями в комплекс услуг первичного медико-санитарного обслуживания в Ботсване Несмотря на растущее бремя неинфекционных заболеваний, их поэтапного внедрения в течение трехлетнего периода. Кроме доступ к качественному децентрализованному медицинскому того, оказание первичного медико-санитарного обслуживания обслуживанию в связи с этими заболеваниями в странах с применительно к неинфекционным заболеваниям было включено низким и средним уровнем дохода остается ограниченным. В в 11-й национальный план развития (2017–2023 гг.). Процесс статье описаны стратегии по содействию данному процессу, разработки рекомендаций продемонстрировал важность начиная с адаптации и заканчивая принятием и внедрением вовлечения многопрофильных специалистов в процессы на национальном уровне рекомендаций по первичному медико- обмена информацией, организации, создания коалиций и санитарному обслуживанию взрослого населения в Ботсване системного мышления, а также необходимость практического на 2016 год. Стратегии включали: подробную многоуровневую овладения передовым опытом в странах с низким и средним оценку с привлечением широкого спектра партнеров и с уровнем дохода. Кроме того, несогласованность интересов глубоким анализом местных данных, обеспечение академического партнеров, усугубленная обособленным подходом к разработке сотрудничества, содействие разработке сопутствующих рекомендаций, недостаточное понимание важности разработки стратегий и правил, внедрение рекомендаций относительно стратегических планов и координации процессов, которые неинфекционных заболеваний в общие рекомендательные сначала не подчинялись Министерству здравоохранения, документы в сфере первичного медико-санитарного привели к задержкам. Полученный опыт важен для других стран, обслуживания с соблюдением основных направлений развития, заинтересованных в разработке и внедрении рекомендаций принятых Министерством здравоохранения страны. На уровне по медико-санитарному обслуживанию неинфекционных учреждений здравоохранения стратегии включали в себя: заболеваний, основанному на принципах доказательной разработку многосторонней программы обучения сотрудников медицины. системы здравоохранения, эффективное использование опыта, накопленного в ходе выполнения программ по лечению вируса иммунодефицита человека, и привлечение непосредственно занятого оказанием помощи медперсонала на самых ранних этапах. Благодаря этим стратегиям первые национальные рекомендации по первичному медико-санитарному обслуживанию были одобрены в 2016 году, а в августе 2017 года был запущен процесс

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:142–153| doi: 151 Policy & practice Noncommunicable diseases services, Botswana Neo M Tapela et al.

Resumen Integración de los servicios de enfermedades no transmisibles en la atención primaria de salud, Botswana A pesar de la creciente carga de las enfermedades no transmisibles, el etapas del proceso. Gracias a las estrategias empleadas, en 2016 se acceso a servicios de calidad descentralizados para estas enfermedades aprobaron las primeras directrices nacionales de atención primaria sigue siendo limitado en muchos países de bajos y medianos ingresos. de la salud del país y en agosto de 2017 se inició una aplicación por A continuación, describimos las estrategias que empleamos para etapas de tres años. Además, la prestación de servicios de atención impulsar el proceso desde la adaptación a la aprobación nacional primaria de la salud para las enfermedades no transmisibles se incluyó y la implementación de las directrices de atención primaria de la en el 11º plan nacional de desarrollo del país (2017-2023). Durante salud para adultos de Botswana de 2016. Las estrategias incluían el proceso de desarrollo de las directrices, aprendimos que eran una evaluación detallada a varios niveles con amplias aportaciones importantes las buenas habilidades interdisciplinarias en comunicación, de las partes interesadas y un análisis a fondo de los datos locales; el organización, formación de coaliciones y pensamiento sistémico, así aprovechamiento de las asociaciones académicas; la facilidad para como la comprensión técnica de las mejores prácticas en los países de elaborar instrumentos normativos de apoyo; la incorporación de ingresos bajos y medios. Por otra parte, las agendas desalineadas de directrices sobre las enfermedades no transmisibles en las directrices las partes interesadas, exageradas por el enfoque aislado del desarrollo más amplias sobre la atención primaria de la salud, de conformidad con de las directrices, la subestimación de la importancia de contar la dirección estratégica del Ministerio de Salud. A nivel de los centros con instrumentos de política y la coordinación de los procesos que de salud, las estrategias incluían la elaboración de un programa de inicialmente se llevaban a cabo fuera del ministerio de salud causaron capacitación multimétodo para los proveedores de servicios de salud, retrasos. Nuestra experiencia es relevante para otros países interesados el aprovechamiento de la experiencia en la prestación de servicios de en desarrollar e implementar directrices para servicios de enfermedades atención del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana y la participación de no transmisibles basados en la evidencia. los encargados de la ejecución de los servicios de salud en las primeras

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Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:142–153| doi: 153 LessonsLessons from the from field the field

Development of a sweetened beverage tax, Philippines Frances Claire C Onagan,a Beverly Lorraine C Hob & Karl Kendrick T Chuac

Problem Both sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and the incidence of obesity have increased in the Philippines in recent years. Approach A proposal to tax sugar-sweetened beverages was introduced in the House of Representatives and merged into a proposed comprehensive Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Bill to increase the likelihood of acceptance. The health department and finance department recommended a policy that would maximize benefits to both public health and government revenue. To advance discussions, the health department expanded the health argument to include the country’s poor performance in oral health. The approved TRAIN Law adopted the term sweetened beverage to emphasize that the tax covers both sugar and non-sugar sweetened beverages. The tax rate was set to 6.00 Philippine pesos (0.111 United States dollars) per litre of sweetened beverages. The sugar industry successfully lobbied for higher tax rates on beverages containing high-fructose corn syrup, resulting in a differential rate of 12.00 Philippine pesos per litre. Local setting Despite a 12% value-added tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, sales had been sustained by enhanced marketing and product variants being offered in small portions. Relevant changes One month after implementation of the tax in 1 January 2018, prices of taxable sweetened beverages had increased by 16.6 to 20.6% and sales in sari-sari (convenience) stores had declined 8.7%. Lessons learnt The tax benefited from high-level government commitment and support, keeping policy simple reduced opportunities for tax avoidance and evasion, and taking both health and non-health considerations into account were helpful in arguing for the tax.

Introduction frequent consumption.5 When the World Health Organization recommended taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages to address Sugar-sweetened beverages are more strongly associated with childhood obesity in 2016,6 the Philippines was presented with high energy intake and weight gain than any other form of the opportunity to enact another landmark piece of health processed food.1 In the Philippines, both the proportion of legislation to follow the 2012 Sin Tax Reform Law on Tobacco the population that consumes these beverages and per capita and Alcohol.7 A proposal to tax sugar-sweetened beverages consumption increase with age (Pulse Asia Research Inc., un- was filed by a first-term lawmaker in the House of Repre- published report, 2017). Moreover, the fraction of daily sugar sentatives (House Bill 3365) during the 16th Congress (from intake that comes from sugar-sweetened beverages increased 2013 to 2016).8 When this was not successful, she refilled it 44% in 10 years: in 2005, Filipinos consumed 14.9 g of sugar (House Bill 292) during the 17th Congress (from 2016 to 2019) per capita per day from sugar-sweetened beverages alone; in and then secured the support of the health department and 2015, it was 21.4 g (M Abrigo and K Francisco, Philippine the finance department. This partnership between executive Institute for Development Studies, unpublished report, 2018). and legislative branches of the government culminated in the Obesity prevalence in the Philippines have remained low Philippines, becoming the third ASEAN member state after relative to other countries in the Association of South-East Darussalam and Thailand to impose taxes on sugar- Asian Nations (ASEAN).2 Nevertheless, a growing propor- sweetened beverages. tion of Filipinos of all ages are overweight or obese, which is likely to substantially increase the number of productive years Legislative approach lost due to poor health.3 Cross-country comparisons among ASEAN member states indicate that the loss of productive As the sugar-sweetened beverage tax was a health-related tax, years due to obesity is greatest in the Philippines.4 The annual the health department and finance department collaborated on cost of obesity-related productivity loss in the country has been recommending a tax policy that would maximize benefits to estimated to 567 million United States dollars.2 both public health and government revenue and that consid- ered reviews of the best available evidence, including in-house Local setting evidence from both agencies. In particular, the policy focused on firstly modifying health risks by introducing taxes that Before 1 January 2018, no specific tax applied to sugar- increased the price of sugar-sweetened beverages sufficiently sweetened beverages in the Philippines, although they were to deter purchases and that could be applied to a wide range subject to a general 12% value-added tax. Beverage manu- of products, thereby discouraging unhealthy substitution. facturers sustained sales by enhanced marketing and offer- Secondly the policy also focused on securing revenues by using ing products in small portion, this lowered the unit price of a unitary tax scheme (i.e. applying a single tax rate) and volu- sugar-sweetened beverages (Organic Intelligence Consulting metric tax collection (i.e. basing tax on the volume of sugar per Inc., unpublished report, 2017) and increased the likelihood of litre of beverage), both of which simplify tax administration

a Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau, Building 3, Department of Health, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz, Manila, 1003, Philippines. b Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau, Department of Health, Manila, Philippines. c Strategy, Economics and Results Group, Department of Finance, Manila, Philippines. Correspondence to Frances Claire C Onagan (email: [email protected]). (Submitted: 15 July 2018 – Revised version received: 1 November 2018 – Accepted: 12 November 2018 – Published online: 1 December 2018 )

154 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:154–159 | doi: Lessons from the field Frances Claire C Onagan et al. Sweetened beverage tax, Philippines

Box 1. Legislative steps towards a sweetened beverage tax, the Philippines, 2017 House Bill 292 (standalone sugar-sweetened beverage tax bill), included in the TRAIN Bill 26 April 2017 Definition: sugar-sweetened beverages were defined as non-alcoholic beverages that contain caloric sweeteners or added sugar or artificial or non-caloric sweeteners in the form of a liquid, syrup, concentrate or solid mixture that is added to water or other liquids to make a drink. Taxable products: (i) soft drinks and carbonated drinks; (ii) fruit drinks and punches; (iii) sports drinks; (iv) sweetened tea and coffee drinks; (v) energy drinks; and (vi) all non-alcoholic beverages that are ready to drink or in powder form and contain added natural or artificial sugar. Exemptions: (i) 100% natural fruit juices without added sugar or caloric sweeteners; (ii) 100% natural vegetable juices without added sugar or caloric sweeteners; (iii) yogurt and fruit-flavoured yogurt beverages; (iv) meal-replacement beverages (e.g. medical food), weight-loss products, any liquid or powder drink or product for oral nutritional therapy; and (v) all milk products. Tax rate: 10.00 Philippine pesosb per litre with a 4% increment each year to adjust for inflation. House Bill 5636 (House version of the TRAIN Bill) passed 31 May 2017 Definition: sugar-sweetened beverages were defined as non-alcoholic beverages of any constitution (i.e. liquid, powder or concentrate) that are prepackaged and sealed in accordance with Philippine Food and Drug Administration standards and that contain sugar added by the manufacturers. Taxable products: (i) sweetened juice drinks; (ii) sweetened tea and coffee; and (iii) other beverages (including all carbonated beverages) with added sugar or caloric or non-caloric sweeteners, flavoured water, energy drinks, sports drinks, powdered drinks not classified as milk, juice, tea or coffee, cereal and grain beverages, and other non-alcoholic beverages that contain added sugar. Exemptions: (i) plain milk and milk drink products without added sugar; (ii) all milk drink products, infant formula and milk alternatives (e.g. soy milk and almond milk), including flavoured milk, such as chocolate milk; (iii) 100% natural fruit juices without added sugar or caloric sweeteners; (iv) 100% natural vegetable juices without added sugar or caloric sweeteners; (v) meal-replacement and medically indicated beverages; (vi) ground coffee; and (vii) unsweetened tea. Tax rate: 10.00 Philippine pesosb per litre for beverages containing locally sourced sweeteners and 20.00 Philippine pesosb per litre for beverages containing imported sweeteners. Senate Bill 1592 (Senate version of the TRAIN Bill) passed 27 November 2017 Definition: sweetened beverages were defined as non-alcoholic beverages of any constitution (i.e. liquid, powder or concentrate) that are pre- packaged and sealed in accordance with Philippine Food and Drug Administration standards and that contain caloric or non-caloric sweeteners or both added by the manufacturers. Taxable products: (i) sweetened juice drinks; (ii) sweetened tea; (iii) all carbonated beverages; (iv) flavoured water; (v) energy and sports drinks; (vi) powdered drinks not classified as milk, juice, tea or coffee; (vii) cereal and grain beverages; and (viii) other non-alcoholic beverages that contain added sugar. Exemptions: (i) plain milk, infant formula milk and growing-up milk; (ii) powdered milk, ready-to-drink milk, flavoured milk and fermented milk; (iii) 100% natural fruit juices without added sugar or caloric sweeteners; (iv) 100%natural vegetable juices without added sugar or caloric sweeteners; (v) meal-replacement and medically indicated beverages; (vi) ground coffee, instant soluble coffee and prepackaged powdered coffee products, with or without added sugar; (vii) unsweetened tea; and (viii) beverages sweetened with coconut sap or stevia glycosides. Tax rate: 4.50 Philippine pesosb per litre for beverages sweetened with a caloric or non-caloric sweetener (except high-fructose corn syrup) and 9.00 Philippine pesosb per litre for beverages sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup. Republic Act 10963 Section 47 (TRAIN Law) signed into law 19 December 2017 Definition: sweetened beverages were defined as non-alcoholic beverages of any constitution (i.e. liquid, powder or concentrate) that are prepackaged and sealed in accordance with Philippine Food and Drug Administration standards and that contain caloric or non-caloric sweeteners or both added by the manufacturers. Taxable products: (i) sweetened juice drinks; (ii) sweetened tea; (iii) all carbonated beverages; (iv) flavoured water; (v) energy and sports drinks; (vi) powdered drinks not classified as milk, juice, tea or coffee; (v) cereal and grain beverages; and (vi) other non-alcoholic beverages that contain added sugar. Exemptions: (i) all milk products, including plain milk, infant formula milk, follow-on milk, growing-up milk, powdered milk, ready-to-drink milk, flavoured milk, fermented milk, soy milk and flavoured soy milk; (ii) 100% natural fruit juices without added sugar or caloric sweeteners; (iii) 100% natural vegetable juices without added sugar or caloric sweeteners; (iv) meal-replacement and medically indicated beverages; and (v) ground coffee, instant soluble coffee and prepackaged powdered coffee products; and (vi) beverages sweetened with coconut sap or stevia glycosides. Tax rate: 6.00 Philippine pesosa per litre for beverages sweetened with caloric or non-caloric sweeteners (except high-fructose corn syrup) and 12.00 Philippine pesosa per litre for beverages sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup.

TRAIN: Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion. a In 2017, 1 Philippine peso was equivalent to 0.0185 United States dollars. Note: In the Philippines, fiscal policies requiring legislation follow a sequential process in Congress: (i) tax proposals should pass the House of Representatives before the Senate initiates discussions on their counterpart bill; (ii) differences between versions of the bill passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate are reconciled during a Bicameral Conference; and (iii) both chambers of Congress then ratify the reconciled version, which is sent to the Office of the President to be signed. and minimize opportunities for avoid- of obesity and diabetes. The acceptance tax would favour richer households ance and evasion. Box 1 summarizes the of the tax was hampered by: (i) limited with more flexible spending power; and legislation’s development. interest in tackling obesity and diabe- (iv) the strongly held belief that under- The sugar-sweetened beverage tax tes; (ii) the claim that sugar-sweetened nutrition is the real problem despite was framed as a preventive health mea- beverages help poor people satisfy their evidence of the country’s double burden sure that addressed features of the food dietary needs;9 (iii) the misconception of malnutrition (i.e. the coexistence of market associated with increased rates that the positive health effects of the undernutrition and diet-related non-

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:154–159| doi: 155 Lessons from the field Sweetened beverage tax, Philippines Frances Claire C Onagan et al.

Box 2. Summary of main lessons learnt dispensing were also subject to excise tax. As a result, the unlimited beverage • Visible, high-level, government commitment and support were vital for establishing the refills offered in some food outlets have sweetened beverage tax. been discontinued. In addition, the • A simple and clear policy reduced opportunities for tax avoidance and evasion and helped president issued a directive to put health avoid biased interpretations of the legislation that could weaken the tax base. warning labels on sweetened beverages • Both health and non-health considerations were helpful to take into account in developing to help consumers make an informed comprehensive and compelling arguments for the tax. choice.15 This provided an opportunity to finally regulate front-of-pack labels and to counter misleading brand mes- communicable diseases).3 To increase which had been disadvantaged by an sages from manufacturers. the likelihood that the tax proposal influx of high-fructose corn syrup would be passed, it was incorporated into the country, expressed concern Lessons learnt into the government’s proposed com- that food manufacturers would shift to prehensive Tax Reform for Acceleration artificial sweeteners should artificially The main lessons learnt in establish- and Inclusion (TRAIN) Bill. Certifica- sweetened beverages be exempted ing the sweetened beverage tax are tion of the TRAIN Bill as urgent by the from excise tax. The tax on artificially summarized in Box 2. First, the tax Philippine president was instrumental in sweetened beverages was also sup- greatly benefited from visible, high- ensuring the sugar-sweetened beverage ported by medical societies as a way level, sustained commitment from tax entered into law.10 of reducing consumption of all types both legislative and executive branches To advance discussions, the health of sweetened beverage. of government, which counterbal- argument was expanded to include the The final tax rate was set to 6.00 anced opposition led by the beverage country’s poor performance in oral Philippine pesos (equivalent to 0.111 industries. In addition, the soft power health. Although prolonged sugar ex- United States dollars in 2017) per litre represented by the presence of former posure has been strongly association for beverages sweetened with caloric health ministers, incumbent cabinet with dental caries, this association or non-caloric sweeteners, except for officials, development partners and has not often been used to support beverages sweetened with high-fruc- legislators at public hearings enhanced sugar-sweetened beverage tax poli- tose corn syrup with a tax of 12.00 the political desirability of the reform. cies. Dental caries are common in the Philippine pesos per litre (Box 1). Experience in the Philippines demon- Philippines, with a national prevalence strates that taxes relevant to health do of 88%.11 Moreover, untreated dental Impact of the tax not have to be framed or designed as caries among Filipino children have exclusively health or revenue measures. been linked to being underweight,12 A month after the sweetened beverage Moreover, reduced consumption and and data from the education depart- tax was implemented on 1 January higher revenues can be sustained over ment indicate that toothache is a prin- 2018, market surveillance indicated the long term by ensuring taxes are cipal cause of school absenteeism. This that the average price of taxable sweet- simple to implement administratively. argument contributed to a compel- ened beverages in sari-sari stores (i.e. Policies should also be kept simple to ling narrative that helped anchor the neighbourhood convenience stores) avoid loopholes that could provide sugar-sweetened beverage tax policy had increased by 20.6% and average opportunities for tax avoidance and within the TRAIN Bill; namely the prices in supermarkets had increased evasion or for biased interpretations of tax proposal supported human capital by 16.6%.13 Among taxable product the legislation that could weaken the tax development and ongoing universal categories, carbonated non-alcoholic base. Although obesity is the dominant health-care reforms. drinks experienced the highest average health rationale globally for imposing After advancing through both price hike, at 21.0%. Sari-sari stores sugar-sweetened beverage taxes, the chambers of Congress, the Bicameral experienced the greatest decline in lack of political interest in addressing Conference Committee reconciled dif- sales, which averaged 8.7% over the obesity in the Philippines meant that ferences between the sweetened bev- month.14 Given that the tax has just progress depended on framing the threat erages tax proposals incorporated in recently been implemented, it is too to health differently. Taking both health House Bill 5636 and Senate Bill 1592. soon to evaluate its impact on risks and non-health considerations into ac- The TRAIN Law signed by the presi- to population health. A monitoring count could therefore be valuable when dent adopted most provisions in the programme is planned to investigate developing comprehensive, highly nu- Senate version (Box 1), including use changes in consumers’ purchasing and anced and compelling arguments about of the term “sweetened beverages” to consumption behaviour and the food the societal cost of poor health over the emphasize that the tax covers both industry’s response. The health de- long term. sugar and non-sugar sweetened bever- partment has allocated research funds This paper describes strategies used ages. Successful lobbying by the sugar to start monitoring in 2019. in the Philippines that could help other industry resulted in the decisions: Implementation of the sweetened countries develop fiscal interventions (i) to impose a high differential tax beverage tax also catalysed substantial to address market failures influenc- rate on drinks containing high-fruc- policy changes in the food system. ing health. These interventions should tose corn syrup; and (ii) to subject The resulting Implementing Rules balance health and fiscal objectives. artificially sweetened beverages to an and Guidelines meant that prepacked Four other ASEAN member states are excise tax. The local sugar industry, concentrates sold to food retailers for already planning to implement sugar-

156 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:154–159| doi: Lessons from the field Frances Claire C Onagan et al. Sweetened beverage tax, Philippines sweetened beverage taxes: (i) Indonesia Acknowledgements and Planning Office, Department of Fi- and Singapore are exploring appropriate We thank Representative Estrellita B nance), and staff at the Center for Food policy designs; and (ii) Malaysia and Suansing (Nueva Ecija, 1st District), Regulation and Research and Policy and Viet Nam are finalizing proposals for Representative Dakila Carlo E Cua Planning Service (Food and Drug Ad- submission to lawmakers. Although a (Quirino, Lone District), Senator Juan ministration), the Nutrition Policy and sugar-sweetened beverage tax will not Edgardo M Angara, Undersecretary Program Division (National Nutrition reverse the burden of malnutrition and Mario C Villaverde, Assistant Secretary Council), the Strategy, Economics and noncommunicable diseases by itself, it Francia M Laxamana, Dr Kenneth G Results Group (Department of Finance), could trigger a domino effect in the food Ronquillo (Director of the Health Policy the Fiscal Policy and Planning Office system that will modify health risk fac- Development and Planning Bureau, (Department of Finance), the WHO tors. Such a tax could be a tangible first Department of Health), Maria Lourdes country office in the Philippines, the step towards re-engineering an obeso- C Santiago (Deputy Director General WHO Regional Office for the Western genic environment by denormalizing for Field Regulatory Operations, Food Pacific and the World Bank. the consumption of sugar-sweetened and Drug Administration), Elsa P beverages in the mind of the public. ■ Agustin (Director of the Fiscal Policy Competing interests: None declared.

ملخص تطوير رضيبة املرشوبات املحالة، الفلبني املشكلة ازداد كل من استهالك املرشوبات املحالة بالسكر ومعدل التي حتتوي عىل رشاب الذرة بنسبة عالية من الفركتوز، مما أدى إىل السمنة يف الفلبني يف السنوات األخرية. معدل تفاضيل قدره 12.00 بيزو فلبيني لكل لرت. األسلوبتم تقديم اقرتاح لفرض رضيبة عىل املرشوبات املواقع املحلية عىل الرغم من فرض رضيبة للقيمة املضافة بنسبة املحالة بالسكر يف جملس النواب ودجمها يف مرشوع قانون اإلصالح ٪12عىل املرشوبات املحالة بالسكر، إال أن املبيعات قد ازدادت )TRAIN( الرضيبي الشامل للتعجيل واإلدماج ، وذلك هبدف من خالل التسويق ّاملحسن ومتغريات املنتج الذي يتم تقديمه يف زيادة احتامالت القبول. وأوصت كل من وزارة الصحة ووزارة أحجام صغرية. املالية بسياسة من شأهنا تعظيم الفوائد بالنسبة للصحة العامة التغ ّريات ذات الصلة بعد شهر واحد من تنفيذ الرضيبة يف 1 واإليرادات احلكومية. ولدفع التقدم يف املناقشات، قامت وزارة يناير/كانون ثاين 2018، كانت أسعار املرشوبات املحالة اخلاضعة الصحة بتوسيع حجم النقاش الصحي ليشمل األداء املرتهل للرضيبة قد ارتفعت بنسبة 16.6 إىل ٪20.6، وانخفضت املبيعات للدولة يف جمال صحة الفم. اعتمد قانون TRAIN الذي نال يف متاجر ساري-ساري )حمالت البقالة الصغرية( بنسبة 8.7٪. املوافقة عىل مصطلح املرشوبات املحالة للتأكيد عىل أن الرضيبة الدروس املستفادة استفادت الرضيبة من االلتزام والدعم تغطي كال من املرشوبات املحالة أو غري املحالة بالسكر. تم ضبط رفيع املستوى من احلكومة، كام أن السياسة البسيطة املستخدمة معدل الرضيبة عىل 6.00 بيزو فلبيني )0.111 دوالر أمريكي( أدت إىل احلد من فرص التهرب من الرضيبة وجتنبها، كذلك فإن لكللرت من املرشوبات املحالة. مارس قطاع صناعة السكر وضع االعتبارات الصحية وغري الصحية يف احلسبان كان ً مفيدايف ًضغوطا ناجحة من أجل رفع معدالت الرضيبة عىل املرشوبات الرتويج للرضيبة.

摘要 菲律宾含糖饮料税的发展 问题 近年来,菲律宾含糖饮料的销量和肥胖率均有增 玉米糖浆的饮料,制糖业成功游说对其征收更高的含 长。 糖税,即税率达到每升 12.00 菲律宾比索。 方法 众议院提出了对含糖饮料征税的提案,并将之纳 当地状况 尽管对含糖饮料征收了 12% 的增值税,但 入提议的全面的《税制改革加速包容法案 (TRAIN)》 得益于市场营销和少量的产品变型,其销量仍得以维 中,以提高其被接受的可能性。卫生部门和财政部门 持。 提出一项政策,旨在最大限度地提高公共卫生和政府 相关变化 自 2018 年 1 月 1 日起实施该税法一个月后, 收入的效益。为了推进讨论,卫生部门拓展了健康论 需缴税的含糖饮料价格上升了 16.6% 至 20.6% 而 sari- 点,将该国口腔卫生状况不佳的情况纳入讨论。获批 sari(便利店)的销量降低了 8.7%。 的 TRAIN 采用“含糖饮料”这一术语,强调了此项税 经验教训 该税法得益于政府高层的承诺和支持,简单 收包括含糖饮料和无糖甜味饮料。含糖饮料的税率为 明晰的政策规定降低了避税、逃税的机会,并将有利 每升 6.00 菲律宾比索(0.111 美元)。对于含有高果糖 于税收讨论的健康和非健康因素均纳入考量。

Résumé Mise en place d'une taxe sur les boissons sucrées aux Philippines Problème Au cours des dernières années, les Philippines ont enregistré Approche Une proposition de taxe sur les boissons sucrées avec du une augmentation de la consommation de boissons sucrées avec du sucre a été présentée à la Chambre des représentants et a engendré un sucre et de l'incidence de l'obésité. projet de loi détaillé appelé « Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion »

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:154–159| doi: 157 Lessons from the field Sweetened beverage tax, Philippines Frances Claire C Onagan et al.

(TRAIN) destiné à accroître la probabilité d'acceptation. Le ministère de Environnement local Malgré une taxe sur la valeur ajoutée de 12% la Santé et le ministère des Finances ont recommandé l'adoption d'une sur les boissons sucrées avec du sucre, les ventes se sont maintenues politique qui présenterait des avantages en matière de santé publique, grâce à un marketing renforcé et à des variantes de produits proposés mais aussi pour les recettes de l'État. Afin de faire avancer les discussions, en petites portions. le ministère de la Santé a élargi le débat sur la santé de façon à inclure Changements significatifs Un mois après l'instauration de la taxe les mauvais résultats du pays en matière de santé bucco-dentaire. La loi le 1er janvier 2018, les prix des boissons sucrées imposables avaient TRAIN utilise l'expression « boisson sucrée » pour souligner le fait que augmenté de 16,6 à 20,6% et les ventes dans les magasins sari-sari (de la taxe s'applique à la fois aux boissons sucrées avec du sucre et aux proximité) avaient diminué de 8,7%. boissons sucrées avec d'autres substances. Le taux de la taxe a été fixé Leçons tirées La taxe a bénéficié d'un engagement et d'un soutien à 6,00 pesos philippins (0,111 dollar des États-Unis) par litre de boisson de haut niveau de la part du gouvernement; le fait que la politique soit sucrée. L'industrie du sucre a plaidé avec succès pour l'application simple a réduit les possibilités d'évasion et de fraude fiscales et la prise d'un taux plus important aux boissons contenant du sirop de maïs à en compte de considérations aussi bien sanitaires que non sanitaires a haute teneur en fructose, ce qui a donné lieu à un taux différencié de été utile dans l'argumentaire en faveur de la taxe. 12,00 pesos philippins par litre.

Резюме Разработка начисления налога на сладкие напитки, Филиппины Проблема В последние годы на Филиппинах увеличилось лоббировала применение более высоких налоговых ставок на потребление сахаросодержащих напитков, а также количество напитки, содержащие кукурузный сироп с высоким содержанием людей, страдающих ожирением. фруктозы, что привело к разнице в 12,00 филиппинского песо на Подход В Палату представителей было внесено предложение о литр напитка. введении налога на сахаросодержащие напитки, которое было Местные условия Несмотря на 12%-й налог на добавленную добавлено в законопроект о налоговой реформе (Tax Reform for стоимость на сахаросодержащие напитки, их продажи Acceleration and Inclusion, TRAIN), чтобы увеличить вероятность поддерживались за счет активного маркетинга и возможности принятия этого закона. Департаменты здравоохранения и приобретения небольших порций продукции. финансов рекомендовали подход, который бы максимально Осуществленные перемены Первого января 2018 года, через увеличивал пользу как для общественного здравоохранения, так месяц после введения налога, цены на облагаемые налогом и для государственных доходов. В ходе дальнейших обсуждений сладкие напитки возросли на 16,6–20,6%, а продажи в магазинах департамент здравоохранения расширил свои аргументы, sari-sari (небольшие бакалейные магазины или киоски) упали на включив в них плохие показатели состояния здоровья полости 8,7%. рта в среднем по стране. В принятом законе TRAIN используется Выводы Введение налога принесло пользу благодаря поддержке термин «сладкий напиток», чтобы подчеркнуть, что налог правительства и соблюдению им своих обязательств, простоте распространяется на все сладкие напитки как с содержанием подхода и сокращению возможностей для уклонения от сахара, так и с его заменителями. Налоговая ставка была установлена уплаты налогов. Обсуждению налога помогло то, что при в размере 6,00 филиппинского песо (0,111 доллара США) на этом принимались во внимание как факторы в области литр сладкого напитка. Сахарная промышленность успешно здравоохранения, так и факторы, не связанные с этой областью.

Resumen Desarrollo de un impuesto sobre las bebidas endulzadas, Filipinas Problema Tanto el consumo de bebidas azucaradas como la incidencia un alto contenido de fructosa, lo que resultó en una tasa diferencial de de la obesidad han aumentado en Filipinas en los últimos años. 12,00 pesos filipinos por litro. Enfoque Se presentó una propuesta de aplicar un impuesto a las Marco regional A pesar de un impuesto al valor añadido del 12 % bebidas azucaradas en la Cámara de Representantes y se fusionó sobre las bebidas azucaradas, las ventas se habían mantenido gracias a en una propuesta de Reforma Tributaria integral para el Proyecto de la mejora de la comercialización y a las variantes de productos que se Ley de Aceleración e Inclusión (TRAIN, por sus siglas en inglés) para ofrecían en pequeñas porciones. aumentar la probabilidad de aceptación. El departamento de salud y Cambios importantes Un mes después de la implementación del el departamento financiero recomendaron una política que maximice impuesto, el 1 de enero de 2018, los precios de las bebidas endulzadas los beneficios tanto para la salud pública como para los ingresos del imponibles habían aumentado entre un 16,6 y un 20,6 % y las ventas gobierno. Para avanzar en las discusiones, el departamento de salud en las tiendas sari-sari (supermercados) habían disminuido un 8,7 %. amplió el argumento de la salud para incluir el pobre desempeño del Lecciones aprendidas El impuesto se benefició del compromiso y el país en salud bucal. La Ley TRAIN aprobada adoptó el término «bebidas apoyo de alto nivel del gobierno, que mantuvo la política simple, lo que endulzadas» para enfatizar que el impuesto cubre tanto las bebidas redujo las oportunidades de evasión y elusión de impuestos, y tuvo en endulzadas con y sin azúcar. El impuesto se fijó en 6,00 pesos filipinos cuenta tanto las consideraciones de salud como las no relacionadas con (0,111 dólares estadounidenses) por litro de bebidas endulzadas. La la misma, lo que fue de gran ayuda para argumentar a favor del impuesto. industria azucarera presionó con éxito para que se aplicaran tasas impositivas más altas a las bebidas que contienen jarabe de maíz con

158 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:154–159| doi: Lessons from the field Frances Claire C Onagan et al. Sweetened beverage tax, Philippines

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Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:154–159| doi: 159 PerspectivesPerspectives

Climate change, air pollution and noncommunicable diseases Diarmid Campbell-Lendruma & Annette Prüss-Ustüna

The World Health Organization (WHO) eral Assembly on the prevention and Some of the same pollutants con- has identified climate change as one control of noncommunicable diseases. tribute both to climate change and local of the greatest health threats of the The effects of air pollution on health ambient and household air pollution. 21st century, and air pollution as the show that noncommunicable diseases Black carbon, produced by inefficient single largest environmental health are not exclusively due to lifestyle or combustion in sources such as cook- risk.1 At the same time, noncommuni- personal choices, as is commonly per- stoves and diesel engines, is the second cable diseases constitute the largest and ceived. Recommendations to stay in- greatest contributor to global warming fastest growing global health burden, doors, avoid walking along particularly after carbon dioxide.5 Black carbon is with treatment costs placing a massive polluted streets or to wear facemasks also a significant contributor (between strain on government and individual during episodes of high exposure to 5% and 15%) of urban exposure to PM2.5. resources. air pollution illustrate the inadequacy The second largest contributor to global The scaling up of international of individual responses to a broad and warming is methane, which reacts with commitment on noncommunicable dis- serious problem. other pollutants to form ozone and is eases over the past decade had initially The ultimate causes of air pollu- responsible for 230 000 chronic respira- focused on four risk factors: tobacco use, tion, and therefore of a large propor- tory disease deaths globally each year.6 the harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy tion of the noncommunicable disease Both of these pollutants are short-lived diet and physical inactivity. Exposure to burden, are the energy sources that in the atmosphere, meaning that tar- each of these risks has a strong element currently drive our transport, elec- geting them for removal would have of personal choice, with the responsi- tricity generation, industry and food immediate beneficial effects on both bility often placed on individual rather production systems. climate change and noncommunicable than on broader societal responses. The connection between the sources diseases, such as stroke and deaths However, these risks are also strongly af- of local air pollution and the emissions from cardiovascular disease. A set of fected by social determinants, including that drive climate change is very clear. 16 practical interventions, from replac- commodity prices, production methods, Estimations show that approximately ing polluting cookstoves with cleaner marketing and social norms, and in the 25% of urban ambient air pollution from household energy solutions, to replac- case of activity levels, the physical envi- fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is con- ing the most polluting diesel fuels and ronment. A range of other risk factors tributed by traffic, 15% by industrial ac- engines with less polluting ones, would for noncommunicable diseases are even tivities including electricity generation, prevent approximately 0.5°C of global more strongly linked to environmental 20% by domestic fuel burning (with a warming, and save some 2.5 million lives exposures – and to climate change. remaining 22% from unspecified sources a year by 2050.7 Therefore, together, climate change, of human origin and 18% from natural Other opportunities are available: air pollution and noncommunicable sources).3 Exposure to indoor air pollu- improving energy efficiency and insu- diseases represent one of the most seri- tion is mostly due to the use of solid fuels lation in houses in temperate climates, ous threats to global health. Many of the for cooking in low-income households.4 therefore reducing mortality from respi- same development patterns that lead to Such exposure causes almost 4 million ratory and cardiovascular deaths in win- high reliance on fossil fuels, as well as deaths a year, of which almost 3 million ter; transitioning from polluting solid policies and technological choices that are due to noncommunicable diseases fuels to clean and sustainable energy are driving climate change (such as pol- such as lung cancer, chronic obstruc- in low-income households, therefore luting transport and energy choices) are tive pulmonary disease, ischaemic heart reducing deaths from indoor air pollu- also worsening air pollution and other disease and stroke. tion; adopting reliable renewable energy environmental exposures. These expo- For comparison, the International in health-care facilities not connected sures have a direct and strong influence Panel on Climate Change estimates to electricity grids, therefore allowing on the prevalence of noncommunicable that global greenhouse gas emissions refrigeration of medical supplies and diseases. The most obvious is air pollu- are caused by transport (14%), energy; lighting for essential services.8 tion. Indoor and outdoor air pollution including generation of electricity and In the transport sector, an acceler- is responsible for an estimated 7 mil- heat (35%), industry (21%), buildings ated transition from diesel and petrol lion deaths a year2 and comes second (6%) and agriculture and land use engines to electric powered vehicles to tobacco as a risk factor for noncom- change (24%).5 The sources of climate would contribute to reducing emissions municable diseases. Air pollution has change and air pollution, and therefore of local air pollutants and greenhouse therefore been identified as the fifth a large part of the noncommunicable gas. Much greater health gains, however, major risk factor in the latest political disease burden, are broadly the same: would result from replacing short urban declaration of the United Nations Gen- polluting energy systems. car journeys with walking and cycling, a Department of Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health, World Health Organization, avenue Appia 20, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. Correspondence to Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum (email: [email protected]). (Submitted: 12 October 2018 – Revised version received: 8 November 2018 – Accepted: 20 November 2018 – Published online: 19 December 2018 )

160 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:160–161 | doi: Perspectives Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum & Annette Prüss-Ustün Climate change, air pollution and noncommunicable diseases due to increases in physical activity. environmental impacts, from deforesta- ing the price of fuels, consistent with Modelling based on systematic reviews tion to water contamination and degra- the damage that they cause to health of the health effects of increased active dation of topsoil, which are increasing and to the global climate system would travel indicated that reductions in air with the growing demand from emerg- remove this unfair advantage. Such pollution due to increased active travel ing economies.10 Reducing meat intake increase would be expected to bring could prevent 21 premature deaths per in high-consuming populations can about a shift to cleaner energy sources million population per year in London, therefore be expected to significantly that would reduce air pollution deaths and 99 per million population per year reduce environmental impacts. Model- by half, decrease global carbon dioxide in Delhi. The gains of physical activity ling the effect of potential strategies to emissions by approximately 20%, and are expected to be even greater. As one meet national commitments to reduce generate about US$ 3 trillion a year in third of adults and four-fifths of ado- greenhouse gas emissions from the ag- revenue.12 This revenue could be di- lescents do not reach the activity levels ricultural sector in the United Kingdom rected to socially beneficial investments, recommended by WHO, it is estimated of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for example to universal health coverage that the disability-adjusted life years look promising. For example, reducing and education. saved from increased physical activity livestock production and consumption Financial reasons should no longer due to active travel policies could be 37 of red meat, indicated that these strate- constitute an obstacle to bring about to 74 times higher than those saved from gies could be expected to result in a these changes. In many cases, cleaner the reductions in air pollution.9 15% reduction in disease burden due to and greener technologies are now cheap- 1) Similar considerations apply to reduced consumption of saturated fats er than polluting alternatives, particu- agriculture and land use, responsible for and associated heart disease. larly if the health gains are accounted for. approximately a quarter of greenhouse Even more wide-ranging effects Implementing such alternatives needs gas emissions. More sustainable agri- could be brought about by fiscal policy. political will and a shift in mindsets. cultural production measures, such as Studies by the International Monetary Fiscal, energy or transport policies need reducing open burning of agricultural Fund show that the global production to consider the externalities on health land, would help mitigate climate change and consumption of highly polluting to become tools that advance overall and reduce air pollution in some re- fuels is indirectly subsidized with over sustainable development. gions. However, even greater gains may 5 trillion United States dollars (US$) a Due to of the connections between be obtained by reducing human con- year, which is more than all governments environmental degradation and the hu- sumption of meat and by reducing food around the world spend on health care.11 man and financial costs of noncommu- waste. Even though meat and dairy make This de facto subsidy exists because the nicable diseases, the health sector should a relatively small contribution to overall health and climate damages that they have a say in related policy debates. ■ human energy intake, around 60–80% cause are not reflected in fuel prices. Ap- of the greenhouse gas emissions from proximately half of these US$ 5 trillion Competing interests: None declared. agriculture come from the livestock sec- are from the uncosted health impacts of tor, which also has a range of additional air pollution, mainly from coal. Increas-

References 1. Ambient air pollution: a global assessment of exposure and burden of 7. Reducing global health risks through mitigation of short-lived climate disease. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016. Available from http:// pollutants: scoping report for policy makers. Geneva: Climate and Clean [cited Air Coalition, World Health Organization; 2015. Available from: http:// 2018 Oct 11] 2. Burden of disease from the joint effects of household and ambient air pdf?sequence=1 [cited 2018 Oct 5]. pollution for 2016. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016. Available 8. Haines A, McMichael AJ, Smith KR, Roberts I, Woodcock J, Markandya from: A, et al. Public health benefits of strategies to reduce greenhouse-gas May2018.pdf?ua=1 [cited 2018 Nov 27]. emissions: overview and implications for policy makers. Lancet. 2009 3. Karagulian F, Belis CA, Dora CG, Prüss-Ustün AM, Bonjour S, Adair-Rohani H, Dec 19;374(9707):2104–14. doi: et al. Contributions to cities’ ambient particulate matter (PM): A systematic 6736(09)61759-1 PMID: 19942281 review of local source contributions at global level. Atmos Environ. 9. Woodcock J, Givoni M, Morgan AS. Health impact modelling of active travel 2015;120:475–83. doi: visions for England and Wales using an integrated transport and health 4. Household air pollution and health [internet]. Geneva: World Health impact modelling tool (ITHIM). PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e51462. doi: http:// Organization; 2018. Available from: PMID: 23326315 fact-sheets/detail/household-air-pollution-and-health [cited 2018 Nov 27]. 10. Steinfeld H, Gerber P, Wassenaar T, Castel V, Rosales M, de Haan C. Livestock’s 5. International Panel on Climate Change. Summary for policymakers. In: long shadow: environmental issues and options. Rome: Food and Climate change 2014: mitigation of climate change. Contribution of Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; 2006. working group III to the fifth assessment report of the intergovernmental 11. Coady D, Parry I, Sears L, Shang B. How large are global energy subsidies? panel on climate change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2014. WP/15/105. IMF working paper. Washington, DC: International Monetary Available from: [cited 2018 Oct 5]. Fund; 2016. Available from: 6. Global health data exchange. Seattle: Institute for Health Metrics and wp/2015/wp15105.pdf [cited 2018 Oct 5]. Evaluation; 2018. Available from: 12. Parry I, Veung C, Heine D. How much carbon pricing is in countries’ own tool [cited 2018 Oct 5]. interests? The critical role of co-benefits. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund; 2014. doi:

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:160–161| doi: 161 Perspectives

Systems approaches to global and national physical activity plans Harry Rutter,a Nick Cavill,b Adrian Baumanc & Fiona Bulld

A key driver for promoting physical between these factors and changes over have previously been conflated, and activity is reducing the global burden time; it views actions as integrated across illustrating how they interact (or pro- of noncommunicable diseases, particu- political, social, cultural, economic and posing potential mechanisms by which larly cardiovascular disease, cancer and scientific domains within a system. A they might), may enhance and simplify diabetes. These diseases are responsible system is more than the sum of its parts, understanding of the elements and pro- for more than 41 million deaths annu- encompassing the interactions between cesses involved. In addition, maps may ally, of which a third occur before the these parts and the actors involved. be used as the basis of systems dynam- age of 70 years.1 Physical activity has This approach differs from traditional ics and other models to explore causal multiple positive impacts on noncom- linear models of cause and effect that mechanisms and potential impacts of municable diseases such as heart disease, underpin much of the existing evidence interventions. Furthermore, mapping stroke, diabetes, and breast and colon base and takes account of factors such as can also support the identification of cancer,2 as well as numerous social and adaptation, the ways in which a system data sources for monitoring and/or economic benefits including reduced responds to interventions within it, and evaluation. use of fossil fuels, cleaner air and less feedback, which drives some of those The process of collaborating to congested, safer roads. All these effects responses. build a map can contribute to building are closely linked to several sustainable System mapping provides a visual consensus on the nature of a problem development goals.3 However, policy ac- depiction of how the different parts of a and engagement with potential policy tions have been insufficient and uneven, system relate to one another. One well responses required to address it. Bring- and government strategies to increase known example of a system map comes ing together stakeholders involved in physical activity have not consistently from the 2007 United Kingdom Govern- tackling a problem can help those actors increased the proportion of the adult ment Foresight report Tackling Obesities, to identify their part in a system and to population meeting recommended where the complex dynamic influences appreciate better the roles of others. The levels of activity.4 Without significant driving the obesity epidemic were com- process of generating a system map and scaling of efforts at local, regional, na- prehensively mapped for the first time.9 the insights gained by stakeholders who tional and international levels, the global Similar approaches have been used for do so, may be more important than the targets for physical activity are unlikely issues such as dietary inequalities8 and map itself, which may not have wider to be achieved. tobacco control.12 generalizability to other contexts. In response to this lack of progress, Physical activity promotion in re- Maps may also support the identi- there has been a growing recognition of cent years has increasingly adopted so- fication of important opportunities to the role of systems theory and accompa- cioecological approaches that place the exert influence within a system. Differ- nying tools such as systems mapping in drivers of physical activity in their social ent kinds of leverage points for influenc- helping to frame responses to complex and environmental context. A systems ing a system have been suggested,13,14 public health challenges.5–8 A complex approach builds on this contextualiza- including: (i) structural factors, such systems model of public health concep- tion by adding the dynamic connections as the presence of walking infrastruc- tualizes poor health and health inequali- between the factors that collectively ture; (ii) feedback mechanisms, such as ties as outcomes of a multitude of inter- form the system, and considering the the social benefits from volunteer-led dependent elements within a connected ways in which actors interact with them. community-based physical activity pro- whole. These elements affect each other A systems approach can help make sense grammes such as Parkrun; (iii) system in sometimes subtle ways, with changes of what otherwise might be perceived as structures, for example the existence of a potentially reverberating throughout the diverse and chaotic relations between national coordinating agency for physi- system.5 In public health, systems theory large numbers of factors and their cal activity; (iv) goals, such as a national has been used most extensively in work physical, commercial, sociocultural and sports policy that has a stated aim of on obesity9,10 and is being applied to the political contexts. promoting physical activity across the evaluation of the soft drink industry levy There are several potential uses population, beyond competitive sport; in the United Kingdom of Great Britain for systems maps, which can provide a and (v) the overarching paradigms that and Northern Ireland.11 nuanced depiction of the multisectoral define a system, for example treating Systems thinking provides a frame- and complex nature of a problem. Para- transport policy as a tool for promoting work to help examine the factors in- doxically, mapping out and exposing a healthy mobility, beyond the usual core volved in a problem, the relations system by disaggregating factors that focus of moving people and goods.

a Department of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY, England. b Centre for Exercise, Nutrition and Health Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, England. c School of Public Health, Sydney University, Sydney, Australia. d Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases Department, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. Correspondence to Harry Rutter (email: [email protected]). (Submitted: 15 July 2018 – Revised version received: 19 November 2018 – Accepted: 23 November 2018 – Published online: 19 December 2018 )

162 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:162–165 | doi: Perspectives Harry Rutter et al. Systems approaches for actions on physical activity support parental ments family/ children children commit- history activity physical income disposable family socio- status support and peer economic time available perceived perceived activity valuing physical habit status employment knowledge level of level motivation r ca injury risk of perceived perceived to access self-efficacy

access to programmes activities and play health status active recreation/ norms age cultural social and fear of crime and behaviour anti-social Total Total sport transport activity physical walking for culture walking cling for gender transport cy sports facilities recreation recreation infrastructure cling

cy culture design building space public open ximity to cle cy pro destinations infrastructure driver car culture behaviour access urban to bikes density design and public transport clists cost/ of driving presence presence convenience of cy climate traffic volume of volume speed and walking air ysical activity map system infrastructure quality An initial ph ansport factors and environmental

Tr Societal factors Sociopolitical factors Individual factors Biological factors Domains of physical activity tors driving physical activity, and does not purport to provide a definitive description of all possible ways of conceptualizing the physical activity the physical conceptualizing of descriptionways system. and does not purportof all possible a definitive activity, driving physical provide tors to Note: This map provides an illustration of some of the main drivers of physical activity and inactivity, and the relations between them, based on evidence from systematic reviews and expert opinion. The map is a tool to illustrate the breadth the breadth illustrate to map is a tool The and expert reviews systematic opinion. between them, based on evidence from activity of physical and the relations of some the main drivers an illustration and inactivity, map provides This Note: of fac Fig. 1. Fig.

Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:162–165| doi: 163 Perspectives Systems approaches for actions on physical activity Harry Rutter et al.

One example of the use of such a capture and illustrate the complex na- the system; demonstrate the breadth of map is seen in the development of a ture of the multiple factors that promote partnerships needed (including outside systems framework to support the World or hinder an outcome such as physical the health sector); identify key areas for Health Organization Global Action Plan activity. Conceptual models can advance action that may represent opportunities on Physical Activity (Fig. 1).3 The key our understanding of the complexity of for significant impacts on policy; sup- determinants or correlates of physical planning comprehensive and integrated port analysis and identification of key activity behaviour from the literature approaches to a public health issue areas and priorities for action; support were mapped15–17 and the draft map was such as physical activity. Conceptual the development of tailored local-level reviewed by a panel of experts repre- models can also guide both selection maps that include important contextual senting academia, civil society, medical and prioritization of actions, and help factors; help audit existing policy actions and allied health sectors, transport and to coordinate responses to problems. or plan new ones; and inform monitor- urban design, education and sports sec- There are limitations to this kind ing and evaluation. tors and United Nations agencies, and of tool. These maps are not generally A key value of the map is to il- adapted in response to their feedback. intended to provide robust quantitative lustrate the multiple components of an The resulting map provides a visual descriptions of the nature and mag- effective response to address physical representation of the multiple factors nitude of causal relations; rather, they inactivity in populations. Most impor- underpinning physical activity. The map set out to illustrate the multiple com- tantly, the map shows that the notion of is intended to be used to: support the ponents of a complex system in ways a single approach to increasing physical implementation of the global plan on that have relevance for policy-makers activity is misguided and inappropriate. physical activity through identification and practitioners. There is no definitive System maps can extend beyond so- of potential mechanisms for influenc- standard against which such a map can cioecological models and communicate ing the determinants of physical activ- be assessed, and another group produc- not only the actions required for effec- ity; support the identification of data ing a map of the physical activity system tive promotion of physical activity, but sources for monitoring and evaluation; might produce different results. To date also the relations between these actions. promote an integrated approach to little empirical evidence exists on the Emphasizing the interconnectedness physical activity policy that emphasizes value of these maps, but research to of the key drivers of physical inactivity the cross-sectoral relations involved; and evaluate the impacts of this kind of ap- explicitly demonstrates the roles that act as the basis of visual tools for com- proach is underway. multiple sectors need to play in our col- municating the need for wide-ranging A systems map can support the lective response to noncommunicable actions across multiple sectors and development of policy and action plans diseases. ■ domains to support the promotion of to increase physical activity in several physical activity. The map does not aim ways. Such maps can contribute to com- Acknowledgements to be a formal causal loop diagram with municating the multiple factors and We thank the members of the Global Ac- balancing and reinforcing loops, nor cross-sectoral nature of the influences tion Plan on Physical Activity technical does it attempt to quantify the nature of on physical activity for policy-makers. expert group for their support in devel- the relations between factors. The maps can illustrate the range of oping the physical activity system map. An integrated systems map, based opportunities to implement policy ac- on best available scientific evidence, can tions across multiple areas to influence Competing interests: None declared.

References 1. Forouzanfar MH, Afshin A, Alexander LT, Anderson HR, Bhutta ZA, Biryukov 6. Peters DH. The application of systems thinking in health: why use systems S, et al.; GBD 2015 Risk Factors Collaborators. Global, regional, and thinking? Health Res Policy Syst. 2014 08 26;12(1):51. doi: http://dx.doi. national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental org/10.1186/1478-4505-12-51 PMID: 25160707 and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990-2015: a 7. Hawe P, Shiell A, Riley T. Theorising interventions as events in systems. systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet. Am J Community Psychol. 2009 Jun;43(3-4):267–76. doi: http://dx.doi. 2016 Oct 8;388(10053):1659–724. doi: org/10.1007/s10464-009-9229-9 PMID: 19390961 6736(16)31679-8 PMID: 27733284 8. Friel S, Pescud M, Malbon E, Lee A, Carter R, Greenfield J, et al. Using systems 2. Lee IM, Shiroma EJ, Lobelo F, Puska P, Blair SN, Katzmarzyk PT; Lancet science to understand the determinants of inequities in healthy eating. Physical Activity Series Working Group. Effect of physical inactivity on major PLoS One. 2017 11 30;12(11):e0188872. doi: non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease journal.pone.0188872 PMID: 29190662 and life expectancy. Lancet. 2012 Jul 21;380(9838):219–29. doi: http:// 9. Butland B, Jebb S, Kopelman P, McPherson K, Thomas S, Mardell J, et PMID: 22818936 al. Tackling obesities: future choices – project report. 2nd ed. London: 3. Global action plan on physical activity 2018–2030: more active people for Government Office for Science; 2007. Available from: https://assets. a healthier world. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018. Available from: attachment_data/file/287937/07-1184x-tackling-obesities-future-choices- eng.pdf?ua=1 [cited 2018 Dec 7]. report.pdf [cited 2018 Dec 7]. 4. Hallal PC, Andersen LB, Bull FC, Guthold R, Haskell W, Ekelund U; 10. Allender S, Owen B, Kuhlberg J, Lowe J, Nagorcka-Smith P, Whelan J, et al. Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. Global physical activity A community-based systems diagram of obesity causes. PLoS One. 2015 levels: surveillance progress, pitfalls, and prospects. Lancet. 2012 Jul 07 8;10(7):e0129683. doi: 21;380(9838):247–57. doi: PMID: 26153893 1 PMID: 22818937 11. NIHR funds research to evaluate the health impacts of the new sugar tax on 5. Rutter H, Savona N, Glonti K, Bibby J, Cummins S, Finegood DT, et al. The soft drinks. London: National Institute for Health Research; 2017. Available need for a complex systems model of evidence for public health. Lancet. from: 2017 Dec 9;390(10112):2602–4. doi: health-impacts-of-the-new-sugar-tax-on-soft-drinks/6932 [cited 2018 Dec 6736(17)31267-9 PMID: 28622953 7].

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Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:162–165| doi: 165 Perspectives

Finance, data and technology initiatives for noncommunicable disease control Meri Tuulikki Koivusaloa

Initiatives on finance, data and technol- needs in developing countries: strength- decision-makers should thus examine ogy could provide new opportunities for ening global financing and coordination, innovative financing initiatives both the prevention and control of noncom- the WHO consultative expert working in relation to promised health benefits municable diseases because they offer group on financing of research and and to economic risks and risk sharing, resources, insights from data and new development took a cautious stance to public value, accountability, costs and monitoring means. The World Health innovative financing initiatives because cost–effectiveness. Organization’s (WHO) independent of the risks and costs of some of these Private finance initiatives for health high-level commission on noncommu- initiatives.2 Reliance on private equity have led to increasing costs and con- nicable diseases discusses the potential investors in global health and health cerns over the limited benefits from of these initiatives in the report Time system financing has been questioned investment and financial market-driven to deliver, and suggests incorporating on the grounds of similar concerns.3 approaches in public policies by non- them in the commission’s future work- The concerns and risks associated governmental and governmental actors. ing agenda.1 to these initiatives are manifold. Due to The Eurodad global report and analysis Potential opportunities and future the normative role of WHO and public of public-private partnerships criticized applications from innovative financ- regulatory agencies, public–private part- the cost of such partnerships.4 In the ing and public–private partnerships, nerships and new models of financing United Kingdom of Great Britain and data and digitalization for health have can also result in conflicts of interest. Northern Ireland, the National Auditing political appeal. However, the public While new partnerships with the private Office concluded that private finance value and relevance of these new oppor- sector are often seen as vital because procurement results in additional costs tunities for the prevention and control they could generate new resources, these compared to publicly financed procure- of noncommunicable diseases require partnerships are broad and can include ment, the most visible being the higher further scrutiny to ensure equity in ac- charitable foundations, non-profit or- cost of finance.5 cess and distribution of resources as well ganizations or transnational industries. When governments seek to limit as long-term financial sustainability of New financing models could have unan- the costs of novel financial initiatives, health systems. ticipated costs, such as delays in public contracts or partnerships with private Here I discuss why we should also spending or tying public health spend- sector and global investors, they may focus on analysing the risks of finance, ing to a particular treatment or policy not realize that these initiatives might data and technology initiatives. Such choice. New and innovative models also fall under bilateral trade and invest- analysis requires looking into the im- tend to lack evidence on impacts; for ment agreements. International trade plications of these initiatives on national example, evidence on social and health and investment agreements safeguard policies and determining how they relate impact bonds is limited. the interests of international investors to the global norms and policy mea- Furthermore, public health budgets by ensuring free movement of capital. sures on control of noncommunicable are large and may therefore prompt Investment agreements enable foreign diseases. opportunistic business interests from investors to claim for compensation corporations and investors as a new from governments through investment Finance untapped resource. For example, if the arbitration if governments seek to ter- World Bank or governments removed minate or amend existing contracts in The increase of noncommunicable financial risk from investors, this could a way that breaches any of the require- diseases, especially in low- and middle- lead to an opportunistic engagement ments set within these agreements. income countries, is placing a financial with the health sector, motivated by the These agreements can be important if burden on governments and individuals. low business risk. Another potentially governments wish to limit profits from Therefore, innovative financing mecha- problematic practice is adopting finan- publicly financed services. For example, nisms for health systems are needed. cial arrangements that allow deferred, a health insurance company took Slova- Innovative financing can be sought contractual or conditional payments kia to international arbitration after it through new taxes and levies or more for health services and/or products. sought to limit profits in publicly funded private-sector-driven new financing This could undermine legitimate and health insurance.6 Although not many initiatives, such as advance market com- more sustainable alternative public health-related cases have been recorded mitments, bonds and public–private policy measures, in particular with re- yet, it is important to note that financ- partnerships. However, in their report spect to access to costly new medicines ing arrangements may be particularly Research and development to meet health and technologies. Policy-makers and conducive to such claims. According to a Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tampere, P.O. Box 100, 33014, Tampere, Finland. Correspondence to Meri Tuulikki Koivusalo (email: [email protected]). (Submitted: 15 July 2018 – Revised version received: 24 October 2018 – Accepted: 12 November 2018 – Published online: 21 December 2018 )

166 Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:166–168 | doi: Perspectives Meri Tuulikki Koivusalo Finance, data and technology initiatives the United Nations Conference on Trade can play an important role in marketing, Innovation and Development analysis, an increasing selection and targeting of consumers. number of arbitration cases have dealt This would allow businesses and insur- Access to data and knowledge can with insurances and services.7 ers to select people in terms of whom become as important for public health Global health policy-makers and to insure, employ or provide services as access to treatment or medicines. health ministries need to understand the for, and to sell data to other corpora- The role of governments in regulation, broader context of finance and interest tions, investors and insurers interested financing and governing in the public politics. Potential in using investment in this data. interest requires innovation governance. decisions more effectively for the control New digital technologies, robotics Digitalization and use of data remain of noncommunicable diseases exists, as and artificial intelligence are increas- shaped by public policies, which govern shown by experiences from environ- ingly marketed as tools to reduce the innovation and how and on what basis mental policies and tobacco control.8 costs of health care, yet evidence on innovations are used.13 If incentives for However, choices should be made care- the impacts on costs remains limited. innovation result in major new mo- fully as corporations also use corporate Benefits from new technologies tend to nopolies or patenting in new areas, these social responsibility programmes to be more limited than what is marketed, monopolies could imply substantial access and dialogue with politicians to and replacing humans by artificial intel- costs for the health sector. influence policy decisions.9 Therefore, ligence can also have economic, social Health ministries need to under- governments and policy-makers must and ethical repercussions. A crucial stand the implications of commercial be aware of the potential conflicts of question is how to understand and as- and innovation policies on the sus- interests when partnering with the sess the short- and long-term health tainability of the financing of health private sector and interest groups, to impact of new technologies. Companies, systems. This is particularly important avoid influence from such partners on clinicians and policy-makers will need a for noncommunicable diseases, since in regulatory or policy decisions. clear framework to differentiate effica- most countries, such diseases represent International health organizations cious digital products from commercial a high burden on health systems and and health ministries should consider opportunism.11 health-related spending. Key issues both the potential benefits from engag- While technological advances with respect to new technologies have ing with investors and the financial mar- such as the internet and mobile phones not changed since the 1978 Alma Ata ket, as well as broader policy context, have been crucial for communication, declaration, which placed scientifically conflicts of interests, public value and this progress has not necessarily led to sound, socially acceptable and univer- potential costs for tax payers. fundamental changes in health policy. sally accessible methods and technology Politics of hype can distract policy- at the core of primary health care.14 Data and technology makers and the public from associated While various interest groups tend financial vulnerabilities or risks when to seek specific global financing for The potential of data gathering, new technologies fail. Innovation is neces- noncommunicable diseases, the most technologies and access to a person’s sary, but over-emphasizing innovation essential factor to control noncommu- health and genetic data for new treat- as a market commodity can undermine nicable diseases remains that of sustain- ment options is high on the political broader research for health. High ex- able finance and governance of health agenda. However, experiences from the pectations in new treatments can also systems and public policies. Health and commercial sector suggest that business lead to exploiting the patients’ hopes, broader public policy priorities on how interests are the main reasons for using particularly in cases of cancer and rare to tackle noncommunicable diseases data collected on consumers. The case of diseases. New digital solutions, which often conflict with commercial sector sale of prescription data in United States have an impact on communication or investors’ interests. The challenge is of America is one example of the pre- with patients, can improve quality of about engaging with the private sector, dominance of commercial priorities.10 care but are less likely to provide major but also about ensuring that global ac- Increased access to more consumer and cost-savings for health systems. The tion on noncommunicable diseases is health data as such is unlikely to solve intertwining of business interests and driven by, and accountable to, global major public health problems. Analysis regulation on health is also a concern for and national health policy priorities. ■ of large data sets will still require mean- the assessment of health technologies, ingful research questions to bring value which requires independence from the Competing interests: None declared. to public health. However, access to data health-care industries.12

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