Blue Hills Collaborative The of St. Anne, St. Pius X, and Most Precious Blood

Faith Formation Parent Handbook 2016 – 2017

We, the faith community of the Blue Hills Collaborative, are committed to reflecting God’s unconditional love for all. Dear Families,

Welcome to the Blue Hills Collaborative. Our parishes support parents as the primary educators of their children and take seriously the privilege and responsibility to assist them in the faith formation of their children. The goal of each lesson for each grade is to teach as Jesus taught – He is at the heart of all .

In order that all families have a chance to attend Mass at their own as a family and still take advantage of parish-based catechesis, the Blue Hills Collaborative is now offering multiple choices for faith formation on Sundays.

 Group 1 (K-8/English): 8:45 – 10:00 am @ Collaborative Center  Group 2 (K-8/English): 10:00 – 11:15 am @ Collaborative Center  Group 3 (9-10/Confirmation Prep): 12:30 – 2:00 pm @ Collaborative Center  Group 4 (K-2/Creole): 3:30 – 4:45 pm @ MPB Lower Hall This handbook serves as both a guide and informational tool for parents. It explains the mission and goals of the Faith Formation Program, provides parish information, contact information, sacramental, class and curriculum information as well as the programs provided for the safety and security of your child. We are blessed to have dedicated catechists who are the backbone of the program. We are most grateful for their commitment, dedication and, most importantly, their faith.

Parents are encouraged to talk with the catechists and to bring any concerns or questions to the attention of the Faith Formation Coordinator.

May the Holy Spirit be with us in all that we do this year as we guide, direct and teach our children by word and example in the Catholic faith.

Rev. Ronald Coyne, Pastor Stephen A. May, Director of Ministries Sheila Farley, Faith Formation Coordinator



Fr. Ronald Coyne, Pastor Fr. Charles Madi-Okin, Parochial Vicar John Matthews, Finance & Operations Manager Stephen A. May, Director of Ministries Karen King, Office Manager David Jenkins, Director of Music Sheila Farley, Faith Formation Coordinator Ana Chavez, Staff Support Patricia Grant, Staff Support


20 Como Road Readville, MA 02136

Phone: 857.342.9500 Fax: 617.361.8021



St. Anne’s Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am (Family Mass on faith formation days) 11:30 am St. Pius X Saturday 4:00 pm

Sunday 10:30 am (includes Children’s Liturgy of the Word) Most Precious Blood Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am (includes Children’s Liturgy of the Word) 5:00 pm (Creole)

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION St. Anne’s/St. Pius X Saturday 3:00 – 3:30 pm Anytime By appointment Most Precious Blood Saturday Before the 5:30 pm mass, by request Anytime By appointment


“Education in the faith by the parents should begin in the child’s earliest years. This already happens when family members help one another to grow in faith by the witness of a Christian life in keeping with the gospel. Family catechesis precedes, accompanies, and enriches other forms of instruction in the faith. Parents have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to discover their vocation as children of God. The parish is the Eucharistic community and the heart of the liturgical life of Christian families; it is a privileged place for the catechesis of children and parents.” - Catechism of the , ¶2226

When faith is reduced to a subject (as in a classroom at school), the power of the Holy Spirit is stifled. Catholicism is not a subject; it is a way of life. In other words, faith is about culture. Our goal for faith formation here at the parishes of the Blue Hills Collaborative is to transcend the status quo and bring the living spirit of faith into the lives of our parishioners. Our faith is not an idea about truth, God, heaven, etc. It is an encounter with a person, the living and glorified, Resurrected Christ. In order to stress this living encounter, we are intentionally steering our language away from "religious education," and especially "CCD" (since Vatican II ended in 1965, parishes no longer maintain ). Faith is caught not taught. When we do teach it, the goal of our catechetical leaders is to bring their own living and vital relationship with Christ into the classroom. We do not teach the faith, we share it. We prefer the word “formation” over “education,” since mere knowledge is never enough. First, we must personally be formed in the Catholic way of life. By living our faith (making it the animating principal of our culture), our religious knowledge is given a face, and our relationship with Christ grows. Only then can we effectively pass it on.

Mission Statement The Blue Hills Collaborative Faith Formation Program is an essential part of the mission of our parishes. The parishes support the parents of the children, who are the primary teachers of the faith. The goal of the program is to form the students to be disciples of Jesus Christ, capable of living life with Catholic-Christian values. The program is rooted in the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist where the entire parish draws strength from both word and

5 Sacrament. The Faith Formation Program is intended for the children of our parish who attend schools that do not provide formal faith formation. Because we use a “whole community” catechesis model, the Faith Formation Program provides educational opportunities for the parents, as well.

Goals of Faith Formation To promote and encourage:  Proclamation of the Good News as revealed through Jesus Christ;  Worship of God through private and liturgical prayer;  Service to the Christian and entire world community; and  Parents in their role as primary catechists of their children.


Baptism It is expected that all children enrolled in the Faith Formation Program have been baptized. Children who wish to become baptized Roman Catholics may also enter the program. Parents must contact the Faith Formation Coordinator to arrange time for instruction and preparation for their . Parents of children in grade 3 and above, who have not received the Sacraments of Reconciliation or First Holy Communion, must contact the Faith Formation Coordinator to arrange time for instruction and preparation to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. While these sacraments are traditionally conferred in Grade 2, that is merely the earliest year and any year is truly acceptable.

First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Students must complete Faith Formation Grade 1 before entering Faith Formation Grade 2. Preparing for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion is the primary focus of the Grade 2 curriculum. However, as mentioned above, the Blue Hills Collaborative is happy to provide sacramental curriculum to anyone in Grade 2 or older.

6 The Importance of Bringing Children to Holy Mass Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” - Mt 19: 14

When we bring our children to Holy Mass, we are bringing our children (as well as ourselves) to Jesus, to His perfect Sacrifice offered to God the Father for the of the human race. We are bringing them to Jesus – Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. We are bringing them to the fountain of grace flowing from His Paschal Mystery! Don’t miss the grace!

1. Bring them and keep bringing them – be consistent. It is the greatest privilege this side of heaven. 2. If possible, sit close to the front. It is usually the easiest place to find seat and easier for the kids to check out what is happening on the altar without the distractions of the other parishioners. 3. “Try to get to Mass a little ahead of time and stay a few minutes after – prayer, looking over readings, prayer after Mass” – Paul VI. 4. Use common sense in terms of noise – do not be too quick to jump if there is some very “light” noise or murmuring, (they are children, not adults). But if your baby is wailing or your child is “out of control,” you may bring him/her to the vestibule. 5. It is best to leave the toys at home. If they need their blanket, that’s fine (and quiet). If they must have something else, maybe a colorful Bible book or book on a , or, better yet, on the Mass. Bottles are okay and often necessary. Please do not bring food into the church. 6. Teach your children about the parts of the Mass, especially what happens at the Consecration! The better we learn it and the more faithful we are, the better we will be able to teach our children. Start young and stay at it. Sometimes it might not seem like they are getting it at all, but they will probably get a lot more than we realize and surprise us from time to time. Note: The more prayerful and faithful that we are, the more pre-disposed we will be to tap into the tremendous graces that are available to us in the Mass and the better able we will be to communicate the faith to our children. 7. Teach them to bless themselves with holy water and to genuflect toward the tabernacle (since it contains the Blessed Sacrament) when entering or leaving the Church. We should not expect them to just learn this on

7 their own, but we need to teach them over, and over, and over, and over, and over again, with the utmost patience. 8. Teach them about the parts of the Church, e.g. tabernacle, stories on stained glass windows, altar, crucifix, baptismal fonts, etc. 9. Don’t let the Mass be the only time they pray or that they see you pray. Minimally, there should be family prayer together each day at meal times and before bed. Optimally, families should also pray in the morning and at other appropriate times. 10. Children should learn the “standard” prayers, e.g. Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, etc. It is good to also have some brief spontaneous prayer (such as prayers of thanksgiving) and some singing. The Church has always said: “Lex orandi, lex credendi.” Roughly translated this means, “The way we pray, reflects the way we believe.” 11. Patience is crucial. Always attempt a balance between an appropriate firmness, so that the children learn boundaries and proper behavior, and a certain and appropriate “light-heartedness.” We want children to learn their faith, but also to love it. If they love it, they are more likely to want to learn more about it and practice it for the “long-haul” and vice versa. 12. Consider encouraging younger children to participate in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word, or in the special roles for children at the Family Mass. These times when the Mass focuses just on them will provide children with opportunities to take ownership of their experience and to have more fun at Mass. 13. Don’t speak disrespectfully of the Mass, the Church, the clergy, the homily, etc. This sets a bad example for the children and can eventually, in later years, lead to them being cynical about belief in God. 14. If the is greeting the people after Mass, bring the children to say hello to him. 15. Try to attend Mass at the time that is best for the children. This will also make things easier on you, and everyone will be happier. 16. Try to make the entirety of the Lord’s Day a day of prayer to, and worship of, God. Also, make Sundays a family time, and, as much as possible, a peaceful, unhurried time. 17. Persevere, Persevere, Persevere, Persevere, and Persevere!!!

8 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Beginning September 25, 2016, Most Precious Blood and St. Pius X will begin to offer a Children’s Liturgy of the Word at their Sunday morning masses. At these masses, children gather with their families in the church for the introductory rites of the Mass. After the opening song, the children, together with their leaders, are called forward and given a blessing. Then, a Children’s Lectionary is held up by a child, chosen earlier as the Leader of the Day, who leads the others downstairs to the church hall. When the children have gathered, an adult leader reads the scripture of the day from the Children’s Lectionary, which uses vocabulary more easily understood by young children. The scriptures are explored through reflection discussion, along with another appropriate, but brief activity. Immediately following the Profession of Faith and Prayer of the Faithful, the children will return to the main body of the church for the liturgy of the Eucharist with their families. Depending on the availability of volunteers, we hope to offer this alternative for children year round, except on holidays, like Christmas and Easter. The two masses that will offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word are: • Most Precious Blood, 9:00 am Mass • St. Pius X, 10:30 am Mass Since St. Anne has no space to send the children, we will continue with the 9 am Family Mass format, using Readings and Gospels from the Children’s Lectionary. After School Program Because there is no longer faith formation offered on Tuesdays, the Blue Hills Collaborative is exploring the opportunity to provide a no-cost after- school program for children K-8 at the Collaborative Center, where children would have a safe place to hang out, play with their friends, do homework, etc. If you would be interested in: 1) Volunteering to supervise/assist children with homework, 2) Being a teen volunteer, grades 9-12 (community service credit), to supervise/assist children with homework, or 3) Sending your child to such a program,

9 Please go to our website,, and fill out the After School Program form. We will keep you informed as this program moves closer to reality. Without enough volunteers and children to attend, we will not pursue this program.

SUNDAY FAITH FORMATION Arrival/Dismissal Children participating in Groups 1-2 will be dropped off and picked up in the gymnasium. If children arrive early, there will be adults and teens to keep them occupied until each class begins. Once class ends, children will be returned to the gymnasium to await pick-up by a family member. Parents MUST come inside the building to pick up their children. We can no longer allow children to run into the parking lot to meet their parents at their car. Group 3 Confirmation Prep students can be dropped off at the door or come to the Center by themselves, but will assemble in the gymnasium. Children in Group 4 will be dropped off and picked up inside the Lower Church Hall of Most Precious Blood.

Children must arrive before the beginning of class. At the scheduled start time, catechists will greet their students and escort them to their classroom (Group 4 stays in Lower Church Hall). When each class ends, the catechists will escort the students back to the gymnasium where they will meet their parent/guardian. If the adult has not arrived, the child will stay in the gymnasium until he or she arrives. No child will leave the building without an adult. We ask you to be considerate of our staff and catechists’ schedule and arrive on time to pick up your child.

Attendance Regular attendance is essential to your child’s development and learning in the Faith Formation Program. We do understand, however, that there may be situations that prevent a child from attending class such as sickness, an injury, or a family commitment. Still, children are expected to attend every class.

10 If your child will not be attending class, please contact your child’s catechist or the Faith Formation Coordinator via text, email, or voice mail, providing your child’s name, grade and reason for their absence.

All work missed during an absence is the responsibility of the parent to work with their child. The catechist and Faith Formation Coordinator will review the lessons missed and prepare the necessary lessons for the parents. Parents are asked to contact the Faith Formation Coordinator to make arrangements for a child who has a long-term disability or illness.

Class Cancellation In the event of inclement weather, please watch for the cancellation on the home page of our website, as well as on Channels 4, 5, 7, and NECN on the morning of class. The catechists will attempt to contact families if classes are cancelled. Please do not call the Collaborative Center.

Respectful Behavior It is expected that children will come to class ready and prepared to learn and to participate in the class discussions in a thoughtful, prayerful and respectful manner. If a child becomes disruptive, he/she will be asked to leave and must meet with the Faith Formation Coordinator to complete the lesson. If the behavior continues, the parent will be asked to accompany the child to class. It is expected that all children will demonstrate age- appropriate self-control at all time, refrain from yelling or using foul language, refrain from running in the hallways, demonstrate respect of other children and adults, refrain from writing on desks, tables, chairs, or walls, etc.

Health and Safety Information on students who have health issues, allergies, or are on medications must be noted on the registration form. Parents must notify the Faith Formation Coordinator of these and any other health issues.

11 Child Safety Program The Archdiocese of Boston mandates that every parish implement a prescribed child safety program for grades 1-8. The child safety program will discuss ways to stay safe at home, with friends and with adults they may encounter in unfamiliar situations. You will receive more information on the program appropriate to your child’s grade level at the end of January during the Family Faith Formation Session.

Communication Communication is key to the success of the Faith Formation Program. Updates to the program will be sent electronically, summarized in the weekly Faith Formation bulletin column and, when necessary, by mail.

Questions and concerns are always welcome.

Textbooks Children in grades K-8 will be using the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies Faith Formation Program. Each week, your child will receive a grade-appropriate weekly lesson filled with stories and activities related to the Sunday Gospel reading that they will hear at Mass. They will bring this 4-8 page lesson home each week for you to review and discuss with your child. Additionally, each child will be assigned an equally age-appropriate catechism handbook, “What the Church Believes and Teaches,” which they will use in class each week and leave in the classroom. This book will be sent home with each student at the end of year. More information on the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies program can be found at

Students preparing for First Reconciliation/Communion will be using Sadlier Believe, Celebrate, Live texts for each sacrament.

Teens in the Confirmation program will not be using textbooks, although parts of Matthew Kelley’s “Dynamic Catholic” Decision Point series will be used at times.

Other texts may also be used to supplement these materials.

12 Supplies All supplies are provided for each class. Parents are not required to supply anything, but donations of crayons, markers, colored pencils, glue, tape, etc. are always appreciated.

Classroom Treats Snack foods and beverages will not be provided for children in Grades K-8 as they are coming from home and should have breakfast before leaving for class/Mass.

Teens in the Confirmation program will be provided lunch before every class.

Restroom Facilities The use of restroom facilities should be limited to emergencies only. The constant use of the facilities is disruptive to the class and unfortunately has become an epidemic in most school environments. Please discourage your child from leaving the classroom for visits to the bathroom. Children should use the facilities to the start of Faith Formation class.

13 FOCUS ON FAMILY Every family is encouraged to attend Mass as a family, in the parish of their choice, and to allow their children to attend Faith Formation classes, participate in Children’s Liturgy of the Word (or Family Mass), and to take advantage of the many other programs offered (most for free) at the Collaborative, including Adult Faith Formation programs.

 Group 1 students are expected to attend 7:30 am St. Anne or 10:30 am St. Pius X Masses. Group 1 teachers will be available early in gym to accept students from the 7:30 am St. Anne Mass.

 Group 2 students are expected to attend 9:00 am MPB, or 9:00 am/11:30 am St. Anne Masses.

 Group 3 (Confirmation Prep) students are encouraged to attend the 11:30 am Mass at St. Anne or any other Sunday Mass that is convenient for their family. On Sunday, they will have lunch/social time at 12:30 pm, followed by class time.

 Group 4 (Creole students K-2) will attend Faith Formation leading up to the 5:00 pm Mass. Older Haitian students, grades 3-8, will be placed in Groups 1 or 2 and may attend any Mass that is convenient for their families

 Also for consideration, each parish offers a Saturday afternoon Mass that parents could choose to attend with their children/teens.

CATHOLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS Children in Catholic schools K-8 are strongly encouraged to attend, but only Grade 2 is mandatory, in order to provide sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.

Confirmation prep will not include traditional, classroom catechesis, but rather will focus on integrating the students more deeply into their parish/collaborative community, enhancing their personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and promoting a sense of social action and development of a moral conscience.

14 For these reasons, Confirmation students that attend Catholic schools are required to attend both years of Confirmation prep.

Feeling like your kids may know more about your faith than you do? Consider Adult Faith Formation. The parishes offer a variety of adult programs for a wide range of Catholic and Non-Catholic adults. Consider:

 RCIA (for those who want to become Catholic)

 Why Catholic? (small community faith sharing)

 Adult Faith Formation Classes in Catholicism (for anyone that wants to learn more about their faith)

 Confirmation Prep program (for adults that never received Confirmation)

 Baptism Prep (coming Fall 2016)

 Marriage Prep (coming 2017)

 And more coming soon!

Go to for more information!

15 MANDATORY, START-OF-YEAR PARENT MEETINGS  September 18, 2016  Group 1: 8:15 – 9:00 am  Group 2: 10:30 – 11:15 am  Group 3: 12:30 – 1:15 pm  Group 4: 4:00 – 4:45 pm

DATES FOR FAITH FORMATION: ALL GRADES  September 25*  October 2, 16, 23, 30  November 6, 13, 20  December 4, 11, 18  January 8, 22, 29*  February 5, 12  March 5, 12, 19, 26  April 2, 9, 30 *Family Faith Formation Days – Parents attend with students


 Fellowship/Mini Retreat for Families  Group 1: 8:30 – 10:00 am  Group 2: 10:00 – 11:30 am  Group 3: 12:30 – 2:00 pm (January 29th only)  Group 4: 3:30 – 5:00 pm


o Sunday December 4, during Group 1, 2, 4 class times

 First Reconciliation

o Thursday, February 9, 7:00 pm, St. Pius X (all students)

o Practice will be done in classrooms February 5

SACRAMENT OF  Mandatory Parent Meetings

o Sunday, February 12, during Group 1, 2, 4 class times

 First Communion

o St. Anne:

. Saturday, May 6, 11:00 am

. Practice: Tuesday, May 2, 6:00 pm

o Most Precious Blood

. Sunday, May 7, 9:00 am

. Practice: Thursday, May 4, 5:00 pm

o St. Pius X

. Sunday, May 7, 10:30 am

. Practice: Thursday, May 4, 7:00 pm

17 Safety Training Annual Safety Training for grades K-5 will take place March 5, 2017. Handouts explaining what this program is about and how parents can support what their children will be learning will be distributed to parents during Family Faith Formation Day, January 29. Created for Love, the Boston Archdiocese’s mandated program for middle school students will take place on the following days:

 Grade 6: March 5

 Grade 7: March 12, 19, 26

 Grade 8: April 2, 9

Parent handouts regarding this program will also be distributed on January 29.

18 SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION  Mandatory Parent/Sponsor Meeting

o Sunday, February 5, 12:30 pm

 Confirmation

o Mandatory retreat for Confirmandi: January 21, 10 am – 5 pm, Collaborative Center

o Friday, April 28, 7:00 pm, Most Precious Blood (all students)

o Practice: Thursday, April 27, 7:00 pm, Most Precious Blood, mandatory for Confirmandi and their sponsors

CONFIRMATION PROGRAM Goal 1: To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today Goal 2: To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work to the Catholic faith community Goal 3: To foster the total spiritual growth of each young person


 Apply, not relearn, Catholic catechesis learned during grades K-8. Confirmation prep will not include traditional, classroom catechesis, but rather will focus on teaching students how to apply their faith to their own lives and the lives of those around them

 Promote healthy Catholic identity, social teachings of Catholic Church, dignity of human life, sexual morality, importance of being part of a faith community, importance of family, and an understanding of Confirmation and its role in the New Evangelization

19 Programs

 Participation in the faith community of the Blue Hills Collaborative

 Participation in programs that serve the needs of others in the Hyde Park community and the world

 Discussions on Theology of the Body

 Understanding Confirmation and the New Evangelization


 Building a youth community: September 25 & October 2, 2016

 Year-end retreat (Years 1 & 2 students): April 30, 2017, 11:30-3:30 pm

 Service projects: TBD

 Dramatic Stations of the Cross: Good Friday, April 14, 2017

 Serving parishes of Blue Hills Collaborative: TBD

Point System Teens have very busy schedules. In order to reward students when they participate, rather than penalize them when they do not, the Blue Hills Collaborative has developed a point system that will allow students to incorporate the Confirmation prep program into their busy lives in a way that makes sense for them. Under this program, students in Confirmation Prep will be eligible for the Sacrament of Confirmation when they achieve 1,200 points (2016-2017 students in last year of Confirmation Prep: 700 points). Points will be awarded for the following activities:

 Attending Confirmation Prep class (arriving on time and staying until the end): 10 points; going to Mass first: 15 points

 Attending Mass when there is no Confirmation Prep scheduled (excluding Christmas, Triduum, and Easter): 10 points

20  Every hour of service provided: 1 point (maximum of 5 points/month)

 Every hour of service provided to parishes of Blue Hills Collaborative: 2 points (maximum 10 points/month)

 7 continuous months of 5+ points of service: 100 point bonus

 Speaking or acting role in Dramatic Stations: 50 points; Crew role: 20 points

 Attending Mass 20+ times May-September: 100 points

 Attending Steubenville East, March for Life, Pro-Life Boot Camp, or Discipleship Week: 150 points per event (300 point max)

 Attending Year 2 Retreat: 80% of points needed to be confirmed, 200 points maximum

 Attending End of Year Retreat: 50 points

 Project on chosen saint’s name: 15 points

 Students who exceed 1,200 points prior to Confirmation may donate 50% of their excess points to one other student who attends the Year 2 Confirmation Retreat and all remaining classes leading up to Confirmation

21 TUITION Faith formation, K-10: $60/year

Additional fees:

- First Reconciliation/Communion Prep: $10/year*

- Confirmation Prep: $40/year**


- First time students: ($10/year)

- Referral to first time student: ($10/year)

- Multiple students/same family: ($15/student/year)

Full tuition fee covers 100% of full-year texts and associated supplies

*Fee covers 37% of additional costs of sacramental prep (additional books)

**Fee covers ~50% of additional costs of sacramental prep (mainly meals)

REGISTRATION To register your child/children for Faith Formation at the Blue Hills Collaborative, please go to our website. You will have the choice of registering and paying through our My Own Church/ConnectNow portal, or downloading PDF copies of registration forms and dropping them at the Collaborative Center, along with your payment. Paper forms are also available at the Collaborative Center.

22 A Prayer for Families

God and Father of us all, In Jesus, your Son and our Savior, You have made us your sons and daughters In the family of the Church.

May your grace and love help our families I n every part of the world Be united to one another In fidelity to the Gospel.

May the example of the , With the aid of your Holy Spirit. Guide all families, Especially those most troubled, To be homes of communion and prayer And to always seek your truth and live in your love.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen,

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Pray for us!