Pharmacy Automation & Informatics Kirby N. Connolly, PharmD, BCPS Pharmacy Informatics Analyst and Clinical Pharmacist Baycare Health System
[email protected] Objectives Define informatics, EHR/EMR, BCMA, MAR and eMAR Compare and contrast medication errors via written vs. electronic methods Review methods to reduce errors in healthcare Analyze the medication dispensing process Determine challenges related to BCMA List the five rights of medication administration Differentiate between what is and is not a medical device Informatics Overview1 Informatics: The use of computers to manage data and information Pharmacy Informatics: the use and integration of data, knowledge, and technology involved with the medication use process to improve outcomes Automation/technology for safe and efficient medication management Information technology to inform and improve information management and decision making Why the need for informatics? Outpatients: “The old way” Why the need for informatics?8 Inpatients: “The old way” Old healthcare ways Lack of communication between providers Primary MD, Covering MDs, Consulting MDs, RPhs, nursing, dietary, RT, PT, OT, etc… Lack of information Missing pages/incomplete documentation Historical procedures, lab draws, etc. Too much information Often hundreds of pages Hard to find desired information Therapeutic Duplication Duplicate BP meds, pain meds, drug interactions, etc. Lack of follow-up Referrals and results may take a long time No system to remind patient or MD to follow-up