Milky Way Photography: the Definitive Guide (2021)
Milky Way Photography: The Definitive Guide (2021) Feel free to share this eBook © PhotoPills December 2020 2 Never Stop Learning The Definitive Guide to Shoo- ting Hypnotic Star Trails How To Shoot Truly Conta- gious Milky Way Pictures Understanding Golden Hour, Blue Hour and Twilights 7 Tips to Make the Next Su- permoon Shine in Your Pho- tos MORE TUTORIALS AT PHOTOPILLS.COM/ACADEMY Understanding How To Plan the Azimuth and Milky Way Using Elevation The Augmented Reality How to find moon- How To Plan The rises and moon- Next Full Moon sets PhotoPills Awards Get your photos featured and win $6,600 in cash prizes Learn more+ Join PhotoPillers from around the world for a 7 fun-filled days of learning and adventure in the island of light! Learn More What if I told you that you're more than capable of imagining, planning and shooting Milky Way pictures that will put people into what I call a sharing trance? Would you believe it? Nowadays, almost everyone can take photos of the night Sky, even very good ones. Night sky photography in general, and MIlky Way photography in particular, have become very popular. You see it every day, social networks are filled up with multiple great Milky Way photos, published by great photographers hoping that their work will be massively shared. Unfortunately, the truth is that just a few achieve to go viral. Why? One possible answer is: inner remarkability. Social transmission expert, Jonah Berger, in his New York Times Bestseller book 'Conta- gious: why things catch on', maintains that: "Remarkable things provide social currency because they make the people who talk about them seem, well, more remarkable [...] Sharing extraordinary, novel, 6 or entertaining stories or ads makes people seem more extraordinary, novel, and entertaining [...] Not surprisingly then, remarkable things get brought up more of- ten." Therefore, how can you make photos so that people will share and talk about? The same inner remarkability principle applies.
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