The Cowl Has Received an All- Crease in the College Enrollment for and Once Again We Are Forced to American Rating from the Associated This Academic Year
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88% OF JUNIORS SENIORS, LET'S TRY CAST BALLOTS FOR A 100% TODAY VOL. XVI, No. 3—SIX PAGES PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., OCTOBER 7, 1953 10 CENTS A COPY COWL Given 'All-American' Award Enrollment Figures First Time Highest Witt3riarEoy£oW Show Slight Loss d^e^ore cj u in ? Prize Won By Cowl Only Six Other Papers Student-Teacher Ratio By Charles W. Gnys In Same Category Among The Best With basketball fans and inquisitive Receive Honor In Nation freshmen breathing down our necks, once again we are faced with that haunting question: Where is Friar Recent figures released by the office For the first time in its 16 year Boy? of the registrar indicate a slight de- history, the Cowl has received an All- crease in the college enrollment for And once again we are forced to American rating from the Associated this academic year. answer the question. Frankly, we don't Collegiate Press, a national profes- With additions and subtractions know! ! ! Some rumor has it that the sional critical service This award, the being made daily, the official register Friars Club is seriously considering highest possible, covers the second of students indicates that 1209 stu- the adoption of a penquin as our new semester of the 1952-53 academic year. dents are enrolled in the day sessions mascot. It would be novel though. Can Cowl editors during this period in- of the schools of Arts and Sciences. you just imagine the sports headline cluded James J. Marshall and Robert Last year's figures showed 1300 plus in the Journal after we slaughter E. Finneran of the class of 1953, and students. Brown? ? ? ? P. C. PENGUINS PECK Donald L. Gibeault, of the class of BEAR HOOPSTERS. Or FEATHERED 1954, who took over the reins mid- The freshman class is the only one FRIARS RUIN BRUINS. This is way through the period. showing a slight increase in enroll- novel?? On several previous occasions, the ment. A decrease of 100 seniors has Cowl had received First Class, honor been indicated; there are 35 less Despite appeals trom the Cowl ratings. juniors, and about 70 sophomores less nothing has been done. Therefore we A TYPICAL CAMPAIGN in full stride as the "4-4-U's" hustle some of the In a letter received Monday bv the than last year. The current freshman are taking matters into our own voters to the polls in Tuesday's junior class election. editors of the paper, was this com- enrollment is 395. hands. We have procured a deodorized ment from the ACP. The judges want Twenty-two special students are skunk. However, it will not be avail- to emphasize again that the All- also enrolled in the day school. In able until sometime in the near future American rating is reserved for truly addition, there is also a student nurse when we become a university, and Serene Political Campaigns complement of 40 from St. Joseph's outstanding newspapers." Only seven appropriately enoug.i, will be known colleges in the Cowl category were Hospital. Including students in the as P.U. adult extension school, the overall Reported By Cowl Observer awarded the coveted rating. The All-, yearly enrollment hovers in the 1800 Meanwhile if anyone hits upon a American newspapers will be on dis- bracket. really cool idea, let us know. Write Once again, the cobwebs have been thrown in to make things interesting. play at the Morrison Hotel in Chicago to: wiped from the sound trucks and the Evidently, political campaign theory and the Ambassador Hotel in Los Although the Registrar's office Angeles during certain periods in would advance no theories concerning Association for the- Prevention school artists are again exercising has taken on a new aspect—probably October and November. the drop in upper-class rosters, it is of Mascots their profession as the "big show" gets adopted from and patterned after the believed that the end of the Korean Room 4, Donnelly Hall, Campus. under way. recent Eisenhower campaign. What AH Departments conflict brought about an increase in Although Barnum and Bailey need was good enough for Eisenhower is The Cowl received one-thousand voluntary enlistments in the Armed not worry too much just yet, perhaps apparently good enough for them. and thirty-five points from the ACP Services. Albertus Magnus Club they could take a few tips from the Perhaps too, this is an indication of in the four separate categories. De- With the decrease in enrollment, "actors" in this P.C. production. The better things to come, it is hard to partment pages and special features the already favorable student-teacher Elects Three Juniors occasion for all the fanfare is, of say, but from the students' standpoint, rated highest with the judges, closely ratio took on greater appeal. This course, the annual elections. the campaigns of yore were more ap- folowed by honors for headlines, typo- graphy, and makeup. These two year's figures show the ratio to be The Albertus Magnus Club for biol- In last year's contests, there was pealing. groups amassed a total 835 points close to 13 to 1. With a standard of ogy students elected three juniors to presented one of the greater spectacles while the 500 remaining points were 20 to 25 students per instructor con- the posts of vice-president, secretary in political exhibitionism. Radio and equally shared by news values and sidered most desirable. Providence and treasurer at its opening meeting television personalities were present Don Champagny Elected sources, and news writing and edit- College is thus among the best in the last week. These positions will be held to lend their talents to the campaigns. ing. country. by Tanous D. Faris, Raymond Lan- These rallies, sponsored by the con- Pre-Legal Club President caster, Jr., and Eugene A. Hagan, Jr., testants, provided the students with The judges were particularly im- respectively. Thomas P. Brady was considerable free entertainment. Donald A. Champagny was elected pressed with the sports page, rating 500 People Dance named a committeeman. This year, however, these campaigns president of the St. Thomas More the coverage, treatment, and sports Club, college pre-legal society, at its writing as excellent, and the display Before the election, club president have taken on a comparative serenity. first meeting of the year last week. as superior. Phil Griffin's column To Barone s Music Ronald T. Hopwood welcomed the new There were still the noisemakers, etc., Others elected were: Jeremiah "Phil-Ins" was praised for being junior members and explained the but the rallies were conspicuously ab- sent. No torchlight parades were Cannon, vice president; Harold J. bright in style with interest through- More than five hundred people at- society's functions to them. tended the Student Congress spon- Higgins, secretary; Henry T. Nesbitt, out, and for avoiding the pitfalls of sored informal stag dance last Friday treasurer; and John Burke, parliamen- "too many such columns," which "are dull, and repititious of events covered evening in Harkins Hall. Student tarian. elsewhere on the page," the letter nurses from five local hospitals and a Fr. McCarthy Lectures Over Several constitutional amendments contingent from the Junior Veridames were proposed and enacted at the added. were among those at the dance. meeting. One of these changes the } Columns Superior The purpose of this affair was to Nation-Wide N.B.C. Hookup class standing of the club officers. Other favorable comments were launch the school social calendar. "Today's youth will be our* Henceforth, the president and treas- made on the news coverage of success- shield" against tomorrow's Commu-, Congress President Philip B. Doherty urer will be seniors, while the vice fu] alumni, headlines, and the "eye" announced that he was so pleased nist threat, declared the Rev. Den- | president and secretary will be jun- interest maintained from top to bot- with last Friday's turnout, that the nis B. McCarthy, O.P., in his first! iors. torn on page one. The features in the of four lectures delivered on the i Congress will urge other campus or- The club also accepted a proposal by Cowl were rated superior by the Catholic Hour last Sunday. ganizations to conduct similar dances. treasurer Nesbitt to reduce the amount judges, who regarded John Martiska's Frank Barone and his newly formed The program, over the entire fa- of dues. column "From the Tower" as "a orchestra, the Collegian Friars, pro- cilities of the National Broadcast- thoughtful supplement to the day's vided the music for the occasion. ing Company, and carried locally news and your own editorials." over WJAR, originated from the PC Students Are Invited The commenting judge declared that lounge of Aquinas Hall. the Cowl is one of the most interesting — Late Bulletin — The theme of Father McCarthy's To Attend Special Retreat and newsy college papers he had seen four lectures to be presented on suc- this semester." I especially like the The heated Junior Class elections cessive Sundays in October is "Amer- Philip B. Doherty. Jr.. of the Stu- alert coverage of guest speakers and closed yesterday with no one party ica's Hope; Our Youth With Faith." dent Congress has announced the personalities who V 'H the campus " sweeping to victory. Dan Lynch won Last Sunday's discussion treated receipt of an invitation from the Rev (Last year the Cowl devoted the en- jut over Len Riley foi the presidency youth's faith in God. The remain- Edmund Brock, director of the Re- tire front page to the appearance of by a vote of 129 to 102. The closest ing lectures will center around treat House at Narragansett Pier.