Existing Healthy Building Resources Overview

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Existing Healthy Building Resources Overview Existing Healthy Building Resources Overview The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), in partnership with the General Services Administration, is currently investigating how tradi- tional building energy-efficiency Photo credit: Xiye. https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photography-hotel-lobby-image16747412 measures can impact health in the federal sector through the Healthy Guides Playbook by Efficiency Vermont4. Buildings Initiative (HBI). A number of high-level guides The EPA guide is for home energy are available that describe healthy audi-tors and contractors to assess Summary building concepts and practices. health and safety while performing Pacific Northwest National These guides are useful for familiar- home energy upgrades, and the Laboratory (PNNL), in support of the izing healthy building newcomers to Efficiency Vermont guide is for state FEMP Healthy Buildings Initiative the field, and these include back- and utility energy-efficiency (HBI), undertook an extensive litera- ground research about health and program admin-istrators to ture review to determine what infor- productivity and case studies and incorporate home health evaluations mation exists about healthy building feedback from stakeholders. into their home energy assessments. practices. This overview explores Some examples of well-known and some of the most impactful resources comprehensive guides for the Certification Programs to help building owners and operators commercial sector are Sustainable Some examples of certification understand more about buildings that Facilities Tool by General Services programs that promote occupant are both healthy and energy efficient. Administration (GSA), How to health in commercial and multi- Deliver Healthy Buildings by the UK family buildings include Facility This review focuses on healthy Green Building Council1, and The 9 Innovations Toward Wellness building topics (lighting, thermal Foundations of a Healthy Building by Environmental Leadership (Fitwel), comfort, and indoor air quality) that the Harvard T.H. Chan School of developed by Center of Disease intersect with energy-efficiency Public Health2. These guides outline Control and GSA; the U.S. Green topics in the commercial and federal steps and relevant knowledge to Building Council’s Leadership in sectors. Existing resources are begin putting healthy building Energy and Environmental Design categorized as guides, certification improvements into practice. (LEED); the International WELL programs, building standards and Building Institute WELL Building codes, tools and services, For the residential sector, two Standard; and Living Building government programs, business distinguished guides are Healthy Challenge (LBC). LEED and LBC cases, and research studies to help Indoor Environment Protocols for look at energy and other areas of decision-makers identify resources Home Energy Upgrades by the U.S. sustainability comprehensively, and most applicable to them. Environmental Protection Agency3 Fitwel and WELL primarily focus on (EPA) and the Energy-Plus-Health health and wellness. The certification costs for WELL are typically higher than the certification costs for Fitwel What is a Healthy Building? because it is more stringent and The 9 Foundations of a Healthy Building published by the Harvard T.H. Chan School performance-based system, whereas of Public Health describes important actions for achieving nine aspects of healthy Fitwel focuses on providing buildings. Most of these healthy features directly relate to energy efficiency: amenities like opportunities for VENTILATION - Meet or exceed outdoor air ventilation rate guidelines to control exercise and access to nature. Despite indoor sources of odors, chemicals, and carbon dioxide; filter out particles; the costs of these certifications, they commission and monitor ventilation systems. are useful for prescribing solutions AIR QUALITY – Ensure low/no volatile organic compound (VOC) finishes and that are backed by industry consensus furnishings, lead, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); asbestos abatement; and research, taking the burden off indoor humidity at 30–60%. users needing to identify their own solutions and strategies. WATER QUALITY - Test to meet the U.S. National Drinking Water Standards at point-of-use. There are numerous certifications for THERMAL HEALTH - Meet minimum thermal comfort standards for temperature and specific healthy products for commer- humidity and keep thermal conditions consistent throughout the day. Commission cial and residential spaces, including and maintain HVAC systems. programs for low- and no-VOC DUST AND PESTS - Seal pest entry points and prevent moisture buildup. paints, stains, and sealers like Green LIGHTING AND VIEWS - Provide daylighting and/or high intensity blue-enriched Seal and the Master Painters Institute lighting (480nm). Provide direct lines of sight to exterior windows from all Green Performance Standard; the workstations. California Air Resources Board for NOISE - Protect against outdoor noises. Control indoor sources of noise such as formaldehyde-free wood products; mechanical equipment, office equipment, and machinery. the Carpet and Rug Institute’s Green Label Plus for eco-friendly carpets; MOISTURE - Conduct regular inspections of roofing, plumbing, ceilings, and HVAC Green Guard for cleaning products; equipment. Identify and remediate the underlying sources of moisture issues. and more. SAFETY AND SECURITY - Meet fire safety and carbon monoxide monitoring standards. Provide adequate lighting in common areas, stairwells, emergency Building Standards and Codes egress points, parking lots, and building entryways. Standards and codes typically outline prescriptive minimum require-ments Environmental Quality (CEQ) buildings and building systems that and are useful to get a sense of published Guiding Principles for governments can reference in their healthy building parameters and Sustainable Federal Facilities, to building codes. Many of these design strategies. In the federal which 22 federal agencies have standards contain provisions sector, the GSA created the Facility voluntarily committed. FEMP concerning occupant health, for Standards for the Public Building released a convenient guide on their example, ASHRAE 55 (minimum Service (PBS-P100), which estab- website for navigating the contents requirements for thermal comfort), lishes baseline requirements and three of the Guiding Principles5. Section 4 ASHRAE 62.1 (minimum require- higher voluntary performance levels of the CEQ Guiding Principles ments for indoor air quality), and for the design and construction of all outlines the required indoor ASHRAE 189.1 (high- GSA facilities. PBS-100 covers environmental quality provisions for performance targets for thermal building enclosures (Sections 3.2 and new and retrofitted buildings. comfort, indoor air quality, and 3.3), HVAC systems (Sections 5.1 energy efficiency).The and 5.2), lighting and daylighting ASHRAE has released and updates International Code Council (Sections 6.2 and 6.3), and other hundreds of standards and guidelines publishes the International Green health-related considerations related to commercial and residential Construction Code in partnership (Sections 3.4-3.7). The Council on 2 designed for energy efficiency also improve thermal comfort with added insulation and ventilation, which can result in better indoor air quality and moisture management. Local government programs can offer incentives to commercial building owners for constructing green build- ings that primarily improve energy efficiency but also improve health. For example, the City of Pittsburgh has a Sustainable Development Bonuses program that offers building owners the option to increase floor area and building height up to 20% Photo credit: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory over the zoning limit if the building is LEED certified. with ASHRAE and other productivity; it has been implemented organizations to provide prescriptive in more than 1,000 buildings across Business Case design strategies for both energy and the world. Business case reports focus on the indoor environ-mental quality topics. Dozens of consultant companies financial return of health in commer- Tools and Services provide recommendations and cial buildings. The Financial Case for High Performance Buildings by Tools and services both provide implementation of upgrades based on Stok6 compiles existing research to customized results for users. Tools audits of energy usage, air leakage in find a general return on investment are user-operable, and services are the building envelope and ducts, and found a $115/ft2 10-year net conducted by a third-party. An HVAC performance, and indoor air present value of general healthy example is the Thermal Comfort Tool quality. Many of these companies building retrofits in a typical office by the Center for the Built will facilitate WELL, LEED, or other building. Another report titled Environment (CBE), which takes certifications. In addition, there are Buildings Emerge as Drivers of temperature, humidity, and other dozens of companies that sell Health and Profits by Scott Muldavin parameters and determines if these products to assist with healthy et al7 found a $27.8/ft2 5-year net meet the ASHRAE 55 comfort zone building. These products include present value for obtaining a WELL requirements. indoor environmental quality sensors, monitoring and analytical apps and healthy building certification. Occupancy surveys are a subjective software, control technologies
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