[^PORTLAND1 ■■ ■ — ESI g:^ ■««' DAILY —■ PRESS. _ ESTABLISHED .TUNE 23, 1862-VOL. MAINE, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1899. PRICE THREE CENTS. """" {SSJE/aS — —— ■— ■ HI II 38._PORTLAND, Mill ■■■■■III ■ — MMCKI.I.A SKOUS. WILL AID KRUGER. THE RAMAPO COMPANY. tlon In 18*6. Upon the platform also JEFFERSON CAFE were Hon. Alexander Troup, national DREAFCS AT CAKPESTRAS. 8(111 the tnkjHl of If.a.t Board’. 1b- A HOT THE. oommltteeman, of Now Haven, Conn.) «4T MIDDLE STRICBT, qolrtee. Judge Jamea P. Tarvln of Kentuoky, Is under new management. Carl Vrooman of Kanaaa, Hon. Gsorge Business Men's Lunch New W. Greene, mayor of Wooueooket, H. L; Will be from lhl« date, Sept. 20th, a»e. York, September 21.—Corporation given Free State Bound Hon. H. 8. of New Nothing to equal U In Portland. You want to Orange Counsel Whalen. Justice Charles H. Cummlnge London, Is a be sure and Don’t forget the place. JEF- Conn Relative try. President Slla« B. Hon. Willie J. Abbott and .George Visiting FERSON CAFE, 2t7 Middle St. Open from e Truax, Batcher and H. Hheplry of New York oily. a. m. to 12 at night. ^ By Treaty. Peter A. Noetrand. engineer, were the Mass. _ Democrats Oatdo At the eloee of Mr. Callahan's There. wltueeees pnt on the stand today at the opening he Introduced Hon. W. 8. Mo- Mazet Inraatlgatlonl regarding tha affairs address, Nary, secretary of tbe elate oommlttee ae Fine Footwear of tbs Ramapo Water company. Themselves. * chairman. Tbs corporation oouneel stood by the permanent FOR Tbe various oommlttees Significant President Ramapo Water contract, explaining it wave appoint- Speech By ed, Hon. Fred Williams His Health Hoes Not remit was a perfectly legal document by whloh George being Gents and Chil- obalrman of the oommlttee on resolu- Ladies, Steyn. the olty’s Interests wen well protected. tions. it was then reported that there Visitors. dren. The wltoeeajand Counsel Moee baa some deceiving The Boston Convention were present 1471 ont of a total argument on the natun of tha questions delegates of 1688 entitled to seats. put to the witness 'and tha corporation Our fall are a Mob. The first sign of dlsoord style, constantly arriv- oounael traded many of the questions, Howling developed end we can show odo of the when Col. A.C. Drlnkwater of ing best Accuses of to In definite terms. Braintree, of England refusing reply lines nobby, up-to-date goods in PORTLAND'S GREATEST moved the of a oommlttee Justlos Truax said ha was a appointment Proclamation War the We have all and the stockhold- By city. styles Breach of to preeent nominees for delegatee to tbe best makes. Faith. er In the Ramapo company, and la a oon- next national oonventlon. Before tbe nmtlon with Rlehard Croker two Minister Gallifet. Perfect Fit and Satisfaction Guar- about ART motion could be put, W. H. of auteed. Prices Reasonable. EVENT. yaan ago, ha told Jdr. Croker It waa a Doyle Police Invoked To Silence Hon. J. F. Brockton, amid cheers and hlsass, tried good thing. Ha stated also that some of to amend the motion to the effeol that It tha amendments proposed to the original There 18 wae the senae of the convention that act- Bn Mill SSS3R& Nothing, He Declared, contract wen made by him. Fitzgerald. ion should not be taken on the matter at Treat dent Bnteber waa eolled for the Commands the Army to Forget EXTRAORDINARY COI.I.KCTIO!* I Which Warrants WTar. this but It be left for settle- purpose of ascertaining whether he bad time, should, ment next June, as usual. The amend- yet learned the whereabouts of the com- the Past. ment wae loot and then ex-Mayor Walter pany’s secretary, In whose poeeaalon the Rare Ceramics. L. Bamedell of Lynn vigorously de- books of .the eompany wets said to be, Hon. Fred Car- George nounoed tho proposed action of tbe state but hs bad not to learned. | Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, Sep- oommlttee On dress Rare tember SL—The Volkerned Engineer Nostrand wae called.. Hr. ries rT'|__ your Paintings,, met today Everything. He was followed by Hon. Chsrlee Hag- Carpentraa, Department of VaiiolUM, I with a fall Nostrand had In hla possession tbs options ne last Spring are nttendnnoe. President Steyn of In of the gerty Southbridge, opposition to the France, September 81.—Former Uaptala rend e oerefnlly prepared After Ramapo company, but be nfused p. probably some- speech. plan, and Patriok Gilroy of Springfield, Drey fan arrived here thla morning and Rare the to surrender them to Hr. Moss without now. Porcelains, welcoming be re- what faded bnrghere, expressed who favored It. The latter declared that went to the house of N. a FlOWCrS tbs orders of tbs or Vaisbrejue, gret that the relatione between Great president board of But don’t discard tbe delegates should not “bow tbe knee relative. Britain and tne Tranetaal bad become trustees. Mr. Butcher nfcssd to give the dress ou that to of the arrival of Enamels, the desired order. Delegates Eleeted To Next Na- Mayor (julnoy Bosjon.” Although Drejfas at the that strained. he said, were aware account. Bet us Members, The excitement was at fever pitch home of Ai.PAul Valabregue, hie brother* of the of Other wltceasss examined today had to meeting Sir Alfred Milner and tional Convention. amid the orlev of who hae good' do with the when, hundreds for the In*law, been eetablUbeU as a President Kroger at when building code commission. Bloomed Florentine Bronzes, Bloemfontein, right to speak, the obalrman recognized cloth In a merchant hero for a quarter of a ZZ™ President made Kroger proposal! wblob, DEMOLISHED BUILDING. Hon. John F. Fitzgerald. although reftieed by the British com- Carved high He was greeted with oat cries, hisses h""VSffcK: Ivories, missioner, were unanimously ooosldered and obeers. He rnQTCD»Q A Broken Freight Train Caniei Damage [bitterly arraigned Mr. Williams and the WAIT! & lUoItn ofiAr,pUo^:“" lu Bath. Boston, September 111.—The rlotone action of the stale oom- BOND’S exceedingly fair. 13 Treble St., flpp. Preble House. Rare Brie a Brae. scenes and tbe bitter flghts between tbe mlttee, and his remarks so enraged a por- Proceeding to review the OT Kid Gloves Cleansed every day. negotiations. two faotions of the Democratic party In tion of tbe audience that It was only up- President Steyn said the Transvaal bad Bath, September 31. -The fast freight this state, whloh characterized and made on tho urgent demands of the chairman Artistic been deooyed the Britt* train from Boeton which arrives here at by diplomatic iuui> u« was famous the all-night eeeslon In Muaio euoweu to continue, no vio- Blackstone CONSTIPATION agent at Mr. ■lx o'olook broke apart thla morning Cigar Pretoria, Conynghain ball here In and that at Worcester lent, became bie about two miles 1890, however, personalities Greene,and he aocuced the Im- from thla city and the TIIE LEADING We praotloally the were that the chairman called the CHALLENGE forward following year, renewed with upon cap- FURNITURE, etc. perial government of a breach of faith, section, oonelatlDg of 34 loaded any manufacturer CURED FREE. even greater bitterness at tbe annual con- tain of polloe to restrain hint. He style 10 8how tie said he was disinclined to advise the oara and tbe engine being deprived of TEH CEHT CIGAR vention of tbe State In Me- the convention a one. and said Dr. Hallook’s Vegetable Liver Pills are a tbe rear Democracy "snap” -O.NE.IIALF- Valued at Transvaal government to accept the lat- brake, failed to stop when it Vegetable Combination for keeping the $125,000, chanics' hall There wes a the committee had a to 0r purely reached tbe station. Thla today. hardly arranged plot Dowels In Natural Motion. Cleansing the Sys- Collected by aud front est British demands. The present criti- train collided Ihe yearly sales ol consigned moment, after the speeobes of the tem- make a regular "trust” out of the dele- tem of All Impurities, and a Positive Cure for with two them over cal state of affairs oonld not be a matter freight care, driving New England. Constipation. Jaundice, Disorders of the Stom- IS. GROSSBA17N Ac SONS, porary and permanent presiding oflloers gates present. He warned the oousmlttee “‘^orXT* ach, Biliousness, of lndlfferenoe to the Orange Free State tbe end of tbe track and through a section were when there was that Its downfall was certain. He asked 122 of ltonlton’a boiler house. The concluded, quiet New Bond St., London, W. England which was bound by treaty to afford as- building SICK and harmony In any At for an honest oonnt and a fair show. Quality Sales Prove It. HEADACHE, to be sold at auction sistance was demolished. The two oars were degree. times, Counts; Dizziness, Costiveness. Sour Stomach. Loss ot by to the Transvaal and he bad, the entire delegation was upon its feet, James A. Ualllvnn, ex-state senator, Appetite. Coated Tongue, Indigestion or Dys- therefore, oonvened the Volknraad to de- thrown off tLel: trucks, but otherwise the men on chairs or to of Ur. pepsia, Windy Belchtngs, “Heartburn.” Pain were not standing tables, replied the.utteranoee Fitzgerald, and Distress After and kindred de- cide what attitude should be taken. seriously damaged. Ealing, shouting In their passion some denunci- and said that the delegatee had just heard rangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, “There is Both Inside guides of the engine were & nothing," declared the Pres- the and WAITT BONO, cleanses the blood and brings a rich red color F.O.
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