DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY UNIVERSTTY OF KARACHI KARACHI-75270 PAKISTAN 2009 . Slrdrn !.r.: Bdnr nu*ria rr.i !?& Sodi.. @ Fodd6- .f&vt@l i! tb viddry of(D.U C;a hqp€or.'dr. ggr,,g"*Eg@w,r*w;x t,/d4mrc )r CERTIFICATE

This is to c€rii& 6!t thk rls.arch wo* w!3 dorc by MR. BABA.R

EUS8AIN urdcr Ey suFrvilion. To tlc best of ny lnowlcdg. srd b.licv., no port of the v,ork pr!3.ed h!3 b€.d phgi.riz.d ioo ahywhd!, Prop€r rlfr&occ3 .lE cited wtlrEvcr rec€{rary. I co8id.r thst lhis thcsis is suihblc fo. th. .rv!d ofPb,D.

lt.r".lrlrir: ' J";iii3i , Dr. l'L Zrh..r Xh. S'pcrvilor D€porrecot ofzoolo$f, Univc6ity offra.hi, - 75270, Pakistan DEDICATED


S.lto Paltcuh.3 Pade l{o l.


CHAPIER I 1 t.1 17 t.3 S.ndpit 1A 20 1.5 Cap€ Monz€ 21

CHAPTER 2 2$76

CHAPTER 3 3.1 77 3.2 7A 3.3 01

CHAPTER ' &t-235 1.1 Turll€s 80 1.2 91 4.3 s6 Elio€colooy ot ObeE€d !o€ci€. ot R€otil63 120 120 -124 Ha/k8b lTurtle 125 -tz8 Oli€ Rrdl€y 129 -132 133 -137 Sootbd Aam G€d(o 138-1a2 Ydkry+dy Common Hou!€ c€cto 143-1,t6 147 - 150 viii Bblched Ho(ls€ G€cko 151 - 155 ir.dil€rranean Hous€ C€d(o 156- 159 Bu€-Ta Sand Lizard 160- 163 1€4-'t07 B€noslMonitor 198 - 172 173- t76 Bloicned D€dom Snat€ 1n - 141 Tablo# Partlcular. 182- 186 187-191 192- 195 196- 199 200 - 203 2U - 20? Boad Band Sea Snak€ 208 - 211 212 - 215 214 - 219 220 - 223 Spollsd Small Henled Sea 224 - 227 22a - 231 sDotled vip€dna Sea SMk€ 232 - 235

CHAPTER 6 5.1 234 - 251 5.2 252 5.3 253 - 212 LIST OF TABLES o CHAPTER,I studv aF. ol ReDlil€ ar KaEchi coart

CHAPTER4 Ch€c{l.l of ReDtil€8 oI KarachlCoa3l ulailon of Reolll€8 al KarEc Coasr in voEr 200l ulaton of ReDtile! sl Kamchi Coast in v€ar 2002 ul.lion ol Rdt 6 .t Kr.achi Coast in ve.r 2003 €s at Ka€chi c@st in v€ar 20021 PoDul.lion ol Reolils al KaBchi Coasl in year 2005 Pooutalion of ReDti6 a! Kirtchl Coasl in vear 200,5 Fooulatlon of ReDhler at Kal.chl Coast in vear 2007 PoDrlatlon ol ReDtiles al Ka6chlCoasl in r 2008 il€! at KaBchl Coasl n voat 2009 LIST OF FIGURES

Flgure Padcular! Pag€ No l{o CHAPTER 1 2 2 Coaslala€a ol Prkbtan 3 16 19 5 t9 6 2l


2 Inromation From Local Fbnern€n 83

CHAPTER 4 Dislibulion of Madn€ Turu3 at f€€chi Coast 90 2 Dstibuton of Uzard3 at KrrachiCoasl 92 3 Eslributon of Snek$ at KaradriCoa3t g7 Poouklion of Reotl63 al Karach Co53t in year 20Ol t03 5 PoDulaton ot R€otle3 al K.|ech 105 6 Pooulalion ot Reotl€. al K.6ch t07 7 on ot Rooubi al Ka6ch t09 I on ol R€lUl63 al Ka6ch 111 9 on of Repu€a al Coasl In y€ar 2006 fi3 10 on of R6ptll6a al Ka€cn Coad In y€er 2007 115 11 on ol R€plil€! al Karach 117 '12 Pooulalion ot R€Dlib at Ka€ch 119 13 Dislributlon ot Gl6en Turllo at Ksrachi coast t5 126 t6 Di€tnbuton of Hawh Turll6 ei Karschi coast 127 17 130 18 DFlribution of oiv€ Turtls at Karachi Coa8t 131 19 134 20 O'slribution of Common Ttg€ Lizad at Karadti 135 Coast LIST OF FIGURES


21 sponed Bam Geclo 139 22 Dislribulion ol Spottod 8am c€cto at Karachi 140

23 Yell -belly Common Hou.6 G€cko 114 24 Dielribution of Yeno{+6llv Cornmon Hoose 145 at Karachi Corst 25 28 Dbhibution of P€Bian Hou!€ c€cl(o at Karachi 14S Coast 27 152 26 Dbtibuton of Blolched HoUs€ G€cko at Karachi 153

29 Modil€ran€an Hous6 G€cl@ 147 30 Distribllion of Mednsnan€an Hou3e Gecko at 14,E Karachi Coast 3l BlLr+Ta 161 32 Distibution of sand Uzad at KaEchi 162

33 !65 34 Distribulion of spoi€d Lac€da at KarachiCoast 166 35 169 36 Dislribulion of BenoalMonilol al Karacni coast 'lTo 174 3a Dislribution ot cm R.od al Karachi Coast 175 39 Sbtned Diadem Snake 174 :10 Distributon of Blotchod oiadem smk€ at Karachi 179

a1 Black Cobla 183 42 Distrihrton of Coba al KarachiCoast t84 LIST OF FIGURES


43 188 Oistribulion of Sasscated Vios at Karacii Coasl 189 45 t93 a6 Distibuiion ol Beak.d Sea Snak€ al Karachi tBl Coast '197 48 Dislribulion of Blu€ Gr€6n See Snak€ at Karachi 198 Coast 49 210 50 Di$nbLrlion of hnular€d S€a Snake al Karachi 202 Coast 51 205 Disiribution ot PeBi.n S€e Snak6 at Kamchi 206 Coast 53 Boad Band S€a Snaks 209 54 Disbibulion ol Aoad Band S€a Snal(€ at Karadri 2lo

55 21X 56 Distribution ol R6t S€a Snak6 al Karachi Coast 214 5T 217 58 OisMb|jlion ol Yellow Se. Sn.k6 at Karachi Coast 214 59 221 60 Distribution ol Pvqmy sea snsk6 at KarachiCoast 222 6l Soofled Small Hsad€d S6a SnalG 225 62 Dislribution of Spotl€d Small Hsadod Sea Snake at 226 Karachi Coast 03 229 64 Distribulion of P€lagic Sea Snak€ al Karachi 230 LIST OF FIGUREA

Flgu|l PaaicuL.. P.g.l{o o 65 SroGd Vl!.dn €.. Sfll(e 233 66 Dbtlbrrthn of Cdnmct T|! liz.d .t Ka..clrl 2U Co.3t ABSTRACT ABSTRACT

In pl€sl sludy. curent poplhlion 3lalB, dbtrihnion and envircnmenial impacts on Eplil* in lhs viclnily of coaslal sBas of Ka€chi has b€€n delemined in $lecled area3, such aB M.nora, San&pil Hawkesbay and Cap€

Monze rm 2001 - 2009. Dudng lh6 sludy, 27 rgptilian sp€.ie8 have b€en r6orded includins 3 turtles, I lia.& and I 5 snak€s.

Th€e speci6 of mann€ lorlle. r€16 .€cor.Led from lhe Kar*hi C@sl, viz

G€en Turfle (crelo/rta mldas), Ollvs Ridl€y lLepidodetts otivwa), and Har|cbill Tunb (Erclm@hers nb.'t:alal. G|en -tutlte (Chebttu ntydasl. @3

Eoded as common throughout lhe atudy p€riod ftom 2001 - 2009, wlrile Oliv€

Ridby (rep,itchelys o/'vacsa), and Hawksbirl lunle (€Et@relys itl,bticatal. were @@rded as rars ln only 20Ol and 2003. Olive Ridley (Lepdocrelts o/tvac€€) was nol lound duing y€ar 2005 - 2009 and il was ob*ded lhat lhis sp*i4 has disapp6ared lrom lhs ar€a, m6l prcbably dua lo oil spill in 2003 .

In llzsrd fauna, I sped$ vr€re f€cotd€d. Du.ins 2001 - 2009, Bluo Tail Sand

Lia'd lAcant odacvus cs4lons) was 6co.ded a3 c@mo., Spot€d Bah Ge.ko (Hemi.tac016 6rco*D, Yollow 8€lli€d common House Geko

(Hentdacttus davivitidis), PoBian Ho|l3s Gacro (tan'dactyrirs pedds), and

Sponed La@na (M€satt a valerarr) rcl€ leded as l€ss common. wnib

Bensal Monitor (V@us bonsalensts). Common T@ Lia.d (crrol€s wrs,c!kv), M€dnemnen Hols€ G€cko (HaDdelylus lr6ids), .nd Blotohod

Houso Gecko (Ham,?a.lylus li'edru!) w€.ecoded a6 E€. In ysar 2002 and

2003, common TBo Uzard (Ca/ol€s y€rs/colo/) wa6 nol €cod€d al

15 8p€ci€s ot snakes ffi .€corded as 6e- Dudng 2OOl - 2009, P.Bian Sea Snake (Hydrcptb /qp€node!). Annulrt€d Sea Snake (Hyd@pfis

.yerocinctus), Blolched Diadom Snek€ (Spta/e@ophis d,:rdoma), Yellow Sea snak€ (Hydrcptts sp,€/,s), Blue G€en Sea Snake (Hydrcpr,,s caeruldscdrs),

R66t S6a Snake lHyd.ophis on,alus), Broad Band s€a Snak6 (Hldrcph,s nanil€nd, Aeaked Se snak€ (E hydrha scr"ir6a), Pysmy S€a Snake

(Lapem'ir curtr,s), Spotled vip€.ina S€a Snake (PEescrraia eDern€), Spotad

Small Hsad€d S€a Snake (Miroc€prE qph,ir crnrots), and Pelagic Ssa Snake

(Pelam,]r p/alrrus), '.t€€ rccord€d e3 larc. Saw-scaled Viper lEchis cannatus) wa3 r€ooded as lare duling 2001, 2002 and 20051o 2009, whil. in y€aB 2003

,nd 2004, lt w63 nol Ecoded. Black cobm (/Va/a l)a./b) was .scord6d as ra€ an y6rr 2001, 2005 to 200S, but in y€ar 2002 to 2004, it was nol obs€ry€d. Cllff

Rec€t lPlaty@ps thdua.hisl was nol ob€rv€d during 20ol and 2002, whale during 2003 to 2009. ii M6 record€d a! E€ al Cape Monzs. and in y€ar m06, al M.noE and Sandspit. ABSTRACT lrN URDUI .alta

( Ptt1 (ot ot t( r.atit-,J L xiv L g" r'' "t a/ 4t.4,)r PJ,y =.:tl, - W.J tott od'u-.\,.a 4,r : t J L i.l - JC a," et t1,t'l 4,)! r.t -LJU t.U, lat )tL J Jv L ": ;v' J,r./JlGhdonb N. r st t-v v ^ya-5t46";-U -1 "z 4t// gaa".!,a,t" o-*1' f ,5,,c'-,) z;,''p.'"6o.hdF inbriob) -t -F 6! rg, i t -.e,yt -,:tLJt rfu ,'4r -{ { r(-,,J r t t v L ,J,'- J r; g{ r(, *, eL g- a *" } * ;,,' 4 t,,'- - = I - li *21,.1. -: 6' +-7,}i, .rg}',1',;1u l, r. t + lt t' { fi " "29 lv d " Lt, L n C,!){+ +t(,L LI e4 E,}. L,yr Jv -W J.a!,,.r,2t -;g!',4tr-;n! ot spt ,fr"i,tt,yt=.y',L -,.t d"u, t,t' n,i,R E, v,"*4'fi g' p,1x^rhod&rfus 6roc) L/ On^^. " -f {.-vt 6^a'"p, p*r-,1,S j'1cr*ia-,$,, *'.'.') ,/)lcrrotcs v

(t t Jv ${ t t L {1 L r,^ J,- z: J,:t 1 J v ^ - -. - P *t -t j,(ljL'tL q|:"r jt .&,!) ACKNOWLEDGTMEITT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

Fl€r or all. I bow down my head lo tho omnlpolant, omnlpr€sent and omnbcienl

Allah. As a Esult of Hls cLamencv mv succ$s was fnallv consummaled

ll i6 a matter ol gr€st pleasur€ lor me to 6xpr$s my gEtllud6 lo my r66arcn of suDervisor, or. Muhammad zaheer Khan, Associal€ Pfoias$r' DePartment Simon Zoology (Wildliie and Fish6.ies). UnlveFity of Karachi lvbiling ScionlBt,

FBff UnireIllty, Cenadsl ror hls keen valuable guidanco advica and tull euppon duino the @urs€ ol mv ros€aBh wor*

Prol Dr' sohail Bafiali I wouH liko to 6xpres! my gralitud€ lo Ex- chaiman 'nd ol Zoolosv' Univ€Bitv preEenl ChanPoBon Prof. or' Fadda Begum D6padment

of Ka6chilor previding tho rss€'rci tacilitle3 in lie DsPartnenl

Dilector Gene6l Dr' Ghuhm Akbar' I also acl(ndl€dge Ot. Eiaz ahmed, D€pulv (coB€rva{on) sindh Di€otor, Indus For Atl Progam Dr. Allal Abo Manser ior th€ir and Mr. Syed Ali Hasnain, Prciecl Manag€r' !ry\llF ' Pakistan

encoubgetr€nt and tull supPorl.

Com€rvatol' Sindh Wildlilo I am also thanKul lo Dr' Fahmida Aslar, DoPW guidan@ th€ field rcr( and Depanmont, Goremrrenl of Sindh io. h€.

Pcpantion oi my lh€sis I would lik6 to stpr€63 my sine€ appr€clatlon to Mr. Sy€d Ati Ghalib, Consutttng

Wildliie E@logisi, 0,. Hafeez-urRehman. Heryetotogbt, and Mr. Abdu. Razzlq

Khan, wirdlife Sp€clalist, Halcrow (PakFtan) Lnnibd tor thei. €noou|agem€nr,

Eluabl. suggestohs and @op.r.tion dudng tield rcd..

! wish lo olfer my h€ariily and g.atetu! thenks to my lri.nds, D.. Fedna Fatlma, and O.. Afshen ZehE, O€parbn€nt ot Zoology. Na2ia Mahmood, Fouria$um Ph.D. Sludenb ol our Lab, Depadmont of Zoology for th€lr

@p€Elion duri.g lhe p€paration of this !te3b.

I am lhanKullo M.. Syed liiikh Ahmad Jaf.i. Ichthyologast. Zoological Suffey

Deparbn€nt, Gov€hmenl ol Pakbhn. I acknowl€dg€ Mr. Muhammad Shamlm

Fakhrl, FieH ob36ru6r, zoologioal Surv€y Depadmenl, Government ot Pakistan.

I also acknowl€dge Mr Ratiq tujput (Lale), Fl€ld officgr, Slndh Wlldllte

I opf8$ my indsbledness lo my wife M'3. Chand BaOff Husin and c*tildl€n lor $eir imm€ms under8iandlng and mollculous carc. I shall remai. i.debt€d to

my pa€nts, &other and hb |am y lor theif encouEgemenl lhDushout ny INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION lslamic Republic of Pakistan makes il a land of extreme climate and geophysical conditions. lts natu€l welland sy$em provides an ideal habiht for a large variety of ftom the higher Himalayas to the coastal monglove6, while Coastidl wellands s€rve as a nafuft|l buffer prctecting mol6 donsely set{6d inland areas and promote reproduction of aquatic biodiversity (Khurshid, 2004).

The coastline ot 1050 kilometors, and lying in the Sindh and

Balochisian provinces. The part of the co€st in Sindh is 250 km' while the one in Balochislan is 800 km (Fig. 2). Sindh and Balochistan coast6 hav€ difierent physical and climatic cha€cteristics. The

Sindh coast is the tail end of lhe southwest monsoon, and the coast of Balochistan has a Medilenanean dimate (IUCN' 20(X).

The coaai of lcrachi is an important area for reptles lt has the maine, muddy, sandy and rccky habitats having special significance in the distinct natural environment in the tropical region of southern Paki6ian. The important sites on lhis coast for the reptilos are Manora, Sandspit area, Hawkesbay and Cape Monze 2

2 z

= .: !a :a E

z E


z Pakisten has 179 sp€cies of reptilian fauna consisting of tllfles, tortoises, crocodil€, gavial, hzards and snakes (R€hman and lffat,

1997). Six familiag of Lizards ale found in Pakistan viz. Geckonidae,

Agamidae, Chameleonidae, Scincrdae, Laceiida€ and VaEnidae.

Order Chelonia in class Reptilia contains '13 families; these include l6nd tortois€s. freshwater end msrine tudles. There are about 289 living species of turtles and tortoises, which are found in different habitats of wodd (Ernst 9f al, 2005). Several sp€cies of tortoises and freshwater turtles fece immingnt extinction duo to lack of swaff and effective conservation action. Genorally, turtle sh€ll is one of the most enduring moehological innovations in venebrale history.

It is the single unifying theme for the great diversity of lurtle and tortoise specigs that have come to occupy our oceans, forests, swamps, lakes, dve6 and deserts. Turtl€s first appeared in thq fossil ecord 210 million years ago (late Triassic), as a very €ady side-branch of r€ptilien evolution. No transitional forms exisl.

Turtfes appea. abruptly in the tossil record as Proganochelys quenstodti. z


= .d Today some important nesting beaches for marine turtles a€ located in iropical and sub tropical areas, from the Caribbean and the Atlantic, across the Indian Ocean, and the Great Barrier Reef across to Hawaii and western coasls of the Amelicas, and including beaches of Pakistan. Along the coast of Pakistan, turtles are found on a number of sandy beachesi impodant among them are

Sandspit, Hawkesbay, Paradise Poinl, Cape Monze, Goth

Mubarak, Gadani, Ras Malan, Ormara, Astola lsland, and Jiwani

(Khan and Ghalib, 2006).

Trade statistics indicate that significant turtle exploitation has persisted until at least '1985. Japanese import figures andicate export of shell from Pakistan in 1976, 1979, 1980 and 1983; this

not classed as 'bekko' (Hawksbill shell) and was probably derived from c. mydas. The same source reponed expon of turtle skin in all years 1976-1985 inclusive, except for 1983 and

1984. Pakistan Customs flgures indicate export of ca.'1800k9 of raw shell in each period July 1981-June 1982 and July 1982_June 1983

(probably C. mydas). (Groombridge,l987). Marine Turtles are totally prot€cted in Sindh under the Sindh Wildlife Protection

Ordinance 1972, which in generalis effectively implemenled.

74 species of snakes have been recorded in Pakistan' out ofwhich

26 species are poisonous comp sing 14 species of Sea Snakes and 12 species of Land Snakes while 48 species are non- poisonous. Of 55 species of the sea Snakes distribut€d in the

world. 14 species have been recorded from the coasts of Pakistan'

while two species Hydrophis facidtus (Schneider) and Aslrofia

slokesi (Gray) have not been collected or observed in Pakistan

since their original recods. Another species which also seems to

be very rare, i6 Hydrophis omatus on€lus (Gray) lt was lecorded

by Smith (1943) from Muscat and later a juvenib specimen was

colleted by Mertens (1969) from the Coast of Astola lsland

Species of marine Snake in Pakistan belong to the sub Family

Hydrophiinae, family Hydrophidae and inhabit sea water' tidal

crceks, rccky coasts and sandy beaches Som€ ehinent wgrk€ra have don6 work on madne snakes of

Pakistan. Among lham are Murray (1884, 92), Smith (1931,43),

Minton (1962, 66), Medens (1969, 71) snd Khurshiduddin (1968) who gave an acarunt ofthe s€a Sneka from this area.

The obj€ciive ot pr6sent study was to inv€€tigate the population stetus, distribulion and envhonmonlal impacts on reptiles in the vicinity of coaslal areas of Kal€chi , luch as Manora, Sand6pit,

Hewkesbay and Cape Monze from 2001-2009. Study Ateas

The coastline of Pakistan stretches from the l€nian border along the

Makran coast of Balochistan and Karachi coast of Sindh _ to Sh

Creek on the lndian border: The total length of coastline is about

1O5O Km (Ahmed, 1985). The coastal area of Pakistan is almost a subtropical desert having an averag€ rainfall of 10_20 cm Wind sp€ed dudng the South West Monsoon (May €eptember) is about 25 nauticalmiles, and dudng the northeast monsoon (November -lvlarch) is about 5-10 nautical miles. In the southwest monsoon' winds blow from the sea to the coast while (ts direclion is opposite in northeast monsoon. Temperature renges from a minimum of 20'C in December to maximum of 36.8'c in MaY

o/o Salinity in the inshore waters of Karachi 3.35 to 36.9 and may go

up as high as 41.42 % in the back-waters and tidal creeks (Ahmed

and Rizvi. 1981). The Hub River enters the sea a few km north ol

Cape Monze but has a very small estuary. Cape l\,onze is the

south€rn tip of Kirthar mountain €nge and is about 21G 245m high'

Pdor to the constructton of the Hub Dam, the freshwater was allowed

to flow. Downstream this supported the dch communities of living Table 1. Study Areas of Karachi Coast.

Apprcx. Aroa s.l{o Locatioo l{am. GP8 Pooldon ot H.blt t Suneyed (Km)

N A 17 517 Sendy and 1. Menom Rocky E (la6 sa 6e2

N U @f23 Sandy Area 2. Sandspit 5 E 066 5a 10a

N 2. 51266 Sandy Are€ Hawke3bey E (E6 ,2 72!

N 2a t0 09r Rocky and Cepemonze 5 Sandy E 066 30 399

t5 a*/- t )a/s<, /';" .') ./ ssgEEgg;---'r l-F

F i

= Ia 6 a 5


,_>.utt_ -/,..\- organisms. The constuclion of Oam Educ€d the flow of freshwaler into ihe delta, resulting in to incBase of 6alinity which affeds the estuarine habitat and its deDendenl fora and fauna.

The Coast of Karachi is 135 km long stretch from Cape lvlonze in the southwest to Manora in Southeast,

The coastal area that lies between Cape Monze lo Manora, Nathiya galli, French Beach, Paradise Point, Buleji and Hawkesbay, Sandspjt includes areas viz- mainly consisiing of sandy beaches with small rocky area low cliffs. sand banier bars, raised and scallop shaped bays, mud plaleaus.

Th€ oresent studies on the r€ptiles of Karachi Coast were undertaken in the following area6r Manora, Sandspit, Hawkesbay and Cape



ManoE head is 28 m high with low clifls and s€a covers at lhe base. There are thEe small sandstone islands (Oyster rocks) on the eastern side at the €ntrance lo Karachi Harbour (Fig. 4). The Lyari

River flows out at Karachi Harbour through the l\,lanora Channel and ils runoff increases in the monsoon s6a9on and the water becomes highly polluted (UNEP, 1986). Keamari spit are made up of very fine sand which has been caried west of the Indus delta, from here onwards a series of barrier spits and barrier bals are extended southeast along the ed96 of the Indus delta


Sandpit is 14.5 km long badier bar which connects lhe rocky head end of Manora with the main land and al plac€s it is less than 305 m wide (Fig. 5). The beach on th€ seawad side of the bar is backed by tow dunes. Behind tho bar there is an 8 Km long tidal logoon

(Backwaters) with clumps of mengroves (Avicennia madna) lhe lagoon has been greatly alteed due to developmental activities.


Hawkesbay (24'47!24'52' N, 66'50'-66'59' E) is located on the coast

south west ofcity. Th€re is gently sloping sand beach on the eastern FE.5 Sludy Area ol Sandspil Iocky areas pa of Hawkesbay whereas the westem part has some some mangrove (Fig. 6).Th€re are ettensive' intertidal mudflats and gentle slope swamps behind the beach Tha long sandbank with consFrs protecb the harbour from the op€n 6urf action The beach are susc€ptible fine to medium grained sands and sand dunes which

and The vegetation noted on the b€ach' adjoining creeks, backwaters

sunoundings incfude tpomoea pesaa@e, Atipex gitfrthii' Suaeda javanica' fulrcosa, Aihtucnemum indbum, Adaldna buhia' AeNa

Aslraga/us farr€rsig Ia maix spp, Aetutopus c/€ssa 'agopo'des' senegal' cretica,. tndigofera obtongifotia, Ptosopis cinemia, Acacia are Ptosopis jutno@. Calottopis ptoc.tu The mangrove swamps

dominated by Avicerria madna The main beach is a recreational


Sandspit The back waters at Hawkesbay €xtend to the area behind major area and reaches up to the Naval Officers Housing Society A

of the backwater supports mangrove vegetation compdsing of siunted Avrcenna maina.fhe mudflats ale banen €xcept for some F8.6. SldtAr- d X-,16 B.y

2l plant as bushes of mangroves and high salinity indicator such and Afthrocnemum indicum. fha backwaters contain a very dch mud such as complex food web of algae inve(ebrat€s hving in th€ Karachi coast worm6, shdmPs, crabs and juvenile tish. In the esst of bay' mangroves can also be seen in the area from Kamari to Hawk€s

Boat Basin, and Gizri cr€€k through Korangi Phitti Crcek system of Indus Delta which is the beginning of the vast mangrove complex of sandspit' and Salt pans occuping a big portion in the back waters pans for salt Hawkesbay area. Sea vrater is pump€d into these

production. Neither th€se nor the adjoining low lying salt affected and water logged areas support any vegetation clue to high salinity


turtle nesting Two Sandspit/Hawkesbay is a important site for madne Olive Ridley species, the Green tudle (Chetonil nydas) and the beach lLelidochelys olivacea) n€6ts along the Sandspit-Hawkesbay 6long 5 % The boach is sandy and the nesting habitat is concentrated

km shetch ofthe beach e!'Fft:'

Fg 7 Siudy AE3 of Cap€ Monze

2l CaDe Monze

Cape l\Ionze( 24' 52, N 66' 39 E) is localed on the exlreme south west of Kalachi.(Fig. 7). lt was once an estuarine area of Hub River.

Hub River has been disrupted as a rcsult of conskuction of Hub Dam on the dver: no freshwater is available within s€veral Kilometers of the river mouth. The river estuary lhus Bmains mostly dry, when the estuary receives freshwater only duing heavy rainfall or in the flood season (July to September). The prerenl estuary is frlled by the sea water through wave action. Tidal influence extends as far as 3 Km

upstream the river mouth. Th€re ar€ small rccky hills adjacent to the

beadr which rises about 20 to 25 m above the mean sea level. Some

rcckv head islands near tho mouth of the dve. gives partial proteclion

from the south west monsoon waves. Near the head land' the beach

slooe is steeDer and at the head land the b€ech shows evidence of

wave induced erc6ion, Thele aae numelous rocky outcroPs in the

offshore area. Tho sandy coastline has brown coloured sand and the

grain size vades from siltto fine gEined sand

The site possesses diversifi€d habitats in the fonn of muddy, sandy

and rocky area in the tidal zone. The vegetation is sParsely distributsd and nootly made up of drought r€sistant 6p€ci6. Tho compcsition of ecologbal communitiea va.ies from low growing gass€s and he6a6ous vegetalion to and trees which include lponoea pes'ja!/Era, Heliotropiun naasavicun, Nnplex gtffrfl1il Suaeda fuiticgf€; Atthtwlenun indicun, lnula g.antioides, Crck'aia poc€n Ast-agatus fatt€rgrg Tamafix W, Ao'ya jdvankta, Aefu4pus ragopaidos, Ctaisa cretice,. tndlgptea oblongitolid, Prosopis cinetuda, and Acacia senegal. REVIEW OF LITERATURE

Klemens and Thorbjamarson (1995) studie6 that Reptiles have s€rved as an important source of protein for human around the wo d

Exploitation for food is heaviest in the tropical and sub_tropical regions, but also o@Jrs in lemperate areas ln compaison' the commerciel skin trade poses a far greater threet to the survival ot crocodilians as well as cedain large snakes and lizards Currently lield reports have implicated the south East Asian medicinal trade as a growing threat to reptiles, especially furtles and snaKes.

Luiijb (1997) report€d that the expanding international wildlife trade had contdbuted the decline of several tortoise and turtle Populations in the different a€as.

Webb and Shine (1998) studied that the ecological characterislics of a threatened snake Hoplocephalus bungafoides, Se'pe'l9s,

E/apida6, species with ecological specialization and low reproductive output may be at particular risk frcm anthropogenic habitat disturbance. They also studied groMh' reproduction and diet of the threatened broad-head€d srake Hopbcephalus bungato'des, a small nocturnalelapid from sandstone habitab in south-ealtem -

Meylam and Donnelly (1999) reported that the Hawksbill tuftle

(Eretnochelys inbicatat met the 1996 IUCN Red List cdteria for a

Critically Endangered species, based on global population declines of

80% or more during th€ last three generations (105years) and

projeclod declines over the next thr€e generations Most population

was declining, depleted, or remnants of larger aggregations. Ofallthe

species of marine turtles, the hawksbill had endured the longest and

most sustained history of exPloitation. Hawksbill was exploited for

tortoise shell- long consid€red a precious material While the species

were not exDected to become extinct in the foreseeable fufure,

individual population from arcund lhe u/odd will continue to disappear

under th€ curfent regim€ of exploitalion, loss of habit6t' and other

threats. Hawksbills were closely associated with coral rcefs, one of

the most endengered of all marine ecosystem types The Convention good on Intemational Trade in Endang€red Species (CITES), with enforcement, is an effective toolto implement hawksbill conseNation'

Van Oijk and Palasuwan (2000) reported that Asia was very nch biodivelsity, and turtle species. Asia'€ highest turtle population occuned in four hotspot regions, th€ Indc€angetic Plain' mainland

Southeast Asia. the South China coastal region, and New Guinea' but almosl any area outside the exl€mo deserts and the high altitude and latitude regions was home to some turtle species At least 100 species of tortoises and freshwater tu les' were native to Asia The

'1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species included 37 Asaan species, including 5 in the Critically Endangered category' I

considered as Endangered, and 23 as Vulnerable, as well as 18

so€oes which were Oata Deticient but perceiv€d to b€ under somo

level of threat.

Khan and Nazia (2003) studied that cufient population status of

diumal lizards of Karachi. The faunislic studies were bas€d on seven

species ftom three districls East. South and Malir of t(arachilS2

lizards wore captured belonging to leven species' six genera and four families; Agamidae, Scincidae, Lacertidae and Varanidae

Among the 182 captured lizards were 56 Indian Galden Lizards'

Calotgs versico/o[ 20 Indian Spiny-tailed Lizards' Uromastix hdtdwickiit 72 Brcnzo Grass Skinks, Mabuya maculana, $riped creen Skinks, Mabuya dissinitis, 15 Indian Fdnge - toed Sand

Lizatds. Acanthodactvlus canloiig 10 Long-tailed Desert Lacertas, yatanus Mesalina watsonana and 1 Indian Monitor' beng€'ensis

Khan el al (2005) studied on curent status ot the rcptilian fauna along Karachi Coast with special reference to marine turtles

Preliminary surueys along Karachi @ast were undertaken during of reptiles 2002, 2OO3 and 2OO4 to record lhe occurren@ and status along coast. A total of 22 species including 4 species of marine tur es, 4 lizards and 14 species of snakes were recorded Habitat to the species destruction and loss of habitat are the malor threats the coast is The number of nesting female of gre€n turtle comming abandoned the more and less stable while the ridley turtle has almost

area for nesting. Rodriguos (2005) studied that the cons€wation of Brazilian Reptiles

Only 20 wete consid€red thrcalened Excepl for the marlre and frcshwaler tudles, which suffer from overexploitat'on and habitat destruciion, they werc thrcatened because of their rarity and extremely resldcted ranges.

Khan and Ghalib (2006) studied that the status' distribution and conservation of marine turtles in Pakislan. Family Derochelyidae is repre66nled by a singl€ species of tudle in Pakislan' the Leatherback turtle; Family Chelonidae is represented by lour species of turtlesl

Green Turtle, Olive Ridley Turtl€, Hawksbill Turtle and the year Loggerhead turtle. ln Pakistan Green Turtle ne6t througholrt the on the Karachi and Balochistan coasl. The Green Turtle hatchings Olive emergen@ goes on throughoutthe yearwath a peak in Oclober'

Ridleys hatch from August - Decemb€r with Peak dudng September

(No hatching trcm January - July) ln Karachi (Sindh Province)

Hawksbay, sandsPit, paradis€ point and Cape Monze beaches

€present the laqest nesting habitat for marine turtle havlng National Palk important global level. In Balochistan Prcvince Hingol area, Gaddani. Ras Malan, Omara, Astola lsland, and Jiwani are potential nesting sites for the marine turtles.

Tolson 6nd Henderson (2006) an overview of snake conservation in the West Indies, no fewer than 120 snake sp€cies repEsenting six families and 20 genera inhabit the West Indies. Some factors conkibuting to the decline of Antilloan snake populations were complex, but nearly all wele humen-mediated and involve the introduction of exotic species, including predatols. Altorations in the prey bas€, commercial exploitalion, and habitat destruction were likely responsible for decline6 in EPicrates populations, whereas predation by mongooses, caG, and €ts had taken their toll on speci€s of Alsophis and Liophis.

Maft ef at (2007) reported that the incidence of snake, sPider' and s@lpion en@unteF among deployed U5. military in Afghanistan and lraq. Much had beon wdtten about injury, diarhea' and resparatory cas€s but less was known about other threats, specifcally snake,

scorpion, and sPider ancounters. To examine the risk ftom fauna, a

crcss.sec,tional study using an anonymous survey was conducted among US troops in Southwest Asia b€tween January 2005 and May

2006. A,nong 3,265 troops, I cases of snakebites and 85 cases of spider stings and scorpion bites were reported, equating to an incidence of 46.1 per 10,000 p€Gon-months for scorpion/spider encounters and 4.9 per 10,000 p€rson_months for snakebites

Bour (2008) studied the Global diversity of turtles (Chelonii; Reptilia) in freshwater. The turtles were an evolutionary ancient group of tetraood vertebrat€s, and their presentday distribution and diversity reflected the long and compl€x hislory of the taxon Currently' about

250 of th6 total of 320 species of fteshwater have been recognized genus- mostly from tropical and subtropical areas The majority of and sDecieslevel taxa ale regional or even local endem'cs

Hasan et al (2OOB) studied that the carcass of marine biodiv€rsity coast of beached affer oilspillat KaEchi Oilspill occured along the damage of Karachr in July 2003. An assessment of the imm€diate

fishes and other animals was made which €vealed that a large number of lishes and other animals died immediately aner the oil spill. The study further showed that distribution and abundance of marine animals were adversely affect€d along the beaches of Clifton,

Sea View and adjoining areas which were directly afecled by the oil spill. Analysis of th€ tissues of the dead animals revealed plesence of high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocerbons

Quraishi el €l (2008) studied that the snake bite treatment with

Darticular reference to neurotoxicity and the bite kit, mortality numbeF for Pakistan were over estimated, snakebite rcmains a significant problem of ruralareas specially in Sindh.

Lock (2008) studied that the venomous Snake Restraint and handling. Venomous snakes may be maintained a6 captive animals and were commonly exhibited in both zoos and private zoological collections. Veterinarians who treat reptale species may be asked to

Drovide medical care lo venomous snakes. MATERIALS & MTTHODS MATERIAL AND METHODS

h lhe presenl study, fow sil4 along Karachi coasr viz. Manora (N 24 47 547

E 066 58 592), Sandspit (N 24 50 723 E 066 54 104), Hawkesbay

(N 24 51 288 E 066 52 720) snd Cap€ Monz€ ( N 24 50 091 E 06€ 39 393)

w€re s€l€cted as study arcas . The obs€ryalions recorded quadedy on 'ii€fe lhs lour sites duins th6 y€ar 2001 !o 2009. Dudns each visit lo lh6 four 6tudy arsas, tne populslion of €ach sp€ci$ of €ptile wa3 6@ded.

ld€ntili@tion or lhe repiilian specls3 in the tield was canisd od wnh ihe help

otfield guide.



l. H.bltrt S€.rctlnq /Trame6t Mrlhod

Al each sil€ sov€ral hours *arch was canied out io detecl Es m.ny €ptilss

as po33ible wilh in a circular centlal zon€ along lh€ coaslal habital at each sil6. Thb *a6hin9 onsisls or sppro(maGly 20 ha. (within a 250 meter

ladiw ol th€ obseMliod sampling poinF). This melhod is v€ry suilable for

counling lhe numb€r ol species ol reptiles. At li|sl a suitablo pla€ witt'

Euilabls habilat was chosen. Neady 100 m above lhe high lid8 mark was

lakon up for sludy or tho coastal teun6. lt wa8 noled thal th€ llzards are

mostly acliv€ at day time, while lho terosldal snakes arc seen both in lhe

days as w€ll as al night. Female Marin€ turlles .re obseryed at nighl, visiling

11 or nesling at lhe b€aclr lNhile msle tudles do not visil the beach.

Track counts arong with dk€ct obsoNaliong r€ro msdo on lhe beach6s of

Karachi coast for marins lodleswnich sFcies is resling of which spocies relumed wnnout laying €ggs, as difia€nt Unb sPdios havo dm€rent lyPes of lracl sign / c6wb mado in the sand wh€n lhey emerge to n61 ot only ror slrolling (s€€ Fig. 1).

2. Incldrntel Siqhtlng3

Inoidental sighlin$ a.€ also h€lPful to det€nnine he gresence and population status of th6 speci6s. ln lhis wav number of spsci€s' dal€' tjme location and habilgl types wsrg recotdsd.

3. H.nd C.ptldng

Hsnd Capluing wss used for small lensslfal snakes, lizards and tur0es in The simplest m€thod used to caplu€ lizards is to s€arch irnensivelv

micronabihts which they arc known lo f€quent and lo catch th€m bv hand ror Small lizads a€ found tnost easit by looking in polential sheher' A small hand €xamplo by tlmiflg over rocl(6, or bv siiipping bark rrom t'es or holes in search ol rePtil* at -hetd torch was us€d fot tooking into cracks

78 night. R€plil$ w€rc also s€arch€d ror in hol6s and c€vie.

Many liads and snak* we€ coontd or captuEd dunng then stldv pedods, ralhor lhan when lhsy w€rc hiding und6. @vsr' For manv diurnal species, mid- nohing was a good lime lo, wnib th6 Eplil€s we€ basking to elBvate ils body temPeEturs N@tumal sPeciss were often fc'und

pounce Having tocaled a lizad, ths ea€iest way lo oatch it is simplv to on it be with an open, cutfed h.nd,laking cac nol to crush it ca€ should also laken wlth sp€cies that p.aclice to dlop lheh tails Wh€n a vonomous snake using a Y- shap€d wa3 localed, ii was caughl bv Pinning it b€hind lhe head lhen up' with the stick with €ome Padding in the fork The snake is Pickod bv a tigge4np n6ck held lirmly 'snake tongs' lalge lorcaPs manipulated

is also uselul\rvnen catching snakes.

liu ds a€ m6l vbibl€ Noosing is us€d to catch mct of th€ liads- ManY when appr@ched' and evade when they are active How€ver' fhev arc {ary lizards such a3 va6nids and haMl- 6ptuE bv running awav Aiso some lo reach 3uch as in agamids, may sle€p or bask in plac€s that a€ dilicdt

ln lh€se silualions a noose mav th€ canopy and laQs slonss' or in bunows to aPproach tho lizards loo clos6lv b€ us€d to caplure llzads wlhout haling st ng al the liP which can be Nooses @nsi6t of a long Pols' with a looP ot tighlened around th€ neck of liz€d and pull€d light in oder lo capluro th€


T6pping $as used lo etch many small €pliles For lereslflal 6plilee, lhe most commonly used t ap i6 a Pr{all irap, consisting of s bucksl sunk inlo lhe or srcund so lhat lhe lip is flBh wilh ttu sudace A smll lavd oi l6af-mq

6ome ott€r coler shouH b€ pmvided for . that fall in. ThB also has the b€nefit of attiacting edhrcpods lo the lraP which €n acl a3 bai ror

night at lh€ lvlarine snak$ $€rs som6time3 obsoNed' both during day and

s€€n moving edg6 ol waler and in back wal6B ol Sanrlsp Ths lzads w€rs

o. rcsting just near sheltstE and th€v bocame alen lo s€3 the obseruets' of 8€nd But some of lhem mn awav very faEt and a€re losl in the burlows lNas linally v!€re caugnt wnh $e h6lp of two or th€€ PeBons Thrs Pradic€

Alt sp€ti€s don€ ai taast lor on6 hour to fnd lh6 dirercnl sPedes of lizsrds qele 6unt€d and idenlified in th6 feld This nelhod de help€d !o night suryevs det€mine m€ distribution and oacun€nce of sp€cies Similarlv

lN€rc done using th6 s€arcn lights and lorcie6

80 B.II{DIRECT GOUXN O flETIIODS l. lntomrlion dlffrr.nt .ourc.. lntomation wa! colLdsd frcm lhe fbld staf of Sindh Wldlfie Depaftn€nt,

Gov€mm.nt of Sindh, local lki€rn€n, loatm€n and m€mb€6 ot local community/ villag€t€ of difl€cnt villag€3 (s€€ Flg 2).

2. Pr...nco ofslgn.lik lmpFssion! of nnger or foot pdnl6, tsck, or lails' w€ro ob!€rved for flnding ths lxistonc€, range and rough Populalid of he spocies and tange ol lh6

th€ Th€ study wa3 b63€d malnlv on dir€cl ol8€Natlon and calculat€d bv


Y av€fage flushing distance

X length of sttiP

8t Fig. 1 GE6n T'rr{. wlu| Tr.ct el Karachl coE l

a2 Flg 2. l.lbrrldin *€3 cor.cbd n!|n bc.l fttiflrl.n


Duing the p€sent study 2001 - 2009, totat 27 €plitian 6p€ctes have b€€n reco.ded indudin! 3lurlbs.9 tjads end 15 snateg Crab|e tA. Check|isr of

R€pliles at KaFchi Coasl) . Following a€ the r6.ult6 ol the population ot vaiiou3 species ol r6pl 66 al Ka.dchi Coasl.

Three lurlles sp6de w6€ foond on Ka.achi coast, Gree. Tude (Cr,e/orla nydas) yras €cod€d from all ih6 four study !it6€ Manor., sandspit, Hawk6b.y and Cape Monze. while Hawl(sblllTuile (Ere,m@herys ,nbtcala) eas |@ft1€d from Cap€ Monze area only, and Olive Ridloy (Lep'd@h6ts o/&aceai wa3

€cord€d fbm en&pit only.

cGen Tudle (C. mydas) was @orded as common throughoul studv P€ od l€

2{D1 - 2OO9 al Karachi Codt, wlile Hawksbill Tudle (E tmbrcala), and Oliv€ Ridley (L ortac€a) w€6 @rd6d 4 tarc. Olive Rrdl€y (L ol,Vac€a) w4 not found du ng y€rr 2oo5 - 2009, whib Hawt6blll Tufile {a imbrcard) was

€corded only in 2OO1 and 2003, and afrer 2003, il was nol s€en oh Karachi

Coast ( Fig.1).

According lo dala of 2001, GEn Turtls was r€cord€d aE 30 06%'

Hr$*sbill Turne .3 0.02%, and OlivE Ridl€y a3 0.02% (Table 1, Fig 4). In y€ar

2002. Gr€en Tudl6 tscorded 4 31.06%, Ha tsbill Tudt€ as 0p,6, olive Ridl€v

34 f;Ec P EE .PE. s. q9 E.5 FiF FF EN 6i d o I fis * I p Eo 6 i_ ! r5 B. :a E Y €d eE o €* 3S E€ 3 ,1 * ;E 6 E9 E8 g,t E E z E! E" u o :e ts8

9^ I ! ;: E !E E5 () .E eEs - E.: .!F 6 €E€€ $ -g tt

? B e : H i : z

85 o_ .F9 -g 3 F !. E tn E9it6 i! 5 9P 3 ;d >o EJi .3d

s €x I ,-F €E t -9JE 5c c,s I 6i !! E6 Eg BE t ;.t F: XP * g g g- 6 ,n:

a 3i #e$ * EA R f;a E; ct gF g9 EF R t53 $g 6J I g-a F ci EF 6d s9 se Es g F f t E Ea E.. c! t 33

.g * E 6 s f, B R gE { o E gE s ae FF * 9e EE 3 Et E Eg bA E !,8 € EE fi LN

e c F* I $ 55 !6 t 3 ;6 6d p 3 3 F '3 EI F * 3X 3 eE rl 5E BR Fg n6 ,l€ r ,! e

? a x a d

87 o9 ,H .r ,E* EV Pii EF 5i EE! 3 a .p g Er a E E E9 E * i : BE. EF -T5 E t sE st R ts t 5 sg.

r E E"fi n 6 tE

88 fug' ! I F 3 €6 ! I E f; c

$; si;

g t € 3 t E F$ & Fr

It E.E "w t-lEZ I E E 6 5l 9l t YI I *l t 3 E 6 6


I I et

90 as O.O2% (a€€ Table 2, Fig, 5) In y6ar 2003, G@n Tunb redrded as

30.32%, H.wl6bill Turtl6 aE O.O2%, Olivo Ridlev a3 0 02% (s6e lable 3 Fig

6). In y€ar 2OO4, G€en Tunl6 ecod€d a3 30.42%, Hawksbill Tudle as 0%

Olivs Ridley as O.O2% (see Tablo 4, Fig T) ln vea. 2005 Gr€en Turtl€ rsodod 6 24.92%, Hawkblll Turtle aB O% oliv€ Ridl€v as oon (ses Table

5, Fig. s).In ysar2006, Gre€n Tunle recorded as28.37%' HawksblllTu'tl6 as

0%, Olive Ridley as 0'/. (se€ Table 6, Fig 9) h vear 2007 Gt€en Tude (3e €.od6tl * 27.s0%, Hawksblll Tudl€ as op,6 oliv. Ridl€v as 00'6 Table Hawk8bill Turls 7, Fig. 1O).ln year 2oo8, G.€en Tlr e re@d€d aB 2720%, 2009' GEen Tu*le a3 o%, olive Ridl€y as o% (e Trble 8 Fig 1 1). In vear 0% (3e Tabl6 recod6d as 27.560/6, Hawksbill Turtle as 0% Oliv6 Ridlev as

I, Flg. 12).


ln lizad tauna, 9 3pecles viz Common Tl€€ Lizad Yellow Bgllied wrs,colot), Spotred Sarn Gscko (Honitactvlus brcok) PoBian HouBs G€cl(o Common HouBe Gecko (Hemidtctvr's 'avivindis) House Gecko (Hamdactrus tnodrus) \Hanidactytus paaicus) Blolch€d Btoe Tail Sand Liard M6dneftne.n HouEe Gecto l|'anidaa$tus turcicus) La@da {Mesa/''a warsonana) and lAcanthodactylF canrors) Spotied w€rc fscoded from Mano€ sandsPn B6ngal Monilor (vamnus betgal€nsis)

Hewt3b€y a.d caPe Monze (3e€ Fig 2)

9I 6


EHEI gF8 E W r E E E a E 6l eiBfil 6l = -l;l E!;Ei



if l-b

v2 Dudns 2001 - 2009, Blue Tail Sand Lizld (Acarlhodactius crrtots) wa r€corded .3 common, Spon€d 8am G€cko lHenida B bro*i, \ettN 8€llied Common Houe Geko (Het'?ac&r!s taprrdis), P6Bi.n HoGe

Gecko (Homtdaclylus pedbus), Spoliod [email protected] (Mesrrro t lsorara) wee

€cord€d a3 l€33 common, while B€ngal Monor (vaEnus O€rga/€ns'it),

Cmmon Ti€€ Liza.d (Ca/olas !€aco/orJ, Medi[er6nean Hous Geto

(Hrndacl,'rls tu,c,cus). and Elotchgd Hous€ Gecko (fiamdacly'us lt€dus) we€ recorded a3 tale. In ysar 2002 and 2003 Common T€e Lizad (cd/oras

E6i@/od waa not Gcorded al H.w*s 8av area.

,acordi.g lo coll€cled data 2001, Cmmon T@ Liard (C. v€rsjc€&!,) ms

€cord€d a3 5.29%, SpotFd Bam C'€cro (H. b.ooki,) as 5.83%, Ysllonibellied

Common Hous6 Geko (r. flavivi.iris) as 6.17%, Pel8lan Hou$ Gscko {H. pers,ous) as 4.31%, Blolch€d Hou$ G€cio (H lnedrus) a3 436qn,

Mediteranoan Houss G€cko (|/. tur.icl,s) as 4.75%, Blue Tall Sand LEard

(A. c€rlofls) a! 17.03%, Spoted Lrc€n€ (M. valsorana) a 15 55%, and

Eengal iloniior ( v- b€tsaletsls) rccod€d .s 1.47 % (se Tabl€ 1 , Fig 4)

In year 2002, Common T€e Llzard was l6cord€d as 522%, SPotl€d Barn

Gsc(o as 6.55%. Ysllosbellied common House G€cko as 641% PenBlan

Holse G€.l(o ss 4.1|()%, Blotcied Hous6 G€.*o as 4 42%. M€dilEranean

Hou6€ Gslrc 5s 4.89%, Blue Tail Sand Lizard as 16 09% SPotod Lac€da as 16.59%, and B€nsalMonitor Ecotdod as 1.a9% (see Tabl6 2 Fig.5)

9.1 l. year 2003, Common T16€ Lizad w.s r€corded a6 5.08%, Spofl€d Aam

Geclo as 6.55%. Yelrow-b€llied common How€ G€cko as 6.211%, PsFian

Hous€ Geko as 0.51%, Blotched House Geko es 4.55%, Meditoftan€an

Ho6e G€do aB 5.22%, Blue Tail Sand Lizard as 16,26%, Spolted Lacsrla as 15.68%, and Benoal Moilor record.d as 1 .51vo {ss Table 3, Fig. 6),

In year 2004, Common Tr€€ Liad was re@ded a3 5.35%, sponed Bam

Gecko as 6.53%, Y€llow-bellied common Hous€ O€cko as 6.44%, PeBian

House G€cko as 4.20%. Blolch€d Houa€ Gscko .s 4.72%, Medileranean

House G€cko as 5.42%, Blue Tail Sand Lizad as 16,04%, spotted Lscsna as 15.75%, and Bensal Monitor ecoded as 1 .22 % (!€€ Table 4, Fis. 7)

ln vear 2OO5, cmmon Tree |]zard was rccoded as 519% spotted Bam

G€cko as 6.82%, Yello*b€llied Common Hou* Gec*o as 6.71%. Per3ian

House G€cto as 4.46",t, Blotched Ho$e Gecko as 4 95%, Moditeftan€an

Hous6 Ge.l(o as 5.2E%, Blue Tail Sand Lizard as 16 06% Spofied Lacerla as 15.98%, and Bengal Monilor €@rd€d a5 1 48% (se€ Table 5 Fig 8)

ln v€ar 2006. Common Ttee Uzad was recod€d as 5.11% Spotled Sam

Gecko as 5.790/6. Yetlow-bellied Common House Gecko as 6 95%, P€rsian

Hous6 G6cko as 4.37%, Blolchod House Gecko as 4 96%, Medit€rranean Ho!s6 G€cko as 5.37%, Blue Iail s.nd Lizard as 17.56%, Spot!€d Llena as 15.580/., and Bengal Monitor rscord6d a. 1 .51% (Eeo Table 6, Flg 9)

In year 2007, common T@ uard Ms r€@rdod s 4.88%, sPolt6d Ban

G€cko a3 0.44%, Yellow-belll€d Common House G€oko as 6.87%, P6rsian

House G€cko as 4.56 %, Blotched Hous€ Gecto ss 1.17%. Medllsnanean

Holse G6.l(o as 5.05on. Blue Tall Sand Lizard a3 1745%, Spotl€d Laerta

as 15.65%, and B€ngal Mo.ftot e@ded as I .75% (36€ Table 7, Fig 10).

ln year 2008, Common Tr€€ Lizard was rccorded as 4 93%, Spoft€d Ba,n

Gecko as 6.49%. Yellow'bollied common Hous€ G6cko as 0 92%, P€rsian

Hos. Ge.ko as 4.60%, Elolcned HoBe Gecko as 5.11%, MedilsrEnean

Hou6e G€oko as 5.09%, Blue TailSand tlzard a31760% Spottod Lacerta

as 15 34%, snd Bengal Monilor pcord6d as 1 77% (3€€ Table I' Fig 11)

ln ve 2oO9, Common Troe Liard wa! €cordsd as 4'90% Spotied Bam

Gecko a3 6.46%, Yellow-bellin common Hols€ Ge.ko as 6 89% Persian

House Gscko as 4.58%, Blotch€d HouEe Gecko as 5 08%, M€dileranean

House G€cto as 5.06%, 8lu€ Tail sand Lizard a3 17 51% Spotl€d Lacena

a315.26%, and B€ngal Monilor Gcorded as I76% (!€€ rabb 9' Fig 12)

95 Snakes

Out ol lhe 15 specias ol sea snake Eponed lrom the Karachi Coasl, lh€ foll@ins 12 3p€cies vlz. Beaked S€a snake lEnhydnna ehistosa). Btne

Gren Sea Snake {Hydrcphrs cr€rulosns), Annulaled S€a Sna(€

\Hydrophis cyan&irctus), Pe6lan Sea Snalc (Hydlopnls /apomodos), Broad 8.nd S€a Snake \Hydrcphb natujllaist. R6€l Sea Snal(€ (Hvdrcpnis

omdlus), Yellow Sea Snako (Hydropr,s sp,E/r9, Pygmy sea Snaks (rapen s

c!,rus), Spoll€d Small H€aded Sea Snake (Miorocepnslopt,s cant o,s). P6laglc S€a Snake lPelans plaluus), Spolted Vipedre S€a snake (sphardrosopfis lPraescutatd vipenna), and aloicned Diadem snake diadana\ wt. t6@d€d lrom all lhe rou .tudv sil$ vlz ManoE'

Sandspit, Hawtesbay and Monzs aleas all Epocies or snakes w€

le@ded as ra.e (@ Fig. 3)

Thrce speci$ viz. Cliff Raet lFlatvaaps thodorccnid Saw-s.,led Mper

(Ecnis cEnhalus) and Black Cobla (N4a naj€) w€r6 €6ded lrom Manora

Hawk*bay and Cape Monzs area only. The maln r€ason lor lielr aBenc€ population lun Sandspit s€€ms lo b€ lalge sle distudanc€ due lo human

6nd visitoB h lhe area.

96 r l-


- -83. E I i E : 3 $:!3iir IE = e


Ia f

91 Dudns 2oo1 - 2009, Persian s€a snake, Annulaled sea snak6, Blolch€d Oi.d€m Snak6, Yelld Set Snake, Bluo Gren Sea Snak€. Rst S6a SMke,

Broad Band S66 Snake, Esaksd S€a snake, PWmy sea Snaf€, SPot€d

Virnne Sea Snaks, Spott€d Small H€ad€d S€a Snaks, and Pehgic S€t snake wro B6ded as lar€, while Saw-!@led Vlp€r wa8 Ecolded as EE duing 2001, 2002, 2m5 to 2007, .nd in yealB 2003 _ 2004 n was.ol r€coded. Blsct Cotra was €cor&d as raE in year 2001 , 2005 lo 2OO9 bul

in )€ar 2OO2 lo 2004, il was nol obs€rved Clifl waa nol obsefred

donng 2oO1 and 2002, whil6 dldng 2003 to 2009 al Cap€ Mode' and in vear

2006. al ilomra and San&pit, it was recorded as rar€

h war 2oo1 Clltf Racer was rccoded as 0% Blolct|8d Diadem snake as

0.06%. Black Cobra as o.O2%, Sawscal€d Viper as 0 0'l%, B6al€d s6a

Snaks as 0.41%. Blue G€en S@ snak€ as 0 39% Annolated S€' snake a3

0.58%. Persian sea snake as 0.19% Broad Band s€a Snako as 0 31%

R*t S€a Snak€ as 0.71 %, Yell@ s€, Snake .3 0 850,6. Pvqmy s€a 5nak6

as 0.19%. Spotted Small H6td€d Sea Snake as 0 34% Pelaglc Sea snak6

(see Tabls 1 aE 0.31%. and Spotted Vip€tine Se! Snak€ @od€d ad 0 58%


Diad6m Snake 53 In $e yed 2002, Clrl Raer was Bcotd€d as O% Btotched Beak€d S'a snako 0.66%, Black Cob€ as O7o, SavFscal€d ViPs as 0 02% Snak€ as 0'54% as 0.37%. Blus GGen Sea Snake as o 2S% Annulatod Sea

93 Persian S€a smk6 as o-11%. Boad Eand sea Snake as 0.23%, Ref S€a

Snak6 rs 0.49%, YellN s€. Snak6 as 0.66%, Pysmy S€a Snake as 016%

Spotl€d Sman H€.ded S€a Snake * 0.42%, Pslaqic S€a Snake as 0 37% and sDolled viooflne soa snake lecodod as 0.06% (3es Tabl6 2, Fis.5)

ln v6ar 2003, cliff Ra@r Ms €corded 6s 0.02%, Blotched Diad€m s.ak6 dE

0.11%. Black cobra ss O%. Saw.@l6d Viper as 0%, Beak€d S€a snak6 a3

0.23%. Blu6 G€en Sea Snake .s o.3O%, Annulalsd sea $eke as 044%

PeBlan sea snalc as 0.13%, Broad Band ssa snak6 as 0 200,6 Rer se.

Snak€ as 0.39%, Yd sea Snake as 062% Pvgmv sea Snake as o 13%

SDotled Small Hsaded sea Snake as o 200,6 Pelaglc s€a Snake a5 051%

and Sponod Mp6dne sea sntke recorddd as 0.41% (6se Tabls 3 Fig o)'

ln !€ar 2004. Clilt Racs wa! re@ded as O 06% BlotcH Oiadem Snate 's as 0.18%, Black Cobra as O%, Saesled Viper as 0% Beaked Sea Snak€

0.13%, Blue Gen S€ Snake as 031% A.nutared S€a Snake as 015% soa Persian S€a snrke as 013%, Bload Sand S€a S'ake as 0'33% Reol 24% snak6 as O!9%. Yslld sea Snake as 0 47% Pvgmy sa Snake as 0 as 0 58%' Spolt€d Small Hsad€d Soa Snake as 0 2770 P€laglc s@ Snake

4, T) and sDolted viD€dne s€a €cor&d as 0 42% (i€e Iable Fig

Diadem snak€ as In year 2005, Clifi Rac€r waE r€cord€d as o o8% Blolched

0.15%, Black cob6 3s oO2% saw-scaled Mp€t as 006% B'aked S6a Snare as 0.17%. Bhrs G.€€n S€! Snake es 0.37'1. A.nulal€d S€a Snake as

0.19%. Pelslan sea Snake as 0.17%, Broad Band Soa Snake 53 0.39%,

REf S6. Snake as 0.48%, Yellow s6a Snake as 0.39%, Pygmy Sea Snake

0.28%, Spolted Smsll Headed S€e S.ak€ a. 0.28%, Pelagic S€a Snak€ '3 as 0.59%, and spoti6d vip€nne s€a Snake lecoded aB 0.49% (s€e Table 5,


In y€rr 2006, Clitr Ra@r was Eord6d a3 0.10%, Blotch€d Diadem S.ako as

0.21'r. Bl.ct cobE s o.o2%, saw-Ecahd Mper a3 021%, Beatod sea rE 0.12%. Blue G.een Sea Snske as 0.42%, Annulated Sea Snake as

0.23%. P66ian Sea Snake as o-12%. Broad Band s6a Snsk€ as 051%,

Ref Sea Snake as 0.49%. Yellow S6a Snake as 0 38% Pvgmv Sea Snake as 0.31%. SDotted Small Headed s6a Snake as 0 23%, Pelagac S8. snake as 0.38%, and Spotl€d Vip€tino Sea Snak€ re@ded a3 0.5 (s€€ Tabl€ 6'


In year 2007, Cliff Racsr wa3 recorded as 0 10p/6, Blotch€d Diadem Snak6 a3 o.2opr. Elact Cob€ as 0.160,6, Sa*scaled Mper as 014%. B6ak€d Sea

Snak6 ss 0.42%, Bluo G6€n Sea Snak€ as 048% Annul,led Soa s'ak€ as

0.24%, PErsian sea snak€ as 0.14%, Brcad Band s€a snake a3 0.42%

Reet Sea Snake as 0.52%, Y€llow Sea Snake as 0 42% Flgmv Sea Snake as 0.36%, Sponsd small Hsaded Soa Snake as 0 36 %' Pelasic S€€ Sn'k€

100 as o.5o%, and spoted Vipeine S€a Snake r@rd€d as 0.46% (3€e Tabl€ 7,


ln vear 2008. Clifl Ra@r Ms F@ded a30.10%, Blotc$€d Diadem snak€ as o.2o%. 8lack cob,a as 0.16%, sfl-soaled vip€r as 014%. Bak€d s€a snake as 0.42%. Blue G.en Ssa snat6 as 0,t0%, A.nulaled sea snak€ as

0.24%. Pe€lan sea snaks as 0.14%, Broad sand sea snake as 042%

Reef Sea Snak€ aB 0.52%. Yellow Soa Snake as 0 42% Pvsmv Sea as 0.36%. Sootled Small Headed Sea Snak6 as 0 36 %. Pelaglc Sea snake as o.5O%, and spotled Viperine Sea Snake @rded as 0 46% (see Tabls s


ln year 2009, cliff Racar wa3 recoded as o 1 0% Blolched Dladem snake as

0.20%, Bltck Cobla as 0.10%, Saw-scaled Vip€r as 014%. Beaked Sea

snaks a3 0.42%, Blue Grc€n sea snak6 as 0 48% Annulat€d Sea snak€ as

0.24%, P€rsian S€a Snake as 0.14%, Broad Band Sea Snake as 0'42%,

Reet S€a Snake as 0.52%, Yellow Sea Snake as 0 '{2%, Pvgmv Sea Snake snaks as 0.36%, Spotled Small H€aded sea s.akE as 0.36 %, P€lagic Sea (se as o.5O%, and and SPolted Vip.dne Sea Snak6 €corded as 046%

Table 9, Fig.12).

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E liiitri I .il BA99 ,Ei.IEI I2 i;i:til 7 o

l19 Ch.lonla mydas

Grcgn Tuade

Phylum: Chord.r! cr*: R.ptllr o'dsr T.dudl.s Fmlly: Cn.lonlld.o G€nG: Ct&rr. Brongd.41lao

sp.cle: Ctdorr. Dyd4r (Unnru., 1758)


1. Catapdce c.dildtn, oval.

2. Shell nal(€d, doBal snields iuxtrp@6d, ma€inals sloping, v€rt€blals bload6r

lhan long.

3. Single pair ot profomlal., 4 poslo.ular!. ul.Malglnab 25, 1 p€iB or co6tab, tust nol touding nuchal.

6.Llmbr padl€-.h5p€d fippels, wllh larg€ scales, digita nol dldlncl, a alngl.

cla$ in adul , 2 in young.

7. Idium ol upp€r jaw f€€t&. wnih |ox,.r 3n Dly ddo(rrbi. (Knan,2006).

Senally dimoQhid male smalbr, moE iapering carapao.i forgclas ldger

and curv€di lall longer. Csrapac€ L6nglh 70 -140 wsig 155k9 (Deni€|,19E3).

120 Flg. t3. Orst Tut (cri.bra ,rih8r.

l2l d".

6 I

E -Flq 6 f I U = tfi p = th4i 5 6 s : a b



'*atlt\<-$t,i/- '

FTE_s Ca6pac6 l@bly unica n.te in the young 3om6lim6 with slighl Indlcalion of late€l kesl (Khan, 2006).

caEpa€ olive or brown, usually wirh Ediating patten, 8off pads brown, head seles oullin€d wirh y.llow, J(ln€nvile3 wflh €6pa@ plat* glay lo back wnh cream dges. limb3 oullinod yellowi venltum yellowt largo dalk blochl$ on limbs


Hablt and Habllat

It is topiel sp6ies, @rcE l€ling *ound wide sandy beacher along icland and onli.€ntal coasts. Th€ Juveniles .€ carnivorols, wllil€ adulls are helbivoous rgeding on marin€ vegslation of diffE€nt typss {Khan, 2006).Th6 nBtins remal€ eicav€les a de€p pit on at sandy b6rch laying her eggs al nighl. Clulch siz€ varies frcm 9 to 173 6ggs wfih diamor€r E.ging fom 41 lo 152 mm; halchlings appear alter 22-166 day8, dependins on the tsmpe6ture ol the n€st (Das,1991).

Minton (1966) observed hatchlins fbm July lo Oclob€r, with lhe Itsalest number dudng Sept$ber and eany Oclobe. (Khan, 2006)


Chelonis hydas is a paniropic sp6ci€6i lt enteB o. bre.di.g .nd totaging grcunds along the sea@asts ol Pakietan. Kulch, w6stem and eat6rn thals ol

l2l p.nlrar Indb, lr.5lrE , gi t ia, f. A|ta|n:. .a 0€ cd .b|e olt.a (I!+ t$t). h er t ldrN ]r.l!.cG.€d dorU tr cdl .tb:

t|'|d(€. Bry, Bubn, Plradho Pohl, Omrf|, Sottmianl, .nd R.r Judl (t non,

19€O: Abm!.E,1441).


tu E retmo c he ly s i m b rl cata

Hawkgblll Turto

Phylum: Chord.ta Ch..: R€ptlt Ord.r: T.rt dln6. F.mlly: Ch.lonild.. [email protected],lng.t,1l,,.s gp.cfe En tnoch.lyt ttnbt c.b lLt,lT66,


L Carapace @ndish- ov.l, nak€d , wlth drong imbdcab shi€td!.

3. NeuEb and coa8tal5 66on, noutatroudrea nuchar.

4. Marginal lamlna€ 26, a dbtnct notdr betw€€n twdin marginat!

5. InfEmaryinab 3 without po6s.

L Jaw6 hook€d, leebry d€otlculate or without dentlcrhion-

7. A pan ot dsw! on fo€limbs.

8, Nemb qid6lhan ldg, co*taB and Eural wllh slight dd!6 @nwrging at

d€vaH point at th€ pctedor boRlol ot ihe plrba, due lo wtlch ehell app€.r8

ldcadnale (Khen, 2006).

125 Fig.15. H *.bt Tur{. (E ldnodal)n hhtb.0)

tx dE.

tE ' nl fii

2 I ,Y 5 : V= i' I 5 f I E a .9

.t -$v4 ?!\.-

aI *5

r27 Adult siz€r 1,2m, weight 140k9. soxually dimoFhic: male has con@ve plas on

long , lhick lail, and long fo€limb davs.Junvenil* w'lh itiennale cabpa@ with

strongly imb.icat€ shields, v€nebals rhomboidal.

Adult with oliv€ btown @Epace and yellow plaslrcn, caraPa@ of Juvonile

blotched wilh dark and plastron is blactBh; head s@l€6 dark brown !o black win

lighl edsesi jaw! yell with brown merk3 (Khan, 2006).

lt Eralnochelys inbncab abounds aound 3andy bgachss along oo6anic islan& and is spedaliEd eat€r ol sponqes, hMv€r. other €61 organism coEb alga6 I 15 to gaEtropods havs ben recorded lrom ib stomach Clutch siz€ vatus fom p€fiod from 0o to 138 eggs, masu ng 3F 38mm in diamel€ri incubalaon varies

65 dsys (Khan, 2006).

Dlltrlbutlon and coaslal sandv The havrisbill luftle inhabiF warm s6as' prelening islands (1981) glvos 7 b€ach€s which ae its foraslng as w6ll as nesling sttss Slernb€Q @astd n6lin9 roun& in the srbcontinent for this tudle, all conlin€d to the Indian is bv M€n€ns (1969r) or rine and oceanic islands. Th€ onlv report fr@ PakBtan Karachi (Khan 2006) s€€ing small EElmochsrs ,itbtcals sholts in a shop in

t28 Lepidochdys otiv*oa

Olive Rldley Turtle

PhyloD: Choft|lar

Ord,.r: T..tudln6 Fl|nlly: Ch.lonlld.. Sonusr L.pdocholytFlfting.r,lU3 Spccic: L.pldoct€rForiv.c€.(E*hocholrr,lEA)

Car.pac€ b.o.d, @rdifo.n, l.ctifom wilh fanish !oP-

2.Pleurals 5.gpal[3, i2- 1.{ palrsofms€inls, postodor marginalB !6r€l€d.

3. A b.o.d 6rvical, louching frrEt pl€ula|, f2 lmall inblgula'3 ard singal

4.First and liflh verl€brsl! broader than long, s€cond, ttllrd and founh bng€r |llan

5.The infnmarginals a€ wllh @shlpo€6.

€.Head small, triangular, 4 Ptenonbb. Upps jaw hooked Seam conlact formula v€ry Enabb, plastral. Ma)dmum longih 80 cm . reighl €O kg {Khan, 2006).


Do6um ollvs g@n, venlrum grcenbh y€llot t {Khan, 2006)

l.I9 Flg. 17. Oliv€ Ridl6v. (L€@d€lv! olvacoa)

t30 -at.

E : a t E t a .9 FI


b E 6

lll Ilrtllulln

Ih6 Rldhy tunl6 l. hee pl.ntltul tt|en gn.n tu . ibrE h. K.ractl cad 't m*nd nadhg bdE , cFddy rlih mrllo|! ttgdont h '|*ar trolc.l .nd sub uoDlcal wattn. lt la dnnlvo.otL takhg fl!h.., !o.Ia, crab, Fynh |d.q .}|rfrp, ttbe.. otdlrE dtd.dtlto(bnEi .bt h- .ho b€€n ncovdEd tun lb lionach (D€4, 1991) ffira

t32 C a I oles v eB ic olo r v era icolo r

common Tr€€ Llza.d

Phylum: Chordata

Ord€r: Lacorlidae Famlly: A!.mld.e Genu.: crloLscuvlor,18f7 Specfo: cdot . v.rslcoto. rMlcolo. (Daudln, l8t 2)

or feebly keeled 3cal6s' 1 . Fo.eh4d concav6. H6ad wili un6qual smooth,

2. A pair ot w€ll sparat€d &praduLl sprrl€3.

3. Dlameter ot tympanum h6lf or l€33 than hall tial ol the orblt

4. Aody dnpr.$ed.

5. Dorsals 3F52 arcund midbodv, keel€d' all pointlng backward and

uFlvard,larlel lhan v€ntals. ventals keel€d. which O. M€dian rcw ol doBalg elongaled, sharp liPP6d' tuming doaal ct€sl in 3ue €xienG fm nuchal io th€ lev.l of €nt pfogcssi€lv deq4ing

Senallv 7. Third and tonh fEure3 neadv equ.l lourth loe 10'96' th'n third a larger dimorphic, males aE longer in snout -{enl and tail length Have

Bl Fig. 10 cqnDn TtE LLanl (C.h6s l,rntr:obr venbob')

134 ci".

t I E -8t 5I i = (Jl s

E E E k



3 3 3

135 body ma$, a prominirent gulrr €gion, .ieeks and longer doMI spin€s; d€veloP bighi color pattsm at th€ beginninq of Einy season. Srcut- vonl lenglh 135_

1.{0nm- lail 338-350mm.

unfomly light brqn or grayish dorsum. with dEllncl daft briM lEnswrs€

spots or bat!, or vai6gat6d wjlh dad( br(M Daft streak r.diate

6y€s.Juv€nlle3 .nd femal€s often with a Pair of doEolateral st P€5 on bodv

do€um, iail with llghl and dark annulisnltum didy *hite Adull md€ iB lauallv

mors or l€sB uniform in colot wilh gr@nlsh tinse' thrcat b daft_barred (smih


H.bitand Hlbltat situalion with ll!63 Th€ lizard as alboreal and diumal- lt inhabits fo€t and any ior6sls and shrubs. 11 invad$ dlffsrsnl biotopes flom dry desens b tict Lom lhe plahs lnrcushoul the indo - Paki6tan subconlin€nt and soulheast AEla i993) ro about 2ooom above sea lewl( ruf.nb€€ and Rehman ltbcNmdin il gadens, ofl6n onendlng Into backyard planlations In cities and towns Wi€r6 ln lh6 iNade€ hol€3 and ctevies in compolnd Mlls and lh€ und€tgowlh buah6 (Blanrod desed it inhabits oas€s whete it lives on t€es and thomv and acscia sp The lizard 1876a). it.bounds in rcadside tres of Oalbo'g€ sisso ita€lf ac'onling h.s lhe rsmartabte abilitv to cnange its My @lor to csmdtug€ to docelve ils pr€dalo€' lo lls suroundings, and it som€limes bacomes immobile

l16 ll bsk3 dudng winbr on ofo!.d !r.nch.r. ll i!€d! on tr€€-vtl0nq lft€cb; hovt€v€r, $nall bld3. nodllng!, lrog., and lmall mammah ar. r€poried to be an its diel- lt i. usually ot ! .d t6€dlng on flom€Fvl.ilng lm€cb in ba.kyad

BEeding E€ason .xt$dt t!|n Ap l lo Sept mb!r. The haad and n€ct or the br€€dlng male becom$ lhlck .nd bdthly cobr€d.

Breedlng mrl63 on n ft.t ro€d. by clumdly sllkino In 8earch or new bdiblie3 and at. crult.d und.r peslng tafllc. Mod.rllly on l!.& invor\,€ mal€s €xdu.ilBly whlct lro g|lrbr In numb€r dudng lG€dlnq maler are t&i runn€'3 and sdddn cro.6 o€d3 (!.€. 06..).


Tho co.nmn t€€ llz.d b mod ||ld6t dLtibutott In sddtFasl Ai4 ttom

Sumrtsa b &utidn Chlna, tlrot{holt Indl., confn d to ocB dd v€g€lalton srotyiis along tis vrst€r ooun !. (Xh.n, 2006)


131 Hemldacvut brookii

Spotted B.m Geqko

Prry0rn: Chod.i. Chr: R.DdlL Ord.r: L.c.dld.€ F.mllyr!: He'r.ldac'/,U€Otin,lSlT tlddac$u.bloom At y,ltt1F

1. Tn €ar op€ning b ov.l .bout on6 - hld 0|e lize of [|e €yo.

2, DoBum granular inh$p€r!€d wl6 .mall aDldhedral tub€rch!.

3. Suprslablala &10, Infr.leHal! 7-9.

4. Lrn6lla. und€r 4d lo€ &lO.

5. TCI qllndncal didin{try logtl6nbd, yvlth 3 dorsobteral rcx,! of .|rull fr€l

c.uhl tubqd€. A !tugl€ rcw of bosd .obeudali

6. Malo yvl0i pr€ar|al arxl i.|||or'l porB. scpar.l€d m€di.lly by 2-3 Sc.l6.



Do6um show! m.tachrcmauc chang.3, ltom da brcm !o llght glly, lPolt€d vd$ da , ! daft stips tom sy€ to Ii. hmple.

BE Fis.21 . Spott€d Bam O.cko lHerrldacly'us b,ook,

t39 a". g I

F 3 E E * i F -8I I t; = E v thVi t f I a I '6 3 B 6 !, ,_7111\..)\fr- , i-_a

l:10 He 3pott€d bam qsko f€q@nl3 pil€3 ol chopped vegel.lion, logs, cops, in c€vicos and hole6 in the glound, undff lf€€ ba&, aound polled planls, dalk uninhabaled huts, lsal liller, and pil€s ol tBBh. li is known to fBquent lill6d area, forest, oasa3 tltoro it is found undsr l€al litter, fallen lr€es, and anylhing tmich can provld€ .heter. The most common gscto in lhe @unlry3lde, liey swam oul of lhef hol* and C€vices. FoEsing arcund jusl afrd suns6l. Thoy avoid comp€liuon wiln lhe common hous€ oectos H€midaclylus flavlvlidiE. Which

inhabll3 rh6 Inreiolg of buildlngs.

ll is a sluggbh animal. and gi€€ lilllo 3qGakE and voirte 6rcment upon

handling. Undsding. Unds sliqhl pr€ssu|€ il b€aks ofl ib lail. lt is n@tumd;

ho{irever, lt E aclive under leal lit€l 3{ houF beloE suns€|. ll fs€& on sofr_

bodied arthrcpods which a€ in abundan€ undar wam humld l€at litlsr.

BEeding soason is enended, t om March lo Oclobei mors than on€ clllch or a

pai. of whits hard shell€d €99s. b lald in a potecled Plae duing lhe breeding

s€ason. lf falb pBy to l@l anphibi.B, laqsr lizards, and snaks!.


The spottod bam g€cko has a wide rangs In southeast ftia, fiom Bomeo, china,

through topi@l and sublropicalAsia,6xt6nding though , Pakbtan, .nd lne

Mildle EBt it northem Aftica. Thel€ aro reporls of n fitm lhe we3l lndbs. h tlFrii| i b . cfr|ul C.dro h tll. pllt , t,oSl! lahs tdEfll nonrti|F. t$ do(| Inb ft. Dibh.d h|||lt r- .roud dsdt l|d q.a In Roha.. Fort | @it 8tm!.[tody rlt CytloPod|d| rEdi||*|lfn! l' dt$rt4 Hanrr..$|. n |lildb. f,d tlerJd.dvl'$ Fn*rs. I b

wu6ly dieribut d In rbln. Puni.b .lrd A.d falhmk (Kh.n, 2OOO)..


ta Hqn t decty t u s Ftavtu t dd I s

Yellow- Bollled Common Houso - cecko

Phylum: Chodat!

Cla.e: Ropdll. Order Lac.rdd& Fmlly: c.kkontd.. Gdn'|s: ,tdt t&qtt'n ok n, $17

Sp€cle: ftrddrdyrlr A.vitt, tCtS

1. Oo|llm wi0| gnnub. Scat€., m dbtnct t$€rd€!.

2. SupErabiab 12-15. InHabtab 1G14.

3. tamdlee lnder f'st 7-10, und€r founh b€ 12-15.

4. Tall Indlatlncty s€!m€nt!d; Ca0del tlb€rcteg Bmatl conicat.

5. Preanolomoral por€. &15.

Snou! v€nt lsngth 86-95ftm, lal Ee$mm.

DoBUm showB ma*ed vadalion. Tno3€ g€ckos living oublds lne buildin$, undd i€e batI, slc, a€ gl€€nbh gBy, wilh 5 disiincl dark wdy msb6B, tail k 3imilarly blrr.rd Do6.l pa(.m fad.! oul lfi oldsr g€ckG q in


143 Fig. 23. Yello|lts 8.lli.d Co.rrnon tlo.r.€ - G€d(o

l,|4 E q

I : 3 I ! E _F I E E

I I F E o = 6 T 53 E 3

* $

E '-?r.<'_\"{/- .d

E 6

145 lnos€ lMng insid€ lhs bulllding3 and raBry oqoa€d lo sunligi! usually rhey a€ dmct unilomly gEyish whlto, howevar, tho vonlrum is arways light yellowish.

It is lh€ mosl common and m6l tamlllar hous€ g€cko lhroushoul lhe plalns of

Punlab, slndh and 8ub- Himalayan af€33. lt b a alrlcl commensal wilh nan and slronst edmcial sp€cleE.

Arery agile and excellenl climber, it !p€n& m@t ot lls lime cli.ging lo the c€illngs and walls In da comsB. ll wdK wlth €ass on Edical wa||s and plain gld€d gls surfac. lt sponds th6 dty niding unds el€ €sings, loce cerrenrs phslqing, wall hangin$. curlaan!, and olh€r household otiecl lt olten

!€en silhouctted agaiNt window srd dooB. lt climbs inlo larse lr€es, like banyan, *5cia, and Dalb€€ia, wh€E n [w! .nd lay3 ils ror esEF in hole6 or under balk lKhan. 2006)..

This Species has a wido 6nge In th€ pal€€rctlc Roglon, lrom the Red Set lo the

coa3t6 of Arabia and kan, Paklslan, and India lo Human agscv

has played an lmporlant lol€ In lts wids dlgtllbution. In Pakislan lt ls reponod trcln

lhoughoul the plainb bolow 1O0On, ahrry! in a$ocialion wilh man (Khan,


146 tlemtd8€'tytut pqalcua

PoElan Houco€eclo

Phy'um: C1...: R€pulh Order: Itc.r8da6 F.mlly: G.n'ls: Hent.t caytut Ot,\lal7 Sp.cb: Hdnt@'.p.t /tu.Al|d.t..n,'lgr2

.1. swrabid! 1G12, hfalabbb 8-10.

2. t nldlae on(br fr3l &10, undd fourh lo€ l2-1?t 3. P€anal po|€6913.

Snout- veni lengh 6&70rnm, trll 8+8€mm (Khrn, 2006) .

DolEun llght b.ownish gr.y. t/vllh lmgul.dy !.itt€t€d wnft, brmn or black

te€lad tub€rc|€s. lresular llght d||!( !Pot!, . d.* |ho rn. on lhe !l(b or !!6

h€!d, wntm whililh {Xban, 2006)..

t47 Flg. 2t P.r*Ir Fo|!s G.d(o (r|€mE dyl|l3 D'nloB)'

l4E P g !

a II z E -E, 6

= tv t = trs !a F s a a I 5 6 '-4r€'s\rlr. .9

s E a

149 Th€ P€Bian o6d(o Inh.bib tr66 and bulldhgs In rcctv deslb .nd x6'ophvljc storry t€min. lt b onen tomd lo b€ Plont'tu| on to6 in oss ll inwd6 buildlngs, esp€clally old tomh., whale it b lhe ddnln.nt s4ko. Noctumal dudnq lhe dav it resb und€r Itee bafi, and In o€vit6 In md6 and !'i'tsi |l3uallv il remalns cllnqlng soalnst walls in the dartd pqrts of bulldin$ (Khan 2006) '

8 2 by 9 smm i3 It br€€d! frd July lo Octob6r, A pan ol rerlnd egga' m'aEurlng humldlty laid under soma prot€cl€d dafi plac€ wu mod€'eta lsmFialuE and etc' liks a hlap of \,€g€lauon. D€bda Log6' 16.l lit€r and lle€ bafi'

Dbtibutton €tionds rDm .adorn Anbla thrcugh Sout€m lran fiDm nofiwad to wazhsran. Rec.n{v n has b€€n r€Pon€d

plats.u, ln csnllgl Puniab' Pekblan (Khan and Talnh'


r50 Hqrrtdac,ytus tddrus

Blotched House - Gecko

Cl...: R.pdlh d..: bc.r!d.. F.mlly: O.ttonldrc OLn,1A17 HMld.c$s. t h.In lo.ttntn, t'02t


L Dorlsl larq€r ldh€dnl tub€d€8 .r. amng€d In l}16 lonqiludinal roN3.

Th€ tub€d€r a|B laq€l fian !|€ hb.!pac.3 b€hl€€n lhrm.

2. Supralabiab &10, lnfr.labiab ru.

3. Subdigital lam€lla€ llightly oblique, S7 under fd, and 7- 10 undd fo{tlh

4. Tall srgh$y d€prsss€d, with s r€ri€3 of b.mvof8ally enlelg6d eubc.udal

5. PBamf€ poF3 &14, in nal€, Ini.rruPl€d m€dlally by 1-3 Soal€s

0. Natu lrcm nlll3upral.bi5l.

(Knan, 2006).

l5t Zt. Bldr.d Hor-- 0lrt5.6fr latttt

I52 -De. R U E

P x I d zI -EI, 6 I d I tt = v= W I 5 s I u E g.e I 6 '74h5'J'l/- .t t tt a

t53 Docum ysllowish. with 3 targ€ da < brcwn, saddlea wnich arc nsrowlv 6dg.d lNlth blaoki tail wilh da* nng. Ona or iNo y€lld strip$ b€hind eve, snol|r$ on nap€. v€nhm Palo (Khan,20oG)..

Thh g€cl(o haE b€€n collect€d fom ltat sdnla d habitat wnh sdubby v69€lsllon in lho @astal €gion of Paklsian, ll Inhablt. hol€3 and q€vlcss among rccx, bicti, hole6 In lns grcllnd, and undd vogetatlon- lt invad€s buirdln!. and k66Ps to th€ hol€3 and crevicss in ths oompo{nd stalls of hous$ lt ls sald lo bo [email protected] wilh temits hilh in lndia (Danl€l 1963)- The 9E &o emdge8 sl dBk and go€. toraging in lh€ surounding \,€g€tadon lt invade6 buildingB and k€.P3 lo ll|e nobs and crcvice€- In the comPoud walls of hous€6 ll F said lo bo a$oclaled wilh lemite hllls in Indla (Dsnl6l 1983). The s€cko em€tg€8 al dusk and go€! foraging in the surmundlng v€g5ttuon.

Its d6fen!€ mechanisn b lyPical g6kkonldi lifrins and archlng ol lh6 bodv' sraying and lwitciing of the lail. anading and lunging and slriklng wilh ils ttll,

u3!.lly voldin! erc|€renl al lh€ 3anl€ lim6.

F€mal$ aith €ggs ae @ll€ct€d rmm AFil to Julv and voung aro plsnlirul trom

Syrnpalric Eublephads maculsrlu. proy8 on t(Mi.lon 1966).

154 Its range exlonds lDm sd Lanka and peninsuld India lo K.rachi, ln Ptkistan whee n is knor{ tim lh€ @stal l@liti€s in lh6 lorer Inds d6lla (Khan, 2006)

155 Homldec,ytua aurclcua

[odltgrran€so Hougg Gscko

Phylum: Chord.r.

Wc Frmlu: O.ttol(l|e,hnnd.cM!,Ot n,rarT t drrd.crtB &rrrcor (Unn..u!, r 76E)

1 Neft bodd€d Dy ff|at 8!p|ahbi.l.

2. lupldabiaL! 7-10 .nd htdablab G9. 3. Do|lsl tub3d€! h|g€. Subtih€d..l sm||g!d In 14-10 f.ld €gul5r


4. Subdigit l lamalla€ und€r inDd ru and undff touft lo€ &1 L s. trll subqllndncd. co\,€.€d .bo!! rib lu€gul.r, lom€ N,hat poinbd

Sc.b. and a !di.! ol eE bqp polnt€d lrD€rch.. m€dLn .!bc.dab at lr.m\,€F !y.nlg!€d.

6. ti,lab nas +10 (Er€ly 2) pt€€ml po(.....loul- v€nl l€ngth sE{lmm, t ll 5q6tnm.


t56 Ffg.2r. fdft ..nxn 80l|!. g.b lr|'tnld.c$u.Atdcu,)

r57 Dorsum lagtn brown o. gEyish, spot€d lNilh black. Som€lim€6 sPol amns,ed in rhe ttaBv€Ge ed6. A da dr€ak on sider of rhe h@d uEually p€senr. ventrum dlny while (Kha.,2006)..

The geto inhabits humid coasfal envnons. lt invadss olias whec il is colled€d subub.n a€a, lt F pio*ed epecially frcm th6 b.* of plam lrcnds, from under rccns, piles ot ston€s, and bricl€ and rubbBh. Normally noclu,nal, it ls active du.ins humH daye. No particular b€€ding period is

.Mrdedi gEvid fmd* 6€ met witi tlmst all year mund. A clulch ol a pan oI egg6. msasudng 9.2 by 8mm. E laid in some prolected place also us€d lor ih6 sm6 puD@ by sevelal g4kor (Ktun, 2006)..

lls lang6 B quite extenrive duo mainly lo man. and indud63 the w€3t Indi$ easle.n moxico-Southem Unit€d SLtes, nodnen Afic5, Cnqlr

Medll€fian€an countrie and isla.ds, the Mlddle Easl. lran and Afghanbtan.

In Paklatan it has been Gpoted tlom vatious loc€nbs atong coaslal Slndh. In

Karachi City this g€cko has b6€n found to octur in hous$ dd,a by side with

tt-t ul/rirdis (irinion, 1966).

I59 Ac.nlhod*Uus c.nbds

Blue l.ll Sand Llzerd Pftylum: Chord.t

O.der: Lrcertilt. F.nily: L.ce.tid!.

G.nG: /Acrranodrct r|9 Wt.gmlnn, lE34

Sp*|.: l.arahod.ctjlrc.ariorrrcunth.r, ta6:l


l- ttoMl 2e36 aq6 milh€tty, gutaB 2C3A.

2. Hindlimb eache3 b€twe€n l€a and cotta. in mate, brw€€n co[ aftl

.xilla in Ismal6_

3. F€mor€l por6 1e32.

4. Subocular do.8 not bod€r mouth, s€paBt€d forn lt by lifth and stxth

Snoul- v€nl l€nlth 7t78mm, 180"1E&nm (Khan, 2006)..

DoBUm reddi.h bbM lo gray, lp€dftd ,ih wt b, offen with ira63 ot longiludintl sldpes; lail blui.h say. V6ntrum whit6. Yolng wilh 6 longitudinal y6llow stiP4 on daft dotsum, exl€nding onlo lail, didll parl of lho Lil blue.


160 The liard rrequants sand lield with sDt|le v.gelation of bBh4 and grasses ll

bul]ffi in .@ts of blshe€ wfi@ lh€ end B c.mpacl. lt b diumal. usallv aclivg

2-3 houB alt€r da*n. and €lroats 2 hou6 beiors sunst. lt €3.5p€s @ptuF

taking lh€ nearost avaibble shelter, than dashes toMrd ll3 burrow The fringo ol

flatish $ales along digiG enablea ll to mo!6 with comairsrablo agilily on loose

3rnd. ll is diff.trlt lo catch lhis lizad in th€ fEld- ll is sxlra6l€d frmibl-2 m deop

endy burd by digginq, offen @ping whon one G busy digging. ll te& on

inseclE and th€ir larvas, wh6. rorlov!€d i. lhe lield. ll oc.a8ionally jelkB lts long

tail in a chaacteistic way ag if to dlsltacl lho attenlion oi lls putsuer frem ilself

B@ding *son 6n6nds from Marcn b May, 24 had-Sholled e9$ are laid in a

burrow at lhe roots ol bu3hes. Young liad6 wilh a vivad slriP6d pattem are

hrlched within 3 weeks of €gg laying and lhey soon maf€ lh3ir own burcw3.

The bul6 tail sand lizard rang€ lhoughout the Plains and de.ens ot

Pakistan and lndla, trom 36a l€vsl lo en 6levation of 300m. lt ls a cDmmon lia.d

along the beeh€8 of PakBlani coaslal alea (Khan, 2006)..


t6l lft3dt|t rrlaonat a

Spott€d Lacerta Phylum: chordrh Cl.|.: R.edlb Od.n bc€rjull. F.mlly: hc.rud.o|: f...lrrn Ghy, lEilE t .re|. tr''on n (3blh:r., iat2)


1. vent'als dbtndy brcds lian looc, in &1o itelglrl krgibdirrl !dl€3

acr6r mldabdom€n {Fisul€ 174)

2. Odlpilal sc€le In contscl wllh th. InlaDarislal.

3. Low€r nalal !c.l€ te6tc dt on nl.t 6{ptdabLl.

ul. No lebral ft||lg€ on io{rh to..

5. oorsal and lsbtal scal€6 of body glanular. slbut-v.nt l€nglh 6omm, bll

Gr.yi.h to ollv.c€u6 doEuD, ulualt 2 peiF or tdbdncl llgld longltudlnal

.tlpe.. Mlddol!{m wih longlludln.l ..rl$ of small whlL epots whlch .ts

.dCpd ri|| U€d( Llnb6 rih lunl lbm lpob v€ntum st{b io y€lb|bn. (Khn,:qD.

t6l Fig. 33 S9dd lsrb (Me6arm w.b.|la'll)

t65 H.blt .nd Habltal

M€lallm wabomm pr€feB lht rrdd of h||tl soll, rYh6t! lh€ ves€t llon o{ h€|b8 and 9a!€. i6 !0at!€. lt p.niolao svol& son lG€ !.ndy toll. I! bumB a€ local€d among rcots ol low vegebtron. lt hld€s undd .lon$ and o$er alhue shelte€ at tm€ of dan!€r. lt ts€& on adhmpod6 8nd hsir h ar, ecllvdy l8ins iun di6 dad io !no0|€t in satrch ot tood. Two to four egg. aro hld In bunom fmm Apdl to July, and Juv.niles a€ smdt ..€n du E July !d Augu.l (Khan, 2006)..


Thb !! Ens€! no||l R4pt tam to .drtl'€m Afuh3nl6lan .nd l|En. h

Pakldn it ocoF thrcughoul tie pbl6. orcldng fl. d6€tb. lt erirrb fr!|r sea lsv€lto 200on ofll.vadon (Khn, 2008).

t61 Yafrrus tergarttttlS

B€ng.l Itonllo.

Phy'um: ChonlaL

F.mlly: V.Enl(h. GenE: Ve',l8m Sp*le: yrrdor lrrg.lrrlsr5 (hudln, l8o2)


1. Nads a nle n€lr€t to oDn [|an lir or tb $dll

2. Scal€s on hoad longq lhan nuchals, whicn lre reunded, not koeled

3. Slpl,ocula€ l|nall subequal.

zl. Abddnimls mooh. in 90 - 110 tr.nsv€t!€ rew' 5. DlgitB elongalo.

6. slongly cornp.€ss€d {ith . doubl€d ioolh€d doEl @31.

7. Ltleral caudals t(€€led, a ltio lmaller t|an .ubcaudals

Snou! v€nt length 815 - 900 mm, tall 1230mm

Dorsum ollve to brc$n, with daft sPol.. Ventrum v.llowish, wlth or wilhout dad(

6tor3, 6p*i5lly und.r th. n6ck (Khan. 2006).

168 Fig. 35. Bongal Monitor ryaEnus bengal€Gi3)

169 D'. IE B

el 3

E 2 t- ta E I (J = tv 6= = E a E c e


h a 6

l?0 Habll and H.bltat

This larg6 varanid ftequonlg nodeEl€ly dry lor6sls, and extends into culivated

aeas, whec il inhabils lracts ol baren badlands. I onen invad* inhabned

hous6s, atkacted by poullry and rod€nb. k8entially a bunow€r, it i. also a good

t@ climb€r, During rai.y s€a&n il liv$ in tee hd6l66ding on bnds and €ggs,

orheMi$ it butro$ in hard soil. lr ofien climbs into lhalched hoB€a lo fe€d in

nesting blrds. In its hrrrcws ii wedge lbelf in by inflaling its body and tlxng its

claws lo lhe walls so lhat it is difiicult to pult il out. lt is a good ru.ner and

simmert rt may €main 3ubmeqed lot a conside€bl€ time when loEging al its

l6isur6, it noves sinuously thbugh lh6 undergroMh, f€qu€n{y flicldns ils

longus, lookins ror movlng objecr. I has a $de Enqe ol tood items: anhropods,

lawae, woms, ftogs, lizads, 3nakes, bids, and mammats ll is knfln to munch

on cafilon and killed mammals (Kumar, 1992) When alamed it slan6 6till and

tries to 3lip .way unnolic€d, horever, when co.nered, it dsl€nds ils€ll by hissing

l@dly, ll etevals and arches ns body t@ar& lho intruder, and lunges and

tash* ils lail frcn slde lo side. ll inflicts a Powertul bil6 wlth its long slrcng and

b, sharp t€sth (Auffenb€ry, 1983n 198.1).

Beding aclivity is obsawed fom APil to June Rival males mslle to win tenitorl$. Usually 6 - 12 lelhery eg$ avsraging si:e of 29 by 15mm in and, weighins 20 - 30 arc laid in buro$

Minton (1966) €cords 30 €sss an lhis spaci€s (Khan 2006)

t7l OLtlbdhn vJlr'lrs ,.rg*r6b ls bao rwdd liun Airn, Mytnm.r, )l$l' s{ddr' houghout Indl+ .nd €rl bnk . ln Ptld.Ln, it l. |lPorbd fr.m lh|luglbd lhr d.||l! of A||.b t{ gid. |ra HlIl|hFn ffi. lrykiilln ra qEra rstmd. lnb |odne..t m lt.n and ...t m A&h.nhtan (Kh.n' 2000). a|ft|lr lLra

tn PWc*3 rhodorachls


PhyluD: Chordai.

Famlly: Colob.ldl. Gonus: Pr.ryEep.a|yih,lsao Plrtycq. thodo,€.dnt hodordcr t lJ.n,lEei)

1. Body. ll€nrler, hod dBlincl.

2. supElabbls 9, lal€ly 8, mh and sxh in ev€; infralabiab I or 10 €€lv tt_ -{enl l€nglh 947 3. V€nlEl 2OO - 220, aub caudalB 125 - 140. Snout - t05&nm, tail ler - 170mm {Khen, 2006)

OoBum pal. to da gtsy, wlth brolvnbh. shod msdlum c'o6!bat6 tomed or rcws of atlEmaling rcundbh sPots, postenodv unlcolor' H€ad b'o|Nnish' wfih

list er pr6- end postoculart. v.nlrum white, \Nnh & sPekling on |tl€El side'


t1J Th€ clfi |s €r pref€B stony hlghlend, w n sP3lla gi*3 tnd buehes, tnd €)(hnds lbm @ lev€l lo 350 - 3OOOm ot €ldalion. li inhsbrlE hd€ and c€vlc.s among r@ks, or buEos ol rcd6nb and lizrfds- ll b dtum.l wnturing lnto

Inhablled houle3 atFacl€d by h@ie g€oko6, birds, and mlca. l! is v€rv agll€ d b a mo.leEt6 dimb.r. ll clhbs into cr€vice! In rEl|| or thaichod rool3 fc €lgs and n€stllne.lts dl6t indudes in3acls, snatlbirds eggs mic6, and 3mslllittds

Mod.rately bad tenPe€di wh€n corne€d, il hi6t$ and blt6s

It b.e.ds ftm Aptllto May a _ 6 elongaEd .ggs at laid In ct€vic€g among (Knan. 2000) roct3 or unrl€r sbn 6, and iuvenlLs atB ldiw bv Julv - Aug'rst

Ol.ldbutlon: naq l|an Ihe clifi Ec.t ha3 e wi& r.nq€ In lhe {,€3t liom TuftrEnislan Svria fom Saudl Aebla, and extenrls !o Sdnd|.- In Pakltan it b r€"rded Howlver' nd@s Balouchi6l.n, and iB @mmon arcund Karachl(Minton 196€)

not oxiand In plains ot Punleb (Khsn' 1997e)'


t16 Spderoepfi is tliaderna draderna

Blotched Dladem Snak

Phylum: Chodata

Ordi: Ophldla F.mlly: Colub.ida. Sprrespnl'J.n,1865 AF.cle: SP.tqsPhl.d/ad.n,1838)


1. Loeallwo, om b€hlnd other. 2. Citqlmocll5l dng ol I - 10 s.al6 3. P€flontal segment d in 5 - 6 Ecal€€, .nanged in two lramv€ll€

4. Supral.bbls 1013,lnlrahuab 11 -14.

5. DoBals k6eled, in 27 - 31 rew! al Fld bodv 6. v€nhab 232 - 254. a{bcaudal! 90 - 114, anal nol dMftd snout v€nl

length 1220- 123omm, tail328-232mm (Knan' 2000). Dbdtn Srl.ko (qdsbosop,tis .f'detttt Flg. 39. Elotch€d 'facb"6)

178 a-"' z 6 I I E


E E 9t i I tv 6 =lot 6

\\lr- -q ?$-

aI a,E

r't9 Color €.i6 with .9e: young snakB ar€ thiF bodi€d wnh a median rol" of dad' brM largo fiomboidal blotcieG on body, and an ahernatlng lal6El G€rl€s of llmild small€r spols. Thee b . dari bar b€lF€n ey6, and an oblhu€ sltip€ b€hind the ey€ to lhe angl€ ol mouth old6.3p€chen! s€ rhbk_bodl€d ysllow wnh 3caltered dark brown or soot! blact 6Pots usually confrned to individual sc€les. Head eilner bl@d t€d wi|n tinge of black ot ontl€lv sootv blact- ventrum d6p r€d, viBibte through ivory wnib wnttab A tanlilory color phase is obssrvod in sub adulb Melanlstlc adults are not uncomnon {M€nenE


H$lt and Hibllat open ilelds wilh The laE6 snake inhabits toresls along wEter courEes and

mod€rltelv had 3oil In tee n lvss in cBices in scrubby v69€tation and 'ockv bulldinqs wilh loose rock. lt is the lsual snake fr€qu€niing old uninhibiled grevss bahs and suboDan untend€{l natural v€gelation lt is onen seen in inhabil€d gad€ns *t€€ it b altracied by rab. mlce and nosling bids While In l€6d on birds and lh€lr houe€s, it llves m El horss and oftsn chmh in roofs lo il hiss€' loudly and strlk€s n€stlings. lt is a bad l€mPaed lnake; v{hor com€t€d painlul bil6' ropeatedly, bitlng savagglv and hniding a nastv lno day also rl3 It is noctumtli hMvet it b occ5sionally actr€ dudng

natural di6t consists ol itogs rats' bnd6' eggs, and lizard'

rE0 It !...rb fom tltdr b S.Srari 3 - 12 |gF d. ldd h ildl ft.n d|. dutil, ..dr ol2 - 6 6!E[ m€..udng 68 - 78 mn by 16 _ 2lmm 6nrn' 2008) .

DN.trlbdron: IrF d.nm rlb ln !.|| |!cad.d rcn s Lv.l b amq h Gll[, nodhdn Prl|t]r hoFr., lt L tdddt dbobr.d tru{hdl lrr' 8.ngbh' drd norlEm sd La ., In tdct n it h.! h.€tr rs|rl6d tlm tfludElr rulFP'

Puri.b, sH. .'|l| aiodl|l (lotf|' 200).. sLtr:

lEl ,14. n4. Bhk Cobr. Phylum: chord.t Cl..r: R.Drlh Onl.|: Opltldb F.mlly: El.plll|. Gonu] /VdrL.ur.n{,'1768 sp.cb: wqF 4r. Glm*u., '1768)


t. ll.diurHiz€d, h6\,t $al€.

2. not dblnct iDm body, nact dllatable inio .n dl,and€d hood.

4. t'lo rE)dary t 6!| ('ray rardy l).

5. Eody sel€s fflooh, In 21-23 .l

6. V.ntlalE 182-196. .ubc€udll! 53€7.

Smul-\'€nl buh 165&1670 r||n: t ll Z@2r2 |'m (Xh.n, 2mo)..


Eri€gat d. V€nlrud palt to Adult j.l black. dalk oliv! ot dart brcwn. ot 'gt.v t€lonhh. $h lbaw rh g|!y ot dalt blu n clot dlng A sped.d! tn tt on hood dorslm and . laE!, rcund, d..t ocetlB dngld wlth v€llow on hood

(Xh.n, 2006).

It2 Fs.41 Blad cobr. (NaF mF)

183 E. I 6 T

f, a ! FI -8I9 E $l = 8 +l .4 E


E 3

184 wntrum, medially inlanuPled by da*, subnoad Usuallv, vanegated jet sp€cim€N with lilht+dged brown s@le3 are m6l wilh in Plnjab, $rile

0ll6d li€lds' Th€ @bra l@qu€nts vaious habitats grassland. vogotation along grassv growlhs and along watd couB6s, s€mides€tt fore3b bams fuiB wilh whe€ il is gowths arcund vlllage3 lt is Plentltul in Paddv growing areas lt climbs inlo branchos of attEcled by mi6 and pouhry into inhabited hou*s in 6t hoh3' t6€s in s€arch ol nesting birds ln inhabit€d hou6€s it livs

out al ths time of least Th€ cobra, though diurnal' u$ally p'€fers coming tl is a re8{€$ re.urq dbtulbanc.. ll is partiqiadv 3hy ol huma' Demgs of iG prey (Khan,2006).. noving lrcm ptac€ to pla6 ltith agilitv in earch

snakes Itmainlyfoods on mie rats poultry' lrogs and

an enemy its liBt pdonty is lo It avoids oonffontalion with mani upon seetng at surcLrndin$ mt lhe ant€rid 6cape undelectstl To have a good look il! ils ned( into a hood ll lhe pa.t ot it3 body abov6 ground a l disten'ls bodv snd moves quidv awav: diltubenco is not provocalivo, it l€v€ls its provocatlvs il hi56es loudlv and $days n3 however, il lhe dFtubanc€ is not

185 hood, finng its gazo on lts adv6@ry, iollding lts mov€|rt€nb keenly all !l€ whlb neNous and looking for a chan@ lo ssid confrontation. SMvino lh' hood rilh hs dol! l speclacl€ ma|t a|ld y€{ovt v€nlral oc€llu. and the lqd tssonrm hl33 a.e m€as{l€. iust !o look a. ieatsom€ as po63ibl€ lo imp'3&s il' €nsni3

Howerer, wh€n com€l€d lt atiad€ Vcioualv, stdking wlth tull slEnslh and bmng and crE{ing at ite dv€'lary €avagdy {Oaniel 1983)

laid In nt BEedlng acdvlty is o&4€d trdn Aplil !o July 12-30 €gss ar. clc€ unlil ln. 69$ holss or in idr|a Ptolecbd dac.' and 016 famah slay! 'r'

hatctl6d (Khan, 20(r't) .

obHhruon 4tl0o m In th€ Himalty* tom Th€ cobE has b€€n Eported from se3 l€v€t to Paklsttn it 6xten& tlong ths Banglsdesh, lhroughout lndia and sd Ltnka ln Sind (|(ntn l993d' 199oc)' 6€dem bods or th€ Indu. ftsn NWFP. Punjab'and


t86 EchE cdnants

Sew Scsle Vlpel

Phylum: Chordda qbs.: Ropdl|! fr.r: ODhidL F.mffy: VtPdd* gs.u!: Ecrb f€lrtm. tE20

Spacl.: Ecntu! {Echmidt' 1820)

coverod sth small 3ttongly k€€l€d 1 . Head sho( dhtnctv wldor than n€ck'

lnbdc.t€ scsl€3, E - 12 b€tlveen supraoculaB'

2, Nostrlb small, doBolal€Bl

1 or 2 roc ol Jnall lcalet; 3. Suprallb!||! 6 - 12, *panl€.| ndn ocubr bv l0 -13InfElbiab. pal|! €nlaro€d 3oale' 4. AntEdor gonlal broqd, follwed bv 3 of sllgh{l/

5. tlorlal! al mldbodv In 24 - 37 fo{a

(Khan, 2000).

r87 Fb.,l3. S*.c.Ld Yhtcda o.|hdr)

l8t I I t I w e ! I E 5 8l = -e tfr T =l q ri I a

i5 \\l//- '*?^t"<'

g FI

It9 oo6um llghl brM lo yellowish broM. sometimss olive btown A mdlsn @ ol 28 - 37 dad(€dg€d. whitGh blotch€s Flank wnh undubting whi|e lin€ doFal

loop6 ol which are more Prcmin6nt, bul a€ diluled venttallv H€ad wilh l-rght srcwhead mark, poslerior threo ol wnbh exl€nd io considenble

distance, A pal6 slrips frcm eye lo angle of mouti Labials light dotied, venttum

whlte to liqht pinkish, wilh line dad( grav spols.

habllat' The saw-sc€le vipel has b€€n r€corded lrcm sandy and rocky allwlal gfass v€sla on |n with spaB€ x6bpht'1lc 1o mod€retelv deru€ and icrub Egiom ftounlainous hrbilat il lives under ro.k bloct€' while in submountanous avokling marshv arca and habit h€dges and othet scilbbv vsgelalion noticeablv

just suns€t and rast6 clos6 ro The saw-s@16 vipd ls noclurnali cofts out aff€r th6 snake lunges al n th6 rootE ot a shrub, Mitlng ior its pr6y A3 it ||6ars' amPhibiaB Edo sldna'tus' tunously and bites it lt! diel includes common and lizads belonging young Haploba,reftus t?€rh6, sp,a€,olh€ca orevtcapl small snak33 !o gen€6 CrosoDtDon Acanlhoilactvlt:(,, and Ophionorus' repoG to htve red capltle bids. 6ggs. n€stilings. and adhopotb Vvas i1998) f,advitidt 3nak6 on young Rattus Ettus, Mls nusculus' Hentdactvlus Caioies €Arcllor Henidaatylus brookii, Mabuya caiinalus and Th€ Sarv-Scalo Mps iE known lo be bad lmpgt€d it hisg€. loudlv and go4 on savag6ly ttiklng ai .n lfltlder, ond poEuing ll lor so|rE dlsttncs li eu!€6 b5r in p€d€3tiam s. if iolloxs lhd lo. di.ta@ whil€ making characl€{bllc

ruirllngs noise, and olten taking a tatal blte ll b locallv bell.ved to lump 10-20

or |o1r bush'3 cm in lhe alr. in od€r to atlgck it adv€lsaryl lt climbd In brtnches lt lhbw' to avoid heat st lhe ground, .nd inEde neds !^/ten on lh' delonliw agaiBl €ach olhs it!€{ into cha6cteddc figuB3€hap€d looPB Yriich to* 'nd noi@ A Enal€ wiso mlx€d witl loud hi.6lng p|tdue th6 chaEctedltic rultling though to b€ very ln this pcilion is .sld to b€ dii.olving its wnom and ls

v.nomow at lh.l tim..

AId.a, through lh6 MkidL Sa[F€.al€ vip€E ar. eid€ly diBtributed ldn nodhem Afghanlstrn, mosi ol PakiEian East Boulhem fonn€r Ruslia d'a!.endlng to lran,

oxcluding th€ hlgh norihem mounl'iB' l lla E rrydrtr. scrrltroae (Daudln)

Beaked S6a Snake

Phylum: Chordrt onLn ophldL Fmlly: tlydrophild.. G€nu.: EnltydrrtE Gr.Y, lE49 9p€cr.: E t/dttta $Dbtor, (D.udln' tl03)

DleenorL3 3nd much elonlalsd 1. Head or mod€l6le slze sllgnuv dllllnct lrom sl€nder necl, skln ol wnbh i€ loos€ bodv modoralatv slout and laloEllv

in a b€ak d€nset tub€rculated, Fodu'€d downsad 2. H€d loaled 'o€td thlrt or loudh' 3. On€ ant€mr iampolal and de po'todilatl 7{ suprahblals

rounh or tiffh louchlng eve' I or 10 InrBltbials

4. Gsnials not wsll diff.EnliEl.d. Httalk€€l' 5. Scal6! al Bidbodv 51'65 lubimbricst€ wih shon leng[h 102G1045 mm 6. Ventals snall, 3OG365l 2€ pr€anal6 snout-vent

tall 13c135 nm (Khan, 2006).

t92 F19.45. 8€akd sq. Sn.t (Enhidtina !dtho..)

t93 a'. I


6 z -F p 6 o I 3 i = t a

g 3 E E 6

-\Nr/- '/.ir\- l_s *5 Oirty wn e !o pale g€€nl.h gEy, wflh ollv€ lo black cro6ebal., dMncl on posle or hall or body. whil6 lo llg y€llow. lh@lwhit . Sld6 of iall ,llh fd d.|t @les. kry€ adultr oi.n udtdrrly olh€ above, N.*bom ,hn wllh vivid blact ban& (Mlnion, peF. oomm., 1994).

It is tho most lmporlant s€a snsk€ in tems of €6ing f€lalld€s among lbh6nr€n. ll arEq@t3 oltu5tire wat 13 wifl Duddy boltoc snd doe3 nol

€xtend inlo d€€per Mtol6. ll €nends dg3P inlo c€ek! well &ay tom m6 op€n

36a (Khan, 2oc€)..


It 6ng€s from lhe Gult ol Oman east watd to th€ c!€st ol soulh€m vEham rlong Auslrllla lo Ro*namPtd. lt l! a most common 3ea snek€ along tho coasi.l Mt€Mf Pakislan (Khan, 2000)..

t95 Hydrophta cearutoaaons

Blue G]een Sea Snakg

Phyl0m: chord.t Clar: R.9tll. ord.r: Ophldla Fr,lnlly: HydDphildx cenu!: tydroprrr, L.lrollle, 1802 sp€cl6: N!.dtoptlt c..n llscf,tt, snar,'1802


l. Heid,6mall, nol distnclfroln rcck, snldr b not ma €dlv ei'ongabd'

2. Bod'y strongly @mpt€6!€d latslllly, aboll 2 - 3 timos the dlamol€r of

at 3. Scat€6 i.€bly imbrloat€ or iuxtapoled' dlltlncuv k€€16d. 38 - 54 lows

4. SupralablabT, s€cond In contaol wlth lnt pGftontal lirld and tuunh tlo in

€ys. I infralauaLs.

5, Venlrala 301-310. (Knen 206) Snoul - Y€nt ls{dt 770 - 785om lail97- 104mm

t96 FE. 47. Blu. Glltr 8€e gd(. (l${!fhb 6n5c.n )

t7 E

vl9l I 3


a 3 B{

t98 bluish gl.y, lentrum y€ilot{ish , wl0l 39 - 62 bread d. band!.

aboul iwi@ as board a. InlelEpa@, becomlno Indistinct wlth .8€. H6ad

dark in y@nq, b6conin! dart gr.y in sdult, uau.lly wilh a llghl stak

lnrolgh €ya (Khan, 206)..

lilblt .nd Habltrt

The bluo gt€€n 3€a snel6 has b6en recoded fom mangn€s lwampe

noar Karachi, Sind Pakblan (Khan, 2m6) -


ll ha3 a wlde Eng. in southeast A!ia, fiom the no.thon coadl ot ALLlralia.

to Ou€€nlEnd, Aom@, Javs, Maleva, lleyanmt and along $s coa3ts of

Chlna, Slam, Indts. In PlklElan it has b€€n r€pod€d frcm Kauchl coast

(Mlilon, 1966)

Stitrr Hydtophis cy.noclnctus

Annulaiod Sea Snake

Phylum: Chord.b Cla.: RopllL ordcr: Ophldh F.|nlly: Hydropnlld..!: Hydtupn,!|-.tjtl|',loo2 Hy.hophlrcyanocloca/9lD.Uiltn,l&31

Dlagno3is prolong€d 1. nodgElely sma|l, dbhtly dftltndlon mck rul6l venlBllv

2. Eody cdndncal adatlody .omp€!!€d po3loriodv

3. Scrl€s imbdcate with 2-3 ko€ls or mw of luh€r cl€s. 38rA al mldbodv

,1. supi.latial! 74, !€cond in cont cl vd[! p.qftlnitl. 2-3 louching 3ye- $10

a 5. v.ntlats dhllnct 31+38a abod$ic. tn€ slz' ol adjac'nl3cab3

llttle smalkt polbtMv. Snourvenl l€ndn 15OG1O5O mm lall 13e140 mB'

(Khan, 2q!6).

black bsnd3' DoFum didy lvhlte Pal6 gr€en ot vellow' wlth 47'70 c'cs pad he ban& onen Indud€ ligln ho!6 al mid body wirl€d enlral or 'c'16'

Markings on body usu.llv disappo5r |vith age (Khtn 2006)

200 Fle.49. A'|nul.d S.. Sn*. (HydFphL cy'noclncE l

201 D'. i t I I, 5 ti 6 ! ul 53


swz- .d -241"-

3 6A

202 IS|l-al$ftt I lE b€dr ndhd tu|| rElow nudy maciwa aritp. dunE nBuoo|!. atbfr c|t n nt.rbb h. ocd|... (l0[l, 206)..


It b a wi(b r.nglng rFol.. whldl dbnd. llom lh. Pelhn Guf aloqg lh. co6llal w.br5 ot Pfrlrn. Tn hdLn co-t srt bnk Bangkb.h rrbr.ndjC.d of Inddln b !. s d J.p.n (Kn q 2m)..


N! ,ly.ttophla lqanolaLa

Polllan sea Snake Phylum: Chod.t Glalr: R.pdlL Ordcr: ophldb F.mlly: tlydropnlld.. 4drDprft Ldr.ilL, ,1t02 sFcl€: tFtoptb 4pdrold.r Gny, t8a9)


1. T€nporab r|lall,2 + 3or3 + 3.

2. supralauab 8, .€cond In con@ $$ Pl€fol|ll,!|nd end roul0| o. !!nd tofth iouct'ing ey..

3. Sc.he at midbodt ?g{5, . t..Us tub.r& or t€€l on scah6 ol

poot rbr halt ot tto !.dy.

4. v€nt'ab 32+346. blc.rln ia. Snod{.nt Lngh 930-950 mm, iail

9+100 mm (Kh.n, 2oOG).

YoLrns Bnake6 wllh yollwbh or whllllh doBum, wllh 32-43 dad( crossbars.

Head da.k Mh s yollow clw€d ma*. In ddff lpedmom maftlngs on body bscom€ less pronouncld (Khan, 2008).

2(X F'9. 61. (P.d.n sa S|l|*. (lfirophb lpdndd6)

n5 D'.

I 3

e t- -8 6

I I c v di .g tg I e :! { 3 t a E .s z

-9t '-1rttt'-\\1r,,

3 s 6

206 }lmdlllLa ll lolrg.dErt kb.t! id a olbr trllr onb *d! by.c Fcr. (Kft.n,2@6). tlt$uto.l I lltgr. nnn $. P.r .n Gun doig h. c€lt of Pffin, |fti., .nd $l l'|nla (Xb.n, 2m3)..


N7 Ity*odt. tnffiilarb Broed - band 8e. Sn.ka Phylum: Chodd.

OnLr: Ot||ldl. F.mlly: Col|l!dd.. fl/drEptL L!!€llll,l8{|2 Sp.cb:,ft*optlrrD.nrrlr.rlr(O.odln.l09


1. T€|l|pords verbU€, u6dt 2-3 lnbdc.tE lcal€..

2. Sup€labi.h I , !.cord in @nlrd siltr prsfronbl. hld .nd fo{d toucnh!

eyei usally e .|nall 'tun€ab" i.!b b€lween lhlrd 5nd foudh infEleblal

3. ScdB at nldbody 3&43, h66 ot p€blbl p.d of body, hesgoml, wltt a

cd{ral tub€.d€ o. lt|o t t€61, iuxtlpo.€d, o. ie€dy lmhicde.

4. V€nlral 3ot3fia, bbannab. Sno(-vont lsnglh 749750 mm, tail63-70 mm. (Khn,2006).

Do6un y€llo{i.h or graylsh, wtli 4}57 btoad co.!bar., atioul twlc. a3 bro.d a! tlpir irbrlpec€€, rlidt com€ded along \/€ntals. Haad €nldv

U.d( l|!lh a y€lk srtoat,on lsnpor.l|€qion (xh.n, 2qF)

208 (Hvdropli! mamilltir) F(t. 53. 8ro€d - bdld S€. Snl(e

N9 68.

I F E E I F s c I = I V a E

lr .9

f, i5

.9 '-'..n€'\\t/4

g a 6

210 rhb|l.nd lLut t An .dull€n fi hi||d h . .lElb .€dy td. pool n{r . |! lq Fltt dd iidd.y dt F.tury 12. r n y.y -!g|.h r|d .sr|.d t d h*nd.

Ex.nrL.tlon |tr€.Ld . |.vr|! ffi.{dr ol 0|. jari A ll\nnne l157mm, ln lengtn

6 oo|.crd h . ir.rI|ov. o!.1 on O.lo!.. 12. (tllnur,lE)


F|o|n ih lor.dri co..l, do|! pooln ra, Indb. st|a

2tl tlydrophla omafua

Reet Saa Sn.k

Phylum: Chord.t Cl.$i R.pdlh

On|!.: Ophldla F.mffy: Hydrdphndr. 4{ftop||'3L.frlll€,i102 Sp.ofo: HNnphb om.b (or.y,1B€l


l. tleed LE€, ib br..dth b.te€.n eyo. hCl or ||lfr t|5n ba|f ib l€ngth;

6busl body, nol trurkodly €longeled. diamotBr of ils podsrior hall sbout

lwico li.t of n€€k

2- Suprat.Uab 7€. !€cond in codact $ih P|s tEnttl, tlld and fo{t0| in

3. A p.t oa overlsppho anle.brtr porate.

4. Ant€dof geniab u/6ll d€v€iop€d, in cont ct wilh laci olh6r, wftllo noaw6lld€fin€d,..9ara!€d ftom €acn otB by .msll

5. Body !cah6 slitity lnbdo.ta ot iuGp.6.d. {ilh a c.n!.| tub€rcb o.

shdi k*l (Khan, 2006).

2t2 Fig . 55. R-t Se Snd{. (tFlplit cndu3)

2lt a€. r d

D I 6 I EI 6 9l i td i

6 i5 3 'd '-rrdt5-.Itt- '

aI 3

214 6. Row. ft mlfi.dv 3i|.(6.

7. V€ond. Ztg{la fifi.t E!|n€rrbIft 850-S nm, d l0l-!15

Colo' Do|lfn !r.t$, ohrac.t& o.uib. flr (b( br| o.lffi t9oL vdttm ydloyrl.ft or wtllLh. Hqd ollvrc.(i. (l$.n, 2006).

OltSolor ft r' e- fidn 0r P€nftrn Odf, elo|E cosH l(.trdf, Fr rEfif Inff' BmlHr s|lttrA 8b4 al(' e O|-E (Xh.|r aE).


215 Hydrophk spl/.lis Y.llowS.. sneke

Phylum: Chodt t od.r: ophldia Flmffy: HydnphtidB Hydrcphttaar6ttt,$02 HycLophtsspD.I.lAn!I|[,$O2l


1. H6d slighty disth.t ftom n€cr, body d6ndd and moderaiely qnpce€d.

2. Supiilabals 6{. thid and fourh or tlrtd to fih t 1 t eF_

3. Anbdor and postedor q€nials u,€ll dev€top€d and in contacl $ith €.ch otll€r.

4. Scals3 iaebly imbricale, lmooth d wlth . smalr tub€d€ or shorr keet.

5. V.nrnls 340!350, dblinct, rwic€ a! brosd as adjacent sc€tes.

6. ConsldeEbly €nlaryed pEanals 2-5. Long€st 6€a anake, snout vent l€nsth

189&1920 mm, iail 13t145 mm (KhNn, 2006).

DoBUm golden yellow !o yelloNbh g|b€n, 8c5les $i$ da* bordeB. with 35-54

dart ddpes Mlch are narow{ $an Inl€llpeces. and a€ dalk spot€d. Fhnts

,nd snlrum or body plnkbh r/vhile. Hosd In sdull enlllely yell@. In young

blaofbh. wilh a yellow ho663ho€-!hap€d malt (Khan, 2000).

2t6 Flg. 57. YChf, 8.. Snrl(. (Hyd!9|i..Pldit)

2t7 7, t

9 6 I E E 6 e 5 ! = I I 9 F s 3 5 6 ,7N'r)ft- .9

? a 3

2lt H-11.|d ]L.|n Itb|O.9-r*. n rygtl f Inb drh.t{*.B (rc:r.2ffi).

Olttlto|| I lrt- liqn t,|. Psrh qlr aal co-l P&r .lrd Init, 8|| larc., Bqbb faF|rr:b c.L5-ralr Phha- NEt 2'(n6)'.


219 Iape,''/ cutfus

Pygmy sar Sn.k

Ch.: R.ptlit Ondf Ophldh Famffy: Wdrcphlldn cenut: 4pd'|,sCr.y,lE35 Sp-b: 4Fnd. c|rfrt{Sn w,ll04


1. Body rhod, bb|ary 3longly dtp.w.d, hed, 3no.i Cigh{v dblind nom

2. Rolt.l wider lhan hlgh, find.

3. Single FF and paloark, Pen€lal. bd(!n into 5'6 .mdl !cd€6 ,1. Nilal lwrc toudll4 ! suP|lhlal e7 supr.lablab. ioud! loudlng

t Anbdor gFnHs rnlll, |iot in conirct wlh €.cft o[li, porbnor nd

6. Body loal€s -mooth or witt a c€ntl'l tub€rc|e, mal6 wnh shon spha on

lowolt roq 3+39 3l mldbody, p.a 7. V€nb.b 16+lEO, ant€rlor distinct, lrbt, Pcb rir ner}o|rsr' a ot

t0 Fig. 5€. Flg|r1y s€e.n*. (tlp€ml. ojrtt!) a". i I I 3 E E -F 6 6

I 3 = t E

I a s .E 5 6 i5 d .9 '?ri[''-*rl,

3 a r.|l.dp|{dl P{.ut-[ |.|e!t GI!€o m|l 5 3]45 rm (lcrl 2(E).

CoSf Do|||m pa. dv., !.ccnlr x b a p* y*w o|r .1d.. BH d d-t o||,. c[!r 44{5 bnntl. nErr !!4 !.fl.|4 ntl!.n rb. tL.d r5(grT .r .l'rt (fr|Ho,fl !hd( (lG.n,2m6).

O55({o|| lft|..* h- ban rufi'd fion 0r ffio Odr, ddt [r llim.$ l(.$tl c(* D.rtr.{b hh. el lri(. b l{d- ll(l|al zIE).

Irta Rrr Mic ro caph aloph k c anto da

Spotted Sm.ll-he.d Sea Snake

Ord.r: OphldL F.mffy: ttyd.!'ph d.e

c.lloat Niqocaphdophrr LGlor, tE34 sp..b: flrdocq'|.roprt c.triodr(cunth..,t86rt)


r. H€ad v€ry Bmall, n.|w, noi di.tioct fiom tons cyjindncat ned<.

2. Aody slout. lateratly compr€ssed.

3. Single p€ocular, postooutar, and tompomta.

4. Sup|Bhblalg 5-6, !€cond and thtd tr o. y !E thtd in conract wit| 0|€

piafEnt l, ru inhd anah.

5. Gonials didlnct. Blboqual

6- vlnrrala 4044€t|.lorat t€ngh 145c1800 mm, bitO$90 mm.

(Xhan, 2006).

224 FlC. 61. Spd€d Srdln€€d Se 5r*6

25 -aE.

3 ' rl 5

l- x ri 3 = t E g E

6 '-rlis='+irr, _9 I *5

226 Anlador hlr ol $e body lig ollv€ tc! y€llow abov., pale bel , with oEy lo da* dor€al brla, and a black midv6nlral lflpo. !^/hll6 po8!e or half dark oliv. above, late|llly Fllowlgh, .wilh laint lal€El bar! (Kh.n,2006).

It rang$ tdn Karacni !o Cannors, and on !h6 eal nlm od$a to Chltagong.

Reporl! t om Psnang, China, nav€ not b6!n Bubiequendy contlm.d.


Hablt.nd H.blt l

ily sp€onrell3 ftre co[ected by ftlErm€o. u3inq fiow nete ln shallor wabr winl muddy or $ndy botom. rhey reE inofLnlh,€ .nakes and never alisnPbd to blt€.

Dal€. ol coll6ctlon lN€€ frcm €arly July $rough S€plomb€r Ahhoush I a{omPld lo slacl v€nom trom [rre€ latge Indlvldusls or $ls sp€cies, I n€ver oblaln6d a d€iecl.ble amount (Mi.ion. 1966)

227 Pela'r's plalurus

Pelagic See Snake

F.mffy: Hf.,nPhii.h. Gen!.: Pelmrt oaudln, l&3 Spcl.: Pd.nlspkdrrut(Llnn{ur,'1766)

1. Hed long, narou dblincl fom neck which is nol llendor' bodv markedlv

@mple333d lalefally.

2, oE p|e and 2_3 posloculsrs antetrid tsmpo6l6 2'4 wilh 3, Supalablals O-8, wilh 1-3 Bmallint€rcElqlad eal6!, lounh h conlact

€ye or s€paratd il bv a subodht; 913 int al,ttals

4. The subequal pait! of gsnials wid€t separalsd flom each olher' in male loli€st 5. Mldbody scalgs 4+55,luxlaposed qu.dran gular' stnoolh,

row with minute tub€rol63, anals SS modeialely snlaqed lgnglh 6.Vsntral6 .{7-63, Indislinsubiable rrcm sdlacent 6cds Snout-v€nl

8qrgoo mm. tail 81100 mm-

(Khan, 2cno).

228 Fb. €3.

@ D'. ;

w I ' et 5 E

? : 5l YI I E a


rltl4 .9 ^74rF'

i 3

230 DoEum llghl yellow to c.€am, ventrum P616. doBum wlth 10_19{cal6 thick brown slrloe!.H€ed bromllh. Tail with Ud( tnd white b.l3 ot nslv,ott (Khan, 206). lLllt .nd ttrbltrt ll is a v€ry p€l69lo ! r,pld, gtacoruland an aglle dimmor. li is onen cast onto sandy b€@h6!. $net6 [ dies h€lpl6tly (Khan. 2q06)

It Engos fDm tho P€rsian Gulf Etwanl to lhs C.p€ of Good Hop€: oallwld flom c.astal Paklslan to Ndtr Z€tl.nd. tEn notltlwad t't P@dot Btv

Kaulchs0€. In Am€dcan $,atoE it h3s b€€n recod€d fom 0\o Gur of calliomla

to Ecuador (Khan, 2006).

2.ll Pregtcutfr ylpedna

Spoti.d Vlplilna S€. Snrk6

Phylum: chonlatr

F.mify: Eydnph d.o Genu: Pr.€sclGrrlYdl,l92l spoclc Pr.o8qrr.,. vhrt . (gchnldr, tl52)


1. H€ad shoc rNl(b, dbthct fqn €ct, hody mod*tdy lhLt, poGbtury lalsdy conprc$€d, lo.lrll tlli 0re. ihon p.q€

2. One, larely 3 p|€@ul.rl, 2 , occlllon.lly 1. postocular.

3. Two ant€rior, 3-4 pGl€dor tamporal.

4. Supralabiab 6 - 7, lhlrd or foudh, o. boln touchi.g €y€.

5. lnf€labials 7 - 8.

6. Geniah dislincl, sub€gual, nol touchlng 6ach olh.r,

7. Midbody s.€l€s 36 - 50, smoolh. or wllh shod l€€1, juxtapos€d.

(Khan, 20c'6).

212 Fig. 05. Spot6 Vip€dno S€5 Snake Praescrltra YP6t'e

2t1 E

*l g UI .E I n UI I I I : E .q

i5 '-7fi\s'-\\V// i I

6 3

234 8. V€nllale 233 - 280, an{€dor - mod .bod hlr 0!3 wtnh oi n.d, d6cr€€.lrq in dzo, un0l .t v€ol alqn tF .E ot adjacstr !cd.., 4 - 5 d|blEd

snout - Ent lo.lli €42 - 650|nm, i.ll 7zl - Eomm.


Oorlum g.€erih stlb, rll| a Bt xrh. of 2a - 3a lncl$old.l blod|€q tur.d

.l m6llno. Heed d.rt, l.UaL and n€ct wfth8h. tall bled (Kn.n, 2006).

H.mrd HrUd

Thb .p€de€ h.r b.€n |€c6.d€d tqn ttt l d€.k l€|r€ral mllo tsn llE op€n $6

(Kh.n, 2ooo).

Dt.tlblr!oo n l'Ee trun Psdm Gur along .trin ost auxd co5d.l Indb b sou!€m

Chln., trence lo Born€o and Ja'/a (Kh.n, 20&?). amir

215 DISCUSSION Discussion

PalGlan i3 indeed very.ich in its lsplll€ 3 biodiveFiiy. The vai6d and inler€cling composilion or lhe heQ€lofaun. ol PaklEtan iB much due lo 0|€ pecullar

Zoogsogtaphical posilion of Pakbtar which ItB at tne l€nsilional zon6 among th@ ol the aodds six m.jq zoog6ogEphiel region6, the Pel*.rctic, rhe

On6n|.l .nd the Elhiopi.n. The @ru€ry.lion ot Eplilss has b66n Eceiving consid€rablg aftenllon in €@nt yeaa. But for lhe most repliles, as wilh lhs majodty ol olh€r animals, ullimale str|ival willdepend not on legalprolscllon bul on suNival of lhs ecosyslem in wiich th6y liv€ (Falima, 2008).

In pGs€nl sludy, population st lus, dBLibulion and envirenmdlal impacls on

€plil€B in the vicinity of @sld area! ol Ktrachl, slch as ManoE S.n&pil

Hawk$bay and Cape Monze riotn 2001.2009 hav€ b€€n lo@d€d. Du ng u)€ study, 27 roptlllan .psies includi.o 3 speci€s of ma n€ ludl*, I sp€cles of llzar& and 15 speGies oI snak$ ref. .€@d€d,

Tu los

Thre€ 3pecies or madn6 turtl6s. G.€€n Turtl€ (Chelona n das), Hawkbill Turtlg

(Eptnochetys inbn.ata), and oliv6 Rldley lLepidochetys otiveaal $qe e@tded Th€ Gr€en Tunb (C mydas) wa8 r€corded lrcm all lh6 rou. studv sltes, whil€ HawbblllTurtle (E imbtc€ta) waa €coded riom Cape Monze alea only, and olive Ridley (L o/e€@) wa3 r3@d€d only in endspil at€a

236 According lo datra of 2001, Green Turtl€ was record€d ss 30.06%, Hawtsbitl

Tur{6 80.02%, and Ollve Ridley as0.O2%.In year 2002, G€enTunb @rded as 31.00%, HswksbillTunle as 0%, Oliv€ Ridley as 0.02%. In ye 2003, crcen

Tud. E6o.d€d as 30.32%. Hawksbill Turd€ 6 0-02%, Oliv€ Ridley aB 0.02%. In y€r 2o{x, G@n Tuile Fcorded .s 30.42%, Hawt6bill Trde as 0%, OIN€

Ridley as 0,02%. In y6a. 2005. cr€6n Tu.lle e@d6d a3 28.92%, Hawbbill

Tud6 as 0%, Olive Ridlsy 6s 0%, h y6ar 2006, Grc€n Turtla Ecorded as

28.37%, Hawtsbill Turll€ a3 0%, Oriv. Rldley as 0%- In y€ 2007, Gl€€n Tunb recordod as 27.80'n, Hawksbill Turtle a6 0o,4, Oliv6 Ridl6y as 0ol. In ysar 2008,

G@n Tu.tle rdordod $ 27.20%, Hawklbill Tlr o as 0%, Olive Ridley ar 0%. In y€ar 2009, Gleen Tud. @rd6d as 27.56%, Hswt3bi[ Tunle as 0%. Oli€

Gen Tur{e m3 |Md6d a5 .mm@ lhrcughoul sludy penod i.e 2001 - 2m9 at Karachl Coast, st 16 HawkEb lTunb and Olive Ridl€y we€ €corded as lar€.

Olive Rldlsy was nol iound dunng year 2005 - 200S ,nd Hawksbill Tude wa!

@rd6d only 2001 and 2003, and a@oding io obs6Nation .ner 2003, it ms not s€en from lhe Karaohi Co8Bt.

2t7 Lizards

In li:rd fauna I ep€de. including common T€e Ltard (cebr6 vstcdr. wsd/or), Spolbd Bam Gsclo lttanidactytus b@kl, Yolott B€lllod Common

House Gecko (H.rrdac{y/us tav,vt'd,s), P€Eian Hou8e G€cko (H€Ddaclyrus psrs,cus), Blotch€d Houe Ge*o (Hanidactylus triedrus), Medil€Fenean Hous6

Ge*o (HaD'daoty'rls lunrls). Blue Tsll Sand Lizard ( cartl,odacvE @ntdisl, sgoned ta6.1a (M6sriE sarron E), 5nd 8€ngal Monltd (V6r3ms b€rgal€rsrs) wer€ record€d from Mon€ta, San&pit, Hawtebay and cap€ Monze

Dunng 2001 - 2009. Blue ra Sand Lizld mB record€d ar commn, spott€d 8am G€.ko. Y6llow B€lli€d Common Hou3e Gecto. PeBl.n Hous€ G€.1(o.

Spofled Lacsrh we€ recoded as less common, whils B€ngal Monilor, Comhon

T€€ tEard, ll€dll€ran€n Hous€ G€cko, and Blolched Houss Gsko rere

E@ded aE raro, In y€ar 2002 and 2003 Conmon T€€ Ua.d wa8 nol.scoftlod

Accordlng to ooll€ot€d dala 2001, Common T@ tlzard was r€cod€d as 5.29%,

Spotted Bam G6cko as 5.83%, Yello{.b6lll€d Common Hou36 G€cko as 6 17'16' Psian Hou!€ Gscko c 4.31%, BbidEd Hd!€ G€.ko as 4 36%

Meditemnean Hous€ G€*o as 4.75%, Bl@ Tall Sand Lizard as t703%,

spotted Lacorta as 15.55%, and BongalMonilor as 1.47%

2.)E In yed 2002, Common Tree Lizard as 5.22%, Spolted Bah Geko as 6.55%.

Y6ll4-belied Common Hou* G€d(o as 611%. Pcian Hou* Gecko as

4.4(%. Blolch€d Hous€ Gecko as 4.42%. Meditemnean Hous€ Gecko a3

4.89%, Blue Tail Sand Liad a! 16.09%, sponsd La€na as 1€.59%, and

Bengal Monitor as 1 .490/6.

In year 2003, Common T@ Lizard ob6.Ned as 5.08%, Spotled Ban Gecko a5

6.5s%, Yellow-bellied Common HouB6 Gecko as 6.41%. P€rsian House Gecko as 0.51%, Blolch€d HouEe Gedo as 4.55ol0, Mednenansan House G€cko a3

5.22%, Blue T€il Sand U:ad as 16,26%, Sponed La@na a3 15.68%, a.d

8€ngal Monilor @rded as 1.51%.

In year 2004, Common Tree Liad r€cord€d as 5.350/6, Spolt€d Bah Geclo as

6.53%, Yellow-bolliod Common Hous6 Gsko as 6.44%, PoBian H@se Gecto as 4.20%, Blolch€d House Gecko as 4.72%. MedilerEnean Hous€ Geclo a3

5.42%, Bruo TEil Sand Liad as 10.04%, Spott€d tacan ai 15.75 %, and

BengalMonilor r6@ded 68 1.22 %.

In yeat 2005, Common Tree Lizrrd ob!€rved as 5.19%, Spotl€d Barn Ge.ko aE

6.82%, Yell@-belll€d Common Hdrs G€cko as 6-71%, Persian H@* GEko as 4.46%, Blot€hsd House Gec*o as 4.95%, MediGrEn€an House Gecko as

5.28%, Blu€ Tall Sa.d Liad as 16.06%, Spotled Lacorta as 1598%, and

B.ngal Mdilor obsoryed as 1 .4{l%.

219 In y6d 2000. Common Tree Liatd €cod6d as 5.11%, Spolt€d Bam Geko a6

5.79%, Yellow-bsllied Commo. Hou36 ceko as 6.95%, PeBian Ho6€ Gecko as 4.37%, Abbhed House G€cko a6 4.9€%. Mediieiianean Hou* Gsko as

5.37%, Blus Tall Sand Lizard a3 17.56%, Spotted [email protected] aE 15.58%, and

Bengal Monitor @ordsd as 1.51 %.

In y6ar 2007, Common Tree tlzdd 6cod6d as 4.88%, Spotsd Barn Gecko as

6 44od, Y6llow-bellied Common Hous€ G6cko as 6.87%, PeEian HoB6 Ge.ko as 4.56%, Blotchsd House Gecko a3 1.17%, Medilerlanean Hou8s Gecko as

5.05%, Alu€ Stnd Lizad a3 !7.45%, Spoted t.ceda .3 15.65%, and

B€ngal Monnor r€corded as 1-75%.

In y6ar 2006, Common Tle€ Lizard ob€€wsd as 4.93%, Spofied Barn Gecko as

6.49%, Yollow-b€lli€d Common Hous6 Gocko as 6.92%, P6Eian How€ G€.lo as 4.60%, Ablc,|€d Hou3e Ge.ko as 5.11%, Medilerarean Hol)s€ G€cko a3 5.09%, Alue lall Sand Lizad as t7-60%, Spotied L@da aE 15,34%, and

B6nsalMonitor €corded as 1.77%. tn year 2009, Commn lce Liad €cordsd as 4.90%, Spoflsd Batn Gecko as

6.46%. Y€llow-bellisd Common Hous6 Gecko as 6.89%, PeEian Houls G€cl(o a3 4.58%, Abbhed Hou* G€cl(o r.5.08%, M€dileranean Ho$8 Gsko as

5.0€%, Blue Tail sand Lizard as 17.51'/6, sPotled Lacerta as 1526%, and

Bengal Monilor r@ded as 1.76%.

240 Snakes

Follqi.g 11 Bpecies of sea 3nak€ viz. 8€ak.d s€a snake (Enrydrra schlslosa), Elue G€en Sea Snak€ (Hydrcphis ceurascffs), Annulal€d soa

Snake (Hydrcphis .yanocindus), Pe6ian Se. Smke (Hydrcphis /dp€nodes),

B@d Band S€a Snake lHydnphb nanna.isl, Reef Sea Snal(€ (Hydrcpfus onarus). Ydtu s@ smke (Hyd,oph,b qpt ls), Pygmy s€a snake {L€p€rna curtus), spot€d smarr Hsad€d s€a snako (M,c@aph€lopr,s crrlo,b), Pelasic s6a s.ak6 (Pelamis p/aturus), and Spotted Vip€nne sea Snak€ (Pntscul€la vDenhd) w6re 6@ded rm Manor., Sandgplt, Hawkesbay and Cap€ Monzs arsas. whlle on€ l€ffesldal snak€, Blotcnad Diadein Snak€ (Spna/€rosoph's dtadaDa diadrDa) ms ako r@ded LoB the.€ rour sij€.

3 sp€cl€3 viz. Cliff Racer (P/a&caps rnodoEchis), Ssw-scalsd Vlp€r (E hts canhdlls) and glact Cob6 {Nala ,a/b) r€ro r€cod€d tom Manora, Hawkesbay and C.p€ Monze aeas only. The maln reason ror then .b€ncs lrom Sandspil s€ems lo b€ lalge scale distubancs du3 to humn population and vilito|s in he a@. Sanddpit is a picnic poinl, .nd lot ot p.oples rere visil€d lhi3 poinl eGy t€ar. All snak$ wsr€ r€coded as rar€.

In year 2oo1 cliff R@r wss re@ded as 0%, Blotched Diaden Snake as

0.06%, Black Cob6 as O-02%, Sfl-scal€d Mper as 0.04%, Beak€d Sea Snake

241 aB 0.41'16, Blus Gl€€n S€a Snake as 0.39%, Annuttted Sea Snake as 058%,

P6Fian sea Snaks as 0.19%, Bro€d Band Sea Snak€ as 0.31% , R€et S€e

Snake as O.7l%, Ysllow sea snak6 s3 0.85%. Pysmy Soa Snake as 0.19%,

Spoftod s|nall H€.ded Se SEke as 0,34%, Pelagic S€a Snak€ as 0.31%, and

Soofied Vio€rins Sea Snaks le@rded * 0.58%.

ln lhe ved 2002. Cl[f Rac€r was rscord€d as 0%, Blolched Diadem snak€ a3

0.66%, Blac* Cob€ as 0%, Saw€cal€d Viper as 0.02%, Beaked S€a Snako as

0.37%, Blue G@n sea snake as 0.2€%, Annurated S€t Snake as 0.54%.

PsGbn Sea Snah as 0.11%, Broad Band Sea Snake aa 0.23%, Rsol Sea

Snake as 0.49%. Yollow Sea Snaks as 0.66%, Pygmy Ssa Snake as 0.16%,

Spolt€d Small Hsad€d Sea Snake as 0.42%, Pelagic S€a Snake as 0.37%, and

Sooited vio€nne S€a Snaks bcord€d ai 0.66%.

In yed 2003, Cliff Racer was recor&d as 0.02%, Blolch€d Diadd Snafs as

0.11%. Black Cobra as o%. Sa*scslsd Vipd as 0%, Bsak€d sea Snake ag

0.23%. Blus Gr.en Sea Snake a3 0.30%, Annulated Soa Snak. s 0'{'l%,

P€Bian Sea Snake as o.l3%, Broad Band Sea snako as 0.20%, Reol Se,

snake s O-39%, Yellow S€a Snak€ $ 0.62%, Pysmy Sea Snate * o 13%,

Spolted Small Hoaded S€a Snaks as 0.20%, Pelagic S€a Snake as 0 51%, and

SDotted vipenns S€a Snake €@rd€d as 0.41%.

242 In year 2004, Clitr R@r w63 @rd6d a3 0.06%. Btotched Diadom Snake re.6

a.0 t6%, Elek Cobrs a. 0%, Saw-scat€d Mp€r as 00,6, Beaked S€a Snak€ as

0.13%, Blue Grc€n Ser snale as 0.31%, Annutgt6d S€a Snate as 0.15%.

PeEian Ssa Smke aE 0.13%, Bload Band S€a Snaks as 0.33%. Ref S6a

Soake a3 0.49%, Y€llow s6a Snak€ .s 0.47%, Pygmy Ssa Snake as 0.24%,

Spotled Small H@ded Sea Snake as 0.27%, Petagtc S€a S.aks as 0.SB%, .nd

Spoted Vip6 ne Sea Snak6 Fcorded as 0.42%.

l. year 2005, cln Raer ws @rd6d .s o.o3%, abbhed oiadm snako a3

0.15%, Black Cob€ as 0.02%, saw-scated Vips aB 0.06%, Beated Sea Snak6

as 0.17%, Alus Gre€n 56. Snake aB 0.37%, Annutated Sea Snrke as 0.19%,

Pe€ian Sea Snake as 0.17%, Aoad aand sea Snake as O3ger, Reer S€a

snake as 0.48%, Yellow S6. Snaks as 0.39%, Pygmy Sea Snale €s 0.28%,

Spotted Small H6ad6d Sea Snak€ as 0.28%, P€taqic Sea Snatc as 0.59'/6, and

Spotled Vlp€ n€ Sea Snak€ ccod€d a3 0.49%.

In ye 2O(b, Clifi Rac6r wa Ecod€d as 010%. gtotched Oiadd Snake a3

0.21%, Black CobE a3 0.02%, Saw-Ecaled Vjper as 0.21%, Be.k€d Sea Snak€ as 0.12%, Blue Gcen S€a Snake ai 0.42%, Annuhled sea snaks as 0.23%.

PeBian s6a Snal€ a3 0.12%, Broad Band S€a as 0.510,6, Ref S6a

Snake a3 0.49%, Yellow Sea Snake .3 0.38%, Pygmy Sea Sna|e as 0.31%,

Spotled Smrll Headed Sea Snake as 0.23%, Pelagic s€a snak6 as 0.38%. and

Spotlod vip€ n€ Sea Snak6 Ecord€d as 0.57%.

241 In year 2007, Clifl Raer was €@d€d s 0.10%, Btorched Diadom snake as

0.20olo, Blact Cobra aB 0.16%, Saw.setod Viper as 0,14%, Boaked Sea Snak€ as 0.42%. Blw G€en Ssa Snake as 0.48%. Annul.ted sea snake as 0.2:t%.

PeBian S€a Snake aB 0.14%, Broad B€nd Sea as 0.42%, Ret S€a s.ake as 0.52%, Yettow S.a snak€ as 0.42%, pygmy Sea Snake as 0.36%,

Spotlsd Snan H€eded 565 Snate a3 0.36 %, petagic Sea Snatro as O.5O%, and

Spolled vipedn€ sea Snak6 €cord€d as 0.46%.

In yed 2008, Clifi Reer wa6 |sded as O.1O%, Btoiched oiadem Snake a3

0.20%, Bhck Cobra as 0.16%, Saw-sel6d Vips as 0.14%, Aeakod Sea Snat(e a3 0.42%, Blu€ Gleen S€a Snate as 0.a8%, Annutaled S€a Snak6 as O.Z4%,

P€reian Sea Snake a3 0.14%, Broad Bsnd S€a Snake as 0.42%. Re6t S€a snake a3 0.52%. Yellow S6a Snake as 0.42%, pygmy Sea Snak6 as 0.36%,

Spoll€d SmallHdaded S6a Snats as 0.36 %, Petasic S€a Snat(6 a6 O.S0%, and

Spotled Vip€.ins S€a Snak6 r€corded rs 0.46%.

h year 2009, Cliif Rac* wa3 record€d as 0.10%. Btotched Diadsm Snak€ aE

0-20%. Bl.cft CobE as 0.16%, Saw*.al€d Mpsr a! 0.14%, Beated Sea Snak€ a3 0.42016, Blu6 G€sn Sea Snak6 aB 0.4a%, Anoutar€d Ssa Snate a6 0.24%,

Pelsian S€a Snake as 0.14%, Broad Band Sea Snake as 0.42%. R€€r S€a snake as 0.52%, Yellow S€a Snake a! 0.42%, Pygmy sea smke 6 0.36%.

244 Spolisd Small Hoadod S@ Snako a3 0.30 %, P.lagac Sea Snake a.0.50%, and and Spoltad Vlp€.ino S€3 Snal(€ r6coftl€d .3 0.u16%. oudng 2001 - 2009, P€Blan S€a Snate, Annurai6d 56. sBI€, Bloloh€d

Olsd.m Snsl(€. Ydld S3a€, AUe Gr€€. S€a Snak6, RE€l S€! Snak ,

B@d Band soa Snok8, B€€k€d S€a Snat6, Pygmy S€a Snaks, Spon d

VlFdne S€a Snak6, Spo{6d Smell Hsed.d S6a Snak6, and P6legic S6a Snak6

Sa*scal€d ViP€r war rocord€d a3 E6 ap€cl€€ dudng 2001. 2002, 20C5 lo

2007, whll6 in y€.r8 2003 - 2004. ll rN€a nol l€cod€d. Black cobE m! |@d€d a! rsle In y€ar 2001, 2005 lo 2009, bul in y€6r 2002 lo 200.1, ll vla. nol ot'i€ €d. Cliff R.6r wa nol obloflsd dudng 2oot ,nd 2002. wnlb dudng 2003 lo 2009 al Caps MonE, 5nd in yoar 200e, Mon€ra and Sandlprl, il Ms

All Dadn€ $ak63 ar€ pobomus (Khan. 2006), 5nd in lhs sllxty aBa3. onry lwo ter€3td6l non - oobono$ !o€

$/€r€ Fcord€d dudng lh€ 2007 - 2009. whil€ lwo l€r€8lriai Poisono(,s ep€d€a viz- Blad( Coba End Srw€cahd Vio€r s,s€ allo rBcod€d.

Th6 dl lpoll€d fm th6 groun

27b July up lo middl€ or AWu.t 2003 c5u!€d 3€w pollulion and !€dd3

245 snvironmenlal damag63. lt %s carrying 07,000 tona ol dude dl. The spill

@us€d mior disasl$ afier lhe oil t nk6r b.oken into lwo on 14n Ar,qu3l 2003. lt haB afi€ct€d 14Km ol Cliflon beach Including rh6 S€a Vi* apantnent and

Shn€€n Jinnah Colony elsa3 (Sindh Wildlite Departmont, 2004). Studi6 etr6.dy m.d6 in G6pecl ol oll lpill and the deletedous eflect6 on physiolosical activiti€s on mari.e o.qanBms particularly the tunbs have prd€d thar skin leslorc and conllnuous @ntacl of morphological parts hav€ le8ultsd into carclnosonols etr6d3 ullimately ,BUIing in lhe death ot animal. The doliciencl ol oryg€n in

€aMlor and prolonged ana6rc6ic G€plration may also .BUtt in produ.lion ot loxic prcducis, which wlll cause d€ath of animal. Ths nomat activity or olt lo ashil.le and diq8l 3€a r€€d which b tho prtncipal to.d of th6e anim.ts may hav6 also resulled inlo de.reas€d in hmoE production in tl|e system which inton Wll €lad lhe biologlc€l activities ot lhsse wond,srfut marine cre6rJl6s. lt is also l6aEd lhat homonal activi9 comlng out of €sldual oit spitt prcducss abnom.l d€veloprnenl in lhe dad63 re€ulting into abnomat deEtopmni of int€rlilo €ggs. Thus lho normal production witt be afi€ct€d, I\4ovement ol crud€ oil sltl€d In lhe s€dlmenlB ol sea b6d due to change ln current or tldo aner momoon hom erstem coasl lowa,& w€stem coasl which arc nesling .nd reoding grounds ot Gl€€n and Oliv€ Ridl€y Tunbs would al6o an anoths o€rlous

€nvtK'nmenlar di$sl€r (Sindh Wildlif6 Dop€r|menl, 2004)

Eggs lald dunng $e p€dod of oil spill hatcn€d in Octobq and Novernb€| qoite

.omally d6v6lop6d halchlings within a€Ege incubalion p6 od ot 42 - 45 days.

246 rlfl€ dcad suppo..dt 0€H turt€! vrr! |lponed by bc.t on oct 28, 2003.

.nd lwo Green Turlle! vr€r3 oble €d on Nov 4, 2003 .t Clnon b€ech, but th.y w!.. .6moved by .orn€ on€ from lho .pol. A dead ep€clmon of Oliw Rldley

Td€ ms ioond .l Clloi bea.h o.r Nov 5. 20@ at'l1.3OrD col€d.d trcn w.l€t h los tid.. ll bok rd aa af€.bd by o'ud€ oilDy vl.{al otc€lvadom. Th. t!!u$ were s€nt to N8tonal lmflut€ ot o$rnog€phy toi hydfocadon analy3lr, bul lt ll,as nol p.6rlble to eElyre, .. t|€ .pochr€n vid! v6ry muct| d@y€d. .nd raur unr|lom. PopuLlb. of Oli€ Rirl€y b d€.:&]hg !inc. Ld iew F.l!. Ody 6 t male O!i!€ Rirl€y Tu.tls have b€€n obBa|€d for bring 69!3, on dunng llo y€.r 1999 and 2000 !.oh wnere .6 lour In 2001. N€ltlng ol Ollv€ Rldl€y tunb ha3 Dot b€e{ rih6.3.d tor the hl ttvo F!r! (Sirdn IM|(|IE D6p€fir€nl, 2qX).

247 Environmental lmpacts

Habitat Degradadon

Accodhg lo ob3eMrion a.d surueF durlng lh€ 2002 - 2009,lhere ar€ 36dous th€ab 8spe{ially ro ma ne tunbs, wnib Lizads ar€ abo afiec1€d by nabitat deg6d.lion and dtrrturb.@, htl I b r €ry mimr thEd. Th4 is ere mo.taliry of 86ngal Mondor hav6 b6n reorded dudng ttE road d83ing.

Set 3ntl(e3 a€ leas! alle.Ld by t!$e hclors as lhey ars s€ldom encounhr€d along lho 3€a coast. Th6y ac enianglod in ti6hem6. n€tB bll ae r€l.a8€d when

Human aoliviii.s thal dlr€c{y or indnodly thr€al€n ma.ine luriles includ6 lhe elplollation ol €g$ and turtles, ftnery-r€laiod modallly, inapptoprial€ managdn€nl p|actice8, d€.lruction or modficalion ol habihls, polluton, and

Khan or al (2009) conducled a ba.slin€ study lo €vrluale lne $lrogenic

aclivili€s using /r-v'lrD y€$l estlogenlc 3c€en In s€locled Ramsar ell€. and

C€el arsas, and leporLd lhd nigh$l ollrosEnic aclivily has b€d l@d€d al

cr*k arc.. The s4ag6 dl..haqe tom Maln and Layi Rlvers is calsing big 1036

to lish nuB€ry ground and lhs mangrove to6l. Indu3ldal Pollll.nli aI€ also

248 diBcharg€d ln li€ ma.ins waler, which prcduce high @n@nhalion of lead and non in ml€r and fishes. The oil 3pills wih in@a* oil lank€ra nafrc, spills e$d by redgen@ and marin6lramporl in lhe a.ea glw€ous state on

Ab$nce oflolld wate DbDo.rl

Ihe Hawisbay and Sandspn be4hes, conconlrated along one 5km slr.lch but sxtending in .om€ degree along the enii6 beach stdp pf arcund 20km the!€ lwo bsaches rep€.enl lh€ larsesl nelins habilal for maine ludles In Pakislan wi6re lh. dominanl r€sidonl turtle is th6 grsn tu.lle. Due lo varloG activid€s, lhis habilal ls no lhr€alen€d. In ilF ab€€n€ ol any efeclive and legulal neach cl€anup and garbags dispos.l sysldn, boaches ofren contain larye amounts or beach lilier. Gre€n tudles eat a wide vadgly of ma n6 littd such ar pl.stic bag8, plaslic slyroJoem pl6cas, balloons and plaslic pellets. Ef€cb of consumption include inle,lerenco In metabolbm or gul tunclid, ev6n al ld lev€b ot ingeslion as rell a3 abEorptlon ot loxic by-producb. In addition, garbage atLacls PEdatoB like dogs and crd&/gulls in |arge numb€rs lhal lhs pc€ a diGcl t'Fa! 1o lhe lurlle eg$ / halchlings.

Pregtly, beacitm.l (bwlop.nenl b limit€d lo lh€ @relruclion ol b@ch huls

How4er, land uBe violaliorc ben obE€N€d wnh a numb€t ol huts

ex@eding the limib ol land usag€ aE d€loribed in law. Thb iE r*ulllng in ihe

249 €duclion of availabl€ nosling habitat ol turllss. Land pr.viously u*d by lurtles ior neding ha3 b€€n built upon a.d h6ne sp6ce lor tunb nssling is n*

sMbly Estdcled. Nighl use of huts is cmmon. Use ot llghlening in lt'e

night [email protected]. female from n66ling and €ue halchllngs lo b6@me

disorienlad b€caGe thsy inlensively h€ad towads llle brighl€st ho.lzon, which

should b€ lhe moonlil ocean- B€ach front lighlening imtead cau$ them to

dasorient and wand€r inland, wneo they onon die ot d€hydration or p€dation.

Ot oreal concern lhese days b tho l$ue ot construction d6bds rrcm n€dy

@nstruct€d and unlEed/unprctect6d huls ihal has been nolic€d el various

l@atioft on the b6a.h6. The debris @n alt€. lh€ b€ach h.bitat, hamper or

deter n6ting atl.mpts as well as int€def€ with lhe in@ballon ot eggs and the

emeqsnco ol hal€hlings. sand oxcavalod duang lne Prcc€ss 6bo hav€ shown

that when beachos are nourished by pumplng, t ucklng or olh6.wtse deposiling

sand on a b€ach lo Gda@ what has b€€n lo6t due to nalural erosion prcess or

physhal emoval. it can n€gativsly impact sea turU*. ll lh€ sand is too

@npacted lor lhe tudles 1o n61 in or it ths $nd imported E draslicallv diferent

lrom native b€aoh sediments, lhe n€srsiie *lection, diggi.g behavior,

incubation, t€rnoe6ture and the moBtu€ conient of nesls ie 6ff6ct6d Th€reforo

it is feh ihat activiti€s such as sand lomoval @ld have ircveBible adveF€

impact6 on th€ tudle nsting hattlat al lh6 Hawtsbay and Sandspil beachB

Thes€ land u3€ p6cti@ are allo alleoung th6 lizards of the tr€a, but thiB is a

minor Ihr€at as lh6 liadB ar€ more re3lrict6d lo landwad site

.150 RECOfl[^|{oAno A

1. DeElop. manag€ phn ior .lp0l.! on Karachi Coesl wilhln tha

@niext or lhe ov.tall d.wloDmont pollcl../plam lhal would hclude

@nmqcid, recreallonal and loclal &v€lopment and analysiB ot the

2. SanGpn, Hawte$ey A€.ch lhould b6 d€.lgnatsd as ms.i.€ p.oted.d

ar€as psd.trlally ro{ r€plil€. .nd mln.lEd aocordingly.

3- hvonc l@l drnuniltb! h tt |rd€mdtta06n or Ey'ilian nanag€rstl

4. Rab€ local s|sn€.! of tlo odre odlnrty valu€3 of l€Plil€s and need for

heir protectlon. Dov€hg .n .war.ns8 m.dl. campaign via eleclonic

and pdnt nEdie for con$wltlon .nd prct clion or FpUle3 on Kauchi

5. Develop livellhood opporlunltl€. for locll communili* like ecoloudsm

based on marine tur{€r wslchlng.

251 CONCLUSION CONCLUSION unb. lh. pr..€nl ddy, diolrlbu{on ..d .omnt ltaht! of ropdl€. ws d.t rmln€d .loig f€r&hl co-I, Th6 6trdy war conduct€d durhg th. p.dod

2001- 20@ and lh3 dat wr. coll€ct€d on fou Gpr€s€nbtw dtes along 0|€ cosl vi2.€. Sandlpft, Heu|||lb€y lnd Cap€ Mo.z€-

Du.inq U. p€nod 2001- 2009. lot l 27 rpochs of |€pdl€! compdlting ot 3 m.lln6 tud€., I lE d4 and 15 .nd(€! u,..8 r€oo(hd. Out ot tn€!€, 2 !p!ch! r!€rE ccnmon, 3 !p€d33 rI€|E h$ coftmoa, .nd 22 lD€der v/ett r.E.

Th€ conc€ntdon of mann turu€! x/e €cod€d on th€ b€.ch6. of H.wte! b€y

,ftd etd lt'.!€ aEq. .t6 t4€ n€.t{E ground ot Gr.€o tudo and Oflv.

Rirloy. G|!€n luru€ b comrlon, wl i€ l|6 On/o Rldloy b now v€ry taro.

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272 Publications

1. Kian, M.2.. Husin, B. and Ghalib,S. A.2005. curenl Scatus oflhe Replilian Fauna along Karachl Co.d wth spsial R€iBr€nce to Manne Turtres J nat. hlet. wildl. ,(2)127-130.

2. GoE, M.A., Ahmad, E.,All, O. M., Culloch, R. M., Hasnain, S. A., Hussain, 8., lqbal, P., Xiani, S., l,tacl€od, C. D, PalEoru, E. c. M., Siddiqui, P. J, O.mond, R. F. and Waqas, U. 2007. Cuvier beaked whate, Ziphius cavtrcstts, Emalns recov€red on lh€ Pakbtan Coasl. JMBA2- Biodivecity

3. Gore, M.A., Ahmad, E.,At, A. M., Culloch, R. M., Ham€€d, S., Hasnain, S. A, Hussain,8., Kiani, S.. Shaik, N., Siddlqui, P. J. and Ornond. R. F 2007. Spqm Whale, Pnysele. mdocspirtus, slEnding on lhe Pakistani C@st. J. Mar. 8iol. A$. UK 87i 363 - 3s.

4. Rowat.0., Gore. M.4.. Baloch, B.8., blam.z., Ahmad, E, Ali, Q- M, culloch. R. M.. Hameed. S.. H.snai.,S.A., Hussain,9., Kaani,S., Siddiqui, P. J., Omond, R. F., Henn, N. and Khan, M.2007 Newtecord8 or n@nalal and luvenlb wnab.nsi<3 (Rhlrcodot 4pus) ircm lhe Indian ocean. Envio.BiolFishDol 10. 1007/3 1064-007-9280_2

5. Khan, M.2.. Ghalib.S. A. and Hu$ain, B.2009 SlaiB an

O.waq6,U.,Gorc, M.a., HLEsin,B.,.nd Kiani S 2009 Fishins @nrrnunitr€s and cetaceans in Pakkt n, P@€dings Indian oc€an Cctaean Symposiom. Maldiv6,18-20 July 2009 Madn€ R64rch cenrls. lunds Publietion) LIST OF PT'BLICATIONS r o,r hkr.lirdr vor.{,N0.1 rrtJlo-?00s P!b|i.hdbyllEscsPioo|hbdaioiv


rB$d Jsv.d Mdmild zrrF |(hr. rlsii rld Alr Gh b D.rnlmr oazolos (wildrir. !'d F'iEis)

wirh Fu'd l('d oara. ]^.]3'v'KPID'N|..l1.Fled.B.^41(di.7,'50'vodd rcNle P.lls


s6dle.eiM r-rdqdEdbr6rn tu.ft ;ia ftd d rE,*-thft .3 n'nd k'd!dik&dbt'Lriq xqdkdic-'qffi'se4iB

&r..hiib a s ri. sl'nh fn adodib dt h€ (rrilod.&^l!F..6orrfu'db.r..'.'h.K.nvlddly raed mlr rtuh ar. rh ]d or dirIdr dtrdEl td clidr d!r!i,i'. n: d ,q ir ri6n ti. FLri-r (rk@ 4r'dgt d ri ft Alin E8b (Liiv! d .r.. 2oD, Pi(b b roir doa odis hr. rtr.drqir| dr* (nrc1i- brffi'bn'Fn!hlr.F,',|.|io.o{c6 Ridr'l r4ldo.rdr oltu). Erj{ Fddr I kEti d h - iiFd d l' cr.r'. hi-fi. tbfuE|yans!id!pi'@(|fini(GhdibJd flis d crr hiiE I'di lpaid zrin. rer6; |(.hji d Edon, re3.). cr.t rly a6 ltitlrdE'ddr..dr h tl]. eid dd 6nmE rr ft rukr d mr {..i4 *i6 !t'-,lErbo|d||hPdih'fuirl..dtB t'ioi.||yilTotb''.Fir.GGriqh|'ndi'h. "imhr.d|Esd'itG' l|o.m!m''rndFFi$din?dJ''rtn.).Ed H.vbh.r rn O0. Mdu. A dntd or db hla M'h'i lsd.r d s.a* Tunk kr.'i .d$ird: dtnhrd ro rlE idt okor of P*nr':Ol tE orrib a. !r b ruco, d3 Fr Fr, P..iE||l MdlFi. (z-lID Mr.6 I 1166l $$ tn Mia lrct6.Efi). r,ur, d! F r os zror: Ni'., d- r99) tn dl.. (|'16), rrYr ( rg'tr). fida! (lllnl R|ltu d d. ft Tt$ T$iTud* bLiar ?niIFG. (rolr[20m {2Gl). (b rd xd. lzuB ) rid ri.r (trx ) t di!td.FddFy@|'r@|99|)'MFmlh- r t $rrd 500 d F ra Gh..nj|t|[n, nl!, tfthn|ih,d?c]mrsn&F.i'dya|yii MATIruAI AXD METflI)6 ri. Oulr .t nribid. rd @ibrt I an d di'64 d ri. s d GndmFrl|. l'93t 06 iunrB^id!M !!o d h hri.b Grco [a F )6 L..rid d r(nhi d aM nd'd 6 crF nod rer c^imr rdn (su'd.mi d d,2({lr).^r. @'T|*'to|il6waot..n.dinen.b.,didai|id L.rddc, {<1000 d F Fe T.iFdrt d .r, $ri ft i.lp ot fi.ld 3riil .Fd dn* i!d4 Dith 2(m).id ri. Aiddi nd Nicot( Itlli& (>lfin ab vi.|!ldil.....lldlvic.chv,r'do|h. E. Hn 4 .r. 2mD, sn I'rr (D.&t d SrmrFvi^tu' 1932). nd ti. Mrdrs (F-rr d 'r', rE8o|.r€ lxD D6CUS$OX Th.'.limimrya*y.|oi!r{didEEb|i. @ffi or2? nDdh' Fa. mi! ir.l'da.$eia $!. fiici h6 .*dir orer rird.n, Ti..€nie oa ruim Mk a Fi6 or [rd. d lr acci. or M? Storar t{5 Dr6uib. ol Gd tud.


Ji|6oldE.ehiufiirrad|idddnl cbvh||r'.nEq|r.dndLyfonL Ji'-DE2ll9 ;..;*-,r'it otui'rB n m croh.rrv |}.Ge.gs1.ci6d'ffiiEfu,6:e!E.. ftl*'in!P.sjaioolddkydEkgGeai

ndk' mrnsi H,Pr6 Brv lld o|n. ndLY rnh (r?pte4r dir@) n mrr , rlieo' Edcd 'e ori! rmr dE sdd ad HNkdh{v b.-i6 d rhc Kehr ds.Id4i*sbql&IIu[5dMKh4d

s unr. Klbllii rd Fndod Oes) 4oned b'i sei odor'(mmru n {./'.l;r nlnao Fplrlioo 6'in3 d Nrh' tud i 5 tn Edry@n{,rdv ;'( *ik' *" r" Ma dc - 'h.n '*k ". m{ ot" l.l.l4'-4}'6)md&o|it.,idh'fuil.ll.p',d'.,}' inrrc lat|ldb&r tunl. rs c rsrd r & a;!(?d (arE r9e) trr fl**rbill iunk idi:rm mf Mlb'nr virhc. |L.didh/ys o!i@&,

.lllrmtrd tod h kdi d srlo$id.d (Fi. hftE^tiME@ddplftcPh'fuE||' "'6oratr ir sdF(- Fer-l srh rl: gn hd|'k[dln.clo.('d'i'Lrim'.nid'ia!"r Fi b..n. Two rdii! tirhs6 e rocd iD & i,.fu-cdr,.dblic rbl@ i"B&r-dtu..d'm |ltEEdnP€'nns.dpluH|?r,t.ybc|F 'n snQciwtbrv Hqd.iqd|4@

dadnd!'b or ri. dd! F6nd 4. (sbib.d mnfMk'ddllliEbad'|'rlcndmiys'..i.3 or rirdr rnd s srka {ruc , 2e) ^|t.pei.o.mliEdrif ioD, ad !e .d'ie b b. hnrt adoid b/l'unm'8deeffi,d|No{Ed'3.d fo4ii!tibkrsicFd|h'ft38@n |i*d!.d$,.'!dby'E|fuiqdUoiotr'qtk Uiiv.6d|'.1||?sFamdpdim|il (rucN) rod, rrd lsd

din! bah6. odFr thd irlo& eiiad ftnru|oh*.dn!r.flk$in''!{'aliditrllihs 4d h.ii, fdEd b e |6 si!h|. h.:dH' F,9! .'g!.dd0.!dddof.!$adidll'\l!byfot4do$ 'Etidhnu n b. dd.d d d.nYld B dr uftuery rr s rdr.{ tiar 4 d dlida.d hi8hry tuinbl. r4oodbt.'Fighdfur!g'l'uinuhg' ri M$r r'd. prtu h.E ldtr fi.ioofbnl.s666bhcrsiaFDtJ.i ^Ni rng rm tu of .s$ d iur4!nd by othhtEl€'gwjl!d'f.Lc'sirun|6G'ir4 .*d!tfdl..@ h 6ctffi. dk . 'ud r*''d! njr &ffi 4.i4 c!'n!4 |!ft d 'k 'c @.6mi'bbqFbld^ C.mnitfti6in.bytrE'*bF! !,dc|bof||lllnilod|dsod*d^d aioG.s|rc{EGfclhcldF4ii|.db.ubdE 0OsE ), Mtr Tdrlc Mfftu drU'iasni,c i,6ri6 dins ro rk ros d *ld ft |lq {r td hh..Odhnd..onINEPinB4Lot.Tlt}tsxrrl rrn, F. rt133. MrnE 3fik6 0r F.Ilsb. REd& 7^r. D.rc|o'd'lUcNsidhgmmE,rMi*2]

l.dqii. rn ri'doa F. ree.. Mih orbn|4 Hr*r6r.r^M, rn $rd{il Prris. Pldd r.Fi. wwf th riM m !*.ur ro * Ejz dil{ r).*'y rtn.ii c.ffir .n s)d Hei'. Phrid M:I4d *wFP*[Drd6li'pd'^ri llioE8iolqi& 2a?): 2r | 2r9

Gx.dnnt sioqi& 8: a ra. ft|i.Ms'dx,fukfn.dkrybftAn'hi6'li|.

andrtuilrdNicotuship.hgo.cor NDPsrdr. F!j.d R.pcn MdE cndi. &ik rfle. hifu'Fi6'Asa3ympcju**d*l'oemNim .idpo9J|nioD'cids'cqqta0Mi!n6}sFci6' Mhb. s4.1966. A ddh,Em b & tr,Fdq*r .i mdddwr!i.!orcM'.ct|Er,68''Ucl!' sE^ru€c.A54NRlld*dri


$nd.nj. wsF.. rcr'ur. r. rd s€Eh*. s. rrr. $1 chrrlb. SA. md aidi, ssH. 1976. obsyrio! m 6r r!nL,droi!rhcctrn .sLK&ih'F5,!2.r4 $ru/ rd b€dis d hrnm dnhl ot (!xr'i.*l Tdr'R.19|'friip'immdrcUnh@trffiniol as'isrruc Prri'!' 27( r): rr.e6 chitb. sA, R$ns. H.. rfi.r F od fildn, s^ 196. Tipdhy, 3.. clndhq. 3c ^clcrf"oldERclibdEd.R6-zd|'sW' s. d suFjno ,. !ljr. ldo!i!'n'd'g.r23:|Gl6 t Bd2 '&iod,EEiry RMds

Cuvier's beaked whale, Z,Dhius ccvr','ostris, r?maiis aeco!€red on the Ptkista:ric64st HA Gores. EArh.dl. a M Air,kM,c,{ar1s^ Hudhr D Hssrrt P\b:1 .c,M nddn,r. f', si&]!Jl, R F om., r. ii,l !.Yr'451 ;;*G-u;cr*-.i'h, uJ*-*u *ou* *.u tNF.'.dh!8- d!!oho '

..dne.[4r.drod'.lMil'.b'l!cdq:!.&li&'urfu' .*i i,i *. -.*am n**1 ft!; L bwd or B dss6n h de .|ditfutuirtuhir4,b4h' '6d.


rlrb!od6v&itu.d - r!edco'!.frtbkre!,arrr4trf*

|d!'!ff6gfuroi.3fud&6!j r;t&-!|dea laHturd4crid hr!:r *rr( zrib ddd. c,w F8,b d. iEcmrdB dretb d rdd:, t"n 6r! o E n q43ad o

o{'btr&@ b'!.Ehitr6lnB|fl6ncN6 hlfuP! or & kt tu &Jrd4h eiolrl'-en he b (ddd 4erd urdtu ed?D dpdHr) ztu r,t 6m f6iM rd Ed6turt6i4$ dft ME o*E d!. er) a. n turrd ($crhn M).&6 ,hdhr s! r!. irdeebrn5rdr ({r! rsra) ri d! Anls sa (r:r$a & Ftu rs4 h Hbo4rdtsd/&trc{h<4

MArrRr/lr A|:) {ffiroDs zdtu M @ h dry i.diri 6 rFda bd ncm b *dr by J! rthdv!" rirli

rr1.6 dddo^ d! tur d z aftd! r rhinr nwlr dntrtk . brhi hhrd Ihi o 6. Ddiv lbd xdc s b b. itond d. .nihl ro+rcld/ dom {rqr.T :o0r). 'reh olDeis|bifu6n|q!.b,![hrl tu 014|4 tu04 hdMddr zatu! ,iah vsdr d .' d. rrurc c 'ih 'ett

Adr(&!E ri.eFrtdn.ddrdrera$wnfoo!ta ( (c.&acor$ar;l A(b \cc4 6n ik&r) n ad6 ,613 r5r.F oi i t!i! ,0o( dd4 : E@ nriehqr.rhra|qrdyiitu dilhd'o,lyNid!E6qeM |^kdiotl!b.qBqddd

34dd u.ideond E d ui{ renr { r 0u Fr 6inni.d a zlh{ tu b' c.oi ry8"i! rhi Prdcf*toloel,

4tu tu h u *bE$d eFrL ddq iM4 { doqtr b Fd ru6 dd& e n de!' b& ,00 n riq'! n6didaolFdnE6,44bl4 M). htun ! obd ee) lgd bd6F|trqrd.tB@Gll@<+blq,l.hd|0x

b@d n ft lld dh rdu D.rq *hki:dtdtr ! rqr tr.rh n!+dEbu'{JJnb.|'€ bM6fmr'ddy4rdrdMctud!i*nlark'ki6xkdad. ie) trq & d. dr d e @d! a{ ddd b€ didd d *n! d & r,! rhGt!bie!"6Fdt&Di're&ur",retro.r,srdirid!6rci:t r4fur.urcd lbhrli!E!116q*sdzffi6i$sr.l6'.i:l6ll!hil*n+!d e €m lida rd h h.+.e oerowi d! Gs\6.,,6jj!,.r irlx-e ('u4 owDiGJ !!.fu rrdiE d ddr jdr@*rlerh te (|dnt@D!c. 4o.r2,!:aa:t.:..). rnq&nodfuhbdd**

corld:td@ryh'dfud d0Dd*|'bdrq&6i4|ffi

:nrrprbMr6,,u0l&6 @!rr'4 felfE) r.b vr . E!d! r...h tu4oj164a fr6.5.&-ru(ko,o3 ch-rts L0r)!@rtddb G69

46u!"!.qik.ld'!1.'uj'd'' uudftc|td(iredrtF! dd|,sh|.ec|4rr*(l sFb (2@. t@a ::@t 100!) usym bd r rtn rD' idn o@r. d a{r 'kb ne. ird. i"loo+r';. {.r@. N dd'ioofet.h{l6,ftE(mriff fuMtthldq.dt6 q , rl'rcr rFtr d diirar hdt ffi e;;ntu!dr.6erhdr trrbs.ter!'twkbhbdrrrd.od c'tudo d j-rr. rs 6<{d) sdrs4*rtsdqxi|rilt!rytqft ;i--*.!-bdddFdgb({bdF{ro:rt !d*rh& ;*dArb'dtrLk*'n!e nt.r d.dd |lry !'.ta'td < i'i! e!..d-;'db bdr tu td. |*b d6fr €d ;' de h,U ElG d s dF (t*.!b dr"L0': 6' dl ddr |'@ rn .si6r.r r'f,t' 6 d cdl )-rcd dd. (!l.l!fu d!*ta d;!i.d'i..$*dd*o -;!q*ddrdlladtud|lhdd.rtrdrr

llrtsE|4ltF'fu+i'!@ ir'$.dhdrri4tjqfu-d6.iFr'd rdf,c.ordr^ ry'dr i did d t d tf h i .dt4 eEfl!'dbfuffil!ft ds*'rda'....).!E&nh

*4dni+*dd|{trr ilcdrdiaddr.vdi hrNd!e!i-rfucLx.6*rr-iFn *c,rEM,kdic.l!@ q b6h4.*d!lFlu4kBgqEi4A! .4rf, .crl-d^tEqsiw.1dd(!f6(l.ddt:lt4atuL [email protected][dFar.u!dd.ti45 &l-'*dlB|*oc.edhgiP. hd{

M.A. Corc!, E. Ahmd , Q,M. Ati!, R.M cu!rcht, s }tamed!, s A. Hdnainr, R. Husinr, s. (ibir, N. shaik,, pJ. stdd&uir .Dd RF orondx

rcqi+d|ts a4.x.. -ri rEi@{!<#d

sr'r _ li" t- *.b! l^* ,,* * 4,&t bL h,&d@ llrfffuu@-rna^ft|dsdfufupryl h.E|-" d*q{', e ifr .! "diMdqJ|'-o; .

-Fd,b, & sre,.6&M- ;r\. -d!.1!Lhii'&,E'."rd'h.s-."d;b"qD "dr

nE@, ii..44,rriiid r, ri( |,,! *,;hq6. 'ft qonq 4 0&db e;6Ft n.r.4\6 ldr sFirEbbqlh'r{s.d+!Fllft @b,Mr!.8nd6&M,6tt|Nnu# @d|h!F.E&1&l4{fudritd!fu!kh r;,e t@re^4"ede_ FFFII q;d - q rud-d b 6d r !,p- tu,'ftq ne F;i" n* r ,hd I h F. h_ _d" hh, .-F sd; .s,; "^",th,-. "^ Nei-d d. Mr",",bd,;d iibznndi(liu!futq$dfu'':6n 6cltrofutfu{bol6trdibiab"*i

-.4ft.r!fu. *d" hurq cl6 !s h trq\ .r e ,L qr '*lrFl|lbl!i'ddm.'M&iih!LiF${[.ryd4ut& toi +o'* & d.-; -.-Fb&",-.i n. b-,, FP'ti"d;'

!{tN!4id&d,286: ..: hs" *. * *;; I:J|TTI",, j.|li fu "..e'u",."&'.."4.;; I'i !i,r. dd4.4 *ert 4r ud|MoIa6dI,rg!'.a'!nd!E4q!:l)|k- r€d!{h6adcrE&qi4.fu4@dduy sdd|Fl@'de&'eiE+*dd rr te dd di E Pdu i err & ii. .s d+d {.*v b!M,&rdidrnt^Ii4b4 @r).L c@rld, $!s@dldgibdd4ho$igdd+Ld@l !0o0rdddydeFs!|bon!M!ljteidy!4 r@nql N s. !r4r4 d&i dq rer ur,,niv eqii i\tulrrhrhtuberhtel':bid rrdiit eh&6rdiltait@$!&.d &eadn(klful:|fu tui4;ib4hh d rIbag4s6llFi!dbF@lFr !dirlo'lj}ldGr,'e'cqsdeF(*Dd', FddFedn,4n$ddu]lffuFsdqy rilh vbrd !e. t!ry d irh4 &6,nr d t{c rgt !i0 @ $etuq, d vLtu r dD ld {- ri l|ufui&ra!sdbdL&d,!@ds[6 ddi}qG'laeldsbtblej4{!..fulq! NM M |e2Pq*d tqdM,1 tv. f .:oerJ c D , iiu6 dr fr.rd 6i d.dr3 rr |@ n @ ra€, sft ! r di'ajsg d i4dd|@'e'kr&!u|lildJ;%!4/a'4!'$'. byd4bP'\?eddafirydq:b4ijt.e s@c'*',r9dl6!,@;a4es 3Fdtceb ,.ed-4!E s &{v!trl]l4 &ia&3b!. d!6.eht!4d&:4fu&Ae e Gn e4 at !4 d4 b bd ,o dabrq.nddePded't!l|Idq,6{dr'ril.*,6d Mx&kad'**eDo|Phn6i&i'!fu*!' l|B, rNl, solc 4d $d 6i!r! 0sr) lls dd h try4et i dl siqFnrplqshpiu'|!dcli)lld6 tu {* w. F;i n r), !F !d1 F6!ld'bbcfuekig06!s@el '6:rr rrelhfsml}d[F|Ifue*"i-r&ll)!6 (btr.s:'dlE.!gryn'i.fdtfu@ tu tsJ-r006 rq4d! t& M

J-dtte*4@,1*.e&-M New records of neonatll and iuvenlle whale sharks Ehlrrcodon tlpas) frxrn the Indian Ocean

D, Rdrt.E a CoF.& B, ttu.Z l.lft ' l. a, Irt e. nL cnn! h. S. Rrnid^l'o!d. .s, A, H.rnrh^[. . 8, Fus.ln .S. Krdi . J. Slddlqol P- r. ordDnd N H€tro.M, Llrn

d€6rgi4?/^4dB,dye osFnlas!furgdElM&B'v4?

Ablilrd In rndiq of naad ltn! .hds t r llonhft lndib o.a M.a 6trol P*itu @d B$gld€h .d e d.*riptjd o{ *vqd v?r .r:n Sh@ 1936, $. nunba dr *d derilins d. eh||. !h.*s nm Md s4rldE duiiS d. rd @ of*nlk rbrk i,te!e&i ,p4, he tib ew y* e r!o'!d. Th.F tudir'$ fr dirosd &|dd€lly fi.h dc rz0 E{& 6lhbd by wqlaor inio|r$onhpubli.t..lrcponso'gfttr1hdd'ihe 0es6). G'obany r or!@ N iow krft 6 ffiorffiud,.lEgdionby'ol..dlh. h$r gsnd 9olubrioB'sb.' of .nla. ![i'Nr .r.d n6r cf b.hNio[of}eryytr!lijeshs*!9hichctc-n {E la'rbdG ..n rie sb.tu trD6 I ro i2 D in ndo. i! $.n (Mi6 -*s4t .h!. &e i@hd. rndid Gs rh. $rJ Sa air (E kd a r 2t$r, Nilgrroo in qr.h ,(@lie Gryld lesei rrylor leea: Mala d rr. 20051, sN'h K.'ftrd6 B.hrvjou tl$i6 Pnila,ty afri6 (Bekrsy .i.l lgen, B.L!e G{.)le d d odh nr. P,kLb, s4.h.n6 t00l), sa oa Co@ (E.lrd,Dd SrMn !0r1, L:

D.I!M(AI M^e Rv.6tud Rra''d


€*a_. P4 M*ico (o,n sd Ner.on rceT). aDr or 6r .r TL sp*iF$ -'.und div. i rh! s'mh or r 'h. Maio oroiinnrE.r !1. !ro5i HeEd.i l00t .nd bl! rn{in, .tkt ,'ldd, dr Mdddls in t9er fim rhe Indn! os, (Lraceur !!d ahnEl leeri O. c6flh, .dntl mnutrldjoi trc ciEd in Row4 1997; Pdvin 20001 Htft. 20ol) hctudhg colffi) 197) l\b otrd v@ ,.?.n d non e P*itu (nq Htrsi4 Kioii G!64 p6Jn|l frpidr Gurayw l9t). oe @Ld dun i6). \\aii. d'! nueb* or offid bts deDa^ndic d,m ?mo n .nd tu orh6 ir dE s'ud oa.'dd bre !hr*, Pr,'@:ro!.r' b 1993, 161u6'ra in s ndd tum |l* {ih ol,h | qft leotld b b. Yimiq sith . rLdffi rc d*'6ir.s '! EE rd tulldd (Prvin'a? ?000i whda .hr* 0f 5.5 ft o1r lr?hinia ldri. (xJnhl* noE @acy fron m$ wLe. rh.€ h*. nffi ber Pillai 193) ?:d r .inilt @ffis ,s *DoIr.d Ead.d ftbdic (l{cl@ d 20oq 3dd.s'r d d. tlD rf4.l@. Inddn Auhli! {ill t! YNg 2007). D6pjE n iffi. 'Iii d. *:rh 3la ol oeumc, ec"v fd F.d'{s disi of n66h! vhlrc Oplotubrii direvdid ol speciij* oa i.ombl rbdi d juq 6 < n h bs,ll rhis is otldtoLtr dffi itr {! &dc?d oa o.:rur hd qionn ruitre pm8@. in Pakis ard Bdeldah du'ig .@Mdd liiridi€ * pdddllpurpli3 !!d d!* inBiss ei$ ro.rl tuhm$ Bd filhlie u'noririd .iy ffi $y unrrb{iist L. !r'pd_r.d by s'lnopt li llkil4 wc al'o ('o,l,m!d rh€ fidinct or*!d g6iodivi'L'nEpluolyorffhiDidldandl.G ju€ila nl€$riD8 l,s dn I s rj- 6.6 rsM $. ftDoning or'ny seh sighridg3 \tlEbb s.y.hell* In P.kilh durjds i .w.y ol u. Tn td disL-r .i i lnr r.d rll@ ftrry B|le$s6 @ ir rthiy 1006, t l*atll b dd.loFd .ntt rnic whak :h|& u tum m €g fi$n 6. CJffidio! Plkirh Psjd 4 hvled fM 1&prh or57 h in ile Culforr{.xle condud€d lnrdi*s *ii\ Fkr,in-z aud'ddric 6d (Btu ret4; BrlstF rerr). r* 35 cn btrt wft btn ol. : dau. 0rNo l.mbl $bilc $!nr Lngd (lL) .D*ryo w.s foind ro hiv. !b$*:d ! rh. sbd3 i6i bs cdrnl in 20oo I fthire d oF lqr ms of r[{ ino dE ruoNd lnoo3ht snftrnnt of odtrA or n\. B"letitu codr, f3l-ish nE b &p!..r d* ynu4 *rr* ar sE lim (R!id lr5?: sh!*i @ :rp0*d ty sill 6 rtiiig ; d. bc cui& 1961). wor$! ddib.d 3 ftdE sG !0o d in rn ed or're thlr 2{,0 f d4dr . Dditu juv.nile \iEL &h{r $eimdt dleis in ste itn 25"0?"N, 6r'i5"q !b.ui l0 ki cfshoe or d. 5J 6 e3 m rL (wol6.n l$rl .r1 a$1 h Flai. O@ h.ddd TrE d ha r *.Pt sLlvdg FlB FiE frldyopdriN. n@ @ id'n itr $. sn d *iih i!€ 1000 n d.pdr d@r only l0 tn Adbdc and lN in rb. Pai6o des rhoE tc s M!y, lkls rdSr@d i\e dilb.ris m'tin3r or b.d mgls l6n 2600 n b 4t50 m. n 6 or rlt dt tu .ndl sh.i! a *h'1. slerk ed o 'tfus sFd!fl, dsis n 6 59 b 6r m TL d tt'd t b lad i4!d.d dEii 6x.r O{t of6?sn*!u6 ftinl vibllii. sai ml*ing 6€ !@h66r of l[e yoll. prHl€d in rom.iin by th. Fishdi* D.p@tnoq m ri di!+9a3 si'hh r ld tugrr of binh in Ol@(Fir l:,b), *h!1. c[ frE oftu 0e !p*$B o{w.l&sobuci! (D AnbEy 196q. {hl6dd ,!o k nd ;,sa llnld i.Fn6s nidr fi: nirss lfu*€d rhn shiL h.r d.&liprion of the *h .oidrdd tnd lhiL leg. rl'de r:,fl|j hsd b.d !m jivhi]. lElp.d 6 pnvid. ixnxM6D rrt ii tlr fi d Lt Gaior rN tr6c r@ shal. d 'itr -:epN siF ! bid\ t@ w nd Ede orsbtrs bdd I H ft. fis\* !i6 n?d{ $* ]b. vlry 3d,ll si? dd4BrLO!or*o0 l93) ft.opb€iaret5orr )fth. M n6Bbl whaL shlk qugh. {a uniqu. s sFid r.mL sh:* ot or r'ivs (tou8 d 1996) $d dlaEE. Tr. pnp pERd . 53.6 d IL dia.d d dis tDcE i ovriipeta, '1.dinirg rd. (rig h) Td il* v;dA @ dE'$ rd by {$.'t rt leiib.tophio }@is vidin rh? ltn aldiig s.l36 we s 0 .{ (Fis 1b). No{* ve P8!' nrdhr deloDnar. Oa 6. rhE. :ir ds .f ed d* pEsE ol , i&ilir. .d o{B nor b. psrbl sl€*r c\-r|.d, n* L+Fl 159 ro 64 .n coDEF"i Disseri.i 1!) \a E!+ryiffiiis nd v iriolr i Flk4- b did ahirb{ i vndl r g', uu n\. .uha sseM rh! h B$Bl.,ldh *! MsiE rrft Alli!44 Coolllq rt* pa@ @ ddy b i. bllh.d Inft e rd 6 n$md d fi, cat$ of a N: lly rDli othd rr@ orvdy )rury nhdlt sh!!k! etsa Nhrle shsk in Lfs.h ,m6. Tt! i!..i*n i'ai h .t'rftFgdtu'edF

F d'. L€l 6.h !'rd ti 6e rM ofcoxt B.a fi'r E.'d of im'br *hrh 3k'* fi.n rh. B1y of bf by'r rh. rid. asfh.R r[. \rd B.isar. r k of ior dd rh! 3rr* B stbFi h 'dve4 s.dnn b@ sld- ltut$ ,ih & 6nar Esl.d s,( !5i. L{rd *hiL rtc P.ritu prF @ lta itr F.!dr} pup hBd bd cnShr didis ! fidhiry filh I'r r sdcy of orSdi?dioir iNolv.d i! whlL shrk 15 17 Mr* 2006, h r id b€eid rao rfl o6hd divid4 rid bod jndi. !d B.*ld€h of6.Mofco:tB'''Th.3'.d!.Ei|ddy i'djdd lt' Jaur''gd! b Meh rc Fl( m.,d! of dad d d. nd v6 Ecov.E! and m h.ffid d ,b're lbllk ewtu (ndwd ,0011. rr€ bdnD r.!l f ]1. rr. |d *|n rh. d w *r tu ir &hrt il,a 6rcry. whidr clsxd i! el. h'd rer ,h rw !6 0f l0 b 20 s do$ br sa cro$ b pdiflbny div. 6!n lr&n b Miy ofi rhl rcnn. wd oui of cujd (Pd6 2o0q saft. 200r) 6ntu4 M llth D6bB or {b'b sln:rc we he.Dlswfulndiaocaa']'ot.fuin. pffii dftugho( rt Ndhh liitrn osr duhs Cdlfliioo [email protected] strth.[c! hrv. Ecod.d dc drbrias or<1 b Eh *!tl(3 ofiolsqFlElle. TIE Bodl cf lh6! !@ I1dd ceMr ?!pd b h.vr fdsdcr l.J n ii sardba 199q ofrorN.E. v3h. b4d 1i.m Elaiivlly .h.llow wa@. simils b A. Gas|l o5&dio Ro{d)! i God !!p or t.3 m hs;ed rt4td 6brc i?da.d by Bmr (Bls s Edd.d by €i,l ilasy of oi s.w' M*\. in 19J4). ftis di&t s.rir 60 dcpin. nm wNct s cebq 200s, uE ldah d!€ 6fr@!n by Fner6 juv.ulla d.$ib.d br wdsd (1933) iid Kukrycr ro r objd F&.d d6t 6. rhin rld ba oglt At th€: le €pG }ft 'ndudni 099t 3ishiitrg ofr <2 h Pls x6 io Mry 2007i ofroflrlr hy gDe*inq {hich is I sll or d dddhg Foo Frafr O.naEl oLqartm n nn). A rd!d' aB- fi. suln.c b 100-rr0 nr, th. uturl d.p$ of.+dd dodlIadofiF4pofcl)JbwEpdGdilnI nsioil&.^l|{j.n@b]€p6w$v..ye6 dlving tip ofiofN.w. M,n. in L-.mb.r 20C6. dr.. wa* a in rh. No Epotu d.Mid.d h6e, or .{l nol.d.6oq of [GLF vh.h lhrdr, oDry d$ qa tud. 0v. L.? mE (wblcon t$3; rJhtlv pddl!!dmldlllQkh.Ebel,eccd l99t, suggabu .bd l@d lhj. rtu'i<. frlru6t pEviollyl]'.l&Eenuhb.Iofaduxqhgksfuk l.lmlly $rb th& rh.ii olde mi.Feifs. a3r.gAd6 Loh fim 16. l i6 o€r obk srinilr b *: sdd whrk shnk dNlt or or 1939; A'd6od bd Abr.n t99l Trylor 1994: P*i't4 $e kg.j {d *o b}.. nd l(echi in B€iLy .hL l97i Edft. !997! Rowd 1997i Aiein Nov.ibd 191t, n)t@hg l26t D rwo.d ls9{). 2(rm; M.!*m d rL 2t{i) pmrd @sed rhd riR Su.h 1,4. lbrt mir !turion LE it is b b. $ould b. rpop aion of i6abl |hdk tulwh.E r:p.ded r}! dro 6d ol ned.ll ,h!b sn!J*!, b ois qim Tr* dis.ev 06 of P*itu of . or lid. ..l:lffilil €luc, .@ld *it 3o oll,.d.d^$Id'ofPlblcE'o*Fd!.diuI ieflfut ! it i, rlE 6d ld 6i3 dd ud i! dso llc pup bad ben clught in I'dia ofi ol0re r.udr.wd fd irdLdrh rhr n€ spdi€ Sinht il s. |'dn1@ cN of vj'nsjM. I(4h {r'lr.nruB 1002) rh: lndi,b O€r nE 6pM film Brn3lrd6h b .l:. {'c sir6 b $. Chhl Miile Fid.n.! i6rds or this $, c16, mry b. du. b inid.qumis Isnibc (c],1ri, 3' rriruviu.bFl4 *kc n incldii'i.'d316c6!di]'glts!e€'!hl3. $div.d jn $on :4utiun e.a. rrhe ab$e of 6k siz. clas rtilE! rb. ktud gflll6i tlqd.d rdiously h'd b.n t disniblrion, llis mry u. in &rd ol pedt6 'll|1..!'r& by d.rcnel.s: 3. r j h lpkibd m3!.1 ofi or !ar&.d .u+ o: aoid,ne ldr\ionr th4. fr.ll, 'h! Medrp.n Ol,nn'lvu Ie36 ciGd in hvi' 20{o). ,*s *yins od or dr8d d d.qE d.tei d Naflbr qbL .trtu e rhougk b h*. li!'iol ro Dor *ily fohd. rhj8 6rld & a si@ins rhiliri6 @mpcd r. juvdilc 6d ddb @[ or rda*] ebl^lrhariEti r\iloptlr {i6 6par b (!l1sin 2m4 Nonnl qh.L shldc hav. d .id. ruppirs gsb,rs s found ii odld sha'k sP$cs g'ed body with r lhi:lt h.@l @d.l 5i (ce lq4ii Hollld d .1. r93: SinP6,&ria ri (csick r964i \rb!ftor lesri Klhrrd leer) vq Mil',d r99ri Kohlq ard Turo 200r: Hu.rd d d :i'nik b @mEl li3a s\.*g d,radr'o ei4 2001t vri.h $y {16 lirr $. di*ihutiotr ord).33 vhich hM d iMln:i4i esiillin)n winnjig dok. (Bmdetur d aL resr), thu, n'r. ig 6oidl vhtrr {r doo f4 $. b.l of siShr{s dr (bjr ah{k ard d.da dss or I to ofplps of

A mntbd of std. sp.ci6 !rv. b+n shotn 6 z. 66b! I, *fu' E 0005) tu MaE dnibn philopdy d vdioc 6c i! tFir lG.qcL ^doli|nedFts'gdiqjp'fu!o'6.!Ee'idb G,iei sd ran 2001: P4i e3 cui6 200ti sifl .r i 2oor; Hue.: J. ZCs). Th. r8g€idon or wh.l. shuts h 39aifo 6ies ha 6UoLr.d ri'. n'*4,'].'s$ffidof6.d"dd[$.. inpldodm of d . dd M$tE !bdi6 !i.r !au4 c, cridc, snd. Mr,6tsFo LN i1e1 Ree: e berimhg b :h6v Lit rhk ip4* 5l$ .tittis g!*dli3l'4d{lt!!'ills,!!rAne Frdfiir y ta ..d ,c. ItciFr pl,ilopdv, l!€el) ofjwmilc bd6 (APo$'tuh.t il. 2c0l; M.:*etr |'E!}l4r'bl1.lH.'!

3e s, sbfu 3 e@D uhla 0d ldh h*i!3 d lfuth'']shsck.r.@ bb r, MrM I Y.]1@ K Nrhrlr K (dr Fie de(dbli,dr+(16ae!fu&ttu fudJ^Fo9a),e@|fur6@efu'ddoy Pd rr cfi6 Jc (1@r) A dd d dlm&Ed ds6frFd.sdhUsNdMul|Jlo r?deinEewbvldl.eddy64.trs. fui.Robfro00')^9Eiaei4@drc Grb@ei @ sd rs)d.dr!|'d.*iE h6P@e))w6dt&hd,@idtu d![obiddad6.F!4kqJ'j0 Rdd c( ($r) E!]!@r rq!4y d h !0ba. !r!t dliqird4'?anM'c4.i.,1'l! kr D 0et) s.rddB tE !d rBb. Frd-eh (drcdGi4dtuHcbd!kk Fjd crdl rtu r:ro {!r!e vr', cnh & Kd! B, b!6. s e6D ftn. 6!, D (r@7) ldb od' 'd: sh @!lEG r a. iMqoo.MGff)q+!ddrblddM 16r€ q. tu 6. shdly 4 (e) lld &* tud&tutrGrM4@)6&d (hgtrsqd]dL.E!!kgJH [email protected]'l41b!'rdFB,v!|'M €@o atr4d@ dlqd! vh! dd (krr&a' rF) 6 6! dd rdioe d Dieli ffi8bl Fa o F) Er r0 r00r rdr{o€r4l |llftrE n+r r,0.nds.bryDB{e) Edb sish&r' cA FEd NE (!4) udM! &r cqd dlnrl4qi!|.6dii{l|.dGbfrd6F b'6lilqdl,deo'ftnnfo6@|ii @ftdsei!'ij!.4]v6!BiolFilyJ'r{ s6 Dw, N{r 4 v.dd D €@D Mdm6 d dYiry ddGjfuEdlrdL!ddhb4t.h&. fud4l'dfu&olfo.l,&iE!e l)fujs4bd@l*d@d@ 6fugh:bbt6!dld6Flqi*dd h4droisq ther p r4-4, arrd G osel rb. iie d Nryho bi rvd6 r@s s, ch cr, ad 4 hid s, Hw {_rP oet ssrr !4ridq $r4 *1r asr!: 151u tuec4ridor,Lrb!.hre rqha(e)+d.3w r4-& e!@srde @&pdn6.'@'@6!is sr6 F r (r4rJ ki. .r $6 jM b!o:*iii! (ob6 N& rb PA (rur) srnr | ah{ oi vorDo rff 0n6) olsnDd d ftd. sd eirer'6 'sii& l!1llffix (d)dbjlrfuotu6r&!\ei+54P,sd.6iLtdr,e&tuidit xlidiri s{re3)oi rtu * eie tF! tu rdlrdotqr s.e di@ rotsr, F @26 ,@i@id6'i!yo4kriJilbfhs,ls w6d cL 0 e0) A6d hE d ka sdne rq v*r