Airport Is Bombed in Katanga Capital
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Diltribu+ion Today 18,900 *. attuM| and colder turn- row, Mtfi In the «fc See weather, Pit* 2. Dial SH LOO 10 tntitd s»u», Mocdaj tarouia Friday. Stcond ciu* Pottm VOL. 84, NO. 118 P*U •< R«4 8uk ui at Additional UtUtaj otlcu. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE- ONE Election Contested Farrdl Win Airport Is Bombed Margin Cut FREEHOLD-The first day of MA. Karl E. Bassett, of 56 he hearing of a suit contesting (V-ean Ave., Sea Bright, who also he Sea Bright mayoralty elec- maintain a residence at 3001 Bal- tion resulted in the reduction ol lentine Ave., the Bronx, and Don In Katanga Capital the victory margin from 11 to aid C. Smith, of 7 Church St. eight votes and the upholding o: Sea Bright, who also maintain the legal voting rights of seven a residence at 6023 Osage Ave., of the challenged voters. Philadelphia. Hit In Unsuccessful Republican can Judge Mariano ruled that Mrs. didate John J. Picknally filed Erna H. Rehrman, who resides on suit on Nov. 22 challenging the Henry La., and also maintains an Nov. 7 election victory of his op- apartment at 76C Union Ave., in Night ponent, Mayor Thomas Farreil Irvington, was legally within he The suit filed by George A, rights to vote in Sea Bright. Gray, Red Bank attorney, con The hearing continues today tended that more than 20 personi with Joseph Mattice of Ashury "illegally voted because they Park, representing Mayor Far- Attack were non-residents" and that the rell. Mr. Gray said he will chal- official margin should be reduced lenge the votes of 18 others. LEOPOLDVILLE, the from 11 votes to eight votes. Congo (AP) — Unidentified, Machine Totals aircraft attacked Elisabeth- Superior Court Judge Gene R ville Airport four times be- Mariano reduced the official tally Library fore dawn today, dropping here yesterday from 286 to 281 26 bombs without damag- HEARS VERDICT—Adolf Eichmann, who herded millions votes for Mayor Farreil and from 275 to 27J votes for Mr. Pick- ing any UN installations, the UN of Jews into Nazi death camps in World War II, hears a nally as a recount showed that Proposal command announced. special Israeli tribunal in Jerusalem declare him guilty of the absentee ballots had been The UN headquarters in the crimes against the Jews, crimes against humanity, war tallied twice. Catanga capital also came under crimes and membership in Hitler's elite guard and secur- The machine totals gave Mayor heavy attack during the night, Farrell 276 votes to his oppo Is Denied the UN spokesman said, from ity polics machinery. (See story, pg. 21 (AP Wirephoto) nent's 271 votes with the absentee SHREWSBURY — The Board Kalanjan mortar batteries lo- ballots totaling five votes for the of Education last night turned cated on a ridge west of the mayor and two votes tor Mr. down a Borough Council request headquarters building. Middletown Meeting Picknally. to convert the school auditorium The spokesman said h« did not It was conceded by Mr. Gray on Broad St. into a public li- know the origin or typo of the that six of the challenged voters brary. aircraft that attacked the air- who testified yesterday were Because leased quarters in th' port or if more than one plane qualified and Judge Mariano Girl Scout headquarters on Broad made the attack. Bombs were ruled that the seventh was quali- St. no longer are adequate, the dropped over a five-hour period, Joint Budget fied. SWEDISH SOLDIERS CAPTURED — Armed Katangan soldier stands guard over cap. beginning at midnight. borough is seeking a new home Voting Rights for the public library. tured Swedish UN troops in prison yard near Elisabethville. They were uized a Two Killed Mr. Gray is attempting to find A lease on the quarters expires week ago by Katanga polics at potential hostages in a skirmish with UN forcts at Two Indian Gurkha troops enough illegal voters who cast Dec. 31. Elisabethville airport. (AP Wirtphoto) wert killed and one wounded in ballots for Mayor Farrell to per- Administration Objects the attack on the UN headquar- Parley Asked mit the court to rule the election ers, the UN announced. It said Howard E. Matteson, schoo invalid for the mayor's post and principal, expressed sympathy On Berlin Compromise this brought UN casualties In MIDDLETOWN — The Board Mr. Davidheiser said the bids thereby declare Mr. Picknally the toward the council's problem, but the Katanga operation to 10 of Education will probably meet probably would be received some- winner. told the board approval of the dead, 37 wounded and 13 missing. iometime this week with the time next month. Those testifying yesterday whose borough's request "would be Katangan casualties are un- Township Committee to discuss He also reported -that plans for legal voting rights were conceded over the strenuous objection of known, but Gen. Sean, McKcown, the new school budget now being additions to the River Plaza, were: DeGaulle Blocking Talks the school administration and the he Irish commander of UN drafted. East Keansburg and Middletown Miss Mary A. Handley, Mrs faculty." 'orccs in the Congo, estimated PARIS (AP) - President De Atlantic Council of Foreign Min-oppose a resumption of talks In Harold Copeland, board presi Village Schools are now before Loretta C. Handley and Mrs He said a study of combined them at 50 to 60 dead. iaulle today was reported sti isters, beginning a three-day par- dent, said the conference with the state education agency for Catherine Handley, of 216 Ocean public and school libraries had Moscoe between the Russians Ten Europeans—most of them resisting all allied efforts to drav ley here tomorrow. township officials would allow preliminary approval. Bids for Ave., Sea Bright.who also main shown they are "rarely success- and U.S. ambassador Llewellyn mercenary soldiers—were flown these projects probably will not him into joint negotiations wit But the word from the French the latter a chance to go over tains a residence at 356 Stuyves ful." Thompson, who expected to be to Leopoldville today under tight the school spending proposal and (See PARLEY, Page 2) ant Ave., Irvington; .Mr. and Russia on Berlin. But Frencl was that De Gaulle would not (See DE GAULLE, Page 2) Councilwoman Mrs. Anne Jack- officials said their leader doei guard from Elisabethville. The make their own recommenda- son told the board the council UN said they had been taken tons. not intend blocking anolhei does not "want to take anything American-led attempt to come tt prisoner during the last week of He said this meeting will con- Effective End of Year away from the children," but terms with Moscow. fighting in Katanga and would tinue » policy established several stressed that the auditorium is Businessmen Seek be interrogated here to deter- years ago. "ideally located" for a library. The French position was re- mine their nationalities and roles 1 •.Earl Moody, newly-elected "I certainly hope we won ported as foreign ministers of the in the fighting. fcemocrajic township committee- Davison Resigns have to close the library," she Big Four Western allies movei Improved Facilities The UN here declined specific into the second and final day of 'ftmrf, would be invited to attend said later. comment on statements made heir conference seeking a uni- the meeting, Mr. Copeland said. Board member Charles P. Las- feATONTOWN - Most busi- modeling in (he near future is in the British House of Commons fied policy, particularly on Ger- Board members indicated that caro said the council wished to nessnen here would support a co- planned by 22 per cent; 29 per yesterday suggesting that the many. the final budget has not as yet make a separate entrance to the operative, concerted program for cent plan to renovate later. Two (See ATTACK. Page I) been set and that some changes Council Position auditorium from Obre PI. and in- Informants emphasized no an betterment of shopping facilities. have requested help from George might be made. FAIR HAVEN - Borough stall separate heating facilities nouncement was likely of the A summary of answers to a Dunn, a member of the commit- Seek Bids Councilman James L. Davison and lavatories. plan for renewed American-So- questionnaire presented to 120 tee with architectural experience Mae Council The board authorized James resigned last night, effective the Mr. Lascaro noted, however, iet exchanges until the matter owners and operators of local who has offered advice and W. Davidheiser, secretary, to ad- end of this year. hat such a plan would cause a is thoroughly aired in the North businesses revealed that 85 per sketches for low-cost remodeling, vertise for bids for a seven-room Mr. Davison said in his letter 'major dislocation" in current cent would join a group dedi- free of charge. Withdraws addition to Bayview Elementary to the council, read at last night's school programs. cated to improvement of the three When asked whether rivalry School. meeting, that he was resigning Mr. Matteson said the auditori Liberty business areas. exists among businessmen in the No definite date was set for due to pressure of business. His urn is used for many varied ac- Bruce J. Mangan, chairman center of town, the shopping cen- Resignation receiving of bids pending receipt term of office was to expire at tivities in the school. of the Mayor's Committee for ter and along the highway, Mr. FAIR HAVEN - Douglai F. of final approval of the building the end of next year. Alternatives Rejected Island Progress, reported to the Plan- Mangan said that It does, in a few MacConnell, ^.president of the plans by the state Department Mr.