In the Canticle of the Sun, St. Francis of Assisi praises God for water: "Praised be Thou, O Lord, for sister water, who is very useful, humble, precious, and chaste."

The Tainted Well

Story Goal: To purify the holy well of St. Cadfan by recovering holy relics that were stolen by a Norse invader (Vithar). Main Villain: Vithar, prince of the Kingdom of Rana. Villain’s Allies: Brokk the Sorcerer, a bodyguard of 9 men, and 300 Norse warriors traveling in 4 ships.

Genre: Action story. Time Period: 1121 A.D. Setting: Medieval . Mood: This is a story about cowardice & vengeance.

Backstory: Legends have long been told of the lost kingdom of Rana, somewhere in northern Europe. Rana is a place that worships the Old Gods, and the Church has been seeking its destruction for years. Rana has so far resisted Christianity, and the people there are said to be wild and fierce. Among the gods worshiped there, Wodan is one of the most revered, his name meaning “fury.” Vithar is a prince of Rana, and he has long sought a weapon to use against Christianity. For years he has made sacrifices to Wodan, who is also known as a seeker of wisdom. One day, Wodan sent a message to Vithar in a dream. If he could acquire one of the holy relics belonging to Christianity, Wodan would make him invincible. Vithar searched for many days, looking for a place to strike, and one day heard of Saint Cadfan’s Cross, which had been placed in a holy well at the place of his landing in Wales, the small town of ….

Brokk the Sorcerer xx

The Main Villain Vithar

Notes: This story

Levels of Conflict: Xx

\Scene Outline

1. The Old Church Weakness/Need Introduction – Inciting Incident Goal: Survival by seeking refuge in the church during a Viking raid. Opposition: Vithar’s warriors. One or two dozen will enter the church. Combat Setting: St. Cadfan’s Church in the village of Tywyn, Wales. Tie-in: Smoke rising from the north, near the Holy Well of St. Cadfan. Notes: The characters need to run into the old church to survive, as the invaders will not send more than two dozen warriors into the church. The church is also guarded by an Angel, who will fight with the characters and then vanish. The purpose of this scene is to reveal weaknesses in the characters, such as cowardice.

2. The Tainted Well Desire Rising Action – Significant Event Goal: Discover how to purify the Holy Well. Opposition: Evil spirits. Spiritual Combat Setting: The Holy Well of St. Cadfan, a hundred yards to the north of the church. Tie-in: Vision of Vithar with the holy relics (St. Cadfan’s crozier & his sacred cross) down on the beach. Notes: After the Vikings have left the village, the characters will find that the holy well of St. Cadfan has been desecrated, tainted with the blood of sacrificial victims from the village. Some of these drowned victims should be related to the characters to provide motivation to kill Vithar. One of the characters will have a vision of the Viking prince getting ready to set sail from his ships down on the beach below the town. This should lead the characters to the next scene.

3. Evil Omens Opponent Complications – Plot Twist Goal: Learn how to infiltrate Vithar’s camp. Opposition: Brokk the Sorceror and a dozen warriors. Combat Setting: The beach below the village of Tywyn, Wales. Tie-in: Remembering the old hag in the forest, who is brewing a magick potion of wisdom and poetry. Notes: When the characters go down to the beach in search of Vithar’s fleet of ships, they will discover a sea nymph that is being assaulted by a few remaining warriors, and the Sorceror, Brokk. When rescued, the nymph will tell of an old hag in the forest that is brewing a magick potion of wisdom and poetry. It is a tradition among worshipers of Wodan to accept wandering bards and with the skills from the potion, they will be able to gain admittance to the camp.

4. The Cauldron of Inspiration Plan Crisis – Decisive Moment Goal: Acquire a draught of a magick potion from the witch by trickery or battle. Opposition: The old hag (a servant of the Welsh goddess Ceridwen), and her assistants. Combat Setting: Witch’s hovel in the forest. Tie-in: After drinking the potion, a vision will appear of Vithar’s encampment on the Broadwater Notes: x

5. The Pagan Prince Battle Climax - Confrontation Goal: Slay Vithar and recover the Cross & Crozier of St. Cadfan. Opposition: Vithar, 9 bodyguards, & Brokk the sorcerer. Combat Setting: Norse encampment by Broadwater lagoon, to the north of Twyn. Tie-in: Recovery of relics and the retreat of Vithar’s army. Notes: The characters should be able to infiltrate Vithar’s camp with their sudden skill in poetry.

6. The Restless Dead Self-revelation Resolution - Outcome Goal: Purify the Holy Well by pouring holy water into the well & restoring the Holy relics. Opposition: Ghosts. Spiritual Combat Setting: The Holy Well of St. Cadfan. New Equilibrium: The curse on the town will be gone. Notes: In this final scene, the characters need to confront their own weaknesses and fears, overcoming their faults to restore the shrine.

Scene 1: The Old Church

The Entrance Not far from a fine stretch of sand along a pebble beach facing west into Cardigan Bay stands St. Cadfan’s high church. The glory of Merionydd, the old church is said to have been founded by St. Cadfan, who led a band of pilgrims into Wales in the 5th century. As one approaches the stone church, a wind rises to blow against the bell hanging from a tower at the west end of the building. Its gentle chime rings a lonely toll throughout an empty churchyard. A pair of tall yew trees stand guard near the entrance, and a few spruce trees look out over the rest of the churchyard. Graves are dense about it, and there is one stone pillar standing not far from the entrance to the church. The pillar stands seven feet tall and is ten inches wide along two sides. The pillar is narrower along the other two sides. There is an inscription written in Old Welsh on one side that reads: “Cungen celen arterunc dubut marciau.” It can be translated thus:

“The body of Cyngen is on the side between where the marks will be.”

Cyngen is the ancient name of St. Cadfan, and the inscription describes four upright stones in the churchyard. On the other side of the pillar, a similar inscription reads: “Tengrugcimaltedguadgan marth molt clode tuar tricet nitanam.” This translates to read:

“Beneath a similar mound is extended Cadfan, sad that it should enclose the praise of the earth. May he rest without blemish.”

St. Cadfan’s body is said to be buried at Ynys Enlli, also called , where an abbey sits by a graveyard that houses the souls of 20,000 saints. Anyone saying a prayer here, asking St. Cadfan for help outside by the pillar will gain 1d6 luck points.

The church comprises a nave and a chancel as a single chamber. A bell turret is built into the west wall over the nave, and the church is oriented almost exactly east to west. The church is constructed out of irregularly squared blocks of gray stone. The roof is covered in black slate tiles. There is a peaceful air about the church, as if something holy stands guard over those within.

Quick Glance

Through an archway of blue stone, a pair of sturdy oak doors reinforced with bands of iron halts entry to the church. Simple iron handles are set into the wood, and the doors swing open easily. There is no lock or bar on the inside, but there is a presence here, like a cold breath over one’s shoulder, that seems to keep watch over this place. Frankincense and myrrh spice the air inside of the church. A gentle glow coming from the beeswax candles set into niches along the stone walls is mixed with the fading light coming through the stained glass windows set into the north and south walls. The floor is tiled in black and red, and the walls are plastered and painted over in white. A line of pews march up the nave towards the chancel, where a large cross stands under a sacramental lamp suspended from the ceiling between a pair of tall candelabrums, whose gentle light spills into the far side of the church.

1. Stoups: A pair of stoups that contain holy water are attached to the stone walls of the narthex. 2. Baptismal Font: A stone baptismal font is set into the floor just to the left of the narthex. 3. Carpet: A long red carpet, woven from flax, stretches towards the chancel. 4. Pews: Sturdy oak pews line both sides of the nave. 5. Altar: A magnificent altar, famed for miracles, stands in the center of the chancel. 6. Tabernacle: This gold vessel is where the sacramental bread is stored. It sits upon the altar. 7. Cross: A large oak cross dominates the east wall of the chancel. 8. Statues: A pair of statues flank the altar in the chancel. 9. Candelabra: Tall silver candelabras rest in the corners of the chancel. 10. Lamp: A sacred flame is housed in a sanctuary lamp, suspended from the ceiling. 11. Lectern: A tall lectern made out of stained pinewood stands in the chancel. 12. Altar Rails: Brass altar rails separate the chancel from the nave. 13. Windows (9): There are nine stained glass windows covering the north and south walls of the church. 14. Altar: An altar dedicated to the Blessed Virgin is covered with candles and flowers. 15. Altar: An altar dedicated to St. Peter is covered with candles. 16. Bell Tower: The entrance to the bell tower is an open stone archway.

Close Look (20 min)

The incense is also mixed with the smells of burning beeswax candles and the faint smell of flowers, which adorn the three altars. The presence seems to watch every action and movement inside the church. It is not a malevolent force, but there is a terrible strength within it. An armoured man in the second row near the front kneels in prayer.

1. Stoups: The small cups are made from brass and are affixed to the stone wall with sturdy iron nails driven into the stone. They contain holy water. 2. Baptismal Font: The basin is filled with holy water. 3. Carpet: The narrow carpet is laid on top of the black and red tiled floor, going down the center isle of the nave between the two rows of pews. 4. Pews: There are oak kneelers padded with leather in front of the pews. The pews closest to the chancel are behind the altar rail. 5. Altar: St. Cadfan’s altar is made from white marble, and it is said to have been “given by hand from heaven.” Sunlight, mixed with the soft candlelight, shines upon it. 6. Tabernacle: The golden tabernacle is cylindrical, and has fine engravings upon its surface. There is a small cross attached to its top. 7. Cross: This oak wood cross stands 12 feet high and has the carved image of Christ hanging from it. 8. Statues: The statues are of the Blessed Virgin, and St. Peter. 9. Candelabras: These two candelabras stand 8’ tall and hold three beeswax candles each. The candles are aflame, and seem to have been burning for quite some time. 10. Lamp: The sacramental lamp hangs from a chain suspended over the altar from the ceiling. A golden light glows from the sacred lamp, symbolizing the Holy Presence that dwells within the church. 11. Lectern: Upon the lectern sits an open bible. 12. Altar Rails: - 13. Windows (9): There are nine stained glass windows depicting the saints. Four are on the north wall, and five are on the south wall. 14. Altar: Behind the altar is a painting of the Blessed Virgin, its surface blackened with smoke stains that have arisen from the candles beneath it. Daisies and wildflowers cover the altar, and there are dozens of candles sitting on top of it, some lit and others not. An air of peace permeates the space around the altar. 15. Altar: St. Peter’s smoke stained image is painted onto the wall behind the altar. Candles are set upon the altar in neat rows, but none of them are burning. There is writing on the altar beneath the candles. 16. Bell Tower: At the west end of the church, through an archway, there is a rope dangling from above where a bell tower has been constructed over the church. The interior of the turret is made from bluish red brick.

Brief Search (30-40 min)

Like a dream, the atmosphere inside the church is one of burning fury. The sacramental flame seems to be burning brighter than before. Blood stains the floor and carpet where the bodies of the intruders have fallen. The sounds of the invaders outside drum out the feeling of a strong force within the church. It is as though a storm is raging outside. Demonic cries are mixed with the terrified screams of the townsfolk. It is obvious that to go out is to invite instant death.

1. Stoups: - 2. Baptismal Font: The baptismal font has an inscription written around its edge, in Latin: “Deus omnipotens, Pater Domini nostril Jesu Christi, qui te regeneravit ex aqua et Spiritu Sancto, quique dedit tibe remissionem omnium peccatorum, ipse te liniat Christmate salutis in eodem Christo Jesu Domino nostro in vitam aeternam.” 3. Carpet: - 4. Pews: Sturdy oak pews line both sides of the nave. 5. Altar: Many people are said to have been granted miracles after a priest has said a prayer in front of it. The altar has a green linen cloth upon it, and there is a tabernacle, a small silver cross and a pair of golden candleholders with beeswax candles on top of the cloth. The candles are not lit. 6. Tabernacle: This contains the white wafer Hosts used in the sacrament of Communion. 7. Cross: No one remembers who carved the cross or where it came from, but some rumors exist that it was brought here from Rome. 8. Statues: Carved out of white marble, these statues are also rumored to come from Rome. 9. Candelabras: - 10. Lamp: - 11. Lectern: The illuminated bible is written in Latin, and shows much wear along its leather backing. 12. Altar Rails: - 13. Windows (9): - 14. Altar: An altar dedicated to the Blessed Virgin is covered with candles. 15. Altar: The inscription is carved into the surface of the stone altar in Latin. 16. Bell Tower: The bell will ring a clear tone, but no one from the countryside will come to the villager’s assistance in time to stop the massacre.

Thorough Investigation (1 hour or more)

Vikings had sacked the church in the 10th century (963 A.D.), and the memory of it comes back to haunt those hiding within it. There is a commotion to the north of the church, but it is impossible to see what is happening in the dark. Terrible screams come out of the night. Now, the scent of incense reminds one of death, as if one is in the midst of a grand funeral. The man that had helped defeat the intruders has vanished and the flame from the sacramental lamp has gone out.

1. Stoups: - 2. Baptismal Font: The inscription translates to read: “May Almighty God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, He who hath regenerated you by water and the Holy Spirit, and given thee remission of all thy sins, anoint thee with the chrism of salvation, in the name of the Christ Jesus our Lord; unto life everlasting. Amen.” 3. Carpet: - 4. Pews: Sturdy oak pews line both sides of the nave. 5. Altar: Those praying at the altar will be granted 1d6 luck points, and +10% to Divine Intervention requests made here. 6. Tabernacle: If the tabernacle is desecrated, the perpetrators will suffer the effects of a random curse. 7. Cross: - 8. Statues: - 9. Candelabras: - 10. Lamp: - 11. Lectern: The bible is open to Deuteronomy 20:1-4, a prayer for courage: “1 When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you. 2 When you are about to go into battle, the priest shall come forward and address the army. 3 He shall say: ‘Hear, O Israel, today you are going into battle against your enemies. Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not be terrified or give way to panic before them. 4 For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.’” Those hearing this prayer will not need to take morale checks during this story. 12. Altar Rails: - 13. Windows (9): - 14. Altar: Those saying a prayer at this altar will gain 1d6 luck points. 15. Altar: The inscription reads: “O God, who hast given unto Thy blessed Apostle Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and the power to bind and loose: grant that we may be delivered, through the help of this intercession, from the slavery of all our sins: Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.” Those praying at this altar will gain +5 points of spiritual armour for the next scene. 16. Bell Tower: The rope is tightly wound hemp, and there is a stone ladder carved into the north wall. Anyone climbing to the top will be able to look out to the ocean, where 4 longships will be seen traveling to the north, and a large raiding party (perhaps 300 men) approaching the town. At night, after the attack, torchlight will dimly illuminate the holy well and the nearby village where the screams are coming from.

Notes: The adventure begins with a Viking raid by Vithar & his men. After murdering many of the townsfolk, they will desecrate the holy well by making human sacrifices to their pagan god, Wodan there. Vithar will then steal the holy relics (St. Cadfan’s Cross & Crozier) placed there by St. Cadfan and will return to the saltwater lagoon Broadwater, to the north of Tywyn where his ships are anchored. The man in the second row is an Angel, sent to guard the church. When Vithar’s warriors come inside, the Angel will remain where he is, until there are a full two dozen intruders. At that time he will stand up, draw his sword and attack, helping the characters slay the Vikings. He will only use his sword and will not use his Divine Fear ability. If spoken to by the characters, he will be polite, but will remain quiet. After the battle, when the characters are looking away, he will return to heaven, vanishing entirely. Vithar’s men will not assault the church a second time, fearing the Angel inside. This is not the first time that the church came under attack. In 963 A.D. the church was sacked by Viking raiders.

Scene 2: The Tainted Well

The Entrance A hundred yards north of St. Cadfan’s church, the entrance to the holy well is set under a stone archway. A single tree stands besides it. As one approaches, a fine white mist can be seen coming out of the entrance to the subterranean space. The corpse of a man lies burnt and bloodied near the entrance.

Quick Glance

A small stone archway leads down into the holy shrine of St. Cadfan, where his relics were housed next to a holy well reputed to be the source of many healing miracles over the ages. Steps are carved into the rock, allowing a short step down into the area of the underground shrine. It is perhaps 7’ lower than ground level.

1. Clootie Tree: A tree, covered with bits of rags tied to the branches stands next to the well’s entrance. 2. Burnt Corpse: Smoldering now, the body of a young man lies near the entrance to the well. 3. Spring: A natural spring is inside an opening in the rocks 4. Holy Well: The well is filled with blood and filth. 5. Altar: An altar stone has been placed inside the shrine. 6. Reliquary: A small platform carved out of the rock used to house the sacred objects of St. Cadfan. 7. Shelf: A shelf is covered with candles.

Close Look (20 min)

A foul air greets the nose of anyone entering the small enclosed area. It looks like this place has been completely thrashed, with flowers, candles and offerings to the shrine thrown about onto the floor and mingled there with blood.

1. Clootie Tree: It is a Whitethorn tree, and it has many white flowers growing from it. 2. Burnt Corpse: Completely charred, the man looks like he was tortured first before being burned. 3. Spring: The spring fills the holy well, but now the water is tainted red. 4. Holy Well: A body floats on the surface of the water, face down. 5. Altar: The altar has been urinated on. 6. Reliquary: The Cross and the Crozier of St. Cadfan are missing. 7. Shelf: Some of the candles have been scattered onto the ground.

Brief Search (30-40 min)

White stones cover the bottom of the well, thrown into it as votive offerings during the past. There are also clay tablets and bronze sculptures resting in the bottom of the water. Something must be in the air inside the well, because it makes one light headed to remain there for very long.

1. Clootie Tree: The rags that cover the branches are of many colors and varieties, and many of them have rotted off of the tree. 2. Burnt Corpse: – 3. Spring: Listening quietly, one can barely make out the sounds of a young girl crying near the spring. 4. Holy Well:: The body is that of a young girl, perhaps 8 years old. 5. Altar: Nothing remains of the silk altar cloth or the silver candle that once sat on top of the altar. 6. Reliquary: With the relics gone, the holy well will lose all of its curative properties. 7. Shelf: A small plaque lies behind some of the candles, partly obscured by a fallen candle.

Thorough Investigation (1 hour or more)

The sound of weeping can be heard now by anyone standing inside the shrine. It appears that the Vikings have used the shrine as a place to torture and murder the townsfolk.

1. Clootie Tree: The rags have been washed in the holy well, and hung on the tree as an offering to the spirit of the well, in hopes of gaining a cure for a sickness 2. Burnt Corpse: – 3. Spring: The weeping sounds are very faint, but there are no signs that anyone is around. 4. Holy Well:: – 5. Altar: – 6. Reliquary: – 7. Shelf: The plaque was once affixed to the wall behind the candles, but it now lies face down on the shelf. It is a saying from the Canticle of the Sun, written by St. Francis of Assisi and it praises God for water: “Praised be Thou, O Lord, for sister water, who is very useful, humble, precious, and chaste.”

Notes: When the characters venture outside of the church after the raiders leave the town, they will discover that many of the townsfolk have been slain and that the holy well of St. Cadfan has been tainted with the bodies of human sacrifices there. Evil spirits now guard the place that was once a center for healing and purity. One character falls down as a sense of vertigo becomes overwhelming and will then have a vision:

A tall Viking walks along a beach, followed by another man bearing the golden cross and the staff (crozier) of St. Cadfan. They are walking towards a ship beached on the shore. Three other ships are sailing away to the north. A voice of an angel calls out, “Find the holy cross & crozier and slay the pagan prince!”

Realizing an opportunity, the character will realize that it will be possible to attack the small party of Vikings on the beach while the other ships are sailing away. This way, the relics may be recovered if they move quickly enough.

Scene 3: Evil Omens

The Entrance

A stiff wind blows across the cliff face, coming onshore from the dark blue sea. Dark clouds line the horizon, sprinkled with the morning sunlight. Three Viking longships sail away to the north. A fourth lays on the sand down below the cliff face, next to a group of Viking raiders about ready to push the longship back into the ocean.

Quick Glance

Nothing is on top of the cliff except a few rocks and tall grass. Down on the beach there is a longboat beached a little way north of where the passage down from the cliff enters the beach. White seagulls fly overhead, calling out. The roar of the sea washes most other sounds away and the wind blows hair out of the way if looking towards the water.

1. Cliff Face: Tall cliffs, 70 feet tall, line the beach at this point. 2. Path to Beach: A path cuts along the face of the cliff and descends down to the beach. 3. Discarded Box: A large box lays on its side, its contents spilled out onto the sand. 4. Spear: An object stands high in the sand. 5. Longship: A longship has been beached on the sand. 6. Sand Dune: A large sand dune lies under the cliff face. 7. Rope: A tattered rope hangs from a large rock at the top of the cliff.

Close Look (20 min)

A spear has been thrust into the ground down on the beach, and there are a few items from the village, discarded on the beach. There are perhaps 40 men on the beach.

1. Cliff Face: The people down on the beach are over 50 yards away. 2. Path to Beach: The path is steep. Anyone running down the path might fall, unless a dexterity check is made. 3. Discarded Box: The box was taken from the village. 4. Spear: The object is a wooden spear, struck into the ground. 5. Longship: The ship is lined with shields, and its mast has been taken down. Man oars inside the boat can be seen from up on the cliff. There are also many kinds of provisions on board – taken from the village. 6. Sand Dune: – 7. Rope: Used by the local children playing, the rope is very sturdy.

Brief Search (30-40 min)

The men down on the beach are laughing and joking, and are moving towards the ship. One man, taller than the others, appears to be their leader. He is reading a book and then laughs and tosses it onto the sand, next to the chest.

1. Cliff Face: It is possible to take a shot at the Vikings down on the beach from the cliff, but there is a penalty of -25% to hit because of the strong wind. 2. Path to Beach: – 3. Discarded Box: There are a few silver coins in the sand next to a discarded book. 4. Spear: Attached to the bottom of the spear is a scroll affixed to a small leather cord. 5. Longship: There are no captives from the village in the boat or on the beach. 6. Sand Dune: If one were to jump or fall onto the sand dune from the cliff face, it would provide a slightly softer landing. Make dexterity checks (to avoid taking damage) with only a -25% penalty. This could allow characters to rapidly approach the men on the beach with surprise. 7. Rope: The rope may be used to climb down to the beach (with a successful climbing check).

Thorough Investigation (1 hour or more)

Most of the men are in the water, pushing the boat out into the ocean. There are a few others still on the beach, talking to the leader, who looks up at the cliff face, squinting his eyes. Another man, standing next to the spear, is chanting while resting a hand on the spear.

1. Cliff Face: – 2. Path to Beach: – 3. Discarded Box: The book is written in Latin and looks like a description of holy sites in Christendom. The bookmarked passage about this area says, “St. Cadfan’s high church near the shore of the blue sea contains three magnificent altars, famed for miracles. The first was that of the blessed virgin, the second that of St. Peter, and the third, given by hand from heaven, was that of St. Cadfan. Saint Cadfan, the wisest and most renowned of all kings, donated his holy staff and a blessed cross to the holy well which has been the source of many great miracles for centuries. The staff and cross are rumored to be magical.” 4. Spear: The scroll is written in the Latin script, in Danish. It is an invocation to the pagan god Wodan. 5. Longship: Many men are beginning to move the ship into the water. 6. 7. Sand Dune: xx 8. Rope: –

Notes: Vithar will leave with most of his men, pushing the ship off the beach and sailing away. However, this should occur after a skirmish on the beach. Vithar has an enchantment protecting him from arrows and hand weapons (Bladeturn and Deflection – 3 levels of each), so shots aimed at him will fail. After the spear is found with the invocation to the pagan god Wodan, anyone with Religious Doctrine skill or Mythology will be able to remember that Wodan’s followers love poetry and storytelling, and will often allow outsiders entry into their camps if they can tell a good tale. One of the characters knows of an old witch living in the forest that can make a magick potion that will grant the gift of wisdom and poetry to those drinking it. Wodan is also the god of poetry and wisdom, the characters may use this potion to gain entry to Vithar’s camp, where they can kill Vithar and recover the relics. Anyone captured will say that Vithar is sailing up to the Broadwater, not far from here, to make camp next to Lake Tal-y-llyn. He will remain there with his army for the next 4 or 5 days before sailing back to Rana, where he will try to take control of the hidden kingdom. One of the Vikings must be captured. Otherwise, you will need to impart this information to one of the characters in a vision or dream. You can use the Seer character for this. Give her an “evil omen” in her vision, showing that Prince Vithar will gain control of the Kingdom of Rana and will then spread terror throughout the region, along with the worship of the pagan god, Wodan. The next step will be to try to acquire a potion from the witch in the forest and then journey up to Vithar’s camp, gain entry with the magical powers of poetry and storytelling and then assassinate Vithar.

Falling off the Cliff The cliff is 60’ tall. Falls will result in -60% penalty to dexterity checks to avoid taking damage from falling. If falling onto the sand dune, there is a +35% bonus to avoid damage, which makes the penalty to dexterity -25% - Controlled fall – Those jumping into the sand dune (making a controlled fall) might avoid injury by making a dexterity or acrobatics check with a -25% penalty. The penalty to the dexterity check while landing on the ground is -60% - Uncontrolled fall – Those falling into the gorge must make a dexterity or acrobatics check at half ability to avoid injuries with a -60% penalty (for the distance fallen) or -25% if landing on the sand dune. An uncontrolled fall will occur if someone is pushed off the cliff. - Falling skill may be substituted, if desired (the check is not made at half ability for an uncontrolled fall). - The number of injuries will be 1d6-1 (1 minimum injury if the dexterity check failed). - Locations of injuries will occur to the part of the body the person was trying to land on, unless it was an uncontrolled fall. Other injuries will be to random locations. - Damage will be 14d6 (12d6 for the distance fallen and 2d6 for a solid surface), or 10d6 if landing on the sand. Apply extra damage depending on the location table, using the blunt column.

Scene 4: The Cauldron of Inspiration

The Entrance

A path through the forest east of Tywyn is mostly unused, except for the occasional deer or squirrel. Nevertheless it is still a fairly good trail, not overgrown too much and clearly marked. At one point, the path crosses a cold stream where there are several stepping stones with which one can make it across the water. As you travel, a feeling of fatigue washes over you, as if you were being slowly immersed in cotton balls. The trees are so dense that it is difficult to see through them, and the only real place to concentrate one’s attention is on the path.

Quick Glance

The path opens up into a clearing that seems to have been placed randomly in the middle of a deep forest. A small house, made out of pine wood and painted red stands in the center of the clearing next to a neatly trimmed hedge. A little path of stepping stones approaches the house, and there are a few steps up onto a wooden porch. Next to the front door is a pleasant garden growing in front of the house in an area bordered by smooth rocks. There is one window – boarded up – above the garden. Smoke rises from the chimney, lazily drifting into the blue sky.

1. Coat Rack: A coat rack stands next to the door. 2. Table: A large oak table dominates the room of the cottage. 3. Carpet: An ornately woven carpet rests under a side window, which is also boarded up. 4. Bear Rug: A bear rug lies next to the bed. 5. Fireplace: A fire burns in a brick fireplace. 6. Cauldron: A large black, cast-iron cauldron rests near the fire, bubbling. 7. Bed: A large bed sits in the corner of the room. 8. Chest: A wood chest sits at the foot of the bed. 9. Shelf: To the left of the door is a shelf with several clay plates sitting on it. 10. Dead Animals: Next to the fireplace is a rack holding an assortment of dead animals. 11. Potion Table: A corner table is covered with a profusion of glass and clay bottles and containers. 12. Mirror: A mirror sits by an open side window, facing the bed. A quiet breeze blows through the window.

Close Look (20 min)

The air inside the house is slightly musty and tinged with the varied odors of aromatic herbs and other things less savory. Dominating the far wall is a large fireplace where an iron cauldron sits, bubbling away. A thin veil of smoke rises from the cauldron, making the room slightly hazy. Many objects entice one’s curiosity, including a mirror, carpet, and a table full of potions, elixirs, dusts and suffumigations. Ceridwen is not present at the moment, but there are three young girls – all of them extremely beautiful, hovering over the cauldron. A candle burns from the center table, casting a soft glow into the main room whose other source of illumination is the sunlight coming in from one open window and the reddish glow of the fire behind the cauldron.

1. Coat Rack: An old gray-blue cloak, worn from age, hangs from the coat rack. 2. Table: The lacquered oak wood table has a single candle resting upon a wooden holder on top, next to a deck of cards. 3. Carpet: Woven into the pattern of the carpet are three hooded women, holding spinster’s needles. These threads combine to form an elaborate web inside the design. 4. Bear Rug: A black cat sleeps on the bear rug, curled up into a tight ball of contentment. 5. Fireplace: A scented log burns in the fireplace. 6. Cauldron: A steamy broth is simmering in the cauldron, spreading a pleasant aroma throughout the house. The odor is more like perfume than food. The cauldron bubbles and boils and pops. The handle of a stirring ladle sticks out of the cauldron. 7. Bed: A feather mattress is covered by a deep blue blanket, and a pair of large pillows. Next to the bed is a small table containing a pitcher of water and a earthenware basin for washing, along with a towel that hangs from a peg on the side. 8. Chest: Bound in strong iron, the chest has been made out of hawthorne, which is the same wood as the clootie tree next to the holy well back in town. 9. Shelf: The dishes have been crudely made out of clay. There are also a few wooden trenchers here. 10. Dead Animals: A bluebird, hawk, raven, and a sparrow hang from the rack. 11. Potion Table: Next to an assortment of potion bottles sits an open book. An inkwell and feather quill sit on top of a piece of parchment. 12. Mirror: A slight breeze – possibly from the open window – blows by the mirror, which is cold to the touch. The mirror reflects the room, but there is a darker quality to the light there.

Brief Search (30-40 min)

Inside, there are 3 servants that are tasked with constantly stirring the cauldron of inspiration. One will be sleeping while another rests. The third will be stirring the cauldron. All three of the servants appear to be beautiful women wearing ragged dresses and iron collars around their necks with chains hanging down from them.

Their names are Morwyn, Gwendolyn and Genevieve. They are wood nymphs, paying off a debt to Cerridwen. They will refuse any offers of release.

1. Coat Rack: The cloak has been made for a woman, and a metal broach with a stags head is the fastener. 2. Table: There are four stools around the table. A leather bracket is attached to the underside of the table in front of one of the side stools. The cards are a normal deck of playing cards. 3. Carpet: The carpet seems to move slightly when it is stepped on, as if it is a living thing. 4. Bear Rug: If approached, the cat will get up, stretch, and proceed to rub against the legs of anyone Nearby, meowing quietly. 5. Fireplace: The log is cedar wood. A skull sits on top of the mantelpiece. 6. Cauldron: A whiff of the broth cooking in the cauldron brings a smile to one’s face and makes one want to tap his shoes. Dreamy images float through the mind like clouds drifting overhead on a sunny day. 7. Bed: The bed does indeed look like a pleasant place to lie down on. 8. Chest: A brass lockplate bars easy entry into the chest. There are several metal studs along the edges of the chest. 9. Shelf: – 10. Dead Animals: – 11. Potion Table: Six glass tubes contain blue liquid, scented like cinnamon. One beaker is full of a thick, yellow substance smelling like honey. A leather flask contains what appears to be brandy. A mortar and pestle sit behind the glass vessels. There is residue of an herb still in the mortar, that gives off a pleasant perfumed aroma. One large glass beaker contains a small goblin that glares angrily out of his glass prison. 12. Mirror: Whispering voices can be heard coming from the mirror, very faintly.

Thorough Investigation (1 hour or more)

The door opens and an old woman steps inside the house, glaring at the intruders. “What do you want?” she demands.

1. Coat Rack: The cloak seems to move away from the hands of anyone trying to grasp it, as if blown by a wind, or moved by an unseen hand. 2. Table: A long white wand, made from a willow branch sits inside of the holder. This is a dream wand, and will create visions in the minds of those subjected to its effects. The visions are often prophetic, and not always pleasant. The wand can also be used to put someone into n enchanted sleep, not rising until a condition that is named when casting the spell has been met. 3. Carpet: This is an enchanted carpet, causing the Fates of characters stepping on it to occur within ten Days time. Only one Fateful event in a person’s life can be triggered with the carpet. Use up a Fate Point and roll on the table, or choose a significant event in the person’s life to occur. One’s fate cannot be avoided.. 4. Bear Rug: The rug has been made from a brown bear. The cat’s name is Cleo. 5. Fireplace: This fire has been kept going constantly for over a year, and it will not burn out, being enchanted to remain here, alight. 6. Cauldron: This is the famed Cauldron of Inspiration, and contains a potion that takes a year to brew. The potion will give the imbiber the ability to tell fantastic stories and poems, and to sing songs. 7. Bed: Anyone resting here will awaken completely refreshed and healed of any injuries. 8. Chest: Inside the chest is a bag of gold coins and three silk tunics: one red, one blue and the other green. 9. Shelf: – 10. Dead Animals: – 11. Potion Table: The blue liquid is a healing potion and will heal one wound. The yellow stuff will turn people into a bird, wearing off in a day. The brandy is normal liquor. The herb powder in the mortar will allow one to see evil spirits if snuffed up the nose. The goblin has been bound by the witch to create elixirs of power – granting 10 power points to the drinker. He will be able to create one elixir every 10 days. If released, he will cast a minor curse on his benefactor and then depart (that’s gratitude for you!). 12. Mirror: The mirror shows a reflection of the future of those looking into it.

Notes: The goal of this scene will be to acquire aid from the old hag – who is actually the celtic goddess Ceridwen. Something valuable must be sacrificed by each character in order to gain her help. Once bargained with, she will give the characters a glass of the potion of inspiration, which will allow the drinker to become a fantastic storyteller, bard and poet for an evening. She will say that the characters may infiltrate Vithar’s camp with the potion, since Wodan – their god – is a lover of poetry, songs and good stories.

Scene 5: The Pagan Prince

The Entrance Journeying north to the Broadwater, you pass through a long line of hills that descend down to the river leading to Lake Tal-y-llyn. As you approach, you see a Viking army encamped by the lake, with a large bonfire lighting up the night’s sky.

Quick Glance

Through a grove of trees you can see the longships beached on the shore of the lake, and to the left of this is a large camp full of Vikings.

1. Guard Post: Sitting upon tree stumps are a group of men guarding the ships. 2. Longships: Longships are beached on the shore of the lake. 3. Camp: A dozen tents line a central row leading up to the large campfire. 4. Campfire: A huge bonfire lights up the center of the camp. 5. Vithar’s Tent: The largest tent at the end of the camp has a large shield and spear next to it.

Close Look (20 min)

There are many tents set up around the bonfire, and a very large tent is at the end of the row of these temporary dwellings. A guard shouts out a challenge as you approach.

1. Guard Post: There are six guards, playing dice games. 2. Longships: There are four of the ships here. 3. Camp: The tents are fairly large, being able to house several men each. 4. Campfire: Around the campfire are several logs where men are sitting and drinking. 5. Vithar’s Tent: Inside the tent is a large feather bed, a chest, table and chair.

Brief Search (30-40 min)

There is a large throne-like chair set up at one end of the campfire, and several logs laid out in a semi-circle around it. Most of these are outside, cooking or carousing loudly. All are well armed with spears, swords and shields.

1. Guard Post: The guards are very alert, and they have a horn which they can use to signal the camp. 2. Longships: – 3. Camp: There are a dozen tents, each holding perhaps 10 or 15 men. 4. Campfire: A bard steps up with a lute and begins to sing. He is greeted with geers and laughter. 5. Vithar’s Tent: The chest is made from lacquered oak, and is bound in iron. It has a large padlock. The crozier of St. Caftan leans against the table, which has a tankard of mead next to a map of the region. The gold cross of St. Cadfan hangs from an improvised leather strap attached to a large wooden candleholder.

Thorough Investigation (1 hour or more)

Vithar’s tent is the large one at the end, and he has a bodyguard of nine tough looking soldiers nearby. Another man, recognized as the one at the beach that had been chanting next to the spear, stands nearby Vithar, whispering in his ear. The smell of roasted meat and ale greets you as you approach the camp.

1. Guard Post: The guards are drinking, but it is water – not beer. There are actually four groups of 6 guards, one group by each boat. 2. Longships: – 3. Camp: There are no captives with the Vikings here. 4. Campfire: After quieting down somewhat, the bard begins another song, but the men sitting around the camp look disinterested, probably having heard every performance by this bard already. 5. Vithar’s Tent: The chest contains a few bags of gold and silver.

Notes: The characters will need to drink the potion of poetry and storytelling before approaching the encampment, and then use it to impress the guard into allowing them to enter the camp. Once inside, someone will need to sneak into Vithar’s tent and steal the sacred cross and the crozier. The crozier can be used against the Vikings, causing them to begin fighting against one another. This will allow the characters to assassinate Vithar and escape during the confusion. Vithar’s bodyguards and Brokk the Sorcerer will need to be killed also.

Scene 6: The Restless Dead

The Entrance

The area around the holy shrine of St. Cadfan is now shrouded in dark mists that cling to the skin and send a chill into the soul. There are several glowing lights floating around the opening of the well, some bobbing up and down, others drifting through the old clootie tree and others chasing each other around in the darkness.

Quick Glance

The stone archway that leads down into the shrine is covered in darkness, but a tiny glow emanates from within the shrine. The tree outside has an aged, worn look about it now, and it is partially illuminated by the glowing orbs that float around it. Now there are no bodies of villagers lying around and a freezing wind chills one to the bone.

1. Clootie Tree: All of the rags that were once tied to the tree are all gone now, giving the tree a naked look. 2. Book: There is a book lying on the ground just outside the well. 3. Spring: A natural spring is inside an opening in the rocks 4. Holy Well: No body lies floating in the well any longer. 5. Altar: The altar inside the shrine is now covered with skulls. 6. Reliquary: This area is clear. 7. Shelf: The candles that once covered the shelf are all gone now – replaced by a single black candle.

Close Look (20 min)

As one enters the shrine, it is as if passing through a wall of hate. Something angry now lives inside the shrine that was once holy. The foul air still clogs the throat of anyone stepping into the shrine, and dead flowers litter the ground, mixed with dried blood.

1. Clootie Tree: All of the white flowers that once decorated the tree have fallen to the ground, next to the remains of the rags that used to hang from the tree. 2. Book: The book lies open, its pages reflected by the glowing orbs dancing around the tree. 2. Spring: The spring continues to bubble up, but the water has now taken on a dark look to it. 3. Holy Well: The well is filled with blood and water. 4. Altar: The skulls that cover the altar have been freshly stripped of their flesh, if anyone is curious. 5. Reliquary: – 6. Shelf: The black candle sends out a menacing glow.

Brief Search (30-40 min)

This is now an abode of evil, and a dark menacing presence can be felt coming from the inside of the shrine. Listening carefully, one can just make out angry whispers, calling for the deaths of those entering the shrine.

1. Clootie Tree: The floating orbs move away from anyone that approaches them. 2. Book: The book is open to a ritual of blessing dedicated to St. Cadfan. 3. Spring: The little girl’s crying voice can still be heard here, mingled with the angry whispering. 4. Holy Well:: – 5. Altar: – 6. Reliquary: – 7. Shelf: The plaque still lies here.

Thorough Investigation (1 hour or more)

The glowing orbs hover in place for a moment and then they change into dark shadowy forms, whispering malice and moving towards the intruders.

1. Clootie Tree: The rags have been washed in the holy well, and hung on the tree as an offering to the spirit of the well, in hopes of gaining a cure for a sickness. 2. Book: The page reads, in Latin text: Troparion of St Cadfan: Leaving thy native for the love of Christ, O Father Cadfan, thou dost teach us not to love places or things more than Him. Wherefore, O holy one, intercede for us that we may be faithful to our calling and found worthy of great mercy. 3. Spring: The water coming from the spring is cold, but still clean. 4. Holy Well:: – 5. Altar: – 6. Reliquary: – 5. Shelf: –

Notes: After Vithar desecrated the shrine, it awoke the spirit of the well that has lived here for centuries. The spirit of the well is now angry, and has summoned Evil Spirits to it, taken from the souls of the villagers slain in the attack. When the characters arrive here, they will discover a shrine that is now a place of great evil.

Aftermath If the holy artifacts – the cross and crozier of St. Cadfan – are replaced, and the shrine is cleaned and doused with holy water while the prayer in the book is recited, then the shrine will be restored once again. The defeat of Vithar will signal an end to the Kingdom of Rana and their pagan god Wodan.

Heroes: Priest sword and roundshield Farmer spear and shield Shepherd quarterstaff Cobbler axe and shield Seer short sword, bow Young Girl knife, sling

Scene Outline Worksheet

Story Title: The Tainted Well

Story Goal & Opposition Story Goal: Purify the holy well of St. Cadfan after recovering holy relic (a cross) from Vithar.

Main Villain: Vithar, prince of the Kingdom of Rana Villain’s Allies: 9 bodyguards. Brokk the Sorcerer. 300 Norse warriors traveling in 4 ships.

Genre, Time, Setting & Mood Genre: Fantasy Time Period: 1121 A.D. Setting: Medieval Wales. Mood: Thriller.


St. Cadfan, the wisest and most renowned of all kings. sapiens quod plurimus inclutus inclitus of totus rex rgis

Scene Outline

1. Scene Title: The Old Church Weakness/Need Introduction – Inciting Incident Goal: Survival by seeking refuge in the church. Opposition: Norse raiding party. Setting: St. Cadfan’s Church in the village of Tywyn, Wales. Tie-In: Bodies outside the Holy Well of St. Cadfan. 2. Scene Title: The Tainted Well Desire Rising Action – Significant Event Goal: Discover how to purify the Holy Well. Opposition: The angry spirit of the well. Setting: The Holy Well of St. Cadfan. Tie-In: Missing relics (taken by Vithar) 3. Scene Title: Evil Omens Opponent Complications – Plot Twist Goal: Discover how to infiltrate Vithar’s camp. Opposition: Brokk the Sorcerer and a dozen warriors. Setting: The beach below the village of Tywyn, Wales. Tie-In: Remembering the old hag in the forest, who is brewing a magick potion of wisdom & poetry. 4. Scene Title: The Cauldron of Inspiration Plan Crisis – Decisive Moment Goal: Acquire a draught of a magick potion from the witch by trickery or battle. Opposition: The Old Hag (Welsh goddess Ceridwen) and her servants. Setting: Witch’s hovel. Tie-In: 5. Scene Title: The Pagan Prince Battle Climax – Confrontation Goal: Kill Vithar and his bodyguard. Opposition: 9 bodyguards of Vithar and Brokk the Sorcerer. Setting: Norse army encampment by Lake Tal-y-llyn. Tie-In: Recovered relics. 6. Scene Title: The Restless Dead Self-Revelation Resolution – Outcome Goal: Purify the Holy Well of St. Cadfan by pouring holy water into the well & restoring Holy relics. Opposition: Evil Spirits Setting: The Holy Well of St. Cadfan New Equilibrium: xx Notes:

Holy Well or Sacred Spring in Powys

To find St Cadfan’s Well take the A458 heading to Llangadfan from Welshpool. At the Cann Office Hotel turn left, pass a caravan site on the right and cross the bridge over the River Banwy. Immediately after the bridge the road swings right and the well is on the right before the next corner. A dilapidated sign almost hidden in a hedge used to tell the story of the well which is reached through a gap in the hedge. The well has the Rev Howell to thank for it’s continued existence as he was responsible for having an arch constructed to carry the new road over it.

Cadfan Stone, Llangadwaladr Church: Anglesey - c. 600-625 AD

Cadfan, 'the wisest and most renowned of all kings', was buried in the first half of the seventh century, two miles from the nucleus of royal power in Anglesey. He reigned as King of between 580 and 625 AD and was a contemporary of the powerful Anglo-Saxon King Red Wold in East Anglia. The stone commemorated his life.

Tywyn Stone, St Cadfan's Church: Tywyn, Aberdovey - c. 800 AD

It may be revered today, but the Tywyn Stone formerly stood as a gatepost for a local pigsty before its significance was realised! The stone is hugely important as the oldest public inscription of Welsh, contributing to our understanding of how Wales emerged as a nation and Welsh as a language. It dates back to the ninth century when a sense of Welsh identity was starting to flourish.

St Cadfan's Church, Tywyn, Gwynedd £10,000 has been offered to replaster and limewash the high-level crossing of this church, which includes a late Norman nave and arcades, whilst the remainder of the church largely dates from the restoration of 1885. St Cadfan’s stone, an early Christian gravestone of about AD650, is a four-sided pillar with two incised crosses and the oldest known inscription in Welsh.

Leaving Llyn Barfog (after a sloshy, soggy trek back, and some lunch by a stream, amidst sheep) we stopped at St. Cadfan's Church in Tywyn. St.Cadfan supposedly came by sea in the 6th century, accompanied by twelve monks. They settled by a holy well near the site of the current church, and established their mission. The School or "Clas" was part of the Celtic church which took root in Britain during the Roman occupation, and continued to spread after the Romans withdrew.

St. Cadfan of Wales, Abbot (Catamanu, Catman) ------Died probably at Bardsey in the early 6th century. A missionary from Letavia (probably in Brittany but possibly in south-eastern Wales) to Wales, Cadfan founded monasteries at Towyn in Merionethshire and Llangadfan in Montgomeryshire, and later a monastic centre on the island of Bardsey (Ynys Enlli), where he was first abbot. Bardsey developed into a great centre of monasticism. It is said that as he went from Towyn to Llangadfan he passed through Pistyll Gadfan, Eisteddfa Gadfa, and Llwbyr Gadfan.

Bardsey Island is still a wild, isolated place - exactly the kind of spot to which the Celtic monks liked to retreat. The first monastery here was founded by St Cadfan in 429. Today's remains are 13th century and are of the Augustinian abbey of St Mary, built on the site of the original monastery. In time Bardsey became one of the most popular places of pilgrimage in Britain and many went there to be buried so as to be close to the numerous ascetic saints who died there. In time it became known as "The Island of 20,000 Saints." Human bones were so common that they were used to mend fences!

Cadfan's holy well could be found in the churchyard at Towyn, near his chapel (since destroyed), where many were cured of rheumatism, scrofula, and skin diseases. It continued to attract pilgrims long after the Reformation. Baths and changing-rooms were added until it went into disuse about 1894.

In the church at Towyn, there is a stone pillar, called the Cadfan stone, with an ancient inscription that marks the place of his burial:

"Beneath a similar mound lies Cadfan, sad it should enclose the praise of the earth. May he rest without blemish."

A Cadfan also has an active cultus in Finistere and Cotes du Nord, Brittany. While it is generally held that this is the same Cadfan (the reason for thinking that he was a Breton), there are still problems in making the connection between the two. The question may never be settled. The Breton Cadfan is the patron of a church at Poullan, near Douarnenez. (Benedictines, Delaney, Farmer).

Troparion of St Cadfan tone 8 Leaving thy native Brittany for the love of Christ, O Father Cadfan,/ thou dost teach us not to love places or things more than Him./ Wherefore, O holy one, intercede for us that we may be faithful to our calling and found worthy of great mercy.

Information and photographs of Bardsey Island: m lish/level2/bardsey.htm

St. Ceitho of Wales

Fantasy Imperium

Name: Macsen Player: TW 1 Profession: Priest Income / Savings:

Characteristics Combat Factors History Appearance

Strength 54 Hits 138 Nationality Welsh Sex Male Endurance 84 Shock 46 Social Class Middle Class (3) Age 42 Dexterity 71 Morale 45 Siblings 2nd of 4 Height 5’11” Intuition 90 Winded 84 Birth Date 9/16/1079 Weight 170 Self Discipline 96 Exhausted 168 Birthplace Tywyn, Wales Skin Cauc. Reasoning 83 Burnout 252 Residence Tywyn Wales Hair Black Ego 39 Power 20 Religion Christian Eyes Blue Awareness 74 Fate 4 Movement Encumbrance Magick Resistance Presence 24 Luck 12 0 Walk 2” Light 27 Ceremonial 19 Attractiveness 54 Piety 175 1 Jog 3” Medium 54 Natural 12 Extra Damage 0 Spirit 64 2 Run 4” Heavy 108 Extrasensory 10 Speed Bonus +1 Initiative -5 5 Sprint 8” Extreme 270 Black Magic 10


Monk’s habit Helmet Wealth: 2£ 10s Undertunic / Chainse Helmet, Iron Leather shoes Norman Sword Belt Roundshield Beltpouch Silver cross on chain Shoulder bag Book of Psalms (latin) Beeswax candles (6) Frankincense & myrrh Censor (for incense)


Fantasy Imperium

Melee Weapons

Weapon Skill % H Throw Wt. Mat. Break % Sharp. I F Parry Parry % Damage

Norman Sword 61% 1 -15 3 Iron 14% -3 3 +12% 43% 4d6 E Hadseax Knife 54% 1 -4% .5 Iron 15% 0 1 +3% 30% 1d6 EP

Missile Weapons

Weapon Skill % Ammo Wt. Pull Load I F S M L X Damage

Hadseax Knife 34%

–0% –25% –50% –75%


Name & Material Wt. Hits Damage Location Value Location Value

Helmet, Iron 2 50 Skull 18 Shoulder 1 Monk’s Habit .5 20 Eye Armpit 1 Leather shoes .25 15 Ears Upper Arm 1 Nose Inside Arm 1 Face Elbow 13/1 Mouth Forearm 13/1 Chin Wrist 12/0 Throat Hand 12/0 Neck Thigh 1 Chest 1 Knee 1 Abdomen 1 Shin 1 Back 1 Calf Hip 1 Foot 3 Groin 1

Shield B S E Wt. Material I F Turn Missiles Hits Damage Parry Parry %

Roundshield B S E 10 Wood -2 4 0 -25% 135 - 64% Total 7


Macsen TW1

SP Skill Base % SP Skill Base % SP Skill Base % Acrobatics DX 5 First Aid RE 67% 5 Religion IN 68% Acting SD 1 Fishing IN 28% 3 Riding IN 48% 2 Administration RE 37% Fletching DX Sculpture DX 1 Agriculture EN 37% Foraging AW Seamanship SD Alchymy Script RE Fortunetelling IN 2 Seduction (PR) AT 31% Ambush AW Forgery DX Sensuality IN Animalcraft SD Gambling SD 2 Sewing (hand) SD 39% 2 Astrology IN 38% Glassworking DX Shipwright RE 2 Astronomy RE 37% 2 Heraldry RE 37% 4 Singing PR 54 Bargaining PR 4 Herbology RE 57% Skiing DX 1 Brewery RE 27% Hideworking SD 2 Song Lore RE 37% 1 Bribery IN 28% 1 History RE 27% 2 Stealth SD 39% Business RE Interrogation IN 2 Storytelling PR 25% 2 Candlemaking AW 35% 1 Intrigue AW 25% 2 Streetwise EG 28% Carpentry EN Juggling DX Strategy RE 1 Cartography AW 27% 1 Jumping ST 22% Survival: Ceramics DX Legerdemain DX Arctic RE Chemistry RE 1 Locksmith DX 24% Desert RE 2 Climbing EN 37% Masonry EN 1 Forest RE 27% 3 Cooking IN 48% 1 Mathematics RE 27% Jungle RE Counterfeiting AW Metallurgy RE 3 Marine RE 47% 1 Cryptography RE 27% Milling RE Steppe land RE Dancing PR Mineralogy RE 2 Swimming EN 37% Disguise AW Mountaineering EN Tactics RE Diving DX 1 Mythology RE 27% Textiles RE Drawing AW Painting AW Timberwright ST Eloquence PR Perfumery AW Tracking AW 2 Embalming SD 39% 4 Physician RE 57% Trapping DX Engineering RE Piloting AW Weaponcraft RE Etiquette PR Reconnaissance AW Weatherlore AW

SP Languages Base % SP Writing Base % SP Music Base % 0 Welsh IN 98% 5 Latin RE 67% Drum PR 3 Classical Latin IN 48% 3 Old English R. RE 47% Dulcimer PR 2 Greek IN 38% 2 Aramaic RE 37% 3 Flute PR 35% 1 Cornish IN 28% RE Harp PR 1 Irish Gaelic IN 28% RE Lute PR IN RE Lyre PR IN RE Mandolin PR IN RE Pipes PR IN RE PR IN RE PR IN RE PR

SP Miscellaneous Base % SP Miscellaneous Base % SP Miscellaneous Base %


Macsen TW1

SP Edged Weapons Base % SP Moving in Armour Level Alchymy IN+SD 4 Knife DX 54% Leather (–1 initiative) Conjuration IN+SD Hand Axe DX Ring (–2 initiative) 5 Ritualism IN+SD 69% Axe ST Scale (–3 initiative) Spiritualism IN+SD Short Sword DX Mail (–4 initiative) Saber DX Plate (–5 initiative) SP Natural Base % 5 Sword ST 61% Acquisition (10 points) Hand & Half S. ST SP Shield Parry Base Deceiver RE+EG Two-Handed S. ST Buckler DX Enchantment RE+EG Rapier DX 5 Round Shield DX 64% Elementalism RE+EG Cut & Thrust S. DX Heater DX Sorcery RE+EG Oval Shield ST SP Non-edged Wpns Base % Viking Shield ST SP Extrasensory Base % Ball & Chain DX Kite Shield DX Acquisition (10 points) Club ST Legionaire ST Mysticism AW+PR Staff DX Tower Shield ST Psychic AW+PR Mace ST Seer AW+PR Warhammer ST SP Unarmed Combat Base % Talismanic AW+PR Whip DX 5 Boxing ST 61% Wrestling DX SP The Black Arts Base % SP Polearm Wpns Base % Street Fighting ST Acquisition (10 points) Bill DX Close Combat ST Black Magic Best Guisarme DX Groundfighting ST Halberd ST Unarmed Cmbt DX SP Fighting Styles (5 points) Lance SD Restraints DX Single-handed weapons Military Flail DX 2 Falling DX 34% Two-handed weapons Military Fork DX 0 Weapon & Shield Partisan ST SP Firearms Base % Two Weapons Pike ST Handgonnes SD Polearms Poleaxe ST Arquebus SD Flails Spear DX Wheel-Lock P. SD Left-handed Opponents Flint-Lock P. SD Ambidexterity SP Missile Weapons Base % Muskets SD Single Rapier Aclys, Dart DX Blunderbus SD Rapier & Dagger Axe DX Bomb, Grenade DX Rapier & Cloak Hammer ST Rapier & Buckler Javelin DX SP Siege Weapons Base % Rapier & Lantern 2 Knife DX 34% Battering Ram ST Two Rapiers Spear DX Oxybeles RE Spearthrower DX Catapult RE SP Weapon Expertise (5 points) Sling DX Ballistae RE Staff Sling DX Trebuchet RE Shortbow ST Trebuchet (cp) RE Longbow ST Greek Fire RE Initiative Composite Bow ST Cannons RE Location Item - / + Crossbow SD Sapper RE Left Hand Shield -2 Right Hand Sword -3 Experience Points Notes Armour Mounted Initiative Rating: -5

SP Ceremonial Base % 10 Acquisition (10 points)


Macsen TW 1


Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill %

Ritualism 69% Spell TimeLevelSpell Time Level Spell Time level Light 1c Heal 5 Exercise Spirit 10 Free Sprit 10 Bless 5 Holy Water 5 Restoration 10

Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill %

Spell TimeLevelSpell Time Level Spell Time level

5 Macsen TW 1


Actions – How does he/she act towards & treat others? A character is defined by what he does.

Helpful, friendly, giving.

Goals – What does he/she want? Desires will affect a character’s actions.

Goal: To protect the shrine of St. Cadan. Motivation: To preserve the healing miracles which occur at the shrine.

Inner Need & Main Character Flaw – What is he/she missing? The flaw will block a character’s need.

Inner Need: To find something to love and care about Character Flaw: Indifference, unwillingness to care.

History – What happened in the past? Where is the character from?

Father Macsen was born in Tywyn, Wales, and became a priest after his wife died from a fever 10 years ago. Since she has died, he has become lazy, depressed, and indifferent to everything. He has trained to fight with a sword and shield, since there are often Viking raids and he believes in protecting himself.

Reputation & Stereotypes – What do others think of him/her? These affect how others treat the character.

He is known for drunkenness. As a priest, he is looked at as someone that can solve others problems.

Special Talents, Habits, & Preferences – What does he/she like? Favorite things.

Talented at cooking. Nervous habit: Taps his fingers. Enjoys fine wine, and a good meal.

Appearance – What does he/she look like? Physical traits, distinctive features, clothes.

Unremarkable, Macsen is neither good looking nor ugly. His black hair has mostly fallen out, except on the sides of his head. He mostly wears a simple priest’s habit.

6 Fantasy Imperium

Name: Player: Profession: Income / Savings:

Characteristics Combat Factors History Appearance

Strength Hits Nationality Sex Endurance Shock Social Class Age Dexterity Morale Siblings Height Intuition Winded Birth Date Weight Self Discipline Exhausted Birthplace Skin Reasoning Burnout Residence Hair Ego Power Religion Eyes Awareness Fate Movement Encumbrance Magick Resistance Presence Luck 0 Walk Light Ceremonial Attractiveness Piety 1 Jog Medium Natural Extra Damage Spirit 2 Run Heavy Extrasensory Speed Bonus Initiative 5 Sprint Extreme Black Magic




Fantasy Imperium

Melee Weapons

Weapon Skill % H Throw Wt. Mat. Break % Sharp. I F Parry Parry % Damage

Missile Weapons

Weapon Skill % Ammo Wt. Pull Load I F S M L X Damage

–0% –25% –50% –75%


Name & Material Wt. Hits Damage Location Value Location Value

Skull Shoulder Eye Armpit Ears Upper Arm Nose Inside Arm Face Elbow Mouth Forearm Chin Wrist Throat Hand Neck Thigh Chest Knee Abdomen Shin Back Calf Hip Foot Groin

Shield B S E Wt. Material I F Turn Missiles Hits Damage Parry Parry %



Fantasy Imperium

SP Skill Base % SP Skill Base % SP Skill Base % Acrobatics DX First Aid RE Religion IN Acting SD Fishing IN Riding IN Administration RE Fletching DX Sculpture DX Agriculture EN Foraging AW Seamanship SD Alchymy Script RE Fortunetelling IN Seduction (PR) AT Ambush AW Forgery DX Sensuality IN Animalcraft SD Gambling SD Sewing (hand) SD Astrology IN Glassworking DX Shipwright RE Astronomy RE Heraldry RE Singing PR Bargaining PR Herbology RE Skiing DX Brewery RE Hideworking SD Song Lore RE Bribery IN History RE Stealth SD Business RE Interrogation IN Storytelling PR Candlemaking AW Intrigue AW Streetwise EG Carpentry EN Juggling DX Strategy RE Cartography AW Jumping ST Survival: Ceramics DX Legerdemain DX Arctic RE Chemistry RE Locksmith DX Desert RE Climbing EN Masonry EN Forest RE Cooking IN Mathematics RE Jungle RE Counterfeiting AW Metallurgy RE Marine RE Cryptography RE Milling RE Steppe land RE Dancing PR Mineralogy RE Swimming EN Disguise AW Mountaineering EN Tactics RE Diving DX Mythology RE Textiles RE Drawing AW Painting AW Timberwright ST Eloquence PR Perfumery AW Tracking AW Embalming SD Physician RE Trapping DX Engineering RE Piloting AW Weaponcraft RE Etiquette PR Reconnaissance AW Weatherlore AW

SP Languages Base % SP Writing Base % SP Music Base % IN RE Drum PR IN RE Dulcimer PR IN RE Flute PR IN RE Harp PR IN RE Lute PR IN RE Lyre PR IN RE Mandolin PR IN RE Pipes PR IN RE PR IN RE PR IN RE PR

SP Miscellaneous Base % SP Miscellaneous Base % SP Miscellaneous Base %


Fantasy Imperium

SP Edged Weapons Base % SP Moving in Armour Level SP Ceremonial Base % Knife DX Leather (–1 initiative) Acquisition (10 points) Hand Axe DX Ring (–2 initiative) Alchymy IN+SD Axe ST Scale (–3 initiative) Conjuration IN+SD Short Sword DX Mail (–4 initiative) Ritualism IN+SD Saber DX Plate (–5 initiative) Spiritualism IN+SD Sword ST Hand & Half S. ST SP Shield Parry Base SP Natural Base % Two-Handed S. ST Buckler DX Acquisition (10 points) Rapier DX Round Shield DX Deceiver RE+EG Cut & Thrust S. DX Heater DX Enchantment RE+EG Oval Shield ST Elementalism RE+EG SP Non-edged Wpns Base % Viking Shield ST Sorcery RE+EG Ball & Chain DX Kite Shield DX Club ST Legionaire ST SP Extrasensory Base % Staff DX Tower Shield ST Acquisition (10 points) Mace ST Mysticism AW+PR Warhammer ST SP Unarmed Combat Base % Psychic AW+PR Whip DX Boxing ST Seer AW+PR Wrestling DX Talismanic AW+PR SP Polearm Wpns Base % Street Fighting ST Bill DX Close Combat ST SP The Black Arts Base % Guisarme DX Groundfighting ST Acquisition (10 points) Halberd ST Unarmed Cmbt DX Black Magic Best Lance SD Restraints DX Military Flail DX Falling DX SP Fighting Styles (5 points) Military Fork DX Single-handed weapons Partisan ST SP Firearms Base % Two-handed weapons Pike ST Handgonnes SD Weapon & Shield Poleaxe ST Arquebus SD Two Weapons Spear DX Wheel-Lock P. SD Polearms Flint-Lock P. SD Flails SP Missile Weapons Base % Muskets SD Left-handed Opponents Aclys, Dart DX Blunderbus SD Ambidexterity Axe DX Bomb, Grenade DX Single Rapier Hammer ST Rapier & Dagger Javelin DX SP Siege Weapons Base % Rapier & Cloak Knife DX Battering Ram ST Rapier & Buckler Spear DX Oxybeles RE Rapier & Lantern Spearthrower DX Catapult RE Two Rapiers Sling DX Ballistae RE Staff Sling DX Trebuchet RE SP Weapon Expertise (5 points) Shortbow ST Trebuchet (cp) RE Longbow ST Greek Fire RE Composite Bow ST Cannons RE Crossbow SD Sapper RE Initiative Location Item - / + Experience Points Notes Left Hand Right Hand Armour Mounted Initiative Rating:


Fantasy Imperium


Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill %

Spell Time Level Spell Time Level Spell Time level

Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill %

Spell Time Level Spell Time Level Spell Time level

5 Fantasy Imperium


Actions – How does he/she act towards & treat others? A character is defined by what he does.

Goals – What does he/she want? Desires will affect a character’s actions.

Goal: Motivation:

Inner Need & Main Character Flaw – What is he/she missing? The flaw will block a character’s need.

Inner Need: Character Flaw:

History – What happened in the past? Where is the character from?

Reputation & Stereotypes – What do others think of him/her? These affect how others treat the character.

Special Talents, Habits, & Preferences – What does he/she like? Favorite things.

Appearance – What does he/she look like? Physical traits, distinctive features, clothes.

6 Fantasy Imperium

Name: Player: Profession: Income / Savings:

Characteristics Combat Factors History Appearance

Strength Hits Nationality Sex Endurance Shock Social Class Age Dexterity Morale Siblings Height Intuition Winded Birth Date Weight Self Discipline Exhausted Birthplace Skin Reasoning Burnout Residence Hair Ego Power Religion Eyes Awareness Fate Movement Encumbrance Magick Resistance Presence Luck 0 Walk Light Ceremonial Attractiveness Piety 1 Jog Medium Natural Extra Damage Spirit 2 Run Heavy Extrasensory Speed Bonus Initiative 5 Sprint Extreme Black Magic




Fantasy Imperium

Melee Weapons

Weapon Skill % H Throw Wt. Mat. Break % Sharp. I F Parry Parry % Damage

Missile Weapons

Weapon Skill % Ammo Wt. Pull Load I F S M L X Damage

–0% –25% –50% –75%


Name & Material Wt. Hits Damage Location Value Location Value

Skull Shoulder Eye Armpit Ears Upper Arm Nose Inside Arm Face Elbow Mouth Forearm Chin Wrist Throat Hand Neck Thigh Chest Knee Abdomen Shin Back Calf Hip Foot Groin

Shield B S E Wt. Material I F Turn Missiles Hits Damage Parry Parry %



Fantasy Imperium

SP Skill Base % SP Skill Base % SP Skill Base % Acrobatics DX First Aid RE Religion IN Acting SD Fishing IN Riding IN Administration RE Fletching DX Sculpture DX Agriculture EN Foraging AW Seamanship SD Alchymy Script RE Fortunetelling IN Seduction (PR) AT Ambush AW Forgery DX Sensuality IN Animalcraft SD Gambling SD Sewing (hand) SD Astrology IN Glassworking DX Shipwright RE Astronomy RE Heraldry RE Singing PR Bargaining PR Herbology RE Skiing DX Brewery RE Hideworking SD Song Lore RE Bribery IN History RE Stealth SD Business RE Interrogation IN Storytelling PR Candlemaking AW Intrigue AW Streetwise EG Carpentry EN Juggling DX Strategy RE Cartography AW Jumping ST Survival: Ceramics DX Legerdemain DX Arctic RE Chemistry RE Locksmith DX Desert RE Climbing EN Masonry EN Forest RE Cooking IN Mathematics RE Jungle RE Counterfeiting AW Metallurgy RE Marine RE Cryptography RE Milling RE Steppe land RE Dancing PR Mineralogy RE Swimming EN Disguise AW Mountaineering EN Tactics RE Diving DX Mythology RE Textiles RE Drawing AW Painting AW Timberwright ST Eloquence PR Perfumery AW Tracking AW Embalming SD Physician RE Trapping DX Engineering RE Piloting AW Weaponcraft RE Etiquette PR Reconnaissance AW Weatherlore AW

SP Languages Base % SP Writing Base % SP Music Base % IN RE Drum PR IN RE Dulcimer PR IN RE Flute PR IN RE Harp PR IN RE Lute PR IN RE Lyre PR IN RE Mandolin PR IN RE Pipes PR IN RE PR IN RE PR IN RE PR

SP Miscellaneous Base % SP Miscellaneous Base % SP Miscellaneous Base %


Fantasy Imperium

SP Edged Weapons Base % SP Moving in Armour Level SP Ceremonial Base % Knife DX Leather (–1 initiative) Acquisition (10 points) Hand Axe DX Ring (–2 initiative) Alchymy IN+SD Axe ST Scale (–3 initiative) Conjuration IN+SD Short Sword DX Mail (–4 initiative) Ritualism IN+SD Saber DX Plate (–5 initiative) Spiritualism IN+SD Sword ST Hand & Half S. ST SP Shield Parry Base SP Natural Base % Two-Handed S. ST Buckler DX Acquisition (10 points) Rapier DX Round Shield DX Deceiver RE+EG Cut & Thrust S. DX Heater DX Enchantment RE+EG Oval Shield ST Elementalism RE+EG SP Non-edged Wpns Base % Viking Shield ST Sorcery RE+EG Ball & Chain DX Kite Shield DX Club ST Legionaire ST SP Extrasensory Base % Staff DX Tower Shield ST Acquisition (10 points) Mace ST Mysticism AW+PR Warhammer ST SP Unarmed Combat Base % Psychic AW+PR Whip DX Boxing ST Seer AW+PR Wrestling DX Talismanic AW+PR SP Polearm Wpns Base % Street Fighting ST Bill DX Close Combat ST SP The Black Arts Base % Guisarme DX Groundfighting ST Acquisition (10 points) Halberd ST Unarmed Cmbt DX Black Magic Best Lance SD Restraints DX Military Flail DX Falling DX SP Fighting Styles (5 points) Military Fork DX Single-handed weapons Partisan ST SP Firearms Base % Two-handed weapons Pike ST Handgonnes SD Weapon & Shield Poleaxe ST Arquebus SD Two Weapons Spear DX Wheel-Lock P. SD Polearms Flint-Lock P. SD Flails SP Missile Weapons Base % Muskets SD Left-handed Opponents Aclys, Dart DX Blunderbus SD Ambidexterity Axe DX Bomb, Grenade DX Single Rapier Hammer ST Rapier & Dagger Javelin DX SP Siege Weapons Base % Rapier & Cloak Knife DX Battering Ram ST Rapier & Buckler Spear DX Oxybeles RE Rapier & Lantern Spearthrower DX Catapult RE Two Rapiers Sling DX Ballistae RE Staff Sling DX Trebuchet RE SP Weapon Expertise (5 points) Shortbow ST Trebuchet (cp) RE Longbow ST Greek Fire RE Composite Bow ST Cannons RE Crossbow SD Sapper RE Initiative Location Item - / + Experience Points Notes Left Hand Right Hand Armour Mounted Initiative Rating:


Fantasy Imperium


Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill %

Spell Time Level Spell Time Level Spell Time level

Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill %

Spell Time Level Spell Time Level Spell Time level

5 Fantasy Imperium


Actions – How does he/she act towards & treat others? A character is defined by what he does.

Goals – What does he/she want? Desires will affect a character’s actions.

Goal: Motivation:

Inner Need & Main Character Flaw – What is he/she missing? The flaw will block a character’s need.

Inner Need: Character Flaw:

History – What happened in the past? Where is the character from?

Reputation & Stereotypes – What do others think of him/her? These affect how others treat the character.

Special Talents, Habits, & Preferences – What does he/she like? Favorite things.

Appearance – What does he/she look like? Physical traits, distinctive features, clothes.

6 Fantasy Imperium

Name: Player: Profession: Income / Savings:

Characteristics Combat Factors History Appearance

Strength Hits Nationality Sex Endurance Shock Social Class Age Dexterity Morale Siblings Height Intuition Winded Birth Date Weight Self Discipline Exhausted Birthplace Skin Reasoning Burnout Residence Hair Ego Power Religion Eyes Awareness Fate Movement Encumbrance Magick Resistance Presence Luck 0 Walk Light Ceremonial Attractiveness Piety 1 Jog Medium Natural Extra Damage Spirit 2 Run Heavy Extrasensory Speed Bonus Initiative 5 Sprint Extreme Black Magic




Fantasy Imperium

Melee Weapons

Weapon Skill % H Throw Wt. Mat. Break % Sharp. I F Parry Parry % Damage

Missile Weapons

Weapon Skill % Ammo Wt. Pull Load I F S M L X Damage

–0% –25% –50% –75%


Name & Material Wt. Hits Damage Location Value Location Value

Skull Shoulder Eye Armpit Ears Upper Arm Nose Inside Arm Face Elbow Mouth Forearm Chin Wrist Throat Hand Neck Thigh Chest Knee Abdomen Shin Back Calf Hip Foot Groin

Shield B S E Wt. Material I F Turn Missiles Hits Damage Parry Parry %



Fantasy Imperium

SP Skill Base % SP Skill Base % SP Skill Base % Acrobatics DX First Aid RE Religion IN Acting SD Fishing IN Riding IN Administration RE Fletching DX Sculpture DX Agriculture EN Foraging AW Seamanship SD Alchymy Script RE Fortunetelling IN Seduction (PR) AT Ambush AW Forgery DX Sensuality IN Animalcraft SD Gambling SD Sewing (hand) SD Astrology IN Glassworking DX Shipwright RE Astronomy RE Heraldry RE Singing PR Bargaining PR Herbology RE Skiing DX Brewery RE Hideworking SD Song Lore RE Bribery IN History RE Stealth SD Business RE Interrogation IN Storytelling PR Candlemaking AW Intrigue AW Streetwise EG Carpentry EN Juggling DX Strategy RE Cartography AW Jumping ST Survival: Ceramics DX Legerdemain DX Arctic RE Chemistry RE Locksmith DX Desert RE Climbing EN Masonry EN Forest RE Cooking IN Mathematics RE Jungle RE Counterfeiting AW Metallurgy RE Marine RE Cryptography RE Milling RE Steppe land RE Dancing PR Mineralogy RE Swimming EN Disguise AW Mountaineering EN Tactics RE Diving DX Mythology RE Textiles RE Drawing AW Painting AW Timberwright ST Eloquence PR Perfumery AW Tracking AW Embalming SD Physician RE Trapping DX Engineering RE Piloting AW Weaponcraft RE Etiquette PR Reconnaissance AW Weatherlore AW

SP Languages Base % SP Writing Base % SP Music Base % IN RE Drum PR IN RE Dulcimer PR IN RE Flute PR IN RE Harp PR IN RE Lute PR IN RE Lyre PR IN RE Mandolin PR IN RE Pipes PR IN RE PR IN RE PR IN RE PR

SP Miscellaneous Base % SP Miscellaneous Base % SP Miscellaneous Base %


Fantasy Imperium

SP Edged Weapons Base % SP Moving in Armour Level SP Ceremonial Base % Knife DX Leather (–1 initiative) Acquisition (10 points) Hand Axe DX Ring (–2 initiative) Alchymy IN+SD Axe ST Scale (–3 initiative) Conjuration IN+SD Short Sword DX Mail (–4 initiative) Ritualism IN+SD Saber DX Plate (–5 initiative) Spiritualism IN+SD Sword ST Hand & Half S. ST SP Shield Parry Base SP Natural Base % Two-Handed S. ST Buckler DX Acquisition (10 points) Rapier DX Round Shield DX Deceiver RE+EG Cut & Thrust S. DX Heater DX Enchantment RE+EG Oval Shield ST Elementalism RE+EG SP Non-edged Wpns Base % Viking Shield ST Sorcery RE+EG Ball & Chain DX Kite Shield DX Club ST Legionaire ST SP Extrasensory Base % Staff DX Tower Shield ST Acquisition (10 points) Mace ST Mysticism AW+PR Warhammer ST SP Unarmed Combat Base % Psychic AW+PR Whip DX Boxing ST Seer AW+PR Wrestling DX Talismanic AW+PR SP Polearm Wpns Base % Street Fighting ST Bill DX Close Combat ST SP The Black Arts Base % Guisarme DX Groundfighting ST Acquisition (10 points) Halberd ST Unarmed Cmbt DX Black Magic Best Lance SD Restraints DX Military Flail DX Falling DX SP Fighting Styles (5 points) Military Fork DX Single-handed weapons Partisan ST SP Firearms Base % Two-handed weapons Pike ST Handgonnes SD Weapon & Shield Poleaxe ST Arquebus SD Two Weapons Spear DX Wheel-Lock P. SD Polearms Flint-Lock P. SD Flails SP Missile Weapons Base % Muskets SD Left-handed Opponents Aclys, Dart DX Blunderbus SD Ambidexterity Axe DX Bomb, Grenade DX Single Rapier Hammer ST Rapier & Dagger Javelin DX SP Siege Weapons Base % Rapier & Cloak Knife DX Battering Ram ST Rapier & Buckler Spear DX Oxybeles RE Rapier & Lantern Spearthrower DX Catapult RE Two Rapiers Sling DX Ballistae RE Staff Sling DX Trebuchet RE SP Weapon Expertise (5 points) Shortbow ST Trebuchet (cp) RE Longbow ST Greek Fire RE Composite Bow ST Cannons RE Crossbow SD Sapper RE Initiative Location Item - / + Experience Points Notes Left Hand Right Hand Armour Mounted Initiative Rating:


Fantasy Imperium


Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill %

Spell Time Level Spell Time Level Spell Time level

Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill %

Spell Time Level Spell Time Level Spell Time level

5 Fantasy Imperium


Actions – How does he/she act towards & treat others? A character is defined by what he does.

Goals – What does he/she want? Desires will affect a character’s actions.

Goal: Motivation:

Inner Need & Main Character Flaw – What is he/she missing? The flaw will block a character’s need.

Inner Need: Character Flaw:

History – What happened in the past? Where is the character from?

Reputation & Stereotypes – What do others think of him/her? These affect how others treat the character.

Special Talents, Habits, & Preferences – What does he/she like? Favorite things.

Appearance – What does he/she look like? Physical traits, distinctive features, clothes.

6 Fantasy Imperium

Name: Player: Profession: Income / Savings:

Characteristics Combat Factors History Appearance

Strength Hits Nationality Sex Endurance Shock Social Class Age Dexterity Morale Siblings Height Intuition Winded Birth Date Weight Self Discipline Exhausted Birthplace Skin Reasoning Burnout Residence Hair Ego Power Religion Eyes Awareness Fate Movement Encumbrance Magick Resistance Presence Luck 0 Walk Light Ceremonial Attractiveness Piety 1 Jog Medium Natural Extra Damage Spirit 2 Run Heavy Extrasensory Speed Bonus Initiative 5 Sprint Extreme Black Magic




Fantasy Imperium

Melee Weapons

Weapon Skill % H Throw Wt. Mat. Break % Sharp. I F Parry Parry % Damage

Missile Weapons

Weapon Skill % Ammo Wt. Pull Load I F S M L X Damage

–0% –25% –50% –75%


Name & Material Wt. Hits Damage Location Value Location Value

Skull Shoulder Eye Armpit Ears Upper Arm Nose Inside Arm Face Elbow Mouth Forearm Chin Wrist Throat Hand Neck Thigh Chest Knee Abdomen Shin Back Calf Hip Foot Groin

Shield B S E Wt. Material I F Turn Missiles Hits Damage Parry Parry %



Fantasy Imperium

SP Skill Base % SP Skill Base % SP Skill Base % Acrobatics DX First Aid RE Religion IN Acting SD Fishing IN Riding IN Administration RE Fletching DX Sculpture DX Agriculture EN Foraging AW Seamanship SD Alchymy Script RE Fortunetelling IN Seduction (PR) AT Ambush AW Forgery DX Sensuality IN Animalcraft SD Gambling SD Sewing (hand) SD Astrology IN Glassworking DX Shipwright RE Astronomy RE Heraldry RE Singing PR Bargaining PR Herbology RE Skiing DX Brewery RE Hideworking SD Song Lore RE Bribery IN History RE Stealth SD Business RE Interrogation IN Storytelling PR Candlemaking AW Intrigue AW Streetwise EG Carpentry EN Juggling DX Strategy RE Cartography AW Jumping ST Survival: Ceramics DX Legerdemain DX Arctic RE Chemistry RE Locksmith DX Desert RE Climbing EN Masonry EN Forest RE Cooking IN Mathematics RE Jungle RE Counterfeiting AW Metallurgy RE Marine RE Cryptography RE Milling RE Steppe land RE Dancing PR Mineralogy RE Swimming EN Disguise AW Mountaineering EN Tactics RE Diving DX Mythology RE Textiles RE Drawing AW Painting AW Timberwright ST Eloquence PR Perfumery AW Tracking AW Embalming SD Physician RE Trapping DX Engineering RE Piloting AW Weaponcraft RE Etiquette PR Reconnaissance AW Weatherlore AW

SP Languages Base % SP Writing Base % SP Music Base % IN RE Drum PR IN RE Dulcimer PR IN RE Flute PR IN RE Harp PR IN RE Lute PR IN RE Lyre PR IN RE Mandolin PR IN RE Pipes PR IN RE PR IN RE PR IN RE PR

SP Miscellaneous Base % SP Miscellaneous Base % SP Miscellaneous Base %


Fantasy Imperium

SP Edged Weapons Base % SP Moving in Armour Level SP Ceremonial Base % Knife DX Leather (–1 initiative) Acquisition (10 points) Hand Axe DX Ring (–2 initiative) Alchymy IN+SD Axe ST Scale (–3 initiative) Conjuration IN+SD Short Sword DX Mail (–4 initiative) Ritualism IN+SD Saber DX Plate (–5 initiative) Spiritualism IN+SD Sword ST Hand & Half S. ST SP Shield Parry Base SP Natural Base % Two-Handed S. ST Buckler DX Acquisition (10 points) Rapier DX Round Shield DX Deceiver RE+EG Cut & Thrust S. DX Heater DX Enchantment RE+EG Oval Shield ST Elementalism RE+EG SP Non-edged Wpns Base % Viking Shield ST Sorcery RE+EG Ball & Chain DX Kite Shield DX Club ST Legionaire ST SP Extrasensory Base % Staff DX Tower Shield ST Acquisition (10 points) Mace ST Mysticism AW+PR Warhammer ST SP Unarmed Combat Base % Psychic AW+PR Whip DX Boxing ST Seer AW+PR Wrestling DX Talismanic AW+PR SP Polearm Wpns Base % Street Fighting ST Bill DX Close Combat ST SP The Black Arts Base % Guisarme DX Groundfighting ST Acquisition (10 points) Halberd ST Unarmed Cmbt DX Black Magic Best Lance SD Restraints DX Military Flail DX Falling DX SP Fighting Styles (5 points) Military Fork DX Single-handed weapons Partisan ST SP Firearms Base % Two-handed weapons Pike ST Handgonnes SD Weapon & Shield Poleaxe ST Arquebus SD Two Weapons Spear DX Wheel-Lock P. SD Polearms Flint-Lock P. SD Flails SP Missile Weapons Base % Muskets SD Left-handed Opponents Aclys, Dart DX Blunderbus SD Ambidexterity Axe DX Bomb, Grenade DX Single Rapier Hammer ST Rapier & Dagger Javelin DX SP Siege Weapons Base % Rapier & Cloak Knife DX Battering Ram ST Rapier & Buckler Spear DX Oxybeles RE Rapier & Lantern Spearthrower DX Catapult RE Two Rapiers Sling DX Ballistae RE Staff Sling DX Trebuchet RE SP Weapon Expertise (5 points) Shortbow ST Trebuchet (cp) RE Longbow ST Greek Fire RE Composite Bow ST Cannons RE Crossbow SD Sapper RE Initiative Location Item - / + Experience Points Notes Left Hand Right Hand Armour Mounted Initiative Rating:


Fantasy Imperium


Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill %

Spell Time Level Spell Time Level Spell Time level

Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill %

Spell Time Level Spell Time Level Spell Time level

5 Fantasy Imperium


Actions – How does he/she act towards & treat others? A character is defined by what he does.

Goals – What does he/she want? Desires will affect a character’s actions.

Goal: Motivation:

Inner Need & Main Character Flaw – What is he/she missing? The flaw will block a character’s need.

Inner Need: Character Flaw:

History – What happened in the past? Where is the character from?

Reputation & Stereotypes – What do others think of him/her? These affect how others treat the character.

Special Talents, Habits, & Preferences – What does he/she like? Favorite things.

Appearance – What does he/she look like? Physical traits, distinctive features, clothes.

6 Fantasy Imperium

Name: Player: Profession: Income / Savings:

Characteristics Combat Factors History Appearance

Strength Hits Nationality Sex Endurance Shock Social Class Age Dexterity Morale Siblings Height Intuition Winded Birth Date Weight Self Discipline Exhausted Birthplace Skin Reasoning Burnout Residence Hair Ego Power Religion Eyes Awareness Fate Movement Encumbrance Magick Resistance Presence Luck 0 Walk Light Ceremonial Attractiveness Piety 1 Jog Medium Natural Extra Damage Spirit 2 Run Heavy Extrasensory Speed Bonus Initiative 5 Sprint Extreme Black Magic




Fantasy Imperium

Melee Weapons

Weapon Skill % H Throw Wt. Mat. Break % Sharp. I F Parry Parry % Damage

Missile Weapons

Weapon Skill % Ammo Wt. Pull Load I F S M L X Damage

–0% –25% –50% –75%


Name & Material Wt. Hits Damage Location Value Location Value

Skull Shoulder Eye Armpit Ears Upper Arm Nose Inside Arm Face Elbow Mouth Forearm Chin Wrist Throat Hand Neck Thigh Chest Knee Abdomen Shin Back Calf Hip Foot Groin

Shield B S E Wt. Material I F Turn Missiles Hits Damage Parry Parry %



Fantasy Imperium

SP Skill Base % SP Skill Base % SP Skill Base % Acrobatics DX First Aid RE Religion IN Acting SD Fishing IN Riding IN Administration RE Fletching DX Sculpture DX Agriculture EN Foraging AW Seamanship SD Alchymy Script RE Fortunetelling IN Seduction (PR) AT Ambush AW Forgery DX Sensuality IN Animalcraft SD Gambling SD Sewing (hand) SD Astrology IN Glassworking DX Shipwright RE Astronomy RE Heraldry RE Singing PR Bargaining PR Herbology RE Skiing DX Brewery RE Hideworking SD Song Lore RE Bribery IN History RE Stealth SD Business RE Interrogation IN Storytelling PR Candlemaking AW Intrigue AW Streetwise EG Carpentry EN Juggling DX Strategy RE Cartography AW Jumping ST Survival: Ceramics DX Legerdemain DX Arctic RE Chemistry RE Locksmith DX Desert RE Climbing EN Masonry EN Forest RE Cooking IN Mathematics RE Jungle RE Counterfeiting AW Metallurgy RE Marine RE Cryptography RE Milling RE Steppe land RE Dancing PR Mineralogy RE Swimming EN Disguise AW Mountaineering EN Tactics RE Diving DX Mythology RE Textiles RE Drawing AW Painting AW Timberwright ST Eloquence PR Perfumery AW Tracking AW Embalming SD Physician RE Trapping DX Engineering RE Piloting AW Weaponcraft RE Etiquette PR Reconnaissance AW Weatherlore AW

SP Languages Base % SP Writing Base % SP Music Base % IN RE Drum PR IN RE Dulcimer PR IN RE Flute PR IN RE Harp PR IN RE Lute PR IN RE Lyre PR IN RE Mandolin PR IN RE Pipes PR IN RE PR IN RE PR IN RE PR

SP Miscellaneous Base % SP Miscellaneous Base % SP Miscellaneous Base %


Fantasy Imperium

SP Edged Weapons Base % SP Moving in Armour Level SP Ceremonial Base % Knife DX Leather (–1 initiative) Acquisition (10 points) Hand Axe DX Ring (–2 initiative) Alchymy IN+SD Axe ST Scale (–3 initiative) Conjuration IN+SD Short Sword DX Mail (–4 initiative) Ritualism IN+SD Saber DX Plate (–5 initiative) Spiritualism IN+SD Sword ST Hand & Half S. ST SP Shield Parry Base SP Natural Base % Two-Handed S. ST Buckler DX Acquisition (10 points) Rapier DX Round Shield DX Deceiver RE+EG Cut & Thrust S. DX Heater DX Enchantment RE+EG Oval Shield ST Elementalism RE+EG SP Non-edged Wpns Base % Viking Shield ST Sorcery RE+EG Ball & Chain DX Kite Shield DX Club ST Legionaire ST SP Extrasensory Base % Staff DX Tower Shield ST Acquisition (10 points) Mace ST Mysticism AW+PR Warhammer ST SP Unarmed Combat Base % Psychic AW+PR Whip DX Boxing ST Seer AW+PR Wrestling DX Talismanic AW+PR SP Polearm Wpns Base % Street Fighting ST Bill DX Close Combat ST SP The Black Arts Base % Guisarme DX Groundfighting ST Acquisition (10 points) Halberd ST Unarmed Cmbt DX Black Magic Best Lance SD Restraints DX Military Flail DX Falling DX SP Fighting Styles (5 points) Military Fork DX Single-handed weapons Partisan ST SP Firearms Base % Two-handed weapons Pike ST Handgonnes SD Weapon & Shield Poleaxe ST Arquebus SD Two Weapons Spear DX Wheel-Lock P. SD Polearms Flint-Lock P. SD Flails SP Missile Weapons Base % Muskets SD Left-handed Opponents Aclys, Dart DX Blunderbus SD Ambidexterity Axe DX Bomb, Grenade DX Single Rapier Hammer ST Rapier & Dagger Javelin DX SP Siege Weapons Base % Rapier & Cloak Knife DX Battering Ram ST Rapier & Buckler Spear DX Oxybeles RE Rapier & Lantern Spearthrower DX Catapult RE Two Rapiers Sling DX Ballistae RE Staff Sling DX Trebuchet RE SP Weapon Expertise (5 points) Shortbow ST Trebuchet (cp) RE Longbow ST Greek Fire RE Composite Bow ST Cannons RE Crossbow SD Sapper RE Initiative Location Item - / + Experience Points Notes Left Hand Right Hand Armour Mounted Initiative Rating:


Fantasy Imperium


Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill %

Spell Time Level Spell Time Level Spell Time level

Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill % Discipline Skill %

Spell Time Level Spell Time Level Spell Time level

5 Fantasy Imperium


Actions – How does he/she act towards & treat others? A character is defined by what he does.

Goals – What does he/she want? Desires will affect a character’s actions.

Goal: Motivation:

Inner Need & Main Character Flaw – What is he/she missing? The flaw will block a character’s need.

Inner Need: Character Flaw:

History – What happened in the past? Where is the character from?

Reputation & Stereotypes – What do others think of him/her? These affect how others treat the character.

Special Talents, Habits, & Preferences – What does he/she like? Favorite things.

Appearance – What does he/she look like? Physical traits, distinctive features, clothes.