
“...The chapters of Tehillim break through all barriers as they soar aloft, higher and higher, uninterrupted. They prostrate themselves before  the Master of the Universe, bringing results with kindness and mercy.” —Tzemach Tzedek (, 24 Shvat)

Chayenu introduces TEHILLIM THE POWER OF TEHILLIM Tehillim opens the gates of heaven to our most heartfelt prayers. CONTENTS Tehillim comforts, and Tehillim heals. Time and What is Tehillim? 1 again, Tehillim saves lives. Tehillim has seen us Reciting Tehillim Daily 2 through thousands of years of history The Power is in the Words 4 revealing its power throughout the ages. The Power and Benefits of Tehillim Today, in the 21st 6 century, Tehillim Stories 8 continues to be crucially relevant and necessary.

Yossi Pels Chayenu Executive Director Michoel Goldman Chayenu Editor-in-Chief Itzick Yarmush Chayenu Content Editor Rochie Pinson Design and Layout Mendy AngyalfI Chayenu Design Kehot Publication Society for partnering with Chayenu in allowing us to use their newly designed Tehillim. WHAT IS TEHILLIM? IT’S YOUR EXPERIENCE

King David’s 150-chapter Bibli- Everything that David said in his cal book of Tehillim () is book [of Psalms, he said] for his divided in a number of ways. own [experience], the Jewish It is split into five books, which people’s [experiences], and for correspond to the [the experiences of] all times. (Five Books of Moshe), while it (Midrash Tehillim 18). is also divided into seven parts so that it can be completed over the course of a week. An alternative division creates a monthly cycle, in which only a few chapters are read each day NOT JUST POETRY and the entire book of Tehillim is completed on the final day King David said: ‘May the words of each Jewish month. During of my mouth and the meditation months containing twenty-nine of my heart be acceptable before instead of thirty days, the thirti- you’ (Psalms 19:15). eth portion is combined with the Prepare the words of Psalms and twenty-ninth portion. inscribe them for future genera- tions, and it should not be read like one reads [poetry], rather, it should be read diligently (Midrash Tehillim 1).


King David asked of G-d: Please, when they recite Psalms, they should get rewarded as if they were studying the complex sec- tions of law, those dealing with leprosy and impurity imparted through a tent (Midrash Tehillim 61).



CHITAS? THE SECOND STAGE OF CHITAS, the saying of Tehillim, was initiated in the midst of a CHITAS is an acronym perilous period for and indeed, for much for Chumash, Tehillim of Jewry. The Soviet establishment launched and . an oppressive campaign in all the territories under its vast dominion with the design of חת"ת = חומש, תהלים, – suffocating every last vestige of the Jewish soul תניא Torah education, belief in G-d, and the practical CHITAS is a three- observance of the mitzvos. Despite the far reach pronged Daily Program which of their secret police and the sheer terror of their allows you to; ruthless methods, the Communists discovered that a lone citizen was successful in consistently 1. Learn daily from the and methodically unwinding their evil designs Written Torah on a massive scale. 2. Recite Psalms in prayer and praise to That man was Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok God and, , the Rayatz, who formed and personally directed a breathtaking 3. Learn a section labyrinth of underground Torah schools, of the mystical teachings of the synagogues, mikvahs, and the like. He sent Torah. overt and covert emissaries, teachers and instructors who were willing to risk their lives Introduced by the to keep the flame of Torah Previous Lubavitcher and mitzvot alight in every Rebbe, and heavily region of the USSR. He promoted by the also founded branches Lubavitcher Rebbe of his Torah schools to be observed by outside the USSR, in everyone. Poland, Uzbekistan and America. Rabbi Yosef Yitz- chok was hounded mer- cilessly by the Soviets, but he ignored their intimidation. In 5687 (1926), however, he sensed that the enemy was poised to strike a deadly blow. In response, he requested that the book of Tehillim as it is divided into daily

2 portions to be completed in the course of a EARLY month, be recited in all synagogues. “Listen, Chassidim, and all Jews who await SOURCES the coming of Moshiach! Repeat in my name to all Chassidim in the world that I have instructed THE ALTER REBBE, them to recite a portion of Tehillim as divided Rabbi Shneur Zalman by the days of the month in all Chassidic syna- of , and all the gogues after morning prayers each day, includ- Chabad leaders ing Shabbos.” () would (Excerpt of 1927 handwritten directive discov- recite Psalms daily, ered on his desk on the day of his arrest) as it is divided into Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok was arrested and a daily reading, to suffered a brutal incarceration. The Soviets be completed each swiftly sentenced the Rebbe to death – a decree month. that was miraculously reversed, with the help of —Kovetz Michtavim enormous international outcry. So complete was the reversal, that the Soviets were subsequently RABEINU EFRAIM compelled to escort Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok with said: Whoever says his family and his possessions out of the USSR’s Psalms every day iron borders to freedom. it is as if he has ful- An account by the Rebbe’s close confidant filled [his obligation and devoted follower, Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim of] the entire Torah Althaus, immortalizes Rabbi Yosef and he merits to be Yitzchok’s reflection on the effective- [positioned] by G-d’s ness of reciting the daily Tehillim: glorious throne. These were his exact words: —Chida, introduction to “Before 5687 (1927) I was greatly Yosef Tehillos, 2 - 3 afraid. I did not speculate what my own fate would be, for I never imagined what I would THE SHALOH writes: have to endure. Rather, my fear "One who wants to was for the Chassidim. Before I be connected to G-d instructed them to begin saying should join me in Tehillim, it was really difficult for saying a bit of Psalms me.” (Excerpt of a letter from Rabbi Al- daily, as divided into thaus to his fellow Chassidim). the daily portion, to be completed each After the Rebbe’s release from prison, month." this instruction to recite Tehillim was not —Shaloh, vol. 3, inyan Te- reversed. In fact, the Rebbe directed that it filah V’Krias Hatorah, 21d be spread to all Jewry, to their lasting benefit and protection.

3 SAYING THE WORDS The other material in Chayenu is all translated into English... why not the Tehillim?

Tehillim has an “Chitas is similar to the In regards to awesome power that is custom [introduced Tehillim as part of inherent in the words by the Baal Shem Tov] Chitas it is written: itself and one who whereby one recites It is not necessary for reads the books of the chapter of Tehillim one to understand the Tanach without that corresponds to words of Tehillim in understanding their his current age [for his order to recite them. contents has personal benefit]. —Sefer HaMinhagim nevertheless fulfilled It is not important his obligation to study to comprehend the Torah. words of the Psalm. He —Shulchan Aruch Adhaz, must merely verbalize Talmud Torah 2:12 its words [in order to achieve the intended benefit]. —Toras Menachem 5746, vol. 4, p. 143 (Matos-Masei) 4 THE POWER OF LETTERS

Praise G-d from the heavens (Psalms 148:1). This can be understood in the following way: The Divine energy of the heaven is the word of G-d, as it states “By the word of G-d the heavens were made” (Psalms 33:6). It is through the continuous energy of this divine “speech” that the world continues to exist. The words “(praise G-d) from the,” in Hebrew is “Es” which is spelled Alef Taf, the first and last letter of the Hebrew letters of the Torah. Thus the verse can be interpreted as: Praise G-d with the letters of the Alef-Beis, for the letters of the Torah - which is the “Divine utterance” - are the energy of the world

(Mezritcher Maggid, Magid Devarav L’Yaakov, par. 71). the soul calls LETTERS THAT CONNECT The daily studies as they were arranged “We will rejoice and be joyous with you (Becha)” (Shir Hashirim 1:4). for daily [learning] The Midrash Rabba explains: We don’t — the chapters of know how one should be joyous? The Tehillim, Chumash answer is “Becha.” Lit., with you, G-d. with , and But the numeric value being 22 (beis =2 and the lesson in Tanya Chof =20), alluding to the 22 letters of the Torah. — vitally concern It is specifically through the 22 letters, the soul (Noigeia… which every single Jew has a b’Nefesh) of every connection to, even the simplest Jew (since single person. it does not demand understanding and knowledge), that connect a Jew with the —Kovetz Lubavitch, essence of G-d. vol. 7. p.24 —Toras Menachem, vol. 3 p. 84



Reciting Psalms is a perfect method to arouse one’s heart with a passionate love for G-d —Nodah Beyehuda, vol. 1, res. 35


Just like when traveling, one must be aware of gangs and robbers, similar A SOUL CONNECTION is the situation between heaven and earth. There is no empty space. There are various “gangs” that fill up the space If you crave to be through which one’s prayers ascend. connected to G-d, There are areas where there are kind “gangs” which help one’s prayer ascend then be connected through the heavenly “highways,” and with the book of there are areas where there are destruc- Psalms tive “gangs” which try to impede on your prayer’s ascent. The success of the —Shaloh, vol. 3, inyan Tefilah V’Krias Hatorah, 21d prayer to reach its intended destination, depends on the merit of the one praying. King David, howev- er, introduced Psalms which prepares the “terrain” so that prayer can ascend without any impediment. When a person says Psalms, in Hebrew Mizmor (of Tehillim) which comes from the word Lezamer, cut away, one cuts away all obstruction, and re- moves all fright that a person might have in his “divine travels” —Shaarei Orah (Gikatillia), gate 1, p. 3b 6 In connection with the daily reading from the monthly cycle of Tehillim the Rebbe Rayatz wrote: “...At the beginning of the year 5687 (1926) I made a request to the chassidic brotherhood - that every group of wor- shipers in the synagogues after Shacharis should make a regular practice of reading the daily allotment of Tehillim as apportioned throughout the days of the month... This request still stands and is for the public’s good. (Indeed, it would be proper to institute this practice in every shul, for it is not relevant to chassidim alone.) And by virtue of this reading, may you all be blessed by the Source of Blessings with all manner of good, both spiritual and material.” —Sefer Haminhagim p. 19

THE BENEFITS A cup of blessing One who is (i.e., Kiddush) must accustomed to OF TEHILLIM be raised a hand’s- reciting Psalms, breadth, so too pushes away Psalms, which is King many types of David’s cup of bless- calamities and ing, raises blessings a affliction, from Thank G-d that the hand’s-breadth (i.e., himself, his reciting of Psalms causes it to spill over) household, his has become an and it removes all family and his accepted practice. It negative energies generation. has saved numerous —Tzemach Tzedek (Kovetz He brings down lives. For this I say Michtavim) upon himself Thank You to all and all of them those who put in ef- all types of fort to this end, since The Previous Rebbe said: Say- divine influence it is not enough to ing Tehillim daily is beneficial and blessing, alone recite Psalms, for you, your children and and much rather, one must your grandchildren. success. put in an effort to —Chida, —Kovetz Michtavim have this practice of introduction to saying Psalms estab- Yosef Tehillos, 12 lished in all places, and for this you will A healthy person may read verses and chapters of receive a blessing for Psalms in order that in the merit of its recitation family, health and he should be protected, and he should be saved abundance of wealth. from difficulty and harm. —Kovetz Michtavim —Rambam, Avodah Zarah 11:13



Another name for LIGHT SHINES IN A VILLAGE Tehillim is Talpios, which can mean Tal Pios, a mound THE BA’AL SHEM TOV once became aware of a of mouths for it harsh decree of annihilation against the Jews of a has been com- certain town. The Ba’al Shem Tov ascended to heav- posed by many en to see how he can intercede. When upon high, composers. he realized that there is nothing he himself can do Adam, concerning this decree. The decree has been made. Abraham, Moses, When the Ba’al Shem Tov was descending back King David, King through the heavenly chambers to this world, he Solomon, Asaf, noticed a strong light emanating from a certain Heiman, ViDusun, chamber. He inquired about it, and was informed the children of that it was the chamber of a certain simple villager, Korach, and Ezra, who completes the Psalms 5 times a day, and the are all said to have composed psalms. light was the shine of the divine sparks produced by the words of his Psalms. But when they The Ba’al Shem Tov went to visit this villager all came to say and asked him: if you knew that your reward in the Psalms, G-d said to them, “you are world-to-come can be traded in to save an entire all pleasant and village, would you agree? The villager said, yes. And pious and worthy with that response in hand, the entire village was to chant before saved. me, but King The previous Rebbe concluded: from this story David will be the we see the importance of the letters of the Torah, for one to say it on by just saying the words of Tehillim, this simple Jew your behalf for his was able to generate a sparkling light in the heav- voice is pleasant.” ens, that saved a village. —Shir Hashirim —Kovetz Michtavim Rabbah, 4:4


THERE WAS ONCE a harsh decree against the Jewish people and the Tzemach Tzedek sent a mes- senger to the Ruziner Tzadik about it. The Ruziner Tzadik said: We will say a few Psalms, G-d will open for us the gates of light and we will see what is the proper way of dealing with the situation. —Kovetz Michtavim


THE CHAFETZ CHAIM said to a man who was struggling: I was orphaned at the age of ten. My mother struggled to support the family. Whenever I felt down or like I was lacking, I would sit in the corner of a room and recite Psalms, and G-d always helped me. You do the same and G-d will help you.

BECOME AN EXPERT If people only knew the power concealed in the combinations of the letters of the Torah, every single Jew would strive to become an expert in the words of Torah and Tehillim! —Baal Shem Tov

9 TEHILLIM IN CHAYENU is dedicated in honor of Rabbi Yitzchok and Leah Gniwisch ~ May the power of Tehillim, recited by thousands around the globe in your Zechus, pierce the heavens and elicit abundant Brochos from ,both material and spiritual ,הקדוש ברוך הוא to you and all your offspring. ~ - כלל ישראל May the heartfelt prayers of in Dovid HaMelech’s words - imploring Hashem for the Geulah, be answered affirmatively and speedily.

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