July 29, 2020 HEALTHY BUILDINGS OUR BELIEFS specific emphasisonthefollowingissues: ensure thateachofourprojectsmeetsspecificcriteriaandhasa environment. We employadiversesetofskilledindividualswho Each ofourprojectsishighlyfocusedonhealthpeopleandthe FACTORS. HUMAN ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL, BETWEEN BALANCE ASUCCESSFUL ACHIEVE THAT PROJECTS ULTIMATELY DO GOOD -REGENERATIVE BUT HARM, ONLY NOT THAT DO LESS DESIGNING OF AGOAL PROJECTS TOWARD AT LITTLE, WATER: WATER: and practice. projects our demand of energy reduce the ENERGY: them. use who people of and wellness HEALTH 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1.

Take a regenerative approach to optimize site design. design. site optimize approachTake to aregenerative testing. quality water Perform 35%. of aminimum by use water Reduce potable modeling. energy through strategies reduction and energy optimizations building Explore 2017. 55 ASHRAE 2016 90.1 ASHRAE TO -DESIGN strategies reduction energy determine to requirements and operational climate the Study Ready. Net-Zero for goals and design Challenge 2030 meet to (pEUI) intensity use energy predicted Determine chemicals. List Red of use limiting by buildings of Reduce toxicity comfort. and sound visual, thermal, optimizing by Increase occupant wellbeing and movement. occupant hydration promote to Design : We will design for the preservation and conservation of water. of and conservation preservation the for design We will We will design environments that elevate the the elevate that environments design We will We will use a smart, responsible design approach to approach design to responsible asmart, use We will


© Little 2020 HEALTHY BUILDINGS STRATEGIES + OPPORTUNITIES AMENITIES EXTERIOR OCCUPATION+ CIRCULATION SITE ATTRIBUTES SITE support distancing social phone conference calls? phone conference 1. in walking meetings or meetings walking in 1. 1. terraces mingled with with mingled terraces to spend time outsideto spend time semi-private spaces semi-private enlarge sidewalks to sidewalks enlarge trails for employeestrails rooftop or elevated encourages congregationencourages to live, within walkable to live, within 2. 2. 2. but not crowding not but project near places places project near outdoor work and exercise spaces exercise park-like seating distances? people toexplorealternativespaceswork,meetand collaborate. rooftop amenityspace(s)emphasizethisideabyextending viewstothesurroundingcityorlandscape,andencouraging A healthybuildingpromoteshealthandwellbeingby extendingtheworkplacetooutdoors.Examplessuchasalarge pathways andamorehygienicuserexperiencefromparkingtoentryhelpssupportsocialdistancing asafeenvironment. the spreadofcontaminantsfromoutdoorstoinsideanofficebuilding.Afocusonwalkability, widersidewalks,multiple In ahealthybuilding,considerationshouldbeginbeyondthebuildingbyaddressingsite;thisapproach couldhelpmitigate behaviors whileincreasingemployeehappinessandproductivity. of, ordeveloping,theseamenities,theoutdoorscanbecomeanimportantpartofyourworkenvironmentandencouragehealthy A healthybuildingbeginswitharobustunderstandingofthesurroundingareaandimmediatesitecontext.Bytakingadvantage adjacent sites creates and 3. 3. connectivity encourages encourages connectivity treatment proximity for proximity treatment an identifiable element identifiable an pedestrian passage to passage pedestrian

medical facilities and and facilities medical community garden(s)community 3. your teams? your elevated site patterns remind us to us remind patterns 4. outdoor work areas outdoor 4. 4. socially distance sheltered +heated outdoor areas? large scale paver scale large WiFi access in in access WiFi devices for passage safe devices 5. 5. 5.

to adjacent sites adjacent to provided for all

WiFi everywhere WiFi will parking be be parking will traffic calming calming traffic employees? future? workspaces ofthe force theirwayinto relationships could private ones.What to convergewith work relationships home hasallowed Working from spaces? our publicoutdoor How willthisaffect collaboration? future of‘distanced’ How doyouseethe tenants? benefit yourfuture area thatwill know aboutthis What elsedoyou


touchless touchless 2 3 4 1 2.

antimicrobial coatings coatings antimicrobial on touch surfaces on 5 transmission whileUV-C lightingduringinactiveperiods can beusedtoreducesurfacecontaminants. sequencing andoperationalconsiderations.Withinthecab,increasingairflowUVairfiltrationcan reduceairborne As elevatorscontinuetobethemainvehicleforverticalcirculation,limitingclosecontactusescan addressedwith antimicrobial materialstominimizethetransmissionofcontaminants. Safety iscommunicatedbyprovidingtemperaturemonitoringsystems,minimizinghandtouchsequencingandintegrating Core andshellconsiderationsforprovidingasafehealthyofficeenvironmentbeginswithfocusonaccesstothebuilding. 4. ‘clean’ the elevator‘clean’ cab the 1. reduce touch surfaces reduce unoccupied times to times unoccupied

UV-C lighting during during lighting UV-C 3. remove guardrail to remove guardrail

hand sanitizing sanitizing hand stations 4 1 temperature monitoring monitoring temperature airborne transmission airborne activation for elevator 4. 5. + UV filter filter to reduce + UV 2.

buttons or voice

rapid, non-contact non-contact rapid, increased air flow air increased no foot buttons, controls system 2 5 5. 3. patterns to identify to identify patterns

one wayone circulation personal space personal ing-covid-19-transmission-in-the-built-environment_o https://www.architectmagazine.com/technology/reduc MICROORGANISMS.” HUMAN-ASSOCIATED OF ACCRUAL THE ACTIVITY—FACILITATES INDOOR AND SCHEDULE, OCCUPANCY PROGRAM, AND TYPE BUILDING BY BUILDINGS—INFLUENCED IN DENSITY OCCUPANT “THE articulated floor articulated 3 the elevatorpitch? What happensto secondary role? collaborative or a moresupportive, base’ andtheoffice become your‘home Could yourhome -

© Little 2020 HEALTHY BUILDINGS STRATEGIES + OPPORTUNITIES STRATEGIES OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES RESTROOM STRATEGIES +SYSTEMS ENVELOPE increased systemairflow 1. 1. 1. natural ventilation+ lower /cleaning UV cleaningrobot automated raise/ toilet seat filtration +elimination 2.

cleaning processes 2. advanced microbial 2. foot /armpull door levers bio-defensive can aligntheireffortsforoptimalresults. and safeworkenvironment.Together withoperational,occupancy andbehavioralstrategies,managementteamsusers Appointed designconsiderationsforcoreandshell, engineering systemsandsiteplanningworktogethertocreateahealthy Sanitization methodssuchasUVlightstallsystemsandincreasedfrequencyofcleaningalsocontributetoamore healthfulexperience. By introducingtouchlessautomatedfixturesthroughoutandchallengingconventionaldoorhardware,contact points arereduced. Restrooms haveoneofthehighesttouchpointratiosinabuildingandthereforerequirefocusedstrategiestomitigate contamination. gardens aspartofthebuildingenvelope,naturalventilationcanbecomeaholisticaircirculationsystem. elimination isapositiveinvestmentintheactiveHVAC systemsofabuilding.Byconsideringoperablewindowsorwinter Ventilation andFiltrationareattheheartofaddressingaerosoltransmissiondisease.Advancedmicrobialfiltration air distributionandhigh 3. harmful contaminants level returnsincrease airflow andreduce low levelconditioned sanitization crew sanitization 3. 3. full time UV stall 4. 4. 4. touchless switches building automation door openerswith lighting system circadian rhythm technology (proven tobemorehygienic 5. 5. towels dispensers 5. than otheroptions) building system

maintenance no touchpaper highest levelof exterior stairs forward? socialize going How dowe safety? building message How doesa behaviors? influence our Can designcues

© Little 2020 HEALTHY BUILDINGS CERTIFICATIONS NOURISHMENT WATER CREATED FOR.” CREATED BEING ARE THEY THAT PEOPLE THE ON IMPACT AN HAVE CREATING I’M ENVIRONMENTS THE HOW UNDERSTAND TO ME TO INCREDIBLY BECOME IMPORTANT HAS “IT AIR www.wellcertified.com and management. construction design, building in leading practices with health affect that factors risk and demographic outcomes health factors, behavioral health, on environmental medical researchliterature and and scientific grating inte by developed was WELL and wellness. and advance human health support that features and measure validate implement, to seeking and communities es spac interior buildings, for standard premier the is Standard Building WELL The DESIGN WELL LITTLE +PARTNER PRESIDENT CORPORATE – CAR IN THOUGHTLEADERSHIP OLYN RICKARD-BRIDEAU WE AREEXPERTS LIGHT , AIA, LEED BD+C, WELL AP (PROVISIONAL) AP WELL BD+C, LEED , AIA,

FITNESS MIND COMFORT - - www.phius.org/home-page principles: building-science five these with accordance in and built designed is building Toapproach. a passive end, that the summarizes climate on based gains and losses” your “Optimize level. fort com quantifiable specific a within efficiency energy of level able and rigorous aquantifi attain to used principles design of aset comprises building Passive HOUSE PASSIVE www.living-future.org/lbc and beauty. equity materials, +happiness, place, water, health energy, Imperatives: Core the “petals”, or through categories, performance all seven of aspects holistic—addressing be must projects Challenge Building Living All tive. regenera become truly bad and to less being merely beyond move to projects for tool and advocacy certification, a philosophy, is Challenge Building Living The CHALLENGE BUILDING LIVING www.sustainablesites.org opportunities. recreation and increase outdoor human health improve quality, air improve consumption, reduce energy habitat, wildlife provide runoff, water storm reduce and filter demand, reduce landscapeswater help SITES-certified SITES SUSTAINABLE www.usgbc.org/leed and leadership. achievement ability sustain of symbol recognized is aglobally certification LEED buildings. green and cost-saving efficient, highly healthy, for aframework provides LEED types, all building virtually Available for world. the in system rating building green used widely most the is Design) and Environmental Energy in (Leadership LEED LEED www.fitwel.org constructed. being buildings new of design aid the map as can aroad to used be also Fitwel buildings. healthier operate and design to how on guidelines provides that buildings existing single-tenant and multi-tenant commercial interiors, for system rating abuilding is Fitwel FITWEL • • • • • Uses a minimal space conditioning system. space aminimal conditioning Uses ventilation. balanced of and moisture-recovery heat- form some Uses season. cooling the during overheating minimize and to season heating the in purposes heating for sun’s energy the exploit gain managed -solar is to and doors type) and building climate on pending de windows triple-paned or (double windows high-performance Employs air. conditioned of air and loss side out of infiltration preventing airtight, extremely is envelope building The bridging. thermal any without envelope entire its throughout insulation continuous Employs ------

© Little 2020 HEALTHY BUILDINGS EXAMPLES air wheretransmissionriskislower. patients andmedicalstaffintheopen allowing forconversationsbetween spaces adjacenttopatientrooms, privacy fortheoutdoorconsultation bougainvillea vinescreatevisual Bamboo screenscoveredin VENTILATION AND USEOFPASSIVE MINIMIZE GERMTRANSMISSION Mass DesignGroup(Haiti) GHESKIO HOSPITAL and productivity. health in increased results enhanced is with ronment envi work the circadian or rhythms, such as biomimicry perch and rescue, experiences instinctual humanto in tapping and office the into nature incorporating By environment. work ahealthy and promote create help that concepts key are principles design Biophilic BIOPHILIA dividing itintothreecubicpavilions. reflected onthemassofproject, Water, Vegetation andSun-are by nature,threemainelements- oftheoperators.Inspired a positivecontributiononthe of healing,theconceptpresents will welcomepatientsinsearch For thisspecifictypeofprojectthat NATURE BIOPHILIA ANDINFUSIONOF ARK-architecture +AUDA(Tunisia) VITALCUBE MEDICALOFFICE - and nutritiontogether. while bringingtheworldsoffitness feelings ofwellnessandrelaxation an outdoorareadesignedtoboost This integratedpublicspacefeatures CAPTURING PARK LIKEGARDEN ACTIVITY BASEDDESIGNAND Red Company(theNetherlands) COMPLEX ASICS’ REGIONALHEADQUARTERS usable. and inherently prominent more be to placing stairs and strategically exercise, port sup that facilities building providing environment, pedestrian the enlivening by begin lines guide and play. These live work, we where living active promote that strategies design macro and building urban for guidelines design has created Design Active for Center The DESIGN ACTIVE the openair. opportunity forworksocializationin general well-being,andofferingan during thebusyday, increasing These areashelpemployeesrelax WORKING ZONES AND DIFFERENTIATE THEMFROM INCREASE COMMUNALAREAS TIBA Studio(Budapest) MAGYAR TELECOM - - device’ approach. building througha‘bringyourown Users areinvitedtointeractwiththe of intelligentdigitaluserinterfaces. sets newstandardsfortheintegration This next-generationsmartbuilding BUILDING FOR NEXTGENERATION SMART INTEGRATION OFTECHNOLOGY 3XN (Berlin) CUBE

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© Little 2020