INTERSTATE GOir^ERCE COiaasSlON WASHINGTON REPORT NO. 3662 SEA30AR3 AIR LI!7E RAILROAD COHPAI^Y iy RE ACCIDENT N3AR FORT GRESy SPRINGS, FLA. , Or APRIL 11, 1956 Report No. 3682 — c — SUMMARY. Date: April 11, 1956 Railroad: Seaboard Air Line Lo cation; Fort Creen Springs, Fla, Kind of accident; Collision Equipment involved: Passenger Train : Ifotor-truck Train number: 321 Locomotive number* Diesel-electric unit 2701 Consist: 3 cars Estimated Speeds: 45 m. p. h. 40 m. p. h. Operation: Timetable and train orders Track: Single; tangent; 0.43 percent ascending grade southward Highway: Tangent; crosses track at angle of 81°141; 1.80 percent ascending grace eastward Weather: Cloudy Time- 9:47 a. ra. Casualties: 3 killed; 5 injured Cause; Failure to stop a notor-truck short of a train moving over a rail- highway grade crossing 3 - INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION REPORT NO. 3680 IN THE MATTER OF MAKING- ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION REPORTS UNDER THE ACCIDENT REPORTS ACT OF MAY 6, 1910. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILROAD COMPANY May 25, 1956 Accident near Fort Green Springs, Fla., on April 11, 1956, caused by failure to stop a motor-truck short of a train moving over a rail-highway grade crossing. REPORT OF THE COMMISSION CLARKE, Commlaaloner: On April 11, 1956, there was a collision between a passenger train on the Seaboard Air Line Railroad and a motor-truck at a rail-highway grade crossing near Fort Green Springe, Fla., which resulted in the death of the driver of the motor-truck, one express messenger, and one train-service employee, and the injury of one passenger, two Pullman Company employees, one train porter, and one train-service employee.
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