
Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 296

Meeting The Board of County Commissioners met in their room in the Court House Annex Opened on Monday, September 27, 1965. Commissioners John H. Talton, F. B. Surguine

Jr., DonS. Evans, James T. Cooper and Cliff R. Freeman; Clerk Arthur W.

Newell and Deputy Clerk D. S. Banner, were present. There being a quorum,

the meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Surguine at 9:30 A. M.

The invocation was given by Rev. H. B. Massey.

Minutes The minutes of the September 16, 1965 and September 20, 1965 meetings were

read, approved and signed.

Holden Park, It having been certified by the County Engineer that a certain street in Holden 1st Addition Park, lst Addition, has been completed ip form and manner acceptable for

future maintenance by Orange County, a motion was made by Commissioner

Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Evans, and unanimously carried, accepting

the following street in Holden Park, 1st Addition, Plat Book I, Page 38, for

maintenance, and further maintenance bond in the amount of $626. 00 with Amick

Construction Company, Inc. as principal and Financial Fire & Casualty Company

as surety, guaranteeing the work for a period of one year, was apcepted and


Tamworth Court.

Southwood It having been certifie d by 'the County Engineer that certain streets in Southwood Subdivision, Sec. -5-F Subdivision, Sectlon 5-F, have been completed in form and manner acceptable for

future maintenance by Orange County, a motion was made by Commissioner

Cooper, s e conded by Commissioner Freeman, and unanimously carried, accepting

the following streets in Southwood Subdivision, Section 5-F, Plat Book I, Page 41,

for maintenance, and further main.tenance bond in the amount of $1, 140.00 with . . Mid-State Contractors, Inc. , as principal and General Guaranty Insurance

Company as surety, guaranteeing the work for a period of one year was accepted

and approved:

Antilla Drive, Tavendale Drive and B e lvidere Street.

Meeting September 2 7, 1965 Page 2 96

- · ' (( ( j L J

Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 297 .

Georgetown It having been certified by the Cormty Engineer that certain streets in Georgetown Estates, Unit No. 1 Estates, Unit No. 1, have been completed in form and manner acceptable for

future maintenance by Orange Cormty, a motion was made by Commissioner

Evans, seconded by Commissioner Freeman, and rmanimously carried, accepting

the· following streets in Georgetown Estates, Unit No. 1, Page 16, for maintenance

and further, maintenance·bond in the amormt o($5, 500.00 with Amick Construction

Company, Inc., as principal, and Financial Fire and Casualty Company as surety,

guaranteeing th~ work for a period of one year was accepted a~d approved:

Coachlite Way, Heatherbrook Court, Thistlehill Drive, Lowndes Drive, Carriage Hill" Road, Heritage Boulevard and Hermitage Court.

Florida Gas Upon motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Freeman, and Company rmanimously carried, the Board granted permission to the Florida Gas Company

to install and maintain a two inch natural gas main, crossing Aloma Avenue

(SR 426) on a line 40 feet east of the point of intersection with Strathy Larie,

provided the installation, which will be made by boring, and all repairs to said

road are made with reasonable dispatch in accordance with specifications of the

Orange Cormty Engineering Department, with Chapter 125. 42, Florida Statutes,

and with all resolutions, rule


Said motion shall take effect upon the filing with the Board of a written acceptance

in a form acceptable to the Board. 1':

City of Upon motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, and Winter Park rmanimously carried, the Board 'granted permission to the City of Winte r Park

to cut across the pavement. on Howell Branch Road from Madeleine to Temple

Drive, on Madeleine from Magnolia to Howell Branch R oad~ and on Magnolia from

Lakemont to Made leine to ins tall Northeast Sewage Interceptor line, provided the

installation. and all repairs to said roads are made with reasonable dispatch in

accordance with specifications of the Orange Cormty Engineering Department,

with Chapter 125.42, Florida Statutes, and with all resolutions, rules and

regulations of the Board of Cormty Commissioners.

Said motion shall take effect upon the filing with the Board of a written acceptance

in a form acceptable to the Board.

M eeting Septembe r 2 7, 1965 Page 297 Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 298

Traffic Upon motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, and Study - SR S-424-A unanimously carried, the Board adopted the following resolution: (Fairbanks) and Formosa "WHEREAS, the office of the Dis trim Traffic and Planning Engineer of the

State Road Department" is respectfully requested to make a traffic survey of the

following inter.section:

SR S-424-A (Fairbanks) and Formosa


1. That if the State Road Department recommends the installation of a

traffic actuated signal at the intersection of SR S-424-A (Fairbanks) and Formosa,

that a permit be issued for said installation.

2. That cost of said equipment and installation to be paid 100% from Orange

County Secondary Road funds.

3. That this Board does hereby agree to operate and maintain said signal . .· . ' . from installation out of local County funds.

4. That no significant changes to the signal operation, including timing,

will be made prior to State Road Department approval."

Petition to Upon motion by Commissioner Surguine, se·conded by Commissioner Freeman, Vacate por­ tion of and unanimously carried, p etition to vacate a portion of a drainage easement in Drainage Easement Section 27, Township 22 South, Range 30 East; was approved, and the Clerk was

instructed to advertise same for public hearing at 11:00 A. M., October 18, 1965.

Right of Way Upon motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, and Little Econ unanimously carried, the Board accepted the following right of way agreement

on Little Econlockhatchee, and the Clerk was instructed to file same for record:

Dennis D eRosier and Althea S. DeRosier, his wife -Sec. 27-22-30

Right of Way Upon motion by Commissioner Evans, s e c onded by Commissioner Cooper, and Apopka unanimously carried, the Board accepted the following right of way agreement

on Pine Street, Apopka, and the Clerk was instructed to file same for r ecord:

Viola M. Snowdale , widow- S ec . 23-21-28

M eeting Septembe r 2 7, 1965 Page 298 Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 299

Fortune The Board received a written report from the Clerk stating that he knew of no Tellers legal reason why permits should not be issued to the following applicants to do

business as fortune teller and palmist in Orange County:

Herman Joseph Tetreault, 1900 South Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, Fla.

Herman Tetreault, 1900 South Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, Fla.

Upon motion by Commissioner Freeman, seconded by Commissioner Cooper,

and unanimously carried, the Board approved issuance of permits to the

above applicants.

Petition to The Board received (i. petition to vacate a portion of Nautilus Drive in University Vacate por- tion of Heights, between Delridge and Webster Avenues, and same was referred to Nautilus Dr. the County Engineer for investigation.

LA-2 and Upon motion.by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Freeman, and LA-3 unaQimously carried, the Chairman was authorized to execute the Supplemental . . Agreement No. 1 on construction of Laterals LA-2 and LA- 3 with Cone Brothers

Contracting Company.

IBM Main­ Upon motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, and tenance Agreement unanimously carried, the Chairman was authorized to execute the IBM Maintenanc

Agreement covering IBM Typewriters.

Lease - Upon motion by Commissioner Surguine, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, and Tax Collec­ tor - Tag unanimously carried, theChairman was authorized to execute the lease between Office Earl J. Turner and Pansy Fox Turner, his wife, and Orange County for a three

year period ending on Decerrner 15, 1968, on the tag office building in Winter

Parka, for the Tax Collector.

National Upon motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, and Association of Counties unanimously carried, statement in the amount of $552. 00 from National Associa-

tion, covering renewal subscription to the County Information Service from .. . - ' November 1, 1965 to October 31, 1966, was approved for payment.

Meeting September 2 7, 1965 Page 299 Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 300

Resolution - The Clerk read a resolution adopted by the Orange County Board of Public Board of Public Instruction stating they were in a difficult financial situation, and requesting Instruction the County to turn over money received from race tracks to the School Board

which would permit them to reduce the millage set for school purposes.

The County uses revenue from race tracks for roads. No ad valorem tax is

levied for roads by the County. Commissioner Surguine stated that if the County

complied with the School Board 1 s request, that it would have to raise the millage

by one mill. A copy of the resolution was referred to the County Attorney.for

legal opinion.

Appraisal - Upon motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, and David Rand property - unanimously carried, the Board accepted the appraisal on the David Rand Little Econ property in the Little Econ area, and further, statement from James J. Hackett

in the amount of $125. 00, covering said appraisal, was approved for payment

Appraisal Upon motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, and Corey Property unanimously carried,, the Board accepted the revised appraisaL on the Corey

property on W~st Underwood Street, and further, statement in the amount of

$25. 00 from Brass &: Schneider, .covering said revised appraisal, was approved

for payment.

Drainage Upon motion by Commissioner Evans) seconded by Commissioner Freeman, and Easements unanimously carried, the following d:r:ainage easements were accepted, and the

Clerk .was instructed. to p.ave same filed for record:

Ruby Mae Burton and John L. Burton, her husband - Buf£1 s ~bdivision

L. 0. Henderson and Miriam Henderson, his wife - Buff1 s Subdivision

Little Econ Upon motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissione_r Cooper, and

unanimously carried, statement from Michaels Engineering Company in the

amount of $4,066. 25,covering field and office work in the Little Econ Basin

for the month of August, was approved for payment.

Upon motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner 'cooper, and

unanimously carried, statement from Hubbard Construction Company in the

amount of $13,248.00 on work done on Canal E-3 in the Little Econ Basin was

approved for payment.

Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 300 f -)

Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 301

Howell Upon motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, and Branch Basin unanimously carried, statement from Michaels Engineering Company in the

amount of $5, 500. 00, covering survey and field work in the Howell Branch Basin

during the month of August, was approved for payment.

Magnolia Upon motion by Commissioner Freeman, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, and Park unanimously carried, the following work was authorized to be done in Magnolia


Watkins Concrete Products Co.- Concrete Blocks $601..35

Southern Pipe & Supply Co. - 2000 feet of pipe $977.60

Boyd Electric Co. - Conduits,plugs,switches,etc. $1,183.20

American Plumbing Co. - .plumbing equipment $585.00

Bickel Septic Tank - septic tanks and drainfield $520.00

J. T. Justice - Labor on Masonry Bldg. $900.00

Petition - The Board received a petition signed by a large number of property owners Central Florida stating they are interested in the setting up of a non-political Central Florida Water Pollution Water Pollution Control Committee, to be devoted exclusively to the control and Control Committee elimination of pollution within the boundaries of Central Florida. The petition

recommended that funds be derived from each County within Central Florida

according to the amount of public water within the boundaries of said counties.

The petition asked that legislation be passed to this effect.

Chairman Talton stated that Planning Director Don Greer had already written

the University of Florida to find out if they have facilities to make this study.

of Lake Apopka.

The petition was filed for study.

Out of Upon motion by Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Freeman, County Travel and unanimously carried, the following out of County travel was authorized:

Bruce Barmby, Pine Mountain, Ga. - Oct. 13-16, attend Horticulture Con­ ference. Riley Raulerson, Savannah, Ga., Oct. 17-20, to attend Southern Section of Electrical Inspectors. W. R. Ley, Miami Beach, Nov. 7-11, annual Research Conference.

Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 301 ,.------

Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 302

Appraisal Upon motion by qommissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, and

nnanimously carried, the Connty Right of Way Agent was authorized to obtain

an appraisal_ on an imponnding area in th.e Littl~ Wekiwa Basin lying west of

Forest City.

Connty Upon motion by Commissioner Surguine, seconded by Commissioner Freeman, Agricultural Agent and nnanimously carried, the B~ard authorized the purchase of office equipment

from Orlando Of!ice Supply Company in the amonnt of $536.23 for use in the

office of the Connty Agricultural Agent, from fnnds in the 1965-66 budget.

Little Econ Mr. D. A. Cheney, Right of Way ·Agent, appeared before the Board and outlined

stipulations requested ·by owner of property in the Little Econ area conditioning

the purchase as follows:

Owner: James L. Babb

Description: Lot. 27, Block B, Azalea Park, Section 8, Plat Book T, Page 118, Orange Connty Records.

Stipulations: 1. The Connty will pay the sum of $15, 500. 00 on delivery of a duly executed deed conveying a merchantable title .

2 . The owners may retain the use and occupancy of said Lot 27 for themselves rent free for a period of nine (9) months after the date of closing and thereafter subject to sixty (60) days notice to vacate the premises . .

3. During their occupancy as piovided.for in Stipulation 2, the said owners shall provide for ordinary maintenance and repairs of the 'plantings, structures and appurtenances 'and keep the sam~ in as good condition as of the date of clos.ing.

4. The Connty will provide at its expense such title information as it deems necessary and the documentary stamps on the deed.

Upon motion· by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Freeman, and

nnanimously carried, the stipulations were approved.

Orlando- The Board received a copy of a Resolution passed by the Orlando• Winter Park Winter Park r. Board of Board of Realtors at its meeting of September 23rd, endorsing the the Connty Realtors Water Bond Issue, and same was ordered filed.

Southwood, Upon motion by Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Freeman, and Section 5-F unanimously carried, payment in the amonnt of $1,967.60 was authorized to be

made to United Associates, Inc . covering paving and drainage in said Subdivision.

Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 302 MeetingSeptember 27, 1965 Page 303

Stadium-Zoo Upon motion by Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Evans, and Committee unanimously carried, the Board named the following persons to serve on the

Stadium- Zoo Committee:

Sam Wilkins

Tony D 'Agostino

Dick Baird

Sherman Dantzler

Charlie Wadsworth

Bob Pittman

iames T. Cooper

Right of Way Mr. D. A. Cheney, Right of Way Agent, appeared before the Board and outlin.ed Hall Road stipulation requested by owner of property on Hall Road cond~tion~ng the granting

of right of way as follows:

Owner: Carl D. Buchanan

Description: The North 30 feet of the East 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 8, Township 22 South, Range 31 ~ast, Orange County, Florida. ·

Stipulation: The County will pay the sum of $350.00 on delivery of a duly executed right of way agreement on the form in common use by the County.

Upon motion by Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Freeman,

and unanimously carried, the stipulation was approved.

Lake Lawne On August 2, 1965, the Board approved payment in the amount of $920. 00 to Drainage Easement E. H. Folds for drainage easement into Lake Lawne. However, due to increase

in size of the drainage easement, a motion was made by Commissioner Freeman,

seconded by Commissioner Cooper, and Un.animously carried, that total payment

in the amount of $1,045.00 be made to E. H. Folds covering said drainage


Speed Zone Upon motion by Commissioner Freeman, seconde·d by Commissioner Cooper, and Long Road unanimously carried, the Board established a speed zone of 35 miles per hour

for Long Road.

Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 303 Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 304

Lake Lawne A motion was made by Commissioner Freeman, seconded by Commiss~pner Park Cooper, and unanimously carried, that the Board purchase a twenty acre tract

on Lake Lawne from J. Gordon Barnett for the sum of $30,000, and further,

that the County Attorney be instructed to prepare a three year option agreement

on the remaining acreage in this tract to be used as the Lake Lawr:e Park.


Audit The Board received a copy of Report No. 6233 covering audit of the accounts No. 6233 of the Board of Courity Commissioners, and same was ordered filed.

TB App. Upon motion made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the following application

for admission to the Southwest Florida State Tuberculosis Hospital at Tampa

was approved:

David Anderson Bishop, 61 E. Orange Street, Apopka, Florida County pay and State aid

Bonds Upon motion by Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Freeman, and Cancelled unanimously carried, the following bonds were authorized to be cancelled subject

to liability of existing permits:


Louis M. Barkan $5, 000 General Guaranty Ins. Co. Carl D. Gaffe,d/b/a Gaffe Const. 11 Insurance Co. of North America Carl T. Langford, d/b/a Lanford Const. 11 Insurance Co. of North America Henry C. Carroll 11 American Fire & Casualty Co. Herbert A.Ross d/b/a Cen.State Dev. 11 American Fire & Casualty Co. Bernard H. Rumsey 11 National Union Insurance Co. Thomas M. Turner 11 General Guaranty Ins. Co. Ira L. Varnum II Aetna Insurance Co. Reginald N. Williams II American Fire & Casualty Co. J. E. Russell II New Hampshire Insurance Co.

Uppn motion by Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Freeman,

and unanimously carried, the following bonds were cancelled:

Deputy Constable

Robert Wylie Carmichael $1,000 Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Md.

Melvin H. Wills, Jr. II Fidelity & Casualty Co. of N. Y.

Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 304 r -.1

Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 305

Appeal #92 Orange County Planning and Zoning Commission,Hearing - July 5, 1965

Planning Upon motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, and and Zoning unanimously carried, the Board sustained the action of the Planning and Zoning Findings of Fact Commission in the change of zoning from R-1-A to R-3 on Lot 14, West Winter

Park Subdivision, located at 2500 Lee Road, and the. Board made .the following

findings of fact:

1 . . The Planning and Zoning Commission has .studied the Lee Road Complex, which is the property on Lee Road between Highways 17-92 on the east, an~ 441 on the west. The property involved in this appeal lies within this area.

2. The area since the adoption of the original comprehensive plan for this area has rapidly developed into commercial use and the Board finds that the residential classification of R-1-A is no longer feasible for the area.

3. The Board finds that the granting of this classification will allow a higher density use of land in the area rather than the single family residential zoning and this classification does not cause the traffic generation and hazards involved if the property was zoned as retail or commercial.

4. The classification of R- 3 is more compatible with residential property surrounding the property in question.

5. This property is part of the Lee Road Complex which has been studied by the Planning and Zoning Commission for a considerable · period of time due to the growing importance of Lee Road in this area of the county and the Board finds it is necessary to make changes in the type of classification existing. on this property due to the rapid commercial development of the property in the area, and that R-3 is the most desirable classification.

Appeal #97 Scott E. Strahan and Orange County Planning and Zoning Commission -He.aring

Planning August 2, 1965 and Zoning Upon motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Freeman and Findings of ' Fact unanimously carried, the Board sustained the action of the Orange County Planning

and Zoning Commission in approving the application as follows:

R- 3 on that portion of the property lying East of SR 15-A cut-off with the exception of the existing C-1 which is to remain C-1; Ind-2 on that portion of the property lying west of SR 15-A CtJ.t-off and south of the railroad; and Ind-2 on that portion of the property lying West of SR-15-A cut-off and north of railroad; and the Board. made the following finding of fact:

Meeting Sept ember 27, 1965 Page 305 Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 306

1. That the growth and development of this area since the adoption of the

present zoning classification, the location of the roads in this area, the loca-

tion of ·the railroad in relation to the property requested for rezoning, the need

in the area for a Ind-:2 classification, and the needs of this area for a resi-

dential classification, establish the need to change the zonirg classification

in the manner proposed by the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Appeal #99 Flora I. Ferguson - Hearing August 2, 1965.

Planning Upon motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Freeman, and Zoning and unanimously carried, the Board sustained the action of the Planning and Finding of Fact Zoning Commission in granting the request for a· change in zoning from R-1-A

to C- 3 on. the property located at the southwest corner of Lake Street and

Palmetto Avenue (Highway 15..:.A cutoff) and the Board made the following find-

ing of· fact:

1. That since the adoption ~f the present classification of R-1-A, the area bas changed, i ncl udi ng the development of the roads in the area, so that it ie no 1 anger suitable for residential purposes The area is now clearly a commercial type area and the classifica­ tion should be changed to permit the commercial use found to be suitable for the area· by the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Appeal #1 0 Carl and Jennie Smith - Hearing August 16th and 30tla., 1965.

Planning Upon motion by Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Evans and and Zoning unanimously carried, the Board overruled the Planning and Zoning Commission Finding of Fact and granted the request of the applicants for a change ·of zoning from R-2 to

C-1 and the Board made the following finding of fact:

l. The property is located on the East side of Vineland Road, one­ half mile north of 33rd Street. Since the date of adoption of the original comprehensive plan .the character of the neighborhood has changed. '

2. The trend is toward a commercial use. There is a commercial use property across the street from the applicant's property . .. The City of Orlando bas zoned for commercial use a 20-acre tract acros the street from the applicant's property.

3. The Board finds there .is a ne>ed for commercial use property in the area to serve as neighborhood stores for residents in the area.

Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 306 Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 307 ! Resolution - Upon motion by Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Evans, and Twins unanimously carried, the Board adopted the following resolu~ion:

j WHEREAS, the Baseball Club has won the 1965 pennant race

in the , and '

j ! WHEREAS, the Minnesota Twins in a few days shall be playing in the World

Series, and l

WHEREAS, the Minnesota Twins were formerly the Washington S~nators and

., owned by the late revered baseball pioneer, Mr. , and ; I WHEREAS, Mr. Clark Griffith brought the Washington Senators to Orlando,

Orange County, Florida, in 19~6 for Spring Training, and this fine association

with our county has contlnued.each year since that date, and . . ~ . ~ . . ~ . . ..

WHEREAS, Mr. Calvin Griffith, nephew of the late Mr. Clark Griffith, succeedec . . ' . ' . '

to the O'{lnership of Jhe ,Washington Senators, now the Minnesota Twins, and has

continuttd to conduct the Spring Training of the Twins in Orange County, each year,

WHEREAS, Mr .. Calvin Griffith, the owner~ Mr. Sam , Mel~, the ,, the

players and. staff. of the Minnesota Twins have.. .. made many. friends in Orange Count ,

many of them own or rent property in the area, hold off season employment in our

county, as we,ll as .having large numbers of fans in Orange, County, and

WHEREAS, ~hrough all these years they have been a part of our community ' life, and

' WHEREAS, the people of Orange County are confident that the Minnesota Twins II' 1:

shall be proclaimed the Worl~ Champions at the conclusion of the coming series,

NOW,THE~EFOJ;tE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners . . .

of Orange County, fqr and on behalf of the citizens of Orange County, do hereby

acknowledge the tremendous Achievement of Mr. Calvin Griffith, Mr. Sam Mele, . ' ' ' the Players and staff of the Minnesota Twins in winning the pennant race for 1965 i I in the ·American League, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners that it

does hereby offer the congratulations of the citizens of Orange County and t4e men -

bers of this Board to Mr. Calvin Griffith as owner, Mr. Sam ·Mele as manager, ani


I to each· player and member of the staff of the Minnesota Twins and extends to therr

I our support and firm belief that they shall win the World Series against whomever

the National League may finally decide to send to the series. Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 307 -Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 308

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution is hereby adopted and made

a part of the permanent minutes of this Board and the Clerk of the Board is re-

quested to forthwith transmit a copy _of this Resolution ·to Mr. Calvin Griffith as

owner of the Minne.sota Twins as evidence of the esteem and affection in which the

Minnesota Twins are held by the people of Orange County and the members of this


Resolution - Upon motion by Commissioner Cooper, seconde~ by Commissioner Evans, anq Dilworth

unanimously carried, t~e Board adopted the following resolution:

WHE~EAS, Mrs. D9rothy Dilworth, a longtime citizen and residei7t of Orange

County, died on September 17, 1965, and - WHEREAS, Mrs. Dilworth was born in Unadilla, New York, and was a loyal

employee of Orange County, having served since j;he commencement of her employ

menton July ~0, 1956, as a nurse at the Orange County Convalescent Home, and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Dilworth is remembered by all who knew and served with her

for her diligence in the discharge of her duties, and the humane treatment she al-

ways extended to her patients at the Convalescent Home, and

WHEREAS~ Mrs .. Dilworth is survived by her hu~band, Mr. paul Dilworth, and

her son, Bill Kehr.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED py the Board of County Commissioner~

of Orange Co-qnty that the Board, being deeply grieved over the passing of their ) .

friend and fellow citizen, Mrs. Dorothy Dilworth, wishes to express its deepest . . '

sympathy to the members of her family and to recor~ to her memory the deep

appreciation qf this. Board on behalf of itself and the community it serves, for the

dedicated service she rendered in such a generous spirit as a nurse and faithful . ) . " .

employee of Qrange County at the Orange County Convalescent Home.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution is hereby adopted and made

a part of the permanent minutes of this Board and the Clerk of the Board is re-

quested to forthwith transmit a copy of this Resolution to the members of her

family as evidence of the esteem and affection in which Mrs. Dilworth was held

by her fellow employees of Orange County and by this Board.

Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 308 ' • ' I J

Page 309 . Meeting September 27, 1965


Bonds Upon motion made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the following bonds were Approved approved:


Peter C. Magamoll $5,000 General Guaranty Insurance Co.

Louis J. Ferris d/b/a Ferris Canst. 11 Continental Insurance Co.

William H. Read 11 State Automobile Mutual Ins. Co.

L. L. Pucket~, Gilber & Shields Canst. " U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co.

Peter C. Magamoll II General Guaranty·Ins. Co. 1: Ru'ssell H. Smith II General Guaranty Ins. Co.

Floyd L. Durham II American Fire & Casualty Co.

WilliamS. Brumley, Jr. II Florida Insurance Exchange

Clyde R. Hull II Florida Insurance Exchange

Herman L. Irwin II Florida Insurance Exchange

Stanley Johnson II Florida Insurance Exchange·

Carlton L·. ·Madison II Florida Insurance Exchange·

Richard R. Von Bampus II Florida Insurance Exchange

Earl James Burton II American: Fire & Ca'sualty Co.

Robert A. Cush~n II American Fire & Casualty Co.

J. H. Ma'nn, III II Continental Casualty Co.

Abe 0. Wise II American Employers 1 Ins. Co.

Harry W. Hewitt, Jr; II Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Md.

Jack Adkins Construction Co. II American Employers Insurance Co.

Don L. Gage II Continental Casualty Co.

C. L. Harms II Aetna Insurance Co.

Joseph Dennis Hennessy II Seaboard Surety Co.

William 0. Innanen II Planet Insurance Co.

John C. Jennings, Jr. d"'/J/a Jack Jennings" Continental Casualty Co.

W. H. McKibben II Fidelity & Guar: Co.

R. James Mitchell II American Fire & Casualty Co.

Quentin I. Neff II American Fire & 'Casualty Co.

Leon H. Ossenkop, Jr. II American Fire & Casualty Co.

Miller 0. Phillips, Jr. II The Fidelity & Cas. Co. of N. Y.

Roy Phillips II Reliance Insurance Co.

Joseph D. :Robinson II American Fire & Casualty Co. ·

William H. Roof II General Guaranty Insurance Co.

B. L. Shinn d/b/a Southeastern Gen. Corp. 11 Pacific Indemnity Co.

Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 309 -

Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 310

John G. Stanganello $5,000 American Fire & Casualty Co.

Richard E. Thomas It Hartford Accident & Indem. Co.

Allen Trovillion It General Guaranty Insurance Co.

Carl B. Bergman It Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Md.

Richard E. Carroll It Seaboard Surety Co.

Ludwig Goetz, Jr. It Aetna Insurance Co.

William H. Jayne, Jr. It The Phoenix Insurance Co.

Eugene E. Linton It Ne'¥=Hiampshive Insurance Co.

Joseph J. Menke II Auto-Owners Insurance ·co.

Rupert L." Rumpf, Jr. II Ama-ican Fire & Casualty Co.

James Henderson Wilder II Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co.

Willfam L. Williams II American Fire & Casualty Co.

Kent 'l'yus, General Construction II General Guaranty Ins. Co.

Deputy Constable

James Walter Cornell II Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Md.


Harry E. JJ\a.e:ll"gensen II American Fire & Casualty Co.

Able Electric Co., Inc. II Glens Falls Insurance Co.

Henry Ahrlich II Aetna Insurance Co.

Robert W. Hines II General Guaranty Ins. Co.

'Joseph J. Kammer II Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Md.

Troy L. Williams, d/b/a Troy L. Williams 11 The Fidelity & Casualty Co. of N.Y. Electrical Service James c. · Davis II Planet Insurance Co.

James A. Davis II Reliance Insurance Co.

George F. Taylor II Hartford Accident & Indem. Co.

J. E. Hawkins II Employers 1 ·Liability As surariceCortp.

L. Miller Willis II The Fidelity & Casualtty Co. of N. Y

S. R. McCoy %Tiltz Air Cond.Inc. II The Fidelity & Casualty Co. d N. Y

Claude H. Wolfe, Inc. II The Fidelity & Casualty Co. of N.Y.

Angel Blanca d/b/a Angel 1 s Elec. II General Guaranty Insurance' Co.

Otto G. Umlaufd/b/a Otto G. Umlauf II United States Fire Ins. Co. Elec. Co. Gaysey Vargo II Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Md.

Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 3 0 Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 311


Harry D. Loucks d/b/a Orlando $5,000 The Ohio Casualty Ins. Co. Plumbing & Heating Co.

Bob Wiggins Plb. Inc. II General Guaranty Ins. Co.

Lee Brothers II The Ohio Casualty Ins. Co.

Pacific Plumbing Co. II State Automobile Mutual Ins. Co.

Fancis Audette II American Fire & Cas. Co.

Paul H. Johnson II Glens Falls Insurance Co.

Charles D. Johnson, West Orange Plb. Aetna Insurance Co.

Max Krebs 11 The Phoenix Insurance Co.

John E. Muraski II Gulf American Fire & Cas. Co.

Stanley Osterberg II Hartford Accident & Indem. Co.

Julius Blum, American Plb. Co. II Aetna Insurance Co.

N. W. Peterson II Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Md.

William A. Kimber II Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Md.

Ford Cavanaugh II Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co.

Charles L. Olds II Fidelity & :Deposit Co. of Md.

Charles Arnold II The Millers Mutual Fire Ins. Co. T xas

Building and Upon motion by Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Evans, and Dredging Permits unanimously carried, the following permits, having been approved by the County

Engineer, were approved by the Board:

Addition to Church, Pine Hills Manor

Humble Oil Co., Sec. 2-22-29

Bldg. Permit- Sec. 15-22-29- Little Wekiwa

Dredging Permit - Mary Jane Shores

Reports The following reports were received and ordered filed: . Rocket City weekly progress report Sept. 20- 25, 1965

County Parental and Detention Home Sept. 22, 1965

Northwest Sewage Treatment Plant August 1965 ·

Southwest Sewage Treatment Plant August 1965

Central Florida Industrial Park August 1965

Fairvilla Sewage Treatment Plant August 1965

Sand Lake Trailer Park Sewage Plant August 1965

Meeting September 2 7, 1965 Page 311 Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 312

Mo-Ho Trailer Park August 1965

Eastland Shopping Center August 1965

County Engineering Dept. Aug. 17-23, 1965

County Road & Bridge Department August 17-23, 1965

Meeting There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Closed


Meeting September 27, 1965 Page 312

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