MITs The eather Olde and Large Today: Clear skies, 37°F (30C) Tonight: Cold light rain, 32°F (O°C) ewspaper Tomorrow: Skie clearing, 37°F (3° ) Details, Page 2

02139 Friday, February 16, 2001 Hubert Wms Lemelson Prize Graduate Student Earns Award for anotechnology Work By Nancy l. Keuss ASSOCIATE EWS EDITOR Brian . Hubert G ha been named the recipient of the seventh The annual Lemelson-MIT Program Lemelson·MIT $30 000 tudent Prize. Hubert, a graduate tudent in Awards Program Mechanical Engineering, ha devel- oped the world's first universal "pick-and-place" nano-assembly WENDY GU-THE TECH machine, able to lift and assemble The physics reading room, located in Building 26, may house the nearly any type of material, several TEAL program. thousand atoms at a time. Hubert hopes hi nano-assembly proces , the result of over 18 Physics Reading Room months of work, will someday have a significant effect on genetically- based medicine. "The broad range of Brian's likely to House TEAL endeavors wa impre ive to us. 's rare to see someone who can write and play music like Mozart one day JAMES SNYDER THE TECH Fifth Floor of Student Center Ruled Out and invent devices that build on an Brian N. Hubert G talks to the press yesterday in the Faculty Club By Pey-Hua Hwang dismissed, its consideration is a atomic level the next. Brian is a true about his various inventions that won him the Lernetson-Ml't STAFF REPORTER symptom of the lack of space within Renaissance man," remarked Josh $30,000 Student Prize. MIT administrators have indicat- the Institute. The use of the Student Tolkoff, chairperson of this year's ed that the physics reading room Center space was initially proposed Student Prize judging panel. into these ultra-dense gene chips vidual displays any symptoms. will probably house the upcoming after discussion between Space "There's an exciting application could "allow for a reading of the A second invention presented at Technology Enabled Active Learn- Administrator John P. Dunbar of the to ultra-dense gene chips," Hubert genome in minutes." This, in tum the ceremony was Hubert's plastic ing (TEAL) project. Facilities Department, Chancellor notes. egments of D A strands may aid doctors in detecting gene- Professor of Physics John W. Lawrence S. Bacow '72, and others. placed on gene chips and patterned related di eases well before an indi- Lemelson, Page 18 Belcher said that the study space on "There were a lot of people the fifth floor of the Student Center involved," said Redwine. He men- is officially out of consideration and tioned that "one of the attractions Wang Discusses Biotechnology inAsia that the physics reading room is was '" we felt it could be done in a Dlegal pharmaceuticals rampant well suited to the project's purpose. way to preserve the current use of companies to produce any patented Dean for Undergraduate Educa- the space." According to Wang, these drug for use within that country, tion Robert P. Redwine described However, Redwine said that "a Ins itute essor Daniell. C. nation do little research of their including newer recombinant D A his feelings towards the project as lot of students said that this would Wang '59 spoke about the develop- own, mainly producing generic ver- drug . being "cautiously optimistic." His be a loss to them, and the idea was ment of biotechnology industries in sions of drug developed in the "If they use them internally, biggest concerns are the shortage of put to the wayside. Most recently several Asian countries last night. United States and Europe. "Some- there's no way to police that," space at MIT and the increased the plan that was floated was to use The talk, entitled "Impact of thing very interesting is that when Wang said, likening their strategies pressure to select a location soon to the physics reading room." Biotechnology: The Pacific Rim," you look at our universities, we re to playing with an open hand of ensure the project's completion by discussed government and private into developing new things, whereas cards. "Give me one peek, and I'll this fall. "Obviously things have to Reading room likely to move attempts to develop the biotechnolo- they are into generics," he said. know exactly how to play my start happening quickly," he said. Professor and Associate Depart- gy industry in China, Hong Kong, Although ome of these generic cards." ment Head for Education Thomas 1. Singapore, and Taiwan. Wang has drugs are copies of medicines The abuse of intellectual proper- Student Center space ruled out Greytak '62 said that "the Physics served as an adviser on biotechnolo- whose patents have expired, most of ty laws in several Asian countries Although the idea of using the gy to the governments of these these countries do not obey intellec- fifth floor of the Student Center was TEAL, Page 14 countries for over ten years. tual property laws. This permits Biotechnology, Page 19 MIT Committee Regulates Experiments On Animals

By Eun Lee non-researchers. Dr. Barbara ASSOCIATE FEATURES EDITOR O'Pray of the Medical Department Animal research, which is per- has headed the committee since formed by several laboratories 1994. around MIT, has emerged as a sen- "The main point I'd like to get sitive and aero s is that we take this very seri- Feature difficult ously," said O'Pray. "All of this issue for research is tightly regulated." both researchers and protesters Included on this committee are alike. an ordained minister, two veterinari- MIT's Committee on Animal an , an animal technician, and an Care (CAC) was established to outsider with no affiliation with en ure that all Institute researchers MIT who is required by law to be working with animals comply with on the committee. federal, state, local and institutional 'There are very few minority animal care regulation . opinions becau e we work to make The CAC i responsible for everyone happy,' said O'Pray. inspecting animals, animal facilities Profes or Harriet Ritvo, head of and laboratories, and reviews all the History Department erved on research and teaching exercises that the Committee on Animal Care for Wt"ND Y GU-THE TECH involve animals before experiments six years. Tina S. Lai, a staff member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, admires posters dis- are performed. "I was very impressed by the playing past activities of MIT's chapter of Habitat for Humanity. On Wednesday the organization Pre ident Charles M. Vest seriousne s and integrity with which celebrated the opening of a new project that involves teaming up with a local affiliate to build a appoints the 13 to 15 members of the committee operated," she said. house for a family in need. the committee, who repre ent an equal mix of both re earchers and Animal Testing, Page 21

Women's Comic OPI 0 World & ation 2 basketball Philip Burrowes argues that the Opinion 4 defeats contribution of African-Ameri- Art 8 Wheaton on cans hav been ignored by edu- On the Town 9 enior ight, cator and mainstream media. Event Calendar 17 Page 24 Page 15 Page 5 Page 2 ORLD & ATIO SarOD, Barak Join Forces LOS ANGELES T/\IES To Govern State of Israel A bipartisan group of lawmaker launched a bid Thur day to over- turn Pre ident Bush' ban on giving federal fund to international By Tracy ilkinson I raelis buried mo t of the eight haron and hi aides ay. Reaching family planning group that u e other fund to pay for abortion-relat- LOS ANGELES TfMES young I raeli killed a day earlier by a comprehen ive ettlement is no ed acti ity. JERU ALEM a Pale tinian bu driver who longer part of the vocabulary. Backing the effort are everal international health organization On a day full of funeral I rael' lammed into a crowd at a bu top Battling what i increasingly a concerned the ban will force them to halt effort encouraging their prime minister-elect and the man he near Tel vi, in the deadlie t guerrilla conflict i difficult for a countrie to liberalize abortion law to reduce the number of women trounced at the polls agreed in prin- attack on I raeli in nearly four conventional if formidable, army who die from illegal abortions. ciple late Thur day to joining force year. Pale tinian policeman try- such as I rael's. The conflict has The legi lation to 0 erturn Bu h's ban ha a good chance of pas - in a coalition government that will ing to infiltrate a Jewi h ettlement become what one analy t called an ing in the enate, which hi tori cally ha been more supportive of immediately face the pro pect of a in the Gaza trip wa hot dead by a ymmetrical war, one in which the family planning and abortion rights. Its pro pect are more uncertain widening guerrilla-style war with I raeli soldier , the army said, and goal and front lines are murky. in the House where the Republican majority could u e parliamentary Pale tinian . iolence raged around Jeru alem "It's a war in which there is no procedures to thwart it. Outgoing Prime Mini ter Ehud and in the, West Bank and Gaza. military ictory, certainly not easy The ban, one of Bu h' fir t acts as pre ident, prohibited any over- Barak agreed to enter the govern- The deteriorating ecurity itua- and wift," Deputy Defense Minis- eas organization that get U .. aid for family planning from u ing ment of hawki h Ariel haron a hi tion helped propel haron and ter Ephraim neh said Thursday. fund received from other sources for abortion counseling, abortion defense minister Israeli radio and Barak toward the oalition agree- In addition to returning to a poli- referral , performing abortion or lobbying to liberalize abortion televi ion reported, concluding ment, which must be approved by cy of a assinating elect Palestinian laws. inten e negotiations that began after their partie . Opposition in the militant leaders, Israeli forces are Direct u e of U. . money for abortion-related activities by inter- the Feb. 6 election. Labor Party will be especially tiff. building new fortification along national organizations ha been blocked ince 1973. Barak's office said the formation haron had wooed Labor to hi potential flash points, increasing the of a so-called unity government administration to give it a more number of days of re erve duty and including Barak' lefti t Labor Party moderate image and to houlder the asking for a bigger budget. 111 7 0 r r and Sharon's right-wing Likud burden of fighting a nearly 5-month- "The statu quo is beginning to THE WASH!, GTO,V POST Party wa conditional on re olving old Pale tinian uprising that in be too high a price to pay," said Dan Dell Computer Corp. announced Thursday morning that it wa fir- several minor points. haron's recent day has surged to it most Meridor, a centrist legislator who is ing 1,700 employees, or 4 percent of its work force, in an attempt to poke man, Raanan Gi sin, said the violent level in weeks. expected to join the new govern- cut co t in a softening desktop computer market. deal wa all but done. But the sober reality is that even ment. "The pretty dream (of reach- 'It's a tough decision and a hard thing to have to go through," said greement came as the crisis in with Barak and Labor's elder states- ing peace) that we were all raised by ike aber, a spokesman for the company. the iddle East entered a new man, Shimon Peres, joining Sharon, and educated for will not come to The layoffs will affect workers in the admini trative, marketing phase, with renewed violence in the the options facing the government life in today's reality." and product upport areas of the computer manufacturer. ost of the region spiraling out of control and are few as I rae lis and Palestinian Taking advantage of the vacuum employees are in the company's home base in the Round Rock, an ever deeper ense of despair and alike brace increa ed violence. created by the transition from one Texas, area, though some workers in the an Jo e, Calif., office also anger hardening among both Israelis Under Sharon's government, the prime minister to another, Palestini- will lose their jobs. and Palestinians. pursuit of peace if it i pur ued at ans escalated shooting attacks on Dell's announcement came hours before it wa to announce its Under rainy kie Thursday, all, will be limited and phased, settlements, soldiers and motorists. earnings. Sales this quarter are expected by analysts to be between .5 billion and .6 billion, down from earlier forecasts of 8.7 bil- lion. In term of overall U.S. shipments, Dell i still the number one Bush Tax Proposal Under Fire computer manufacturer, but some analysts ay that holding that posi- tion has been costly. "They've been a bit too aggres ive in building reality. cans would fall in line and vote for and maintaining market share," said Anne Bui, an analyst with IDC, Centrist Republicans In a White House meeting Bush's tax bill in the end - just as who said this may be the one of the most di appointing quarters in Thursday, Senate Budget Commit- they did in producing unanimous the company's 16-year history. Jeffords Chafee tee Chairman Pete V. Domenici (R- GOP support for the controversial .M.) cautioned Bush that he is nomination of John Ashcroft as Oppose Bush Plan now at least two votes short of attorney general. enaeD 0 ake Bipartisan By Janet Hook being able to pass the tax cut plan in "This is not the beginning of a LOS ANGELES TIMES the Senate. crack," Senate Majority Leader Pi h for edicare Reform WASHlNGTO Before the meeting with Trent Lott (R-Miss.) said. "When THE BALTIMORE SUN The first signs of trouble for Domenici and other GOP budget the time comes, there will be more WA HINGTO President Bush's tax cut measure writers, Bush acknowledged that than enough votes there." The Senate's leading biparti an pair of advocates for Medicare have surfaced on Capitol Hill, as "I've got a lot of work to do" in At the least, the early GOP reform opened this year's round of debate Thur day in what they say moderate Republican lawmakers selling the tax cut plan. defections are a sign that obtaining is the most favorable climate so far for changes that would include have begun breaking ranks to The fissures in GOP unity on the party unity on taxes is going to adding a prescription drug benefit. oppose cutting taxes as deeply as issue were hailed by Democrats, prove harder than on the Ashcroft ens. John B. Breaux (D-La.) and Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) offered two Bush has propo ed. who sought Thursday to focus atten- vote. versions of a centrist proposal they have been developing for two The two most prominent defec- tion on their push for a smaller tax In a Senate split 50-50 between years that would modernize the health care program for the elderly. tors are Sens. James M. Jeffords of cut geared more to middle- and the parties, losing support from just Their bill would guarantee prescription drug coverage for everyone in Vermont and Lincoln Chafee of lower-income taxpayers. Jeffords and Chafee could cause Medicare, regardle s of income. Rhode Island, who argued that "There is a real possibility we trouble for Bush's tax plan, given With a new president and new key committee leaders who have Bush's plan to slash taxes by $1.6 could actually win this fight," Sen- that so far only one Democrat, Sen. endorsed the general approach of the legislation, "I think we have a trillion over 10 years is too skewed ate Minority Leader Tom Daschle Zell Miller of Georgia, has unique opportunity for comprehensive Medicare reform to have a to the wealthy and would leave too (D-S.D.) said. . announced his support for it. reali tic chance of being adopted in this Congress," Breaux aid. little margin for error if projected Still, some GOP leaders voiced budget surpluses do not become confidence that moderate Republi- WEATHER Presidential eekend Situation to.r Noon Eastern Standard Time, Friday, February 16, 2001 o~ o~o~o~o "q,t::J ""f05 "t::J "t::J'6 "t::Jt::J By Efren Gutierrez and Greg lawson STAFF METEOROLOGISTS Another three day weekend IS upon us, and it's time to either catch up on leep, go skiing, or just chill in Boston. Before you make any plans, you may want to put them off until atur- day, because rain showers will be moving in from the south late Friday afternoon, lasting all through the night. Don't despair, because by aturday morning the clouds will move off to the east. high currently ituated in the Ohio Valley will build into the area, bringing with it clearer kies for aturday afternoon and unday. Sunday will be quite chilly as compared to the previous day , because of the cold sinking air of the high pressure. Fair weather will last until President's Day, when there i a slight possibility of light how showers. If by any chance you're going away from the ew England area do not head toward the Oregon coast. A small low pressure torm system from the Pacific will cause showers for most of the Pacific orthwe t. Otherwise, most of the United tates will be clear and sunny.

eekend Outlook

Toda : Clear skies with cloud rolling in toward the afternoon. High 37°P (30). orth wind of 10 mph (16 kph shifting to the east. Precipitation Symbols Other Symbols onight: Cold light rain, a with pos ibility of a wintry mix. Low 32°F Weather Systems Weather Fronts I-~ _Trough ~ Fog (0° ). High Pressure T - H - - Showers - - Thunderstorm aturda : Light rain should end, with kies clearing by mid-afternoon. • ••• Watrn Front _._- ..Y. ~~- 1< L LowPre.ssure LIght High in the upper 30s (2 - 4°C). CO Haze ~ColdFronl Moderale * .. ComPlied by MIT aturda ight: Cold and clear. Low in the upper teen (-11 - - °C). § Hurricane ** MelCOfOlogy Staff cationai)' Front Heavy . nnda ': Cool and clear. High in the low 30s (-1 - 1° ...... 1* .. and The T~ch WORLD & .THE E H Page 3 Colombia Requests Increased Sena e Committee Questions Clinton's Pardon of Deutch

THE WASH! GTON POST Aid From U. S. to Fight Drugs WA HINGTO By Scott Wilson tion ha inherited a three-year, 1.3 But Pastrana said more resources The Senate elect Committee on Intelligence Thursday launched THE WASH! GTON POST billion aid package for olombia must be committed to ocial-devel- an inquiry into former President Clinton's pardon of former CIA BOGor A, COLOMB! that i designed to reduce olom- opment programs that encourage director John Deutch, sending a letter to CIA Director George Tenet President ndres Pastrana aid bia' role a the world' large t farmer to uproot lucrative drug to determine whether he or anyone else in the U .. intelligence com- Thur day he plans to seek a fre h cocaine production center and crop for legal one , a trategy that munity was consulted beforehand. infu ion of U .. finan'cial a sistance deprive a decades-old leftist insur- accounts for only 25 percent of the A enior intelligence official responded Thur day night that nei- this month during his fir t meeting gency of its chief revenue ource. 1.3 billion in U .. aid. Increa ing ther Tenet nor anyone else at the CIA had any knowledge of the par- with Pre ident Bu h to help spur Pa trana' word seemed calcu- re ources for mall farmers, Pa - don in advance. The official also disclo ed that Deutch's CIA securi- economic development in regions lated to refocu Washington' atten- trana aid, wa a key topic during ty clearances - suspended by Tenet in August 1999 as punishment where . .-trained troops are tion on Colombia, now in the thick his summit conference last week, for Deutch's home computer security violations - have been destroying drug crop . of it .. -backed anti-drug trate- marking revived peace talks with revoked within the past week. In an interview Pastrana aid the gy, as a new administration takes rebel leader Manuel Marulanda . linton pardoned Deutch on Jan. 20 for mishandling hundreds of newly revived peace proce s with over facing a ho t of foreign policy 'We are a poor country,' Pas- highly classified intelligence documents on unsecure home computers Colombia's largest guerrilla group que tions. Pastrana underlined hi trana aid in a 45-minute interview linked to the Internet, making them vulnerable to cyber-attack. depend on an increase in such eco- hope for a new financial commit- in hi office. "But we are spending The pardon caught Justice Department officials by surprise. It nomic assistance, perhaps as much ment to boo t a development strate- 1 billion a year of our money to came less than a day after they had secured Deutch's signature on a as 500 million annually from the gy he has often declared key to the keep drugs off the street of Wa h- plea agreement - nullified by the pardon - in which he admitted to United States alone. The money drug war' long-term uccess. ington and ew York. We need a mi demeanor for unauthorized retention of classified material and would be used to address high Pastrana said he also plans to more help. This is a long-term plan, agreed to pay a 5,000 fine. unemployment and other economic make the case that the United tates maybe 15 to 20 years." 'I am very di turbed by what appears to be a subverting of the obstacles that prompt Colombians to must do more to help en ure that the The United tates is the largest judicial process in the case of former director Deutch," Sen. Richard join the drug trade or illegal armed drug trade, if it can be diminished, market for olombia's drug trade. helby (R-Ala.), chairman of the intelligence committee, said Thurs- groups for their livelihood, he said. doe not resurge. Much of Colom- President Clinton, whom Pastrana day. "If John Deutch had already agreed to plead guilty to a criminal Pastrana said his trip to Wash- bia' success so far has been the remembered Thursday as a staunch violation, I just don't understand why the president would undermine ington i a way to introduce himself result of aerial fumigation, which ally, pushed through a package last his own Department of Justice." and his country to the new adminis- has killed an estimated 65,000 acres year that includes more than 50 tration at an important moment for of coca crops in the southern transport helicopters, military train- his anti-drug plan and the peace province ofPuturnayo, the country's ers and funds for development pro- Scientists Develop Plastic negotiations. The Bush administra- principal coca-producing region. grams. Which Regenerates Itself THE WASHINGTON POST Bush to Visit Mexican President For years, scientists have tried to find an easier way to repair plas- tic - to make a tennis racket that lasts longer, a surfboard that patch- value of these workers seemed more ened U.S. security at the border has e easier or a fiber-glass auto body that could give a vintage Corvette Immigration, Drugs, evident. As a result, the construc- been blamed for nearly 400 deaths a look as elegant as the day it rolled off the a sembly line. tion, service and agricultural indus- in the last year as Mexicans try Wednesday, researchers reported they had taken a step toward Free Trade to Top tries are lobbying Congress for a more dangerous routes, often finding a way to repair fiberglass and other composite materials with- way to get more of these people into drowning or dying of dehydration in' out tedious drilling, plugging, patching and sanding. They have Policy Discussions the United States legally. the desert. There is also talk in both developed a "self-healing" form of plastic. By Mary Jordan Now, there are two new presi- countries of a new amnesty program Using high-tech materials and a low-tech concept inspired by the THE WASHINGTON POST dents with new ideas. Bush, who to give legal status to some long- human body, the scientists devised a process that can continuously TZINTZUNTZAN, MEXlCO saw the issue up close as governor established tax-paying Mexican repair and regenerate the chemical soup that makes up most plastics As President Bush comes to of Texas, where 30 percent of the workers who live in a shadowy by activating special resin-filled capsules stored within the material Mexico to meet with President population is Hispanic, has said world - officially invisible, ripe for itself. Vicente Fox Friday, millions of ille- immigration should be an abuse by employers, afraid to report The process, with potential commercial applications ranging from gal workers in the United States like opportunity. Fox, who took office crime or get care from a doctor. increasing the life of an implanted prosthesis to creating more durable those from Tzintzuntzan rank high Dec. 1, has launched a crusade to Prominent Democrats and spacecraft, is one of many efforts underway to develop new types of on the agenda, along with drug get more respect for undocumented Republicans in Congress are calling plastics, metals and other "smart materials" that have been updated smuggling and free trade. Mexico Mexican workers in the United for a guest worker program that using the latest technology to have desirable properties. views immigration as the most States. He has described them as would give more Mexican a limit- important issue to be discussed: And "heroes" and stood at highway ed time to work legally at certain the feeling here is that the United checkpoints along the border for jobs in the United States. Some of Bush Seeks Review of Civilian States, more than at any time in several days in December shaking these proposals would affect more decades, is ready to negotiate a bet- migrants' hands as they returned than a quarter-million Mexicans. Inclusion in Military Exercises ter deal for its undocumented home for Christmas. Eventually, he Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas), THE WASHINGTON POST babysitters, construction workers, says, the border should allow free chairman of the Hispanic Caucus, is WA H1NGTO gardeners, office cleaners and fish-. passage in both directions. leading a group of 12 members of President Bush said Thursday that the Defense Department should ermen. "The border is already open, to Congress here Monday, the latest in review its policy of inviting civilians to participate in military exer- Illegal immigration has been a products, merchandise, services, a parade of American officials meet- cises, a practice that resulted in the presence of 16 civilians aboard a hot issue for years in the United capital," he said Thursday during an ing with Fox. But Reyes, who spent nuclear-powered submarine when it surfaced beneath a Japanese States, which hosts an estimated 5 on-line discussion on washington- 26 years with the Border Patrol, said trawler off Hawaii last Friday. million undocumented workers - "We must have a long- "new thinking" on immigration As Bush poke, ational Transportation Safety Board inve tiga- more than half of whom are from term vision, coherent with this situa- could evaporate if unemployment tors in Hawaii said they plan to interview all of the civilians, two of Mexico. The problem often has tion, by constructing step by step rises in the United States and that whom offered Thur day the fust eyewitness accounts of what hap- been discussed with shrillness and the possibility in the future to open the time is ripe for a "comprehen- pened aboard the USS Greeneville. Those accounts hed little light finger-pointing as critics spoke of the borders to the free :flow of peo- sive long-term strategy." on why the submarine's crew failed to pot the 190-foot fishing boat threats to the sovereignty of national ple." " 0 one wants a border that is Ehime Maru before performing an emergency surfacing maneuver. borders, undermined wages and jobs Many Mexican officials want a out of control, where there are no In an interview on NBC- TV's "Today" show, the eyewitne ses, robbed from U.S. workers. Those halt to the construction of border designated points of entry, where John Hall and Todd Thoman, said the crew carefully checked the sur- worries have not disappeared. But walls and barbed-wire fences we don't know who is corning in," face for ships before the maneuver. They also insisted that the civil- as American prosperity soared, the between the two countries. Tight- said Reyes. ians were under tight supervision by avy personnel throughout their time on the ship. The two men, who were in Hawaii in connection with a golf tour- California Examines Power Sources nament that had been planned to benefit the Battleship Missouri Memorial in Pearl Harbor, said they could not explain why the age their massive debts while nego- 7.8 cents. (One kilowatt-hour is Greeneville's crew failed to spot the fishing boat, which sank almost Prices of Solar, tiating long-term contracts to stabi- enough electricity to supply a typi- immediately after the collision. lize the price of power - and in the cal home for one hour.) The Coa t Guard rescued 26 people from the trawler, a training Other Alternatives process help keep expected con- But it now appears that the cost vessel for a Japanese vocational high school. Three crew members, sumer rate hikes from otherwise savings will be more modest among two teachers and four students are still missing. To Be Reduced growing larger. some producers, in large part By Julie Tamaki The producers have agreed in because of current high prices for LOS ANGELES TIMES principle to accept lower prices in natural gas and existing costlier, Hong Kong's Finance Chief SACRAMENTO, CALIF. return for assurances that they will long-term contracts between some A crucial part of the recovery be paid for future electricity deliver- producers and the utilities. Promoted to o. 2 Position plan to solve California's energy ies to Southern California Edison "We started at 17 cents and it' LOS ANGELES TIMES mess moved closer to a resolution and Pacific Gas & Electric. The two going to be closer to 8.5 to 9 cents," HO GKO G Thursday - but at a price higher debt-ridden utilities owe the genera- Battin said of the cogenerators, Financial ecretary Donald Tsang was handed the No. 2 job in than previously hoped and with the tors more than $900 million for which account for more than half Hong Kong's government Thur day in the first major leadership threat of a court battle looming on recent deliveries. the power supplied by the alterna- reshuffle ince the territory was handed back to China nearly four the horizon. California is home to nearly 700 tive energy producers. "I think this year ago. Efforts to cut prices charged by alternative energy producers, which will ultimately reduce the cost of Tang's appointment to the post of chief secretary follows last producers of solar, wind and other generate about a third of the energy energy in the state by several billion month's sudden announcement that Anson Chan - an outspoken alternative energy - with the idea bought by Edi on, PG&E and San dollars." defender of democratic values - planned to retire well before her of shaving $4 billion a year in costs Diego Gas & Electric. The compa- Further complicating the situa- term was to expire. borne by the state's big private utili- nies include generators of solar, tion, Edison petitioned a state appel- Antony Leung, 49, the head of J.P. Morgan Cha e & Co.'s Asia- ties - may fall short of that goal wind and biomass energy in addi- late court late la t week to order the Pacific operations, was picked to ucceed Tsang as financial secre- but still generate huge savings, said tion to natural gas-fired plants that Public Utilities Commission to set tary, a post viewed as the third-most powerful in the government. Republican state Sen. Jim Battin, employ so-called cogeneration tech- new, lower rate for the power pro- Both appointments required confirmation by the Chinese regime in who has spearheaded effort to nologies to upply heat and electric- ducer . Beijing. negotiate lower prices. ity. Edison appears to be pushing for Tsang, 55, a respected career civil servant take over the territo- State and industry representa- An agreement in principle was a proposal :floated by PU Commis- ry' chief administrative position at a crucial time for the fragile tives have been negotiating for reached last month to cut the sioner Carl W. Wood that would political experiment that has allowed Hong Kong to exist as a largely weeks to slash the rate paid to the amount the alternative energy pro- cap the amount the power producer democratic region, but one under Chinese sovereignty - an experi- alternative energy producer . The ducer are paid for each kilowatt- would be paid at 6.7 cents a kilo- ment known as "one country, two ystems." idea is to help utilities better man- hour of electricity from 17 cents to watt-hour. Page 4 February 16 2001

To Th anonymou rna ? Oh, plea e ay it ain't o. Conwell pointed out, it was a delight and a TlYh plea ure to read on a regular ba is. It provided hairman John teinberger points of di cu sion in each i ue: the elegant Jordan Rubin '02 under taternent of 'Tang Hall: Woman report- ed screaming. arne later found to be di - itor i hi f It wa with amu ement that I read your "World and ation" article about the e peri- Polic Log r tre ed," Michael 1. Ring 01 mental confirmation of supersymmetry I urge The Tech and the Campus Police to Bu ine anager [' cienti t Find Evidence to up port D lightful to Read return Log to it rightful place in Huanne T. Thoma '02 uper ymmetry'" Feb. 9], done by some I would like to concur with Erin R. these pages. anaging Editor 'scienti t ," a few more' physici t ' an Conwell '03' letter to the editor ["Bring Back Jo eph . Kaye G Eric 1. Cholankeril '02 unidentified "ongoing experiment" and a Police Log," Feb. 13]. Having recently my terious list of re ult announced returned from a serne ter abroad, I was most e uti editor Thursday." I it asking too much to know disappointed to see the 10 s of the Police Log Plea e bring the Police Log back! They Dana Levine '02 who we we are talking about - maybe even from the page of The Tech. It provided a were a lot funnier than the comics. ~EWSSTAFF to get the name of a lab? Or are scientists point of contact and communication between Editor: a een unkavally'O 1, Rima forever doomed to be cast as an occult, the Campus Police and the community. As Kim A. Falin ki '02 maout '02, Matthew Palmer '03; ociate Editor: ancy L. Keu s '04, Jennifer Kri hnan '04, Brian Loux '04, hankar Mukherji '04; taff: Daniel C. te enson G, Frank Dabek '00, anjay Ba u '02, Ke in R. Lang '02, Efren Gutierrez '03 icky H u 04, Pey-Hua Hwang '04, Pallavi are h '04, Wang '04; eteorologi t : Veronique Bugnion G, Rob Korty G, Peter Huybers G, Greg Law on G, Bill Ramstrom G.

PRODUCTION STAFF Editor: atwiksai ociate Editor: tacia wan on '03, Gayani Tillekeratne '03, Joel Corbo '04, Joy Forsythe '04, Tao Vue '04; tafT: Mary Obelnicki '9 , Ryan Ochyl ki '0 I, Ian Lai '02, Vimal Bhalodia '04, Kartik Lamba '04, ndy Lei er on '04, ndrew Mamo '04, hefali Oza '04, Eric Tung '04.

OPINION STAFF Editor: Kris Schnee '02, Mike Hall '03; sociate Editor: Veena Thomas '02; Columni t : Philip Burrowes '04, Roy Esaki '04, Ken esmith '04, Jyoti Tibrewala '04; tafT: Matthew L. McGann '00, Michael Bo- rucke '01, Kevin Choi '01, Jason H. Wasty '01, Philippe C. Larochelle '03.

SPORTS STAFF Editor: Aaron D. Mihalik '02; tafT: Alvan Eric P. Loreto '0 I, Jeffrey Colton '02, Brian K. Ri.chter '02, Jennifer C. Lee '03.

ARTS STAFF Editor: Devdoot Majumdar '04, Annie "He tried to put me at ease about the Impact of his policies by glad-handing Choi; S ociate Editor: Fred Choi '02; tafT: and giving me a nickname • ~. 'Gullible Gus.' " Erik Blankinship G, Bence P. Olveczky G, Roy Rodenstein G, Vladimir V. Zelevin ky '95, Seth Bi en-Hersh '0 I, Katie Jeffreys '0 I, Rebecca Loh '0 I, Bogdan Fedeles '03, Lianne Habinek '02, Jumaane Jeffries '02, Jacob Beniflah '03, Daniel J. Katz '03, Jane Maduram '03, Amy Meadows '03, Ryan KJimczak '04, Izzat Jarudi '04.

PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF Editors: athan Collins G, ephir Hamilton G; s ociate Editor : Roshan Baliga '03, Wendy Gu '03; tafT: Erika Brown G, Krzy ztofGajos G, Garry Maskaly G, Karlene R. Maskaly G, Wan YusofWan Morshidi G, Michelle Povinelli G, Bob umner G, amudra Vijay G, Gregory F. Kuhnen '00, Charles Boatin '01, ii Dodoo '01, James nyder '01, Yi Xie '02, Leonid Drozhi.nin '03, Ekaterina Ossikine '03, Pedro L. Arrechea '04, Brian Hemond '04, Max Planck '04, Jacqueline T. Yen '04.

FEATURES STAFF Cartooni ts: Aaron Isaksen G, Kenneth Lu G, olar Olugebefola G, Jennifer Dima e '01, Grace H. Wang '0 I, Bao- Yi Chang '02, David go '02, Lara Kirkham '03, Alison Wong '03, Guan-Jong Chen '04; taff: Sonali Mukherjee '03, Melissa . Cain '04, Eun Lee '04.

anager: Rachel Johnson '02; anager: Jasmine Richards '02;

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Philip Burrowes

Undoubtedly, some people wonder if there really is a need for a Black History Month. Well, there shouldn't be. The relevant affairs of history should be taught no matter the background of the individuals involved. This was and is, however, not the case. There is a distinct bias in what America's school systems teach and what media outlets report. So long as this persists, we must make a dedicated Dubya, the Pied Piper effort to offset their bias. Black History Month can serve that purpose. Dubya "Dubya" in the fir t place. He's right that he actually gave a damn about their petty obody hould deny that "popular" concep- Mike Hall when he says that the nickname is being problems. He also gave Democrats and inde- tions of Africans and African-Americans were spun 'to make the president seem more pendents the hope that, a his new friends, in the past totally inaccurate. Unfounded gener- Sticks and stones may break your bones, informal, a regular guy like the rest of us." they would have a say in the path of policy alizations about these groups were of such a vir- but names will never hurt you - unles , of But he's wrong when he a sumes that the over the next four years. ulent nature that they should never be forgotten course, you're President George W Bush. media are doing the spinning. Rather, it' a Of cour e, that's where the danger lies in (if even forgiven). Political correctness prevents At least, that' what Jason Wasfy would conscious effort by Dubya and his staff to Dubya's "charm offensive." Like the Pied the people of this country from mentioning have you believe. The estimable former Piper, he ha the ability to charm Democrats them, but ignoring that historical attitude does Counterpoint editor bemoaned the fact that with a song of friendship before leading their as great a disservice as the original comments newspaper columnists used the nickname policies to a watery grave. With his open themselves. We must confront that shady under- "Dubya" when referring to our new president Bush could sweet-talk hand, he's invited the Kennedys to a White belly or we are left without a full understanding. ["Dubya or Double-yeo?", Counterpoint, Feb. House screening of Thirteen Days and him- Consider the Voting Rights Act of 1965. 2001). Wasfy believes that the nickname Democrats away from their self to the Democratic congressional retreats. Pre ident Lyndon B. Johnson had to send a bill "plays on subtle stereotypes of Southerners ... But with his closed fist, he's aiming to Congre s in order to eradicate poll taxes, lit- [as] backward rednecks whose intellects are as agendas under his "charm square for the Democrats' breadbasket. He's eracy tests, and other impediments constructed slow as their slurred accents and relaxed c1frnsive. )) already given social liberals cause for con- expressly to keep blacks from voting. Yet the lifestyles." cern by halting overseas aid tied to abortion 24th Amendment explicitly outlaws the poll On one hand, Wasfy's right. Many colum- and by advocating faith-ba ed initiatives - tax as a means of impeding voting. early a nists, myself included, have been guilty of both within days of becoming president. His century before that, the 14th Amendment made propagating this unfair stereotype by using make him seem like Joe Public. After all, selection of John Ashcroft for Attorney "Dubya" in our columns. Therefore, I apolo- most Joe Publics don't go to Andover and General demonstrates further that Dubya gize for insulting Southerners by associating Yale. During the 2000 campaign, Dubya doesn't care about protecting civil liberties. them with George W. Bush. learned that Americans no longer wanted a If Dubya's charm makes Democrats let their There is a distinct bias in what I also apologize to you, the reading public, father figure in the White House. They want- guard town, there's no telling what damage for not coming up with better ways to belittle ed a friend. he will do to our freedoms. America ~ school systems teach the president. After all, why stop at "Dubya" And as far as friendship goes, Dubya's the Sadly, there are signs already that Dubya's and what media outlets report. when he's done plenty of other boneheaded best friend anyone's ever had. His best skill- "charm offensive' is working. He has astro- things? Like delivering verbal miscues, such perhaps his only skill - is his backwater bon- nomically high personal approval ratings, even as: "I am mindful not only of preserving homie. Throughout his professional life, for a president still in his honeymoon stage. executive powers for myself, but for predeces- Dubya's realized that the bond of friendship He's even managed to charm my friend, Mr. state de jure denial of the right to vote (among sors as well." Or crashing and burning at can smooth over any ideological divide, Wasfy. Jason's a smart man by any other mea- other provisions being violated by poll taxes Midland. Or trading away Sammy Sosa. whether in business or in politics. Unlike Al sure, but even he can't resist the president's and their ilk) unconstitutional. In other words, On the other hand, though, Wasfy misun- Gore, Dubya gave the American people the charms. If Dubya can charm him into the river, on numerous occasions this country has per- derstands why columnists began calling impression that he was listening to them and then the rest of the country can't be far behind. sisted in violating its own laws for the sole purpose of harming blacks. So what, one may ask. That is now behind us. What it means is that the country has bare- The Freedom of Life ly been adhering to its own set of codes for three decades (not to mention the numerous tion between "therapeutic" use of genetics from a person's humanity. There is nothing to laws, like visa quotas for Caribbeans, which Kris Schnee and the more ambitious uses they term be afraid of, so long as individual freedom is currently exist and can be construed as perpet- "eugenics." This word is used to breed hate protected. Those who disapprove of cloning, uating such injustice), an adherence surpassed There is a technology being perfected right and fear of honest science. Eugenics means gene therapy, or any other procedure will be by numerous Third World countries. What his- now that will transform every aspect of our sterilizing and killing people, and you will free to choose not to use it, and will respect tory teacher would ever say, however, that thi culture, from international politics to mating not find a biologist this side of uremberg the wishes of those who disagree. Everyone country's rule of law concerning peoples of rituals. It is a threat to the status quo, some who endorses it. Instead, genetics offers the will win. African descent is barely on par with that of a say, and must be stopped in its tracks. This voluntary use of medical technology to The United ation has already shown consolidating democracy? Sadly, it is the case fearsome technology is, of course, the auto- greatly extend human life. There is no clear concern for the responsible u e of genetic that America would be more willing to imply mobile. line between the correction of a genetic technology. In 2000, the U adopted a glo s over its own demons than dredge them Oh, wait, that was last century's apoca- defect that causes ill health and the selection Declaration on the Human Genome and up for the sake of education. lypse. of a gene that confers good health. To divide Human Rights. The declaration is generally a It is not just the negative that is ignored, This time, the invention making the head- the one from the other and limit medicine to positive step for research. It calls for the free however. The positive contributions of blacks lines is genetic engineering, brought to the the achievement of some "average" level of exchange of information on the human are often overlooked becau e of the context forefront once more genome, the maintenance of science's normal from which they emerge. Slave labor was the by this week's publica- high standards of intellectual honesty, and the corner tone of the American economic jugger- tion of the Human prevention of biological warfare. naut, but to attribute anything positive to the Genome Project data Genetic engineering will be beneficial to the world) However, there are signs that leaders lave trade seems amoral. Blacks' contribution (in Nature and may overstep their bounds, sacrificing human to American music is enormous, but because Science) and a fresh if we can s*guard ourfreedom to use it. freedom in the name of the hazy word "digni- of general misconceptions regarding art, it wave of short-sighted ty." The Declaration calls for the identification seems to reinforce intellectual stereotypes. criticism. Contrary to and suppression of technological "practices Reconstruction-era strides made by black in the fears some people contrary to human dignity," and specifically state legislatures are rarely acknowledged express, the new technology will be not only health is absurd, when the "average" human names reproductive cloning and po sibly even because of their eemingly ephemeral nature. exciting but beneficial to the world, if we safe- is half male and half female and owns a frac- germ-line gene therapy. A pie in the face is a uch apprehensive neglect does not appear guard our freedom to use it. tion of a dog. Why stop benefiting human threat to human dignity! Once again, the issue with western European figures, however. In The Washington Post, George F. Will lives at some arbitrary dividing line? is whether individuals will have the freedom Monarchs are heralded despite their wanton writes of ANDi (for "inserted DNA"), the first . To be sure, the potential exists for the to choose what's best for them elve , or perpetuation of history's fume t caste system. genetically-modified primate. Rather than abuse of genetic technology. The use of whether some elite will force its stance on Chivalry is praised, unabashed exism and all. hailing the advance for its scientific and med- genetic tests for discriminatory purposes, the everyone. Do you prefer your dignity or your Any war is littered with regrettable events, yet ical value, Will blasts ANDi as "The Monkey creation of biological weapons, the enslave- liberty? each is still recorded in detail within the That Could Mean the End" for the human ment of any intelligent being, and the use of Forcing genetic technology on everyone to annals of history. Buffalo oldiers, Tuskegee race. any medical therapy against a patient's wish- create some "perfected" version of humanity Airmen, and the at Turner rebellion deserve Will sees "a slippery slope to the abolition es - even pre-genetic medicine, to which would be an effort doomed to failure, and that same respect. Otherwise, African- of humanity" because any genetic change cre- some religious would bring great Americans are left to contend with a vast mis- ates "a despoti m of the enhancer over the groups are oppo ed suffering in the estimation of themselves and their forefathers. enhanced, a despotism that would not be justi- - are all practices process. Denying the Acknowledging and confronting these his- fied even if the enhancement really were an that threaten lives Do you prefer your dignity technology to the torical biases one month a year will not do improvement." and freedom, and world would be just away with them, and in that the doubters of But there is no shred of merit in Will's that we would do or your liberty? as perverse, cheating Black History Month have a point. In fact, it argument. Does a doctor become a de pot well to ban. u all of longer and can easily reinforce the artificial dichotomy over the children he physically enhances by We must be healthier lives. But if between the histories of the races. The solu- vaccinating them against diseases like polio? careful, though, not we stay true to the tion to that quandary is not to sit by idly, how- Are your parents despots for sending you to to let extremists control our future by cause of individual freedom, remembering ever, for that breeds a complacency which pre- colJege to enhance your abilities? The use of restricting technologies that do not physically that no one is "perfect' and that no one ha vents America from even wanting change. genetic engineering doe not imply any sub- threaten anyone. For example, human cloning the wisdom to decide what' best for every- Instead, the open admission of the faults in servience of the patient to the physician, or will (if its uccess rate improves) be a viable one, we'll have a future in which people will this country's chronicle of history should be in any way affect the debt children owe their reproductive option for couples unable to choose their own fate and become everything an impetus for any self-respecting historian to parents. have children the fun way. "Test-tube babies' they can be. The world has room enough for incorporate the full truth into future texts. And what is "enhancement,' anyway? already e ita normal people, proving that many ways of life and our goal can be to Black History Month exi ts so that, one day, it Will and other critics draw a razor distinc- technological wizardry ubtracts nothing explore them. will not need to. Page 6 Op 0 Abortion: Th Da the Mu ic Died and thus i illegal. Establi hing legality doe - i that tealing mu ic i a victimle crime. Li n for n't inherently yi ld ethical behavior, however. Unlike hop lifting, the music cavenger does- Underag drinking, dri ing over the peed n t actively depri e a mu ical group of any of onday, much to the chagrin of limit, and engaging in The Deba mu ic pirat e erywhere the inth Circuit civil di obedience are Court of ppeal affirmed much of an earlier all illegal but arguably court' injunction again t ap ter, the online not unethical. Its wrong and dishone t to steal property, real or mith music wap hop that ha been charged for The morally consci- being a ' contributory and vicariou copyright entiou citizen, howev- intellectual no matter how easy it is how rich the Decades of political and social conflict infringer." Both this ruling and ap ter' vol- er, hould have a good over abortion have een the i ue tran formed untary movement toward charging u er fee reason for breaching victim is or how much one desires the goods. into the raison d'etre for many women's right seriously thre ten the exi tence of the free the law. The bolde t organizations. proof, take the recent invec- mu ical buffet. Though it's hard to admit it, rationalization for tive over the the nomination of former en. after considering how 50 million people could u ing ap ter is that ca h-strapped, oppres ed their current wealth, and if the cavenger was- John Ashcroft (R-Mo.) for u.. ttorney at the very lea t acqui ce to an unequivocally consumer need to fight back against the n't going to buy the CD, then the recording General, and the subsequent outrage over illegal and unethical copyright infringement, monopoli tic recording indu try. The most industry doe n't even 10 e any potential prof- President Bush's rein titution of the so-called the ruling mark a po itive step towards the e treme ju tification its. Thi argument is especially convenient Mexico City policy. development of a more principled ociety. would propo e when the arti ts are no longer alive, like Frank The shcroft nomination inspired a Legally, ap ter 's position is that it that teaching inatra the Andrews i ters, or major mobilization by the ational erves as a mechanism for fair u e, by Rachmaninoff. It' es entially analogou to Organization for Women and the ational allowing for ampling, tran ferring of neaking into a movie theater through the Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action already-owned ongs to a different format back door, but without the risk of getting League, the two most vi ible women' right and permissive u e (where the artist ha caught. It' not right but most feel that it's not groups. Their efforts to stop Ashcroft was given express consent). It adamantly claims terribly wrong either. the most vocal oppo ition to a presidential that it should not be held accountable for But it is. It's wrong and dishonest to teal nomination since Bush the Elder nominated violations by individual u er , and it does property, real or intellectual, no matter how Clarence Thomas for the U. . upreme not infringe copyrights (though it claims ea y it is, how rich the victim is, or how Court in 1991. In contra t to the Thoma - intent to compen ate right holder and much one desires the goods. We're not Jean Hill fracas, the Ashcroft fight revolved arti ts). That's a debatable and complex Valjean or Robin Hoods; we don't vitally around somewhat specious questions over legal contention, deemed untenable need the music, nor are we serving the Ashcroft's ability to separate his strong pro- by the Circuit Court and there' .....-I ...... public good by our complicity in life views from hi duties as head of the not much individual u ers can pirated music. But we don't Justice Department. do about it. the capitali ts a le on is really care. It's a Further complaints followed President What individuals can the principled thing to do. somber testament to Bu h' executive order to halt funding for (and should) be con- uch arguments are easily our fallibility organization providing abortion coun eling cerned with is whether countered by the reasoning and our weak- and ervice abroad. urely, this is a tough apster is ethical. The that the frustrated consumer ness that even stance, but it is rea onable given that many question of ethic con- could always refrain from the acknowl- Americans feel it is inappropriate for the gov- cern not ap ter' legal listening to overpriced music, edgement of the ernment to fund foreign abortions, especially standing, but each user s which is hardly a necessary unethical nature of apster doesn't deter us when many foreign nations are culturally individual actions. On a commodity. tealing music from using it. opposed to abortion. per onal level, it i from the music giants is essen- It will be a sad day when the free apster Very telling were ARAL President Kate absolutely unequivo- ~~ •• tially the same as steal- is shut down, as probably will happen. But Michelman's comments after the White House ;~:I==:•••~; cal that copying t ing overpriced coffee rather than scampering to the alternate vices announced the new policy. "Bush's actions ripped songs that from Starbucks. of Gnutella or Freenet, we should rejoice in and statements," he said, "have demonstrated one didn't pay The mo t con- the opportunity, created by our justice system, his agenda to restrict access to reproductive for is copyright venient rational- to emerge from the Napster scandal with health services for women whenever possi- in f r in gem e n t ization, of course, greater integrity and principles. ble." Mich Iman reveals an emerging truth about the feminist establishment. Thi estab- lishment believes abortion rights to be at the Analyzing the Abortion Argument heart of reproductive rights, which are the third leg of the women's liberation triad (with age, the baby's brain waves resemble a full- woman's egg from completely forming, pre- the abolition of gender role and economic Veena Thomas term newborn's. venting fertilization. However, if a woman inequality as the other two components). Although these are strictly the medical takes the pills more than 24 hours apart, Becau e of abortion's importance, protecting The famous Roe v. Wade decision facts, you won't find these facts on pro-choice sometimes her eggs develop properly. Due to 'a woman's right to choose" has become the occurred in a very different culture than websites. It's far easier to choose abortion if another function 'of the pill - thickening the central mission of most women' rights orga- today. In 1965, a Connecticut statute prohibit- the fetus is viewed as a ti sue mass with de- cervical mucus, which hinders sperm trying nizations. ed the u e of contraceptives, and in 1972, a empha ized human features. to fertilize - the pill can still prevent ~preg- law banned the distribution of contraceptives What, then, ofRU-486? Hailed as a gentler nancy even with a developed egg. Even if to unmarried people. In 1973 Roe v. Wade nonsurgical abortion, it allows a woman the somehow the egg is fertilized, the pill still legalized abortion before fetus viability, and ability to terminate her pregnancy privately at changes the uterine lining enough to prevent There is a snide eal present at left it to the tates to determine laws for abor- home. Yet with this control comes drawbacks.' implantation of a fertilized egg, therefore pre- tion after that time. The court ca e allowed What happens if a woman taking RU-486 at venting pregnancy. the top of women s rights groups women access to legal abortions in an age seven weeks ees a tiny foot, an arm, or her ECPs, taken up to 72 hours after inter- which invites speculation into without the technology and prophylactics that entire aborted embryo lying in the toilet bowl course, work like birth-control pills, but faster. we have today. or on the floor of the shower stall? ECPs prevent full formation of an egg if the how detached these leaders are Fast-forward 30 years. The contraceptive All of this traces back to the fundamental woman has not yet ovulated, and thicken the options are staggering. Be ides the male con- question: when does life begin? Pro-lifers cervical mucus to prevent fertilization. from ordinary women. dom, the female condom, and the pill, believe that "life begins at fertilization," and However, if fertilization has already occurred, women can have implanted contraceptive accuse pro-choicers of redefining life and the ECP will prevent implantation, allowing devices, or periodic injections. Add to these pregnancy to suit their needs. What, then, is the fertilized egg to pass through the body More than simply an issue of private con- the emergency contraception pill and there is pregnancy? Pro-lifers maintain that pregnancy, before a pregnancy can begin. science, abortion strikes at the heart of what it scarcely a reason, besides rape, for accidental But, pro-life groups charge, use of ECPs means to be a woman. As the top feminists see pregnancy. If few people inadvertently does not amount to prevention of a pregnancy, it the capacity to bear children is emblematic become pregnant few abortions need be per- but, rather, an abortion. Yet they remain curi- of past oppression and antiquated notions of formed. Banning birth-control pills, an ously silent on the matter of birth control pills womanhood. Too often in the past, it was a Yet the abortion debate rage on. The Roe used regularly by women. Since birth control capacity which limited the kinds of lives v. Wade decision allowed desperate women a easy, convenient, and tffrdive pills could potentially lead to the prevention women were able to lead and the freedoms last option for ending an unwanted pregnancy. of implantation of a fertilized egg, does this which they were able to enjoy. However, currently many abuse this ruling and method of birth control, would very common form of contraception amount Women suffered from cumbersome stereo- use abortion as a form of birth control, to the undoubtedly result in many to abortion? Why are pro-life groups only types and condescending social customs a so- extent of being irresponsible about contracep- speaking out against birth-control pills when ciated with being the bearers of children. In tion. Why? Misinformation abounds. While more unwanted pregnancies and used as ECPs? Do pro-life groups advocate trying to break out of the restrictions which we've all heard both the pro-choice and pro- banning birth-control pills, and only allowing these unfair traditions placed on women, femi- life arguments before, few actually know any- more abortions. barrier methods of contraception, such as con- nists seized on the right to abortion as one of a thing about the issue. We're MIT students; we doms? cavalcade of rights which would jettison tradi- need real scientific information. What are the Let's hope not. Banning birth-control pills, tion forever. actual facts surrounding the abortion debate? an easy, convenient, and effective method of However, Michelman's statement demon- What is each side not telling you? Read the like life, begins at fertilization. However, the birth control, would undoubtedly result in strates how central abortion has become to facts, and make up your own mind. pro-choice camps state that pregnancy begins many more unwanted pregnancies and more women's rights advocates' conception of It's difficult to find completely impartial with the implantation of the embryo in the abortions. Caught up in the midst of the abor- women and the institution of motherhood. abortion information. The most unbiased uterine lining. Therefore, pro-choice groups tion debate, many seem to forget this: no one, Each pregnant woman stands instinctively information stems from medical resources. A support use of the emergency contraception not even pro-choice people, likes abortion. compelled to abort her child, kept from this search on for "fetal pill (ECP) or 'morning-after pill,' as a afe Therefore, both groups should work towards only by pernicious government policy or for- development" provides some interesting infor- and 75-to-89-percent effective way of prevent- reducing the need for abortions. tunate whim. Gone are the days when abortion mation. A doctor can often detect a heartbeat ing an unwanted pregnancy, not terminating it, How can we accomplish this? We need to was a terrible solution to pregnancy in a four-week-old embryo. At five weeks, while pro-life groups see use of the ECP as educate everyone about biology, contracep- approached with pained reluctance. when the abortion pill RU-486 is most effec- murder. Which i true? tives, and the reality of abortion. Right- There is a snide zeal present among those tive, the half-inch embryo has hands and feet. The pro-life groups fail to mention that winger should not continue to condemn abor- at the top of women's rights groups which At seven weeks the outer edge of effective- ECPs are merely ordinary birth control pills tion while imultaneously opposing invites speculation into how detached the e ness, the inch-long embryo has arms, elbows taken in high do es up to 72 hour after inter- everything but abstinence-based sexual educa- leaders are from ordinary women. Most and developing ear. A 13-week-old embryo course, and therefore work in the exact same tion in the schools. Roe v. Wade may have women are or will be mothers, and conse- sucks its thumb. By the age of 16 weeks, the way as regular birth-control pills. Both con- been necessary in 1973, but with today's con- quently view 'mom" as a title of nobility. fetu distinguishes sweet from bitter, senses tain combinations of female hormone estro- traceptive breakthroughs,abortion's role While motherhood is clearly not for all light, makes facial expressions, and even gen and progestin. ince they have three hould diminish. The primary barrier to suc- women, it is still e sential to the women's his- yawns and hiccups. The fetus can hear sounds functions, birth-control pill are over 99 per- cessful ECP use is lack of information, tress- torical narrative, and as important a ymbol of at around week 18, and will even cover its ears cent effective (when used correctly) in pre- ing the need for education. If MIT students womanhood as any. if startled by a loud sound. By 24 weeks of venting an unwanted pregnancy. They stop a don't know the facts, then who does? February 16 2001 THE TE H Page 7

ELLEN J. SIEM . Rick C. Montesanti G purchases a drink from Rick Y. Chang '01 at the newly renovated Coffeehouse, which reopened at the beginning of the tenn. The renovations remodeled the serving area over winter break; summertime work upgraded the rest of the area.


FLEXI,BLE HO,URS STAFF DINNERS WILD & FAST TIMES! EMAIL RACHEL AT [email protected] Page H February 16, 2001 THE ARTS F L REVIEW lame a it i pointle . The entire point of the ball that populate the rnovie. ith Gary ldman mo ie has already been ummarized above. (buried under a pile of makeup) a a engeful The mo t ob .ous difference between the two freak and Ray Liotta as a raci exi t, homopho- Hannibal films i th b ence of Jodie Fo ter ho played bic corrupt offici 1 Hannibal' the annibal FBI trainee Clarice tarling in the fir tone. ems downright warm and cuddly. Though Foster officially dropped out becau e of And that' much mu h more than can be aid Big liceof oth ~ng conflicting projects, a more likely reason is that he of Julianne oore' ver ion of larice tarling. read the cript and realized the movie would u k. Phy ically, oore fits the part, but that' a auteed d that' the reenplay that wa written by cIo e a he get to capturing the character. nvou can do Ibis: two great : David arnet (Glengarry Glen Ross Wherea Jodie Fo ter had given tarling depth 2 B Rebecca Loh and ladimir Zelevins among other) and teven Zaillian ( chindler t and vulnerability in ilence, oore omehow PV= 3/2 N <1/2 mv > STAFF WRITERS List). adly enough, thi creenplay i more rem- managed to de troy the character portraying Directed by Ridley cott ini cent of arne!' Ronin and Zaillian' Clear her a cold and efficient, and completely lack- Written by David Mamet and Steven Zaillian and Present Danger - that i a whole lot of ing the chari rna that made u like her in the With Anthony Hopkins, Julianne Moore, Gary going -on with pretty much nothing happening. original. Be ide that, well let's ju t say that Oldman, and Ray Liotta nother really cool guy involved here i Fo ter is much more phy i ally attra tive ... director Ridley cott, taking the rein from And peaking of attractivenes the makeup e moral of Hannibal the mo ie: Jonathan Demme who helmed ilence - but crew for this mo ie de erve mu h prai e for (a) It's wrong to betray people for money; cott' mind here i clearly not on making a turning Gary Oldman into one of the mo t (b) It's wrong to kidnap people, and even coherent narrative. He' more intere ted in mak- hideou monstro itie in film history. Generally more so if you plan to feed them to wild, ing Hannibal portrait formed by the flock of peaking the gory makeup and pecial effects are fle h-eating pig ; pigeons or directing every action equence by done ery well. There are se eral scene in the (c) It good to make movies that are based on sorta woo hing the camera around (the ame film where the gore is 0 sho king and disgusting best elling novels and that are equel to hit method he employed in Gladiator). that it is actually pretty damn cooL movie , 'cause you can make a whole lotta money. Anthony Hopkins appears to be the only per- The movie is also really not boring (if this Preci ely ten year after the relea e of The on enjoying him elf. Repri ing his role as the ounds like damning with faint praise, it is), but, Silence of the Lambs, Thomas Harris' ere pie t psycho p ychiatri t, Hopkin dominate the when all i aid and done, it i entirely pointless. character, Hannibal Lecter (once again played by creen again assuming the hypnotic voice and It only erve to make money for the studios that Anthony Hopkins), return to the big screen. coolly efficient movement of the good doctor. released it - and, oh yeah, as a twisted reminder Where Silence wa a kic -as movie that al 0 The difference thi time i that he ge to play a that if you are mean, someone just might come happened to be about something, Hannibal is as good guy at least compared to the assorted lime- and eat some of your body parts. So there.



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CHOOSE A NIGHT TO VOLUNTEER TO CALL ALUMNI: 6-10pm in the Bush Room, Rm. 10-105 . February 11,12,13,21,22,25,26, &. 27 To signup, please contact Melitta King: x2-1149, [email protected] February 16,2001 THEAR THET H Page 9

ICA's galleries with a series of installations using water and light. Club Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum 280 The Fenway, Boston. (566- Axis 1401), Tues.-Sun. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 13 Lansdowne St., 617-262- Admission $10 ($11 on week- 2437 ends), $7 for seniors, $5 for stu- dents with ID ($3 on Wed.), free Sundays: See Avalon below. for children under 18. The muse- Mondays: Static. Gay, casual um, built in the style of a 15th- dress. $5, 18+. century Venetian palace, houses Thursdays: ChromejSkybar. more than 2500 art objects, with Progressive house, soul, disco; emphasis on Italian Renaissance dress code. $10, 19 ; $8, and 17th-century Dutch works. 21+. Among the highlights are works by Fridays: Spin Cycle. Progressive Rembrandt, Botticelli, Raphael, house, 80's. $12, 19+; $10, Titian, and Whistler. Guided tours 21+. given Fridays at 2:30 p.m.

Avalon Museum of Fine Arts 15 Lansdowne sr., 617-262- 465 Huntington Ave., Boston. 2424 A vveekly guide-to the arts in Boston (267-9300), Mon.-Tues., 10 a.m.-4:45 p.m.; Wed., 10 Sundays: Gay Night (with Axis on February 16 22 a.m.-9:45 p.m.; Thurs.-Fri., 10 long weekends). Featuring a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat.-Sun., 10 hardcore house and techno. Compiled by Fred Choi a.m.-5:45 p.m. West Wing open $10,21+. Thurs.-Fri. until 9:45 p.m. Thursdays: International Night. Send submissions to [email protected] or by Interdepartmental mall to "On The Town," The Tech, W2Q.483. Admission free with MIT ID, other- Eurohouse. $10, 19+. wise $10, $8 for students and Fridays: Avaland. House. $15, seniors, children under 17 free; 19+. $2 after 5 p.m. Thurs.-Fri.. free Saturdays: Downtown. Modern Wed. after 4 p.m. house, club classics, and Top Mon.-Fri.: introductory walks 40 hits. $15, 21+. through all collections begin at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.; Karma Club "Asian, Egyptian, and Classical 9 Lansdowne St., 617-421-9595 Walks" begin at 11:30 a.m.; "American Painting and Decorative Sundays: "Current dance Arts Walks" begin at 12:30 p.m.; favorites" by guest DJs. Cover "European Painting and varies. . Decorative Arts Walks" begin at Tuesdays: Phatt Tuesdays. With 2:30 p.m.; Introductory tours are Bill's bar, modern dance also offered Sat. at 11 a.m. and music. $10. 1:30 p.m. Wednesdays: STP. Gay-friendly, Permanent Gallery Installations: house. $15, 21+. "Late Gothic Gallery," featuring a Thursdays: Groove Factor. restored 15th-century stained House. glass window from Hampton Court, Fridays: Pure. Drum and bass, 14th- and 15th-century stone, guest DJ. $15, 19+. alabaster, and polychrome wood Saturdays: Elements of Life. sculptures from France and the International House. $15. Netherlands; "Mummy Mask Gallery," a newly renovated Egyptian gallery, features primitive ManRay masks dating from as far back as 21 Brookline St., Cambridge, 2500 B.C.; "European Decorative 617-864-0400 Arts from 1950 to the Present"; "John Singer Sargent: Studies for Wednesdays: Curses. Goth. MFA and Boston Public Library Appropriate dress required. Murals." $5,19+; $3, 21+. Gallery lectures are free with Thursdays: Campus. Popular museum admission. tunes + House. Gay, casual dress. $10, 19+;$7, 21+. Museum of Science Fridays: Fantasy Factory (First Science Park, Boston. (723- and third Friday of the month. 2500), Daily, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Fri., 9 Features kinky fetishes and a.m.-9 p.m.; Sat.-Sun., 9 a.m.-5 industrial music.) Hell Night p.m. Admission free with MIT ID, (every second Friday. 19+. otherwise $9, $7 for children 3- Includes Goth music.) Ooze 14 and seniors. (the last Friday of the month.) The Museum features the theater $10, 21+. reduced prices for of electricity (with indoor thunder- those wearing fetish gear. and-lightning shows daily) and Saturdays: Liquid. Disco/house + more than 600 hands-on exhibits. New Wave. $15, 19+; $10, Ongoing: "Discovery Center"; 21+. "Investigate! A See-For-Yourself Exhibit"; "Science in the Park: Playing with Forces and Motion"; THOMAS MOORE "Seeing Is Deceiving.' Soulful female vocalist Rachael Sage shares the bill with Trina Hamlin on Wednesday, February 28 at Club Ongoing: "Friday Night Stargazing,' Popular Fri., 8:30 p.m.; "Welcome to the Passim. Universe,' daily; "Quest for Contact: Are We Alone?' daily. Rhythm Boys, The Colonel and Ensemble of Boston presents Comedy Connection Admission to Omni, laser, and His Lucky Diamonds, The Feb. 16-18: Abbey Lincoln. chamber music by George Crumb, Mon.-Wed. at 8 p.m.; Thurs. 8:30 planetarium shows is $7.50, Konks, 13 Ghosts, King Feb. 21: Alon Yavnai Sextet, fea- Luciano Berio, Paul. Hindemith, p.m.; Fri. and Sat. 8 p.rn., 10:15 Music and Franz Schubert. Tickets $28, p.m.; Sun. 7 p.m. The oldest $5.50 for children and seniors. Memphis, The Jimmy Nations turing special guest George $20, $14, discounts available for comedy club in Boston showcas- Axis Combo, The Bombastics. Garzone. students and seniors. For tickets es big-name, national comedians 13 Lansdowne St., 617-262- Feb: 22: White Stripes, Knoxville Feb. 22: Laszlo Gardony. or more information, call 617-427- on weekends and up-and-coming 2437 Girls, The Gossip. Feb. 23-24: New York Voices & 8200 or visit local talent during the week. At Next: 423-NEXT Feb. 24: Hybrasil, Laurie Band. Sargent, Heidi Saperstein. Feb. 27-28: AI Di Meola. . 245 Quincy Market Place, Faneuil Other Hall, Upper Rotunda, Boston. Mar. 3:'Grand Theft Audio. Feb. 24: Gamelan Presents: Yonder Mountain String Band, Admission $10-$8 (weekend Gordon Stone Band. prices vary). Call 248-9700 for Avalon Feb. 25: The Explosion. more information and a complete 15 Lansdowne St.., 617-262- Mar. 13: The Donnas, schedule. Event 2424 Bratmobile, Mooney Sukuzi. Classical Theater Mar. 30: Planetary Group Blue Man Group Dangerous Curves: Art of the Feb. 20: Aaron Carter. Presents: featuring Crazy for You Charles Playhouse, 74 Warrenton Apr. 5: Cowboy Mouth. Tom Marshall. Street, Boston, indefinitely. Thurs.-Sat. Mar. 8-10 at 8 p.rn., Curtain is at 8 p.m. on Through Feb. 25, 2001: The first Berklee Performance Center Music Sun. Mar. 11 at 7 p.m., Sat. Wednesday and Thursday, at 7 comprehensive museum exhibi- Orpheum Theatre Berklee College of Music 1 Hamilton PI. , Boston, 617- and Sun. Mar. 10-11 .at 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Friday and tion to focus on the guitar as an 1140 Boylston St. Boston Symphony Orchestra 679-0810 at the Boston Conservatory Saturday, and at 3 and 6 p.m. on objet d'art. Audio guide narrated Free student recitals and faculty Tickets: 266-1492. Ticketmaster: 931-2000 Theater (31 Hemenway St ., Sunday. Tickets $35 to $45. Call by James Taylor. The exhibit cov- concerts, 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Performances at Symphony Hall. Boston). The Boston 426-6912 for tickets and infor- ers four centuries and features some weekdays, For info on Feb. 17: Erykah Badu. Call for ticket prices. Conservatory presents the mation on how to see the show more than 130 instruments from these concerts, call the Feb. 21: . For MIT Students: Tickets are Broadway hit which celebrates for free by ushering. museums and private collections Performance Information Line at Feb. 24: Jose Luis Perales. offered for Th. evening concerts the exuberance of a Broadway around the world. Highlights 747·8820. Mar. 3: Moe. (8 p.m.) and Fri. afternoon con- determined to ride out the include a 17th-century guitar cre- certs (1:30 p.m.) and are avail- Depression with high style and ated by famous violin maker, Feb. 22: Paolo Conte. able on the day of the concert Antonio Stradivari and electric gui- Sanders Theatre New Deal optimism. Book by Feb. 24: Dave Brubeck. tars owned by celebrity artists 45 Quincy St., 02138, 617-496- only at the BSO Box Office at Ken Ludwig, Lyrics by Ira Exhibit Symphony Hall (301 Mass. Ave. such as Prince and . 2222 Gershwin, Music by George Club Passim Open 10 a.m.-6 p.m.). Two tick- Gershwin. Tickets: $26 general, Institute of Contemporary Art Tickets: complimentary to MFA 47 Palmer St, Cambridge, 617- ets may be obtained with two cur- $13 seniors, $7 students. For 955 Boylston St., Boston, members (Number of tickets 492-7679 Mar. 4: Ladysmith Black rent valid MIT student IDs, sub- more info or for reservations, 02115, 617-266-5152 (Hynes dependent on level of member- Tuesdays: o.p~n$Mic at 8 p.m. Mambazo. ject to availability. For updated call the box office at 617-912- Convention Center T-stop). ship). Adults $16 on weekdays, (sign up at 7:30). ;5. Mar. 10: BeauSoleil. MIT student ticket availability, 9142. Gallery hours: Wed., Fri. 12-5 $18 on weekends. call 638-9478 after 10 a.m. on Students/Senior citizens Feb. 16: Dave Mallett. Mar. 23: John Gorka. p.m., Thurs. 12-9 p.m., Sat. and the day of concert. The Doctor's Difemma Sun. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Features a $14/$16. Children 6 - 17 $6 for Feb. 17: The Jim Kweskin Band both weekdays and weekends. 1. 1. the Bear's Place wide variety of contemporary con- with Samoa Wilson. Feb. 22-24 at 8 p.m.: Williams: Through Mar. 14. At the Loeb Children 5 and under free. Adult 10 Brookline St., Cambridge, ceptual art with shows which Feb. 18: Stephan Fearing, Kerri Cello Concerto; Strauss: Don Drama Center (64 Brattle St., emphasize artists from outside group visits are available. Visit 617 -492-BEAR Cambridge 02138), presented by Powers opens. Quizote Fantastic variations on a the United States. Admission $6 or call 617-369- theme of knightly character, Op. the A.R.T. and directed by David 3368 for more information. Feb. 17: CD Release For Wide adults, $4 students and seniors, Feb. 21: James O'Brien and 3. Seiji Ozawa, conductor; Yo-Yo Wheeler, by George Bernard Iris. free to children under 12 and Karaugh Brown. Ma, cello; Steven Ansell, viola. Shaw. London's finest physician Sports and Sexuality: Voices Feb. 21: Town And Country. members. Admission free on Sold Out. is on the horns of a dilemma - from the NFL and Harvard Feb. 22: IndieGirl Showcase with Feb. 24: Emm Gryner, Meghan Thursday evenings after 5 p.m. having discovered a miracle cure Wheelchair accessible. For more Chris & Meredith Thompson, Toohey. for tuberculosis, should he treat Feb. 18, 3-5 p.m. at Harvard Melissa Morris, Rachel Feb. 28: After This, Live Wire. The Wellesley College Choir information visit «», McCartney, Lis Harvey, Amanda a penniless fellow doctor or save Hall 104, Harvard College: Garrigues, Stephanie Fix. Feb. 16 at 7:30 p.m.: The 40- a talented yet unscrupulous Olafur Eliasson: Your Only Real Speakers include: David Kopay, artist? A keen-eyed examination NFL player from 1962-72 who Feb. 23: Freedy Johnston, Mark women strong Wellesley College Thing Is Time of medical morals and malprac- Through Apr. 1, 2001: By isolating came out in 1975; Jennifer Erelli opens. Choir presents a performance Jazz directed by Vincent Metallo of tice and a witty and compassion- organic, ephemeral materials Allard, head softball coach at Feb. 28: Rachael Sage and Trina sacred French repertoire, includ- ate comedy. Call 617-547-8300 such as water, ice, sunlight, and Harvard; Reggie Rivers, former Hamlin. ing the works of Francis Poulenc or visit wind within the spatial and archi- NFL player on the Denver and Gabriel Faure. The concert for more information or to tectural parameters of an exhibi- Broncos and ABC commentator; will also venture into the contem- reserve tickets. tion space, the internationally rec- Katherine Callaghan a sopho- Fleet Center Music porary works of composers such ognized artist Olaf Eliasson more at Harvard College and a Ticketmaster: 931-2000. as Aaron Copland and Norman Mother Courage and her creates sublime installations that member of the Women's Water Regattabar Dello-Joio. As part of its Children explore the human perception of Polo Team; and Michael Crosby Mar. 27: Sarah Brightman. $75, Concertix: 876-7777 Presidents' Day Weekend tour, Through Mar. 18: At the Loeb natural phenomena. In his first a junior at Harvard College and $55, and $35. 1 Bennett St., Cambridge 02138, the Wellesley, MA based college Drama Center (64 Brattle St., major U.S. museum exhibition, captain of the Men's Water Jun. 5-6, 8-9: U2. All dates but 617-662-5000 choir will be visiting St. Paul's Cambridge 02138), presented by Eliasson has transformed the Polo Team. Jun. 9 sold out. Church, 15 St. Paul Street, the A.R.T. With war raging all Feb. 16-17: Irma Thomas. Brookline, MA 02446. Call 617- around, a desperate woman The Middle East Feb. 20: Robbie Lee Quintet. 566-4953 for directions to the mockingly nicknamed for her Feb. 21: Bob Nieske 3 and the Ticketmaster: 931-2000. evening concert. Tickets $10 at cowardice under fire - struggles Circle Lydian String Quartet. Ticket prices vary. Call 354-8238 the door. For more information, to keep her business and her Every Tuesday, 9 p.m.-l a.m. A small but energy-filled Feb. 22-24: Ron Carter Quartet. for more info. call Choir Tour Manager Michelle family alive. Hungarian director place to hear local DJs spin a range of great Feb. 27: Steve Lacy Trio. Kim at 781-283-4407. Janos Szasz makes his U.S. techno/trance. No age restrictions, no dress code, and Feb. 28: Greg Piccolo & Heavy Feb. 16: Labradford, Pan debut in this visionary prcduc- not uncomfortably crowded, although the people tend to Juice. American. Chameleon Arts Ensemble tion, based on Bertolt Brecht's be youngish (20's and early 30's) and mostly there for Feb. 17: Sheiks. Feb. 17 at 8 p.m. at the First and classic masterpiece of struggle the music. At the VFW, 371 Summer St, Somerville, MA Feb. 17: Raging Teens Record Scullers Jazz Club Second Church, 66 Marlborough and survival. Call 617-547-8300 (take the Red Line to Davis Square). $5, $1 before 9:30. Release Extravaganza: The DoubleTree Guest SUites, 400 Street in Boston's Back Bay or visit Racketeers, The Bourbonaires, Soldiers Field Rd., Boston, (Arlington Stop on the Green for more information or to Kings of uthin', The Starline 617-562-4111 Line): The Chameleon Arts reserve tickets. February 16, 0]




f th 2

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This space donated by' The Tech

Time Change this term! Spring Term 2001 Minicourse Schedule Athena Minicourses . Spring Term 2001 TimeChange!1>< 1:00pml

Mon Tue V\ed Thu 1:00 p.m. 12 Febl Matlab 13 Febl Matlab 14 Febl Xess 15 Feb I M~ple 7 p.m. MSO MSO Xess Xess 8 p.m. atlab Matlab Maple Maple 1:00 p.m. 19 Feb I Holiday 20 Febl First Course 21 Febl W:Jrldng 22 Febl WPO 7 p.m. Pres's Day First Course First Course Frame 8p.m. o Classes V\brking W:Jrking Latex 1:00 p.m. 26 Feb] Frame 27 FebT Frame Thesis 28 Febl Latex 1 Marl Latex Thesis 7 p.m. Frame Frame Latex Latex 8 p.m. Frame Thesis Frame Thesis Latex Thesis Latex Thesis 1:00 p.m. 5 Marl HTML 6 Marl Info Res. 7 Marl Dotfiles 8 Marl Serious Emacs 7 p.m. HTML HTML Dotfiles Dotfiles 8 p.m. Info Resources Info Resources Serious Emacs Serious Emacs 1:00 p.m. 12 Mar Matlab 13 Marl Maple 14 Marl Xess 15 Marl Matlab 7 p.m. MSO Maple Maple MSO 8 p.m. Matlab Xess Xess Matlab 1:00 p.m. 19 Marl First Course 20 Marl' V\brking 21 Marl EZ 22 Marl WPO 7 p.m. First Course First Course Latex Frame 8 p.m. V\brking V\brking EZ EZ

ALL MIDDAY CLASSES @ 1:OO-2:00pm. ( a noon classes this ter m.)

Quick intr oductory sequence: FIRST COURSE, WORKING, ®WORD PROCESSI G OPTIO S -- means More Material in Less Time: files and 'directories, e-mail and word processing, orientation and help resources, all in just three hours. eed ore? One hour is all it takes: Get started with any word-processing package, the is options, data-crunching, graphing, other math software, communication, web-pages, etc. in just one hour . • For course descriptions: see the back of thi flyer or • Allminicour e taught in Room 3-343. Minicourses are one hour each. How TO REGISTER FOR A MINICOURSE: YouCan't! They're free! • 0 Pre-registration eeded ... JUSTSHOWUP FORTHE CLASS. Don't wait! Take them now. These won't be offered again until August 2001.

®Athena is a registered trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. IIS Athena Training Group All CIa ses in Room 3-343 CH Page 11

ELLEN J. SIEM l:Iarold Larson SeD '67 donates blood yesterday in La Sala de Puerto Rico at the Red Cross Blood Drive. The blood drive closes its week-long stint at 5 p.m. today.

THE OST FUN Y8U'LL GET GUT OF THEDMV. . F ARALLON CAPITAL A motorcycle operator license is more important than ybu think. The fact is MA AGEMENT, LLC un,liC~n$edride~s are o,,f~ta,l craS,he" 0 gef. W£,' , your license, WhIle an afternoon at the DMV isn't much fun, haVIng \'1 a license is something you can live with. MOTOtICYCuwmPOUUiT1 ~ FaraUon Capital Management, L.L.C. i a private investment finn that manages over $7 billion in equity capital for institutions and high net worth individuals and the finn's investment strategy is event-driven with a focus on merger arbitrage, value equity, real estate, restructurings, di tressed debt and liquidations. lnve t- This space donated by The Tech ments include equity securities, public and private debt, direct investments in private companies and real estate. The finn is active globally, with positions in the U .. , Europe, Latin America and A ia. r------·------~Looki 0 PARTYfor

Spr· ok 001? . Employment Opportunity STShas guara 0 lowing destinations:: LORIDA Farallon is seeking Re earch nalysts for its Arbitrage, Public Equity, and Debt groups. Research Analysts ~~~MCiui--BE~ch Front will be involved in every aspect of the investment proce s. The emphasi will be on re earching and summa- rizing company and industry data, conducting indu try and competitive analysi ,preparing and updating valua- ing @ 579 tion models and monitoring existing inve tments. The Research Analy t position offers a unique opportunity AmeriCo's # 1 Student ca Starting @ 499 to develop a comprehensive under tanding of inve ting and portfolio management in an intense and intellectu- WWN,ststrave Ie' as Starting @ 549 ally stimulating environment. 1800648-4849 CaUl ' . Space in Limited!!C I_-_------~------~_· Quafificatiom

Farallon is seeking candidates from all majors for its San Francisco office. Candidates should have a strong Columbia academic background, excellent analytical and quantitative kills and a genuine interest in investing.

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IMMERSE YOURSELF in the linguistic and cultural landscape of another country through the Overseas Programs at Columbia. Farallon Capital Management, L.L.C BEIJI G· BERLIN • PAR 5 • ITALY San Francisco Greenwich London!ys! [email protected] Page 12 February 16 2001

MATT T. YOURST-THE TECH John DeWitt of Bowdoin College presents Tuesday's roundtable lecture series on Civic Environmentalism while William Shutkin, MIT lecturer in Urban Studies and Plan- ning, looks on. The talk as hosted by the Environmental Policy Group at MIT, which will host its next roundtable discussion on M.ay 8th.


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Europe's sixth biggest bank and the thirteenth largest in the world.

ABN AMRO is a world-class financial organization offering wholesale banking and asset management services to a range of corporate, institutional and private clients.

This year we are looking to recruit a number of potential graduates or postgraduates to work in Global Equity Derivatives initially in London, but with the possibility of future opportunities in Continental Europe, the US or Asia.

To find out more about these opportunities attend the Information Session scheduled for the 22nd February from 5.30pm - 7.30pmin Room 24-121{MIT Campus) (Opportunity details are posted on under Job 10# 1017442585) H Page 13

"It ap ens e e·, 00" Raising Awareness About Sexual Asseult and Sexual Health at MIT

(left) Katie Koestner delivers an emotional presentation on her experience with date rape last night in 10-250. MIT is one of the hundreds of universities at which Koestner has spoken to raise awareness.

• (above) Female students gathered in the Cheney Room on Tuesday to look at experiences of black women in relationships and learn what makes for a healthy relationship. From left to right are Nnennia Ejebe '04, Rita Gresham '04, Aisha Stroman '00, Afiya Whisby '04, Leslie Robinson '04, and Ivana Stur- divant '04. The event is part of a week-long program at MIT to raise awareness for issues relating to sexual assault, sexual health, and relationships. MA1T T. YOURST

Announces the debut of the ....

Featuring your Class Presidential and UAP/VP Candidates debating hot issues & sharing their talents in the NEW Transitions Lounge

2004 Tuesday,Feb.27,2001 @8pm 2003 Thursday, March 1st, 200 1 @8pm UAP/VP Friday, March 2nd, 2001 @4pm 2002 Sunday, March 4th, 2001 @8pm PACKETS ARE DUE: 2/20/ @5pm Page I February 1 ,2001 Space Concerns Are Obstacle for TEAL TEAL from Page 1 The purpo e of the program is to engage tudent more personally in Department i willing to turn over the proce s of learning introductory the current reading room pace to phy ic. ccording to the TE L TE L if the upper admini tration propo al students will hare laptop will give u suitable pace for relo- in group of three, with nine tu- cation of the reading room." His dents at each of about a dozen round words were upported by a po itive tables in one cia room. A professor response of the physics faculty at a will be present for instruction and luncheon held yesterday to discus for help with lab experiments. the move. "The department eems Belcher feel that the biggest dif- happy with thi other pace avail- ficulty in getting the project off the able," aid Bel her. ground was the relative lack of When asked where the room space. He said that Professor Marc would be relocated, Redwine aid A. Kastner, head of the Physics that he would prefer not to release Department, had mentioned that more detai Is becau e "space is a space, not money was the major ensitive i ue" and he didn't want concern. With the space, Belcher to interfere with negotiations. "It said that he would have many white might turn out that we could relo- boards and four or five screens for cate the reading room in a tempo- projecting the work of students. He rary location." said that what he was most looking Belcher, however, mentioned forward to was "the interaction that the final location of the reading between students and faculty." room might be on the econd floor He also said that he has been of Building 6. working with Professor Peter Dour- mashkin, Vice President and Dean FREDO DURAND Belcher devised TEAL concept For Research J. David Litster, and embers of Roadkill Buffet serenade Britton Bradle on Valentine's Day. For five dollars, stu- Belcher also di cu sed the ori- ten DROP students to put together den s could commission the RKB to perform an improvised "DooWop" serenade based on five gin and his vision for the future of ets of desktop experiments and dis- facts about heir s eetheart. The serenaders, from left to right, are Ellie Boyle '04, Ben Balas the TEAL program. He said that he cussion questions. He also aid that '02, Jessica Brodk'n '03, and Erin Conwell '03. developed the idea when, after lec- the Center for Education and Com- turing 8.02 for three years, he found puting Initiatives is compiling ani- himself teaching in lecture halls mations and simulations for the only 50 percent full by the end of class. "A whole host of people are the seme ter. "I didn't think: it was working on software," he said. effective," he reflected. He felt that TEAL is funded by the d' Ar- with a hands-on approach it was beloff Initiative, the MITlMicrosoft possible to "learn things at a much I-Campus Alliance, the National deeper level with the same amount Science Foundation, and other e begin our education belie ing that the facts we leam of effort." sources. and the technologies we master are the foundations for our careers. But changes in careers are common and technologies become obsolete quickly. In fact, alumni records show that rt is likely many of BE LESS PRODUCTIVE us will work in multiple fields or change fields entirely. We may also AT THE OFFICE. move from Engineering and Sdence into non-technical areas such @:e office has always been a Set up a recycling bin for aluminum

as Marketing or General Management. place to get ahead Unfortunately, cans and one for bottles. And when The ability to do excellent work in a range of fields, and meet it's also a place where a lot of natural you're in the bathroom brushing diverse challenges with clear, bold thinking and creative solutions is resources start to fall behind Take a your teeth or wash- the hallmark of a good education. Howeve~ to work effectively in fields that are new to us, we can look around the next time you're at ing your face, not rely on facts and technologies that may have become obsolete work. See how many lights are left doot let the faucet

or are not applicable. We must depend on fundamental thinking on when people leave.See how much Drink out run, Remember, jf we ojmugs and problem-solving skills that are effective in any discipline, and in instead oj fi paper is being wasted How much tbrowav;ay cups. use ewer resources working on virtually any type of problem. . deetricity is being used to today, we'll savemore for tomorrow. These are analogous to the basic skills- strength and coordina- Which would truly be a job well done. tion - that a superb athlete will learn in preparation for a lifetime of are left on. Look FOR. MORE INFORMATION AND TIPS competition; skillsthat will serve him or her in a variety of different I sports. CAlL 1-8ro:MY-SHARE. Use both sidts Fa" the scientist or enginee~ the heart of the learning process is ojthe paper being wasted in the wbmwriting finding and solving interesting problems. This istrue whether the a memo. subject is Quantum Physicsor management. Wrth proper mentor- how much solid waste is ing, the mental struggle of dealing with a difficult and important being thrown out in the problem results in the development of mental skillsthat cannot be learned in any other way, and that are applicable to a wide range of trash cans. We bet itS a lor. re« situations. ow, here are some simple ways

Fainformation eixxn the The skillswe leam include the ability to observe all aspects of a you can p~uce less waste at work

Bose Summer Internship problem, to integrate a wide range of knovvledge, to analyze in When YOUte at the copier, only Prq]ram fer Ergineerirg depth, to obtain insight, and to find and rigorously test creative make the copies you need Use both Freshmen, cmtact Janet 9ifka solutions. sides of the paper when writing a at 508.766.6535 These problem-solving skillsare taught by any good teacher no memo. Turn off your light when you matter vvhat the subject. For maximum benefit the student must realize the importance of these skillsto his or her education, and leave. Use a lower watt bulb in your

must consciously focus on develq>ing them not only in every course lamps- Drink your coffee or tea out

in college, but over a lifetime of learning. of mugs instead of throwaway cups. Il'S A CO NEaED WORlD. DO YOUR SHARE. --BIIS~ _:Earth Share 8ettet' socnd t:I1I'cIcIfjI research. This space donated by The Tech "' ...... " . " . ~ ... February The 16,2001 Tech

Page 15

by Jeooifer"PiMase


the crass rat


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Tech Life

Fox rot by Bi 1Amend Dilbert" by Scott Adams





Got a ews Tip? Call the Tech News Hotline. 253-1541 February 16, 2001 The Tech Page 17

Crossword Puzzle Solution, page 23

ACROSS 47 Pseudonym 7 Knights' 41 Hemlock homes 1 Creator of Li'l 50 Ligh meal weapons 44 Foes Abner 51 Occurrence 8 Ruckus 46 Shout of joy 5 Macho guy 53 Works 9 Drink of the 48 River of 10 Winter fall strenuously gods Stratford 14 Toast spread 57 Captiva e 10 Defeat 49 Union 15 Get around 60 Like serials decisively 52 Harass 16 Own 63 Refec ory 11 European 54 Pastoral poem 17 GM make, for 65 Pile of defense assn. 55 Money of Turkey short combustibles 12 Pizzeria fixture 56 Play part 18 Rebounded 66 Merriment 13 Marries 57 Nervous 20 Like laptops 67 Support for the 19 Razor's cut 58 Cleopatra's river 22 Claws arts 21 Stoppage of 59 One more time 23 Pound feet 68 Pizzazz breathing 61 Supplication 24 Animal in a 69 Poisonous 25 Byron of golf 62 Troubles mobile home? evergreens 27 TV adiunct 64 Triumphant 26 Display jealousy 70 Flightless birds 28 China's Sun exclamation 29 Listed correction 71 Ultimatum word 30 Orchestra 33 Reason for a instrument page DOWN 31 Caspian feeder 37 Remedy 1 Henhouses 32 Dinner 38 Sniqqler's catch 2 Distribute 33 Chick's 39 Craftsperson 3 Ballplayer comment 42 Sound sheepish Guerrero 34 At this place 43 Ashtabula's lake 4 Mail carriers 35 Actress Lena 45 Engage in 5 Parslev or sage 36 Set afire o 2000 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 40 Yucatan year All rlqhts reserved. delaying tactics 6 Fiendish

TechCalendar appears in each issue of The Tech and features events for members of the MIT community. The Tech makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of this information, and The Tech shall not be held liable for any loss- es, including, but not limited to, damages resulting from attendance of an event. TechCalendar Contact information for all events is available from the TechCalendar web page. Visit and add events to TechCalendar online at hftp:l/ Friday, February 16 tions, and the Virasoro conjecture for Gromov-Wltten Invariants." free. Room: 4-159. Sponsor: Differential Geometry Seminar. Department of Mathematics. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - SPRING 2001 UROP DIRECT FUNDING DEADLINE. The deadline for 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Death of the Washing Machine. free. Room: 1-390. Sponsor: Engineer- spring 2001 UROP direct-funding (funds from UROP) is this Friday, February 16,2001. All faculty ing & Environmental Mechanics Group. members who are interested in having their UROPers .apply for funding from the UROP office, 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Materials Unlimited. "Nanostructured Biomaterials for Orthopedic Appli- should have students submit all of their UROP paperwork to the UROP Office (Rm. 7-104) by 5 cations." The development of an alternative biomaterial combining mechanical resilience and an p.m. on Feb. 16th. UROP coversheets, proposal guidelines and samples can be found at osteogenic surface to provide a stable interface with the surrounding connective tissue will be free. Room: 7-104. Sponsor: UROP. discussed. A half-hour panel discussion with audience Q&A will follow the 3D-min. lecture. 10:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Zonal Average Circulation and Tracer Transport in the Extratropical Refreshments 3:30. free. Room: 8-304. Sponsor: Materials Processing Center. Troposphere. Note special time and location. free. Room: 54-317. Sponsor: MIT Atmospheric 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. - Gas Turbine Seminar Series. No Seminar, Monday class schedule. Science Seminars. 11:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. - Blood Drive. Come help save lives by donating blood or volunteering to help with our drive! See our web page for more information or to make an appointment to donate. free. Room: La Sala. Who do I talk to about reserving a space for my event? Sponsor: Blood Drives. 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. - AI-Anon Open Discussion: AI-Anon Meeting. free. Room: E25-10~. Sponsor: MIT Medical. 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Orientation to Computing at MIT. This seminar provides basic, non-technical information about the MIT computing environ- What does it take to plan an event? ment. Topics include: telephones and yoice mail, operating systems, sup- ported software and recommended hardware, the campus network, securi- How can I get funding for my event? ty, computer-related health issues. free. Room: N42 Demo Center. Sponsor: Information Systems. 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. - MIT Jewish Faculty Affairs Luncheon Series. "Globalization of Finance and Jewish Financial Institutions in the Early Mod- Student AcUViUes ern Period (From Venice to Waterloo)." $10 for lunch, pay by Wednesday February 14th. Room: Building Wl1, Small Dining Room. Sponsor: Hillel, How should I publicize my event? MIT. 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. - Subword complexes in Coxeter groups and appli- cations to Schubert varieties. Refreshments will be served at 3:30 p.m. in room 2-349. free. Room: 2-338. Sponsor: Combinatorics Seminar. Depart- Do I need campus police detail? ment of Mathematics. 8:00 p.m. - School for Scandal. Dramashop production of Richard Brinsley Sheridan's 1777 comedy, directed by Senior Lecturer Michael Ouellette. $8, $6 MIT students. Room: Kresge Little Theater. Sponsor: Dramashop. Who should I talk to about catering?

Saturday, February 17

8:00 p.m. - School for Scandal. Dramashop production of Richard Brinsley Do I need an entertainment license? Sheridan's 1777 comedy, directed by Senior Lecturer Michael Ouellette. $8, $6 MIT students. Room: Kresge Little Theater. Sponsor: Dramashop. 8:00 p.m. - Recent Music of Peter Child. Doubles, Part 1 (prologue - Elaine Chew, piano); Doubles I and II (Senior Lecturer David Deveau, piano); Variations (Daniel Stepner, violin); Emily Dickinson What should I do about the room set-up? Songs (Jane Bryden, soprano, Sally Pinkas, piano); Sonata for Viola and Piano (Prof Marcus Thompson, viola, Judith Gordon, piano); Dou- bles Part 2 (Doubles III Epilogue - Elaine Chew, piano). free. Room: Killian Hall. Sponsor: Music Section.

Sunday, February 18

1:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. - Ballroom Dance Lessons. Ramenco 2 at lpm, Amer. Fox Trot 2 at 2pm, Tango 1 at 4:30pm. Free social dancing from 3:3D-4:30pm. $1 to $5. Room: Sala de Puerto Rico. Sponsor: Ballroom Dance Club.

Monday, February 19

5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. - Aga Khan Lecture: Ruins into Monuments: Memo- ry, Nation and Modernity in the Restoration of the Great Mosque of Dam- ascus and the Krak des Chevaliers. free. Room: 3-133. Sponsor: Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture.

Tuesday, February 20

12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. - The Varieties of Conventionalism. Dibner Insti- tute Lunchtime Colloquia. free. Room: E56-100. Sponsor: Dibner Institute. 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. - "Quantum products, Topological recursion rela- Page 1 February 16,2001


a . . riving e re ess re

"Two -year-old Atheros Communications of Sunnyvale, CA is gearing up to turn the wireless local area network community on its head. ... The company's MARKOSTOW Brain Hubert G displays his nano-assembly machine, which is capa- impending release of a low cost chipset for 5-GHz WLAN's is expected to ble of picking up virtually any type of material, several thousand significantly lower the cost structure of high -speed WLA equipment and make atoms at a time. the technology ubiquitous for office and home users around the world." -- Jarad Carleton, Research Ancyst, Information Technologies, Frost & Sullivan ubert Recalls First ventions Proudly Info session: Lemelson, from Page 1 nology," Hubert said. The $30,000 in prize money will In 4-149 at 6:00 PM on Monday, February 19, 2001 memory chip, made out of alu- go towards the formation of a com- minized plastic and designed in an mercial venture dedicated to explor- A light meal will be provided. effort to make computer chips ing how to fabricate things at nano- cheaper by eliminating the need for scale resolutions. silicon. Hubert, meanwhile, plans to Interviews: "Memory today can be quite wrap up his nano-assembly project t IT career office ( 2-170) on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 expensive. We should look for ways and to look at the possibility of con- to perhaps develop something better verting the device into something than the more expensive silicon that can-build a vertically-oriented water-based chip," Hubert notes. 3-D object, possibly realizing the Hubert also invented a supercon- dream of nanorobotics. ductor fabrication system, which was designed to boost the efficiency Award created in 1994 of manufacturing superconductor Jerome H. Lemelson and his wires while lowering the cost wife Dorothy established the Lemel- required in building such wires. son-MIT awards program in 1994 to Hubert already holds two patents recognize and reward outstanding - one for the plastic memory chip, inventors and innovators within the and another for the superconductor MIT student body in the hope of fabrication system. encouraging more young people to pursue careers in science, engineer- Hubert became inventor in his ing, technology, and entrepreneur- youth ship. When asked what disappoint- The judging panel responsible ments he has faced in the past, for selecting the winner consists of Hubert recalled a device that he MIT alumni including successful thought up at a young age. The now- scientists, technologists, and entre- defunct invention idea involved preneurs. placing a machine at the bottom of Lemelson-MIT Program winners the ocean to convert the water pres- have continued to make significant sure into electrical energy. contributions in their fields of study. He remembers fondly his first Last year's Student Prize winner invention, devised at the age of was Amy B.. Smith, whose inven- fourteen. Dubbed the 'cheater tions include a laboratory incubator meter,' it was placed between the that runs without electricity and a " car and the gas pump nozzle and hammer mill to grind grain into measured the true amount of gas flour, both devices intended to entering a car. improve way of life in Third W orId "It seemed cars were not getting countries. the full amount of gas paid for, so I Smith has spent the past year would measure the gasoline going doing research in Nepal, and has into the car." Hubert also remem- worked to develop water quality bers sitting outside his house with treatment and testing kits for devel- cups full of gasoline and analyzing oping countries. the various grades of gas after exposing the containers to sunlight. Hubert also skilled pianist Hubert feels that inventors have Hubert is not only an accom- a particularly unique perspective on plished inventor but also a gifted the world. "Instead of passively pianist, having composed and per- accepting the way things are, inven- formed more than 22 original tors look at a situation differently, works. Apart from his musical tal- he said. "They say, 'I can make a ent, Hubert is also skilled in the area real contribution here.' When an of architectural design and model- inventor stubs his toe he not only ing. says ow,' but asks, 'How did this Also present at the Thursday cer- happen?'" emony was Hubert's father, who During the ceremony Hubert poke of his son's "tremendous thanked many people for their con- powers of concentration." This skill tinued support, among them Associ- may be best illustrated by a child- ate Professor of edia Arts and Sci- hood holiday music recital. Only ences Joseph Jacob on of the Media eight years old at the time, Hubert Laboratory, under whom Hubert has was playing a piano version of "0 conducted his doctoral re earch. Holy ight" when a girl behind him Spo "Jacob on set up a free-flowing knocked over her xylophone creat- environment in hi group such that ing a loud disturbance. we were expo ed to everything from "Brian kept playing" . Hubert biology to electronics to nanotech- said. "He never mi sed a note. ' February 16 2001 THE TECH Page 19 Pacific Rim Nations Tighten Patent Laws Biotechnology, from Page 1 enforced by the rest of the world as many of the plant were built with ha led U .. companie to b wary technology derived from the oviet of introducing product there. Wang Union. aid that .S. and European car However, ang aid that "China manufacturers, for e ample, only ha great potential in terms of size.' di tribute older model in China. China's go emment has pledged to inve t billion of dollar over the An Introduction to Pres ure to tighten property law next few year toward the develop- In re ponse to the cautious atti- ment of new drug and testing the tudes of some We tern firms, orne efficacy of traditional therapies. countries in the region have begun He also noted that many U.S.- MD-PhD Training to enforce intellectual property trained cienti ts and engineers have laws. China now recognizes patents been returning to China. 'Ten or fif- granted after 1993 and the other teen years ago, ery few people countries have also begun to went back to China. e're seeing MIT acknowledge U. . patents. inga- much more of that today," aid pore, which respects intellectual Wang. oorn property rights, manufactures drugs According to Wang these Pacif- 4-270 for Merck, Gallaxo, and Schering. ic countries hope to hift their "A real strength in ingapore is the indu try toward biotechnology in trength of the government. The the next few years. A the manufac- structure is such that companies turing of traditional textiles and Thursday, February 22, 200 1 trust it," said Wang. products is moving away from sev- China, however, has significant eral Pacific Rim nations in search of 12:00 PM problems other than patent enforce- lower costs biotechnology research ment. Manufacturing processes in and development could fill in the China are not up to the standards economic gaps. Olaf . Andersen, M Professor of Physiology and Biophysics It'sa connected world. and Biochemistry and Structural Biology Do your share. Program Director Weill Cornell/Rockefeller/Sloan- Kettering Tri-Institutional MD-PhD Program For 30 ways to help the environment, write Earth Share, 3400 International Drive ,NW, Suite 2K (AD4), Washington, DC 20008. Earth Share

This space donated by The Tech Chinese tullents

MIT Tickets available in Lobby 10 - Questions: [email protected] Page 20 February 16 2001

ADAM LORENZ Peter G. adden G tore up the slopes at Smuggler's otch during the Graduate Student Council's annual ski trip. A record 276 people joined in for a weekend of skiing, eating, karao e, and condo-hopping.


De-pllrtme~1 01 FACLITIES FRIENDS CAMPUS CONSTRUCTION UPDATE DON'T LET SPORTS & F TNESS CENTER Pile installation and the pouring of concrete foundations during the next FRIENDS few weeks will cause noise and disruption to the surrounding area. The excavation of soil continues causing a great deal of truck traffic in and DRIVE near the Kresge parking lot. DRUNK. 70 PACIFIC STREET (GRADUATE HOUSING) r!I U,S.~dT~tion Construction activity including the installation of sheeting and removal of land fill may cause noise, dust and disruption to vehicular and pedestrian

traffic. This space donated by The Tech DREYFUS CHEMISTRY BUILDING Interior demolition may cause dust, noise and vibration to the surround- ~!Jjguejob opportunity ing area. STATACENTER

Installation of the first of nine sections for the foundation has begun. In- flexibk hOW'S, minlJlUlJ earn up to ti_ commitment $600 per motrth II you'" mala, in college or have a coBega degrae, end are termittent odors may continue during the marsh later is removed. Anyone inllrutK in a job where you can urn up to $600 per month on your own schlilule, clll 617-497-8646 for informalion on our anonymous sperm donor program. Onlyin this wishing some temporary relief from the odor may obtain a freshener from unique job can you 11m extra income and help inlertlle couples "alize their drum 01becoming parents. the MIT Stata Center project trailer located near the pool entrance be- tween Buildings 56 and 16. MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE The MBTA Bus Stop located across from 77 Mass. Ave. has been re- located to the corner of Mass. Ave. and Memorial Drive. Snow fencing also has been put up for pedestrian safety. ALBANY STREET GARAGE The shuttle service to parking facilities along Albany Street will continue until mid February while the walkway between Buildings 42 and 44 at the railroad crossing remains closed. Commuters seeking a shuttle after 6:00 PM may use the Institute's Safe Ride van.

This information provided by the MIT Department of Facilities: February 16 2001 THE TECH Page 21

THIS WEEKEND AT LSC Cameron Diaz Drew Barrymore lUCy liu (;harlie's Angels Friday, 7 & 10 pm, 26-100 Sunday, 7 pm, 26-100

LSCClassics Presents How to Marry A Millionaire Friday, 7:30 pm, 10-250 TECH FILE PHOTO Protesters voiced their concerns about MIT animal testing at a march last April. Inspections Ensure Saving Grace Saturday, 7 & 10 pm, 26-100 Humane Treatment Sunday, 10 pm, 26-100 Animal Testing, from Page 1 the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare. "We [the CAe] have been "If you look back 150 years, it has- approved at the exemplary level, n't always been that way," said which is the highest level of Ritvo. accreditation given by the Associa- Much of the CAC-approved tion for Assessment and Accredita- research which is performed at MIT tion of Laboratory Animal Care. is medical in nature. Some examples We also received grants to make of ongoing projects are clinical can- two videos sold worldwide on gen- cer research, nerve regeneration . eral animal care and anesthesia," studies, and cardiac tissue studies. said O'Pray. "The committee doesn't make There are many animal rights judgments on science, per se, but on organizations that oppose animal the treatment of the animals and if research, but opposition can come the number of animals were appro- on a number of different levels. priate," said Ritvo. "There are a number of view- After a proposal is passed by the points represented in our group on CAC, the researchers must take a the use of animals in science, and course on handling animals before many people are against animal they are allowed to do research. If experimentation outright," said any specialized procedures are to be Laura C. Dilley G, president of the performed, the researchers are Sudents for the Ethical Treatment of instructed by trained veterinarians. Animals, (SETA) at MIT. "We do not allow painful proce- This organization focuses on dures on animals without medica- issues of ethical issues involved in tion for the pain or anesthetizing the human-animal interactions, includ- animals," said O'Pray. "We do not ing animal experimentation and tries allow death as an endpoint to any to promote alternatives to animal experiment. If an animal is not experimentation whenever possible. doing well, it has to be euthanized." "Our group tries to focus on Although research is performed issues where animal abuse is wide- on a variety of animal species, the spread, such as the food animal and majority of all animal research at fur industries," said Dilley. "Lab MIT is performed on rodents such animals constitute only about one- as mice and rats. hundredth of one percent of the ani- "We get inspections from the mals killed in the U.S. every year, federal government, the state of so animal experimentation has not Massachusetts, and the 'city of Cam- been a major focus of our group's bridge," said O'Pray. efforts." The animals are monitored by Anyone with information about Monday and Tuesday nights both the technicians who take care inadequate animal care or treatment S1IIIJ) ftl)wt1 of them, and by veterinarians, who should contact the CAC at 253-9436 'DwtfO~, b(J(, ~Ittlh, .MJ. 81ut. Ctt1bs in/Wt! see to their health. If any violations or call Vice President and Dean of WI; ti~ tJtt' ill 8t.c.d, yDU. gt:t bu:tiu "It yl)Jq Uuit in animal care or research are found, Research J. David Litster at 253- the research stops until the CAC can 6801. More information on the CAC fully investigate. and animal testing at MIT can be If a major violation is found, the found at . CalHbrUl2e, hlA at. I 0 {'/1-5z0-'1500 fDrfl1erty AkU. AkU.

It claims good people. NDW Dpen fDr lu.ruh M - f ! UNTREATED DEPRESSION = ' ~

This space donated by The Tech This space donated by The Tech DiScovatTHE Power ··Innovate Put some power behind your ideas. At MIT Please visit our website or Career Lincoln laboratory, your research and ideas will Services for time, location and date of be transferred directly into the development of our informational session and date of leadinq-edqe, real-world applications, includ- interviews for Spring 2001 ing air defense, space surveillance, communi- cations and air traffic control systems. If you're looking for a way to power up your /f you are pursuing a degree in: career, please forward a cover letter and scannable resume to: " BectricaJ Engineering [email protected] • Physics 1year old, 1991 . Fax: (781) 981-2011; or mail to: Human Resources, • Computer 5cience <- MIT lincoln laboratory, " Mathematics Stevie Ace Flores. COO, 244 Wood Street, " Mechanical eering lexington, MA 02420- Engi Killed by a drunh driver on March 23,1993, 9108. M/F/DN. • AeronautiC!!ilMtronautics on Pacific Coas~Highway in Wilmington, Calif. An Equal Opportunity maybe you have the power to succeed at: Employer, If you don't stop your friend from driving drunk, who will? US Citizenship is Do whatever it takes. required. ~ IJNCOIN LABORATORY ~ MA AOlUSETIS INSTITUfE OFTEOINOLOGY

u.s. Department of Transportation

This space donated by The Tech

Are you a cs or EE student? Looking for a great job? wou d you like a slice of pizza? zetari. an Internet infrastructure start-up company located in the Boston area, is holdinq an informational session about exciting career op 0 tun ities in hardware and software engineerin on Tuesday February 20, 2001 at 6: 00 PM in Room 4-145. Gary Rucinski, co-rounder and vp of Engineering, wi I be discussing career opportunities in the' emerging nternet infrastructure market. Free pizza provided. zetari will also be holding on-campus interviews on wednesday February 28, 2001. Interested candidates should register through career services. H Page 23 Women to Face Division I Schools Engineers May Be Women's Gymnastics, from Page 24 hui ollow d for IT, but he in the process of hitting the best 71 . .Pl· iffS· d had a slip off the beam and ha~ to b am routine of her career. Ellef: on ()~ . ago ee corned the addition of enior arla ettle for an .9. t the ame tune, landed her di mount and was E. aguire '01 to their vault line-up. the econd competitor for M rewarded with a new chool record aguire' .325 and Ilefson's received a 9.35. of 9.65, brea ing e en her own Women's Basketball, from Page 24 team's season record of 20. That ea on-high 9.25 helped IT to Third up for MIT a Caitlin P. mark of9.6, set two years earlier. team made it to the ECAC finals, their highe t ault total of the sea- Dwyer- ally '03, who looked When all was aid and done the ontesting every shot, Smith which was the equivalent of a on. MIT accumulated 43. on ault good throughout e cept for her atarnount totaled 46.45 on floor to screamed her battle cry and had a Division I school coming second and wa leading the meet 3.9 to toughe t kill, hich landed her on MIT' 45.45 on beam. made hand in her opponent's face. Her in the ational Invitational Tour- 3.0 5 after two rotations. the ide of the beam for an .35. ith up a full point on the last e ent, but exit came a few minute before nament. This team, this year, with In the third rotation, MIT moved s Amy osher nailing a 9.325 it was not enough, and MIT cele- E trada' because of her five fouls. a trong finish, can set their sights to floor, forced to compete with only on floor e erci e Vermont wa now brated its first win ever over the Her ovation featured fans doing their on the tournament. fi e athlete a BUTkawas forced to in the lead 156.05 to MIT' 15 .12 Catamounts, 174. 25 to 174.65. imitation of the mith yell, which withdraw. Again, the Engineer with three competito to go. The day belonged to MIT. The wa not ju t flattering but a sincere Tuesday. Febrll8l'Y :La amas ed a ea on-high total for thi It wa Garceau who righted the men beat UV by a ound 3-point expression of love and appreciation. Wheaton at MIT event with ecile E. Le ocq '02, hip for MIT by ab olutely nailing margin - much more comfortable 1 2 Total indy Chung '04 and Ellefson po t- her beam routine; she wa rewarded than the .175 separating the Team ranking faU into place IT 3023 53 WPI 30 42 54 ing 9.15, 9.45, and 9.5, re pectively. with a per onal best of 9.4. But women's teams. The Engineers would greatly ft 3"- n While MIT posted a 45.475 on DVM' icole ote-Burk received On an individual basis, Ellefson appreciate a loss by both pringfield lIT" .-4 ... RPfl'lsAT8Usnllil 0.,'-' 4-3 &<1 .. 351538325 floor exercise the Catamounts hung a 9.45 on floor. won every event in the meet and and Wellesley. The e two unlikely __ ~ 1-40.2 ... 332338222 tough with a 45.125 beam set led by Fellow ophomore Deborah J. recorded a season-high 37.95 a11- gifts, matched with an MIT win CrioliIaEslrJM U~2t " 14Z3G43123f ClJSbIa-J 2-3 ... 4.42512D Jill Smith's 9.15. After three rota- Dryer '03 got up and attacked the around score. away over lark on Saturday, will .llds 7-13 .. N III 3 Ii 1 2 • 4 31 a-lliMdl t-I...... 12.22.217 tions MIT extended its lead to beam, and looked very solid for the Thi win sets a positive tone in give the Engineer the number one bialliUlct 2-5 lH U 4 1 • • 1 • 2 Ii &Mes .... 2·1 H 3.111.011 129.375 to 128.20. Finally, it was off first half. he wobbled a bit on the heading into the last three meets of seed in the postseason tournament. ., 0-1 1 H • I • I 0 8 I 4 A loss would jeopardize a chance to 0-3 D-t ... • • 8 ••• 8 4 to beam for MIT and floor for DVM. second half of the routine, ettling the eason prior to the conference bq .... • ••••• 0 2 Chung was put in charge of lead- for a 9.0 to Jill mith's 9.125. championships. This coming week- host a tournament game, because leM$H o.e 000 ••• 01 • ••• 1 0 0 1 ing the way. Chung's bearn routine, So, it came down to the final end, the women will travel to UMass- MIT would be tied for a fourth seed. ~1,J'IIli"''''''' lIT2U5 f.5 14-17GI71213128 jam-packed with difficult maneuvers two competitor. MIT would have Amherst where they will meet Most likely, if this happens, the tie 1lllNlMli-S1 1-1S IHl:lilJS3U2S1 U is the best routine in the MIT line-up, to hope for a big core from Ellef- extremely talented Divi ion I teams. would occur with Babson, who fell SocIoMIlbIf Ttl3I ...... IH ... but he has had trouble keeping it on son in order to be able to drop But MIT will have the chance to post to MIT 70-67 on Jan. 16th. AIR 5-21 19l'1o li-51 2l.ll o matter what happens to the 31'1Ri 1-3 n.'ll 1-lS 4UA the beam. Two falls left Chung at an Dwyer-Me ally' 8.35. an all-important away score in the n 12-18 6Il'Io 14-21 1DJ' 8.5 while UVM's Kara Tighe While DVM's Carie Blow strug- process and hopefully unveil some other schools tomorrow, a win is IirsIlWl SeooIoiW T,1lI danced to a 9.175 on floor. gled on floor to a 9.05, Ellefson was new routines that are in the wings. what the women's team is after, pure -4 Pw ,. ... Mft 0·31 1S'l 5-21 ll2% li-S1 11.1\ and simple. It would bring them 3P1R 6-12 SlA'.' I..J 333lI 7-15 4UI IT 2-2 I8UlI 12-18 65.1% l4-2t lUi MIT, UVM To Meet Again Crossword within two wins of the 1998-99 EGG DO OR sought wi 1500R Egg Donor Wanted Men's Gymnastics, from Page 24 be most crucial to MIT, as winning Solution SAT, 18-28 yr old, 5'4"-5'10", Loving couples need help creating their famili means that MIT will qualify for the attractive and athletic. Grand- Generous compensation Provided. Physically ending his athletic career. CAA Gymnastics national com- parents European and at lea tone and mentally healthy women age 21-35, please contact Anne or Jennifer at 617-439-4990. Earlier, Tanabe had entertained petition for the first time ever. Jewish. Compensation is $25K. www.weltmannet his teammates with his new "dynam- These next two weeks will be an Email toNancyk:[email protected] ic cross," in which he performed the endurance test for the MIT team. famous iron cross as quickly as he They will need to imitate the past could. Unfortunately the skill earned meets, remembering that gymnastics Do you pull hair out? The Massachusetts General Hospital is conducting a double- no points for the team. is an art, requiring "support of one Blind study using Zoloft and behavioral treatment for chronic hairpulling. Thi research ext Saturday, February 24, at another, a level of concentration, and Study is free of charge. For further information, please contact Amanda Beal , M. Ed., at 2 p.m. in Du Pont, MIT will clash attention to detail," said Riskin. The 617-726-9281 with UVM for the last time. Co- team must learn new skills and con- Captain Luke Massery , 02 is trol to continue its improvement. strongly advertising this meet as Most importantly, the team must cul- "the only home meet where specta- tivate the maturity to cope with win- from page 17 "THE BEST FIL OF THE YEAR!" tors are welcome." This meet will ning that it will again need to succeed. Kevin lbomas, LOS AMGB.ES TDIES


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To request an application. or more information. please write to» Page 24 February 16 2001 PORTS Defeats Wheaton en' e ive on emo igh inPo e onHun field goal made in the half. T and did their part for IT' overall had tallied 30 point at halftime. 1 -I free-throw hooting perfor- The Engineer showed the In the econd half IT stopped man e. my ok '02 came Wheaton Lyons no love on the eve being ho pitable. eeding the win through with a nice a i t during of t. Valentine's Day, winning by to tay in contention for the league the 22-5 run. a core of72-53. title IT quickly pulled away the run came to a 10 e the The game featured from heaton in the econd half defense fru trated the Wheaton a tribute to the enior on the trength of a 22-5 run. bench 0 much that the Lyons' coach captain of the everal Engineer turned in big inappropriately criti ized a non- all women's basketball effort during the run. mith, Cry - and received a technical fou1. team, as ri tina tal . Ru sell'O and egan E trada '01 and Eboney mith '01 Daugherty '03 combined to lock tr mith ha r cellent game received two tanding ovation . down the Lyon three leading E trada gave a uperior effort at The game tarted with Wheaton corers. Wheaton' three leader both ends of the court. On the giving the ho t all that they could scored only 12 of their 34 points in defensive end, he would rna e a handle. In the first seven minutes, the econd half. bloc . Then, on the offen ive ide the lead changed four time and no Defen e wa tellar. E trada he would make jumper with the team held more than a fi e point made even blocks, the entire team hot clo k winding down. oach advantage. Trouble, in the form of ripped 1 steals from the hand of Meli a Hart decided to leave her in Wheaton's Amanda Dow- lien, the Lyons and MIT out-rebounded until the penultimate po e sion of popped up as Dow- lIen hit three Wheaton 45 to 35. . the game, long after a win was consecutive three-pointers in a two The Engineers did more than secured, becau e of her perfor- minute span. Estrada's free throws out-rebound their opponents - they mance. The final line hows that were the only thing that broke the outplayed them. At one point during thi wa the be t game of her Lyons' rhythm. the run, Wheaton earned a rare areer: 30 point, 14 rebound, 7 Wheaton seniors Wendy lle- offensive rebound, only to have it blocks, 4 as i t and 2 steal . grone and Bonnie Campbell were tied up for a jump-ball by mith, mith also played well on enior determined not to be upstaged by who is ten inches horter than her ight. Although she finished with the ho t seniors, as Allegrone pro- opponent. The home team continued eight point , her contribution was duced the majority of her assists in to play aggre ively, yanking displayed through her trademark the first half. All of Campbell's rebounds away from their guests. enthusiastic, hard-working play, rebounds came on the defen ive The bench played forcefully forcing the jump ball with a end, limiting the second-chance with aria E. Hidalgo '04, Kath- Wheaton player nearly one foot opportunities for IT. The Lyons' leen L. Dobson '03, and Dwan C. taller than her. mith was credited only fault in their first half play was Riddick '03 each logging ten min- with three steals on the night. that they committed too many foul . utes or more

nive ity, illTry for First Place This eekend By Eduardo Ovalle By Chris Testa . Hung '02 of the women's team TEAM COACH TEAM MEMBER skied well enough to grab fifth and After po ting their lowest score of the season, and Battling adversities, the ordic sixth places in the women's race. still having to work through injuries and the t1u_ sea- ski team once again came in second On Sunday, the team again on, the Lady Engineers headed north to Burtington, last weekend at an MIT-hosted race awoke early to sub-zero tempera- Vermont for a double-dual meet alongside the men's in Prospect, Vermont. tures and a howling wind. It would- team against the Division I University of Ve.rmont Even with almost half n't be the day to unseat Clarkson, Catamounts. If the women could beat the Catamounts the team sick, they although strong performances by - for their first time ever - MIT 'had a shot at managed to come Southwell (second place), Coradetti an unprecedented double win. closer than ever this (fifth), and Chris Testa '03 (sixth) In an effort to stir things up a year to upsetting earned MIT second place. bit, MIT competed their first event Clarkson University, the league's Master of consistency Karl- (bars) in reverse order, by starting favorite in both classic and skate. Magnus W. Mcletchie '02 - who the meet with their best bar per- Arriving in Vermont to 50- has finished every race this year in former. Co-captain Sonja J. Ellefson degree temperatures and rain, the either 18th, 19th, or 20th place - -01 led off the meet, and, though tired, team soon encountered windy once again finished 19th in both landed her double-hull flyaway for a weather, and temperatures dropped races. sea on-high score of9.55. below freezing for the 9 a.m. race The shorthanded women's team Up next was Carrie Garceau '03, who had not on Saturday. However, the wet and (consi ting only of Hung) grabbed a been able to practice her own double-full flyaway dis- icy 15-km course proved no diffi- third-place finish but lacked enough mount because of a heel bruise. Garceau missed her culty for the hardy MIT men's team. members for a team score. mount but got back up on the bars and landed a per- The men captured third, fifth ext weekend, the ordic team fect dismount, netting a personal season high of 835. and seventh places with amuel T. heads to ew London, .H. for the The rest of the bar line-up hit clean routines, which Coradetti '02, Derek G. Southwell '01, Colby- awyer Carnival and another helped the team post a season-high bar total of 40.2. and Timothy G. Garnett '02. chance to recapture the first-place The key performer was Tanya 1. Burka '03, who Marissa L. Yates '03 and Teresa po ition not seen since last year. had been bothered by a bad back and was supposed to sit the meet out. An injury to Amy M. Shui '02'8 hand prompted Burka to jnmp in at the last minute to take Shui's place. Without Burka's bar score, the bar total would have only been 39.6. While MIT finished up bars, UVM had posted a 42.9 on vault for the early lead after one rotation. The teams flip-flopped events and the Engineers wel-

Women's Gymnastics, Page23 Men's GymnastIcs, Page 23

UPCOMING HOME EVENTS Friday, February 16 en's Volleyball vs. Eastern Mennonite University 7:00 p.m.

aturda February 17 Rifle vs. U Merchant arine Academy, 8:00 a.m. Men's Basketball v . WPI, 2:00 p.m. en' Gymnastics vs. Springfield College, 2:00 p.m. Women' Ice Hockey vs. Union olJege, 7:00 p.m.

MARiSSA YATES nnda. ' February 18 Teresa • Hung '03 raced 7.5k skate on Sunday. Hung took third Women's Ice Hockey v . Colgate University, 4:00 p.m. and, because of illness, was the only woman to participate for MIT.