Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU* and Güler TANER*

ABSTRACT.- In this study, coverage of Bivalvia fauna and its systematic specialties in Antalya Miocene basin have been explained. In the basin, 30 species of Bivalvia class obtained from Oymapınar limestone, Altınkaya for- mation and Aksu formation have been determined. As well as systematically classification of species, stratigraph- ic levels and paleogeographic distributions of them have been put forward too. According to this, species of Glos- sus (Cytherocardia) cf. deshayesi perlongata (Kutassy 1928) and Pelecyora (Cordiopsis) polytropa nysti (d'Or- bigny 1852) are peculiar to Middle Miocene and species of Cardiocardita cf. monilifera (Dujardin 1837) is peculiar to Lower Miocene. In the study area, as well as species, characteristic for Tethys such as species such as Chlamys (Aequipecten) scabrella bollenensis (Mayer 1876), Pecten fuchsi Fontannes 1878, species such as Crassostrea gryphoides (Schlotheim 1813), Loripes (Loripes) dujardini (Deshayes 1850), Carditamera (Lazariella) (Sacco 1899), Megaxinus bellardianus (Mayer 1864), Acanthocardia (Acanthocardia) turonica (Mayer 1861), Sanguino- laria (Soletellina) labordei (Basterot 1825) and Pitar (Pitar) rudis (Poli 1795) widespreading both into Tethys and into marine stages of Central Paratethys have been found. It is striking to be met by chance firstly in the study area with species such as Glossus (Cytherocardia) cf. deshayesi perlongata (Kutassy 1928), Pelecyora (Cordiopsis) polytropa nysti (d'Orbigny 1852 and Irus (Paphirus) gregarius gregarius Partsch, 1823 known beforehand to be only Central Paratethys. In the study area whereas determined species belonging to Lower and Middle Miocene are able to be correlated with Tethys on the other hand Central Paratethys fauna belonging to Upper Miocene are only able to correlated with Tethys fauna. GASTROPODA FAUNA OF ANTALYA MIOCENE BASIN

Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU* and Güler TANER*

ABSTRACT.- With this study, totally 51 gastropod species taken from Oymapınar limestone, Altınkaya formation and Aksu formation, into the Antalya Miocene basin, have been determined. After the description, in addition to the species have been classificated as systematically, their stratigraphic levels have been revealed. In the examin ed fauna, besides the species peculiar to Tethys such as (Cingula (Peringiella) ventricosella (Cerulli- Irelli, 1914), Terebralia subcorrugata d'Orbigny 1852, Cerithium (Thericium) vulgatum miocenicum Vignal, 1910, Cerithi- um (Tiaracerithium) pseudotiarella d'Orbigny 1852, Triphora adversa miocenica Cossmann ve Peyrot 1924), some species peculiar to only Central Paratethys such as (Hydrobia) frauenfeldi frauenfeldi (Hoernes 1856), Pirenella gamlitzensis gamlitzensis (Hilber, 1879) have been found. The investigated species, during Lower - Middle Miocene, are able to correlated both Tethys and Central Paratethys, while during Upper Miocene these species are only able to corraleted Tethys. Mineral Res. Expl. Bull., 127, 1-14, 2003


Engin MERİÇ*; Niyazi AVŞAR**; Fulya BERGİN*** and İpek F. BARUT*

ABSTRACT.- Three of nine foraminifer samples collected from the Dikili Bay in the northwestern Aegean Sea yielded three species demonstrating aberrance in development: Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll), Rosalina sp. and Elphidium crispum (Linne). We suggest that the cause for such abnormalities may well be thermal springs, which are known to exist in the regions of the Dikili Bay and the Island of Lesbos to the west, and corresponding- ly high proportion of certain elements in the waters.

INTRODUCTION ging from the existence of those known-likely to appear along the fault lines (Şaroğlu et al., The area of the NE Aegean from which 1992). the samples are collected is shown in figure 1. Dikili Bay is situated on the western coast of The purpose of this paper is to suggest Anatolia between the Gulf of Edremit (to the that the quality and quantity of the chemical N) and the Gulf of Çandarlı (to the S), just op- trace elements supplied by the thermal posite the Greek Island of Lesbos. springs are related to the fault activity in the Along the western coast of Turkey, the area that cause aberrant formations in the temperature of the Aegean has been recor- species of various benthic foraminifer in the ded as varying from 9 to 26 °C, with an oxy- Dikili Bay. gen content ranging from 4 to10 ml/l (Artüz 1970, Benli and Küçüksezgin 1988, Ergin et FACILITIES AND METHOD OF RESEARCH al., 1993a). It is thus a relatively warm and well-aerated environment. In 1996, the research vessel Sismik-1 of the MTA equipped with a Van Veen Grab In the Middle Miocene, posterior to the scoop was able to sample various areas of collision of the Arabian and Anatolian plates the region began to expand (Şengör and Yıl- the seabed in the bay (Fig. 1). Although the maz, 1981), shifted westward between two fa- coordinates and depth were specified, we had ults: the Northern and Western Anatolian fa- no record of the submarine environment (i.e., ults. Consequently, an E-W graben system temperature, salt content, pH and oxygen developed (Arpat and Şaroğlu, 1975; McKen- content). The depth of the seabed from which zie, 1977; Turgut, 1987; Mascle and Martin, the nine samples were recovered ranges from 1990; Yılmaz, 1990) with thermal springs-jud- 16 to 49 m. 2 Engin MERİÇ; Niyazi AVŞAR; Fulya BERGİN and ipek F. BARUT

Fig. 1- Location map of the Dikili Bay (Northeastern Aegean Sea) and sampled localities.

THE EVIDENCE Peneroplis pertusus (Forskal) at sites 3 and 5, and the presence of progeny of Cibicidella va- The nine samples inspected for present- riabilis (d'Orbigny) with their unusual shell for- day foraminifers in the Dikili Bay (Samples 1- 9, Fig.1) proved both plentiful and informative. mations at sites 1, 5, 7 and 8. From depths of 16 to 49 m, we were able to Specific to the subject under discussion identify 86 benthic foraminifers of at least 50 are single examples of Peneroplis plantus separate species (Table 1). The literature (Fichtel and Moll), Rosalina sp., and Elphidi- most helpful in identifying the species inclu- um crispum (Linne) that demonstrate aberrant des Cimerman and Langer, 1991; Hatta and morphology. The Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel Ujiie, 1992; Sgarella and Moncharmont-Zei, and Moll) individual from site 2 displays two 1993; Hottinger et al., 1993; Loeblich and abnormal cylindrical protuberances toward Tappan, 1994; Meriç et al., 1995; Hayward et the tip (one to the left and one to the right on al., 1999; Meriç and Avşar, 2000 and 2001; the second and third units and from the end), Avşar and Meriç 2001 a-b, Meriç et al., 2002a, both of which most obviously incorporate a 2003 and 2004; we have attempted to include mouth. A break at the very tip suggests that the most recent sources. there may have been a third protuberance as Of note among this benthic life in general well (Fig. 2a). While other individuals of Pene- are the verification of the foraminifer species roplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll) and P.pertu- THREE ABNORMAL SAMPLES OF BENTHIC FORAMINIFERS FROM THE DİKİLİ BAY 3

sus (Forskal) from the neighbouring waters remain hesitant to assign this individual to any displayed no such abnormalities, aberration particular species. Sample number 2, an indi- was also encountered in the shell formation of vidual of Elphidium crispum (Linne), also rep- sample No. 3 (Rosalina sp.), which demonst- resents pronouncedly aberrant development rates four protuberances-two very prominent- as abnormal swellings apparent on the conto- at the sides/along the lateral walls (Fig. 2b). ur (Fig. 2c). Because of this irregularity in shape, we

Fig. 2- External views of tests, displaying abnormal morphologies; 2a: Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll), x100; 2b: Rosalina sp., x100 ve 2c: Elphidium crispum (Linne) x100 4 Engin MERİÇ; Niyazi AVŞAR; Fulya BERGİN and ipek F. BARUT

Table. 1- Distributions of benthic foraminiferal genera and species from recent samples at the Dikili Bay. THREE ABNORMAL SAMPLES OF BENTHIC FORAMINIFERS FROM THE DİKİLİ BAY 5

Continue to Table 1. 6 Engin MERİÇ; Niyazi AVŞAR; Fulya BERGİN and İpek F. BARUT

EVALUATION Furthermore, along the east coast of Is- land of Lesbos facing the Gulf to the west we Both Associate Professor Gültekin Tar- have scattered series of thermal springs intro- can (Dokuz Eylül Univercity) and Dr. Levent ducing water of various temperatures into the Çetiner (of the MTA Aegean Directorate) ag- environment, most of these reflecting the che- ree that the abnormalities in the specimens mical contents of the seawater. (Meriç et al., presented here (personal communications, 2002b). Considering the existence of such so- June 2002) might well be the result of thermal urces on or near the mainland, we would sug- springs activated by the faults in the region gest that there might well be hot marine (Fig. 1). Particularly of note here are the hot springs affecting the environment in which springs on the mainland and the seabed at samples 3 and 5 have been recovered. Such Bademli (along the coastal road between Di- marine sources, with either over- or under-ba- kili and Çandarlı) and on the promontory of Ilı- lance of N, I, Va, Li, Fe, Nb, Rb, Zn, Co, P, caburun (Türkiye Madensuları 3: Ege Bölgesi, Mo, Cd or Hg might have easily affected the 1974; Türkiye Mineralli Su Kaynakları 1: Ege- shell development of these two benthic orga- Bolgesi, 1999). Analyses from these sources nisms (Ivanoff, 1972; Tait, 1981; Meriç et al., are shown in table 2. 2002c). Likewise, the appearance of distinctly

Table 2- Chemical composition of the thermal mineral waters of southern part of Dikili Bay and vicinity of Çandarlı Bay (Türkiye Maden suları (3), Ege Bölgesi, 1974; Türkiye Mineralli Su Kaynaklan (1), Ege Bölgesi, 1999). THREE ABNORMAL SAMPLES OF BENTHIC FORAMINIFERS FROM THE DİKİLİ BAY 7

coloured Peneroplis shells found S and SE of where it is heated in the graben and other Bozcaada and off the E coast of Lesbos, as tectonic zones (facilitating its movement well as the remarkably large proportions of through the bedrock) and eventually forms a the shells of the same species recovered from geothermal reservoir (Barut et al., 2003). a depth of 2.5 m in the warm environment Studies have shown that the source of all (59 °C) of the Ilıca Bay near Çeşme, have thermal springs is surface water that has been accredited to recent-and perhaps still penetrated the ground and been heated by productive-thermal springs in the seabed geothermal/tectonic phenomena, eventually (Meriç 1986; Meriç and Avşar 2000; Avşar returning to the earth's surface through faults and Meriç 2001b; Meriç et al., 2002a and b; and cracks (Erişen et al., 1996). Yalçın et al., 2003). Figure 3 tabulates the chemical compo- Evidence of shell deformation in 30% of sition of the mineral waters of the region eva- the benthic foraminifer (217 species) is noted luated on the basis of a Piper diagram (Piper, from the Bay of Haifa in Israel (Yanko et al., 1953). In this figure, it is seen that water rich 1998). These anomalies have been linked to in Mg with a generally very high proportion of the presence of heavy metals in the water Na and K, as well as of carbonates and sulfa- (see Yanko et al., 1999 for further speculati- tes; the carbonate component, registers parti- on). The presence of heavy metals has also cularly high. Elements characteristic of alkali been suggested as a possible cause of ano- soils (Ca + Mg) register comparatively low. malies in the shell structure of foraminifera in The best-represented cations are Na, C and the area of the French Isle of You. (Debenay K; the best-represented anions Cl, HCO3, and etal., 2001). SO4. These represent values appropriate for The geological characteristics of the re- water that has penetrated limestone. gion discussed above reflect the gradual mo- Another factor significant to the region is vement of the western Anatolian plate, cha- the many thermal springs scattered through- racterized first by the N-S compression of pa- out the SE peninsula of Lesbos (east of the leotectonic evolution, but later (during neotec- Bay of Kalloni and just across the channel tontic development) by N-S expansion. The from Dikili). The salty thermal springs of the primary faults and graben system in western small spa are also located on the island of Anatolia developed during this latter period. Lesbos at Thermi (46.9 °C), slightly northward Most of the thermal springs appear along the- along the east coast, and at Polychnitos se faults and grabens. The marble and limes- (39.7 °C) 45.80 km westward from the admi- tone schist in the metamorphic rocks of the nistrative center Mytilene, as well as the salt Menderes massif (marble, quartzite, and li- waters of the nearby Lisvario spa (41.50 km mestone schist, and as well as other schist from Mytilene), one of the warmest thermal and gneiss) provided convenient passage for springs in Europe with a temperature of the major thermal aquifer, thus providing input 69 °C. The salty hot springs of Methymna for the underground reservoirs in the Bayındır (43.5-46.5 °C) lie at the north of the island and region of Izmir (Barut et al., 2003). Recent the spa of Therma is noted for its mixture of hydro-geological research and studies carried fresh and salt waters (39.7 °C) only eight kilo- out by various scholars suggest that the Ko- meters from Mytilene. Considering the above, zak region northeast of Dikili is the source of it would be reasonable to postulate the further much of the water collected in the Bayındır re- existence of thermal sources off the east servoirs. This model postulates a route trans- coast of the Island of Lesbos (Meriç et al., porting surface water deep underground, 2002b). 8 Engin MERİÇ; Niyazi AVŞAR; Fulya BERGİN and İpek F. BARUT

Fig. 3- Geochemical classification, Piper diagram, of the thermal mineralwaters at southern part of Dikili Bay and vicinity of Çandarlı Bay.

Returning to the various samples collec- shown in figure 4a, the values of Mn, Cu and ted in the Dikili Bay, we should note that five Cr are relatively higher at site 3. The value of of these contain traces of heavy metals: Pb, Mn is seen to increase at the two sites shown Cr, Ni, Cu, Co, Mn and Fe (Table 3). In Samp- in figure 4b. Although all values aside from les 3 and 5, although no Fe is reported, Pb is that of Co remain under the threshold limit at present, and the amounts of Cr, Ni, Cu, Co site 5, the presence of these metals should and Mn recorded-if below the threshold limits still be considered significant. A comparison (Krauschopf, 1985)-are worthy of note. Samp- among the values in the Dikili Bay and those les 2, 4 and 8 contain a notabl proportion of from the Çandarlı Bay to the south show us Mn, Cr and Cu, and Sample 5 reveals the hig- that Co, Cu, and Cr rise above the threshold hest proportions of Mn, Cr, Cu and Ni. Com- values in the northern waters, whereas Fe, paring the values at the stations sites 3 and 5 Mn, and Ni in the southern waters. THREE ABNORMAL SAMPLES OF BENTHIC FORAMINIFERS FROM THE DİKİLİ BAY 9

Table. 3- Heavy metal concentrations in bottom 5 sediment samples from the Dikili Bay.

Fig. 4a- Comparison of the heavy metal concentrations with number of stations 2, 3, 4 and 8

Fig. 4b- Distributions of the abundance of the heavy metal concentrations at the of stations 2, 3, 4 and 8 10 Engin MERİÇ; Niyazi AVŞAR; Fulya BERGİN and İpek F. BARUT

Aside from the stream known as the (Meriç, 1986; Avşar and Meriç, 200I) also Madra Çay (north of Dikili), there is no surfa- supports our contention, as does the morpho- ce drainage capable of introducing any appre- logy of other aberrant instances of this speci- ciable sediment into the bay. The relative es (Sözeri, 1966; de Civrieux, 1970). Indeed, abundance of heavy metals in the offshore the number of abnormal shell formations waters would therefore postulate some aqu- among Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll) ifers opening directly into the seabed. Many from environs fed by thermal springs is quite hot springs in the north east of the island of striking. It seems essential that we consider Lesbos likewise support this premise. not only the major and minor chemical ele- ments present in the environment, but trace Microprobe analysis of the morphologi- elements as well. cally anomalous shells of Peneroplis platanus (Fichtel and Moll) and Rosalina sp. has reve- The variety of foraminifer species in each aled the presence of CO3, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Cl, of the nine samplings (collected from nine dif- Ca, Fe, and Ni. Trace elements in the former- ferent sites, or stations) proves informative as Peneroplis platanus (Fichtel and Moll)-reco- well. In sample 1, 40 different species were vered at site 5, indicate Fe > Al > Na > Ca > attested; sample 2 revealed 55 species; Si > Mg. The proportions differ in the latter- sample 3, 48; sample 4, 10; sample 5, 56; Rosalina sp.-from site 3, however: Ni > Si > sample 6, 24; sample 7, 37; sample 8, 68; and

Ca > Na > Al > Cl > CO3. sample 9, 36. Thus samplings 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 all confirm an environment congenial to CONCLUSIONS foraminifera, revealing at least 40 different species, with the highest variety (68) recorded It seems most reasonable to contend in sample 8. sample 4, with only 10 species, that the unusual high concentration of certain must obviously be much less attractive to the- elements in the waters of Dikili Bay most pro- se benthic species. It is the ecology at the bably a result of thermal springs along the fa- sites from which samplings 2, 3, 5 and 8 were ult line(s) running across the seabed-like tho- collected that is of greatest interest to us. se that have been traced in the north of the Gulf of Edremit (Meriç et al., 2003) and in the Here we must cite one publication (Ergin Ilıca Bay at Çeşme in the Province of Izmir et al., 1999a and b) comparing recent estima- (Avşar and Meriç, 2001), in the sea, E and SE tes of heavy metals in Dikili Bay and the im- of the island of Gökçeada (Meriç and Avşar, mediate surroundings (Table 4) with the mic- 2001), E and S of the island of Bozcaada (Me- roprobe values of the analyzed shell tissue riç et al., 2002a) and along the east coast of mentioned above, considering Fe and Ni in Lesbos (Meriç et al., 2002b>)-might well have particular. Although we cannot say that re- caused the aberrant development in shell for- sults comparing the latter elements substanti- mation of the three individuals from three dif- ate a direct correspondence, the Cu and Co ferent species of foraminifera discussed values of the various examples correspond (Figs. 2a-2c). Report of abnormal develop- quite well. Discrepancies may reflect either ment among the Peneroplis population thri- the depth from which the samples come ving near the thermal springs in Ilıca Bay and/or particulars in the methods of analysis. THREE ABNORMAL SAMPLES OF BENTHIC FORAMINIFERS FROM THE DİKİLİ BAY 11

Table. 4- Heavy metal concentrations in surface sediments from the Dikili and Çandarlı bays (from Ergin et al., 1993)

Among further reports of interest from the species has increased with the higher the Aegean, we have one account of very lead content in the environment. unusual benthic life influenced by thermal Let us also take a glance deep under the sources at a depth of 10m off the Greek island Southwestern Pacific, where rich sulfide beds of Melos. These are compared to the astonis- containing silver, gold, copper, tin, and zinc hing forms of life that appear in desert oases have been found in the bed of the Sea of Bis- (Thiermann et al., 1997). Other reports from the Hellenic volcanic crescent include relati- mark, about 2000 m below sea level. In this vely recent thermal sources such as the spas rich environment, where we note the presen- along the inlets of the Methana peninsula on ce of hydrothermal submarine 'chimneys' the west of the Greek Peloponnesus, as well emitting dark smoke, benthic life flourishes, the hot-water springs identified along the co- with gastropods representing the majority of asts of Melos, Samos and Yialos (Varnavas the fauna. So deep, and deprived of light, li- etal., 1999). ving creatures must depend on chemical ele- ments for energy (Binns and Decker, 1998). Relative to the recent affects of the he- From the depths of the Timor Sea somewhat avy metals upon benthic life, a population of further to the west, we can cite various popu- Melonis barleeanus (Williamson) discovered lations of foraminifer displaying morphological in a fiord of Greenland, not far distant from le- ad and zinc mines can be cited. Aberrations anomalies. Examples are given in Loeblich among the offspring were registered at 20%, and Tappan 1994, pl. 117, figs. 7-8: Pyrami- whereas elsewhere-under normal circums- dulina pauciloculata (Cushman); pl. 127, figs. tances-they have not numbered above 5% 5 and 10, Amphycoryna separans (Brady); (Elberling et al., 2003). The authors suggest and pl. 128, fig. 13 Amphycoryna sublineata that within the last century the proportion-as (Brady). An individual of Amphycoryna scala- well as the number-of abnormal offspring of rus (Batch) with similar deformities has also Melonis barleeanus (Williamson) has incre- been recovered near Volcano Island in the ased in relation to the rising level of heavy south of the Tyrrhenian Sea (Cimmerman and metal pollution and shell deformation within Langer, 1991: pl. 54, fig. 6). 12 Engin MERİÇ; Niyazi AVŞAR; Fulya BERGİN and İpek F. BARUT

In conclusion, these three foraminifer REFERENCES samples representing morphological anomali- es (Figs. 2a-2c) most probably owe their de- Arpat, E. and Şaroğlu, F., 1975, Türkiye'deki bazı formities to disproportional content of heavy önemli genç tektonik olaylar: Türkiye Jeol. metals in the sea and considered as no anth- Kur.Bült.18, 91-101. ropogenic phenomenon, but introduced into Artüz, M. I., 1970, Some observations on the hydrog- the ecosystem by natural thermal springs in raphy of the Turkish Aegean waters during the seabed. The pollution traces at Çandarlı 4-25 September 1963: Publications of the Bay due to the Aliağa Petroleum Raffinary is Hydrobiological Research Institute, Faculty of important at the north of the gulf (because of Science, University of Istanbul, Serie B, 1-9. the current). Among the five samples collec- Avşar, N. and Meriç, E., 2001 a, Türkiye'nin güncel ted at this region the morphological abnorma- bentik foraminiferleri-l (Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz- lities of foraminifers aren't observed. (Meriç et Kuzey Ege Denizi-Çanakkale Boğazı-Kuzey al., 2004) The evidence in Dikili Bay does not ve Doğu Marmara Denizi-Haliç-İstanbul Bo- constitute a high proportion of aberrance gazi-Bati Karadeniz): Çukurova Üniv. Yerbi- among the population as is seen in the Bay of limleri, 38, 109-126, Haifa (Yanko et al., 1998). In the explanation and , 2001 b, Çeşme-llıca Koyu (Iz- of the morphological abnormalities in this area mir) bölgesi güncel bentik foraminiferlerinin offered in the reports (Yanko et al., 1998, De- sistematik dağılımı: Hacettepe Üniv. Yerbi- benay et al., 2001), there is no mention of eit- limleri, 24, 13-22, her marine thermal springs in the environs or Barut, I. F.; Erdoğan-Yüzbaşıoğlu, N. and Başak, E., heavy metals in the water. The different rese- 2003, Hydrogeochemical evalution of Wes- archers talk about of possible cancerogenic tern Anatolian mineralwaters: Environmental affects from the heightened proportion of the 222 Geology (in press). gas Rn along fault lines (Choubey and Ra- mola, 1997; Shirav (Schwartz) and Vulkan, Benli, H., and Küçüksezgin, F., 1988, Ulusal Deniz 1997). The value of Rn222 in the hot mineral Ölçme ve İzleme Programı, Ege Denizi 6lg- springs in the environs of Dikili measures me ve İzleme Alt Projesi 1988 Dönemi Kesin Rn222 = 8510- 76775 Bekerel (Türkiye Ma- Raporu: Reports of the Institute of Marine densulan-3, Ege Bölgesi, 1974). It seems re- Sciences and Tecnology, Dokuz Eylül Üniv., asonable to assume that natural marine 281 p. springs would reflect a similar worth; therefo- Binns, R.A. and Deckker, D.L, 1998, The mineral we- 222 re, possible affects of the gas Rn on the li- alth of the Bismark Sea: Scientific American, fe of one-celled benthic fauna should not be 9, 3, 92-98. overlooked. Cimerman, F. and Langer, M. R., 1991, Mediterrane- an Foraminifera: Slovenska Akademija Zna- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS nosti in Umetnosti, Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slovenica. 118 p. The authors express their sincere thanks to Professor Cemal Tunoğlu (the Engineering Choubey V.M., and Ramola R.C., 1997, Correlation Faculty, Hacettepe University) who provided between geology and radon levels in ground- us with the specimens, as well as to both As- water, soil and indoor air in Bhilangana Val- sociate Professor Melek Türker-Sagan and ley, Garhwal Himalaya, India Environmental the specialist Gülhan Özkösemen (Institute of Geology, 32 ,4, 258-262. Environmental Studies and Technology, Bo- Civrieux, J.M.S. de, 1970, Mutaciones recientes del gazigi University) who carried out metal analy- genero Peneroplis y relaciones filogenicas ses on five of the specimens. con otros Soritidae: Revista Espanola de Manuscript received June 19, 2003 Micropaleontologia, 11,1, 5-12. THREE ABNORMAL SAMPLES OF BENTHIC FORAMINIFERS FROM THE DİKİLİ BAY 13

Debenay, J-P.; Tsakiridis, E.; Soulard, R., and Gros- Krauskopf, K.B., 1985, Introduction to Geochemistry: sel, H., 2001, Factors Determining the Distri- 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Int. Series in the bution of Foraminiferal Assemblages in Port Earth and Planetary Sciences, 550p. Joinville Harbor (lle d'Yeu, France): The Influ- Loeblich, Jr. A. R. and Tappan, H., 1994, Foraminife- ence of Pollution: Marine Micropaleontology, ra of the Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea: Cush- 43, 75-118. man Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. Elberling, B.; Knudsen, K.L.; Kristansen, P.H. and As- Special Publication 31, 663 p. mund, G., 2003, Applying foraminiferal stra- Mascle, J. and Martin, L., 1990, Shallow structure and tigraphy as a biomarker for heavy metal con- recent evolution of the Aegean Sea: A taminiation and mining impact in a fiord in synthesis based on continuous reflection pro- West Greenland: Marine Environmental Re- files: Marine Geology, 97, 271-299. search, 55, 235-256. McKenzie, D.P., 1977, Can plate tectonic describe Ergin, M.; Bodur, M. N.; Ediger, D.; Ediger, V. and Yıl- continental deformation?, In: Structural his- maz, A., 1993a, Organic carbon distribution tory of the Mediterranean Basins: Biju-Dual, in the surface sediments of the Sea of Mar- B., and Montadert, L., (eds), Editions Tech- mara and its control by the inflows from adje- nip, Paris, 189p. cent water masses: Mar. Chemistry, 41,311- 326. Meriç, E., 1986, Deniz dibi termal kaynakların canlı yaşamına etkisi hakkında güncel bir örnek ; ; Ediger V.; Yemenicioğlu, S., Ok- (Ilıca-Çeşme-İzmir). Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült., yar, M. and Kubilay, N., 1993b, Sources and 29,2, 17-21. dispersal of heavy metals in surface sedi- ments along the Eastern Aegean Shelf: Bull. ; Yanko, V. and Avşar, N., 1995, İzmit Körfe- Ocean. Teor. Appl., 11,1, 27-44. zi (Hersek Burnu-Kaba Burun) Kuvaterner is- tifinin foraminifer faunası: Meriç, E., (ed.), İz- and Yemenicioğlu, S., 1997, Gelogic As- mit Körfezi Kuvaterner İstifi, 105-151 sessment of Environmental Impact in Bottom Sediments of the Eastern Aegean Sea: Int. and Avşar, N., 2000, Deniz diplerindeki ak- Jour. Environmental Studies, 51, 323-334. tif fayların belirlenmesinde bentik foraminifer- Erişen, B.; Akkuş, İ.; Uygur, N. and Koçak, A., 1996, lerin önemi: Batı Anadolu'nun Depremselliği Türkiye Jeotermal Envanteri, MTA Genel Mü- Sempozyumu (BADSEM-2000), 198-205, durlugu, 480s. Izmir. Hatta, A. and Ujiie, H., 1992, Benthic foraminifera and , 2001, Benthic foraminiferal from Coral Sea between Ishigaki and fauna of Gökçeada Island (Northern Aegean Iriomote Islands: Southern Ryukyu Island Sea) and its local variations: Acta Adriat., 42, arc, northwestern Pasific. Bulletin of Science, 1, 125-150. University of the Ryukyus, 54, 163-287. , and Nazik, A., 2002 a, Bozcaada Hayward, B. W.; Grenfell, H. R.; Reid, C. M. and Hay- (Kuzey Ege Denizi) bentik foraminifer ve ost- ward, K. A., 1999, Recent New Zealand shal- rakod faunası ile bu toplulukta gözlenen yerel low-water benthic foraminifera: Taxonomy, değişimler: Çukurova Üniv. Yerbilimleri, 40- ecologic distribution, biogeography, and use 41, 97-119. in paleoenvironmental assessment: Institute , and Bergin, F., 2002 b, Midilli of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Monog- Adası (Kuzey Ege Denizi) bentik foraminifer raph, New Zealand, 21, 258 p. topluluğu ve bu toplulukta gözlenen yerel de Hottinger, L.; Halicz, E. and Reiss, Z., 1993, Recent ğişimler: Çukurova Üniv Yerbilimleri, 40-41, foraminiferida from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red 177-193. Sea: Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umet- , Görmüş, M.; Avşar, N. and Ünsal I., 2002 c, nosti, Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slove- Güncel nodosariid bentonik foraminiferlerde nica, 179 p. üreme sırasındaki anormal oluşumların öne- Ivanoff, A., 1972, Introduction a I'Oceanographie: 1, mi ve rastlantı faktörü: TPJD Bülteni, 14, 1, 208 p., Paris. 67-82. 14 Engin MERİÇ; Niyazi AVŞAR; Fulya BERGİN and ipek F. BARUT

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Huriye DEMİRCAN* and Vedia TOKER

ABSTRACT.- In this study, the trace fossils in the Lower-Middle Miocene turbiditic Cingöz formation cropping out around the Karaisalı - Catalan - Eğner regions have been examined for the first time. The trace fossils occur in a sequence, identified as submarine fan deposits. Based on their morphological characteristics, nineteen trace fos- sils have been identified; eleven of them are ichnospecies and eighteen ichnogenus.

INTRODUCTION resented by outer fan sediments, which are composed of thin-bedded sandstone and sha- The investigated area is situated on the le alternations. northern part of the Adana basin, which is bo- unded by the Ecemiş fault to the west, the Ta- urus orogenic belt in the north and Amanos ICHNOTAXONOMY Mountain in the east. The basement of the The classification of trace fossils is based Adana basin is represented by Paleozoic and on morphological criteria interpreted by Mesozoic elastics, carbonates and tectoni- Hantzschel (1975), Ksiazkiewicz (1977), Se- cally transported ophiolitic rocks during and ilacher (1977), Fillon and Pickerill (1990), Cri- after the Maaestrichtian. Karsanti, Gildırli, mes and Crossley (1991) and Uchman (1995). Kaplankaya, Karaisalı, Cingöz, Güvenç, Kuz- gun formations of Tertiary age rest unconfor- Simple structure mable on these Paleozoic and Mesozoic a) Planolites group rocks. The Cingöz formation was examined This group embraces relatively small, ra- by Schmidt (1961) for the first time. Gürbüz rely branched, horizontal or oblique burrows. (1993) suggested the presence of two subma- rine fan systems in the west and in the east Planolites beverleyensis Billings 1862 (Fig. 1). In the western fan, the inner fan sedi- ments at the bottom are composed of large- (Plate 1,fig. 1) scale, cross-bedded conglomerate, conglo- meratic sandstone and amalgamated coarse 1862 Planolites beverleyensis (n.sp.)-Bil- sandstone. The middle fan deposits consist of lings: p.97, text-fig.8b. less gravelly sandstone and sandstone-shale 1977 Sabularia ramosa n.ichnosp.-Ksiazki- alternations. The uppermost of the unit is rep- ewicz: p.71, text-fig.8, 9a-d. 16 Huriye DEMİRCAN and Vedia TOKER TRACE FOSSILS IN THE WESTERN FAN OF THE CİNGÖZ FORMATION 17

Description.- Hypichnial, short ridges in Branched structures fine-grained turbiditic sandstone (Fig. 2a). a) Chondrites group The burrows are 2.5-4.4 mm in width. Chondrites isp. Remarks.- Planolites extends from the (Plate 1, fig. 2b) to the recent (Hantzschel, 1975).

Fig. 2- Schematic view of the trace fossils in the study area a. Planolites beverleyensis, b. Chondrites isp, c. Ophiomorphaisp., d. Capodistria vettersi, e. Zoophycos isp., f. Scolicia vertebralis, g. Cosmorhaphe sinuosa, h. Helminthopsis isp. İ. Urohelminthopsis isp. 18 Huriye DEMİRCAN and Vedia TOKER

Description.- It appears in the form of In Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediments, Ophi- small, circular, elliptical spots (Fig. 2b), 1 mm omorpha is produced mainly by shrimps as in diameter. Recent Callianassa major (e.g. Weimer and Hayt, 1964; Frey et al., 1978). Callianassids Remarks.- Chondrites is a feeding trace of unknown trace makers. According to Kota- are partly suspension, partly deposit feeders,, (e.g. Pryor, 1975; Bromley, 1990). ke (1991 a, b), this ichnotaxon is produced by surface ingestors, packing their faecal pellets inside burrows. According to Seilacher Ophiomorpha annulata (Ksiazkiewicz 1977) (1990), the trace-maker of Chondrites may be (Plate 1,fig. 4) able to live under anaerobic conditions as a chemo symbiotic organism. 1962 Granularia-Seilacher: p.299, pl.1, fig.4. 1977 Arthropyhcus annulatus n.ichnosp.- b) Ophiomorpha group Ksiazkiewicz: p.56, pl.1, fig.8-10 This group embraces large horizontal 1977 Sabularia simplex n.ichnosp.-Ksiazki- and vertical branching burrows. Mostly, they ewicz: p.68, pl.2, fig.2; text-fig.9e. have been interpreted as crustacean burrows. 1982 Ophiomorpha annulata-Frey and Howard: fig.2B, 4A. Ophiomorpha isp. (Plate 1,fig. 3) Description.- It embraces mainly hori- zontal, covered with elongate pellets, cyclind- Description.- Hypichnial to endichnial, rical burrows. It is observed as exichnial cylindrical trace fossil covered with sub circu- cylindrical lined burrows in the field and 4-7 lar knobs in fine-grained turbiditic sandstone mm in diameter. (Fig. 2c). The trace fossils are about 10 mm in Remarks.- This ichnotaxon has been width and 49 mm in length. The knobs are 3- described as Granularia. It was also descri- 5 mm in width and 5-7 mm in length preser- bed by Ksiazkiewicz (1977) as Sabularia ved in full relief. simplex (Tunis and Uchman, 1996a, b). Remarks.- When Ophiomorpha isp. is horizontal or vertical resembles Thalassino- Ophiomorpha rudis (Ksiazkiewicz 1977) ides (e.g. Kern and Warme, 1974). Sabularia (Plate 1, fig. 5) rudis (Ksiazkiewicz, 1977) including the ho- lotype, also strongly resembles Ophiomorpha (Uchman, 1991 a) and may be regarded as a 1977 Sabularia rudis n.ichnosp.-Ksiazki- synonym of the latter. Ophiomorpha, Thalas- ewicz: p.70-71, pl. 2, fig. 4; text-fig.7. sinoides, Spongeliomorpha and Gyrolithes have been regarded as differing in their posi- Description.- Mainly vertical, near verti- tion in a burrow system that is produced by cal cylindrical lined or unlined, rarely branc- the same trace-maker (Kenedy, 1967; Fur- hed, sand filled burrows, which are 8-16 mm sich, 1973; Bromley and Frey, 1974). in diameter and 28 cm in length. TRACE FOSSILS IN THE WESTERN FAN OF THE CİNGÖZ FORMATION 19

Remarks.- This ichnotaxon has been Description.- It is defined by its central described as Granularia. It was also descri- area, which is surrounded by small hypichnial bed by Ksiazkiewicz (1977) as Sabularia rudis radiating ridges (Fig. 2d). The central area is (Tunis and Uchman, 1996 a, b). 2 mm in diameter. Eight short radiating ridges are 0.1-0.5 mm in diameter. Thalassinoides Ehrenberg 1944 Remarks.- The description of Capodist- (Plate 1, fig. 6) ria vettersi is based on figured but unnamed material of Vetters (1910). The specimen il- Description.- It has three dimensional lustrated by Vetters (1910) has nine radiating burrow systems. Branches are Y or T shaped. ridges and one central knob. The forms illust- rated by Ksiazkiewicz (1977) have one or Remarks.- Thalassinoides is a facies- three central knobs. However, Brustur and lo crossing form, very typical of shallow-marine nesi (1990) distinguished Capodistria molda- environments, and is produced mainly by vica ichnospeices by presence of double Crustaceans (e.g. Frey et al., 1984). Origin central simple knobs. and palaeoenvironmental meaning of Thalas- sinoides were summarized by Ekdale (1992). According to Follmi and Grimm (1990), Crus- Lorenzinia pustulosa (Ksiazkiewicz 1977) taceans producing Thalassinoides may survi- (Plate 2, fig. 2) ve in turbidity currents and produce burrow under anoxic conditions. 1977 Sublorenzinia pustulosa n.ichnosp. - Apart from widespread Mesozoic and Ksiazkiewicz: 97. pl.7, fig.9; text- Cenozoic occurrences, Thalassinoides has fig.13s.t. also been recorded in the Paleozoic shallow water sediments (Palmer, 1978; Archer and Description.- Hypichnial, short ridges Maples, 1984; Sheehan and Schiefelbein, which surround central area in fine-grained 1984; Stanistreet, 1989; Kulkov, 1991). turbiditic sandstone. The central is about 17 mm in width. 12 very short radiating ridges Radial structures are 3-5 mm in width and 3-10 mm length. a) Lorenzinia group Remarks.- Ksiazkiewicz (1977) indicated This group presents radial structures as in his diagnosis that Lorenzinia pustulosa was morphological criteria. preserved in full relief. The form displays a great morphological variability (Ksiazkiewicz, 1977). It occurs in flysch deposits ranging Capodistria vettersi Vialov 1968 from the Cenomanian to the Miocene (Ksiaz- (Plate 2, fig. 1) kiewicz, 1977) in age.

1910 Hieroglyph aus - Vetters: 131, fig.a. Spreiten structures 1968 Capodistria vettersi- Vialov: 337, fig.4 1977 Capodistria vettersi - Vialov - Ksiazki- a) Zoophycos group ewicz: 99, pl.7, fig.12; text-fig. 13a-b. This group embraces three dimensional 1990 Capodistria moldavica n.ichnosp. - spreite structures with helicoidal elements Brustur and lonesi: 39, fig.2; pl.1, fig.1. (Hantzschel, 1975). 20 Huriye DEMİRCAN and Vedia TOKER

Zoophycos Massalongo 1855 1984 Echinospira pauciradiata Girotti - Bel- loti and Valeri: fig.4 (Plate 2, fig. 3) 1991 Zoophycos - Ekdale and Lewis: 183, Description.- It is observed as endichnial fig.3-8. to epichnial spreite structure in fine-grained turbiditic sandstone (Fig. 2e). The spreite la- Description.- It occurs generally at the mellae 1-5 mm wide and comprised of nume- top of fine-grained, medium bedded, parallel rous small, more or less "U" or "J" - shaped laminated sandstones, as composite, elonga- protrusive burrows. The structure is bordered te lobes, which are 30 cm in length. In most by a marginal tunnel, which is 5 mm wide. cases, the trace fossil displays a narrow pro- Remarks.- Different ichnogenera and/or ximal part, and a wide, lobate distal part. The species have been described under the name proximal part passes into the lobes of the dis- "Zoophycos" (Hantzschel, 1975). Recently, tal part. The proximal part is incised up to 5 the origin of members of the Zoophycos gro- cm in the sandstone bed and forms a wide "U" up has been extensively discussed (Bromley, in the vertical plane. They resemble Phyco- 1991; Wetzel, 1992; Gaillard and Olivero, des at the first look. 1993; Olivero, 1994). This group is to be revi- sed. Remarks.- Echinospira isp. belongs to the Zoophycos group and is commonly desc- Zoophycos is generally assumed to be ribed as a synonym of Zoophycos (e.g. Se- the trace of unknown deposit feeding orga- ilacher, 1986; Ekdale and Lewis, 1991 a). Ac- nism. Their producers are possibly found si- cording to Ekdale (1992), the traces of Echi- punculoids (Wetzel and Werner, 1981), polyc- nospira present characteristic features which haete annelids, arthropods (Ekdale and Le- differ from other members of the Zoophycos wis, 1991 a, b), and hemicordates. group. According to Kotake (1989, 1991), Zoophycos is produced by surface ingestors Plicka (1968) and Girotti (1970) regarded of organic detritus. But, the origin of this form Echinospira as an imprint of polychaetes and is still not clear. used a terminology. No diagnosis was given by Girotti (1970), based on morphologic para- meters, indicated Zoophycos. Echinospira Girotti 1970 (Plate 2, fig. 4) Rhizocorallium isp.

1869 Buthotrepsis radiata Ludwing - Lud- (Plate 2, fig. 5) wing: 114, pl.19, fig.1,1. 1877 Taonurus procerus Heer - Heer: 123, Description.- Rhizocorallium is characte- pl.48, fig.3-5. rized by lateral to horizontal, oblique "U" sha- ped burrows with spreite. This structure is 1968 'Zoophycos' -Stevens: fig.9,11. about 15 cm in length. Its marginal tunnel is 3- 1970 Zoophycos - Lewis: 295, fig.1 -8. 4 mm in width. TRACE FOSSILS IN THE WESTERN FAN OF THE CİNGÖZ FORMATION 21

Remarks.- This ichnogenus was discus- 1895 Fahrte... -Fuchs: pl.3, fig.3. sed on morphological and ethological model 1932 Palaeobullia - Götzinger and Becker: by Uchman (1992b) and Uchman and Demir- 379, text-fig.4.1-4.4; pl.7, fig.c,8,ş.b. can (1999). 1933 Scolicia prisca Quatrafages - Azpeita Moros: pl.11, fig.23. Winding and meandering structures 1934 Paleobullia - Götzinger and Becker: a) Scolicia group p1.1, 3a, 4.1-7, 5-6. 1934 Paleobullia - Götzinger and Becker: This term "Scolicia group" was used by 4.8.9. Hantzschel (1975). This group embraces bilo- bate and trilobate traces which have been re- 1935 Bullia fahrten - Abel: ş.202, 203, 206, lated to Mesozoic and Cenozoic echinoid bur- 208. rows (Smith and Crimes, 1983). All members 1951 Palaeobullia - Götzinger: 223, pl.18, of the group are included in the ichnogenus 20. Scolicia by Seilacher (1986). 1954 Scolicia - Gomez De Larena: pl.34, fig.1;pl.43, fig.1. Scolicia vertebralis Ksiazkiewicz 1970 1958 Hieroglyph of the Paleobullia tip - Ksi- azkiewicz: pl.3, fig.1. (Plate 2, fig. 6) 1964 Scolicia prisca Quatrefages - Farres Mialian: 97, pl.7, fig.1. Description.- Epichnial, three lobed, win- 1970 Scolicia sp. - Frey and Howard: 163, ding and meandering in medium-grained tur- fig.7g. biditic sandstone (fig. 2f). The furrow is 10 mm in width, and 7 mm in depth. The side lo- 1970 Scolicia prisca De Quatrefages - Ksiaz- bes are covered with perpendicular ribs which kiewicz: 289, pl. 14. are asymmetric in cross-section. The ribs are 1971 Scolicia sp.-Tanaka: 17, pl.11, fig.2. 2 mm in width. 1971 Scolicia prisca De Quatrefages - Chamberlain: 225, pl.I, fig.13; text- Remarks.- Scolicia vertebralis is less fre- fig.4P-R. quently observed than Scolicia plana and 1972 Paleobullia - Hanisch: fig.8. Scolicia prisca (Ksiazkiewicz, 1970; 1977). 1977 Scolicia prisca De Quatrefages - Ksiaz- kiewicz: 126, pl.I; fig.12; pl.14, fig.8; Scolicia prisca De Quatrafages 1849 pi.15, fig.6. (Plate 3, fig. 1) 1982 Scolicia prisca De Quatrefages - Plic- ka: pl.57-60. 1849 Scolicia prisca A. De Qv.- De Qua- 1983 Scolicia sp. - Smith and Crimes: 90, trafages: 265 (illustration). fig.SE, 6A-B. 1888 Nemertilites miocenica Sacco - Sacco: 1988 Scolicia De Quatrefages - Plaziat and pl.1,fig.15-16. Mahmoudil: 225, pl.I, fig.A.E. 1888 Nemertilites pedemontana Sacco - 1992 Scolicia - Leszczynski: pl.11, fig.2 (non Sacco: pl.1, fig. 17. pl .1, fig.1; pl.5, fig.1, pl., fig.1). 22 Huriye DEMİRCAN and Vedia TOKER

Description.- Epichnial, three lobed, win- 1895 Eophytonartige Sculptur - Fuchs: pl.3 ding trace fossil in medium-grained turbiditic fig.1. sandstone. The furrow is 10 mm in width and 1925 Nemertilites strozzi - Caterini: 309 3-5 mm in depth. The median lobe is the lo- pl.1. wer ridge on the floor of the furrow. It is 6 mm 1932 Maanderfahrte - Götzinger and Becker in width. The side lobes are covered with ob- pl.7, fig.a-b. lique asymmetric ribs. The ribs are about 2 mm in width. 1946 Subphyllochorda (Scolicia) - Gomez De Larena: 124, pl.2, fig.7. Remarks.- Ksiazkiewicz (1970, 1977) 1946 Subphyllochorda - Gomez De Larena: described Scolicia plana which was characte- rized by a flat bottom divided by a longitudinal 124, pl.2, fig.5. median trench or crest. The parallel strings 1958 Trace of... gastropod from the Subphy- are produced by drainage of spantangoid ec- lolochorda Ksiazkiewicz. hinoids. Densely packed ribs at the bottom 1964 Taphrhelminthopsis? Simplex noc. isp. are probably produced by locomotion organs - Farres Milian: 95, fig.2. of the producer. The asymmetric thicker ribs 1964 Scolicia prisca Quatrefages-Farres Mil- on both sides are remnants of backfill menis- ian: 97, pl.7, fig.1. ci. This ichnotaxon is generally preserved in 1968 Taphrhelminthopsis Sacco, sp. ind. - the middle part of turbidities at the transition from sandstone to mudstone. The lowermost Ksiazkiewicz: 8, pl.6, fig.3. part of the burrow is preserved. The upper 1970 Taphrhelminthopsis subauricularis sp. part, consisting of backfill structures, remains nov. - Chiplongar and Badve: 7, pl.2, usually at the top, shale section of the turbidi- fig.5. te bed. 1970 Nereites sp .- Crimes: pl.1 b. 1970 Taphrhelminthopsis aff. recta Sacco - Scolicia strozzii (Savi and Meneghini 1850) Ksiazkiewicz: 290-292, pl.2a-d. (Plate 3, fig. 2) 1970 Taphrhelminthopsis auricularis Sacco - Ksiazkiewicz: 292, pl.2e-g. 1850 Nemertilites strozzii nob. - Savi and 1972 Taphrhelminthopsis convoluta Heer- Meneghini: 421. Hanisch: fig.3-5,7. 1877 Helminthopsis magna HR. - Heer: 116, 1977 Taphrhelminthopsis Sacco and Ksiaz- pl.47, fig. 1-2. kiewicz: 137, pl. 17, fig. 1-3; text-fig.26a-j. 1887 Helminthopsis magna HR. - Maillard: 1977 Taphrhelminthopsis vagans n. ich- pl.1,fig.1. nosp.-Ksiazkiewicz: 17, fig.4-5; text- 1888 Taphrhelminthopsis auricularis Sacco - fig.261-s. Sacco: 24, pl.2, fig.3. 1977 Taphrhelminthopsis recta Sacco-Ksi- 1888 Taphrhelminthopsis recta Sacco- azkiewicz:139, I . text-s. 261. Sacco: 24, pl.1, fig.20. 1977 Taphrhelminthoida convoluta n.ich- 1888 Taphrhelminthopsis pedemontana Sac- nosp. - Ksiazkiewicz: pl.22, fig.1; pl.23, co - Sacco: 25. fig.5. TRACE FOSSILS IN THE WESTERN FAN OF THE CİNGÖZ FORMATION 23

1977 Taphrhelminthoida plana (Ksiazki- 1987 Taphrhelminthoida auricularia Ksiazki- ewicz) - Ksiazkiewicz: pl.22, fig.2-3. ewicz - Micu et al.: 82, fig.2. 1977 Taphrhelminthopsis circularis n. ich- 1987 Taphrhelminthopsis circularis - Nar- nosp. - Crimes: 125, pl.8a-e. bonne et al.: fig.6f. 1977 Taphrhelminthopsis isp. - Crimes: pl.3, 1987 Taphrhelminthopsis auricularis Sacco - fig.6a-b. Plicka: 165, text-fig.23, 43; fig.3-7, 1977 Taphrhelminthopsis isp. - Pendon: pl.2, pl.44, fig.4; pl.45, fig.6. fig.5-6. 1987 Taphrhelminthopsis meandriformis n. 1977 Taphrhelminthopsis auricularis Sacco - ichnosp. - Plicka:166, fig.25; pl.44, Roniewiz and Pienkowski: pl.3a. fig.3. 1977 Taphrhelminthopsis recta Sacco - 1988 Taphrhelminthopsis circularis Crimes Roniewicz and Pienkowski: 287, pl.3c. et al. - Li-Ri Hui and Yang: 169, fig.5. 1978 Taphrhelminthopsis Sacco - Kern: 253, fig.9B. 1988 Taphrhelminthopsis Sacco - Plaziat and Mahmoudi: 227, pl.2, fig.D. 1980 Taphrhelminthopsis convoluta (Heer) - Badve and Ghare: 126, fig.5; text-fig.4. 1988 Scolicia strozzii (Savi and Meneghini) - 1980 Taphrhelminthopsis recta Sacco - Ragaini: 224, pl.1-2. Badve and Ghare: fig.3; text-fig.5. 1990 Taphrhelminthopsis ichnosp. - Mikulas: 1983 Taphrhelminthopsis Sacco - Singh and 337, text-fig.2B; pl.4, fig.2. Rai: 76, pl.4, fig.28; pl.7, fig.75. 1990 Taphrhelminthopsis sp. - Pickerill and 1983 Taphrhelminthopsis isp. - Smith and Peel: 33, fig.13c Crimes: fig.7A,D. 1991 Taphrhelminthopsis isp. - Crimes and 1983 Taphrhelminthopsis isp.-Raina et al.: Crossley: 40, fig.6g-h. 93, pl .2, fig.4. 1992 Taphrhelminthopsis isp. - Crimes et al.: 1983 Helminthoida crassa Schafhautl- 68, fig.5D. Tchoumatchenco: pl.2, fig.3. 1992 Taphrhelminthopsis auricularis Leszc- 1984 Scolicia isp. Fillion and Pickerill: 38, zynski: pl.1, fig.2. fig.7c. 1984 Taphrhelminthopsis auricularis Sacco- 1992 Taphrhelminthopsis isp. - Leszczynski Belloti and Valeri: fig.6. pl.8, fig.2; pl.10, fig.1. 1985 Taphrhelminthopsis circularis Crimes, 1992bTaphrhelminthopsis sp. - Mikulas: 26, Legg, Arboleya-Fritz and Crimes: 16, pl.8, fig.6 (non pl.15, fig.1). pl.1, fig.4. 1993b Taphrhelminthopsis auricularis Sacco - 1986 Taphrhelminthoida Ksiazkiewicz - Miller: 24, fig.4A. Pienkowski Westwalewicz-Mogilska: 58, fig.5C. 1986 Taphrhelminthopsis Sacco-Pienkowski Description.- Hypichnial, bilobate ridge Westwalewicz-Mogilska: 58,62, fig.5A- with median groove in fine-grained turbiditic B, D-G. sandstone. The ridge is 13 mm in width, and 1986 Taphrhelminthopsis maginensis ich- 3-5 mm in height. The median groove is nar- nosp. n. - Yang: 157, pl.2, fig.7. row and shallow. 24 Huriye DEMİRCAN and Vedia TOKER

Remarks.- This ichnotaxon is a cast of Paleodictyon strozzii. Its Mesozoic-Cenozoic the furrow formed after erosion of the Scolicia producers (spantangoid echinoids) can not be burrow. Height, depth of the median ridge, excluded. The Paleozoic forms are probably and wide of the trace depend on small diffe- casts of washed out burrows of Cruziana and rences in depth of burrowing, depth and Curvolithus. There are no diagnostic features, strength of erosion, and properties of substra- which allow Paleozoic and past Paleozoic te. If the burrow is cut by erosion in the midd- forms. le part, its cast gets higher and wider, the si- des of the ridge become gentler, and the me- Scolicia plana Ksiazkiewicz 1970 dian groove seems to be narrower. If erosion cuts the base of the burrow, its cast gets lo- (Plate 3, fig. 3) wer, the median groove becomes shallow and wide, and the prominent part of the ridge be- 1970 Scolicia plana ichnosp. n. - Ksiazki- comes narrow. Indistinct longitudinal ridges or ewicz: 289, pl.1c. strige typical of Taphrhelminthopsis recta are 1970 Subphyllochorda striata ichnosp. n. - most probably such tool marks. However, so- Ksiazkiewicz: 290, pl.1f. me differences in burrow shapes depend on biological factors. Preservation factors seem 1970 Subphyllochorda granulata ichnosp. n. to dominate the shape of the ridge. In the - Ksiazkiewicz: 289, pl.1g. past, such criteria were used for distinguis- 1977 Scolicia plana Ksiazkiewicz - Ksiazki- hing taxa of Taphrhelminthopsis. ewicz: 127, pl.14, figs.2,5,7. Ksiazkiewicz (1977) differentiated there 1977 Subphyllochorda granulata Ksiazki- forms; 1) gently winding, usually single Taphr- ewicz - Ksiazkiewicz: 131, pl.15, helminthopsis vagans, 2) usually gregariously figs.3,5. occurring Taphrhelminthopsis auricularis, and 1977 Subphyllochorda striata Ksiazkiewicz - 3) tightly meandering Taphrhelminthoida. The Ksiazkiewicz: 132, pl.15, fig.1; text- first form corresponds to locomotion activity fig.24a. (repichnia) and the latter to feeding activity 1977 Subphyllochorda rudis n. ichnosp. - (pascichnia). However, some transitional Ksiazkiewicz: 133, pl.1, fig.2; text- forms occur among them (e.g. Ksiazkiewicz, fig.24d, 25. 1977; pl. 17, fig.2: Crimes, 1977; pl.6b). Scoli- cia prisca and Subphyllochorda (Scolicia isp.) Description.- Hypichnial, three lobed, commonly display meanders, which may be winding and meandering trace fossil. Side lo- preserved as Taphrhelminthopsis or Taphr- bes are narrow with median groove in fine- helminthoida (=Scolicia strozzii). The ten- dency to meandering depends on the nutrient grained turbiditic sandstone. The furrow is 9 content of the substrate. Thus, differentiating mm in width, and side lobes are covered with between meandering and non-meandering perpendicular ribs which are 1.5 mm in width. forms is problematic at the species level. The narrow side lobes are 2.6 mm in width. Scolicia strozzii was produced at shallow Remarks.- It is typical for Mesozoic and tiers as deduced from the co-occurrence of Cenozoic deposits (Ksiazkiewicz, 1977). TRACE FOSSILS IN THE WESTERN FAN OF THE CİNGÖZ FORMATION 25

b) Cosmorhaphe group 1994 Cosmorhaphe sinuosa Azpeitia Moros - Tunis and Uchman: fig.6F, 8D. Cosmorhaphe sinuosa 1995 Cosmorhaphe sinuosa (Azpeitia Mo- Azpeitia Moros 1933 ros) - Han and Pickerill: fig.4G. (Plate 3, fig. 4) 1995 Cosmorhaphe sinuosa (Azpeitia Mo- ros) - Uchman: 40, pl.11, fig.4. 1933 Helminthopsis sinuosa Azpeitia n.sp. - Azpeitia Moros: 45, fig.24B. Description.- Hypichnial, convex, mean- 1935 Spirorhaphe - Abel: fig.263. dering string in fine-grained turbiditic sandsto- 1954 Helminthopsis sinuosa Azpeitia - ne (fig. 2h). It is preserved in semi-relief. The Gomez De Llarena: pl.46, fig.1. string is 1.3 mm in width. The meanders are 1959 Helminthopsis sinuosa - Seilacher: 10-11 mm in width. tab.1,fig.8. Remarks.- Cosmorhaphe isp. is a grap- 1964 Cosmorhaphe sinuosus Azpeitia - Far- hoglyptid burrow, common in flysch deposits res Milian: 86, pl.5, fig.1. since the (Hantzschel, 1975). Fos- 1967 Cosmorhaphe - Macsotay: 27, pl.6, sil forms have been present since the Camb- fig.22. rian (Narbonne et al., 1987). 1970 Cosmorhaphe sinuosa (Azpeitia) - Ksi- azkiewicz: 292, text-fig.2a, 3a. c) Miscellaneous group 1970 Cosmorhaphe fuchsi ichnosp. nov. - In this group, ichnogenera display uni- Ksiazkiewicz: 294, text-fig.3b. que behaviour. 1977 Cosmorhaphe sinuosa (Azpeitia) - Ksi- azkiewicz: 153, pl. 19, fig.3-5; text- Helminthopsis Heer 1877 fig.33g-j. (Plate 3, fig. 5) 1977 Cosmorhaphe fuchsi Ksiazkiewicz - Ksiazkiewicz: 154, pl.19, fig.7; text- fig.33n-s. Description.- Hypichnial, convex, loosely 1978 Cosmorhaphe sinuosa - Montenat and meandering, smooth, string-like, no branched Seilacher: fig.lc. forms in fine-grained turbiditic sandstone. The string is 4 mm in width. 1980 Cosmorhaphe sinuosa (Azpeitia) - Alexandrescu and Brustur: pl.6, fig.3-4. Remarks.- Examination of the type mate- 1991 a Cosmorhaphe - Leszczynski: fig.9-10. rial of Helminthopsis has revealed that the type species Helminthopsis magna is in fact 1991 b Cosmorhaphe - Leszczynski: fig.5. Taphrhelminthopsis Sacco, and that Helmint- 1991 Cosmorhaphe sinuosa (Azpeitia Mo- hopsis labyrintica is identical to Spirocosmor- ros) - Seilacher: 296, fig.3-6,8. haphe Seilacher. These types of traces are 1992 Cosmorhaphe sinuosa - Leszczynskil: probably produced by polychaetes or pripulid pl.3, fig.2. (Ksiazkiewicz, 1977; Fillon and Pickerill, 1992a Cosmorhaphe ichnosp. - Uchman: 1990). Helminthopsis occurs in the time inter- fig.4.4. val ranging from the (Crimes, 1987) 1993 Cosmorhaphe ef. sinuosa - Leszc- to the Recent (Swinbanks and Murray, 1981; zynski and Uchman: fig.7. Wetzel, 1983a,b). 26 Huriye DEMİRCAN and Vedia TOKER

Branched, winding and meandering RESULTS structures 19 trace fossils, morphologically 6 gro- a)Urohelminthoida group ups are described in Karaisalı-Çatalan-Eğner regions. 11 of these traces are composed of ichnospecies and 8 of them are in ichnogenus Urohelminthoida isp. level. Most of the traces are observed as ho- rizontal, pascichnial and agrichnia. Groups Description.- Burrow system is usually with simple structures mostly represent the in- preserved in string size, deep, hypichnial me- ner fan, spreiten-radial ones belong to middle anders. Lateral appendages protrude out- fan and winding-meandering belong to outer wardly from the curved segments of the me- fan. As a result, fans are determined as inner anders (fig.2/). fan: Skolithos-Curuziana ichnofacies and Remarks.- Urohelminthoida is a typical displays eutrophic conditions, middle fan: graphoglyptid burrow (Seilacher, 1977). Post Skolithos-Curiziana, Nereites ichnofacies and depositional Urohelminthoida (Ksiazkiewicz, mixed assemblages where display eutrophic 1977) was not confirmed by Kern (1980). and oligotrophic conditions, outer fan: Nere- Apart from numerous flysch occurrences, it ites ichnofacies and display oligotrophic con- was not found in Mesozoic shallow-water de- ditions in very high diversity. posits (Fursich and Heinberg, 1983; Gierlows- Manuscript received January 27, 2003 ki-Kordesch and Ernst, 1987). Modern traces of Urohelminthoida were recorded on the de- ep-sea floor by Gaillard (1991). Its stratigrap- REFERENCES hic interval ranges from the (Fursich and Heinberg, 1983) to the Miocene (D'Ales- Abel, O., 1935, Vorzeitliche Lebensspuren: Jena, 644. sandro, 1980). Alexandrescu, G. and Brustur, T., 1980, Aspura unor urme de activitate organica (trace fossils) din Urohelminthoida dertonensis flisul Carpatilor orientali (partea I) (Sur des traces organique (trace fossils) du flysch des (Plate 3, fig. 6) Carpates Orientales (I partie) : Dari de Sea- ma ale Sedintelor, Institutul de Geologie si 1888 Urohelminthoida dertonensis Sacco - Geofizica Paleontologie, 65, 17-30. Sacco: 36, pl.2, fig.8,16. Archer, A.W. and Maples, C.G., 1984, Trace fossil distribution across a marine - to - nonmarine gradient in the Pennsylvanian of South Wes- Description.- Hypichnial meanders in fi- tern Indiana: Jour. Paleontol., 58, 448-466. ne-grained turbiditic sandstone. The mean- Azpeitia-Moros, F., 1933, Datos para el estudio pale- ders are 5 mm in width. The string is 2 mm in ontolŞgico del flysch de la Costa Cantabrica diameter. The appendages are 32-40 mm in y de algunos otros puntos de Espaha: Bole- length. tin del Institute Geologico y Minero de Espa- na, 53, 1-65. Remarks.- Urohelminthoida dertonenisis Badve, R. M. and Ghare, M. A., 1980, Ichnofauna of is a typical graphoglyptid burrow (Seilacher, Bagh Beds from Deva River Valley south of 1977). Narmada: Biovigianam, 6, 121-130. TRACE FOSSILS IN THE WESTERN FAN OF THE CİNGÖZ FORMATION 27

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Fig. 1 - Planolites beverleyensis Endichnial full-relief in fine grained sandstone. Cingoz formation, Inner fan - Middle fan.

Fig. 2- Chondrites isp. and Scolicia isp. Endichnial full-relief in medium-fine grained sandstone. Cingoz formation, Middle fan.

Fig. 3- Ophiomorpha isp. Endichnial full-relief in coarse-medium grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Inner fan.

Fig. 4- Ophiomorpha annulata Endichnial full-relief in medium-fine grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Slope - Middle fan.

Fig. 5- Ophiomorpha rudis Endichnial full-relief in medium-fine grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Fan fringe.

Fig. 6- Thallassinoides isp. Endichnial full-relief in medium grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Middle fan. Huriye DEMİRCAN and Vedia TOKER PLATE-I PLATE-II

Fig.1 Capodistria vettersi Hypichnial semi-relief in fine grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Middle fan - Outher fan.

Fig. 2- Lorenzinia pustulosa Hypichnial semi-relief in fine grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Middle fan - Outher fan.

Fig. 3- Zoophycos isp. Endichnial semi-relief in medium-fine grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Slope - Middle fan.

Fig. 4- Echinospira isp. Endichnial semi-relief in fine grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Middle fan.

Fig. 5- Rhizocorallium isp. Endichnial semi-relief in fine grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Middle fan.

Fig. 6- Scolicia vertebralis Epichnial full-relief in fine grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Middle fan. Huriye DEMİRCAN and Vedia TOKER PLATE-II PLATE-III

Fig. 1- Scolicia prisca Epichnial full-relief in fine grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Middle fan - Fan fringe.

Fig. 2- Scolicia strozzii Hypichnial semi-relief in fine grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Middle fan - Outher fan.

Fig. 3- Scolicia plana Epichnial full-relief in fine grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Middle fan - Fan fringe.

Fig. 4- Cosmorhaphe sinuosa Hypichnial semi-relief in fine grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Outher fan depositional lobes - Fan fringe.

Fig. 5- Helminthopsis isp. Hypichnial semi-relief in fine grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Outher fan depositional lobes - Fan fringe.

Fig. 6- Urohelminthoida dertonensis Hypichnial semi-relief in fine grained sandstone. Cingöz formation, Outher fan depositional lobes - Fan fringe. Huriye DEMİRCAN and Vedia TOKER PLATE-III BENEFICATION OF FELDSPAR FROM YOZGAT REGION GRANITES

Saruhan SAKLAR*** and Ceynur OKTAY***

ABSTRACT.- In this study, a feldspar beneficiation work was performed of the granite deposits of Sanhacih and Kayabağı samples found in Yozgat region. Main impurities in these granitic rocks are mica and iron-oxide miner- als which cause iron contents to increase (2.37 and 1.76 % Fe2O3). For decreasing the iron content of granites, magnetic separation and flotation methods were applied. After magnetic separation, the iron contents of granites were reduced down to 0.22 and 0.20 % Fe2O3 respectively. Flotation tests were carried out in two stages that were mica and oxide flotation. In mica flotation, amine type cationic collector and in oxide flotation anionic collectors i.e.

Na-oleate and sulphonate were tried. Iron contents of the samples were reduced down to 0.08 % and 0.12 Fe2O3 respectively by flotation method. Firing button tests were also performed on the concentrates at 1250 °C and the products had satisfactorily bright and white color tones for both methods.