It-Tlettax-Il Leġiżlatura Pl 1085

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It-Tlettax-Il Leġiżlatura Pl 1085 IT-TLETTAX-IL LEĠIŻLATURA P.L. 1085 Dokument imqiegħed fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Numru 73 tal-24 ta’ Jannar 2018 mill-Ministru għat-Trasport, Infrastruttura u Proġetti Kapitali. ___________________________ Raymond Scicluna Skrivan tal-Kamra AWTORITÀ TAL-IPPJANAR – APPLIKAZZJONIJIET GĦAL SANZJONAR/ BINI TA’ STALEL TAŻ-ŻWIEMEL *3091. L-ONOR. TONI BEZZINA staqsa lill-Ministru għat-Trasport, Infrastruttura u Proġetti Kapitali: B'referenza għar-risposta tal-mistoqsija parlamentari 2859, jista’ l-Ministru jgħid kemm hemm/kien hemm applikazzjonijiet pendenti quddiem l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar (qabel il-MEPA) għal sanzjonar / bini ta' stalel taż-żwiemel, sena b'sena mill-2013 sakemm tiġi mwieġba din il-mistoqsija parlamentari? Liema huma dawn l-istess applikazzjonijiet? F'liema lokalità jinsabu? F'kull każ f'liema stadju jinsabu dawn l-applikazzjonijiet quddiem l-Awtorità? Liema minn dawn l-applikazzjonijiet ħarġilhom il-permess neċessarju? 20/12/2017 ONOR. IAN BORG: B’referenza għall-mistoqsija parlamentari 3091, l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar ivvalidat jew ippublikat mija erba’ u għoxrin applikazzjoni (124) għal żvilupp relatat ma’ sanzjonar / bini ta’ stalel mill-1 ta' Jannar 2013 sal-lum. Annessa hawn tabella li tagħti n-numru ta’ applikazzjonijiet ivvalidati / ippublikati kull sena. Qed inpoġġi fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra lista ta’ dawn l-applikazzjonijiet bl-informazzjoni mitluba mill-Onor. Interpellant. 2013 10 2014 5 2015 11 2016 46 2017 52 Din l-informazzjoni nġabret mis-sistema tal-informatika tal-Awtorità fuq applikazzjonijiet ivvalidati jew ippublikati mill-1 ta' Jannar 2013 fejn fil-proposta tal-iżvilupp tagħhom hemm il-kelmiet segwenti. · Stables/s · Stalla / Stalel Seduta Numru 73 24/01/2018 PQ 2859/ PQ3091 - PA Applications Validated. Published from from 01 -Jan-2013 to Dec 2017). PANo. Proposal Location Local Council Status Decision PA/01179/13 To sanction stables, paddock. sheds, milking parlour, milking Qrendi Farm, Tal­ Siggiewi Decided Granted cooler room and manure clamp. Removal of deteriorated hut Qampiena, Triq Lapsi, and part of boundary wall. Construction of cow shed, reservoir, Siggiewi, Malta silo, gate, settling tanks and part of boundary wall. PA/00133/13 Change of use for part of the premises from a disused pig-farm St. Rocco Farm, Sqaq it­ Xghajra Decided Granted to stables; T uta, Xghajra, Malta to sanction existing alterations; and new proposed alterations. PA/03142/13 Construction of 4 stables, reservoir, cesspit and planting of Site at, Triq iz-Zejtun, Zabbar Decided Not Granted trees. Zabbar, Malta PA/00478/13 Proposed amendments to approved permit PA/07059/07- Site at, Ta' Gawhar, Triq Safi Decided Not Granted Demolition of stables and construction of new stables. Ta' Gawhar, Safi, Malta PA/01351/13 Relocation of stables from zebbug village core to another site in Field At, Djar lz-Zara, Zebbug Decided Granted zebbug (malta) and propose ancillary facilities, manure clamp, Zebbug, Malta underground water reservoir, rubble boundary walls & gate. PA/01 915/13 Proposed stables and fodder stores Site at, Tal-Lewz, Triq Sanna! Decided Granted Sannat, Sanna!, Gozo PA/03465/13 Construction of stables and related facilities. Site at, Triq Tal- Lewz, Xewkija Decided Granted Xewkija, Gozo PA/02391/1"3 To amend permission PA1614/09 by carry out alterations to Gozo Stables, Triq Wied Qala Decided Granted existing stables, enlarge manure clamp, and additional stables ls-Simar, Qala, Gozo and paddock. PA/05859/16 To sanction construction of stables, toilet and replace existing Site at, Triq it-Torri Ta' L- Naxxar Decided Not Granted boundary wall with a rubble wall. Ghallies, Naxxar, Malta PA/01651/15 Conversion of abandoned livestock farm into a horse riding Conception Farm, Sqaq iz- Qormi Decided Granted facility with stables and paddock. Ziemel, Tal-Handaq, Limits Of, Qormi, Malta PA/01855/13 Renewal of permit PA 03824/06- to construct stables and Gabay restroom, Sqaq II- Marsa Decided Granted ancillary stores. Gerrejja, Marsa, Malta PA/02128/14 To sanction existing utility room and store, install gate, Site at, Bulebel II- Kbir, Zejtun Decided Granted reconstruct room and relocate stable and construct manure Zejtun, Malta clamp to existing farm. PA/03405/13 Construction of 6 stables, excavation and construction of Emacar, Trejqet Wied Tal- Birzebbugia Decided Granted reservoir and embellishment of surrounding grounds. Klima, Birzebbugia, Malta PA/03394/14 To sanction pre-1988 stables. Proposed internal and external Bonavia, Tal-Hlas Road, Qormi Decided Granted alterations. Qormi, Malta PA/02920/14 To erect stables. Unnamed field, Triq Dun Zurrieq Decided Granted Guzepp Barbara, Zurrieq, Malta PA/00218/14 Demolition of existing structure and construction of stables and Field at, Ta' Manduka, Dingli Decided Granted passage way (outline PA2317/09 approved). Dingli, Malta PA/01740/14 Proposed construction of stables, cesspit, manure clump, Frangisca Field, Ta' Xindi, Zebbug Decided Granted reservoir and sanctioning of gate, canopy and rubble wall. Area known as, Tal- Gharbi, Zebbug, Malta PA/01580/15 To sanction as build stables approved by PA5636/03. Ellman Stable, Triq Tal- lklin Decided Granted Balal, lklin, Malta PA/00353/15 Construction of stables and equipments store for use by owner Site at Ta' Mozz/Ta' San Marsascala Decided Not Granted of karozzini Gejtanu, Triq ld-Dahla Ta' San Tumas, Marsascala, Malta PA/01168/15 Addition of stair hood and one room to existing garage for 1, Triq Laqxija, Birkirkara, Birkirkara Decided Not Granted traditional Maltese carriages and stable. Malta PA/05700/16 To construct 5 timber stables, 2 paddocks and ancillary facilities Site at, Triq Saghtrija, Zebbug (Gozo) Decided Granted to stables namely a tack room, manure clamp, settling tank, Zebbug (Gozo), Gozo cesspit and storage. To sanction construction of walls. PA/00083/17 Biex tinbena stalla ghaz-ziemel Site at, T riq Borg Gharib, Ghajnsielem Awaiting Decision Pending Ghajnsielem, Gozo PA/04629/16 Demolition of existing rooms (pre 1967) and construction of Site at (rooms), Tal- Marsascala Decided Granted stable, inclusive of storage garage, vet's office, paddock. The Munxar, Marsascala, development also requires the addition of cesspit and manure Malta clamp. PA/00719/15 Change of use from abandoned poultry farm into stables. Kit Kat Farm, Sqaq nru 2, Zejtun Decided Granted Works include additions and alterations to existing structures. Triq Haz- Zabbar, Zejtun, Malta PA/03672/15 Proposed changes and sanctioning of existing stables and Balla Farm Stable, off, Luqa Decided Not Granted surrounding amenities. Triq Hal Farrug, Luqa, Malta PA/03822/16 Proposed demountable stables, manure clamp and underlying c Buhagiar's, Has- Sajjied Zabbar Decided Not Granted esspit. off, Triq Has- Sajjied, Zabbar, Malta PA/02276/16 To construct stables [Relocation of four (4) horses that are kept Site at, Triq Hal Farrug, Luqa Decided Granted at 42, Triq Azzopardi, B'Kara]. Luqa, Malta PA/02706/16 Removal of existing structures and construction of stables and Site at, Triq Wied Xkora, Siggiewi Decided Not Granted ancillary facilities. Siggiewi, Malta PA/03170/15 To sanction existing entrance gates and construct stables, Site at, Has- Saptan, Ghaxaq Decided Granted paddocks, manure clamp, cesspit and stores, including paving Ghaxaq, Malta of stables areas with hard paving, including internal boundary wall. PA/03695/15 To demolish existing stables and hay store, to construct two Site at, lc- Gens Tal- Rabat Decided Granted stables, hay store, manure clamp and cesspit, to sanction Knisja, Rabat, Malta boundary wall and fixing of gate. PA/04283/16 To sanction erection of timber structure and convert them into Site at 11-Qasam, Ta' Djar Dingli Decided Not Granted stables and a hay store, construction of manure clamp and II- Bniet, Dingli, Malta cesspit. PA/03825/16 To carry out an extension to an existing farm building including Site at, Triq, Tal- Siggiewi Decided Not Granted construction of stables, manure clamp and cesspit and to Providenza, Siggiewi, sanction existing structure (kennel). Malta PA/02919/16 To construct 4 stables including ancillary facilities. Site at, Birguma, Naxxar, Naxxar Decided Not Granted Malta PA/03714/15 To construct eight horse stables and ancillary facilities, manure 11-Hawlija, Triq II- Wilga, Dingli Decided Not Granted clamp, cesspit and rubble walls. Dingli, Malta PA/02560/16 To erect stables and paddock for horses, underground rain- Tai-Ghannej, Triq L- Kercem Decided Granted water reservoir, provide on-site parking, fix gate, and install Ghadira, Kercem, Gozo landscaping, manure clamp and cesspit. PA/03987/16 To sanction 2 water catchment reservoirs, tool room, shed and Site at, Ta' L- lsqof, Rabat Withdrawn Withdrawn paddock; and propose the construction of stables and manure Rabat, Malta clamp. PA/02344/16 Demolition of existing stables and proposal of new stables, Field, Sqaq II- Qenc, Zebbug Decided Granted paddocks, timber gate, manure clump, cesspit and reservoir. Zebbug, Malta PA/04271/16 Renewal of permit PA 05863/99- demolition of existing building Various sites at, Triq il- Msida Decided Granted and construction of fifty five units, twenty two garages, ten Wied, Triq Garcin, Trejqa I· stables and four shops. Wied, Sqaq Garcin and, Triq L- lspi2jar Joseph Sciberras, Msida, Malta PA/01807/15 To sanction as built stables and store including proposed minor Xuereb Stables, Triq Marsa Decided Granted internal alterations. Gdida fi, Triq Is- Serkin, Marsa, Malta PA/04245/16 Construction of
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