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I THE MAGAZINE OF 3-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING, PAST & PRESENT I Volume 27 Number 4 A Publication of NATIONAL STEREOSCOPIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Shuffle Off ... % he 27th annual NSA convention hese names weren't included in last issue's list of NSA members who Twill be held July 19-23, 2001, at Tprovided extra financial support to the organization-some due to late the Adams Mark Hotel in Buffalo, renewals and some due to a computer file that ended up in the wrong New York. Identify yourself as folder. Like those on the earlier list, these individuals deserve the gratitude attending the National Stereoscop- and appreciation of the organization for their generous support. ic Association 2001 Convention in Van Beydler Thomas J. Dooley Jim McManus Mitchell Walker order to receive the group rate of Kenneth M. Blades Louis E. Goldszer Yoshihiko Saji Rick Willbur a@ $90.00 (plus taxes) flat room rate, Charles U. Buck Les Heyward Patrick &I Ann Taylor per night, single, double, quadru- Mike Chew J.J. Larrea Arthur S. Vaughan ple occupancy. This is guaranteed r A to be the lowest available room rate. Adam's Mark Buffalo,l20 Church Street, Buffalo, NY 14202, (716) 845-5100, reservations: (800) 444-2326. For more information or forms, contact Marty Abramson, martz3d @aol.com or visit the new conven- tion web site: http://nsa2001.home. att.net. r38 .. Keystone No. 7 029, "Niagara Falls (winter), Niagara Falls, N. Y, U.S.A. " Buffalo experienced record snowfalls during the winter of 2000-2001, but we can confidently predict that the falls won't look like this for the tour scheduled during the NSA convention ]UIY 19-23. 1- THE MAGAZINE OF L. L. Cu p, Sr. 3-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING, PAST & PRESENT Keystone Saf' esrnan and Photographer ........................................................... 4 A Publlnfm d NATIONAL by Robert E. King Learning About Stereo Exhibitions .......................................... 9 by Diane Rulieri NSA Board c)f Directors Bill C. Waltor1, Chairman NSA Y2K: A Memorable Mesa Meeting ................................... 10 Paula R. I:lerning by john Dennis , ., .- I -' D~eterL Russell P William England Picture Book Falls Flat ................................ 19 T.K. Tre; review by Robert G. Wilson Richard 1 NSA Officers My Visits with Andre ............................................................ 20 Mary Ann Sell, President by Laurence Kaufinan Shab Levy, Vice President Dean Kamin, Vice President, Activities Larry Hess, Secretary North to Alaska ......................................................................... 29 David Wheel1?r, Treasurer by Mary Ann Sell Stereo Wc ~rldStaff lohn Dpnrliq Fditnr Civil War Discoveries Go Deeper into History ....................... 32 trice Kaufman, Contributing Ec review by Iohn Dennis Mark Willke, Art Director ria Dennis, Sub!icription Manog n R. Cibbs, Bac k Issues Monag 1- I how ro each Us: Editor's View Comments and Observations .................................................... 2 NSA Merr ~bership by Iohn Dennis (Nmrnernbrrrhrps. rrnpv vnh b oddrrss chon P.O. Elox 14801, Columbus, OH 43 Letters Reader's Comments and Questions ....................................................... 3 ~U~LIUII, Lul1rcr11111y The Unknowns Can You Identify the Subjects of These Views? 28 Stereo World Subscription. ........................ by Neal Bullington Larry Hess, (602) 365-3553 P.O. Box 63782, Phoen~x,AZ 85082 e-mail: nsasec@earthlink.net The Society News from the Stereoscopic Society of America ............................ 30 by Norman R. Patterson Stert ?o World Bac.k Issue Sew (Wnlr for ovoibl5llity & prices ) NeWiews Current Information on Stereo Today ............................................ 34 NSA, :,3575 C.R. 77, Calhan, CO 81 by David Starkman & Iohn Dennis Ste're0 World Editorial Offik Classified Buy, Sell, or Trade It Here ........................................................... 36 (lrtfers lo thr rdilor, omckr & colendar l!rbngsj 5610 SE 71st Ave., Portland, OR 97206 (503) 771 -4440 ?-mail: strwId@teleport.com tereo World Advertising (Clorr!bd & Ii~rplny odr) SE 71 st Ave., P ortland, OR 97 (503) 77 1-4440 lust one highlight of the 2000 NSA convention in Mesa, Arizona, was the Saturday night "3-0 Swim- in Theater" where a paper glasses wearing throng leffrey Kraus filled the hotel pool and surrounding area, noisily 3ubois Rd., New Paltz, NY 12561 appreciating the onaglyphic projection of several (914) 255.791 7 e-mail: jkrau 16mm 3-0films. For more on the convention, see - our long overdue feature "NSA YZK: A Memorable (Oliver Wendell Holrnes Mesa Meeting. " Ster ,eoscopic Research Libri ,d(i,,,",/ 'd wifh lht Nnl!annl 5f?i?orcop!cArsoo Er~eAve , C~nc~nnat~,OH 45, e-mall vmrnasell@c~nt~net iety of Arne rica Volume 27, Number 4 September/October 2000 3b Levy, Mernbersh~p Secretar jW 34th Ave., IPortland, OR 9 Stereo World(lSSN 0191-4030) is published bimonthly by the National Stereoscopic Association, Inc.. P.O. Box 14801. Columbus, OH 43214. !-mail: shab@emasystreet.com Ent~recontents Q2001, all r~ghtsreserved. Mater~alIn this publicat~onmay not be reproduced without written perm~ssionof the NSA, Inc. Print- ed In USA. A subscription to Stereo World is part of NSA membership. Annual membership dues: 126 th~rdclass US. 138 f~rstclass US. $38 Canada and forelgn surface. $56 Internationalairmail. All membersh~psare based on the publish~ngyear of Stereo World, wh~chbe Ins in March tereo World on the Web and ends w~ththe IanuaryiFebruary lssue of the next year. All new memberships rece~vedw~ll commence w~ththe MarchiAprj Issue of the w.stereoview.org current calendar year. When apply~ngfor membersh~p,please advlse us ~fyou do not der~rethe back Issues of the current volume. Member, lnternationol Stereoscopic Union - Comments and Observations john Dennis NSA Y2K At Last where Vidmaxxx.com had a table their renewal notices will arrive at promoting (and showing selections about the same time anyway. But feel I should apologize again to from) its line of 22 X-rated 3-D those who don't respond to renew- those who had hoped to see cov- videos. While the intent was as al letters (or follow-up reminder Ierage of the 2000 NSA conven- much to entice retailers as cus- cards) may now miss issues if they tion far sooner than this. In the tomers, Trade Fair managers could renew late! future, we'll avoid starting long, potentially face more of a dilemma The most crucial thing about two-part articles in the summer in dealing with adult material than this change to a more practical that could soak up the space need- will the Stereo Theater. membership system is that those ed for convention features. In a who distribute NSA membership sense, conventions become a part A New NSA System brochures need to request a supply of NSA history almost the minute With the distribution of new of the new version (printed in they are over-worthy of generous NSA membership brochures, the brown ink on white paper) as soon coverage but lacking the same sort former system of beginning all as possible and recycle any old ver- of time value inherent in things memberships with the MarchIApril sions. The new brochure is less like reports of new products or issue of Stereo World will change. cluttered and generally classier reviews of films or books. They Using the new brochures, new looking than the last one, with should, however, be covered before memberships will start at the time image quality closer to that of they become ancient history! the form is sent in and expire at Stereo World. Just think-you can The late-night presentation of the same time the following year. bring a deeper meaning to lives all the first hard-core adult 3-D mater- People joining in September, for over the planet by helping distrib- ial to be presented at an NSA con- example, will receive renewal ute it to potential new members. vention ("Baxxxstage" by Mark notices ahead of next September's Write to NSA brochure, PO Box Kernes) resulted in a minor flurry issue. Unlike the old 86708, Portland, OR 97286. ee of some member complaints and system, they will ,- many e-mail messages among NSA not be sent a pack- officers and board members follow- age of all the issues ing the convention. It was ironic in the current vol- that the first Stereo Theater show ume they have of this sort happened in Mesa- missed. one of the more conservative com- This will avoid munities in Arizona. (Even people situations in not necessarily in search of wild, which people late hours socializing were sur- joining late in the prised at how early the bars closed year receive there.) renewal notices The overwhelming consensus among Board members was that the matter had been handled well, with adequate warnings about the show's content made in the pro- gram book and from the podium prior to the event. in general, the conclusion seems to have been that while tasteless sleaze doesn't deserve promotion just because it's in 3-Dl decisions concerning the content of Stereo Theater shows should be left to convention plan- ners rather than subject to censor- ship from above. Most suggestions involved the need for clear, up- front notices about nudity or adult content to avoid subjecting any members to material they don't wish to see. That avoidance was less easy on - the floor of the NSA Y2K Trade Fair, difference as @ Volume 27, Number 4 STEREO WORLD Reader's Comments and Questions Stereo Patterns maintained close communication read the article: "Don Peck's through 1977 and were collaborat- Stereo Patterns" with great inter- ing on a book on this subject. est and commend him for being It is worth mentioning that I credit should be accorded to astute enough to secure his 1976 patent. 1 take issue, however, that Alphons Schilling who was also Don was the inventor of "stereo- independently working with this scopic patterns".