[^PORTLAND1 ■■ ■ — ESI g:^ ■««' DAILY —■ PRESS. _ ESTABLISHED .TUNE 23, 1862-VOL. MAINE, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1899. PRICE THREE CENTS. """" {SSJE/aS — —— ■— ■ HI II 38._PORTLAND, Mill ■■■■■III ■ — MMCKI.I.A SKOUS. WILL AID KRUGER. THE RAMAPO COMPANY. tlon In 18*6. Upon the platform also JEFFERSON CAFE were Hon. Alexander Troup, national DREAFCS AT CAKPESTRAS. 8(111 the tnkjHl of If.a.t Board’. 1b- A HOT THE. oommltteeman, of Now Haven, Conn.) «4T MIDDLE STRICBT, qolrtee. Judge Jamea P. Tarvln of Kentuoky, Is under new management. Carl Vrooman of Kanaaa, Hon. Gsorge Business Men's Lunch New W. Greene, mayor of Wooueooket, H. L; Will be from lhl« date, Sept. 20th, a»e. York, September 21.—Corporation given Free State Bound Hon. H. 8. of New Nothing to equal U In Portland. You want to Orange Counsel Whalen. Justice Charles H. Cummlnge , Is a be sure and Don’t forget the place. JEF- Conn Relative try. President Slla« B. Hon. Willie J. Abbott and .George Visiting FERSON CAFE, 2t7 Middle St. Open from e Truax, Batcher and H. Hheplry of New York oily. a. m. to 12 at night. ^ By Treaty. Peter A. Noetrand. engineer, were the Mass. _ Democrats Oatdo At the eloee of Mr. Callahan's There. wltueeees pnt on the stand today at the opening he Introduced Hon. W. 8. Mo- Mazet Inraatlgatlonl regarding tha affairs address, Nary, secretary of tbe elate oommlttee ae Fine Footwear of tbs Ramapo Water company. Themselves. * chairman. Tbs corporation oouneel stood by the permanent FOR Tbe various oommlttees Significant President Ramapo Water contract, explaining it wave appoint- Speech By ed, Hon. Fred Williams His Health Hoes Not remit was a perfectly legal document by whloh George being Gents and Chil- obalrman of the oommlttee on resolu- Ladies, Steyn. the olty’s Interests wen well protected. tions. it was then reported that there Visitors. dren. The wltoeeajand Counsel Moee baa some deceiving The Convention were present 1471 ont of a total argument on the natun of tha questions delegates of 1688 entitled to seats. put to the witness 'and tha corporation Our fall are a Mob. The first sign of dlsoord style, constantly arriv- oounael traded many of the questions, Howling developed end we can show odo of the when Col. A.C. Drlnkwater of ing best Accuses of to In definite terms. Braintree, of England refusing reply lines nobby, up-to-date goods in PORTLAND'S GREATEST moved the of a oommlttee Justlos Truax said ha was a appointment Proclamation War the We have all and the stockhold- By city. styles Breach of to preeent nominees for delegatee to tbe best makes. Faith. er In the Ramapo company, and la a oon- next national oonventlon. Before tbe nmtlon with Rlehard Croker two Minister Gallifet. Perfect Fit and Satisfaction Guar- about ART motion could be put, W. H. of auteed. Prices Reasonable. EVENT. yaan ago, ha told Jdr. Croker It waa a Doyle Police Invoked To Silence Hon. J. F. Brockton, amid cheers and hlsass, tried good thing. Ha stated also that some of to amend the motion to the effeol that It tha amendments proposed to the original There 18 wae the senae of the convention that act- Bn Mill SSS3R& Nothing, He Declared, contract wen made by him. Fitzgerald. ion should not be taken on the matter at Treat dent Bnteber waa eolled for the Commands the Army to Forget EXTRAORDINARY COI.I.KCTIO!* I Which Warrants WTar. this but It be left for settle- purpose of ascertaining whether he bad time, should, ment next June, as usual. The amend- yet learned the whereabouts of the com- the Past. ment wae loot and then ex-Mayor Walter pany’s secretary, In whose poeeaalon the Rare Ceramics. L. Bamedell of Lynn vigorously de- books of .the eompany wets said to be, Hon. Fred Car- George nounoed tho proposed action of tbe state but hs bad not to learned. | Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, Sep- oommlttee On dress Rare tember SL—The Volkerned Engineer Nostrand wae called.. Hr. ries rT'|__ your Paintings,, met today Everything. He was followed by Hon. Chsrlee Hag- Carpentraa, Department of VaiiolUM, I with a fall Nostrand had In hla possession tbs options ne last Spring are nttendnnoe. President Steyn of In of the gerty Southbridge, opposition to the France, September 81.—Former Uaptala rend e oerefnlly prepared After Ramapo company, but be nfused p. probably some- speech. plan, and Patriok Gilroy of Springfield, Drey fan arrived here thla morning and Rare the to surrender them to Hr. Moss without now. Porcelains, welcoming be re- what faded bnrghere, expressed who favored It. The latter declared that went to the house of N. a FlOWCrS tbs orders of tbs or Vaisbrejue, gret that the relatione between Great president board of But don’t discard tbe delegates should not “bow tbe knee relative. Britain and tne Tranetaal bad become trustees. Mr. Butcher nfcssd to give the dress ou that to of the arrival of Enamels, the desired order. Delegates Eleeted To Next Na- Mayor (julnoy Bosjon.” Although Drejfas at the that strained. he said, were aware account. Bet us Members, The excitement was at fever pitch home of Ai.PAul Valabregue, hie brother* of the of Other wltceasss examined today had to meeting Sir Alfred Milner and tional Convention. amid the orlev of who hae good' do with the when, hundreds for the In*law, been eetablUbeU as a President Kroger at when building code commission. Bloomed Florentine Bronzes, Bloemfontein, right to speak, the obalrman recognized cloth In a merchant hero for a quarter of a ZZ™ President made Kroger proposal! wblob, DEMOLISHED BUILDING. Hon. John F. Fitzgerald. although reftieed by the British com- Carved high He was greeted with oat cries, hisses h""VSffcK: Ivories, missioner, were unanimously ooosldered and obeers. He rnQTCD»Q A Broken Freight Train Caniei Damage [bitterly arraigned Mr. Williams and the WAIT! & lUoItn ofiAr,pUo^:“" lu Bath. Boston, September 111.—The rlotone action of the stale oom- BOND’S exceedingly fair. 13 Treble St., flpp. Preble House. Rare Brie a Brae. scenes and tbe bitter flghts between tbe mlttee, and his remarks so enraged a por- Proceeding to review the OT Kid Gloves Cleansed every day. negotiations. two faotions of the Democratic party In tion of tbe audience that It was only up- President Steyn said the Transvaal bad Bath, September 31. -The fast freight this state, whloh characterized and made on tho urgent demands of the chairman Artistic been deooyed the Britt* train from Boeton which arrives here at by diplomatic iuui> u« was famous the all-night eeeslon In Muaio euoweu to continue, no vio- Blackstone CONSTIPATION agent at Mr. ■lx o'olook broke apart thla morning Cigar Pretoria, Conynghain ball here In and that at Worcester lent, became bie about two miles 1890, however, personalities Greene,and he aocuced the Im- from thla city and the TIIE LEADING We praotloally the were that the chairman called the CHALLENGE forward following year, renewed with upon cap- FURNITURE, etc. perial government of a breach of faith, section, oonelatlDg of 34 loaded any manufacturer CURED FREE. even greater bitterness at tbe annual con- tain of polloe to restrain hint. He style 10 8how tie said he was disinclined to advise the oara and tbe engine being deprived of TEH CEHT CIGAR vention of tbe State In Me- the convention a one. and said Dr. Hallook’s Vegetable Liver Pills are a tbe rear Democracy "snap” -O.NE.IIALF- Valued at Transvaal government to accept the lat- brake, failed to stop when it Vegetable Combination for keeping the $125,000, chanics' hall There wes a the committee had a to 0r purely reached tbe station. Thla today. hardly arranged plot Dowels In Natural Motion. Cleansing the Sys- Collected by aud front est British demands. The present criti- train collided Ihe yearly sales ol consigned moment, after the speeobes of the tem- make a regular "trust” out of the dele- tem of All Impurities, and a Positive Cure for with two them over cal state of affairs oonld not be a matter freight care, driving New England. Constipation. Jaundice, Disorders of the Stom- IS. GROSSBA17N Ac SONS, porary and permanent presiding oflloers gates present. He warned the oousmlttee “‘^orXT* ach, Biliousness, of lndlfferenoe to the Orange Free State tbe end of tbe track and through a section were when there was that Its downfall was certain. He asked 122 of ltonlton’a boiler house. The concluded, quiet New Bond St., London, W. England which was bound by treaty to afford as- building SICK and harmony In any At for an honest oonnt and a fair show. Quality Sales Prove It. HEADACHE, to be sold at auction sistance was demolished. The two oars were degree. times, Counts; Dizziness, Costiveness. Sour Stomach. Loss ot by to the Transvaal and he bad, the entire delegation was upon its feet, James A. Ualllvnn, ex-state senator, Appetite. Coated Tongue, Indigestion or Dys- therefore, oonvened the Volknraad to de- thrown off tLel: trucks, but otherwise the men on chairs or to of Ur. pepsia, Windy Belchtngs, “Heartburn.” Pain were not standing tables, replied the.utteranoee Fitzgerald, and Distress After and kindred de- cide what attitude should be taken. seriously damaged. Ealing, shouting In their passion some denunci- and said that the delegatee had just heard rangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, “There is Both Inside guides of the engine were & nothing," declared the Pres- the and WAITT BONO, cleanses the blood and brings a rich red color F.O. BAILEY & atory remarks at the chairman or tbe wall, declared that the Congress- Mfrs., GO., broken. No person was The to the skin. ident, "that warrants war or an attaok Injured. person who was to man was "to steeped In politloal crime Dr. Hal lock's Liver Pills are damage to the Is about (1000. endeavoring speuk Vegetable vastly Auctioneers. upon the Transvaal. Such differences building he 53 Biackstone St., Boston. different from any other Liver or Bowel Pill, upon the platform. that onght to be ashamed to raise fats Jya» an as can be istp and cure others fail. Price 10c. a exist salved by arbitration. they where WELLINGTON'S RESIGNATION At times It seemed os though even the bead upon the platform." package at all drugget*. Cheapest and iHMt Wiihin the BAXTER HALL, War would be an insult to religion and cathartic made. Our 10c size as ASKED FOR. foroe of 100 In the hall would lbs tumult became almost without remedy large civilization." polloemen as others that sell for 25 cents. at Baxter Memorial Baltimore, September 31. — Gov. be of no avail, so Impassioned were those bounds this point, bat was somewhat If your druggist can not supply you we will Building, In conclusion, President Stern said be send FKKK one full slzeu package oi pills Lowndes, who is a oandldste for re-elee- upon the floor and the climax came when, quelled by sturdy wielding of the gavel by mall if will cut tills adv. out and ad- wonld take this opportunity of lay tug you 562 Congress SC tloa on the Republican slate ticket at the request of the chairman. Bon. W. of Chairmen McNary, with the eld of dress Hal lock Drug Co., 110 Court St.. Bosuiit certain draft law* before the Volksread today Mass. demanded tbe of United S. MoNary, the captain of the the polloe. llr. Ualltvan then deolared for consideration resignation polloe jan3Tn&P2awtf praying God to give that the States Senator George L. Wellington as appeared upon the platform and placed gentlemen who had just tbe members strength to pass resolutions WEDNESDAY SEPT. 27th. 1899 bis hand "yelped” had Into the hall a THIS * ohalrman of tbs Republican state central npon Congressman John K. brought not only conducive to pesoe and prosperi- committee and It is understood that Sen- Fitzgerald, In readiness to forcibly re- number of men from the oattleshlpg. and three ty,bat alio in the interest of their beloved days following at ator will at ones with move him from the had he not Senator John A. Kelllher, the next state. Wellington comply platform, CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK tbe subsided and allowed the ohalrman to speaker,deolared that the imputation that 10.30 a. ni, and 3.30 m. governor’s requert p. Immediately after the speeob. Presi- the Democrats nit Portland, Maine. This step Is the outcome of tbe action address and calm the excitrd assemblage. cannot be trusted was a dent Steyn asked the Volksiaad to go of the state oentral oommlttee yesterday The cause of the tumult whloh raged shame. He declared that If alleglauoe THE WEATHER. Into seoret whloh was to session, agreed to Mr. Williams Is a test lu appointing committees on finance for nearly three hours, was the question of hla Democra- unanimously. tben he le not a CAPITAL, $100,000.00 and on the oonduct of tbe oomlng cam- before the body, of aooepting the action of cy. Democrat. He pro- tested the paign, thus practically depriving the the state oommlttee In presenting a list against eleutlon of delegates to QUEEN IS WAITING. a Surplus and Undivided Profits, $25,000.00 ohalrman of tbe committee of most of of delegates to the national convention convention that has not yet been oalled. his and atfalnera. Senator of Democrats next June It was olalmed Councilman Daniel J. Crowley of Bos- Solicits the accounts of I!:«nks,Mer- London, September 21.—Renters’ Tele- power who in the voted in those who the that It ton, deolared that city employes from the cantile Finns, Corporations ar,d gram company announced this evening Wellington, meeting by opposed Idea, My Mamma elves mo favor the was all hall had been sent to the convention Individuals, and is prepared to fur- that no message had been reoelved by of appointment of the com- against preoedent and robbed the City BROWN’S INSTANT RELIEF, nish its the best facilities mittees In various dlstrlots of by Mayor to break the conven- patrons Queen Vlotorla from President Kruger. question, subsequently took their constitutional Quincy up For Coughs, Colds, Colic, Cholera. and liberal accommodations. a different view cf tbe matter and gave rights. The personalities which were tion. He referred to Congressman Fitz- Morbus, Dysentery, Croup, 8or» SITUATION GRAVER. as Throat, eto. * out an Interview In wblob he attaoked Indulged In, were directed as maoh gerald the Concord Junction "mega- Diphtheria, and I THINK IT IS REAL NICE TO TAKE. Intetest Paid on London, September 22.—While the pre- the governor and his friends, aoouslng against Congressman Fitzgerald as phone,” spoke at length in favor ol Deposits. cise result of the the seoret seeslon of the them of conspiring to deprive him of the against Mr. Williams, the party leader, original motion. Prepared by Norway Medicine Co., Norway, Ma. FOR SAVINGS. Hoad of the Free State Is not some names Hon. Joints H. Mellon of SPECIAL DEPARTMENT Boston, Sept 21.—Local forecast for Orange yet powers of his position. and hard were .called on eith- Worooater fol- known Boston and here, President Stayn's speech er side. At times It seemed as If party lowed. He deolared himself In favor of Inteniiews and Correspondence Inured. vicinity Friday: SCOTTISH KITE MASONS. on nun u^eunu ui bne wwiud is ngaruea Issues had been thrown to the win Is, the motion and said that the campaign weatlicr; probably continued fair;wester- V*h I lull* I rth I <> Sonrvr Kom Q1 _'I'ha Kit- CUIXES C. CHAl'MAD, President. as an almost Infallible lndloatlon of while audlenoe and sp inker hurled at of 1900 opened today. winds. /- ly tbe Council of tbe Anolent and Ao GOOD THOMAS H. EATON, Cashier. attitude whloh the Free State will prenie eaoh other such epithets as "Joslah the Henry T. Shelter tben moved the previ- Washington, Sept 21.—Forecast for Soottlsh Rite taka. Commenting from tbla point of oepted for tbe Northern Third," "Conoord megaphone," "Steeped ous question and It was declared carried DIRECTORS: Friday aud for New England: Mason Saturday .tlew, the London morning papers are all to jurisdiction, oonoluded Its 87th In political crime," “Put him out," by a small margin. Fair and wester- BAY RUM. Friday fresh with annual Numerous re- wttB CULLEN C. CHAPMAN. SETH L. LARRABEE. Saturday; Impressed the added gravity of tbe meeting today. “Oh, abut up,” etc. a uiuviuu icing raour 10 me eiieci winds. E. M. PERLEY P. ly situation, aud murmurs are ports were reed, among them one approv- The Anal result of all the oonfualon and that the delegates to the national conven- STEADMAN. EURNHAM. beginning*to I9 one of the toilet arti- be beard the of BRICE M. JAMES F. HAWKES regarding the dllatorlness of tbe ing applications candidates for the uiaouru was me tion be Instructed to vote for W. J. llry- EDWARDS, LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. uverwneiming passage cles tliat is hard to In 881 to he conferred at the next an- get,to HENRY S. OSGOOD WILLIAM M. government getting troops forward. degree of motion ana thnt was nn, but before It oould be put to the MARKS. every report suit is univer- Portland, Sept. 21, 1899.—The local nual meeting whtoh will he held In Bos- one, yet ADAM P- LEIGHTON, made by tbe state committee, or that convention, Congresiman Fitzgerald MW&pu weather bureau records the THE CONGREGATIONAL CONFER- ton. Kllsha P. sally wanted. „ following: Dyer, governor of Rhode portion of the body organization which is again demanded the floor on a question 8 a. m.—Barometer, 29.804: thermome- We have some of that ENCE. Island, reoelved the 83d degree at today’s by Mr. the of privilege. ter. 01; dew point, 68: iteL guided Williams, Including humidity session. The treasurer's showed He old teliablo St. Thomas FOR PORTLAND WOMAN. 89; direction of wind, W; wind veloc- Boston, September 31.-Today’s session report adoption of the platform as presented,the argued for 15 minutes amid n tu- the to be article that it is a ity, 2, state of weather, cloudy. of tbs International Council of Congre- year’s reoelpts (31,084; expen- nomination of a state ticket and the elec- mult that defies description until at the always 8 in.—Barometer. thermome- p. 29.187; gationalism woe this forenoon ditures, (17,880. tion of national convention delegates, command of the captsin of polloe be sub- pleasure to possess. Successful Lannchlug of the Mary T. ter, 60; 55; rel. opened dewpoint humidity, 97; sided for This we are of with devotional exercises in Tremont beaded .by Robert 'Treat T’aiue, Jr., can- long enough Chairman MoNary selling at y at Tliomastou. direction wind, W; wind velocity, a; AGED COUPLE BURNED TO DEATH state of weather, nloudy. temple. didate for governor.and Jobs H.Maok for to announce the result of the vote as 30o. per pint, or in haudy Max. Stoughton, Mass., September 21.—Mr. temp., 68: min. temp., 55; mean President-elect Ueorge liarrle, 1>. D., lieutenant-governor, and the eleotton of praotlcslly unanimous In its favor. Than sprinkle-top bottles at 'lhomas 31. —Tbe 62; max. wind and Mrs. Dennis 70 mud 75 con, September temp., velocity 14, NW; L. R. of Amhtrst Buokley, year* national convention delegates. he was permitted to state his question. 33c. each. 24 .48. D., college, Amherst, schooner Mary T. Qulinby, one of tbe precipitation— hoars, old, respectively, were burned to death of Mass., was Introduoed as the first aesaylat Tbe stats tleket follows: Instead doing so, however, be made a finest built and most modern equipped tonight in their house on Summer street. to the effeot that tbe before tho council and read a; paper For Governor—Robert Treat Paine, Jr., long speech delegates vessel* of whloh Maine oan boast, was sue- Fire was seen In the building at ahont been WEATHER OBSERVATIONS, entitled "Fundamental Principles Id Boston. bad denied the right to vote as they cessfully launched today from Washburn 11 o'dock by three yonng men who were Theology." Lieutenant-Governor—Johu H. should,snd that an honest and fair oount H. H. HAY & SON. Middle St. Brothers' The agricultural department weather at the Maok, shipyard. passing time, and although they was not obtained. The were bureau for Ur. Harris waa followed by Prof. North Adams. polloe again The schooner was named In honor of yesterday, Sept 21, taken at made a heroic dash Into the burning Frank Cbambeilsln Ph. of Bos- called upon to compel the delegates to re- 8 p. m., meridian the obser- Porter, U., Mrs. Secretary State—Barry Lloyd, the daughter of Dr. A. S. Thayer of time, rooms, Buokley died before the had main In their stats and professor of Biblical theology at Yale ton. to stop the nse of Portland and will be oommanded by vation for each section being given in been carried to tbe street and tbe body university. The oounoll adjourned to General—John H. megaphones upon tbe floor. Mr. Fitz- (TALK NO. 5.) E. W. of Ylnslhaven, this order: direotion of of Mr. waa found Attorney Morrison, Captain Arey Temperature, Buokley later, burned d for a division attend a reception at the State Hones Lowell. gerald appeal! of the honse A Tbe Qulinby Is built aftsr tbe model wind, ttrate of weather: to a crisp. Mistake. tendered by Gov. Woloott. The oounoll Auditor—W. L. and a roll oall, but tbe ohalrman ruled one of Hamsdell, Lynn. of tbe John B. Haynes, Washburn 56 New Mr. and Mrs. Buokley were among the had a There is a that Boston, degrees, W, dear; York, wae photographed In front of the State J, Lawrence. that he not stated privileged ques- popular opinion 60 two Treasurer—Joseph Flynn, should never be worn so Brothers’ fleet, whloh sailed from Port degrees, NW, olear; Philadelphia,62 de- oldest of the residents, and highly tion and he to tbe glasses House. Tbe convention was oalled to order gave way Hon. Thom- Tampa, Fla., just before tbe hurricane ol grees, NW, clear; Washington, 68 degrees, by long as the eyes can possibly get 58 The afternoon session began at two as J.Gargan. There was a marked differ- last month with rook for Balti- NW, dear; Albany, degrees, W, clear; I Temporary Chairman Christopher T. along without them. There was phosphate 58 The ence In tbe attitude of the to- Buffalo, degress, W, dear; o'olock. Rev. Alexander Uoeman, Callahan at over an hour alter tbe delegates never a mistake. The and from whloh since has 11.20, greater very more, nothing , 00 degrees, S, of wards Mr. and their treatment of of defective clear; p rlnclpal tbe Congregational time In tbe There were Gargan firs; symptom eye- been heard. 68 degress, St. Paul. college specified oall. Chioago, W, olear; at those whose had them. There the fust indication of 62 Vlotorla, Australia, read a paper on over 150J seated In the audi- preoedfd sight fatigue, Hsr dimensions are: of degrees, N, cloudy; Huron, Dak., 70 delegates be as Length keel, “The was almost allenoe when he was should recognized Nature’s degrees, E, cloudy; Bismarck, 68degrees, Theology of the Order of Nature." torium at tbat time and the members of speak- 185 feet; beam, 41 feet; depth, 19 feet; call for help. To persist tn forcing NW, clear; Jacksonville, 72 degrees, NK, Principal Gosmap was followed the stats committee ing, frequently broken by cheers and ap- 1173. by oocupfed the plat- the eyes-to perform work too great gross tonnage, partly oloudy._ Prof. P. D. Tne ohlet feature of his remarks Ueorge Fleher, U., LL. D., form. Prominent among those near tbe plause. for their endurance is simply an of Yale was that he had come back to tbe PRESIDENT OF ANDUVER. A REAR END COLLISION. university, who read a paper op speaker’s stand was Hon. Thomas J. party abuse of the inoHt precious sense the "Historical Method In and now favorad tbe election ot Bryan. wo have. I believe that greater 3L Theology.” Gnrgan, and upon bis appearauoe with Andorer, Mars., September St. Pan), Minn., September 21.—Four of of Cataract and other The oincluding pacer was on the Ben. Fred the brass In a neat speech bUlogy, be nominated percentage George F. Moore has been eleoted men were killed and three In- George Williams, diseases of the ovo is presi- seriously of ns brought Evangelism of Authority and It was read band In attendance played "Borne Robert Treat Paine, Jr., Boston, dent of the Andorer Theologloal seminary jured today In a rear end oollislon of Again about by this habit than from all the Rev. Peter tbe candidate for governor, ills nomina- to succeed Prof. by Taylor Forsyth of from a Foreign Shore," In recognition other causes combined. If von Georg* Harris, now freight trains on a bridge oa the Omaha oarrled. Cambridge. of Mr. Williams's home from tion was unanimously Arthur have the that president of Amherst oolleg*. road near Wlndhom. coming sligliest suspicion of In are not The sermon this evening was preached Uurope and Mr. Gargsn's return ta tbe Wlthlngtou Newburyport, placed your eyes perfectly correo for I want to look them ovir. I want by Andrew Martin Falrbalrn, U. U, regular Bemorratio party, be having nomination lieutenant-governor, John H. Mack of North Adams. you to feel at liberty to consult L. L U principal of Mansfield differed with them on the monetary quea- oollege, with me at any time. If you need d. Tba report of the committee to bring in Oxford, Englan glasses I will furnish them at a a of % members at on tbs state list large reasonable cost. If not I will A WORLU'S SAWING RECORD. committee was adopted. charge you nothing. Souk the hands on la thoroughly, retiring, The names reported was as follows: Gardiner, September 8L— A world's a hot lather of Concern* Soar, the most Your Liver effective skin pnrifying soap, as well as pnrut Robert Treat Pains, Jr., Boston; Charles A. M. record waa established at the saw mill of and WUl be roused to Its natural duties WENTWORTH, sweetest for toilet, hath, end nursery. L). Lewis, South Framingham; John H. Apollinaris the Mills company plant at Farm- Dry, anoint freely with Cimctins Ointment, and your biliousness, headache and (“THE OF TABLE WATERS”), the great skin cure and purest of emollients. be cured If take Mack. North Adams; Charles P.MoNabb, Practical QUEEN Ingdale today when with a single saw constipation you Optician, Woaroldgloves during night. For sore hands, Waltham; Henry Llayd, Boston; John 108,910 feet were sawed out In 11 hoars. Itching, burning pal ms and painful finger 546 1-2 Congress St ends, this one night treatment is wonderful. H. Ponce, CambridgeMichael M. Cun- BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTIONS. Of thin 141,tel feet were orders. The Hood’s Pills lathe machine turned oat lath*. <0,000 Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. Continued an eighth Page. Office Hours-£: •rotary, m ana known, no domonttra- FIRST DISTRICT POLITICS- SOUTH LINCOLN SHAKEN. * rand Trank la preparing to greatly In- r presenting the Poor Beesons sad Morn, DISTWGUISHEO PARTY. •* g. and the char- »lon otsmirod. j lEBRASkA BEfliBlICAlS, |j (ease Ml faclUMsa for handling Mg ships Nooa, Kveuing Night “ tarletlo water colors of Venetian scenes Mom. Dreyfus tl expected hare tonight. i are Mr. Plrrle did do* deny. Tbe id Lrbaaou and Liamlek Hold Their Pretty Hlxrahle K.rllit|nikF Dam! every-day life by Nanettl; tbe fan- While Dreyfus's health does not permit ■ leamehip people eeem to regard Portland u gMe eketobea br Tafarl. the military Cttnm. the Coast. of hln resolving rial tore. It It hoped the n ■ tbe oomlag seaport on this ooast, aad enea of the oslebratvd Xlmanaa and of emolo laeaarl; the beautiful ollmnts will restore bit strength during ooordlng te Mr. Plrrle’i statements, parahmsnt The Limerick held their Dainartaootta, Heptember 81.—Son them lnlatures and delicate tamerae and watch he Is ex- Republicans risit to Portland of * re prepared ta aa far towards the nrxt few months, i Inooln ahaken go jnet * ateifsotorr of tbe Trieste painter ntegi and salseted delegates harmonious Convention oonaty waa thoroughly Taddto, to bore. yesterday '"king It a aa tbs tl » Oriental pteoae of and the pected spend and well mom- big shipping point Uardlt, favorable to Hon. Amos L. Ae original oolleotions of a soldier.” og away to the north. In Brlatol the ] jord Chief Baron of Ire- BlgDor Btaeky, Bon. K. M. ■ Administration’s ] Joralnlon ataarashlp company, In whloh t ilrtp of whose oarda bear tbe namee of When told of the wave of British tion: Hon. O. H. Adams, Policy waa great J Beet of the earthquake startling, • >“• of the lest of and Charles G. Moulton. dr. Plrrle !e Interest'd, of the Elder living painters Italy. sympathy In his behalf, be wrung the Biggins They 1 n hooaee and were ahak- The exhibition at Endorsed. many pane pota land is His Guest. Jem othere. advertising postals are all for Allen. peter line and aerertl Speak- | a most correspondent’s hand and showed the i n from the store* and fall olatterlng to Interesting one also, some of the I ng of the treatment tf the Dominion o trde trnlv emotion. THE LEBANON CAUCUS. and In being charming.—Home cor- deepest 1 he doors. Nobleboro, Bremen r ■ ■■ ■».-.— the Canadian Npondenor. New York Times. Is teanjshlp company by Uls health, the correspondent says, canons ..—I sot all tbe town* within a radios ot Lebanon, September SL—The Mr. Plrrle sold that the ate meat I [overnment, far from satisfactory. He yes- here last was close end 1 westy miles of this report heavy night exciting, place Dominion had treated that Aa Da "It Is government They la Franca. terday for the Urst time. against the anti-Allen forces winning by a vote elemlo disturbances. About two boura ] Ir. Plrrle is Head of a Croat ( iteamshlp oompany vary badly. In re- “Alphonse, my friend, where do you go the doctor's said Hathleu By Senator Thurston star went orders,” of SS to 18. The delegatee are pledged to Speeches another shook shlTcrlng < o using the Dominion ateamahlp company fast wix see revolvaire in your hand Dreyfus. tor first oboios amt Bnrhank tbe trsrereed by tbe Orel, Bradbury and Others. hrough looellly Ship Building Company. ihe mall subaldlea and to establish 1 nd zee wild glare in your eye?" said the former at artil- trying “Ah,” captain for seoond. The are: G. R, >nt It was lighter. “Ah, Henri! delegatee fast mall service tbe Dominion govern- My lawsuit is going lery, "let me have a holiday today. 1 Wentworth. igainst me!” Tate.G. B. Boston, James 8. BATB PELT IT. ment bad Its own tomor- seriously Injured ports. will be teilate and obedient again “What would you do? 8hoot your-r* MB. BOBEBT8 INTERVIEWED. Bath, BeptMuber 81.—The earthquake rhelr treatment of tbe Dominion oompa- row. f elf?” Btddeford Journal Candi- hook which was felt throughout this One of tbe moat distinguished parties ay had Boston and Portland. The am a now and feel The quotes helped “No, no! Shoot see ozznir man’s “I like boy just Omaha, Nab., September 31.—The Be- law- as , action of Maine lasted only a brief t .blob hu visited Portland thla season Elder boa run and ah jut the date Roberts follows: today Dempster steamship oompany j ’er!”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. that 1 could jump state convention was one rublloan today lime here and waa net At Barter's irrlred bore late afternoon on tlao Portland that line Just I "I am not making any boasts about my heavy. ye.tardaj helped greatly, gresn llelils for very joy. think, >( the most harmonious ever gathering* Blend the houses shook and the ear from and are doubled from this Didn’t Hava Tima. and with own obanoes," Skid Mr. Heberts, "but bowsvtr, .peotal Boeton, regla- having Its cargoes port shall now he able to laugh play aeld the In thl* state. M. B. at by party ■hook to be a severe oee. ered at tbe IFalmoutb hotel. It conaiats mlthlo tbe last “I thought yon were going to make an children In the beautiful I am willing to go on record predict- appeared year. my oountry.” nominated for 1 ittack on tbs not Sees*|wa8 supreme justice if tbe Ran. W. J. Plrrle of Bel- In conversation with Mr. Plrrle laat Americans?" After the his brother’s ing tbat Parson MoKInoey will ba Right. meal, despite didn't us a snd E. a. Hilton and William B. Ely DRINK CAUSED A and Plrrle, and tbe that said that he did “They give chance,” replied belt he smoked several tn* nominee of tbe convention. I any MURDER. aat, Ireland, Lady arenlng gentleman laughing protest, for of th* Stat* on the be Filipino chief. mind without refereno* to regent* untvarsity Honorable tbe Lord Chief Baron not Leliere Ureat Britain end tbe Boers "to celebrate the Xhe this, you. any 11. —John ttlght “What was cigars holiday.” first ballot Tannton, Maes., September the matter? Did they run bat oen be tore >f wife and Mica Pallet. would to war. Ureat Brit- sad amid the was the my own aandtdaoy, you SB of died at Ireland, niece, go “Neither note, vejotolngs, on the Horton, years age. suddenly iway?” Judge He.se ha* served six years The Lord Chief Bartn of Ireland la ain* nor tbe Boers wish to War death of M. Soheurer-Kestner. that the Democrat* of this district will the Bristol fair this sftsmoon, light. “No; they sent out a scouting party six years ago to County not nominate a man *r ona of pro- supreme benoh, retiring cnown as Hon. Christopher Pallea. may result, but I do nut believe this will ind chased us Post. “I am grieved beyond words," said gold immediately after he had been struck In Right away.”— nounced Uks Mo- resume the pvaetlee of bla profession. de la the last lord ohlef baron^Cngland be the ontnome of tbe matter." “to think that I shall never be anti-Bryan principles the neck a Jamee Mo- Dreyfas, A was wblob hearti- by companion. Aw Wife. platform adopted, >r Ireland will over as the office This Mr. Plrrle and bis Kxtravngant able to thank that noble heart.” One at Klnney. Collier hare been know, morning party endorsee tbs administration of Presi- Dlcskey and Jamee Mrs. Taikrouch—That Mra. ly *111 oaase to ezlat on *ts death. Bj will be escorted about tbe ty Mr. Rev. Back- hit brat acts on obtaining bis freedom under arrest tbe olty dent and plaoed by polios, pending irooda ia a shamefully extravagant worn- THE FARMINGTON FAIR. McKinley says: ibe act ot 1872 the British parliament C. W.T. Uodlng and will maki Inspections was to have a wreath sent to be placed on tbe Tbe blow waa the result “While we the Insurrection In antopsy. tn. She spends every cent of her hus- SL—The eeoond deplore kbollabed the oOloe at lord ahlei baron In of tbe Uraud Trunk docks and elevators. the ooflin of his champion and friend. Farmington, September of a to band's the yet we quarrel and, according wltneeaes, salary. the Franklin fair and Philippine Islands, recognize and Ireland, tbe title to end At noon the will leave on e At he speaks little of past day of County It was delivered ingliind party special Mr. Barkasm—You don’t say so. The present the duties and Imposed upon by MoCloskey. was a and obligations arben tba lnonmbents at that time died. car tendered them by tbe of tbe •vents. He says: ”1 have forgiven, but show attended by large crowd, Is a bar tender la one of the president Ircadful spendthrift. And to think Rev. our nation by the victory of our navy and MoCloakey were of a this Ibe lard ohlef boron of England le dead, railroad and will pass a few Backwoods a 1 cannot and be Intends to the exhibit* high order, saloons here. Collier drtree an Vltobbnrg gets $400 year too.—Ohio forget,” the mntchlees valor of our express exhib- arms, resulting Lot tbe title still ezlata In Ireland and la at ihe at N. State Journal. devote himself to his lnnooenoe. being especially noteworthy In the Morton lived on Bead days Waumbeg JetTeison, proving In the of whloh wagon. John dor- treaty , Imposes Ijorne the Right Hon. Christopher In tbe White Mountains They will it of bareee sad oolta. Ths trotting street ana leaves a wire. bjr H., the President the of main- me upon doty niim. ium wuiuo r* then prooeed to Mon I rial and Q rebec. naynap taay Blatters. ask to be allowed to tbe In oonrt I only spend the of the United btatee Both defendant! will appear and taining authority jhief of the Bupreme oourt, sod the guests of General Manager Hicks—Tbey gay Milkton is a most de- remainder of ble with his lorad ones storm, and tbs unllnlsbed events, tomorrow Bo far aa can be justloe being daye over the end morning. lightful husband. He his tomor- territory *04Hired thereby, Is tbs lu Ire- on tbelr over the Grand 'irunk anticipates far from the world. also these not started, will ooeur learned the three men In the highest judicial posltlou Hays trip busy eo ae there la one nl an have, past, Fife’s every wish, so Topliu tells me. 88 long gun pointed “His deligbt at everything on the jour- row. Seven horses started In the 3 been It la believed that what- railway. that’s I When American soldier, so as there la an frlenda.and Wicks—Yes, so, guess. " was long The lord ehlef baron, bis wife and niece Mr. Plrrle's travels In a style In continues the Dally Mall corres- class, trot, the parse of wbloh 3150. ever at the fair party she wants to ask him to do he ney, armed onr eo happened grounds today anything, enemy eesneltlog Beg, are the of Mr. who Is one “was that of a man returning .Nancy G. Kendall, M orison's Corner, guests Plrrie, keeplAg wltA It# wealth and Importance. |ust slips out of the way before she has pondent, mast and Amerloans was the nsalt of their drinking. long patrlotie loyal of the men In Ireland and one At the In were Irea the dead to the wot Id he loved. The won one beat; A1 Pointer, Bonnallle, wealthiest Tonraine Boston, they the chance.—Boston Transcript. uphold onr President In elleotlng pro- of In the British the •tftetlon and solicitude of hie brother Lewiston, also took ana. Best time, the "must Influential given Inrgest end handsomest suits In and to all who THE ODD FELLOWS’ CONVENTION. tection, tranquility paeoe He Is the ohalrman, ae we the bouse the Falmouth oc- Faults of Early Training. are touohjng to see. His physical weak- 3.28 1-2.. empire. or, and>t they onr lawful We recognise ooenpatlon. Detroit, Midi., September 31.—The wwuld In this the nine rami in suite and a "Flossie Blufkins believes in reincar- ness canass the deepest apprehension to Only one bent was trotted In the 2. ID say country, president, cupy private adhere unequivocally to the gold stand- first dear weather of the week waa nation." bis friends. The was In tbe olasi before the min. Daring the scoring bright of one of the largest shipbuilding oon- dining room. They have been treated journey « "She Is too to believe in much of ard and are unalterably opposed to th furnished today for the occasion of the Bis Is the lazy main uneventful except for a few ex- jay, driven by Mrs. Mender beoame un- orrns In Ureat Britain. company wltb greatest consideration by Mr. tree eolnage of sliver." drills of the Patrlarohs Militant anything.” of disappointment on tbe part manageable and no three times around prize known as the Harland & Wolf shipbuild- Nunns, proprietor of the hotel. she she can’t pressions _ The trusts and com- "Yes; says help it. She platform opposes division of the Odd Fellows. The con- and work- of people who endeavored to get a ths track before he omld be stopped. ing company employs 11,QUO used to be a princess on the banks of the binations having for the purpose the tests were held on the Detroit Athletic A GAME OF CARDS. of him. Elder Boone, driven by Miss Leota El- men. In the last three years this compa- Nile.”—Chicago Record. glimpse of and stifling competition arbitrarily dob's field and were wltneseed by thous- over tons In steam- UAL- liott, won the heat. Time, 3.35. ny has built 85,000 PROCLAMATION BY M. DK or In- controlling production Axing prices, ands. The sovereign grand lodge today this one fourteenth of all the It Became Altogether TuoLlvdy On His Foresight. LIFET. ships, being but declares that legitimate business In- ed a resolution "There’s a man JOUBEHT LOOKING FOB WORBT. definitely postpon permit- tonnage floating under the British flag. Train From . who is always looking Parle, September 21.—Tbe minister of end terests fairly capitalised honestly ting members of the five civilized Indian several of ahead, and yet he doesn’t seem to be get- de Pretoria, September £1—Gen. Joubert Mr. Plrrie Is Interested in war, Uenerai the Marqnle Ualllfet, rich faster than some managed should not be struck down by tribes In Indian territory to beoorae Odd John Maher of and John ting any of the rest order to the the Boer oonimander-ln-ahlet. Is quoted the largest steamship lloas of England Barre, Vt., bes addressed the following aimed at of us.” legislation dishonestly organised Fellows providing they had no taint of 'i’errlen of were as saying In nn Interview: and his visit to Portland Is of the great- Cumberland Mill* among ."Who is be?” corps commanders: institutions. It favors the creation, by Afrloan blood. A resolution providing est the on last train Is closed. T'be "The situation Is serloua Probably significance. paisengerB evening's "The local weather “The Incident military act of of a bureau of prophet.”—Chicago Congress supervision that at the next Heston of the sovereign the Montreal. of have tbe heaviest lighting would ooeur on Among the steamships built by the over Maine Central, from Times-iierald. judges, enjoying the respeot all, ooatrol of and corporations. grand lodge representatives he paid only To while the time the two with verdlet with In- the Natal border. The British are likely oompany of which Mr. Plrrie la tbs pres- away rendered their complete A liberal is recommend- of 10 pension policy aotoal traveling expenses Instead became a Another Lie Nulled. We without to attempt to 1 evade thV Transvaal by ident, la tbs Ooeanlo of the White Star others engaged In game of dependence all, harboring ed and the of the loyalty sound monsy and 13 oents per mile, met a similar fate. u too “1 stand up for the declared bend to their deolslon way of the Vanmimans pass." line, the largest ship ever built and tha oards. The players got little In- people,” after-tbought Democrats la oommandsd. the orator. ate the Hoad most and In her terested In tbelr diversion and tbelr en- political We shall in the same manner aooept the Urgent messages reaohlng costly palatini appoint- Frank O. chairman of tbs con- POLAND SPBINQS. "False!” cried a gamin in the rear. from members who are au- Reavis, GOLF AT ments. She arrived In Mew York thusiasm reached a climax when Terrien action that a feeling of profound pity demanding recently "He wouldu’t even vention, In sn address, asserted that the stand up for a poor for the Boers to mass at on her maiden and her hurled a quart bottle at the Vermont dictated to the of the republic. thority strateglo Poland Springs, September 31.— Find- voyage among old in de car this president issue of free silver was deed and that lady morning.”—New were man, him In the head. A There can be no further of points lay and Fenn proved the superiors of passengers the distinguished party striking gash York World. question trusts would not ba the issue In the 00m- Hsnoe. I and Horace Rawlins in the first now visiting Portland. After remain- live Inches long was ont and Maher bled reprisals of nny kind. repeat national Barry KASTKUN MAINE INCREDULOUS. Ing oampalga. He declared most The Portland tbe Incident is olOBed. I ask you, and day of the Scottish four-some on the ing a few daya In New York Mr. Plrrie profusely. police it, from now until the closed In MOO polls ano his visited where were notified and when the If It were necessary 1 should oommand Bangor, September 91.—It Is announoed Poland Springs links today the soore guests Boston, they by telegraph PORTLAND POST OFFICE the before the A met loan only question train arrived here Territn was arrested to tbs In order that hers that Manager MaxQeld of the de- 4 up at the finish. At the noon remained a day or two, and yesterday yon, forget past you waa the one of and being COKRKCTKD TO JULY 1, 1899. people patriotism came to Portland on a and taken to the colloe station. He will can think of the future. With you fnnot Farmers' Produce Company and hour, however, the Rawlins brothers trip oomblnlng solely national honor. He said that no OFFICE UOIJ11S. enemy busine s with bo In the Maher and ad my comrades I proclaim vive Exchange Is the principal promoter of stood one up, showing a remarkably pleasure. arraigned morning. got of the United States ever looked to the Pos master1* 0.03 the so heme to establish a close Mr. Plrrie aooorded the PHBSB an in- off at Cumberland Mills. Office, (Sundays excepted' L’Aruiee which belongs to no party but proposed huge game. m. to m. Hepablleen party for comfort. a. 5 p. to France alone. stock mnoh In Washington oounty. The Immediately noon heavy showers set terview last evening’. He la a Canadian Cashier's 8.00 Senator Office, (Sundays excepted.) a ’• Thurston and several others BEAUTIFUL POSTAL CABDS. (Signed) “Ualllfet. scheme as set forth In tbe newspapers is In bnt abated enough to allow a start and by birth, his native city being Qnebeo m. to 6.00 p. m.: Money order department. 9.0t also made speeohea but the one which eet a. m. to 6.00 p. m.: Registry department, 9.00 a. more of which he Intends to visit before return- T'be order will be read to the troops more alluring and stupendous than the eighteen boles were played, many in. to 6.00 p. nt the delegates and spectators wild waa Ulaatratrd Kx«mplr« Shown at Venice throughout the Frenoh army. the Produoe Company, though there was them In heavy rain. The winners are ing home. General Delivery. (Sundays excepted.) 7.3fl that of Chaplain Malley of the First Art the Work of Cele- a. m. to 7.00 p. m. Sundays 9.00 to lo.uo a. nothing small abont that venture. People to motive a prize of $150. In the course of his talk with a repre- Exposition tit, THE DREYFUS PARDON DECREE. Nebraska. His sentence started 1.00 to 2.00 p. in. opening sentative of the PBKBB last Mr. brated Artists In Italy 21.—The Journal who were acquainted with Manager Max- evening, Curriers’ Deliveries, (Sundays excepted.)—In KParls, 'September the of He said business section of the between take pandemonium oheerlng. Plrrie said that this was his city High and decree 11 eld's Produoe Exohangs very little RAIN AT READVILLE. although India streets at 9.00 and Official today publishes tbe grant- he never voted a ticket In his 7.00, n.oo a. m.. 1.30 ami Republican first visit be has been it has been a few since the 6 In other sections at 8.00 to stock In the new measure. to,Portland, long only years p. in.; a. nt, 1.30 p. nt ing pardon Dreyfus. life but he Intended to this fBll vote to 31.—Ac- at Office 9.00 to Keadvllle, Mass., September watohlng the growth of the city and illustrated postal card became a popular Sunday delivery window, 10.00 In a tbe tbe а. m., 1.00 to 2.00 m. Collections from street report preceding decree, uphold the hands of the administration other was necessitated to- p. COLBY OPENS WELL. postponement through his assistants, who have visited but sinoe that time It has never boxes at 7.00 and 11.00 a. m.. 4.00 and 8.00 m. de minister of war, “fad” p. Marquis Ualllfet, in the Horse 6.00 nt Philippines. day In the New England Trotting It several times and the lost ground er ont of favor. Oa Sundays, p. only. nn- Watervllle, September 3L—Colby col- reported upon passed points out that Dreyfus bas already ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. Breeders’ meet, after two heats in the results of their Is the It bae and advanoed live with five lege opened this morning, entering upon ltgp30tlona.be thorough- contrary grown Poston, Southern and Western, intermediate dergune years' deportation FROM one In the LETTER DEWEY. 3.14 class trot and 3.10 paoe familiar with its taollltles and with such stride* as to have become at office* auu connections via. Boston A Maine years' solitary confinement, and would Its 78th year. The hrst chapel was pre- ly possi- had been jn oft on aocount of rain. The railroad (Eastern Division.! Arrive at 12.15, before bilities as a once a separate and have to undergo ten years' detention. sided over by Dr.Nnthealel Butler, shipping point. "Realizing important Industry б. 00and 10.48 p. nt: close 8.00 a. nt, 12.00 nt, s stake for foals of 1887 He Eudoriei the Preparation* For talllon produce some five or six said Mr. and a and branch 6.00 and 9 00 m.; Sundays, arrive 12.46 nt. The minister also calls attention to tbe whom were about 315 students. The years ngo," reoegnlzed permanent p. p. class Is to number III* Reception. Plrrie, "that the faollltee afforded other of useful and decorative art. foot that the health of tbe prisoner Is se- enteilag expected 86, Boston. Southern and Western, and Interme- «u won In a walkover Baron Cour- noolilaa fhn »annln nraKn. ex# Mmla a.l*k ths* lapoMk nffffMmtifin In thn Inatltu- By ova to vii vuo auauuu uunaii wrrc uut diate offices and connections, via Boston md rlnnalv lmnalred and that he would not oue. Maine railroad. (Western division)—Arrive at tlon's The material found New York, September 21,—The follow- age sufficient to keep pace wltb tbe In- views of cities, towns, be able, without great danger, to under- j history. among rapid buildings, points 10.45 A m., 6.30 and 8.20 p. m.; close 6.00 and 8.00 let'*- hu been received from Admi- now A 12 m. and 2.30 nu detention. The of the freshmen !■ said to be most anoourag- log crease of the trans-Atlantlo winter ship- of Interest, etc., one And* reproduc- m., p. go prolonged report Mmtern. via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive ral SHOE FACTORY TO CLOSE. ments America of the world's most famous the war minister concludes thus: lng to the athletic Interests of the college. Dewey: from which Montreal tions plotures, 2.00 amt 4.40 a. in., 12.30 and 0.00 p. m.; close 10.15 and 12.00 and 9.00 m. “The will not have met “Dear General Butterfield—I have juet 81.—The firm of cares for in the summer season, I turned statues, and works of art, portraits of m.. p. Sundays, government Blddeford, September close 12.00 in. NINTH MAINE REUNION. received a of letter to attention to was Its men and artiste and the wishes of the country whioh desires copy your my 8. Newcomb & Co., shoe manufaaturerg my Portland and at great women, Augusta. Intermediate officers and connec- forth the ar- tion via Maine Central allroud—Arrive at 2.08 if it does not hasten to efface Lewiston, September SI.—The annual brother, August 9, setting of this are to cloee their factory and onoe Impressed with the natural advan- writers, Princes and Kings. We have pacillc.ition olty, and 9.00 a. m., 12.30 1.45 and G.00 p. m.; close as rangements made the committee for of this for on also the “artlstlo" or that all traces of the painful conllict. It be- reunion of the Ninth Mains regiment by go out of buei nesB. The present factory tages port carrying the postcard, 6.00 a. in.. 12.00 m., 4.15 and 9.00 p. in. the members of and intermediate offices and connec- to Le an aot took at Knox U. A. K., receiving my family has been the firm since 18(12. winter business. I told Sir Charles Riv- which U decorated with drawings, paint- Farmington, longs you, M. President, by plaoe Poet, hall, occupied by tions. via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at them aboard the These ers the or made for It of lofty humanity, to give the lirst pledge today, over sixty members being pres- sending Olympia. For the last five years tbs firm bas em- Wilson, president of the Grand ings, designs especially by 12.45 and 6.15 p. in. ;closo at7.45 a m. and 12.15 ere p. m? of the work of appeasement whioh opin- ent. A banquet was served at the hall arrangements entirely satisfactory ployed not more than fifty hands. Trunk railroad, system that If the fa- artists. Ho great Is the Interest taken In Rockland, Intermediate offices and connec- to and I assure will be so to cilities of this wars these small cards that are ion demands and the good of the Hepub- In the evonlng after whloh the veterans me, ; you port Increased 1 picture many tions via Knox and Lincoln railroad—Arrive lie commands." told stories till a lata Ivour. The follow- my family. NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES. wonld guarantee that tbe Grand Trank found today signed by some of tho fore- 12.30 and 600 p. m.; close at 6.00 a in. and 12.09 and in. “Wltb renewed thanks tor and of the time. m., 4.16 p. ing officers were eleoted: President, F. your thought- should have enough ships to care for most paloteia designers offices At Phlladelpb la—Philadelphia, 1; Cin- Skou began. Intermediate and conneo- THE BEST DEWEY TRIBUTE. C. Terr, Lewiston; vice president, Aldan fulness, all the freight It could haul here. Gen- There Is no oountry where the postal tlous, via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at 5. 12.46 m ; close at 12.15 p. m. cinnati, eral when he assumed oard has had a mors artlstlo p. Rogers, Bath; secretary, James E. Shep- “Very slnoerely yours, Manager Hays development Island Pond, VL, Intermediate offices and At Baltimore—Baltimore, 6; Cleve- than In Italy, partly on aocoatt of tho pard, Lawrence; corresponding secretary, "George Dewey." charge of the Grand Trunk, showed him- couuectfons, via Grand Trunk Railway—Ar- •*C ouitu Gruige" and His Career—A land, 4. Second game, Baltimore. 4; country wblob lendsIteelf to photographic rive at 7.00,11.45 a. m., G.00 p. m.; Sundays 7.00 R. self at nnoe to be a man of H. Hopkins, Augusta; treasurer, A. The following letter from Adjutant great energy partly to the great interest Ain.;close at7.30 a hl. 1.00 and 7 JO Dewey Dull far the Children—“Whose Cleveland, 1 (seven innings, darkness). reproduction, p.m. D. Hnaeell, Augusta. The meeting will General Corbin has been received by and ability. I have the greatest respect taken by the publio in any phase or Sundays 7.30 p. m. At Washington—Louisville, 4; Wash- Gorham, N. It., Intermediate offices and con- the Fatal Blowl”—A Thrilling for him and am In brmoh of decorative and Illustrative an. be continued tomorrow. General Wesley Merritt, command- thoroughly sympathy via Grand Trunk railroad—Arrive at Major ington, 8. Second game, Louisville, 6; The Italian Government and tho nections, Story* with all he Is to do for ths Grand 7.00 and 11.45 a m., and 600 p. m.: 7.oo ing the department of the East, whose trying of Venioe hau Sundays Washington, 4 (eight Innings, darkness). municipality evidently a. m., close at 7JO a. in., l.oo, 7Jo p. m. Sun- >. THE DURHAM FAIR. are at Governor's Island: Trank and far Portland. It was facts In mind when in. headquarters rain. largely these they dt aided, days at 600 a m. and 7JO p. Elsewhere, 11.43 Boston, Sept. St.—The next Boston Lewiston, SI.—The Durham “Sir—The Secretary of War Instructs through my representations to nlm and as an experiment, Jto open the present Montreal—Arrive at 7.00, a m. and G.00 September in., close at 1.00. 7.30 p. m. close be n NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING. •exposition of Postal Cards In ths old p. Sunday Sunday Globe will giant Dewey which was me to that he desires yon, on his to Sir Charles Rivers Wilson that tbe big fair, postponed from Wednes- say Mint liulldlng overlooking the Grand 7JO p. in. • color was Swanton. Vt., Intermediate offices and con- number, wltb 18-page supple- with small attendance and behalf, to meet Admiral Dewey on his Won. Lost. Per ct. grain elevator built here and the The moment waa day, opened Cartel well chcsm nections, via Mouutain Divisiou M. C. K. K.— ment. other were good exhlbtts of fruit and stook. Only arrival In New York and extend to him Brooktvn.89 4# £90 Improvements mads at this alao, and the exhibition in question may Arrive at 8.15 p. m.; close at 8.00 a in. Besides a of the Philadelphia. 84 so £27 be considered as an annex to the im- Bartlett JT. It., intermediate offices and con- thorough history great one heat of the three minute close was a special welcome In behalf of the army Grand Trunk terminal. Portland would Be*ton.81 M £14 portant International Exposition of nections via Mouutaln Divisiou M. C. R. It.— admiral's oareer from boyhood to the a of the United States and never have been heard from as a a trotted on aooount of heavy downpour congratula- Baltimore. 78 53 £95 shipping Modern Art, which is drawing large Arrive at 630 m. and 12.45 and 615 p. m.; 81. Louts. 76 59 £63 close at 8.00 a.m., 12 JO and 7.45 m. ptjeent day, haudsomely and profusely Sorceress was tions on his services and point had It not been for Mr Charles crowds of visitors to the on the p. of rain. Belva first; Jack distinguished Omntnnan. 74 61 £48 olty Illustrated In beantlful and In- Bridrjton, Comtek, Hiram, Steep Falls oolors, Leo, eeoond; Wisp, third. Time, 8.48. sale return." Chicago. 68 64 £15 Rivers Wilson and Mr. Hays and tbe Adriatic this summer. The novel exhibit via Mountain division, M. C. It. it.—close cluding a plotorial history of the great Louisville.- 65 70 A81 Grand Trank railroad. Boston wonld was Inaugurated August W in the pret- 6.00 p. m. Pittsburg. 83 71 .479 ence of a large umber of Invited offices battle of Manila, it will also contain a THE NORWAY FAIR. ODD FELLOWS' HALL DEDICATED. have swallowed all of this business Rochester. N. H.. intermediate and oon- New York. 64 75 .419 np guests, and occupies tour ol the great nectious, via Portland £ Rochester railroad— the 49 87 £60 full-page Dewey doll, showing great Norway, September 31.—The second Lewiston, Septum her 81.—Abou Ben Washington. and Portland wonld have been passed by. halls, on the upper floor of the famous Arrive at L45 and 600 p. m.; close at 630 a. m. Cleveland. 20 122 J40 and 12.00 m. sea king In his brand new admiral's uni- I am now oonvlnoed that Zeooa. day of the Oxford County fair dawned Adberu lodge of Auburn, I. O. O. F. thia^port has Cumberland Mills, Gorham and Westbrook In number. This doll will The number and variety of the cards forms, eight with every prospect for bright weather, dedicated their new hall this evening, a great future before U. In ray opinion (Saccarappa) Arrive at 8.45 a. m. 1.45 and 6.90 am simply bewildering. Horne are shown close 6J0 and 12.00 a m. and 5.30 in. stand, and will be a unique treat tor the It one of ths cblsf p. m.; p. and In the morning with an attendance abent 500 parsons being present. Albro BRIEFLY TOLD. will.beoome winter In elegant frames hung on the wails, South Portland and Willard—Arrivt at 7 J6 young folk* And every lover of muslo on ths Atlantle Tn otbsrs In others 11.00 8JD0 close 6.30 of 6,000 the exhibits and games of msny E. Chase, grand master, Portland; S. P. ports ooast. If not, ths some oases, , Am, p. m.; abl. 1.30 and and on easels. 6.30 m. will be delighted with the stirring song furnished most Important. I understand that ths In passe-partouts They p. kinds ample diversion for the Felker, grand warden, Clinton; W. K. Into live ola>see—oarde PleasatUdale and Cash Canter—Arrive 7.38 and chorus, “The Haro of Manila are divided for Bay," crowd. The Plummer, grand Pig Iron has advanced to 819.S0 a ton. summer line here this season has been artlstlo and H.15 a. m. and 4.30 p. in.; close 6 JO A ul afternoon, bowevsr, brought treasurer, Portland; oolleotlon, original reprodnotions, 63G m. written and for the successful and and 1.30 and p. composed especially with It a races Russell G. assistant secre- the highest price In twenty years, quite think that In the and oarda, meohanlcal re- heavy rain, and the were Dyer, grand hand-painted ISLAKD MAILS. great of The the Portland eto„ adverti- Dewey supplement Sunday until tomorrow. tary, Charles F. Marconi, Inventor of wireless tele- near future will be doing a photographs, Peaks Island—Arrive at 10.00 a ra. and 4.15 postponed Portland; Tobey, grand and ooll actions. Globe. graphy, has arrived In New York. summer bust sees. Tbe {iroduotloas,ng postals, private P- m.; close at 8.38 a m. and a J8 p. m marshal, Portland, were among the vis- large steamship The reom which anils far the letter In last Glob* THE LADIES. greatest Long and ( heboagxte Islands—Arrive at 9.00 Dooley's Sunday's Baring tbs resent typhoons the most only limit to the winter business Port- Is that to itors, attention perhaps devoted tho a hi. and 6.00 p. m.; cloee at A00 a m. and 1.15 made u hit In next Glone The big Sunday's pleasant effect aad perfect safety sennas disaster was at Besebeln mines land will do Is tbe capacity of the Grand “original artlstlo oarda," or those decor- p. m. he MONTOJO RETIRED. ated with the Cousin’s Island—Arrive M P.15 a. will have another. It’s a masterpiece. with whloh ladles may use of In the A ray hem dlstriot. Got of 18,300 Trunk to haul the Wa oan and paintings, drawings, and m.; clot. Syrup Figs, freight. 2.30 in. see aketohes of living painters, decorators, p. Also next Sunday’s Globe for the under all makes It thsir fa- 88.—Rear Admiral at the mines mors than all the seed ■TAOC MAII.B. conditions, , September people employed will give them ships they and carloaturists, both draughtsmen, Beach—Arrlro at 0.30 m. firm Instalment of "Whose the Fatal vorite remedy. To gat the true aad who commanded the 600 were killed. from Portland nil the Bowery p. j close at gen- Montojo, Spanish So carry away Italian and foreigners. Among these tMp.lt Blow!" a of »»»m» story absorbing mystery, uine article, look for the of she ■aval toroes In the battle of Manila bay, A movement has been started In Ten- freight they ran handle here.” there aae many charming works of art Cape KUzabsth and XnlgktvM*—Arrlro at in tempera, nnri 7410 a. m. and 5.30 close at 6.00 a. in. the central thread of which is a woman's California Fig Syrup Ce. printed near and who has been on trial before the m- nessee In favor of nomtuotioo of Peoslon Mr. Pints said that fas did not sue to oils, watereolora, pen p. in.; and ink, and even penoil, Those most ad- 2.00 p. in. la ths greatsst Ufa insurance swindle he bottom of the Fur sale been to re- part package. by preme court, hat condemned Commissioner Evoae for Vlue-Piesldent disease a* this time Inst what ths result mired are the eight rarda by the wvll- Duck Pond, Pride’s Corner, Windham, Ko. at th* Windham. Raymond and South age. Ha drugcUta. tirement without the right of promotion. oa the ticket. of Ms visit bare wonld be. That the kuown Venetian painter Frnglooomo, Oaioo—Arrivt Republican at 10.00 a. m.; ekwo at 2.00 p. in.

* o

ADVANCE OP THE PEAOCE •noh noble opr cl mem, trained Into snob corn market used to be attached- while FAIBT SOAP. fair _ __ THE EMERALD forma, and It was beta that wa raw oIBoe and rooms ISLE. thejpoet assembly etc.'4 ~ r_MMCCLLtllEOVa that beantlfnl rora, like the Maroobal on other etreete no wider. which followed u> Hatlag from Man to Man and Cron Slab through Ireland There lea pretty fairy etory banded ..... Notice to Wheelmen^ and waa last seen at Cambridge. Wheth- down from earllaat tlmee, .boot the the do Part to Port. er We, undersigned, hereby agreo It elambeis up the tide of the vlne-au- Oongh (bake) of Cork at tha eonth of the to refund the on a 25-rent bottle bowared eottage it the peasant, with It) olty. there wee a weU which mart money fire A Press Correspondent peat lighting up the dark room be- neeer be left uncovered end each morn- of Henry A Johnson's Arnica and Oil Minister ol neath, an IQ or the when M. Hanotaux, the former qralnt, brlgbtsn* ing every inhabitant had taken hie Liniment, if It falls to cure mention at Atobotaford, or shines on 0am- of watw waa bumps, Foreign Affairs in Krauoe, has written In Old Ireland. dally supply It oarefully brldge'a wall. It arrange* ltaelf In the covered op. otherwise It wae eald that a bruises, scratches, chafes, cuts, strains, • letter to the declaring that the tame A. Figaro, tottefnl Mrs. P. Inimitable and tirreot would roeh forth Gorman sore grouping. and Inundate blisters, muscles, sunburn, chapped Asiatic plague la In Europe, and calling unequalled, even when embroidered on tbe valler and all the inbabltinti would Wife of Ex-U. S. Senator bands or or Mia silken fabric of a a Arthur P. Gorman ; face, pimples, freckles, any for an IntrrnatloDal commission to "pro- quern. be eaorllloed. Out beautiful prlnotei The castle of other ailments an In his Blarney was the rt-ong forgot in oloee tbe well and thee oaueed of requiring external ap- tect Europe in Bnrope Itself." tower of Maryland, says: ; Muoster In Queen Kllzibuth's tbe deetrootlon of her father’e domain plication. Lady riders are especially letter M. Hanotaux says: lime. It bad its biltleinented paraoeto and The of fork and a Visit to the sobjvcts. pleased with Arnica and Oil “The plague Is In Kurops. I hare not City and quadrangular keep, It had Its ilun- tint to oa the moat Interesting oljsot In Liniment; Its thick-walled chambers and Its Cork wae of it is so clean and nice to use. eeen any erldonoe of the discovery of the the Ohntop S'lendm, » gro- Twenty- fieon.ndlea’ bower with Bike ail tbe ediUce circumstances under whleh It ha: Stone. gsl’erlea. tevque looking etandlng high upon is a su- fire coats a one three times im precise Blarney ell cmstl< a of “Fairy Soap bottle, Europe, til now peopled an eminence with Ita eteeple as If vary Lut Its noe It hnllt, for 50 cents. been Introduced, pas Wito ghosts of tbe past aod once Inside In stories, of hewn litneaton*. It la oailid large and Is no It»walls yon bear the old or officially annonnoed denied by again ipnnet Hhaodoo Seandun, signifying an old article. I have used it C. H. CUPPY & CO., the if and the Jew murmur of solera in its fort or oaftle, because It was built out of ' perior Monument body. Moreover, people Kuropt ulobes Square. where the yonng lords aud ladles tbe atonal from one of James I.’e ruined hare now for come time teen PORTLAND, MB. expecting withdrew to sing and ohal. Hers my lady nestles. I for the bath and toilet —___ It. It almost be sold that its ad- Cars her troth to eomo and may Jaunting and Their pllghied fine Irish One fair mornlog at nine o’olook, we vance has lean remarked beforehand, gentleman or handsome officer whoee beard a weird air from tbe muetoal manly beauty matched hi r buxom oharms. oblmes of the just like tha evolution of a malady In think H is Dangers. There 1s tbe grand saloo with windows, honestly entitled to threatened and contaminated. the “Bella of Shandon imu i muisiei body huge fireplace where the ox wax sound so “As usual tte In roasted and eaten ly serf nnd meater with Which grand on plague originated waters great good oh ear. there was the draw- The pleasant be called “The of the Asia. A terrible epldemlo ravaged India. Hirer Soap bridf e and the meat and tbe tower at a Of tbe Lee." Its progress was facilitated by an neen distance where alarm was given Id time It seems to bavs of lrnpres ed Father mo lotion of frightful miseries, the regall Funeral Pro.-asslons In Ilnljr danger. Proat when be wrote: It is the best Of nil Century.” very of a famine such as the world has Ihls, but one donjon remains, COAL. rarely ami Ireland. while a single Insignificant stone att-aota “I have heard bells ohlmlng witnessed. The two scourges, famine and Full a clime •aob year the curious sight seer from many In soap I have ever used for plague, marohed together. The spectacle erery dime Tolling sublime In A Fall Assortment ot Lehigh and Free- En Cathedral shrioi s. presented by the mes; beautiful filed "On the top of this wall, • »••••* linen and flannels.” Burning Coals ter Domestic Use. colony dur ng tne pest three years has But toko oare yon don’t fall, There's With deep affection been dreadful. If such a thing had oc- tbe stone whtoh contrlns all the Pocahontas (Seml-Bltumlnous) and [Special Correspondence of the Press.] blarney." And reoolleotlon curred In a Frenoh colony, heaven only I often think on RUnioo, Sept. Ill—On tearing the station ~ Georges Creek Cumberland Coals are knows bow hoars* tbs throats "If you klsi It they say, Those Ssandon bells. English at Cork wo sauntered fertd on a tour of Ifcoin that blessed Whose sounds an wild would for general steam and would be from cheating about our In- day, FAIRBANKS unsurpassed exploration lor the purpose of aeoertalnlag You may do wbat you pleaso Id tbe days of ohlllhuod aptitude for oolonlzlng. But at all forge use. what kind of hotels Old Ireland furnishes With your blarney." Fling round my oracle even's, the the of mise- Tbelr plague, daughter her As we tbe inaglo jpelis." Genuine l.ykent Valley Franklin, guesis. approached through beauti- A. II. G. ry and f.imlos, took up Its quarters in ful we '1 he llral eharacterlstls object wo sple^, grounds saw many people out on English anJ American Cannel. India, and it has not yet been extirpated. the eau e errand nnd a number had al- a little tejond the hotel omnibus station, ready olimbea the where the oause A PLEA KOK THE BIRDS. "Once In India, one might as well tower, Above Coals at the aide of the principal street, was a of the excitement was coon Constant* that U had readied all apparent, FAIRY say We SOAP Europe. (Boston long line of queer-looking vehlole* whloh blame yonng turn who bad oome for tbe Beacon.) ! ly On Hand. remember the panic that was aroused to purpest of kissing the stone were literal- I do not know that It la worse I Three convenient sizes for the bath and we Immediate If oonjeotured wtri the any to toilet, laundry. \ TELEPHONE .... 100-3 when ly putting thalr Intjntlon Into execu- years ago the announcement ol kill blrda for ont garmenting than It Is famous jauntlog-cars. S'.noe In all our tion. and were at this moment In- THE N. K. FAIRBANK the advance of the plague was spread being to make COMPANY, OFFICE: travels for real and rapid servloe In the itiate lntj the school of elaquonoa and other creatures glee up their abroad. Marseilles, wbloh Is always ths held their beds lives that we be but It Chicago. New York. St. Louis. Boston. Investigating line we have found no sophistry, by being by may olothed, j 7b Commercial & 70 Exchange Sts. first to be over the thus SOTS nttaoksd, closed Its port. abyss below, being enable! seems worae because It Is more neediest U.WSKtl meins of looomoclon equal to the first and Doubtleis the recalled to raaab under and touoh the stone w. th olty the horrois of and birds are more If we need- simplest Qod-glven method, we aid not their llpa. Aaturally ladles are rarely In- winning. the plague of 1730, In ths days of ths ed the and feathers of —..s ot this time try this curious carriage troduced to toese mysteries. wings the birds Bishop Belzunce. Marseilles had good During the time of Elizabeth which are killed it seem whloh Is sul generis to Ireland, but Qieeu would less Inhu- reason to “Blarney" and are said to remember that plague, but was "politics" man to slanghtsr them. Of late I hare WRITING walked. Although the jaunting-car Is have been synnnvmous t'tms; and lest A HAPPY HOME wrong to close the wbloh It wss oc- been on port, not considered some so In tbe whole should become meditating the subject and hare by gentle its population Irish In the desire of minded man. and 11 Red lo not some every right gj without reopen, oonfu- politicians instead of citizens, tbs stone concluded tbatt no mors birds will be where he can sit down his slon. At tue aotlon at other more modern rubber-tired coutentedly on own same time the governments then waa placed twenty feet from the top killed that I premises with wife and family. of different countries when filled with ladles In may be ornamented with School School tegan to oooupy vehicles, gay of the highest tower sod had engraved We »re offering such bargains in choice Pads, Paper, themselves with the measures their plumage, and I mean from this house loti on to lie taktn bright attire acd when moving rapidly, upon it an Irish ihainrook und an lnsorlp- which comfortable and even to guard against the invasion of the dis- time forth to be a missionary In behalf (f elegant homes can be built at euch moderate and on such ease. An International conference was prices, easy terms, that those who Spelling Blanks, Slates, the birds. I hate worms and Inasota of are a small can oalled. measures were de- earning only salary easily Prophylactic avail themselves of the bated at all kinds so much that It seems a good comfort which such and length and oarefnlly enacted. homes bring. Composition Record Books, Then the conference Idea to spore the of them. 1 adjourned, believing destroyer* If you are thinking of buying a lot you can that It had not afford thoroughly guarded against am aware tnat the trnly logical may take to miss the opportunity of looking tbe over our list. Erasers, Pencils, Rulers, threatened soourge. exoeptlons to In this Remember we are selling our Sponges, something para- own and “But the cares little for resolu- that property therefore can make the plague graph, bat does not matter. Whut terms to tions on suit the purchaser. paper. It simply vuburk'd on matters is that the birds should be spared Portfolios. board ordinary vessels, that Is to the from vlotlrae say, being to intlllnen, or to All boats that take the Musselmun pilgrims would-be sportsmen, who ean't bit whet Kinds of School Books from India to Arabia. There Its presence they aim at. One woman Is not a very at Low Prices* was discovered by tbe doctors. They large factor In the millinery trade, hut LLEWELLYN LEIGHTON, asked the plague for Its It one woman who Is In can n papers. pre- earnest help 53 Street. sented them. They abut It up In the little and nan persuade others to add their Exclmnse lazar-bonsv of 8epti3?oatt Tor. It submitted good efforts to here, and altogether they may bumorodly. Onoa In this place of predi- be abls to save come of (be songsters and lection, It had only to wait and take creatures of beautiful plumage from THE VIRGIL LORING, SHORT & A CLAVIER HARIUON, things quietly. rear pass, d on, and death too soon. L1U1 Lehman refused to SCHOOL, then suudenly It was found In Alexan- slug a oertaln role because her costume dria. in the land of the Fbaroabs It was must be Opp. Preble House. trimmed with wings, She Is a A GRADED PIANO somewhat tenlgn. It appeared and dis- member of the Audubon roclety. Are SCHOOL, scpGeodtf appeared—two or three raves here and oo! Will you join me In my good reso- there, and then no more fer some time. f utlouf Did you kuow that the destroy- -Will I A* a rule the Open Sept. 1899.- rnalndy attaoked the poor ers are on the track of the see gulls on Ith, but tbe natives, exoeptlons go to show the Maine cots', and that If the slaughtrr THE WM. M. that It Is no means KINDER CLASS will MARKS, by Inclined to ipare Is kept up *s It has begun they will oe In begin Saturday Morning, nny class or to go away lo a hurry. a fair way to be exterminated! 'Ibis Isa °>ept- at 10 o’clock. 20 us not 23d, half-hour lessons, S6.00. “Bet forget the excitement that fsot worth noting for the women who •rose on the southern shores of the In- wear birds' wings and breasts. No praotlce at home required. dian Uoean when the plague suddenly ap- Card In Tamatave and Office hours II to 12 and 2 to 4 after 1st. Book, weakened a peared for UNLICENSED PEDDLERS. Sept- moment the energy of oar ooluny In hlad- AND- agasoar. We were still thinking about It .ffi.I.l. ... .V. _ ,w__. ._ BAXTER BUILDING, there when tbe maae another malady peddlers throughout Maine who are, tbla bound and reaobed Uporto. Doctor Jorge, L. RANKIN. year, peddling without a (or the aug30M,WAFtt_FRANK a student of the Pasteur Institute, rsoog- license, number of JOB nized It and Informed the world of his registrations for the year 18V.) PRINTER, tenible discovery. The population oarne are not to those of the up previous year. PRINTERS* near tearing him to pieces, and one of his EXCHANGE, At this time In 1868 there had teen over North British & Mercantile colleagues. Doctor Corts, assaulted him Insurance Co. • w who had In the street. A riot was created. The peddlers procured town 11- OP LONDON AND EDINBURGH. 07 1-2 Exchange St., Portland shops were closed sod tbe people shouted. censs while thus far this year they have The ‘Down with Largest .insurant'' Company in the World doing a Fire Business. him I* ‘To tue water with been registered only to the number of him T just as If Sebastian Fours himself 185. Ia the of licenses the FINE JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. were at tbe head of the movement. The way oounty 17,333,101.00 Loa.fi p.I.l at the Great Cl.lr.co Fire, October, 1871. $7 0*4,007.00 l.o.ofo All orders mail poiloe charged the mob. The number stands about on n level with last ji.lrl «t the Great Uooton Fire, November, 1-77. by or telephone prompt wounded, $860,000.00 Loos.a the St. attended as paid at Great Jobu, N. H.. Plrr, J...... 1877. to.•epggeodtfly usual, wete policemen. year there having been 101 last year and “That waa all vary well, but It did rot 100 this one. drive the plague out of Uporto. Tbe ALL LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED BY LOCAL AGENTS. So far as State mob may gut mors stores and attack licenses the number In R.pr.a.ntrd In Portland by : more dootors and poiloe officers, but that 1 868 was quits a way beyond those of the will not the prevent plague to oontinue present, for then there were about 160 NORTON & but Its HALL, 17 Eichanj* Street. AUSTIN & SHEARMAN, slowly surely deadly work. while t iday shows but about 100. "But now that the thing Is manifest BLARNEY CASTLE. It Is possible though that this Is due to and the will Eichange Street. Deeriag District prophecies realized, Europe tleobange of the law which allows a tsx- «.JSE»28 at last take tbe trouble to open Its eyes piyer to peddle goods of a oertaln nature It la a and adopt the moat plotnresque object. It is boat turn the but MoCarthy who bnllt tbe in bis own necessary precautionary by town and vicinity and on thle WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY They hare Itood the tool of pul, measures f The first of these aastle. This was In the time of measures, balanced when four persona occupy It, displaced acoount the neot salty for a license has OTnnilfV ‘^^and have cured thansaiuls of \ It seems to me, Is to fix the Cromwell, and, bound In Iron, was plao d not been io I >cases of Nervous responsibili- ainoe tbe seats rnn lengthwise baok to great. The number of war U nUilU Diseases, such ty, Immediate and direct, In the clearest in Its present more aocesaible position, veterans who have paid their fl fee Is »« Debility, Duxiness. Sleepless- a baok; and It seems to tbe uninitiated not I manner. If plague which for two cen- but as U is, the mystic rites have been about on the wltn other IQilU BcsaimdVaricocele,Atrophy,&c. equal years, Au AI clear the turies has been kept away from at all unsafe though the tell us attended wltb many aooldenta and tbe 'these soldiers have to |l ■ They brain, strengthea Europe English pay nothing as the the circulation, make Is now brought to our we loss of several lives, only sailors and ex- digestion doors, should that thlr kind of locomotion Is very dan- other people do; all they are" required to know exactly how It came, it pert athletes undertaking tto accomplish- the vigor to the whole All drain, aod los.es ore why came, and cite Instances of pay being registration fee of |i. bring. checkeS%^m«»*r*'//y!,l?JoIess parienu and has been the gerous thsy many ment of the teat alone. are their condition where negllgenoe or the properly cured, of.eo worries them lino Iosaaity, Consumption or Death. Mailed sealed. Price 6 opposition to tbe safeguards established aooldent through oareless driving; for In tbe grounds of the new aastle Is a |i per box; boxes, with iron-clad tegal guarantee to cure or refund tho money, #5.00. Send for Iren book. Address. PEAL they say that In oaae of oolllalon the beautiful sheet of water oalled blarney Uncle Bill's Ideas. MEDICINE CO., Clavtlland, 0. “Everybody knows now that this dis- Lake, to whlob there le a tradition at- E. H, Gappy A Co.. Agonta. I’ajrt'wnri. Me. hinged foctrests oollapse like a folding- The salve of forgetfulness will most ease la not transmitted through the air. tached, that at oertaln seasons, a herd of cause quickly cure any injury. It needs a diroot vehicle for its bed; and many broken limbs. white oows may be teen rising from tbe expan- Few men feel so that could REPORTED DEAD. sion, suoh as water or Immediate oontaot. Naturally with suoh horrors In hla mind, bosom of tbe lake and that they for a cheap they DAILY EUROPEAN refuse a raise In HINTS. (spiders and rats have been blamed fur the shnns the traveller's time graze on the rioh pasturage along Its salary. Englishman The Keeults of H. They have strong and a banks. There Is another story about some airy conversation of some young Unexpected n Lumber* backs, joke favorite and takes a four-wheeler. Is sometimes improved by being an sinis- ■liver plate, said to be hidden in the lnxe people often gives their elders a pneu- man’s Bonus Dlspateb. ter and Tbe After we had engaged rooms In a hotel, by the Karl of who wae matic tire. ADELBERT J. lugubrlons. plague is trans- Ctanoarty {driven “Some people are so craxy to see their SJOHOLM, mitted In the most natoral and the as neat and nice aa In from the old oastle at the time of tbe A man most any Great Britain need never be idle. When he names in print,” said an amateur evident that Is to and tbe eeoret o’ cynic if man Kevolutlon; Til manner, from although say, end with much more willlug service, we has nothing to do, he can keep himself the other day, "that would be will- to mnn, from lost to boat, aDd from the spot Is handed down to one MoCarthy they port out the to busy hunting a job. ing to die if could read to port. Nothing can be dearer than sought waya “Barney," taking after another It can never be really re- they only their Recently returned from a course of A woman should not be deceived. The death notices.” that. International rules have boon es- notloe of the manners and customs of vealed until a MoCarthy again beooime study with Prof. Hill of New York, is tablished to loid of man who whispers the sweet to "Did ever prevent these contacts and this strange, old oountry as we went blarney. nothings you actually know of a case now ready to receive pupils for the fail transmissions. and whom have but blarney Castle Is not all of interest her may snore the loudest when he of that kiudV” asked an old and Why by At first we the sleeps. reporter in wintor terms. Call or 8ti been along. observed despised connected with for the luelt Is address, they violated f That It the question. Cork, olty —Cleveland Leader. the group. Free He. carries street, Portland, “The wbloh is sometimes care- donkey whloh pa iently all Its load now an educational centre, and has a publio, "I canuot say I ever did,” replied the seplSUWi-Flmo* less even in to matters that con- and seems to of the tine Protestant Cathedral named from tbe regard partake spirit of his A Danger. amateur cynic. cern It mcst, has not always followed St. Finn Barr who In 630. A. U. eitob- human brother In Ireland, In hla down "I wish,” said the Filipino, "that peo- I said the with proper attention the admirable llehedhls cell, anil afterwards built up a “Well, have,” reporter. trodden attitude. He differs from ple would quit referring to that “The stur in efforts made by solenoe, and particularly greatly famous monastery, on tbe spot wblob is general arfor the little affair was a 1804—Hebron as a comic warrior.” Academy—1899. Franob solencs, to resist the propagation tbs donkey In Southern Italy, whloh In- known as UIU's Abler, where Qieen’s opera lumberman too. lie doesn't lire herea- of diseases. now stands, bat tbe nnolsus of "Are afraid his A contagious People should stead of trotting oheerfully along in a College you feelings will be bouts now, and I suppose it would be 8pecial Preparatory School for Colby read the clear and tbe present olty was formed In 10 0 hurt?” College and also prepares for all colleges! 00-ivlnclng reports of ruminating mood under whatever only safe to tell the story. This lumberman load, A. 0. the on one Right of certification at Smith and Wellesley. Ur. Ilrouardel and peruse again tbe mas- by Danes, of the little “Not a bit. I once traveled with never falls to the a conceived the idea that he was a very Fall Term of 15 Weeks opens Tuesday. terly studies of l>r. Proust. They will klok, requiring service Islands now oonneoted to the main olty and I show, know something abant hu- valuable and citixen in the com- September 1*4, 1899* | then sre that everywhere and of ac Italian damsel at bis head and by bridges. There le an old quarter con- popular always man nature. If he ever gets the idea where he lived. Send for catalogue to soience has pointed out the and taining what le still oalled Broal Lane, munity W. E. SARGENT. danger heels. that be is a first class Principal. the remedy. But tbe French a street about twelve feet wide and yet comedian, he'll be “The hallucination was unshared by July 18, ’99. Hebron. Me. tilt Is a curious olroumstanos and not sure to want his Sreaorlbedootors have not stopped there. They yet another older quarter. Bridewell Lane, salary quadrupled inside any of his fellow beings, but it hnd such ]lyl9eod2mo an unnatural whlob lonr of three have been tbe leaders and oblef factors In one, that whatever oountry Is feet wide, to whlob the months.—Washington Star. a firm hold ou his mind that 6n one occa- the conferences whicn In Dresden, in I ou visit the first thing you meet Is a sion, when be was in New York, be de- Parle, and In Vienna have drawn the funeral procession, each one to cided to wire homo that he bad been great lines of international defence poouliar Carl Lamson. Its found dead to a chance to against the epldssnio. The rules which surroundings In Home ;the funeral merely get pe- ruse the felt VIOLINIST. were made In the name of solenoe still oortege proceeds with groat pomp and eulogies be certain would but are not appear in the local From the exist, they enforced. Why oeremouy, with ; burning tapers and Glass Ware. papers. Royal High School, and by whom hare they been violated Sparkling j “He Intended, of course, to telegraph Berlin, Germany* funersal black “And now we plumes; but in Ireland It must look Immediately later on that it was all a mistake. Well, Special attention given to advanced student* to the measures to be taken, not Is far different and almost ludloroua. At Cut or who inteud the violin by the glass, any he sent his first message, signing some studying professionally* maritime route, for that Is home we recognize the Irish funeral enforced, but by fictitious name, and awaited LAMSON by the land route, not to tbe the length of the prooesslon but It kind of develop- Address, STUDIO, keep rltgue hardly glass ware, ments. In a couple of days the local out of Europe since tt la In but ever Is n quarter of a mile long. In Cork pa- sepl3codlmo 5 Temple St. Europe, pers came to band, and when to protect Europe, in Europe Itself. I tbe oarrlagea kept coiulrg and coming, window and he read panels them he had a have no doubt that solenoe will be able to filled with whole families In bright array, nearly tit. They bad at all once the get tbe better of the malady. It has re- lounging at ease In tbe impoaalhle car- mirrors will sparkle adopted theory that he died EXECUTORY NOVICE* sources and powerful means of aotlon riages whloh seem In some way to have from the results of a big spree and print- The subscribers notice that the against any epidemic means whicn un- been turued wrong side to so that all if use Gold ed a resume of his hereby give you spicy past career to hare been Executors of til were feeble Indeed. must ride baok wards with the baok of the duly appointed thellasl reoently But It support the hypothesis. They also inti- Will and Testament of must speak and be obeysd. There are carriage open, and, even on this solemn Dust. It does the mated that the community could struggle SARAH C. GORHAM, late of many precautions to be taken and de- occasion with never a curtain to obatruct ■ Norwalk, along very nicely without him. ’11111 III Connetlcut estate to be cisions to oomblne wbloh both the view. This gay procession la inter- work muscle deceased, leaving adr require your “After he had theto A Felix indoor costume of veil- ministered in the Couuty ol Cumberland method and There Is a of rupted at Intervals by an outrider on digested pleasing pale-green authority. plan ing, with overdress of ecru fastened aud given bonds as the law to be drawn rnd to wbo makes the scene even less do when tributes he concluded not to send the oth- guipure df campaign be put horseback, has to with bows and straps of black velvet ribbon recta, and we have appointed Harry Into To solemn and more vo. er praotloe. obtain elhoaoious results Imp ratal telegram, but to return in person and caught with small strass buckles. Verrlll, Portland, Me., Agt. or Atty. will* a union of The funeral ^ all efforts is imperative. prooesslon was enongb you use soap. pay his respects to the editors. iu the State. All persons having de* “First of ail an for ons mands the estate o! said d« understanding must be gnyety afternoon, and for tbe “I forget now which but the against licked, ceased are de tired to the same fof oome to among the government*. An in- moment we left the sights of “ye beautl- •end for froo booklet—“ Ooldaa Rules A Dinar Out. present affair was the talk of the section for settlement, and all indebted thereto are r€ oommission should be fulle cl tie” on the and ter Housework." ternational formed "silvery Gee," months and cured the lumber- "Will not cat here In the to make not to betook ourselves of fair effectually you your pie quested payment immediately. immediately, debate solemnly, bnt Blarney. This SUSAN M. GUKHAM, Norwalk. Conn., to act castle Is man of any for newspaper no- kitchen?” rapidly. Let tbe noeeesary author- five miles from Cork. The route THE N. K. FAIRBANK hungering LUKLI.AK. BKKCHEK, Newark. N. J., COMPANY see I ity he given to such a commission. Let thither abounds In tropical and toriety. By the way, this yarn ia letter “T’anka, lady, but youse prides WILLIAM P. GOBI! AM, New York, or to plants Cfclcaf* S<. Laata KttYark KmIm the matter be left entirely in Its bands deepest verdure and Oh I the trees! It true. The incident occurred over in Tex* tceaclf on bein a diner out”—Ohio State HARRY M. VKKKILL. Portland. Me., and let It presoMbe." •eemad that nowhere in the world wero as.”—New Orleans Times-Democrat. Journal. Agt. or Atyr. Westbrook, Aug. 19, 1899. sepUdlw3w)f*


1 ■' '-4 'yt

'* ■' ''' 4 ^h *>' ~ v s.'k.r .' ✓ la oonferenee on Wednesday a ever, ha* not an equal sham la tbe night glean ri,t»cm. n»t»niL THE PRESS. farm a _ inM bar of the lowar board woo baa all magnlflueot pun which fee resides _mwMWW- I*wimg.wR»T«. to bla brother 1_ along been a strenuous advooate of efaogrllate. FKIDAT, NU Ti II It Kit 92. The evangelists profess to be able to m making a contract with tbe Portland our* disease, and tell their hearera that can he THE Company submitted a proposition to glvo anything sooompUahad by faith, t,,e JEFFERSON, tut thla doctrine was aim a tatrllia mLl„TT^ tbs lighting to that eoiapnay for one year •book a few evenings ago, whan ona of DAILY r***A- at tba rata at 5*1.00 par ora lamp, and Me number, to demonstrate tbelr power, All This Week-*AT,2aBJW»aw. this proposition waa sobssqoanUy embod- preyed Mat a neighbor would them H^JPE1,1,15 By the ysar. »fi Is advance or |7 st Dm end ol bring a of Uwyaar. ied In an order and pa need by tha lowar tnpply buttermilk at onoe, which again did not tom*. All sorts of aia in active operation. By the month, CO cents. board. In whatever light It be regarded attempt* made to prove their omnlpatenae. bat. Stock the acceptance ot thla waa Ilk* tbs The DAILY PRESS Is rteHverad nt these rater propoaltlon buttermilk, the things asked for Company 7 JR. Produced in IS In Jolm Drew's Grested CHRISTOPHER,■ objectionable. We know an have failed to materialise. 8700.000. _ every morn tag to subsorlhers la all parts ol ef- Months, Success, As the la established In alosa Portland, and In Weal brook and South Port- fort la being made to make oamp to tbe Air Hill Hirer Brethren DESTROYED BY FIRE Ifl IS1M». PRICES—T*. 5n ami Me. land. It tbat tbe proximity appear propoaltlon waa aab- Chorek, tbelr to that Mallnees I > and opposition particu- PI/HCHASED AND REBUILT 1898-99 Me, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. MAINE 8TATE PRESS (Weekly)- stantlally the Portland Company's bid, lar denomination Is made more apparent. with Tbe oonvarta so far obtained are farmer PART OP THE PROPERTY OP THE By the yeer, 81 la advanoa, or $1.25 at the payments arranged so that only member* of the Hirer Brethren Church. Monday and Tuesday, ®* end oC the Waao per arc llijht would fall dno at the Step*. and 36-Danlel Frehmnn’a vear. That the latter It determined to In “A For six mom ha, SO cents; lor three end of the body Company CQl.omiAC OIKL.” mouths, flrat year with an option a hostile front to the la SC cents given present seoedera BASIN GOLD AND shown COPPER MINING CO. tbe olty to annul tba contmot at tha sad by tbe expulsion ol a number of ■ IHOHPORiTID I'KDKII THR LAWS OK MONTANA. k. e. x^*w. of tbe member* of the mother ohuroh who PORTlaAi%D bounds, tbat year. But the essence of a trans- THEATRE, M. J. GAKKITY. Manser. Subscribers T hose psnsrs are not delivered greeted the seoedera with tbe holy kiss. action la Its Intent, and tba Intent of promptly are requested to notify the ofRoe of T'hgra la a taott understanding that tba I Wrdnrbftajr TbarMlar,V|lt. na 31 thla, nobody denies, waa to so members of the old denomination are to CAPITAL, 83,500,000. n*llnr«. the DAILY TRESS. No. V7 Exchange street, manipulate THE ROBINSON Tharular tbe have nothing to do with tht new mot. Portlend Me. Portland Company's bid as to make it Divided into 500,000 «( crcIi HOYT’S For this offense several members of Shares (fall paid and UREATEST SUCCESS, a lower tender on tbe one year basis than non-iiweMabl. ) Bishop Martin W. Uverbolt/.sr’s ohuroh HICHAHbS & CANFICLO the tbat It were Comic Patrons of the PRESS who are town Consolidated's, something deprived of Ihelrmembershlp. Opera Company. leaving OK SHARES AT was not as submitted Were not the Hirer en 81*50 SIlBrC. — IN temporarily may have tha addreaeee of their originally by tbs Brethren exceed } pCT iagty law-abiding people It la papers changed as oftao as limy may desire by oo.apany. Hither tbs bids of both som- questton- abla If tbe seoedera would program 35—ARTISTS—35 botifylng tbe office pantes should be considered very OmoHHS aooordlng to far with their work. Should oon- _ A they rre.lii.at Has. R. B. SMITH. Temperance Town. their plain and obrions tlnoe tbelr tirades against other denomi- (Preaent Gornrnor of Montena > Helena. Montana Tlila Afternoon. meaning,aooordlng Vie. rra.Mwt.B4 General Manager, Hon. It L fl MIKADO nations trout) Is will tWSTI Htn M.nlm"omaaa. There seem to be Demoermte enough to tbe Intent of the persons submitting at likely follow, for al- Secretary, CHAS. B. LOWKNSh*T Butte, Monlant. Strong there la Tonight, BOHEMIAN GlhL Company. the ready talk of driving them from ireaaurer, Hon. T. R. COLLINS, (Preaent State of left In Masearhusetl* So kick up a time of submission, wltbont Treasurer, Montana,) Helena, Montana Original lively reading the community In whloh are located. Scenery, they Saturday Afternoon, SAID PASHA The row and give employment to the polloe. anything Into them or out of them, or DinnoTona Laughing nit of Several Seaaona. It is a this Is the to should totb be and M’LEAN’S BATTLE HYMN. * Saturday Night, M4SCOT mistake, while ease, they rejected, oppor- liZ. Montana' «»UUNA State Ttwaurer .( Montana Prices, 23, 50 and 75 cents. cay that tbe party la dead. tunity given to both parties to bid agala. (Cleveland Plain D.oler.) MOOt“a _‘".S® *“d -TOe. Matinee—Adults, 25 and 33 cents. Anything whlob looks Ilka Ona of the most Hon. H. L 1 sharp practice Interesting Ino dents rjl~-M.Maw., to .nd SOe. Children to 15 cts. We have It from own that Matinee, Dreyfus's lips on tbe part of tbe City Connell will not of the MoLean raotptlon Friday pasted FRAM„^M,TS>Ri1L,9.nl!D*t0r be la not to remain oontent with hla par- tarnish the Transfer Agent* and Kegletare, only honor of the olty bat unnotloed at the time. The Incident may hut will labor for the KNICKERBOCKER TRUST CO„ 60 Broadway, New York. don, removal ol eventually deprive tbe eltv of the be the means of furnishing the battle guilt which tbe court martial pronounce:! benefit of competition altogether, for hymn of the campaign of the candidate i” additioni to the Hone Mine, aso scree of tana and fourteen patented against him, and tbsre are plenty of reputable from Minin* claims In Jefferson companies and Individuals Washington. Connly. Montana near Unite, on the great Mlnaral belt upon which men In Franoe wbo able will help him. will not put In bids unless they feel tbat The oluh “'»ton and montanaVbuTtk AND Hlokory thought it would be i»US1 ON, ALTA,,“Te.'l™Sn,,aA">ATONDu'“e- *3.000.001) wJrth of ore ll in in reasons will make ofty, and 200 member*, aoooim- In Uie .$! UNDERWOOD giving why Dswey Ho^e5S3Sr' SPRING. A a a pacted by a brass band, marohad of the Park in Forest the lint class oandldate for the Presidency. through properly. Engineer*. Reports, Assays of Ore for each by Sea. * _Photograph,r mt 1 —One of tbe Instances several town m"T Of the Kleral But there Is on and a uonelu- many showing down streets to tbe Colonial Agent., reason, £!r.n7£*" ti>r ereetlou"F,'”*1?.". of the »rw On the line of a„ eouticutmtlsc plant it Is estlm«tedee..o...e« 304U ner nenteent tbe of game In this State Is hotel, where their standard bearer waa will per sive one, why he he will not, and that Is plentlfnlnesa readily be earned on tbe foil capital .tor k“ afforded stopping. The club wanted to make Us Arrangement, are made to list thle stock because be will hot by kilos Marlon Heath, of Au- bring on tbo Boston and Phtladcl- aooept. appearanoe as Impressive as possible and phtR Stock Exchtngn. gusta, who aooorapanied bar father, PORTLAND & YARMOUTH also let Mol^an know what was c«Pf««I nceeesory to rrbnlld the concentrating ELECTRIC RAILWAY 00. The Hon. Fred Williams de- expected “"amonnt of Block Is Ueorge Hon. Herbert It. Heath to a recent oanne of him, so they (Detracted the bend what Treasury nowIofTcrcd for sale at SI.SO MUSIC afternoon aid pet evening by the American Cadet Rand nnrwT tw clares false Tilrr' KI.RCTRir tbe story that he had a “tiff" tbe Maine woods. With piece* to play at certain stages of the erenlnir.. LA KUK wiih Mode Hall, card journey through SUBSCRIPTION* W ILL bk CAMSO. and anmklna rc^m, with John affair. deceived at the office of room, spadou* DININU HALL m charne o( I. W. K. McLean over the plan of her camera she was able to take a picture nilahurv coldoMaT?,?. "i?-*?, i''£r.Y When tbe band and oluh tiled Into the dmlotroom. All In oprral/on Ki'iar .m the Maasaohueette Democrats to elect dele- of a oow Elm Monumeot imit ^;! moose and calf at a dlotanoe of Colonial Arcade the strain that met si.. Square, erery Bfteen mlnulee. atterpocp and evenlua s gat to tbe national convention In the not over saw Candidate MoLeanY ears was E. 25 feet. Shs tha animals, that bright R. HOLOEN & GO., k«cal sOMn, state convention. The aud ragtime "II You Haven’t Hon. Ueorge and having bar canoe pvt ashore ran oatohy ditty FINANCIAL. LAST uot the Money You Needn’t Come 54 Devonshire St.. Boston. WEEK Fred Is In so many rows that the publlo after tbe animals and took their picture. Aronnd." When McLean made his ap- TO credence to this GET NAMES ON THE P TRON LIST naturally enough gave pesranoe on the balcony to acknowledge AND —Many of the old veterans at one. 'bogus tbe ssrsnade tbe band struck up that MERCANTILE TRUST SECURE COURSE TICKETS. save the COMPANY, $150,000 which re- pension money they familiar piece, "Hallo, My Baby." Water *■ Street, Boston. . d3t yua/ .a irna cuumieat ceive from the government. The streets The oandldate seemed to appreciate the ^p22_50 humor of tba situation and than he was that the Senate will reoog- of Gardiner were alive with the soldiers acknowledged $50,000. Enei.Uulvn Water A It with a pleasant smile. He also Inti- W£ WISH TO BUY nlse hie appointment by tbe govornor as whlon was MAINE MUSIC Tuesday, pension day with mated to tbe members of thi club that If Light Company, tiro HAVERHILL GAS FESTIVAL. legal and admit him to a Beat. It bad them. Through the rain, they oame to they would only slsot him governor he Omaha Water 4’s &5’s mortgage, gold, been would the 5's, expected that hie popularity In the Invest their money. before the “pay freight.” Portland Auditorium, Oct, Long Denver Union Water 5’s due 1024. 2, 3,4. Senate would work strongly In his favor Bunk and Maine Trust Associa- Savings SECURITIES COMPANY Grand Chorus of 1000 and and overcome the Orchestra objections of some, bat tion were open, there were a number in FINANCIAL* Niagara Falls Power $25,000. Pulaski Gut of 7a his Senator Light colleague, Penrose, Is not front of the doors, awaiting to deposit Maritime ffemltrlch and other LIMITED AHOIJ\T OF Co. 4’s Company, of Little COLLATERAL TRUST very sanguine on that eoore. *lhe truth their money, and all through the day they great artists, Maconda, Burmeister, Cole- Rock, flrat mortgage, is the precedents are his were man, against olalm, going In these plnoes to deposit. Wt. St. Rail* Bridewell, Cushine, Pollock, Pep-* and the Chicago gold, 6’s, due 1027. per, Miles, Walker. Senate likes to slick to precedent. Some of the soldiers have good slaed bank But If he way B’s doesn't get In the obanoes are aooounts. 5 Per Cent W. K. CHAPMAN, $20,000. Hudson, N. H„ Wnter Conductor. that the next legislature will elect him. Hale Kansas Elevated of comae tickets opens September 2MI1. —A novel non test is between FIRST MORTGAGE City Works Ursl But for the Indictment which over going o^ Cotnpuny, concert tickets mui hung at'“■“f.’lnsle September the men 4’s & 6’s following him he would have been in the plant of the Berlin Mills morlgiigc, gold, 5’s SINKING FUND GOLD BONDS, prices: probably eleoted ('onree rickets, 95.90, 9H.OII ,„il 97.(Ml. at Farmlngdale and those of the M. G. 6 Per Gent 40 Year Gold Bonds due 1919. at the last session. That is now out of Omaha Steet Railway ttsfcets, 91.00, 91.M Shaw mills In Bath. men Optional In Tm Yearn at 109 and In- Secured an Iodenture •alrfiy0”"1 the way. The in the by of Trust cov- terest, One 1939. Stocks & Bonds the totAl n-Wi 90.00 former mills held, until a short time ago, .FOB SJlXJS BY. ing capital stock and property ■ nd,9tV(Oh This Go. Is oue of (he of the Haverhill Ibe administration Is said to be san- the record for out the big Industrials which (Mass.) Gas Light Com- Matinee tleketa, 75e, 91.50. sawing largest w founded on sound Detroit Gas 5’s 91.00, principles ami is one that Get guine that tbe Filipino emissaries will amount of lumber In a controls one of the necessities pany. your names ami orders placed at once day, but then of life and as The net with long as the come and is earnings for year ending June, Cresaey. Jones A Allen. Portland Festival have something to talk about but ex- the M. G. Shaw mills at turned days go assured of an Lynn & Boston 5’s Bath, increased business, which is a guarantee of H. M. PAYSON 18S», were more than doable the change of What it Is Is over &C0., Headquarters._septadtf prisoners. hoping out 1S9,OOU feet. This was better security. Investors who buy these bonds will New Orleans interest on the outstanding bonds. that the get a secuiuy that whl have a market from City R’lw’y UANKEJlSt, emltsarles come from Agulnaldo than the Berlin Mill crew had but Trices on application. done, Main" to the Rocky Mountains and one that and that a of their Common & Prfd Stocks part mission Is to believing their plant to be able to do will be listed on the New York Htock Ex- 32 EXCHANGE STREET. A make overtures for change and will go to 110 within three Charming Sail! peace, and, very even better than this, thsy have been pre- years. We huve a well equipped sta- Julyndtl Full particulars upon application. tistical ( properly, It has instructed Gen. Otis to paring themselves for 1 new trial. department, igniter Willi our eiclndve wire treat them considerately. It Is not at all private THE STEAMER PILGRIM system, as in n lmprotatls that have placing position Agulnaldo may BllTIZEDBY to and SWAN&BARRETT, FIRE. promptly accurately Will Leuve Custom some propositions to offer looking tc a RALPH L. 186 middle House MERRILL, quote nnd describe any sulcable HOME BONDS Street. W hurl. Siindii}' Afternoon tenuiustlcn of hostilities, but that It will Si. H’lw’y, Water or corpora- JW . land R. Hondo, Rxeiupt from tax- Guardian Sale of Beal own people which would be to Apostles. they regard per- R.) Estate likely I899,*at 9.45 o’clock In the forenoon; to act ST. LOUIS & SAN FRANCISO R.R. ation. follow sonal privilege granted only to those who Portland Hen’s the laying down of bis arms vol- upon the following articles, viz: Central Division First Gold 4's. Voung Cbristiun Mach tan Water Co. 3»* due 1910. AT AUCTION. their assoolatlotfs. l. To see If the stockholders ot the said Ass’u. 4’s. due 1918. But If he can some join Oakland Water Co. IPs due 1918. untarily. get con- Portland A Rochester Railroad will authorize nleo believe on. DUE A cessions now whloh he They that man ahonld and the terms and 1929. Portland Ri.mford Falls R’y. Newport Water Co. 4*s «1 ue 1949. oould not get approve conditions of a Pursuant to license granted the not have mure of than certain agreement for the sale of tho Au ou an ex- 4's, due 1927. Han or and Aroostook by later when foroe there earthly possessions road, underlying mortgage £ Railroad First Probato Court I shall compelled by will franchises and of the 3’s due sell at public auc- but that all should share In property Portland & ceedingly valuable section of tke main Lewiston Gas Mortgage 1943. be some motive for another, Rochester to the Boston A Light Co. 1st Htge. tion on at yielding now. It has Railroad, Maine and Aroostook THURSDAY, Sept. 28, 2.30 p. oommon. a Railroad executed between line, protected by 97,3*40,000 consoli- 4’s, due 1924. **augor Piscataquis been the In fact they go little further .duly said Boston A Division First m. on the the three wooden alleged that administration Maine Railroad and s&kl dated 4’i of Mortgage §’i doe 1943. premises, than this and take Portland A Rochester tke system, aud by 9*41,000,- First National Bunk houses situated at would not the thirty-second Railroad ou the 21st Stock. Portland and Yarmouth Electric No. 393 St John aooept anything bat uncon- day of July, 1899, and 000 dividend stock. vers, of the fourth of will lu accordance paying preferred Railway First 4’s due 19i9. street, Portland. Houses are in ditional surrender. Bnt it has also chapter The Acts authorize, with said agree- Mortgage good been ment. the Bouds yield about 4.30. with and that their sale, assignment and conveyance to And other high class bonds. repair water closets, Sebago water, said that it would no more literally, say possession, paid boston A Maine of permit parley- Railroad, said road, Price and furnished etc. Size of lot 100 110 feet; rent for are not their bat are to franchises and of particular* on by ing. But Is to be own, given them property every description, terms apparently parleying 2 To transact other business application. $32 per month; at sale. by a Divine Being any that may permltt.-d, and It may be a reasonable merely temporarily. legally come before said meeting, deemed E. S. MERRILL, Guardian. They are seoeders from the River Breth- necessary to carry out the foregoing nroitost- Portland Trust sep22 Uet Inference from that that short GHARLESF. Co. something liun. FLAGG, ren denomination, a-d during the drat of unconditional surrender may be ac- JBy order ol tlie Dlrectore. MERCANTILE cepted. few weeks of their stay hers the mission- WM H. CONANT, Clerk. 17 Exchange St., Portland. BY F. O. BAILEY & t‘0., Auctioneers. aries oonoentrated their ■ attaekg almost Telephone No. 144-4. : THE ===== THE LIGHTING Porilund A Rochrelrr CONTROVERSY. entirely upon that ohureh. Keoeutly, Kallroutl. ANNUAL MEETING. TRUST Wa have bave turned COMPANY, carefully refrained from ex- however, they their guns The Stockholders of Uie Portland & Roches- GREAT AUCTION SALE all and (EXCURSION 4. pressing any opinion In to the con- upon religious sects, deolare at ter Railroad are hereby notified that their an- regard -- 57 St. their that their duhI meeting will be held at the office of Geo. Casco Exchange on faith Is National troversy going In the City Connell publlo meetings Bank Portland, Me. jljlMtf P. Weseott, 191 Middle street, Portland, on the one whloh .OF. over the question of lighting the streets only guatantees absolute Wednesday, the fourth day of October next, safety In the life to oome. at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to act the of the olty, feeling that the matter was upon Grand Trunk The Fire Haptixed have located In loeh- following articles, viz: Railway System. PORTLAND, MAINE. one within the of the Coonoll'to iuan'a 1. ~To hear the of the Directors and LIVERY province (drove, about six miles from this report act thereon. deoide, surd that It oonld be trusted to plaoe. Tiny hold two a meetings day- 2. —To elect Directors for the Incorporated 1824. one In the afternoon and another In the ensuing year. daolde It as would beat promote the inter- 3. —To elect a Clerk ol tbe Corporation. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS evening. On astount of the novelty of 4. —To see II the WOODBURY stockholders of said Port- ests of ths aity. When-the question of al- the affair, they attract large audiences, land St Rochester R*i broad wtll authorize and CHEAP EXCURSION STOCK lowing another company besides the Con- bat their converts have been very few approve the terms and conditions of a certatu One of agreement for the sale of the franchises solidated to In this was these is Amos Mueser, one of the roa

«... 0' .."■'■■'i11 .ujaa-y ■ Jennie E. Beamans, Aroostook, Mrs. H. »** ABVMTUBMMTi,| IIW ADVKRTIIEHKlm. ADVERTUKMKXT^. THE PROGRAMME J. Bailey, Kennebec Bymposlum: _IEW Loral presidents to answer the qneetlon Wbat Next In my Union llM-lSOO.” Un- unlthed business. Portland, Sept. 22, 'ft THURSDAY EVENING. is a reversal of the 7.90—Huslu; scripture leading and RINES BROTHERS CO. Of the W. C. T. U. Con- Mrs. Jennie E. prayer, Beamans; solo, IT regularly accepted “Victory,” Mias Harsh Monroe Hall; ad- order vention. dress, Bar. Anno H. Hhaw. of things, but it is never- AN OLD CASE. perhaps, theless fashions decree Petition of Daniel I. Urtffsm Again that whatever the gown It Will He Reid in Denied. Portland Next Silk maybe, the Petticoat In the Probata court Sale yesterday after Week. must be of and rust- noon Judge Peabody beard tbe petition silk, of Daniel B. Uraffam of Westbrook -for- ling and elegant and ex- against Fsblus M May of Westbrook. It Is the same oaae In aubetanos which has pensive. been beard so many times In the Probate The the There Will Be a shape, fit; and Large and Superior oourta. The petition averred that as executor of above all, the of Attendance. Judge Rey the estate » quality of Ellas B. Dodge of whom Daniel S. FRIDAY SATURDAY the skirt that’s under it Uraffam la the residuary legatee has v failed to aooount for certain sums of has much to do to make money end failed to turn over to tbe peti- Our entire new line of silk and silk novelties for or mar the tioner certain sums whlob were collected fancy richness of Alderman Dow Will Welcome from the debtors of the late Mr. Dodge. \ Yaists and dresses is all for a costume, and that’s May In bis answsr to this pstltlon ready your inspection. Delegates to Portland. it is become such - praying that be abo'ild be made t> ac- We have the and best assortment of new and why count anus largest ^ for these of money denied all an important feature of s at the allegations made against him and ] loval combinations that we have ever showD. denied all knowledge of oertaln transac- a correct get-up. tions he dhloh la alleged In tbe petition Following M the programm o for the W. Our are the lowest. is as- The new stock of silk OFF FOR A TRIP. to have in as exeoutor prices positively Everyone * C. T. U. convention to be held In Port- participated of Mr. Dodges' estate. ( ured as as and other Skirts and land next week: of getting full value in quality well in style. “All to start?” After ht-arlng the case, in whteh Mr. ready TUESDAY MORNING Petticoats is Uraffam nppmred for himself and mede We should be to show the entire line. ready today. A please you “Yes; here is that finishes 30—Devotional meeting, led by Lnoy a long argument In s his conten- The most my Ivory Soap, my A. Snow ipportof extensive line tion! Judge Peabody refused him the I in a before on the 10 30—Convention called to order by we’ve ever shown and in packing. always lay supply going President, Mis. L. M. N. Stevens; Bing- permission to review the case which bas Mice Sarah Mnoroe been and We Offer Is road. It one ing, Mall, musics) heard so many I lints and also de- Friday Saturday Specials: a much broader of is of the comforts a man can dlreotor; of Crceode re- range traveling carry reading ptaltn, nied bis present sponsively. petition. kinds. taffeta with him. 15 pieces ot new Fancy silks in Elegant |Vory soap—it floats. TUESDAY AFTERNOON. MAINE SIGNAL CORPS wf silk ones from , be best of fall colorings for * ni B $5.00 to e*7f%fct. im, ky TU rtmm * OMtta 0*., ClMtaM* AID—Convention oslled to order; p Miss Harriet mists and Lining. Equal to the /w wCfllS IwGl» prayer, Luring; report or Will Be Represented In tlie Great $25.00. Cerise, violet, morning end executive oommlttre meet- ^ average $ 1.00 silks at only -U-OX!-■—1 1_■UL■■■lHiiM!'■■!■— ings; annual report of state correspond- l>ewey Parade. royal purple, ing secretary, Miss Cornells M. Dow; turquoise, THE LIGHTSHIP. UNITED WORKERS. of state Mrs. A. 8. report treasurer, There was an important meeting Wed- 75 pieces of corded Taffetas shamrock green and Johnston; Introdaotlona— greeting*; re- of the mem bets port of “Star In the East," Miss Cornells nesday evening of the j md striped novelties hi It Will Be Built na Soon as Poaalble Protest the of Fancy other Against Employinriit M. Mrs. Gertrude First Maine at the popular shades. V* Dow, Stevens Leavitt; b'lgca) corjs Armory. ( hiding the best made af bi _ In the Haro a. Allsntou the Wharves. of A patterns JM report auditor, lving that the managers will order; report was $134,(.0). know we mean in that notices of superintendents; Bible reading and li. everything sent cut by the Eecretary of the correct the cause of complaint so far as Book rail oi t: HAIM: CENTRAL R. evangelistic work, Mrs. Lucy A. Snow, Llmo Gross earnings Woman’s Union for line worth No Jardiniere Literary asking practicable. Windham Centre; “Unfermented Wins ftom operation, 4 7J, 410, an IncrtaHe oi mentioning. data for the New Year It is understood the Excursion book. Tnls in- that Workers will at Sacrament," Mrs. L. J. Spaulding, •1» ,101; operating expense., 9-6,121, I A JEWELRY too modest or too pretentions to find volves no a Caribou; “Systematic Giving," Miss little labor aud expense at the appoint committee, oo-operating, if an income from of Hattie T. Hodgdon; Introductions leaving operation TO — a in our stock. all bast. The of the clubs Is with committees from the Mayo, place They’re cooperation possible, jcint and Greetings; “Prison, Jail and Alins- 914,162, . gain of 911,771. After the pay- needed to moke the work a s uocess. and board here. city government of trade, to hors3 Work/’ Air#. Helen Collin Beedy, ment of interest and other charges Hi,t 2') FACTORY. are cuuirr wibu rauruuu uou uui* Farmington; Prison tor Many Improvements pro pc Bad. Htnuiusnip “Reformatory and 1 1-2 per oent. on common We have sold a number in Mrs. stock, Quebec, large The exeoutive board ot the cinls relalive Women." U. J. Bailey. Winthrop Woman’s to amalloration of tbe 96760, (here remained a surplus of Centre, Mis Helen Coffin B.*edy, Farm- llo.EOh. We have the only Jewelry Factory the last few days. Literary Union at its meeting Wednes- nbove mentioned grievances. was a of ington, MIm Clara M. Farwell, Hock- lhex. surplus June £0 912,622. in Maine in connection with a St. Anne first we un; uuiu axtci nujiuuuuouii uy Alls land. deBeaupre But hardly miss them our gilt'll class store. We can make WILL CLAIM THE BEEK. KEV. MB. AYKKS’S HE slti NATION jewelry Wish, discussed plans (or the article stock so coming & EA1UH1A L SERVICE. AND you any special you wish. We is extensive. obiervance of the tenth Yesterday morning before Judge Bill a ACCEPTED. can make a first class anniversary of you Wedding The Kendall & charge of maintaining a nuisance was ll.£0—Conducted by bln. K. C. Hall; in 14 or 18 kt. in 50 Whitney Special tbe organisation of the dub. At a meeting of the First King gold Murdock singing; remarks, Mrs. Helen Collin Baptist minutes. Two new clubs bare oeen preferred against David E. and at 72 cents for Fern and Jar- recently or- Reedy; prayers. Mrs. I. S. Wentworth. church Monday evcnlDg U was voted to Montreal, Pot, Otto E. Mariner. We make all kinds of Diamond ganized and will apply for admlsslun to County Attorney 12.OU—Noontide prayer, Mrs. C. F. diniere has entered socept Kev. Mr. Aires’s resignation, tc Settings, and if havo a stone many homes in Libby appeared for tbe proseout ion and Allen. you you the Literary Union. Tbey are tbe Way- lak. ellect the last In October. SEPT. 25. we can set it for We 2.30— Hinging; Mrs. Kollln T. Sunday MONDAY, prize you. have the You will want one in side and lieu. C. P. Mattocks and Hon. M. P. prayer, all kinds of city. your Pilgrim. Hack; reports of stones—Diamonds, Opals, Frank for the defendants. agreement superintendents; HEAL ESTATE THANSFKK. home after them By Homes for Homeless Chil- Trntiu lravr for at Pearls, ltubys. Emeralds, Garnets seeing WILL BKCKUrr IN “Securing Portland Rnebce AUGUSTA. of ooucs'i the oaae was to this a. in. 1 .'!•'» iu. and all other stones. postponed dren," Miss Jennie M. Ankbolne, Port- William M. Cola of South Portland to 4.45 and p. prec*ous We On exhibition at our “Work Railroad Em- For Montreal 8.45 a. in. and 0.10 p. iu. carry a stock of Diamonds daily store, Bandmaster F. M. Howe of the 39th morning. land; Among William B. Boothby of foi large We.(brook, 91 direct from he has ployes," Miss Helen A. Thomas, Greens; bought the importers and ■Volunteer Regiment Bund, has received Mr. Murdock says not been con- lot of land in Fulmcuth on tbe Town KATK8 “Work Among Soldiers and Sailors," a, can save you 20 per cent. We have Federal and Streets, from the War to nected with tbe for some and Temple permisslob department plaoe yeaia Mrs. Evelyn Neal, Tremont; Introduc- road. To Montreal and Ret. 1 the largest stock of loose stones and enlist (pitbu uutl Itr ( Jj? f ilfV bis men at Augusta. The permis- that his name hue bean mixed up in the tions and Greetings; “Work Among can show you any kind of a stone. Lumbermen and St. Anuc and Return, 8.00 sion was ashed for from Portland, Tues- affair through some misnuderstanding. Quarrymen," Mrs. MARRIAGES. We can make your old jewelry look Alice B. Bigelow, Auburn; “Sabbath Montreal return-A new Kendall like and do the best of & afternoon, at 3 o’clock and he* re- It is understood that a oluini will be day Observance," Miss Frances S tug via Riifbre or l Q RA repairing. Whitney. Moody, In this Rev. l)r. We do all kinds of ceived a made for the return of the si city. Sept 20, by Dalton. to Qnrbrr return- aF«W Spectacle and Eye telegram, Wednesday afternoon, liquors ized, Bath; "Parity," Mrs. Jennie E Sea- Robert J. Sweet ami Miss Edith both [ * M. Lowed, lug via Montreal, j Glass repairing while you wait. Our granting tbe request. on the ground that they are the property mans, Cary; “Leoture on Parity," Rev. of Portland. is far to all others as S. E. Taylor, Rockland. In ibis city. Sept. 20, by Rev. Ellison R. Purdy, Tlrkrt* good for return until Octo- work superior Tbe band will oonslst of a ohief mu- of the Androscoggin Bottling company of we havo 4.00—“if" hour, In oharge of Miss Harvey V. Haines ol l aps Elixabe'h aud Miss ber M5tb. all the modern tools and a a drum N. H. The l.lnnle B. Hall ol Portland. sician, principal, map^r, four Berllu, story is tbU; Wed- Lubelle Patrlok; brief addresses, Miss UKO P. EVANS, F. K. BOOTH BY. methods. In this city. Sept. 20, •:y Rev I. Luce, John W. ■oregants, eight corporals and 13 musi- nesday morning Murdock Ac Freeman’s ttlis LittleUeld and others. V. P. A. «. H. U. P. & T. A. SEVENTY Morrill aud Miss Bessie SHADES Waterman Anderson, sep20U4t cians besides tbe oook. A number of the men want to the freight yard of the Bos- 5.U0—Miscellaneous business. daughter of MaJ. JoUu D. Anderson, both ox We two lines let have ton and Mainennd there saw a Gray. cnrry compris- Regiment band boys already sig- ear loaded WEDNESDAY EVENING. lu Fryeburg. Sapt. 20. by Rev. B. S. Stone. nil Hie desirable nified their Intention of ta tbe with beer. were in tome doubt as Dr. W. McKean of ing colors, fine- going They 7.80— Music; scripture reading and Byron North Natick, Mass., aud Miss Nina M. SIumu of ly In the best manner of Philippines with Bandma ster Howe and to whether the beer belonged to Murdock prayer, Mrs Hannah J. Bailey; solo, Fryeburg. OR. F. AUSTIN ground lu Strong, Sept. 11, Cliuton P. Foote and Miss Tr II ii rv McKenney, more are espooled to enlist in a few & Freeman, but finally concluded that it “Recessional," Miss Sarah Uunroe Hall. Annie L. Merrow, both of Livermore. 7.80— Address, Miss Jessie Aokermann. In Sept Rev. H. O. days. Tbe band will leave Augusta tbe did. Hence they opened the car and Orrlugton. 13, Wortliley of TENNEY BrooksYllic and Miss Heieu lienn of THURSDAY MORNING. Orringtou. Manufacturing Pure leal and Linseed Oil. latter part of next week, and by tbe time hauled the beer to Murdock Ac Freeman’s lu Bath, Sept 13. George W. Butler of Pnips- Jeweler, aud It reaches Fort Kthan Allen tbe establishment on Franklin street. When WOO—Devotional burg Miss Julia G. Varney of Bath; l4tb, ^instru- meeting, led by Mrs. rank McFarlaud and Miss MOMMLXT A. B. Cole. Ethel M. Seldlluger. WARE, ments will have arrived and praotlce cun Mr. Mailner arrived he was surprised to In Skowhegau. Kept. 7, Eugene Crawiord ol W45—Convention called to elec- Waterv tile OCULIST be commenced. find the beer there and atonoe ascertained order; and Miss Blanche Say ward, READY MIXED PAINT tion of offiuers, election of delegates to lu Brighton. Sept, y, George t*. Tomlin ion of how the mistake had been made. He National W. C. Y. U. convention, , Brighton aud Miss Mary M. Leavitt of ltipiey. And Sumple cards on application. SUNDAY SAIL. In notified the Berlin of what his October 20-25, election of delegatee to the Palermo, sept, ii, J. R. B. Diusuiure of Ophthalmic Optician, tbc or people China and Miss Winifred Special prices by keg one more obanoe to sail down the World's W. O. Y. U. Edin- Worthing. MAINE CENTRAL R. R. Only men had done, and also advised the Bos- convention, in H. Sanford and barrel. Hoctland, 1800. Augusta, Sept. 17, George bay this season. It doesn’t seem as burg, June, Miss Yeomans Lower. REMOVED ton parlies who sent out the beer. The 10 80—Reports of summer oounty presidents; though the season Is so near .-—-—— To Commodious Office Rooms agent of the Boston house cams hare reports| of superintendents; “Purity In at LAST but it is over, true nevertheless. We want yesterday morning, only to flud that the Literature and Art," Mrs. A. L, Page, OEA1 nS. to take of warm Houlton; "Mercy," M»s. Luella E.Llttie- 514 N.M. advantage the few days beer had bean seised. The Boston and Congress Street, PERKINS & CO., Ueld, Vinulhaven; Introductions and In this Over there are left and take a trip among the Berlin will both claim the city. Sept. 21, Edward Melville, only Pouter, Avery 4b Co* people beer, Greetings; “Flower Mission,’’ Miss Belle sou of Edward F. and Carrie M. Waite, aged 23 Excursion islands once more Hardware before oold weather so it Is “State 6 months. Sunday Dealers, understood. and Downes, Honlton; County years. ....TO ... Office Hours, 8 30 a. ni. to 6,00 m. sets In. Fairs," Mrs. Edith N. Oakes, Foxoroft: (.Funeral Sunday at 2.30 p. m. at 17 WiJmot p. 8 street FREE STREET. The will “THE miscellaneous, business; “Presentation Evening, by special appointment. Pilgrim start from Custom DREYFUS TRAGEDY ’' lu tills Jy2& dll of Prlxe Banner. Mrs. Olive 8. oily. Sept 21. Winifred A., oldest house wharf at 3.16 Hanson; daughter of Kbeu and Martha H. Sunday afternoon aa u fulfilment of a noontide Mrs Uomsted. Russell, aged propheoy,and prophe- prayer, R. 20 years, 6 months, 27 days. Examined Free FABYANS, and sail among the Islands for three Eyes cy of the future,” will be tbe subject of THURSDAY AFTERNOON. [Funeral Saturday afteruoon at 2.30 o’clock hours. The shores are all covered from the parents’ 2« street Latest Methods Known to Modern 24th. ENGINEER OEFIC1S. 5S7 Congress St. with discourse the Second residence, Quincy By Sunday, • by pastor of the Ad- In this Sept. US. Portland, Me., Aug. 1899_Sealed 2.30— prayer, bin. Margaret city. Sept 21, John H. Burrell, aged Optical Science, and fitted at 30, autumn-tinted foliage and they make vent next Sun- Singing; 59 9 mouths. glasses lor Improving Penobscot River. Me., ohnrob, Congress Plaoe, T. W. Merrill. Portland. years, reasonable Special Train leave* Portland proposals a beautiful es seen from the deck [Funeral services will be held at Mountfort prices. by excavating ledge In front of steam.utp wharf pioture day morning, at 10.90. At 7.90 p.m., 2.45—Convention called to min- 84$ a. in. and the order; street chutcli at 2.30 p. in. atplldtf by dredging mouth of Ksnduskeig of the Pilgrim while down tbe utes Saturday sailing he will give the first la a aeries of dis- of morning meeting; reportB of sup- At Cnebeague Island, Sept. 20, Orrln A. Ham- Arrive* Porllaud on return at Stre.m (both in Bangor Harbor), will be re- and Peti- 27 22 ceived here until 12 M., Oet. 24. 1999, and then b«y- courses on “What Did Jeeua Do I*” All erintendents; “Legislation ilton, aged years. days. s.s© p. tu. ___ tion," Mn. L. C. Lamb, Livermore [Funeral thi 1 (Frtday) aicernoon at 2 o’clock two lionr* at publicly opened. lufurmalou furnished on ap- are Nearly Fabyauo S. IV. R MRS. TOBEY’B FUNERAL. oordlally Invited to be present Falls; “Fianchlse." Mias Louise Tit- from the Methodist church, Cliebeague Island. plication. ROKSsLv MaJ. Bngrs. “Peaoe and In South Poitland, Sspt 20. Mrs. Lovina C.. Btp22-23-20-26 OCI21&23 The of comb, Htroudwater; Arbitra- of INSPECTION body tbe late Mrs. lobey of For Ur. Fowler’s Extract Miss Alioe M. wile Ephraim Broad, aged 63 years, 7 mouths, WATCHES. forty years tion," Douglass, Bath; 8 days. Brookline, Mass., arrived In this city at Wild Strawberry has been summer of resolution Mrs. A. 17 Pat. regulator nickel $1.50 curing report committee, services this afternoon Jewel adjusted Elgin [Funeral (Friday) at B. twelve o’oloek yesterday noon and was complaint, dysentery, diarrhoea, blood B. Crockett, Penobscot, Mrs. Augusta 2.30 o’clock at her late residence, Crockett Hill, Btftrerlna case, 915.00. W. Raymond 17 and THE RETURN TRIP. $9.99 WATCH. In the ho u 1I1 21 la the best Railroad Watch. to tlux. pain stonaaoh, and It haa M.Hnnt.Gumbcrlsnd.Mlas Isabel Shirley, Portland. Jewel adjusted 20 yvar gold Blled case Waltham or Elgin conveyed Evergreen cemetery, where These w ate Fie will pass the inspection. Mc- JEO. F. never yet failed to do everything claimed Oxford, Miss E. U. Yates, Miss [Bangor papers please copy. EVANS, F. E. BOOTHBY, N Ickel movement, warranted to be tbe best Interment took Lincoln, In K.ENNKY, the Jeweler, Monument Square. V. F. * G. M. F. place. Mary L. French, Androscoggin, Mrs. Lincoln. Neb., Sept 14, A. P. s. Stuarfc G. & T. A. watch lor the money. McKENNEY. the h* sepltdlt1,s or 1 Jeweler Mointment Square. je9 FUTURE EVENTS. pany -privilege* whlob are now denied an- other company, K can, at OBITUARY. I HUTEUAiniCt. WARD IIJES STUD. privileges any _HOMiAMKOIH. _ IHTStlOTtM. time, grant to others when It shall serai wise to do so. ftept 19 21-Soarl*re Fair, Edward O. Reynolds, Mayor. SKSSIOS 1899-1900 sept. 21—Reunion Ninth Maine regiment al EDWARD MELVILLE WAITE. Lewiston. ALDERMAN TILTON’S KKMAHKS. Sept. 26 Republican caucuses In Portland. There died in this olty Thursdai Sept. 2G—Stale Board of Trade meets at Bau Alderman Tilton took the floor and morning nt nine o'eloek of heat! an Mayor Reynolds Ap- •aid that bs had read In the pnbllo Bpt 16 87—Fair at West Cumberland. press long trouble, one of Portland's brlghtei UNIVERSITY Sept. 26-27, 28—Annual Convention of Maine tbit at tho last meeting of the oonneil Womar't Christian Temperance Union at Them. young men, Edward Melrllle Waite, age proves Alderman Spear read an epistle to edify *8 Portland. yenre, 6 months, 38 He was 75 days. Sept. 28 District Convention In the board and that It the members In PREPARATORY Republican pnt graduate Portland. of Portland Hlgb sobool, In It anything bnt an on viable light, He Sept 2*-Democratic District Convention in class of "AS. Hs was a olork la M. G. Portland. referred to tho literary merits of tire aO-Oot. vatlon Harvest Festi- Larrabee’s until the fatlora, by whlol SCHOOL. Sept. 3—8a Army production and said Alderman Spear val. Mr. Edward I. Waite, bis father, lost O.-t The Electric Pole Order Is I had over for 3-4—Freeport Fair. Right A pondered It several weeks. all his Oct. 3 4—Nor.h Gorham and Standtsh Fair. loveetM mousy. Then Edwarc (A School for He thought the Innuendoes and red lo- Boys.) Oct 2-7—Maine Musical Festival In Bangor and Mrlvllla weut to New York, where he Portland. tions on tbs board were Approved. worthy cf con- waa UPRIGHT Oct 8-6—Lincoln Fair at Damarlscotta. assistant editor of the Maritim County tempt. While be considered his own PIANOsl Classes will be re-opened on Oct 87—Grange Fair. Pood and Trades Exhi- Register. Through despondency over bl i bit at Bath. knowledge affairs be of.publlo meagre father s Oct. 10 it—Uniform Rank. K. of field losses, his heallb failed; and al Wednesday morning, P., day •till believed that any errors he made September at Bar Harbor. though all that lore and cars ooulr would be Must Oct KM2—Topsua m Fair at atttlbnted by his constituent! Be Sold, 20th, at nine o’clock. Topsliam. devlae. was I Cct. ll-12-hemt-auuuai session of Grand done for him. It waa wlthon An to lack of rather than to Lnd e of Good at Pittsfield. Investigation Reso- judgment THESE Templars success. He waa a young man of exem INSTRUMENTS WERE NEW I For terms and courses of Ocr. 23-26—Maine State Sunday School Conven- dishonorable motives. He reviewed the tion at Portland. Diary habits, and bsd not an enem y 1 THIS YEAR lution Submitted. action of tho comralttto and oould not and ARE of ^ study apply to the Principal, No/, r—special Election In First Congressional the world. He wts a substitute clerk li Diftr;ot. see how he oould have justified bis vote the offloa. mourn REV. T. If he poet He leaves to hi THE VERY E. CALVERT, had tefueed tho gratuity , LATEST STYLE. loss, hit lathsr, mother and an on! which the Cumberland Illuminating Residence, 3f> State Street. sister, Mabelle L. The funeral will b _They have been rented front one to three months, and Hist District company gave the city for privilege* ex- “re •" as ns Congressional Sunday afternoon at two o'olook frot every way stood new. Olflco and But It was tended. He oloaed ®r® 5* School, 280 State Ruled Out «if Ordei by sailing Alderman * in every day, and. as we have no room «r hie late realdenoe, 17 Wllmot street. r eoinln(j aetlon ___ have decided to the Spear's “unjust, unfair, thorough- • give people a benefit and £ Street, shall mark sepMdlw and Matter ly and MRS. MARTHA H. YOUNG. them at a liberal discount from the Convention. Dropped. absolutely contemptible." regular ru5 Republican Alderman pricer. Davis Introdnoed the follow- Mrs. Martha H. Young died at Gra; HENRY HUMPHREY, resolution ing and moved Its adoption: Wednesday afternoon. The deceased wa Teacher of Pianoforte and Whereas, wide publicity has been the wife of Mr. Calvin W. Young am Organ. given the remarks made by Alderman had many frl.ndg In this who wll Studio, Sti V. SI. C. A. The Republicans of the First Congressional At no of the olty, TERMS: CASH OR EASY PAYMEMTS. Building. adjourned meeting city Spear at onr last cession as n result of bo to of District of Maine are requested to seud dele- which both the sorry learn of her death. The fun Pupil Adolphe Wouter' of Brussel', Bel- government of South Portland last even city and this b ard of a .- | and gium. Martin Krause of gates to a convention to bo held In City Hall. dermsn are eral will take plane at Gray Corner, Sat Leipzig, Germany. Ing, which waa attended by every mem being damaged thereby. Instruction In Harmony mill ('oiiuter. It Is resolved as the Portland, on Thursday. September 28, 1899, at seutlinent of this urday at & 80 p. m. Pol«<- sepTdtf her of the oouncll. Mayor Reynolds pre HUO o’clock a m.. for tbe purpose of nomin- board, that the matter be given an Inves- elding, two Important matters were set tc tigation sc far at It lies within our MRS. ULAN A TEWKESBURY. Piano ating a candidate for representative in Con- power Every Guaranteed* i to do Fully P0RTLAND rest. The order the so; and ACADEMY. gress, to fill tbe vacancy caused by tbe resigna- giving Cumberlinc Mrs. Dlsna widow of Dr Whereas, It Is not within the power Tewkesbury, tion of Hop. Thomas R. hoed, and transacting illuminating eompnny exclusive Fall term opens September It. im at rooms pole of Samuel Tewksbury, died yesterday after this board to examine Into the acts In Baxter Huildlug. A business courso any other business that may properly come be- rights waa passed and approvsd and the in- of persons not members thereof, and noon at flee o'olook at her home at 11 cludes Shorthand with care ul attention to fore it. ordinance to relating ward lines alsc whereas no baa been made Brown street of English Grammar and Civil Government. charge against a stroke of apoplexy Private The basis of representation will be as fol- received the any member of the It Is M. pupils received. mayor’s approval." board, further 80 STEINERT & SONS CO. aged years. Mrs. was For terms loows: Each and town will be entl.led to resolved Tewkesbury 1 impure of city There was a that Alderman be re- alight (lurry over Aider- Spear of MISS K. A. FILES, one aud for each votes quested to at once daughter Cyrus Shaw of Oxford anc Principal. delcgaio. seventy-five man Davis's bring chargee against 120 Free Street. resolution that the matter ol •noh members married T. C. m cast for the Republican candidate for Governor of this board, If any snob Dr. Tewkesbury In 1844. He; RcOOULDRIC, %r. Portland. August26. 1899. sepSM3w Alderman Spear’s late senaatloual there be, whom he olaline to have been in 1898 an additional delegate, aud for a frac- husband who died In 1878 was one ol | be an guilty of lulsoonduot, In that the 317 St. Tel. 119. ♦ tlon of forty votes in excess of seventy-five an speech given investigation, but the orjler Portland's most famous Congreta Portland. Maine. C matter may bo that physicians anc resolution was ruled out of order. given lnveatlgatl on additional delegate. wbloh its importance merits the founder of the Maine Uenerai hospl nptiodtt f Tbe dldrlct committee will be in session at The records were read and approved U. F. Davis. tal. Reception Hall at nine o’clock a. m., on the and the order giving the Cumberland Alderman Spear—“I 'AwmwmwmwmwAmmmwmmw I o I of the convention to receive tUe creden- protest against MRS. ABBIE D. Public. day exclusive WHITAKER, Illuminating company pole the of the tials of the delegates aud to attend to such adoption resolution for It Is rights was given Its eeoond reading and layscui. to the he_ out of ianas.] other business as may be necessary. order," He denied the right of the passed Yeas—Aldermen Pickett, Wil- On and after Per Order Republican District Committee, ooard to demand that he ehould do tbne North Conway, N. H., September 31.- May 1, 1S99, lard, Tilton, Soamnian, Davis, Jordan. WILFORD G. Chairman. and to. He admitted the right of the Mra. Abble D. wife of Charles bll bills of the Consolidated CHAPMAN, No—Alderman Whitaker, Spear. board to oall SAMUEL W. JUNKINS, Secretary. upon him to retraot or to u. Whitaker, postmaster at North Con- Electric Light Co. of Maine for MAYOR REYNOLDS' APPROVALS. substantiate his statements. way, N. H., died today. Mrs. Whltakei I Sept. 20, P99. light and will be made Alderman Davis—“I should like to hss been a power out Towns are entitled to delegates as follows; Mayor Reynolds said that two matters, member of tbe BaDtlst churoti have the matter at (be word lines and the eleotrio Investigated." for a great many yean and was held It prices as quoted by the York light privil- W. County. T. KILBORN Count/._Cumberland GO. the eges, were Mm aa of highest ettaera by all who knew her. Portland Electric Acton...... x Baldwin.3 regarded by great Light Co. or retract the statements for ebe Alfroa. 3 Brldgtoti. B importance and he embodied hie vlewa epeclUc oharges always had a kind word fir every- Berwick.6 Brunswick. 8 Wc shall Hie same lu addition to this all lu two he has made." one. Mr. Whitaker feels bis loss represent lending maim- lamp BMdeford.11 « Elizabeth. 1 nouimunloatlons wbioh are given keenly ape Alderman laelurers nnd ns renewals will Buxton. 4 Casco. 2 below: Davis—"He should stand up and has tbe sympathy of all In this com- importers heretofore. be furnished C'oiuisU.4 Cumberland. 3 and retract." munity. Our several lines of Specialties will be char- free. Dayton.i Freeport. 4 September 21, 1S9D. Alderman Tilton—"He Is the acterized by the of cus- Pilot.. 3 Falmouth.3 I approve the within ordinance relating patting meeting requirements Hollis. 3 Go. ham 4 of Mouth CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC to ward line*, accompanying my approval city Portland and the oouncll FUNERAL OF EDWARD W. FOX. tomers by ndVHnced designs, exclusive not Keunebunk. B Gray. 3 with tha following statement: under a ban." LIGHT CO. OF MAINE. Kennel unkport .... 3 Hatpswell. 2 beyond being popular, und always unexcelled 'lbo ordinance la, the The funeral of Edward W. Fox took Kit’ory. « Harrison.2 practically, report Alderman Spear kept bis seat daring In Weston F. l^banon. 3 Napes.3 of n majolrty cf the special committee on plaee at tbe residence of Mrs. CDnton quality. Milliken, Pres. tble fuellade and awaited tbe Uneiick..8 New Gloucester.3 ward lines, of seven alder- smilingly We for them Interest consisting Baxter, sister of the dsoe:sad at S.3H bespeak your nnd gctier- Wm. R. Millington.3 No. Yarmouth. 1 men, which committee was chosen ruling of tbe mayor. The excitement Wood, Treas. hy oits pairunnge. maylidtf Lym*n.3 OtiMield. 3 vote of the council at Its of o’clock yesterday afternoon. The ssrrloee Newttelil .3 Portland.4S meeting over, Mayor Keynolds quietly looked March 211, at which the of conducted -Or. Jenkins of No. Berwick.4 i'ownal. 2 meeting taking oyer Alderman Dayls'e by State a census of the voters resolution and Our Old Orchard. 2 for this purpose street SPECIALTIES Are 3 Raymond. ruled that Alderman ohurch, were simple and Impres- Parsonsileld.3 Scnrboro.3 was authorised. The report cf the enum- Spear’e point of Fair at West Cumberland. sive. the friends of Mr. Fox Haco..'9 Hebago. 1 erator employed was submitted to the order was well taken and the matter Among who Hanford 8 ho. Portland.f> oounell July *0, and Is now on nle In the ended. were present were many of hie school and Hhap’eigli.2 Hi&mlish.3 < dice of the city clerk. At the friends The Ho. Berwick.5 8 meeting college from out of town. Mr. Thirty-First Annual Fair VVestbrook. held September 4th, the majority MISCELLANEOUS M A TIBBS. CARPETS, Waterboro.4 Windham. 3 report, Fox was a Exeter of the t'mutierluml above reterred was to graduate of Phillips Farmers9 Wells. 4 Yarmouth.— 3 to, presented and After the the llnrry Just described, Aider- In which school be attained Club will be held York.4 — Hocwpted by council. Ibis report was academy. oa TUESDAY -- a man Willard apologized for 128 accompanied by map Indioating the bringing up cigb(st honors in nil departments. Re and WEDNESDAY, Srpl. 26th 112 outlines ot the various as eo tame a matter bat asked wards, pro- that the street entered Harvard oollege In ’»!. finishing RUGS, and 27th. posed, and a verbal statement showing commissioner be authorized to repair the his acaleinlo course the voting population to be distributed In three years, and T1IE in front of DINNERS. | will all be as follows: driveway Willard hose house. then tbe law school. '1HE NKW LIBRARY BUILDING AT entering Mr. Fox THE RAC I heller It was so ordered. ES, than Ward 1, was a most earnest 231 and conscientious THE EXHIBITS | ever. CLINTON. Ward 3, 290 The order relating to Smith street was student DRAPERIES, and bis close application to his Half Ward a, 273 taken from the table aud amended fare on railroad and Clinton, Sept. 21.—Howard W. Doige, being work the last was Ward 4, 195 during year In a meas- Frank L. ** so as to read “so far as the barges from station. Betsjy, George A. Bingham, Ward 5, same may be ure responsible for his death. 148 untimely M. W. Pres. Hon. Orln Kdwin done with the now on and WINDOW PEARSON, Learned, E. Gerald Ward 6, £03 money hand," He was a member ofthe Portland Yacht SHADES, »epl9d&wlw h. It. CLOUGH! Sec’y. Ward was and Mrs. Jan.es K. Stewart, represent- 7, 344 v pasted. club and tbe Athletic olub. the Mes and A Subject to the usual conditions, James ing jnio Fraternity grange minority of the said oonunlttse sub- with ull the lillle necesories that go to make CITY mitted K. Turner was OF PORTLAND^ of Clinton, met in the selectmen's oltloe, protest agalrst the proposed ward given permission to erect INSURANCE NEWS. first class In wnlob Is found this departments. and lines. statement: an ell on Q street lor a James Monday afternoon, perfected tha ar- We most dwelling; emphatically protest against The Boston aud New York are rangement* fer the exercises at the laying A. Thurrell, to dig across the sidewalk papers the proposed division as unfair and filled with the of the being on street to mnke a connection reports of tbe insurance corner stone of the new putlio li- dlreotly contrary to law." High pipe commissioners of New York, on the brary building which will take place Since the lliing of this protest It has and Herbert K. Cole was permitted to Clark Street Bridge will be closed to been to me enter street examination by that department of tbe public travel Monday, Sept. 23 at 10 SO a. in. This frequently represented that Klnoald sewer at 21 Pleasant Monday, Aug. 21«t, the llgures above given are, In many accounts of tbe Mutual Reserve Fund lStfil, at 7 o'clock a. m. and until fur- building is donated to the citizens of street. particulars. Incorrect, but there has been Life ther notice. Clinton Tbe bond Hied by the Cumberland Illu- Association. The Maine inauranoe by Hon. W. W. Brown of Port- no ether enumeration of voters or spoolU- GEO. X. EERXALD. oatlun of ward for department received a copy of tbe report, land, Clinton being his native town. lirnltB submitted to the minating company 11(1,000 war ap- Commissioner oi Public Works. or W. T. council myself to aid In Wednesday, and It gives, the KILBORN After the was determining proved uuanlmoucly. praotically 18, 1898. meeting called to order, the Aug. the value of oritiolain, or the justness same Idea that the are CO., On motion of Alderman Jordan wae papers Hon. Orin Learned was chosen chairman ot the 1 that It giving, augtstl protest. regret from the that the Is and ordered that the balance company still solvent notwith- 24 Free Street. H. W. Dodge, secretary. The Mu- information at my command 1 am un- unexpended of able to or the the for streete standing oontrary reports, though Its as- sons, Grangers, Sohool committee, all the verify disprove llgures appropriation be usod fer whioh are the basis of this sets bate been WEDDING RINGS. teachers and ordinance, a the construction of a sidewalk between deoreuted very greatly of scholars in the publlo schools task 1 Simula have undertaken had there late aDd the number of One hundred of them to select from. All in the Llgooln and Caeh Corner. policy holders hae live a life clean and town, Boys’ Temperance olub and been sufficient time at my disposal, but MAINE TOWNS. unspotted from the styles, all weights, all prices in 10. 14 and is the The oounoil to decreased. This Is one of the assessment world. Her schoolmates said of Kt. Gold. and the citizens are invited to Congressional election, now near at adjourned Wednesday, her, Largest best stock of rings generally “Kva was a iu the hand, will not admit ot further delay September 27. companies that Is suffering with the loyal triend.’• Her eu ployes city. A thousand of them. McKENN KY. march in the procession and Item* ol Interest Uatbered Our Local called her “faithful and the Jeweler. Monument Square participate It la true that there could not be much others In the that by reliable," while juneidif in change Is taking plaoe In the homes the exercises. The will act of a variation from the aoove where she boarded while at following llgures A TRIBUTE TO DRY CUBBISH. 1 in Correapondent*. the estimate of tbe people of the as- her work she was as marshals of the day: Frank L. Bes- given, of the ohnraoter suggested to me, loved and looked upon eessment as a of the and It should be possible to maintain con- (Holman F. in Lewiston plan cf doing business, It Is daughter house. sey, ohlal|inarsbal; aids, Linza A. Burns, Day Journal.) NORTH W. H. D. V. sistently with the provisions of the char- thought. YARMOUTH. lu the Immediate family circle here, FAIRBANKS, S„ George W. Maroeloa Cain and She wrote to her lo where Higgins, ter, the ward line: ns they are uow drawn. daddy Portland, North ehe was the helper and hope of a Malur, from out In Denver, Insurance papers give the additional Yarmouth, Sept. 1U.—Key. Mr. widowed Kverett G. Runnels. A line of march Should there prove to be suoh a variation CoL, mother, the comfort ot a devoted 778 Congress St., And she wrote, aloe, that Information attached to tbe MoUride has gone to Boston to attend the will be formed, headed by the Clinton when the test shall have been apolled, despondently report of the aunt, gtile and example for two such "40 411411 VUUlillCUOCU tu |IHU the of the words 936 5. error oan be remedied by New York that the com- meetings International Coun- loving elaters, cannot picture her Telephone PORTLAND, ME. Cornet band, W. M. leglslitlve And this was a woeful oomlrassliner, Runnels, leader, woeful, ease for lute. Nor will we to euter so action, by wholly disinterested persons, missioner has tbe mattet In oil. attempt All orders W. __ was left wllli F. consisting of the above named bodies and in full onoacuolnn rv# all » n., sbe a six months' brlda placed the sacred a but her HUNTINGTON, 3T Kinsman place, by peaoerul grave Union Tel. SM or at Who was won and wed In tbe State of hands of the attorney eentral. thn.n.v, Sawyer and wife are visiting at Hlverslde St, :i, H ASTY’S stable. citis3ns with invited guests in ately ascertained. while tears fall fast ou the Tel. 62C-2 carriages Maine tbe aids Mrs. Green-St., will bo promptly attended In view of the fur by of tbe bounding this Is Dot cfflolally know In this Slate. S. M. Hamilton. tuass of beautiful tlowers there to. « poiaua bun corner stone necessity immediate placed ]ly2#IU tide. Work on we action, and of the fact that no dettnlte In any case, there are In Mains W. P. Johnson's home com- by loving friends, yet rejoloe that will be laid by Hon. W. S. Choate And ab, she was writing back that people so of data regarding the matter other than that alaok, menced last while many disappoint us, there nre sbe for who are Interested. This wrote week. O. G. Hatch of Beer- master of the referred to horsin has teen longed Portland, Maine, oompany still some lives lived so ana true Augusta, grand Graud submitted, I has cf pure TUI ob, her feelings bad been that I 57 In last lug charge the work. that we are lifted Lodge of Masons of assisted approve of this ordinance which, guided polloles Maine, year. They out of ourselves and Maine, by wrsuohed sbe could stand Miss Hattie Strout of linked to a life rortlaml, Saro and Portsmouth Rail by such official Information as we now hardly bad on the 81st of Deoember, 1896, 507 Kennebuukport beyond. CoL F. W. Plalsted of Augusta aud oth- the attain. j g p hove, seems to me to be in accord with In force In Maine la viaiting her father, J. V. Stroot. er Though her near was still polloles with a total 13. road grand lodge cffiosrs, after which the the proviilons and spirit of tbe hubby sincere, valuation of A choir has been Cornish, Sept. Company. olty she the $1,110,0(0. They collected organized at tne Wal- A SPECIAL mszier will deliver an charter. sighed livelong day CAPE meeting of the Stockholders of grand address. >21,813.04, last year. At the close of the nut Hill church ELIZABETH. -fw £. C. For a good old sniff of the sewers and and the singing Is great- the Portland. Saco and Portsmouth Rail- Howard W. will Reynolds, Mayor. rear Imd one of that was Cape Elizabeth. 81.—A or road Hodge preside at the salt from the breast of Casco hay. they policy $5,000 ly improved. Sept. party Company will be held In Kittery. Me., in fifteen from Spurwlnk, Pond Cove and the Company's hall on citizen's meeting when prayer will be And she wrote she sighed, and she said unpaid. Monday. Sept. &>, 1899, CUMBERLAND ILLUMINATING CO. a number of scholars from at 11 o’elock a. for the she orled and her This company has an odd lot nf policy Quite this Bowery lieaoh, composed of Mr. Waltor m., following purpose: offered Rev. K. Z. appetite fell off. I. To see if by Whitman; histori- holders, as they are mads up of a collec- nre Institute. Jordan. Miss Carrie Jordan, Mr. Kcsoos the Stockholders will approve September 21, 18U9. And she'd grown as thin's a belaying place attending Greely a sa'o this of cal address by Rsv. Jamss A. ad- I tion of several derunct Miss Josls Mr. Clurenoe by Company its road, franchises Weed; approve the within order relating to pin with a oorapunles and Mrs. Haines and of Massachu- Willard, Jordan, and to the Boston and terrible, backing (Sough; will In time family Miss property Maine hailroad, dress Hon. W. W. Brown of the grunting of pole to And she sort of they beoorne used to lelog Jordan, Mary Jordan, Mr. Norman the terms by Portland; right privileges hinted that pretty soon setts, who have been at upon and eondit ons agreed to by the Cumberland thrown out upon the oold world. lu the boarding K. G. Taylor, Miss Lons Jordan, Mr. Arantl the Directors of the benediction by Rev. A. U. Hedge. The Illuminating Company. she'd start on a reckless scoot respective corporations. as I that it Is And list will be found polloy holders in the Prince's, huve returned to their home. liauuufjrd, Miss Isabel Taylor, Mr. By order of the Directors. exercises be Believing, do, generally hook tor her home In Portland, Me., will Interspersed with music unwise far a York Mutual Aid tho Ken- Stewart Miss Jennie E. it. Clerk. municipality to grant to any by the very shortest route. Association, Taylor, tlannuford, BARRETT, tbe band. individual or nebeo Mutual Life Insurance CORNISH. and Mr. a Portland, Me., Sept, u, im sepiadtd by corporation privileges of But her daddy dear was a man of ssnse Co., und Harry Hannaford, enjoyed the Provident Aid buck board ride to Pront'e this okaraoter while refusing to grant the and he handles tlsb wholesale Society. All these Kva Otis Farnham. Neck last same sonsolldoted and were On the return a SUPKHIOiT COURT. privileges to others, wnen such a And he sat and be fanned himself u while rnergtd Into the Tuesday evening. sup- course Is not and this was found to be de- per was taken at Mitchell’s. In necessary in order to secure with a big broad oodtish tall; Say State, To the Editor the P ete: the Superior court, before two the of Judge needed improvements, and that, at best, And he reoolleoted the way he felt when unot, years ago, policy holders BKIUUTON. Bonuey, yesterday, the oases suob actios a bad suing into the present Mention has already been made In sev- following may prove precedent in he dwelt In the World's Fair whirl, company.—Kenne- Urldgton, Sept 81.—John G. Palmer, were municipal affairs, 1 desire lo —He his head. bec journal. eral about the reported: aocompuny slapped "By bake," be papers sudden death In wbo some years ago bought u farm In my approval with tbe state- "1 know In the caee of State vs. Robert K. Cros- following said, what alia that girl." Boston of Eva Otis Farnham, bat her Kansas district and moved from Portland ment: And be went to a ten-cord of ood MAINE! PENSIONS a p"o and friends In Cornish and to the same, bns just sold the estate to man, complaint for search and seizure, 'lbe of the Cumberland Il- be other plaoes where agreement pulled tbe biggest out, William Tophum of Somereworth, N. H. the jury disagreed. the conditions of —A 21—The -she was well test that wore than luminating Company, jib shaped orltter, broad's a sail,— Washington, September follow- known, Mr. Palmer will occupy It until next which are embodied in this In the case of State vs. arder, whloh three feet from tall to snout, ing pensions have been granted to Maine the usual few words Is tne due of one and Me. does not Mulkorn, ap- has been spring Topharn expect prepared wltb great oare and And he pasted a sheet of to locate It till two pellant, a complaint for a common postage stamps people: who will be remembered as so good and upon years hence bolng tbe performance of which conditions is from snout clear down to be tali, INCREASE. and Our people wll sorry to part with Mr. drunkurd, the jury returned a verdlot to be a true, beautiful In character. of amply secured by sufficient bond, Put on a quick delivery s.arap and sent and Mrs. Palmer. Mr. Palmer, by the oontalus concessions to the of She was the of guilty. olty rauob the col by mail. fcleurge W. Wakelleld, Saoo; Ueorge H. daughter William and way, was many years ago an associate of value, wbloh I believe could not bave She it EVERY WOMAN lid ward Harlow, Jr., In a search smelled a-comlng two blocks off on Annie Otis Farnham, born at the late Capt. Blanchard of the lost Port- and been obalned if Wallace,Hampden Corner; Henry Mullaiu, Hiram, Sometimes needs a reliable seizure auy other oouree had been tbe top of the postman's pack; Lnd, as officer in the merchant case, paid a line of $100 and oosts National Home, Dawson June &8, 1068. but when only a few marine. monthly regulating medicine. pursued. She rushed to meet him and soared him Kennelvto; Miss Cynthia W. Chaplin of the $12.39. months old oame with her regis- Tbe following from the order, relative blind by climbing the poor man's Id. Dale, Uardiner; Timothy (f. Knight, parents to this ter of deeds office, Portland, has visited DR. PF.AL-S town and has been a resident in this to prioes seems to ms to meet the back. James K. vil- del sister, Mrs. llavld P. In fully searsmunt; Reynold., Hallo- ever slnoe Chaplin. THK which otherwise But sbe the bit out a lage jompany with her Mlse FISHLHmT objeotljn, might obtain, got tlsb, bunk, ivell; Samuel II John her niece, Lillian PENNYROYAL piLLS, that ate Libby, Durham; The loss of father when very young and Tbe time by tbls aotlon the city bas excluded postage stamps and all Waldrou of Portlund, Mrs. Addle Are prompt, safe and certain in result. The when trout be 8. Morrll. tended toward out a genu- may caught competition, to its own detriment. And a happy wife In a nappy boras lives Thomas, posslllv bringing Dunlap of Urldgton, Miss Chaplin made ine (Dr. Peal’b) never disappoint. Sent anywhere. lu this seif rel iauce of nharaoter which later de- legally State ezplred on Septem- "Also that the said Cumberland Illum- out la Denver, Col. ORIGINAL, WIBOWB, BTC. the trip to Philadelphia on the U. A. H. *1.00. Peal Medicine Co., Cleveland. O. veloped very strongly. She uttended ber 15 for this season. There is a inating Company shall at all times here- ixcurslon. 3. H. GUPPY & 00.. Agts.. Portland, Me preva- Mary i£. Smith, school here! as a girl, and after the usual lent after furnish the linns and busi- Kangaley. Edward C. (Harry) Webb of Portland, Impression among some of the lish- citizens, SUFFRAGE course with honor at ness houses and the said city of South EQUAL CLUB. graduated Frye- j ise bileliy visited bis folks at bis native ermsn who have not studied burg academy in 1898. She then burned oarefully Portland with electricity for aud Tbe at rlllage, North Urldgton. light Equal Suffrage olub will meet and shorthand whloh voca- the game laws that white peroh ore In- power at rates notlo excess of those typewriting Mrs. Mary E S. Stevens of this given three p. m. tion she has sines followed most success- plaoe, CLOCK REPAIRING. cluded with the in the olty of Portland to Saturday, September 23d, , I former well known autl her trout, bat this Is wrong. citizens, busi- In New teacher, street. fully Boston, liortt'sn wo sonB — .. ■ ness bouses and and to the of with Mrs. Bigelow, 28 Morning York, have moved to Cambridge, in Tbe law on does not ilruis, city PE-RU-NA ■ Mass., peroh Into effect und other oltlee. wr.n *- go Portland All friends of are most Cures Catarrh prominent Along vhere the oldest one enters Harvard uui- respectively.” liberty oordlally Wherever located. her whloh ehe she util April l. making a olose time of three Further than tbls and ; A work, nlwsye lored, srslty and the younger a school. LVE have made a specialty of clock repairing of still more im- Invited. Thera will be a from the sure, safe, time-tried remedy that cures: olty report Catarrhal greatly enjoyed the sound literature of vi for and are perfectly familiar with months on the liab, so from now until portance, th) council has not grantod an A flections of every description.' years state convention Mtse Sarah Colburn Sold the day, is touch with all that t lu all of its brauehes. Our are reasim- exclusive by by all Druggists. Write its Usrovcier, I keeplLg to foresee an prices tbe loe forms over the lakes tbe privilege. It bus, practloally, Impossible aooldent. Not ible. us a and we will call lor ;. peroh can said Dr. S. B. Hartman, of Ohio. pertained to the highest progress, conae- Drop postal your., that the best lnteretis of the city report from the programme committee Columbus, mpOBslble to be prepared for 1CU Ur. lock aud return U when done without extra***’ bo caught, as well ae la July. would be He will advise you free. quelltly the petty littleness of some lives sulserved by granting one CO 1,- and a on the mall sir?toe. Lhomaa’a Eoleotrlo OU. Monarch over fhirge. McKENNKY, the Jeweler, Mouuuient paper railway was Leneat her, leaving freedom to | | ( lain. 1 PiUiue, Portland. janUdti MUSIC AND DM AM A. M. ward- ■antlnet,Frank Holding; Junior | KKW ADVKRTmKMKIUTK. ABOUT THE SUBURBS. en, Kdwart H Walker. DREARY D0JI1 C011YG. "_1BTMTBMMTI. Tbe welch In bare been THE GHU1STIAN. meeting wae held Thursday evening at Hood Feltowe' No doubt Portland will show substan- ball by tbe mem bent at tbe North Deertng tial appreciation of tba Jefferson theatre's uoagregatlonel pariah, to hoar report of enterprise In mooring the much discussed BY AMERICAN Personal tbe obniob Who EXPRESS. Items of Inter- building oomxaltlea Rain play of Hall founded oo hie Bedraggled Pleas- Cslse% were expected to submit plena and eett- fansons novel “Tne Christian,” whleh est From Westbrook. matw of tbe ooet of a cherub editor, wae ure Seekers ft announced as a spiotal engagement ot postponed owing to the rainy weather two nlghta and a matinee beginning and tbe consequent Inability of many of Tuesday, Ootober SI Tunis F. Dean tfaa members to attend. A data tar tbe of Klaw & lur lunger’s staff, who waa meeting will be announced later. here last season la n similar oapacity With House's “Tba Bride Work On Stw Klwlrie Lino NEW opera Kteot," To Dwk Their lark GOLF Fran CAPES WOODFORDS. Piongh Way arrived In the city last night ee tile rep- resentative of “lha Christian" and will Tond To B«*in Soon. Sear boro Fair. Were received from N. Y. this week which remain for a few to all ot daya oompleta Ur. Allan Klerataad, Sawyer street, were on sale this at thear~ emeuts with Moore. placed morning Manager formerly employed as a clerk at 0. B. The here Is nnder the prices as low as before the act- prouuotton manage- Thompson's grocery store, Forest avenue, though ment of Idebler & 'Jo., whose success but now clerking at W. L. Wilson's ual cost of production has gone up In Creases In New with the play York and Boston Is of Malta In- grocery le to Grounds Were Knights store, Exchange street, Crowded from IO to 20 cent from a of In all lines of fabrics for a matter of record the per couple exoeadlng reoelpte more hie family to a rent on Chestnut of other attraction ever weeks any presented In stall Officers. street, nearer to hie present employment With People, ago. this at New Fail Suits and Overcoats country regular prloee. The rank of esquire as conferred on York Enables ns to offer an Im- crowded the Knickerbocker and three candidates at the meeting of Rooky mense assortment of mate- Garden theatres for 176 oonsecntlre nights Hill Nb lodge, M, K. of P.,beld last eve- WE rials for wntle Bcston BOUGHT OUR RUGS EARLY packed the Boston mneenm ning Tbe lodge la to observe "at home" for 110 oonseoutlve Made to order Clothes. nights. “The Chris- Progress of North Peering Con- night the first Thursday evening In Oc- But Wet Came Just As the Races Don’t forget that wo MAKE tian” will be seen here with the same at which time an and are tober, effort will be having them made up as fast TO MEASURE. Tberofore. completeness as that whloh characterised gregational Church. made to secure a full attendanoa of tbe Begun. as the tailors can do a correct fit, latest cut, fash- Its remarkablt suooess In those cities and it. members. An Interesting programme will ionable material. Nothing to that end two oar loads of We claim to have the as- speclsl also be carried out 1 1 made. In oonneotlon with "T" largest ready “Christian” a ornery will be brought tbe meeting sortment of the above at down from The goods prices Boston. oompsny num- Capt. Lewis Sawyer and Wood- REURENK. M. N. Stiles who was wife, from DYER, oers over The llr. Injured quite Tempted by tbe seductive smile whlon ranging $3.98 to $22.50 Merchant Tailor, Bftjf people. principal fords avenue, street, here about the shoulder a formerly Spring members are well known artists selected badly lew weska tbs olerk of tbs weathsr put on yesterday returned from a rlelt to relatives and 3)5 Fori. Near Foot of El huge -Streit. for tbelr ago by being thrown from.fala bleyole, la morning.from 1800 to 1600 people oilmbed sepUBdtt particular fitness for the differ- friends at Denmark and Hrldgton. ent roles. the best known ImproTlug. Pleasant Hill, Bear boro, to witness the Probably Tbe members of tbe Auxiliary club -THE- The offloers of Saooanppa lodge, I. O. second day’s events of the nnnusl exhi- RAINY them lu Portland Is Miss Kffie DAY SKIRTS among oonueoted with tbe Woodforde Onlxarse- O. went to Uorhatu after- Ellsler, who Is accredited with the suo- F., yesterday bition ot tbe Boar boro and Caps Kllsa iltt Boolety, are to meet next Monday eve- noon to attend thi funeral rervioes of bath Farmers' association. Hat It the ess of her career. Miss Klleler has not ning at tbe borne of Mies Maud Every lady should have one of these gar- PORTLAND their Wbltney, ELECIKIC LIGHT late brother, Mr. Sumner Bolton weather man smiled In the he appeared In Portland In several seasons. Woodford avenue. morning, ments. You can find an abundance of Her charming work In “Hazel Klrke" Tlie Odd F ellowa had charge of the ser- wspt most ooplously In tbe afternoon. It vices. was no rasxle-daaile a here from $3.98 to $10.00 won her many admirers who will be glad SOUTH PORTLAND. either, but steady styles Mr. Edwin B. Hollies has to Bos- for three to welcome hor as “Glory Quay le." The gone downpour hours whloh drove “John Storm" le protnyed by J. M ton, where he M to resume hie atudise at men and beast to oovar, nnd broke up The following list comprises the con- nections that hare Col v111 who Is said to be one of the best Tufts oollege. Be baa been empolyel completely the day’s sport. been made and those DK. LOMBARD BARELY ESCAPED to bo the aoramer at Tbs crowd made within a few days. It Is romantic aotore on tbe stage. The sale during past tba Belknap bad amused Itself in tbs STORM SUITS. SERIOUS ACCIDENT YESTERDAY. easy to tell those that have beer, connect- of Motor oompany. tbe exhibit seats will begin Thursday, September morning by visiting hall, ed from those that have not the Dr. S. L. Lombard while on by color when Mr. Sylvanna Bean of Montana Is the hi* way taking a on tbs 88 eigh t tickets will be limited to spin merry-go-round, Just arrived. Also NEW FALL SUITS. of the lights. Those produced from of Mr. and to the Soar boro Fair yesterday morning, sod about each purchaser. Seats that brought rsady guest Mrs. Fred W. Spring, eta, 1.80 p. m., settled Itself water powor are white, clenr and steady. osm« very near a most serious We received another of In Boston at CO be Church street. Mr. Been In nornclne s sustaining down to ase aims sohsduled Hack events just shipment buyers *2. will sold hsre J. R. LIBBY CO. accident. He was his horts and at *1.50. course of study at one of tbe Portland driving whloh gave promise of being most lively the $11.00 Suits, worth $15.00. BROWN BLOCK. business buggy across the bog near the Soar boro anil Inlamsllaw 'I'k._a _a __ H. M LKW8EN A CO. PORTLAND THEATRE. colleges. Other Fall from line when tbe horse broke Su{$8 $7.98 to $35 A. K. HTF.VKNS AGO. Ke«. C. Frank Andreses of Freeport Is suddenly paoked and a large number of oarrlagee FALMOUTH HOTEL. Tbe Robinson Opera ooiupnny has In- tbe and tbe foQr IRA to ocoupy tbe pnlplt of tbe Universally through bridge legsjof were lined up along the fenoe of the main CLARK A CO. creased Its W. 8. PARKER A CO. popularity steadily and yester- ohurch tbe animal went tbe on Sunday In exchange with tbe through brldge.The Ueld and the bell was rang for the 3. SO SIMMONS ft HAMMOND. day they were greeted by two good houses. doctor was thrown from tbe IRVING A. LIBBY. pastor, Kev. Thomas B. Payne. bnggy right olase. The rain name first In a light FUR COLLARETTES. In tbe afternoon UIroUe-0irofla was R. L. WHITCOMB A CO. Miss Lottie Jordan Is over tbe dasher and landed aercss tbe form, but soon afterwards It deaoended and recovering nloely LONGSHOREMEN’S HA'.L, finely sung amused tbe good-sized shafts. It so that a F. E. fiom the tionble experienced with her happened barge load- In torrents wbloh soon the GRAY, audience ohanged We have to a RED MEN’S present. Last night Mikado ed with was near In (set always managed carry HALL. eyea It was at first thooght tbat she passengers by, track Into a sea of mud. There was the COXA WARD CO. wae and all the were produced principles w Dr. Lombard bod It when tbe stock of these and our M It8. C. B. on 1(1 lose the sight, but that danger is just passed greatest hurrying and scurrying on every large goods LEIGHTON. good, Ben Lodge being particularly good aooldent and tbe K. W. BENNER. tow over. occurred, passengers side and the nearest plaoe of shelter was new line surpasses even that of last E. \ INTON EARLE. as KoKo, a role that he Is adapted to and lost no time In to the dootor'e ATKINSON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING. harrying the merry-go-round and It did a land season. The FURNISHING CO. In whioh he has been very successful prices are ARMOUR A CO. assistance. They lifted bins up and raised office business for over $2.75, 2.98, The an hour. In the MAINE PROVISION St COLD 8TORAGB The chorus sea stronger than It had monthly meeting'of tbe Westbrook exhibit tbe horse from the hole tbe latter was In ball people were packed like sar- 3.98, 4.98, 5.98 and upwards. CO. school committee was held eve- dines WEST been lu any preceding opera and the Thursday and sst things right again. Dr. Lombard In a box and every other available END HOTEL. at the school plaoe of shelter.had a full quota of visitors. H. II. HAY A SON. catchy, tunernl music of Mikado was ning High building. was brulssd about the back and but T. F. HOMSTKD. lags, it was quite obvious tbat the fun of the and as as Messrs. Huaru and Fes- 8UL1VAN & finely sung pleasing ever. This Absent, Dana, otherwise Tbe woe OSGOOD. escaped injury. borse day over, but the judges euooeeded WILLIS CATES. afternoon Mikado will be and ter. In one beat Don’t repeated will be lame for some little time, >nd having pulled off lo the 3.50 Fail to See Our New Line of Silk, Velvet, LOMBARD FISH MARKET. the favorite Superintendent of Schools Benson re- olaes, auttafter this was done H. P. GOOLD TEA CO. tonight Bohemian Girl will all In all It was a close all oon- everything ealLfor had to be W. W. tbat two rooms In tbe Forest given up. ALLEN. be sung. ported Woollen and A. E. oerned. The crowd felt and Briiliantine Waists. MARKS. Grammar school were crowded and tbat disappointed greatly MRS. A COLONIAL GIRL. was at its wits end to reach OVERBY. home with ORIENT be bad transferred six of the to the least discomfiture HALL. Mr. Howard Gould, tbe actor whom pupils R M. Cole and Will Stualey have re- possible for oov- C. F. A WEBER. another room. ered vehicles were at a premium. Bo FREEMAN Mr. Daniel Frohiuan has chosen as the turned from an at they MILLIKEN. outing Kangetey plied into doubled lo JAMES CON WELL. Several pupils were allowed to change bargee, up every leading man In his company which will Lakes. kind of carriage wbloh afforded ODD FELLOWS HALL. courses of in tbe soboob shelter, prodnoe his new "A Colonial Girl” study High Mrs. Dr. J. W. Lowell leave and with the ruin still FOSTER, AVERY A CO. play. will for pouring, ploughed TRAVELERS’ Tbe onmmlttee voted to relose through the kind or mud to INSURANCE CO here on and next permis- Boston Pbe will be deepest their KLIAS THOMAS. Monday Tuesday nights today. accompanied ho mes. sion to residents of Duok Pond con- week at the Jefferson is well to her Mrs. R. M. SARGENT. DENNISON A CO. theater, by daughter, Buckley. PULLING LEWSEN & GKO. CONTESTS. CO. E. HAWYEK. tinue use of school room for danocs. '•sown to audiences in *hls city. Last Charles M. Harford, who has been 111 MH8. A. W. TERRY. Tbe thanks of tbe committee were voted Thj first contest of the day was for 538 LAD A ROSS. season, and for several with fever Is Congress St. preceding ones, typhoid rapidly convalesc- draft S. W. SOLKKY. to the members of the Ammoncongln and oxen over 7 foot 3 Inches, wbloh Mr Gould has been winning a great repu- ing. JOHN HOLI IVAN. Current Events olnbs and otber friends resulted as follows: Osoar F. W. MITCHELL. tation as one of our of Leering, W, leading young George Bonn, manager tbe Excel- Kben for the donation of plotures for school first; S. Libby, seoond; Osoar If. The number of new customers added romaotlo actors, by means of the fine In- sior laundry at Sooth Portland, Eas re- Leering, third. room decoration purposes. this week represents about 2000 lights, terpretation he has to Rudolf in moved his family from Stetson to tbs Under 7 foot 3 inches, Oscar F. Leer- g^jen No further business before tbe making more thau 7000 lights now in that and It le doubtless due to the coming bouse vacated ing. first; E. S. Libby, esoond; Osoar F. part reoently by Mr. I’owelsland service. New customers are being add- board, adjournment was made at 9,80 Leering, third. You’ll Have No -rest success he made that he was ohosen on Plekett street. Anxiety ed daily. The total nnmber now being to follow In ‘‘A o’clock. PREMIUMS AWARLEL. W ATE It POWER ELEC- Sothern Colonial Girl," A child of Mr. Tbomas on AngeU ave- eq j supplied by About the bread and pastry part of ♦ TRICITY in Greater Portland is about for the latter play like “Zinda” was one DEATH OF HERBERT A. HUNT. nue, Is slek with aoarlet fever. The following premiums were awarded your company dinner if you use none but “Henkel's X 250. The 44 above named have just been In whiob Mr. Sotbern bad a long run at Mr. Herbert A. Hunt died at bis resi- Virgil Smltb, a young man yesterday: residing Commercial" flour. X added. the Lyceum Theatre, New Fork, Mr. dence, Forest street, Cumberland Mills, with Ms father, Mr. Eben Smith on Best stallion for stock purposes—G. H. Huntoon, "Ocean Wilkes." It is absolutely reliable. Every of it will ♦ Gould !• young, handsome and Intelli- yesterday afternoon about 5 o’olook. Mr, Thornton Heights, was kloked by a horse pound Colt staillons—Geo. L. Loyen, "West- be like other as near gent, and In fact, possesses all the ele- Hunt had been sick a in tbe face and his one just every pound—just perfec- X and great sufferer upper jaw broken, land, Jr.," first; P. A. Loyen, "Capt. THE FLETCHER tlon as good wheat and human effort can ments whioh go to make up tbe success- for the last two years, tbe immediate day this week. Dr. Lombard was sum- Westland." seoond. bring it. J Colt fillies, If it doesn’t suit ful romantic aotor. cause of his death being consumption, moned and attended tbe Injured man. four-year old—J. C. Burn- you, your grocor will give your Y ham, first. The supporting company is essentially resulting from an injury to tbe left Major Seyford 1s passing bis vaoatlon money back. £ Colt fillies, tbrse years old—N B. Lane, the same as that whioh wae last seen shoulder sustained some two lu Soutb Portland. MUSIC K. METHOD. years ago. seoond; W. Plummer, tblrd. here In '‘The Prisoner of Z.ncla,'' togeth- He bas resided at Cumberland Mills for Mrs. Spenoer of Soutb Portland has Mare and foal—Ur. S.L.Loiubard, first. er some Matobed horses— N. B. COMMERCIAL MILLING with of the original members of the past £0 years, wbere he bas been em- gont to Fairfield to visit bar parents for lane, first; Geo. C0„ DETROIT. \ Plaoe, seoond. Min Classes Mr. Sothern’s which In one a few weeks. Woodbury’s oompany played ployed until about year ago, at tbe g Karin horses—N. B. Lane, NOTE—Ollier Commercial Mills products are; "Henkel's Best Flour” (hlehest X first; George "Henkel s Royal Star the piece last year. paper mills. Plaos, seoond. • pradel; Pastry flour/'"Henkel's Wiiolo Wheat Flour." Each Z In the Fletcher Method brand the best in Us class ou the mat ket. Ask your grocer about them. .2 He was £ FALL WILD FLOWERS AT UNDER- active In polltlos, being an MA4NE NEWS NOTES. LA LIES’ LEPARTMENT. will begin on ardent Republican, and often served on »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦♦• ssewssssssssstssmsss »♦♦«♦♦♦# WOOD. White woolen yarn—Addle H. Fender- s*| the olty committee. He was a member first. Tbe annual meeting of tbe stockholders son, of Warren Philips lodge of Masons. An- Kult woolen hose—Mrs. George Carter 30. Underwood Spring to study the fall wild of tbe Edwards Manufacturing Co. was Saturday, Sept. monoongln lodge of Odd Fellows, Pre- first; Mrs.Orris K. Sanborn, second. flowers. The school teachers have been held at tbe office of the agent at the Gent's mittens—Mrs. W. H. TRIMMED Ultohell PATTERNS All should snmpscot Valley lodge, K. of P., and first. applications out there this week with their pupils and mill, at Augusta, Wednesday afternoon. Peqnawkst tribe of Red Men. Mr. Hunt nropli nn 111_Mm dan.. t—_ be made previous to that more are planning to go tomorrow. They The only business transacted was tbe are now from our was married August, 18S1. to Miss Sadie tint; Mary K. Jordan, aeoond. coming workroom every will And flowers both In season and out election of tbe following directors: Dex- Colton Buff—Mrs. There are date, thut hours may be S. Jordan of weBtbrook, who died Janu- Henry A.Ward, flnt. day. new ideas in trimmings that of season, buttercups and red clover ter N. Richards, Boston; Jaoob Edwards, Bilk quilt—Addle H. Fenderson, first a Hazel will Interest you from n fashion suitably arranged. ary 33, 1891, leaving daughter, Woolen quit—Mrs. lint. standpoint, blossoms now ornament the roadsides, Boston; Isaao Fenno, Boston; J. H. Henry Jones, and B. Hunt, now nine years of age. Crochet oounterpane—Mrs. Frank give u fore-taste of the season's styles. appearing thus late by reason of the con- Manley, Augusta; J. Manchester Haynes, tint. Mr. Hunt was born In Portland and Campbell, It’s onr purpose to add (o this department tinued warm weather. Then the searcher Augusta; O. LL Alford, Boston; Wil- Hratdad rugs—Mies K. J. Dyer, flnt: was 40 years and ten months of age. He each day until the opening when the whole after different varieties will And liam Kndicott, Jr., Boston; Isaao T. Mis. F. A. Miller, second. PRIVATE LESSONS fringed was the son of the late slock of iBrael and Amelia Knit rug—Kva M. Hutch, flnt. patterns will be shown, making one gentians, closed gentians, meadow-sweet, Burr, Boston; James B. Case, Boston. ON G. Hunt. Fanoy rug-Mn. Mary A. of those which have more The last were Wood, first; displays than local Indian pipe, goldenrod, silver-rod, fall two additions to tbe board, Mrs. Ueo. seoond. The funeral services ore t > occur Sun- Allen, fame. asters In different colors, fall the others all being tbe oid directors. Hast butter—Mrs. B. F. first. everlasting, afternoon at 3 Carter, day o’clock from the late White bread—Mrs. B. F. Our Stitched Cloth Huts are «N0 dandelions, evening primroses, blazing Curler, fink the best of PIANO CLAVIER resldenoe on Forest street. The servloes Graham bread—Mrs. H.F. Carter, tint. novelties In star, ladles' tresses, witch hazel, herb reudy.to-wear goods. New styles will be are to be conducted Urown bread—Addle given on and by Ammonoongin Fendeison, first; and Us. Robert, Joe-Pye weed, butter and eggs, Mrs. B. F. Carter, seoond. sold only by lodge of Odd Fellows. Tbe burial will A New York Physician Advises Hast utter Sept. 13th. as wall as berries of the Cllntonla, elder, ornamental oaks—Mabel Gilman, icour at Woodlawn oemetery. first. alder, true and false .Solomon's seal, par- His to Patient Take Lydia E. Best loaf oaks made by girl under 14 tridge vine bunehberries and many ether. Morris, lint; Flora L.Burn- On a tour MORRILLS. after wild flowers the beat way Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Care—Lauraini, seooad. J. E. te to make the Collection ot Jelly—Mn. B. F. Carter, PALMER, Hiss Florence E. Underwood Casino your [LETTER TO HU. TINKHAH HO. flnt. 543 Congress Woodbury, headquarters and from there take a walk Street. Mr. Farmer Patton, who ha* teen fill- “ Dear Mrs. Collection of plokloa—N. Fenderson, ont Into the Helds. Pikkham—I have threa OO Pine nearby ing temporarily the position ot Mr. G. first. Street. children and suffered with falling of Cut fiowen—Mra septU dtl W. I. Stevens at J. R. Cobb’s store dur- Henry Jones, flnt: • wimt BENT TO REFORM SCHOOL. the womb and Mra Clara "■ ■ ■ .■ flooding. My physician J. Libby, aeoond. <-s ing Mr. Stevens's absence on a B. PRKS'CMT At yesterday's session or the vaoatluo, scraped the womb, still the Bouquet—Mra 8. Kimball, flret. S4.L8S, TWO MILLIONS A tV'KKS, Muniolpal has flooding Hones L. M. resigned the position to enter tbe continued and I was plants—Mn. Plant, flnt; court, four drunks were dtsposed of with no better. At Fanny Uragdon, seoond. EVERY... MONEY TO LOAN. employ of the Portland Railroad compa- last he sentences ranging from |3 and oosts to advised me to use Lydia E. Oil paintings—Miss Mlda C. Mr. Alexander Arohlbald will Plummer. 90 days In jail. ny. sup- Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Then Water colors—Miss Mlda C. Plummer. ply until Mr. Stevens returns. PaintsS Mlda C. ... MAN Charles M. a I I would write to Mrs. Pink- plaque—Miss, Plum- or Metcalf, boy of 19 years thought mer. Any amount, largo Bmall, to suit Gravel is being hauled from tbe gravel ham for who has been accustomed to wander she could advise me better TRACK 1 tlie borrower on Household of the Portland KVKN'IS. Furniture, about the \ in pit Railroad company to than one if I was FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS oity sleeping dooryards, any to take her reme- TO fflS TRADE Piauos, Stook and also and has Westbrook for use In There were six entries In the 3.50 olaae Organs, Fixtures, persistently refuted to attend tbs work of ballast- dies. I received her and such as wind and Pain in the Stomach, was reply followed and the heat whloh was trotted was school, arraigned on a of tbe new tracks only Farming Stock, Horses, Carriages, Ac., Qlddtnesa, after meals. Headache! charge ing double bring laid In all her directions a ktr. fullness trnanoy, and was committed to the and I am very lively one. Cadenza took the lead and w. fraqaantly anatomars 8 I Drowsiness, of State that glad the same to remain with the owner. We {Haziness, Flushings Heat! Reform school city. to send held it to the end of the first half when Lobs of Blotches on during his minority. you this for ooma to na with Appetite, Costiveness, testimonial, Lydia aofy tad will off furniture leases and advance the SWn, Cold Chills. Disturbed Tbe Westbrook Klsotrlc Light and Pow- E. Pinkham's Behley forged to the front. The horses pay Sleep. Vegetable is Frightful Dreams and all nervona Comjyound wen well bunched and It was In no “ at rates as low as can be had in and DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP?" er company will coramenoe work at once what it is In money Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST ONE just recommended to be. I senes a prooeeelon. Tenderloin made a Put h attrtotlv fbrm WILL on a the State. All loans be 81* RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTE*. new line of poles and wires from advise all women cu the hi may paid by A cheap remedy for ooughs and oolds It who suffer from spurt mestretoh end passing Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be Riverton to won he make th> installments, each all right, but you want something that Duok Pond, n distance ot these complaints to try it.”—Marie Bohley t beat. Just as the honts prloa msonaUs," payment reducing will lelleve and oure turned to oome down the homestretoh the more severe and atout two miles and a half. The West- Lemp, 108 80 Ave. New York both principal and interest Real estate dangerouB resit 1 s of throat and Citt, Cadenza was crowded right on to the la aaoh caoaa tha work la WONDERFUL lung brook company has a contract with the toayy Business Mg troubles. and the a mortgages negotiated. strictly What shall you do? Go to a gram wheel, striking rook, — " warmer city of Westbrook to furnish 25 of the 35 the broke aatlafhctory ud hrlay 1 confidential. and more regular climate! Yes, "A year ago I was a great sufferer enlky down and tbs driver fell M MEDICINE If possible; If not possible tor theu candle-power lights. In addition to those to the ground. He oho wed the best of yon, from painful menstruation. I could Thmy ourm S/ck In either oase take the ORLY nerve by holding on to the reins and promptly Hmmdmohm remedy already supplied in that vicinity by the not lie down that baa been Introduced In all otvlllzed or sit down for the dread- checking the hone befon further Stomach, Impaired Cumberland who any TUB TtfUMTON *.Forr£ Dige*. countries with success In severe illuminating company, ful each month. damage was done. WNT, Liver In Men, Women or throat pain 1 wrote to yon SHAWMUT LOAN Children5$PP,,J^l8or^er®t^ and lungStroubles, “Bosobee'g German furnished 30 lights free for permission and CO., Ripens Tabulee are without a took twelve bottles of E. _JJnrnninry: rival and they now have the b' It not to ran Lydia largest sale of only heals and stimulates a pole line tnroogh tbe Duck Pond any patent medicine in the world. the tissues to Pinkham's Vegetable and 68 destroy the germ disease, village. Compound, _^___J>S;60i<01aisjiJ>ur»eJlMl;__^^^ Market Street, P.rtlisl Meioe. but it has me so cannot find ’air allays inflammation, causes easy ex- The helped I Tenderloin, (K, Fields), 1 a black degree was conferred on a L J. pecloratlon, gives good night's rest, words to express my gratitude toward B., (L. J. Braokett), g and onree the patient. one candidate at the of Lebanon Nlole (W. K. $33.00 Try bottle, meeting Mrs. Pinkham. I am well and Lion, Dyer)' 3 REWARD. xecominended many years all to-day Bohley, (H. K. DU MUNDSINS TALLMENTS. • WANTED by drug- oommandery, Knight of Malta held Wed- Dyer), 4 In the b” ‘t.”—Miss Jots * o* Wd gists world. Sample bottles at F. Saul, Dover, Kllxa Weeks, (P. H boyen), B have a assortment of Diamond hmlUi that S1H« trltt aot kw K. nesday avenlng. Tha following appoin- Claus WE large Flokett's. 918 Dun forth St; K. w. Co., Mich. Cadenza, (J. k. P. Ro/en), a Kings, Pins, Ear Kings and Scarf Pips, 107 tive officers were all and This Is a Steven'a, Portland St; McDonough duly Installedi First More than a All events have been good quality perfect. very million women have declared of ex- to a as we make the 4k Sheridan’s, £85 Congress St; and J. K. guard, Kdward standard easy way buy Diamond Jones; bearer, beeh Mrs. cept the two raoee aohodnled for payments so by that you will not miss the old & Co.’s, 910 Federal St. Mr. helped by Pinkham's advloa yottirday Dlcsinare; warden, Philip School; and medicine. whloh will be tretteA money. Me KENNEY. The Jeweler. Monu- Saturday afternoon. ment square. feb9dtf TO LET. TO LET. APPEAL TO M’KINLEY. The "Cheat de Qaerte" wee rnngjln BUMMER BOARD. _fon SALK. leltrloh'e house the next and we a day, words N—rtc4 wader IkU hood the of tbe Garde Forty nnd*r «hl* head word. wrformed by band Forty words Inserts* under this head *Mk for M roots Mth In MTArM. Forty word* Inverted rort? Inserted under this head A HOT , '■thslleg Aroused Over Dese- Rationale at a review within the next >»• M I advance. ■"« work for kS TIME. Alleged ons In advance. week for cent*, cuh cask week for 95 cents, rash cents, In sdranes. vert. Since then It baa become univer- cration of Clturelt Property In LET—Two very convenient rent* in excel- Kin* Louis gave rO rooms sally popular. Phllllppe AY MOMD SPRING H0U8K, FRlCM RE- lent location, six and bath, separate t BO LET—Rent of eight rooms and bathroom. Philippines. a and than seems uroaees and sn^^oconffTTmi^—»Pe?6-"T'M53 be oomposer pension DUCED FOR BKFT. AND OCT. Gives every modern convenience, at No. L at 273 Congress St., bead of India St. r, *»»>**• «y*»5kisiton lofks. at good hsr- de Dale to 7 Lawn Si. to GEO. T. EDWARDS, at K&lBe. I Oil If I.. Cantlnneri from First T’sgr. Ittle doubt but that Kouget transportation from New Gloucester deoot Apply _231 HVtlE, No. 22 Exchange vrote the words, but the oompoeer of tbe the R. 8. House. Foland Springs tlio Shakers' niltaae Manufacturing Co tat to 907 Kenno- Urtst, l’orllsud, Milne, !2 l A to tbs New York to tbo lec St, foot or Green Si, Me. 191 f desirable corner rent of 13 Washington special isusls Is by no means so certain. By one week’s entertainment and return jou Portland, very Chris Hol- N. O. for fto and 9JO. rLRT—Alarge rooms, steam bent. 3 bath rooms, hot of «*»•". road While ■Iff, Boston; T. Callahan, World uys: Cardinal tilbbcna called at sssssfl it Is to have been tbe work Depot $7. reguUr price 10* ftftflCWIE? alleged The Maine Central Railroad will give regular party having a modern house nd cold water. Apply SOUTH WOKTU “‘“f Publications. si 3 rent, John J, >f and there are alto other sell.V,iYV 25c per dozen, yoke; Halelgh, Northampton; | he White Honee today and bad a long Naotigllle, transportation and return for 51-25, or tatur- rl.ET—Awould let a lew furnished rooms; sunny; J iROH., 10# Middle St.22-1 btaatlanl, Uusic tl sail ilalmsnls I opulsr Music esn be fourd In Jamei H. Mellen, Woroestei; Hairy J to day ticket round trip for Sun- entral to business; professionals of students this lot. “A lonference with the President relative good, Saturday, f LET—Down stairs rent of 6 ■evelry lor also a The great oomposar Robert Schumann day and lor 85 cents. This Is the most (referred; investigation solicited; references. rooms, 07 teachers." few codes ol lot. James K. Monday r Danforth street, #11. First class house ousie.left. U, C. Jaqultb, Wellesley; Donoghue, , ifTalrs In the Philippines and the alleged svsu attaohed to tbe air of lnexi*n*tve tnd delightful trip in New Eng- Iddress B. R., Tress office. 19-1 HaWJCS, JK„ 431 1 ..ogress particularly y rlth all modern steam iireets Daniel N, land, if you make U will never regret It, Improvements, bea», 2|.| Lawrence; Crowley, Danvers; , leaeoratlon of Cathollo Churoh property ’La Marseillaise He Introduced It lu you * emral location, for call, wri e day in advance of coming, state what LET—Ups'alrs rent of six or seven rooms, particulars ft rooms M. John J. Hoss, nore or less inodiUed form Into at least t William (Stephen Wnlsh, Lynn; ihere by American soldiers. train, wa will trect ana make rO very sunny and pleasant. 51 CONGRESS Oakdale, street, #8.33. N. S. HALE—First class residence, 3 years old, hree bis tbe eona you promptly \ M St. pOlt Patrlok J. of compositions—In you and comfortable. Remember Sept IT., eoruei of Ktnertop. 191 1AKDKEK. Exchange 21-1 ?- until for horns ol owner, one of the mosl Cambridge; Daly, Boston; The Cardinal, who returned to Baltl- to pleased "1 be 1 wo Grenadiers," the overture and Oct are the banner mouths to be in tnc lesirablo streets In western part; 12 rooms aud William a Boston; James K. TO No. 8 Park MoNary, nore at 4 p. in., refused to make eny 'Hermao and Dorothea" and In the country. Shooting am! Ashing never wsa better LET—Rooms, furnished or unfurnished, [Tenth LET—Horn*. Place" mih, finished In while wood, steam heat and E. 8 rooms; lower rent. 5 rooms, .if) »il medt-in Fitzgerald, Boston; A. C. Drink water, itatement the conversation ‘Fsaohlog* Sohwankaus Wrln." than at the present time. Address C. rO s'eam heat, with board. MRS. If. M. Clark; Improvements; lot 301 P&, sun all concerning wrer rent. 7 rooms. 37 Clark; upper rent, 7 W. The Russian national anthem la a SMALL, North Kaymoud. 5tf IEKD, IGOSpriug St. 19 1 #0,600. H. WALDRON A CJ., Bra'n‘ree; Charles C. Paine, Uyannls. wtween the and htmerlf. very ooms, 23 Orange; lower rent. 5 rooms. 40 leO Middle 8t. President com- an One end Impressive hymn. It was lone; upper rent, c rooms, r>7 llannvcr. Ap- Bon George Krsd Williams, chairman From a of Information here HOUSE. North WJnuham. Mo. Now LET—Lower tenement of 7 rooms, 81 Pearl high souroe by Lovff In 1830, lu Austria ily to WILLIAM H. WILLARD, 18412 Mid- posed LAKE for the season of 1*99. Quiet loca- rO St., corner oi Federal St., $20. re V42 IT OR HALE—Light Kockaway carryall, one of the committee on revolutions then 11s learned that oom “Oott Krhalts Open Inqu , l!e St. 21-1 Indignation regarding 'Papa" Haydn posed tion. Supplied with nnescelled mineral water. ,’a.nbf rUnd St. 19 1 horse can handle It any where; wood back mad the wai unanimous- Franz dar and he need the seme Good bass daalrable rooms; with window, high sash all sound platform,whloh he reported outrages in the Philippines Kaiser," ami salmon Ashing; 1 doors, aud L. ro LET—Large pleasant rooms, steam heat good, needs no theme, with variations as ths alow raove- rates reasonable; correspondence solicited. LET— In western of a detached L repairs; lust right for mil aud ly adopted. iss become Intense throughout the part euy, and bath. 34 PINE ST. 2l 1 nent of a string quartette It la a sad, 8. FREEMAN, proprietor. Je2»dl2w» IOhouse of 8 rooms and bath ; heated tnr.mgh- Si?iVru2«!., will **11 ,ow bradlfy a The endcrres the flnanolal is MALL. 35 Preble St, 2:-1 platform Jathollo population of the United States, rather melancholy air, but striking lu Its mt with hot water. open nlunihtn.: aud all mod , CUMMER BOARDERS WANTKD-At Clover LET—Nicely furnished room, large and of the Cbloaeo platform. It ref are oast Peautlful frn couvc. iooces; reut $460. Apply at37 I'lne rO VOU ha plank Sunday almost every Ultbop and slmulloity.' © date Gilead. Me., ritual6d in vicinity airy. In good quiet location, near first-class LE—On of the largest and most tlior- In Sweden the national Is oallrd Farm, it. sepiyif to the war as one foroed upon the In commented hymn of White on ABdroscoggtu river, loaning house. 1ft Gray • reet, between Park 1,1 on lino Spanish \rohblehop the country Mountains, fr * r •King Christian.” Its composer Is un- rooms, excellent table, beautiful sur- indBtite. 20 1 Plti .p e*, finished in fancy w oods,elec trio by Democrats, but ao- good LET—A peasant front room with alcove hard Republican Congress ipon the alleged euplennese of the but ths hunting hell-, Path, wood floors aud every modern known, greet Meyerbeer bring* rounding, and sporting opportunities, ItO on floor with bath; also 2 sonare rooms convenience. bolds the Philippine war to be wanton hcrltles In the It Into hla brolber Michael Beer's no better p'ace In country to rusticate, DEWEY HOPPER Havo you seen-!!? Very large lor. Tbs property Philippines. play, special altli or without board. MRS. SKILLINGS, 5 rHE ,w ,>fl over- terms ami October. Apply K. U. The greatest fun producing novelty ever appreciated. Enquire of and needless. "Back of the gaudy trap- Schurman’a assertion that no "Strums c," to which he wrote the September Jongress Park. 19-1 W.BUS5?*»5* p. room 18.-. i.Piof. » nvented. You can’t CARK„ 5, Middle Ht.. city. 20-1 ture and incidental mesto. BENNETT. Uead, Maine.£64 help laughing, everybody pings of Imperialism," It adds, "lurks 'Vldenoe could be to show that aughs with you. order one or vmi ’ose produced was of tba LET—Tenement of 6 rooms, Unlay "Ca Ira" the typical song newly painted ots of fun Sample loo silver. BAY STATE SALE—Hot air furnace, good as new. It the leu but more terrifying r and Sebago and ail on FORI* uow spcctaoular iny outrages bad been oommltted upon French Republicans during the revolu- papered; privilege* 1PKCIA1.TY MFO. CO.. Worcester. Mass. 20 l taking up room used f-r steam heat- WANTED-SITUATIONS. Irst floor: very views; opposite post ing and will be form of militarism. Nearly all free ihuroh eerved to tion • f and shared with La Carmag- peasant apparatus, sold at a very low property only nelghtan 1707, iffice. East Deerlug; rent reasonable to irood pr.ee. size. 101 DAN nole the distinction Revo- LET—The second a new Urge FORTH ST. 20-1 peoples of tbs world gaze In amazement of lnaplilngths enanU Apply to MR*. J B. ROBINSON, W and third flats in eellng. to ell their worst deeds ltr ANTED—Situation as salesman In grocery IO bouse fl rooms, bath, hot water; coruer lutionists of Im- Main street, or W. II. WALDRON & Co.. 180 on the at the fnolllty with whtub monopolistic One of the eooleelastlos here stork that h is good business; Imre hart irant and Grove streets, and 7 HALE—Apples tiee*, quite a lot leading piety and rapine. Its composer was one VIiddle street. 191 gift #16. rooms, FORof nice Fall nd Winter fruit to experience. Amcilcan.nge 22, good address and ‘I Federal street, 3. Offices at 92 be sold on creations In the Unltad Stutss are able Mid n aide dram at the Parla $ Excbarge the tree, fair offer will bo today: Uecourt, player education, goj 1 penman and show card itreer. OOLK8WOETHY BOOK tSTOKE.92 Ex- any accepted. Call both The worda were to a at oucc. L. M. 53 to recure the aid of armed forces, The protest tiled by the Metropolitan opjra. suggested lettcrer. For Interview address B., Argus sliange street. 20-& LEIGHTON, Exchange. street singer called Ladre General 251 _MISCELLANEOUS._ atnte and federal to overawe their work- l'ruth with the President has the by ____10-1 Soelety Lalayetie. who remembered Office._ LET—Lower rent, five rooms-and bath; Benjamin like Forty words Inserted ntulrr thla head roll SALE-- Ons 25 H. engine and oue 24 Ingnfen In time of labor dissensions." ndorsemeot of every Cathollo In the Franklin’s et drug clerk—would r bright ard sunny. Located at No. 10 New ■ favorite raying each pro- one Inch surface planer for sale Registereda po«t ion. city ol Portland preferred, can week for 25 cents, cask In Rdvanc*. «ss St. to GEO. T. cheap. Ad- Trusts are denounced as wholly are ot the American Insurrection. Dongl Apply EDWARDS, dress W. D. 4f T~“ evil, United States. These outrages steadi- gress come well reoonimended an I wifi woik for a it lb© Williams 191 HCUOLEH, Newbury st!, City. 'ihe air cf "Rartant la Manufacturing Company, and consumer. It seems pour Sjrle” Is reasonable Address F. H. C.. Box 207 % despoiling producer ly reported on wbat unimpeachable salary. AND RENTS—Frederick S. Tali I ;o Kruucuec *t., foot of Green at., Pcrt- ______lo-i ?Jj nouneoted with the Kmpiror Napoleon 3*3, Richmond, Maine.161 ■AHOUSES and, Me. 19-1 demands that the refuse to net lias the largest list of houses and leuts FOR store. con- legislature inthorlty. They are Indignities only III. as U w. s com bis mother HALE—Variety Including f posed by lor sale and fs let of any Real Ks ate Ofllce in a fecilonery. cigars, tobaccos, ratify the lease of the Boston & A NT ED—Situation by a working house- IPO LET—A lower rent of 7 rooms, on Cum- stationary, Albany, to Catholtolsui but to Christianity. (jasen Hortsnse, In 1800. shsitly before flT Portland. Ills specially Is mo*-t- magazines, Ice cream, soda and keeper; la a widow ami has a child 10 negotiating A berland street. rent of 7 rooms nowspipers; but to it for the state, kleotlon tbe battle of ram. The words were reuts and lhe of #18; up- has been established 8 purchase “Tha ldia of the Troth Wap of no oblecaon to into the ?agcs, collecting general care years with a net profit Metropolitan years age; going REAL own #70; rent ot 6 rooms central gift; 4 good of senators direct an by Count Alexandre de Laborde. The beat of references. Add-ess M. E. uropjrty. Particulars, ESTATE OF- §800 per annum; cause for aelllng poor of by vote, eight-hour was to the matter to the country; ents near Grand Trunk, aud other rents In all li society bring showed him a ot a 16-1 FICE. First Natioual Bank Building.22 1 alth; nice store, low rent, price fHnj no life tenure queen picture knight W.. Argus Office. 5%rts of city from $5 to #20. W. P. CA1IK. woik dty, abolition of for ittcntlon of the a bonus. W. H. WaLDKON & CO., 180 Middle President In snoh way In armor cutting an Inscription on a Falrservlce would like to [loom ft, Oxford Building. 18-1 of io-i members judlolsry, public ownership hat be could take the Initiative In an ln- atone with the point of hti sword. He NOllCE—Jamoihave his sisters. Sadie or Barbara, to call street.______FEMALE HELP WANTED. an him at CO FREE 8T. LET—I will build a house for any good of niuniulptil business < liter prises, are and the 21-1 LOTH FOR HALE—Lot corner restlgatlon punleb guilty. If any rO person a steady / to have composed tba air. Others, how reputable having position CiORNERAshland and Beacon streets; lot corner among tfce other things asked. The clos- mob were II KS. K. F. APPLhBY, Chiropodist, owing to ind sell on monthly No’Eash down. found. claim the Drouet and Nar- Forty words Inserted under tlxla head tfA payments. Highland aud LongfelLw streets; lot corner ever, oiuslo. a continuation of hay fever, will not re- Now Is Don’t wait until wo la an ondersmeut of your opportunity. Brig Ii ton aye. and Highland lot corner ing plark Bryan. “When Archbishop Cbapelle was ap- olss) Carbonel seem to l>e the only two one week for 93 cents, cash In advance. lume work till after Oct. 1st. 24-1 withdraw this offer. P. Room 1H& street; W, CARR, ft. Mabel and Newman streets; also lo s on Lawn The repirt of the commit ee on the bal- and who may have had a hand In It. Middle St. 18-1 pointed Delegate Apoetollo to Cuba hirumuu -■"•icci nii'i ion III noum on* In America “Hall Colombia" and the W! f» r HP —Tn nrl*At« fnmitlo. In Port land and land. occe of the state tloket wits then made, was tbe WANTED AT ONCE-A laun- Apply to GEO. T. EDVVAKDS, Williams Porto itlco he Iralruoted by Pops "" competent El i?ht»lot. You can find competent RENT—Home, No. 6ft State hav- "Star-Spangled Banner" share equally dress and chambermaid. or ad- Leering street, Manufacturing Comp my. lui to 237 Kennebeo ■anti fcha liitt nf nnnilifiAlMa nhnvM imm- Apply cooks and general housework if you will FOR all modern t> use his good offices with tbe President the honor of the dross ( APT. BA I Fort Preble. 22-1 girls ing improvements, large sunny street, Portland, Me. pj-l expressing musically LEV. call at office. chIs waiting to desirable tlone.i was ardor sf the Slater. my Seventy-five yard.an.] exceptionally surrounding*; unanimously ailopted. n any matters concerning the Philip- patrlotlo United to iuii take situations in iaiutlies and hotels. will be In induce- WANTED-Tweiuy-fire"" girls power private put thorough repair; special SALE—Hotel and restaurant, contain- Mr. Paine was escorted to the 1'bey are both extremely at our MLS. PALM 399 pisiform pines. until such time as a regular dele- popular mire, machines. Apply to Mr. Keller KK, 1-2 Congress 0t. 16 1 ments to a small private family. For permit FOlling 15 rooms, well furnished, doing a good and are too known to need with rounds ol wall Illus- manufactory. MILLIE EN, COUSE NS & *nd other particulars apply. Real K*t*t? Office, paying business, has 24 boarders be- l-elng greeted several for tbe could be ap- regular gate Philippines tration. SHORT. 21-1 EXCHANGE—I want to procure |*n In- First National Dank building, FREDERICK S. side trauscients, near eastern steamers, illness cheers as he wss Introduced. pointed. Although It Is not onr national anthem, FORterest lu a good, saleable patent for the VAILL. 16-1 of parties reason for selling at a great sacri- The committee to select the refereoce to "Mule Britannia” be strong, capable woman, mid- Western States. 1 have a valuable piece of fice. Apply to N. 8. GARDINER, 53 appointed has been so busy may WANTED—A RENT—Have our rent Exchange “Archbishop Chapelle die aged to go Into the country timber land in the Blue Grass Legion, com- Just completed 18-1 to convention then Included hero. The song was composed preferred, FORlist which covers all locations from delegates the;national with the oaras under hla Immediate for general housework, and to assist in care of prising 160 acres, all free and clear, warranty Mini- street.___ by Dr. Thomas Arne for his masque of |oy Hill to Union from ift to Oil made its report which wss Invalid lady. two in family. Good wages deed, that I will exchange for a patent, if the Station; prices $50; If SALE—By Austin Si Shearman, valuable adopted. that be has the words were Thomson Ouly house. 7 In line 2 A charge fouud.it Impossible!to “Allred," by and homo to light party. Apply evenins be- patent Is valid. Address IIAN8COM, No. 48 rooms. condition, minutes property situated 326 Stevens Plains Ave., attend to Philippine matters. In the and Mallet, and tne Urst performance tween 7 and 9 o’clock at 62 NKA L ST. 21-1 Fiske Building, bow on, Mass.16 1 from Congress Square S16: desirable location. Deering Dili, house of )0 rooms, hot ana cold MODERN (OATS OfITa 1L. took place nt Cllefden House, Maidenhead. Apply FRANK B. SHEPHERD & CO., Raal water, hath aud open fire places, electric lights, meantime Cardinal Gibbons, as the Aroh- uNF wishing a restful vacation will find Estate 45 Exchange 8t.lft-1 an acre and of In was the resldenoe "lVANTED—Two la- Office, 5-8 land on line of electrics: 1740. CUefden then bright. Intelligent young ANYthere Is no better place to obtaiu It to tbe than in and terms satisfactory. Another one blsbop residing nearest Preeldent, of Frederick, Prince of Wales, and the dies to travel as for the and LET—House, No. 154 Pearl street; con- price of representative}* around the now famous Wadsworth Hall; the best houses in Deering 1st. situated No, Carious of the llrltlsli Red Cross society la the state of Maine. Good 1H) tains nine rooms. at No. ift2 Story Way has been deluged with letters and prtl- occasion was to commemorate the acces- the house will be open during the fall mouths; Inquire 27 Pleasant street; a modem house of 12 salary and expenses paid. Address RED PEARL STREET, 16-1 rooms, sion of George L the birthday of terms, |5 per week. Address JOHN B. PIKE, complete and Officers Protect Themselves. tlons to make some effort to remove the .and ( BOSS, this oftUe. 21-1 luarrangements very desirable; Prlnoeas Augusts. Dr. Arne afterwards Hiram, 18-1 price is right. Let us talk it over with you. cause ot tbe trouble Inducing the Me._ LET—Furnished rooms, steam heat, with by altered the Into an and It ELF^WANTED^At Malne^Generiil Ho£ full line of trunks and can AUSI IN & SHEARMAN, 210 Stevens Plains masque opera, bags always be TO or without board, at No. 11 MYRTLE ST., President to act in such a th it there so I>lta 1 two kitchen girls, and one for gen- A found at K. I). and Avenue. 19-1 way was performed at Drury Lane In 1745. REYNOLDS, trunk bag apposite City llall. 16-1 (f rom the London Globe. hla “Uooastonni eral work. 291 manufacture), 6OB Congress street. Congress could be no to tbe attitude Handel used the air in SALk-Gnod hoards and also h suspicion'os Square, indies' and gents dress suit cases at roofing To the uninitiated the of armor Oratorio," and Beethoven live TtO LET—About October 15, lower FORlot of 2x6 and 2x8 floor limbers. 12 to 21 day* cf the military authorities In the Islands. oompessd WANTED —An experienced ah prices. Old trunks takeu In exchange. Open pleasant variations on the air of "Hale Britannia. J rent of six rooms at No. 29 Mechanic St.. feet long: from $8.00 to $tn.oo per thousand, have slnoe but a vis.t a WAITRESSwaitress wanted. Inquire at 106 evenings. connection. Trunks re- long gone, to “There are now In the hands of tie Telephone Woodford*. Cement Th.s lumber Is as as new. 'Dm most modern of all popular nation- VAUQHAN STREET. 20-1 20-7 cellar, furnace beat, good Also one hood certain firm In palred.__ convenient to electrics. and brackets, and double front all in first- situated the West .Knd oi Flllplcos 887 priests, 120j of whom are al airs Is “Die Wacht am Kbeln" which stable, garden lawn, door, -Girl for general housewoik. WILL BUY household goods or store of WATSON, 12 Monument 14-tf class condition. F. E. BRIGGS. Can- London will reveal the fact that hundreds was In 1851 C. a IVANTED Ap*- VI/*5 Iuquire Sq. Deering Augustlnlan monks. It Is understood compcsed by Wilhelm, v V fixtures of any or will re- ter, Me. itj ply at Clark St 19 1 description, _ German schoolmaster mil not a ceive the same at our auction rooms for •f tests of mail ore sold annually to Is to rslease profess- LET—A furnished house tor the winter. that Agulnnldo willing these, ional remained sale on commission. GOSS & ryiOA Rifles and ammunition, fishing tackle! musician. It compara- ANTED— Coat makers. WILSON. with nine room*, situated In the officers In tie Itrlttsh Array. The maker not veesels to makers, pant 154 pleasantly OUNh,baseball goods, boxing glove*, strikiug but Gen. Otle will allow tively, If not entirely, unknown until 1870 Ur L. YOU G & Auctioneers, Middle street, corner Silver western part of the city. Inquire at Room 23, Steady work, good pay. 0. si reel. hags, foot balls, huutlng hoots and shoes, gun Is a well-known guusai ith, and a lurge enter under to when on tho occasion of the outbreak of _feha-tf Y. M. C. A. Bui scptftdtf porta Filipino oontrol CO._scpio-tf ding._ and bicycle oil. new cigar lights, repea ing air of his Income Is the Franco-German war the young fl'O LE I— l tie modern couched tenement, 122 rines. knives and portion derived, not from crlng them off. young woman or lutclMgence pocket scissors. Prices low. who had learned the WANTED—A LOST AND FOUND. A pjirk street, near Hpilng streer, containing G. L. BAILEY. 263 Middle St. but privates mostly song and refinement to act as companion and K 2 manufacturing guns, through the The Arch bishops are now considering 8 rooms, bathroom, laundry, and up-to-date at school, it as tbelr national attendant of a lady in impaired health. Appli- OK SALE—Bargains In "Made sale of armor to officers. As a adopted and heating, a low to small If Strong" general the preparation of u circular letter deal- chorus, and It has ever since then main- cants will please give name, age, references Forty words Inserted nnder this head price A trousers we sell for J>1umbinttof adults. Apply to J. r. BABB, 272 $l.Oo. $1 25, $1.60. $2.00 is at and Address PORTLAND, care one amlly and rule, the mail enclosed in leather oav- with the various of tbe oase. tained out the same position to the experience. week for S45 cents, cash In advance. Middle street, or the $2.50 i>er pair—best value for the money ing aspects of • owner.amdnf actual nat'ornl that with us Dally Press. 18 I sold If not on exami- which Is snvn inside tne tunic eo as anthem anywhere. satisfactory lag, “There Is In this country abundant KENT—House 140 Pine street. Fosses- nation, money will he refunded bv to "Kule Britannia" does to "God Have the h.M)]Rston at returning to be invisible unless the given Immediately. Enquire PORT- us before havlog been worn. HASKELL & garraent^is testimony ot a direot character to these Malt LAND HAVINGS 83 Queen.”—London Great Diamond Island: a man- BANK, Exchange street. JUNKS. Lancaster Monument square# plc’sed to plsoes. And the same with Ii those who mako the 1-1 f Building, outrages. allega- WANTED. FOUND—Ondolin. Inquire at the store of MORE I Li, __15-4117-A helmets—a similar device Is tizwl as lin- THE y. M. C. A. IN PORTO RICO. & on the Island. tions have borne falee witness should ROSS, 22-1 1JLEA8ANT well furnished rooms, centrally A UN DRY— 500 will they A $2 buy my laundry! so bb to additional located, with table board at No. ft IJ ing give protection In Oe punished. Without regard to creed or oolor the Forty words Inserted under tills bead OST—A pocketbook containing a sum of goad small town; good business; enclosed stamp I * and a deed of lot In the be- Congress Park, head of Park street. MRS. for particulars. Box easd of nesd. Some offio-jrj are not mw Ycurg Men's Christian Association one week for 29 cents, cash In advance. money cemetery, Address, LAUNDRY, “It Is said that the President has tween Murr.lls Corner and Deering Center be- SKILLINGS._Jlyaidtf ttl 076 mail In ban Juan Is winning Its way with 1567.__au29-4 wearing vests underneath their ordered n and a tween 4 and 5 o’clock. Finder leave at 210 Ste- rilO LET—Store No. 88 now oc- complete [Investigation officers and men alike and dolnir tome Exchange St, SALE—House and collage lots for sale tunloi and perfectly obvious to tbeir vens Fliins avenue and te resarJed. 19-1 A Portland < o. Pos- from tbe of the cupled by Phonograph IfORat Willard Beach. Houili Portland. For cemrades, who, scoff prompt report Philippines." very illccilve work Both the English WANTED—Information whereabouts session 161 h. CI1A8. JR. a.though they may ** of Albert J. will be for July MCCARTHY, particulars enquire of 11. E. WILLARD. Beach in time of U ana Spanish languages are ured, and Frsz-r, paid at lbs road between Tuck Fond and 6-tt peuoe, woul te only too glad GKKMAN CATHOLICS ACT. 186 MIDDLE ST. 20-1 street. Willard. ^aug28*ilmo man ol who or what he Rooms, LOST—OnMerrills Corn* a black to don one themselves when In the mid- every regardless r, lady’s cloth cape, O LET—summer v.sltors take nonce the lined w itli blHck silk. Will the finder f| FOR CASH, or will exchange for did of hostilities. The of the St. Pan), September 80— Keso lotions la, llnds a welcome and a friend In the please ■ Balue House is located Oil Spring majority ANTED—To purchase for cash a light busl- A. W. HAWES. 90 Elm St 19 1 centrally (iHEAPreal estate, manufacturing plant lu association. W■v notify cor. rooms and Price $1.00 Boston, maker’s customers are officers, because were adopted by the German Central ness tn this city, or an interest hi an es- street, OAK, board. goods In constant demand by all grocers ana of the association per the suits are The headquarters tablished business. Address -M.” P.O.Box Mon ills corner and a day._13-tf owner to must very exoensive, costing Catholic Society today protesting against city provision dealers; going Cuba; about ten guineas each. Nevertheless are well equip; ed. In addition to the 877, City. 20 LOST—Betweensilv er cap from the wheel of the hearse of RENT—Up|>er flat, bouse No. 199 Spring dispose or business quick; ouly small capital the desecration of ohurohes la the .Phil- have a line JAMES A. FOR•trail, eight rooms, besides hails and bath to run business. to some ‘Tommies'' are prepared to spend regular reauing-rconi they MARTIN, undertaker. If the required Apply OWNER, are to us a and lluder will the owner a favor would room, wilh steam heat and all modern im- room 21U, Milk street. Bos- that amount in order to insure them- ippines, dsplorlng the fact that the Pope library of selected boohs which loaned drop postal notify great Equitable building, HOUSEKEEPERSwe will call after thyroid rags, bottles, be conferred.18-1 provements; large lot. in first class order. ton.lly203twtf selves to a certain extent to the men. The reoreatlon room la very against the was net Invited to tend a to tbe bones, brass, copper, lead-, zme and Inquire at 44 DEEKING ST., morning, noon delegate bnt not more so than the cor- pewter. SALE—Lot'2 inch 2nd baud enemy's spent bullets. A sains; a modern popular, We nay highest spot ca»h prices. JaMES T 08T OR STOLKN-At Gorham fair. Stor- or 1-2| steam teoent Peaoe Cooferenon, and extending room, where mer ’99 model No. night*_sepft-l-tt FORpipe, suitable for running water or bullet, lired at short of course, respondence every facility WHITE & CO., Portland Pier, Is our address. b5cycle, 8093, color rob- KENT- House No. street. Nine light dLtanoe, in’s Morrill 63Giay steam pressure, just tbe stuff for cellar or this.* suits of armor are next thanks to Emperor William for tbe pre- is furnished to write the letter that keeia 19 1 egg blue, automatic brake and piazza to uselecs, FORrooms beside balls, bath and store rooms; come if want some. the in tnuob cosstcr. Kelley bar with leather posts, early you REUBEN may be Instrumental In sentation him to the of the wrlt-r with the home and adjustable hot and cold water, set tubs, furnace heat; although they by Pops grips Vim tires,front lire had some around WESUOTT, 137 Liucolu SL, foot of Myrtle. ooursa homeland. A novel feature Is the restan- In need cf dry kindlings, tape with good yard room. Ail In first class order. turning its or stopping its pane- of WANTED—When it. Reward wl.l he for information _2» lake, ending with fireworks for Lully the great great remedy pain ehanlcal work. P. O. Box 1096. 19-1 and set 'soenes. The composer 1633-87, plaoe Is crammed rests on the “Souvenirs de la Marqulso man lo learn the and the Blue Hungarian bands are la as young drug de Crequl,” which Is now known to be a WANTED—Abusiness. store in the muoh for ‘■Baht" Said the Large courtry* request dancing and reunions modern fiction. Victim. first-class place for the right fellow. Acdress as If the London season were In full 'X'be air of "God Sava the 1s “So your neck you'/’’ said the Soutliworth B. Box 1557,11-2 In the London Queen” p%jns Bros., swing. faot, season Is In also the Danish national anthem and physician. full swing, with a of the ffiRAVELlNGman; position permanent; $60 background Rig that of It was In a inontn and References re- and tug Germany. published “Yet, terribly!” walled the patient. 10M09 MIDDLE ST. per expenses. PUf Uerlln In 1798, and Is known In that “Sorry, sir, but 1 cau't I'm au*i!8Utl quired. CLARK & CO., 234 8. 4th, Sr.. Phil*, It Is ail very pretty, glad for help you. 9-tf trade, oouutry by itsopeqing line, “Hell Ulr lm not a Pa.Sept novel and luxurious; but the simplicity at specialist in rubber.”—Detroit Free Sieger krans.” TIT ANTED—Two at Swiss life and the restful of a Press. pressmen Portland qualities The words and muslo of "a La Mar- *v No. 10 Free street. Bwiss tour are threatened for the MARRY NELLIE. Tailoring Company, story seillaise" are said to Deby Claude Ruuget 20-1 comes from all parts of the great ME, plavlng- de Lisle, a captain of who I will such a ground of At Chateau Ollex engineering And buy you pretty Ring at Europe. was quartered at Strasburg wheo the Me Kenney’s. A thousand solid gold Kings CABINET MAKERS WANTED, they hare a golf at Luoerns are olub, thay volunteers of the Has Khlo raoelred or- Diamonds. Opal-Pearls, Rubles, Emeralds aud this year op a tennis With ail other stones. and First class men nee 1 BERLIN getting olub. ders to join Lnckner’s army. Uletrloh precious Engagement only, apply. the customary week of Wedding Rings a Largest stock in MILLS CO., No. 404 Commercial street, Porfi» festivity, Import- the of In a dle- specialty. odl players and mayor Strssburg, having. CASTOBIA city. McKENNEY, The Jeweler, Monument laud. Maine. aug24dlmo prises. Luxury Is Invad- ousslon on the wai the regretted that the sol- ing mountains, and and rest Bears the of Cbas. H. Flztcxu. Square.mar22dtf qnlet diers had n o patriotic spug to as signature grow much more difficult to Und. sing they marched out, Bouget as Lisle, who In use for more than thirty yean, and was of the party, returned to hls A THOUSAND RINGS. lodg- EJu Kind You Have Aiwa,yt Bough!* 75c. Two millions A uierloans suffer tort ura ings at the Malson Hockel. No. Grande "Do MAINSPRINGS, 12, you like hat?” To select from. Diamonds, Peal, during pangs of dyspeptic. Mo need to. Hue and In a fit of ent buiiaim my Opals. composed Tlie best American Mainsprings, msde by the Xubys and all other precious stones, Engage, Burdook Blood Bitten oures. the of '‘More than I can tell but I love Its At any during night April 24, 1792, tbe ;• darling little owner.* Elgin end Waltham companies. Warranted stent and Weddiug Xing, a specialty. Largest drug store. words and muslo of the immortal aon*. now sweet! It to sister. I’ll call her.’’ (nr one year. MoKKN.NliY. U>e Jeweler mock in the city. ilclvXN.N EV, tire Jewel,, belongs Monument bauare. marlOdU j I Monument square. marchlPdtt ~m~=^=====H=====!==SS===!==S5!====5=?= Pork, S««r, Ur4 and Poultry. — CORN. Bnttar smtil,: Wertaru ereunnrr lsaMc: LYNN—Ar 20th, sch Samos, Philadelphia. KAUJtOADg ITEAMBM. FINANCIAL AND COIMERCIAL Pork-Heavy.J* September.. 34*% 34Mi NEW LONDON-Ar 2nth, «ch Alfred W Fisk. Pork—Medium. Kelley, Mew York far Boston Beef-l u CwmMMl; large Nhite at 10*c; small NEWPORT NEWS—Mid 34>tn. schs O SS3 S3 1 Ilenry Portland Beef—heavy. «|||!>'H 4 ailYsc; large colored llc;«mali do Mur re K H G Dow, & Yarmouth Eloetrie Co. half OAT*, ft, Davis, Portsmouth; Wary Ry. BoMleu, 11*^11** Malcolmson, Boston; K W Hopkins. Illehborn, ALLAN LINE I4trd—tea and half bbl,pure.. September. *t V. State and Penn ] Sega steady; 9Y20<*; Wes- Boston. PARS leave head of Rim street for Yarmouth 1 jird—tee aud half bql.oom 8l?s tern ungraded 18 * 17c. mall Mnmrra, Montreal Products in the 9MM«.. tlH PERTH AMBOY—Ar toth. schs D D Haskell. 1 si 6.46 a. m.. and thereafter tltl Royal (Uti«nsof Staple l4urd—Palis, M»r. 88% Petroleum (baa-hourly and 7*4 strong. Annie M Alien and Maggie Mulvey, New York. 11*15 p. in. leave for Underwood Spring at Liverpool. laird-Paila, compound. you. Rosin dulL 8ld. sch Maud. Beveriv. L46 a. and Lard—Pure eaf.. 8Vk m., half-hourly thereafter Mil 12.16; Calling al Quebec and Markets. 8 Turpentine dull. Aid 21 st. seh Sarah L Davis, Buck sport. then every fifteen minute* nil 11.16 d. m. Derry. Leading | MM Oet. 06 Arm. ^ Klee PHILADELPHI A—Ar 20th. schs Lewis H Leave Yarmouth for Portland at 5.30 a. m.. Chickens... \ 5:4 Dec. 81i% molasses steady. Go ward. Bostoa Eva B Douglass, Portsmouth; Mid half-hourly thereat ter till 10 n. m. From From Fowl... is> LAMB. Freights to dull. John B and Boston. Leave Turkeys Liverpool Manning Mary Manning. Underwood Spring for Portlsnd at B Liverpool. Steamships. Montreal. ]5J| Oet... 6 80 Spot Coffee—Kio dull and easy; No 7 Invoice Cld, tehs Gertrude Abbott, Gardiner; Calvin L in., and hall hourly thereafter till 11.80; then Rsw York Stock, Money mod Orolo Produce. Dec....,. r, 45 6 7-16; do Jobbing ft 16-10; mild quiet; Cordova P Harris. Lynn. iverjr flteen minutes till 10.30 m. p. 1 Sept. TsTnul. 21 Ha. Beans, RIBS. 0*c«$6 11-16. Ar 21st. schs Everett Webster, Kennebec; Sept. nC Pea.....150(*16S _ SUNDAY TIME. 21 Market Review* Beans sugar, raw irregular: fair refining 8* Cen- Yale and R Tilton. "Bavarian [new] 4 Oct. 9 a.m. Yellow Ryee.1 70 Oct. 8 17% ; Hrnry Bangor. 28 *' •• trifugal 96 test 4*; Molasses sugar re- Delaware Breakwater—Ar sch Charles Leave Portland for Yarmouth at 7.46 a, m., "Californian.... 13 6 a.m. Beans. California Pea.. ..0 tx>42 00 Jen. 6 02% 8*; 21st, S -- fined Irregular. | K Raich, Philadelphia 'or Portland. ind half-houilv thereafter till 10.16 p. m. Leave Oct. Talnul. 19 9 a. m. Beans, Red Kidney.2 oop.2 15 12 * •• f bundle's qiiounou PORT F A DA—Mid Portland for Underwood Spring at 7.46 a. tn.. "Parisian. it earn. Unions, bbl.175 a 3 00 CHIC AGO—Cash quotation. 2<)th, barque Bonny Doan, Mid l» WHKAT New York. every flfieeu minutes thereafter till 10.16 Bavarian [new] 2 Nov. a a. m. Potatoes » bus. ,960 Flour steady. Burgess. ■■ (Price, MoConulok & Co.1* Speelal ?. m. 2* "Californian » o s. m, Sweet 76 Opening. Closing. #neat—No 2 70c: No 8 do at PORT READING—Ar 10th, sch Clara E Rog- " Potatoes, Norfolk. <91 spring 69®72; Leave Yarmouth for Portland at 0.30 a. 2 Nov "Tunisian [uewl ha 9 a.m. Letter.) Sweets, September. 72 72 No 3 Ked at 72c. 2 at ers. Calar. Mew York. tn., Jersey... <*2 50 :€orn-No 83*:g33%c; ind thereafter til 9 in. * CM. sell Krnneouls. Ellsworth. half-yourly p. Leave Rgjra. Eastern fresh. 20« 21 December..... 71% 71% No 2 837 * «34e. Oats— No 2 at 22 a a Young, 81. yellow Underwood Spring for Portland at 7 a. ni.. and New York, Thursday, September Kgga,| Western fresh. 20 Mey. 74% 74% 23o; No 2 white 24**25*c; No 3 white at PROVIDKNCK—Sid 20th, sch Lizzie Godfrey. RATES OF PASSAGE. fig Smith. New York. ivery flfieeu minutes thereafter till 9,30 p. m. Stooke—London boneee ware not a fac- Eggs, held. iM COBB 24 *24* c; No 2 at 56* c: No 2 Barley at Cabin- #ao.oo to # ao.oo A reduction of 10 Rye VINBYAKD-HAVEN-Ar schs Laura Office and room 440 Butter, fancy creamery. 9 25 Sgpt. 84% 84 SB1 * o46c: No 1 Flaxseed 1 12: N W Flaxseed 201h. waiting Congress street. per cent is alloweu ou return oar market The M tickets, except tor In today. feeling Butter, Vermont. 224 28 29% 29% at I 13; Timothy seed at 2 25, Mess Pork Lunt. Cummings. Brunswick for Boston; ou the lowest rates. Doc.,. prune Aoulh for Ten- _jy»dti oontlnues to be one of uncertain- Cheese, N. York| and Ver’niL.... 12 V*413 at 7 40*8 06: Lard at 6 17*^8 30; short rib Fngene Borda, Greeley, Amboy Second abroad May....30% 80% ants Cabin-To Liverpool. London or Cheese. Sage. 9 tSVfe sides 5 of>&ft 83 j Dry salted meats—shoulders Harbor; KUa 1‘ressey, Maloney. Chiton and are still entertained that the u.*r> Point for BOSTON & MAINE it. IL Londonderry—136.oo single; #66.60 return. ty hopes Cranberries. 4 76®5 60 at B^CB* t short clear sides 6 65*5 66. Portsmouth; Pochasset, Herrick, Stekkaor— Sept.... 22% Perth Amboy for Liverpool. Istmrton, Glasgow, between Croat Britain the » Butter dairies at Newburvport. Belfast, or difficulties and fruit. Dee .•. 22 22% firm—creamerylfil&jjg22o; 15 In Kffect Sept. 10th, 18J9, l/ondonderry gueenstown, #23.50. £18. Returned, sch Maggie Todd. Prepaid certificates #24. Transvaal will be in May. 38%| 83% ▲r 2ist. bkne Jessie South amicably settled; Lemons, Messina.*15094 76 Cheese steady—erm at 10* jlll*c. McGregor. Amboy WESTERN DIVISION. Children under 12 years, half fare. Rates to roBK. for Portland. the menntline, operators In the London Maori.600a 5 76 Eggs Arm-fresh 15*c. Trains leave Portland. Union Station, for or from other points on application to Oranges. California Navels.O 00,90 00 Oct. 8 08% 28,000 hbto; wheat 187.000 Sid. sehs l.aura. M Lunt, James Boyce, Jr. Scarboro C rootling, 10.00 a. in.. 12 111.. 6.26 T. P. McGOWAir, MO CoacrcH Ht.. market are not to enter Flour—receipts KUa willing upon any Apples—Plpplns.bbl. OOOu.2 00 bush; corn 755,000 bush; oats bush; Eugene Borda, Pressey, Pochasnet. Maggie 1.20. p.m.; Soar boro Hooch, Pine Point, 7.00. Portland, Mr. LA KB. 3«6.qoo Todd, Parthenta and Post fresh Apples, sweet...... 2 00A? 75 rye 18.000 bush 1*4.000 bush. boy: Olive T Whit- 10.00 am.. 12.00, 9.30. .VJ*. 6.20 p. m.. Old Or- BDamahtp Aaeaev. Hoorn ft. speculation. Oet... 6 ;bari«*y tier, Cara belle for Madeline Korflgn Oils and Coal. 82% Shipment*— Flour 11,000 hbls; wheat Portland; Cooney, chard, fiaeo, Blddsford. 7.00. M5, 10.00 a.m., First National Hank Port- The Post a doe patch Turpentine 8,000 Baltimore for do. Hullding, Evening publishes RIBS. bush;)corn 374,000 bush; oats 402,000 Ibuth I2.0CL 12.80. 3.30. 6.25, 0.20, l». m. Ken- land, Maine. Je23«ltf I.igoma and Centennial oil.. bbL. 160 tst 11 WASHINGTON—Ar 20th, sch Young Broth- Bobuhk, Ken nebuak 7.00. 8.45. from London last night stating that 100,- Helloed 120 tst.... 11 Oot. 516 rve OO.OOO bush; barley 74,000 bush. port, Petroleum, ers. Kennel ec. 10.00 S. Hi.. 12.30. 3.80. 6.26, Pratt's Astral. DETROIT—Wheat at for cash 000 pounds gold has been bought In Lon- 13 quoted 70*e Cld, sch Charles Noble Simmons, Babbitt, B.O6, 6.20 r- 01. Wells Beach. No. Berwick, Half bbls lc extra. Portland Daily Press Stock tguotattons. cash Red at White; 71* c; Sep 71* c; Decat Baltimore. 7.(M>, 8.46, a. m„ 3.80,6.25 Somers worth, don for export to this oountry. This ltaw Linseed oh. 74c. p.m. 44349 Corrected by Swan A Barrett Barkers, 188 Rochester, 7.00, 8.4.v a. m.. 12.30. 8.30 p. ui. BOSTON H PHILADELPHIA. morning there was considerable doubt ns Boiled Linseed .. 46351 Middle street TOLEDO—Wheat active-cash and Sept t Foreign Port* Alton Bay, Lakeport, and Northern Dtvla- Turpentine. 65965 STOCKS. 70*0; Dec 77*e. lon, 8.45 a. tn.. 12 30 p. m. Worcester (via TKI-WEF.KLV 8AILINCS. to the truth of thle story, bnt as far as 7a*c; May Ar at Buenos Samuel Cumberland, coal. 3 26g3 50 Description. Par Value Bid. Asked Ayres Sept 16, barque Somersworth 7.do a. m. Mnnohoetor. Concord Stove and turnace coal, retail.. 6 60 H Nickerson, Davis, Portlaud. oan be ascertained It is reliable. The Canal National Bank.10U 10O 108 Cotton Markets. end North, 7.00 s. in., 8.3o p. m. Dover. Mac. From Boston kim. Ar at Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday. bran 7 50 Caseo National Bank.loo 107 no Singapore Sept 20. ship Kmtly Reed, tor, Haverhill. Lawrence, Lowell, 7.0“. 8.46 transaction Is a posting one to bankers Nichols, New York for Menu.. Pea coal, retail. 400 Cumberland National Hank. 100 100 102 (By Telegraph.) Hong Kong (see it. m., 12.80, 8.30, 0.05 p. m. 4.80, 7.00 From 814 fm Santos F Boston, Philidulpbla Monday, Wedossday Inasmuch as the present rates of sterling National Bank. too 101 NEW YORK—The Cotton market to-dav was Aug 28, brig L Munson.Wat, 9.45 a. ni.. 6.06 p. in. Arrive Cordage—Duck. Chapman Mobile. 12.80, 1.46, 3.8o, Pit st National Bank.100 100 102 Quiet, 8-16 higher; middling upland at 6* ; do Bostou 7.25. 10.16 a. m., 12.46. 4.10. and do not warrant of gold. Cordage In Port Friday. Importations Merchants'National Bank.... 75 101 102 gull at 6*c; sales 196 bales. portal Spain Aug 81. barque Hancock, 9.16 p.m. Leave Boston Portland 6.69. 8.00, American ♦> lb.10311 for aud N of From Central Wharf, Boston, m. From The purohaee Is said to have been made National Traders’Bank.100 98 loo Parker, llayti Hatteras; sch Helen 7.30. 8.80 a. m., 1.20, 6.01 p. m. Arrive 1n *p. Manilla. 13V*«14’% CHARLES TON—The Cotton market to-day M 4.16, Pin* street Wharf. at Portland National Bank.100 109 110 Atwood. Watte, for New York. Portland 10.10. 10.66, 11.60 ft. m., 12.10, 6.00. Philadelphia, a p. m. in- for one of the banks In New Yoik Manilla bolt rope. ia 16 V* closed Arm; middlings Qc. In at surance effected nt office. blggeet Portland Trust Co.too 145 160 port Rosario Aug 16. barque Penobscot, 7.60, 9,80 p. ni. Sisal. i« lOVk GAI.V for the Weal the Pena. R. and In of the rates Porllnud On* 50 86 90 K8TON—The Cotton market closed Leland, for Rio Janeiro or Santos. Freights by R. and spite preeent sterling Comnany. Sid fm SUNDAY TRAINS. South forwarded lines. Duck- Portland Water00.100 103 IOC steady; middlings 6*c. Havana Sept 16. barque Tillle Baker. by counectlng some booses think that further Scarboro 10.16. m. foreign No 1.32 Portland St Railroad Co. .100 140 160 M KM PH 18—The Cotton market closed Leighton. Now York. Crossing, a.m., 2.00, p. Passage 910.0a. Round Trip 111.00. to-day Ar Scarboro Bonoh, Pine 10.16 a. Meats and room will be made In London No 3.28 MalneOentrat H’*.100 ISO 170 Arm; at Hillsboro, NB. sch It & J Blendermann, Point, m., tooluded. engagements middlings 6*e. Reid. 12.66, 2.00. p.m. Old Orchard Saco. Bldde “ RR No IO.20 Portland ft Ogdensburg H.K. 100 60 61 Hafh. wlNa- unless war lu tbs Transvaal should break 10 oz.13 NEW ORLEANS—The Cotton market closed Cld. schs C J Willard. Williams. Cheater, Pa; ford, 10.16a. m., 12.66, 2.0“. 6.30 p.m. a saaffifvfssssaK BONDS steadv; 6 3-16c. North t. B. 8 oz. .. .11 middlings John Boston. Koaantnnk, Berwick,Dover, KseSor, BAMPBON. Treasurer and General out. Portland Douglass. Thurston, 8s. 190T.118 120 A r at St John. N 21. sch Win Haverhill. Lawrence, Low el L Boston, 12.65 Manager. 99 State at. FUke Portland MOBILE—Cottou market Is firm; middlings B, Sept Marshall, Build.ng. Boston. Thle engagement of gold, the story that Drugs aud Dyes. 4*. 1902—1912 Funding.. 108 103 5*o» Hunter, Richmond.*, 6.80, p. m. Arrive, in Boston 6.18, Mas*. ooGSJdtf Acid Oxalic.12 Portland 4s. 1913. Funding.104 108 Cld, schs Ella May, Branscomb, 9.42 p. m. the tax commissioners had derided to Bangor 4a 1906.| Water.112 114 SAVANNAH—The Cotton market closed Thomaston; Acid tart.30(948 Arm: Lizzie B. Belyea, do. EASTERN DIVISION. on Bath 4%a Muniolnal.101 103 middlings 5 15-16c. levy the Ford franohlse tax only the Ammonia.15 a 20 1907, RAILROADS. Bath 4s. 1921. Katun 103 Boston and way stations 9.00 am. Bldde- Ashes, pot.0*4 <1 O ding.101 * net earnings of corporations, and the be- Belfast 4s. 106 ford, Klttery, Pori 11 mouth, Newbury- Bals <» 07 Municipal.102 European Markoff copabla.66 Calais 4a 1901—1911 102 8TBAUER9. port, Salem, Lynu, 2.00, 9 00 a. m.. 12.46. 400 lief that yesterday's liquidation had been Bet sc wax.37 a 42 Refunding....100 (By MnnrelDai.103 106 Telegraph.) m.. Portsmouth, Boston, 2.00, 9.00 a. DL, Borax.10 « 11 LesrtstonSs,' 1901. sufficiently radical to relieve otrtaln Lewiston4e. LONDON. Sept. 21, 1899—Consols closed st 6.46, 1.45. 6.00 p. m. Arrive Boston, 5A7 a. m & Saco River R. r! 1913. Municipal.106 107 Bridgton Brimstone. 2 1 6 104* for and overloaded houses from the strain from Saco 4a. 1901. Municipal.100 102 money 104* for account. 1^*50, 400, 4.30, 9.00 p. in. Leave Boston. 7.90, Cochin: al. 40«43 CASGO BAY CO. LOO a. Maine Central K 137 LIVERPOOL. Sept 21. 1899.-The Cotton STEAMBOAT m.. 12.90, 7AO, 9.44, n. m. Arrive Port- whloh were caused a bet- Copperas.1 ‘s » 2 R7s.l912.oonaungl36 they suffering “«%*- 108 110 market steady; \merloan at 3 land, 11.46 a. m., 12.05. 430, 10.16, p. m.. 12 40, Cream tartar.271 2 330% middling 19-82d; eons. sales estimated Qlght 3 TRAINS A DAY ter feeling on the Exobange this morning. Ex Logwood.12 915 4s mtg... .106 loe 10,000 bsies of which OOOU 108 sales were for and Custom House SUNDAY. of rather Gum arable.70al 22 |ds,19h0.exteii’sn.l02 speculation export. Wharf, The opening B. K. T. was Portland A t'ormmon t « Ogd’n gas.' 900. 1st mtgl02 1C3 mmiriuru, niurry, n, ivrw Ulycenne.20 75 p.irtluiwt Wufar .7. 4. 1 HOT IPP. .DO Portland, Die. to the orders huryport, Malrin, L) uu, 2.00a. m.. disappointing Bulls, bnylng aivfs •ii..iun«u •AILING GAYS Of •TBAMSMIPS. Boitvu, -TO AND FROM 12.45 p. m. Arrive Boston, 5.57 a. in., 4.00 made their and the stock was Camphor.49653 FRO* FOR appearance Boston Stork Market* p. IU. Leave Boston, 9.00 a. m., 7.00, 9.45 Myirh 52566 Alter.New)York.. Genoa .... 23 In Effect 1899. to It Sept September 11, p. m. Arrive 10.15 D. steady strong during the entire day, Opium.3 a 4 85 The were Patna.New York. Portland, 12.10, m., 81% following the closing quotations of .Hamburg .Sept 23 u.10 night. Indigo.85<* ® $1 stocks at Boston Mobawk.New York.. London being espeotaily aotlve towards the olosu Sept 23 a j. P Bridgton, North and a 60 WEEK DAY TIMK FLANDEtttt. Q. ft T. A. Boston. Bridgton Iodine.3 46® Atchison. re. Luoanla.New fork. Liverpool... Sept 23 TABLE. nv UCRl IIUI7 Ul «UB •««- Too. a3sant» K. now. 20% J62b dtf IJ UlgUSOVI U^UISD Ipecac. 4 « 3 o0 40 Boston A Bretagne.New York.. Havre Sept 23 For Forest ©ft? Landing, Peaks Island, 5.45, Licorice, Maine.... Prince New Harrison. eion. All sorts of stories are rife ab< at rt.low-20 U0D Mass. 66 Tartar York.. Naples.&c. .Sept 23 6.45, 8.00, 9.00, 10.80 A M.. 12.00 M., 2.15, 20® 2 46 Dio. 8.15, Morphine.2 ao Ulter.New York. Detnarara ..Sept 23 P.M. lt,one la particularly bslng that a promt* Oil .2 75® 3 20 common. 15 I bergamot Maine < Furnesla.New York.. Glasgow. .. .Sept 23 Return—6.20, 7.20.. 8.80. 9.30, 10.60 A M. Nor. cod liver.2 00 62 25 euirat..ICO Harrison to Waterford oeot Broadway house closely Identified Union Pacific. Philadelphia. .New York.. Laguayra. ..Sept 23 1.00. 2.35, 8 35, 6.43, 6.30, 8.20 P. M. Portland & Worcester line. Stage Americau cod liver.1 006 i 25 A mania.New York.. 20 interest* Union Pacific ota. 77% Liverpool... Sept For Cushing’s Island, C.45, 8.00. 10.30, A. M.. with Metropolitan street railway Lemon.1 00® 2 20 Saale.New York.. 5 mllefi from rncli I rain. American Mot. 360 Bremen.Sept 2« 2.15, 3.15, 4.15,5.15, 6.15 P. M. bad been on the de- Olive.1 00 ® 2 60 Mates tie.New York. 27 very large buyers American aagar. common.... 144 Liverpool... Sept Return—7.06, 8.15.;il.OO. A. M., 2.45, 3.45, 4.43, PORTLAND Sc ROCHESTER R. R. Peppt.1 75 ® 2 oo St Sugar, old. Paul.New York. .So’amston. Sept 27 0.40 P. M. cline. This Is supposed to indicate that Wtuter*;reeii.1 7 6 (ft 2 oO 116% Noordland.New York. Million Fool of Preble Leave Portland. M. C. R. R., 8.45 a. m. 1.25, Mexican Central *s. .Antwerp.. ..Sept 27 For Little and Great Diamond Islands M. Potass br’mde.56«00 70% York..South 6.00 p. in. in the near future relations between the Santiago.New Cuba Sept 28 Trefethen's, Evergreen Landing, On and alter June (Quorate.10® 20 Monday. 26. 1800 Paesenzer* Arrive Briduton. 11.08 a.m.. a.42, 8.27 p. m. A RThorp... .New York. .Caracas_Sept 28 Peaks Island, 5.30, 7.00. 8.00. 10.80 A. M. Oahu Metropolitan and B. R. Y. will he of a Iodide.2 2 05 New York Quotations of Stocks and Bonds. will Leave Portland > •Arrive Harrison. 11.38 a. m., 4 10, 8.55 ra. 40,® Marquette.New York. 30 12.00 M. 2.00. 4.20. 8.15. P. M. p. .Glasgow....Sept {7.30 Clinton, Excursion tickets at much than at 73 ® 78 Patricia.New York. 30 For Ponfe’i Ayer Junction, Nashua, reduced rates ou sale at oloser relation present. Quicksilver. (By Telegraph.! Hamburg .Sept Landing, Long Island,5.30, Windham and at a. m. a 37 hyping Lao and i£8 principal stations M. C. aud B. & M. it. U. Quinine...34 The are the of Etruria.New York.. Liverpool...Sept 30 8.00. 10.30 A. M.. 2.00, 4,20. 6 15 P. M. American Tobaooo, after a strong open- rt. 75® 1 50 following closing quotatlous J. A. IIK.\.\KTT, Superintendent. Kheubarb, Bonds: Touralne.New Yor'c. .Havre.Sent30 Return—Leavo Little Diamond,, — Rt ® 40 *•*“«»*«*“ ing, sold off on heavy sales by a broker snake.So : Phoenicia.New York.. Hamburg ...Oct 3 0.15, 11.45 A M., 12.25, 3.15, 5.80,7 7.56 P. M. auglOdif »6 IBcdL 21. Sept 20. 20, vrJt£tST]»SSVs? Saltpetre.. 12 New iao lahn.New York. .Bremen.Oct 3 Return—Leave Great Diamond, 6.20, 7.35. who often carries accounts for weaker Senua.25® 30 4s, ref.iao New 4s. coup.180 130 New York... .New York. 8'th a inn ton. .Oct 4 9.10. 1L40 A. M., 12.30, 3.10, 6.2* 7.13, 8.00 jr-sa 11.35. A M., 11.33, 3.06. 5.20. 7.10, 8.05 p.M. »jo end U) a. in. Sal.2*2® 3 Denver 1st.106% 106% they were made for the so-oalled pool of Erie 4s. 71 70% Trojan Prlnoe..New,York. .Azores.Oct r> Return—Leave Evergreen. 6.15. 7.25, 9.00, For WMtbrooL Cumberland MUta. Westbrook Ir elteo. Sept, to, iSW. Sulphur. 3./ 0 geifi Heveiiua.New York, ft 11.30 A. Junction and Woodlurdi et Bearish whose Mo.* Kan. A Tex. 2ds.69% 70 .ltio Janeiro .Oct M., 12.40, 3.00, 6.15. 7.06 P. M. 7jo uiau. proclivities headquarters Sugar lead. .20«22 Caracas.New York.. Lairuavra ..Oct 0 For Ponce's Land lug. Lons Island, 5.3). 1AJA *JA Mo aud AM p. m. IBAINSLEAy'K rORVLAND White Kansas A Pacific consols. are he in the wax. 6n®66 .... 8.00. 10.30 Toe 7.30 a. in. auu 12 30 S.M a. ID.—For said to ofiioe of the broker Oregon Nav.lst.116 116 Bellaruen New York. .Montevideo .Oct 7 A M., 2.» 0. 1.20. 6.55 P. M. p. m. trains Bruuswlok. Lewiston, (tee. Vitrol, blue. 8® 11 from connect •rL L. O. lsts_J’6 116 Campania.... New York.. Liverpool.... Oct 7 Return—Leave Ponce’s Landing, Long Portland, at Ayer Bain, Bootbbmy, tt .ckli t An uvula. Wat- in question. Vauila. $18 Texas»Pacifle, Junction with “Hoo.iao and bean.313® do 2tls. 56 67 Normandie... .New York. Havre...... Oct 7 Islaud, 6.06. 8.50, 11.20 A M., 2,50, 6.05, Tunnel Boute" erellte, Skowhegan BelRut reg. O. for ibe West and at Union BUtion. •» a. m.—For Trading In Southern Paciilo was again Gunpowder-Shot. Union Pacific lsts.. Livorno.New York.. Rio Janeiro..Oct 10 65 P. M. Worcester, Danvilio Jo., Kumford FalH, York. .Oct 11 nlglit 9 30 p. m. for all lor Providence and New York, via uProvtdcuce Boinls, Lewist.,ii. active at a further in Blasting 266*3 60 of stocks— HtLonU.New .So’ampion Saturday only, landings. Fannlnjiton. Raujowy. Mfiu- advance prioes. .,.3 Quotations not Line" for Norwich aud New York, via "Nor* throp, ICeaiitteld amt Waterville. 50® 6 25 Kept 11. 20. Germanic.New York. .Liverpool.. .Oct II $Does stop at Evergreen landing. The that the Sporting.4 Sept. wlch Line" with Boston aud Albany U. K tor ll.IOa. m.—Express lot UauvUle street apparency believes Drop 25 Atchison. Southwark.New York. .Antwerp.. ..Oct 11 Jo, Lewls- shot, lbs.t|4» 2t>% 20% SUNDAY TIME TABLE. the and with the New York all rail via toii, Waterville, Mooselmad Lake via sale of the Crocker stock to B and .1 70 AtchlsoniPfd. 62% West, Foxctolc, reported larger. 68% For Forest City Peaks *Bprlngflol.25«„2G Illinois Central.113V* KTJSWS Harbor, Oldiown and daring quickly 112% For Ponce's Landing, Long Island, 8.00, Greenville. Parlor car to Heavy.25620 Lake Erie A West.I 17 17 Rockland ami Bar Harbor. recovered and both dosed strong at an (Jood 10.30 A. M., 2.00, 4.20, P. M. d’mg.24® 25 Lake Shore.202 203 PORT OF PORTLAND NEW YORK DIRECT l.lOp. m.—F.»r Danville Jo., Rum ord Fills, U nion ® RETURN. FINE, Advance above last night's prices. backs.38 39 Louis A Nash. 79% 77% Bemis. Lewiston, Farmlugton, Carr:basset, Am calf.90® i OO Manhattan Elevated.ll>9*/a 107% Leave Forest Peaks Kanselcy, Bingham, The money market was somewhat easi- City Landing, Maine Co. Waterville, Bkowhegrui. Lumber, Mexican Central. 14% 14% THURSDAY. Sept 21. Island, 9 20, 10.50 A. Steamship 116 p. ni.-Kor 9.45, M., 12.40, 2.35, 3.45, Loog Island Sound By Freeport, BruuswicK. Bath, er this afternoon, rates being as low a* White wood— Michigan Central. Arrived. 5.30 P. M. Day.'tghu Augusta. Waterville. Belfast. Dover Skowhegan, No 1&2, 1 a Minn. A St. Louis. 71% 71% Leave Ponce's Lauding, 8.45, 11.20 A. M.. TKiPS PER WEEK. and Foxcroft, Greenville, 4 per oent. in.$40 $45 Steamer Cumberland, St via 3 Bangor, liu. 35 ® 40 Minn. A St. Louis Dfd. 03 93 Allen, John, NB, 2.50, 510 I*. M. Oldtown aud aud to Sape, for Boston. Fare One Way §5.00. Houud Trip, 90.OC M&ttawamkeag Bucksport Common, 1 iu. 28® 32 Missouri Pacific. 46% 44Vs Kastport. Leave Cashing's, 9.55, 11.00 A. M., 12.30. 2.45, Saturdays. New Jersey Central.119% 119V* Tug Catawissa. Philadelphia, towing barge 3.50, 5.20 P. M. The steamships Horatio Hall aud Man- 6.10 p. in.—For Brunswick, Ba«b, NEW YORK, Sept 21. Cyprus— with coal to G T Co. Rockland, 1 in No Ashland, Ky Leave Little Diamond, 9.10, 9.35, 11.45 A. M.. hattan alternatively leave Franklin Wharf, Augusta aud Waterville. on call easier 2 <£7 last loan 1&2.$40®'$45 New York Central.136% 134*% Sch El wood Wasson. Money per cent; Saps. X lu. 35®- 40 Burton, Hillsboro, NB, 12.50, 3.15, 5.35 P. M. Portland, Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Saturdays 5.15 p. m.—For Danvilio Junction, Mechanio Northern Pacific com. 63Vs 62% for 6 for at 2 ) er cent; prune mercantile paper at 4% Common, 1 in. 32 Jersey City. Leave Great Diamond, 9.05, .9 30, 11.40 A. M.. at p. m. New York direct. Returning, leave tails. jLewision, Saturdays to Rumford Falls 28®, Northern Pacific Dfd. 74% 74V* Sch Silver New York. as. Southern « Spray, Hallowelt, 12.55, 3.10, 5.30 P. M. Fler E, R., Tuesdays, Thursdays aud fiatur- Parlor car to Lewiston. @544 per ot sterling Exchange heavy, with pine...$28 38 Northwestern.167 lCCvt H Foster Clear Sch E (Br), St Johu, NB lor Boston. Leave 11.35 days at 5 p. m. 8 06 p. to Lewiston. Parlor car, plue— Out. A West. 26% 26% Trefethen’s, 9.00, 0.20, A.M., 1.00. m.—Express actual business in banker* bill* at 4 8544 o 3.05. 5 25 P. M. These steamers ars superbly fitted and fur- 1 l.oo p. m.—Night Express for Uppers.$00 70 Heading... 21V* 21 % Cleared. Hrunswioic, 4 for 4 « 4 Leave 11.30 A. nished (or passenger travel and afford tlie most Bath, 86V* demand. 81*4 82 for six- Select. 5o® 00 Hock lslaud.113 112 Evergreen. 8.55, 9.25, M., 1.C5, Lewiston, Augusta. Waterville, Bangor, Fine Steamer Horatio Hall. Bragg, NewJ F York— 3.00. 5.20 P. M. convenient and comfortable route between Moosehead I.ake, Aroostook via Old* ty days; posted rates at 4 83«,4 87. Commer- common. 45® 55 St. Paul.127% 126% County 16 18 Llscomb. Portland and New York. town. Bur Harbor, Bucksport, 8C. cial bills 4 81 Spruce. a; St Paul pfd .172Va 178 Blrnam Wood C. W. T. CODING, General Manager. @4 81V*. Hemlock. 12® 14 Bqe (Br), Morris, Rio Janeiro— J. F. L18COMB.General Agent. Stephen, Calais. St. Andrews, st. St Paul A Omaha.118 119 t Lumber 811ver certificates 68V*@59V4 Clapboards— Marret Co. __sepOdtf THOS. M. BARTLETT. Agt ocudtf John aud all ArooUoo-k County via Vaueeboro, st Paul AlOmaha Did. Sch Seth N>man. Rice. Harbor-J 11 Halifax and the and to X. 32 « 35 Prospect Provinces all points on Bar Silver 68 9-16. Spruce Texas Pacific. 19% 10 Blake. W Co. R. R. Clear... 28 ®, 3o STEAMER PEJEPSCOT ashlngton Saturday night irain Mexican dollars 4744. Union Pacific pfd... 77% 76% Rushlight, Beals, H Blake. does not run to Belfast, Dover and 2d clear. 25,® 27 Jonesport—J On and after will Dexter, Wabash. 7% 7% ^Jch Sept. 11th. 1899, leave Port- *oxcro:t or beyond to Bar Government bonds weak. No 1. land Pier at 3 in. for International Co. Bangor excepting ) 5« 20 Wabash pfd. 21% 21% BFOMOITR CORRESPONDENTS. p. Falmouth Foreside, Steamship Harbor. car to St. Prince’s Sleeping John and Washing* A Boston ;A Maine.19s 199 Point. Cousins, Lluie|ohu’s,Chebeague, ton Co. R. R. CLARK’S sch Charles ns Shingles- New York and New pf.. ISLAND,’8ept 20—Sid, Bust! Island, Freeport. a. ui. Hides. Eng. D Hall, New York. Eastport, Lubeo tun. Si b •«. N.l.Htlilat, N.S- 12.55 midnight—Mt. Desert Special for X cedar .3 25«3 60 ..206 207 RETURN—Leave Porter’s Landing. Free- BrUilftWieiC AIHMKIh Wuicrvllld livnwr.tr unxt Old; Colony. and all of New Nova bcotu The follow injr quotations represent the pay cieai ctMiar.z bun ;nu Adams 114 port. at 7.P<) A m.: South Freenort 7.20 h. in parts Brunswick, Bar llttibor. Express.llo EXCHANGE DESPATCHES. Prince Edward Island and Sleeping car to Bar Harbor. log prices In this market: X No 1 cedar.1 25 « l 75 American Express.147 147 jtusutrs 7.36 a. in.; Cbcbeague 7.56 a. m. Lit- Cape Breton. The favorite route to arid be Whlta Mountain Division. Cow and steers.. 7o p n> Spruce.1 50 a 1 75 60 6o Sl(1 fm Louisburg. CB, Sept sch B 8.06 a,m.; Cousin’s 8.10 Prince’s Cainpobello Andrews. U. S. Express. 20, Alicia tlejohn's n.m., N. B» Bulls and stags. 60 OOa *2 26 Bunker, for Portlaud. Point 8.26 a. m.; Town 0.40 a. in.; Laths, spce..O People Gas.110 108% Crosby, Lauding Bummer 8.45 a. in.—For Brhlgton, Fabyaus, Burling* Skins—No 1 quality.lOo 81 hn London steamer Waite’s 1, ndmg 8.65 a. in. Arrangements. Lai Lime—Cement. 3»% 30V* Sept 21, Bostonian, ton, caster, Cole brook, No. 8; rat ford, NoU ...8 a facIftoTGu. Boston. ARRIVE—Portland u.30 a. m. On and after Mouaay, July 3rd, Steamer Beecher Falla. St. Lime cask.85dOQ Pullman Palace.172 165 Quebec. Johubury. Sher- No 3 .6 @7e p will leave Railroad Wharf, Portland, on Mon- brooke, Montreal, Chicago, St. Paul and Minne- Cement.i 20«:o 00 Sugar, common.144% 1«8 Cull* .26*60 Memoranda. day, Wednesday and Friday at 5.30 p. m. Re- Parlor car to car to CJUTI1 .. OO apolis. Montreal, sleeping Matchei. Ol‘/2»U Small Point Rome. turning leave bt. John, and Lubec Falla. Southern Ry pfd. Kastport Niagara Parlor car Fabyaus lo Quebec. Retail Grocers' Marled. .t: outlay and Friday. 1.25 p. m.—For Sebago Sugar Star gross 00&55 RanH ^Transit. 87ft 82ft which from STEAMER PERM’ V. Lake, Brhlittaa via arrived today Liverpool, reports Through tickets issued and baggage checked Ball aud North Portland maraet—cut loaf 7c; confectioners 1 Hrigo...00a 55 Steel common. will leave Songo Iliver, Couwxy, Fabyans, Federal 63% 162% passed fishing schooner Peerless (of Portland), Portland Pier at 2 p. tn. for Orr*s to destination. &rFreight received to 4.90 Lancaster. 8c; powdered at 6Hc: granulated at 6c; coffee Forest City.00^60 do 78Vi 77 Cards up Colebrooke. Beecher Falls, Luceu- pfd. dismasted Sept 15, in lat 44 22. Ion 55 40. The lslunl, Cove. Ashdale, Small Point burg. St. crushed —c; yellow 4Vkc. Metals. American 124 Harbor and Harbor. Johnsbury, Newport. Tobacco.•..123% Peerless was struck by a hurricane and lost Cundy Tickets and Staterooms apply at the 6.10 p. m.—For do ...146 143 BRTUBN—Leave Harbor at Secago Lake. Cornish. Brl Ig- pfd. mainmast. Jibboom. part of stern and ltieboat. Cundy 6a.m. Pine Tree Ticket Office, Monument Square or ton. North Chopper— Si Iron.119 via above Frycbitrg. Conway aud Bartlett, [Exports. 14 a js common.OOa Tenn.Coal 120% She was making Jury tg and declined assistance. landings. for other Information, at Company's Offle* St. 22Vs IT. S. Office. 158 Commercial 8t. Fabyana, Lunenburg. Johnsbury. Montreal, Kir! Janeiro. Bark Birman Polished copper.OOa 24 Rubber.47% 4G% boston. Sept 20—Sell Edith Me Intiro, from Railroad Wharf, foot of street. and Wood—1,133,200 K 46-3. J. H. Me Man. b£*te Chicago uaiiy except Saturday It sp lumber. Bolts...OOa Metropolitan-Street It.196% 196Vi San Andreas tor New York, at sea some time, Telephone DONALD. DAY STKA.MKH FOR BOSTON. Sleeper to MontreaL Y M a Continental Tobacco.42Vs 42% called off Jacksonville and soot a boat to sheath.00 17 May- From 4th until October 1st a steamer MJ.M1AY Portlauil Wholesale Market* Y M port. Fla, for a fresh supply of then July TRUYM. Bolts.ion is provisions, Portland & Steamcoar Go. will leave Railroad on Boston 1'roduo# Market. resumed her vo>age. Boothbay Wharf, Porllaud, Tues- 7.20 a. ni.—Paper train for Bangor. POKTLAND. Sept. 21. Bottoms.26d31 day, and not earlier than 7.00 a. m. Loudon, Kept 20—Ship Emily Reed, Nichols, Saturday 7.25a. ni.—Pater traiu lor Lewiston. The markets were Ingot.16&17 BOSTON, Sept. 21. 1899—Tbs following are GOING WEST. for Boston. Fare $1.00. speculative very strong to from New York for Hong Kong, lias arrived at 12.40 p. m.—For Brunswick, Lewiston, Bath. to-day's cuota turns ji Frovistou*. 8TEAMKH KNTUAPA18E leaves as J. F. LISCOMB, SupL day on Wheat, and < losed at an a Singapore leaking at the rale of 4 inches Augusta, Waterville, Bangor and Bar Harbor. September 72c, Straits.32 35 per follows: Jy3dtl H. P.C. PLOua hour. She will be surveyed. HEKSKY, Agent. 6.00 p. w.—For Lewiston. advance of about 3/«c. Corn, Oats and Provis- Antimony.i*-« 14 East Boothbay for Portland, Coke..4 76 oO boston. Sent 20 it Is thought possltls that Mondaya, ll p. m.—Night Express lor all os were with little or no change in The market is steady. and at 7.0 » a. points. steady fig- the steamer Michigan (Nor) will be as re- Wednesday* Friday*, nu, 12.56 a. in.—Mt. Desert for Sjielter. ^,0 76 Spring patents 3 90*4 60 sold, at South special Waterville^ urea. continues firm with a further pair work will be Dock touching Bristol, t Christmas Cove. Bangor and Bar Harbor. Cordage Solder Vi x Vi ,. <&22 Winter patents. 3 76*4 36 : expensive. expenses Herou Oceau are $283 a day. Island, t Point, Boothbay Har- rise of He. Produce quiet and uochanged. Naval Stores. Clear and straight 3 46 4 OO bor, Squirrel Island. HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT CO. Arrivals In V'ortlan L Com—steamer From The foilowlugquotatloas represent tne whole- Tar ^bbl.3 60^3 75 yellow 42g42 Vic. Domestic Porta. GOING EAST. Montreal. Fabyans 8.05 a. for this Coal tar.5 00;a 5 25 m.; Lewiston and Mechaulc Falls, 8.35 a.m.; sale prices market; NEW YORK—Ar schs Jennie Leave Franklin Wharf Tues- “The 365 Island Route.” a Cllcago Lave a toe is Market. 20ih, A Stubbs Portland, Waterville. Bath and 6,40 a. Roofing Pitch, ^gallon..11 12 autl Augusta, m.; Flour Wil Dorr. Turks Island: Edward Smith, Hears, Vir- days Saturdays at 7.00 a. in., for steamer Aucoclsco Bangeley, Farmington, Kumlord Falls. Skow- Fitch..3 25 a,3 60 By Telegraph, • Beeinning Sept. 11, 1899, and low 45 ginia: Auiie Lord, Kendall. Perth for i'amariscott.i, touching at Squirrel will aud l.Mg p. Superfine grades.2 a2 60 Nalls—Iron—L*ead. Amboy Islaud, leave Portland Pier, l'or;iauu. dally, as fol- hegan Lewlstou, mj, Bangor, Au- Spring Wheat Bakers.3 45 *3 55 CHICAGO. Sept. 11, i890.-Cattle-ree«lpts Bangor; Maud, Robinson, do for Beverly; Earl Boothbay Harbor, t Ocean Point, Heron lows: and Rockland. 12 02 noon; Beecher Wheat 35*4 66 Nails— 9,600; quiet ; pood to onoice cattle 5 70a G 90; P Mason. am arts cotta. 6.20 m. (&• 2 Vi oo@8 ltockland; Croix. Boston. above landings a. 00 ». in., 1.00 p. m. Arrive p. dallv except from Rockland; St. John, Corn and Hops dull—receipts 25,000; 4 10 Ar 21st, steamer Aurauta, scU t Passeugers by team. a. n». Bar Harbor, Aroostook Feed. Refined.2Vhg 2% heavy hogs Liverpool; Geo * conveyed Portland 8.15 m., 9.15 p. Connty, Washington Norway.4 « !$4 G6; mixed lots 4 30^4 76; ll^ht 4 50*4 76: B Perauson. via New KocUelle. Returning to East Boothbay. Moosebead Lake aud 5.35 Corn, car 43V* 4*4 * Bangor Daily excursions 22 miles uown the bay. Fare County, Bangor. p. lots.$ Cast Steel. 8 a pips at 3 75364 GO. BOSTON—Cld muli. scU B K to change without notice. m.; Farmington, Buiuford Falla Coru, lots. 46 lo Woodslde. Me- Subject round trip only out*. Baugeley, bag 00$ German 4 sheep—receipts 14.000; poor Lean. Windsor, NS. frl&HALFRED RAPE. Manager. Lewi* ton, 5.45 Chicago. Meal, bag lota. 43 steel.3Vi« demand; sheep SUNDAYS. p. m.; Montreal, Que- $46 (a at 2 25&4 40; native lambs 4 ooaG Sht, sch O II Brown, for a coal __ bec and *.0J m.; Oats, car lota 81 Shoesteel.3 3*4 16; West’ll port. Fabyans. p. Mattawamkeag, $31H Sheet Iron— range 4 80g5 86. Sid 21st, sch P H Odiorne, for Pori land Ml. betart tod Martin SteatnUaat Cj Leave Portland for So. Harpswell^Und In- Bar Harbor and Bangor, lJto a. m. dallv; Hali- Oats, lots. 35 supposed oast bag *3$ 6 am *tu. viuaK juaics. termediate landtags, at 10.09 a. m. fax, SL John, Washington County. Bar Cotton seed, car lota,.00 00*23 60 HC...... 4Vi@ port. Harbor. Gen Russia.18 Vi ft 14 Domestic Markets. APLACHICOALA-Euterad 20lit, sch Willie ISAIAH DANIELS. Gen Mao. Bangor, Augusta 4.20 a. m. daily. Cotton 8eed. bag lots..00 00 a25 00 8»r»loe r«»mued Friday. Muoli 31.18D0. on American Russia.11 al2 U Child, Boston. Jettdtf Sundays, L30 a. m. Bar Harbor ana Bangor; Sacked Bran, car lots.16 00 (By Telegraph.! which date the steamer Frank Jones will leave 60*17 « ASTOKIA. O—Cld 4.20 a,m. Halifax and 10 a.in. Sacked Galvanized.6Vi 7 19th, snip Stsndarrt. Geten- Portland ou Tuesdays and at 11.00 bLJohn; Lewiston; Bran, bag lots.17 50*18 00 Lead— Sept. 21. 1839, •II. Adelaide, Fridays p. 12.25 noon Bar Harbor, Bangor and car iota.17 NEW YORK—The Flour m. for Rocklaud, Bar llarbor and Lewiston; Middling, OG&18 00 market—receipts BANCOB—Ar 2] st schs Dick Wil Maculasport 6.08 p. m. Lewiston; 6.20 p. ra. Waterville. Middling, bag, lots.18 f«'7H 23,680 bbls: exports 14,253 bbls: sales 10 lams. Heed, and intermediate landings. Returning leave 00*1900 gboot. 000 Perth Amboy: Mabel, Penobsco Mixed .18 Z‘»o.»%®.10 package; more ctive and steadier. Gray. ; Gou Machiasport Mondays aud Thursdays at 4 A GEO. F. EVANS,Y P. ft G. M. feed.4... OO&IOJOO Banks, Randall, llampden. F. E. P‘P«. @0% Winter at 3 6608 75;whiter »«.. arriving Portland at ll.Oo p. m. oounectiuc BOSTON BOOTHBY, G* F. ft T. A. S«c*r. Coffee. Tea. patents straights Sid. sells Addle, Boston; William with trains forlBoston. tU Molasses, Uaiilua. OlU-Palata. 3 3043 40; Minnesota patents 3 86 a 4 05 Harrington. Je24 fit- Bniinan, Lowed, do; Millie Washburn. Johnson. GEa F. EVANS. F. K. Sugar—Standard granulated. 6 27 ter extras 2 40&'J 60;Mlnnesoia bakers 2 96 m BOOTHBY. Sperm.70®ao do low d«>; Allendale, Sadler, Gloucester; Victory, Gen’l Manager. Geu'i Pass. Sugar—Extra;liuegranulated. 6 27 3 20: grades 2 2542 40. Hardy. Agent. Sugar—Extra C. wh»l«.50(gj04 Friendship. Pur.land. Maine. mar24dtf 4 HO 40*45 Wheat—receipt® 92,396 bush :ex ports 228.640 BaTH— Ar sch yws Kio. g»»k. 21st, John 8 Deering, Fernan- Coffee— roasted. 10*14 Store.B5*40 bush; sales 6,815,000bush futures, and 448- dina. Coffee—J ava and Mocha. 27 OOO bu exports; firm; No 2 Red at $28 Porgle.30 u 35 spot 76ftc bid, schs Estelle Horatio L Baker Teas— \moy t. 22*30 fob afloat spot; No 1 Northern Duluth f Pbumeyand J-Vd.BB*S5 79ftc Was Ington; Samuel Didaway, Baltimore: Joiiti Portland & Rumford Falls Leas-Congous. 27l60 o b afloat to arrive, tew; No 2 Red 73ftc elev. Ry. Teas—J p Paige. PhiindelpulH; Abide ltowker. New .. 38*33 Corn—receipts 100,425 bush: exports 346,938 York. WITCHES OH Teas—Formosa.. Lead- bush;sales 00,000 bush futures; INSTALLMENTS. In Effect June 36*65 sSd.ooo bush BOOTH BA Y-Ar 2isr. sehs Rival, New Dally Line, Sunday* Included, 26, 1800. Molasses—Porto Rico.... 38*86 Pur. exports No 2 at 39%c fob afloat; York; Waltham and Elgin Watches. A large stock ground.« oon.6 60 ;spot steady; TeluiiHk. Frank G TB* mtW ANI> PALATIAL DEPART UKta. Molasses—Bar badoes. No 2 at 38% c elev. co&s»*toej Rich, Rockport. of new model Watches will bo sold on RTEAMVHI 30*33 jUd.u oo*6 50 Si*l. fell Mildred May, Tremont. easy pay- M0 A. M. aud 1.10 1’- M. From Raisins, London Layers.. 1 26*1 50 Ven 109,200 bush: ments at reasonable prices. All Styles. All Union station fcngltsli Red.. 2 ou.n,* 26 uais—receipts exports 162.907 BRUNSWICK. Ga-shiaoth. sch R tor Poland. Mechanic Falls. BuokJeld. Tan. Rai#iu*. Loose Muscatel. 7H American bush, sales o,000 bush Bowers Prteos. McKKNNKY; the Jeweler, Monumeut zinc.... o

V to th* convention: George F. THE PRESS. Kelley, *BW ADVKHTISKMK1CT*. DEMOCRATIC CAUCUSES. Isaac F. Out, Join 8. Hassell, George W. Far long, it ben T. Hannon. BKW ADVKCRTVftEJfEKTS TODAY* t ...... WARD NINE.

Oren Hooper’s Sons, D. F. Gulliver vrae obalrman and R. Hines Bros. Co. Henry Hooper secretary. The delegatee J. «. Ubby Co. Little Interest Mani- Owen. Moore ft Co. ware: D F. Gulliver, R. Henry Hooper, Bros, ft j%£ibbti& Eastman Bancroft; EX B. II. Millikan, John Seamman, F. K J7k. Palmer. fested in Them. rh« Weather to-day «• liable to be • A. M. Wentworth. Stevens. Kendall ft Whitney. U. 8. Engineers. UMBRELLAS. We made no Bute of Maine. THE PREVIOUS QUESTION. City of Portland. mistake in ad- Allen ft Co, Henkel's Flour. It* Use In the Common Connell le Un- vertising Umbrellas yesterday. F. 0. ft Co. Do not fail to see the I Bailey The Attendance at the nsnal bnt Proper. lilCAIC V I lilCilCV The weather warranted it, and so FINANCIAL* Average ■ did the Umbrellas. Price. McCormick ft Co. handsome display LIIlkNO LI ML lid! Mercantile Trust Co. Caucuses Was Four. At the 1 ait two meetings of th* Com- With confidence we repeat the AMUSEMENTS. mon Connell the previous question has in our it us as been used Th* use of story to-day. May bring C. B. 8. B. Co. to shut off debate. Hundreds? Yes—hundreds of yards of Exquisite this motion Is perfectly proper, bat rare good result# as yesterday. New Want*. To Lot, ror rtale, Lost, Found In deliberative bodies where th* mem- Table Damask added to our stock of Linens; and similar advertisements will be found under Linen just ample Women’s. Glo- The bership Is not large. Some of th* mem- Department. ria sol. their appropriate beads on page & Delegates Were Not a covering, bers of th* Connell did not understand making that is well worth Id color. Paragon display inspecting. frame, steel rod. Instructed. th* motion when It wee made, and there Tbe han lies Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp. are many othere who do not Good themselves the and of their are native Cougo .understand. housekeepers pride upon quality quantity 79o Has been nsed over Fifty Years ojr millions of wood, In this connection, therefore. If It may be W omen’s. Fast mothers lor their children while Teething, linen. We it commendable a in re- black of Interest to quote tbs aooaunt of thl* think pride and have share of it ourselves, covering. with per feel success. It soothes the child, large Paragon frame; motion given by Mr. Reed In his "Parlia- •teel silver softens the gums, allays Pain, cures Wind to our Linen You know there is a difference in the rod, mentary Hales." ihe previous gard Department. big Damask, trimmed handle Colic, regulates Cm bowels, and Is the best But They AB Furor Iter. Mr. ques- of Congo wood. remedy for Diarrhoea whether arising from tion In England," he sijb. "was orlgln- woven kind look well but when it comes to Price, H9© thin, loosely may pretty wearing quali- School teething or other eauses. For sale by slly a motion intended to avoid a direct Splendid Drug- McKinney’s Cnndiducy. Umbrella at 98c gists In every Dart of the world. Be sure and vote oo the subject before the assembly. ties want firm linen. Corolf*. Twill- ask for Mr*. you heavy ed Coro:a cover Winslow's Soothing Syrup, 35 cte It was drat employed In what were th n ft bottle. We have the handsomest (also English Glo- considered 'delicate matter*,’ whloh In- selected designs united with real intrinsic wearing ria) a snug caso of Taffeta; Para- volved high personages, and was a CA5TORTA very bualities. gon frame, steel Ingenious method of avoldsnoe. It still rod, silver trim- Bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. The Dsniooratlo ostaoutea to ..lent dele- In the House cf Our stock is first class in We shall aim to it in this to med, Congo and prevails Common*. 'There, every particular. keep prime condition, subject Dresden handles. In use for more than thirty years, and gate* for the dlitrlot convention whlob ie when th* previous question Is moved, It any demand large or small. Hotel and Boarding housekeepers please notice that last statement. Here’s a list of Women’s only, The Kind You Have Always Bought. to nominate a oandldate for representa- la moved by the enemies of the •1.00 proposi- sortie Kllk Cover, Un- tive to were held last popular values:— CASTOfclA Congrest nijbt. tion, and Is moved for the purpose of ion Taffeta Silk, No Paragon great Interest was manifested In these the messure and not for frame, Bear* the signature of Chas. H. Fletckkr. putting aside, Taffeta case. Tho oauuosss, the average attendance at the the purpose -cf debate and Dresdi n handle# In use for more than suppressing thirty years, and caucuses arc handsomely trimmed with sterl- being font and In come wards the to a llnal deo'slon. The Kind bringing subjoot DAMASK. DAMASK. TOWELS. ing Silver. J’rlco 81.50 You Have Always Bought. the number was not as large as this There the pr -posers of the motion desire There were no W hite extra damask Otto CASTORIA oontest* In any of them. to have a negative decision; there the heavy ttnller’w. Silk Corola. This Cream 72 inches wide ex- Pure linen huck 24 makes tne most effective It la understood that the ma- toweling covering Bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. motion for the previous quea'.tin can be warranted pure Irish linen, all for Umbrellas ever luventod. Taf- cf toe ohoseo last inches firm feta ensa, steel of In use ior more than and jority delegates night debated. Hence It cannot be used for the tra cream wide, heavy quali- rod.handles Hlng- thirty years, new full 72 inches heavy, pure linen Arabian and fsvor the of Rav. Luther Mo- designs, Hnrnboo, Vine, Congo, The Kind oandldaoy purpose of olesuro. The manner of put- Trimmed with You Have Always Bought. $2.00 ty, 35cand42cyd Sterling Silver. A Kinney for the nomination. T'he several ting It la, ‘shall the main question be wide, damask, latest patterns, >1.25 few have Partridge woo l handles 81.00 delegations ohosen were as follows: now Huck in putf’ If dscluad In the negative, Extra heavy damask, pure toweling fancy BRIEF JOTTINGS. imiiri'iim. v ■ WARD UMC. since the main cannot Ire Good new rose vr /.» pniN, question pur, heavy quality, weave, something new, fa*t black the linen, patterns of rose buds, covers. Paragon frame, Ths mUfiMno Vun cullol Art nnlar hr Housj having voted uot to have It $1.00 bud 24 inches Congo handles, 73c !t must be and flower 72 designs, 72 inches wide patterns, wide, Frederick S.Vaill has rented the (tore E. of the committee. done, neoessarily laid aside; tulip designs, George Right olty For 91 twilled coroln If It te decided In tbe then 50 .00, cover, Mo. 650 Congress street formerly occupied K. S. Fossett was ohosen chairman and affirmative, inches wide, ve y fine, $1.75 yd Jn taffeta cose, **teol rod, l’urugon the main without amendment linen and by William Mash He the to John M. Burke The follow- question, Firm, pure heavy frame, Congo Prlnoe of NValca Co., olothers, secretary. Neat full 72 inches Hock Towels. handles, alto und without even a patterns, opera hooks, silver Jones Brothers of del was permitting motion to Brooklyn, N. Y.,operat- ing cgatlon elected: Chailss F. 72 trimmed, 91.00 nujuuiu, iuvov ub at uuce aauaroiaea in width, all linen, weight, pretty patterns, ing under the name of the Grand Union Uui tlll, David Blrnle, Edgar S. Foasstt, put heavy 19 in x 36 in 10c "'J hi In For 91.00.. Otto Muller’s best cor- Tea con: piny. John U. Conneen and Charles F. Mount- previous question the United $1.63 weight, inches wide, 63c 17 in x ola silk cover, tuffetu case, steel 1 States has come to be a diTerent 34 (extra heavy) Monday morning at 10 o’clock, at the fort. quite Well finished, handsome rod, Paragon frame, selected Congo aldermen’s motion from the one just described, botb 12 1 -2c handles, silver trimmed, 20 inch, room. City bulldlug, three WARD TWO. 91.60 lo sod iu was 72 inches extra Good traveler jurors will be drawn for the Go- purpose result. It origin- damask, wide, value, good weight, 21 in x )6 in 12 l-2c M. C. McCann was obalrman and moved the toter term of the Supreme court. ally by friends of tbe measure $1.38 Same in 28 inch, 91.73 Samuel The fol- heavy, and in inch Miss Hattie Rcsmberg secretary. to rut iff debate and amendment, and good patterns Uammou.oasbler for Owen. Also a assortment from Huck Towels. Others at 9?.00, 93.30 to 93.00 lowing delegates worn elected: Edmund cause a dual decision of the main large Moore & Co., Is visiting frlnetls In Mew ques- J. Young, William 11. Sargent, Samuel tion. hcs which to select at damask, 50c York. It resohcd.Its present oandltlon 50c, 58c, 19 in x in extra Boys’ nn«l Wirin’ Umbrellas, 24 J. Florence F. Wil- 38 heavy 15c inch size, covered with Knglish Workmen have Knowles, Diliooll, by slow growth, and answers a very great commenced putting up 75c, $100, $1.25. 22 x Oloriu, solid color, strongly umuts. liam H. Dougherty. neidina in 42 in white or colored natural the big stage In the for tbs large assembly. Without It wood Laiulles, goed School Armory Umbrellas, price, 00c Maine Festival. WARD THREE. debate might have no end, especially DRAPERIES. borders, 25c where The St ’sm The was urltten speeohei are permitted At NAPKINS. Motor Engine Stock ooin meeting oalled to order by Musi'ns in llrst wq wsre contented with the English Drapery polka Hemstitched Towels. Echoes From the Linen Sale. pany with a capital stock of $30,0 0, of Samuel Li. Bates, Esq obalrman of the Napkins to match the bet- which I7J Is paid In, has been Demooratlo City Committee of ward motion, simply reversed In lt< int-ntlons dots, or full organised figures stripes, 22 in x 44 in “Best collection 1 ever saw In ana used It to defeat the ter of Table Damask in (Damask) 50c In this city with the following o(lioera: three. Charles Collins was elected chair- purpura They grades measure and we inches wide. Doycu 22 in x 46 in Portland.” Presldent, George K. Clifford of Fitch- man and Thumss J, Magner secretary! need It to forward It. 3-4 side at $3-75, 4.50, 5.00 thirty-six (Fagoted) 58c But It was soon seen that there was burg. Mass.; treasurer. Frank A.Teele of lha delegates ohosen to attend the grave dozen. need any? Fresh Draperies “Elegant in qnality. beautiful in Inoonvenienoe In balk to the main per Hemstitched damask Somerville, Mail.; clerk, Cnarles O. Bar- district convention were: Samuel L. going pattern.”' make an window. rows, Portland. Bates, George E. Thomaa J. question overthrowing all Intervening Napkins, 3-4 size in prices attractive towels, Sawyer, “Why, it’s two yards for the The annual meeting of the Associated Feeney, Charles Collins, Lorenso S. motions, including amendments, and at ranging from f2.00 to 5.00 Price 12 l-2c 21 inx 38 in 25c tne same tiue the whole price ol one.” Charities will be hill at City hall on the Washburn. Each delegate was empowered leaving eubjeol first Monday In October. to till his own vaoansy. practically open to debate. It was also “When will you have another no when the sale?” Ths public bul dings committee met at WARD FODR. longer sensible, previous was moved In the Interest of Eastman Bros. & Bancroft. Eastman Bros. & Bancroft. Eastman Bros. 11.80 yesterday morning when Architect question & Bancroft. We could fill The runout in ward four was a very this column with Passett’B plans for tte Park street school- progress, that a negative result should quiet and harmonious affair. The caucus similar expressions heard during house were and after a throw the measure aside for the day. considered, few was oalled to in Portland and take rooms at the order by Councilman Jos- Mr. Chapman is a graduate of Bow- today the sale. There is still minor alterations In the specifications “Henoe In view of these things, experi- STATE OF MAINE. good pick- eph E. F. Connolly who read the oall. doln In the class of 1891,and la on the edi- Falmouth hotel for the winter. H accepted. It was decided to advertise for ence has established In Araerlon the ing in the following grades: An organisation was effected by the elec- torial a tuff of the Yontb'e Companion. An t-ffoit Is being made to lnduoe Miup. bids in o.natructloo, returning October previous question as follows: In Hoard of Railroad Com- tion of Mr. Thomas W. L. McDonald as Mite Mlttbell la a young lady who haa tSembrlob to come to Portland on Satur- 4th “Instead of tbe formula priviously em- missioners. 49c. Satin finish Damask, 68 to obalrman and Councilman T. A. Burks a boat of frlenda at Brunswick, and day previous to her engagement here on John 'That the main b* now Doughty was elected janitor of ployed, question 72 inches wide, a dozen as secretary. The following delegatei many beautiful wedding glfls were re- luesdny in the Mrsio Festival. SLe will the evening school held In the Jackson pntf the presiding officer should say were elected to the dlstriot convention: ceived. be a guest of the Ft lmouth while in Port- Whereas on the 21st day of August, A. D styles, trifling imperfections. strset sohool house. 'Mr. A demands tbe previous question. lttio, me Capo Elizabeth Surest William F. Dresser, Luther B. land, and If she dec des to come|lo t'lls Halfway Com- A case of sourlet fe»er Roberts, As many as are In favor of the 1 pany presented a petition to the Hoard of U«||. at 181 Cumber- ordering JACKSON—DAVIS. Satin or T. A. Burke, John Key, Sr., and Frank city It is quite like ljr that a reception road Commissioners for approval of location of 69C. Damask, eight ten land previous will as the street,has been reported to the board J. question say aye; many Mr. exPrnston of it* Street Kail way In the City Foley. 'Teas a pretty home wedding that will be given the distinguished singer at ol South styles in all, 70 inch. of health. as are opposed will say no.' Tbls^ques- Portland, to and into the City of Saco and Mrs. Jackson gave thi Ir daugh- the Falmouth the of the Mu- anti throuuh Hie town* of ^earboro aud The WARD FIVE. tlon Is not debatable and oannot be Cytil by patrons Old regular monthly meeting of the orchard, and with a map of Its p.oposed route 75c. Double Satin Damask. Half ter Georglia at thtlr pleasant home, 182 sic Festival. it to school committee will be bell The oauous was presided over by Mr. amended. The results of the motion are showing be through the fohowiug sheets Monday Newbury street Wednesday noon. roads and ways, to wit: a dozen patterns, very ex- afternoon nt 4.80 o'clook. Swasey of the olty committee and B. J. as follows: If determined In tbe negative, lu Sjutn Portland, at Ibe was Mr. Homer Littlefield beginning the Junction grorm or the Saco road with Ltucoi clusive. fl.25 kind. Before Referee C. P. Mattooka yester- Curran was ohosen secretary. Delegates tbe consideration goes on as If the mctlon Street: thence Davit of Heston. running easterly on said Saco road to the day, was resumed the on the suit elected: Levi Gresnlsaf, H. A. Sweeney, bad never besn'made; if decided In the line between the of hearing Vitll im S. of boundary City South Port- Uev. Bovnrd, pastor land and the 89c. Double Satin Damask, ele- brought by the Rumford Falls Power D. H. Ingraham, J. 11. Bradley, J. O. affirmative, then the presiding officer at City of I'oriland; also commenc- Stieet Methodist churoh FINE FURS. ing at the of the road Congress per- Junction Rigoy with the and company vs. Tbe Rumford Falla Leighton. once, without debate, proceeds to put, Saco road, thence gant quality decora- Paper the In the of running westerly on said formed ceremony presence Saco read to the tions. company. It Is probable that the WARD SIX. llrst, the amendments pending, and then boundary line between the plain- the relatives and a few Immediate City of South Portland and the towu of Scarbo- tiff will rest Its case with the main queition as amended. ro. yesterday's Mr. Munroe of the oomralttes friends. The bride was In a olty ______charming Extra doable session. Also beginning at the Saco road In the towu 98c. Satin Dam- called the meeting to order and Banco bine broadcloth trav ellog pown and cur- SEALSKIN of hcarhoro at tue line between boundary the to 81 At the polloe station there Is a i;ttv of South Pori land and the town ask, 70 inch width. Keating W. Gaga was selected for Del- WEDDINGS. bride roses. The maid of Miss of Scar- chairman. ried honor. boro; thence wheel which was found on Franklin JACKETS. continuing westerly on sai l Saco This sale egates ohosen j: 11 anno W. E. B. Lillian Durban was handsomely gowned road through said towu of Scarhoro to $2.25, $2.00, $1.75 grades. street Gage, tue by Officer Flynn Tuesday b» udary hue between said towu and night. Osgood, Thomas H. Flaherty. James J. In light giay broadcloth. Mr. Henry U. the City price. It Is an Wo have an un- ol s»( o. excellent wheel, hut no one has UIIArrnAA—iUi iUIbblj. Murren, D. Frank Magner. Evans of Hldatford nes best man. The Also from Dnustan’s Corner In said Soarboro thus far appeared to claim choice lot of Alaska Seal* suit- along the road to ownership. was adorned with usually Pine Po'nt; thence on Brand Good and WARD SEVEN. One of the prettleet In Bruns- parlor pul tee,. Light Avenue to Ih- $1.25. $2.50 quality Ligonla Lodge, I. O. O. F., will work weddings able for lino and we would boundary lino between the refreshments were ssrved in the dining garments, towns ol hrarboio aud eld The meeting was oalled to order wick for a long time took place In the Orchard. style, 72 inches wide. the Initiatory degree this evening. by Also beginning at the line loom altor the murrlage. The numerous suggest ordering early. boundary between Coleman A. of the com Congregational church Otd Orchard and Fred Wadsworth of Uardlnor, and a Flaherty olty Thursday evening, Soarboro and Brand Avenue and were admired Good sealskins ara very scarco, and so anJ re litre. Greene was ohosen at 8.110, when Mlse Fiances 8nett Mitch- costly presents grtatly called, extending westerly to the Boston graduate of the olasj of ’98, Bates Wyer ohatr- and Maine Hall college, those who wero rulo and will continue bo. roar) Station at old Orchard man and Edward ell of Brunswick, of by present. prices high Beach. Also has been elected principal of the Colum- Flaherty secretary. The youngest daughter beginning at the Portland road, J. R. LIBBY GO. MLs Juokson has been head bookkeeper Wo own our present stock at loss than so called, at the line bia Falls High sohool. following were the delegates eleotrd: Dr, Alfred Mitchell, became the wife of boundary between the »ep22dlt town of Searboro and the City of Saco; thence Melvin P. Mr. Smith ot for the J. K. Libby Company for several market value, lisvlrg boon purchased Frank, Nathan Clifford, Dan- Henry Chapman Boston. westerly on said Portland road In said Saco at so as these the of of k *aaaaa^.a aaaaAAAAA Don’t let the little ones suffer iel L. Greene "and Edward The ceremony was performed by Prof. yearB. early in Juuc, and long last, point junction Mam and Beach streets AAAAAAAA from Began, Wyer near the f ^WWWwWWW VfffWWV eczema or Mr. who wae a born OoLgregatioaal Church lu said other torturing ekin diseases. Flaherty, Henry L. Chapman, D. D., of Howdoln Davis, Blidgton purchasers will secure tho benefit. Saco. Mo need for It. Doao’a Ointment was located in Portland a number of cures. college, the father of the groom, assisted boy, Now to the end that all pa-tles Interested J Our line of Fall and i Can’t barm the most delicate skin. At WARD EIGHT. be heard the Her. Edward B. D. years, going from hereto accept a position may touching above matter. It Is any drug store, 50 oents. The by Mason, D., pastor PERSIAN LAMB Ordered: following delegatlou was ohosen Brothers In Boston. ► Winter Woolens for of the Congregational oburoh of Bruns- with Noyts Ibat the petitioner cause to he published a trim of this oroer | copy of nollco three ’ wick. The oburoh was Mr. and Mrs. Dsvls leuvi a city full of JACKETS. days ♦ very prettily de- successively l.i tils Bldnetord lfecord, and Bid- Men’s wear is now friends In Portland. will he at rtetorrt Maine's Greatest Store. oorated with potted plants and out Sow- They Journal, newspapers published at Bid- c deford In the of York, aud in the Pori- < for in- X ers, with at the altar. The home after December 1st at “The Cald- Wo use none but county \ ready your palms bride land Press and Eastern Argus newspapers was dressed In Ivory-white satin,oerrying well," Arlington, Mass. tbo best grades, Leipzig dyed. They published at Portland in the county ot (him- < in our Tail- berland; the first publication lu each paper to * \ spection bride roses. The Miss Belle make handsomo and aro ai brldesmelds, garments, be least ten days before tne fifth day of Oc- < | a«4lth ot Brunswlok, Mias Marlon O. durable. tober, A. 1). 1899, on which day tin Board of < ► oring Department. | PERSONAL. Railroad Commissioners will bo in session at < Chapman of Poitland, Miss Elizabeth C. and our the For good style workmanship, passenger station of the Boston and Maine < ► Allen & Company, FIFTY Allen ot Portland ana Miss Julia K. tho Railroad In Old Orchard, at ten o’clock in the < fine rank with best | BIRDS. garments pro- < for the purpose indicated in said of wore Mrs. George Pteroe, of Gardiner, has peti- Noyes Portland, white point duced where. forenoon, 204 Middle Street. serious ussy over white and carried come to Portland, called by the Said petitioner shall send of the fore- « | •| We do not a bird 3'esprit taffeta, copies septifteodtf keep store, but we going order to the municipal officers of the < brldtsuald roses. Dr. Alfred Illness of her mother. LADIES’ CUSTOM J Mltobell, towns of soarboro and Old Orchard, and tiie < bavo just received went last week. fifty Jr., of Urnnswlok, was best man. The The Holyoke girls cities of Saco and South Portland, seveu days « »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ went TAILORING. at least before saUI hearing. ushers were Dr. Ernest B. .Young of The last of the .Smith girls yester- Dated this 7th day of September, A. D. 1699. Uiston, Mr. Edward N. Coding of Bos- day. Portland Is represented at this popu- “Bird” ( For the Hoard Parlor Stoves tbs Misses Dorcas In this depart- ton, Mr. Whitman M.Chandler of Boston, lar ocllege by Leese, JOSEPH B. PEAKS, Chairman J of Railroad ment wo make most that is Ur. Henry C. Emery of Mr. Allda Loess, Louise Harris, Hlldred everything (Comm’rs. Brunswick, A true copy. made a Ladies’ Tailor. which we bought when iron was cheap. John L. Mitchell of llrunswlok, and Dr. Dew«y, Florenoe Hinckley, Mary Bell by Attest. of Bartram D. Kldlon of Holt, Miss Lena Swusey and Miss Marl- (Signed.) E. C. FARRINGTON, Clerk. Speaking These new Togus. Eyes. stoves are iron throughout. Suit*, Costumes, Jacket*, sei>.2«l:u__ There was a large number of guests on Swasey. The term begins today. £ Btand over throe feet have etc Thoy high, !rom out-of-town. them Dr. and Mrs. Charles Bnrr of Newton Ulster*, Cape*, Among were TO This is the way we do our fire Mrs. Highlands ora occupying the Dooglasa CONTRACTORS < deep box, dumping grate, sliding 0. J. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Cul- We are a of fine Iptieal business. We guarantee making specialty --- len C. oottage through September. They have t lit or refuuil the feed door, and are value Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. suits at perfect extraordinary committee on av guests Mr. and Mrs.WllI Burr of New- public buildings will re- uuuey. We do all Muds nf Sturgis, Mr. Robert Chapman, Mr. Rob- THEoeive sealed at the price. Just the thing for this proposals until the 4th day of Eye glass and Spectacle Repair- ert C. Foster, Mrs.May E.Waterman, Mr. ton Centre, and Mrs. Charles Stevens of October. 1899. at noon for the remodeling and ; time of enlargement of the Park street school 1 ng while you wait. We cau year. John C. Miss Miss South Framingham. building. Allen, Marjorie Allen, Proposals may be made for the of I nahe you any kind of a lease in Robert for about seven completion Margaret Jordan, Ur. William Ingraham, Mr. Delaney Mr. Tanzlllo, (our cutter and fitter), the whole or any portion of the wo< k. Plans few hours. We have the and specifications can be seen at the office of F. Mr. and Mrs. Blon Wilson and Mr. and years the bead waiter at the Union sta- was employed for two years at “Red- argest stock of Goods Special Price on tliese OC II. & E. F. Fassett, Architects, a* Exchange Optical Mrs. T. L. 8watt, allot Portland; Miss tion cafe, has resigned hla position and fern" and three years at "MoCreery’s” street, where all information and conditions 1 n the city. We can give you only can be obtained. Satisfactory bonds will be J my glass you waut. and Margaret Smith ot Washington, D. C.; left yesterday noon, accompanied by his In New York. price required for faithful performance of contract. *e will not for New where be has ac- charge you $10.00 Mr. John E. Chapman, Mr. W. P. wife, York, We aro giving good satisfaction both The committee reserve the right to reject any “Wo pay the or all should it be deemed for ’or a $ii.00 pair of glasses. freight.’’ Mr. and Mrs. H.P. oeptrd a position of more la porta not. proposals, the Thompson, Chandler, in Btyle and workmanship. interest of the city so to do. Proposals should Mlse Emma G. of be marked for Mr.O. A. Chundler.Mles Ellen M. Chand- Randall, daughter Your orders solicited. “Proposals alterations of Park respectfully street school building.’' and addressed ler and Mies Grace the late Rev. D. B. Randall, returned to to Chandler, Boston; frank W. KUB1N80N, Chairman of Com- her home In this Orohard lire. Frank. Lyman of Duluth, Minn ; olty from Old mittee on Public Buildings. sep:2ioct4 FRANK P. McKENNEY, and Mr. and In Horace Bnrrough of on Thursday. i. Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blanchard of Wat- WALTHAM Optician, £|| Mr. and lira. Chapman, after a brier •rvllle, are visiting their sou, Mr. L. P. L. H. SCHLOSBERG, $6^50 WATCH^ honeymoon, will live at 88 Bookvlaw Blanohard, No. S3 Knekllff street. Sllverinc case. Waltham or Elgin moveraen MONUMENT SQUARE. 2 Free Street. ▲ good timekeeper, warranted. MoKKNNBY Mthwhhp street, Jamaioa Plain, Mara Miss Ten Broeok and sister will arrive Mpl* eod»t Mh the Jeweler, M ornament Square. jeO Hi I