Mr. Rimsky Yuen SC (袁國強資深大律師)

GBM, SC, JP, SIMEJMC Barrister, Arbitrator, Mediator Proficient in English, and Putonghua

Academic and professional background 1997 LLM in Chinese and Comparative Law (City University of ) 1987 PCLL () 1986 LLB (Hons) (University of Hong Kong)

Career Since 4/2018 Resume private practice as barrister, arbitrator and mediator 7/2012 – 1/2018 Secretary for Justice of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 1987 – 6/2012 Practising barrister (appointed Senior Counsel in 2003), arbitrator and mediator

Mediation and ADR training 2007 Mediation Training by the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (“CEDR”) (completed the course and obtained accreditation)

Accreditation in the field of ADR Accredited mediator of: 2007 (a) CEDR; and 2012 (b) the Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Ltd.

Practical mediation experience Since 2008 Over the years, Mr. Yuen has conducted numerous cases of mediation in Hong Kong as mediator. The cases include commercial disputes, contractual claims, securities and financial products, succession disputes as well as international trade disputes. Apart from acting as mediator, Mr. Yuen also acted as mediation advocate in numerous other mediation cases of similar nature.

Membership and position in other ADR organizations Since 2012 Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Ltd.

Experience in delivering speech in ADR conferences and seminars 2010 - Now Since around 2010, Mr. Yuen (both in his private capacity and his official capacity as the Secretary for Justice) has delivered keynote speeches, talks and presentations in numerous ADR conferences in Hong Kong, Mainland China and overseas jurisdictions (e.g. U.K., U.S.A., the Republic of Korea, Australia, India, Indonesia, Thailand). The topics covered by Mr. Yuen included both mediation and arbitration.

Other activities in ADR related experience Mr. Yuen is currently: (a) a member of the Belt and Road Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre; and (b) the Chair of the Professional Services Committee of the Belt and Road General Chamber of Commerce, and responsible for advising on dispute resolution (including arbitration and meditation) in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative.