Final Program and Abstract Book JUNE 4 6, 2015 HYATT REGENCY CRYSTAL CITY ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA, USA Supporters Platinum GOLD SILVER Bronze Friends FAM S & IL RF Y FO U N NDATIO Academic Sponsoring Partners 2015 National Summit on HCV and HIV Diagnosis, Prevention and Access to Care i HIVMA Scholarship Opportunity Thanks to support from the HIV Medicine Association, HIVMA and the Forum for Collaborative HIV Research are able to provide scholarships to individuals working with underserved populations and whose attendance will contribute to the mission of the Summit and further their work in HIV medicine. Recipients of the 2015 HIVMA Scholarship Awards are: • Renita Madu, PA-C, Central Care Community Health Center-Riverside, Houston, TX • Gloria Searson, ACSW, Coalition On Positive HEALTH Empowerment, New York, NY Through the HIVMA Clinical Fellowship Program, HIVMA supports physicians in pursuing a year of HIV clinical training working with medically underserved patient populations. More information is available at or by emailing
[email protected]. HIVMA CLINICAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM Apply Now for 2016 HIVMA Clinical Fellows receive $60,000 plus benefits for one year through the Visit or call (703) 299-1215. sponsoring institutions. Who should apply? Applicants must be third year residents or within the first five years of practice with a demonstrated interest in HIV medicine. Candidates must be board eligible, legal U.S. residents, and intend to establish their practice in areas of the U.S. with large minority populations. ii 2015 National Summit on HCV and HIV Diagnosis, Prevention and Access to Care Committee Members SUMMIT CO-CHAIRS Daniel Raymond Policy Director John G.