entertainment sports news In this Housholder composes Lady Loper basketball just Annual FAME talent show 3 an ode to the UNK Super 4 hit 20 wins this season -- 7 highlights students brave issue... Senior ranked 3rd in MIAA enough to step on stage the antelope Run with it. University of Nebraska at Kearney Volume 119, Issue 15| 2.21.18 | www.unkantelope.com What can you do? Contact Senator John Lowe of Dis- trict 37, which encompasses the city Destructive cuts far-reaching, of Kearney and the UNK campus •
[email protected] • (402) 471-2726 will likely also raise tuition Students, advocates challenge Legislature Difficult decisions across the board include four percent base cut if the governor’s proposal passes.” BRAYDON CONELL whole athletic programs, Chancellor says A base cut means that the University Antelope Staff will need to cut an additional four BRAYDON CONELL percent every year under the proposal. The biggest direct impact to UNK Antelope Staff These percentage cuts for UNK would students is the athletics reductions. result in roughly $11 million and an 2019.$100.4 Overall, million this for fiscalwould year result 2017-2018 in a $173 Prior to the budget forum, Chancellor additional $23 million starting in millionand $123.5 projected million budget for fiscal gap. year 2018- Kristensen met with 56 UNK students Chancellor Doug Kristensen opened summer 2018. Kristensen further The effects of the state budget to inform them that they will no longer a budget forum meeting Monday, Feb. 12 emphasized that the system is roughly shortfalls are far-reaching but greatly be competing for UNK.