SCENE 1 Stealing on the Streets of London

SONG 11 The Castaways 2:00

Dodger: Livin' life in the city streets where it's each kid on their own Day to day don't know how we'll eat – ‘Cause we're out here on our own Life is tough here – Things are rough here – You can bet But you can make it if you just take what you can get Pat: Roaming on these city streets where we're all up to no good We steal from anyone we see with open pocketbook Got to watch it – In your pocket we will go Takin’ all that we can get – For a good cash flow Urchins & Fagin: We’re the Castaways – They all call us the Castaways We’re the Castaways – They all call us the Castaways Fagin: When you work on the city streets you take it one day at a time Better ask everyone you meet "Brother can you spare a dime'' Gotta stand out – With your hand out – Can't you see But it's a given when you live in poverty Sam: It's not easy dealing with all the guilt we feel inside We don't like what it is we do but it's a must when you live this life We're ashamed and we're not proud we steal from you But we've got to admit we're good at what we do Urchins & Fagin: We're the Castaways - They all call us the Castaways We're the Castaways - They all call us the Castaways We're the Castaways - They all call us the Castaways ♪

Fagin: Listen up. We need to make a lot of dough today, so no funny business. Let’s go through the checklist of stolen goods. Shoe shine kit?

ACT 2 / SCENE 1 Stealing on the Streets of London 31 Oh, Oliver! Dodger: Got it. Stole it this mornin’ from a chap on Abby road. Fagin: Good. Who’s got the morning paper? Sam: We do. We stole 15 copies from right under the bloke’s nose. Fagin: Jolly good. Anyone get bread? West: I did. Stole 5 loaves right out of the oven. Fagin: Impressive. What about flowers? Dodger: I got a whole bouquet. I stole it while the lady was drinking a spot of tea. She never saw me comin’. Fagin: Fancy that. Did anyone get any sweets or pastries? Newt: I did. I stole 3 pies from an old lady, but I feel bad. Fagin: They call that guilt. Just ignore it. Okay, gang, we are now officially open for business. Dodger: You heard 'em, so don't just stand there, get to work! Bring back somethin’ we can use. You wanna eat tonight, don't ya? So work your magic. Pat: Shoe shine, very well priced. We'll make 'em shine so good you'll see your reflection. Harper: We'll scuff 'em and buff 'em, all for one low price. Pat: Excuse me, Ma'am, would you like your shoes shined? Mrs. Bedwin: But the shoes I'm wearing can't be shined. Pat: That's alright, we'll just pretend to shine 'em and still take your money. Sam: Paper, paper, get your morning paper. The price is right, come on over. Jamie: What's new? You'll never know unless you get one. Paper, get your morning paper here. West: Fresh hot bread, come and get your fresh hot bread here. Only half a shilling. Newt: Homemade pies made by…someone's grandmother. Nice and cheap, take one home today. Dodger: Flowers for sale, all fluffy-like and colorful. Fagin: How are things going? Dodger: Nothin's movin'. We ain't made one bloody shilling. No one even cares we're here. Fagin: You know what they say, put a little song in your step and it will draw everyone. Dodger: A little song in your step… I think I can do that. Thanks, Fagin. You always have great ideas. (Dodger walks away but Fagin doesn't know it) Fagin: I know. I take pride in the brilliance of meself. I should give the world a treat and write a book on all me knowledge. What’cha think, Dodger? (Looks around) Dodger? Dodger?

ACT 2 / SCENE 1 Stealing on the Streets of London 32 Oh, Oliver! SONG 12 Shoe Shine 2:00

Dodger: Hey, Mister - How about a shoe shine Make your shoes look so fine Mister, can you spare some time? Hey, Mister – I'm workin' on the streets here – If you set your feet here I'll dish you up a treat here We'll fix ‘em – Heel and sole – No difference if they’re new or old – Hey Say Mister shinin' shoes is what we do Pat: Hey, Misses - What can we do for you, now? Black or brown or blue now – Any shade'll do now Hey, Misses – Just head in my direction I'll shine them to perfection – 'Til you see your reflection Hey, Misses – Step this way – And set your foot up here today – Hey Say, Misses – Make your shoes as good as new Harper: Why go ‘round like a rag-a-muffin Don't worry if you scuff ‘em – We'll be glad to buff ‘em We'll gladly lend a hand – Yes we'll do everything we can – ‘Cause Everyone knows – It's not just the clothes It's the shoes – that – make – the – man Sam: Looks like you missed your morning paper There's lots for you to read here – Get it while it's still here Don't miss out on the latest gossip – Maybe yours will top it There's no way you can stop it Make sure you buy it now ‘cause we might run out in a little while – Hey Your morning paper is what you need to read West: Here we have it – Right out of the oven – Buy it by the dozen The words out and it's buzzin' The smell is somethin' you'll agree to – Your nose will want to thank you Just sink your teeth right into Oliver: Some butter would taste real nice – So come on up and buy a slice – Hey Who can resist – The taste of pure bliss – Buy some fresh bread today Jamie: We've got it – Cherry and a lemon – Don't leave here without one Get it for your grandson He'll love it – He'll think the taste is so grand – So put a pie in your hand And buy it while you still can Newt: You know it's what you deserve but – First one is always first served A pie for your dad – A pie for your mom – A pie for ev-ery-one Urchins: What can we get’cha today? ♪

ACT 2 / SCENE 1 Stealing on the Streets of London 33 Oh, Oliver! Harper: Now that's how it's done, Oliver. Look at all this money! Sam: We don't even have to work hard. I mean, we don't even break a sweat. West: Just a few minutes of our time and then we're done for the day. Now, we can just sit back and relax. Harper: There's lots to do around here, too. Oliver: What do you do for fun? Harper: We love jumping on the back of carriages and just riding them to wherever they take us. Sam: Once, we ended up at a celebration for the Queen. We walked right in there and ate everything we could get our hands on. West: We stuffed as much as we could in our pockets. It was great! When they'd ask where our parents were, we'd just point to the nearest couple we could find. We ended up with lots of parents that day. Fagin: Did you sleep well last night, Oliver? Oliver: Very well. Fagin: Did you have enough to eat this morning? Oliver: I've never had that much food! Fagin: Oliver, do you see that lady over there by the bookstore? Oliver: The one with the scarf? Fagin: Yes, yes, yes, that's the one. What we want you to do is stand here and watch while we go visit her. If you should see a policeman, just give us a whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you? Oliver: (Tries to whistle) I'm not very good. Dodger: That's alright. Just give us some type of warning. Can you remember all this? Oliver: I think so. I'm to stay here and if I see a policeman, I'm to yell. Dodger & Fagin: (Nervously. Ad lib: “No! Don't yell! Don't ever yell”) Dodger: (Pause to think) Wave your hands like this. Oliver: I think I've got it. Dodger: Good. This should only take a few seconds. Stay here, we'll be right back. (Dodger and Fagin creep up and steal Mrs. Bedwin's handkerchief.) Mrs. Bedwin: Stop! Thief! Police! (Fagin and urchins run off stage. Oliver follows, but trips and falls, unconscious. Mrs. Bedwin and Brownlow help him up and carry him off stage.)

ACT 2 / SCENE 1 Stealing on the Streets of London 34 Oh, Oliver! SCENE 2 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Oliver Arrives

(Oliver is asleep on couch) Mrs. Bedwin: This poor child. His mother and father must be so worried. Brownlow: We've contacted everyone we could and no one has claimed him. It's as if he came out of nowhere. Mrs. Bedwin: I think the child is waking up. In fact, I'm almost sure the child is waking up! Brownlow: You're right, Mrs. Bedwin, look! Mrs. Bedwin: (To Oliver) Don't try getting up too fast. You might faint. (To Brownlow) Brownlow, call Bennett and let her know the child is awake. Oliver: Where am I? Mrs. Bedwin: You're in my house. I am Mrs. Bedwin and this is Brownlow, Wellingberg, Carmichael and Thompson. These are my friends. Who are you? Oliver: I'm Oliver. Oliver Twist. How did I get here? Wellingberg: We brought you here. Mrs. Bedwin: You’ve been unconscious for days. Do you remember anything? Oliver: I... I remember running. What happened? Brownlow: What happened? Well, I'll tell you. We were standing in front of the bookstore when these two thugs came by and stole Mrs. Bedwin's handkerchief. (Hang up phone) Wellingberg: The bookseller saw them as they took off. He tried to catch them but they were too fast. Carmichael: People saw you running and thought you were in cahoots with the thieves. You tripped over a stack of books and became unconscious, so we brought you here. Oliver: I've been here for days? Carmichael: Yes, and you've done nothing but sleep. Brownlow, did you get a hold of Bennett? Brownlow: No. She's not answering her phone. Carmichael: Well, ring her again. Thompson: Oliver Twist. What kind of name is that anyway? Your mother must have really loved olives. (Bennett walks through the doors)

ACT 2 / SCENE 2 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Oliver Arrives 35 Oh, Oliver! Bennett: Catastrophe! It's a catastrophe! I'm panicking! I need air! (Brownlow and Carmichael run over to her fanning her) So, I have a black dress and black shoes but I have no idea what to accessorize it with. I mean, what color jewelry do I wear? Brownlow: How am I supposed to know? Ask Wellingberg, she’s (he’s) much better with all that fashion nonsense. Wellingberg: You could go with pearls. Every lady looks good in pearls. Bennett: I was thinking diamonds, but I wasn't sure if that would be too much. Mrs. Bedwin: Bennett! The boy. He finally woke. His name is Oliver. Bennett: Oh, look. (Say in baby voice) He's so cute. What do you think, Oliver? Pearls or diamonds with a black dress? Mrs. Bedwin: Bennett, really? (Say to Oliver) Now that you're awake, I'm going to get you well so that you can get back to your parents. Oliver: I have no parents. Adults: (Ad lib: “You have no parents? That’s preposterous! What do you mean? Oh, that’s terrible. How sad.”) Bennett: No parents? Where did you come from, then? Oliver: My mother died soon after I was born, so I grew up in a workhouse. But then I got in trouble for asking for more to eat, so I was sent away to an undertaker’s home. They tried to make me sleep in the boxes with the dead people, so I ran away from there and came to London…and here I am. (All pause for a few seconds of silence) Brownlow: Great Scott! Quite an interesting life you've had Oliver. Mrs. Bedwin: You can say that again. Brownlow: Great Scott! Quite an interesting life you've had Oliver. (All stare at Brownlow) Mrs. Bedwin: (Bedwin coughs) How 'bout I go and make a nice meal? You must be starving. Wellingberg: Good idea. Mrs. Bedwin, I think you should make some of your wonderful homemade stew. I'm sure the boy would love that. Carmichael: How about I grab a peach pie at the market? Bennett: I'll get you some new clothes, these certainly will never do. Thompson: What you need are some good books to read. I’ll find some for you. Oliver: But all that costs money, and I have none. Mrs. Bedwin: We have more than enough money, and I also have plenty of room for you here in my house.

ACT 2 / SCENE 2 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Oliver Arrives 36 Oh, Oliver! SONG 13 Welcome 1:00

Mrs. Bedwin: Welcome Wellingberg: Welcome Mrs. Bedwin: Welcome to the family – Welcome Wellingberg: Welcome Mrs. Bedwin: We're as happy as can be And though we're not related, there's no need to be blue No matter where you go you will always know that we'll be here for you When you're feelin' lonely – And you don't know you're way Just remember that we're right here – Every minute of every day Wellingberg: Welcome Bennett: Welcome Wellingberg: Welcome to the family – Welcome Bennett: Welcome Wellingberg: We're as happy as can be And though we're not related, there's no need to be blue No matter where you go you will always know that we'll be here for you We don't have things to sell you – What we have we give away Anything we have is yours now – 'Cause that's the family way Bennett: Welcome Carmichael: Welcome Bennett: Welcome to the family – Welcome Carmichael: Welcome Bennett: We’re as happy as can be And though we're not related, there's no need to be blue No matter where you go you will always know that we'll be here for you I'll teach you the latest fashions – So many places we should go I'll show you the proper manners 'cause a boy like you should know Carmichael: Welcome Thompson: Welcome Carmichael: Welcome to the family – Welcome Thompson: Welcome Carmichael: We're as happy as can be And though we're not related, there's no need to be blue No matter where you go you will always know that we'll be here for you We'll take you to the city and show you all around We'll get there by the finest horse and carriage in town Thompson: Welcome. Adults: Welcome Thompson: Welcome to the family – Welcome Adults: Welcome

ACT 2 / SCENE 2 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Oliver Arrives 37 Oh, Oliver! Thompson: We're as happy as can be And though we're not related, there's no need to be blue No matter where you go you will always know that we'll be here for you Adults: No matter where you go you will always know that We'll - be - here - for - you – We'll be here for you ♪

Oliver: You're all so nice. It seems like you've been friends for an awful long time. Bennett: As long as I can remember. We do everything together, too. We were even going to be vegetarians together, but I had to drop out. Did you know vegetarians don't eat meat? Mrs. Bedwin: It sounds like we have a lot to get done before dinner, so we best get started. Adults: (Ad lib: “Tally ho. Goodbye ol’ chaps. Cherrio. See you all soon.”) (All leave but Oliver and Bedwin) Oliver: Good bye. (Walk to picture) Mrs. Bedwin, who is she? (Pointing at the picture on the wall) Mrs. Bedwin: That's a picture of my sister when she was very young. I haven't seen her in quite some time. Oliver: It's odd, but I feel like I know her somehow. Mrs. Bedwin: You're probably still weak from the fever. If you need anything, just let me know. I'm going to get dinner started. Oliver: Thank you, Mrs. Bedwin. Mrs. Bedwin: Your welcome, Oliver. (Mrs. Bedwin leaves stage. Oliver opens his locket) Oliver: I wish I knew you, Mother. (Pause) I wish you were here with me...right now.

SONG 14 If We Hold On

Ms. Jill: Don't lose your way – With each passing day You've come so far – Don't throw it away Live believing – Dreams are for weaving Wonders are waiting to start – Live your story Faith, hope & glory – Hold to the truth in your heart Oliver: If we hold on together – I know our dreams will never die Dreams see us through to forever – Where clouds roll by Ms. Jill & Oliver: For you and I

ACT 2 / SCENE 2 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Oliver Arrives 38 Oh, Oliver! Ms. Jill: Souls in the wind – Must learn how to bend Seek out a star – Hold on to the end Valley, mountain – There is a fountain – Washes our tears all away Words are swaying – Someone is praying, please let us come home to stay Oliver: If we hold on together – I know our dreams will never die Dreams see us through to forever – Where clouds roll by Ms. Jill & Oliver: For you and I Ms. Jill: When we are out there in the dark – We'll dream about the sun Ms. Jill & Oliver: In the dark we'll feel the light – Warm our hearts, everyone If we hold on together – I know our dreams will never die Dreams see us through to forever As high as souls can fly – The clouds roll by – For you and I Ms. Jill: For you and I ♪

ACT 2 / SCENE 2 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Oliver Arrives 39 Oh, Oliver! SCENE 3 Fagin’s Hideout | Plans to Find Oliver

(Fagin pulls out a box filled with jewels) Fagin: This is my private treasure. Me small pleasure. Here I am, with my cup of coffee and a quick count-up. (Starts to count jewels) I mean, who’s gonna look after me in me old age? (Looks at bird) Would you, birdie? Hum? Would you? (Dodger walks up to Fagin) What are you doin' over here? Dodger: Nothin', Fagin. Just wantin’ to talk to you about Oliver. Fagin: This is all I have to live on in me old age. Get outta here! (Dodger goes back to Pat) Pat: Fagin lookin' in his box of treasures, again, eh? Dodger: You know it. Pat: Sometimes I think he's married to that box. He probably counts all the gold and jewels five times a day. Dodger: I probably would too, if it's all I had to live on. I'd wanna make sure every piece was there. Harper: I guess you're right. I mean, Fagin is good to us, so we need to make sure he always has enough for himself. Dodger: It's our duty to take care of him just like he takes care of us. Harper: Do you think, underneath all his toughness, there’s a sensitive ol’ sap? (Dodger and Harper look at Fagin as he kisses his money) Dodger & Harper: (Shake head “no” and ad lib: “Nope. Nah.”) Dodger: Let’s head out and see what’s new in town. (Dodger & Harper leave) Sam: I'll put in one tooth and I'll raise you one. West: There's no way your hand is better than mine. I'll see your two teeth and raise you another. That's a total of three teeth. Jamie: Ha! Luck is not on your side today. Just so happens that I lost two of my teeth yesterday while biting into an apple. And, I have two from last month, so that's four total. Sam: Well, I'll raise all of you an entire set of teeth! West: Where in the world did you get a complete set of teeth?

ACT 2 / SCENE 3 Fagin’s Hideout | Plans to Find Oliver 40 Oh, Oliver! Sam: Out of some old man's pocket yesterday. West: I should have folded. This is the worst hand ever! Who shuffled these, anyway? Newt, whataya got? Newt: I've got four cards with A's on them, and two with a K. Pat: You've got four Aces and two Kings? Newt: Yep. Is that a good hand? (Sam, West & Jamie pause and look at each other) Sam: No, that's a terrible hand! You should fold. West: One of the worst hands ever! You poor little peanut. Jamie: Get out while you can. Newt: Geez, I always lose. (Throws cards in and pouts) Sam: Show your hands... (Pause) And I win with two eights. West & Jamie: Ah, man! Pat: Fagin, have you ever wanted a different life? You know, like becoming a real upstanding citizen of the community? Fagin: What? Pat: Have you ever wanted a real job, you know, where you can make a good living for yourself? Fagin: You mean like a 9 to 5 job? Oh, joy, how wonderful that sounds. Pat: Yeah, with a paycheck and a pension. Fagin: Of course not. I have a genius retirement plan right here, (gestures to treasure) and boundless freedom. No stress, no cares, no one to answer to but meself. This is the good life. Pat: A beggar’s life? Fagin: You betcha.

ACT 2 / SCENE 3 Fagin’s Hideout | Plans to Find Oliver 41 Oh, Oliver! SONG 15 A Beggar’s Life

Fagin: When I was just a tender lad I heard my father say If you're to be an important lad, you must work hard ev'ry day Slaving all day long merely for a song was not my cup of tea So I decided on the spot - It's the beggar's life for me It's a beggar's life - Yes, a beggar's life - There is nothing I'd rather be For I have no cares and I have no strife - It's a beggar's life for me When a stranger passing on the street is a beggar's friend, it's true And all I ask as I tip my hat is a copper coin or two I spend my days in the open air - I am happy and care free And if I had to choose again - It's a beggar's life for me It's a beggar's life - Yes, a beggar's life - There is nothing I'd rather be For I have no cares and I have no strife - It's a beggar's life for me Now every night I lay in bed and start to fall asleep I count my money in my head like you count all your sheep And as of yet, I have no regret I'm as happy as can be So I’ll say once more as I did before - It's a beggar's life for me It's a beggar's life - Yes, a beggar's life - There is nothing I'd rather be For I have no cares and I have no strife - It's a beggar's life for me ♪

(Dodger & Harper return)

Fagin: Any news about Oliver? Harper: He’s at that lady's house and he’s been in a coma for the past few days. Word on the street is that he just woke up this morning. Sam: How are we going to get him outta there? Harper: Why don't we just break into the house and take ‘em? Sam: ‘Cause that place is always crawlin’ with grown-ups. Fagin: I can't believe you all just ran away and left Oliver there. Someone should have grabbed ‘em. West: You we’re there, Fagin, you saw how quick it happened. There wasn't time. The lady was yelling and the police were on their way. Fagin: Do you realize how much trouble this puts us in?

ACT 2 / SCENE 3 Fagin’s Hideout | Plans to Find Oliver 42 Oh, Oliver! West: Trouble? How are we in trouble? Fagin: All Oliver has to do is talk to the police! West: What's he going to tell ‘em? Oliver knows nothing. Fagin: He knows everything! Not only can Oliver tell the police what we were doing, but he can also lead them right here to me hideout. Jamie: You don't think they'll force Oliver to talk, do you? (All nod head "yes") Then it's settled. We are in trouble. So what do you think we should do, Fagin? Fagin: We have to keep him from talking. Oliver's got to come out of that house one of these days, and when he does, we’ll be on him like flies on stink. Urchins: Ew… Dodger: I'll stand guard at the lady's house. As soon as he comes out, I'll follow him. Harper: I'll come with you. Maybe we can check out the other houses nearby. I bet they’ve got some really fancy stuff. Dodger: I bet you Oliver is stuffing his pockets right now. Harper: He's probably grabbing all the silver he can get his hands on. Newt: You're all wrong. Oliver wouldn't steal and Oliver wouldn't say a thing, he's our friend. Fagin: You're so gullible, Newt. Of course he will! If the beak tells him to talk or they take him to the mill, believe me, he'll talk. Newt: No he won't. Not Oliver. Fagin: Newt, you're so naive. Someday, you'll learn that you can't trust anyone but yourself. Urchins: (Ad lib: “Yeah, no one but yourself, and that's it.”) Newt: No, you're wrong! You're all wrong! (Newt runs off stage) Pat: Where's she (he) running off to? Dodger: Who knows. She'll (he'll) be back soon. She's (he's) got nowhere else to go. (Dodger looks at watch and points toward exit. Newt walks back on stage and pouts) See! Fagin: That Oliver has created so many problems. Now, he's got Newt thinking she's (he's) going to get a family. I knew it, that boy's nothin' but trouble.

ACT 2 / SCENE 3 Fagin’s Hideout | Plans to Find Oliver 43 Oh, Oliver! SONG 16 Nothin’ But Trouble

Fagin: That kid is nothin' but trouble – Trouble is his middle name I knew the minute I saw him – That trouble is his favorite game So keep him under surveillance – Don't let him out of your sight All: We can't be discovered – If he's undercover so watch him well tonight Jamie: That kid is nothin' but trouble – No tellin' what he'll get into He'll tell them how we make a living – With picking a pocket or two So keep him under surveillance – Don't let him out of your sight All: We can't be discovered – If he's undercover so watch him well tonight Harper: That kid is nothin' but trouble – He'll tell them of our secret place Once he reveals our hide-out – None of us will ever be safe So keep him under surveillance – Don't let him out of your sight All: We can't be discovered – If he's undercover so watch him well tonight West: That kid is nothin' but trouble – I knew it when he first came in Something about him was not right – I knew he was not a true friend So keep him under surveillance – Don't let him out of your sight

All: We can't be discovered – If he's undercover so watch him well tonight Watch him well tonight – Watch him well tonight – Watch him well tonight ♪

Dodger: What are we waitin’ for? We’ve got ourselves a kid to catch. Urchins: (Ad lib: “Let’s go. We’ll get Oliver. Come on. We’re gonna find ‘em.”)

(Set change to Scene 4, Mrs. Bedwin’s House)

ACT 2 / SCENE 3 Fagin’s Hideout | Plans to Find Oliver 44 Oh, Oliver! SCENE 4 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Testing Oliver’s Honesty

Brownlow: I don't care what you say, Mrs. Bedwin, I don't trust that kid. He’s a bloomin’ thief I tell ya. He's going to run as soon as your back is turned, and he'll take your stuff with him. Carmichael: Kids like that are sneaky. One second you're like, "Oh, look how sweet," and the next thing you know, everything's gone but your trousers! It happens that fast… In the blink of an eye. Mrs. Bedwin: Why would you both say such terrible things? Brownlow: It’s a gut feeling I have. He came from underground and he'll return to it. Carmichael: When a boy has nothing, and then has something, he'll take that something and give you nothing for it. He'll do nothing to get something. Therefore, he'll do anything to get something for nothing. Mrs. Bedwin: You're crazy, the both of you. Brownlow: Then why doesn't he say where he's been living? Mrs. Bedwin: Oliver said that he was at the Workhouse, then he ran away from the Undertaker. Thompson: Yes, and where has he been living here in London? Mrs. Bedwin: I don't know, maybe he just got to London the same day as the incident. Brownlow: You don't really believe that, do you? Thompson: Didn't you notice how he was eyeing the layout of the room? He was memorizing the placement of all your prized possessions. Mrs. Bedwin: You’re paranoid, all three of you. Thompson: What’s the old saying, if the shoe fits, wear it? Mrs. Bedwin: What about the saying, innocent until proven guilty? (Wellingberg and Bennett enter) Wellingberg: I tell you, Bennett, that Oliver, he's a boy from the streets. He'll put on that cute smile and wham! He'll take everything you own. Brownlow, Carmichael & Thompson: See!? Bennett: Don't tell me you agree with what this crazy loon is saying? Wellingberg: Crazy? Firstly, I’m not crazy, you are! (Adults nod in agreement) Secondly, I am simply looking at the clues with a level head and am choosing to see the reality of the situation. Bennett: I disagree. I think Oliver is innocent and good. Wellingberg: Let's just face the facts. Stealing is all he knows. Thompson: Wellingberg is right. He has no morals, and he has no respect for anyone's things. ACT 2 / SCENE 4 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Testing Oliver’s Honesty 45 Oh, Oliver! Bennett: Well, have you ever thought that, perhaps, he just might be good and kind? Honest and trustworthy? Brownlow, Wellingberg, Carmichael & Thompson: No. Bennett: Poor boy. Accused and guilty but he hasn't even done one thing wrong… Or has he? Oh, I just don't know what to believe anymore. Mrs. Bedwin: Neither do I.

SONG 17 Poor Boy

Brownlow: Boy, what a mess - I confess - I don't know What to think of him - Is he after all our dough Do we believe him - In all the things he says Are they true - Should we trust him -What's the right thing to do Mrs. Bedwin: Was it really in a workhouse where he stayed Did they really feed him only once a day Did his mother leave him in that orphan home Or is it just a story he created on his own - Poor boy Adults: Poor boy Mrs. Bedwin: Poor boy Adults: Poor boy Mrs. Bedwin: What an awful situation he is in - Poor boy Adults: Poor boy Mrs. Bedwin: Poor boy Adults: Poor boy Mrs. Bedwin: Does he not have any close kin Wellingberg: But how do you know if he's good or bad - What kind of lad is he Will he steal when we're not watching him Is he really as sweet as we want to think Carmichael: Boy, what a mess – I confess that I believe The story of the coffin – And it gives me the creeps He was told to sleep with the dead – And if that’s true What a dreadful thing for that mean child to do Bennett: If I were Oliver I'd run away fast I'd do just what he did and not ever look back The things he's been through makes me want to say Stay here, dear Oliver, and we'll take your hurt away – Poor boy Adults: Poor boy Bennett: Poor boy Adults: Poor boy Bennett: What an awful situation he is in - Poor boy Adults: Poor boy Bennett: Poor boy Adults: Poor boy Bennett: Does he not have any close kin

→ ACT 2 / SCENE 4 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Testing Oliver’s Honesty 46 Oh, Oliver! Thompson: But how do you know if he's good or bad – What kind of lad is he Will he steal when we're not watching him Is he really as sweet as we want to think Carmichael: Poor boy Adults: Poor boy Carmichael: Poor boy Adults: Poor boy Carmichael: Do we take him in with arms open wide - Poor boy Adults: Poor boy Carmichael: Poor boy Adults: Poor boy Adults: Or do we all need–to–watch–our backs ♪

Wellingberg: By the way, here are the books you let me borrow. I enjoyed reading them. You know, you could sell these books to the bookseller in the market. Brownlow: That's not a bad idea, Wellingberg. That's not a bad idea at all. Carmichael: Aha! I know of a way to prove if Oliver is trustworthy or not. Wellingberg: And how are you going to do that? Carmichael: (Takes books and holds them up) Have Oliver take these books back to the bookseller. If he's as honest as you insist, he'll get the money and return here. If he is what we claim, you won't ever see him, or the money, again. What do you say to that? Brownlow: Brilliant idea, Carmichael, brilliant idea. Mrs. Bedwin: And if you're both wrong? Brownlow: Why, I'll eat my hat. Carmichael: And I'll salt it for you. Mrs. Bedwin: I'll take you up on your test. (Calls out to Oliver) Oliver? Oliver, come here, please. (Oliver enters) Oliver: Yes, Mrs. Bedwin? Mrs. Bedwin: Would you kindly take these books to the bookseller for me? He'll give you six shillings for them. Take the money he gives you and bring it back to me, promptly. Oliver: Yes, Mrs. Bedwin. It'll be good to get some fresh air. Mrs. Bedwin: Well, be off with you. It will be getting dark soon and I don't want you to get lost. Oliver: I promise to do just as you say, and I shall hurry right there and back. (Oliver leaves) Carmichael: Now, we wait. (Set change to Scene 5, Fagin’s Hideout)

ACT 2 / SCENE 4 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Testing Oliver’s Honesty 47 Oh, Oliver! SCENE 5 Fagin’s Hideout | Oliver is Kidnapped

Fagin: Welcome back, Oliver. We missed you. Pat: We followed ‘em to the bookstore. He sold some books to the bookseller and got a wad of money for 'em, too. Look at this.

Oliver: That's not my money, it's Mrs. Bedwin's. Pat: He tried to make a break for it, but we held 'em tight and wouldn't let 'em go. Oliver: Please let me go back to Mrs. Bedwin's. I promise not to say a word, I swear on my poor mother’s grave.

Dodger: Very touching, Oliver, but we can't let you go. You know too much.

Oliver: At least let me take the money back to her. Dodger: Ah, look, an honest one. Are you tryin’ to earn a medal for your good deeds? I hate to disappoint you, but that’s not going to happen.

Sam: We didn't get where we are today by being good samaritans. Sometimes you've got to be a little dishonest to survive around here, Oliver.

West: What would you have gotten in return for bringing the money back, anyway? A bloody "thank you" doesn't put food in your belly. Sam: What's in it for you? Why bother bringing her back a little dough? I mean, she probably wouldn't even miss it.

Oliver: Because I promised her that I would, that's why. West: In the eyes of the law and the world, you are now a certified thief, whether you or not. Congratulations, Oliver. Dodger: Yes, congratulations. Lying, stealing… You've done well for yourself. Pretty soon, you'll be as quick as all of us! And that's something to be proud of. Fagin: Look at me, Oliver. I am the best. I don't have to work hard, and I live the good life. I take what isn't mine, and no one even knows I've done it. It's what I do, and it's what I'm good at. Wouldn't you all agree?

Urchins: (Except Newt and Oliver): (Ad lib: “Yes, Oh yeah. You're the best, Fagin.”)

ACT 2 / SCENE 5 Fagin’s Hideout | Oliver is Kidnapped 48 Oh, Oliver! SONG 18 Quicker than the Eye

Fagin: I'm the most deceitful schemer that you've ever met I've been blessed with special talents that, friend, you can bet Any purse or any locket finds a home within this pocket When it comes to slide-of-hand I'm the one that's in demand When it comes down to deception I rate number one Take a look at my collection when my day is done Any jewel – The latest fashion soon becomes my latest passion I've no conscious – No regrets – Anything I want I get It has taken years of practice to perfect my art Take a lesson from the master now, if you are smart Some have tried – But they can't match me And you'll see – They'll never catch me – If you listen now, I'll tell you why Urchins: Some would rather bicker – Others much slicker 'Cause the hand’s much quicker than the eye Dodger: He's the most deceitful schemers that you've ever met He's been blessed with special talents that, friend, you can bet Any purse or any locket finds a home within his pocket When it comes to slide-of-hand he's the one that's in demand Pat: When it comes down to deception he rates number one Take a look at his collection when his day is done Newt: Any jewel – The la-test fashion soon becomes his latest passion He's no conscience – No regrets – Anything he wants he gets Fagin & Urchins: It has taken years of practice to perfect our art Take a lesson from the masters now, if you are smart Urchins: Some have tried – But they can't match ‘em, And you'll see – They'll never catch ‘em – If you listen now, I'll tell you why Fagin: Some would rather bicker – Others are much slicker 'Cause the hands much quicker than the eye ♪

Dodger: I was really hoping you would fit in here, Oliver, but I guess it’s just not in the cards for you. Better luck in the next place you land. West: What are we gonna do with Oliver? We can't just keep ‘em here all tied up forever.

ACT 2 / SCENE 5 Fagin’s Hideout | Oliver is Kidnapped 49 Oh, Oliver! Newt: No one better hurt him. If you try to hurt him, you'll have to go through me! (Dodger starts walking toward Newt then says “Boo”) Ahhhh! (Newt gets scared and hides. All but Oliver laugh) West: (To Fagin) We could take ‘em back to the workhouse where he came from. Harper: Or we could bring ‘em back to that undertaker’s home. (Sarcastic) He seemed to love that place. (All laugh but Oliver) Jamie: That place sounded creepy to me. I’d take this hideout over that spooky place any day. Harper: I don’t recall anyone givin’ us any option other than hangin’ with Fagin. Jamie: I like it here. No school, hardly any baths, and we don’t even need to brush our hair. Harper: Too bad you’re not workin’ out, Oliver. It really isn’t that bad here. Jamie: So what do we do with ‘em Fagin? Fagin: I've already found a solution. There's a merchant from France that is coming to get Oliver and they’re paying me five shillings for ‘em. Dodger: Then our hideout will be safe again. We won't have to worry about Oliver telling anyone anything. Fagin: Alright, Alright, ladies and gents, time to get to work. I’ll stay here and keep an eye on Oliver. Everyone, head into town. You've got pockets to pick. Urchins: (Ad lib: “Yeah, let go. Come on. Let's go. Let's get moving.”)

SONG 19 To Be Loved

Oliver: All I wanted was the chance – To be a part of a family All I wanted was to have a home – And feel like I belonged I just wanted them to love me – I just wanted to fit in this time And now they’ll never trust me – I’m losing what I’ve long for all my life To be loved – I just wanted to be loved – And I would love them, too ♪

(Set change to Scene 6, Mrs. Bedwin’s House)

ACT 2 / SCENE 6 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Urchins Find a Home 50 Oh, Oliver! SCENE 6 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Urchins Find a Home

Mrs. Bedwin: Oh, Oliver, where are you? Brownlow: I told you that he would not come back. Carmichael: I knew it. What a disappointment. I was really looking forward to watching you eat your hat. (Doorbell rings) I'll get that. Wellingberg: It's been days since he left. (Sarcastically) I wonder where he could be. Bennett: Did anyone check the bathroom? Perhaps he's there. I'll go look. (Bennett leaves) Wellingberg: For two days? She thinks he's been in the bathroom for two.... days? (Bennett returns) Bennett: Nope, not there. But I did notice this necklace is a bit over the top for the casual look I am trying to achieve. Perhaps I should grab a different one. (To Brownlow) What do you think? (Brownlow stares at her for a second, shakes his head and looks away) Thompson: I bet he's on the streets picking pockets, or even worse, at your neighbor's house pretending to be sick. Mrs. Bedwin: Listen to you. Have you all abandoned him? Given up on him? Thompson: Face the facts, Mrs. Bedwin. He did it to you and I guarantee he’s already off taking advantage of someone else. Carmichael: I hate to interrupt, but this letter just came in from a Bumble and Mrs. Mann. It says that they are the people that run the old workhouse that Oliver came from. Thompson: Why would they send Mrs. Bedwin a letter? And how on earth did they know that Oliver was even here? Mrs. Bedwin: I wrote to them the day we brought Oliver here, asking if they had any knowledge of where he came from or his family history. I had to find out. Not just for Oliver's sake, but also for mine.

SONG 20 This Letter

Brownlow: (Talk) Go on, Mrs. Bedwin. Read the letter. Mrs. Bedwin: This letter does not bring good news And I hate to be the one to tell you The story of the child's life, is a very sad one, it will prob'ly make you blue

→ ACT 2 / SCENE 6 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Urchins Find a Home 51 Oh, Oliver! Bennett: (Talk) I best get out the tissue. Keep reading, Mrs. Bedwin, keep reading. Mrs. Bedwin: His mother came to us, one night – And she was ready to give life To a little baby boy, but she fell ill – And died after he came in this world The only thing she left for him – Was a locket we found in her hand And inside was a picture of her – She named her child Oliver Thompson: (Talk) I still say she named him after an Olive Mrs. Bedwin: So we nourished him and did our best But we had to take care of the rest And then one day he came up and asked for more gruel They know you don't ask for more food Carmichael: (Talk) Not allowed to ask for more food? How absurd. Continue reading. Mrs. Bedwin: So we sent him to the Undertaker's home So that he would not be all alone But he ran away from there and ended up in your care Good luck to you and all in your home ♪

Brownlow: So the child was telling the truth, I can't believe it. Mrs. Bedwin: Of course he was telling the truth, I told all of you that. Bennett: I saw the locket around Oliver's neck. Thompson: Did he show it to you? Bennett: No, but I saw him looking at it. It was quite tarnished and in need of a good cleaning. Thompson: If the child still has the locket, the picture inside will tell us who his mother is. Bennett: We must find Oliver and make sure nothing bad has happened. (Doorbell rings) Oh, my! Someone please answer that. (Wellingberg opens door, Newt enters) Newt: Are you the nice people who’ve been taking care of Oliver? Adults: Yes. Newt: Oliver's in trouble. He needs a safe place to go. Adults: (Ad lib: “Oh, no, Oliver’s in trouble. Did you hear that?”) Carmichael: Oliver's in trouble? Who are you? Newt: I cannot reveal that information. Carmichael: Where have you come from? Newt: I cannot reveal that information, either.

ACT 2 / SCENE 6 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Urchins Find a Home 52 Oh, Oliver! Carmichael: Where's Oliver? Newt: I cannot reveal that information either. Carmichael: What kind of information can you reveal? Newt: Oliver tried really hard to get the book money back to you. But he got kidnapped by some mean people. They took all the money from him. Adults: (Ad lib: “Oh no. Poor Oliver. What do we do?”) Bennett: This is terrible! What can we do to help him? Newt: I think I know a way I can get Oliver and bring him to you, but it’ll be a dangerous mission. I’m going to have to be sneaky. Adults: Sneaky. Newt: And fast. Adults: Fast. Newt: And quiet. Adults: Quiet. Newt: And cross my fingers that, when I get there, the boss-man is asleep. Adults: (Cross fingers) Newt: ‘Cause if he wakes up and sees me… (Roll thumb across neck) Or if he wakes up and follows me back here and gets to all of you… (Roll thumb across neck) Brownlow: Let ‘em follow you. I’ll straighten ‘em out once he gets here. Mrs. Bedwin: Can’t we go with you and help? Newt: No. This is something I must do on my own. Mrs. Bedwin: Alright, we'll wait right here for you. Please be careful. How much do we owe you for your information? Newt: Nothing. Oliver said he'd find me a family someday. That’s worth more than anything, so I gotta help him! (Newt runs out) Thompson: I can’t do it. I can’t just stand here and wait. I’m going to go talk to the bookseller and see if they know anything. Wellingberg: I better go, too. I will ask around town to see if anyone has seen any unusual behavior. Brownlow: I’ll make some calls around town. Carmichael: I hope we get some answers. Maybe that young child will be able to rescue Oliver and get him back here to us. He did say it was a dangerous mission, though. Was that right of us to not go with ‘em? I’m starting to second guess my morality.

ACT 2 / SCENE 6 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Urchins Find a Home 53 Oh, Oliver! SONG 21 Oliver’s In Trouble

Wellingberg: Oliver's in trouble, did you hear the lad? Oliver's in trouble, poor kid’s been kidnapped Taken by someone who wants to do no good Where do they have him - And in what neighborhood? Bennett: I am so worried - Is he alright? - If they harm him, I'll put up a fight They'll never know what hit them when I find out where they are They can run but they won't get very far – I’ll do all I can for you, Oliver! Thompson: Oliver's in trouble, We can't just sit and wait Oliver's in trouble, What if we're too late We must start searching all around the town For any clues that tells us where he can be found Carmichael: Someone had to see something today We'll ask the Bookseller, he was headed that way If they harm a hair on that little boy’s head I’ll make sure they never see the sun shine again – I’ll do all I can for you, Oliver Mrs. Bedwin: Oliver's in trouble, but what can we do? Brownlow: Oliver's in trouble, I wanna help him, too Mrs. Bedwin: I know we should stay here for when he comes back Brownlow: But that requires patience and that’s something that I lack Mrs. Bedwin: I can keep my eyes open wide For anything that looks like it'll lead us to his side I want him back with us, 'cause that's where he belongs I don't want him out there where he's all alone – I’ll do all I can for you, Oliver! Brownlow: Oliver's in trouble, the poor boy must be scared Oliver's in trouble, we must look everywhere Maybe they took him for the money and the books I know it had to be some dirty, rotten crooks Adults: When we find out who did this low-down crime I'll make sure that they're locked tightly behind The bars - In the mill - With the beaks - On their heels They'll never get away with this, I will make sure of it I’ll do all I can for you, Oliver! I’ll do all I can for you, Oliver! ♪

ACT 2 / SCENE 6 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Urchins Find a Home 54 Oh, Oliver! (Wellingberg & Thompson leave) (Doorbell rings) Brownlow: Well, we all know who that is. (Newt enters, Oliver follows) Adults: (Ad lib: “Oliver, you’re alright! We were so worried about you. You’re okay!”) Oliver: I'm so sorry about your book money. I tried to get it back to you, I really did. Mrs. Bedwin: We know, Oliver, we're just glad you're alright. We were so worried. Bennett: Oliver, your mother left you a locket when she died. Do you still have it? Oliver: Yes. It's right here. (He shows them the locket) Mrs. Bedwin: The woman in this picture, that's my sister! That means you are her child. Carmichael: And that means Oliver is your nephew. (Bedwin and Oliver hug) Bennett: Aw, that means you’re both related. That’s so cute! I need a tissue, I believe I might cry. Mrs. Bedwin: How did I not see it before? You look just like her. Bennett: Her name was Grace, and she was the kindest person we ever knew. Oliver: Grace, that’s a nice name. Mrs. Bedwin, what did happen to my mother and father? Mrs. Bedwin: Your father, Oliver, was a sea merchant. Your mother went to his port to await his arrival, but his ship got lost at sea. That was the last we had heard from her. Newt: I bet he was a pirate! (Doorbell rings over and over) Brownlow: (To Newt) Do you have a twin? (Carmichael opens door. Fagin enters. Oliver and Newt hide behind the adults) Fagin: (Goes up to Oliver) There you are, Oliver! I’ve been looking for you. Brownlow: And just who are you? Fagin: He didn't tell you? Why, I'm the boys’ brother’s, cousin’s, step-uncle’s, neighbor’s good friend’s to the aunt of my long lost grandmother… (Pause) on my father’s side. Brownlow: You're the one that took Oliver! Fagin: Took Oliver? What so ever do you mean? Carmichael: We know who you are. You're a low down, rotten, no good, piece of nothing! Fagin: That was actually quite flattering. Brownlow: Why, you! (Brownlow swings at Fagin, Fagin ducks) Oliver: Wait! Don’t hurt ‘em.

ACT 2 / SCENE 6 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Urchins Find a Home 55 Oh, Oliver! Brownlow: Don't hurt him? Why not? This scoundrel deserves to be knocked into next week! Oliver: Fagin might seem like a bad guy, but he's really not. He's took me in, and he's been good to me. Fagin: The boy does have a point. Oliver: Fagin, you don’t need to worry either. I know the others need you and I don’t want them to lose what they have. Fagin: So, no need to worry about certain things being revealed? Oliver: Nope, I promise. Fagin: What about you, Newt? Newt: I don’t know nothin’. Fagin: Well then, I guess I will just be on my way. Cheerio. (Fagin steals Mrs. Bedwin’s vase and Carmichael’s glasses as he leaves) Brownlow: That bloke just stole Mrs. Bedwin’s vase. Carmichael: And my glasses with built-in shades! (Brownlow & Carmichael run after Fagin) Brownlow & Carmichael: (Ad lib: “Get back here! Thief!”) Mrs. Bedwin: Oh, Oliver, come stay with me. You can live in my home and we can be a family. You'll never again have to ask for more. (Newt starts walking away) Oliver: I'd love to, Mrs. Bedwin. (Hugs Mrs. Bedwin then looks over at Newt) But what about Newt? Mrs. Bedwin: (Goes to Newt) Newt, I happen to have an extra room, with an extra bed that needs someone to keep it warm. Would you like to come with Oliver and live with me, too? The three of us could be together… Always and forever. Newt: Really? You wouldn't mind? Mrs. Bedwin: Not at all. In fact, I would absolutely love it! Newt: Oh, Oliver! (Runs to Oliver) You did it! You found me a family. Thank you! (Mrs. Bedwin, Bennett, Oliver and Newt begin to talk as curtains close)

The End ACT 2 / SCENE 6 Mrs. Bedwin's House | Urchins Find a Home 56 Oh, Oliver!