“A GREAT MULTITUDE OF ALL NATIONS AND KINDREDS AND PEOPLES AND LANGUAGES” (REV. 7:9). VOL XIII / ISSUE 4 / APRIL 2017 Dear Friend, THE RESPONSIBILITY Imagine yourself today getting this OF LITTLE STRENGTH greeting, as Gideon once did: “And the Angel (Messenger) of the Lord by Carter Conlon appeared to him, and said to him “And to the angel of the church Furthermore, we can be encouraged (or her, as the case may be), ‘The in Philadelphia write, ‘These because Jesus says in this passage, Lord is with you, you mighty man things says He who is holy, He “I have set before you an open of valor (someone who has been who is true, He who has the key door that no one can close” (see given more ability than they realize)!’” of David, He who opens and no Revelation 3:8). In other words, (Judges 6:12, parentheses mine). one shuts, and shuts and no one “I am inviting you into a place opens: I know your works. See, where the impossible becomes Today you might be tempted, as I have set before you an open possible. It is a place where you Gideon obviously was then, to say, door, and no one can shut it; will win a battle that you could “Wow, did this greeting ever find for you have a little strength’” never win in your own strength.” the wrong address!” Aware of your (Revelation 3:7–8). own frailty, your initial thought is, It is critical that we hear this “Maybe somebody else, but never today, for we are in the midst me.” My question today is, Why We must be of an intense battle—a battle not you? aware that there for the souls of the people of this nation and a battle for Throughout history God has are demonic the future of a society.
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