Transformation Groups c The Author(s) (2020) Vol. 26, No. 1, 2021, pp. 31–68 CROSS RATIOS ON BOUNDARIES OF SYMMETRIC SPACES AND EUCLIDEAN BUILDINGS J. BEYRER∗ Department of Mathematics Universit¨atHeidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 205, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
[email protected] Abstract. We generalize the natural cross ratio on the ideal boundary of a rank one symmetric space, or even CAT(−1) space, to higher rank symmetric spaces and (non- locally compact) Euclidean buildings. We obtain vector valued cross ratios defined on simplices of the building at infinity. We show several properties of those cross ratios; for example that (under some restrictions) periods of hyperbolic isometries give back the translation vector. In addition, we show that cross ratio preserving maps on the chamber set are induced by isometries and vice versa, | motivating that the cross ratios bring the geometry of the symmetric space/Euclidean building to the boundary. Introduction Cross ratios on boundaries are a crucial tool in hyperbolic geometry and more general negatively curved spaces. In this paper we show that we can generalize these cross ratios to (the non-positively curved) symmetric spaces of higher rank and thick Euclidean buildings with many of the properties of the cross ratio still valid. 2 2 On the boundary @1H of the hyperbolic plane H there is naturally a multi- plicative cross ratio defined by z1 − z2 z3 − z4 crH2 (z1; z2; z3; z4) = z1 − z4 z3 − z2 2 2 when considering H in the upper half space model, i.e., @1H = R [ f1g. This cross ratio plays an essential role in hyperbolic geometry.