~ Tttt\\L CAL WOI//(£P
L I -----.J ~ THE JOURNAL OF ~ 1..---- ~ tttt\\lCAL WOI//(£p ~V AND OPERATORS tiS,' OFFICIAL PUBLICATION INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS , :,,:!':= .,'".: .'J'::/ II Yo!."(;.\ II ,~/: " ~. fi""'=======;11 ~:. t II G.A!' VANJ II October, 1915 I II 1.M!Ar)Y II AFFILIATED WITH THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS DEVOTED TO THE CAUSE OF ( ORGANIZED LABOR ( ) I! HAn co 1'1 I II ~I II I 1 "RED DEVil" TOOLS Help to Obtain Better Work because they are made by.skilled mechanics who know and handle tools. !!I!!!!!!I_~_.==;;;~ This "RED DEVIL" _--=::::"-",,,_ ,. drop forged steel side cutter will prove it to you. Cuts the toughest wire with least strain. racCifti~itj~faD"N o-Pinch" handles of scientific design gives user a grip liKe a vise. Tested cutting edges, polished head and gun metal finished handles. SAMPLE 7 INCH SIZE SENT FOR $1.00. BOOKLET FREE. 169 CHAMBERS ST. Smith & Hemenway Co., Inc. NEW YORK CITY Union Made Union Label If you have not used this Bit, please do so at once. Any Electrician that does not like it better than any Bit he ever had, can get his cash back. Gentlemen, is this the kind of a guarantee you like to see on Union Label Goods? Now, it's up to you. :;a~u~ac.tu~.~ W. A. Ives Mfg. Co., Wallingford, Conn. Fitchburlt, lIase., December 17, lila. The W. A. Ives Mfg. Co., Wallinltford, Conn. Dear Sir: I am sending you under separate cover a No. 9, ll/ 16 "MEPHISTO" Bit whieb 1 was using when I struck a nail.
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