Cargo Matters November 2017 Magazine for Customers & Partners

Lead Story Quality Management at Swiss WorldCargo Logistics information quality for omnichannel retailing success Contest Win a GoPro HERO Session Video Camera CONTENT

Industry Editorial Logistics information quality for From Ashwin Bhat 3 omnichannel retailing success 8 Lead Story Quality Management at Swiss WorldCargo 4 Made in Aparagus From the farm in California to your table anywhere 12 Partners The “coolest” off-airport hub in Italy 14 Expert's view Network News The present and future of mail data exchange 16 New organisational set-up in the Americas 17 Contest 17 Events Event Calendar: November 2017-March 2018 19 Editor's Pick Swiss WorldCargo receives the “Belly Carrier of the Year” award at the Payload Asia Awards 2017 19 Updates

Cargo Matters – Edition 3/2017 – November 2017 Swiss WorldCargo further enhances its pharma Publisher Ashwin Bhat, Head of Cargo – Swiss International Air Lines; Editor in Chief capabilities at its Zurich hub and across its Alexandra Dahl, Head of Marketing & Communications; Managing Editor Silvia Cappelli, PR & Online Communication; Distribution Manager Maria Campanella, Marketing Commu- network 21 nication; Editorial assistant for this edition Bernd Maresch, MARESCH GmbH; Herbert Aichinger, MARESCH GmbH; Adaptations Steve Elliott; Guest editor for this edition Info Guide Joachim Ehrenthal (JOE.Systems); Special thanks to Able Freight Inc., CFI Inc., Freschi & Schiavoni (Betty Schiavoni, Primo Schiavoni). From Swiss WorldCargo: Silvia Chacón- Swiss WorldCargo Bangkok: 44.49% eAWB Ramos, Mary Ensch, Hendrik Falk, Adolfo Liguori, Sumit Mathur, Chairit Manosaksaree, Da- penetration achieved, 2 turtles rescued, rin Patimeteeporn, Mambio Ravezzi, Fulvio Stolpe, Paolo Tuzzi. Production & Advertising Cora von Planta, MARESCH GmbH, [email protected]; Design Concept/Lay- 85 corals planted! 23 outing Peter Hoffmann, MARESCH GmbH, [email protected];Printing Schätzl Druck & Medien GmbH & Co. KG, [email protected]; If you wish to subscribe or unsub- scribe to “Cargo Matters”, please send an e-mail to: [email protected]; Legal disclaimer the views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of Swiss WorldCargo; Circulation 18'000; Annual subscription: £20.00/$40.00


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Dear Cargo Matters reader,

hat does quality really mean in the air cargo industry? I have Wheard industry experts asking this question many times, and the answer is never the same. Most of us would agree it is all about achieving on-time and keeping the promise made at the time of booking. In addition, there are definitely many more fac- tors involved: customer care, service recovery, security, communi- cation and IT. Digitalization and data transparency are also becom- ing increasingly important. Whatever it covers, quality does not just happen overnight and by chance. High quality standards are achieved by putting in place a number of initiatives, processes and more importantly a mindset, each of which requires identification, coordination, ownership, In 2018, Cargo Matters will celebrate its 15th anniversary. For us, implementation and control. In the lead article of this issue of quality also means bringing you engaging stories. We hope you will Cargo Matters, Christian Wyss, our Head of Cargo Quality & enjoy reading this issue and we wish you a highly successful new Services, explains how Swiss WorldCargo “always puts quality first” year – we will continue to put quality first! and how his team works towards achieving service excellence. Another important aspect of quality in air cargo is that it is We care for your cargo. achieved by teaming up with like-minded partners. Take for exam- ple our long-standing RFS and ground-handling partner in Italy, Ashwin Bhat Freschi & Schiavoni: our Cargo Matters editors have visited their Head of Cargo recently upgraded infrastructure in Milan-Vignate, a best practice Swiss International Air Lines Ltd. indeed in terms of collaboration. Quality also involves data transparency. As pointed out by in- dustry expert and guest editor Joachim Ehrenthal in his article on page 10, omnichannel retailing can only kick off if logistics provid- ers are able to enhance data transparency. Swiss WorldCargo is ac- knowledged and valued as a quality carrier by our customers and the industry as a whole. This recognition drives us to constantly develop our abilities and capabilities further: by the beginning of 2018, for example, we will have over 50 “quality corridors”, a net- work of certified stations to ensure the highest possible quality standards when it comes to handling and transporting pharma and biotech shipments.

Cargo Matters 3


Quality Management at Swiss WorldCargo

Get to know the new organisational struc- Arafa, and Andres L. Perez, Head of Cargo ture at Swiss WorldCargo. This time with Business Development & Customer Experi- the Head of Cargo Quality & Services ence. We learned how the new organisation Christian Wyss, who tells us what it takes enables their teams to work closer with cus- to push the boundaries in air cargo qual- tomers and to increase the speed at which ity management. innovative solutions are introduced into the market. wiss WorldCargo’s new organisational In this issue, we turn to Cargo Quality & Sstructure revolves around three pillars: Services. Its head, Christian Wyss, shares Cargo Business Development & Customer how Swiss WordCargo puts quality first, and Experience, Cargo Area & Contribution how his quality and services team works to- Management, and Cargo Quality & Services. wards service excellence. It is set up to foster value co-creation with customers and suppliers, as well as to excel in and quality. In the previous issues of Cargo Matters, we talked with the Head of Cargo Area & Contribution Management, Alexander Christian Wyss, Head of Cargo Quality & Services

Swiss WorldCargo's Quality and Services organisation

Ashwin Bhat Head of Cargo

Andrés L. Perez Alexander Arafa Christian Wyss Head of Business Development Head of Area & Contribution Head of Quality & Services & Customer Experience Management

Jennifer Bittl Reto Sigron Ruedi Berger Harald Rix Head of Cargo HUB Cargo Quality and Cargo Product & Services, Head of Cargo Management Operations Excellence Processes & Policies Service Centre

Cargo Matters 5 LEAD STORY

At Swiss WorldCargo, we put quality in everything we do.

during, and after transportation. For instance, we assist with ques- Interview by Joachim Ehrenthal tions regarding hazardous goods, pharma requirements, packag- ing, using active tracking devices, and implementing electronic Interview with Christian Wyss, Head of Cargo Quality & data exchange. Services

Cargo Matters: As an experienced air cargo executive, what is the key If we do a good job, customers benefit to air cargo quality? from reliable service delivery and Christian Wyss: Managing interfaces. Our customer relations are built on single shipment success. Picking up and delivering on the best possible solutions – even if time, taking care of special requirements as and when needed. That something goes wrong. seems simple enough, but isn’t. Take a shipment from France to Singapore as an example. You have at least three handling agents, And our work isn’t done when the shipment has arrived. We are one or two trucking companies and us, the carrier, involved. Load- also in charge of process improvement, analysing where we can do ing and unloading of trucks and aircraft, storage, and data or doc- a better job and making sure we do. The idea behind consolidating ument handling may be carried out by even more companies. So all these responsibilities into one department is to provide a seam- even with a single shipment, we’re already at high levels of com- less service to customers, from responding to information needs, plexity. In such an environment, keeping interfaces as simple as handling the booking and transportation, through to invoicing, possible and as complex as necessary is the key to success. and on to the next shipment.

What new benefits does Cargo Quality & Services add for customers? How does Swiss WorldCargo define and measure quality? Cargo Quality & Services mentally, virtually and sometimes even Delivering as promised. Right now, we are in the process of re- physically ‘accompanies’ the cargo our customers entrust us with. defining our internal quality concept. We have so many quality in- We define and document error-proof processes, we manage hub dicators. Indeed there are far too many of them. Our prime focus operations and we support our account managers and colleagues is providing external and internal stakeholders with more targeted involved in customer service by answering any questions before, quality indicators.

6 Cargo Matters To give you an example: measuring one of our handling agent’s involved needs to understand why we do things the way we do them quality of service requires a different approach compared to pro- and what purpose individual actions serve. viding a forwarder with key quality indicators, and the information gathered is used differently and by different people. In the future, Quality initiatives also drive down process costs, and in logistics, that we will better account for these differences and provide easy-to-use matters. What’s your advice to fellow quality managers in the shipping stakeholder-specific information. Of course, we continue to comply and forwarding business? with common industry indicators, so we are just partly re-invent- My first piece of advice would be to invest time in understand- ing the wheel. ing the bigger picture of supply chains rather than focussing on isolated issues. How do you ensure Swiss WorldCargo standards worldwide, especially with the agility and market speed of the new organisation? Our customers have different expectations and requirements. Individual quality programmes cost The on-ground situation is rarely the same all over the planet. That money, but they have a lesser impact is why we put results before how we actually get there. Let me ex- plain. If regulatory requirements change at destination, we have than supply chain quality initiatives. to find a new way to achieve the same, consistent service quality. Most importantly, we work with key suppliers – our partners – who The latter may take more time initially, but they pay off. I see great understand our business needs, who are able to co-operate and potential for the benefit of everybody in the transportation / supply who have the necessary infrastructure. We meet with them on a chain, but it is true that we need to compromise on short-term gains regular basis, look ahead, plan, and roll out changes within weeks. to improve our medium-term performance. And take a good look Through this process, we are reliable without losing the agility and beyond physical flows. What really gets me is people sitting on speed the market requires. This is also how we implement innova- ‘their’ data and at the same time, somewhere that data is missing. tions with our Business Development & Customer Experience de- So my second piece of advice would be to be open to boundary- partment. It’s our job to make innovation work in our daily opera- crossing data quality initiatives. tions. Thank you for your time and congratulations on your 25th year in What approach do you adopt to ensure that regulatory and product aviation and air cargo! What’s next in air cargo quality and service requirements are being complied with? excellence? We do not compromise on regulatory compliance, that’s a given. Thanks – virtual integration along with a sound understanding Standards are there to be met and to make our service commitment of the supply chain is finally starting to happen on a large scale. transparent. It’s all about information and knowledge: everybody Our new organisation shows how deeply committed we are.

Cargo Matters 7


Logistics information quality for omnichannel retailing success

Text by Joachim Ehrenthal

This article discusses the value of logistics information quality in the hidden structures of omnichannel retailing.

What’s new in omnichannel retailing Omnichannel retailing is the integration of all options that shop- pers can possibly use to find, try, purchase and return items. The goal of omnichannel is to always provide a great experi- ence, irrespective of the channel the shopper choses. From the retailer perspective that means: no matter what, shop- pers should get the product they want in the most convenient way. From the shopper perspective that means: I can get anything from anywhere whenever I wish. For logistics that is: extremely demand- ing. Today’s shoppers are spoiled by the choice and information they have. Shoppers may find a product they like on social media, enter a virtual reality store, see what the product would look like in real Logistics plays a vital role in omnichannel retailing life, and have it delivered to their car’s trunk. While that may not be the norm, it shows what omnichannel logistics is capable of to- day and what shoppers are starting to expect: uncompromised con- venience. Shoppers can encounter omnichannel in many ways. They could use a website to check whether a retailer holds the desired cupboard panies that go far beyond the traditional landscape. Logistics in stock for online and offline purchases. Shoppers could be inside service providers play a key role in this new ecosystem. It is their a boutique and if the right fit jeans were just sold out, store staff networks, knowledge, and skills that make omnichannel work, and could have them delivered to their home in the next day or two. Or logistics information quality is taking centre stage. shoppers could be traveling by train, and a transportation app hooked up to an advertising system could automagically suggest Fixing logistics information quality pre-ordering a coffee ‘to go’ at the arrival station. Information has always been critical to logistics. Logistics informa- While that sort of thing may not have been on the agenda for tion can easily be wrong, essential details forgotten, or arriving too most of us, retailers and innovative logistics service providers have late. Fixing information quality issues takes time and costs a lot of invested heavily in omnichannel capabilities. Their efforts include money. With bad logistics information, nobody can fulfil omnichan- researching mobile shopper behaviour, ever faster distribution & nel’s anything anytime anywhere promise (or make money). returns systems, and new technology to excite shoppers and make Passing on correct information throughout the logistics chain them buy more stuff. is crucial to ensure efficiency. Wrong information, such as an in- Most importantly, retailers work towards a single truth view of correct delivery addresses, leads to delivery delays and angry shop- their inventory, that is an exact overview of what stock is in storage pers. Similarly, information needs to be timely. or in transit where. This is important because unlike brick & mor- If an inventory location is out of stock, the next best inventory tar retailing or e-commerce, the stock that is to be shipped may be location must take over and the promised delivery time to shoppers needed from many locations – depending on what bests suits shop- adjusted. That may entail quickly integrating new partners, and if per needs. In addition, inventory information is fed back into web- they even miss ‘internal’ information, such if goods are stackable sites and advertising servers, for instance as part of location-based in transportation, efficiency is lost and profits dwindle. advertising campaigns. After all, no retailer wants to advertise a Logistics information issues get worse when information is am- product at a location where it is not available. biguous or untrustworthy altogether. Consider a shipment that is Overall, the shift towards omnichannel has created an entire supposed to have been delivered according to some tracking infor- new ecosystem of technology, payment, and shopper analytics com- mation, but it’s not there, or a shipment that is thought to be not

Cargo Matters 9 INDUSTRY

Omnichannel Retailing

Social Media

Shops eCommerce

Single Inventury Truth Stock Shopper


TV & Home Entertainment

Search Apps Engines

The omnichannel retailing ecosystem: a single truth inventory view is used to manage deliveries and advertising across different channels to create a consistent shopping experience for customers.

delivered, while it has. Both situations take time and effort to in- Retailers, logistics service providers, and technology companies vestigate by logistics service providers (which they don’t have) and must and do invest in information quality. Examples include phys- they destroy shopper confidence in the retailer. ical measures, like active tracking and dimensions scanning, digi- Often, logistics information quality problems arise when the tal measures, like automated data consistency checks, and process- value of information is unclear to whoever does not pass on the driven measures, such as error-proof systems inputs. Without information correctly, or when information is transferred from one highest quality information being available in real time (or close), system to the next. Think of mischievous Mr. and Mrs. Copy & Paste omnichannel retailing is costing everyone more than it should. in manual interfaces, and misspecifications of automated inter- Worse still, bad information hinders data-driven improvements faces hastily set up. and information flows to shoppers. Sometimes, logistics information quality problems never re- ally get fixed, because someone corrects the faults along the way, Competing with logistics information quality such as changing a postcode that is obviously wrong. While that is Competition for omnichannel market share will be one of informa- a very results-driven thing to do, it is a temporary fix to a perma- tion quality. Delivering not only shipments, but information re- nent problem, and those fixing it aren’t the ones causing it, so the quires a deep understanding of what information omnichannel costs are misallocated in the chain. retailers need and why. Here are the starting points.

10 Cargo Matters Joachim Ehrenthal All channels matter in omnichannel (hence the term). Omnichan- About the author nel retailers manage fully integrated inventories and must be able Joachim Ehrenthal is the founder and owner of AG, to pick orders for all channels, and from a variety of locations. In an IT firm specializing in product origin calculation and availability addition, omnichannel retailers offer larger assortments online improvement algorithms. He holds a PhD from the University of than offline (with orders increasing in numbers and items per or- St. Gallen and a MSc from Mannheim University. der decreasing), so inventory accuracy is paramount. By their very nature, omnichannel retailers are, and must be, agile in using whatever technology or platforms fall in the shoppers’ Definitions favour, and adjust and scale their network to where shoppers are, where they want deliveries, and when. Omnichannel retailers pro- Ecosystem: Network of companies to jointly co-create value vide multiple delivery options beyond their own logistical scope, for a shopper (for example a forwarder, the forwarders’ air carrier and returns are decoupled from the points of purchase. That is and the air carriers’ handling agent). where logistics companies grow their business, and for their own good, and that of retailers, information quality must be spot-on. Multichannel: Two or more (partly) distinct channels (e.g. stores and mail-order), that may appear integrated, but Omnichannel retailers run joint-cross channel IT systems with are managed as silos. real-time access, including for shoppers. In addition, they use new IT service providers that process logistics information to better Omnichannel: Two or more integrated channels (e.g. website, manage demand and other aspects. Overall, omnichannel retailers mobile app, and stores) where the choice of channel should not affect the shoppers’ experience. lead virtually integrated ecosystems rather than act as one giant retail operation. So logistics service providers need to be able to connect to that ecosystem and all its actors. Many decisions in omnichannel retailing are and will be in- creasingly automated. That includes listening to shopper conver- sations for making inventory decisions (e.g. social text ), as well as tracking the paths to purchase (such as the game a shopper Sources played on a gaming console). Orders will be predicted and adver- Hübner et al. (2016): Retail logistics in the transition from tising directed accordingly, with implications for the agility of the multi-channel to omnichannel, IJPDLM Vol. 46 Iss. 6/7. logistics networks that provide the backbone for the omnichannel Murfield et al. (2017): Investigating logistics service quality in operations. omnichannel retailing, IJPDLM Vol. 47 Iss. 4. Most importantly, the retailers need to make sure that those making omnichannel happen, i.e. logistics service providers, have Trautmann et al. (2017): Challenges of Data Management and Analytics in Omni-Channel CRM. European Research Center the information they need to make shoppers happy. But they also for Information Systems Working Paper No. 28. expect immediate and accurate information to be sent back to their systems. They mercilessly eliminate logistics service providers that van Woensel & Broft (editors, 2016): don’t understand or meet their information needs. Omnichannel logistics: state of the art.

Cargo Matters 11 MADE IN ASPARAGUS

From the farm in California to your table anywhere

California asparagus can reach the shelves in Europe, the Middle East and Asia less than two days after being collected on the farm.

Buying locally produced, seasonal fruits and vegetables is a good With a daily connection from Los Angeles to Zurich operated by a rule of thumb, but exceptions make life more pleasant after all. Boeing 777-300ER, Swiss WorldCargo transports about 1,000 tons Therefore, if you are craving strawberries or asparagus and the of fresh produce around the SWISS network all year round, with season is over, Swiss WorldCargo brings them to you all the way the Middle East (Dubai and Muscat), Asia (Bangkok and Singapore) from California. and Europe (mainly Zurich, Milan and Amsterdam) being the main destination markets. alifornia is one of the world’s main suppliers of fruits and veg- Cetables. With its exposure to the Pacific Ocean, moderate year- Transporting fresh produce by air cargo round temperatures, warm, sunny days and cool, foggy nights, the The fruits and vegetables sent by air cargo are mainly those which US West Coast offers perfect conditions for farming produce. The are unavailable abroad and which can fetch high prices on markets, country’s 76,700 farms produce over 400 commodities, and two or those which are so fragile that they cannot be sent by sea freight. thirds of the USA’s fruits and nuts. About one quarter of the har- vested produce is exported around the world. (Source: USDA, Unit- ed States Department of Agriculture, 2017) 4 good reasons to eat asparagus Most international airlines at Los Angeles International Airport transport fresh produce, allowing markets abroad to sell fresh fruits –– It is full of nutrients and vegetables within two days of being harvested on farms across –– It is packed with antioxidants California. According to airport data, fresh fruits, vegetables and –– It is a brain booster nuts account for around 15 percent of the total cargo shipments by –– It is diuretic weight from LAX airport.

12 Cargo Matters The belly cargo on SWISS flights is mainly comprised of delicacies such as berries, cherries and asparagus, according to different sea- sonality patterns: strawberries all year round, cherries from May until August, blueberries in August and September, lettuce and other greens from October on and finally, asparagus from January until April. A record amount of 1 million kilos of asparagus was transported by Swiss WorldCargo from Los Angeles this year, primarily with Fresh produce account for around 15 percent of the total cargo freight forwarders Commodity Forwarders and Able Freight. Green shipments by weight from LAX airport. and white asparagus from Mexico and California were exported mainly to European destinations: even if Europeans prefer to buy seasonal and local produce, demand for asparagus, which nutrition experts have ranked among the so-called “super foods” for its very rich nutritional values, is very high in the winter months too. Some facts and figures:

The asparagus cool chain –– 1 million kilos of asparagus were transported by California asparagus can reach the shelves in Europe, the Middle Swiss WorldCargo in 2017 East and Asia less than two days after being collected on the farm. –– The main importer of berries transported by Swiss WorldCargo is the Dubai supermarket chain Spinney’s Asparagus is usually harvested in the morning, and then taken to a cooling facility, where it is chilled from the ambient growing tem- perature to 34 °F (about 1 °C). As a spokesperson at Able Freight explains, there is one rule About Commodity Forwarders Inc. (CFI) above all others which applies to the transportation of fresh pro- Commodity Forwarders Inc. provides transportation, distribution, duce: never break the cool chain. Reliability, temperature con- and consulting services for perishable products worldwide. It trolled capabilities and on-time delivery are the main requirements offers freight handling services for frozen fish and meats, fruits, for all the logistics partners, including the airline. At CFI, they spec- vegetables and flowers, chilled fish, organic produce, and dry cargo. ify that they use insulation along with gel packs to control temper- The company also handles temperature sensitive cargo through atures during transit. The longer the journey (for example to the its perishable network relations all over the world. Commodity Middle East or Asia), the more coolant they would use to keep cool Forwarders Inc. was incorporated in 1974 and is based in chain intact. Los Angeles, California with additional offices across the US. CFI will be part of Kuehne & Nagel FRESH brand in 2018. Tracking the shipment is crucial, and therefore the boxes of fresh asparagus are scanned for TSA purposes before they are put on pallets or, more seldom, in AKE containers, and sent by truck to Los Angeles International Airport. Swiss WorldCargo ensures fruits About Able Freight Services Inc. and vegetables arrive a few hours before a flight leaves, making for the most efficient (and reliably coldest) transport possible. Able Freight Services Inc. provides air, ocean, and ground transpor- tation services for perishable commodities. Additionally, it offers On board the aircraft, the captain sets the cargo hold tempera- customs brokerage, dedicated warehousing, and distribution ture - usually somewhere between 35 °F and 46 °F (1.7 °C to 7.7 °C). services. The company focuses on transportation of berries, stone Some produce has Zurich as its final destination, while other pro- fruits, grapes, green onions, confectionary, asparagus, pharma- duce is transferred to further destinations in the SWISS network, ceuticals, and flowers. Able Freight Services Inc. was founded in and it is ready to be sold at your local supermarket a few hours after 1992 and is based in Los Angeles, California. arrival and be served on your table in a variety of delicious recipes.

Cargo Matters 13 PARTNERS

The “coolest” off-airport hub in Italy

Text by Silvia Cappelli

In Italy, Swiss WorldCargo and the com- pany Freschi & Schiavoni are “one and the same”. Our transportation and ground- handling partner shares the facilities at the Milan Vignate off-airport terminal with the Swiss WorldCargo Italian team. Over the years, the two companies have developed their business in close cooper- ation to meet the ever-changing needs of the Italian air cargo market. Together, they seem to be ready to face the challeng- es of the future. We took the opportunity of a visit to the recently expanded cool fa- cilities in Vignate to have a talk with the co-owners, Betty and Primo Schiavoni. The Freschi & Schiavoni facilities in Milan Vignate

s Betty Schiavoni introduced me to her Afather, who is 80 years old and who founded the company in the sixties, she told neva with daily scheduled truck operations. ported via the northern Italian hub), most me he took her in a truck for the first time The Vignate facilities may not be the biggest belly cargo carriers from Europe still rely on when she was six months old. She sure has in Italy in terms of size and traffic, but they RFS and off-airport handlers, because they a lot to say about the industry. She and her are definitely among the most state-of-the- mainly operate with small aircraft having brother Primo have been working for the art ones in the country. little or no cargo capacity. Anyway, we are company for about 30 years, and are now the only company still operating interna- managing the family business together, re- Why an “off-airport” hub? tional RFS on behalf of airlines in Italy to- spectively in the roles of Commercial and Primo: The “off-airport handling” mod- day: the stringent cost review process im- Operations Directors. el was actually launched by Swissair in co- plemented over the last few years has Besides providing transportation servic- operation with our company. The former discouraged many Italian forwarding com- es for major international airlines and, Swiss national carrier was in fact the first panies from using air freight and opting for more recently, GSAs, air freight agents and airline to introduce scheduled road feeder sea freight instead. NVOCCs, the company offers a wide range services in Italy about 40 years ago. When of physical and document handling servic- air cargo started to expand in the 70’s, Ali- How do you manage to remain competitive? es, security checks, customs assistance, han- talia did not have enough capacity. Due to Primo: The industry is becoming in- dling of special products, including temper- the poor infrastructure at Italian airports at creasingly demanding and in order to re- ature-controlled shipments – with passive that time, foreign carriers had to find local main competitive and meet our customer’s and active solutions. Every year, they handle RFS companies to transport the cargo to the requirements, we are constantly investing and transport around 130 million kilos of major airports across the Alps and then ship in improving our service and our infrastruc- cargo, mostly in the form of exports or to- them across their network. ture. Swiss WorldCargo has always been a wards the airport of Milan Malpensa. driver for such investments: for instance, The company operates domestic connec- Is this model still dominant in the Italian air during the course of 2017 we have expanded tions with most of Swiss WorldCargo's of- cargo market? our cool facilities to cater for the increasing fline stations in Northern Italy, where ship- Betty: Even though the scenario has be- demand for pharma and food shipments. ments are collected before they are come more complex and full freighters op- At the end of May we inaugurated a stor- transported to the Milan Vignate off-airport erating from Milan Malpensa are now big age room which offers expanded capacity terminal and, further on, to Zurich and Ge- competitors (50% of air cargo traffic is trans- (about 200 euro pallets) for temperature-

14 Cargo Matters Swiss WorldCargo Italy – controlled shipments (COL, FRO, CRT). Re- Pharma & Food traffic cently, we also secured HACCP compliance figures 2017 for perishable goods, as well as GDP and CEIV compliance for the handling, storage and distribution of pharma products. We have quite considerable experience +21% in temperature-controlled shipments after pharma traffic all: Since 2000, we have been the official overall from Italy handler for Envirotainer in Italy and we were among the first companies to invest in temperature-controlled trucks: half of our fleet of 40 vehicles are actually temperature Primo Schiavoni and Betty Schiavoni controlled and next year several more will be introduced.

Why was there such growing demand for +23.5% pharma & food shipments? pharma traffic Betty: The pharma industry is constant- from Milan ly growing on a global scale and it is also one of the main pillars of the Italian economy at the moment, with a large number of inter- +50% national and local companies having their We have talked about the challenges of the of shipments with production sites in the country. As a multi- past and the present: let’s talk about the active solutions site, global business, the pharma industry future. relies on air transport for its speed, reliabil- Primo: We believe we can only meet the Main pharma ity and efficiency in delivering high-value, future if we invest in digitalization and au- destinations: time-sensitive, temperature-controlled car- tomation, in order to improve efficiencies JFK, TLV, go. From Milan, pharma shipments (which and data transparency. Of course, we have account for 80% of the total Swiss World- already started. For example, we have pro- HKG, SJU Cargo traffic) have increased by about 23% vided our drivers with an “app” which al- this year. lows them to manage deliveries and send As for food, what do people think of first real-time information to our customers’ +10% when you say Italy? Definitely the excel- tracking systems. Our warehouse is already traffic of foodstuffs lence of its food! Food & wine have always semi-automated, with a management sys- overall been one of the country’s main export sec- tem running on iPads. Soon we will also in- tors. The demand for “good food” has in- vest in technology making it possible to creased over the last few years though, with weigh and measure shipments simply using +7.9% the “foodies culture” spreading especially a picture or barcode scan or via RFID. among the younger generations. Swiss Together with Swiss WorldCargo we are traffic of foodstuffs WorldCargo transports a large amount of sure we will find the best way into the fu- from Milan cheese and cold cuts - especially ham – but ture. Swiss WorldCargo is “our heart”, and also wine, oil, pickled vegetables or vegeta- we will continue to adapt our business in Main food destinations bles preserved with oil and other delicacies, close cooperation and with the same prag- from Italy: for the joy of gourmets from the US and Asia. matic approach. JFK, LAX, From Milan, it represents about 20% of the HKG traffic and this year it has increased by More information at: about 8%.

Cargo Matters 15 EXPERT'S VIEW

The present and future of mail data exchange

Text by Silvia Chacón-Ramos

According to a new EU regulation, mail shipments are no longer exempt from advance cargo information filing requirements. Standard procedures must be in place and IT solutions imple- mented for mail handling systems to exchange security data with the carriers’ system and for this data to be filed with Customs at destination. What does this entail exactly for the industry play- ers? What are the solutions currently available and what might be those for the future?

An expert’s view by Silvia Chacón-Ramos, Senior Manager Vertical Industry Postal Business & eCommerce, based on the panel discussion which took place at the 7th Cargo Security and Facilitation Forum in Barcelona last October, featuring Jean- Silvia Chacón-Ramos Senior Manager Vertical Industry Postal Marc Coeffic, Standard Expert Universal Postal Union and Business & eCommerce Andres Majeres, Manager Cargo Operations and Standards at IATA.

he postal business is undergoing a deep transformation, with Tfewer letters and an increasing number of parcels being trans- ported. For this reason, mail shipments are no longer exempt from advance cargo information filing requirements. If customs at des- that can never ever be deleted. Every transaction will be recorded tination require that postal messages be received in the same for- as long as the internet exists. In addition, there is not just one log- mat as cargo, what does this entail for the postal messaging systems book, but many, many copies of it. For a transaction to be valid, all in place? The extreme granularity of postal networks and the large these logbooks need to agree that the transaction is legitimate and number of players involved have made postal messaging systems compliant with the rules. very complex. Access to the logbooks can be restricted to the parties that need We all know that when it comes to messaging and IT systems, to upload information or retrieve information, granting them ac- our industry players tend to get very nervous. IATA, together cess exclusively to the parts of the logbook that they specifically with UPU and the collaboration of some airlines including need and nothing else. If we were to use a block chain for our pur- Swiss WorldCargo, have developed a solution that facilitates data poses, instead of having an ever growing set of bilateral relation- exchange without interfering with the complex postal messaging ships (where all airlines need to communicate with all postal au- ecosystem. Every player in the chain can keep on working with the thorities, and all postal authorities with all airlines, and with the already established messages: only the data sets that need to be rest of the postal authorities, as well as with customs now), we transmitted are “linked” into cargo formats in order to be visible would have each party uploading their information to the chain, by the Customs systems. and those players that need to work with that information would The solution, which was presented at IATA Cargo Events last pick it up from the chain directly. October, perfectly solves this urgent need effectively, quickly and This would simplify processes and make each party independ- simply. However, it is necessary to think further ahead. In actual ent from the others and responsible for their own information. If fact, there are new technologies at hand which could be leveraged any of the parties decided to change systems, it would not compro- to further enhance performance, security, automation and fulfill mise the others as long as the required data came to the chain. Block needs which may not have arisen yet. One of these technologies is chaining is still in its infancy and companies are still struggling to block chaining. find use cases for it. It will not replace technologies such as trans- But what exactly is block chaining? Why is everybody talking actional databases, but it will be able to democratize the use of in- about it and how can it be used? To explain block chaining in sim- formation. If postal authorities started using the chain for tracking ple terms, imagine a logbook where every action leaves a record as well, what would be next?

16 Cargo Matters NETWORK NEWS

New organisational set-up in the Americas

Swiss WorldCargo has recently announced a new organisatio- nal set-up in the American market and the appointment of Mr. Hendrik Falk as Regional Manager Western, Southern USA & South America.

ffective October 2017, Swiss WorldCargo’s American organisa- Etion has been consolidated from three to two regions: Western, Southern USA & South America and Northeast/Midwest USA and Canada. The newly created Western, Southern USA & South America region will be headed up by Hendrik Falk, who recently joined Swiss WorldCargo and will be based in Atlanta. Hendrik, has ex- tensive executive experience and almost thirty years’ expertise in the air cargo industry. In his former role as Vice President North and South America of an international all-cargo carrier, he was responsible for all aspects of that company’s business on both con- Mr. René Brechbuehl, who had been successfully heading up the tinents. Previously, he had held several executive roles with indus- South-East USA & South America region for the last 3 years, will be try leaders in various challenging capacities in the USA, Asia and leaving Swiss WorldCargo in October to begin his well-deserved in Europe. retirement following 44 years of service with Swissair and SWISS. The Northeast/Midwest USA and Canada region will continue to be led by Mr. Michael Ganz, based in New York. Michael joined the American organisation two years ago, after holding several commercial management positions at Swisscargo and Swiss WorldCargo in Zurich.

Get on and win a GoPro HERO Session Video Camera

Terms and conditions: All participants must fully state their first name, last name, company, function, mailing address and the e-mail address to take part. The win- ner will be informed directly and their name will be published in the next issue of Cargo Matters. Employees of Swiss International Air Lines Ltd. (including Swiss WorldCargo’s GSA) and their relatives may not participate. All rights are reserved, and there shall be no recourse to any legal action.

And the winner is...

The Estée Lauder travel kit was won by Sandra Kaiser, Kintetsu (Switzerland)

Cargo Matters 17 Quality, efficiency and innovation

Airfreight logistics made in Switzerland

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Contents Creations Ad (Cargo Matters 19x13 cm)-4.indd 1 27/01/17 5:40 pm 18 Cargo Matters EVENTS & EDITOR'S PICK

Event Calendar: November 2017-March 2018

Start date End date Place Show name 06.12.17 07.12.17 Shanghai 12th China Gold & Precious Metal Summit 2017 07.12.17 10.12.17 Miami Art Basel Miami 15.01.18 19.01.18 Genève SIHH - Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie 19.01.18 24.01.18 Venice Vicenzaoro January 23.01.18 24.01.18 Mumbai CTL Mumbai 29.01.18 31.01.18 London Temperature Controlled Logistics Europe 20.02.18 22.02.18 Mumbai Air Cargo India 25.02.18 27.02.18 Miami World Mail & Express Americas 27.02.18 03.03.18 Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem & Pearl show, ASIA World Expo 01.03.18 05.03.18 Hong Kong HKTDC - HK Int'l Jewellery Show 13.03.18 15.03.18 São Paulo Intermodal South America 13.03.18 15.03.18 Stuttgart LogiMAT 13.03.18 15.03.18 Dallas World Cargo Symposium 14.03.18 15.03.18 Milan Clinical Trial Supply Europe 20.03.18 21.03.18 London Logistics & Supply Chain Conference 22.03.18 27.03.18 Basel Baselworld 23.03.18 25.03.18 Chennai Chennai GEM & Jewellery 29.03.18 31.03.18 Hong Kong Art Basel Swiss WorldCargo receives the “Belly Carrier of the Year” award at the Payload Asia Awards 2017

he Payload Asia Awards 2017 returned for its sixth edition, with Tmore than 90 nominations vying for the 20 awards categories and more than 25,000 online votes received in the Customer Choice Awards. All the results – from both Customer Choice and Industry Choice – were audited by an independent auditing firm, Alpes Assurance. The awards seek to honour the very best in the industry and took place during a spectacular gala dinner and awards ceremony, held at Crowne Plaza Changi Airport, Singapore. Gracing the event was the guest of honour, Mr Glyn Hughes, Global Head of Cargo, Inter- national Air Transport Association. Among the 23 awards given, Swiss WorldCargo was honoured with the “Best Belly Carrier of the Year Award”, which was picked up by Alexander Arafa, Head of Area & Contribution Management.

Cargo Matters 19 VENUE







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20 Cargo Matters UPDATES Swiss WorldCargo further enhances its pharma capabilities at its Zurich hub and across its network

Swiss WorldCargo’s hub in Zurich reaffirms its position as a lead- a global scale. By the end of 2017, some 50 “quality corridors” are ing airport when it comes to handling pharmaceutical ship- expected to be in place, covering the top pharma destinations. ments: Swissmedic, the Swiss authority responsible for the au- Swiss WorldCargo is also seeking to extend the Envirotainer QEP thorisation and supervision of therapeutic products, renewed (Qualified Envirotainer Provider) programme, which recognizes the Cargologic handling facilities’ GDP compliance certification its partner carriers as competent service providers when handling in September 2017. Swiss WorldCargo’s ground handling partner Envirotainer active units around their network; 30 stations in the was one of the first to secure GPD compliance in 2014 and the Swiss WorldCargo network have already received this accreditation “Center of Excellence for Independent Validators” (CEIV) certi- and more will follow in the coming months. fication from IATA for the handling of pharmaceutical products Swiss WorldCargo has also further enhanced its capabilities in 2015. when handling pharma products with the implementation of the additional storage temperature range “ERT” in the cool storage fa- ver the last two years, Swiss WorldCargo has been investing cilities at the main pharma destinations. Oheavily in replicating this best practice model in collaboration with its ground-handling partners around the world. A network of Visit for detailed information about our phar- certified trade lanes is being implemented to ensure the highest ma capabilities across our network quality standards and product integrity in cold chain handling on

Cargo Matters 21

INFO GUIDE Swiss WorldCargo Bangkok: 44.49% eAWB penetration achieved, 2 turtles rescued, 85 corals planted!

The Swiss WorldCargo team from Bangkok and their customers, at the Royal Thai Navy’s Sea Turtle Conservation Center.

ince the adoption of the eAWB Single Process in April 2017, Swiss sion, two hatchlings, having reached 3 months of age, were released SWorldCargo has reached the record level of eAWB penetration back into the open waters of the Gulf of Thailand. of 44.49% in Bangkok. For the benefit of the turtles and the hundreds of other marine To further raise awareness about our continuous commitment species inhabiting the area, on the same day, the group was involved to digitization and “paperless cargo”, the Swiss WorldCargo Bang- in planting 85 corals at the Toey-Ngam Beach Sattahip Sea Naval kok team invited local customers to join them in an exciting “plan- Base in Chonburi. Coral planting is an effective way of supporting et saving” initiative. the preservation of the reef ecosystem threatened by climate change On 16th September, the local forwarding community took part and pollution. in a sea turtle release operation at the Royal Thai Navy’s Sea Turtle Conservation Center. The center specializes in releasing turtle hatchlings and taking care of sick or injured turtles. On this occa-


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