Quarterly Report October – December 2018 About the CRRMH

The Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health (CRRMH) is based in Orange NSW and is a major rural initiative of the University of Newcastle and the NSW Ministry of Health. Our staff are located across rural and remote NSW.

The Centre is committed to improving mental health and wellbeing in rural and remote communities. We focus on the following key areas:

• the promotion of good mental health and the prevention of mental illness;

• developing the mental health system to better meet the needs of people living in rural and remote regions; and

• understanding and responding to rural suicide. Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health

As the Australian Collaborating Centre for the International Foundation for PO Box 8043 Integrated Care, we promote patient-centred rather than provider-focused Orange East NSW 2800 care that integrates mental and physical health concerns. T +61 2 6363 8444 E crrmh@new castle.edu.au As part of the University of Newcastle, all of our activities are underpinned by research evidence and evaluated to ensure appropriateness and effectiveness.

crrmh.com.au @crrmh @crrmhnsw /company /crrmh

2 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Contents

Report Page Director’s Report 4 Snapshot of the Quarter 5 Research 6 John Hoskin Library 7 Connections 8 Communications 10 Online Connections 13

Partnerships 15

Good SPACE 18

Rural Adversity Mental Health Program (RAMHP) 20

Staff News 22

Appendix 23

3 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Director’s Report Centre Director Professor David Perkins

Suicide is a rare event with devastating consequences. It may or may not follow a mental illness or a history of self-harm or suicidal ideation. It hurts families, workplaces, schools and communities, and approaches to its prevention are many and varied. We know about risk factors such as hopelessness, isolation and feelings that "I would not be missed; no one would care or they would be better off without me"'.

At the CRRMH we are working to prevent suicide in a number of ways. As an academic, Dr Scott Fitzpatrick is doing basic research using the Coroner’s database examining deaths by suicide in rural communities and looking for factors which are associated with sui cide and might be addressed in trying to prevent suicide.

Our Good SPACE program provides training for individuals so that they can identify someone who is not travelling well and draw alongside them to encourage them to seek appropriate help. It addresses to natural fears that “I will only make things worse” which is not the case. Sometimes people come to our courses and need help themselves and our staff are able to link them to services and provide support. We work with colleagues to ensure that rural health professionals have the skills and confidence to work with people who are suicidal which is far more common than most people realise.

Through our We-Yarn program, we work with Aboriginal organisations to build trust. This may be followed by a workshop for staff or Aboriginal community members. The process of building trust takes time and is not assisted by short-term contracts in the funding system. This point was emphasised by the Senate Inquiry in Access to and Quality of Rural Mental Health Services which reported in December 2018.

In the health system, Primary Health Networks (PHNs) are responsible for leading regional planning to promote mental health and prevent rural suicide. We are currently working with two regions to help the PHNs and associated services in this task.

At the community level, we have been working with rural communities which have experienced deaths by suicide and are determined to work together to prevent suicide and promote wellbeing. Supported by the NSW State Mental Health Commission, we are implementing a model of Community Wellbeing Collaboratives which is based on the best available research. This model is based on community convers ations about the local risks and challenges and supports local collaboration to promote wellbeing. This is not about solutions imposed from outside but rather about local coordinated initiatives to create mentally healthy communities.

In April we will meet with these communities to share our learnings and to learn from those who are working in innovative way s, crossing traditional organisational and professional boundaries to overcome the circumstances in rural that can lead some to consider ending their lives.

Our approach to suicide prevention is described in the position paper which can be found on our website under Reports and Publications.

Thanks for your interest in and support of the Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health.

Prof David Perkins, Director

4 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Snapshot of the Quarter

Research John Hoskin Library Connections Communications Online Connections

Professor David Week-long IFIC 340 library visitors th Perkins hosted a The 7 edition of the Research participant Australia 517 journal articles workshop at the Glove Box Guide to advertisements accelerated supplied Australian Rural & Mental Health reached an audience learning program 186 inter-library loans Remote Mental launched on 4 of 20,364 people on hosted at CRRMH provided Health Symposium October Facebook

Partnerships Good SPACE RAMHP Staff News

Workplace ASIST training held in 724 people linked to Congratulations to Support Skills Tenterfield received care Rosie Dunnett who training pilot positive and 1,927 people trained has been announced with Rabobank encouraging feedback 117 community as the new CRRMH Australia from participants events attended Executive Officer commenced

5 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Research Compiled by Research Assistant Lucy McEvoy

$39,494 in new funding 1 report and 2 papers published 3 conference presentations

IFIC Australia hosted a week-long The Virtual Dementia Friendly Rural The Rural Mental Health Research Accelerated Learning Program at Communities (Verily Connect) project was Network met in Orange in October to the Centre from 29 October unitl 2 officially launched on 18 October to coincide discuss reinvigorating rural and regional November attended by 20 delegates. with National Carers’ Week. Implementation of mental health services and maximising On 9 November IFIC Australia hosted VERILY has begun in Victor Harbor, Koo Wee their collective impact. their second workshop for the year at Rup and Molong. NSW Parliament House.

For more detailed information please see Appendices 1-5

6 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Library Total John Hoskin Library Activity Compiled by Centre Librarian Paul Stanfield Visitors 340

Articles supplied 517

The period between October-December 2018 proved to be a quieter period than July-September, also affected Photocopying/ 547 printing by the early closure for the Christmas break in December. Inter-library 186 • Visitor numbers were stable for CRRMH, but down for Western LHD from 117 to 73. loans/ gratis • Patient numbers doubled in this period from 131 to 255, however, student numbers were low in this period. Short reference 370 • Article requests were halved for CRRMH from 229 to 108 and down from 459 to 335 for Western LHD staff. Long reference: 44 However, November proved to be a busy month. literature searches • Inter-library loans were slightly increased overall from 147 to 186. Information skills 8 training

Library Collections Committee Meeting: On 29 November the Committee discussed promoting the library to Other training 103 students completing placements at the hospital and new resource suggestions, which have been requested for (catalogue the library. searching/ library orientation Area Librarians Meeting: On 12 December area health librarians met at Dubbo Base Hospital. Areas of interest included CIAP training and workshops, and the placement of links to library forms on the new health Loans 81 intranet homepage.

All new publications Daily News Alerts and Journal Table of Contents: Daily News Alerts remains a popular feature of library including journal articles services at John Hoskin Library. This has recently been upgraded as of June 2018 to make it more appealing to and conference papers subscribers. It is available for subscription through the CRRMH and the RAMHP websites. There is also a available as of December regular journal Table of Contents sent out to Western NSWLHD and CRRMH staff. have been updated on the Endnote file. Library Promotion: There was a number of library promotion measures during this period. The library was promoted through a book display for Mental Health Month in October. A display of new library additions was created and promoted via email to regular user groups on 30 October. Library services continue to be promoted through emails with details of information skills training which is available for individuals or groups.

7 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Connections Compiled by Senior Development Officer Vanessa Delaney

Australian Rural & Remote Mental Health Symposium

CRRMH Director Prof David Perkins presented our rural suicide prevention framework at the Australian Rural & Remote Mental Health Symposium in Hobart on 16 October. The workshop titled ‘Rural Suicide Needs Attention’ focused on key investments that have a positive long-term impact on rural suicide rates such as planning for vulnerable rural towns and cities, and supporting children and young adults. Particular attention was paid to how community members, institutions and rural residents can play a role alongside health services to solve the challenge of rural suicide. Dr Donna Read also presented a poster: Evaluation of the Glove Box Guide to Mental Health. View the Executive Summary here.

The 3rd Conference of the Critical Suicide Studies Network

Dr Scott Fitzpatrick attended the conference and presented a paper titled ‘Rethinking rural suicide’ based on his current res earch on rural suicide and the use of intersectional theory as a way of examining relationships between multiple determinants of suicide. Held in Perth, 12- 13 December 2018, it brought together a range of local, national and international researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and advocates, as well as people impacted by suicide. The theme of the conference was ‘Building Critical Bridges’ and aimed at building collaboration across sectors to enable sustained collaborations for the benefits of suicide prevention, and for new ways of thinking about suicide.

8 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Connections cont. Compiled by Senior Development Officer Vanessa Delaney

Parliamentary Showcase

CRRMH Senior Development Officer Vanessa Delaney and RAMHP Senior Project Officer Vicky Smyth attended the NSW Parliamentary Showcase in Sydney on 17 October as part of Mental Health Month, using the opportunity to talk to people about the Centre and RAMHP’s work in suicide prevention. They were also on hand for the launch of the new NSW Suicide Prevention Framework, which will work “towards zero suicides” and comes with $90million in new funding for suicide prevention, including $675,000 over three years for RAMHP.

Mental Health Australia Parliamentary Senate enquiry report release Advocacy Day and Members Policy Forum The CRRMH welcomed key recommendations outlined in a Report from On November 27 CRRMH Director David The Senate Community Affairs Reference Perkins attended a Parliamentary Advocacy Committee on the ‘Accessibility and quality Day and Members Policy Forum of mental health services in rural and in Canberra organised by Mental Health remote Australia’ which was released on 4 Australia (MHA), of which we are a December. member. The CRRMH made a submission to the Advocacy efforts of MHA focus on ensuring Senate Inquiry and CRRMH Director Prof policy makers recognise the value of David Perkins and Research Leader Hazel investment in mental health, asking parties Dalton provided evidence to the Senate to articulate their policies ahead of the Committee earlier this year. It was pleasing election, address gaps in the NDIS, and that the report included many of the keep funding programs that work while the CRRMH’s recommendations. Productivity Commission Inquiry is underway.

9 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Communications Compiled by Senior Development Officer Vanessa Delaney and Communications Coordinator Jocie Johnston


Orange parkrun: Representatives Launch of 2018 Glove Box Guide: CRRMH and RAMHP were delighted from the CRRMH had a great time to launch the seventh edition of our Glove Box Guide to Mental Health on at Orange parkrun's 2nd October 4 at the Orange City Library. We were joined by Mayor of Orange anniversary on 27 October, enjoying Cr. Reg Kidd; The Land editor Andrew Norris; Central West a morning in the sunshine while Libraries manager Jan Richards AM; Tradies In Sight’s Bruno Efoti; and handing out the new edition of our representatives from the publication’s sponsors, SafeWork NSW, icare Glove Box Guide to Mental Health. NSW and NSW Department of Primary Industries. The CRRMH is a foundation sponsor of Orange parkrun and supports the weekly event under the Band Together Farmers concert: The event held in for Act-Belong-Commit campaign. Parkes NSW on 17 November was held to support farming communities who are affected by the current drought, with the CRRMH selected as the event beneficiary. The event attracted widespread media interest which was hugely beneficial to the CRRMH and provided a unique opportunity to profile the Centre and its programs to the crowd, many of whom visited the CRRMH marquee at the event to pick up information and talk to the team. The CRRMH team chatted to people first-hand about their experiences with the drought and provided information about ways to stay mentally healthy during this tough time. They also had the opportunity to get up on the stage and tell the crowd about the work they do, which was very well received. ReachOut Australia partnered with the CRRMH on the day. Over 2,000 people attended the concert to see bands such as the Hoodoo Gurus, 1927 and Mark Seymour and The Undertow perform. A highlight was a flyover by the Royal Australian Air Force Roulettes.

10 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Communications cont. Compiled by Senior Development Officer Vanessa Delaney and Communications Coordinator Jocie Johnston

Second Mouse Cheese Company fundraiser: Over $4,300 was raised and donated to the CRRMH following an event at the Agrestic Grocer in During this quarter the Orange on 29 November. Local people and CRRMH launched its new businesses supported the event. Branding Guidelines and PowerPoint templates, as well as a new CRRMH information brochure.

Publications and resources The CRRMH is working with several organisations in the adaptation of our How Are You Going Poster for specific target audiences, including: • Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA) • Royal Flying Doctors Service • Behind the Seen (first responders)

This quarter we also updated the CRRMH brochure in line with our new branding and visual identity. It also provided a great opportunity to refresh the content.

Media The CRRMH received a significant amount of media coverage this quarter. Topics included the Band Together Farmers Concert, the 2018 Glove Box Guide launch, the announcement of new funding for RAMHP, Emma Austin's study to recruit participants for a research project “Quantifying Adaptive Capacity in Drought-affected Rural Communities”, the Baggy Blues cricket tour with RAMHP and the media Christmas campaign.

Two of our Senior Executive team (Vanessa Delany and Tessa Caton) also participated in multiple media interviews, enhancing the Centre's capacity and skills to respond to media requests.

11 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Communications cont. Compiled by Senior Development Officer Vanessa Delaney and Communications Coordinator Jocie Johnston

Media continued

This quarter following media releases were distributed:

Thursday 4 October: 'Let's Work Together'- Launch of the 7th Glove Box Guide to Mental Health Wednesday 14 November: Concert helps CRRMH provide mental health support for drought-affected farmers and communities Wednesday 28 November​: Calling on rural residents across NSW to help increase resilience to drought Thursday 6 December: CRRMH welcomes key recommendations in Senate Report Friday 7 December 2018​: RAMHP's tips for putting the 'merry' back into Christmas

For a full list of media activity please see Appendix 6

12 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Online Connections Compiled by Marketing Officer Ashleigh Middleton

Website Analytics 1 October – 31 December 2018 Research recruitment with PhD student Emma Austin CRRMH RAMHP The Communications team collaborated with PhD student from 9,243 website sessions (+21%) 3,257 website sessions (-7%) The University of Newcastle’s Centre for Climate, Water and Average website session 1:48 mins Average website session 2:38 mins Land Emma Austin to assist in recruiting participants for research project “Quantifying Adaptive Capacity in Drought-affected Rural Top 5 pages Top 5 pages Communities”. 1. Band Together Farmers event- 1. Homepage- 1,912 views 3,057 views 2. Baggy Blues Cricket Tour- 427 The team utilised our online presence to promote the research 2. Homepage- 2,585 views views project through the CRRMH website and social media accounts. 3. Resources- 614 views 3. Find a Coordinator- 383 views The combined online campaigns led the survey details to reach 4. RAMHP- 558 views 4. Resources- 378 views 20,364 people. 5. About Us- 432 views 5. Employment Opportunities- 362 In addition to online promotion, several media releases were views distributed to target populations of Orange, Bathurst, Cobar and Lismore which led to a number of news stories and interviews. New website additions

4 October: Let’s Work Together- Launch of the 7th GBG 131 views 9 November: Loneliness is more than just being alone 109 views 28 November: Calling on residents to increase resilience 42 views 6 December: CRRMH welcomes Senate Report 53 views 10 December: Band Together Farmers Wrap-Up 35 views 14 December: Keeping communities vibrant 194 views 18 December: Meet Faith Rogers- RAMHP Coordinator 40 views

13 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Online Connections cont. Compiled by Marketing Officer Ashleigh Middleton

Launch of the CRRMH Social Media Analytics 1 October – 31 December 2018 eNewsletter Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

CRRMH 815 followers (+3%) 1,982 page likes (+51%) 22 followers (+100%) The first edition of CRRMH’s new 37 tweets posted 188 posts 4 posts eNewsletter was distributed on 12 332 post engagements 8,237 post engagements 10 post engagements December as an additional method (+22%) (+205%) (+100%) of communicating updates of RAMHP 435 followers (+5%) 1,161 page likes (+13%) CRRMH’s program, projects and 70 tweets posted 194 posts - research to stakeholders. CRRMH 429 post engagements 3,402 post engagements will distribute a new edition of the (+145%) (+25%) eNewsletter each month. Good SPACE 916 page likes (+4%) - 89 posts - 1,242 post engagements (+38%)

We-Yarn 88 page likes (+100%) 11 posts - - 72 post engagements (+100%)

Social media promotions

During the quarter social media was used to communicate updates and information to our stakeholders such as: • The promotion of employment opportunities at the CRRMH, including the Executive Officer position and various RAMHP Coordinator positions. • The promotion of the Band Together Farmers concert held in Parkes on November 17. • The promotion of Mental Health Month activities such as RAMHP's Glove Box Guide launches across the state. • A Christmas campaign which included mentally healthy messages from CRRMH staff

14 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Partnerships Compiled by Senior Development Officer Vanessa Delaney, RAMHP Program Manager Tessa Caton and Research Assistant Lucy McEvoy

Industry partnerships

IFIC Australia: A week-long Accelerated Learning Program, hosted by IFIC Australia was held at the CRRMH from 29 October to 2 November. 20 delegates attended from Local Health Districts and Primary Health Networks across the state to listen to international experts and build their knowledge about the design and implementation of integrated care programs in their own context. IFIC Australia hosted their 2nd workshop this year at NSW Parliament House on 9 November with over 30 delegates attending to learn about finances and incentives that support integrated care.

VERILY: We are proud to be part of the Verily Connect project, which was officially launched on 18 October at La Trobe University. This unique online initiative, which aims to support rural carers of people living with memory loss and dementia. The project will connect rural carers in 12 locations across Australia through technology such as video conferencing, a purpose-built website and a smartphone app. On 12 December CRRMH Research Assistant Dr Kris Gottschall was out and about promoting Verily in Molong.

ReachOut: On 16 October Senior Development Officer Vanessa Delaney and RAMHP Senior Project Officer Vicky Smyth caught up with Annie Wylie from ReachOut.com Australia in Sydney to talk about drought resources for rural and remote communities. They also chatted about the Band Together Farmers drought fundraising event in Parkes on 17 November, where the two organisations partnered to share information and resources about mental health and wellbeing with those attending the event.

15 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Partnerships cont. Compiled by Senior Development Officer Vanessa Delaney, RAMHP Program Manager Tessa Caton and Research Assistant Lucy McEvoy

Positive Choices webinar: On 13 November CRRMH Research Lead Hazel Dalton joined Georgina Luscombe from the University of Sydney, Dr Alice Munro from Western NSW Local Health District, and Nicole Snowdon from Lives Lived Well to present research on substance abuse and mental health among rural young people. The webinar was designed for school staff, health professionals, parents and others seeking information about drug use and related harms among rural youth. The webinar can be downloaded here.

Rural Mental Health Research Network: The CRRMH hosted the inaugural Rural Mental Health Research Network in early October. The group is a new collaboration with a range of researchers, including the University of Newcastle's CRRMH, Australian National University, The Swinburne University of Technology, University of Sydney's School of Rural Health, and various Primary Health Networks and Health Districts. The Rural Mental Health Research Network will look at place-based rural mental health modelling.

The Land’s The Next Crop Dinner: Representatives from the Centre attended The Next Crop end- of-year dinner, hosted by our partners at The Land on 24 November to celebrate the success of its community revitalisation forums held across eight locations in NSW this year. Guest speakers included behavioural scientist Allan Parker and a former principal and Regional Director of Education, Clive Dixon, who talked about how regional communities can start a discussion around revitalisation.

Rabobank & RAMHP’s Workplace Support Skills Training: The CRRMH Research Team and RAMHP commenced a partnership with Rabobank Australia, to pilot and tailor RAMHP’s Workplace Support Skills (WSS) Training session. Workshops have been delivered in Magnetic Island and , with Orange to follow in January 2019. Focus groups following these training sessions will inform what enhancements are required and the approach to rolling WSS out nationwide.

16 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Partnerships cont. Compiled by Senior Development Officer Vanessa Delaney, RAMHP Program Manager Tessa Caton and Research Assistant Lucy McEvoy

Teachers Health Fund: The CRRMH made a presentation to the Teachers Health Fund in November around the possibility of developing and implementing a mental health program in drought-affected schools in 2019 and beyond. The project would be based on the successful Mentally Healthy WA Act-Belong-Commit Mentally Healthy Schools Program.

Government partnerships

Baggy Blues Rural Cricket Tour: After months of planning, the Baggy Blues and RAMHP’s Rural Cricket Tours kicked off in Dubbo, Lismore and Griffith. The tour consisted of coaching clinics, cricket games between the Baggy Blues and local cricket clubs and of course a presentation by RAMHP Coordinators on how to look after your mental health. Strong relationships were formed between RAMHP and the local cricket teams, with more comprehensive training to follow. The profile and lived experience brought by the Baggy Blues members opened a positive conversation about mental health amongst the young men. A full evaluation of this tour is currently underway.

Everymind: The announcement by the Federal government in early December of a $3.1 million grant for Everymind to expand their Ahead for Business program was well received by the CRRMH, demonstrating that mental health is being recognised as a key component to the productivity of small business owners. We are looking forward to working with Everymind on the trial which will extend into rural areas. More information is available at our website on our new Help for Workplaces page.

17 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 GoodSPACE Compiled by Project Officer Carmel O’Sullivan

The Good SPACE program, as advised by Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network (HNECCPHN) Commissioner Coordinator- Suicide Prevention, is no longer required to provide training in the Upper Hunter (Scone, Muswellbrook and Aberdeen).

Increased delivery of Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), the Black Dog Institute’s ‘Advanced Training in S uicide Prevention’ (ATSP) and Good SPACE Workshops (GSW) will be provided in lieu of implementing a Community Action Group in the Upper Hunter; this would be a duplication of an already existing network. Planning is currently being undertaken to coordinate these workshops in identified areas of need which may include Tamworth, Armidale, Narrabri and Moree regions.

Workshop delivery

Good SPACE Workshops: two Good SPACE Workshops were delivered in Tamworth during November. The first workshop resulted in a waiting list so a second was delivered within the following two weeks to satisfy demand. Tamworth Education Centre generously donated the venue for both workshops. In collaboration with long-standing sponsor Inverell Community College, one Good SPACE Workshop was delivered in Inverell during November. Currently, Good SPACE Workshops are being coordinated to be delivered in Tamworth, Moree and Narrabri.

Black Dog Institute Advanced Training in Suicide Prevention: in conjunction with HNECCPHN/ GP Stepcare, Advanced Training in Suicide Prevention (ATSP) was delivered in Moree in October. Further ATSP training is scheduled for Gunnedah, Armidale and Tamworth in this funding period.

18 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 GoodSPACE cont. Compiled by Project Officer Carmel O’Sullivan

Workshop delivery continued We-Yarn Updates

ASIST (Advanced Suicide Intervention Skills Training): training We-Yarn facilitators have met with Aboriginal Medical Services was successfully delivered in Muswellbrook, Gunnedah, (AMS) and Aboriginal Health Services (AHS) to discuss the We- Tenterfield and Armidale. Yarn program and the opportunity for staff to receive training in ASIST training in Tenterfield was requested by the community and Advanced Training in Suicide Prevention and Advanced Suicide sponsored by Sibelco Australia, attracting participants from various Intervention Skills, and for the community to attend We-Yarn professions. Participant feedback comments included: workshops. These organisations include Tobwabba AHS (Forster), Yerin AHS (Wyong), Tamworth AMS, Ungooroo Aboriginal Corporation (Singleton), and Awabakal AMS Great presentation, very inclusive and engaging. I think the conceptual “ (Newcastle). model is very well thought out and practical to use. This will be a powerful way to work with people who are thinking of suicide. ” Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network (CESPHN) has contracted three We-Yarn workshops to be “Excellent workshop that everyone should do. The trainers really made delivered in Redfern, La Perouse and Surry Hills in February this a great learning environment. They were so passionate about the 2019. subject matter but also kind, caring and approachable.”


Suicide Prevention Community Action Groups (SPCAG) are being implemented in Moree and Armidale utilising already established partnerships. Moree SPCAG will reconvene on 14 February for its first meeting of 2019, a Good SPACE Workshop will follow this meeting for SPCAG and community members.

19 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Rural Adversity Mental Health

Program (RAMHP) Train, Link and Inform Compiled by RAMHP Program Manager Tessa Caton 1 October – 31 December 2018

With October being Mental Health Month, quarter four is always 724 people linked to a busy one for RAMHP. Mental Health Month activities included: care • Launch of the 7th edition of the Glove Box Guide to Mental Health (GBG), themed ‘Let’s Work Together!’. 1,927 participants • RAMHP Coordinators conducted a state-wide launch of the GBG, involving an interactive activity to foster community trained spirit during tough times. 117 community events Events attended

RAMHP Coordinators Kylie Atkinson and Jen Keioskie presented at Women in Dairy’s conference- Bale Up. Delegates were treated to an interactive game show quiz about your mental health.

Baggy Blues and RAMHP Rural Mental Health CricketTours kicked off in Lismore, Dubbo and Griffith. These cricket events have been well attended, with Baggy Blues members sharing their mental health struggles opened up an engaging conversation about looking after your mental health.

20 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Rural Adversity Mental Health Program (RAMHP) cont. Compiled by RAMHP Program Manager Tessa Caton

Events continued

Program Manager Tessa Caton contributed to a number of industry strategic planning sessions, including the NSW Whole of Government Drought Planning Workshop and Dairy NSW 2019 priorities.

Piloting of Workplace Support Skills training for Rabobank continues. This will inform the development of a tailored version of the course for Rabobank and potential nation-wide rollout.

Recruitment Updates

Faith Rogers joined the RAMHP team in October; Faith is based in Cootamundra and brings a wealth of clinical mental health knowledge and a strong understanding of the Cootamundra community.

Priority continues to be placed on recruiting the five additional RAMHP Coordinators. Updates include:

• Nowra position, advertised and interviews completed • Tamworth position, advertised and candidate appointed estimated start date of February 2019 • Lithgow position, advertised • Mudgee and Orange positions, to be advertised in January 2019

21 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Staff News Compiled by Senior Development Officer Vanessa Delaney

2019 Planning Days

In November CRRMH staff travelled to the Jenolan Caves in Oberon to spend two days strategic planning for 2019. The event included discussions and group workshops around quality, the launch of new branding guidelines and templates, and an update by Prof Brian Kelly from the University of Newcastle’s Faculty of Health and Medicine. A tour of the Jenolan Caves at the end of the two days was a great way to finish.

New Executive Officer Goodbye to Grace Hopkins

Congratulations to Rosie Dunnett who has CRRMH research assistant Grace Hopkins been announced as the new CRRMH will be leaving the CRRMH at the end of the Executive Officer; job sharing with Greg year to pursue a career in the Defence Resilience Training Shapter for three days a week. Rosie has Force. It has been such a pleasure to have Several CRRMH staff worked in the Administration team at the Grace with us and we thank her for her attended a Resilience CRRMH since 2015 and is looking forward enthusiasm, responsiveness, capabilities Through Change workshop to her new role which will commence in and valuable contributions to both the run by the University of January 2019. research team Newcastle on December 10. and RAMHP. The workshop covered coping While we’ll be strategies and signs of stress sorry to see her in the workplace. go, we wish Grace all the best in this next chapter of her life and career.

22 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 1: Research

The BUPA 2018 Foundation Grant consortium met in Orange over two days in October to discuss reinvigorating rural and regional mental health services and maximising our collective impact. Those in attendance were from ANU, Macquarie University, Swinburne University, University of Melbourne, University of New England, HCA, Primary Health Networks and Local Health Districts. The meeting was a great success, with the group recognising the value of the collaboration and research ideas, agreeing to continue the work. The BUP A funding was declined and the group is actively investigating other funding opportunities as the Rural Mental Health Research Network.

Coinciding with National Carers’ Week 2018 (14-20 October), The Virtual Dementia Friendly Rural Communities (Verily Connect) project was officially launched by the Vice-Chancellor of La Trobe, Professor John Dewar on 18 October. Implementation of Verily has begun in Victor Harbor, Koo Wee Rup, and Molong https://verilyconnect.org.au/.

Donna and David attended the Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium in Hobart in October. A notable common theme running through the conference was that responses to mental health problems needed to be locally constructed. Donna presented a poster: Evaluation of the Glove Box Guide to Mental Health.

IFIC Australia hosted a week-long Accelerated Learning Program at the Centre from 29 October to 2 November. 20 delegates attended from LHDs and PHNs across the state to listen to international experts and build their knowledge about the design and implementation of integrated care programs in their own context. https://integratedcarefoundation.org/news/the-ica-on-the-road-teaching-integrated-care-design-and- implementation-in-rural-new-south-wales

On 9 November, IFIC Australia hosted their 2nd workshop this year at NSW Parliament House with over 30 delegates attending to learn about finances and incentives that support integrated care. https://integratedcarefoundation.org/blog/organising-care-at-a-population-level-reflections- from-the-ific-australia-workshop-at-nsw-parliament-house

On 13 November, Hazel Dalton joined Georgina Luscombe from the University of Sydney, Dr Alice Munro from WNSW LHD and Nicole Snowdon from Lives Lived Well to present a webinar on substance abuse and mental health among rural young people. The webinar can be downloaded here.

23 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 1: Research cont.

The 3rd Conference of the Critical Suicide Studies Network was held in Perth 12-13 December 2018. It brought together a range of local, national and international researchers, practitioners, policy makers, advocates, as well as people impacted by suicide. The theme of t he conference was ‘Building Critical Bridges’ and was aimed at building collaboration across sectors to enable sustained collaborations for the benefits of suicide prevention, and for new ways of thinking about suicide. Dr Scott Fitzpatrick attended the conference and presented a paper ti tled ‘Rethinking rural suicide’ based on his current research on rural suicide and the use of intersectional theory as a way of examining relationships between multiple determinants of suicide.

24 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 2: Proposals

Funded Proposals Murrumbidgee Primary Mental Health Stepped Care Model Co-Design Project Proposal. Prepared by request for Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network ($39,494) H Dalton, S Fitzpatrick, D Perkins and J Leary.

Unsuccessful Proposals Lives less lonely: The role of supportive social networks in combating social isolation and loneliness in elderly Australians. Suicide Prevention Australia Innovation Grant, $98,431 – submitted October 2018, S Fitzpatrick, T. Handley, H. Dalton.

25 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 3: Publications

Published Reports Fitzpatrick, S., Read, D., Dalton, H., Perkins, D. (2018) NSW Books on Prescription – Project Overview and Evaluation. Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, University of Newcastle, Australia. https://www.crrmh.com.au/content/uploads/Books-on-Prescription-Evaluation-Report-2018_Final.pdf.

Published Papers McGill, K., Hiles, S., Handley, T., Page, A., Lewin, T., Whyte, I and Carter, G. (2018) Is the reported increase in young female hospital-treated intentional self-harm real or artefactual? Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1177/0004867418815977.

Blackberry, I. (2018) (Perkins, D. Co-Author) Virtual Dementia-friendly rural communities. Australian Journal of Dementia Care. Vol 7 No 6 Dec 2018/Jan2019. https://www.crrmh.com.au/content/uploads/prepublication-version-AJDC-2018_2019.pdf.

Submitted Publications Read, D.M.Y., Dalton, H., Booth, A., Goodwin, N., Hendry, A., and Perkins, D. Using the Project INTEGRATE framework in practice in Central Coast, Australia, International Journal of Integrated Care, submitted: 1 November 2018.

Dalton HE, Read DMY, Booth A, Perkins D, Goodwin N, Hendry A, Handley T, Davies K, Bishop M, Sheather-Reid R, Bradfield S, Lewis P, Gazzard T, Critchley A, Wilcox S. The Central Coast Integrated Care Program (CCICP), NSW Australia: A Case Study. International Journal of Integrated Care, submitted: 24 November 2018.

Maddox, S., Read, D., Powell, N., Caton, T., Dalton, H. and Perkins, D. Reorientation of the Rural Adversity Mental Health Program: the value of a program logic model. Rural and Remote Health, submitted 29 November 2018.

26 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 4: Conferences

Presented Read, D., Maddox, S., McEvoy, L., Caton, T., Smyth, V. & Dalton, H. Evaluation of the Glove Box Guide to Mental Health – poster. Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium, Hobart, Tasmania. 15-17 October 2018.

Luscombe G, Lee A, Newman J, Halls M, Fitzpatrick S, McEvoy L, Bailey J. Towards an Aboriginal Youth Health Strategy in Orange, Western NSW. Youth Health Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland. 7-9 November 2018.

Fitzpatrick, S.J. Rethinking rural suicide: Intersectionality in research and policy. Building Critical Bridges: The Third Conference of the Critical Suicide Studies Network , 12-13 December 2018. Perth, Australia.

27 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 5: PhD Students

Emma Austin has made significant progress with her PhD during 2018. Two of the five results chapters are finalised. The findings from one chapter have been published in the Medical Journal of Australia DOI: 10.5694/mja17.01200 and findings from the second chapter are currently under review with the Journal of Rural Studies. A third paper is in preparation and will be submitted for review prior to thesis submission. The fourth results chapter is based on an online survey, which received ethics approval in mid-November. The online survey was launched at the Band Together Farmers Concert in Parkes on 17 November. Emma is aiming to submit her thesis for examination at the end of March 2019.

Sophun Moch’s PhD focuses on interactions between diverse risk factors for suicide among suicide deaths in Tasmanian rural communities. Sopun’s confirmation deadline has been postponed and he is now working towards a submission in mid-January 2019.

28 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 6: Media Activity

Date Media Type Topic Spokesperson Link OCTOBER 1.10.2018 ABC Four Corners Drought RAMHP Coordinator Sarah http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/proud- Green’s presentation country/10326076 included 3.10.2018 SCENE magazine RAMP promotion RAMHP Coordinator Sam On file Osborne and Steve Carrigg 3.10.2018 The Land RAMHP and Glove Box RAMHP https://www.theland.com.au/story/5679866/mental- Guide health-on-the-agenda/ 4.10.2018 The Land Glove Box Guide Launch Event speakers https://www.theland.com.au/story/5684534/glove-box- Orange guide-hits-the-streets/ 4.10.2018 Glen Innes Putting a stop to cyber RAMHP and Glove Box https://www.gleninnesexaminer.com.au/story/5681862 Examiner – The bullying Guide story /kirra-strives-to-end-cyber-bullying/ Land 4.10.2018 Echo Netdaily Cricket’s got those Baggy RAMHP Manager Tessa https://www.echo.net.au/2018/10/crickets-got-baggy- Blues for mental health Caton blues-mental-health/

4.10.2018 The Camden Haven Invite to Lake Cathie Health RAMHP https://www.camdencourier.com.au/story/5684027/hel Courier and Wellbeing Day - Glove p-make-healthy-normal-at-lake-cathie/ Box Guide launch 4.10.2018 The Pharmacy RAMHP training RAMHP https://www.prodocom.com.au/html/actions/viewonline Guild of Australia .php?ID=340938&cc=&loc=783a5c372d31315c74656 (NSW Branch) d705c61756f72676775696c646e7377666572726973 64617669645c68746d6c656d61696c5c33343039333 85c3839363137385c6174746163685c&email=jocelyn [email protected]

29 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 6: Media Activity cont.

Date Media Type Topic Spokesperson Link OCTOBER 4.10.2018 WIN News Glove Box Guide Launch CRRMH and RAMHP team No link

4.10.2018 Nine News Glove Box Guide Launch CRRMH and RAMHP team No link

5.10.2018 HNE LHD CE News RAMHP picks up Tamworth RAMHP Hunter New On file Business Awards England team 8.10.2018 Port Macquarie Invite to the Lake Cathie RAMHP mentioned https://www.portnews.com.au/story/5685280/help- News Health and Wellbeing day make-healthy-normal-at-lake-cathie/ 8.10.2018 The Macleay Argus RAMHP and Glove Box RAMHP https://www.macleayargus.com.au/story/5682161/com Guide munity-well-being-day-for-south-west-rocks/ 9.10.2018 The North West Your Guide to Mental Health CRRMH mentioned https://www.northweststar.com.au/story/5692164/your Star Week -guide-to-mental-health-week-events/ 10.10.2018 ABC Western Banksia Project in Dubbo at RAMHP Coordinator Camilla https://soundcloud.com/jennyb123/banksia-project-in- Plains ABC Western Plains Kenny dubbo-at 10.10.2018 The Coffs Harbour GBG and mental health RAMHP https://www.coffscoastadvocate.com.au/news/stand- Advocate month out-chill-on-the-beach/3544802/ 9.10.2018 Gilgandra Weekly GBG Launch in Gilgandra RAMHP Coordinator Camilla No link Kenny 9.10.2018 The Camden Haven Lake Cathie Health and RAMHP https://www.camdencourier.com.au/story/5692697/ha Courier Wellbeing Day proves ppy-faces-at-health-and-wellbeing-event/ popular 9.10.2018 AgChatOz Rural mental health RAMHP Coordinator Camilla Search #AgChatOz– 9.10.2018 on Twitter Kenny 10.10.2018 ABC Western Banksia Project RAMHP Coordinator Camilla No link Plains Kenny

29 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 6: Media Activity cont.

Date Media Type Topic Spokesperson Link OCTOBER 11.10.2018 The Singleton Free Seminar for small RAMHP partnering with https://www.singletonargus.com.au/story/5696286/me Argus business owners Everymind ntal-health-advice-for-small-business-operators/ 18.10.2018 ABC Central West Verily Connect launches in CRRMH Director Prof David No link Nyngan and Molong Perkins 17.10.2018 ABC online NSW introduces $90 million RAMHP mentioned https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-10-17/nsw-suicide- plan to better support people prevention-funding/10385736 after a suicide attempt 18.10.2018 ABC Central West Asking for help RAMHP Coordinator Di Gill No link 20.11.2018 Central Western Baggy Blues and RAMHP in RAMHP mentioned https://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/story/577068 Daily Dubbo 8/shield-ton-to-no-1-hughes-headlines-blues-group- for-high-profile-tour/ 24.10.2018 Clarence Valley GBG launch RAMHP On file Independent 25.10.2018 Northern Star RAMHP and Baggy Blues RAMHP Coordinator and On file Steve Carrigg 25.10.2018 Northern Star Cricket tour bowls for mental RAMHP Coordinator and On file health Steve Carrigg 25.10.2018 Prime News RAMHP Coordinator Di Gill RAMHP Coordinator Di Gill No link at Aust National Field Days 26.10.2018 Northern Star Taking on the blues Baggy Blues tour No link 26.10.2018 Prime TV Orange Mental Health and Wellbeing RAMHP Coordinator Di Gill No link 26.10.2018 The Central CSU and RAMHP join forces RAMHP Coordinator Di Gill https://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/story/572498 Western Daily to assess farmers’ health 9/health-and-fashion-take-centrestage-at-australian- national-field-days/

29 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 6: Media Activity cont.

Date Media Type Topic Spokesperson Link NOVEMBER November Westpac Article Drought and RAMHP RAMHP Coordinator Tessa http://ebook.wellcomworldwide.com/books/hxix/#p=19 Caton November Grenfell Record Mental Health First Aid RAMHP Coordinator Di Gill No link

1.11.2018 North Coast PHN Healthy Towns celebrates RAMHP Northern team https://ncphn.org.au/archives/news/healthy-towns- newsletter online community wellbeing mentioned celebrates-community-wellbeing-xcm-x7 1.11.2018 The Western Funding approved for RAMHP mentioned https://www.westernmagazine.com.au/story/5735818/f Magazine weekend in Canowindra to unding-approved-for-weekend-coming-together-in-aid- support farmers of-farmers/ 2.11.2018 ABC South East Drought event “bring on the RAMHP Coordinator Jennie No link rain” Keioskie 6.11.2018 The Western Band Together Farmers CRRMH mentioned https://www.westernmagazine.com.au/story/5742321/ Magazine Parkes festival to raise community-singers-to-come-together-for-drought- awareness funds relief-concert/ 6.11.2018 The Muswellbrook Rural Adversity Mental Muswellbrook Mens Shed https://www.muswellbrookchronicle.com.au/story/574 Chronicle Health Program celebration 2570/putting-mens-health-on-the-map/ 6.11.2018 The Champion Post Music legends come CRRMH mentioned https://www.parkeschampionpost.com.au/story/57364 together for mental health at 96/clean-teq-sunrise-gets-behind-health-and-well- Parkes Concert being-at-band-together-farmers/ 12.11.2018 Prime News Central Baggy blues and RAMHP RAMHP Coordinator Camilla No link West Kenny 12.11.2018 Grenfell Record and Mental Health First Aid RAMHP Coordinator Di Gill https://www.grenfellrecord.com.au/story/5752577/men Bland Advertiser tal-health-first-aid/ 12.11.2018 Yass Tribune Movember RAMHP Coordinator Judy No link Carmody

29 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 6: Media Activity cont.

Date Media Type Topic Spokesperson Link NOVEMBER 12.11.2018 CE News Men’s Health at forefront in RAMHP Coordinator Letitia On file (newsletters) Guyra Cross 12.11.2018 WIN News Central Baggy Blues and RAMHP RAMHP Coordinator Camilla No link West Kenny 13.11.2018 Dubbo Daily Liberal Baggy Blues and RAMHP RAMHP Coordinator Camilla No link Kenny 14.11.2018 Daily Liberal Dubbo Band Together Farmers CRRMH https://www.dailyliberal.com.au/story/5760281/band- Concert provides support for together-gig-will-benefit-rural-remote-mental-health/ drought-affected farmers and communities 15.11.2018 ABC Tamworth Band Together Farmers CRRMH Senior No link Development Officer Vanessa Delaney 15.11.2018 Parkes Champion Band Together Farners CRRMH Senior https://www.parkeschampionpost.com.au/story/57553 Post Development Officer 93/gig-will-benefit-rural-remote-mental-health/ Vanessa Delaney 16.11.2018 Forbes Advocate Parkes concert helps CRRMH https://www.forbesadvocate.com.au/story/5763079/gi CRRMH provide mental g-will-benefit-rural-remote-mental-health/ health support for drought affected farmers and communities 16.11.2018 Prime News Band Together Farmers CRRMH Senior https://www.facebook.com/PRIME7NewsCentralWest/ Development Officer videos/183943482547736/ Vanessa Delaney and RAMHP Manager Tessa Caton

29 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 6: Media Activity cont.

Date Media Type Topic Spokesperson Link NOVEMBER 17.11.2018 ABC Weekender Band Together Farmers CRRMH Director Prof David No link with Simon Marnie Perkins (LIVE) 19.11.2O18 ABC Central West Band Together Farmers CRRMH Director Prof David No link Perkins 19.11.2018 ABC Rural and Worker mental health during RAMHP Coordinator Camilla No link ABC Western drought Kenny Plains (Rural report and local news) 20.11.2018 Prime News Central Band Together Farmers CRRMH mentioned https://www.facebook.com/PRIME7NewsCentralWest/ West videos/2077197785674823/ 20.11.2018 ABC Western Baggy Blues Tour to Dubbo RAMHP Coordinator Camilla No link Plains Kenny 20.11.2018 The Parkes Band Together Farmers CRRMH mentioned and https://www.parkeschampionpost.com.au/story/57646 Champion Post photos 42/band-together-farmers-event-brings-hope-to- central-west-photos/ 22.11.2018 Mirage News Ilianz helps bat the blues in RAMHP mentioned https://www.miragenews.com/llianz-helps-bat-the- rural and remote Australia blues-in-rural-and-remote-australia/ 22.11.2018 Western Magazine Band Together Farmers RAMHP Program Manager No link Tessa Caton 23.11.2018 The Daily Liberal Baggy Blues in Dubbo RAMHP mentioned https://www.dailyliberal.com.au/story/5774036/im-not- sure-if-it-gets-much-better-rixon-lauds-baggy-blues- and-multi-faceted-tour/ 24.11.2018 ABC Western Baggy Blues in Dubbo RAMHP mentioned No link Plains Sports report

29 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 6: Media Activity cont.

Date Media Type Topic Spokesperson Link NOVEMBER 28.11.2018 Triple M Riverina Baggy Blues in Griffith RAMHP mentioned No link

29.11.2018 Radio 2XL Getting through the dry RAMHP Coordinator Jennie No link Keioskie 29.11.2018 2NUR Newcastle Online survey on drought Research Lead Emma Austin No link and resilience – Centre for Water, Climate and Land and the School of Medicine and Public Health, UoN 29.11.2018 ABC Central West Online survey on drought Research Lead Emma Austin No link and resilience – Centre for Water, Climate and Land and the School of Medicine and Public Health, UoN 29.11.2018 Western Magazine Online survey on drought Research Lead Emma Austin https://www.westernmagazine.com.au/story/5782825/ online and resilience – Centre for Water, Climate cobar-residents-encouraged-to-compete-drought- and Land and the School of resilience-survey/ Medicine and Public Health, UoN 29.11.2018 ABC Mid North Online survey on drought Research Lead Emma Austin No link Coast and resilience – Centre for Water, Climate and Land and the School of Medicine and Public Health, UoN

29 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 6: Media Activity cont.

Date Media Type Topic Spokesperson Link NOVEMBER 29.11.2018 2WEB Outback Online survey on drought Research Lead Emma Austin No link and resilience – Centre for Water, Climate and Land and the School of Medicine and Public Health, UoN 29.11.2019 Tenterfield Star Online survey on drought Research Lead Emma Austin https://www.tenterfieldstar.com.au/story/5784532/surv and resilience – Centre for Water, Climate ey-invite-to-help-increase-resilience-to-drought/ and Land and the School of Medicine and Public Health, UoN 29.11.2018 Hunter Valley Online survey on drought Research Lead Emma Austin https://www.huntervalleynews.net.au/story/5784404/g News and resilience – Centre for Water, Climate athering-information-critical-to-building-knowledge/ and Land and the School of Medicine and Public Health, UoN 30.11.2018 2NM Muswellbrook Online survey on drought Research Lead Emma Austin No link and resilience – Centre for Water, Climate and Land and the School of Medicine and Public Health, UoN 30.11.2018 Manning River Online survey on drought Research Lead Emma Austin https://www.manningrivertimes.com.au/story/5786618 Times and resilience – Centre for Water, Climate /calling-on-rural-residents-across-nsw-to-help- and Land and the School of increase-resilience-to-drought/?cs=1467 Medicine and Public Health, UoN

29 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 6: Media Activity cont.

Date Media Type Topic Spokesperson Link NOVEMBER 30.11.2018 Central Western Online survey on drought Research Lead Emma Austin No link Daily and resilience – Centre for Water, Climate and Land and the School of Medicine and Public Health, UoN November MindFOOD RAMHP and drought RAMHP Program Manager Article in Feb edition magazine Tessa Caton DECEMBER 1.12.2018 HealthSpeak – Community Wellbeing days RAMHP Northern team On file North Coast PHN (story) Newsletter 3.12.2018 ABC Western Online survey on drought Research Lead Emma Austin No link Plains and ABC and resilience – Centre for Water, Climate Central West – and Land and the School of 6:30am 7:30am and Medicine and Public Health, 8:30am UoN 3.12.2018 ABC Riverina Online survey on drought Research Lead Emma Austin https://mms.tveyes.com/mediaview/?U3RhdGlvbj0xM and resilience – Centre for Water, Climate TkxMCZTdGFydERhdGVUaW1lPTE and Land and the School of Medicine and Public Health, UoN 3.12.2018 ABC Upper Hunter Online survey on drought Research Lead Emma Austin No link – 6:30 and 7:30 am and resilience – Centre for Water, Climate news and Land and the School of Medicine and Public Health, UoN

29 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 6: Media Activity cont.

Date Media Type Topic Spokesperson Link DECEMBER 3.12.2018 ABC Central West Online survey on drought Research Lead Emma Austin No link and resilience – Centre for Water, Climate and Land and the School of Medicine and Public Health, UoN 3.12.2018 ABC Statewide Online survey on drought Research Lead Emma Austin No link Drive and resilience – Centre for Water, Climate and Land and the School of Medicine and Public Health, UoN 3.12.2018 Irrigator Baggy Blues and RAMHP https://www.irrigator.com.au/story/5790457/baggy- coming to Griffith blues-roll-into-griffith-as-part-of-rural-mental-health- tour/ 4.12.2018 The Area News Baggy Blues and RAMHP https://www.areanews.com.au/story/5790457/baggy- (blog) coming to Griffith blues-roll-into-griffith-as-part-of-rural-mental-health- tour/ 5.12.2018 ABC NSW Country Senate Report and response Director CRRMH Prof David https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/nsw-country- Hour with Michael Perkins hour/nsw-country-hour/10565228 Condon 5.12.2018 ABC Central West Senate Report Director CRRMH David No link Perkins 9.12.2018 Northern Daily Givit – giving to a good RAMHP Coordinator Kate https://www.northerndailyleader.com.au/story/579923 Leader cause Arndell 5/givit-is-the-gift-that-keeps-on-giving-in-drought/

29 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018 Appendix 6: Media Activity cont.

Date Media Type Topic Spokesperson Link DECEMBER 13.12.2018 Forbes Advocate RAMHPs Christmas tips for RAMHP Coordinator Di Gill https://www.forbesadvocate.com.au/story/5812354/ta putting the ‘merry’ back into ke-time-this-festive-season/ Christmas. 22.12.2018 Northern Daily Tips for avoiding Christmas RAMHP Coordinator Kate https://www.northerndailyleader.com.au/story/582338 Leader stress Arndell 4/call-to-care-for-those-vulnerable-to-festive-season- stress/ 24.12.2018 Radio 2WEB Self care at Christmas RAMHP Coordinator Camilla No link Bourke Kenny 25.12.2018 Yass Tribune Eight tips to look after your RAMHP https://www.yasstribune.com.au/story/5818024/eight- mental health this Christmas tips-to-look-after-your-mental-health-this-christmas/ 26.12.2018 Braidwood Times Eight tips to look after your RAMHP https://www.braidwoodtimes.com.au/story/5818024/ei mental health this Christmas ght-tips-to-look-after-your-mental-health-this- christmas/

29 | Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Quarterly Report: October – December 2018

RAMHP QUARTERLY UPDATE OCTOBER – DECEMBER 2018 RAMHP Quarterly Update Report, October – December 2018

RAMHP Quarterly Update Report: October – December 2018

This report is intended to provide an update for our key stakeholders on the work being undertaken by the Rural Adversity Mental Health Program (RAMHP). It is intended that this report will be emailed to key stakeholders and also available on the Program’s website and that of the Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health. Please email comments or questions to: [email protected].

Table of Contents

Section Page Number

General RAMHP Program Updates 3

Data Considerations 13

RAMHP Updates by Program Component 14




| 2 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

General RAMHP Program Updates

The Rural Adversity Mental Health Program – Tessa Caton

RAMHP Program Updates Recruitment Updates

• With October being Mental Health Month, Q4 is always a busy one • Faith Rogers joined the RAMHP Team in October, Faith is based in for RAMHP. Mental Health Month activities included: Cootamundra and brings a wealth of clinical mental health knowledge - Launch of the 7th Edition of the Glove Box Guide to Mental and a strong understanding of the Cootamundra community Health (GBG), themed Let’s Work Together! • Priority continues to be placed on recruiting the 5 additional RAMHP - RAMHP Coordinators conducted a state-wide launch of the Coordinators, updates include: GBG, involving an interactive activity to foster community • Nowra Position, advertised and interviews completed spirit during tough times • Tamworth Position, advertised and candidate appointed, est • RAMHP Coordinators, Kylie & Jen presented at Women in Dairy’s start date Feb 2019 Conference – Bale Up. Delegates were treated to an interactive game • Lithgow Position advertised show quiz about your mental health • Mudgee & Orange positions to be advertised in Jan 2019. • Baggy Blues & RAMHP Rural Mental Health Cricket Tours kicked off in Lismore, Dubbo and Griffith. Cricket events have been well attended, Baggy Blue’s members sharing their mental health Report 4 Highlights struggles opened up an engaging conversation about looking after your mental health • 724 People Linked to Care • Program Manager, Tessa Caton contributed to a number of industry between Oct – Dec 2018 strategic planning sessions, including NSW Whole of Government Drought Planning Workshop & Dairy NSW 2019 priorities • 88 Training Courses were • Piloting of Workplace Support Skills training for Rabobank continues. delivered to 1,927 participants This will inform the development of a tailored version of the course for between Oct – Dec 2018 Rabobank, and potential nation-wide rollout. • 117 Community Events were attended by RAMHP Coordinators between Dec – Oct 2018

| 3 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

General RAMHP Program Updates

RAMHP Communication Highlights– Jocelyn Johnston Website During this quarter the RAMHP website received over 3,257 website The Communications team had a busy last quarter in 2018 with sessions (-7%) The average website session was 2:38 mins. mental health month (October), the launch of the Glove Box Guide to Mental Health, the Baggy Blues cricket tour, the distribution of The top 5 pages were as follows: two eNewsletters, the development of new content for the website 1. Homepage – 1,912 views and the implementation of an online and media Christmas 2. Baggy Blues Cricket tour – 427 views campaign in December. 3. Find a Coordinator – 383 views 4. Resources – 378 views RAMHP eNewsletters 5. Employment Opportunities – 362 views RAMHP released two eNewsletters during this period. The first eNewsletter, sent out in October, embraced the theme 'Let's Work New website additions Together' to align with the launch of our Glove Box Guide to Mental New content for the website included: Health. This was delivered to 426 recipients and had an above average open rate. Click here to view. The second eNewsletter, sent out in 4 October: Let's Work Together – Launch of the 7th GBG – 131 views December, focused on loneliness and was delivered to 662 recipients (News item) with an above average open rate. Click here to view. 9 November: Loneliness is more than just being alone – 109 views (blog by RAMHP Training Officer Elise Taylor) 28 November: Calling on residents to increase resilience – 42 views (News item) 6 December: CRRMH welcomes Senate Report – 53 views (News item) 10 December: Band Together Farmers Wrap Up – 35 views (News item) 14 December: Keeping communities vibrant – 194 views (blog by RAMHP Coordinator Camilla Kenny) 18 December: Meet Faith Rogers – RAMHP Coordinator – 40 views (web story)

| 4 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

General RAMHP Program Updates

Media Highlights

During this quarter the RAMHP program received significant media Some examples of key media activity are presented in Table 1 on the coverage. This was largely due to the launch of the 2018 Glove Box Guide following page. Please note this is a sample only. The full list can be seen to Mental Health, the Baggy Blues Tour with RAMHP, the announcement in Appendix A of the CRRMH Quarterly Report. by the Government about the additional funding for the RAMHP program, the Band Together Farmers event and RAMHPs' tips to put the 'merry' back into Christmas. All the Coordinators engaged with the media including RAMHP Program Manager Tessa Caton who was interview by regional and state-wide media outlets about the additional funding towards the RAMHP program.

The following media releases were distributed:

• RAMHP's tips for putting the 'merry' back into Christmas (227 KB) Friday, December 7, 2018 • CRRMH welcomes key recommendations in Senate Report (514 KB) Thursday, December 6, 2018 • Calling on rural residents across NSW to help increase resilience to drought (252 KB) Wednesday, November 28, 2018 • Concert helps CRRMH provide mental health support for drought- affected farmers and communities (499 KB) Wednesday, November 14, 2018 • 'Let's Work Together'- Launch of the 7th Glove Box Guide to Mental Health (307 KB) Thursday, October 4, 2018 • Let's work together to prevent rural suicide (114 KB) Friday, September 7, 2018

| 5 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

General RAMHP Program Updates

Table 1: Overview of Media Interactions (note this is a sample only)

Date Media Outlet Topic Spokesperson Link

1.10.2018 ABC Four Corners Drought support RAMHP Coordinator http://www.abc.net.au/4c Sarah Green’s orners/proud- presentation included country/10326076

3.10.2018 The Land RAMHP and the launch RAMHP https://www.theland.com.a of the Glove Box Guide u/story/5679866/mental- health-on-the- agenda/?cs=5020

9.10.2018 AgChatOz Rural mental health RAMHP Coordinator Search #AgChatOz – Camilla Kenny 9.10.2018 10.10.2018 The Coffs Harbour GBG launch and mental RAMHP Northern NSW https://www.coffscoastadv Advocate health month team ocate.com.au/news/stand- out-chill-on-the- beach/3544802/

17.10.2018 ABC online NSW introduces $90 RAMHP mentioned https://www.abc.net.au/ne million plan to better ws/2018-10-17/nsw- support people after a suicide-prevention- suicide attempt funding/10385736?fbclid=I wAR1PbGtWr1MB_0QFfv WN883hO70lSUxGg3FV mP3HJ86NG64YmphsBs | 6 KzHxw General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

General RAMHP Program Updates

Table 1: Overview of Media Interactions (continued)

Date Media Outlet Topic Spokesperson Link

25.10.2018 Northern Star RAMHP and Baggy Blues RAMHP Coordinator Steve Carrigg 16.11.2018 ABC NSW Country Hour CRRMH Senior CRRMH Senior https://www.abc.net.au/ra with Michael Condon Development Officer Development Officer dio/programs/nsw- (LIVE) Vanessa Delaney Vanessa Delaney and country-hour/nsw-country- RAMHP Manager Tessa hour/10484638?fbclid=Iw Caton AR3NVBgEpYOwW6e5p DRj2fQH0j3P4LQuYYfryc NflgzMsM- MwggNrpM0W6A

23.11.2018 The Daily Liberal Baggy Blues in Dubbo RAMHP mentioned https://www.dailyliberal.co m.au/story/5774036/im- not-sure-if-it-gets-much- better-rixon-lauds-baggy- blues-and-multi-faceted- tour/?fbclid=IwAR01bs0zZ uGp_6s0FG2v-e2zy- 74SCfxjp4LVjz9- 47IAYpKqbSBU79NNis

| 7 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

General RAMHP Program Updates

Table 1: Overview of Media Interactions (continued)

Date Media Outlet Topic Spokesperson Link

4.12.2018 The Area News (blog) Baggy Blues and RAMHP https://www.areanews.co coming to Griffith m.au/story/5790457/bagg y-blues-roll-into-griffith-as- part-of-rural-mental- health-tour/?cs=9306

22.12.2018 Northern Daily Leader Tips for avoiding RAMHP Coordinator Kate https://www.northerndailyl Christmas stress Arndell eader.com.au/story/58233 84/call-to-care-for-those- vulnerable-to-festive- season-stress/ 25.12.2018 Yass Tribune Eight tips to look after RAMHP https://www.yasstribune.c your mental health this om.au/story/5818024/eigh Christmas t-tips-to-look-after-your- mental-health-this- christmas/?cs=1050

| 8 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

General RAMHP Program Updates

| 9 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

General RAMHP Program Updates

RAMHP Social Media– Vicky Smyth

The following table provides an overview of the key statistics for RAMHP’s Facebook page.

Table 2: Overview of RAMHP’s Facebook Page Statistics, Oct. – Dec. 2018

Statistic Impact

149 new likes were achieved during this period, bringing the total • Number of likes increased by 12.5% number of likes to 1,161

Post Publishing this quarter was 194 • This quarter featured a number of sponsored posts for new RAMHP Coordinator positions • A Christmas Campaign was also rolled out this quarter

Engagement with posts: • Total engagements were up 25% − Reactions 2,644 • Posts that attracted high engagement included job advertisements The new Glove Box Guide, and Aboriginal − Comments 275 Mental Health Podcast − Shares 483 − Link Clicks 815

| 10 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

General RAMHP Program Updates

RAMHP Social Media– Vicky Smyth

The following table provides an overview of the key statistics for RAMHP’s Twitter page.

Table 3: Overview of RAMHP’s Twitter Statistics, Oct. – Dec. 2018

Statistic Impact

21 new followers were achieved during this period, bring the total • RAMHP’s Twitter audience continues to increase number to 435

Post Publishing this quarter was 70 during this period • More people directly ‘mentioned’ RAMHP specifically with Mentions increased to 133 up 232% posting. This shows we are connecting better with our partners.

70 Tweets during this period: • The social media community is engaged with our content posted on Twitter − @mentions 133 • Engagement has increased by 145% this quarter. − Replies 7 − Retweets 53 − Tweet Likes 128 − Retweet with comment 5

| 11 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

General RAMHP Program Updates

Overview of Social Media Oct – Dec 2018

Christmas Campaign The 2018 Christmas Campaign focused on “How to put the Merry back into Christmas”. Each of the RAMHP Coordinators gave a tip that was shared over the Christmas break. This was used in a social media campaign on both Facebook and Twitter

Employment Opportunities This quarter, we advertised new RAMHP Coordinator positions located in Tamworth, Lithgow and Nowra.

Social media tiles were created and campaigns targeted the local geographic that each job was advertised in.

Baggy Blues Tour In November, the Baggy Blues Tour visited a number of RAMHP locations. This was a great way to link with sports and mental health. This tour is continuing in early 2019.

2018 Glove Box Guide to Mental Health In October the 7th edition Glove Box Guide to Mental Health was launched around the state with an official event at Orange City Library.

Launch events were held around NSW during Mental Health Month, and coordinators took part in a joint campaign asking communities to write on pledge walls how they Pull Together.

| 12 General RAMHP Data RAMHP Updates by LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Considerations Program Component

Data Considerations

This Report 4 represents the fourth period of data collected using the RAMHP App in 2018. There are a number of considerations which must be taken into account when interpreting the results of this Report. These include:

• Annual leave taken by RAMHP Coordinators during the reporting period may impact on their data presented in the Report.

• The correctness of data from the RAMHP App relies on the accurate data entry of the RAMHP Coordinators.

| 13 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

How Many People Were Linked?

Chart 1: Number of Links Apr. – Dec. 2018, by Linkage Type

303 279


693 724

Number Links Number of 573

Apr - Jun 2018 Jul - Sep 2018 Oct - Dec 2018 Quarter

Linked someone to services/resources to help someone else Linked someone to services/resources for themselves

• From October – December 2018, 724 people were linked to mental • The majority of links (n= 573, 79%) were people seeking health support services or resources by RAMHP Coordinators. This is assistance for themselves. a slight decline compared to Q3, however it is a consistent trend to have a decline in links towards the end of the calendar year.

| 14 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

How Did Linking Take Place?

Chart 2: Proportion of Links Oct. – Dec. 2018, by Method of Linkage • During October – December 2018, the largest number of links 1% 4% took place when RAMHP Coordinators attended community 6% events (n=87, 28%) or delivered training (n=86, 28%).

28% • A high proportion of linkages also occurred by providing advice to another professional (n=58, 19%). Being contacted by other 14% professionals highlights RAMHP Coordinators’ role as experts regarding the services and resources in their area.



I met them at a community event or meeting They attended training I delivered I provided linking advice to a professional in my partnerships/networks Through phone or email contact The ‘person in need’ works for a service in my partnerships/networks The ‘person in need’ was referred from another service Other Note: (n=310). 414 cases were not included as they were group links i.e. when a number of people are linked at the same time for a specific issue. | 15 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

What Symptoms Or Issues Were RAMHP Coordinators Assisting With?

Chart 3: The Ten Most Frequent Symptoms Identified when Linking, Oct. – Dec. 2018

Physical health concerns 91

Symptoms of an emerging mental health disorder 104

Pre-existing mental health disorder 106

Grief and loss 110

Relationship concerns 129

Other 161

Work or financial concerns 186

Change in behaviour 205

Drought 281

Stress 415

Number of Times a Symptom is Selected

• The 10 most common issues or symptoms RAMHP Coordinators • The issue drought (n=281, 13%) was added to the RAMHP App in assisted with are presented above. More than one issue or symptom August 2018, and was the second most common issue or symptom can be selected for each person linked (N=2,173). RAMHP Coordinators assisted with this quarter.

• The most common issue or symptom was stress (n=415, 19%).

| 16 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

What Support Or Resources Were Suggested by RAMHP Coordinators?

Chart 4: Number of Times a Type of Support or Resource was Suggested, Oct. – Dec. 2018

Farmgate 1 Housing assistance service 6 Legal aid 6 Child protection services 13 Alcohol or Other Drug Service 16 Education support services 22 Social worker 31 Non-Gov MH Team 38 Emergency services 40 Carer support service 44 Family or relationship service 46 Material or financial assistance service 46 Social support group 53 Employment support services 60 CMHT 61 Youth services 61 Other 74 Other mental health telephone support service 121 Rural assistance services 131 MH Line or Accessline 138 Website information, online therapy or e-mental health 158 Private specialist 168 GP 333 I provided strategies 340 Printed information 436 Number of Times a Suggestion was Given

• RAMHP Coordinators usually provide more than one type of managing stress during drought and the NSW support or resource when they link (N=2,443). Government resource Available Drought Assistance in NSW. • The most common support or resources provided by RAMHP Coordinators were printed information (n=436, 18%) and • Farmgate was added as an option to the RAMHP App in strategies (n=340, 14%). The recommendation to visit a GP December 2018. This will assist with collecting data on the (n=333, 14%) moved to third position for the first time since utilisation and activity of LHD Farmgate Counsellors funded the RAMHP App was used in July 2016. This may be due to under the NSW Gov. Drought Package. a high number of drought-related resources being disseminated, including the RAMHP resource Let’s talk

| 17 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

Coordinators’ Stories From Those We Help

A woman who recently found out her partner was having an affair spoke with me. She is very hurt and confused and also concerned I met a Banker who expressed concern about about her declining mental health. She is a client with large debts due to drought and struggling to eat or sleep and has a history of previous over investing. I encouraged him to eating disorder and depression. I encouraged speak to the client again and provided her to speak to her GP and also to explore the service options to recommend. possibility of relationship counselling. A farmer who destocked due to drought spoke about being very tired and lonely since his wife died. I encouraged him to seek help through his GP as well as compassionate friends. I supported a man who was concerned about his nephew who was recently the driver in a I spoke with a woman who recently lost her car crash that was fatal for the passenger. home in a fire. She was not managing and He said his nephew is drinking heavily, but feeling anxious about the potential fire season doesn’t want to talk about the incident. He ahead. I encouraged her to access free could be facing legal issues and possibly jail. counselling at her GP surgery. We also spoke I encouraged him to speak to his nephew I met a young Aboriginal woman who has a long history of abuse. about attending a fire safety planning meeting and I explained how headspace could next month. support the family. She had recently left a violent relationship, became unwell and entered an inpatient unit. Christmas is a trigger for her. I linked her to services that have helped in the past.

| 18 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

How Much Training Was Delivered?

Chart 5: Number of Training Courses Delivered, by Course Type, Chart 6: Number of Training Participants, Oct. – Dec. 2018 Oct. – Dec. 2018 168 30 18

39 122 10

17 88 42 6 21 4

23 3,424 2,906

Number of Training Courses 39 49 31 1,927 2 20 4 11

17 Number of Training Participants 10 8 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018 Quarter Total number of training participants across all training courses CSS WSS HISS TT MHFA W&Y VW GTD Total

• From October – December 2018, 88 training courses were • RAMHP Coordinators delivered training to 1,927 participants this delivered by RAMHP Coordinators. The Christmas period is quarter. commonly characterised by less training. • On average each course contained 22 participants. • The most common training courses delivered were Tailored Training (n=31, 35%) and Mental Health First Aid (n=23, 26%).

| 19 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

Who Did RAMHP Coordinators Train?

Chart 7: Number of Training Courses, Audience Type, Oct. – Dec. 2018 • Training courses were predominantly comprised of general General Community Members 23 community members (n=23, 26%) and government or

Other government or council 9 council employees (n=9, 10%).

Community group or organisation 8 • RAMHP is currently delivering two largescale training projects to staff of Rabobank and cricket groups as part of Primary industry 7 the Baggy Blues project. Furthermore, Drought Information

Mental health 6 Events are attracting large number of general community members Other Private Business 5

Heavy industry 5 Examples of Organisations Trained Physical health (eg medical) 5 • Taronga Western Plains Zoo • Eurobodalla Shire Council Sports 5 • MidCoast Assist

Mixed welfare services 4 • Water NSW Audience Type • Office of Heritage & Environment Youth 3 • Veterans Advocacy Service • Lismore Base Hospital Education 2 • Rabobank Housing 2 • Dubbo District Cricket Association • Exes Gym Other 1 • Gill Accounting • John Holland Construction Employment 1

Consumers (of mental health and other services) 1

Legal 1

Number of Training Courses

| 20 General RAMHP RAMHP Updates by Data Considerations LINK TRAIN INFORM Program Updates Program Component

What Audiences Were Reached Through Community Events?

Chart 8: Coordinator Attendance at Community Events, by Audience Type, Oct. – Dec. 2018 • RAMHP Coordinators attended a large number of general General community 50 community (n=50, 43%) and farming events (n=20, 17%). Many drought-related events continue to take place across NSW. Farming 20 • A considerable number of youth events (n=12, 10%) were attended Youth 12 by RAMHP Coordinators in Northern NSW, including Clarence Valley BackTrack visit, the Mindblank tour, youth one stop shop Men 7 health and wellbeing events in Grafton and headspace open day in

Women 6 Lismore.

Aboriginal 4

Carers 4

Service Providers 4

Sporting club 3 AudienceType

Elderly 1

Consumers 1

Drought agencies 1

Other Private Business 1

Council staff 1


Prison 1

| 21 Coordinator Attendance at Community Events If you have any questions regarding the content of this Report, please contact: Tessa Caton Program Manager, RAMHP Ph: 0484 339 996 Email: [email protected]