The National Fantasy Fan Cras ad Stellas— Tomorrow to the Stars Volume 79 Number 9 September 2020 Welcome to the N3F Directorate. Candidates for N3F Office are currently: On behalf of the Welcommittee, I would like to wel- For President — George Phillies come our newest members to the club, Jason P. Hunt, Mindy Hunt, Richard Dengrove, Melissa For Directorate member: John Thiel, Jefferson Aires, Leah Zeldes Smith and returning former Swycaffer, Judy Carroll, Heath Row. member - Ed Glaser. We hope you have a long and satisfying adventure with the N3F...Judy Carroll Jon Swartz will again serve as the Election Teller. The purpose of the Welcommittee is to welcome The Directorate has five members, so that there are new members to the club. A letter is sent, by email currently more openings than candidates. or postal mail, to new members informing them of club activities they may be interested in joining. John Thiel gives as his platform: I’ve been a direc- Those members with email addresses are also sent tor for several years now and have been the chair- attachments to the current TNFF and other publica- man during one year, doing directorate reports for tions the N3F has to offer. TNFF. I’ve contributed many suggestions for N3F improvement during this time, some of which were If you have questions about the club or are interested carried out, such as establishing an educational bu- in helping welcome new members, please contact reau (the History and Research Bureau) and doing magazine advertising for the N3F. I consider myself Judy Carroll at
[email protected] not at work if I don’t send out a few mailings each term to the members of the directorate, so I consider With Thanks myself active as a director.