Late Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Studies 2019
Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage 3905 Spruce Street PAID Permit No. 185 Philadelphia, PA 19104 Philadelphia, PA and Early Modern Studies Late Ancient, Medieval, Medieval, Ancient, Late Featured Titles 1 Titles Featured 2019 Contents Index Medieval 1 Addiction and Devotion in Praise 18 Lupic, Ivan 24 Salloum Elias, Leila 17 Early Modern Donoghue, Daniel 11 Machiavelli 29 Salloum, M.S.M., Early Modern 19 England 27 Drimmer, Sonja 13 Marcus, Ivan G. 18 Habeeb 17 African Kings and Black Early Modern Histories of Marie of France 9 Salloum, Muna 17 Slaves 30 Late Ancient 31 Time 20 Maskarinec, Maya 15 Saltzman, Benjamin A. 7 After the Black Death 17 Einbinder, Susan L. 17 Masten, Jeffrey 22 Sanok, Catherine 7 Allsen, Thomas T. 4 Journals 38 Elegies of Maximianus 37 Matter of Virtue 23 Saving Shame 34 Ancient Christian Elf Queens and Holy McCormick, John P. 29 Scheherazade’s Feasts 17 Ecopoetics 31 Review, Desk, and Examination Copies 39 Friars 13 Miller, Patricia Cox 33 Scott-Warren, Jason 19 Anna Zieglerian and the Evergates, Theodore 9 “Sefer Hasidim” and the Lion’s Blood 20 Miller, Tanya Stabler 10 Fallon, Samuel 21 Ashkenazic Book in Apocalypse of Empire 32 Mixed Faith and Shared Faraone, Feeling 26 Medieval Europe 18 Art of Illusion 13 Christopher A. 36 Monster with a Thousand “Sefer Yesirah” and Its Baldwin, John W. 1 Fathers Refounded 33 Hands 26 Contexts 35 Barker, Hannah 6 Florentine Political New Legends of England 7 Shakespeare’s First Barney, Stephen A. 12 Reader 19 Writings from Petrarch Nirenberg, David 4 Beguines of Medieval to Machiavelli 29 Shakespearean Notini, Sylvia 28 Paris 10 Galloway, Andrew 12 Intersections 24 Nummedal, Tara 20 Bennett, Herman L.
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