1-17-07 Winter Newsletter Final.Pub
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Winter 2007 Issue Region III Review Jen Day Shaw, Editor Vice President’s Report [email protected] Gene Zdziarski, Dean of Students University of Florida Pages: program and local arrangements co- Orlando, Florida March 31 chairs for the conference. They through April 4, 2007. This joint NASPA Elections 3-4 each did an outstanding job. We meeting only happens every 10 look forward to visiting the western years and we are excited to be part of the Region when we move hosting the conference in Region State Reports: North Carolina 5-10 to Addison, Texas (just outside of III. I would like to encourage all Dallas) for next fall conference No- Region III members attending the vember 3-6, 2007. Joyce Jones and conference to join us for the State Reports: South Carolina 15-17 Elizabeth With will be serving as the Region III Business Meeting on NASPA Region III co-chairs for Pro- April 2nd at 5:00 PM in the Talla- grams and Local Arrangements and I hassee rooms 1,2&3 in the Gay- Knowledge Communities: encourage you to provide them with lord Palms Hotel. Later that Assessment, Evaluations and 11 your input to help make this fall’s evening at 9:30 PM we will have Research conference even better. the Region III Reception in the Grand Ballroom, Salon 7A of the Orlando World Center Marriott Knowledge Communities: 12 Nationally, things have been very Hotel. This will be a great op- Leadership Programs busy in NASPA with several success- portunity to learn more about ful professional development pro- what is going on in Region III and Knowledge Communities: 20 2007 is off and running! I hope you grams being conducted in the last provide everyone with a chance Asian Pacific Islander enjoyed a relaxing semester break month, including the Law & Policy to socialize and network. I look and that things have gotten off to a Conference, the Leadership Educa- forward to seeing you in Or- Call for Awards 14 wonderful start on your campus. I tors Conference and the NASPA lando. know that the beginning of the Mental Health Conference which spring semester has been an incredi- was held in Region III. A number of bly exciting time for both the cam- state meetings have also taken place In the meantime, I encourage pus and the community here in recently, including the first Alabama you to take advantage of all that Gainesville. I am not only proud of drive-in conference. Thanks to NASPA has to offer. If you are our team, but also our campus and State Director Margaret King and looking to get more involved in community members in the way in Birmingham Southern College for Region III, contact your state which they came together for a putting this meeting together. director or send me a message. positive celebration of the Gators’ There is a place for everyone to win. play a part in NASPA Region III. Another first will be a NASPA meet- ing in the United Arab Emirates on Before closing the door too quickly February 27. Region III is the first Gene on 2006, it is important to acknowl- Region in NASPA to formalize the edge the work of so many in provid- affiliation and professional develop- ing a wonderful fall conference. The ment activities of student affairs Dr. Gene Zdziarski SACSA/NASPA Region III Confer- members in another country. De- ence in Jacksonville, Florida was a nise Gifford and Pat Robinson serve Dean of Students huge success and a truly great col- as Co-Directors for the UAE and University of Florida laboration between our two organi- have put together this meeting. I am zations. I want to thank my coun- excited to note that I will be attend- Phone: 352-392-1261 terpart, SACSA President, Ann ing this meeting as part of the E-mail: [email protected] Bailey, for making it a priority that NASPA International Exchange there was a cohesive and unified group and will be pleased to repre- approach in the planning and pres- sent Region III at this meeting. entation of this joint conference. Special thanks to Denisha Sanders, Chris Payne, Colette Taylor and Also right around the corner is the Tom Robertson the conference NASPA/ACPA Joint Conference in Page 2 2007 Clemson University Study Abroad On July 16-28, 2007, the institutions. At each site, stu- Clemson University Student dents will attend lectures on Affairs Graduate Preparation educational systems, Student Program will host our annual Affairs, major issues in edu- study abroad trip to Scotland. cation and Student Services The program offers a credit- in addition to history, poli- based track for graduate stu- tics, literature, and art. Par- dents majoring in student af- ticipants will also visit a vari- fairs or a related field. Profes- ety of cultural sites, and they sionals and faculty members will meet other students, staff in higher education and stu- and faculty and hear perspec- dent affairs may participate in tives of their experiences. a professional development track offered for graduate credit. 2006 Clemson University Study Abroad Participants During the trip, participants will gain experience with higher education and will have opportunities to observe For more information about the program see our website at: and interact with colleagues from another country by visit- http://www.hehd.clemson.edu/schoolofed/study_abroad.htm ing and touring five different Share your wisdom with new professionals and graduate students! Submit an article for NASPA’s online e-zine Submissions should be 800-1500 words in NetResults. Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double spaced. The column, “Building Blocks,” focuses on Please send it to the editor as a word attachment. topics of special concern to new professionals and graduate students. Contact Dr. Jen Day Shaw, Dean of Students, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Submitted pieces can be an article addressing a [email protected]. critical issue or an article based on opinion/ expertise. Page 3 Region III Elections! Vote by February 9 Dear Colleagues: those at institutions with It would be a personal and professional honor to limited resources, the op- serve NASPA Region III as your Vice President. I portunities to present and am humbled by the nomination and, if elected, share ideas may be par- would do all I could to serve all who are a part of ticularly important at the this vast region. Region III has long led NASPA in state level. regional, national and international activities, and I 3. Through our network would be honored to walk in the footsteps of those of learning communities, leaders of our profession who have given so much. state organizations and As we consider the future, a few things strike me regional conferences, we as important challenges for Region III, higher edu- must insure that today’s cation and our country at large. NASPA is an organiza- Dr. Tom Shandley Candidate for Region III 1. We must prepare our students as well as tion that embraces and Vice President ourselves for leadership and service in an in- involves all student af- creasingly diverse world. fairs professionals at whatever level or institu- tional type. We have discussed for some time the changing demographics within our country and region and its A common (and outdated) perception of NASPA is impact on everything from relationships to the that it is primarily for “senior-level administrators” workplace to politics. A critical challenge for us is and that it is difficult to break into if you are a new or to do all we can to prepare our students, by program mid-level professional. Today’s NASPA could not and by example, for work in an environment where function without the multiple contributions from a the plurality of ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual diverse spectrum of professionals who represent the orientations and ages will demand individuals pre- range of ages and types of colleges and universities pared to work and lead in those settings. It should found throughout the southern states. It is imperative be a primary focus of what we do whether in gradu- that as leadership roles are filled throughout the re- ate preparatory programs, program content or staff gion that they reflect the broad diversity of our region development. in those appointments. 2. The state organizations in NASPA should be Leadership is, above all else, about serving others. strengthened to insure that there are profes- I, as have many, have reaped the benefits of strong sional development opportunities available each and visionary leadership in NASPA Region III. It year within the state. has made my professional life rich. If called upon by the membership, I pledge to do what I can to step up NASPA attracts everyone from senior level officers and give back. I appreciate the opportunity to have to new professionals, major state universities, com- that chance. munity colleges and small private colleges. This broad range of people and institutions also brings a great disparity in professional development oppor- Sincerely, tunities. Having annual state conferences makes it Thomas C. Shandley possible for current and potential member institu- Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students tions to come together to learn. It also provides an additional opportunity for professional contribu- Davidson College tions to the profession. For new professionals and Page 4 Region III Elections! Vote by February 9 I appreciate being nominated for the position, The complex nature of higher education today cou- Vice President-Elect Region III. pled with the increased demands upon Student Affairs I have served as Vice President for Student Af- professionals at all institutions underscores the impor- fairs at the University of Miami for 10 years and tance of solid Region III leadership and professional held a number of other positions in Student Af- development.