The Ithacan, 2004-02-05
,. OPINION Register WANNA to vote MAKE Page 13 ABETI ACCENT Shedding extra pounds Page 17 Volume 71, Number 17 Ithaca, N.Y. Thursday, February 5, 2004 H&S changes requ1reinents• • BY DANIEL PRINCE category. In the new system, a Staff Writer total of 12 credits from catego ry 1 will satisfy the requirement. Revisions to the General Ed According to the H&S Cur ucation program in the School of riculum Committee proposal, Humanities and Sciences "The present system asks should make it easier for students faculty to distinguish between to fulfill the requirements be a class that deals with the effect ginning next fall. of the self on society and a class The new policy will consoli that deals with the effect of so date one category of courses and ciety on the self ... We found it make it easier for faculty to des best to combine these two ignate courses to meet the gen categories." eral education requirements. The revisions are the result of Also, under the new policy, Ad three years' work by H&S fac vanced Placement credits may ulty, many of whom have been count for up to two general ed as exasperated with the rigidity ucation classes, or six credits. of the requirements as students The alterations would apply have. all current and future H&S stu According to the proposal, dents, said David Garcia, asso many faculty members, particu ciate dean of the School of Hu larly in math and science depart manities and Sciences. ments, felt that current restrictions "No student would be disad penalize students with AP credits vantaged by going to the new re for their achievements.
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