
Early Owl Trivia Play-Along Copy: September 2, 2020

For correct answers, watch the stream on our website or twitch channel OR check back here next week. Please note: answers may be read by our online hosts in a different order than below because our software randomizes the answers.

Part 1: Lord of the Rings Easy

1) In 'The Fellowship of the Ring,' dies saving which two characters? a) Frodo and Sam b) Frodo and c) Merry and Pippin d) and Gimli 2) Most of Middle-Earth's called home, but where was this beautiful expanse filmed in regular Earth? a) Australia b) New Zealand c) Kansas d) Iceland 3) The Misty Mountain was inhabited by a rambunctious clan called "Durin's Folk." How are "Durin's Folk" commonly known? a) Dwarves b) Trees c) Elves d) Hobbits 4) As the son of the Elvenking of , Legolas was the prince of which realm? a) Lindon b) c) Nevrast d) Woodland 5) Who said, “I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the Ages of this world alone”? a) b) c) d) 6) Each 'Lord of the Rings' character had their own weapon of choice. What was the name of Thorin's sword in 'The '? a) Orcrist b) Excalibur c) Needle d) Zulfiqar 7) Which of these was not an inn, tavern, or pub mentioned in any of the books or movies? a) The Green Dragon b) The Old Guesthouse c) The Prancing Pony d) 's Hoof 8) Before he became the Gollum we know, what was this character’s hobbit name? a) Precious b) Sméagol c) Bilbo d) Déagol 9) Who boldly said the infamous line "You Shall Not Pass" to the on The Bridge of Khazad-Dum? a) Frodo b) Gimli c) Gandalf d) Aragorn 10) In 'The Fellowship of the Ring', Bilbo gives Frodo a powerful sword named "Sting." It glows when who is nearby? a) b) Elves c) d) Mordirith 11) In his youth, Aragorn was known by the word "Estel". What does this word mean? a) "Trust" or "Hope" b) "Faithful" or "Loyal" c) "Brave" or "Bold" d) "Passionate" or "Intense" 12) What gift does Galadriel give Gimli in 'The Fellowship of the Ring'? a) A powerful blue gemstone b) 3 strands of her hair c) A handmade goblet d) An elvish axe 13) After a failed attempt at corruption, imprisons Gandalf atop the tower of Orthanc. Who comes to his rescue? a) Gwaihir b) Celeborn c) Aragorn d) Frodo 14) Ever wonder why Sam calls Frodo “Mister Frodo?” That's because he was Sam's employer. What job did Sam do for Frodo? a) Deliver mail b) Clean c) Butcher d) Garden 15) Where did Farmer Maggot, the proud owner of a farm called "Bamfurlong," lead Frodo and Sam? a) Bucklebury Ferry b) The Prancing Pony c) Brandywine Bridge d) The Shire

Part 2: Lord of the Rings Hard

1) How many magic rings are there in Middle-earth? a) 20 b) 12 c) 17 d) 19 2) How many were sent to Middle-earth? a) 3 b) 7 c) 5 d) 9 3) What is the name of Aragorn’s father? a) b) Valandil c) Arathorn d) Alan Hafter 4) What gift does the lady Galadriel give to Boromir? a) An iron sword and Shield b) A horn and a ring c) A ring and an elven cloak d) A golden belt and elven cloak 5) How long had Frodo kept the hidden? a) 10 years b) 17 years c) 20 years d) 84 years 6) What is the name of Lothlórien people? a) Sindarin b) c) Galadhrim d) Dornin 7) Who is Gildor Inglorion? a) An King of the Second Age b) An Elf met by Frodo in the Shire c) A Numenorean d) A Billy goat that guards a rope bridge 8) How did Frodo’s parents die? a) They drowned in a boating accident b) They died after overeating at a feast c) Gollum strangled them d) In their sleep 9) Which battle did Merry and Pippin lead after the War of the Ring? a) The Battle for the Shyre b) The Battle of Hobbiton c) The Battle of Bywater d) The Battle of Yorktown 10) Which event led to the destruction of Númenor? a) Numenoreans tried to sail to the Undying Lands b) Numenoreans were willing to forge a new ring with new power c) Numenoreans planned to exterminate the Elven d) Numenoreans experienced a potato famine 11) What are the Huorns? a) A mountain chain b) A people from south middle earth c) Pointy things on the heads of rhinos d) Trees that can speak to and move 12) What is the other name of the Azanulbizar’s battle? a) The Battle of the five armies b) The Battle of Moira c) The Battle of the triwizard tournament d) The Battle of Mina Ithil 13) How did Dwarves come into the world? a) Everyone else just got taller b) They sailed from the Island c) They were made by the Valar Aulë d) They went out the hearth of the mountains 14) Who was the first owner of the “Vilya” ring? a) Gil-Galad b) Legolas c) d) Voldemort 15) Who helped Saruman conquer the Shire? a) Lotho Sackville-Baggins b) Grima Wormtongue c) Eleanor Gardener d) Bathilda Bagshot