Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s


rowth of the agricultural sector is important not only for ensuing food security and reduction of poverty in rural areas, but also sustaining growth of rest of the economy. G Growth of non-farm sectors can be sustained only when the agricultural sector continues to provide adequate produce for food and clothing. Agricultural development creates sources of food for the people, fodder for livestock, manpower and raw materials for industry and produce for the export sector. It also unfolds possibilities of additional employment facilities and income generation in the rural sector.

Transfer of technology plays an important role in growth of agricultural sector. The wide network of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) in the country plays an important role in transferring up-to-date technologies relating to agriculture and allied sector. There are 33 KVKs spread over all the districts of the state, out of which 31 KVKs operating in 28 districts are under the administrative control of Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology. There are two Krishi Vigyan Kendras operating in each district of Mayurbhanj, Ganjam and Sundergarh. One Krishi Vigyan Kendra each in the districts of Khorda and are working under ICAR institutes (CIFA & NRRI respectively). The Krishi Vigyan Kendras take up various extension programmes like on-farm testing, frontline demonstrations, training to farmers, farm women, rural youth & extension functionaries; farmers' fair, field day, exhibition, kissan mobile advisory service, diagnostic visit etc. for transfer of technologies relating to agriculture and allied areas.

Efforts are initiated to formulate action plan for enhancing farmers' income over the years. Several consultations were made by involving farmers, scientists, policy makers and other stake holders to formulate the action plan. Vetting of those modules are done in each district in a meeting of the farmers, line department officials and scientists of the University. This novel approach will certainly pave a path towards doubling farmers' income by 2022 in the state.


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Agricultural Scenario of

disha has a geographical area of 1,55,707 sq. Kms with a population of 4.19 crores. Agriculture is the main stay of State’s economy and providing livelihood support to a large O section of rural population. The total cultivated land of the State is 61.80 lakh ha out of which 29.14 lakh ha (47%) is high land 17.55 lakh ha (28%) medium land and 15.11 lakh ha (25%) low land. About 84 per cent of the farmers are small and marginal and have limited access to resources. Literacy too is a concern for this vulnerable group of farming community. As per Agricultural Census-2010-11, the number of operational holdings of the State is 46.67 lakh with operational area 48.52 lakh ha. The State witnessed a decline in operational area due to urbanization and more of land put to non- agricultural use. Agriculture in the state is characterized by low productivity due to traditional agriculture practices by poor people, inadequate irrigation infrastructure, skewed land distribution, small size holding, low investment and capital formation and natural calamities occurring in quick succession. The climate of the State is tropical, characterised by high temperature, high humidity, medium to high rainfall, short and mild winter. The normal rainfall in the State is 1451 mm, of which about 80% is confined to monsoon months (June-September). The State is divided into 10 agro-climatic zones, viz., North-western plateau, North-central Plateau, North-Eastern coastal plain, East and South-Eastern coastal plain, North-Eastern Ghat, Eastern Ghat high land, South-Eastern Ghat, Western undulating zone, West Central table land and Mid-Central table land. Soil types range from fertile alluvial deltaic soils in coastal plains, mixed red and black soils in Central tableland, red and yellow soils with low fertility in Northern Plateau to red, black & brown forest soils in Eastern Ghat region. They differ widely from highly acidic to slightly alkaline and from light sandy to stiff clays. Soils are mainly acidic with the degree of acidity varying widely. Further, about 4 lakh ha is exposed to saline inundation, 3.54 lakh ha to flooding and 0.75 lakh ha to water- logging in the deltaic areas. These are low in water holding capacity, fertility and having various production constraints. Agriculture sector in the State has an impeccable track record of meeting the challenges of food demand due to rapid growth of population. This can be construed to have been achieved through a favourable interplay of infrastructure, technology, extension and policy support. The net area sown and gross cropped area during the year 2013-14 were 54.24 lakh ha and 90.54 lakh ha respectively. The cropping intensity for the year was 167 per cent. Rice was the major crop in kharif season, so were pulses and oilseeds in Rabi season. The gross irrigation potential created till 2013-14 from all sources was 50.05 lakh ha (33.53 lakh ha during kharif and 16.52 lakh ha during rabi) and gross irrigated area during the year was 35.21 lakh ha (22.54 lakh ha during kharif and 12.67 lakh ha during rabi) which is 70.35% of the irrigation potential created. Rice is the most important food crop of Odisha. Nearly 70% of the state’s population directly or indirectly depends upon rice cultivation. It is grown in an area of 41.8 lakh ha with productivity of 1821 kg/ha (rice) during 2013-14. Pulses are the second most important group of crops next to cereals in Odisha. The state grows ten important pulse crops namely, greengram, blackgram,


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

pigeonpea, horsegram, lentil, gram, cowpea, rajmash, Lathyrus and ricebean. During 2013-14, in Odisha, pulse crops were grown in about 20.88 lakh ha with production of 10.58 lakh tonnes and average productivity of 507 kg/ha. The yield of pulse crop both in and Odisha maintains a plateau since last six decades. Breaking of this plateau is very much necessary to fulfil the protein requirement of vast population of the country.

900 India Odisha 800









1976-77 2010-11 1950-51 1952-53 1954-55 1956-57 1958-59 1960-61 1962-63 1964-65 1966-67 1968-69 1970-71 1972-73 1974-75 1978-79 1980-81 1982-83 1984-85 1986-87 1988-89 1990-91 1992-93 1994-95 1996-97 1998-99 2000-01 2002-03 2004-05 2006-07 2008-09 2012-13

Groundnut, sesame, castor, mustard, niger, sunflower, safflower, soybean and linseed are the major oilseed crops grown in the State. Of these, groundnut, sesame, mustard and niger are the major ones. Now, sunflower is gaining popularity in the state. The oilseed situation demands to enhance the production to meet the domestic demand. Requirement & production of oilseed in Odisha is given in following diagram.


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Requirement (lakh tonnes) Prodn. (lakh tonnes) 21.6 20.8 21.1 21.4 20.0 20.3 20.5 19.2 19.5 19.7 18.5 18.7 19.0

6.8 7.0 6.6 6.9 7.0 6.0 6.2 6.4 5.4 5.0 5.3 5.5 3.2

Among the fiber crops jute & mesta are the most important. Jute is mainly cultivated in the coastal districts of undivided , Cuttack & Anandpur subdivision of Keonjhar and Mesta in the interior districts of Mayurbhanj, Keonjhar and Koraput. The area under jute & mesta is shrinking fast, mainly due to invasion of polythene & synthetic fibers as a cheaper & convenient substitute in addition to the inadequate marketing support. The agro-climatic condition of the state is favourable for production of brinjal, chilli, tomato, okra, cucurbits, greens and bean, peas. Odisha is the second largest producer of vegetables in the country next to . The major vegetables having commercial significance grown in the states are solanaceous vegetables (brinjal, tomato, chili), cole crops (cauliflower, cabbage, knolkhol), cucurbits, okra, legumes, greens and tropical tuber crops (sweet potato, dioscorea, amorphophalus, colocasia). The vegetable growers of the state are now taking much interest in cultivation of hybrid vegetables and high value exotics vegetables like broccoli, red cabbage, lettuce and chinese cabbage. Major fruits grown in the state are mango, guava, citrus, banana, litchi, papaya etc. Commercial floriculture has been identified as a profitable venture which can open up great opportunities to the farmers. Besides, there is vast scope for promotion of allied sectors such as dairy, poultry, pisciculture, mushroom cultivation, bee keeping, value addition of agricultural produce etc. Adoption of various vocations with entrepreneurship mode will enhance income in farm sector and make agriculture more attractive for the younger generations. There is strong need for motivation of rural youth to be involved in agriculture sector by adopting modern technology. It is now necessary to design suitable action plan for increasing profit in agriculture sector by utilizing the potential resources available in the state. In this context, the modules compiled in this booklet will certainly be an eye opener for enhancing farmers’ income over the years.


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Angul is one of the economically prosperous districts of Odisha. It is privileged both by agriculture and industry. A large proportion of the population of depend on agriculture as their primary source of livelihood as well as building up economic stability. The regional homogeneity and the optimal rainfall of Angul are conducive for the agricultural growth of the district. Agriculture is a lead sector of the district which provides livelihoods to nearly two-thirds of total workforce in the district. Agriculture is the backbone of the district economy. The district has significant bearing on the Agricultural performance at the state level.

Basic Information of the District Geographical area 6,38,000 ha Upland 1,28,000 ha (59%) Medium land 55,000 ha (26 %) Low land 33,000 ha (15%) Gross cropped area 3,01,460 ha Cultivated area 2,16,000 ha Cropping Intensity 148% Total Kharif Paddy area 78,000ha Area sown during Kharif 1,86, 120 ha Area sown during Rabi 91,090 ha Rice-fallow 14,000 ha Rainfall (mm) 1,402 Soil type 55%-Alluvial Sandy loam, 31%- Red loam , 14%- Black pH Acidic-60%, Alkaline-19%, Neutral-21% Irrigational potential Kharif- 27%, Rabi- 16%


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Land situation of Angul

Low Land, Upland, 128000 33000 ha, 15% ha, 59%

Medium Land, 55000 ha, 26%

Rainfall Pattern

1800 1581.6 1600 1479.08 1461.98 1444.3 1342.32 1349.1 1314.6 1400 1273.3 1239.52 1200 951.62 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

AES Features Sl. Blocks Name of AES AES features No. covered Red soil, Avg.rainfall-1382 mm, Angul, 1 Red loam with medium rainfall Major crops-rice, greengram, g.nut, arhar, Athamalik vegetables Black soil, Avg.rainfall-1086 mm, Banarpal, 2 Black soil with low rainfall Major crops- rice, blackgram, vegetables Kaniha Red soil, Avg. raimfall-1030 mm, Medium textured Red loam with 3 Major crops- rice, sesame Chhendipada low rainfall vegetables, mango Alluvial soil, Avg. rainfall-1300 mm, Athhamalik, River valley alluvial with 4 Major crops- rice, greengram, cashew, Kishorenagar, medium rainfall vegetables, mango Banarpal, Black soil, Avg.rainfall-1344 mm, 5 Black soil with medium rainfall Kaniha, Major crops- rice, greengram, g.nut Pallalahra


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Predominant Crops Name of Crop Kharif Rabi Summer Area (ha) Yield(t/ha) Area (ha) Yield(t/ha) Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Paddy 90,670 2.78 65,010 3.13 290 3.07 Sesamum 28,470 0.41 10,860 0.41 - - Groundnut 8,730 1.81 2,400 1.95 - - Blackgram 24,910 0.43 12,420 0.45 - - Greengram 20,040 0.46 11,920 0.43 - - Arhar 9,610 0.81 - - - - A. Modules to double the income of the farmers by 2022 through Agroclimatic System Approach Since independence there has been a radical change in production and productivity of different crops by use of new farm technologies which has contributed to a lot in farm income. Though there has been remarkable changes made in this field still the agriculture sector is suffering from many of social, economical and technological problems. The income of farmers is not up to the mark to lead a comfortable life for them in the society of the state and country, Many rural youths are leaving villages for nearby towns in search job. For them agriculture is a non profitable business. To overcome this situation, efforts is being made to double the income of the farmers by 2022 through agro climatic system approach (modules) in every district by KVKs. This will not only enhance the income of the rural people but it will also give them employment opportunities in their own village. The modules prepared for each and every district of state introduces the main goals of sustainable agriculture and added to that the guiding principle would be to diversify risks in farming and pave out paths in agriculture and allied activities which can boost farm income in the years to come. Accordingly KVK Angul has prepared three modules for farmer covering three blocks. Module I suggested for Talgarh village (Talagarh GP) of Angul block, Module II for Banuasahi village (Kanjara GP) of Banarpal block and Module III for Hatiganj village (Kantapada GP) of Athamallik block has been designed to mitigate the low productivity and low income in rainfed upland farming situation, medium land irrigated and landless poor respectively. Technological interventions like crop diversification from upland Paddy to pulse(black gram), crop intensification through utilization of forest plantation, varietal substitution in brinjal (Arka Neelachal Shyama), farm mechanization during sowing, value addition in mango (solar dryer) and introduction of off-farm enterprises like mushroom ,poultry and bee keeping are few to name are to be undertaken in 3 years with an expected outcome of increased income to the tune of 55%, employment generation and creation of entrepreneurs in five years. To address such modules through interventions, on farm trials, demonstrations, training and convergence approach will be adopted by the KVK involving all scientists and line department officers in a synergistic mode.


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module I (Block: Angul, GP: Talagarh, Village: Talagarh) Farming Existing Module Problem Suggested Module Situation Rainfed 1 A. Paddy-Kharif Low yield (17-18 q/ha) Paddy variety-Satyabhama upland ( var.Khandagiri ) (0.2 ha) Area : 0.5 ha Crop diversification from Productivity : 17 qtl./ha Paddy to black gram (0.3 N. Income : Rs.2000/- ha) MDs-25 1 B. Mango Orchard of 0.5 Less return (Rs 5-8 /kg) Intercropping with Ginger ha (local variety) (Unutilized interspace and var.Suprava Productivity: 48 q/ha unhygienic drying of pulp) Value addition of mango for N.Income-Rs.12,800/- increased income (fruit) + Rs.5000/-(leather) 1 C. Home stead Unutilization of paddy Mushroom cultivation straw

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points 1A. HYV Demonstration IWM, IPM OFT on Follow up Regular upland Paddy on HYV (STBFR, IWM in Paddy monitoring of Improved Paddy(Satyabh Biofertilizer. (Application of all improved black gram ama) (Paddy, Oxadiagryl @ practices variety FLD on Blackgram) 90g/ha at 0-3 Incentive for Line sowing of improved Weed DAS) line sowing black gram black gram management and IPM for and PP variety PU 31 in Paddy and sucking pest chemicals Demo. on line Sucking pests in black gram Assured seed sowing Tractor and YMV (Azadiractin(0. supply(DDA) operated Seed management 03%) after 30 through seed cum Fertilizer in blackgram & 45 DAS chain ( Convergence folled by Paddy yield-37 NFSM) Dimethoate qtl./ha Paddy yield- application Black gram 35.0 qtl./ha (0.03%) yield-7.5 Black gram Training on qtl./ha yield-7.0 IWM in Paddy Total MDs- 85 qtl./ha and IPM in Total MDs- 75 Blackgram (Method Demo.) Paddy yield-37 qtl./ha Black gram yield-7.5 qtl./ha Total MDs- 85


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points 1B. FLD on Ginger Capacity Training on Follow up of Post harvest Intercropping cultivation building on Ginger demonstration management in Orchard var.Suprava in intercrop cultivation,sup s and market Preparation of the interspace management ply of Method linkage Mango Awareness on Skill literature demonstration Market linkage leather/ value addition upgradation Skill Training Solar dryer Amchur Ginger through with supply of Ginger powder Productivity - Exposure to Literature Productivity - 80 q/ha CAET Ginger 85 q/ha Leather- Productivity - Leather- Rs.7000/- 85 q/ha Rs.16,000/-(3 (1qtl.) Leather- qtl.) MDs- 60 Rs.10,500/- Dry powder-Rs (1.5 qtl) 5000/- Dry powder- (10 kg) Rs3000/-(5 MDs- 100 kg) MDs- 75

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Paddy straw OFT on Increasing FLD on Up scaling the Demonstration mushroom mushroom mushroom Mushroom, mushroom of PSM in poly cultivation (60 (Var.OSM11, beds to 150 spawn supply unit (300 house, Field beds/month ) OSM12) beds/month Training at beds/month) Day 4 months Skill training OUAT for Market linkage cultivation and planning Supply of spawn for large scale literature production spawn unit Productivity- Productivity- Production- (1 kg/bed)- ((1 kg/bed)- ) 1200 kg production- Production- 240 kg 600 kg Net Income-Rs 60.,000 Net Income- Net Income- Rs.12,000/- Rs.30,000/- Off season (@100/kg MDs- 60 mushroom-Rs 20,000/-(2 qtl MDs- 25 in 2 months @ 150/-p kg MDs- 140

ECONOMIC OVERVIEW 1st year 2nd year 3rd year % Income growth 35 48 67 Employment generation ha or unit/year 160 210 325


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

MODULE II (Block: Banarpal, GP: Kanjara, Village: Banuasahi) Farming Existing Module Problem Suggested Module Situation Irrigated 2 A. Paddy Less Return (20-23 q/ha) Improved Paddy cultivation Medium (Kharif) var. Lalat More cost, time and labour (Mechanization//managem Area : 1.0 ha problem ent practices) Yield- 22 qt/ha Weed problem N. Income : Rs.16,000/- Yield loss in paddy due to MDs-75 blast disease 2 B. Vegetables mainly Old degenerated variety in Improved Brinjal brinjal and tomato Brinjal, Cultivation (varietal (Rabi) Fruit & shoot borer (loss substitution) Area : 0.8 ha upto 50%) Value addition of tomato Brinjal Productivity : Distress sale of Tomato 240q/ha and tomato(295q/ha,Rs24,000/ MDs- 110 2 C. Dairy Poor milk yield due to Improved Dairy farming ( 4 CB cows) imbalance Feeding & with Fodder cultivation Milk yield-21 ltr/day disease occurrence N. Income – Rs 13,400/- MDs-20

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points 2 A. FLD on use of Chemical Chemical Follow up and FLD on Seed Transplanting Transplanter Weed control application(Po IDM for Blast treatment by Paddy Soil testing st-emergence disease with transplanter and STBFR application of management Trichoderma Production:25 Bispyribac viridae @ qtl. sodium @ 4gm/kg of MDs- 70 25g/ha at 20 seed & two DAT) spraying of Production:30 Tricyclazole qtl. 75%wp @ MDs- 80 300gm/ha Production:32 qtl. MDs-80 2 B. Varietal OFT on INM on Brinjal OFT on INM in Biointensive FLD on (Basal substitution in varietal /Training Brinjal Pest application of Brinjal substitution Value addition Application of management neem cake (Arka HYV Seedling of micronutrient in brinjal @2.5g/ha,Rem Neelachal supply tomato(pickle, Skill training Provide scope oval of affected Shyama) wilt Method demo. sauce) on processing for marketing shoot, use of tolerant On and of tomato VAP pheromone variety with Production: preservation trap @ 20


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points avg. potential of tomato ,sale traps /ha, 6 yield of 250 100 qtl. of products times release q/ha ) Tomato during melas, of egg Value addition products:30 ltr exhibition parasitoid of tomato sauce Production: T.chillonis @ (Rs.900/-) 120 qtl. 50,000/ha) MDs-170 Tomato Market products:100 linkage, ltr ORMAS, sauce(Rs3000) Formation of MDs-200 SHGs/through FCs Production: 140 qtl. Tomato products:200 ltr sauce (Rs.6000) MDs-220 2C. Cultivation OFT on fodder Follow up FLD on fodder Follow up OFT on disease of fodder crops Maize (African Preparation of Maize (African Disease management throughout the tall)and cattle feed tall)and Stylo management Skill training year Stylo(S.carba) from locally (S.carba) of FMD and on preparation (1:1intercropp available (1:1intercropp Mastitis of cattle feed ing) in 0.2 ha materials ing) Production Productivity Training (GFY) (GFY) FLD in 48 qtl. 210 qtl./ha consultation (Rs.5600) Milk yield-23 with OVC Milk Yield - 30 ltr/day Training on ltr./day MDs-85 feeding MDs-100 schedule for dairy Production (GFY) 48 qtl. (Rs.5600/-) Milk Yield- 28 ltr./day MDs-100

ECONOMIC OVERVIEW 1st year 2nd year 3rd year % Income growth 30 50 65 Employment generation ha or unit/year 325 380 400


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module III (Block: Athamallik, GP: Kantapada, Village: Hatiganj) Farming Existing Module Problem Suggested Module Situation Homestead Poultry Less income due to non Backyard Poultry (10 desi birds) remunerative enterprise (Pallishree breed) Production-240 eggs and 10 kg meat Net Income-Rs 2400/- p.year ---- Availability of Paddy straw Mushroom cultivation in the condition (non throughout the year and utilization) value addition of mushroom Goat (5 nos.) Less income due to poor Scientific goat Net Income-Rs10,000/- management and disease management per year occurrence Net Income from all sources-Rs.12,400/-

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Scientific FLD with Increase the Skill Training Upscaling the Scope for Backyard 20 Pallishree Poultry on semi Poultry commercializa poultry with chicks per unit(50 Birds) intensive unit(100 tion(PPP) Pallishree (20 household poultry Birds) Linkage with birds) Follow the management Market Vaccination Production - channels Schedule(ARD) 2640 eggs and Providing Yield-240 100 kg meat literature on eggs/year MDs- 35 Backyard Production - Poultry 1200 eggs and Production - 50 kg meat 5400 eggs and MDs- 25 220 kg meat MDs-57 Paddy straw Demonstration Upscaling the Demonstration Follow up + Skill training Mushroom on Mushroom PS unit to 10 of Oyster Value addition on drying of cultivation (5 cultivation beds/day mushroom of Oyster mushroom, beds/day) (Supply of Oyster (2 bags/ day) mushroom and other 6 months mushroom mushroom Skill training products mushroom spawn cultivation (2 on Paddy Market linkage cultivation Yield-1kg/bed bags/ day) straw Paddy s Production 7.2 mushroom mushroom- qtl. Paddy s 14.4 qtl MDs- 45 mushroom- Oyster-2.4 qtl. 14.4 qtl Mushroom Oyster-2.4 qtl. powder-5.0 kg MDs-100 MDs-120


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Scientific feed OFT on feed Disease Deworming of Increase no. of Skill Training and housing preparation of management kids (ARD) Goats to 10 on feed management locally Training on nos. management available disease of goat unit nutrients management, Net Income- Skill training to reduce Rs20,000/- on mortality MDs- 35 Construction Net Income- of ideal shed Rs17,000/- Net Income- MDs-32 Rs12,000/-p a. MDs- 30

ECONOMIC OVERVIEW 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Net Income Rs.43,000 Rs.93,400 Rs.1,13,900 Employment generation ha or unit/year 100 167 212

B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan for the year 2016-17 Activity Target Number of No. of farmers/ activity beneficiaries On farm Testing (OFT) 30 331 Frontline Demonstration(FLD) on Oilseeds 15 30 Frontline Demonstration(FLD) on Pulses 10 20 Frontline Demonstration(FLD) on other than oilseed and pulse 14.8 180 crops Frontline Demonstration(FLD) on Enterprise 1.0/11 78 Training-Farmers and farm women 63 1575 Training-Rural youths 14 210 Training- Extension functionaries 11 110 Extension Activities 363 4682


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Balasore

Balasore District covers an area of 3634 sqkms. It’s climate is generally hot with high humidity. May is the hottest month and December is the coolest one. Monsoon generally arrives in the district from 14th of June every year. The average rainfall of the District is 1568.4 mm. The primary occupation of people in the district is cultivation. This district is mainly known for cultivation of paddy. The blessed hot and humid climate with alluvium soil and intersected by the perennial rivers, which collectively provides conducive infrastructure for the growth of agriculture in the district. Rice, pulses, oil seeds like groundnut, mustard, castor and linseed are grown in the district. Majority of the farmers are either marginal (67.98%) or small (22.11%) with less than 2 ha of land. These two categories of farmers operate only 65% of total holdings. Percentage of large and medium farmers (>4 ha) are very less in the district in comparison to state averages. Thee district is fairly irrigated. Out of the net area sown 55.58% is irrigated in Kharif season and 42.02% in Rabi season. This is much higher than state figures, which is only 46.39% in kharif and 22.27% in Rabi season.

Basic Information of the district Total Cultivated Area 2,50,550 ha Up Land 39,069 ha Medium Land 1,04,425 ha Low Land 1,07,056 ha Areas sown during Kharif 2,46873 ha Areas sown during Rabi 99,087 ha Areas sown during Summer 79,086ha Cropping intensity 154% Annual normal rainfall 1592mm Soil Type Alluvial, Laterite and Saline Soil PH 5.1 to 7.2 Irrigation potential (ha %) Kharif : 43.17% (1,08,185 ha) Rabi : 30.73% (77,009 ha)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Major Crops Name of the Crop Kharif Rabi Summer Area Yield(t/ha) Area Yield(t/ha) Area Yield(t/ha) Paddy 2,17,440 2.428 23,464 5.01 Groundnut 10,145 2.23 Green gram 10,580 0.526 Black gram 7,290 0.513 Mustard 4,170 0.619 Jute 1354 1.252 Beetle vine (Round the 1000 42.36 lakh leaves/ha year) Module I (Block: Bhograi, GP: Rasalpur, Village: Pantei) Farming Existing farming system Problem Suggested situation Crops Other Module enterprises Rain-fed shallow Rice-fallow Dairy Low yield of local rice varieties ( Rice low land Medi, Lalmedi) with less than Enterprises 1.5 t/ha Poultry Rice fallow Dairy Low profitability from dairy enterprise

st nd rd 1 year 2 year 3 year Water/ Energy/ Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action nutrient points points points saving Varietal Seeds of STBR Post- Follow up Regular Nutrient – substitution Luna Line emergence action for monitoring green with Salt sampad, transplanting application practising all to ensure manuring tolerant (20kg) weed (21 days the adoption of Energy – varieties management after interventions recommend herbicide (OFT) sowing) of round the ed practices Utilisation Almix@ year Follow up of family 8gm /acre training for labour capacity round the building year Backyard Poultry Vaccination Animal Upscaling of -do- poultry chicks of for ranikhet health poultry(50 (OFT) kaveri (20) at 2 months camp nos. Development interval of semi intensive poultry unit in convergence with ARD dept. Developmen Providing Value Animal Upscaling of -do- t of fodder 100 root addition of health poultry (50 unit in slips of milk (OFT) camp nos. and homestead hybrid Training on dairy napier value addition of


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

st nd rd 1 year 2 year 3 year Water/ Energy/ Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action nutrient points points points saving milk products Market linkage of cheese and paneer Additional 144 216 216 employment (mandays % Increase 20 45 65 in income Characterization of selected GP Block AES GA(ha) High Med Low(ha) CI Major Cropping (ha) (ha) crop pattern Bhograi Low lying 34121 3591 7253 9566 177 Paddy, Paddy- (Rasalpur) flood prone G.nut, groundnut area Betel Paddy-green vine gram Paddy-paddy • Rainfall – 1964.8mm • Low lying flood prone area • Cop damage due to frequent flash flood • High pest and disease load • Low yield from Ground nut • Prevalence of indigenous breeds of poultry & dairy enterprise Module II (Block: Simulia, GP: Chalunigan, Village: Haripur) Farming Existing farming system Problem Suggested situation Module Crops Other

enterprises Low lying flood Rice- Poultry , dairy Cop damage due to frequent Rice- prone area Groundnut flash flood groundnut- ( irrigated) High pest and disease load Other Low yield from Ground nut Enterprises Prevalence of indigenous breeds Dairy of poultry & dairy enterprise Poultry

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Water/ Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action Energy/ points points points nutrient saving Varietal STBR soil testing Post- Follow up Regular Nutrient substitution Swarna Trg. on INM emergence action for monitoring – STBR with Swarna sub1(20kg) (nitrogen & application practising all to ensure Energy – sub1 Line planting micronutrient (21 days the adoption of herbicid )& IPM(BPH after intervention recommende e & Stem borer) sowing) of s round the d practices Utilisatio


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Water/ Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action Energy/ points points points nutrient saving in paddy Almix@ year Follow up n of Weed 8gm /acre training for family management capacity labour building round INM in Use of VAM Trg. on INM Combined -do- -do- the year groundnut in G.nut ( Rhizobium, nutrient (OFT) (soil balanced use spray host root of chemical ( FLD) based VAM fertilizers & culture@ micronutrient 10kg/ha ) & IPM along the (tikka, root furrows) rot, white Combined grub, leaf nutrient webber in spray( FLD) groundnut (mix DAP@ 2kg + ammonium sulphate@ 1kg + Borax@ 500gm in 40ltrs water, kept overnight, filter & vol. made to 500ltrs , mix planofix@ 350ml) Backyard Poultry Poultry Animal Upscaling of -do- poultry chicks of Vaccination health poultry(50 Kaveri and mineral camp nos.) and breed(20- mixture dairy OFT) supplementat Development ion of semi Discussion intensive with the ARD poultry unit Deptt. in convergence with ARD


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Water/ Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action Energy/ points points points nutrient saving dept. Developmen Providing Dairy Training on Upscaling of -do- t of fodder 100 root Vaccination value dairy unit in slips of and mineral addition of homestead hybrid mixture milk napier supplementat products ion Market Value linkage of addition of cheese and milk(OFT) paneer Additional 20 45 65 employment (mandays) % Increase 105 105 105 in income Characterization of selected GP Block AES GA High Med Low CI Major Cropping pattern (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) crop Simulia Alluvial 20498 428 9822 6460 127 Paddy, Paddy-Toria (Chalunigan) irrigated Mustard Paddy-Green gram Module III (Block: Nilgiri, GP: Garadi, Village: Asanabani) Farming Existing farming Problem Suggested Module situation system Crops Other enterprises Pond based Rice Pisciculture High pest and disease incidence Rice ecosystem in paddy Other Enterprises Low income from conventional Pisciculture pisciculture Poultry Low income from indigenous poultry breeds

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Water/ Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action Energy/ points points points nutrient saving Disease & STBR Soil testing Post- Follow up Regular Nutrient Pest Line planting use of emergence action for monitoring – STBR management Sheath transplanter application(2 practising all to ensure Energy in swarna blight(FLD) (linkage with 1 days after the adoption of – & BPH (FLD) agro service sowing) of interventions recommende herbicid management center) , Almix@ 8gm round the d practices e, (OFT) Weed /acre year Follow up Utilisati management Contact wth training for on of Agro service capacity family center building labour


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Water/ Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action Energy/ points points points nutrient saving round the year Planting of Banana var. INM Removal of Follow up Regular banana & bantal (30) (balanced suckers in action for monitoring Papaya in the Papaya var. use of banana, practising all to ensure dyke red lady(30) fertilizers + the adoption of FYM/vermic interventions recommende ompost)and round the d practices IPM(panama year Follow up wilt,rhizome training for weevil, capacity sigatoka) in building banana INM(balance d use of fertilizers + FYM/vermic ompost) & IPM(ring spot virus, mosaic virus) in papaya Backyard Poultry vaccination Animal Upscaling of Regular poultry chicks of of poultry health camp poultry( 50 monitoring chhabro & birds nos.) and to ensure kaveri(20- floating feed. adoption of OFT) recommende d practices Follow up training for capacity building Pisciculture Renovation Yearling Yearling Follow up -do- through of existing production(5 production action for yearling pond in cent) in practising all convergence convergence the with fishery with fishery interventions dept. dept. round the Training on year scientific pisciculture


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Water/ Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action Energy/ points points points nutrient saving Soil and water testing Additional 20 40 65 employment (mandays) % Increase 75 160 160 in income Characterization of selected GP Block AES GA(ha) CA Med Low(ha) CI Major Cropping High(ha) (ha) crop pattern Nilgiri Red laterite 22417 3372 7191 6737 109% Paddy Paddy-fallow (Garadi) rainfed B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Activity No. to be conducted On farm testings (OFT) 15 Frontline Demonstrations (FLD) 12 Trainings 61 No. of soil and water sample to be tested 1150 Field Day 15 Kisan Mela 2 Kisan Ghosthi 10 Exhibition 2 Film Show 100 Method Demonstrations 25


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baragarh is known as the rice bowl of Odisha for it’s higher production of rice. The district of Bargarh comes under the West Central Table Land agroclimatic zone. Based on the variation in topography, soils, irrigation and cropping patterns etc., has been further divided into four agro-ecological situations namely– Plain land, irrigated, Plain land Rainfed, undulating Plain Drought Prone and Undulating Sub-Mountainous Tract Rainfed. The climate, vegetation, other biotic factors and parent rock types have considerably influenced the genesis of soils for which great variation has been observed in the type of soils in different parts of the districts.

Basic information Agro-Climatic Zone Western Central Table Land Zone Total cultivated area 3,48,747 ha • Upland : 1,83,318 ha • Medium land : 89,395 ha • Low land : 76,034 ha Area sown during kharif 332280 ha Area sown during rabi 105870 ha Total Kharif Paddy area 1,99,195 ha Cropping intensity 135 % Soil type Red & Yellow soil, Lateritic & Black soil Irrigation potential • Kharif : 52.52% • Rabi : 30.08%


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Major crops Name of Crop Kharif Rabi Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Paddy 199195 2.54 59518 6.17 Maize 1920 2.61 488 3.58 Mung 41451 0.264 8846 0.448 Biri 14693 0.263 381 0.476 Arhar 2925 0.95 - - Ground nut 14681 1.33 4763 2.35 Til 1800 0.22 471 0.36 Cotton 6715 1.02 - - Sunflower - - 332 0.86 Mustard - - 4842 0.87 Cowpea - - 1868 0.84 Module- I (Block : Bhatli, GP: Sukuda, Village: Nalichuan) (Block : Bhatli, GP: Nuagarh,Village:Patrapali) Blocks Farming Problems Intervention to Action points situation identified by be taken by KVK ( 1st year) farmer ( 1st year) Block-Bhatli, GP- Irrigated (LI/BW) Local var. mixture -Varietal Seed supply Nuagada, Mulbar, upland of (TMV-2)-collar replacement Devi/TG-37-A Sukuda G.Nut-veg rot &poor pod -IDM measures supply of Soil-laterite (Raddish, cowpea, filling ,weed against collar rot Oxyflurofen23.5EC greenmustard) problem, low -application of & Imizathapyre G.Nut(K)- 1200ha- yield and less pre&post -seed 11q/h- return emergence treatmentwith Rabi183ha -pest problem, herbicide T.viridae (20q/ha) local varieties, low -replacement of P.gourd var. Veg-870ha- yield, poor quality low value (swarna alaukik ) 125q/ha leading to low vegetables with - potato var.(Kufri return in vegs. pointed gourd jyoti) &potato Application of -IDM measures neem cake against root rot & 500kg/ha& soil late blight drenching with Metalaxyl8%+Man cozeb64%@2.5gm /ha Irrigated med land Less return from Green manuring -supply of PADDY-VEG paddy (MTU-7029 with Dhanicha Dhanicha seeds (pumpkin, ) due to-poor soil -Line -seed treatment cucumber) fertility status transplanting with 11189ha-22q/ha, -poor yield of -Seed & Thiomethoxam70 Rabi3391-54q/ha vegetables due to seedling WG Veg1200/ha- seedling mortality treatment -Application of 150q/ha -Wilt complex neem cake/neem based pesticides Homestead -Traditional -Breed -Breed (poultry) breeds, replacement replacement with -low egg lying and -capacity building pallisree for poor body growth /skill upgradation backyard -Improper -Training on house management management &Vaccination Increase in income 16% (%) Employment 40 MD / ha. / yr generated


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Intervention taken by ACTION POINTS Intervention taken by ACTION POINTS KVK ( 2nd year) nd KVK rd ( 2 year) ( 3 year) ( 3rd year) - Intercropping of - Groundnut with maize -Introduction of farm - promotion of groundnut with Maize in 6:2 ratio mechanization in groundnut stripper , (sweet corn-misti/ - Demonstration on ground nut G.nut decorticator & madhuri) single line traily system IPM of pointed gourd G.nut Digger - Single line traily - Planting of potato by potato- -pointed system in P. gourd th gourd(application of 15 Nov -Marketing &value - Early planting of addition neemcake@500kg/ha potato (Kufri jyoti) -Spraying of metalaxyl+Mancozeb@ 2.5gm/lit -Potato (Application bleaching powder @ 10kg/ac. tuber treatment with Mancozeb @ 3 gm /lt. of water) Grading, sorting of pointed gourd & potato as per size - Establishment of cold storage through department of horticulture. - Preparation of potato chips(slices dipped with potassium Metabisulphite0.2%sol ution after blanching Cultivation of Demonstration - Water management -Demonstration of drip watermelon in Rabi Pratikshya/ swarna Application of irrigation in sub-1 micronutrient in paddy watermelon Variety: sugarbaby IPM on Fruit fly -Supply of (seeds) management ZnSO4@10KG/acre & zypmite225kg/acre -poison baiting with jaggery solution10% + malathion50EC Vaccination and feed Timely vaccination & -Commercialization -Entrepreneurship management azolla cultivation -value addition through chick centre preparation of chicken -establishment of Fast soup, pakoda. rolls food centre Increase in Income (%) 36% 68% Employment generated 45MD/ha/yr 60MD/ha/yr


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module-II (Block: Attabira, GP:Larasara, Village: Totapada) (Block: Attabira , GP: Bugubuga,Village: Jamtikra) (Block: Attabira , GP: Kadobahal, Village: Naikenpali) Blocks Farming Problems Intervention by Action points situation identified KVK ( 1st year) ( 1st year) by farmer Attabira-kharif- Rice-Rice -Low income -Mechanical Line -Use of 23303 ha with an 130-140days Rs5000/ha net, transplanting of biopesticides avg. yield47.7q/ha (irrigated by from paddy (MTU- paddy, rice spraying of (95% canal Canal-medium & 7029,1001) transplanter Picoxystrobin irrigated) low land ) -More disease pest IPDM measures, against blast Rabi-21809ha incidence soil reclamation diseases of kharif with avg -weed problem and fertilsation on paddy yield64q/ha -labour problem STB Skip a row through -surplus paddy planting & - 100%irrigated straw pymetrozine for (Bugbuga GP, -more fertilizer BPH management Saranda GP & requirement- -Application of tukura GP) Soil- -distress sale post emergence redsoil herbicde Bispyribac Sodium on transplanted rice -use of mecchanical rice transplanter -water management Dairy Low profit from Promotion of -Providing root (Home stead ) dairy unit fodder cultivation slips of hybrid Rs12000/yr -health napier management -Animal health camp with Veterinary dept Mushroom Under utilization Better utilization -paddy straw (Homestead) of paddy straw of paddy straw mushroom through production mushroom 5beds/day cultivation throughout the year Increase in 20 Income (%) Employment 60MD/ha/yr generated


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Intervention by KVK Action points (2nd Intervention by KVK Action points (3rd (2nd year) year) (3rd year) year) -Promotion of scented supply of scented -Cultivation of Establishment of rice in tail end. paddy seeds-(Kudrat- blackgram on bonds of Rubber seller for -Use of bio products & 3/ Pusa basmati/ pusa paddy field processing scented bio-agents, trap sugandha) paddy -capacity building on - Supply of Blackgram cultivation of scented seeds paddy PU-31 - Cultivation of scented rice in SRImethod in collaboration with Dist. Ag. Dept. Supplementation of Awareness campaign Value addition to milk Value added products vitamin mineral on supplementation of milk mixture feeding prog. With vet. (Paneer/ dahi) –Azolla cultivation Dept. -strengthening up milk -supply of minikits of co-operative society mineral mixture Promotion of oyster -Production of oyster Creation of agri- Development of spawn mushroom mushroom entrepreneur unit -value added products -Linkage with bank & of oyster mushroom NABARD for financial (Pickles & Soup support powder) Branding local mushroom as / koshal etc. Increase in Income (%) 45 75 Employment generated 120MD(/ha/yr 150MD/ha/yr Module-III (Block: Gaisilot, GP: Kendubhatta, Village:Kendubhatta) (Block: Gaisilot, GP: Talpali , Village: Changharia) (Block :Padampur ,GP:Purena, Village :Purena) Blocks Farming Problems Intervention by ACTION POINTS situation identified by KVK ( 1st year) ( 1st year) farmer BLOCK-Gaisilot, Rainfed Upland Low yield from -Varietal Supply of CR- GP-Kendu Paddy-Fallow (sathia/ nuakhai) substitution Borodhan- Bhata, Ganiapali, 15991ha(35q/ha) -Ceasation of rain -Line sowing 2/Sahabhagi Chantipali, by sept end -IWM against -Deep summer 5158 ha upland -Weed problem weeds ploughing by MB rice - STB fertilizer /Disc plough soil-blacksoil application -application of pre through Agri.Dep & post emergence / on leaf colour herbicide chart -Use of manual -ST with seed drill/tractor PSB@20gm/kg drawn seed drill seed- -Demo on -Sessamum in Sessamum (Uma/ prerabi Prachi/ Amrit)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Blocks Farming Problems Intervention by ACTION POINTS situation identified by KVK ( 1st year) ( 1st year) farmer Block-Padmapur Rainfed lowland Low yield of Varietal -supply of Swarna GP-Purena, Dahita Paddy-G.gram Paddy 24q/ha substitution Sub-1 8790 ha low land Low yield of IPDM -Paira cropping of G.gram 2.4q/ha ST with T.viridae G.gram Inadequate soil & -Supply of G .gram moisture to take spraying of seeds var. Durga 2nd crop Tebuconazole+Tri -ST with [email protected] Rhizobium m/lit to control culture@20gm/kg powdery mildew seed for G.gram Goatery -mortality of kids. -Deworming of -Animal health -Poor body kids and disease camp in growth management collaboration with -Diseases during ARD Dept Rainy days -Lack of sufficient fodder Homestead Traditional Breed Breed (poultry) breeds, low egg replacement replacement with lying and less Training on pallisree for body growth brooder house backyard &chick management & Input) Increase in 24 Income (%) Employment 30MD/ha/yr generated

Intervention by KVK Action points Intervention by KVK Action points ( 2nd year) ( 2nd year) ( 3rd year) ( 3rd year) Rainfed upland -supply of input (Arhar Crop diversification -promotion of paddy. + Paddy (Sahabhagi seeds-Asha / maruti) with non paddy crops Sessamum/ g.nut/ Dhana) -seed treatment with G.gram intercropping intercropping with Rhizobium culture (2:4)- arhar 2:5 -Management of sucking -Seed treatment with -cotton during kharif pest of cotton T.viridae -Establishment of dal mill Income by 40% _Employment generated by 60MD Rainfed lowland -Supply of Dhanicha -Shruken bed & -cultivation of vegetables -water management seeds furrow method chilli, cabbage & -Green manuring with -Supply of biofertilizer cauliflower in raised Dhanicha -Application of Sulphure beds -Application of in G.gram -cultivation of paddy in Biofertilizer bed Azospirillum &PSB as ST@5gm/kg seed each


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Intervention by KVK Action points Intervention by KVK Action points ( 2nd year) ( 2nd year) ( 3rd year) ( 3rd year) GOATERY -cultivation of coepea / commercial goat unit Supply of buck Feed management Berseem With improved buck -Nutrition -supply of vitamin Sirohi management &minerals Vaccination and feed Timely vaccination & Commercialization Enterpreneursip through managment azolla cultivation chick centre Increase in Income(%) 45 70 Employment 40MD/ha/yr 50MD/ha/yr generated Module-IV (Block :Bheden, GP:Dalab, Village: Khuntunipalli) (Block : Bheden, GP:Deshbhatli, Village :Udepur) Blocks Farming Problems Intervention Action points situation identified by by KVK ( 1st year) farmer ( 1st year) Bheden,GP- Irrigated -Low Replacement Excavation of Pond Khuntulupalli lowland remunerative of through Paddy-22153ha paddy (MTU7029) paddy paddy-G.gram Fishery Department (36.5q/ha) -green gram -problem of Farming -supply of Fingerlings G.gram4760ha (local-Jhain) puddling system to -Planting of Banana, (4q/ha) -Difficulty in Pond based (G- harvesting during farming 9)Drumstick(PKM_1) kharif System &Papaya (Red -low productivity Lady)in Bund of G.gram due to -Sowing of Blackgram late sowing (PU-31)as intercrop in bund Increase in 30 Income (%) Employement 55MD/ha/yr generated

Intervention by KVK Action points ( 2nd Intervention by KVK ( Action points ( 2nd year) year) 3rd year) ( 3rd year) -Duckery in pond- -supply of Ducklings -Cultivation of Marigold -supply of marigold 20nos (Khaki Campbell) from (Ceracole) seedlings -pond management Veterinary Dept. -Azolla cultivation unit -supply of Azolla & -Lime application in for Duckery Polythene pond -Composit fish farming -supply of different Fish -harvesting of yearlings -cultivation of Fries(Rohu, Mirkali & -Soil and water testing, Cucurbits in bund Catla) releasing fingerlings of -aquatic weed and -Supply of pumpkin exotic breeds with disease control seeds (Guamal) proper density -release of grasscrab fingerlings Increase in Income (%) 50 90 Employment Generated 160MD 250MD /ha/yr B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Activity No. to be conducted On farm testing (OFT) 23 Frontline Demonstration (FLD) 24 Training to be conducted Farmers & Farm Women 60 Rural Youths 17 In-Service Personals 8 Vocational (5 days) 6


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadrak, the coastal district comes under the agro climatic zone of North East Coastal Plain zone with three agro-ecological situation namely, alluvial canal irrigated, low lying flood prone and saline soil group. Out of 270,164 ha of total geographical area 176,026 ha is cultivable land. About 65% area in kharif and 20% in rabi is irrigated with a cropping intensity of 132 %. About 82% of farmers come under small and marginal category holding only 49% of total land area in the district. The average land holding of the district is 1.19 ha. Agricultural production is highly vulnerable to climatic vagaries in most of the blocks e.g. Chandbali is prone to cyclone, flood and drought where as Dhamnagar and Tihidi are vulnerable to cyclone and flood. Predominance of medium land and low land which constitutes 92% of total cultivated land is the major limitation for diversification of cropping pattern from existing paddy cultivation during kharif season. Besides rice, other important crops grown in the district are pulses (black gram, green gram), oilseeds (mustard, sunflower, sesame), vegetable crops, jute, fruits (coconut, papaya, banana, mango). Pisciculture contribute immensely to the agricultural income of the district occupying a water spread area of 3795 ha.

Share of Agriculture and allied enterprise in Agricultural income of the District Crop/ Enterprises % Area % Contribution Rice 80 58 Vegetables 10 25 Pulses 8 2 Oilseed 2 1 Dairy 6 Pisciculture 5 Poultry 1 Goatery 1 Mushroom <1


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Cultivated area and rainfall situation of the district Block Geographical Area, Net sown Cropping Long term Avg. ha area, ha Intensity Rainfall, mm Bhadrak 35424 26076 129 1545 Bonth 28230 22036 118 1295 Bhandaripokhari 23024 15223 124 1265 Dhamnagar 24340 17636 141 1192 Tihidi 37812 21033 155 1370 Basudevpur 52923 32989 121 1966 Chandbali 68411 32033 110 1530 Total 270164 167026 1452 Block-wise land types • Predominance of med-low land restricts crop diversification during kharif and gives opportunities for promotion of pond based farming system • Opportunities for intensification of cropping systems during rabi and summer through technological intervention and integration of suitable enterprises Block wise cultivated lands as per land type Blocks Cultivated area, ha Low Land Medium Land Up Land Bhadrak 9058 14675 2617 Bonth 6703 7627 4535 Bhandaripokhari 9700 6396 455 Dhamnagar 11865 6007 1767 Tihidi 13694 7928 1061 Basudevpur 16093 15307 2535 Chandbali 31342 4051 647 Area and productivity of important crops of Crop Season Area, ha Productivity, q/ha Rice Kharif 161468 45 Summer 11014 42.2 Greengram Summer, Rabi 8082 5.9 Blackgram Rabi 7333 6 Groundnut Rabi 1067 20.8 Mustard Rabi 1425 6.1 Sunflower Rabi 1278 12 Vegetables Rabi 8508 100 Sugarcane 501 86 t Delineation of Agro-eco-situations of the district Sl.No. AES Blocks Crops/Cropping pattern 1 Alluvial Canal Irrigated Bonth,Bhandaripokahri,Tihi Rice-fallow, Rice-mustard, Rice- di,Dhamnagar, parts of greengram, Rice-vegetable, Basudevpur, Bhadrak Rice-blackgram, Rice-Rice 2 Low lying and flood prone Tihidi,Dhamnagar, parts of Rice fallow, Rice-blackgram, area Basudevpur, Chandbali Rice-Rice, Sugarcane, Rice- vegetable, Rice-sunflower 3 Saline soil group Basudevpur, Chandbali , Rice fallow, Rice-Rice, Rice- parts of Tihidi, Dhamnagar greengram


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income There have been efforts to double the income of farmers in different agro ecological situations of the district through development of suitable modules considering holistic development through agricultural and allied activities. The activities of KVKs have been linked to the module for its successful implementation. Three modules have been proposed after thorough discussion at district level through vetting by the farmers, Research Extension interface and at University level. Module I: Saline soil group Module II: Low lying flood prone Module III: Alluvial Canal irrigated MODULE I (Block: Chandbali, GP: Bhatpada, Village: Naugarada) Site characteristic of selected village • Rainfed shallow low land with high salinity during dry season • Flood often damages the crop • Predominance of local salt and flood tolerant paddy • No crop cultivation during rabi • Dairy is the dominant non crop enterprise Farming Existing farming system Problem Suggested Module situation Crops Other enterprises Rainfed Rice-fallow Dairy • Low yield of local rice Rice-oilseed/pulse shallow low varieties with less than 2 t/ha + Dairy + Poultry land • Flood often damages the crop • Rice fallow due to salinity during rabi • Low profitability from dairy enterprise Technological intervention to be included in proposed Module I and linkage with action plan of KVK 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action plan Intervention Action plan Intervention Action plan

Varietal Assessment of Line planting Demonstratio Follow up Regular field substitution salt tolerant by mechanized n on action for visits to ensure with Salt vars., Luna DSR with weed mechanized practising all adoption of tolerant and Suvarna, Luna and nutrient DSR with the recommended flood tolerant Sampad, Luna management integrated interventions practices varieties Barial, Swarna crop in kharif (Kharif) sub 1, CR dhan management 505 (OFT) (FLD & Field Day) Identification Assessment of Development Demonstratio Follow up Regular field of suitable of sunflower, of nutrient n of nutrient action for visits crops for rice safflower, management and weed ensuring fallow (Rabi) mustard, strategy for management adoption of blackgram, paira crop strategy for all greengram as rice paira interventions paira crop in crop (FLD) in rabi rice fallow (OFT)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action plan Intervention Action plan Intervention Action plan

Development Providing 100 . Value addition . Training on . Follow up, . Ex trainees of fodder unit root slips of in milk value addition impact Sammelan in homestead nappier from . AI for of milk analysis and (Kharif) KVK upgradation of products training existing breed . AI through ARD dept. Development Demonstration Poultry Ca Oyster grit for Increasing the  Follow up of poultry unit on backyard supplementatio Ca poultry to 50 training for (Rabi) poultry with n supplement birds capacity colour (OFT) Entrepenuer building birds.(FLD) ship  Skill training Development development and facilitation of semi on poultry through linkage intensive feed from with Line dept poultry unit locally and banks for (20 birds)in available entrepreneursh convergence nutrient ip with ARD dept. sources % Increase in 20 45 70 income Additional 150 220 320 Employment generated,MD Module II (Block: Dhamnagar, GP: Radhaballavpur, Village: Solagan) Site characteristic of selected village • Frequent flood damages the rice crop • Rice-blackgram is taken up in large areas in shallow lowlands • Mushroom is growing as remunerative enterprise in the block of Dhamnagar Farming Existing farming system Problem Suggested Module situation Crops Other enterprises Rainfed Rice-blackgram . Rice crop damage due to Rice-blackgram paira shallow paira frequent flood due to +Mushroom+Poultry lowland use of flood susceptible varieties . High incidence of insect and disease pests . Low yield from paira crop due to poor nutrient and soil health management


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Technological intervention to be included in proposed Module II and linkage with action plan of KVK 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action plan Intervention Action plan Intervention Action plan Varietal Demonstration Line sowing Demonstration Brown Demonstration substitution of flood with seed drill on mechanical manuring in on brown with Swarna tolerant rice along with DSR with ICM rice with manuring (FLD sub-1 (Kharif) variety Swarna integrated (FLD & Field Sesbania & Field Day sub 1 (FLD & crop Day Follow up Regular field Field Day managment for ensuring visits adoption of previous interventions Nutrient Assessment of Identification Assessment of Growing the Monitoring by management nutrient of better blackgram var. best blackgram field visit practices in management yielding Ujala/PU var. Cultivation rice-blackgram strategy, P blackgram var. 19/Prasad for (Farmer) on system application to for paira paira (OFT) basis (Rabi) rice and Post harvest nutrient spray management to blackgram for safe (OFT) storage (Rabi) Demonstration on Super bag for safe storage (FLD & Field Day Introduction of Development Poultry Ca Oyster grit for Strengthening . Farmer by own poultry of semi- supplementati Ca supplement poultry by . Enterprenuers enterprise intensive on (OFT) increasing to hip (Kharif) poultry unit in 50 birds development convergence for poultry mode with feed from ARD dept. locally Demonstration available on backyard materials poultry colour birds, Pallisree. (FLD & Field Day) Introduction of  Method  Increasing . Field visit to paddy straw demonstration mushroom ensure it mushroom on mushroom beds to 10 per . Cost to be production, 5 bed day from 5 borne by beds/day preparation farmer (Kharif) and production . Introduction of . Method . Enhancement . Field visit to Oyster demonstration in oyster ensure it mushrrom 5 on mushroom activities (10 . Cost to be beds/day bed beds/day) borne by (Winter) preparation farmer and production


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action plan Intervention Action plan Intervention Action plan Additional 70 150 150 Employment generated (MD) % Increase in 25 55 75 income Module III (Alluvial Canal Irrigated) (Block: Bhadrak, GP: Ambroli ,Village: Talanga) Site characteristic of selected village • Canal irrigated area with high productivity of rice during kharif • Ricevegetable is grown with lift irrigation • Availability of large number of ponds with fishery activity • Low profitability from small because of fish production Farming Existing farming system Problem Suggested situation Crops Other Module enterprises Irrigated Rice- Fishery • Low rice yield due to imbalanced Rice-Vegetable medium-low vegetables fertilizer application and incidence of +Fishery+Fruits+ land insect disease pest of old HYVs Vermi- (Small- • High incidence of insect-disease pest compost+Poultry medium in vegetable (Pond-based farmer) • Low fish yield due to improper farming system) stocking and feed management in low production potential small ponds Technological intervention to be included in proposed Module III and linkage with action plan of KVK 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Varietal Assessment of Agronomic Demonstration Follow up for Field visits substitution of CR Dhan 300, CR management on integrated ensuring swarna, CR Dhan 303, CR of the best crop adoption of 1009 with new Dhan 304, CR var. from OFT management of intervened vars. (Kharif) Dhan 305, CR results rice (FLD & technology Dhan 306, Field Day Maudamani, Ranidhan (OFT)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points . Introduction of . Demonstration . Introduction . Demonstration Monitoring Facilitating for tissue culture of tissue culture of off season on off season for ensuring getting tissue banana banana (FLD & and high tomato, planting of culture (Bantala), Field Day) valued cabbage, tissue culture material from . Varietal . Planting material vegetables cauliflower banana OUAT (Cost to improvement from KVK on . Introduction (FLD) be borne by in papaya improved papaya of Elephant . Providing farmer) . Capacity (cost to be borne foot yam, Yam planting building of by farmer) material of yam farmers for . Training on and elephant insect-disease IPDM of foot yam pest vegetable crops through management Horticulture department Substitution of Training on fish Round the . Training on Follow up . Regular field fish grow out seed production year fish seed production of action for visits operation with (Training) stunted ensuring the fish seed Production fingerlings and adoption of production in Providing spawn technology yearlings for intervened small ponds from KVK or Increased fish more practices other govt. spawn profitability hatchery (Cost survival rate (Training) borne by farmer) . Assessment of MnSO4 and yeast powder in increasing survival rate of fish spawns (OFT) Vermicompos Development Strengthening Additional ting of one vermicompos one unit of vermicompost t activities vermicompost unit in Follow up ing convergence measures for Field visits for mode with continuance monitoring ATMA & of the activities Horticulture vermicompos department ting Method demonstration on vermicomposti ng Training on process of harvesting vermicompost Introduction Development Strengthening Increasing the of poultry of semi- of poultry number of enterprise intensive activities birds to 50 poultry unit in (Farmer to


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points convergence bear the cost) mode with ARD dept. Demonstration on backyard poultry colour birds, Pallisree. (20 birds) (FLD & Field Day) Additional 50 220 250 Employment generated, MD % increase in 20 55 70 income B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Activities Target Number No. of of activity farmers On farm testing (OFT) 18 190 Frontline Demonstration (FLD) 20 50 Frontline Demonstration on Pulses 20 50 Frontline Demonstration Other than Oilseed and pulse crops 11.7 81 Frontline Demonstration on Enterprise 9 122 Training-Farmers and farm women 71 1920 Training-Rural youths 10 205 Training- Extension functionaries 9 185 Extension Activities 192 5745 Seed Production (Number of activity as seeds in quintal) 281 350 Planting material (Number of activity as quantity of planting material in 12300 230 quintal) Seedling Production (Number of activity as number of seedlings in numbers) 31500 300 Other Bio- products (No. of quantity) Vermicompost-qunital 25 100 Other Bio- products (No. of quantity) Vermiculture in kg 10 kg 10 Live stock products-Stunted yearlings, Spawns (IMC), 50,55,000 (in numbers), Juveniles Activities of Soil and Water Testing Laboratory 1000 500 Kisan Mobile Advisory (KVK-KMA) 100 8000 SAC Meeting (Date & no. of core/ official members) 2 50 Literature to be Developed/Published 8 4000


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bolangir The geographical area of Bolangir district is 657500 ha out of which forest area constitutes 23% of the total geographical area. Agriculture is the main economic activity in the district followed by diary, poultry, fishery, goatery & sheep rearing. Collection of minor forest produce & making of sal leave plates/cups etc. The major food crops of the district is Paddy. Pulses like Red gram, Green gram, Black gram, Oilseeds like, Groundnut, Sunflower, Mustard & Til are grown in the district. Cotton is the main cash crop followed Sugarcane.

Basic information of the district Geographical Area 657500 ha Net Sown Area 3,45,475 ha Area Under Forest 1,54,385 ha Irrigated Land 46935 ha (Kharif) Area under Kharif crops 3,45,475 ha Area under Rabi crops 1,14,844 ha Cropping intensity 133.2 % Agro Climatic Zone West Central Table Land Annual Rainfall 1289.8 mm Soil type of the district Red Soil Laterite & Lateritic soil Mixed Red & Yellow, Mixed Red & Black Major enterprises in the District Agriculture based (Rice, pulses, oilseeds Vegetables and Fruits), Diary Poultry, Fishery & Goatery, Total Population 1436837 No. of Villages 1764 No. of Gram Panchayats 285 No. of Blocks 14


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income MODULE I (Block: Puintala, GP: Bairasar, Village: Banabahal) Major crop : Paddy, Vegetables, Greengram / Cultivated area in block : Lowland – 7470 ha; medium land : 5413 ha; Upland : 9112 ha. AES-II (Plain land, Rainfed) Blocks : Gudvella, Puintala, Parts of Bolangir & Agalpur Farming Existing farming system Problem Suggested Module situation Crops Other Enterprises Rain-fed , 1.Rice Dairy, Low yield (14 q/ha), severe For Upland Plain land (Khandagiri)- Poultry weed infestation, Incidence of fallow (upland) Gundhy bug Sweet corn/ - upland Vegetable- Ent. like 2. Rice (Lalat)- Low yield (15.5q/ha) due to Mushrooom, Poultry, fallow (Medium terminal drought, Weed & pest fruit plantation land) problem (blast/stem borer/leaf folder) For Medium land 3. Rice (Pooja)- – Med. Land Greengram Low yield in paddy(20 q/ha.) Paddy-Greengram (paira) (Low due to BPH incidence; and Ent. like land) transplant of 30-35 day old Mushrooom, seedling/ Low yield in Poultry, Greengram (1.2q/ha) due local homestead fruit var., weed problem and YMV infection For Lowland - Low land Paddy-Greengram Low yield of milk/ no and Ent. like mineral mix. in feed of Mushrooom, livestock/ Insufficient green Poultry, fodder/ mortality of kids, Poor homestead fruit body grwth. / Underutilized homestead

1st year ( 30 % increase in 2nd year ( 55 % increase in 3rd year(80% increase) income) income) Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Upland Early sowing of Crop diversifi Early sowing sweet corn var. Regular field .Crop sweet corn var. cation, of sweet corn madhuri/ visit, Follow up diversification madhuri/Sugar Water var. Sugar-555 by trainings, . Herbicide -555 by June 3rd conservation madhuri/Suga June 3rd wk market linkage application wk ; Foliar r-555 by June Repeat of Tech. . PP measures spray of 2 % 3rd wk in 75% of 2nd yr., DAP ; Herbicide field; Short Follow up Pendimethalin duration measures for @ 2.5 lit/ ha. at vegetables adoption of the 2-3 DAS ; Cowpea/Okra module, Whorl etc in other 25 upscaling of application of % of field,/ tech. granular Small water insecticide to holding manage stem structure borer. (10% area) for life saving irrigation


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year ( 30 % increase in 2nd year ( 55 % increase in 3rd year(80% increase) income) income) Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Med. Land Advancing . Varietal Short duration 2nd yr tech. field visit, . Crop transplanting substitution; Paddy Follow up Follow up management by 15 Crop (Naveen/ measures for trainings, . Paira crop days(Lalat) , substitution Sahabhagidha adoption of the market linkage Need based n) ; Greengram module, plant var. OBGG-52 Upscaling of protection for (sole crop) tech. BPH with STB Paira nutrient appln Greengram var. ( OBGG-52), YMV mgt. Low land Early Increasing Hybrid Paddy ( Tech. of 2nd Regular field . Line trans- transplanting crop Rajluxmi), 15 year, measures visit, Follow up planting of 21 day old productivity day early for adoption of trainings, . Pest/ nutr. seedling; Line by var. transplant; the module market linkage Managt. sowing of substitution Greengram greengram (Durga) with (local) , seed tech. package dressing , Demonstration spraying of 2% , STBF DAP Health & Feed Deworming of Health & Feed Management Same Promotion of mgt./ kids, mgt./ as in 1st yr. technology as small scale Enterprise like vaccination; Enterprise ;Tissue culture in 2nd year ; mushroom Mushroom, OUAT Mineral like Banana ( 10 Upscaling unit (20 poultry and mixture @ 50 mushroom, no. ); Dhingri through beds/day) homestead gm/cow for 3 Poultry and Paddy training, fruit sapling months; straw Market linkage Dhingri mushroom (40 mushroom 20 beds); Poultry beds; Papaya, bird Pallishree Pomogranate ( 30 nos) (5 no each), Poultry bird Pallishree (10 nos) MODULE- II (Block: Patnagarh, GP: Tamiyan, Village: Tamiyan) AES-III(Undulating land, Irrigated) Blocks: Patnagarh, Belpara, Saintala, Deogaon, Titlagarh Major crop : Paddy, Vegetables, Greengram , G.nut, Cotton/ Cultivated area in block : Lowland – 10574 ha; medium land : 10109 ha; Upland : 20437 ha. Farming Existing farming system Problem Suggested situation Crops Other Module enterprises Irrigated , 1.Cotton- Fallow Dairy, # Low yield of Cotton due to Rice/Cotton/ st Undulating (upland) Poultry sowing in July 1 wk.(4.8 q/ha), G.nut – land 2. Groundnut - no herbicide application , Enterprises like vegetables # Severe infestation of sucking Poultry, (Medium land) pests in Cotton like white fly and Mushroom, leaf hopper Dairy


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Existing farming system Problem Suggested situation Crops Other Module enterprises 3.Rice (Swarna)- # High incidence of Weed and Greengram white grub in Groundnut and (direct sown) diseases (semi-low land) # Low yield of paddy ( 22q/ha) , Weed & pest problem (BPH/stem borer/leaf folder) # Low yield(Green gram) due to poor crop and nutrient management(50kg DAP/ha), no herbicide # Low yield of Chilli, Brinjal, Onion due to wilting , defoliators, borers, viral diseases

1st year ( 25 % increase in 2nd year ( 50 % increase in 3rd year (80% increase income) income) Interven-tion Action points Intervention Action points Interventi- on Action points Upland Sowing of Crop Inter cropping Intervention as Cotton+ .Crop Cotton by 4th diversification of Cotton + in 2nd yr. Blackgram management wk. of June, through Blackgram in Upscaling of Onion (B. . Interculture Herbicide intercropping; 1: 2 module Sweta)& operation pendimethalin Weed ratio(sowing Capsicum/ . PP measures @ 2.5 lit/ha at management two rows B. Broccoli 2-3 DAS, gram in Toping at 90 interspaces of DAS; Need cotton); Onion based spray of (AFDR)& Difenthiuron Cauliflower @ 1gm/lit ; Med. Land Imazethapyr Crop Groundnut as Intervention as G.Nut , Colour . Crop mana- 750 gm/ha. in management; in 1st year; in 2nd yr. capsicum, gement G.nut; Crop/ Varietal Growing Upscaling of Broccoli (Pusa Drenching of substitution; Capsicum module KTS-1) , Chloro- (California Radish, pyriphos 2 % wonder ) , Wilt Knolkol, against white tolerant Corriander in grub; Ca So4 Tomato var. bund @250 kg/ha & Swarna Borax spray @ Sampad, 0.3%. ; Brinjal Cauliflower( var. Arka N. snow ball), Kranti, Wilt Spray of foliar tolerant NPK Tomato (18:18:18) @ (Swarna 2% Sampad) Pointed gourd disease mgt.


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year ( 25 % increase in 2nd year ( 50 % increase in 3rd year (80% increase income) income) Interven-tion Action points Intervention Action points Interventi- on Action points Semi-low Line Crop Paddy under Intervention as SRI (var. Ajay) Land; Crop transplanting intensification, SRI (Kharif, 15 in 2nd yr. ; Package management of Swarna; Crop/ Varietal day early Upscaling of demstrn. on G. Plant substitution; transplant) ; module gram protection in Line sowing of vegetables greengram (Buprefezin (herbicide and 0.5 ml/lit for tech. Package) BPH ) ; Line sowing of green gram with Herbicide Q. ethyl Health & Feed Deworming , Health & Feed Management Health & Feed Small scale mgt./ vaccination; mgt./ as in 1st yr.; mgt./ mushroom Enterprise(Mu OUAT Mineral Enterprise Tissue culture Enterprise unit Spawn shroom, mixture @ 50 (Mushroom, Banana (in (Mushroom) unit devt.) Pomogranate, gm/cow for 3 Banana , backyard, 10 Poultry) months; Urea Poultry) no.); Dhingri/ treated straw, Paddy straw Dhingri mushroom (40 mushroom 20 beds); 20 no. beds; Pallishree Pomogranate birds. (5no) , 20 Pallishree bird B. Mandated Activities Summary of the Action Plan 2016-17 Activity No. to be No. of conducted beneficiary On farm testing (OFT) 16 196 Frontline Demonstration on Oilseeds 20 50 Frontline Demonstration on Pulses 40 100 Frontline Demonstration on Cotton - - Frontline Demonstration on Other than Oilseed and pulse 97 crops 10 Frontline Demonstration on Enterprise) 4no. of Enterprise 40 Training-Farmers and farm women 54 1350 Training-Rural youths 10 150 Training- Extension functionaries 7 70 Extension Activities 150 3000


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Boudh is mostly rural in character having 1186 villages without any municipality and one NAC. As per census 2011, Boudh had population of 441,162 of which male and female are 221,625 and 219,537 respectively. Boudh district comes under West Central Table Land agro climatic zone of the state. The soil of the district is generally fertile with low status of nitrogen and available phosphoric acid at certain places. Most part of the district has black alluvial soil. The climate of this district is sub-tropical, hot dry in summer, cold dry in winter, cool and humid during rainy season. In summer the temperature rises up to 450 C, in winter it falls to 100 C. December is the coldest month in the year and May is the hottest month. The rainfall is erratic with uneven distribution resulting very frequently either in drought or in flood condition. The monsoon breaks in the middle of June and completely ends in mid-October, causing heavy downpour in July and August. The normal rainfall of this district is 1626 mm. The district economy is mainly agrarian and the primary economic activity of the people is cultivation. Agriculture is the main source of income. Among the different Kharif crops, the upland rice is most affected by drought. Therefore, diversified land use with low duty non-paddy crops is the best option in these lands.

Basic information Major Soil of Boudh District Sl. No Soil type Characteristics Area (000ha) 1 Black soil Clay loam 96.1 2 Mixed red & black Sandy clay loam 164.3 3 Red soil Sandy loam 49.6 AES features Sl. No Name of AES AES features Blocks covered 1 Plain land Hot to sub humid with a mean maximum summer Boudh, irrigated temperature 40 degree centigrade and mean winter temperature 12.4 degree centigrade and annual rainfall of 1190 mm, Red and Black soil. 2 Plateau rain fed Drought prone, hot semi arid, Black soil, Annual rainfall Harabhanga of 1132 mm 3 Plain land rainfed Drought prone Kantamal


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Major crops Crop Area Production Productivity (Kg/ha) (’000 ha) ( ’000 ton) Paddy 57.40 134.20 2338 Pigeonpea 4.60 3.23 703 Greengram 12.80 6.51 509 Brinjal 4.43 71.37 16890 Onion 0.86 12.00 13910 Tomato 2.37 32.88 13840 Cabbage 1.42 41.06 28800 Cauliflower 1.04 15.26 14570 Okra 2.10 18.58 8840 Mango 2.22 9.40 5240 Banana 0.32 6.38 24590 Citrus 0.29 2.70 9920 A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Module I (Block-Harbhanga, GP-Bamanda, Village: Menda) (Block-Boudh, GP-Baghiapada, Village: Khuntiapada) Farming Existing farming system Problem Suggested Module situation Crops Other enterprises Rainfed Upland Arhar as sole Dairy Low yield from local Varietal substitution of crop variety of Arhar- Arhar Kandula (5qt/ha) and IGA activities like low income Poultry, mushroom Low milk production Breed improvement of dairy through A.I

st nd rd 1 year 2 year 3 year Intervention Action points Intervention Action Intervention Action points points Varietal Asha(ICPL 87- Adoption of HYV Follow up Follow up Regular evaluation of 119): HY, MD, of Arhar with action for the monitoring to Arhar wilt and ridge and furrow adoption of intervention ensure Method sterility method with HYV Arhar s of previous adoption of demonstratio mosaic fertilizer based with ridge years recommende n on line resistant, 160 on STBFR & and furrow Increasing d practices sowing days duration, Package of method poultry Follow up Supplementa good Practices Supply of birds to 60 training for ry income of adaptability, Development of 21 days Motivate capacity farmer resistant to backyard poultry Banaraja farmers for building through disease and unit (30 Banaraja chicks by commercial Making Dairy, pest (yield- /Palishri birds KVK to the cultivation availability of Poultry and 10-12 qt/ha) each) selected of Inputs such as Mushroom farmers mushroom spawn, chicks, units and green fodder seed fodder


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

st nd rd 1 year 2 year 3 year Intervention Action points Intervention Action Intervention Action points points Laxmi (ICPL- Training on seed Training on Follow up of Deworming of 85063): Plant treatment and feed Dairy dairy animal height 160 INM practices manageme activity and and mineral cm, pod form- Training on nt and animal mixture flat; pod scientific fodder health camp Market hairiness, 100 mushroom, cultivation Commerciali linkage with seed wt. 9.9 poultry and (Hydro- zation of OMFED/ gm Dairy production phonic Dairy Others Soil testing for additional fodder Cul. Intervention (4 samples) income /Fodder) s Shed Supply management spawn of Dairy bottle to Feed farmers(40 management beds) of poultry bird Round the year mushroom production Total income 20% 40% 70% % growth of income Module II (Block-Boudh, GP-Baghiapada, Village:Khuntiapada / Amathapada / Isrisinga) Farming Existing farming system Suggested Module situation Crops Other Problem enterprises Rainfed Rice-greengram Goatery Low yield from green gram Rice-pulses Lowland cropping system (4qt/ha) and low income Other enterprise Low income from goatery (Poultry, Mushroom and Goatery

st nd rd 1 year 2 year 3 year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Cultivation of Supply seed Adoption of Use of Follow up on Regular short duration and treatment INM practices greengram interventions monitoring to paddy i.e. of paddy seed FLD on Green seed TARM-1 of previous ensure Sahbhagidhan with gram TARM-1 Supply of 21 years adoption of INM practices Carboxin+Thir Training on days Banaraja Increasing recommended on greengram am seed treatment chicks by KVK poultry birds practices Method Seed treatment and INM to the selected to 60 Follow up demonstration with practices farmers Motivate training for on line sowing rhizobium(20g Training on Training on farmers for capacity of bullock m/Kg) + scientific feed commercial building drawn seed Sodium mushroom, management cultivation of Making drill molybdate(3 poultry Supply spawn mushroom availability of Supplementar gm/10 Kg production for bottle to Follow up of Inputs such as


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

st nd rd 1 year 2 year 3 year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points y income of seed) + soil additional farmers(40 pisciculture spawn. farmer test based income beds) activity through fertilizer Development Cultivation of Market linkage Goatery, and Soil testing (4 of backyard Stylo grass / Poultry samples) poultry unit Azolla Use bullock (30 Banaraj drawn seed birds each) drill for line Development sowing of seed of mushroom Need based production crop unit protection Feed of poultry advisory and Goat services Fodder Shed and feed management management of Goat of Goatery Deworming of Goatery Supply of 40 Banraja/Palish ri chicks Total income % growth of 20% 60% 70% income Module III (Block: Boudh, GP:Telibandh, Village: Rampur/Polam/Badhigaon/ Balakira) Module Existing farming system Problem Suggest Modules Crop Enterprises (Irrigated Vegetables Dairy Low yield due to more Off season Ecosystem) (Brinjal, incidence of diseases and pests vegetables (Nadi Patha) Chili)+ of continuous cultivation of Crop rotation Vegetables Vegetables practices (Cucurbits) More weed Infestation

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Weed Cultivation of Soil Soil application of Training on Regular management Onion var.- reclamation T. viride & mulching, monitoring to in vegetables Bhima Super and Pseudomonas for staking, ensure FLD on Pre- fertilization control of wilting trailing, adoption of Kharif Onion emergence on STF in vegetables grading, quality recommended Use of application of FLD on INM Foliar application seedling practices resistant pendimethalin practices of of ethrel @ 200 production Follow up varieties of @ 2.5 lit/ha Chili ppm at 2 & 4 leaf Off season training for vegetables Post Use of stage vegetable capacity Training on emergence Growth Use of 50 nos/ha production in building vegetables application regulator of pheromone protected Set up market quizalofop Use of low trap structure linkage ethyl 5EC @1 cost poly- Use of 50 nos/ha Off season Value addition


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points lit/ha 20 DAS tunnel for yellow sticky trap vegetables in of Tomato Training on nursery Use of trap & summer with Mobile vegetable raising border crops like micro- message on nursery Booklets marigold nutrients agro advisory raising Crop & Soil application of Application, services Distribution weather Azospirillum & IPDM of Extension based PSB each @ Micro literatures information 5kg/ha incubated irrigation Imparting with FYM + 75 % High value crop training for of RDF like- Capsicum, farmers HYV of Vegetable Broccoli and is substitution by sweet corn hybrid Value addition Training on off Crop & weather season vegetable based cultivation information B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Training Programme Training type Number Beneficiary Farmers & Farm Women 45 1225 Rural Youth 10 150 Extension Functionary 4 60 Vocational 4 60 Total 63 1495 OFT/FLD to be conducted Training type Number On-farm testing (OFT) 14 Frontline Demonstration (FLD) 12 FLD on Oilseed & Pulses Kharif -2016 FLD on Chickpea-30 ha Cultivation of high yielding variety Chickpea Asha with ICM practices Rabi- 2016-17 FLD on Greengram 30 ha Cultivation of Greengram var. TARM-1 with ICM Practices Other Extension Activities Name of extension activity No. Beneficiaries Field Day 11 550 Kisan Mela 2 500 Extension Literature 16 5000 Scientists visit to farmers’ field 250 2000 Group Meeting 6 80 CD Show 36 3000 Radio talk 8 - Popular Article 8 - Special Day Celebration 3 - Ex Trainees Meeting 2 - News letter 4 -


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Deogarh

Deogarh district also known as Debagarh, was newly created on 01.01.1994, being bifurcated from District. It is situated at 84028’ – 85015’ East longitude & 21011’ – 21043’ North longitude in the North – Western Plateau Agro-Climate Zone of Odisha.

Basic information of district Geographical Area 2, 94, 000 ha Net Sown Area 66,950 ha Area Under Forest 1, 56, 000 ha Fallow Land 4,063 ha Cultivable waste Land 7,588 ha Irrigated Land 22,938 ha Area under Kharif crops 66,950 ha Area under Rabi crops 29,579 ha Cropping intensity 143% Agro Climatic Zone North Western Plateau Zone Annual Rainfall 1582.5 mm Soil type of the district Acidic (56%) Major enterprises in the District Agriculture based (Rice, pulses, oilseeds Vegetables and Fruits), Goatery, Poultry Total Population 3, 11, 496 No. of Villages 774 No. of Gram Panchayats 60 No. of Blocks 3 LAND UTILISATION PATTERN Sl. Name of the Cultivated Area Paddy Area No. Block High Medium Low Total High Medium Low Total 1. Tileibani 12,244 5,718 3,863 21,825 2,889 5,718 3,863 12,470 2. Barkote 11,833 5,510 3,582 20,925 288 5,510 3,582 9,380 3. Reamal 11,429 8,721 4,050 24,200 - 8,600 4,050 12,650 TOTAL 35,506 19,949 11,495 66,950 3177 19,828 11,495 34,500


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Module-I (Rainfed Ecosystem) (Block: Tileibani, GP: Sodo , Village: Kalchipada Dihi) Block Farmer Rainfall Season- Land Soil Type Cropping Existing/ Enterpri Category & wise pattern & Intensity Predomin se Temp. Cultivate Reaction ant Cops d area Tileibani Big – 2 % 1351.5 Kharif – Upland Red & 132 % Kharif – Poultry Small – mm 100 % – 12244 Lateritic Paddy, 17% ha Acidic Sesamum Marginal – Green 81 % gram, veg Rabi- 30 Med. Rabi – Goatery % land- Black 5718ha gram Summer Low Summer – – 2 % land- vegetable 3863 ha s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rdyr Module - Up Rice Fallow Low yield Kharif tomato Soil Test Capacity I land (7q/ha) cultivation Based building (Rainfed of local (Variety – Recommenda training, Ecosyste rice Lakshmi, Seed tion, for NPK, Commercializ m) variety treatment Ca and B ation, market Sathia with carboxin linkage and 37.5% + producer thiram 37.5%, group raising formation seedling in poly tunnel in the month of July and transplanted in August, liming for acidic soil reclamation, staking of plants, Integrated management of wilting with (metalyxyl 8%+ mancozeb 64%) + Streptocyclin e seedling treatment and rouging of disease plants


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rdyr and drenching)( OFT and training) Mediu Paddy Fallow Drought Advance Paira crop Continue as m (var. during transplanting Blackgram 2nd yr. land Pratikh later ) as 10 days and Nutrient Promotion of ya) stage, pest early management Paira Crop (broadc problem, planting, Soil of Paira crop (FLD),Trainin asting) late Test Based to Paddy g on use of 19q/ha planting Recommenda (40kg cost reducing tion, for NPK Phosphorous farm (FLD) 28q/ha, added with implements Paddy crop like during basal transplanter, application) weeder, (OFT) thresher etc. Low Paddy Fallow Pest and Green Paira crop Continue as land (pooja) disease manuring Blackgram 2nd yr. transpla problem, (OFT) , line and Nutrient Promotion of nting varietal transplanting, management Paira Crop suitability application, of Paira crop (FLD) Soil Test to Paddy -Training on Based (OFT), OFT on use of cost Recommenda Integrated reducing farm tion, for NPK pest implements management like against transplanter, yellow stem weeder, borer in rice thresher etc. Home Goatery Poor body Deworming of Shed and Commercial -stead growth kids (animal Nutrition goat unit & mortality health camp) management Regular of kids. and disease (Training by monitoring by management ARD) scientist with with the help dept. officials of ARD Poultry Traditiona Breed Vaccination Brooding of l breeds, replacement and feed chicks and low egg with management Commercializ lying and Pallishree for (Training) ation poor body backyard growth (Training & Input) - Less Mushroom Entreprenuer Mushroom income cultivation in ship cultivation from small development, throughout paddy scale(Trainin commercializ the year straw g & Input) ation Percentage growth of income 23 34 48 Employment Generation (Man Days) 305 375 410


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module-II (Irrigated Ecosystem) (Block: Reamal, GP: Tabada, Village: Sadhupalli) Block Farmer Rainf Season- Land Soil Cropping Existing/ Enterprise Category all & wise pattern Type & Intensity Predominant Temp Cultivated Reaction Crops area Reamal Big – 5.6 1437 Kharif – Upland – Red & 141 % Kharif – Poultry % mm 100 % 11429 Lateritic paddy, Small – ha Acidic arhar, 19% Sesamum, Marginal Greengram, – 75.4 % vegetable Rabi- 37% Med.lan Rabi – Dairy d-8721 chickpea, ha Sesamum, Greengram, vegetable Summer – Lowland Summer – Goatery 4 % -4050 vegetables ha Identified Village : SadhupalliGP : Tabada No. of farm families : 105 B. Mandated Activities Summary of the Action Plan 2016-17 Activity No. to be No. of conducted beneficiary On farm testing 6 37 Frontline Deomonstration on Other than Oilseed and pulse crops 10 100 Training-Farmers and farm women 36 900 Training-Rural youths 6 75 Training- Extension functionaries 6 60 Seed Production (Number of activity as seeds in quintal) 12 q. Seedling Production (Number of activity as number of seedlings in 55000 nos. numbers) Sapling Production (Number of activity as number of sapling in 5000 nos. numbers) Literature to be Developed/Published 3000 nos. 3000 Convergence programmes / Sponsored programmes 2 200


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, comes under mid central table land of the state. Major crops are paddy, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, mango etc. There are 6 Agro-ecological situations with following features.

Basic information Agro-climatic zone Mid Central Table Land Latitude 2003’ to 21016’ N Longitude 8406’ to 8606’ E No . of Blocks 08 No. of GPs 199 No. of Villages 1215 No. of Subdivision 02 Population 1192801 Literacy 79.41% SC and ST Population 136501 & 197280 Soil type Red lateritic, sandy loam, alluvial Average annual rainfall (mm) 1428.8 Cropping intensity (%) 195 Geographical area(ha) 4,45,000 Cultivated area(ha) 1,86,000 Upland (ha) 92,000 Medium land(ha) 54,000 Low land (ha) 40,000 Irrigated potential (ha) Kharif – 119382 Rabi – 71571 Single cropped area (ha) 97,154 Double cropped area (ha) 84,494 Triple cropped area (ha) 2,850 Farming situation AES-6 (Clay and heavy clay soil) Forest area (ha) 1,74,000 Land for non-agricultural use (ha) 42,000 Barren & uncultivable land (ha) 5,000 Paddy-Groundnut, Paddy-Sesamum, Cropping system Paddy-Greengram/Blackgram, Groundnut-Groundnut, Paddy-Vegetable


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Sl. Name of AES AES features Blocks covered No. 1. River Valley Alluvial Climate – Hot, Moist, Sub humid, Sadar, Odapada, Gondia, Medium Rainfall Broad soil group – Alluvial, Red, Bhuban,Parjang, Lateritic, Mixed Red and Black soils Kamakhyanagar 2. Light Textured laterite Climate – Hot, Moist, Sub humid, Sadar, Odapada, Gondia, Medium Rainfall Broad soil group – Alluvial, Red, Bhuban,Kankadahad, Lateritic, Mixed Red and Black soils Kamakhyanagar 3. Red loam soil -Medium Climate – Hot, Moist, Sub humid, Kamakhyanagar, Kankadahad Rainfall Broad soil group – Alluvial, Red, Lateritic, Mixed Red and Black soils 4. Medium Textured Red Climate – Hot, Moist, Sub humid, Parjang loam soil low rainfall Broad soil group – Alluvial, Red, Lateritic, Mixed Red and Black soils 5. Black soil low rainfall Climate – Hot, Moist, Sub humid, Sadar Broad soil group – Alluvial, Red, Lateritic, Mixed Red and Black soils 6. Black soil medium Climate – Hot, Moist, Sub humid, Parjang, Kankadahad rainfall Broad soil group – Alluvial, Red, Lateritic, Mixed Red and Black soils Major crops Crop Kharif Rabi Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Paddy 94940 2.126 2082 3.5 Maize 2445 2.0 260 2.3 Greengram 7645 0.5 19200 0.502 Blackgram 11850 0.55 17446 0.553 Arhar 3340 0.945 Groundnut 3335 2.0 8847 2.367 Sesamum 16935 0.5 3145 0.511 Sweet Potato 2185 9.379 985 9.5 Chilli 4015 0.8 2060 1.0 Sugarcane 500 45.86 A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Module-I (Rainfed Ecosystem) (Block: Sadar, GP: Sankarpur, Village: Parbatia) Existing farming Interventio Problem Intervention Intervention Land type system n Kharif Rabi st nd 3rd yr 1 yr 2 yr Weed STBFA and Cultivation of management IPM for groundnut var. in groundnut blackgram Devi With with Skill training Low yield due Power Tiller herbicide on use of Ground to local operated 5- imazethapyr power tiller Upland nut Fallow variety & row seed cum 10%EC operated 5 (Local) unstable fertilizer drill @750ml/ha row seed- production in sowing 40 days after cum- Groundnut, sowing(OFT) fertilizer drill STB fertilizer Rabi in sowing appln. (OFT) blackgram groundnut var. Prasad


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Existing farming Interventio Problem Intervention Intervention Land type system n Kharif Rabi st nd 3rd yr 1 yr 2 yr Application Cultivation of Low yield due of STB Okra variety of to local fertilizer Training on Vegetable (OFT) variety with application IPM, IDM & Med-Upland cultivatio Fallow Rabi Toria var. high to Okra Management n (Okra) Anuradha with infestation of IPM of YVMV improved YVMV practices of practices, mustard Line sowing of HYV DRR- Cultivation of 44 with STB Paddy Line sowing fert. Appln. var.DRR-44 of high Along with Cultivatio with STB yielding herbicide n of fertilizers variety DRR- application Low yield of Medium paddy application 44 with STB Cultivation of Fallow paddy land var. Lalat along with fertilizer tomato (24q/ha) (broadca herbicide application hybrid sting) Bispyribac along with (Swarna sodium10%SC herbicide anmol) with @20g a.i/ha application improved application package of practices (OFT) Tractor drawn Rotavator for Puddling in IPM in paddy Paddy and line Application OFT) Paddy Pest and Growing transplanting of herbicide Regular (Rani) disease local (OFT) in paddy. monitoring Low land Random problem, black Line STBFA Follow up transplan weed gram transplanting IPM in training for ting problem Rabi black blackgram capacity gram var. building Prasad with ICM Deworming of Upscaling and kids & proper Feed commercial schedule of management goat unit Mortality of vaccination (OFT) & Introduction kids. Poor Homestead Value addition training of new breed Goatery body growth Other of mango like Animal like black Mango Ontime fruit Enterprises Mango split by health camp bengal and drop due to pit method & Value sherohi cyclone aamture addition by Upscaling and preparation by RTS commercializ sun dryer ation


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Existing farming Interventio Problem Intervention Intervention Land type system n Kharif Rabi st nd 3rd yr 1 yr 2 yr Cultivation of OSM-11 using Low yield of paddy straw as Upscaling and paddy straw a substrate (3 Commerciali commercial mushroom layers) zation & mushroom Mushroom variety covering the Value uint V.volvaceae floor with sand adidtion Training on during and wet gunny Mushroom summer. bag along the windows (OFT) Module II (Block: Parjanga, GP: Kandarsingha, Village: Kandarsingha) Pond based Integrated Farming System under Rainfed low land situation Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Low Pisciculture Same Low yield Stocking of fishes Stocking of fishes Regular land with as and low 2000 nos SYL / 2500 nos SYL / monitoring to (pond traditional kharif income ac with stocking ac with stocking ensure adoption based) method due to ratio (3:4:3) with ratio (3:4:3) with of recommended (stocking improper other other practices density stocking recommendable recommendable Follow up IMC@500 density, practice (OFT) practice training for nos / ac ratio and Planting of STB fertilizer capacity building also non papaya var. Pusa application on Stocking of utilization nanha (200 nos), papaya (200 fishes 3000 nos of pond banana var nos), banana SYL / ac with dyke Bantala (200 (200 nos) and stocking ratio nos) and drumstick (200 (3:4:3) with drumstick Var. nos) on the pond other PKM-1(200 nos) dyke recommendable on the pond dyke Adding calcium practice Duck (khaki in feed of Duck Planting of campbell) 20 nos (khaki campbell) papaya again, poultry (40 nos) 20 nos poultry STB fertilizer kept on the dyke (40 nos) kept on application on (FLD) the dyke drumstick and Mushroom bed Mushroom bed banana (5 nos/ day), (10 nos/ day), Giving mineral vermicompost 1 vermicompost mixture @ 1% of unit and bee box and vermiwash duck and poultry 6 nos on the dyke and colony feed separation of Upscaling and honey bee commercial of mushroom unit. % Change in come 30 60 78 Empl. to be 180 240 280 Generated


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

B. Mandated Activities Summary of the Action Plan 2016-17 Activity No. to be conducted No. of beneficiary On-farm testing (OFT) 26 Frontline demonstration FLD) 27 Training programmes 100 2195 Farmers’ Fair 02 600 Exhibition 04 Mass Field days 20 800 Special day celebration 03 300 Radio talk 05 Mass Television talk 5 Mass Technical bulletin/leaflet for farmers 10 5000 Newsletter 04 2000 Scientists visit to farmers’ field 180 650 Kissan Gosthi 10 200 No. of farmers visit to K.V.K. 2000 2000 Diagnostic visit 30 300 Animal health camp 01 100 No. of farmers club formed 10 200 Farm Advisory services 200 200 Farmers’ club convenors meet 02 50 SHG convention 02 100 Ex-trainees sammelan 04 200


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gajapati Covering an area of 3850 sq km, lies between 180.6’ to 190.39’ North Latitude and 830.48’ to 840.08’ East Longitude. Climatic condition in the Gajapati District varies between 16 degree to 40 degree Celsius and the normal rainfall received is 1403.30 mm. Total population of the Gajapati District (2011 census) was 5,77,817 comprising total 2,82,882 male population and 2,94,935 female population.

Basic information of District Total cultivated area- 82125 ha Upland 52384 ha (64%) Medium land 17623 ha (21%) Low land 12118 ha (15%) Area sown during kharif 82125 ha Area sown during Rabi- 50875 ha Gross cropped area 133000 ha Net sown area 82125 ha Cropping Intensity 162% Soil type – red loam 226000 ha black soil 97000 ha laterite 110000 ha Irrigation potential (ha) % kharif 33.44 % Rabi 10.055% No. of Blocks 7 No. of GPs 129 No. of villages 1620


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Name of Agro climatic zone: North Eastern Ghat Sl No. Names of AES AES features Block covered 1 AES I Red loam soil, Low rainfall, moderate elevation , Gumma , (300-500 m), Moderate irrigation R. Udayagiri 2 AES II Black forest & red loam soil, Moderate rainfall, High Kasinagar , Gosani irrigation 3 AES III Laterite soil, moderate rainfall, Moderate irrigation Mohana , Nuagada Major crops Name of Crop Kharif Rabi Area (ha) Yield (q/ha) Area (ha) Yield (q/ha) Paddy 28000 39.89 3618 28 Maize 9500 35 147 20 Ragi 8660 15 648 10.5 Black gram 4375 16 8864 10 Green gram 300 15 7789 8 Arhar 4260 25 - - Sesamum 70 8 2012 7.2 Groundnut 725 40 1726 18.50 A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income MODULE- I • Area of Implementation: Gumma Block • Target GP: Serango • Net cultivable area: 12240 ha • Upland land: 154 ha • Medium land: 10688 ha • Low land: 1398 ha • Irrigated Area: 3680 ha • Average Rainfall: 1244 mm • Soil : Acidic, Red loam soil • Cropping Intensity: 161.9% Farming Existing farming system Problem Suggested Module situation Crops Other enterprises Rainfed Rice Mushroom • Moisture stress for Rice –Pulse , Paddy straw Medium (Pratikhya, nd mushroom , Oyster 2 crop land Swarna) mushroom, Value addition • Imbalance use of of mushroom, mini dal fertilizers processing unit • Incidence of disease pest and weed infestation Module-I (Block: Gumma, GP: Jeeva, Village : Padampur) st nd rd 1 year 2 year 3 year Intervention/ Action Intervention / Action Intervention /Action • Early line transplanting • Line Transplanting • Line Transplanting • Improved agronomic • Improved agronomi • Improved agronomi cpractices practices cpractices • INM • Soil test based fertilizer • INM • IPM application • IPM • Fertilizer dose of paira to Rice • Need based plant protection


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

st nd rd 1 year 2 year 3 year Intervention/ Action Intervention / Action Intervention /Action • Piara cropping with Green • Piara cropping with Green • Piara cropping with Green gram/Blackgram with 25% gram/Blackgram with 25% gram/Blackgram with 25% more seed more seed more seed • Seed treatment with • Seed treatment with • Seed treatment with rhizobium rhizobium + PSM rhizobium + PSM + PSM • Foliar application 2% DAP/ • Foliar application 2% DAP/ 1% 1% 18:18:18 18:18:18 • Custom hiring of Dal processing unit • paddy straw mushroom • FLD on paddy straw • FLD on oyster mushroom cultivation mushroom cultivation • Training and demonstration on • Training on package of • Training on package of oyster mushroom spawn practice of paddy straw practice of paddy straw production and cultivation mushroom cultivation mushroom • Establishment of Spawn production unit Employment 400 MD 350 MD 270 MD generation Increase in income 25% 50 % 75% MODULE- II (Block .R. Udaygiri, GP: R.Udaygiri, Village : R. Udaygiri (Block .R. Udaygiri, GP : Sabarpalli, Village : Kankadaguda) (Block .R. Udaygiri, G.P : Mahendragada, Village : Mahendragada) • Area of Implementation: R-Udayagiri • Target GP: Chhelagada • Net cultivable area: 11305 ha • Upland land: 8375 ha • Medium land: 1915 ha • Low land: 1015 ha • Irrigated Area: 1761.2 ha • Average Rainfall: 824.6 mm • Soil : Laterite soil , acidic • Cropping Intensity: 162.35 % Farming Existing farming Problem Suggested Module Situation system Crops Other enterprises Rainfed Maize Poultry Low profit from Crop intensification upland monocropping of maize Crop diversification No soil test based fertilizer Value addition application No value addition of maize weed incidence Irrigated Maize- Mushroom No use of maize stalk Oyster mushroom with maize upland vegetable Disease & pest incidence in stalks vegetables value addition of mushroom Low profit from vegetables vermicompost unit


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

st nd rd 1 year 2 year 3 year Intervention / Action Intervention / Action Intervention / Action Rainfed upland – maize Intercropping of Hyb. Maize • Intercropping of Hyb. • Substitution with Sweet Corn with cow pea (2:2) Maize with cow pea (2:2) cultivation • Application of PMS for . Application of PMS for • improved package of practice for Acid soil amendment Acid soil amendment sweet corn • Soil test based fertilizer • Soil test based fertilizer • Development of marketing linkage application application in convergence with line dept. • Need based plant • Need based plant • value addition of maize protection protection • Weed management • Weed management • value addition of maize . Existing Poultry- feed • backyard poultry with . backyard poultry with management and Banaraja/Pallishri with Banaraja/Pallishri with improved vaccination improved feed and feed and vaccination vaccination • Oyster mushroom • Oyster mushroom • Oyster mushroom cultivation with cultivation with maize stalk cultivation with maize stalk maize stalk . Training on package of • Value addition of Oyster • Value addition of Oyster practice of Oyster mushroom mushroom (pickle & mushroom (pickle & mushroom soup cultivation mushroom soup powder) powder) • Establishment of Spawn production unit

Increase in income 25% 50 % 75%

Employment 450 MD 280 MD 250 MD generation

st nd rd 1 year 2 year 3 year Intervention / Action Intervention / Action Intervention / Action Irrigated Upland – maize -vegetable • Substitution with Sweet Corn • Sweet Corn cultivation • Sweet Corn cultivation cultivation • improved package of practice • improved package of practice • improved package of practice for sweet corn for sweet corn for sweet corn • Development of marketing • Development of marketing linkage in convergence with linkage in convergence with line dept. line dept. • Oyster mushroom cultivation • Oyster mushroom • Oyster mushroom with maize stalk cultivation with maize stalk cultivation with maize stalk . Training on package of • Value addition of Oyster • Value addition of Oyster practice of Oyster mushroom mushroom (pickle & mushroom (pickle & cultivation mushroom soup mushroom soup) • Establishment of Spawn production unit • High value vegetable • High value vegetable • High value vegetable cultivation – Swarna Sampad cultivation – Swarna Sampad cultivation – Swarna Sampad (Tomato), Onion, Broccoli (Tomato), Onion, Broccoli (Tomato), Onion, Broccoli • INM, IPM • INM,IPM • INM, IPM Increase in Income 20% 35% 55 % Employment 450 MD 280 MD 250 MD generation


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

MODULE- III (Block Nuagada, GP : Atarsingh, Village : Atarsingh (Block Nuagada, GP: Tabarada,Village : Janapada) (Block Nuagada, GP. Betarsingh) • Area of Implementation: Nuagada Block • Target GP: Attarsing • Net cultivable area: 7420 ha • Upland land: 6099 ha • Medium land: 888 ha • Low land: 433 ha • Irrigated Area: 1325.8 ha • Average Rainfall: 1250.6 mm • Soil : laterite soil, Acidic • Cropping Intensity: 166.7 % Existing farming Farming system Suggested Module Problem Situation Other Crops enterprises • No intercropping in orchard Intercropping with Turmeric/Ginger/ Rainfed Mango • No proper Pineapple in mango orchard , value - Upland orchard orchard addition of Turmeric & pineapple, management Apiculture, Backyard poultry • No value addition

1ST YEAR 2ND YEAR 3RD YEAR Intervention /Action Intervention /Action Intervention /Action . Maintenance of orchard . Maintenance of orchard . Maintenance of orchard . Pruning, nutrient . Intercropping with . Intercropping with management & application GA3 Turmeric and Ginger Turmeric and Ginger for fruit drop control, IPM . Value addition of Turmeric . Value addition of Turmeric . Intercropping with Turmeric and Ginger . Establishment of apiary( 10 . Apiary . Apiary bee boxes with colony) . Skill development training to . Skill development training to . Training & demonstration rural youth for rural youth for on bee keeping and honey entrepreneurship in apiary of entrepreneurship in apiary of extraction nearby area nearby area . Marketing development . Marketing development . Marketing development through producer group through producer group through producer group formation & convergence with formation & convergence with formation & convergence with OLM OLM OLM . Backyard poultry with . Backyard poultry with . Backyard poultry with Banaraja with improved feed Banaraja with improved feed Banaraja with improved feed and vaccination and vaccination and vaccination . Hatchery Unit Construction . Paddy straw mushroom . Paddy straw mushroom . Paddy straw mushroom cultivation cultivation cultivation


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1ST YEAR 2ND YEAR 3RD YEAR Intervention /Action Intervention /Action Intervention /Action . With maize stalk + paddy . With maize stalk + paddy straw straw . Establishment of Spawn . Popularization of paddy production unit straw mushroom cultivation . Market linkage With maize stalk + paddy straw Employment 420 MD 430 MD 450 MD generation Increase in income 25% 40 % 60% B. Mandated Activities Summary of action plan for 2016-17 Trainings to be conducted Activity No. to be conducted Beneficiaries Training to Farmer & farm Women 46 1150 Training to Rural Youth 8 160 Training to In-service Personnel 7 105 Skill Development training 9 180 On farm testing 16 Frontline Demonstration 14 Other extension activities Activity No. Field Day 22 Kisan Mela 2 Exhibition 3 Film Show 15 Lectures delivered as resource persons 15 Newspaper coverage 12 Extension Literature 12 Scientific visit to farmers field 110 Diagnostic Visits 60 Exposure Visits 4 Ex-trainees Sammelan 2 Soil Health Camp 2 Soil Test Campaigns 2 Kisan Mobile Advisory 80 Special day celebration 4


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ganjam-I comes under East and South eastern coastal plain zone of the state. There is total cultivated area of 4,06,000 ha out of which upland is 1,90,000 ha, medium land is 1,13,000 ha and low land is 1,03,000 ha. The soil type is red lateritic, alluvial, black soil with acidic pH. Normal rainfall of the district is 1276.2mm with 64 rainy days. Major crops are paddy, ragi, sesame, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables etc.

Operational Blocks

District at a glance Agro climatic Zone - East and South eastern coastal plain zone Population : 35,20,000 Male : 17,77,000 Female : 17,43,000 Total Geographical Area – 821000ha Total Cultivated Area – 406000ha Total Paddy Area – 255000ha Cropping Intensity – 181% Total irrigated Area – 188970 ha Soil type 1. Coastal Alluvial command and Rain fed Laterite 2. Black soil 3. Coastal Alluvial Saline


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

AES Features Sl. Name of AES AES features Blocks covered No. 1 Rainfed Red and Sandy loam,loamy sand Rainfall 1376mm Polsara, Laterite Cropping Intensity – 187%, Beguniapada, Gross cropped Area – 59.3th. Ha Kabisuryanagar Paddy, Blackgram,Green gram, Horse gram, Groundnut 2 Black, medium Black soil, Rainfall 1100-1300mm Bhanjanagar,Bela rainfall and Cropping Intensity – 186%, guntha irrigated Gross cropped area – 131.8th. Ha Paddy,Ragi, Greengram, Blackgram, Sesamum, Vegetable 3 Alluvial, low Alluvial, Rainfall 900-1100mm, Aska, Dharakote, rainfall and Cropping Intensity – 194%, Sheragada irrigated Gross cropped area – 214.9th. ha Paddy,Sugarcane, Blackgram, Niger, Mustard,Sesamum,Horse gram 4 Laterite, Laterite, Rainfall 1100-1300mm, J.N.Prasad, moderate rainfall Cropping Intensity – 145%, Buguda, and irrigated Gross cropped area – 173.5th. Ha Polasara, Sorada Paddy, Maize,Ragi,Pigeonpea, Greengram, Blackgram, Sesamum, Sugarcane, Ground nut. Major Crops Name of the crop Area Production Productivity (`000ha) (000MT) (qtl/ha) Paddy 255.93 693.04 27.08 Green gram 153.47 81.22 5.29 Ragi 48.49 43.95 9.06 Black gram 44.99 20.95 4.66 Groundnut 21.90 34.06 15.55 Sesamum 18.74 8.01 4.27 Pigeon pea 13.54 13.27 9.80 Maize 12.62 24.94 19.76 Sweet Potato 18.94 87.45 97.82 Chilly 5.68 7.55 13.29 Sugarcane 3.42 223.21 652.65 A. Module for enhancing farmers' income Module 1 (Block: Jagannathprasad, GP: Jirabadi, Village: Leta) Module-1 Land Existing Situation Problems Suggested type Crop Enterprise module up land Rainfed Rainfed Paddy Goatery Low return from local Maize-Goatery, up-land Paddy var. Khandagiri Mushroom (Jagannathprasad- & Disease incidence Jirabadi) high in Goatery Rainfed Paddy- Low return due to Paddy-Green Medium Green heavy weed & Blast gram-Sesamum- Land gram- infestation. Low yield Poultry Sesamum from local green gram var. due to YMV incidence , low yield of Sesamum due to


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module-1 Land Existing Situation Problems Suggested type Crop Enterprise module up land pod borer

Rainfed Paddy- Pisciculture Low return from Paddy-Greengram low Land Green Paddy var. Pooja, & Pisciculture gram Sarala due to stem borer, BPH incidence ,low yield and high YMV incidence in local Greengram varieties. Low return of fish due to improper stocking density, ratio and species selection

1ST YEAR 2ND YEAR 3RD YEAR Intervention Action point Intervention Action point Intervention Action point Crop Crop substitution 50 % crop Soil test based Adoption Training on substitution of with Maize hybrid substitution fertilizer Sweet Corn & Integrated local Paddy var. –Super-36 (seed with Sweet application Maize nutrient Khandagiri(90- rate @15kg/ha.) Corn var. with reference crop in management 95 days.) in Application of Madhui to 100 :60 :60 Kharif. in Maize & upland Lime@5q/ha. NPK kg/ha. Value Sweet corn. Application of Lime addition in Market weedicide- application @ Sweet corn linkage Atrazine@ 5 q/ha. Commodity 2kg/ha. Weedicide- groups Management of Atrazine @ 2 Maize Stalk Borer kg/ha. with Cartap Hydrochloride @ 17.5kg ha. Weed & disease Application of Nutrient Soil test based Blast disease Training management in Pendimethalin as management fertilizer in Paddy & programme Paddy in pre-emergence & in Paddy. application YMV, on disease medium land, Bispyribac sodium YMV with reference powdery management sowing of short as post emergence management to 60:30:30 :: mildew in Paddy, duration for weed in Greengram NPK kg/ha. in disease Greengram Greengram var. management.Seed & Paddy. YMV management & Value & use of HYV of treatment with Pod borer management in addition in Sesamum Vitavax power @ management in Green gram Greengram Sesamum, 2gm/kg & foliar in Sesamum by seed value Market spraying of treatment with addition in linkage Tricyclazole @ Imidacloprid Sesamum through 1gm/lt. for blast @ 5.0 gram/kg Commodity disease of seed & groups


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1ST YEAR 2ND YEAR 3RD YEAR Intervention Action point Intervention Action point Intervention Action point management with Spraying of 10days Thiamethoxam advancement in @ 60 transplanting, gram/acre.. HYV. Greengram Sesamum pod Var. TARM-1, with borer sowing by seed management cum fertilizer by Lamda drill.Application Cyhalothrin @ of liquid fertilizer 2 ml/lt. (19:19:19 :: NPK) @ 10gram/lt. Imazethapyr@ 750 ml/ha. at 20 DAS spraying for weed control in Greengram . Line Sowing of Sesamum Var. Prachi

1ST YEAR 2ND YEAR 3RD YEAR Intervention Action point Intervention Action point Intervention Action point Management Stem borer Nutrient Soil test based IPM of Paddy Training of Stem borer management management fertilizer with stem borer & & BPH in by Trichocard, Paddy, Green reference to YMV Paddy& YMV @ 15 cards/ha. gram & YMV 80 :40: 40 for management management & Cartap management Paddy . in Green gram in Greengram Hydrochloride in Green gram Application of in low land @ 2gm/lt. BPH liquid fertilizer management (19:19:19 :: by applying NPK) @ 10 neem oil gram/lt. 1500ppm @ YMV. 3ml./lt. management followed by in Green gram Buprofezin by seed @1.5ml/lt. treatment with .Greengram Imidacloprid var. TARM-1, @ 5.0 gram/kg sowing by seed of seed & cum fertilizer Spraying of drill Thiamethoxam @ 60 gram/acre.. Stocking Stocking Introduction of Stocking Yearling Stocking yearlings of density @ Java punti (P. density @ stocking, density @ IMC and 5000 gonionotus) 5000 feeding 5000 feeding yearlings/ ha. with yearlings yearlings/ ha. management yearlings/ ha. management in ratio of of IMC and in ratio of in ratio of


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1ST YEAR 2ND YEAR 3RD YEAR Intervention Action point Intervention Action point Intervention Action point C:R:M@ 3:4:3 feeding C: Java C:Java and feeding management Punti:R:M Punti:R:M with GNOC and @3:2:4:3 with @3:2:4:3 with rice bran at 1:1 floating feed @ floating feed @ @ 5-2 % of 1% body 1% body body weight weight weight

1ST YEAR 2ND YEAR 3RD YEAR Intervention Action point Intervention Action point Intervention Action point Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom (60 Training to Mushroom Training & production cultivation beds/month) rural youth for (100 beds)/ Linkage with with 30 income month financial beds/months generation Value addition institutions activities. in Mushroom by mushroom pickle preparation Animal Health Vaccination & Breed Linkage with Training on Follow up Camp Shed improvement veterinary feeding action & management & insurance dept. & OUAT management linkage & follow up Poultry bird Polyshree Feeding Calcium Linkage with Training rearing poultry bird management & supplementati line det. & programme on rearing(40 Polyshree on @ market feeding birds), birds (80 /yr.) 1ml/bird/day, linkage. management & Vaccination, Hygenic & Polyshree vaccination Shed ventillation birds (100 management management /yr.)

Anticipated net income- 1st year net income 2nd year net income 3rd year net income Paddy (0.5+1+1 ac.), increase-25% extra MD increase-40% extra increase-60 % extra Green gram (2 ac.), created-55 MD created-85 MD created-110 Sesamum (1 acre), Pisciculture (0.5 ac.), Dairy (2 cows) & Goatery (5 no.)

Module II (Block: Surada, GP: Gangapur,Village:Padampur) Module-2 Land type Existing Situation Problem Suggested up land Crop Enterprise Low return from upland module paddy Irrigated Irrigated Cauliflower- Dairy Low return due to weed Vegetable- (Surada- up-land Cauliflower- infestation & Diamond back Vegetable- Gangapur) Brinjal moth in Cauliflower, Shoot Vegetable- & fruit borer in Brinjal is a Dairy major problem along with less market price. Low milk yield from desi


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module-2 Land type Existing Situation Problem Suggested up land Crop Enterprise Low return from upland module paddy cattle

Irrigated Paddy- Paddy Pisciculture Low return due to heavy Paddy- Paddy- Medium weed, Blast infestation Pisciculture- & Low stem borer, BPH incidence Poultry land Low fish yield due to improper feed management

1ST YEAR 2ND YEAR 3RD YEAR Intervention Action taken Intervention Action taken Intervention Action taken Weed & Application of Nursery Preparation of Up-scaling, Training on Diamond back Pendimethalin raising of low cost tunnel Marketing value addition moth @ 3.3 lt./ha. 7 cauliflower by using Value addition for mixed management days before seedling in low 200 micron in Cauliflower pickle. in Cauliflower planting of cost poly Polythene & Commodity Shoot & fruit Cauliflower for tunnel. Bamboo (Size interest groups borer weed Diversification – will be formed management management of 20% 10 X 3 X 2 cu. to create in Brinjal in in Cauliflower. Cauliflower ft) better upland Installation of area to Brocolli Brocolli var. marketing pheromone in Rabi season Pusa KTS-1 trap @ 3/acre, with nutrient with spacing Spraying of management. 45cm X45 cm Spinosad @ Brinjal shoot & with soil test 6gram/15lt. fruit borer based fertilizer for Diamond management application back moth with reference management. to 120:60 For Brinjal :40, NPK Shoot & fruit Training on borer management application of of shoot & fruit neem cake @ borer in 50kg/ acre at Brinajal final land preparation & 50 kg/acre at 3 DAP, pheromone trap @ 20 /acre, cutting of terminal affected shoot, spraying of neem oil (1500 PPM )@ 3 ml/lt. & need based application of Spinosad @


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1ST YEAR 2ND YEAR 3RD YEAR Intervention Action taken Intervention Action taken Intervention Action taken 6gram/15lt. Management of redmite by Spiromesifen @ 1ml./lt Weed & Blast Application of Nutrient Soil test based Blast disease, Training disease Pendimethalin management fertilizer stem borer, programme on management as pre- in Paddy. application BPH Pest in Paddy in emergence & with reference managmnt in management medium & low Bispyribac to 80:40:40: Paddy in Paddy. land . sodium as post NPK kg/ha. Management emergence for of Stem borer weed control. & BPH in Seed treatment Paddy in with Vitavax Medium & low power @ land 2gm/kg of seed & foliar spraying of Tricyclazole @ 1gm/lt. for blast disease management. Stem borer management by Trichocard, @ 15 cards/ha. & Cartap Hydrochloride @ 2gm/lt. BPH management by applying neem oil 1500ppm @ 3ml./lt. followed by Buprofezin @1.5ml/lt. Storing of grains/seeds in grain pro super bag. Fish Nutrient Demonstration Incorporation Demonstration Partial Training Management on Floating of feed on Probiotic stocking and Market fish feed in Probiotic Aqualact as partial linkage composite feed additive harvesting carp culture @5 gm/kg of feed


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1ST YEAR 2ND YEAR 3RD YEAR Intervention Action taken Intervention Action taken Intervention Action taken Animal health Vaccination & AI of Dairy Linkage with Training on Follow up camp mineral Shed Veterinary feeding action & mixture management dept. & follow management linkage supplement to up dairy Temperature maintenance with roof thatching Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom (80 Training to Mushroom Training production cultivation beds/month) rural youth for (100 beds)/ Linkage with with 40 income month financial beds/months generation Value addition institutions activities. in Mushroom by mushroom pickle preparation Poultry bird Polyshree Feeding Calcium Linkage with Training rearing poultry bird management & suplementatio line det. & programme on rearing(40 Polyshree n @ market feeding birds), birds (80 /yr.) 1ml/bird/day, linkage. management & Vaccination, Hygenic & Polyshree vaccination Shed ventilation birds (100 management management /yr.)

Anticipated net income- 1st yr net income 2nd yr net income 3rd yr net income paddy (1+1 ac.), increase-35% extra increase-50% extra increase-65% extra Vegetable (1 ac.), MD created-45 MD created-70 MD created-90 Pisciculture (0.5 ac.), Dairy (2 cows) B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Activity Number of No. of farmers/ activity beneficiaries On farm testing (OFT) 15 105 Frontline Demonstration on Oilseeds 20 50 Frontline Demonstration on Pulses 40 100 Frontline Demonstration on Other than Oilseed and pulse crops 20.6 90 Frontline Demonstration on Enterprise 35 35 Training-Farmers and farm women 45 1125 Training-Rural youths 12 180 Training- Extension functionaries 04 40 Extension Activities 667 4600 Seed Production (Number of activity as seeds in quintal) 392 Seedling Production (Number of activity as number of seedlings in 55000 numbers) Sapling Production (Number of activity as number of sapling in 3000 numbers) Other Bio- products (No. of quantity)(Vermicompost) 16 Live stock products (Rainbow rooster poultry) 400 Activities of Soil and Water Testing Laboratory 1000 1000 Kisan Mobile Advisory (KVK-KMA) 96 6530


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ganjam-II Ganjam district comes under East and South eastern coastal plain zone of the state. There is total cultivated area of 4,06,000 ha out of which upland is 1,90,000 ha, medium land is 1,13,000 ha and low land is 1,03,000 ha. The soil type is red lateritic, alluvial, black soil with acidic pH. Normal rainfall of the district is 1276.2mm with 64 rainy days. Major crops are paddy, ragi, sesame, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables etc.

Operational Blocks

District Profile Total geographical area 871000 ha Total forest area 315000 ha Total reserve forest area 148569 ha a) East & South Eastern Coastal Plain Zone 329000 ha b) North Eastern Ghat Zone 273000 ha Total cultivated area 393000 ha a) High land 184710 ha (47% of cultivated area) b) Medium land 110040 ha (28% of cultivated area) c) Low land 98250 ha (25% of cultivated area) Total irrigated area 284000 ha


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Soil type a) Laterite soil Eastern part – Coastal region b) Black cotton soil Western part – Hilly table land Central part – a small patch a) East & South Eastern Coastal Plain Zone i) Alluvial soil 71000 ha ii) Red soil 232000 ha iii) Saline soil 26000 ha b) North Eastern Ghat Zone i) Alluvial soil 103000 ha ii) Red soil 127000 ha iii) Black cotton soil 43000 ha

Agro-climatic zone Agro-Ecological Situation Name of the Blocks covered 1. East and South East Coastal 1. Coastal Alluvial Command Chikiti, Rangailunda, Chatrapur, Plain zone Ganjam 2. Coastal Alluvial Non- Patrapur, Chikiti, Rangailunda command 3. Coastal Alluvial Saline Chikiti, Ranhgailunda, Chatrapur, Ganjam, Khallikote 4. Rainfed Laterite Patrapur, Kukudakhandi, Sanakhemundi, Chatrapur, Hinjili, Khallikote, Polsara, Kodala, Kabisuryanagar 5. Rainfed Red and Laterite Chikiti, Kukudakhandi, Hinjili, Khallikote, Sanakhemundi, Rangailunda, , Purusottampur, Kabisuryanagar 2. North Eastern Ghat Zone 6. Black, medium rainfall and Bhanjanagar, Belaguntha irrigated 7. Alluvial, low rainfall and Aska, Dharakote, Sheragada, irrigated Digapahandi, Kabisuryanagar, Sanakhemundi 8. Laterite, moderate rainfall and J.N.Prasad, Buguda, Polasara, irrigated Sorada A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Module-1 : Rainfed (Block:Hinjilikatu, GP:Kharida , Village: Giria) Land type Existing Situation Problem Suggested up land Crop Enterprise Low return from upland module paddy Rainfed Maize (broadcasting), Diary Low return from local Maize Paddy-Diary, up-land No basal fertiliser var. Mushroom application Rainfed Paddy-greengram Dairy Low return from greengram Paddy- Medium due to local variety. low milk Greengram& Land production & disease Dairy incidence is high due to local breed Rainfed Paddy- Green gram Pisciculture No proper weed mang. from Paddy- low Land paddy var. Pooja & Swarna, Greengram- and high YMV incidence in Sessasum& local Greengram varieties pisciculture Low return from fish due to improper stocking density, ratio and species selection


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1ST YEAR 2ND YEAR 3RD YEAR Intervention Action taken Intervention Action taken Intervention Action taken Maize(60x25)c Introduction of Soil test based Soil test based Training on Regular visit m (Sweet corn Sweet corn fertilizer fertilizer maize , sweet and var. madhuri) var. madhuri, application. application corn monitoring with acid soil Application of with and linkage mgt. , weed Lime@5q/ha. Lime with mgt in sweet Application of application @ marketing corn weedicide- 5 q/ha. Commodity in upland Atrazine@ Weedicide- groups.Trainin 2kg/ha Atrazine @ 2 g on INM & kg/ha. IPM in maize sweet corn Varietal Var. INM in hy. FLD -full Storage of Training for substitution of Substitution Paddy & package of produce and IPDM capacity Lalata in with HY Greengram. Greengram market linkage building to medium land Rajalaxmi farmer on hy. & sowing of Green gram paddy short duration HYV. TARM-1 FLD on Greengram & sowing by Storing of variety in seed cum Grain Pro medium land fertilizer drill. super bag . Weed mang. of OFT on Weed Weedicide Training on Training Paddy & fertilizer management application in IWM in paddy programme Greengram recommendati Paddy with and grengram, Imazethapyr var. in low on on STCR Bispyribac Storage of spraying for land, target yield Sodium @25 g produce weed control concept in rice a.i/ha at 20 in paddy & in Rice- DAT and pod Storing in Greengram borer mgt by Grain Pro cropping Lambadiha super bag system (var. cyhalothrin @ TARM-1) 2 ml/lt. Stocking Stocking Introduction of Stocking Intercropping Stocking fingerlings of density @ Java punti (P. density Java and feeding density @ IMC and 7500 / ha. in gonionotus) punti @ management 5000 feeding ratio of IMC and 2500/ha. yearlings/ ha. management C:R:M@ 3:4:3 feeding Along with And Javapunti and feeding management IMC @ @ 2500 no/ha with GNOC and 7500/ha and and feeding rice bran at 1:1 feeding with with floating @ 5-2 % of floating feed @ feed @ 1% body weight 2% body body weight weight Mushroom Skill training Mushroom (40 Training to Mushroom (80 Linkage with production on mushroom beds/month) rural youth for beds)/ month financial with 20 beds cultivation income Value addition institutions /month generation in Mushroom activities. Animal health Vaccination & AI of Dairy Linkage with Training on Follow up camp mineral veterinary feeding action & mixture dept. & follow management linkage supplement to up dairy Expected net income 45000 Expected net income 54000 Expected net income 62100 extra MD created-35 in 1 st. yr. extra MD created-55 in 2ND yr extra MD created-70 in 3rd yr.


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module-2 - Irrigated (Block: Kukudakhandi, GP:Ankushpur, Village: Raijhol) Land Existing Situation Problem Suggested type Crop Enterprise module up land Irrigated Maize- Mushroom Low return due to less market price of Sweetcorn- up-land vegetable Maize & low yield due improper ferlizer vegetable- application in vegetables. Mushroom- Tuberose Irrigated Paddy- - Low return from Paddy to var. Lalat, Paddy- Vegetable Medium Vegetable MTU-1001& not used HYV in Vegetable. Land Irrigated Paddy- Goatery Low yield of Groundnut due to improper Paddy- low land Groundnut nutrient management. Groundnut- Low fish yield due to improper feed Goatery management

Intervention Action taken Intervention Action taken Intervention Action taken 1 st yr Action Taken 2 nd yr Action Taken 3 rd yr Action taken Crop Crop Introduce of FLD on foliar Followup Training on substitution in substitution of tomat0 var. spraying of capacity irrigated Maize with Utkal pragnya water soluble building of veg. upland Maize, Sweetcorn and INM in fertilizers on farmers. IWM var. Madhuri, vegetables yield of brinjal INM in Application of spinegourd & introduction Tuberose(75% weedicide- of tomato var. RDF + FYM (1 Atrazine@ swarna kg/m2) + 2kg/ha sampad and Vermicompost 20 % area capsicum var. (300g/m2) + diversification California Azospirillum2 for Tuberose wonder g/plant +PSB2g/plant) INM in paddy Line IWM in Weed Follow up Training ,weed transplanting groundnut. management programme for management of paddy and in g.nut with capacity in G.nut INM, soil atrazine building of reclamation @2kg/ha INM in paddy and and IWM in fertilzation on g.nut STV, IPDM, sole groundnut in line sowing, rhizobium application Animal health Vaccination & Breed Training on Follow up Linkage with camp for Mineral improvement Vaccination vet. Dept. and Goatery mixture and Insurance and mineral marketing. feeding of Goats mixture


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Intervention Action taken Intervention Action taken Intervention Action taken 1 st yr Action Taken 2 nd yr Action Taken 3 rd yr Action taken supplementati on Expected net income 49000 Expected net income Rs. 58000 Expected net income Rs. 66600 extra MD created-35 in 1 st. yr extra MD created-55 in 2 nd. yr extra MD created-70 in 3rd yr. B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan for 2016-17 Activity No. Participants Training to Farmers & Farm Women 75 1875 Training to Rural Youths 14 210 Training to In-Service Personnels 06 90 Vocational training 6 90 Total training 101 2265 On farm testing 24 Frontline demonstration Other Extension Activities Extension Activities No Participants Field Days 15 450 Kisan Mela 2 600 Group Meeting 5 125 Scientific Visit to farmers Fields 150 1200 Farmers Visits 300 200 Lecture Delivers by KVK Scientists 20 700 Exhibitions 6 Mass Film Shows 2 100 Radio Programmes 12 Mass TV Shows 4 Mass SAC Meeting 2 50 Animal health camp 2 100 Soil Test Campaigns 5 125 Kissan Mobile Advisory Services message 50 10000


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur is one of the most natural disaster-prone districts of costal Odisha. Cyclone and natural calamities regularly devastate the economy of the district. lies between 8603’ E to 86045’ East longitude and between 19058’ N to 20023’ North latitude. The district has a geographical area of 1759 sq. kms and the smallest district in Odisha in terms of territorial location. This district has got a total population of 11, 36,971 including 577,865 male and 559,106 female as per 2011 census.

Details of AES Name of AES AES featuresSl. No. Blocks covered 1 Costal irrigated alluvium Geographicl area 470000 ha. Jagatsinghpur, Tirtol -Soil type: Sandy loam to clay loam -Rainfall : 1370mm -Cropping intensity : 198 2 Rain-fed alluvium Geographicl area 375000 ha. Raghunathpur, Biridi -Soil type: Sandy loam to clay loam -Rainfall : 1343mm -Cropping intensity : 185 3 Costal alluvial saline -Geographicl area 318000 ha. Balikuda, Naugoan -Soil type: Sandy loam to clay loam -Rainfall : 1379mm -Cropping intensity : 105 4 Costal waterlogged Geographicl area 728000 ha. Ersama, Kujanga -Soil type: Sandy loam to clay loam -Rainfall : 1362mm -Cropping intensity : 95


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Major crops Name of Crop Kharif Name of Crop Rabi Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Paddy 90,000 3.6 Green gram 37,488 0.432 Chilli 1170 1.13 Black gram 14,915 0.450 Sugar cane 800 70.0 Ground nut 8.261 2.36 A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Module I Irrigated Medium land (Block: Kujanga, GP: Bagoi, Village : Bagoi) Block Farmer Rainfall Season- Land Soil Farmin Existing Existing Possibl Categor & wise pattern Type & g Croppin / e / y Temp. Cultivat Reactio Situatio g Predom Existing ed area n ns System inant enterpr Cops ise Kujanga Big – 5 1576 Kharif – Upland Sandy Irrigate Rice – Kharif – Poultry % mm 100 % – 6% loam to d Fallow Rice, Medium Max. Clay Medium = 6 % Beetlevi -12 % 31.4 loam ne Small – Min. Acidic 21% 22.3 Rabi- Med.lan to Rice - Rabi – Dairy Margin 20% d- 43% Normal Vegetab Vegetab al – 62 le = 9 % le % Summe Lowlan Rice – Summe Mushro r – 90 d-51% Green r – om % gram = Green 90 % gram, vegetab les

Farming Existing Problems Ist Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Situation Cropping Intervention Action Action Action System Situation- Kharif- Low yield Weed  OFT on  Demonstration of FLD on 1 Rice (32Q/ha) management application of Integrated Weed INM in Irrigated & of Rice due• post Management in rice Medium Pre- to heavy emergence Rice . Green land Summer - weed and weedicides  Field days and manuring Green pest like Londax Training in with gram incidence Power @ 10kg related topics Dhanicha (Mainly /ha or + RDF - Leaf folder Bispyribac 80:40:40 and Brown Sodium @ 200 ) with Plant ml/ ha at 15- STBR Hopper) 20 DAT or at 2  FLDs on – 4 leaf stages use of weeds Reaper followed by and Axial one hand flow weeding after Thresher 2 weeks  Field  Training on days Integrated  Follow Weed up Management program in rice me


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Existing Problems Ist Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Situation Cropping Intervention Action Action Action System Integrated OFT on IPM  FLD on FLD on Pest in rice Integrated Pest Integrate Management Application of Management in d Pest (BPH & Leaf Neem oil 1500 Rice Managem folder) in ppm @ 2500  Field days and ent in Rice ml / ha Training in Rice Installation of related topics Field Bird perches days and @ 25 nos. / ha Training Release of Bio in related control agents topics (Trichogramm Follow a chilonis ) up @50,000 program eggs/ha. me Alternate application of Cartap Hydrochloride @ 500 g/ha, Thiomethoxa m @ 165 gm & Beuprofezin @ 400ml/ ha Training on IPM in rice Irrigated Kharif- Less profit Varietal Assessment of Demonstration of Demonst Medium Rice from Substitution suitable suitable varieties ration of land & Green varieties (Durga/TARM-1) suitable Pre- gram (3.5 (TARM- • Line sowing by varieties Summer - q/ha) due 1/Durga) and seed cum fert. (Durga/T Green to Seed drill and foliar ARM-1) gram incidence treatment with spray of 2%DAP with INM of YMV and bio-fertilizers• Seed treatment and IPM use of local (Rhizobium with bio- for varieties and PSB @ fertilizers sucking 20gm /kg (Rhizobium and pests seeds) PSB @ 20gm /kg  Follow  Trainings on seeds) up action ST based INM• Installation of & IPM yellow sticky trap @ 25 nos. /ha • Spraying of Thiomethoxam 25 % WDG @165 gm/ha  Field days

Increase in Income (%) Cumulative 40.0 60.0 80.0 Employment generation (nos./ha/year) 10 10 15


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Existing Problems Ist Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Situation Cropping Intervention Action Action Action System Situation- Kharif- Low yield Weed  OFT on  Demonstration of FLD on 2 Rice (32Q/ha) managemen application of Integrated Weed INM in Irrigated & of Rice due t post Management in rice Medium Late Rabi/ to heavy emergence Rice . Green land Pre- weed and weedicides  Field days and manuring Summer - pest like Londax Training in with Vegetables incidence Power @ 10kg related topics Dhanicha (Tomato (Mainly /ha or + RDF - and Okra) Leaf folder Bispyribac 80:40:40 and Brown Sodium @ 200 ) with Plant ml/ ha at 15- STBR) Hopper) 20 DAT or at 2  FLDs on – 4 leaf stages use of weeds Reaper followed by and Axial one hand flow weeding after Thresher 2 weeks  Field  Training on days Integrated  Follow Weed up Management program in rice me • Integrated  OFT on IPM  FLD on  FLD on Pest in rice Integrated Pest Integrate Management. Application of Management in d Pest (BPH & Leaf Neem oil 1500 Rice Managem folder) in ppm @ 2500  Field days and ent in Rice ml / ha Training in Rice . Installation of related topics  Field Bird perches days and @ 25 nos. / ha Training . Release of Bio in related control agents topics (Trichogramm  Follow a chilonis ) @ up 50,000 eggs program /ha. me . Alternate application of Cartap Hydrochloride @ 500 g/ha, Thiomethoxa


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Existing Problems Ist Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Situation Cropping Intervention Action Action Action System m @ 165 gm & Beuprofezin @400ml/ ha  Training on IPM in rice Increase in Income (%) Cumulative 30.0 45.0 70.0 Employment generation (nos./ha/year) 15 15 25

Farming Existing Problems Ist Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Situation Cropping Intervention Action Action Action System Irrigated Kharif- Low yield Varietal OFT on Demonstratio Medium Rice from Substitution Tomato Demonstrati ns of the land & Vegetables varieties ons of the OFTs Late Rabi/ due the IPM Swarna OFTs conducted Pre- high Marketing sampad and conducted during 1st Summer - incidences management Arka during 1st year Vegetables of diseases Raskhyak year programme (Tomato 1, Wilting (With programme Field Days and Okra) 2. Leaf curl multiple Field Days and Trainings 3. Early disease and Follow up Blight resistance to Trainings programme (loss is up Wilt, Leaf to 50%) curling and Developmen & Early Blight) t of market Improper with ST based linkages marketing nutrient with private Manageme management vegetable nt (Low practices traders share of OFT on Okra sale on variety JKOH- consumer’ 7315 s price) (Tolerant to YMV) with ST based nutrient management practices Training on tomato and Okra cultivation Training on grading and packaging of vegetables Increase in Income (%) 50.0 65.0 80.0 Cumulative 35 40 40 Employment generation (nos./ha/year)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Existing Problems Intervention Ist Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Situation Farming Action Action Action System Homestead Poultry Less profit Breed- OFT on FLD on FLD on sex from local replacement Breed- rearing of specific feed poultry replacement suitable management breeds with dual breed and its in poultry for (1-1.5kg purpose improved meat and egg Body color birds management purpose in Weight & for backyard practices (for small scale 30-35 eggs rearing (50 100 birds) (for 150 per birds of like artificial birds) annum) Pallishree, brooding [Broiler feed Rainbow vaccination, supplementa rooster and scientific tion for male Chhabro feeding birds and breeds) watering, layer feed Vocational use of feed use in Trainings for supplements, females after brooding, (Multi brooding] vaccination, enzyme FLD on scientific mixture @ of improved feeding & 0.5%of feed management watering intake ) practice during Vaccination Artificial brooding camp for brooding Animal adult birds Vaccination, health camp Scientific feeding & watering during brooding Vaccination camp for adult birds Mushroo Low yield Strain OFT on FLD on Forward and m in replacement strain suitable Backward Mushroom replacement strains of Linkages (650gm/ More suitable PSM with Private bed) strains of OFT on off- farms PSM (OSM-11 season /Federations & 12) (5 beds cultivation of for quality /day) PSM in low spawn & easy Vocational cost poly marketing trainings houses Follow up Vocational programme trainings Increase in Income (%) Cumulative 50.0 65.0 80.0 Employment generation (nos./unit/year) 05 10 20


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module II Module for Irrigated Medium land (Block: Tirtol, GP: Kolar, Village : Nagapura) Block Farmer Rainf Season- Land Soil Type Farming Farming Existing/ Enterp Categ all & wise pattern & situations System Predomina rise ory Temp. Cultivated Reaction nt Cops area Tirtol Big – 1570 Kharif – Upland Sandy Irrigated Rice – Kharif – Poultry 8 % mm 100 % – 15% loam to medium Fallow Rice, Mediu Max. Clay loam land and = 2 % m-11 32.8 Acidic to Rainfed Rice - % Min. Rabi- 40 Med.lan Neutral low land Vegetab Rabi – Dairy Small 21.6 % d- 30% le = 38 Vegetable – 30% % Summer Lowlan Summer – Goatery Margi Rice – – 58 % d - 55% Green nal – Green gram, 50 % gram = Vegetables 60%

Farming Existing Problems Intervention 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Situation Cropping Action Action Action System Irrigated Kharif-Rice Less yield Varietal OFT on line FLD of FLDs on Medium & from existing Replacement transplanti suitable use Reaper land Late Rabi/ HYVs in ng with rice and Axial Early irrigated notified hybrids flow Summer - areas (only hybrids like with STBFR Thresher Vegetables 32 q/ha) Ajaya Field days Field days (Brinjal, /Rajalaxmi and Follow up Okra and (seed rate Training programme Cauliflower) @ 15kg/ha with ST based fert. dose with a standard dose of 100:50:50 kg NPK/ha) Low yield Varietal OFT on FLDs of the Demonstra from Substitution Brinjal previous tion on Vegetables IPM variety years OFTs effect on due to high Marketing Utkal Training new weed, management Tarini and field generation disease and (Multiple days pesticide pest disease like incidences tolerance ) Spinosad @ Wilting with 200 ml/ha Fruit and application and Shoot borer of neem fungicide


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Existing Problems Intervention 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Situation Cropping Action Action Action System YMV in Okra cake @ like (loss is up to 500kg/ha Tebuconaz 50%) and post ole + emergence Trifloxistro weedicide bin @ 200 Oxyflorofen gm/ha in @80ml/ac managing OFT on diseases Okra and pests variety in JKOH- vegetables 7315(Toler Field days ance to Follow up YMV) programme OFT on cauliflower variety Megha with boron application @ 2% foliar spray or 10kg borax as soil application /ha Training on scientific cultivation of vegetables with nursery manageme nt Increase in Income (%) Cumulative 35.0 45.0 70.0 Employment generation (nos./ha/year) 20 20 35


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Existing Problems Intervention 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Situation Farming Action Action Action System Homestead Dairy Poor milk Feed  OFT on bypass FLD on bypass fat Training quality due management fat feeding in feeding in cows on feed to poor cows. (bypass (bypass fat @100 and nutrition fat gm/cow/day for disease Delayed @100gm/cow/ first 3 months manage puberty in day for first 3 after calving.) ment in heifers. months after  FLD on use of cows. Long calving.) trace minerals for Follow inter-  FLD on trace shortening inter- up calving mineral calving period in action period feeding in cows. heifers for  Vocational optimum training on feeding maturity age. feed from non (Mineral conventional mixture with sources such as trace minerals silage, azolla, urea @ 30gm/cow/ treated paddy day) straw.  Vocational training on feeding feed from non conventional sources such as silage, azolla, urea treated paddy straw. Increase in Income (%) Cumulative 35.0 55.0 70.0 Employment generation (nos./unit/year) 10 15 25

Farming Existing Problems Intervention 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Situation Farming Action Action Action System Homestead Goatary  Less  Disease  OFT on disease  FLDs on  Training growth due management management the on worm to worm  Breed up- practices technologie manageme infestation gradation (vaccination s assessed nt, disease and against in previous manageme mortality enterotoxaemia, year nt, feed due to PPR and  Breed manageme entertoxae quarterly de- improveme nt, housing mia in worming with nt with the and goats fenbendazole help of sanitation


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Existing Problems Intervention 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Situation Farming Action Action Action System  Poor @5mg/kg body Shirohi manageme growth due wt. bucks for nt to feed  OFT on feed breeding  Goat imbalance supplementation purpose. deworming and rearing conc. feed  Training camps of local supplementation on worm  Follow up breeds @100gm/10kg manageme action body wt) in goats nt, disease  Vocational manageme Trainings on goat nt, feed concentrate feed manageme preparation from nt, housing agricultural and byproducts. sanitation  Goat deworming manageme camps nt  Goat deworming camps Increase in Income (%) Cumulative 45.0 60.0 75.0 Employment generation (nos./unit/year) 5 10 12

Farming Existing Problems Interventi 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Situation Cropping on Action Action Action System Homestead Dairy Poor milk Feed OFT on bypass FLD on bypass Training quality due managem fat feeding in fat feeding in on feed to poor ent cows. (bypass cows (bypass fat and nutrition. fat @100gm/cow/d disease Delayed @100gm/cow/ ay for first 3 manageme puberty in day for first 3 months after nt in cows. heifers. months after calving.) Follow up Long inter- calving.) FLD on use of action calving FLD on trace trace minerals period mineral feeding for shortening in heifers for inter-calving optimum period in cows. maturity age. Vocational (Mineral training on mixture with feeding from trace minerals non @ 30gm / cow conventional /day) sources such as Vocational silage, azolla,


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Existing Problems Interventi 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Situation Cropping on Action Action Action System training on urea treated feeding feed paddy straw. from non conventional sources such as silage, azolla, urea treated paddy straw. Pisciculture Unavailabilit Brackish OFT on FLD on Pond FLD on y of quality water brackish water and feed Pond and seed Prawn prawn culture management feed material and culture Training on Training on post manageme high fish Prawn culture harvest nt feed cost Soil and water technology Backward testing linkages with certified farms for quality seed & Forward linkages for better marketing Increase in Income (%) Cumulative 40.0 65.0 75.0 Employment generation (nos./unit/year) 15 25 35

Farming Existing Problems Intervention 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Situation Cropping Action Action Action System Homestead Poultry Less Breed- OFT on FLD on FLD on sex profit replacement Breed- rearing of specific feed from local replacement suitable management in poultry with dual breed and its poultry for meat breeds purpose improved and egg purpose (1-1.5kg color birds management in small scale (for Body for backyard practices (for 150 birds) Weight & rearing (50 100 birds) [Broiler feed 30-35 birds of like artificial supplementation eggs per Pallishree, brooding for male birds and annum) Rainbow vaccination, layer feed use in rooster and scientific females after Chhabro feeding brooding] breeds) watering, FLD on improved


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Existing Problems Intervention 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Situation Cropping Action Action Action System Vocational use of feed management Trainings for supplements, practice brooding, (Multi Artificial brooding vaccination, enzyme Vaccination, scientific mixture @ of Scientific feeding feeding & 0.5%of feed & watering during watering intake ) brooding during Vaccination Vaccination camp brooding camp for for adult birds Animal adult birds Follow up action health camp Increase in Income (%) Cumulative 50.0 65.0 80.0 Employment generation (nos./unit/year) 05 10 20 B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Activity No. Participants Training to Farmers & Farm Women 31 775 Training to Rural Youths 19 470 Training to In-Service Personnel 09 125 Vocational training 07 70 Sponsored training 01 25 Total training 67 1465 On farm testing 20 Frontline Demonstration 16


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, located in between 20 degree 30’ to 21 degree 10’ North Latitude and 85 degree 40’ to 86 degree 44’ East Longitude. The District covering an area of 2887.69 sq km is moderately populated having total population of 18,26,275 as per 2011 census. Economy of the District is agrarian in nature. Agriculture and mining play dominant role in the economy of the District.

District Profile • Geographical area : 2,89,900 ha • Gross cropped area : 2,50,602 ha • Total cultivated area : 1,45,450 ha – Upland : 51754ha (36%) – Medium land : 48036 ha (33%) – Low land : 45660 ha (31%) • Net sown area : 1,34,497 ha • Total Paddy area : 1,17,000 ha - Up land : 29034ha (25%) - Medium land : 42306ha (36%) - Low land : 45660 ha (39%) • Cropping intensity : 171.9 % • Soil type : Alluvial soil, red laterite soil, saline soil • Irrigation potential – Kharif : 42.16% – Rabi : 23.75% Rainfall of the District : 1559.9 mm - Humidity : 84-87 % - Temperature : 14 ⁰C and 43 ⁰ C Major crops Name of Crop Kharif (ha) Rabi (ha) Avg. Productivity (q/ha) Paddy 111000 4200 23.34 Groundnut 994 31000 15.95 Blackgram 1720 25000 3.05 Greengram - 21000 3.15 Sugarcane - 2000 642.50 Mustard - 3000 3.78 Total vegetable 19452 20700 138.5 Total spice 1250 4000 13.35


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

A. modules for enhancing farmers' income Module-I (Block: Rasulpur, GP: Rahamba, Village: Dihakuransa) For Irrigated upland Eco System Existing Cropping System Rice – Vegetable, Rice – Greengram, Rice- Groundnut Problem 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Intervention Intervention Intervention Low yield of paddy Introduciton of high Nutrient management . Follow up action for due to improper yielding paddy var. in Paddy. practicing all the nutrient Jogesh, Sahabhagidhan . Application of N- intervention in Kharif. management with soil test based P2O5-K2O as per soil test . Follow up training for practices from fertiliser application , result and ZnSo @2.5 capacity building. existing paddy Var- needbased 4 . Skill training for soil kg/ha as basal Khandagiri plantprotection . sample collection, testing. measures. application Low yield of . Acid soil management . Introduction of . Follow up action for groundnut due to soil in groundnut with groundnut variety Devi. practicing all the acidity and lime @ 0.2LR or soil . Integrated nutrient interventions. inadequate nutrient amendment with PMS management practices . Follow up training for management @5q/ha for Rabi groundnut. capacity building acid soil practices . . Soil test based . Seed treatment with management. fertilizer dose +FYM@ Carboxin @2gm/kg . Skill oriented training 2t/ha. seed seed inoculation for entrepreneur ship on with rhizobium culture grading & packaging, @20gm/kg seed export & value addition Application of Gypsum and market linkage. @250kg/ha in the root zone area two spraying of Boron 0.2% at flowering & 20 days after flowering stages along with soil test based fertilizer application. Low yield from Introduction of high Integrated nutrient Skill orientated training existing potato var- yielding potato var- management in potato for entrepreneur ship Kufri lalima with Kufri with soil includes development, safe storage improper fertilizer test based fertilizer Seed tuber treatment of potato, value addition of management. application varietal with25gm potato market linkage characteristic – yield Azotobactoer / kg of potential 250 -300 tuber, application of qt/ha, duration 75 Neem oil cake days ,heat tolerant 2.5qt/ha, application of good cooking quality FYM 15 ton/ha Soil test based fertilizer application. Dropping Groundnut Line sowing with the Line sowing with the Skill Training on seeds behind the use of Bullock drawn use of Bullock drawn entrepreneurship plough is labour seed cum fertilizer drill. seed cum fertilizer drill. development on farm intensive work Application of Gypsum mechanization @ 250 kg/ha along with soil test based fertilizer application.


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Problem 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Intervention Intervention Intervention Un utilization of Paddy straw Paddy straw Skill training on Paddy straw & use of mushroom var-OSM 11 mushroom var-OSM 11 mushroom spawn existing variety & 12 & 12 production, value addition Volvariella volvacea (30bed/month/person) (30bed/month/person) in mushroom (Mushroom with management and soup powder dried practices like straw Oyster mushroom mushroom) & Market sterilization, bed cultivation var- linkage preparation & nutrient P.Sajarcaju with supplement with gram different powder substrate.(Paddystraw+ Sugarcane bagasse, Paddystraw+ Pasteurized banana leaves) 30 bed /month Less Egg & meat Backyard Poultry Backyard Poultry Skill Training on Production From rearing with pallisree rearing with pallisree entrepreneurship Local poultry (60Nos. (50nos. Bird) egg laying (100nos. Bird) egg development in poultry of Egg) & 1kg of capacity 150 egg/year, laying capacity 150 farming & Market linkage. chicken average body weight egg/year, average body bird(2 months) 1.7kg weight bird(2 months 1.7kg Expected increase Expected increase Expected increase income 30% & 140 income 45% & 180 income 60% & 220 man man days man days days Module-II (Block: Dharmasala, GP: Choromuha,Village: Choromuha) For Irrigated medium land Eco System Existing Cropping System Rice – Vegetable, Rice – Greengram, Rice Blackgram Problem 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Intervention Intervention Intervention Low yield from existing Cultivation of HYV . Nutrient . Skill training on post variety Lalat with poor variety Lalat with management in harvest management nutrient management. Application of N-P2O5- Hybrid rice on cleaning grading k O as per soil test Rajalaxmi with of hybrid rice & 2 application of packaging for result and ZnSO @25 4 balance doze of marketing. kg/ha, Borax @10kg/ha fertilizer (as per soil . Follow up training along with FYM test result) for capacity building @ton/ha as basal . Application of N- in hybrid rice application. P O -k O as per soil production. 2 5 2 test result and

ZnSO4@25 kg/ha, Borax @10kg/ha along with FYM @ton/ha as basal application. Low yield of Greengram Acid soil management Varietal substitution Skill training on post Jhain moong, due to in green gram by with TARM-1. Seed harvest management inadequate nutrient application of treatment with vitavax on cleaning, grading, management practices [email protected] LR or soil @ 2.5gm/kg & dal making &


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Problem 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Intervention Intervention Intervention and soil acidity. amendment with inoculation with packaging for PMS@5q/ha. rhizobium culture @ marketing Soil test based 20gm/kg of seed along fertilizer dose +FYM with RDF (as per soil @ 2t/ha. test based) Low yield due to Varietal substitution Variety PU-31, with Skill training on post cultivation of local with PU-31Seed Seed treatment with harvest management blackgram variety, treatment with vitavax vitavax @ 2.5gm/kg & including cleaning, Lahabiri with improper @ 2.5gm/kg & inoculation with grading, dal making, nutrient management. inoculation with rizobium culture @ packaging & Market rhizobium culture @ 20gm/kg of seed,FYM@ linkage. 20gm/kg of seed along 2ton/ha incubated with with RDF (as per soil PSB 5kg/ha. Spraying of test based) thiomethoxam@5gm/1 0lit water. Line sowing with the use of seed cum fertiliser drill along with RDF (as per soil test based), Heavy incidence of YMV YMV management YMV management Skill training on post disease in Greengram through Seed treatment through Seed treatment harvest management with vitavax @ with vitavax @ including cleaning, 2.5gm/kg installation 2.5gm/kg installation grading, dal making, of yellow sticky trap 50 of yellow sticky trap 50 packaging & Market nos/ha spraying of nos/ha spraying of linkage thiomithoxam @ 5 thiomithoxam @ 5 gm/10lit of water at 7th gm/15lit of water at 7th & 14th & 21DAS & 14th & 21DAS , soil test based fertilizer application. Low Yield from Varietal of substitution INM in Cultivation of Skill Training on cultivation of Tomato with hybrid Swarna hybrid tomato swarna scientific management var- Utkal Kumari with Vijay with soil test vijaya comprising seed practice, nursery imbalanced fertilzser based fertilizer treatment with raising, value addition application. application and need Azotobactor @25 & market linkage. based plant protection gm/kg seed,application measure. of neem oil cake 2.5 qtl/ha, soil test based fertilizer application & need based plant protection measures. Low Yield &low Profit Varietal substitution Cultivation of Pointed Skill Training on from local pointed with Swarna Alaukik in gourd variety in pointed gourd rooted gourd cultivation (Gedi triangular stacking triangular stacking vine production, potala) in raised bed. system along with system along with entrepreneurs planting ratio of female: application of neem oil development & Market male 9:1, soil test based cake 2.5qt/ha, vine linkage fertilizer application. treatment with 25gm Azotobactor /1kg vine with soil test based


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Problem 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Intervention Intervention Intervention fertilizer application. Less Egg & meat Backyard Poultry Backyard Poultry Skill Training on Production From Local rearing with pallisree rearing with pallisree entrepreneurship poultry (60Nos. of Egg) (50nos. Bird) egg laying (100nos. Bird) egg development & & 1kg of chicken capacity 150 egg/year, laying capacity 150 Management of poultry average body weight egg/year, average body farm & Market linkage. bird(2 months 1.7kg weight bird(2 months 1.7kg Un utilization of Paddy Paddy straw Paddy straw Skill training on straw & use of mushroom var-OSM 11 mushroom var-OSM 11 mushroom spawn existing variety & 12 & 12 production, value Volvariella volvacea (30bed/month/person) (30bed/month/person) addition in mushroom with management and (Mushroom soup practices like straw Oyster mushroom powder dried sterilization, bed cultivation var- mushroom) & Market preparation & nutrient P.Sajarcaju with linkage supplement with gram different powder substrate.(Paddystraw+ Sugarcane bagasse, Paddystraw+ Pasteurized banana leaves) 30 bed /month Expected increase Expected increase Expected increase income 30% & 140 income 40% & 180 income 60% & 230 man days man days man days Module-III (Block- Jajpur, GP:Bhubaneswar, Village: Khadipada) For Rain fed medium land Eco System Existing Cropping System Rice – Vegetable, Rice – Greengram, Rice Blackgram Problem 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Intervention Intervention Intervention Low yield of paddy due Varietal substitution Nutrient management Skill Training for to local variety with Swarna Sub-1 with in High yielding paddy enterepreaneur ship Kalachampa, Bigyan soil test based fertilizer var. Swarna Sub1. development & value with improper nutrient application. Application of N-P2O5- addition in paddy( fine management. Application of N-P O - rice, flaked rice, puffed 2 5 K2O as per soil test rice) K2O as per soil test result and application result and application of half of the N, entire of half of the N, entire amount of P and two amount of P and two third of k as basal and third of k as basal and the remaining N in two the remaining N in two equal splits at 3 weeks equal splits at 3 weeks after transplanting and after transplanting and at panicle initiation at panicle initation stage and ZnSO4@

stage and ZnSO4@ 25kg/ha, as basal 25kg/ha, as basal application. application.


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Problem 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Intervention Intervention Intervention Un utilisation of Paddy Paddy straw Paddy straw Skill training on straw & use of Age old mushroom var-OSM 11 mushroom var-OSM 11 mushroom spawn existing Volvariella var. & 12 & 12 production, value causes low yield (30bed/month/person) (30bed/month/person) addition in mushroom with management and & Market linkage practices like straw sterilization then bed Oyster mushroom preparation & nutrient cultivation var- supplement with gram P.Sajarcaju with powder different substrate.(Paddystraw+ Sugarcane bagasse, Paddystraw+ Pasteurized banana leaves 50 bed /month Low yield of Greengram Acid soil management Varietal substitution Skill training on post Jhain moong, in green gram. with TARM-1. Seed harvest management inadequate nutrient Soil test based fertilizer treatment with vitavax on cleaning grading dal management practices dose +FYM @ 2t/ha @ 2.5gm/kg & making & packaging and soil acidity. [email protected] LR or soil inoculation with for marketing amendment with rhizobium culture @ PMS@5q/ha 20gm/kg of seed along with RDF (as per soil test based) Low yield due to Varietal substitution Variety PU-31 with Skill training on post cultivation of local with PU-31Seed Integrated nutrient harvest management blackgram variety, treatment with vitavax management including cleaning, Lahabiri with improper @ 2.5gm/kg & comprising Seed grading, packaging & nutrient management. inoculation with treatment with vitavax Market linkage. rhizobium culture @ @ 2.5gm/kg & 20gm/kg of seed along innoculation with with RDF (as per soil rhizobium culture @ test based) 20gm/kg of seed,FYM@ 2ton/ha incubated with PSB 5kg/ha. Spraying of thiomethoxam@5gm/1 0lit water.

Line sowing with the use of seed cum fertilizer drill along with RDF (as per soil test based), Low yield due to Cultivation of capsicum INM in capsicum var- Follow up action for cultivation of var. California wonder, california wonder with practising all degenerated verities of onion variety soil test based fertilizer intervention, Skill


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Problem 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Intervention Intervention Intervention chilli, onion, okra, AFLR,Okra var-Mahyco- application ,seed Training on nursery brinjal etc 10, Brinjal var- treatment with raising, Cultivation Syngenta Hyb132 Azotobactor 25gm/kg practices of high value of seeds, application of crop & market linkage. neem oil cake 2.5 qtl/ ha, FYM 15 ton/ha recommended package of practices Less Egg & meat Backyard Poultry Backyard Poultry Skill Training on Production From Local rearing with pallisree rearing with pallisree entrepreneurship poultry (60Nos. of Egg) (50nos. Bird) egg laying (100nos. Bird) egg development & & 1kg of chicken capacity 150 egg/year, laying capacity 150 Management of poultry average body weight egg/year, average body farm & Market linkage. bird(2 months 1.7kg weight bird(2 months 1.7kg Expected increase Expected increase Expected increase income 25% & 120 man income 40% & 160 man income 60% & 200 man days days days B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Activity Number No. of farmers/ of activity beneficiaries On farm testing 20 221 Frontline Demonstration on Oilseeds 90 190 Frontline Demonstration on Pulses 80 180 Frontline Demonstration on Other than Oilseed and pulse crops 5.6 40 Frontline Demonstration on Enterprise) 11 90 Training-Farmers and farm women 45 1125 Vocational training 24 240 Training- Extension functionaries 9 225


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mineral rich District, Jharsuguda is one of the most industrially developed District of Odisha. was established on 1st April, 1994. earlier it was a part of . The District of Jharsuguda is characterized by a hot dry summer. The temperature in the month of May is 42 degree at the maximum. The average rainfall of the District is 1500 millimeter. From April to August the wind blows from south and southwest whereas from September onwards wind blows from North West.

Total Population - (2011 Census ) 579505 Male 296690 Female 282815 Population Growth(%) 12.56 Population Density/Km2 274 Male Literacy 86.61 Female Literacy 70.73 Agro- Climatic situation Normal rainfall (mm) 1362.8 Normal Rainy days 66.2 Temperature ( Maximum & Minimum) 42˚ C & 12˚ C Soil type of the district The soil is mostly lateritic, red & yellow Agro Climatic Zone Western Central Table land Zone & North Western Plateau Zone Land use pattern Geographical Area 208100 ha Forest Area (000’ ha) 20 Misc. Tree & grooves (000’ ha) 6 Permanent pasture (000’ ha) 20 Cultivable waste (000’ ha) 15 Land put to non-agricultural use (000’ ha) 39 Barren & un cultivable land (000’ ha) 17 Current fallow (000’ ha) 27 Other fallow (000’ ha) 3 Net Sown Area (000’ ha) 61


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Major Crop Major Crop A-Area in (‘000ha) Rice 40.61 (67%) Green gram 5.26 (9%) Sesamum 3.42 (5%) Black gram 1.37 (4 %) Mustard 3.65 (6%) Maize 1.67 (3%) Arhar 1.02 (2%) Kulthi 2.40 (2%) Groundnut 1.42 (2%)) A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Module-I (Block: Kolabira, G.P: Pokhrasale, Village: Ghantamal) Irrigated farming system module Block Geograph Cultivated Area (ha) CI Major crop Cropping ical Area Up Medium Low Total pattern Kolabira 1599 ha. 8534 4352 985 13871 122 % Paddy,Green Paddy- gram, Pulses Sessamum,oni Paddy on,cowpea, vegetable, potato,chili, fallow colocasia Sesamum AES – II ( Plateau Rainfed )

Land type Existing farming system Problem Suggested Module Kharif Rabi Upland- Paddy Green Less return from Paddy, Orchard along with irrigated (Sahabhagi gram, Lodging problem in Intercropping of Vegetables (bunded) dhan, vegetables Shabhagi dhan, Lack of cowpea & green gram, Bhuban ) knowledge on suitable crop diversification Medium Paddy (var. Potato, Low yield (25.5q/ha) due to Paddy – Vegetable land- Naveen) Onion, improper nutrient irrigated Chilli, management & weed problem in paddy, imbalance nutrient and disease in potato, greengram & use of local Varieties give low yield Non-land Milch cow(2 Round the Low yield of milk/ no Poultry (Palisri /Banaraja ) based no), Poultry year mineral mix./ Insufficient mineral mixture, feed enterprise (Deshi) green fodder management for milching Underutilized homestead, Cow Lack of knowledge about improved poultry breed


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year

Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Upland- Kharif Kharif: Kharif Kharif: Kharif: irrigated 1.Demonstrat 1. Intercroppi 1.Varietal Propagation 1. Planting 1.Crop ion on TC ng of cowpea – demonstration by air material diverification Pome U.Manika (10:1 of Cow pea, var- layering in production of by TC Pome grannate CV. ratio) Utkal Manika pome Pomegrannat grannate Bhagua/ 2. Canopy (10:1 ratio) grannate e 2.Intercropping Mrudula, & nutrient 2. Nutrient Production 2.Varietal of greengram Spacing : 15’ management in application per of QPM of Demo. On with x 10 ‘, Pit Size pomegranate plant-DAP:250 Pome Colocassia Cv. pomegranate : 2’x2’x2’, 3. Training on gm, Neem cake : grannate Muktakeshi(8 3.Training STBFR, canopy 2kg, mix of Intercroppin :1 ratio) Nutrient & management MgSO4 +ZnSO4 g of 3. Training on Management + CuSO4@ Colocassia air layering of DAP 250 gm, Rabi: 10gm/plant Rabi: Pomegranate. +1 kg Neem Intercropping(9: 3. Training on Intercroppin Rabi: Cake+ 1) & INM in Canopy g & weed Weed Secondary Greengram Management managemen management Micro nutient Rabi : t in in greengram 2.Training on 1. INM in greengram by pre- lay out and Greengram- emurgence orchard dev. STBF+FYM appln of Rabi: 5t/ha+Rhizobiu Pendimethali Intercropping m treatment of n of greengram seed 10g/kg 1200ml/acre. var.PDM-139 with pomegranate (9:1 ratio) with 30x10 cm spacing of Greengram % increase in 20 35 55 income

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Kharif: Kharif: Kharif: Varietal 1INM in Paddy- Weed Demonstration Application Weed management on paddy var. Dhanicha @ 30 management in paddy,Pre- Med. Land- INM in Paddy Pratikshya kg/ha+FYM in paddy emergence irrigated Training on Demonstration 5t/ha+STBF+Z Training on application of Varietal trial INM in paddy on line sowing nso4-25kg/ha weed Pretilachlor on Pratikshya Rabi : of Rice Cv. 3Training on management 500ml/acre Potato INM in Potato Pratikhya INM in paddy in paddy Training on demonstration Training on STB fertiliser Rabi : Rabi: Disease weed Soil testing INM in Potato application in Demonstration management management Training Paddy on INM in in potato( Late in paddy Rabi: varietal potato-FYM 20 Blight) Rabi:Late demonstration t/ha +STBF blight on potato var. appln+ 10 kg management


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points K.Surya mixed micro by application nutrient/ha ( of Redomil-MZ Zn, Cu,Mg,Fe) @2gm/litre of 2.Training on water INM in Potato Animal Health Animal Health Camp Animal Health Camp (vaccination; Camp (vaccination; OUAT Mineral (vaccination; OUAT Mineral mixture @ 50 OUAT Mineral mixture @ 50 gm/cow for 3 Health & Feed mixture @ 50 Health & Feed gm/cow for 3 Health & Feed months (No. of mgt. of gm/cow for 3 management months (No. of mgt./ Cows :2 ); milching cow/ months (No. of of milching Cows :5 ); Fodder Crop 2.Palishree Poultry rearing Cows :4 ); cow/Poultry Palishree bird introduction Bird rearing Dairy Palishree Bird rearing/dairy/ rearing 100 Poultry rearing 50 Chicks, . Fodder Crop rearing 100 fodder Chicks in low Dairy Demonstration production Chicks, production cost poultry on hybrid Intensification house, Napier Cv. Co- of hybrid Intensification 7 Napier Cv. Co- of Hybrid 3.Training on 7 Napier,Var-Co- Poultry 7 Production % increase in 20 35 55 income Module-II(Block: Jharsuguda, G.P:Durlaga, Village:Durlaga) Rainfed farming system module, AES – I (Undulating sub-mountaneous tract rainfed) Village Geogra Cultivated Area (ha) CI Major crop Cropping phical pattern Area Durlaga Up Medium Low Total Paddy,blackg Paddy-fallow ram,vegetabl Paddy- GP: 40236 8242 4428 1745 14,415 125 % es in enterprise Talapatia ha backyard

Land type Existing farming system Problem Suggested Module Kharif Rabi Upland- Paddy -- Low yield in paddy (20 Paddy with enterprise- rainfed ( Khandagiri) q/ha), no herbicide Fishery, mushroom & (bunded) application , Imbalance poultry nutrient management in paddy Medium Paddy --- Low yield paddy ( 25 q/ha) Paddy land-rainfed (var.Naveen, ,Weed management is with fishery, mushroom, Swarna) lacking-no herbicide poultry Vegetables- application Low yield of brinjal,chili tomato,Chili, Brinjal, due to wilting and local variety Enterprise Fishery Fishery Low fish production due to Fishery with poultry & Deshi deshi traditional fish farming mushroom production bird(Poultry) Poultry Deshi bird of poultry is


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Land type Existing farming system Problem Suggested Module Kharif Rabi Deshi cow for Milch having less growth. Lack of milk cow Knowledge on mushroom production and value addition .

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Up Land – Kharif: 1.Weed Kharif: 1.INM in Paddy Kharif: rainfed: 1.FLD on management 1. FLD on 2. Training 1. INM in Short Duration Varital in paddy Weed Paddy- paddy(100- substitution of 2.Training management Application 110 days) paddy Cv in paddy by Dhanicha @ 30 Sahabhagi application of kg/ha+FYM dhan Pretilachlor 5t/ha+STBF+Z 2.Soil test 500 ml/ac nso4-25kg/ha based fertiliser within 48 hr of 2. Training on application transplanting INM in Paddy 2.Training on weed management in paddy Med. Land – Kharif: Weed Kharif: 1.INM in paddy Kharif: rainfed: 1. FLD on management FLD on Weed INM in Paddy- Med. Duration Varietal in paddy Management Application Rice(125-135 substitution of In Paddy, Pre Dhanicha @ 30 Days) paddy Cv emergence kg/ha+FYM Pratikshya application of 5t/ha+STBF+Z 2. Soil test based Pretilachlor@5 nso4-25kg/ha fertiliser 00ml/Ac. application Within 48 hours of transplanting. Fish Demonstration Fish farming Demonstration Fish farming 1. Demonstration productionPou on IMC Poultry rearing on Poultry rearing on Integrated ltry rearing Fish culture Mushroom IMC+Chineese Mushroom fish farm Mushroom Demonstration production carp production & (IMC+Vegetabl production Palishree Palishree Bird value addition es+papaya and poultry Bird rearing 100 drumstic at rearing 50 Chicks-Low pond bund) Chicks, cost poultry 2. Palishree Paddy straw & house bird(100 nos) Oyster Demonstration 3. Value addition mushroom on Mushroom of mushroom round the year in low cost (Pickles, dry (50 bed each) poly mushroom) Training on house(100 4. Training on Mushroom beds) value addition Production . of Mushroom. 25 45 5. 55


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Activity Number of No. of farmers/ activity beneficiaries On farm testing 6 54 Frontline Demonstration on Oilseeds 1 50 Frontline Demonstration on Pulses 1 50 Frontline Demonstration on Other than Oilseed and pulse crops 12 120 Frontline Demonstration on Enterprise 2 20 Training-Farmers and farm women 40 1000 Training-Rural youths 13 195 Training- Extension functionaries 9 90 Extension Activities 510 -- Seed Production (Number of activity as seeds in quintal) 10 -- Seedling Production (Number of activity as number of seedlings 131400 -- in numbers) Other Bio- products (No. of quantity) 5 -- Live stock products 1000 Activities of Soil and Water Testing Laboratory 1000 -- Kisan Mobile Advisory (KVK-KMA) 48 5000


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kalahandi covering a geographical area of 7920 sq km lies in between 19.3 to 21.5 N Latitude and 82.20 to 83.47 E Longitude. As per 2011 census, the Kalahandi District has got total 15,76,869 population comprising 7,87,101 male and 7,89,768 female. Kalahandi District is largely an agriculture based Economy.

Basic information about the district Geographical Area:- 792000 hect. Cultivable area:- 372000 hect. High:- 237856 hect. Medium:- 85279 hect. Low:- 67865 hect. Gross cropped area:- 640960 hect. Cropping intensity:- 156.61% Paddy area (Kharif-2015):- 190000 hect. Normal Rainfall:- 1330.5 mm Soil:- Alluvial, Black, Red & Yellow, Red & Black, Red Irrigated area Kharif-2015:- 147449 ha (38.43%) Rabi-2014-15:- 111318 ha ( 29%)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Major crops Crop Area in ha Productivity Area in ha Productivity (q/ha) (q/ha) Kharif Rabi Paddy 180403 42 67438 42 Maize 19669 30.15 -- -- Cotton 46152 9.71 -- -- Pigeon Pea 19365 10.55 -- -- Green gram 13758 7.1 46915 6.5 Black gram 43945 6.2 11695 6.5 Groundnut 5364 13.18 10516 19.7 GP wise Major crop & Enterprise Information Block Name of Cropping Pattern Other GP/Village Kharif Rabi Summer Enterprises Kamathana Paddy, Cotton, Green gram, Sunflower, Cattle, Goat, Vill-Medinipur Arhar, Maize, Black gram, Groundnut, poultry, Groundnut Groundnut watermelon, mushroom Banana, Banana, Onion, Cucumber, Vegetable Cauliflower, Pumpkin, (Okra, Cow Cabbage, Bitter gourd pea, Brinjal) Tomato, Chilli Kesinga Boria Paddy, Green gram, Sunflower, Cattle, Goat, Vill-Boria Cotton,Arhar, Chick pea, field Summer poultry, Maize, pea, vegetable Mushroom Groundnut, Groundnut, Black gram, Maize, Onion, Banana, Vegetable Vegetable (Brinjal, chilli, Lanjigarh Kamardha Paddy, Cotton, Green gram, Summer Cattle, Vill- Kamardha Arhar, Maize, Black gram, Vegetable Goatery & Black gram, Groundnut, Poultry, Vegetable Maize, mango (Brinjal, chilli, Vegetable Cole crop Dharmagarh Boden Paddy, Arhar, Black gram, Sunflower, Cattle, Vill- Boden Maize, Green gram, vegetable goatery, Groundnut field pea, poultry, ,Banana, Groundnut, mushroom Vegetable vegetable A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Module-I (Block: Langigarh, GP:Gobardhanpur,Village:Panimunda) (Block:Bhawanipatna, GP:Ganatpur,Village:Medinipur) (Block:Kesinga, GP:Boria,Village:Boria) Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr (Rainfed Upland Broad Fallow Low yield of Crop Cultivation Regular Ecosystem) casting local paddy diversificati of Kharif monitoring of local (6qtl/ha) & on through onion C.v- to ensure short Arhar high AFDR/ adoption of duratio 4.5qtl/ha) yielding Bhima super recommen


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr n paddy High Arhar C.v- & ded (Chetka sucking pest Asha as Application practices , Pora)& in Bt cotton sole crop , of herbicide Follow up Arhar and low Cotton in maize training for (Kandul yield of (Bt)+ Arhar (Atrazine + capacity a) maize (Asha) HW building Bt (9qtl/ha) Intercroppi 1000 a.i g/ha Providing cotton ng with 8:2 at 0-3 & technology cultivati ratio , 30DAS & 30 literature, on & Cultivation DAS) and awareness Broad of Kharif micronutrien programm casting onion C.v- t, Soil e on crop of Jhari AFDR/ application diversificat maka Bhima of Boron @ ion. Supply super 0.5 kg and of Training on Zinc @ 2.5 kg literature IPM in /ha, Basal Cotton, application Cultivation of sulphur HYV maize @30 kg ha-1 C.v –Hycel, in onion , PAC 745 cotton C.v – Hycel, PAC 745 Med- Broad Fallow Drought Paddy (var. Demo. On Regular Upland casting during later Sahabhagi Crop follow up of stage , pest dhan, diversificatio action and short & disease Jogesh) n through monitoring duratio problem , Line sowing Kharif HYV for n paddy Improper in paddy, of Maize sustainabili (Khand fertilizer Weed (MM-1107, ty. agiri, managemen manageme PAC 745) Training on Pora) , t & nt in paddy with micronutri broadca micronutrie Pendimetha fertilizer & ent sting nt lin (38.7% micronutrien manageme managemen SC)fb t nt , weed t 750gm/ha, management manageme bispyribac- Liming nt, supply Na @0.1LR for of 25gm/ha maize, and literature at 0-3 DAT mixed with 25DAT. organics Line sowing (FYM@5 t of Black ha-1) below gram the seed (prasad) in zone 3rd week of &Application August with of YMV Azotobacter, manageme Azospirilum nt (YST + and PSM (in


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Neem Oil 1:1:1) @ 4.0 0.15% @ 2 kg each ha-1, ml / Lit. + inoculated to Diafenthiur prelimed on 50% (5%) WP @ 1 gm FYM/VC in / Lit.) 1:25 ratio with Training on micronutrie IPM, IDM & nt weed application management Module-I Medium Broad Fallow No second Supply of Supply of -Training (Rainfed land casting crop short short on weed, Ecosystem) of No Pest , duration duration pest & Paddy weed Paddy(var. Paddy(var. disease (var.Po managemen Jogesh, Jogesh, manageme oja, t Sidhanta , Sidhanta , nt in Swarna, No proper Manoswini) Manoswini) paddy, MTU- fertilizer Second Second crop YMV 1001, managemen crop as as green manageme Lalat) t green gram gram C.v- nt in green Terminal C.v- TARM- IPM 2- Liquid drought & 1/IPM 2-14 14/TARM-1 fertilizer low yield with with application available available soil in green soil moisture gram , moisture with YMV Regular with YMV management monitoring manageme & and fallow nt & micronutrien off the micronutrie t programm nt management e for manageme Rhizobium sustainabili nt (@ 1.0-1.5 kg ty Rhizobium ha-1) treated (@ 1.0-1.5 with 10 g kg ha-1) Sodium treated Molybdate with 10 g per 25 kg Sodium seed, Molybidate followed by per 25 kg rhizospheric seed, application followed by of 4kg PSM rhizospheri ha-1 mixed c with lime application @0.2 LR and of 4kg PSM FYM @ 2 t ha-1 mixed ha-1. with lime @0.2 LR


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr and FYM @ 2 t ha-1. Low Rice- Broadca Weed, Pest Line sowing Line Regular land green sting of and disease & transplantin monitoring gram of green problem, transplanti g of paddy by Follow up cropping gram in micronutrie ng of paddy 9 rows training for system soil nt deficiency with transplanter capacity Paddy moisture resulted low application with basal building (pooja, conditio productivity of herbicide application Market swarna, n as Pendimetha of zinc @2.5 linkage of Ranidh paira lin (38.7% kg ha-1 scented an, system SC)fb (ZnSO4.7H2O paddy barsadh 750gm/ha, ) & sulphur through an. bispyribac- @30 kg ha-1 FIG, Swarna Na (CaSO4.2H2O literature sub 25gm/ha ) integrated supply one) at 0-3 with Broadc DAT& inorganic asting & 25DAT fertilizers Stagger Part of land based on soil ed will be test and transpl utilized for organic anting scented manures @5 paddy(Nua t ha-1 in acharmati/ paddy & Nua green gram. Kalajira/ TARM-1 in purunabho soil moisture g) condition, Line Sowing Training on of green fertilizer gram C..v- management IPM 2-14 , IDM & IPM by seed cum fertlizer drill with application of herbicide Imazethapyr+ Pendimetha lin(RM) @ 1000g/ha as PRE Module-I homest Goatery High Deworming Shed Feed (Rainfed ead mortality % of kids management manageme Ecosystem) of kids. Poor (fenbendaz (Bamboo nt, body ole .5mg/kg mat) commercia growth body wt.) & Feed l goatery proper management unit schedule through establishm


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr vaccination training & ent (20 (PPR demonstrati goats) Vaccine 1ml on Entreprene subcutanio (concentrate ur us), supply mixture 200 developme of mineral gm/goat/da nt through mixture y) training & (Suplivite- exposure M)(4 goats) visit. Formation of FIG. Supply of literature. Linkage with OLM, OTELP & Veterinary Dept. for service supply, insurance & financial support in convergenc e mode Poultry Local Breed Up scaling by Commercia breeds, low replacemen 100 bird/ lization, egg lying t with farmer, entreprene and poor Pallishree Schedule ur body /Vanaraja Vaccination, developme growth rate etc 20 feed nt chicks/farm management Market er for & shed linkage backyard management through (Training & , training on FIG Input as improved chicks & method of MD, RD , poultry Lasota & rearing Pox vaccination ) Under Introductio Commerciali Entreprene utilization of n of zation 20 ur paddy Mushroom bed/day developme straw. cultivation Training on nt, value in small mushroom addition scale 5 cultivation (Pickle bed/day throughout makeing), (Training & the year, Paddy Input supply of straw


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr /spawn, literature mushroom lime & throughout chemicals) the year, market linkage by formation of FIG. convergenc e with Horticultur e Dept. supply of literature

Increase in production = 20 % 45 % 60 % % growth in income = 25% 40% 65% Employment generation MD (per ha/year) 370 410 445 Module-II (Block:Dharmagarh, GP:Boden,Village:Boden) Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Module-II Uplan Paddy Seasona Low Paddy (var. Paddy (var. Regular (Irrigated d (Khandagiri l yield of Sahabhagi Sahabhagi monitoring Ecosystem )- vegetabl paddy dhan) line dhan) line to ensure ) broadcastin e due to sowing, sowing, adoption of g, Arhar use of Herbicide Herbicide recommende broadcastin old application application d practices g, Jhari & variety, Pendimethali in up land Follow up local Maize monoco n (38.7% SC) paddy training for sowing t weed in up land Pendimethali capacity proble paddy, n (38.7% building m in up Introduction SC)fb Set up land of tomato ( 750gm/ha, market paddy, C.v -BT-136) bispyribac- linkage Low Soil Na 25gm/ha Value fertility reclamation at 0-3 DAT& addition of status Application 25DAT, Tomato of soil, of Cultivation Mobile Heavy Azotobacter, of tomato message on wilting Azospirilum (BT-136), agro in and PSM (in Soil advisory tomato 1:1:1) @ 4.0 reclamation services, kg each ha-1, by applying supply of inoculated to paper mill technology prelimed sludge @ literature (5%) 250 kg/ FYM/VC in acre+ Lime 1:25 ratio, 5qtl/ha incubated f ertilization for 7 days at on STBFA


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr 30% Use of moisture and Growth applied in regulator in the vegetable. rhizosphere during on the day of (flowering planting or Stage) sowing of crops. Application of T. viridae 2kg+ 250kg FYM in pit/ha. Use of Growth regulator in Tomato Application of GA3 @ 30 ppm. at 70 days after transplantin g during (flowering Stage) istribution of Extension literatures

Existing farming Land Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention Module system type Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr

Leaf Line SRI method Summer folder, transplantin of paddy Vegetables BPH, g of paddy transplantin (pumpkin) WBPH & by 9 row g. Use of bio with micro- Gall midge transplante products nutrient problem r, IPDM (Spraying of application, Paddy in paddy Flubendiam Azadirachti IPDM for (var. disease ide 240 SC + n 0.15%@ more Paddy Module-II Pratikhya, i.e blast Thiacloprid 1.5 Lit./ ha ) production (Lalat), (Irrigated Mediu MTU- in paddy, 240 SC ) @ & bio- Regular Vegetable Ecosyste m land 1001) monocot 300 ml/ha agents monitoring (cauliflow m) Staggered/ & dicot twice i.e. at (Tricho to ensure er) transplanti weed Tillering & cards @ adoption of ng problem, P.I. stage for 50000/ha) recommend in paddy managemen application ed practices low yield t of Gall of Follow up due to midge, LF & Rhizobium training for improper BPH, (@ 1.0-1.5 capacity fertilizer WBPH kg ha-1) building managem ,Prochloraz treated with Set up


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Existing farming Land Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention Module system type Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr

ent. 26.25% + 10 g Sodium market Tricyclazole Molybdate linkage by 22.5% SE @ per 25 kg developing 1000 ml/ha seed, FIG & for blast followed by supply of managemen rhizospheri literature t in paddy, c soil application reclamation of 4kg PSM and ha-1 mixed fertilsation with lime on STB @0.2 LR, Basal application application of Sulphur of sulphur @ 25 kg/ha @30 kg ha-1 + foilar (CaSO4.2H2 application O) of Boron @ integrated 1 kg/ha at with the time of inorganic flower fertilizers initiation in based on sunflower. soil test and organic manures @2 t ha-1., Introductio n of HYV of sunflower C.v PAC-36 after paddy with micronutrie nt application. Sulphur @ 25 kg/ha + foilar application of Boron @ 1 kg/ha at the time of flower initiation. Weed Green Line sowing Regular Paddy problem manuaring of sun Follow up Paddy (MTU- in paddy, with flower after action & (pooja) Low 1010) Pest like dhanicha @ paddy with supervision Staggered land Green BPH, 25kg/ha, micronutrie training for transplanti gram & WBPH, LF line nt capacity ng Vegetable in paddy transplantin managemen building and blast g, water t for


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Existing farming Land Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention Module system type Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr

& sheath managemen Application monitoring blight t and of bio- & disease in Training on pesticide ( sustainabilit paddy IPM in Neem oil @ y. Supply of varietal Paddy, STB 1.5 lt/ha, Bt Literature, suitability fertiliser @ 750 awareness application, gm/ha& programme green gram NPV (TARM-1)/ 250LE/ha)), in line bio-agents sowing, (tricho rhizobium cards @ application 50000/ha), & Basal use of zero application till seed of sulphur drill for @30 kg ha-1 pulses, YMV (CaSO4.2H2 control O) for yield measure enhanceme nt in green gram

Module Land Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type farming system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Module-II Homestead Dairy Low Fodder Mineral Value (Irrigated producti cultivation mixture addition of Ecosystem vity of (Hybreed supplements, milk for ) milk napier) AI for schedule commercial breed up vaccination, purposes, gradation, Breed up Entrepreneur shed gradation by s management, AI, supply of development Feed literature, through supplements, training on OLHDM,OTEL supply of AI, shed P, Veterinary mineral management, Dept. mixture feeding Development management of FIG homestea Goater mortalit Deworming Shed Nutrition d y y of kids. of kids and management, management Poor disease supply of & commercial body management, improved goat unit by growth Schedule breed buck linking with rate vaccination, like NABARD, supply of (Jamunpari, OTELP, mineral shirohi, black OLHDM mixture bengal) Need programme, based Training on training on breed vaccination, improvement feed and up-


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type farming system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr management gradetion, technique & nutrient shed management, management, vaccination supply of schedule literature homestea Poultry Traditio Breed Vaccination Training, d nal replacement and feed & supply of breeds, with shed literature, low egg Pallishree & management Commercializ lying and Vanaraja ation, poor poultry breed entrepreneur body in backyard development growth (Training & for Input) sustainability & FIG formation for marketing Increase in production = 25% Employment Generation = 47% % growth in income = 65% Employment generation MD 350 390 410 B. Mandated Activities Summary of action plan 2016-17 Activity No. of training No. of Participant Training to Farmers & Farm Women 65 1625 Training to Rural Youths 14 210 Training to In-Service Personals 10 100 Total training 89 1935 On farm testing 20 Frontline Demonstration 20 Other extension activities Activity No Field Day 14 Kisan Mela 02 Kisan Ghosthi 03 Exhibition 04 Film Show 17 Method Demonstrations 22 Farmers Seminar 02 Workshop 03 Group meetings 19 Ex-trainees Sammelan 04 Soil Health Camp 02 Animal Health Camp 02 Self Help Group conveners meetings 06


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kandhamal Kandhamal revenue district came into existence on 1st January, 1994, after Phulbani District was divided into Kandhamal and Boudh Districts of Odisha. The District lies between 19 degree 34’ to 20 degree 36’ north latitude and 83 degree 34’ to 84 degree 34’ east longitude.

Basic information of the district • Total cultivated area : 1,28,000 ha Upland : 96,000 ha (75 %) Medium land : 21,000 ha (16.4%) Low land : 11,000 ha (8.6%) • Area sown during kharif : 1,25,360 ha • Area sown during rabi : 41,500 ha • Cropping intensity : 176 % • Soil type :Red lateritic & yellowish brown forest soil • Irrigation potential (ha) Kharif : 35671 ha Rabi : 17211 ha Major crops Name of Crop Kharif Rabi Summer Area (ha) Yield(t/ha) Area (ha) Yield(t/ha) Area (ha) Yield(t/ha) Paddy 45720 2.348 - - 340 3.9 Maize 16970 2.127 180 1.889 - - Arhar 4500 0.898 - - - - Groundnut 1650 1.334 30 1.496 - - Turmeric 13760 9.557 - - - - Niger 10910 0.328 - - - - Kulthi - - 13910 0.382 - - Ginger 2990 8.67 - - - - Blackgram 472 0.308 270 0.432 - - Mustard - - 18170 0.318 - -


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Details of AES Name of AES AES features Blocks covered AES-1 Brown Forest, High rainfall (1300- Phulbani, Phiringia, 1500mm), High Elevation (500to 1000 Baliguda,Tumudibandha,Kotagada,Daring m), rainfed badi and K.Nuagaon AES-2 Red and Yellow Soil, Moderate rainfall Chakapad, Tikabali, G.Udayagiri, (1100-1300 mm), Moderate Irrigation. Khajuripada and Raikia A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Module – I (Block :G. Udayagiri, GP : Katingia, Village:Kalanaju) ( Block : Tikabali, GP : Paburia, Village:Burbinaju) Farming Existing farming system Problem Suggested Intervention situation Crops Other enterprises Upland-land- Maize- Rearing of • Low yield in Maize (2.3 1. Acid soil management in Rain fed- Acid fallow local poultry t/ha) due to soil acidity and Maize soil breed inadequate nutrient 2. Soil test based fertilizers management practices application

(20:20:15 kg N:P2O5K2O 3. Maize+ Arhar per ha) and non use of intercropping (2:1) Lime 4. Backyard Poultry rearing Low profitability from non land(Breed -Banaraja) enterprises. (Local poultry5. breed) Oyster Mushroom cultivation

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Acid soil Soil sample Intercropping Soil sample Follow up Regular management collection & of Hybrid collection & action for monitoring to in maize (OFT) analysis Maize+ Arhar analysis practicing all ensure Soil test based Recommendati in 2:1 ratio Recommendati the adoption of fertilizer dose on of fertilizer on of fertilizer interventions recommended + FYM @ 2 t dose and lime dose as per in kharif and practices /ha + Lime @ application as soil test rabi Follow up 0.2 LR per soil test results. training for results. Supply of capacity Supply of hybrid maize building fertilizers to and HYV arhar the seeds and beneficiaries. fertilizers to Training to the farmers beneficiaries. Training to farmers % Increase in 20 40 60 income

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action Intervention Action points points


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action Intervention Action points points • Development of . Supply of 20 • Development . Supply of 20• Follow up action for Regular poultry unit nos. of poultry of poultry unit nos. of practicing all the monitori chicks breed poultry interventions ng to Pallishree chicks breed• Entrepreneurship ensure . Timely Pallishree development in adoption vaccination . Timely rural unemployed of and proper vaccination youth recomme nutrition and proper • Group formation for nded . Training to the nutrition marketing practices farmers . Training to  Follow the farmers up . Conduct training animal for health camp capacity • Demonstration . Development • Value addition. Formation building of Oyster of mushroom of mushroom of group for mushroom production commercial cultivation unit. production . Provide spawn & value . Training addition of mushroom . Skill developmen t training % Increase in 20 40 60 income Module I-A Farming Existing farming system Problem Suggested Module situation Crops Other enterprises Upland- Rice-fallow • Low yield of paddy (2.1 Recommendation of soil Rain fed t/h) due to improper test based fertilizer nutrient management application. practices and cultivating Introduction of short low yield existing paddy duration paddy variety variety Sahabhagidhan.

Upland- Groundnut • Low yield of groundnut Recommendation of soil Rain fed -fallow (1.3 t/h) due to test based fertilizer inadequate nutrient application and INM management practices practices for groundnut and cultivating low yield Introduction of HYV existing groundnut Groundnut varieties like variety TAG-24 and Devi.


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Existing farming system Problem Suggested Module situation Crops Other enterprises Rearing of • Low profitability from Rearing of Backyard local poultry non land enterprises. Poultry (Pallishree breed)- breed (Local poultry breed) Oyster Mushroom cultivation

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Integrated . Soil sample • Introduction of. Supply of Follow up  Regular nutrient collection and HYV groundnut action for monitoring to management analysis and groundnut varieties like practicing all ensure practices for recommendati varieties like TAG-24 and the adoption of kharif on of soil test TAG-24 and Devi interventions recommended groundnut based fertilizer Devi . Soil sample in kharif practices Soil test based application. • Integrated collection and  Follow up fertilizer dose. Application of nutrient analysis and training for + FYM 2 t micronutrient management recommendati capacity +PMS 500 Kg + (boron) practices for on of soil test building boron as . Training to the kharif based fertilizer solubor @ 10 farmers groundnut application. kg/ha applied . Application of at the time of micronutrient sowing (boron) . Training to the farmers % Increase in 20 40 60 income

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action Intervention Action points points • Development of . Supply of 20 • Development . Supply of 20• Follow up action  Regular poultry unit nos. of poultry of poultry unit nos. of for practicing all monitorin chicks breed poultry the interventions g to Pallishree chicks breed• Entrepreneurship ensure . Timely Pallishree development in adoption vaccination . Timely rural unemployed of and proper vaccination youth recomme nutrition and proper • Group formation nded . Training to the nutrition for marketing practices farmers . Training to  Follow up the farmers training . Conduct for animal capacity health camp


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action Intervention Action points points • Demonstration of. Development • Value addition. Formation building Oyster mushroom of mushroom of mushroom of group for cultivation production commercial unit. production . Provide spawn & value . Training addition of mushroom . Skill developmen t training % Increase in 20 40 60 income Module- I (B) Farming Existing Problem Suggested Module situation farming system Crops Upland- Turmeric Low yield in turmeric due to 1. Assessment of Organic sources of rainfed oil improper nutrient & agronomical nutrients in Turmeric management practices . 2. Introduction of improved turmeric variety (Roma) 3. Ridge bed planting method for turmeric

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action points points points Assessment of. Soil sample • Introduction . Soil sample • Follow up  Regular Organic analysis of turmeric analysis action for monitoring to sources of . Ridge bed var. (Roma) . Supply of practicing all ensure nutrients in method of turmeric the adoption of turmeric planting variety (Roma) interventions recommended FYM 10 t/ha (5. Training to . Ridge bed in kharif and practices ton at the time farmers method of rabi  Follow up of final planting • Entrepreneurs training for ploughing and . Organic hip capacity rest 5 ton nutrient development building spread over management in rural the raised practices unemployed bed), . Training to youth for value mulching with farmers addition in dry leaves @ . Post harvest turmeric (SHG, 12.5 t/ha, Bio- management FC), fertilizers : and value Azospirillum addition and PSB each . Formation of @ 10kg/ha, SHG for Neem cake 5 marketing q/ha at the time of planting


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action points points points % Increase in 20 40 60 income Module – II (Block : K. Nuagaon , GP : Chhanchedi, Village:Kelmaha) (Block : K. Nuagaon, GP : Sirtiguda, Village:Gungigaon) Farming Existing farming Problem Suggested Module situation system

Crops Other enterprises Medium- Rice- Local • Low yield in Paddy (2.3 t/ha) 1. Nutrient management in Low land- fallow poultry due to improper nutrient transplanted paddy Rain-fed breed management and use of low 2. Introduction of Hybrid paddy yielding existing paddy varieties (Ajay & Rajalaxmi) varieties. 3. Chickpea cultivation in zero till • Low cropping intensity due practice rice-fallow cropping pattern 4. Introduction of Kabuli chickpea • Low profitability from non in residual moisture land enterprises. (Local poultry5. Introduction of linseed in breed) residual moisture 6. Backyard Poultry (Pallishree breed)- 7. Oyster Mushroom cultivation

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Nutrient . Soil sample • Introduction of• Supply of Follow up  Regular management collection and hybrid paddy hybrid paddy action for monitoring to in analysis and varieties (Ajay varieties practicing all ensure transplanted recommendati & Rajalaxmi) (Ajaya & the adoption of paddy on for soil test• Nutrient Rajalaxmi) interventions recommended Application of based fertilizer management . Soil sample in kharif practices N-P2O5-K2O as application. in hybrid collection and  Follow up per soil test . Application of paddy analysis and training for result and micronutrient recommendati capacity ZnSO4 @ 25 (zinc) on for soil test building kg/ha as basal. Training to the based fertilizer application farmers application. . Application of micronutrient (zinc) . Training to the farmers % Increase in 20 40 60 income


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Assessment of. Supply of Introduction of• Supply of Introduction of Supply of Chickpea in chickpea Var. Kabuli Kabuli linseed in linseed seeds zero till (MNK-1) chickpea in Chickpea seeds residual • Soil sample practice . Soil sample residual • Soil sample moisture collection and collection and moisture collection and analysis and analysis and analysis and recommendati recommendati recommendati on for soil test on for soil test on for soil test based fertilizer based fertilizer based fertilizer application. application. application. • Training to the . Training to the • Training to the farmers farmers farmers % Increase in 20 40 60 income

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points

Development. Supply of 20 • Development . Supply of 20 • Follow up  Regular of poultry nos. of of poultry unit nos. of poultry action for monitoring to unit poultry chicks chicks breed practicing all ensure breed Pallishree the adoption of Pallishree . Timely interventions recommended . Timely vaccination and• Entrepreneurs practices vaccination proper hip  Follow up and proper nutrition development in training for nutrition . Training to the rural capacity . Training to farmers unemployed building the farmers . Conduct animal youth health camp • Group • Demonstratio Development Value addition Formation of formation for n of Oyster of mushroom of mushroom group for marketing mushroom production commercial cultivation unit. production & Provide value addition spawn of mushroom Training Skill development training % Increase in 20 40 60 income


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module – III (Block : G. Udayagiri, GP : Malikapodi, Village:Gamuli) (Block : K. Nuagaon, GP : Chhanchedi, Village:Kelmaha) Farming Existing farming Problem Suggested Module situation system Crops Other enterprises Medium- Paddy- Rearing of • Low yield in paddy due to 1. Nutrient management in Low land- Mustard local Poultry improper nutrient paddy irrigated oil breed management practices 2. Integrated nutrient • Low yield in mustard (3.1 management in mustard q/ha) due to improper 3. Introduction of SMI nutrient management technology (Potential yield practices and improper 30-40 q/ha) agronomical practices

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Nutrient . Soil sample • Introduction of • Supply of Follow up  Regular management collection and hybrid paddy hybrid paddy action for monitoring to in analysis and varieties (Ajay & varieties (Ajaya practicing all ensure transplanted recommendati Rajalaxmi) & Rajalaxmi) the adoption of paddy on for soil test• Nutrient . Soil sample interventions recommended Application of based fertilizer management in collection and in kharif practices N-P2O5-K2O as application. hybrid paddy analysis and  Follow up per soil test . Application of recommendati training for result and micronutrient on for soil test capacity ZnSO4 @ 25 (zinc) based fertilizer building kg/ha as . Training to the application. basal farmers . Application of application micronutrient (zinc) . Training to the farmers % Increase in 20 40 60 income

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Integrated . Soil samples • Introduction of • Soil samples Follow up  Regular nutrient collection and SMI technology collection and action for monitoring to management analysis and in mustard analysis and practicing all ensure in Mustard recommendati recommendati the adoption of on for soil test on for soil test interventions recommended based fertilizer based fertilizer in rabi practices application. application programme  Follow up . Biofertilizers • Transplanting training for like of 21 days old capacity Aztotobacter, seedlings at building Azospirillum 90cm x90 cm and PSB in spacing 1:1:1 each @ 4 • Training to kg/ha, farmers


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points . Application of S @25 kg/ha as basal. . Training to farmers % Increase in 20 40 60 income Module IV (Block : G. Udayagiri, GP :Lingagada, Village:Katadaganda) (Block : K.Nuagaon, GP :Sarangagada, Village:Bandaguda) (Block : Tikabali, GP :Gadaguda, Village:Penala) (Block : G. Udayagiri, GP :Katingia, Village:Sudhipada) Farming Existing farming system Problem Suggested Module situation Crops Other enterprises Medium Vegetable- Rearing of Low yield of vegetables due Introduction of HYV/hybrid land- vegetable local Poultry to cultivation of low varieties. irrigated breed yielding varieties Integrated Nutrient oil Improper nutrient management practices for management vegetables Distress sale of produce in Formation of groups for local market marketing

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Demonstration• Soil samples Demonstration• Supply of • Follow up  Regular on tomato collection and on tomato tomato variety action for monitoring to during Kharif analysis and variety –Swarna practicing all ensure recommendati (Swarna Sampad the adoption of on for soil test Sampad) • Soil samples interventions recommended based fertilizer collection and in Kharif & practices application analysis and Rabi  Follow up • Foliar spray of recommendati programme training for borax. on for • Group capacity • Training to fertilizers as formation for building farmers per soil test marketing results. • Training to farmers Demonstration• Soil samples Demonstration• Supply of • Follow up  Regular on integrated collection and on capsicum capsicum action for monitoring to nutrient analysis and variety variety – practicing all ensure management recommendati (california california the adoption of in potato on for soil test wonder) wonder interventions recommended during Rabi based fertilizer • Soil samples in Kharif practices application collection and programme  Follow up • Training to analysis and • Group training for farmers recommendati formation for capacity on for marketing building fertilizers as


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points per soil test results. • Training to farmers % Increase in 20 40 60 income

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Assessment of• Soil samples Demonstration• Supply of • Follow up  Regular INM in collection and on hybrid hybrid action for monitoring to gardenpea analysis and cauliflower cauliflower practicing all ensure recommendati variety variety the adoption of on for soil test • Soil samples interventions recommended based fertilizer collection and in Kharif & practices application analysis and Rabi  Follow up • Lime 0.2LR (If recommendati programme training for soil is acidic) on for • Group capacity • Sulphur @ fertilizers as formation for building 20kg/ha per soil test marketing • Boron @ results. 1kg/ha • Boron @ • Training to 1kg/ha farmers • Training to farmers % Increase in 20 40 60 income

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Demonstrati • Supply of Demonstrati • Supply of • Follow up Regular on on hybrid on on Raikia raikia bean action for monitoring to cabbage cabbage bean during seed. practicing all ensure during Rabi varieties Rabi (TSP) • Soil samples the adoption of (TSP) • Soil samples collection interventions recommended collection and analysis in rabi practices and analysis and programme Follow up and recommenda • Entrepreneur training for recommenda tion for 75% ship capacity tion for 75% of N:P2O5:K2O development building of N:P2O5:K2O as per soil in rural as per soil test results. unemployed test results. • Biofertilizers youth • Biofertilizers like • Group like Aztotobacter, formation for Aztotobacter, Azospirillum marketing Azospirillum and PSB in and PSB in 1:1:1 each @ 1:1:1 each @ 4 kg/ha 4 kg/ha • Application • Application of B @ 1 of B @ 1 kg/ha as kg/ha as basal. basal. • Training to


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points • Training to farmers farmers • Distribution • Distribution of literature of literature % Increase in 20 40 60 income

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Demonstratio• Supply of HYV Demonstratio• Supply of • Follow up action Regular n on onion onion n on hybrid for practicing all monitoring to during Rabi • Soil samples cauliflower cauliflower the interventions ensure (TSP) collection and during Rabi seed. in rabi adoption of analysis and (TSP) • Soil samples programme recommended recommendati collection and• Entrepreneurshi practices on for 75% of analysis and p development  Follow up N:P2O5:K2O as recommendat in rural training for per soil test ion for 75% unemployed capacity results. of N:P2O5:K2O youth building • Biofertilizers as per soil • Group formation like test results. for marketing Aztotobacter, Biofertilizers Azospirillum like and PSB in Aztotobacter, 1:1:1 each @ 4 Azospirillum kg/ha and PSB in • Application of 1:1:1 each @ B @ 1 kg/ha as 4 kg/ha basal. • Application of • Training to B @ 1 kg/ha farmers as basal. • Distribution of • Training to literature farmers • Distribution of literature % Increase in 20 40 60 income Module –V (Block: K. Nuagaon , GP :Chanchedi, Village:Kelmaha) (Block : G. Udayagiri, GP :Malikapodi, Village:Gamuli) (Block : K.Nuagaon, GP :Sarangada, Village:Bandaguda) (Block : G. Udayagiri, GP :Katingia, Village:Sudhipada) Farming Existing farming Problem Suggested Module situation system Crops Other enterprises Home stead - Mushroom • Low production of P. sajar caju1. Assessment of oyster during low temperature from mushroom species the month of November to Pleurotus eryngii February at Kandhamal Pleurotus ostreatus district Pleurotus florida


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Existing farming Problem Suggested Module situation system Crops Other enterprises Home stead - Beekeeping • Low honey production Demonstration on beekeeping • Lack of scientific knowledge Skill training on beekeeping Home stead - Leaf plate • Less output due to hand Demonstration on preparation stitching stitching of Leaf plate making by leaf plate stitching machine for income generation

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points  Formation of • Supply of group for • Supply of oyster commercial Assessment of oyster Assessment of mushroom production & oyster mushroom oyster spawn • Value addition value addition mushroom spawn mushroom • Training to of mushroom of mushroom species • Training to species farmers  Skill farmers • Group development formation training • Follow up  Regular action for monitoring to practicing all ensure • Supply of bee • Group the adoption of box and bee formation for interventions • Group recommended Beekeeping colony processing, • Entrepreneurs formation practices • Training to trading and hip  Follow up farmers marketing development training for in rural capacity unemployed building youth % Increase in 20 40 60 income

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Leaf plate • Supply of leaf • Group • Group • Follow up  Regular stitching plate stitching formation formation for action for monitoring to machine marketing practicing all ensure • Training to the adoption of farmers interventions recommended • Entrepreneurs practices hip  Follow up development training for in rural capacity unemployed building


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points youth % Increase in 20 40 60 income B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Activity No. No. of beneficiary Training to farmer & farm women 30 750 Training to rural youth 9 225 Training to extn. personnel 6 90 Vocational training 6 90 Total training 51 1155 On farm testing 8 Frontline Demonstration 14 Field day 08 160 Kisan Mela 02 400 Kishan Ghosthi 05 75 Exhibition 02 Mass Ex-trainees sammelan 02 50 Special day celebration 03 150 Animal health camp 02 50 Soil test camp 02 100 Soil health camp 02 100 SHG conveners meeting 02 50 Farmer Scientist interaction 02 50 Scientist visit to farmers field 160 750


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Carved out of the erstwhile District of Cuttack, is situated in Central Coastal plain zone of Odisha. The District is bounded by Bhadrak District at its North, Jagatsinghpur District at its South, at its West and Bay of Bengal at its East. Kendrapad District lies in 20 degree 20’ N to 20 degree37’ N Latitude and 86 degree 14’ E to 87 degree 01’ E Longitude. The Coastline of Kendrapara District covers 48 Km stretching from Dhamra Muhan to Batighar. Headquarters of Kendrapara District is well known as the Tulasi Khetra.

Basic Information of the District Agro-Climatic Zone : Eastern and South Eastern Coastal plain Zone Total Geographical area : 2,24,000 ha. Upland : 31,081 ha (20.44 %) Medium land : 71,890 ha (47.29 %) Low land : 49,029 ha (32.25%) Total cultivated area : 1.52.000 ha Area sown during kharif : 1,45,700 ha Area sown during rabi : 1,16,000 ha Total Kharif Paddy area : 1,23,972 ha (85 %) Rice fallow : 37,000 ha Cropping intensity : 172 % Soil type : Alluvial soil, Saline soil

Irrigation potential created Kharif : 1,05,000 ha.(69 %) Rabi : 50,000 ha (32.7 %) Maximum Temp 39.0 0 C Minimum Temp 11.5 0 C Mean Annual rainfall : 1556 mm Fertilizer Consumption rate : 29.3 kg/ha. No. of farm families- : 1, 27,020 Marginal (59.7%), Small (26.4 %), Semi medium (11.6%), Medium (2.2 %)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Situations Sl. Agro Agro Blocks covered Area in % of Soil Type No climatic ecological ‘000 ha geographic Zone situation al area of (ACZ) (AES) the zone 1 East and Coastal Kendrapara, Garadpur, 67.09 33.5 Alluvial South Irrigated Aul, (Sandy Eastern alluvium Derabish,Pattamundai, loam) Coastal (AES-1) Marshaghai, Mahakalpara, Plain Rajkanika,Rajnagar 2 Zone Rainfed Garadpur,Derabish, 84.91 42.4 Alluvial alluvium Pattamundai, Aul, (Sandy (AES-2) Rajnagar loam) 3 Coastal alluvial Kendrapara,Pattamundai, 32.35 16.1 Saline saline (AES-3) Aul,Marshaghai, Mahakalpara,Rajkanika, Rajnagar 4 Coastal Derabish,Marshaghai,Mah 15.85 08 Black Soil waterlogged akalpara, Rajnagar clay loam (AES-4) Details of AES Name of AES AES features Blocks covered Coastal Irrigated alluvium Coarse sand to clay texture, low in Kendrapara,Garadpur, Derabish, (AES-1) WHC, base saturation & fertility, Pattamundai, Aul,Marshaghai, acidic in reaction Mahakalpara, Rajkanika, Rajnagar Rainfed alluvium Coarse sand to clay texture, low in Garadpur,Derabish,Pattamundai, (AES-2) WHC, base saturation & fertility, Aul, Rajnagar acidic in reaction Coastal alluvial saline Clay to clay loam in texture, low in N Kendrapara, Pattamundai, (AES-3) & K but medium in P, reduced Aul,Marshaghai, Mahakalpara, uptake of K, Ca & Mg by plants due Rajkanika, Rajnagar to presence of excess Na, suffers from H S injury 2 Coastal waterlogged Heavier in texture with more than Derabish, Marshaghai, (AES-4) 30% clay, soil reaction is neutral to Mahakalpara, Rajnagar slightly alkaline with presence of free CaCO nodules in profile 3 Major crops Name of Kharif Rabi Summer Crop Area (‘000 Yield Area (‘000 Yield Area (‘000 Yield ha) (kg/ha) ha) (kg/ha) ha) (kg/ha) Paddy 132.36 1842 2.81 3350 Green gram 35.70 325 Black gram 38.06 426 Potato 1.20 14208 Onion 0.77 9442 Sweet potato 1.18 9056 0.07 6143 Vegetables 8.93 9288 13.70 17633 Groundnut 9.12 1834 Jute 2.46 3062 Sugarcane 0.41 51212


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

A. Modules for enhancing farmers’ income Module: I (Block- Derabish, GP: Endara, Village: Endara) Irrigated agro ecosystem (1st Year) GP(Village) Geographical Total Household No. of area (ha.) population (No.) Villages of GP (No.) Endara (Endara) 177 1312 302 7

Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Action points type Situation Kharif Rabi Upland Paddy Vegetable Low yield of Varietal substitution Seed @ 40kg/ha, paddy(20 q/ha) with Sahabhagi Dhan Training on Seed var Khandagiri (30q/ha) treatment, Soil testing & INM Low yield of Varietal substitution Seed @ 2kg/ha, Okra var. Mohini with Arka anamika / Training on Seed due to YMV Kashi treatment, Soil testing (40q/ ha) Pragati(60q/ha) & INM Medium Paddy Green Low yield of IWM (Demo) & Herbicide Bispyribac gram paddy var Pooja mechanized Sodium 200ml/ha at (30 q/ha), high transplanting with 20 DAT, Training on cost of 3 row Transplanter Seed treatment, Soil transplanting. by farm women testing IWM & INM Low yield of Varietal substitution Seed @ 25kg/ha, green gram (4 with TARM -1,acid Training on Seed q/ha) soil management treatment, Soil testing with PMS @ 0.2 LR & INM Low Paddy Fallow Low yield of IPM (stem borer Cartap hydrochloride paddy var management) 50%EC@1lt/ha, 20 Sarala(30 q/ha) Nos. pheromone traps, training on IPM of paddy. Home Paddy Oyster Low yield due to Demonstration on Mushroom Spawn, stead straw Mushroom improper management of bud Streptocycline 200ppm Mushro disease rot disease , Training on om management mushroom cultivation practices Poultry Poultry Low body weight Breed substitution Supplyof Vanaraja and less egg with Vanaraja for poultry chicks @ 25 no. production from backyard poultry /farmer. Training on desi birds rearing backyard poultry rearing Cattle Cattle Low milk yield Hydroponics fodder Maize seeds, tray and poor body grown in low cost Training on feed growth due to greenhouses with management of cattle’s. lack of green locally available fodder maize. grain


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module: I Irrigated agro ecosystem (2nd Year) Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Action points type Situation Kharif Rabi Upland Paddy Vegetable Low yield of IWM Herbicide paddy var. Pyrazosulphuron ethyl Sahabhagi Dhan @ 200g/ha, Training on (30 q/ha) due to IWM heavy weed infestation. Low yield of IWM Quizalofop ethyl@1lt /ha Okra Arka at 20 DAS. anamika / Kashi Pragati (60q/ha) due to heavy infestation of weed Medium Paddy Green Low yield of Green manuring Dhanicha seed @ 25 gram paddy var Pooja with Dhaincha . kg/ha, Training on green (32q/ha) due to Soil test based manuring and acid soil improper fertilizer management. nutrient application management Low yield of Rhizobium Rhizobium @20g/kg, green gram (5 inoculation fertilizers, Training on q/ha) due to @20g/kg seed, Seed treatment, Soil improper soil test based testing & INM nutrient fertilizer management application foliar spray of DAP 2% at 40 DAS Low Paddy Fallow Low yield of IDM(Sheath Validamycin @ 1lt / ha, paddy var blight Training on IDM of Sarala(33 q/ha) management) paddy. Home Paddy Oyster Low yield of Demonstration Mushroom Spawn, stead straw Mushroom paddy straw on management Calcium carbonate 2% Mushroom mushrooms due of competitor powder, Training on to competitor fungus Coprinus management of mould Coprinus spp. competitor fungus spp. Home Poultry Poultry Less egg Supplemental Calcium, Phosphorous stead production from feeding of with Vitamin D3 and B12 Vanaraja Calcium, @2ml/10 bird,Training backyard poultry Phosphorous on use of calcium birds with Vitamin supplements for D3 and B12 backyard poultry @2ml/10 birds/day, oyster shell grit @ 1mg/10 birds/day.


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Action points type Situation Kharif Rabi Cattle Cattle Low and poor Milk samples Line of treatment milk yield due to testing for developed for prevalent common disease somatic cell organisms available in Mastitis and use count and the area of antibiotics antibiotic leading to sensitivity test resistance after culture for identification, use of broad spectrum antibiotic Module: I Irrigated agro ecosystem (3rd Year) Land type Existing farming Problem Intervention Action points Situation Kharif Rabi Upland paddy Vegetable Low yield of paddy Intercropping Seeds paddy @30 var. Sahabhagi Dhan of Paddy : kg/ha, blackgram (32 q/ha) due to blackgram @ 10kg/ha monocropping. 4:2 Low yield of Brinjal IPM Alternate spraying of (150q/ha) due to Neem oil 300ppm @ heavy infestation of 2.5lt/ha + Cartap fruit and shoot hydrochloride 1lt/ha borer and use of 20 nos. of pheromone trap. Medium Paddy Green Low yield of paddy IPM (stem Cartap hydrochloride gram var Pooja (32q/ha) borer 50%EC@1lt/ha, 20 due to improper management) Nos. pheromone traps, heavy stem borer training on IPM of infestation paddy. Low yield of green Control of Thiomethoxam gram (5 q/ha) due vector of YMV 5ml/15lt of water to heavy infestation Yellow sticky trap @ of YMV 20 nos/ha Low Paddy Fallow Low yield of paddy IDM(Sheath Validamycin @ 1lt / var Sarala(33 q/ha) blight ha, training on IDM of management) paddy. Homestead Paddy Oyster Less income due to Increase in Spawn, Calcium straw Mushroo limited number of number of carbonate 2% , Mushroom m mushroom beds (50 mushroom Training on beds). beds(100 nos) management of competitor fungus Poultry Poultry Low income from IDM and Training on housing bird backyard poultry housing and disease due to high management of mortality backyard poultry Cattle Cattle Poor body condition Identification Anti tryps drugs and death of of tryps cases (Antricyde prosalt and animals due to by blood Isometamedium trypanosomiasis sample testing chloride)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Impact of module- I st nd rd 1 year 2 year 3 year % increase in % increase in % increase in % increase in % increase in % increase in Man days income Man days income Man days income 14 15 37 40 65 70 Module: II (Block- Pattamundai, GP: Badamulabasant Village: Napanga) Rainfed agro ecosystem (1st Year) Gram panchayat Geographical Total Household No. of area (ha.) population (No.) villages (No.) Badamulabasant(Napanga) 179 1419 307 7

Land type Existing farming Problem Intervention Action points Situation Kharif Rabi Upland Paddy Low yield of Varietal Seed @ 40kg/ha, Paddy(20 q/ha) substitution with Training on Seed var Khandagiri Sahabhagi Dhan treatment, Soil (30q/ha) testing & INM Medium Paddy Green gram Low yield of IWM (Demo) & Herbicide paddy var Pooja mechanized Bispyribac Sodium (30 q/ha), high transplanting 200ml/ha at 20 cost of with 3 row DAT, Training on transplanting. Transplanter by Seed treatment, farm women Soil testing IWM & INM Low yield of Varietal Seed @ 25kg/ha, green gram (4 substitution with Training on Seed q/ha) TARM-1Acid soil treatment, Soil management with testing & INM PMS @ 0.2 LR. Low Paddy Fallow Low yield of IPM (stem borer Cartap paddy var management) hydrochloride Sarala(30 q/ha) 50%EC@1lt/ha, 20 Nos. pheromone traps, training on IPM of paddy. Homestead Paddy Oyster Low yield due Demonstration Mushroom Spawn, straw Mushroom to improper on management Streptocycline Mushroom disease of bud rot disease 200ppm , Training management on mushroom practices cultivation Poultry Poultry Low body Breed Supplyof Vanaraja weight and less substitution with poultry chicks @ egg production Vanaraja for 25 no./farmer. from desi birds backyard poultry Training on rearing backyard poultry rearing Cattle Cattle Low milk yield Hydroponics Maize seeds, tray and poor body fodder grown in Training on feed growth due to low cost management of lack of green greenhouses with cattle’s. fodder locally available maize. grain


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module: II Rainfed agro ecosystem (2ND Year) Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Action points type Situation Kharif Rabi Upland Paddy Vegetable Low yield of IWM Herbicide paddy var. Pyrazosulphuron ethyl Sahabhagi Dhan @ 200g/ha, Training (30 q/ha) due to on IWM heavy weed infestation. Okra Low yield of Okra IWM Quizalofop ethyl@1lt Arka anamika / /ha at 20 DAS. Kashi Pragati (60q/ha) due to heavy infestation of weed Medium Paddy Green Low yield of Green manuring with Dhanicha seed @ 25 gram paddy var Pooja Dhanicha . Soil test kg/ha, Training on (32q/ha) due to based fertilizer green manuring and improper application acid soil management. nutrient management Low yield of Rhizobium Rhizobium @20g/kg, green gram (5 inoculation @20g/kg fertilizers, Training on q/ha) due to seed, soil test based Seed treatment, Soil improper fertilizer application testing & INM nutrient foliar spray of management DAP2% at 40 DAS Low Paddy Fallow Low yield of IDM(Sheath blight Validamycin @ 1lt / ha, paddy var management) Training on IDM of Sarala(33 q/ha) paddy. Home Paddy Oyster Low yield of Demonstration on Mushroom Spawn, stead straw Mushroo paddy straw management of Calcium carbonate 2% Mushroo m mushrooms due competitor fungus powder, Training on m to competitor Coprinus spp. management of mould Coprinus competitor fungus spp. Poultry Poultry Less egg Supplemental feeding Calcium, Phosphorous production from of Calcium, with Vitamin D3 and Vanaraja Phosphorous with B12 @2ml/10 backyard poultry Vitamin D3 and B12 bird,Training on use of birds @2ml/10 birds/day, calcium supplements oyster shell grit @ for backyard poultry 1mg/10 birds/day. Cattle Cattle Low and poor Milk samples testing Line of treatment milk yield due to for somatic cell count developed for common disease and antibiotic prevalent organisms Mastitis and use sensitivity test after available in the area of antibiotics culture for leading to identification, use of resistance broad spectrum antibiotic


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Action points type Situation Kharif Rabi Upland Paddy Low yield of paddy Intercropping of Seeds paddy @30 kg/ha, var. Sahabhagi Paddy : blackgram 10kg/ha Dhan (32 q/ha) due blackgram @ to monocropping. 4:2 Brinjal Low yield of Brinjal IPM Alternate spraying of (150q/ha) due to Neem oil 300ppm @ heavy infestation of 2.5lt/ha + Cartap fruit and shoot hydrochloride 1lt/ha borer and use of 20 nos. of pheromone trap. Medium Paddy Green Low yield of paddy IPM (stem borer Cartap hydrochloride gram var Pooja (32q/ha) management) 50%EC@1lt/ha, 20 Nos. due to improper pheromone traps, heavy stem borer training on IPM of infestation paddy. Low yield of green Control of Thiomethoxam gram (5 q/ha) due vector of YMV 5ml/15lt of water to heavy infestation Yellow sticky trap @ 20 of YMV nos/ha Low Paddy Fallow Low yield of paddy IDM(Sheath Validamycin @ 1lt / ha, var Sarala(33 q/ha) blight training on IDM of management) paddy. Home Paddy Oyster Less income due to Increase in Spawn, Calcium stead straw Mushroom limited number of number of carbonate 2% , Training Mushroom mushroom beds mushroom on management of (50 beds). beds(100 nos) competitor fungus Poultry Poultry Low income from IDM and Training on housing and bird backyard poultry housing disease management of due to high backyard poultry mortality Cattle Cattle Poor body Identification of Anti tryps drugs condition and death tryps cases by (Antricyde prosalt and of animals due to blood sample Isometamedium trypanosomiasis testing chloride) Impact of Module- II st nd rd 1 year 2 year 3 year % increase in % increase in % increase in % increase in % increase % increase in Man days income Man days income in Man days income 10 12 30 45 60 65 Module: III (Block-Mahakalpara, GP: Badihi, Village: Ranki) Saline agro ecosystem (1st Year) Gram panchayat Geographical Total Household No. of Area (ha.) population (No.) (No.) villages Badihi (Ranki) 74 297 80 5


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Action points type Situation Kharif Rabi Upland Vegetable Fallow Low yield of Chilli INM in Chilli STBF ,Training on (Chilli) (40 q/ha) INM Vegetable Fallow Low yield of Okra Varietal substitution Seed @ 2kg/ha, (Okra) var. Mohini due to with Arka anamika / Training on Seed YMV (40q/ ha) Kashi treatment, Soil Pragati(60q/ha) testing & INM Medium Paddy Green Low yield of Variatal sustitution Seed of Luna gram paddy var with Luna Barial,Luna Suvarna Swarana (35 Suvarna,Luna Barial and Luna Sampad q/ha), and Local and luna Sampad & @40 kg/haTraining paddy var.Potia mechanized on Seed treatment, high cost of transplanting with Soil testing IWM & transplanting. 3 row Transplanter INM by farm women Low yield of green Varietal substitution Seed @ 25kg/ha, gram (2.5 q/ha) with TARM-1 .Acid Training on Seed soil management treatment, Soil with PMS @ 0.2 LR. testing & INM Low Paddy Fallow Low yield of IPM (stem borer Cartap hydrochloride paddy var Sarala management) 50%EC@1lt/ha, 20 (30 q/ha) Nos. pheromone traps, training on IPM of paddy. Home Paddy Oyster Low yield due to Demonstration on Mushroom Spawn, stead straw Mushroom improper disease management of bud Streptocycline Mushroom management rot disease 200ppm , Training on practices mushroom cultivation Poultry Poultry Low body weight Breed substitution Supplyof Vanaraja and less egg with Vanaraja for poultry chicks @ 25 production from backyard poultry no./farmer. Training desi birds rearing on backyard poultry rearing Goatery Goatery Poor body growth Deworming of kids Albendazole due parasitic vitamin mineral medicine, vitamin worm infestation supplementation mineral mixture and poor feeding MODULE: III Saline agro ecosystem (2nd Year) Land type Existing farming Problem Intervention Action points Situation Kharif Rabi Upland Vegetable Low yield of Chilli IWM Quizalofop (Chilli) due to heavy weed ethyl@1lt /ha at infestation. 20 DAT Vegetable Low yield of Okra IWM Quizalofop (Okra) due to heavy ethyl@1lt /ha at infestation of weed 20 DAS. Medium Paddy Green Low yield of paddy Green manuring Dhanicha seed @


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Land type Existing farming Problem Intervention Action points Situation Kharif Rabi gram var Luna with Dhanicha . 25 kg/ha, suvarna(38q/ha) Soil test based Training on due to improper fertilizer green manuring nutrient application and acid soil management management. Low yield of green Rhizobium Rhizobium gram (3.5 q/ha) due inoculation @20g/kg, to improper @20g/kg seed, soil fertilizers, nutrient test based fertilizer Training on Seed management application foliar treatment, Soil spray of DAP2% at testing & INM 40 DAS Low Paddy Fallow Low yield of paddy IDM(Sheath blight Validamycin @ var Sarala(33 q/ha) management) 1lt / ha, Training on IDM of paddy. Homestead Paddy Oyster Low yield of paddy Demonstration on Mushroom straw Mushroom straw mushrooms management of Spawn, Calcium Mushroom due to competitor competitor fungus carbonate 2% mould Coprinus spp. Coprinus spp. powder, Training on management of competitor fungus Poultry Poultry Less egg production Supplemental Calcium, from Vanaraja feeding of Calcium, Phosphorous backyard poultry Phosphorous with with Vitamin birds Vitamin D3 and D3 and B12 B12 @2ml/10 @2ml/10 birds/day, oyster bird,Training on shell grit @ use of calcium 1mg/10 birds/day. supplements for backyard poultry Cattle Cattle Low and poor milk Milk samples Line of treatment yield due to testing for somatic developed for common disease cell count and prevalent Mastitis and use of antibiotic organisms antibiotics leading sensitivity test available in the to resistance after culture for area identification, use of broad spectrum antibiotic


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module: III Saline agro ecosystem (3rd Year) Land type Existing farming Problem Intervention Action points Situation Kharif Rabi Upland Paddy Low yield of paddy Intercropping Seeds paddy @30 var. Sahabhagi of Paddy : kg/ha, blackgram Dhan (32 q/ha) due blackgram @ 10kg/ha to monocropping. 4:2 Brinjal Low yield of Brinjal IPM Alternate spraying of (150q/ha) due to Neem oil 300ppm @ heavy infestation of 2.5lt/ha + Cartap fruit and shoot hydrochloride 1lt/ha borer and use of 20 nos. of pheromone trap. Medium Paddy Green Low yield of paddy IPM (stem Cartap gram var Pooja (32q/ha) borer hydrochloride due to improper management) 50%EC@1lt/ha, 20 heavy stem borer Nos. pheromone infestation traps, training on IPM of paddy. Brinjal Low yield of Brinjal IPM Alternate spraying of (150q/ha) due to Neem oil 300ppm @ heavy infestation of 2.5lt/ha + Cartap fruit and shoot hydrochloride 1lt/ha borer and use of 20 nos. of pheromone trap. Low Paddy Fallow Low yield of paddy IDM(Sheath Validamycin @ 1lt / var Sarala (33 blight ha, training on IDM q/ha) management) of paddy. Homestead Paddy Oyster Less income due to Increase in Spawn, Calcium straw Mushroom limited number of number of carbonate 2% , Mushroom mushroom beds mushroom Training on (50 beds). beds(100 nos) management of competitor fungus Poultry Poultry Low income from IDM and Training on housing bird backyard poultry housing and disease due to high management of mortality backyard poultry Cattle Cattle Poor body Identification Anti tryps drugs condition and of tryps cases (Antricyde prosalt death of animals by blood and Isometamedium due to sample testing chloride) trypanosomiasis Impact of Module- III st nd rd 1 year 2 year 3 year % increase in % increase in % increase in % increase in % increase in % increase in Man days income Man days income Man days income 10 12 30 45 60 65


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module: IV (Block-Marshaghai, GP : Mehendinagar, Village: Raghunathpur) Flood prone agro ecosystem (1st Year) Gram panchayat Geographical Total Household No. of area (ha.) population (No.) (No.) villages Mehendinagar 79 579 122 5

Land Existing farming Situation Problem Intervention Action points type Kharif Rabi Upland Vegetable(Chilli) Fallow Low yield of Chilli INM in Chilli STBF ,Training on (40 q /ha) INM Vegetable(Okra) Fallow Low yield of Okra Varietal Seed @ 2kg/ha, var. Mohini due substitution with Training on Seed to YMV (40q/ ha) Arka anamika / treatment, Soil Kashi Pragat testing & INM (60q/ha) Medium Paddy Green Low yield of Variatal Seed of Swarna gram paddy var Swarna sustitution with Sub 1 and Chaka (35 q/ha), due to flood tolerant var. Akhi @40 flash flood Swarna Sub 1 and kg/haTraining on Chaka Akhi Seed treatment, Soil testing IWM & INM Low yield of Varietal Seed @ 25kg/ha, green gram (4 substitution with Training on Seed q/ha) TARM-1 .Acid soil treatment, Soil management with testing & INM PMS @ 0.2 LR. Low Paddy Fallow Low yield of IPM (stem borer Cartap paddy var Sarala management) hydrochloride (30 q/ha) 50%EC@1lt/ha, 20 Nos. pheromone traps, training on IPM of paddy. Home Paddy straw Oyster Low yield due to Demonstration Mushroom stead Mushroom Mushroom improper disease on management Spawn, management of bud rot disease Streptocycline practices 200ppm , Training on mushroom cultivation Poultry Poultry Low body weight Breed Supplyof and less egg substitution with Vanaraja poultry production from Vanaraja for chicks @ 25 desi birds backyard poultry no./farmer. rearing Training on backyard poultry rearing Goatry Goatry Poor body growth De worming of Albendazole due parasitic kids vitamin medicine, vitamin worm infestation mineral mineral mixture and poor feeding supplementation


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module: IV Flood prone agro ecosystem (2nd Year) Land type Existing farming Situation Problem Intervention Action points Kharif Rabi Upland Vegetable(Chilli) Low yield of IWM Quizalofop Chilli due to ethyl@1lt /ha at heavy weed 20 DAT infestation. Vegetable(Okra) Low yield of IWM Quizalofop Okra due to ethyl@1lt /ha at heavy 20 DAS. infestation of weed Medium Paddy Green Low yield of Green manuring Dhanicha seed @ gram paddy var with Dhanicha . 25 kg/ha, Swarna Sub Soil test based Training on 1(37q/ha) due fertilizer green manuring to improper application and acid soil nutrient management. management Low yield of Rhizobium Rhizobium green gram (4.5 inoculation @20g/kg, q/ha) due to @20g/kg seed, fertilizers, improper soil test based Training on Seed nutrient fertilizer treatment, Soil management application foliar testing & INM spray of DAP 2% at 40 DAS Low Paddy Fallow Low yield of IDM(Sheath Validamycin @ paddy var blight 1lt / ha, Training Sarala(33 q/ha) management) on IDM of paddy. Homestead Paddy straw Oyster Low yield of Demonstration Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom paddy straw on management Spawn, Calcium mushrooms due of competitor carbonate 2% to competitor fungus Coprinus powder, mould Coprinus spp. Training on spp. management of competitor fungus Poultry Poultry Less egg Supplemental Calcium, production from feeding of Phosphorous Vanaraja Calcium, with Vitamin backyard Phosphorous D3 and B12 poultry birds with Vitamin @2ml/10 D3 and B12 bird,Training on @2ml/10 use of calcium birds/day, supplements for oyster shell grit backyard


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Land type Existing farming Situation Problem Intervention Action points Kharif Rabi @ 1mg/10 poultry birds/day. Cattle Cattle Low and poor Milk samples Line of milk yield due to testing for treatment common disease somatic cell developed for Mastitis and use count and prevalent of antibiotics antibiotic organisms leading to sensitivity test available in the resistance after culture for area identification, use of broad spectrum antibiotic Module: IV Flood prone agro ecosystem (3rd Year) Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Action points type Situation Kharif Rabi Upland Paddy Low yield of paddy Intercropping of Seeds paddy @30 var. Sahabhagi Paddy : blackgram kg/ha, blackgram Dhan (32 q/ha) @ 4:2 10kg/ha due to monocropping. Brinjal Low yield of Brinjal IPM Alternate spraying (150q/ha) due to of Neem oil heavy infestation of 300ppm @ 2.5lt/ha fruit and shoot + Cartap borer hydrochloride 1lt/ha and use of 20 nos. of pheromone trap. Medium Paddy Green Low yield of paddy IPM (stem borer Cartap gram var Pooja (32q/ha) management) hydrochloride due to improper 50%EC@1lt/ha, 20 heavy stem borer Nos. pheromone infestation traps, training on IPM of paddy. Low yield of green Control of vector of Thiomethoxam gram (5 q/ha) due YMV 5ml/15lt of water to heavy Yellow sticky trap infestation of YMV @ 20 nos/ha Low Paddy Fallow Low yield of paddy IDM(Sheath blight Validamycin @ 1lt var Sarala (33 management) / ha, training on q/ha) IDM of paddy. Home Paddy Oyster Less income due to Increase in number Spawn, Calcium


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Action points type Situation Kharif Rabi stead straw Mushroom limited number of of mushroom carbonate 2% , Mushroom mushroom beds beds(100 nos) Training on (50 beds). management of competitor fungus Poultry Poultry Low income from IDM and housing Training on bird backyard poultry housing and due to high disease mortality management of backyard poultry Cattle Cattle Poor body Identification of Anti tryps drugs condition and tryps cases by (Antricyde prosalt death of animals blood sample and due to testing Isometamedium trypanosomiasis chloride) Impact of Module- IV st nd rd 1 year 2 year 3 year % increase in % increase in % increase in % increase in % increase in % increase in Man days income Man days income Man days income 11 14 35 51 67 74 B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Activity No. No. of beneficiary Training to farmer & farm women 60 1500 Training to rural youth 10 75 Training to extn. personnel 5 50 Vocational training 5 50 Total training 70 1675 On farm testing 16 173 Frontline Demonstration 16 60 Field day 20 1000 Kisan Mela 2 200 Ex-trainees meet 2 100 Diagnostic visit to farmers field 150 750 Lecture delivers by KVK Scientist 36 900 Exhibitions 3 300 Film show 10 1000 TV shows 15 750 Animal health camp 2 400 SAC meeting 1 30 News letter 4 2000 Soil test campaign 2 200


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Keonjhar The Keonjhar District emerged as one of the District on 1st January, 1948. As per 2001 census, the total population of Keonjhar District is 15, 61,990. The District comprises total 7, 90,036 male population and total 7, 71, 954 female population. The climate of Keonjhar District is characterized by an oppressively hot summer with high humidity. Summer generally commences in the month of March. Temperature begins to rise rapidly attaining the maximum in the month of May. During the summer, maximum temperature touches around 380 C. The weather becomes more pleasant with the advent of the monsoon in June and remains as such up to the end of October. The major crops grown in the Keonjhar District are Paddy, Maize, Til, Niger, Arhar etc.

Basic information • Total cultivated area :2,97,873 ha – Upland :1,58,653 ha – Medium land :99,832 ha – Low land :39,388 ha • Area sown during kharif :2,75,850 ha • Area sown during rabi : 94,580 ha • Cropping intensity :161 % • Soil type : Red & Lateritic (70%) • Irrigation potential – Kharif :36.23% – Rabi :16.31%


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

AES features Sl. Name Blocks Name of AES AES features No of ACZ covered • Cropping intensity - 124.4% Low elevation • predominant soil type- Mixed red and lateritic 1 NCPZ Medium Ghasipura • Majorcrops-Paddy, greengram, pigeonpea, rainfall groundnut • Cropping intensity - 120.4% Medium • Predominant soil type- Mixed red and lateritic Jhumpura & 2 NCPZ elevation Low soils. Saharpada rainfall • Major crops- Paddy, niger, horsegram, pigeonpea • Cropping intensity – 137.3% Keonjhar, Medium • Predominant soil type- Mixed red and lateritic Patna, Telkoi, elevation, 3 NCPZ soils. , Medium • Major crops- Paddy, niger, horsegram, Harichandanp rainfall pigeonpea, sesamum, blackgram ur • Cropping intensity – 138.3% Medium • predominant soil type- Mixed red & lateritic Ghatagaon, 4 NCPZ elevation, High • Major crops- Paddy, niger, horsegram, Champua rainfall pigeonpea, blackgram • Cropping intensity – 141% High elevation, 5 NCPZ • predominant soil type- red and alluvial Banspal High rainfall • Major crops- Paddy, niger, maize, mustard • Cropping intensity – 124.1% Hatadihi & Low elevation, • predominant soil type- sandy & sandy loam 6 NCCP parts of low rainfall • Majorcrops-Paddy,greengram,linseed, Anandpur, blackgram Major crops Name of Crop Kharif Rabi/ Summer Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Paddy 173440 2.332 1930 4.488 Maize 24540 2.419 230 2.452 Mung 5160 0.538 9620 0.472 Biri 12600 0.482 5940 0.442 Arhar 4940 0.890 - - Gram - - 4330 0.887 Field Pea - - 2340 0.912 Ground Nut 1910 1.125 1430 1.506 Sunflower - - 460 1.295 Niger 7640 0.360 - - Mustard - - 10330 0.342


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

A.Moduled for enhancing farmers' income Module-I (Rainfed Ecosystem)(Block: Banspal,GP: Kodiposi,Village : Kundhei) Block Farmer Rainfa Season- Land Soil Cropping Existing/ Enterprise Category ll & wise pattern Type & Intensity Predominant Temp. Cultivated Reaction Cops area Banspal Big – 2 1184.5 Kharif – Upland – Red & 140 % Kharif – Poultry % mm 100 % 12151ha Lateritic Maize, Small – Acidic Paddy,niger, 17% veg Margina Rabi- 35 Med.lan Rabi – Goatery l – 81 % % d- Mustard, 3075ha Horsegram Summer Lowland Summer – – 5 % -594 ha vegetables Existing Land farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention Module type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr

Intercropping of maize with vegetable Line sowing cowpea, okra Maize(hybrid Line sowing etc Super-36) of hybrid Short Maize with chemical maize(60x25 duration toria Module-I (broadcastin Low weed mgt cm) with STB during early (Rainfed g), fertiliser Fallo yield practices Upland fert mngt. Rabi season Ecosyste application w (17 (Atrazin as practices (FLD) , m) during q/ha) pre- with Maize interculture emergence) liming(OFT)- producer (23q/ha) 40 q/ha group (OFT and formation, training) field day on farm implements. Short Drough duration toria Paddy (var. t Paddy (var. (Parvati) Paddy Sahabhagi during Sahabhagi during early (var.Lalata) dhan) with Med- later dhan) Rabi season (broadcastin Fallow improved Upland stage, Line sowing (FLD) , g) package pest (OFT) Training on 18q/ha (FLD) proble 22q/ha use of cost 30 q/ha m reducing equipments Continue as 2nd yr. Paddy Promotion of (var.Pratiksh Nutrient mgt. efficient Paira No ya) as 10 of Paira crop Crop (FLD) Paddy second days early to Paddy -Training on Mediu (var.Pratiksh crop, planting – (OFT), use of cost Fallow m land ya Pest paira Trg. on blast, reducing 27q/ha Proble Chickpea/ gun IPDM in farm m field paddy implements pea/Blackgra (35q/ha) like m (OFT) transplanter, weeder thresher etc.


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type farming 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr system Module-I homeste Goatery Mortality Deworming of Shed and Commercial (Rainfed ad of kids. kids (animal Nutrition mgt goat unit & Ecosystem) Poor body health camp) (Trg by ARD) Regular growth and disease monitoring by management scientist with with the help of dept. officials ARD Poultry Tradition Breed Vaccination and Brooding of al breeds, replacement feed chicks and low egg with Banaraja management Commercialisat lying and for backyard (Trg) ion poor body (Training & growth Input) - Less Mushroom Entreprenuersh Paddy straw income cultivation in ip mushroom from small scale development, throughout the paddy (Training & commercializat year straw Input) ion %age growth of income 15 24 46 EG (MDs) 370 410 430 Module-II (Irrigated (stream/bw) veg. based Ecosystem) ) (Block: Sadar,GP: Bauripada,Village : Kusapada) (Block: Sadar,GP: Maidankel,Village : Basudevpur) Block Farmer Rainfall Season- Land Soil Type Cropping Existing/ Enterpris Category & Temp. wise pattern & Intensity Predomin e Cultivated Reaction ant Cops area Sadar Big – 4.5 1562.9 Kharif – Upland – Red & 142 % Kharif – Poultry % mm 100 % 15705ha Lateritic paddy, Small – Acidic maize, 18% arhar, veg. Marginal Rabi- Rabi – Dairy – 77.5 % 35% - chickpea,li 15109ha nseed, lentil, veg Summer– Lowland Summer – Goater 7 % -2570ha vegetables y

Module Land Existing farming system Problem Interventio Interventio Interventio type n n n Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Module-II Uplan Maize Vegetable Low Substitutio OFT on Training (Irrigated d (tomato etc) return n with Use of bio on (stream/b from Offseason products & Mulching, w) veg. maize tomato, bio-agents, staking, based (17.3q/h radish, use of trap trailing, Ecosystem) a), pest coriander, and border Grading,


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming system Problem Interventio Interventio Interventio type n n n Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr problem, cauliflower crops quality low in kharif production yield and (OFT) with Formation return in STB fert, of off rabi Growing of season veg vegetabl high value producer es rabi groups. vegetable crops. (OFT) Training on IPDM(wilt, borer mgt.) Mediu Paddy Vegetable pest Line SRI Summer m (var.Lalata) (sol./cole/gou problem, transplanti method of Vegetables land Staggered/l rds etc) low ng of transplanti with ine yield, paddy and ng. Use of micro- transplanti poor IPDM, bio nutrient ng quality Substitutio products & application leading n with bio-agents, , IPDM for to low improved trap, more return in var border production vegs. vegetables crops in Training (FLD) vegetables, on post Taining on Training harvest STB fert, on Use of mgt. micro- reaper, nutrient thresher application like cost reducing implement s Low Paddy Chickpea/ Pest and Green OFT on Regular land (pooja) blackgram/le disease manuring IPDM in visit and Staggered ntil (paira problem, (OFT), line paddy (leaf monitoring transplanti crop) varietal transplanti folder, and ng suitabilit ng, caseworm, promotion y weedicide BPH) of application FLD on profitable , STB fert. Summer farming application Vegetables among with STB rural fert appln youths & micro- with nutrient market application linkage


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land type Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention farming 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr system Module-II Homestea Dairy Low Providing Use of Value addition of (Irrigated d productivit Fodder Mineral milk for (stream/bw) y of milk planting mixture for commercial veg. materials, higher purposes Ecosystem) AI, shed productivity management (Trg) with help of ARD Homestea Goatery mortality of Deworming Shed and Regular d kids. Poor of kids Nutrition monitoring by body (animal mgt & scientist with growth health camp) commercial dept. officials and disease goat management unit.(Trg by with the help ARD) of ARD Homestea Poultry Traditional Breed Vaccination Brooding of d breeds, low replacement and feed chicks (FLD) egg lying with management and trg to SHG and poor Banaraja etc (Trg) body for backyard growth (Training & FLD) Homestea - Less Mushroom Paddy straw entrepreneurshi d income cultivation in mushroom p devt. (Trg) from paddy small scale throughout straw (Training & the year FLD) (OFT) %age growth of income 21 37 64 EG (MDs) 360 440 465 Module-III (Irrigated based Ecosystem) (Block: Telkoi ,GP: Dubulapal,Village : Dubulapal) Block Farmer Rainfall Season- Land Soil Type Cropping Existing/ Enterprise Category & Temp. wise pattern & Intensity Predomi Cultivate Reaction nant d area Cops Telkoi Big – 4.7 1136.2 Kharif – Upland – Red & 139 % Kharif – Poultry % mm 100 % 9848ha Lateritic paddy, Small – Acidic maize 24% Rabi- 28 Rabi – Dairy Marginal – % -5223ha blackgra 71.3 % m, mustard, sunflowe r Summer Lowland Summer – 11 % -1570ha vegetables


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Interventio Interventio Interventio type system n n n Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Module- Uplan New No return Intercrop ICM of Training on III d Mango in initial with pulses and micro- (Irrigated orchard stage of GG/BG/HG vegetables irrigation Ecosyste (3years) establishme in Mango/ in newly by research m) nt, poor cashew established scientists , mgt. plantation orchard liasoning (FLD) ( providing for NHM literature) and regular Training on supervision canopy . manageme nt Mediu Paddy (var. Vegetab Pest Line OFT on Monitoring m land Pratiksya) le problem, transplanti IPDM and and regular Staggered (tomato low yield, ng of paddy providing supervision transplanti ) poor and STB Literature . , producer ng quality fert Training on group leading to application micronutrie formation, low return (Training nt marketing in vegs. and field application strategy day) in water and bank OFT on melon linkage for water the water melon with melon IPDM growers

Module Land type Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention farming 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr system Module-III Homestead Goatery Mortality of Deworming of Shed and Regular (Irrigated kids. Poor kids (animal Nutrition mgt monitoring by Ecosystem) body growth health camp) & commercial scientist with and disease goat unit.(Trg dept. management by ARD) officials with the help of ARD Homestead Poultry Traditional Breed Vaccination Brooding of breeds, low replacement and feed chicks egg lying and with Banaraja management (FLD) and trg poor body etc for (Trg) to SHG growth backyard (Training & FLD) Orchard Bee Less Skill training Training on Regular keeping utilization of on apiculture management supervision, orchard space and providing of bee formation of


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land type Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention farming 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr system bee box and colonies apiculture colonies groups, liasoning with KVIC and NABARD Homestead Less income Mushroom Paddy straw Entrepreneur from paddy cultivation in mushroom ship devt. straw small scale throughout (Trg) (Training & the year FLD) (OFT) %age growth of income 22 41 68 Emp.Genneration (MDs) 415 445 480 B Mandated Activities. Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Activity No. of training Duration (days) No. of Participants Training to Farmers & Farm women 33 33 825 Training to Rural Youth 8 32 120 Training to In-service 8 16 80 Vocational Training 3 15 30 Total training 52 96 1055 OFT 13 FLD 12 Other Extension activities Activity No. of activities Field Day 24 Kisan Mela 1 Kisan Ghosthi 10 Exhibition 1 Film Show 50 Method Demonstrations 24 Farmers Seminar 2 Workshop 1 Group meetings 15 Diagnostic Visits 50 Exposure Visits 05 Ex-trainees Sammelan 05 Soil Health Camp 2 Animal Health Camp 1 Soil Test Campaigns 5


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Koraput covers an area of 8807 sq km consisting total 13,79,647 population as per 2011 census. The Economy of the district is primarily based upon forestry and agriculture (including shifting cultivation), the bulk of commodities used domestically for everyday use are agricultural and forest products. Agriculture is the mainstay of the Economy of the district because around 83 per cent depends on it. The soil and climate in the District are favourable for taking up of agro horticultural activities. The suitability of soil and climatic condition for production of coffee, cashew, cotton, tobacco, vegetable and fruits and the production of these crops strengthen the economy of the district.

Basic information about the district Total Area 8,81,930 ha Cultivated area 3,01,500 ha Irrigated area kharif-90342ha,rabi-61610ha Soil Type Red Laterite Rain fall 1567.2mm Temperature 0 0 Max: 42 C Min: 4.6 C Major crops Paddy, Ragi, Niger, Vegetables, Sweet potato, Ginger & Turmeric Total Population 13,77,000 Crops grown Crop Area ('000 ha) Rice 134.35 Other cereal 100.62 Total pulses 40.97 Total oil seed 45.83 Total vegetable 28.53 Total spices 10.99 Sugarcane 10.24 Total fruits 42.47 Fiber 0.47 Tobacco 0.78


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Module-I (Block- Semiliguda, G.P- Khudi, Village- Durukaguda, Dekapar) Farming Existing Problem 1st yr 2nd yr 3 rd yr situati system identified on Crop/ Interven Action Interven Action Interven Action enterpr tion point tion point tion point ise Rainfed Rice/ Low STBRF Suggestio Ragi + Supply of upland millet- yield applicatio n for blackgra seed of INM Supply of fallow due to n applicatio m (2:1) ragi, var- in Ragi + inputs for Low Varietal n of OEB-526 blackgra INM fertility replacem STBRF in and m (2:1), Capacity status of ent of ragi blackgra chemical building soil, local OFT on m var- and on INM in sloppy small varietal Durga. organic intercrop land, millet replacem inputs gravelly with HYV ent of Capacity soil small building Sole millet- on cropping Kolab intercrop Local and managem variety saura. ent of small millet Rainfed Rice- Low OFT on Supply of FLD on Supply of FLD on Supply of mediu fallow yield due Nua Nua IPM HYV Bund arhar m land to local Acharmat Acharmat strategies paddy planting seeds variety i and i and for stem seed of of Arhar Var.- (Haladic Geetanjal Geetanjal borer low in paddy Asha hudi, i scented i scented 2. Capacitymanagem buildingduration on bund field, pla nting Ketaki) variety. variety. ent with Supply of Var.-Asha High FLD on Supply of Spraying need incidenc coriander HYV of based e of stem in rabi variety of Indoxicar pesticide borer with coriander b @ s Supply Sole residual Training 0.15% in of field cropping moisture on rice HYV pea seeds of paddy fallow paddy of variety- managem low Adarsh ent duration to take up another crop of rabi i.e. Demonst ration cultivatio n field pea (var- Adarsh) in rabi Low Rice Low OFT on Supply of FLD on Supply of FLD on supply of land - nutrient INM in Boron, BLB COC and sheath Trichoder


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Existing Problem 1st yr 2nd yr 3 rd yr situati system identified on Crop/ Interven Action Interven Action Interven Action enterpr tion point tion point tion point ise Rice holding paddy ZnSO4. managem Streptocy blight of ma viride capacity with Training ent in cline. paddy of soil, STBR on IPDM paddy Trichoder Capacity Leaching and paddy COC @ Supply of ma viride building of Boron + 3g/litre + Boron, on IPM in nutrients ZnSO4 Streptocy ZnSO4, Paddy due to Training cline @ Azotobac water on IPDM 1.5g/10 ter, PSB logging paddy ltr conditio Capacity n. FLD on building Pest and INM in on INM in disease paddy Paddy problem with in low Boron + land ZnSO4 Homest - Low OFT on Supply of FLD on Supply of Increasin market ead per Mushroo mushroo mushroo Spawn g the linkages capita m m spawn m and commerc for sale of income cultivatio Supply of cultivatio Chicks ial mushroo due to n, with P. banaraja n, Capacity cultivatio m and no sajorcaju, chicks building n of Capacity enterpri P. Capacity FLD on on spawn mushroo building se other hypsyzyg building Poultry productio m with on than us, on rearing n and market vaccinati local P. Livelihoo with 50 poultry surplus on of poultry pulmona d umber of rearing Vaccinati poultry rious security birds. on of birds FLD on enterpris poultry Banaraja es birds. poultry rearing FLD on goat rearing FLD on apicultur e Income 25% 55% 85% Employment 325 445 465 genrated


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

MODULE-II (Block- Nandapur, G.P- Subai, Village- Muliaput, Dokriput) Farmin Existing Problem 1st yr 2nd yr 3 rd yr g system identified situatio Crop/ Interven Action Interven Action Interven Action n enterpr tion point tion point tion point ise Rainfed Rice/mi Low Training Training FLD on Supply of FLD on Supply of upland llet/ - yield on on Boron@ ginger rhizome Critical fallow due to STBRF STBRF 3kg/ha seed with rot inputs Low applicati applicati and Zinc STBRF, manage like fertility on on @ ZN & B. ment in Psedomo status Supply of 4.5kg/ha Supply of Ginger nas, of soil, FLD on ginger applicati STBRF, Trichode sloppy crop seed on in gypsum, rma land, diversific (Var. ginger Azotobac Capacity gravelly ation Suprabha with ter, PSB building soil with ) with STBRF in on IPDM Low ginger STBRF FLD on groundn in Ginger yield FLD on cultivatio INM in ut due to crop n of HYV groundn upland diversific groundn ut paddy ation ut Var.- with Devi Groundn ut Irrigate Vegetab Low OFT on Supply of FLD on Supply of FLD on Supply of d le- yield o hybrid seeds of INM in STBRF, manage Ridomyl upland vegetabl due to wilt hybrid hybrid Azotobac ment of Mz@ e high tolerant tomato tomato ter and wilt in 2g/ltr + wilting tomato Var. with 75 PSB for hybrid Streptocy in varieties Surakhya % RDF + INM in tomato cline@ hybrid Surakhya , Azotobac tomato 1g/10 ltr tomato , Swarnasa ter + PSB Supply of FLD on for Inciden Swarnasa mpada @ 2 pesticide manage manage ce of mpada Supply of kg/ha s for ment of ment of pest and FLD on critical FLD on cabbage cabbage wilt in disease manage inputs manage borer borer tomato in cole ment of for ment of manage Supply of crops diamond manage cabbage ment need Low back ment of borer Supply of based income moth in diamond FLD on Multicut pesticide from cauliflow back multicut variety- s for improper er moth in variety of Kiran manage nutrient FLD on cauliflow coriander Capacity ment manage organic er building cabbage ment in cultivatio Supply of on INM borer coriander n in vermico in Capacity


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farmin Existing Problem 1st yr 2nd yr 3 rd yr g system identified situatio Crop/ Interven Action Interven Action Interven Action n enterpr tion point tion point tion point ise Coriande mpost, vegetable building r with Azotobac crops on IPDM vermico ter, PSB in cole mpost@4 Capacity crops ton/ha + building Azotobac on IPDM ter + PSB in @ 100 vegetables ml/kg seed Low Rice- Low OFT on Supply of FLD on Supply FLD on supply of land Rice nutrient INM in Boron, BLB of COC sheath Trichoder holding paddy ZnSO4. manage and blight of ma viride capacity with Training ment in Streptocy paddy of soil, STBR and on IPDM paddy cline. Trichoder Capacity Boron + paddy COC @ Supply of ma viride building Leachin ZnSO4 3g/litre + Boron, on IPM in g of Training Streptocy ZnSO4, Paddy nutrient on IPDM cline @ Azotobac s due to paddy @ ter, PSB waterlo 1.5g/10 gging ltr Capacity condition. FLD on building Pest and INM in on INM disease paddy in Paddy problem with in low Boron + land ZnSO4 Homest - Low FLD on Supply of FLD on Capacity vaccinati Supply ead per goat improve feed building on of of capita rearing d bread manage on feed goat critical income goat ment of manage inputs due to FLD on Supply of goat ment in Value for no apicultur bee box 1 FLD on goat addition vaccinat enterpri e no. disease along in honey ion and se other Italian manage with liasonin than bee ment in critical g with local Capacity Honey inputs veterina poultry building bees Capacity ry on building departm enterpris on ent. e disease Market


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farmin Existing Problem 1st yr 2nd yr 3 rd yr g system identified situatio Crop/ Interven Action Interven Action Interven Action n enterpr tion point tion point tion point ise develop manage linkage ment and ment in of honey livelihoo honeybe sale and d es and capacity security supply of building activities critical on value inputs addition Income 20% 60% 90% generat ed employm 362 385 405 ent generated B Mandated Activities. Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Activity No. On farm testing (OFT) 16 Frontline Demonstration (FLD) 21 Extension activities Activity No. Participant Field Days 9 360 Kisan Mela 1 200 Kisan Gosthi/Farmers Meeting 36 1980 Exhibition 1 500 Film shows 30 900 Animal health camp 4 1200 Ex-trainee samilanee 2 50 Soil test campaign 2 100


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malkangiri The district Malkangiri is spread over in an area of 579100 ha with a population of 505000 as per census of 2011. The district is rich in forest resources, good agro-climatic conditions and soil suitable for horticulture and also agriculture like paddy, sesame, maize. The entire hilly region and part of the valley is covered with dense forest of deciduous nature connecting of teak, Sal and other trees.

District profile Agro Climatic Zone South Eastern Ghat Zone Latitude 170 40’ to 180 43’ Longitude 810 22’ to 820 25’ Altitude 300-900 m MSL River system Saberi in the North-West and Sileru in the South separating Malkangiri from and Chhatishgarh Total Geographical area 579100 ha (As per Dist. Statistical hand Book) Total cultivated area 142550 ha High land 88005 ha Medium land 30520 ha Low land 24025 ha Total Population 505000 (SC-23%, ST-55% & Other-22%) Literacy rate 30.53% Soil Texture Sandy loam, clay loam Soil type Red laterite, acidic Major Cropping system Rice-Rice, Rice-Groundnut, Rice-vegetable, Sesamum-Rice, Rice-Maize Predominant crops Paddy (Area-85126 ha, average yield-20.12 q/ha) Groundnut(Area-14156 ha, average yield-21.64 q/ha) Other crops Sesamum, Greengram, Maize, Vegetables Cropping intensity 160% Major plantation crops Mango, Banana Average annual rainfall 1667.6 mm ( 75% received during June to September)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

A. Modules for enhancing farmers’ income Module-I (Rainfed Ecosystem) (Block:Korkunda, GP: Challanguda, Village: Gandhipalli) Block Farmer Rainfall Seaso Land Soil Croppi Farmin Existin Enterp Catego (mm) n- pattern Type & ng g g/ rise ry wise Reactio Intensi System Predo Cultiv n ty minant ated Cops area Korkun Big – 28 2203 Kharif Upland Red & 158 % Rice- Kharif – Poultry da Small – mm – 100 8615 ha Lateriti Fallow Rice 2910 % c Margin Rabi- Med. Acidic Sesamu Rabi – Goatery a 4620 36% land- m- Sesamu 4590 ha Fallow m, Summ Lowlan Fallow Summe er 0 d - r – 2954 ha

Modul Land Existing farming Problem Interventio Interventio Interventio e type system n n n Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Modul Up Broadcas Fallow Low yield Paddy var. Brown Use of power e - I land ting of (14.5q/ ha) Sahabhagi manuring reaper, (Rainf paddy dhan, line (Dhanicha thresher ed local var. Sowing 15 kg/ha training on Ecosys Trimurti Behind with farm tem) plough application implements Soil test 2,4-D based ester@1kgai nutrient /ha at application 30DAS. Training on IWM Mediu Paddy Fallow Low yield. Paddy (var. INM Use of power m land (var. Manual Hybrid (dhanicha reaper, MTU- Transplantin Ajaya, incorporatio thresher for 1001) g Line n, soil cost reducing Late planting transplanting application implementati Early PSB 5kg/ha on planting. Soil & equipments test based Azospirium in rice, nutrient 10kg/ha) Training on application Weed INM, IWM, Greengram management IDPM in rabi, with with Zero tildrill soil test Bispyribac sowing in based Sodium @ 25 green gram nutrient gm ai/ha at Training on application 20-25 DAT YMV in Paddy. management


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Modul Land Existing farming Problem Interventio Interventio Interventio e type system n n n Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Line sowing in green in green gram gram, Seed treatment with Vitavax power 2gm/Kg seed, Raizobioum innaculation @20gm/kg seed, YMV management in green gram (thiomethosa m 0.25gm/Ltr, Yellow sticktrap 50 nos./ha Module-II (Irrigated Ecosystem) (Block: Malkangiri, GP:Malkangiri, Village:NV3) Block Farmer Rainfal Season Land Soil Croppi Farmin Existin Enterp Catego l (mm) -wise pattern Type & ng g g/ rise ry Cultiva Reactio Intensi System Predo ted n ty minant area Cops Malkan Big – 4 1955.5 Kharif – Upland Red & 161 % Rice – Kharif – Poultry giri Small – 0 mm 100 % – 21233 Lateriti Fallow paddy, 4117 ha c maize, Margin Acidic ground a6054 nut Rabi- Med.lan Rice - Rabi – Dairy 45% d-9724 Pulse Sesamu ha m, ground nut, Pulses Summe Lowlan Rice – Rice, Mushro r 8% d-5946 vegetab Summe om ha le r – vegetab les


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Modul Land Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention e type farming system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Module Mediu Paddy, Vegeta Low return Paddy var. Soil test Use of power -II m land MTU- bles and pest Hyv. Ajaya. based reaper, (Irrigat 1001 problem in Line nutrient thresher ed rice due to transplanting application in training on Ecosyst stemborer & 3rd week of rice. farm em) weed. Low July with Cultivation of implements & return in rabi green Tomato var. INM, IDM in vegetables manuring of Swarna rice. dhanicha 25 Sampad and Summer kg/ha staking with vegetable Application of soil test cultivation Fripronil based like Bringal, 1.5kg/1000m nutrient Bittergurd, 2 and 15 application watermelon , kg/ha 15 and with micro- days after management nutrient transplanting of disease application, and with seed Regular visit Soil test treatment of and based T. viride + P. monitoring, nutrient fluroscens promotion of application (1:1) @ high value & 50 nos. of 6gm/kg of crops like pheromone seed. pointedgourd traps/ha and Training on and Hyb. Tricograma IPM in Tomato. japanicom Vegetables of 50,000/ha . spraying with Post Proppiconzol emergence e @ 1ml/lit. application of Twice at 10 to herbicide 15 days Bensulfuron( interval 0.6%) gr + Pretilachlor(0 .6%) @ 660 gm/ha at 3-7 DAT. Cultivation of Tomato var. Swarna Sampad in kharif fallow


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type farming st nd rd 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr system Module-II Home Dairy Low Animal Health Providing Value addition (Irrigated stead productivity Camp with seed for of milk for based of milk, help of ARD fodder commercial Ecosystem Diseases production, purposes with ) problems Training on the help of Animal health OMFED management Home Poultry Traditional New breed Pallishree (50 Commercialis stead breeds, low Pallishree (20 birds/batch)V ation egg lying (50- birds/batch) accination and Pallishree 60 eggs /year) Training feed (100 and low body management birds/batch) weight 1kg Training Brooding of chicks Home - Less income Mushroom Up scaling Entrepreneurs stead from paddy cultivation with hip straw (both paddy 5beds/day development straw & with oyster) in 10beds/day, small scale value addition 2beds/day by making (Training & pickle, Input) dehydrated mushroom products, Paddy straw mushroom in poly house during winter % increase in income 23 45 70 B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Activity No. Participants Training to farmer & farm women 51 1275 Training to rural youth 9 180 Training to extension personnel 5 125 Vocational training 6 90 OFT 12 FLD 12 Exhibition 2 Animal health camp 1 Farmer-Scientist interaction programmes 3


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mayurbhanj-I Mayurbhanj is a land locked district with a total geographical area of 10418 and is situated in the Northern boundary of the state with district headquarters at . The district is bounded in the North-East by Midnapure district of West Bengal, Singhbhum district of in the North- west, Baleshwar district in the South-East and by in the South-West. More than 39 % of total geographical area (4049 Sq.Km.) is covered with forest and hills. The district comprises of 4 numbers of Sub-divisions with 26 nos of blocks with 382 Gram Panchayats and 3945 villages.

District Profile Latitude 21016’ to 22034’ North Longitude 85040’ to 87011’ East Altitude 20m to 1165m MSL Geographical Area 10,41,8 (’ 000 ha) Forest area 434 (’ 000 ha) Gross cropped area 440 (’ 000 ha) Annual normal rainfall 1648.2 mm in 77 rainy day Temperature Max: 390C & Min: 40C Cultivable Land 437 (‘000 ha) Total population 2223000 Male 112300 Female 110000 Major crops grown: Kharif: Paddy, Maize, Small millet, Arhar, Mung, Biri, Cow pea, Kulthi, Ground nut, Niger, Sweet potato, other vegetables, Turmeric, Ginger, Mesta, Sunhemp. Rabi: Paddy, Maize, Small millets, Arhar, Mung, Biri, Cow pea, Kulthi, Gram, Lentil, Ground nut, Mustard, Niger, Linseed, Sweet potato, Potato, Onion, Other vegetables, Chilli, Coriander, Garlic. Kharif cropped area 364000 ha Rabi Cropped area 61,000 ha Cropping intensity (%) 121 Soil type Sandy loam, Red lateritic


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Agro-ecological situations I= Low Rainfall, Low Elevation -Blocks-5nos II = Medium Rainfall, Low Elevation -Blocks-15nos III = High Rainfall, Low Elevation -Blocks-1no IV = Medium Rainfall, Medium Elevation -Blocks-5nos A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Module-I (Block: Shayamakhunta , GP: Sindurgaura , Village: Sindurgaura) Farming Existing farming Problem Suggested situation system Module Crops Other Kharif / Rabi Kharif/ Rabi enterprises Irrigat Up Veg.-veg. Low Distress sale of Veg.-veg. ed land productivity of Tomato and (Intensification) vegetable cole crops in upland Mediu Rice- Low Low productivity Rice-green m Green productivity and profitability gram/groundnut land gram/ and profitability of groundnut (11 (Intensification) Groundnut of rice (18 q/ha)and green q/ha) gram (4 q/ha) Low Rice- Poultry Low Rice-green gram land Green productivity (Intensification) gram and profitability of rice (20 q/ha) Low egg Poultry production (Improvement) from local poultry breed (40 No.s/year) Goatery Low birth rate, Goatery high mortality (Improvement) and high disease incidence in goat Mushroom (Introduction)

Seaso 1st year 2nd year 3rd year n Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action points points points Kharif Substitution Cauliflower STB based Fertilizer, Training on UV stabilized (Up with Off seedlings Nutrient Micro off season polythene land) season DAWN-175 management nutrient (STB vegetable (200 cauliflower (10,000 No.s) in off season recommenda seedling micron) (1 cauliflower tion) production No. size in low tunel 7mx5m) poly house Kharif Nutrient Leaf colour Nutrient Chemical Mechanized Rice (Medi management chart management Fertilizer transplanting transplanter um in rice in rice with (STB , Training to land/ STB fertilizer recommenda Skill training rural youth low recommenda tion) on operation land) tion Training to of reaper and


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Seaso 1st year 2nd year 3rd year n Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action points points points Training in farmers and thresher INM in rice farm women

Rabi Skill training Training, Skill training Training, Entreprene Market (Upla on valued preservatives on valued preservatives urship linkage nd) addition of (Potassium addition of (Potassium developme tomato metabisulphi cole crops metabisulphi nt te and te and Sodium Sodium benzoate) benzoate) Rabi Line sowing Zero till drill STB fertilizer Fertilizer Use of bio Bio fertilizer (Medi of green recommenda Training to products & Training to um gram through tion in green farmers and bio-agents farmers and land/ zero till seed gram farm women Training on farm women low cum fertilizer Training on INM in green land) drill use and gram operation of sowing machineries Replacing Seed variety- Line sowing Seed cum Foiliar spray Borax existing DEVI (0.6 q) of groundnut fertilizer drill of Borax powder(4 kg) variety of through seed Gypsum (1 q) (0.3%) Training to groundnut cum fertilizer Training on farmers and AK-12-24 drill with INM in farm women with DEVI application of groundnut variety with gypsum application of gypsum

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Introduction of Poultry chicks Calcium Oyster shell Development Small unit, RIR breed of RIR breed Supplementati meal/lime of poultry Entrepreneurs (10 No.s) on in backyard stone powder unit hip poultry calcium development farming Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Development Small unit, cultivation in Spawn (20 cultivation Spawn 20 of mushroom Entrepreneurs small scale No.s) throughout the No.s) unit hip year development Supplemental Concentrated Deworming of Vaccines, Shed and Training concentrate feed (9 kg kids (animal medicines (As Nutrition mgt feeding to /3month at health camp) per & commercial pregnant and peri parturient and disease recommendati goat unit.(Trg. lactating does period along management on of VAS) by ARD) with13.5 Kg/3 with the help month in of ARD lactation period) Increase in 25 33 58 Income (%)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Employment 30 45 60 Generation (mandays) Module-II (Block:Bangiriposi, GP :Chandanpur , Village: Chandanpur) Farming Existing farming Problem Suggested Module situation system Crops Other Kharif / Rabi Kharif/ Rabi enterpris es Rainfed Up Rice- Low productivity and Fallow Vegetables in Kharif land Fallow profitability of upland rice (Diversification) (15 q/ha) Med Rice- Low productivity and Fallow Rice-black gram ium Fallow profitability of rice (18 (Intensification/introd land q/ha) uction) Low Rice- Low productivity and Fallow Rice-green gram land Fallow profitability of rice (20 (Intensification/introd q/ha) uction) Poultry Low egg production from Poultry (Improvement) local poultry breed (40 No.s/year) Goatery Low birth rate, high Goatery mortality and high disease (Improvement) incidence in goat Mushroom (Introduction)

Season 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action points points points Kharif Diversificatio Cauliflowe STB based Fertilizer, Training on UV stabilized (Upland) n of Off r seedlings Nutrient Micro off season polythene season DAWN- management nutrient vegetable (200 cauliflower in 175 in off season (STB seedling mocron) 1 up land paddy (10,000 cauliflower recommend production in No. size No.s) ation) low tunnel 7mx5m) poly house Kharif Nutrient Leaf colour Nutrient Chemical Mechanized Rice (20 Kg) (Medium management chart management Fertilizer transplanting, transplanter land/ in rice in rice with (STB Skill training Training to low STB fertilizer recommend on operation rural youth land) recommendat ation) of reaper and ion Training to thresher Training in farmers and INM in rice farm women Rabi Introduction Black gram Line sowing Zero till drill Weed Weedicides (Medium of black gram variety by zero till Training management Pendimetha land) in rice-fallow OBG-17 (8 drill tofarmers Training on lin (1 lit) with full Kg) Training on and farm INM in black Training to management Chemical use and women gram farmers and practices fertilizer operation of farm women (STB sowing recommen machineries


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Season 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action points points points dation) Rabi Introduction Green Line sowing Zero till drill Weed Weedicides (Low of green gram gram by zero till Training to management Pendimethal land) in rice-fallow variety drill farmers and Training on in (1 lit) with full OBGG-52 Training on farm women INM in green Training to management (8 Kg) use and gram farmers and practices Chemical operation of farm women fertilizer sowing (STB machineries recommen dation)

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action Intervention Action points Intervention Action points points Introduction Poultry Calcium Oyster shell Developmen Small unit of RIR breed chicks of RIR Supplementatio meal/lime stone t of poultry entrepreneurshi breed (10 n in backyard powder calcium unit p development N0.s) poultry farming () Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Developmen Small unit cultivation in spawn(20 cultivation spawn t of entrepreneurshi small scale no.s) throughout the (20 no.s) mushroom p development year unit Supplemental Concentrate Deworming of Vaccines, Shed and Training concentrate d feed (9 kg kids (animal medicines (As Nutrition mgt feeding to /3month at health camp) per & commercial pregnant and peri and disease recommendatio goat lactating does parturient management n of VAS) unit.(Trg. by period along with the help of ARD) with13.5 ARD Kg/3 month in lactation period) Increase in 22 32 56 income Employment 25 40 55 Generation (mandays ) B. Mandated Activities. Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Activity No. No. of beneficiary OFTs 13 114 FLDs – Oilseeds (activity in ha) 40 100 FLDs – Pulses (activity in ha) 20 50 FLDs – Other than Oilseed and pulse 16 130 crops(activity in ha) FLDs – Other than Crops (activity in no. 03 25 of Unit/Enterprise) Training-Farmers and farm women 24 600 Training-Rural youths 12 245 Training- Extension functionaries 04 110 Extension Activities 1072 7258 Kisan Mobile Advisory (KVK-KMA) 36 7000


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mayurbhanj II

Mayurbhanj is a district with a total geographical area of 10418 and is situated in the Northern boundary of the state. More than 39 % of total geographical area (4049 Sq.Km.) is covered with forest and hills. The district comprises of 4 numbers of Sub-divisions with 26 nos of blocks with 382 Gram Panchayats and 3945 villages. The district comes under “North Central Plateau agro-climatic region with an average rainfall of 1648.20 mm per annum. Being away from the coastal belt, the district experiences a sub-tropical climate with a hot summer, chilling winter with good precipitation. Red-laterite category of soil dominates all over the district including Bamanghati and Panchpir plateau. KVK Mayurbhanj II is operating at Jashipur with area under Panchapida and Bamanaghati subdivision.

AES features Name of AES AES features Blocks covered AES-1 Low rainfall, low elevation Tiring, Rairangpur, Bahalda AES-II Low elevation, medium rainfall Kusumi, Bisoi, Bijatala, Jamada AES-1V Medium rainfall, medium elevation Karanjia, Sukruli, Bijatala, Jashipur, Raruan, Thakurmunda A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Basic feature of the proposed Block and Gram panchayat Features Block- Jasipur G.P.- Dhalabani Geographical area (ha) 46625 4903.17 Cultivable area (ha) 19052 924 Average Annual rainfall 1320mm Land category (ha) Upland-9789, Medium land- 4875, Low land - 3682 Farmers category (nos) Marginal- 12910, Small- 3510, Semi-medium- - 1319, Medium- 295, Large-22 Area under irrigation (ha) 2932 420 Kharif cropped area (ha) 18346 920 Rabi cropped area (ha) 5452 486 Paddy area (ha) High-1152, Medium-4875, Low-3682 High-51, Medium- 275, Low-253


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Features Block- Karanjia G.P.- Tato Geographical area (ha) 40244 2265 Cultivable area (ha) 20835 1215 Average Annual rainfall 1159 mm - Land category Upland-8200, Medium land- 6800, Low land - - 2050 Farmers category (nos) Marginal- 12910, Small- 3510, Semi-medium- - 1319, Medium- 295, Large-22 Area under irrigation (ha) 2964 135 Kharif cropped area (ha) 20099 1174 Rabi cropped area (ha) 3001 172 Paddy area (ha) High-121, Medium-8930, Low-2249 High-05, Medium- 615, Low-120 Module I (Block: Jasipur, GP: Dhalabani, Village: Badsole) Module-1 Existing farming system and Intervention Intervention Intervention for problem identified Jasipur Crops/ Problem 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr block and Cropping identified Dhalabani system/ G.P. Enterprise Rainfed Paddy –Fallow Low Paddy based Weed Promotion of medium cropping productivity cropping management by agro service land system due to system taking pre emergence centre Paddy- imbalance var. lalat herbicide - Entrepreneursh Var. Swarna, fertilizer followed by oxadiargyl ip development transplanted application ( chick pea Demonstration on Seed more N and (JAKI 9218) on paddy stem production less P & K) Demonstratio borer programme of alongwith , n on paddy management chick pea- weed transplanter , using Linkage with menace, reaper and flubendiamide Seed disease –pest axial flow 20% WG certification and problem and thresher Scaling up seed low Biological pest Mechanisation corporation profitability control by use activities Dissemination due to of pheromonr of technology to increase in trap other farmers labour Demonstratio through component n on tractor publications drawn seed cum fertilizer seed drill for line planting of chick pea Demonstratio n and training on soil test based fertilizer management of paddy and chick pea


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module-1 Existing farming system and Intervention Intervention Intervention for problem identified Jasipur Crops/ Problem 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr block and Cropping identified Dhalabani system/ G.P. Enterprise Homestead Poultry Low Introduction Development of Formation of productivity of dual brooder units market of local purpose free by SHGs by federation and breed and range linkage with linkage with high rate of improved DRDA government mortality breeds like agencies like due to Pallishree, Entrepreneursh DSMS, PR dept disease Rainbow ip development for marketing outbreak roaster by setting of (Ranikhet) Training to poultry feed rural youths unit –linkage on with DIC vaccination and poultry feed preparation Goatery Slow growth Animal health Skill training for Coverage of due to worm camp and development of more adjacent problem and deworming paravets to village for kid rural youth deworming mortality Bee keeping Unavailabilit Demonstratio Establishment Linkages with Mushroom y of any n and skill of mushroom DSMS by cultivation additional training spawn unit and formation of income programme processing of federation for generation on apiary honey marketing activity and mushroom production Expected increase in income % and man days 30% and 150 45 % and 230 60 % and 300 created/unit days mandays mandays Module II (Block: Karanjai,GP: Tato, Village: Sialinai) Module-2 Existing farming system and Intervention Intervention Intervention for problem identified Karanjai Crops/Croppi Problem 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr block and ng system/ identified Tato GP Enterprise Rainfed Maize –Fallow Low Liming of soil Intercropping Scaling up upland (Hybrid variety productivity by PMS of maize with intercropping of sowing behind due to soil test based cow pea (2:2) maize and cow the plough) improper fertilizer Ridging by pea fertilizer management power ridger in Market linkage management Weed control maize for selling of (Less P & K) by Atrazin @ sweet corn with and low 1kg/ha DSMS profitability Demonstration due to labour on line planting


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module-2 Existing farming system and Intervention Intervention Intervention for problem identified Karanjai Crops/Croppi Problem 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr block and ng system/ identified Tato GP Enterprise scarcity of maize by alongwith tractor drawn delay of seed cum activities fertilizer drill Demonstratio n of maize sheller Homestea Poultry Low Introduction of Development of Formation of d productivity dual purpose brooder units market of local breed free range by SHGs by federation and and high rate improved linkage with linkage with of mortality breeds like DRDA government due to disease Pallishree, Entrepreneursh agencies like outbreak Rainbow ip development DSMS, PR dept (Ranikhet) roaster by setting of for marketing Training to poultry feed rural youths on unit –linkage vaccination and with DIC poultry feed preparation Goatery Slow growth Animal health Skill training for Coverage of due to worm camp and development of more adjacent problem and deworming paravets to village for kid mortaity rural youth deworming Bee keeping Unavailability Demonstratio Establishment Linkages with Mushroom of any n and skill of mushroom DSMS by cultivation additional training spawn unit formation of income programme and processing federation for generation on apiary and of honey marketing activity mushroom production Expected increase in income % and man days 30% and 110 45 % and 200 60 % and 250 created/unit days mandays mandays B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan for 2016-17 Activities No. No. of Beneficiaries Training to farmer & farm women 52 1300 Training for rural youth 5 100 Training to extn. personnel 6 150 Total training 63 1550 On farm testing(OFT) 10 Frontline Demonstration (FLD) 8


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nabarangpur The district Nabarangpur is situated at 19.9 to 20.5 N latitude and 81.52 -82.53 E longitude at an altitude of 1876 feet from mean sea level in the easternghat highland zone of Odisha. About 80 % people of the district depend on agriculture to sustain their livelihood. Paddy, maize are the two dominating crops. Among other crops arhar, greengram, blackgram, ragi, sugarcane, groundnut, sunflower, brinjal, tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, chilli, onion are important.

District Profile  Location- Eastrenghat Highland Zone  Geographical Area – 5.29 Lakh Ha  Forest Area – 2.47 Lakh Ha (46.69 %)  Population – 12,20,946  Tribals – 6,71,520 (55%) o Literacy – 48.2% o Villages – 901, Blocks -10 o Annual normal rainfall – 1569 MM  Cultivated land 2.01 Lakh Ha(37.99 %)  SOIL TYPE - ALFISOLS  HIGH LAND- 1,33,944 ha(66.6 %)  MEDIUM LAND- 38,342 ha(19 %)  LOW LAND- 29,135 ha (14.4 %)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Module I Financial upliftment of tribal women (Block-Dabugaon ,GP-Junapani , Village- Junapani )

Farming Problem Extent Effect Action to be Anticipated Situation taken overall financial Growth by the module no.1 Non land Less farm 55 % Migration to 1. Mushroom 300 % based income population of other area cultivation Off season the district are Reduced 2. Poultry Unemployment Tribals strength in cultivation and mal- (6,71,520 ) agriculture 3. Value addition nutrition 10 Blocks Malnutrition of farm 169 GP Low family produce 901 Villages income 4. Vegetable nursery 5. Nutritional garden 6. Vermicompost ing and vermiculture 7. Floriculture DETAILS OF ACTION PLAN FOR MODULE-I Season 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action point point point Kharif cultivation of Giving Spawn Training for Preservation Training for and paddy straw training for production spawn techniques value Rabi mushroom mushroom production addition and production Bank linkage Formation of Oyster Providing for finance SHG group mushroom spawn to establish Marketing the spawn linkage unit Kharif Rearing of Giving Production of Training for Marketing Training for and poultry Training on chicks production Linkage formation of rabi Breed rearing technology Fund SHG Pallishree techniques Providing management. Fund Providing 21 artificial management days old brooder chicks Timely vaccination and proper nutrition


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Season 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action point point point Kharif Nursery Giving Establishmen Training for Marketing Training and raising training t of Poly raising good Linkage Formation of rabi technology Providing house quality SHG for critical input seedling Fund production of tricoderma Bank linkage management vegetable viridae for seedlings soil disinfection Kharif Production of Giving Production of Training for Formation of Training and vermicompost Training earth worm production SHG Facilitation Rabi Providing and and Fund critical input vermiwash application management Eudrillus Marketing eugenea and Linkage vermibed Kharif Technology Giving Maintainace Training for Preservation Training and for nutritional Training of nutritional maintainanc techniques Rabi garden Providing garden e of Critical nutritional inputs – garden seedlings of drumstick,p apaya,veget ables Module II Crop diversification and value addition in maize based cropping system (Block-Jharigaon GP- Chitabeda,Village-Monoguda) Farming Problem Effect Intervention Anticipated overall situation financial growth by module no. 2 Upland Rainfed Monocultue Yield 1. Crop Diversification to 300 % Kharif of Maize gettingstagnan vegetable cultivation( 55,000 ha in t / less wilt resistant HYV/Hyb. the district. Climatic Var) and vagaries will pulses(arhar,black gram) damge entire 2. Intercropping with crop pulses(arhar var Upas Sale is a /cow pea var Utkal problem/ manik) Distress sale 3. Value addition in maize Soil Health 4. Vermicomposting degadating 5. Use of biofertiliser 6. Use of sodium Molybdate in pulses with rhizobium


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

DETAILS OF ACTION PLAN FOR MODULE-III 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Season Intervention Action Intervention Action Intervention Action point point point Rabi Canopy Training on IPM in Mango Training Recycling of Training on management canopy Giving Organic Vermicompo in Mango management critical input debrises in sting orchard Providing Methyleuge mango Critical input critical input nol orchard Eudrillus 25 ppm trap,malathi eugenea and NAA,Bordea on,protein vvermibeds ux paste hydrolysate to be given Kharif Intercropping Training on Use of cycocel Training and Preservation Training on of pine apple Intercropping in pine apple providing and value preservation in mango Providing critical input addition and value orchard critical input cycocel addition of pine apple sucker queenkew var/Kew var Spacing 45 cm x 30 cm Kharif Intercropping Training on Use of Training and Value Training on of Intercropping biofertiliser providing addition value turmeric/ging Providing in Critical -preparation addition er in mango critical input intercropping input of dried facilitating orchard of rhizomes Azotobacter ginger and Bank linkage of turmeric and PSB 5 turmeric var roma , Kg /ha each powder ginger var Suprava Rabi Drip Training on Fertigation Training on Maintenance Training for irrigation in water fertigation of Drip maintenance mango management in drip for system of drip Orchard for mango mango system orchard by orchard. drip system Linkage with Horticulture dept. for drip installation Module III-Management of mango orchard (Block-Umerkote GP- Chikal Padar Village- Chikalpadar) Farming Problem Effect Action to be taken Anticipated overall situation financial growth by module no. 3 Up land land No canopy 1.Low yield1. Canopy management in older 300 % rainfed management 2. Lowe orchards ( more than 10 years) (200 ha) land Intercropping with pine No equivalent apple(5- 10 years orchards) intercropping ratio Intercropping with (800 ha) Turmeric/Ginger( 0-5 years old Rainfed plantations) Drip Irrigation demonostration


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Details Of Action Plan for Module-III Season 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action point Intervention Action point Intervention Action point Rabi Canopy Training on IPM in Training Recycling of Training on management canopy Mango Giving Organic Vermicompo in Mango management critical input debrises in sting orchard Providing Methyleugen mango Critical input critical input ol orchard Eudrillus 25 ppm trap,malathio eugenea and NAA,Bordeau n,protein vvermibeds x paste hydrolysate to be given Kharif Intercroppin Training on Use of Training and Preservation Training on g of pine Intercroppin cycocel in providing and value preservation apple in g pine apple critical input addition and value mango Providing cycocel addition orchard critical input of pine apple sucker queenkew var/Kew var Spacing 45 cm x 30 cm Kharif Intercroppin Training on Use of Training and Value Training on g of Intercroppin biofertiliser providing addition value turmeric/gin g in Critical input -preparation addition ger in mango Providing intercroppin Azotobacter of dried facilitating orchard critical input g and PSB 5 Kg ginger and Bank linkage of rhizomes /ha each turmeric of turmeric powder var roma , ginger var Suprava Rabi Drip Training on Fertigation Training on Maintenance Training for irrigation in water fertigation in of Drip maintenance mango management drip for system of drip Orchard for mango mango system orchard by orchard . drip system Linkage with Horticulture dept. for drip installation B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Activity No. Training to farmer & farm women 30 Training to rural youth 15 Training to extension personnel 6 Total training 51 On farm testing(OFT) 8 Frontline DemonstrationFLD 8


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nayagarh came into existence as a separate district consequent upon reorganization of districts in Orissa on April 1st 1993. Total geographical area of the district is 3, 89,000 ha and the area under forest is 42,127 ha. Total population of the district is 9,03,246 (2011 census) with population density of 247 per sq km. Rural population accounts for 91.71 percent of the total population whereas the urban population is 8.29 percent. The district is located between 19 degree 54’ to 20 degree 32’ North Latitude and 84 degree 29’ to 85 degree 27’ East Longitude and situated under the agro-climatic zone of East and South Eastern Coastal plain zone of Odisha.

Basic information Total geographical area: 3,89,000 ha Cultivated area: 1,34,000 ha Net sown area: 1,21,000 ha Gross cropped area: 2,40,000 ha Irrigated area: 45,390 ha (33%) (Kharif) , 21,670 ha (18%) (rabi) Cropping intensity: 198% Agro climatic zone: East and South Eastern Coastal Plain Zone Farming Situations :  Rainfed upland with red soil  Rainfed medium land with alluvial soil  Rainfed lowland with alluvial soil  Irrigated medium land with alluvial soil  Drought prone hilly terrains  Flood prone medium & lowlands  Water logged areas & water bodies


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

A. Modules for enhancing farmers’ income Module-I (Block: Gania, GP: Gania, Village: Arundipathar) • Name of Block-Gania • Cultivated area-8036Ha • Upland-3091ha • Medium land-3268ha • Low land-1677ha • Irrigated area-2422ha • Rainfall-1414.2mm • Cropping pattern-Rice ,Rice-green gram • Soil type-Mixed Red and Laterite, Acidic • Problem-Low yield from sole crop of Rice (1.2t/ha), High YMV incidence in local green gram. • Target GP- Gania Module-I Rainfed Ecosystem Land Existing farming Proble Suggested Intervention type system m system Kharif Rabi 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Upland Paddy - Low Intercropp Seed Soil test based INM in Paddy , (broadcasti yield ing with treatment fertilizer crop ng) var- from Rice(New of paddy application, intensification Khandagiri sole var.) with with Integrated of paddy with crop managem Thiram @ pest and arhar (Trg.), (1.2t/ha ent 3g/kg and disease mgt. Follow up ) arhar with for stem borer action. vitavax and blast. Power @ weed 2g/kg of management seed, and seed Intercropp treatment in ing of paddy(Trg.), Arhar with Integrated Rice Var. pest mgt. for Shahabhag pod borer in i dhan arhar (Trg. (2:5) , And inputs) Direct Sowing by seed cum fertilizer drill, Pre- emergenc e spray of pretilachlo r @ 0.5Kg a.i./ha. Medium Paddy (var. Green Low Paddy- Paddy Soil test based Continue the land Lalata) gram yield Green (var. fertilizer system, (broadcasti (Local from gram with Tejaswini) application, Use of farm ng) ) paddy, new , Seed Integrated implements 27q/ha 3.1q/ High variety treatment pest and (Trg), Safe ha YMV of paddy disease mgt. storage of incidenc with for BPH and pulses and


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Land Existing farming Proble Suggested Intervention type system m system Kharif Rabi 1st year 2nd year 3rd year e in Thiram @ sheath blight paddy local 3g/kg and in paddy and ( pro super green greengra root rot, YMV bags and gram. m with ,powdery TNAU trap) vitavax mildew and (Trg. and Power @ aphid in green input) 2g/kg of gram (Trg & seed, Line inputs) . sowing of paddy by Drum Seeder/se ed drill and green gram by Zero seed drill homeste Goatery Mortalit Dewormin Shed and Commercial ad /Sheepery y of g of kids Nutrition mgt goat /sheep kids. (animal (Trg by unit & Poor health ARD),Vaccinat Regular body camp), ion on PPR, monitoring by growth mineral Management scientists with mixture of ecto & endo dept. officials use and parasites disease (Trg.) managem ent with the help of ARD, Gania Poultry Traditio Breed Vaccination Brooding of nal replaceme and feed chicks and breeds, nt with management Commercializ low egg Pallishree (Trg) ation lying for and backyard poor (Training body & Input) growth Mushroom Less Mushroom Entrepreneur Paddy straw income cultivation ship mushroom from in small development, throughout paddy scale commercializ the year straw (Training ation & Input) % growth of income 18 24 38

Employment 395 434 477 generation (MD)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module-II (Block: Khandapada, GP: Gunthuni, Village:Anlamada) • Name of Block-Khandapada • Cultivated area-13365Ha • Upland-5080ha • Medium land-5295Ha • Low land-2990Ha • Irrigated area-11282Ha • Rainfall-1331.9 mm • Cropping pattern-Rice-Green gram • Problem- Low yield in paddy due to severe sheath blight incidence, and high YMV incidence in Nayagarh Local Green gram variety. • Target GP-Gunthuni Module-II (Rainfed ecosystem) Land Existing farming Problem Suggest Intervention type system ed system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Medium Paddy Green Low yield Rice- Line sowing Soil test Regular visit land (var. gram in paddy green behind the based and Swarna) (Nayaga due to gram plough, fertilizer monitoring severe rh local) severe (Improv sheath blight application, the system pest and sheath ed var.) management Integrated disease blight in paddy, pest and incidenc incidence Varietal disease mgt. e , and high replacement for BPH and YMV with Green sheath blight incidence gram var. in paddy, root in IPM-02-14, rot, YMV and Nayagarh Seed aphid mgt. in Local treatment greengram Green with (Trg & gram Rhizobium @ inputs) variety. 200g and Safe storage Sod. of green gram molybdate@ using pro 3g/10Kg of super bags, seed., Use of use of reaper, zero seed thresher like cum fertilizer cost reducing drill in rabi implements pulses, KMA Shallow Paddy Green Low yield Rice- Paira black Soil test Regular visit Low land (pooja) gram from black gram (PU- based and green gram 31), Seed fertilizer monitoring, gram due treatment of application, safe storage to paddy with Integrated of greengram delayed Thiram @ pest and and paddy by sowing. 3g/kg and disease mgt. using pro Disease blackgram for leaf super bag and pest with vitavax folder, BPH and TNAU incidence Power @ and sheath trap in Paddy. 2g/kg of blight in


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Land Existing farming Problem Suggest Intervention type system ed system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr seed, , paddy (Trg & priming, Line inputs) , sowing of Package and paddy by pre practices of germinated paira black Drum Seeder gram.(Trg.). Homeste Dairy Low Providing Use of Value ad productiv Fodder Mineral addition of ity of planting mixture for milk for milk materials, AI, higher commercial shed productivity purposes management (Trg) with help of ARD, Khandapara Poultry Tradition Breed Vaccination Brooding of al breeds, replacement and feed chicks (FLD) low egg with management and trg to lying and Palishree for (Trg) SHG poor backyard body (Training & growth FLD) Mushro Less Mushroom Paddy straw Entrepreneur om income cultivation in mushroom ship devt. from small scale throughout (Trg) paddy (Training & the year straw FLD) (OFT) % growth of income 22 41 68 Employment 410 451 495 generation (MD) Module-III (Block: Ranapur, GP: Darpanarayanpur, Village: Darpanaryanpur/ Bapujipalli) • Name of Block-Ranapur • Cultivated area-20,175Ha • Upland-6213 Ha • Medium land-7907 Ha • Low land-6055 Ha • Irrigated area-9496 Ha • Rainfall-1521.3mm • Cropping pattern-Rice-vegetable • Problem-Low income from kharif paddy and traditional vegetable. • Target GP-Darpanarayanpur Module III - Irrigated land Land Existing farming Proble Suggested Intervention type system m system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Upland Paddy Vegetab Low Vegetable- Off season Soil test Training on le income Vegetable vegetable based micronutrien (Brinjal from during fertilizer t application ) kharif Kharif, application, in tomato


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Land Existing farming Proble Suggested Intervention type system m system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr paddy (Tomato Var. wilt, fruit (1.8t/ha) Arka borer and Rakshyak, serpentine Swarna leaf miner Sampad), mgt. in raising tomato nursery under poly- tunnel (100 micron), Staking, Broad bed and furrow method, Paired row method of planting, Rabi- Vegetable (Brinjal) Medium Paddy Vegetab Pest Paddy- Green Soil test Monitoring land (var. le problem, Vegetable manuring based and regular MTU- (Brinjal low yield with fertilizer supervision, 1001) ) (2.5t/ha) dhanicha application, Low cost , low followed by Integrated onion return in soil pest and storage vegetabl incorporatio disease mgt. structures es. n before 45 for BPH and (Bamboo ) days of sheath blight sowing, Seed in paddy, treatment of Sulphur paddy with application Thiram @ in 3g/kg, onion@30Kg transplantin /Ha,). g following Production SRI method, technology HYV of onion of Rabi onion var. Bhima (Trg.) Shakti, Nursery raising. Homeste Goatery Mortalit Deworming Shed and Regular ad /Sheepe y of kids. of kids Nutrition monitoring ry Poor (animal mgt & by scientist body health camp) commercial with dept. growth and disease goat officials management unit.(Trg by with the help ARD) of ARD Poultry Traditio Breed Vaccination Brooding of nal replacement and feed chicks (FLD) breeds, with management and trg to low egg Pallishree (Trg) SHG lying and for backyard poor (Training &


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Land Existing farming Proble Suggested Intervention type system m system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr body FLD) growth Mushroo Less Mushroom Paddy straw Entrepreneu m income cultivation in mushroom rship from small scale throughout development paddy (Training & the year . (Trg) straw FLD) Fishery Low fish Pre stocking Feed mgt , Entrepreneu producti pond disease mgt rship on from management and yearling development existing ,eradication production . (Trg) pond of aquatic weed, predatory and weed fishes, aquatic insect, basal lime application and manuring , stocking 5,000yearlin g/ ha(CRM 3:4:3) with water quality mgt % growth of income 26 47 76 Employment 490 540 595 generation (MD) B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan for 2016-17 Activity No. No. of beneficiary On farm testing 22 272 Frontline Demonstration on Oilseeds 20 50 Frontline Demonstration on Pulses 20 50 Frontline Demonstration on Other than Oilseed and pulse crops 15.8ha 126 Frontline Demonstration on Enterprise 65 units 65 Training-Farmers and farm women 43 1075 Training-Rural youths 6 120 Training- Extension functionaries 8 200 Extension Activities 1020 4175 Seedling Production (Number of activity as number of seedlings 40000 761 in numbers) Sapling Production (Number of activity as number of sapling in 2550 131 numbers) Other Bio- products (No. of quantity) (Vermi compost) 2MT 357 Livestock products ( Vanaraja 21 days old poultry chicks) 3000nos 62 Kisan Mobile Advisory (KVK-KMA) 200 5000


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nuapada is located in the western part of Odisha. It lies between 20 degree N and 21 degree 5’ latitude and 82 degree 40’ E longitude. Nuapada district has basically an agrarian and forest economy. Much of the population depends on agriculture and forest. They live in subsistence economy in the absence of any alternative sources of meaningful employment.

District Profile  Agro Climatic Zone Western Undulating Zone o Latitude 20 degrees 0' N to 21 degrees 5' N o Longitude 82 degrees 20' E to 82 degrees 40' E  Geographical area 385200 ha  Cultivated area 189170 ha (High -132664, Medium – 28213, Low -28293)  Irrigated area 35942 ha (19 % approx.)  Soil type Red, Mixed Red and Black  Population Total 530690 (Male – 264396, Female – 266294)  Block 5 ( Nuapada, Khariar, Komna, Boden, Sinapali)  Gram Panchayats 109 Major Crops Crop Area in ha Productivity(q/ha) Area in ha Productivity(q/ha) Kharif Rabi Paddy 82000 34.60 5000 34.80 Maize 13746 22.6 475 26.40 Cotton 6054 12.76 -- -- Blackgram 59435 5.80 42848 5.13 Ragi 2960 5.32 Green gram 27340 4.58 3100 4.52 Vegetable 3908 102.86 8356 109.21


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type farming st nd 3rd yr system 1 yr 2 yr Module-I homestead Goatery mortality Deworming of Nutrition and Regular (Rainfed of kids. kids (animal feed mgt & monitoring by Ecosystem) Poor body health camp) commercial scientist with growth and disease goat unit.(Trg dept. officials. management by vet. Commercial with the help Department.) goat of with vet. entrepreneur. Department. homestead Poultry Local Replacement Vaccination Brooding of breeds, with Banaraja/ and feed chicks and low egg Denim red for management Commercialisa lying and backyard (Trg) tion poor body (Training & growth chick supply) homestead - Lack of Mushroom Paddy straw Paddy straw awareness cultivation in and oyster mushroom on alternet small scale mushroom throughout the use of (Training & cultivation in year paddy FLD) medium scale straw for (FLD & income Training) generation %age growth of income 16 22 41 Mandays 262 355 410 A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Module –I Rainfed Eco-system (Block: Nuapada, GP:Saipala,Village:Khairani) Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system st nd rd Kharif Rabi 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr Module-I Upland Cotton Fallow Low yield Line sowing sowing of Intercroppin (Rainfed fertiliser (12 q/ha) of cotton hybrid cotton g of maize Ecosyste applicatio (Tulsi/ (60x45cm) with cowpea, m) n during Bunny) seed with soil test okra, black interculture treatment based gram, cotton with vitavax fertilizer producers power and management group field imedacloprid and sucking day, use of , chemical pest farm weed mgt management implements practices (20 q/ha) 24 q/ha. with pendimethali n as pre emergence and glyphosate as post emergence (OFT, Training) 16 q/ha


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system st nd rd Kharif Rabi 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr Med- Paddy Fallow Drought Paddy (var. Paddy (var. Short Upland (var.Khan during Sahabhagi Sahabhagi duration dagiri) later dhan) dhan) with toria (var. 15q/ha stage, Line sowing improved Parvati) (broadcas pest 23q/ha package. during early ting) problem (OFT) training on Rabi season INM, IPDM,32 (FLD) q / ha. Training on use of farm implements nd Mediu Paddy Fallow No Paddy(var.M Nutrient mgt. Coninueas 2 m land (var. second anaswini) of Paira crop yr. Promotion MTU crop with early to Paddy of efficient 1001) Pest planting – training on Paira Crop Problem paira with IPDM Chick pea, Chickpea/fiel Mustard, d Green gram pea/Blackgra -Training on m (OFT) use of farm implements Module-II Irrigated (Stream/ Lift irrigation/ Bore well) Vegetable based ecosystem (Block-Nuapara , G.P. - Godphula, Village- Bhera ) Module Land Existing farming Problem Interventi Interventi Interventi type system on on on Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Module-II Upland Paddy Vegetable Low Substitutio Training on Training on (Irrigated (cole crops, return n with Use of Mulching, veg. tomato, from Offseason micronutrie staking, based brinjal, okra upland vegetables nts with trailing, Ecosyste etc) paddy 15 like tomato, new Grading, m) q/ha, pest radish, generation quality & disease coriander, pesticides production problem, cauliflower for sucking through low yield in kharif, pest. use of farmers and STB fert weedicide. group s. return in IPDM and (OFT) rabi high value vegetables Rabi vegetable crops. (OFT)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Interventi Interventi Interventi type system on on on Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Medium Paddy Vegetable low yield Line Line Summer land (var.M (sol./cole/go due to transplanti transplanti Vegetables TU- urds etc) pest and ng of paddy ng of with seed 1001) disease and IPDM, paddy. Use treatment incidence improved of bio micro- & poor varieties of products & nutrient nutrient vegetables bio-agents, application, managem (FLD) trap, border Training on ent Training crops in post on STB fert, vegetables, harvest mgt micro- Training on and value nutrient Use of addition. application, reaper, IPDM thresher like cost reducing implements

Module Land type Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention farming 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr system Module-II homestead Goatery Mortality Deworming of Nutrition and Regular (Irrigated of kids. kids (animal feed mgt & monitoring (stream/lift Poor body health camp) commercial by scientist irrigation growth and disease goat unit.(Trg with dept. management by Vet. officials bw) veg. with the help Department) based Vet. Ecosystem) Department homestead Poultry Local Breed Vaccination Brooding of breeds, replacement and feed chicks (FLD) low egg with var. management and trg to lying and Banaraja etc (Trg) SHG poor body for backyard growth (Training & FLD) homestead - No income Mushroom Paddy straw entrepreneur from cultivation in mushroom ship devt. paddy small scale throughout (Trg & straw (Training & the exposure) FLD) year(OFT) %age growth of income 18 35 62 Man days 230 362 426 B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan for 2016-17 Activity Number of activity No. of beneficiaries On far testing 6 78 Frontline Demonstration on Oilseeds 30 ha 75 Frontline Demonstration on Pulses 40 ha 85 Frontline Demonstration on Cotton 5 ha 13 Frontline Demonstration on Other than Oilseed and pulse 5 63 crops Frontline Demonstration on Enterprise 2 2 Training-Farmers and farm women 19 475 Training-Rural youths 5 90 Training- Extension functionaries 3 45 Extension Activities 27 8500


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Puri is a coastal district on the eastern part of Odisha. It covers an area of 3479 sq. kms having 155 Km as coastline along with the Bay of Bengal. is situated at the south-west corner of the district. Kushabahadra, Daya, Bhargabi, Luna and Prachi are the five major rivers in the district. The district can be divided into two dissimilar natural divisions-the Littoral tract and the Level alluvial tract. The population of the District is 1697983 (as per 2011 Census) and the density of population is 488 people per sq. km. Around 84 per cent of the people reside in the rural areas where as urban population is around 15 per cent of the total population. Puri falls under East and South Eastern Coastal Plain Zone of Odisha. Broad soil groups of the district are saline, lateritic, alluvial, red and mixed red and black. Based on variation in topography, soil type, availability of irrigation and cropping patterns, the agro-climatic zone is further subdivided in to 6 numbers of agro-ecological situations.

District at a glance Total Geographical area(ha) 348102 Total Cultivated Area (ha) 188745 High 19100 Medium 57654 Low 111991 Total Paddy Area (ha) 142000 Total Non paddy area(ha) 19100 Cultivable waste(ha) 3299 Forest land(ha) 14225 Details of Agro Ecological Situation Sl. Name of AES AES features Blocks covered No. 1 Coastal irrigated Fertile soil with ample irrigation potential Satyabadi, Nimapada, Alluvium Kakatpur 2 Rainfed Alluvium Fertile soil with marginal irrigation potential Pipili, Puri Sadar 3 Coastal Alluvial Saline soils on some location contain toxic Brahmagiri, Saline concentration of Borax and Cupper. The total area Krushnaprasad under the saline soil in the district is 19480 Ha 4 Coastal Water Low land with water logging situation Gop, Astaranga, Kanas Logged 5 Rainfed Laterite Red laterite soil with marginal irrigation potential Delanga


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Module I (Block: Kakatpur, GP: Othaka, Village: Othaka) ECOLOGICAL SITUATION:- Agro Agro Blocks Gram Selected Rainfall Land Irrigation Soil type climatic Ecologic Panchay Village (mm) type Zone al at (ACZ) Situatio n (AES) East and Coastal Kakatpur Othaka Othaka 1520 Low Irrigated Alluvium South irrigated Medium soil Eastern alluvium land Coastal Plain Zone A. Farming situation analysis Farming Existing Farming System Problem Suggested Technology situation Crop Enterprises Irrigated Paddy (Swarna  Low productivity due to Paddy-Pulse/oilseeds - mashuri) – local varieties (Swarna Vegetables Greengram mashuri. low- (Desi)  Indiscriminate use of Medium Urea, DAP without soil land testing.  Soil deficient in Zn and Boron Manual weed control leads to high expenditure  Pest like YSB, leaf folder, case worm and disease like BLB, sheath blight highly damage the crop.  Farmers use furadon and bavistin  Low yield in pulse due to Yellow Mosaic Virus and no bio agent treatment Paddy-  Low productivity of Tomato- Swarna sampad, Vegetables - tomato (Chiranjibi), Off season var.-Arka tomato, potato, Market glute leads to ananya Okra, Cole poor profit.  Swarna alukik in trailing crop,chilli.)  Pointed gourd (Gedi system with seedling potal) in raise bed for one raising in portray from yr is not yielded high vine cutting and maintain  No idea of broccoli, the plant stand 1:10 ratio capsicum, carrot IPM in brinjal and Okra cultivation  YMV, fruit borer in okra, brinjal fully damage the crop Low land Fishery  Low income Multiple stocking with ponds (Rs.28500/ac.) due to advanced fingerling single crop Upland Beetle vine  Foot rot disease and shed Production with shade


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Existing Farming System Problem Suggested Technology situation Crop Enterprises changing leads to high net and biopesticide cost application  Unutilised space in coconut orchard Homestead Mushroom  Without treatment and New variety with round old strain the year production Dairy  Low fat, SNF percentage Supplement feeding and in milk control of mastitis  Mastitis problem B. PROPOSED PLAN FOR WHOLESOME DEVELOPMENT IN AGRICULTURE:- Crops 1st Year (2016-17) 2nd Year (2017-18) 3rd Year (2018-19) Interventio Action Intervention Action Interventio Action n Points Points n Points Paddy Varietal Paddy Nutrient Soil test Integrated YSB- substitution varieties for management, based pest Flubendiami with high low land Weed Nutrient management [email protected]/lit) yielding Swarna sub- management management leaf folder / varieties (45- 1, CR-505, Dhanicha case worm- 50q/ha)for Seed seed lambada low land. treatment (25kg/ha). cylohalothrin Green with T. viride. ZnSo4- (2ml/lit). manuring Sowing of 25kg/ha,Bor BLB-copper with soil test Dhanicha ax-10kg/ha oxychloride- fertilizer seed Butachlor- 3gm/lit+vali recommenda (25kg/ha). 1kg damycin- tion Fertilizer of ai/ha,bispyri 3ml/lit NPK(80-40- baesodium- 40)/ha, 25gm ai/ha ZnSo4- 25kg/ha,Bor ax-10kg/ha YSB- Flubendiami [email protected]/lit) Greeng Varietal Training, Integrated Spray Storage Training , ram substitution Popularisatio pest diafenthiuro management demon on with YMV n of management n Store grain tolerant var.TARM- 1.5ml/lit,Yell pest varieties 1,Seed ow sticky management treatment trap - polylines with @50nos/ha. gunny bags rhizobium(2 and bio for storage of 0gm/kg). agents T. mung seed Application japonicum of NPK(20- @ 50,000 40-40kg/ha) nos. of egg with boron parasites spray(0.2%) /ha./week before 10-15 days of flowering


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Crops 1st Year (2016-17) 2nd Year (2017-18) 3rd Year (2018-19) Interventio Action Intervention Action Interventio Action n Points Points n Points Ground Cultivation Training, Integrated Collar rot- Water Use of nut Ground nut Demon. of pest T.viridae- management sprinkler with full groundnut management 10kg/ha+hex package of Var. Devi aconazole- practices Seed 2.5ml/lit. treatment Spodoptera- with T. viride. pheromone Application trap20 of FYM/ nos/ha+ organic profenophos compost 2.5ml/lit @5t/ha, seed inoculation with Rhizobium @20gm/kg of seed, gypsum application @250 kg/ha, soil test based fert. application ) weed management by spraying of Imazethapyr @ 70g ai /ha at 15 DAS Vegeta Varietal Demonstrati Intensificatio Seed Interspace of Pine apple bles substitution on on n of tomato treatment Orchard turmeric in of Tomato, tomato. var with T. viride utilisation coconut pointed Swarna Staking, orchards gourd sampad nutrient Yam EFY as Introduction ,pointed management tuber crop) of cash crops gourd- Training Swarna Aloukik in trailing system. Cultivation of capsicum var. Bharata/Calif ornia wonder 300gm seed/acre, 21 days seedlings, 125-62.5-


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Crops 1st Year (2016-17) 2nd Year (2017-18) 3rd Year (2018-19) Interventio Action Intervention Action Interventio Action n Points Points n Points 125 kg NPK /ha.. Broccoli KTS-3kg seed /ha,125-100- 125 kg NPK /ha. Enterprises Beetle Production Demon. on Integrated Training,De Integrated Training, vine management production of disease monstration disease Demonstrati beetle vine in Management of T.viridae Management on of shade net in beetle vine 5kg/ha+Thio in beetle vine T.viridae phenate 5kg/ha+Thio methyl 1.5 phenate gm/lit for methyl 1.5 disease gm/lit for management disease management Fishery Varietal Performance Fertiliser Liquid Feeding Low cost evaluation of “Jayanti management organic management feeding rohu” for manure management increasing application with local productivity in ingredients (Improved aquaculture (sunflower / rohu variety 2.5lit/ha mustard/ produced by groundnut) CIFA having oil cake and 17% more rice bran in growth rate 1:1 compared to proportion normal rohu @2000nos adavnced fingerling / ha) Mushro Varietal Assessment Production Evaluation of Value Demonstrati om substitution of different management paddy straw addition on on Value strains of mushroom addition and paddy straw var- preservation mushroom V.bombyssina to increase (V. in Rabi income ( volvaceae) pickles, powder) Dairy Production Early Feed Training, Health Deworming management detection & management Azolla management and & health Control of culture for vaccination, mastitis by feed Azolla MCMT test management culture for followed by in cattle feed antibiotic (azolla management therapy culture in in cattle


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Crops 1st Year (2016-17) 2nd Year (2017-18) 3rd Year (2018-19) Interventio Action Intervention Action Interventio Action n Points Points n Points Assessment polythene (azolla of bypass tank and culture in protein feeding @ polythene feeding of 2kg/day for tank and dairy cattle reduction in feeding @ @ 100mg/ feed cost) 2kg/day for day for reduction in improving feed cost) quality of milk % Increase in income 25 45 70 Additional empl. 22 32 40 generation (man days /ha/year) Module II (Block: Satyabadi, GP: Sandra, Village: Oterkera) A. ECOLOGICAL SITUATION Agro Agro Blocks Gram Selected Rainfall Land Irrigation Soil type climatic Ecologic Panchay Village (mm) type Zone al at (ACZ) Situatio n (AES) East and Rainfed Satyabad Sandra Oterkera 1181 Medium Rainfed Loamy South Alluvium i Low land Eastern Coastal Plain Zone B. Farming situation analysis Farming Existing Farming Problem Suggested module situation System Crop Others Rainfed- Paddy- Low cropping intensity due to Paddy – Green gram medium/ fallow paddy only Tuber crop low land Low productivity from local varieties(1014,1009,Swarna),(3 0-35q/ha),injudicious use of fertilizer without soil test, Acidic soil disease /pest problem (YSB, case worm, in paddy with low profit Fishery Scattered & unused weed Multiple stocking with advance infested ponds, fingerlings and biological control Less productivity from fish pond of weeds in fish ponds.

Goat High prevalence of disease and Vaccination, deworming & farming kid mortality periparturient care Poultry Low profit from desi poultry Introduction of improved breed birds


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

C. PROPOSED PLAN FOR WHOLESOME DEVELOPMENT IN AGRICULTURE Crops 1st Year (2016-17) 2nd Year (2017-18) 3rd Year (2018-19) Interventio Action Interventio Action Interventio Action n Points n Points n Points Paddy Varietal Paddy Integrated Nitrogen Green Demonstrati substitution varieties for pest managemen manuring on and with high low land managemen t in rice by training on yielding Swarna sub- t & Soil leaf colour green varieties 1,CR-505, based chart (LCC) manuring (45- Seed Fertiliser YSB- with 50q/ha). treatment managemen Flubendiami dhanicha Green with T. t [email protected]/lit)/ manuring viride. leaf folder- with soil test Sowing of lambada fertilizer Dhanicha cylohalothri recommend seed (25 n(2ml/lit) ation kg/ha). Fertilizer of NPK(80-40- 40)/ha, ZnSo4- 25kg/ha, Borax- 10kg/ha YSB- Flubendiami [email protected]/lit) Greengra High Training, Zero till drill Use of zero Water Use of m yielding Popularisati sowing IPM, seed drill for management sprinkler , pulse variety on of for YMV sowing of Training with bio var.TARM- green gram agent 1,Seed seeds treatment treatment Spray and with diafenthiuro IPM/IDM rhizobium(2 n practices. 0gm/kg). 1.5ml/lit,Yel Application low sticky of NPK(20- trap 40-40kg/ha) @50nos/ha. with boron and bio spray(0.2%) agents T. before 10-15 japonicum days of @ 50,000 flowering nos. of egg parasites /ha./week Vegetables Kitchen Training, Kitchen Training, Follow up Training, garden,Tube Demonstrati garden, Demonstrati action Demonstrati r crop on on Tuber crop on on on on cultivation kitchen cultivation kitchen kitchen garden for garden for garden for own family own family own family through out through out through out the the the year


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Crops 1st Year (2016-17) 2nd Year (2017-18) 3rd Year (2018-19) Interventio Action Interventio Action Interventio Action n Points n Points n Points year.EFY(gaj year.EFY,Ya endra),Yam( m With hatikhoja,Or package of issa elite)- practices 1250 kg/ ha, ,Fertilizer- 150-100- 150 kg NPK/ha . Enterprises Fishery Production Multiple Fertiliser Liquid Health & Aqua health managemen stocking and managemen organic feed camp and t production t manure management opening of application aqua shop in aquaculture Mushroo Varietal Evaluation Production Demonstrati Value Demonstrati m evaluation of paddy managemen on of addition on on Value straw t suitable addition and mushroom paddy straw preservation var- mushroom to increase V.bombyssin 10beds/day income ( a & V. pickle volvaceae preparation, 5beds/day dehydrated mushroom, mushroom powder) Goat Health and Vaccination Health Awareness Health Periparturie farming production and managemen and training management nt feeding in managemen deworming t on goat late t Ass. on farming gestation for concentrate reducing kid supplement mortality ation for reducing kid mortality Poultry Backyard Training, Production Awareness Marketing Entrepreneu production Performance managemen and rship of t Demonstrati developmen “Pallishree” on of t (100 birds variety 20 “Pallishree” unit) and birds/batch, variety awareness 3batchs/yea 50birds/bat programme r ch, 3batches /year

% Increase in income 20 45 75 Additional empl. 24 35 50 generation (man days /ha/year)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module III (Block : Pipili, GP: Jagannathapur, Village: Adhangapada) C. ECOLOGICAL SITUATION Agro Agro Blocks Gram Selected Rainfall Land Irrigatio Soil type climatic Ecologic Panchay Village (mm) type n Zone al at (ACZ) Situatio n (AES) East and Coastal Krushna Panasap Anandap 1210 Low and Rainfed Saline South alluvial prasad ada ur water soil Eastern saline logging Coastal land Plain Zone Farming situation analysis Farming Existing Farming Problem Suggested Technology situation System Crop Others Rainfed Fallow -  Low productivity of local Paddy-Maize low land paddy boro rice (15q/ha) water logging  Mono-cropping of rice Paddy-Groundnut Saline soil  No vegetable farming Paddy-Vegetables  Lack of knowledge for high value cash crops Low land Fishery  Low income due to aquatic Multiple stocking with ponds weed infestation advanced fingerling  Vacant Low saline ponds production technology Animal  Low milk production Mineral mix application & husbandry  Mastitis problem Azolla feeding  Mortality in kids Control of mastitis Deworming & vaccination in goats PROPOSED PLAN FOR WHOLESOME DEVELOPMENT IN AGRICULTURE Crops/ 1st Year (2016-17) 2nd Year (2017-18) 3rd Year (2018-19) Enterpri Interventio Action Interventio Action Interventio Action ses n Points n Points n Points Paddy Varietal Saline Amelioration Incorporatio Integrated YSB- substitution tolerant of saline soil n of pest Flubendiami with salinity paddy dhanicha or management [email protected]/lit)/ tolerant varieties like cowpea as & leaf folder / varieties. Luna green amelioration case worm- Amelioration sampad, manuring of salinity lambada of saline soil Luna crop. cylohalothri suvarna Use of n(2ml/lit). Use of CaSO4 CaSO4(Gypsu BLB-copper (Gypsum m 2.5q/ha) oxychloride- 2.5q/ha) for for salt 3gm/lit+vali salt reclamation damycin- reclamation 3ml/lit Use of CaSO4 Maize Crop Maize Varietal Introduction Resource Training intensificatio cowpea substitution of sweetcorn conservation programme n inter- and by and cropping product awareness utilisation programme, maize &


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Crops/ 1st Year (2016-17) 2nd Year (2017-18) 3rd Year (2018-19) Enterpri Interventio Action Interventio Action Interventio Action ses n Points n Points n Points sweet corn waste utilisation as fodder Groundn Introduction Training, INM& IPM Collar rot- Water Use of ut of Ground Demon. on Integrated T.viridae-10 management sprinkler nut crops. groundnut Weed kg/ha INM Var. Devi management +hexaconazo Seed le-2.5ml/lit. treatment Spodoptera- with T. pheromontr viride. ap 20 Application nos/ha+prof of FYM/ enophos organic 2.5ml/lit compost @5t/ha, seed inoculation with Rhizobium @20gm/kg of seed, gypsum application @250 kg/ha, soil test based fert. application ) weed management by spraying of Imazethapyr @ 70g ai /ha at 15 DAS Vegetabl Varietal Demonstrati Pest and Training, Seedling Production es evaluation on on disease Demonstrati production of seedling brinjal, management on on pest in pro-trays pumpkin and disease (broccoli, and chilli management cabbage, with full . tomato) package of practices. Fishery Production Performance Fertiliser Liquid Feeding Low cost management of exotic management organic management feeding carps like manure management grass carp, application (sunflower / common in mustard/gro carp and aquaculture undnut)oil silver carp 2.5lit/ha cake and rice for control of bran in 1:1 aquatic proportion weed Mushroo Production Evaluation Varietal Demonstrati Value Demonstrati m management of paddy evaluation on of addition on on Value


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Crops/ 1st Year (2016-17) 2nd Year (2017-18) 3rd Year (2018-19) Enterpri Interventio Action Interventio Action Interventio Action ses n Points n Points n Points straw suitable addition and mushroom variety of preservation Var- paddy straw to increase V.bombyssin mushroom income a & V. mushroom volvaceae in soup Rabi powder, mushroom pickle etc.) Poultry Backyard Training, Production Awareness Marketing Entrepreneu production Performance management and rship of Demonstrati development “Pallishree” on of (100 variety “Pallishree” birds/batch) variety in and backyard awareness with a programme capacity of 50 birds/ batch Goat Production Assessment Health Dewormoing Production Scientific farming management on management and management rearing of concentrate vaccination kids for feeding of the herds, reduction of along with training, kid mortality deworming (supplement in kids ation of Vaccination concentrate and in late deworming gestation period with mineral mix ) % increase in income 10 30 65 Additional empl. 27 38 46 generation (man days /ha/year) B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan for 2016-17 Activity No. Participants Training to Farmers & Farm Women 62 1550 Training to Rural Youths 6 120 Vocational training 11 210 Training to In-Service Personals 7 120 Sponsored Training Total Training 86 2000 OFT 20 FLD 21 Group meetings 8 200 Diagnostic Visits 65 400 Exposure Visits 7 500 Ex-trainees Sammelan 6 500 Soil Health Camp 2 300 Animal Health Camp 4 120


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rayagada Rayagada district is having rich in minerals and natural resources in the southern Odish. The climatic condition of the district is subtropical, being hot and dry in summer and cold and dry in winter. The rainy season is hot and humid.

Basic information Geographical Area 7.58 Lakh ha which is 4.8% of state Net Sown Area 182604 ha Area Under Forest 300926 ha (39.7% of total G. area) Fallow Land 143238 ha. Waste Land 3492 ha Irrigated Land 51129 ha Area under Kharif crops 163006 ha Area under Rabi crops 40390 ha Cropping Intensity 129 % Agro Climatic Zone North Eastern Ghat Zone Annual Rainfall 1285.9 mm in 65 rainy days Temperature 0 0 Max- 44.8 C and Min- 12 C


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Major crops Name of Crop Kharif Rabi Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Paddy 55860 5.08 990 6 Pigeon pea 19976 1.8 - - Cotton 28000 1.8 - - Maize 15170 5.42 1200 5.5 Ragi 20309 2.0 110 2.2 Sunflower - - 2700 3.1 Sesamum - - 9010 0.95 Ground nut 985 1.2 2550 1.95 A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Module I (Block: , GP:Gadiakhala, Village:Pradhaniguda) Basic Information of Block Gunupur Farmers’ category Marginal Farmers- 7320 ( 4423 ha) Small Farmers- 3895 (5366 ha) Medium Farmers- 1910 (264 ha) Big Farmers- 18 (264 ha) Farming Situations- Rain-fed- 10180 ha Irrigated-6284 ha Crops in Kharif- Paddy, cotton, ragi, maize, groundnut, spices, onion and vegetables Crops in Rabi- Paddy, ragi, maize, groundnut, mustard, sunflower, sesame, spices and vegetables Farming Existing farming Problem Suggested Module situation system Kharif Rabi Rain-fed Upland Fallow • Low yield of local rice Diversification of upland upland paddy, varieties with less than 2 t/ha paddy to oil seeds, pulses, cotton and • Acidic soil maize, vegetables i.e. okra other • Poor crop management and brinjal. Intercropping enterprises practices (use of high seed of cotton with arhar, dairy, rate, low or no fertilizer use, reclamation of soil acidity poultry, local varieties) by PMS, goatery. • Low profitability from dairy, Rearing of improved pultry, goatary enterprises Poultry/goat breeds

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Demonstration Crop Line planting Use of Follow up Regular of arhar diversification by mechanize herbicide action for monitoring to variety Asha of upland DSR with weed Bispyribac practising all ensure to substitute paddy to arhar, management sodium for the adoption of upland paddy maize both for Growing of weed control interventions. recommended (FLD). green cob and arhar (Asha) in paddy, Establishment practice in Application of dry seeds (var. and groundnut Biofertilizer, of ragi and ragi large scale. weedicide in Sugar - 75), (ICGV 9114). soil testing and and dal Follow up cotton okra (var. Development issue of processing training for Feed and shed Rohini) and of cashew fertilizer unit. Skill capacity


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points management brinjal (var. plantations in recommendati development building of poultry and Blue star) in rainfed on fertiliser horti. Motivation of goats kharif. uplands with inputs Knowledge by farmers for Development Spray of intercrop of Oyster grit for Hort. deptt. replication of of poultry Fluchloralin/ cotton upto 4- Ca supplement technology and units Pendimethalin 5 years. Training on enterprises. Plantation of @ 1kg a.i./ha Poultry- value addition mango for control of Vaccination. of milk weeds in Weed control products cotton in cotton, Entrepreneur Rearing of Intercropping development poultry chicks of cotton with in sweet corn of arhar (8:2), Ca cultivation Banraja/Pallis supplementati hree (20 No.) on (OFT) to 25 landless AI for up and marginal gradation of households. existing breeds Development of cattle. of semi Value addition intensive in milk, poultry units Training on through 2 INM, IDM and SHGs in TSP IPM on paddy, work. Planting cotton, Green of Mango (5 gram, Black No. Amrapali gram, sweet and 5 No. corn etc. Dashari each) Training on to 5 farmers to livestock be planted on feeding and periphery. shed Giving PMS @ management 250kg/ha acid soil, Development of 2 units each for shed for poultry and goats % Increase in 20 40 60 income


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Employment 200 400 600 Generation ( in Man Days) Module-I Rainfed Ecosystem Land Existing farming system Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Medium Paddy (var Fallow Drought Paddy (var. Paddy (var. Training on land Lalat) during Manaswini Manaswini use of reaper, (broadcasting/tr later stage, and and thresher & ansplanting) pest Tejaswini) Tejaswini) cost reducing problem Line with equipments, transplanting improved package. Training on INM, IPM & IDM Lowland Paddy (var. Khesari Poor yield Line planting Nutrient Continuation Pooja) from of Paddy (var. management of 2nd year Khesari Pratikshya) , of piara crop . as 3rd year, planting of Training on promotion of piara crop : INM, IPM and efficient piara field pea/ IDM on Green crop, Black gram . gram and Training on Pure crop of Sesame use of power Green gram threshers by (OFT) and research Sesame scientists

Increase in income (in %) 18 35 56 Employment Generation (in Man Days) 200 350 400

Land type Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention farming st nd 3rd yr system 1 yr 2 yr Homestead Goatary Mortality De-worming Shed and Nutrition Regular monitoring of kids, of kids ( by mgt & commercial by scientist with poor body animal health goat unit in TSP dept. officials growth camp) and Vaccination and feed disease management (TSP) management with in TSP Poultry Traditional Breed Vaccination and feed Brooding of chicks breeds, low replacement management (TSP) and egg lying with Banaraja Commercialization and poor etc. in body backyard growth (Training & Input)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Land type Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention farming st nd 3rd yr system 1 yr 2 yr Mushroom Less Mushroom Entrepreneurship Mushroom income cultivation in development for production from paddy small scale mushroom spawn throughout the straw (Training & production and year Input) commercialization Nutritional Barren land Planting of Planting of lemon (2 Follow up action garden and Poor papaya (10-12 plants), distribution and observation of family plants), of improved seeds family health status health drumstick (2- and seedlings of of beneficiary status 5 plants), vegetables, distribution of development of vegetable kits community poly house for nursery raising. Increase in income (in %) 18 28 49 Employment Generation (in Man Days) 150 250 350

Module II (Block: Gudari, GP: Sana Huma, Village: Sana Huma) Agro climatic zone- North Eastern Ghat zone Total No. of GP-9 Total No. of Villages-207 Total geographical area-75667 ha Area cultivated in Kharif-13195ha Area cultivated in Rabi-755 ha Cultivated Land Types High land- 9793ha Medium land- 1890ha Low land- 1512ha Net sown area-13195ha Paddy Area High land- 1135ha Medium land- 1886ha Low land- 1512ha Total- 4533ha Rice Fallow- 1632ha Net sown area-13195ha Acidic soil- 12011ha Irrigation potential-3177 ha (24%) Annual Rainfall-1627mm (2015-16) Crops in Kharif- Paddy, cotton, ragi, maize, groundnut, spices, onion and vegetables Crops in Rabi- Paddy, maize, groundnut, wheat, mustard, sunflower, spices and vegetables


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module-II Irrigated- vegetable based Ecosystem Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Upland Cotton, Vegetable Low Substitution of Training on use Training on paddy, s return upland paddy by of bio products mulching, Arhar in (tomato, from drought & bio-agents ( staking, trailing, periphe brinjal, share tolerance paddy Demon. of grading, quality ry of chilli etc.) cropping var- Sahabhagi Tricho cards in production cotton of paddy, Dhan(OFT). Brinjal (FLD), through farmers field cotton, Substitution development of groups. pest with off season cashew problem, tomato(BT 10), plantation and low yield brinjal inter crop of and return (Muktakeshi), turmeric.Trainin in rabi radish(Pusha g on INM, IPM of vegetables Chetki), paddy. use of cauliflower(Kart weedicides, use ika and Megha) of traps and in kharif, soil border crops. test based fertilizers IPM, IDM and varietal replacement in Rabi vegetable crops. (OFT) Medium Paddy Vegetable Disease Varietal SRI method of Growing of land (var.Lal s and pest substitution and transplanting, summer ata) (solanace problem, line use of bio vegetables with Stagger ous/cole/ low yield, transplanting of products & bio- micro-nutrient ed/line gourds poor paddy var- agents, traps, application, IPM transpla etc.) quality Surendra, and border crops in and IDM for nting leading to IPM and IDM, vegetables, more low return change of Training on use production, in vegetables (FLD) of reaper, training on post vegetables according to thresher like harvest . profitability and cost reducing management. Training on soil implements test based fertilizer, micro- nutrient application, IPM and IDM Low Paddy Field Pest and Training on Summer Regular visit and land (pooja) pea/ disease green manures, Vegetables with monitoring and Stagger black problem, line micro-nutrient promotion of ed gram/(br varietal transplanting, application, IPM, profitable transpla oadcastin suitability water IDM for more farming nting g) management production enterprises and IPM in (FLD) among rural Paddy and Line Training on post youths . sowing of high harvest Development of yielding technology processing varieties of And use of bio- industry of pulses , green fertilizer pulses and


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr manuring of oilseeds dhanicha (green gram, black gram), oilseeds( sesame and sun flower) (FLD), soil test based fertilizers, Use of sowing machines Increase in Income (in %) 20 40 65 Employment Generation (in Man Days) 250 450 600 Module-II Land type Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention farming system 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Homestead Goatary Mortality De-worming of Shed and Regular of kids, kids ( by animal Nutrition mgt & monitoring by poor body health camp) and commercial goat scientist with growth disease unit in TSP dept. officials management with Vaccination and in TSP feed management (TSP) Homestead Poultry Traditional Breed Vaccination and Brooding of breeds, low replacement with feed management chicks and egg lying Banaraja etc. in (TSP) Commercializatio and poor backyard n body (Training & Input) growth Homestead Mushroom Less Mushroom Entrepreneurship Mushroom income cultivation in development for production from paddy small scale mushroom spawn throughout the straw (Training & Input) production and year commercialization Homestead Nutritional Barren land Planting of papaya Planting of lemon Follow up action garden and Poor (10-12 plants), (2 plants), and observation of family drumstick (2-5 distribution of family health health plants), improved seeds status of status distribution of and seedlings of beneficiary vegetable kits vegetables, development of community poly house for nursery raising. Increase in income (in 18 28 49 %) Employment Generation 150 250 350 (in Man Days)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module III (Block: Ramnaguda, GP: Nilamguda, Village: Nilamguda) Basic Information of Block Ramnaguda Agro climatic zone- North Eastern Ghat zone Total No. of GP- 12 Total No. of Villages-163 Total geographical area-84959 ha Area cultivated in Kharif-17485ha Area cultivated in Rabi-795 ha Cultivated Land Types High land- 11331ha Medium land- 4170ha Low land- 1984ha Net sown area-17485ha Paddy Area High land- 7ha Medium land- 3198ha Low land- 1984ha Total- 5189ha Rice Fallow- 2996ha Net sown area-17485ha Acidic soil- 11201ha Irrigation potential-6342 ha (36%) Annual Rainfall-1502mm (2015-16) Crops in Kharif- Paddy, cotton, ragi, maize, groundnut, sesame, spices, onion and vegetables Crops in Rabi- Paddy, maize, groundnut, mustard, sunflower, spices and vegetables Module-III (Irrigated Ecosystem) Land Existing farming system Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Upland Old mango Fallow Less return Training on Crop Training on and cashew from old improved production micro- orchards mango and management management irrigation by cashew, poor practices in practices of research management mango/ pulses, scientists and cashew oilseeds and regular plantation. vegetables in supervision. Inter newly cropping with established green gram, orchards black gram (literature and arhar distribution). (FLD) Training on Training on INM and IPM canopy management Medium Paddy (var. Vegetable Disease and Varietal SRI method of Monitoring and low Pooja, MTU (tomato, pest problem, substitution transplanting and regular land 1001) brinjal, low yield, of paddy var- (literature and supervision, Staggered radish, local varity, Pratikshya field visit). marketing transplanting parwal) poor quality and Surendra. training on strategy and leading to Line micronutrient bank linkage low return in transplanting application in for vegetable paddy and of paddy, vegetables growers


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Land Existing farming system Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr vegetables IPM in control of BPH in paddy(OFT) and IDM in control of blast in paddy (FLD) Training and field day , green manuring of dhanicha Increase in Income 25 45 60 ( in %) Module-III (Irrigated Ecosystem) Land Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type farming 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr system Home Goatary Mortality of De-worming of kids Shed and Nutrition Regular monitoring stead kids, poor ( by animal health mgt & commercial by scientist with body growth camp) and disease goat unit in TSP dept. officials management with in Vaccination and feed TSP management (TSP) Home Poultry Traditional Breed replacement Vaccination and feed Brooding of chicks stead breeds, low with Banaraja etc. in management (TSP) and egg lying and backyard Commercialization poor body (Training & Input) growth Home Mushro Less income Mushroom Entrepreneurship Mushroom stead om from paddy cultivation in small development for production straw scale mushroom spawn throughout the year (Training & Input) production and commercialization Home Nutritio Barren land Planting of papaya Planting of lemon (2 Follow up action stead nal and Poor (10-12 plants), plants), distribution and observation of garden family health drumstick (2-5 of improved seeds family health status status plants), distribution and seedlings of of beneficiary of vegetable kits vegetables, development of community poly house for nursery rising. Increase in income (in %) 18 28 49 Employment Generation (in Man 150 250 350 Days)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan 2016-17 Activity No. Duration in Days Participants Training to Farmers & Farm Women 55 75 1375 Training to Rural Youths 12 18 275 Vocational Training 4 15 85 Training to In-Service Personals 4 4 60 Sponsored Training 1 2 40 Collaborative Training 1 2 25 Total Training 77 116 1860 On farm testing(OFT) 10 Frontline Demostration (FLD) 15 Other Extension Activities Field Days 25 Kisan Mela 1 Kisan Gosthi/ Farmer Meeting 10 Ex- trainees Meet 5 Diagnostic Visit to farmers Fields 155 Animal Health Camp 4 Celebration of special days 4 Scientific visit to farmers field 190 Farmers club meeting 4 SHG Convenors meeting 3 Group meeting 20


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sambalpur Sambalpur District is the western part of state of Odisha. The District is surrounded by Deogarh District in the East, Bargarh and Jharsuguda Districts in the West, Sundargarh District in the North and Sonepur and Angul Districts in the South. The District of Sambalpur has a history full of events including Indian freedom struggle representing the different section of the society.The District covering a geographical area of 6702 sq km lies between 20 degree 40’ to 22 degree 11’ North Latitude and 82 degree 39’ to 85 degree 15’ East Longitude.


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Modules for enhancing farmers' income RAINFED ECOSYSTEM Module-I (Block: Rengali, G.P :Tabadabahal, Village: Tabadabahal) (Block-Naktideul, G.P:Balam, Village : Kellu) ( Block – Jamankira, G.P. – Sarda, Village : Sarda) Module Land Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type farming system 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Kharif Rabi Module 1 Upland Paddy Fallow Low Cultivation of Intercropping Follow up of Var. yield and Arhar Crop – of Arhar with Arhar-maize Annapu less UPAS - 120 maize intercropping rna, profit in Training on Training on Insects Pest vegetab paddy Integrated Integrated Management le Insects Pest disease in Arhar-Maize Management management intercropping in Arhar in Arhar Training on INM in Arhar Soil Test based fertiliser recommendati on Mediu Paddy Fallow Low Cultivation of INM in Sweet corn - m land (Lalat, yield and Sweet Corn mustard Mustard MTU- less Crop cultivation INM in Sweet 1010) profit in Training on Aphid corn paddy IPDM in Sweet Management cultivation corn in mustard IPM in Sweet Training on IDM in Sweet corn Weed corn cultivation Management cultivation IDM in in Sweet corn Training on Mustard Training on INM in Sweet cultivation Mustard corn Follow up cultivation IWM in Sweet corn cultivation


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention Type Farming 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year System Kharif Rabi Module 1 Low Paddy Fallo Low Training INM in Paddy Paddy – Paira Land Var.Swa w yield and insect pest cultivation Crop (Field rna less management Weed Pea) profit in paddy Management BPH due to Training On in Paddy management pest & IWM in paddy Field pea Use of Pro disease Weed cultivation. super bag for problem management Training on safe storage of in paddy Integrated pulses Training on Disease Training on paira cropping Management Insect Pest system in Field pea. Management Stem borer Integrated in field pea. Management Disease in paddy Management Sheath blight in Field Pea. management Stem borer in Paddy Management Training on in paddy Integrated Sheath blight diseases Management management in paddy in paddy Training on BPH management


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module-II IRRIGATED ECOSYSTEM (Block –Dhankauda, G.P-Kardola,Baijamunda Block –Maneswar,Village -Mendalipali) Module Land Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention Type Farming 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year System Kharif Rabi Module 2 Upland Paddy Paddy Low Line Training on Paddy – (Irrigated Var.MT yield in transplanting scientific mustard- ecosyste U- paddy Training on method of green gram m) 1010,K due to insect pest green gram IWM in green handagi insect management cultivation gram ri pest, in paddy INM in paddy YMV diseases, Training on cultivation management weed IWM in paddy Management in green gram infestatio Training on of stem borer INM in n and INM in paddy in paddy mustard indiscrim Training on Mustard Aphid inate use INM in cultivation var. management of mustard. Parvati / in mustard fertilizer, Herbicide Anuradha staggere application in Training on d paddy for IWM in transplan weed mustard ting management INM on green Stem borer gram management Cultivation of in paddy rice var. Training on Sahabhagi integrated dhan disease Management management of Spodoptera in paddy litura in Green gram


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention Type Farming 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year System Kharif Rabi Medium Paddy paddy Low Line SRI method of Paddy- land (var.MT yield in transplanting paddy Groundnut U paddy Training on cultivation 1010,M due to insect pest BPH INM in TU insect management management groundnut 1001) pest, in paddy in paddy diseases, Training on Sheath blight IWM in weed IWM in paddy management groundnut infestatio Training on IWM in paddy n and INM in paddy Cultivation of Sucking pest indiscrim INM in paddy groundnut.(va management inate use Training on r. in Groundnut of INM in Devi) fertilizer, Groundnut IDM in staggere Training on groundnut d insect pest Training on transplan management IWM in ting in paddy Groundnut Herbicide application in paddy Technology Stem borer management in paddy Sheath blight management in paddy

Module Land Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type farming system 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Kharif Rabi Module 2 Low Paddy Paddy Low yield Training On Cultivation of Paddy-Paddy land (var.sw in paddy insect pest paddy var. arna,) due to management Swarna Sub 1 Training on insect in paddy BPH bio -intensive pest, Training On management pest diseases, IWM in Paddy in paddy management weed Sheath blight INM in paddy Stem borer infestatio management cultivation and leaf folder n and in Paddy IWM in paddy management indiscrimi Training on cultivation in paddy nate use BPH Sheath blight Follow up of management management fertilizer, BPH in Paddy staggered management transplan Training on


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type farming system 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Kharif Rabi ting in paddy water management in paddy Common Homes Goatery Mortality Training on Training on Up scaling tead and more iimportance feeding Follow up morbidity of deworming management Animal health rate of of small Introduction camp kids ruminants for of improved Hygienic floor better Poor body variety of goat management survibility & growth Training on giving production worm scientific goat emphasis on load more Animal health farming to slatted floor 4) poor camp. rural youth preparation growth Control of Health for goat due to endo parasitic management rearing unhygieni infestation in in small Training on c small ruminants scientific maintaine ruminants Animal health rearing and d floor Peri camp housing for parturent goat for better concentrate production to feeding on rural youth birth weight Popularization of kids of improved Training on variety of goat importance of peri- parturient concentrate feeding on liveability & production of kids


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type farming 1st year 2 nd year 3rd year system Common Poultry Low Polyshree breed Scientific Upscaling productivity of poultry for rearing of Follow up of local breed back yard poultry using Dissemination Low egg lying Calcium improved of technology to Poor body supplementatio breed. other farmers growth n for regular Feeding through egg laying in management in publication. Backyard poultry Introduction of poultry Popularization improved Training on of Polyshree variety of Importance of breed of poultry poultry bird calcium for back yard supplementatio Training on n for regular scientific egg laying in rearing poultry birds including and scientific vaccination in rearing poultry to rural management in youth duck for better Training on productivity feeding Scientific management rearing of meat using type duck breed commercial and (improved local available breed) in ingredients for backyard livestock. Common Dairy Low milk Animal health Training on use Follow up production camp of green fooder Dissemination From desi Balance feeding as feed of technology to local breeds Azolla Cultivation of other farmers and imptoper cultivation for Fodder crops through feed feeding Feeding of pro- publication. management management biotics to milch Animal health Improper Training on cows for milk camp deworming advantage & production Feeding of by- importance of Training on pass fat for milk Azolla farming importance of production for livestock feeding of Training on role production probiotics for of feeding of by- Feeding of pro- enhanced milk pass fat for biotics for productions enhanced milk enhancing milk Feeding of by- production


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type farming 1st year 2 nd year 3rd year system production pass fat for milk Importance of production feeding of Training on role probiotics for of feeding of by- enhanced milk pass fat for productions enhanced milk Hybrid Napier production cultivation to 7)Animal health enhance milk camp yield 8)Training on role of green fodder & mineral mixture in milk production of milch cows Common Mushro Under Training on Management of Up scaling om utilization of scientific bud rot diseases Follow up paddy straw method of in paddy straw Lack of Paddy straw mushroom knowledge of mushroom Training on mushroom cultivation scientific cultivation for Training on mushroom extra income scientific cultivation method of Oyster Oyster mushroom mushroom cultivation cultivation Paddy straw mushroom cultivation Oyster mushroom cultivation Increase in production 20 50 70 % Growth in income 30 60 75


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan for 2016-17 Activity Number of No. of activity beneficiaries On farm testing 18 227 Frontline Demonstration on Oilseeds 60 100 Frontline Demonstration on Pulses 60 115 Frontline Demonstration on Other than Oilseed and pulse 6.8 75 crops Frontline Demonstration on Enterprise) 550 70 Training-Farmers and farm women 41 1025 Training-Rural youths 19 95 Training- Extension functionaries 14 140 Other extension activities Activity No. Exhibition 3 Group Meeting 56 Radio Talk 6 TV Talk 10 CD show 15 Newsletter 4 Extension Literature 4 Leaf let 5 Farm Advisory Service 24 Ex-trainee Sammelan 2 Soil health Camp 1 Animal Health Camp 3 Self Help Group Convener Meet 1 Agri Mobile Clinic 1 Diagnostic visit 65 Kisan Mela 2 Swachha Bharat Abhiyan 12 Field day 24 Technological week 1 World Food Day 1 Women In Agriculture day 1 Akshya Trutiya 1 Soil sample to be tested (on grid basis) 500 Sending of message through Kissan Mobile Advisory 100


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Subarnapur The district Subarnpur lies 20o30'N to 21o11'N latitude and 83o27'E to 84o16'E longitude. This district comes under Western Central Table land zone comprising two types of agro- climatic situations (1) Irrigated – Binka and Dunguripali. (2) Rainfed – Tarbha, Sonepur, Birmaharajpur and Ulunda. The climatic condition is extreme. Summer is hot and dry. Rainy season is characterized by good rainfall and high degree of humidity.

General Information about the district Geographical area 185409 Agro-climatic Zone Western central table land zone Population 610,183 (Male- 311,312 and Female -298,871) No of Blocks 6 No. of Panchayats 96 Literacy 74.42 % AES features Name of AES Area % of Blocks covered (in sq. km) total area Plain land irrigated 289.03 12.36 Binka 288.78 12.35 Dunguripalli Plain land rainfed 294.24 12.59 Tarva 319.57 13.67 Sonepur 283.82 283.82 Ullunda 351.19 15.02 Birmaharajpur Undulating sub-mountainous tract 83.40 3.56 Parts of Ullunda rainfed 29.17 1.24 Parts of Birmaharajpur


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

A. Modules for enhancing farmers' income Details of block Ullunda (Module I and II in Ullunda block) Agro-eco situation Plain land rainfed Area (in sq. km) 283.82 % of total area 12.14 Soil type Black, Brown forest, Lateritic Land holdings (holdings in numbers and area in ha), Ullunda block Marginal Small Semi- Medium Large Total Farmers Farmers med.Farmers farmers farmers No Area No. Area No. Area No. Area No. Area No. Area 9353 7316 5825 9241 580 3694 285 2017 50 560 16093 22828 Module - I ( Block: Ullunda, GP: Jhuravhunra, Village: Dipapali) Farming Existing F. system situation Crops Other Problem Suggested Module enterprises Rainfed Rice- Local poultry Low income from existing rice Crop diversification up-land Fallow & dairy variety ( Khandagiri ) Soil reclamation Acidic soil Need base farm mechanization Low income from local Non-land based activities for poultry ( B.W.-1.5 kg/year, egg more income laying capacity 65-75 / year) Underutilization of homestead area Lack of knowledge of non-land based activities

Intervention Action point Intervention Action point ( 1st Year) ( 1st Year) ( 2nd Year) ( 2nd Year) Introduction of new Cultivation of ground INM,IWM,IPM in Demonstration of crop nut variety Smruti in groundnut ground nut in khrif with kharif INM : Soil application of Gypsum 2.5 qt/ha and Borax 10 kg/ha at the time of land preparation, Inoculation with Rhizobium 20 g/kg seed and STBF application IWM:Post-emergence application of Imazathepyr @ 70 g Application of lime 5 Acid soil management a.i/ha at 15 DAS. Acid soil management qt/ha during field IPM: Seed treatment preparation Organic cultivation with Carboxin 37.5 % + Nutritional garden Cultivation of seasonal ( N. garden) Thiram 37.5 % @ 2.5 vegetables for gram/kg seed against nutritional security Up scaling of leaf spot. Alternate Vermicompost (10X3X3) ft cemented vermicpmpost need base spraying of pit thiophinatemethyl @


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Intervention Action point Intervention Action point ( 1st Year) ( 1st Year) ( 2nd Year) ( 2nd Year) Feed management in Poultry 1.5 g/lit and diary Mineral mixture 50 Chlorothalonil @ 1 g/cow gram/lit against leaf Mushroom rust and Powdery mildew, release of T. chilonis for three times Goatery at 10 days intervalafter the infestation of Spodoptera 2 Animal health care cards/acre ( 20,000 nos eggs/card). Training on INM,IWM,IPM in ground nut

Application of lime 5 qt/ha during field preparation

Use of vermicompost in nutritional garden

Vermicompost unit (two nos) Training programme on vermicompost technology

Backyard poultry of Pallishree 20 Nos/ batch , three batch per year

Mushroom 5 bed /day (Paddy straw / Oyster) Training programme on mushroom production

Goatery 5 nos ( Black bengal)

Deworming, Vaccination cattles and goat


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Intervention ( 3rd Year) Action point ( 3rd Year) INM,IWM,IPM in groundnut Kharif : and mechanization Demonstration of ground nut with INM : Soil application of Gypsum 2.5 qt/ha and Borax 10 kg/ha at the time of land preparation, Inoculation with Rhizobium 20 g/kg seed and STBF application IWM : Post-emergence application of Imazathepyr @ 70 g a.i/ha at 15 DAS. IPM : Seed treatment with Carboxin 37.5 % + Thiram 37.5 % @ 2.5 gram/kg seed against leaf spot. Alternate need base spraying of thiophinate methyl @ 1.5 g/lit and Chlorothalonil @ 1 gram/lit against leaf rust and Powdery mildew Acid soil management Use of ground nut decorticator and harvester for decrease in cost of production Collection of vermiwash Training on use of ground nut decorticator and harvester

Acid soil management with lime application 5 qt/ha Upscaling of backyard poultry Vermicompost unit (two nos) , collection of vermiwash and use in the nutritional garden Up-scaling of Mushroom Training programme of vermiwash collection and its use production Backyard poultry of Pallishree 50 Nos/ batch , three batch per year Upscaling of goatery Mushroom 10 bed /day (Paddy straw / Oyster) Training programme on mushroom production Animal healthcare Goatery 10nos ( Black bengal)

Deworming, Vaccination cattles and goat Module – II (Block :Ullunda, GP: Kalapathar, Village: Jampali) Farming Existing farming system Suggested Module situation Problem Crops Other enterprises Rainfed Rice-fallow Local poultry Low income from paddy due Rice - Early line medium (Lalat - & dairy to late sowing transplanting - Paira land Board Boardcasting method of Green gram casting) sowing IPM,IWM AND INM Blast infestation Soil reclamation Stem borer, BPH infestation Introduction of Acid soil backyard poultry Low income from local Palishree poultry ( B.W.-1.5 kg/year, Non-land based egg laying capacity 65-75 / activities for year) more income Lack of knowledge of non-land based activities


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Intervention ( 1st Action point ( 1st Intervention ( 2nd Action point ( 2nd Year) Year) Year) Year) Early Kharif : STBF with INM,IPM Kharif : transplanting Lalata in Lalat Lalata – SRI method with soil test Early planting ( 10 based fertilizer application days advance line IPM : Seed treatment with carboxin transplanting) 37 .5 % + Thiram 37.5 5 2 2.5 gram /kg seed, pheromone trap 25/ha, need base spraying of triclazole 75 % WP @0.6 gram/lit, Cartap Mechanical weed hydrochloride 40 % SP 2 gram/lit , management Thiomethoxam 25 % WG @ 0.2 INM and IPM in gram/lit against blast ,stem bore and Green gram Rabi : green gram BPH Green gram Training programme on INM and IPM ( TARM - 1) Conoweeder for weed management

Green gram (TARM 1) with INM : STBF application , inoculation of Rhizobium 20 g/kg seed,25 kg /ha, Borax 10 kg/ha IPM : ST with Thiomethoxam @ Acid soil 5g./kg seed, YST 50 nos/ha at two Acid soil Application of lime management leaf stage, need base spraying of management 5 qt/ha during field Acetamprid 20 % SP @ 3 g./lit, preparation for Thiophinate methyl 1.5 gram /lit green gram sowing Mushroom against YMV, rust and powdery mildew, release of T. pretoson 2 cards /acre ( 20,000 nos eggs per Feed management Goatery card) two times after flowering at 10 in diary Mineral mixture 50 days interval for management of g/day/animal borers. Animal health care Application of lime 5 qt/ha during field preparation for green gram sowing

Mushroom 5 bed /day (Paddy straw / Oyster) Training programme on mushroom production

Goatery 5 nos ( Black bengal)

Deworming, Vaccination of cattles and goat


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module – II (Block :Ullunda, GP: Kalapathar, Village: Jampali) Intervention ( 3rd Year) Action point ( 3rd Year) STBF with INM and IPM in Kharif : Lalat Lalat - SRI method with IPM : Seed treatment with carboxin 37 .5 % + Thiram 37.5 5 2 2.5 gram /kg seed, , pheromone trap 25/ha, , need base spraying of triclazole 75 % WP @0.6 gram/lit, Cartap hydrochloride 40 % SP 2 Mechanical weed management gram/lit , Thiomethoxam 25 % WG @ 0.2 gram/lit against blast INM and IPM in green gram ,stem bore and BPH

Conoweeder for weed management Management of store garin pest INM : STBF application with Boron 15 Kg/ha, Zinc 25 kg /ha Acid soil management IPM : ST with Thiomethoxam @ 5g./kg seed, YST 50 nos/ha at two leaf stage, need base spraying of Acetamprid 20 % SP @ 3 g./lit, Up scaling of Mushroom Thiophinate methyl 1.5 gram /lit against YMV, rust and powdery mildew Up scaling of Goatery Use of super bag per storage of green gram

Animal health care Application of lime 5 qt/ha during field preparation

Mushroom 10 nos bed /day (Paddy straw / Oyster) Training programme on mushroom production

Goatery 10 nos ( Black bengal)

Deworming, Vaccination of cattles and goat Module - III (Block: Sonepur, GP: Kalapathar, Village: Gaterkela) Block SONEPUR Agro-eco situation Plain land rainfed Area (in sq. km) 319.57 % of total area 13.67 Soil type Black, Brown forest, Lateritic LAND HOLDINGS (HOLDINGS IN NUMBERS AND AREA IN HA), SONEPUR BLOCK Marginal Small Semi- Medium Large Total Farmers Farmers med.Farmers farmers farmers No. Area No. Area No. Area No. Area No. Area No. Area 3753 1983 3523 2866 1472 4492 865 4355 48 828 9661 19524 Module - III (Block: Sonepur, GP: Kalapathar, Village: Gaterkela)

Farming Existing farming system Suggested situation Crops Other Problem Module enterprises Irrigated Rice- Rice Local poultry Low income from existing Rice-vegetable Medium ( Swarna- & dairy cropping system due to Lalat) pest incidence IPM,INM,IWM Conventional Stem borer/BPH/Blast/Sheath practice transplanting blight) Weed problem ii)Non-land based Low income from local poultry ( activities for B.W.-1.5 kg/year, egg laying more income capacity 65-75 / year) Lack of knowledge of non-land based activities


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Intervention Action point Intervention ( Action point ( 2nd Year) ( 1st Year) ( 1st Year) 2nd Year) Rice- Rice Transplanting Line transplanting, Green manuring with vegetable ( Swarna) of paddy, Dhanicha with line Green IPM : Seed treatment with carboxin 37 .5 % + transplanting manuring Thiram 37.5 5 2 2.5 gram /kg seed, Nursery bed IPM and IWM in treatment with furadon 3 G @ 1.2 /acre seedling in rice area ( 10 cent area) before 7 days of Nitrogen transplanting, pheromone trap 25/ha, release of fertilizer t. chilonis @ 50,000/ha six times at 10 days management interval, need base spraying of triclazole 75 % Vegetable WP @0.6 gram/lit, Cartap hydrochloride 40 % ( Tomato – SP 2 gram/lit , Thiomethoxam 25 % WG @ 0.2 SwarnaSampad, gram/lit for management of blast disease , stem Chilli – borer and BPH PusaSadabahar) IWM : Application of Bispyribac sodium @ 25 g/ha at 20-25 DAT Management of Nitrogen fertilizer by using LCC STBF with Training on green manuring, IPM and INM in rice INM,IPM in STBF application with vegetables Solarization of nursery bed, Seedling treatment with Copper Oxychloride 2 g/lit of water for 30 minutes, Neem cake 5 qt/ha at the time of field preparation for both the vegetable. Tomato (INM,IPM): Borax 25 kg/ha in the soil at Mushroom the time of field preparation, spraying of 0.4 % Borax at the time of fruit formation stage ,seed Goatery seed treatment with GA 10 PPM, Use of Animal health pheromone trap 20/ha,need based application of care Bt @ 2 gram/lt. followed by indexacarb @ 0.4 ml/lt for fruit borer and Thiomethoxam 25 % WG @ 0.2 gram/lit for management of sucking peat. Chilli : Azosprilium 2 kg/ha with 50 kg FYM at the time of field preparation,seed treatment with GA 10 PPM,Use of yellow sticky trap 50 nos /ha and need base spraying of Thiomethoxam 25 % WG @ 0.2 gram/lit for management white fly and Propagite 2 ml/lit for management of mites in chilli Training programme on INM and IPM in vegetables Mushroom 5 bed /day (Paddy straw / Oyster) Training programme on mushroom production Goatery 5 nos ( Black bengal) Deworming, Vaccination of cattles and goat


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module - III (Block: Sonepur, GP: Kalapathar, Village: Gaterkela) Intervention ( 3rd Year) Action point ( 3rd Year) Transplanting of paddy, Line transplanting, Green manuring with Dhanicha Green manuring IPM : Seed treatment with carboxin 37 .5 % + Thiram 37.5 5 2 2.5 IPM and IWM in in rice gram /kg seed, Nursery bed treatment with furadon 3 G @ 1.2 /acre seedling area ( 10 cent area) before 7 days of transplanting, pheromone trap 25/ha, need base spraying of triclazole 75 % WP @0.6 gram/lit, Cartap hydrochloride 40 % SP 2 gram/lit , Thiomethoxam 25 % WG @ 0.2 gram/lit for management of blast Nitrogen fertilizer disease , stem borer and BPH management IWM : Application of Bispyribac sodium @ 25 g/ha at 20-25 DAT Mechanization Management of Nitrogen fertilizer by using LCC Use of reaper, Axial flow thresher, Power sprayer etc. Training on use reaper, Thresher, power sprayer etc. STBF with INM,IPM in STBF application with Solarization of nursery bed, Seedling treatment vegetables with Copper Oxychloride 2 g/lit of water for 30 minutes, Neem cake 5 qt/ha at the time of field preparation for both the vegetable. Tomato (INM,IPM): Borax 25 kg/ha in the soil at the time of field preparation, spraying of 0.4 % Borax at the time of fruit formation stage ,seed seed treatment with GA 10 PPM, Use of pheromone trap 20/ha,need based application of Bt @ 2 gram/lt. followed by indoxacarb @ 0.4 ml/lt for fruit borer and Thiomethoxam 25 % WG Up scaling of Mushroom @ 0.2 gram/lit for management of sucking pest. Up scaling of Goatery Chilli : Azosprilium 2 kg/ha with 50 kg FYM at the time of field Animal health care preparation, seed treatment with GA 10 PPM,Use of yellow sticky trap 50 nos /ha and need base spraying of Thiomethoxam 25 % WG @ 0.2 gram/lit for management white fly and Propagite 2 ml/lit for management of mites in chilli Training programme on INM and IPM in vegetables Mushroom 10 bed /day (Paddy straw / Oyster) Goatery 5 nos ( Black bengal) Deworming, Vaccination of cattle and goat B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan for 2016-17 Sl. No. Discipline No. Beneficiary No. Beneficiary No. Beneficiary 01 Agronomy 4 52 4 40 08 92 02 Horticulture 5 65 4 40 10 118 03 Plant Protection 4 52 4 40 08 92 04 Home Science 4 52 4 40 08 92 Total 17 221 16 160 34 394


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sundergarh-I Geographically, Sundargarh district consists of widely dissimilar tracts of expansive and fairly open, dotted with tree, clad isolated peaks, vast inaccessible forests, extensive river valleys and mountainous terrain. Broadly speaking, it is an undulating tableland of different elevations broken up by rugged hill ranges and cut up by torrential hill streams and the rivers IB and Brahmani. Covering a geographical area of 9712 sq.kms, Sundargarh District is the second largest District of the state, accounting for 6.23 percent of its total area. Out of this total area, forests cover 4232.57 sq km, this being the second largest in the state, accounting for 8.53 per cent of the state total.

Operational Blocks

Basic information of the district Geographical Area 9,71,244 ha Net sown area 3,12,991 ha Gross cropped area 3,85,590 ha Cropping intensity 123 % Irrigation Status -Kharif 74,247 ha Irrigation Status -Rabi 32,627 ha

AES-1 Low rainfall lateritic soils AES-2 Medium rainfall red and black soils AES-3 High rainfall lateritic soils AES-4 Medium rainfall black and brown forest soils AES-5 High rainfall black and brown forest soils Major crops Crop Area Production Productivity (kg/h) (’000ha) (’000MT) Paddy (Kharif) 213.4 768.50 3608 Paddy (Rabi) 2.233 7.283 3261 Wheat 1.970 4.491 2280 Maize Kharif 7.842 13.762 1755 Maize Rabi 0.199 0.320 1610 Ragi 1.946 1.751 900 Bajra 0.002 0.001 710 Small millet 1.305 0.835 640 Jowar 1.625 1.015 625


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Crop Area Production Productivity (kg/h) (’000ha) (’000MT) Green gram Kharif 5.360 2.680 500 Green gram Rabi 0.788 0.378 480 Blackgram Kharif 17.137 8.569 500 Blackgram Rabi 0.330 0.196 595 Cowpea Kharif 6.481 6.222 960 Arhar (kharif) 6.866 7.566 1102 Horsegram (Rabi) 20.450 9.715 475 Chickpea(Rabi) 3.740 2.754 736 Field pea(Rabi) 1.841 1.840 1000 A. Modules for enhancing farmers’ income Module -I (rainfed ecosystem) (Block:Sadar, GP: Lahandabud, Village .Baghnipani) Block Farmer Rainfall Season- Land Soil Cropping Existing/ Enterprise Category & wise pattern Type & Intensity Predominant Temp. Cultivated Reaction Cops area Sundargarh Margina 1149 Kharif – Upland – Red & 124 % Paddy/Ragi Poultry l – mm 100 % 9972ha Lateriti / Sesamum 14.73 % c – Small – Acidic vegetables, 54.73% Paddy, Medium sesamum, – veg 30.62% Rabi- 35 Rabi – Goatery % -5561ha Mustard, Horsegram Summer Lowland Summer – – 5 % -2685ha vegetables

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Module-I Upland Paddy Lowland OFT on HYV FLD on Post FLD on Post (Rainfed of Paddy - emergence emergence Ecosystem Mandakini , herbicide herbicide ) FLD on Post Bispyribac Bispyribac emergence sodium in sodium in herbicide DSR DSR Bispyribac sodium in DSR Ragi Fallow Low Line Line Ragi (broadcast yield transplantin Transplanti producer ing), g of ragi ng in ragi group fertiliser with with STB (Marketing) application chemical fert , Ragi based during weed mgt managemen malt interculture practices t practices products. (OFT and with Short training) liming(OFT) duration , Ragi based toria during


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr malt early Rabi products. season (FLD) , Kharif onion var Bhima super, , field day on farm implements Med- Paddy Fallow Drought Paddy (var. Paddy (var. Short Upland (var.Lalata during Sahabhagi Sahabhagi duration ) later dhan) dhan) with toria during (broadcast stage, Line sowing improved early Rabi ing) pest (OFT) package season 18q/ha problem 22q/ha , (FLD) (FLD) , OFT on 30 q/ha. Training on Mgmt of Brown use of cost BLB in manuring in reducing paddy paddy equipments Medium Paddy Fallow No Paddy (var. Nutrient Continue as land (var. second Pratikshy) mgt. of 2nd yr. Pratikshya crop, as 10 days Paira crop Promotion 27q/ha Pest early to Paddy of efficient Problem planting/ (OFT), Paira Crop Use of pre training on (FLD) emerg IPDM in -Training on herbicide paddy use of cost Londax (35q/ha) , reducing power in FLD on farm paddy – Kharif implements paira onion, FLD like Chickpea/fi on mgmt of transplanter eld case worm , weeder pea/Blackgr and LF in thresher am (OFT) , paddy, OFT etc. OFT on on Mgmt of Mgmt of BLB in BLB in paddy, FLD paddy, FLD on on micronutrie micronutrie nt nt application application in Paddy in Paddy (Zn & B), (Zn & B), FLD on FLD on planting


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr planting time of time of garlic garlic variety YS- variety YS- 3, FLD on 3, FLD on Kharif Kharif onion, FLD onion, FLD on mgmt of on mgmt of case worm case worm and LF in and LF in paddy paddy (Training (Training and field and field day on all day on all the above the above FLDs) FLDs) Homeste Goatery mortalit Deworming Shed and Commercial ad y of kids. of kids Nutrition goat unit & Poor (animal mgt (Trg. by Regular body health ARD deptt.) monitoring growth camp) and by scientist disease with dept. managemen officials t with the help of ARD deptt. Poultry Traditio Breed Vaccination Brooding of nal replacemen and feed chicks and breeds, t with managemen Commercial low egg Pallishre for t (Trg) isation lying backyard and (Training & poor Input) body growth - Less Mushroom Entreprenu Paddy straw income cultivation ership mushroom from in small developmen throughout paddy scale t, the year straw (Training & commerciali Input) zation %age growth of income 15 24 46 Total Employment to be generated (MDs) 370 410 430


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module-II (Irrigated (Open Well/Bore Well) veg. based Ecosystem) (Block: Kutra, GP: Tarkera, Village: Uduruma) Block Farmer Rainfall Season- Land Soil Croppin Existing/ Enterpris Categor & Temp. wise pattern Type & g Predominant e y Cultivate Reactio Intensit Cops d area n y Kutra Medium 1536m Kharif – Upland – Red & 123 % Kharif – paddy, Poultry – 36 % m 100 % 10299ha Lateriti Sesamum, Small – c arhar, veg. 53% Rabi- Acidic Rabi – Dairy Margina 35% -6996ha chickpea,linsee l – 11 % d, lentil, veg

Summer Lowland Summer – Goatery – 7 % -2138ha vegetables

Module Land Existing farming system Problem Interventions type Land type Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Module- Upland Sesamum Vegetable Low Substituti OFT on Training on II (tomato etc) return on with Kharif Mulching, (Irrigate from Offseason onion var staking, d (open sesamu tomato , Bhima trailing, w/bw) m pest radish, super, Grading, veg. problem, coriander, OFT on quality based low cauliflowe Use of bio production Ecosyste yield and r in kharif products Formation of m) return in var & bio- off season rabi Barkha agents, veg producer vegetabl (OFT) use of trap groups. es with STB and fert, border Growing crops and of high training value rabi on IPDM., vegetable FLD on crops Post Capsicum emergenc var cali e wonder. herbicide (OFT) Bispyribac ‘FLD on sodium in Post DSR, FLD emergenc on e micronutr herbicide ient Bispyribac applicatio sodium in n in Paddy DSR, FLD (Zn & B), on FLD on micronutr planting ient time of applicatio garlic n in Paddy variety (Zn & B), YS-3, FLD


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming system Problem Interventions type Land type Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr FLD on on mgmt planting of case time of worm and garlic LF in variety paddy, YS-3, FLD FLD o n on mgmt Offseason of case tomato , worm and radish, LF in coriander, paddy cauliflowe (Training r in kharif and field var day on all Barkha the above (Training FLDs) and field day on all the above FLDs) Medium Paddy Vegetable pest Line SRI Summer land (var. (sol./cole/go problem, transplant method of Vegetables Lalata) urds etc) low ing of transplant with micro- Staggered/ yield, paddy, ing. Use of nutrient line poor OFT on bio application, transplanti quality Rice- products IPDM for ng leading greengra & bio- more to low m agents, production return in cropping trap, Training on vegs. system border post harvest Substituti crops in mgt. on with vegetables improved , Training var on Use of vegetables reaper, (FLD) thresher IPDM in like cost vegetables reducing Taining on implemen STB fert, ts , FLD on micro- Kharif nutrient onion, applicatio (Training n / Use of and field pre emerg day on all herbicide the above Londax FLDs), power in FLD on paddy, Crop OFT on mgmt Crop practices mgmt in practices Mustard,


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming system Problem Interventions type Land type Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr in FLD on Mustard, Potato OFT on varieties, Potato FLD on varieties, mgmt of OFT on YSB in mgmt of paddy, YSB in FLD on paddy, Mgmt of OFT on BLB in Mgmt of paddy, BLB in FLD on paddy, IPM OFT on against IPM F&S borer against in brinjal, F&S borer FLD on in brinjal, mgmt of OFT on Late blight mgmt of in potato Late blight in potato, FLD on micronutr ient applicatio n in Paddy (Zn & B), FLD on Kharif onion (Training and field day on all the above FLDs) Low Paddy Chickpea/ Pest and Green OFT on Regular visit land (pooja) blackgram/ disease manuring IPDM in and Staggered lentil (paira problem, (OFT), line paddy monitoring transplanti crop) varietal transplant FLD on and ng suitabilit ing, Summer promotion of y weedicide Vegetable profitable applicatio s with STB farming n, STB fert fert appln among rural applicatio & micro- youths with n, / Use of nutrient market pre emerg applicatio linkage herbicide n, FLD on Londax mgmt of power in YSB in paddy, paddy, OFT on FLD on


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming system Problem Interventions type Land type Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr mgmt of Mgmt of YSB in BLB in paddy, paddy, OFT on FLD on Mgmt of micronutr BLB in ient paddy, applicatio FLD on n in Paddy micronutr (Zn & B) ient applicatio n in Paddy (Zn & B) Module- Homest Dairy Low Providing Use of Value II ead producti Fodder Mineral addition of (Irrigate vity of planting mixture milk for d (ow/ milk materials, for higher commercial bw) veg. AI, shed productivi purposes Ecosyste managem ty (Trg) m) ent with help of ARD deptt. homeste Goatery Mortality Dewormin Shed and Regular ad of kids. g of kids Nutrition monitoring Poor (animal mgt & by scientist body health commerci with dept. growth camp) and al goat officials disease unit. (Trg managem by ARD) ent with the help of ARD deptt. Homest Poultry Tradition Breed Vaccinatio Brooding of ead al replaceme n and feed chicks (FLD) breeds, nt with managem and trg to low egg Banaraja ent (Trg) SHG lying and etc for poor backyard body (Training growth & FLD) Homest - Less Mushroo Paddy entrepreneur ead income m straw ship devt. from cultivation mushroo (Trg) paddy in small m straw scale throughou (Training t the year & FLD) (OFT) Percentage growth of income 21 37 64 Total Employment to be generated (MDs) 360 440 465


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module-III (Irrigated ecosystem) (Block: Lephripara, GP: Gundiadihi, Village: Karanjkhol) Block Farmer Rainfal Season- Land Soil Croppin Existing/ Enterpris Categor l & wise pattern Type & g Predomina e y Temp. Cultivate Reaction Intensity nt Cops d area Lephripara Medium 1243.8 Kharif – Upland – Red & 139 % Kharif – Poultry – 14 % mm 100 % 8087ha Lateriti paddy, Small – c maize 50% Rabi- 28 Acidic Rabi – Dairy Margina % -5823ha blackgram, l – 36 % mustard, sunflower Summer Lowland Summer – – 11 % -2264ha vegetables

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Module- Upland New No return Intercrop ICM of Training on III ( Mango in initial with pulses and micro- Irrigated orchard stage of GG/BG/HG vegetables irrigation Ecosyste (3years) establishm in Mango/ in newly by research m) ent, poor cashew established scientists, mgt. plantation orchard liasoning (FLD) (providing for NHB and Training on literature), regular canopy FLD on Post supervision. managemen emergence t, FLD on herbicide Post Bispyribac emergence sodium in herbicide DSR, FLD on Bispyribac managemen sodium in t of Fruit fly DSR, OFT on in mango planting time of garlic variety YS- 3, FLD on managemen t of Fruit fly in mango, FLD on mgmt of damping off in onion (Training and field day on all the above FLDs)


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Medium Paddy Vegetab pest Line OFT on Monitoring land (var. le problem, transplantin IPDM and and regular Pratiksya) (tomato low yield, g of paddy providing supervision, Staggered ) poor and STB Literature . producer transplant quality fert Training on group ing leading to application , micronutrie formation, low return OFT on nt marketing in vegs. Rice- application strategy greengram in water and bank cropping melon, FLD linkage for system , on Post the water Assessment emergence melon of pre herbicide growers emerg Bispyribac herbicide sodium in Londax DSR , FLD power in on Kharif paddy onion, FLD OFT on on mgmt of water case worm melon with and LF in IPDM , OFT paddy FLD on Crop on Rice- mgmt greengram practices in cropping Mustard, system , OFT on Assessment Potato of pre varieties, emerg OFT on herbicide mgmt of Londax YSB in power in paddy, OFT paddy on Mgmt of FLD on BLB in water paddy, OFT melon with on mgmt of IPDM , FLD Late blight on Crop in potato, mgmt FLD on practices in micronutrie Mustard, nt FLD on application Potato in Paddy varieties, (Zn & B) FLD on OFT on mgmt of planting YSB in time of paddy, FLD garlic on Mgmt of variety YS- BLB in 3, FLD on paddy, FLD


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr Kharif on mgmt of onion, FLD Late blight on mgmt of in potato case worm and LF in paddy, FLD on mgmt of fruit borer in tomato, FLD on mgmt of damping off in onion (Training and field day on all the above FLDs) Module- Homeste Goatery Mortality of Deworming Shed and Regular III ad kids. Poor of kids Nutrition monitoring (Irrigate body (animal mgt & by scientist d growth health commercial with dept. Ecosyste camp) and goat officials m) disease unit.(Trg by managemen ARD deptt.) t with the help of ARD Homeste Poultry Traditional Breed Vaccination Brooding of ad breeds, low replacemen and feed chicks egg lying t of poultry managemen (FLD) and and poor with t (Trg) trg to SHG body Pallishri etc growth for backyard (Training & FLD) Orchard Bee Less Skill Training on Regular keeping utilization training on managemen supervision, of orchard apiculture t of bee formation space and colonies of providing apiculture bee box and groups, colonies liasoning with KVIC and NABARD Homeste Less Mushroom Paddy Entreprene ad income cultivation straw urship dev. from paddy in small mushroom (Trg) straw scale throughout


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Module Land Existing farming Problem Intervention Intervention Intervention type system Kharif Rabi 1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr (Training & the year FLD) (OFT) %age growth of income 22 41 68 Total Employment to be generated (MDs) 415 445 480 B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan for 2016-17 Activity No. No. of Participants Training to Farmers & Farmwomen 60 1500 Training to Rural Youth 10 250 Training to Extension Functionaries 5 50 Total training 75 1800 On farm testing 9 Frontline Demonstration 8 Cluster demonstration 4 Other extension activities Activity No. Field Day 18 Kisan Mela 2 Kisan Ghosthi 2 Exhibition 4 Film Show 15 Method Demonstrations 16 Farmers’ Seminar 4 Group meetings 20 Extension Literature 6 Farm Advisory Services 120 Scientific visit to farmers field 280 Diagnostic Visits 140 Exposure Visits 4 Ex-trainees Sammelan 4 Soil Health Camp 5 Animal Health Camp 5 Agri Mobile Clinic 5 Soil Test Campaigns 2 Soil sample testing 1000


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sundargarh-II Geographically, Sundargarh district consists of widely dissimilar tracts of expansive and fairly open, dotted with tree, clad isolated peaks, vast inaccessible forests, extensive river valleys and mountainous terrain. Broadly speaking, it is an undulating tableland of different elevations broken up by rugged hill ranges and cut up by torrential hill streams and the rivers IB and Brahmani. Covering a geographical area of 9712 sq.kms, Sundargarh District is the second largest District of the state, accounting for 6.23 percent of its total area. Out of this total area, forests cover 4232.57 sq km, this being the second largest in the state, accounting for 8.53 per cent of the state total.

Operational Blocks

A. Modules for enhancing farmers’ income Module-1 (Block: Nuagaon, GP:,Village: Guduguda) Farming Existing farming Suggested Intervention situation system Problem Crops Other enterprises Rainfed Rice and Dairy, 1. Unstable Yield and Low 1. substitution of paddy with Upland, late Goatery, return from upland paddy suitable cowpea varieties small kharif Backyard 2. Risk in raising of tomato 2. Raising of seedling in low farmer tomato poultry seedlings cost poly house. 3. Seedling prone to soil borne 3. Nursery bed treatment with diseases suitable chemicals 4. Ground contact of fruit spoils 4. Adoption of staking in tomato the quality 5 adoption of backyard 5. No substantial income poultry, 6. Low return from local breed 6. mushroom cultivation of poultry. 6. Adoption of capsicum cultivation


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Substitution Supply of Adoption of Cowpea seed Follow up on Regular of paddy with cowpea seeds cowpea with supplied with interventions monitoring to cowpea Var-Kashi INM practices STB nutrient of previous ensure Nursery bed of Kanchan,Gayat and management years adoption of tomato treated ri and Utkal introduction of Supply of INM in Tomato recommended with chemicals Manika(OFT) capsicum different 3.micronutrien practices for controlling UV polythene Assessment of tomato like t application Supply of STB soil borne sheet to be different Swarna in capsicum nutrition in diseases, supplied (OFT) tomato sampad & BT- 4..Increasing tomato 3. Seedling 3.Nursery bed varieties 136 and poultry birds Micronutrient raised in low treated with Laxmi-5005 to 50 like boron cost poly Formalin Development 2. Supply of Increasing application in tunnel s (UV Bavistin+plant of semi capsicum seed mushroom capsicum(FLD) polythene of omycin for intensive California beds to 100 Followup 200 micron) raising healthy poultry unit wonder & beds training for Skill training tomato (30 Palishree Mahyco-1 capacity on Vegetable seedling (OFT) birds) Poultry unit Vaccination building nursery raising Staking of Feed development and feed Spreading of and mushroom tomatoes management through ARD management the successful cultivation Single post and and dept. )and feed of poultry and intervention Staking in Trellis( OFT) vaccination for management(F dairy (OFT) by field day tomatoes Supply of cow and LD) and group Training on mushroom bullocks Marketing meeting improved spawn and linkage for cultivation polythene for Supply of selling of practices of 30 beds mushroom produce in a cowpea (OFT & FLD) Both spawn and good price Paddy straw polythene for and Oyester 50 beds MODULE-II (Block: Bisra, GP:,Village: Khatankudar) Farming Existing farming Suggested Intervention situation system Problem Crops Other enterprises Irrigated Rice- Dairy, Low yield of paddy due to STB nutrition in paddy, & upland vegetab backyard imbalanced weed, and pests to be Small les poultry, nutrition,occurrence of weeds, controlled in an effective farmer (Onion goatery and pests manner and Low Yield in onion due to Weed population in onion to okra) weed infestation be controlled by Low yield in okra due to Pendimethalin imbalanced nutrition STB Nutrition to schedule to Lack of knowledge in value be adopted in okra addition of Tamarind & value addition in Tamarind & Jackfruit Jackfruit No substantial income Adoption of sweet corn- Low income from local poultry Backyard poultry birds Mushroom cultivation,


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Nutrient STBR of Adoption of Supply of Follow up on Regular management nutrients in paddy- Onion, chemical interventions monitoring to in paddy paddy -okra cropping weedicide of previous ensure weed Weedicide Integrated Pretilachlor to years adoption of management Pendimethalin weed be applied in IPM in paddy recommended in onion to be applied management paddy 3. Nutrition practices Nutrient in onion ,(FLD) in paddy Supply of management Pest like stem management STBR of Assessment of sweet corn in Sweet corn borer and BPH in okra nutrients for onion varieties seed Sugar- Increasing to be yield Introduction of 75(FLD) poultry birds controlled Skill training enhancement Sweet corn Supply of to 50 Supply of STB on mushroom of okra(FLD) Development onion varieties Increasing nutrients in cultivation Training on of semi AFLR , BS, mushroom Sweet corn weed intensive N-53 beds to 100 Follow up Training on management poultry unit Poultry beds training for value addition in onion and (30 palishree unit Vaccination capacity of tamarind nutrition birds) development and feed building management Feed through ARD management Supply of in okra management dept. of poultry and Marigold& Value addition and Training on dairy Gladioli by oil and vaccination for sweet corn and Adoption of planting Sodium.Benzo cow and chicks vaccination, marigold and material ate tamarind value addition disease and gladioli Training on (OFT) in jackfruit feed cultivation floriculture Supply of Supply of management Spreading of mushroom mushroom Preparation of the spawn and spawn and squash from intervention polythene for polythene for jackfruit (FLD) by field day 30 beds 50 beds Marketing and group linkage for meeting selling of produce in a good price Module-III (Block: Lathikata, GP:,Village: Bolonda) Farming Existing farming system Suggested Intervention situation Crops Other Problem enterprises Rainfed Rice-- Dairy,backyard 1.Low Yield and low 1. Substitution of variety, medium land fallow poultry, goatery income from rice due use STB nutrition , and pest small farmer of local seeds, Imbalanced management in paddy nutrition and pest 1.Cultivation of chickpea or occurrence short duration Toria/Field 2. Fallow after Paddy pea to be adopted 3 lack of knowledge 2. STB nutrition and IWM


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

Farming Existing farming system Suggested Intervention situation Crops Other Problem enterprises 4. No substantial income in chickpea 5 Low return from local 3.Backyard poultry breed poultry birds Pallishree to be adopted 4. Paddy straw mushroom (Whole Year)n to be adopted 5.value addition in fruits and vegetables

st nd rd 1 year 2 year 3 year Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Intervention Action points Varietal Supply of Adoption of Supply of field Follow up Supply of replacement in paddy variety paddy- pea or toria interventions Imaztharpyr@ paddy Naveen Chickpea/field seeds of previous 450g/acr e for Assessment of Supply of pea/toria Supply of STB years weed control Chick pea Chick pea seed ((JAKI_9218/R nutrients in IPM in paddy in chickpea variety JAKI- JAKI 9218, achana/M-27 Paddy Weed Pest like stem 9218 seed treatment with STB Supply of STB management borer, BPH to Assessment of with Bavistin nutrient nutrients for in Chickpea be contolled Calcium syrup and management Chickpea pea Increasing Regular as a mineral inoculation in Chickpea Poultry unit poultry birds monitoring to supplement with INM in paddy development to 50 ensure Skill training Rhizobium Development through ARD Increasing adoption of on mushroom Supply of of semi dept. mushroom recommended cultivation calcium syrup intensive Training on beds to 100 practices Skilled as a mineral poultry unit field pea and beds Follow up Training on supplement (30 Palishree Toria, Vaccination training for value addition for chicks(OFT birds) vaccination, and feed capacity of fruits and 4 Supply of Feed disease and management building vegetables UV polythene management feed of poultry and Spreading of for offseason and managemen.t dairy the successful mushroom, vaccination for Preparation of intervention (OFT) spawn cow and chicks squash from by field day and polythene Value addition jackfruit (FLD) and group for 30 beds in jackfruit Marketing meeting Supply of linkage for mushroom selling of spawn and produce in a polythene for good price 50 beds


Modules for doubling the farmer’s income through KVK’s

B. Mandated Activities Summary of Action Plan for 2016-17

Activity No. Participants Training to Farmers & Farm Women 42 1050 Training to Rural Youths 08 120 Training to In-Service Personals 06 90 Vocational Training 03 30 Collaborative Training 02 100 Total Training 61 1390 On farm testing 13 Frontline Demonstration 12 Field Days 08 400 Kisan Mela 02 1000 Kisan Gosthi/ Farmers Meeting 06 250 Diagnostic Visit to farmers Fields 25 500 Lecture Delivers by KVK Scientists 20 1000 Exhibitions 04 1000 Film Shows 08 400 Animal Health Camp 06 600 News Letter 04 Soil Health Camp 05 300 Technological Week 01 500