The Cognitive-Emotional Design and Study of Architectural Space: a Scoping Review of Neuroarchitecture and Its Precursor Approaches
sensors Review The Cognitive-Emotional Design and Study of Architectural Space: A Scoping Review of Neuroarchitecture and Its Precursor Approaches Juan Luis Higuera-Trujillo 1,2,* , Carmen Llinares 1 and Eduardo Macagno 3 1 Institute for Research and Innovation in Bioengineering (i3B), Universitat Politècnica de València, 46022 Valencia, Spain; 2 Escuela de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño (EAAD), Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey 72453, Mexico 3 Division of Biological Sciences, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0116, USA; * Correspondence: or; Tel.: +34-963-877-518 Abstract: Humans respond cognitively and emotionally to the built environment. The modern possibility of recording the neural activity of subjects during exposure to environmental situations, using neuroscientific techniques and virtual reality, provides a promising framework for future design and studies of the built environment. The discipline derived is termed “neuroarchitecture”. Given neuroarchitecture’s transdisciplinary nature, it progresses needs to be reviewed in a contextualised way, together with its precursor approaches. The present article presents a scoping review, which maps out the broad areas on which the new discipline is based. The limitations, controversies, benefits, impact on the professional sectors involved, and potential of neuroarchitecture and its precursors’ approaches are critically addressed. Citation: Higuera-Trujillo, J.L.; Llinares, C.; Macagno, E. The Keywords: neuroarchitecture; emotional design; neuroscience; architecture; built environment; Cognitive-Emotional Design and review Study of Architectural Space: A Scoping Review of Neuroarchitecture and Its Precursor Approaches. Sensors 2021, 21, 2193. 1. Introduction Architecture has various effects on people.
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