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. TONITE ! AT 6:45 U af I i pile i
S ' ." ZdshQ ~ ', r ...ly 'roLUME XXXVII, No. 13 Pjjblicatio11 the'A'ssoCIated ~ ~ Official of Students of thc'UfliveI sity of Idaho: -"'RIDAY OCTOBER Z5 I 1935 lls I
JI...'8l,ijiI,,S „djj'„Ijr ';j„',,1:,::„,jj'jj",d le'I .,cllljr j, 8 ji t OI'he Mixer, Football Came, Five Big Threats in the Ceiiter Grizzly Grid NacIIIine Vandals to Encounter y c y ",::.;::,:ki,!y ~P,',::, 'w:.„;,~d+> d Hollor p +ill Bads p row grizzlies Tomol1 sys All-College Dance Big Rally To Start- Montana Dangerous Idaho «Fight" WiB To Commence At 6:45 0'clock't In All Bep'ts Be Tried Out .. 8:30 Tonight Says Fox 'omorrow Dad's Day .Program Idaho "fight" will be tested to '.-"":"'d:"-""-""''t'"'."'N5.:".'."::;:>,:..'.".', Dangerous in all departments. Friday: will Lather io shout the Vandal war That's the way Rich Fox, Idalio the limit when Ted Bank's'randals 1 cp rally at 6:45 «y in a rally of reneived confid- coach, who scouted the 'Monfana, irieet Doug'esscndeli's Grizzlies in Dad's Day.mixer at thc mcmor- ence for victory toinorro . Ti gaiue with W.S.C., feels aliout the the Dad's Day game on Ma'clean ial gyjnnasium at 8:30 I'ep band ajjd yell king Ojto Pow-,:::.''.'."~."'""',,jj,.)p; Grizzlies. field toinorrow, at 2 p.m. dbajnrday: er Rn University of Idaho since 1923 as faculty .Rdvj or. Judson Wark, is capable students will present framed pic- I' llllllllullrlllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllullllllllllllllllulllllllluullllt tlllllllc tll Washington State's cougar get the Cougars up a stump, and Army's mule put'he cadets in the barn? If ants for <> n>ascr>t, hc'd bc JhaIihr1AI]rgdocutaut II.".IjI 0-"'II I.~III "".«~)+pl Grins Gripes I suppose if ~ s~ jn the nut house. F. If Idaho ca>l't have a masc'ot that is able to move : Fomhded 1898 'rhe Idaho Argouaut 'welcomes letters from,'its readers for pub. I I I I field oi> its "own power, th'en lets Offfcisf.pub»catfm> of the,'Ass xc ; THE IDAHO ARGONATUT:IMOSCO%" .FRIDAY OCTOBER. 25, >93S. ' ' I P f 'i' f-W ~ ' -= 'l,' ~ ~ 'I r "-,ie«ore @c:narc.. e.s o" .. rave s to Art Ga....erieis anc l"xxixts In . urope Id' ttt .Prof. T, J. Prichard, head of'he, women's service honorary corn- member of Alpha Plii social sor- y ''"'ctct'tcct"Ic''~ct"I"" Irene Johnson. Class Teams. Senior: Dorothy Williams, Lu- women who are outa ority spent inost .Of, August and Septem- College V/ardrobei Should Be Plarined Chosen posed af cile Nelson, Edith Brown, Mariette standing in scholarship,. leader- Cardinal. Key will hold another - For Kslbus, Ruth Evans, . Gertrude ship„character,'nd service. meeting Monday -night I cxIt IIEEI-IccEIcr ftfcii~cf fIi~iPiiIII Speedhall d'got TQ Sll1t BOth Type and Indigidual Olesen, Pat Egpe, Dorothy...Arm- 'ctive. on the Idaho campus, was copftned to L'ondon, Ghent, Esther Row'en,- Uerla Dur- th ' strong, riemly-elected president of Education is. the one thing we lo Class. the .: Antwerp,.and.Paris.. teams, and substitutes for Dickersor);.,'Substitittes: 1 ant, Gail the honorary is a senior and a pay for, but,don't want delivered, State He.iaid that this was a part>Oui-! the women's speedball, tournament Helen, Ann Sutton, -Eilene F In Rdditon io being neat, the wardrobe of a"college wontan should arun'el, for arly fortunate year for travel were picked 'hursday..after tbe Katherine Emery,. Velma. Eg- «r'look planned,.and pl not just purcha scd, said, Miss. Marion Fcatherston'c, :last, practice of"the It i iftI tt itfF'; .: 'oc xiaxt dtcados thx oiit. 1 l 1 at; a meeting Eers. 99 4 instructor i'n home ccononucs; iff"'thc fifth of a series of gcv'en lectures 9 lake the number of unusual and special class managers, speedball man- . tourna;. f IJT/ stlgldlxx:xittfts Of ' The:first game of the C., i ". '. sPonsored a&a'tXtftf:, fl 'xbfibitiong'held.this year. by the ager, Julia Moore, Rnd-p5ss:Ma- merit will I SEde'.RufsxfI4te.beextec- srs A.W.S.'n'paris be played. october 25. .,:. Mr.'richard saw Miss .'.:"Every one should dress as bel Lock'e. ognized an+ at precltzted. ell lbc Members Mae Mathieu'mho taught romance la type,'* she'said;",and with-, of teams and. their , by- enginoera throuyhottl„ S Ianguages at the University of;,ln that .type, as an lndividual.- Hester Is respective positions are: frogh; Secrffice the morld., Nr , Xdaho a number of years ago. She It, mould be Rn ideal situa- Pegg)) center forward, Catherine. St. grouP by I,; . is studying at.the. Ecole de Louvre tion to have clothes so indiv- Clair; 'ight inside . forward, Beth csI (University 'of p'aris) for her doc- idual that they would not look Bothwell,i left, inside . forward>. Etch PTER aui torate Bride of Minnis Elodease Frazler; right outtside d'A degree.. good on any other person." To take the place of'ina Var- The. finest morks on the Italian Women are divided hito types forward, . Margaret Brown; left the renaissance outside forward, Ruth Lukens; ian, who ig..in Moscow but.did'ot were. borrowed from on the basis of personality as pgs~ Peggy Hester, daughter of register in school, Ruth Fer- of Italy and exhibited ln France. At follows: youthful 'type, 'ho Mr. Rnd Mrs. Hester, became right half,; Ardis Simpson; left eat Ray ney was elected. president of Car- KEUFFEL 8 ESSER CO.'FW the world's fair at Brussels can half, Jean Thurston; center half; two wear perky bows, short the bride of Ralph Minnjs, son dinal Key last night. Cardinal VottK +txxxfxo 4 ftt"xtitttXE ~444f4+4~F CHICAGO SAN FRAFECTSCO . huge galleries Rita "york; right fullback, Ruth ™ of modern and an- skirts, and Peter iPan collars; of Mrs, W C. Minnis, at:the Hes- which corresponds to Blue ..ST. I OUfs EEQHTnzAL cient art, borrowed from '. Rhodes; left fullback,: Maria RR- Key, the. cap- ingenue, who mear softer ter residence in Pendleton, Ore., Key for men, is an ltpperclags= itols of Europe, were shomn. There phael; goal keeper, Mar'garet Mc- things; and the-dramatic type Tuesday, October 22. The Rev. . was, also a special exhibit of art who look bestj in the. more Mr. MCKenna, S. J., of St. Mary' Pherson; Substitutes: Pauline done during the "low countries tailored dresses. Catholic church, read the cere- Brush, Marguerite DeKay, Mabel period." Morton, Beth Waldrop. 'ij CR . Color types are also selected, mony. srpuf Ho land had a showing of Rem 'he Sophomores not on the broader division of bride's maid of honor was mate brandts worl . Both London and in the game'ophomores, order blonde, brunette, and red head, Mary O'eill. The women're I IIII( Paris were hRYhtg unusually Eood mem- of positions: Ada Marcia Hpebel, theatrical but better by division into "warm" sorority sisters, both being that seasons. A large numbe1'nd "cool" bers of Delta Gamma. Neva Eiginger,.sarah 'W'alker, Pat IIIt of American tourists were.particul- types. Classifications White, Florence Jeppegbn,'Fran- in this.division are made on color The arly'nterested in theater festivals, plighting of the vows took ces Wakefield, Helen Williams, that tones of 'the skin, rather than improvised be- t at Mulden, England, Rnd place. at an altar Evelyn Jenkins, Moscow, on color of . hair or fore Pearl Summers, eyes, the fireplace, which was Julia Moore, 'ib sub- simple test to determine whicn banked. with Moerder;. -The hardest Rdjustment. fpl English ivy. Ivory stitutes: Betty Ingle", 'argaret color type you hre can be .nade tapers, in seven branch candelabra da9 . Americans attemPting to study R- Johnson, Louise Paulsen, Minnie by contrasting the effect on were used, with baskets broad on a limited time schedule your graceful Henderson. Punlor: Vivian La,rson, anf skin of an orange-pink and an of rosexpink,gladioli., ig to -realize that any attempt tp Dorothy Lenfest, Marian Swan- We orchid pink. If find your'ush matters is futile, Professor ypu that son, Pearl Hale, Lena Elliot, Mar- SO skin is warm toned, rust, brown, Rn< I Prichard rePorts. "Studies guerite Manion, are RP- and orange will be Betty Obermeyer, Proafched nlore leisurely flatterhlg. Gladys Smith, Beulah Moore, sec in EuroPe Those who -have cool toned skh,s Hornecoining Activities than in America. Many of Helen How- on ,,I the pub- will look better in blue Rnd P armlet, Geprgina Iic servants (library Rsgigtant E ey Rrth; substitutes: Claire Coppock, <10 shades. However, for those who Planned by Squrs fall shee fea etc;) do not receive salaries and Joan Sandford, - Marian Carlton, %1 it are np distinct type NO CHARGE 4 is necessary to I tip them in order brown, coral, rust, and dun,"reen S leS.... to get 'service: I 99JIP9JCP9~JI 99J tt~JILCJQtf~9J 9J F~IJt L~9JFI~9Jf if hll! any whatever. Oh min Plans .'1'or their participation J the other hand be attractive. These girls for complete No many people of must avoid an uninteregtinS~tan in Homecoming are being made means and without the. necessity I am cplpr G1'ey she said ig by new members of Spur, na- I for employment, undertake volun- trying inspecI! iorl o$ tp Rlmpgt any type tional honorary for sophomore BA,WCK tarily to train themselves for ob- women, under I the direction of scure tasks in public service and "Half the attractiveness of Mhiam McFall, president. your wcltch 9 give'heir time i'or social work. a wardrobe is the way it is Every Saturday Night I "The chief worn.," Posture is an import- Spurs from Washington difficulty in libraries will enter- of Europe lies in ant factor in making State college be the fact that they', it look tained at' luncheon Satur- big - are so old eiliher stunning or uninteregt- at the i:j and that so many the Moscow hotel. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF team changes were ing. "If you have day at The made bei'ore any only one Friday night before Home- them satisfactory cataloguing coat in your wardrobe, by .fll 01'd system had coming they will give a ser- THis FR EE QFFER been devised. Now the number.'of means make it a sport coat. Moose Hall il defe „'I I enade, to which all former volumes has grown so Buy conservative dresses and great, the Spurs are invited. They will Our experts are ready tp do a quite cost of recataloguing re- coat in your wardrobe, by all days prohibits lead the women's serpentine '»iit('tt ri . Ii i 'I . i: i. tr'atttP~at ~Mt tAtftrttltt good turn-for yon snd your arrangement of the style bY the addition of un- libraries. This Friday evening, and on Satur- witch. not indic makes it difficult UsUal, clever accessories," Why accept this Idah ,I to find bppkg day 'will sit in re- and alwaYs takes a specially OFerP Your tofttch corttpfetefy more time than "Get the habit of reading served section at the game. Id ah in our country," Mr. Prichard t'Ftspected tffithout costi If new W. c said. Vogue and other fashion maga- Tentative "To the average .American .this plans for an alumna parts, adjustments or cleaning Id ah zlneg. Inform yourself as to what organization were made at a meet- Dr. H. Burgess i slowness is a perpetual annoyance J. we'B ho 5 are the sources of style. The na- ing of old are required, tell you so Rnd it would, take some time for us Spurs Tuesday at the tipnal affairs are almays reflecred Delta Gamma house. It was de- honestly. And quote you rea- to fully adjust ourselves to'heir in clothes. Eyesight Spceialist:- customs." At present the war cided to continue the wearing of spnablepriccs.C in Ethiopia is bringing a military uniforms, with Rluptnae emblems pmcintoday.'aCEhhft, Mr.,Pritchard said he,.found the.,trend into-.fashions.- -The Italian people in and".'biue~rts",~".tuesdays; 'and thsff "lust~ht" gift the nations visited un- ipaintingg on 'exhibition in Paris e for a birthfia Y,'nnbtersary I failingly to hold meetinggonceamonth. At or courteous and genuinely are responsible for the other Special occffsion? interested Renais- basketball games the group will Soa I ln our country. As far sance colors which our rfeFF Elgins —for, are so popular occupy a section directly behind mne,~ for , as the number il of tourists is con- this season." wofnen, ac- the active Spurs. They'ro beautiful, Tihe'styles cerned, depression seems to be ov- cnrato —tha 6neat watch ral we are now show- er. uas wa laiowt ing are dated ahead 'or pop- tlllllltttttlllll4 Iltlllttlllllllltflllltlllxlltllllllllllllllllllllltlllltlit lllllllllllltlllllillllllllollltlllllltltllllltllllltlttltlltltttlllltltllllf4 ularity. Nothing could 'be Cedar, and Fir Forest SPECIAL PRICES gayer or more yout'hful than Corner Drug R Jewelry . t'e 'Fall 8'ill be Decoration. THE MOSCOW BARBER SHOP exclusive shoes by TO 'STUDEI)I:g8 Store Johansen. Some gloriously .At Annual BaI'l 311 S. MAIN STREET comfbine flat iheels with fl C. E. Bolles, Prop. Phone graceful design others are 2344'ew — Plans for I the annual Fprestergt Illtltlltlttllllltttltttllllttlltllllllltlllolllltltltltttllllltllllllllllllill IIIttItIttitIttttttItttttIttItottIIttttttittIIttttttttttttttIItttIIItttICIIIIt 1Yhere the Street Clock'ells the in smart new styles with ball to be held in the women' Creighton Bldg Time ihigher Iheeb. gymnasium, November The latest notes 2, are near- in ing completion, acc6rding to 4~ styles are Fabric combi- nations and a'Iso Chairman Paul Anderson. The unusual JOkanSea decoration scheme will be n for- COI,LV6 R ORIM9 HWE. CO. Suede effects. est. of fir and cedar mith Paul Bunyon GENERAL and his Blue Ox . very HARDWARE SHOES FOR EVERY much in evidence. Chuck Col- A11 students having deferred payment cards will SIZE BUDGET lins'rchestra will furnish th' Phone 5191 music for the evening and special e n t e r t a i n m en t numbers are please call at the bursar's office and exchange same 8< SS «ills 9 planned for the intermission. Programs will be made of light tickets. You will be green Japanese veneer with a A.S.U.I„ not permitted to scene in a hardwood forest dom- DS'or inating the cover. They will be Mt:,'.come attend the Montaiia garne without an A.S.U.I. ticket. sold at one dollar a couple. The .DafI.s following men are I 3AV selling them in their group houses: Fred Shafer, Laveile Thompson, Francis Be'at- ty, Donald Springer, Ed Stanton, L'yle Kauffman, Hobart Styfi'e, OWI. I)ILUG S'I'ORI'. 9 Dale Sanner, Paul Anderson, Walter Ward, Bob Shilier, John Thomas, Max Kenworthy, and PHONE 2167 MOSCOW sl Sam Ryan. in E 1V I YOU:lk. C 'I W, ly 1101.sellc. 'l.w. AI'gonau'I is given the same painstak- in care that wins us salon iome to ~mama hOnOrS your:,:o.~s. On Our eXhibit printS. pe) ttLtiaz I.) It's none too soon to order )'1 'g portraits for Christmas. For only two dollars you can have every issue'. mailed to your folks or frierids for the school. year. 'I I aPPOintmaitt. I Give subscription orders to Bruce Bowler, .jI97CiI'ISOÃ Si.'ll:0 Business Manager, or to NEAR THE CAMPUS George E. Horton, 'I Fifteen Salon Honors Awarded Hutchison Graduate Manager Portraits ~tt 9i: P ~ ~ ~ 1~ tt Sat d y. Fight C d . "Fytt: Celt'.t Huts N Serb." StottI4 ~~ ~t't~~~te~ ~" ttt @.ttt "geams Evenly -.Matcheg 'Paul, Says golttg gtttqttbttngtt - yGeorge .(I),16~i]I Buchanan.«(WSC) . .:;:.'.";: 170,, v~ j@y-:~p' ' 'j yoey dngust .iyt. mg —raut '::o.e. ~'«;ii Lfh::;:;-:: gao 'Says Paddock ~ '.:':.'ame," Wailer (WSC) 135 ',...::, ':. ":~ eorge. Riddle (I) 126—"An- I Tet]r]ck'e.(WSC)r 126 '-. 'hs '„..Ibhn'':,; ',-':";;I:"--::.,-"„".— The Idaho freshmen foots]] Jt dy. ~ i ter>m left for their annual battle Roy Hangoril (I) 160-Les fat i i W tsi ~l ' .. ds".:.="<.:;. ! : Tatman:(WSC) 126 ',:;:."",;.-:,'::".';::;:;::$g;;-':, .;-::"..:-;,-:,:.;:,':;; 'OVCII]BALL ...;,, ~ t Earl Syencer (I) 126—Paul g, Suckmaster. (WSC) 160 '' ' "'' "'''' ''"" '' '"'""j '' ' '@@M I'2 T 'fL A 6 t(over 'I'« ', ' '~« "' evenlv matched but be]]eve =.Iuke. Purcell (I) 126 Royce time); Seta Theta 'pi 12, . y:"':g::;::."': I Lewiston has the edge on exper- h Nogle (WSC) 126 ''. '' ience. We are lookin<. for 'n aerial attack and have drf]]ed t?~e defense; accpr<]ing]v. Our of- ! Ed Booker 126—Aaron B]ew- fensive wfi].be he same although it sffil lacks polish Rnd tfming." 'atD " Carlos Perkins llg —Dick defeat- Coarh (greene has scanneil ' " Wednesday afternoon by Lambert 119 I!I - ~.: Ing a,.hard. fighting Rfdenbaugh the valleys and dales, near .. . "'-." rrytd far, for his 1935 eleven. Rex To]ryan 165 —Glenn ':,,«d~t ~ . squad, 13 to 2. The victory netted. I%I ':~':,; win Craig 165 <.-~S<,dnhr~gye, . gDOd.yPdd d.RWA Jddy~l With one and one lose, . ''.:::,";".c;,".'.:;.-":,"''::,i..;:. .'v+:... the Pioneers are eagerly Idaho fans are enthushstic fn:::":.:.:.: ',:'..;.:;„. ', ~ '' ASVI trophy. awaiting the baby Uandals, anticipation of the Idaho-WSC,.: -', <~:, .> 'cm m =--dt's~- ~ '~ ':: ''baugh managed to get in Powered bv the bfg Ike Zfe Greene's th man, Normal fullback; ,y sc A. of. the .two schools. 'owerful, and deceptive are the wf Coach Ike Deeter the so of de sIowcd Dc Slopny fields have bp down frosh practices. Combat- he ing snoiv Rnd injuries,. Coach ,sti Paddock has spent a busy RI'I Qve won more than a,goodly .. ',',:„-,:-:,:,F'„y:"':;~@'.''j .edÃ