Experience Curves: a Tool for Energy Policy Assessment
Experience Curves: A Tool for Energy Policy Assessment AUTHORS: Lena Neij, Lund University, Sweden Per Dannemand Andersen, Ris0 National Laboratory, Denmark Michael Durstewitz, Institut fur Solare Energieversorgungstechnik e.V., Germany Peter Helby, Lund University, Sweden Martin Hoppe-Kilpper, Institut fur Solare Energieversorgungstechnik e.V., Germany Poul Erik Morthorst, Ris0 National Laboratory, Denmark ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS: Wind Energy Department, IDAE, Spain Helge V. Larsen, Ris0 National Laboratory, Denmark Carolina Leon Vegas, Lund University, Sweden Kerstin Astrand, Lund University, Sweden Research funded in part by The European Commission within the Fifth Framework: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (Contract ENG1-CT2000-00116). Project title: Experience curves - a tool for energy policy programmes assessment (EXTOOL) © 2003, Lena Neij et al. Printed by KFS AB, Lund 2003 IMES/EESS Report No. 40 Deapartment of Technology and Society, Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Sweden ISSN 1102-3651 ISRN LUTFD2/TFEM—03/3034—SE+(1-146) ISBN 91-88360-56-3 Cover design by Uta Werner, Institut fur Solare Energieversorgungstechnik e.V., Germany Distributed by: Environmental and Energy Systems Studies Lund University Gerdagatan 13 SE -223 62 Lund Sweden Summary The objective of the project, Experience curves: a tool for energy policy assessment (EXTOOL), was to analyse the experience curve as a tool for the assessment of energy policy measures. This is of special interest, since the use of experience curves for the assessment of energy policy measures requires the development of the established experience curve methodology. This development raises several questions which have been addressed and analysed in this project. The analysis is based on case studies of wind power, an area with considerable experience in technology development, deployment and policy measures.
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