The New Vision: The Next Big Thing Vendors and pharmacists share their thoughts on what innovative pharmacies, technology vendors, and pharmacy organizations see as the biggest and best moves for 2020. story begins on page 13. Podcasts for Clinical Services Out The Patient 26 Pharmacists 28 of Necessity? 30 Satisfaction Factor A New Way What’s Ahead Interventions: Key to of Catching Up in 2020 Higher Satisfaction NCPA 2019 Convention Coverage november/december 2019 computertalk 35 Be like Miral- Save valuable time without losing valuable space. Do you need affordable and reliable tabletop counting technology but lack counter space? The RM1™ is a compact, vision-based tabletop counting system perfect for growing or space-limited pharmacies. The RM1 quickly and accurately counts solid oral medications, has an easy-to-clean surface and saves you valuable time without taking up scarce counter space. Less than 8 inches tall and lightweight at RQO\VL[SRXQGVWKH50SDFNVHIͤFLHQF\DQGDIIRUGDELOLW\LQWRRQHSRZHUIXODQG portable automated counting system. See the future of pharmacy automation and what it can do for you. Visit or call 800.882.3819. ³,WGH¿QLWHO\LPSURYHVRXUZRUNÀRZHI¿FLHQF\DQGLW¶VYHU\HDV\WRXVH:H¶YHWULHGRWKHUFRXQWHUVLQ WKHSDVWDQGWKH\GLGQ¶WZRUNZHOOIRUXV7KH50ZRUNVDQGLW¶VDJUHDWYDOXH :HKDYHVHYHQRQHIRUHDFKRIRXUORFDWLRQV´ Miral Patel, RPh – Owner, Curlew Pharmacies, Clearwater, FL 34 november/december 2019 computertalk © 201 RxMedic Systems, Inc. RxMedic is a registered trademark and RM1 is a trademark of RxMedic Systems, Inc. RxMedic Systems, Inc. is a subsidiary of the J M Smith Corporation. 412-492-9841
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