<p> a I</p><p>~ I sb</p><p> s db d ~ P I j h ~ m 'b j .'bm':lip ' I t jj'Lbtw jlIL PEP RALX.Y jIjjj"-- -i</p><p>. TONITE ! AT 6:45 U af I i pile i</p><p>S ' ." ZdshQ ~ ', r ...ly 'roLUME XXXVII, No. 13 Pjjblicatio11 the'A'ssoCIated ~ ~ Official of Students of thc'UfliveI sity of <a href="/tags/Idaho/" rel="tag">Idaho</a>: -"'RIDAY OCTOBER Z5 I 1935 lls I</p><p>JI...'8l,ijiI,,S „djj'„Ijr ';j„',,1:,::„,jj'jj",d le'I .,cllljr j, 8 ji t OI'he Mixer, Football Came, Five Big Threats in the Ceiiter Grizzly Grid NacIIIine Vandals to Encounter y c y ",::.;::,:ki,!y ~P,',::, 'w:.„;,~d+><c Fights, and Prizes P Big, Fajjtj'aulj Rugged yy</p><p> d Hollor p +ill Bads p row grizzlies Tomol1</p><p> sys All-College Dance Big Rally To Start- Montana Dangerous Idaho «Fight" WiB</p><p>To Commence At 6:45 0'clock't In All Bep'ts Be Tried Out .. 8:30 Tonight Says Fox 'omorrow</p><p>Dad's Day .Program Idaho "fight" will be tested to '.-"":"'d:"-""-""''t'"'."'N5.:".'."::;:>,:..'.".', Dangerous in all departments. Friday: will Lather io shout the Vandal war That's the way Rich Fox, Idalio the limit when Ted Bank's'randals 1 cp rally at 6:45 «y in a rally of reneived confid- coach, who scouted the 'Monfana, irieet Doug'esscndeli's Grizzlies in Dad's Day.mixer at thc mcmor- ence for victory toinorro . Ti gaiue with W.S.C., feels aliout the the Dad's Day game on Ma'clean ial gyjnnasium at 8:30 I'ep band ajjd yell king Ojto Pow-,:::.''.'."~."'""',,jj,.)p; Grizzlies. field toinorrow, at 2 p.m. dbajnrday: er Rn<j his <lakes, at the prescribe<i "I'e scouted Montana for s Only fight can defeat the Mon- l ( l;ilio AIontana football ganie time, will drive up to the Delta num6er of years":said Fox, "hut tana club, who curim .to Moscow Delta Delta corner. Here the this year they'e got' stronger with a backfield admittedly faster 2 m. Tri'ci ;ij p. in- d)gp'urs pow- Rt jiiciiioriai gyninaSiujij Delts wjH be joined . by the s/~~nz~ < team aH the sway through than ev- than-Idaho's, superior kicking tercoHegiate Knights, the Spurs, . Elllo er er and a line equal in strength to ;it 8p. m, before;",' Dad's Daleth Teth A., t!ie POTENT FACTORS 1N the Grizzly agack are the'se five linemen, whom both Southern Cal- A big fast, rugged outfit, hard the Bankmen's. Id ho is ready for Day G™, andaH determination mixer, a foot- Idaho club ifornia and W.S.C found hard to handle. /oyez, driving js 'only the tackling, hard blocking, 'and spark- The dogged ivjth an aH-coHege the students Hv- guard, the sophomore in to win Rf- boxing matches, gifts, bunch, but has had enough experience already'his ed by the I'astest b'ackfield. Mont- of the Msho squad ball game, off the cam- season to make him a veteran. Breen and 'four straight. losses wIH be of dads coming to ing ana has yet produced, puts the ter prizes and lots Pus. The proces- HartseH are playing their last game against Idaho tomorrow, being seniors. matched, against the "IZIgjh ™. , Grizzlies in a nutshell summary, take advantage of them. Dads are:.' -w, '.', i»on wHI go Past according to Coach Fox. spirits of the Montana squad, from aH oVer this state and coming Blastic Is Back 'orifident in their abHity to from every other state. W, and hall on the 1-~ a1n -41m1I0811eeS 0CRB I jfs, ClaWfOril "Last year they had one speed tumble the Wanllalu armdry At the first aH-coHege m1xer, .~ e+ S 7Z conference win, thc Grjz- '~",. campus whose in- ~<f., P merchant in Bank Blastic," con- for s of the year, to be held at the ~ ~ ~ ~ Caà USe tinued pox. "This year he has a run spies will meet an Idaho sdoad > mates will swell CpQppgS, 'QBSiifereif memorial gymnasium tonight,, 4 ~, I, Q, lofI$ 1CQ1$ for ning mate in Milt Popovich; a ratcll as underdog for, the first Blue Key will unveil the chosen "-„-','hc ranks Rnd join Warns Hortpn ~ ~ sophomore. We aH know hour fast time in years. susen ol the dsy. She has been .,„"..'nthe noise Blastlc ls, popovlch ls just as last. Three vandsls Injured for gemCSter ~ From the office of George Qf M PQSition They do most of the ball packing." Injuries to tjiree Vandal first- E. Horton, grraduate manag- The sophomore is'a kicker of the stringers add to silvertip chances. y, n, pe na i y, pimse, Louie Rich,"re- Otto Power wiH remain un- NCW High CadCg QfficCrS ViSits Mjssp111a CampIIS caliber of Stan Riordan, Oregon Ross Sundbergr and til the procession reaches for, the 'I'daho-Montana end, who kept the 'Vandals back gular fuHbacks, are two who may deliber- 'hoice . required much them. Whe 4 Are Robert Spence John game boxjn'g tch Tuesday as Possible Can- last saturday. He 'gets sway kicks not be .able to ation, it is said. The members '. and George for 60 yards in the air too often play, - @ P KIIIdV a11d I 1 1 1 a m didapc for Montana prcsi- jl>BI~ '~ d requisition ~ be used by students, and by for them to be, called accidents, . ~ Rich is the-third. of s o e cons ered students all poin Rnd music, Tcd Bank and Dr. 0 NC111 only.; Coupon four dcizcjr - "Their fullback,: Paul szakach, ':;== "'undbeig, rut will be usejj'orq.Cdirt..'o,COIIPOri„:-bthe. Mon- is a big, rough and tough boy who 'I=- --'eekwith Rnsrm ., I the job of selecting the one out tanaana arne 'Saturday,jSsturda while g':-;—,, >- infection,'as rc- Each house is to get its own Appointments and assignments g™ Dean Ivan C. Crawford may bc looked good to me as s line plung- . oj idaho's many beautiful and couPon five, wjH be neces- ;::,':.:::,"..;,i''..:-:-!IqI 'leased from the noise maker whether it has to be of the new R. O. T. C, offjcerS the next president of thc Univcr cl'nd line backer," commented;$ accomplished women who couid . sary for admittance to the "WelCh, underStand:."'>'":" infirmary. yeSter- by, hand, by truck, by have 'ust been an Qunced by »ty «MOntana, .SuCCeedjng the FOX. Whom I IHf 'arried - .".. X,-. -'Iatc 'H. .to -pc zcphjced .byL.Chu@: Whit-. l',tr.,- day,'d.though .Rer-, Rirplarie, Or:-by: d6nkey." For.'Lhe Cjipt. LeWiS S. IjIOrm n,-:adjutant . Di-. C. Clapp;- whose -death js l„",, -<,: th'at they.'CaHe'd'ln eX'PertS tO «r the play Noveinber 1 Idus 'd0ub'ts were benefit of the poor drummer who of infantry. These ppointmcnts» left the school's presidency vs tinghill at quarter; is a, good passer.,",:.:"I'~,';::,: WhittinghiH is than .":.:~:-'xpressed wHI Placed the back of thc are for this semester; new cant last spring. Zdaho's col If any better cOri-'ege White Bucket Tickets Honored be at mfraction of the rule ' cerning hh play- students are begged not to Pojntments will be made at the hAny of engineering head „pent Welch, the GrjzzHes have an cspec- '~,.:: Admission to the dance wiH be truck, that the tickets are for Ida,- .;..' ing tomorrow. steal rides because the drummer beginning of the semester Tuesday Rnd Wednesday of tjijs iaHy well rounded backfield.", 35 cen ts an d w hit e Blue Bucket ho students only will result The Line Fast A d !':r, Louie 'ich, might miss a beat and spoil 4!ie The new cadet officers are: Col. week on the Montana campus Rt I Tough;;.,:,-'' easo d nce tickets will be honor- in con fisCation of the coupon The 1s and tough. j "-''';;, with a bad char- t'hythm, Missoula, interviewing members of line fast Collins'r~P'lestra and pence, commanding book, and expuj,jon from th. Iey-horse, is com- ed. Chuck s faculty committee appointed by They handled the Cougars forward Cr.RjcH. the Blue Bucket orchestra are to ing around and Kurdy, executive officer, and the jljfontana board of education wall about as well as Washington be combined to give the best music m mr ~ the book of another.. Sullivan, is a may be able to start, as may also C p . William J. O'eill, regi- to recommend a candidate. did. John a guard, of each. The proceeds of the dance Qf, Q]e11S g1~e11g~es While Dean Crawford has not standout —and the whole works is brother George. If neither Rich mental adjutant. nor Sundberg are in will go to a fund for a high school yet becri offered the position by big," said Fox. shape Theron Other auuolntments snd assldn- Ward will fullback. students'eek to be sPonsored Euglueerjj the board and is stHI 1n s "con Using both a single and double be RBSSian Prijbfem sidering" stage himself, there are wing formation, the Grizzlies pre- No Definite Starters FIRST BATTALION Students whose dads are coming Idaho-W.S.C. Show strong indications that he wiH sent s varied oi'fense, using lots of "Starting lineupV" snorted Coach to the game are to register at Cap Msj. George D. Rich accept the offer if it comes. reverses and double reverses, un- Bank yesterday. "I can't even give Horton's office showing their ASUI COMPANY A covering when they'e need- you a probable starting lineup be- ClaSS PIOhlCmS AIC NOt AP- Considered Oregon Prexy passes coupon books. Dads may then gct Captain'n, Richardc ar W.. Axtx e;H 1st McCormicl», Wsrk, Smiset, Lath- Dr. Charles V. Boyer, president ed, and capable of playing a later- cause I don't know whether those their tickets when they aPPear Rt paf Cnt <p CaSual TOuriStS, Lieutenants, Wayne R. HiH, WH- Rm Bisi'r Igsas of the University of Oregon, -vis- al game if the opportunity comes. three men wiH be able to play qr the same place giving their names. ited the Montana campus in not. If they aren't in shape, The football game to,Which aH SayS InStruCtOr September to confer with the fJ Qg J "Swede" Ward will start at full, the dads have free admission will COMPANY B same committee ss a possible PSQBOrary P1CUiyeS with either Walker or Maxson ln start at 2 o'lock. After the turmoil Capta in, Frank C. Bevjng.on; Plans for the biggest and best candidate for the presidency. Dur- regular right half job. Leon con- "We Americans do not appre- Rich's of the first half Blue Key will ciate the advantages of our coun- 1st Lieutenants, Rector H. Jag- Engineers'how that W. S. C. or ing his 'visit there, Dr. Boyer re- '/AX Qjryyy4n,yyy~y u,a Green will start at George rizes ~ a ~ end. duct its led in . Then the try," said Dr. A. Gerhard Weins, gard Rnd Donald A. peterson; 2nd Idaho has ever seen are under fused to commit himself upon ~op of the da will be iven out. There Lieutenant, Alvin W. Joslyn. s the subject, but it is now gener- Louie Rich starts at full, instructor 1n modern languages r way according to Don Haasch .."If '. 'is COMPANY C ally understood that he is not at the meeting of the Internat ion- chairman for the show. The phi Eta Sjdyma~~ Ta S pfp$ Wald %Ill probably start at haviii ti f Robert interested in offer that might th b t nt Ri Relations club, Tuesday after- CaPtain, M. Krummes; show, .given'y the Associated any right half, Devlin at left, and 1st Lieutenants, Vincent F. Student engineers, is held annual- be made by the Montana board. pCCtlVC MCmhCIS; IIIStalls Honsowctz at quarter." house with best re resenta- Hunt, and John F. Lukens; 2nd WaHace Brennan, chairman of the starters the discussed the Russian ly every spring; and is rotated NCW Other Hkely are Iverson tjon.tjo . prize for Wiens Lieutenant, Cyrus Drew. state board of education's corn- cw AdviSOrSvlsois There will be a the, I d it J. between Idaho and W. S.C. Z,ast at left end, McCue and Brado at dad get revo uti " h P D mit tee which will recommend who came the farthest, to 1917 and 1924, 'OMPANY year it was at; W. S. C. tackles, Wheeler at center, Pavkov here dad who between the years Captain, Albert G. Blair; 1st candidates for the position, at Thc Idaho chapter of Phi Eta and a prize for the present day prob- appointed the foHowing Rnd Cooper at guards lias 'r.the as well as the Lieutenants, Kenneth 'aasch that time said that no jnterpre- Sigma, national scholastic hon- sent the most offspring to Mc- continued drill during the committee chairmen: Fred o»ry for underclassmen, held Rs If University oi'daho. The Lewiston son, and Howard E. 8 ott., Cormjck, electrical engineers; tatjon of an impending selection week is any indication, the passing fife and drum corps has been in- Russia Deceitful SECOND BATTALION Bud could be placed upon Boyer's vis- formal pledging at a meeting describe the con- Judson Wark, civil engineers; Wednesday afternoon the attack that yielded so many yards vited to play. What few moments "Those who M» Lloyd I FipyII Earl it Inasmuch as there were to be at Sjg will used a- Russia in flowery Ivords Smiset, chemical engineers; ms Chi house. against Oregon be »e left over in those 15 minutes ditions of Al several men invited to confer Montana. Principal weapon week's visit in one of tlie Lestham, mining engineers; The six new pledges are: Milt gainst the Idaho Pep band will fill with after a CaPtaj n, Tleroi n W. War;d Ist Blair m e h anical engineers; He-r- with universRy and state officials. attack against the Webfoots, the cities, cannot by Rny c on Blattner, Kenneth HHI, Waynej of music. prominent Lieute„ant W1Hicm H Gauss,schel Klaas, agricultural engin- Dean Crawford arrived on the means, give sn actual Picture of William Montana campus ~~~ly Tuesday Lcc, Jack Sojtman Smokcr Tomorrow Evening and 2nd Lieutenant ~ J and Ralph J'ensen, foresters. tjon even better after another week the conditions as tliey are," said 'ers; morning, and spent the day in- and Jere Maupin. At 8 0'clock tomorrow evening M" meeting oi'he 'appointed of Practice, provided a dry field "The Russian g'overn- AH oi these men had made the Louie August will have his band Dr. Wiens. COMPANY F Delt spectjng the campus and talking its best as the Pres- c a men will be at the of- necessary 5.5 average during theIr oj hard-hitting pugilist in fight- ment is doing Captain, Alfred E. Gjese 1st Monday to out- with deans, instructors, and keeP aH foreign coun- ouse, 7:30 p. m., noon freshman year to become eligible ing togs ready to show their gags ent time to Z,ieutenant, David W. Evans. line the for 'the;show. fjcials. At he met other Swede flat time deceived as to the Problems plans members, alumni, and. for membership in phj Eta Sigma. SPringing Ward, that they carry on the manly sport tries COMPANY G faculty 'printer and prh cipal grouiid lower classes." former students 'at R luncheon, B attic Faculty Advisor with aH the, blood tliat thev used of the Captain, J. R. Woodrui'f, Jr.; 1st against Gonzaga, into the Charles New Curtain BOught and attended an ini'ormal recep- Immediately following the gainer R generation ago. The dads are to Lieutenant, G. Nelson. clear will bc another gore for be j,ion Tuesday evening. pledging Arthur Beattie, assist- the honored guests. y ~ Z ~ ~ blockers. Working ~y ~ For Universit Herc Since 1923 Snt profe'ssor of modern lang- Vandal on s As special gifts to the fathers of FirSt Play Of Year captain, ch-les c. Beardmore; field the bjg Erling N. Dean Crawford has been at, the uages, was introduced asthenew dry «jjtbaH players, thc Associated, y ySS 1st Lieutenant, Lande. Aullitpriuln of starting out on long <a href="/tags/University_of_Idaho/" rel="tag">University of Idaho</a> since 1923 as faculty .Rdvj or. Judson Wark, is capable students will present framed pic- I'<The grHnKarlj THIRD BATTALION time. IS Fred A. Skino dean and professor of the col- who takes the place of Zewjs En runs at any tiires Qf the squad.. D~s expected 16sj. A blue velour curtain to be Pitted against the yard- to COMPANY I herc fjor use early next lege of engineering. Hc is a grad- sign as upper classman adrLsor, collect pictures at the Montana was also introduced. gaining toe of Milt Popovich, games Ambrose Will Take the CaPtain, James W. Crawford; spring has been bought for uate of the University of Colorado are William Honsowetz, Grant several The new pledges were given Montana's long-kicking'oPh- Harrison; George Melodrama; Has Por- 1st Lieutenants, Maurice E. BVrne thc auditorium, according to and was connected with P. N. Inman and Lead in for number copies of The Forum, national omorc, wHI be Russ Honsowetz Thiesscn,'cwiston; Fred Brasch, Same Role Before and Reuben W. Hager; 2nd Lieu- Fred, Blanchard, instructor in Western railroads s chief booters trsyed Felix M. Hardison. of years on surveying and bridge magazine of Phi Ets Sigma, con- and Bob McCuc, Nez Pcrcc; .Post Falls; tenant, dramatics. The expense of R Vandals. MCCue, F. E. Owen, COMPANY work projects. He served as a taining an account of the pro- for the s Edivard Rnd "The Drunkard!" Ah, tl a K curtain is to be shared by thc into backfield Erickson, Gcnesce; the Glenn Owen; 1st major in the engineering corp of ceedings of the national conven- tackle, drops the Cj d rW I I to rQH pleasantly on Captain, B. University Rnd the ASUI. of r 1ij dis- Lieutenants, James Perry Rnd the United States army during tion held last year in Oklahoma. frequently to comprise one ingtjjn. speak IQudly and W. rFhc curtain wiH be a royal Idaho'q chief sources of worry so that al I Louis V. August; 2nd Lieutenant blue and of simple style, The the World war Rnd was chief of The next meeting will be held tjy to CQmpanions Be'1- the first; of next week when plans for opposing teams. Hc can to attend the produc- Elbert E. Inman'aterial will consist of R the general building section, will want wlH be made for the initiation of either kick, pass, or run with BUSINESS HONORARY and 2. COMPANY I teaser board, a curtain, anil R gian mission wss s member of tion November 1 new and for the initiation the ball. TQ j9th century melodrama CaPtain, Kenneth E. Johnson; new track. Tllcre will bc a the American commission to pledges PLEDGE SOON this Bernard Peter- and was with banquet. In scrimmage last night against fouiid the relics of the 1st Lieutenant, M. 50 Pcr cent fullness in the negotiate peace, "jVIont- real- 2nd Lieutenant, Tom A. Red- the army of occupation in Ger- s freshman squad running drayma of daddies'ay; a son; ncw curtain that is lacking in ana" need New m mb of K Delta boisterous linLshafer. many Hc holds a commission as fDAHO GRADUATE IS TEACHING plays, the varsity showed pj, istic stage set, gay and the old one. AT GOODING IOGH SCHOOL for another intensive session to- hone o 1 t fo cr 'o' COMPANY PIE lieutenant colonel of engineers in educpa- scenes, and song hits of the cjassmen in the school of Russe 1 Honsowctz; the army reserve. night. The freshmen, using the . WCH Chosen Cast CaPtain, E. IDAHO GRADUATE RECEIVES jinn d 1 b„1 Lieutenants, James A. Moore Crawford stated that Ellen Chandler, who was grad- Grizzlies'nd sweeps and reverses, Rst has beeii well chosen 1st POSITION AT IOWA STATE of suf- Bjanchard. and Dona Id H. Spaugy. there has been nothing settled usted from the University sucked the opposing varsity in evening ha and directed by Fred several years is now ficiently make three touch- t th K Al "The Al Braun, who received his B. yet, and definite announcement id»» ago to Theta Grant Ambrose, who p ays «Rc»ing for a second year at the downs. house. A limited number sam At SQ hc n C R w»e» S. in botany at the University oi may not be made before Decem- jjjr Dr'unkard portrayed jhc '» Gooding high school. She held Yesterday's hard scrimmage will in ember I 1 H b bosch p~~~~~tat~~~. man catches aiiother cheating, hc Idalio Riid hjs M. S. Rt Washj ber 1. cm role in R Previous an Rssistantship in the botany followed studei ts I o 1 ave corn- at 8:20 Rild begiiis to stamp his feet. The toll State college iil Juile 1935, probably be by a less pleted the The curtaiii rises department during the last ses- grueling hut just, Rs long a practice tlleir junior year in designate wliole c ass begiiis to stamp until now lias R research Rssistaiitsliip liuildred hours js about l.bool wllaj; it discloses will sion University s summer of education Aililounce- eiltertajn- tile clleater stops llis foul tech- iii iiiorpliology Rt Iowa State cnl- the maxmium allowable time be- of the tonight, with R chalk talk this ev- 111ejlt pleasaiit excursioii iii aiid iilitiatio will Occur R nique. 1cge. tween Qverhauls for student ships. ening. f ,2'iji Two THE IDAHO ARGONAUT, MOSC0% I'RIDAY, OCTOBER J5, 1935</p><p> llllllllullrlllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllullllllllllllllllulllllllluullllt tlllllllc tll Washington State's cougar get the Cougars up a stump, and Army's mule put'he cadets in the barn? If an<i one had pca»f>ts for <> n>ascr>t, hc'd bc JhaIihr1AI]rgdocutaut II.".IjI 0-"'II I.~III "".«~)+pl Grins Gripes I suppose if ~ s~ jn the nut house. F. If Idaho ca>l't have a masc'ot that is able to move : Fomhded 1898 'rhe Idaho Argouaut 'welcomes letters from,'its readers for pub. I I I I field oi> its "own power, th'en lets Offfcisf.pub»catfm> of the,'Ass<related Studcuts of the Ujpivcrsity 'lph>h. Ka'pp>h Psi It>eets Sunday licstiob ou this page, 'etters'trst be signs(>, although names -will on and off.the of,fdahos. tssu'cd every Tuesday aud of the year. be omitted from publication ou,request. Letters should be short; mascot Friday, college at. the Blue Bucket ior breakfast 'rhe reihrves'he forget about the idea.. My idea of. a is one 'aErderad ai sfcouc] .c>ass matter at the post 'office'at Moscow, Idaho. Ij preference will be given to.sl!orter letters, t editor . Msfrgrcrn ryf -, at9a,m. shorten them, if necessary, or to omit parts hp considers will the fighting spirit in the team as we]] . Major Co»tjf>a puM>cationa, I right to that put cor>trsry to tire best interests of paper or ituiversity. as the student body. 2We want something that will 'Reprcseutcd'y'the A. J.'cjrr'>s Ifill company, Call building,'au 11'Nt«tg81 ahlN -. Md)rtar Board meeting at t]he Fraus>sech-teal>f.' >IS E. 42ud,-street. New York city'1031 ) "be in1pressive.and that we >snay be proud of. Imag- Broubsay, Loa.bouge>es. Calif.>.1004, Cud,aveuuc, Seattle, Wash,; Blue Bucket Saturday at 1:O'P 123.W, hfadfso» street, Chicago, Ill. Doesn't Like Beards:and D.D.V.'s Logic ine-t']le fjgh)ji>g spirit we twou]d get out of an old .~ 'aFditcr>sl . aud; busiuess,office 202 Memorial, gymnasium, phone .'i5 wooden Vandal; spear, ho'rse, or what have you. '»06. '.Night'houcl Daily SfarlM>rror, 2222'r 2223. Ed>tor: Pa>d -cfrcu>a~s000, Subscriptiou rates —$2 pcr year iu ad- At>yone wishifig to'rder chrys- To The Why go to all the expense of getting such a sym- -his to anthemums for the: Homecoming If D; D. V. in editorial was referring wheh all 'one had to do is put "Vandal" on a --" "They an- bol, EDITORIAL STAFF game please call — beards and only beards'hen he said, fence post and .call 't 'a 'mascot —one would get none ':EE]itor...... ;...... ';....'.'.'....'.—...'....'...,Hf>glf'ldr>dge ' Ruth Ferree; Alpha Phi, 2135 nounced by their actions that they would have about the same-fighting r'eaction. Ruth - GBgnma Ph], 2123 Vf'neet>t Farley, of these, things," he was about right. I'm sure all.you. students will agree with me, Managing 'Editor .....„...'...... ,...Ddmai» Dorothy 2125 No, Idaho 5 Edgltor Dole, Kappa, ',Perhat?s D. D. V. wasii't"int the Inland Empire ;N]ght...... ,...... John Lukens Dorothy Preuss, Practice Cot- that what Idaho IIeedq'js'a n>ascot that students and this summer when every 'town,'that produced a ADG1( , Itic>f Edltoz,;....,;.:..11;...'u.....a.;;BQIash tage, 5636, or Theta, 2359" 'lumni (vjl] feel proud of and be, glad to claim for Day Editor, a...... y...... Barb>jra Mockler Wilina Mitchell, Hays, 8411 rodeo, roundup,'r other,,cc]ebratjon had hirsute time to come., The Idaho symbol has been Vandal, Impn g. L P. A. Editor ...... John Brosnan Hazel Gentry, Pi Phi, 2131, , facial adornments of the male, population as part still js and always should be.,Why change the naine? 'COPY tDESK w ~'-' MARY, K. RILEY,: FDITOR of the progranl. for a mascot sounds aEalrl in''Mme The idea of a large Dane dog Bullock, >Lewis, assjstaut editoisi Ruth Eggirt, Matfel, ]Eng]]sh club 'eeting Wednes- Perhaps D.D.V. was>I't here,a couple of years 'Hayrick., Char>cs hfarshan, Paul Tap>br, May Wickes, Leuris 'Or- good to me. 'Tis true we do not have a dog foJ Jhstas e: htuth Katherfue Schuttcuhelm, day 11 a. m. i>I Ad. 307 to elect ago when beards were grown'o commemorate and but isn't Dane closely related to the Ida- REWRITE STAFF BROSNAN, EDITOR our name, can cont'in'< JOHN officers. .,revive the spirit of '1903. Maybe his me>Dory is Weren't Danes Vanda]s? Midou..Johusou, assistaut editor;.Charlotte Thorupsou, Jd>rism Mc- ho symbol? the early so arc aggr( Fan..C>sirr Jaeksou, Mndrcd Cs(sou, Margaret Hahrshsu, Al Stone. ort. to early history. Such being the -SPORTS STAFF .„..''; .'HIL 'HIARING. EDITOR LOST—Gold Signet ring, with Trace back your on pubjuga Perhaps D.D.V. is a fraternity member, If so Bie Pau>ey,.afsfstaut editor;. Dou Csl>, I L. Evans, John Gaski>1, initials, J. C. J. in blue enamel. case, a Dane dog seems as near being a true..re-,:„ Diice. . Larry Robmsou, John Tierney, Dou Bistliue aud Vic Thompson. he will realize that the beard idea had its origin in WOMEN'S STAFF —..=-- . RUTH HALLERI EDITOR Reward oi'fered. Betty Ober- presentative of Idaho as anything, A beautiful, A dream Esther P>super,'ina Msy Jcwcu, Lucile Ne>sou,vvfvlau Noyer, frat- ' meyer, Pi Beta Pht the fraternities; If the members of the various large 'Dane <log wou]d bc something every loyal Roman em Rusabcch Coats, Mary Cougdou. 'con- SOCIETY. STAFF .-....--....'..hfAXINE BERGER, EDITOR ernities want to compete in a beard growing Vandal could feel proud of. lowing, thE ..Mirjory Glean, Marriau Willsey, Jean Deuniug, hfariorie Blaiue, LOST "Team Spt>rts for Wom- — test why hook it,up with Homecoming? Let them this idea, as we need has .been, I Let's a n>asc'ot B]lae Jane Austb>, Katherine Bjorustesd, He>cu Made'on, Marian en," Mar- hear niore of Loit>s'e'hu>seu, Krogh,'Vir- Al]ce W. Frymir and grow beards, 'more power to them, but spare the struction .Of Iseuberg, Katherine St. Clair, Shirley Htilas. The left in and need it damn bad. g>pia. Peters. Edith Sister, jorie book was rest of us both w'ord and rod (paddle). EXCHANGE STAFP -..-..—-—-- BARBARA LIPPS, EDITOR Ad.. 311. Finder please ca]l 2117. Perhaps D.D.V. and other's in favor of beards, yr>cupcs'' Baird. Florence Kelly, Ardis Simpson. Reward. STOP Signs Give Him a Pain CA>rfPUS STAFF, Beverly Baker, hfary Ifarmer, June Dxv>cs, can understand my deep disgust )vjth such mimicry, W>Diam 'G.'Reese,",Jean Allson, 'Helen Sullivan. Junc'ie>, >frthur Wh>te, Jim Hampton. Jessie Riche, Bettv Ash. Otto Power, Roberts repetition, and futile. practice. I'0 The Editor: Ryan, Robert Citts. Christine Soltmau, Ruth, Ruuyon, .Tape Harvey, NOTICE " Ihdsud Sparks;" Emerson Preehafer. Bettv Ifat>iehl, hfsrgsret I'urthermore, I personally, do not care to have I hcsc "S'IOI signs that the Moscow police. Davfsr 1vard L, Ceilings, Ellyu Bradsbsw, E>ms'hfcCsrrol, Arlene -A srsecond my loyalty to Idaho s]andered because I do not want Blsckvreu, hfargaret Thornton, Jean Deuuing, Bsr]tars Broder. meeting of gt>n- have stuck up all over town give me a pain in the" rect, Emery L. Rice, Charmiou Childs, Leonard Armngtnu, Ruth eratit>n" students —those whose to look like a goat or an old time villian, and would It's all right'o have stop signs on Maj»' 'eck. Lukeus'Hase> Dean, Robert Slum, John Elder, Ross But>cr, Har- oM..Weuustrom, Edward Daluu. Carol Jean Davis, Katherln Csdy, fathers or mothers attended much rather spend >By time inviting people to our street and at certain dangerous intersections; they 'csli Perkins, Auu La Rue, Ray Randall, Mary Elirsbeth Kost- the University of Idaho —has Homeco>fling and display proudly r»rr school and a>ek, Caroline Beck Jean Snooner, hlargsret Barton, Helen h<adsou un<loubtc<lly have preventerl many accirlents. But it . beer> called, for this Saturday r»rr team to them. Robert Forbes, A>line King, Ellen Samson. Jusnita Warren, after»eon o'lock <locsn't Pro>note safety —to make every other street :Murva James. Dick . Darnel>, Virginia hfitchel. Helen, Cleuch, at 12:45 at To D.D.V. personally; the moral of your editorial hfariou Dwight, Mayttucrite Maulon. Barbers 'wiuu. Mary Sul- the Old, Steps'etweenthe En- all over town a STOP street. It just n>al<cs <lriv-. livan. Bob Stephen.'Oliver Ifauscl,: Howaid Psrrish. Bill Thompson. shou]<1 have l>cen: If the plan of a few meets the tra'f-: SPECIAL WRITERS—Avon S. Wilson, hfsry Curtis, Fd Riley gineering and Adminjtstra- ing unpleasant an<1 pron>ates disobedience to Dolores Keuworthy. tion buildings. Third ginera- disfavor with the n>ajorit'y —change the plan! fic laws. If they put enough of the flatfeet to cov- 'USINESS STAFF : tion students'should also p]an er the town watchin for every violator of the Stop to attend the meeting. Busln'ess Manager Br»cc Boz<jlcr Has No Patience With Critics street law, they can probably get motorists into ...... Pictures 2 of the: group will Assistant Business Manager Ray Lt'ncoln t the habit of stopping, but this kind of -law enforce- ...... taken. Group houses and. 'ent cIRcULATIoN sTAFF—DWIGHT BARTQN, FRED RoBIN- be To The Editor: makes marl and disgusted when halls being 'asked co- just people SON< MANAGPRS> are to I-Inw al>out that idea of a mascot for Idaho? It All>ac King, Dou Dresser, Allice Wyuu Gordon Smith, Esther operate in seeing to it that they feel tl>at there is no excuse for the regulation. . Rosevear, Bob Painter, Sarah Jane Baker, Itiarguerete hfsniou, Bob has been mentioned and discussed several tiines, Smith, Roman Thuue, He>su Sutton, Marie Raphsil, hfary Jane every second or third gef>era- but little seems to have been Wiilismso, A>eeoc Shields Auu Smesd, Vivisu Noyer, Herbert .tion student turns out <In time done about it. I agree President Neale Was Right Saudersou, James English, katherine Scheutteuhelm, Julia Milburn. with Otto Jane'Harvey, Carol, Jean Davbi, Boyd Moore. for the meeting. Power that Idaho should have a mascot ADVERTISING ...:....,.;.FRANK I/ASSEL, GEORGE DAVIS an(1 one immediately. The chief trouble seems to be To The Editor: COLLFZVIONS GEORGE Sohf MER A Ml ...... ,.:...:..;...... to <lcci<le J SECRETARY '.....'...... ,...... EVFRETT HOLT tvhat it shoukl be. I was.very pron<1 nf our Prcsi<lcnt Neale at the Italians feel It had first been the opinion of many that it would asscn>bly last Werlncsrlay for not introducing Sen- pursuits are Friday, October 25, 1935 At The Infirmary be best to choose an inanimate object to represent ator Pope as "the I-lonorable." I ew people realize of God just Idaho in her athletic activities. A spear, boat,, large th'lt th>s tern>, used so often >n connect>on will" just to, Mus, Ivan Carbridge broom, dustpan, an'd various other,articles jvcre -Congressmen, is 0 misnnmer as user] in the Unite<1 First 3 Alberta Hill suggested, but'no conc]us>on could bc reached. 't'ates. is an term )pith That was Then,'any It English a definite sig- Contest Thinking Ralph Li>fcs A for thought it should be an animate oliject, and nificance in the okl country, but "only corn doctors servation of John Lukens immediately ho senator, Students DADS DAY Ro»aid Martin suggestions werc received along that and circus perforn)crs have that title over here." to line. A Dane dog was suggested, but. apparently Whoever or<lcred the printing of the signs an- Eurf)pe. Jack Murphy of the, Euro The Committtee on Militarism in Education 'has Charles Nelson . some one thought that this would be putting Idaho . nounc>ng thc;1sscnlbly >n thc va>'>ous un>vcl s>ty in the dog house. ments was recently announced an editorial writing contest on By Les Walker George Rich l>uildings slipped up a bit. "Idion.'ames P. Pope" dents Charlotte How can one at a a national issue of immediate interest to students. Thompson any gct that way? If getting a sai<1 the signs. I hope that if Senator Prorah comes assembly The topic is, "Why Congress Should Pass the Nye- Betty Vcaley Dane puts Idaho in the doghouse, why doesn't Ore- here to speal.- he will be cxtc>idcd the courtesy nf "WheII gon's It Kvale Amendment." This,act is a proposed amend- s duck put the Oregonians iri the duck house, bci>j ~ ark]ressed an(1 publicize<1 under the right title. a,sked if National Defence am'-ey Ethiopian ment to Section 40 of the Act, - - I~ introduced in the senate and house last July hy o„o„ty'~ r]0OQI C>]ih@DQ]I Pope explain Senator Nye and Congressman Kvale, which, if ingly to th< enacted into ]aw, hvil] "limit its application (thc <le- 140 1>(un...Anoihcr colunm to write...rljc. L>ttlc croachment United Stat fe'nse acts)'.in the qase of cjvjj.ed(]catjE>>Jal j>Jstjtu- ~c>ucI has had to lay low this week...You guys FRIDAY pCTpBER,'.25 in gaiti]fig::rf tthoset electiv'e'ourse -in .an" Ra]s «]I't seel» 1o appr('c»«'a]I this publicity:,'ine'ey'll-col]<fgre: rt>]xer tions to offer'ing n1>litary and Ihhhajnh'» If I don't stop hearing duml> stories about. fenn SATURDAY, OCTOBER '26 ainjs'are]ik Allison, I'>n going tnhavc to devote a >yho]e cohlnul Delta Delta Delta:pledge dance 'his Pirpose the. Nye-Kvale amendment hvoukl ing aii emI 'cs...y'll Blnir has taken 'a s'u(Men'nterest ppa appa amma p c ge accomplish by inserting a phrase at the appropriate . '" sun never sc n> Potte"y I 11 have son>e good stuff on, the Blue p]ace jn thc preseilt ]aw providjng that no ROTC Alpha Phi dance Impr Kcy ~"ccn as soon as shc is unveiled; ..Jncld Dyer pledge unit.sha]1 be estab]ished or maintained at any school Ag aw With .a or college "until such institution shall have satis- Prc-""'ng a hc 1«terfrnter»ity Co><neil roll call... impressjve I fied the secretary of war that enrollment in such Sl >»>jev St. Clnir and No>»> Izrcrsoj> neck and nccl< "The Drunkard" to say.;a g time, Idaho's unit (except ii1 the case of essentially mil>fary '...(Or do they,)...IIo(v abr)ut >t, 13cj'Iijj<Ierf... Chi, Alpha Pi pie>>]ge dance with a'E)m schoo]s) is e]ective and not compu]sory." ScooP ..Wl>at lovelorn Chi ~llI>ha Pi is wasting Tau Kappa Epsilofif>]edgedancc away to n>ake a long story The Delta Gamma pledge dance which hks R.O.T.C. question was the subject of tryingly Short?... Sir D 3 n>ust not feed very wc]I...Saw DicI< Hutch- Samuel intramura] debate here ]ast year, a great. deal of "The off, Premie be'avai]- >sr>» leading a raid on Lin<llcy hall aPPIcs... Have. Drunkard" valuab]e material and many ideas shouk] Forncy hall informal others strai students base worthwhile editor- you seen thc remodelling job the infirmary did on ask: ab]e for Idaho to 7 ' it tr Associated Forestef s danCC for the ials upon. Typed entries shou]d be submitted to Fay 1 cttiI'r'h>j.... P csidejjt Br>1«"clI and his European si hc argonaut for pub]]cation in either the editorial committees blocl<ing traffic.... "Italian or the student opinion columns, and they wil] then ~I>«dc>rff shouk] be more discrcet. Sz(rcdc is be sent to the judges —Mrs. Dorothy Canfield so>nebody else's "Darling." Helen P. looks cokl WhRt s New Fisher, the Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick, Mr. enough to be in the refrigerator business. Warm up Bruce Bliven, Miss Helen Seabury, Miss Mary I le]en, or nobody will lo>ow you. I'ol College Men Seabury, Congressman Knute Hill, and Senator Some of thc guys anti gals manage to do a. Iot I-ynn J. Frazier. of trading around....Notice Betty (Burp) BootI> By H. Fisher tossing a fcw lvilh Duffy Reer] a>I<i Dr>u 1lna,<cI>... What happened to Chn>«bcrlnin,and S<)z<rdcr?... Top Coats 7 D cId G 'ce> o gI cont nues to i] ]I tl a]s, vh I H OPF ALOut It, Honorarles Iinthcri»chn >cr»jc Cndynr y takesa<cs care ofo tthee upattac>e<unattached (p).. ' express his own individual tlte, Campus organizations must have an excuse for d' " " " " as there are, many styles 'which "L M a ~I b.rnyc has ia <cn their existence. For an honorar to be worth the 't; '" uP knitting?.. 1'ashion favors.'or the coming Drugs time and moiley put into it b its members, there must be rewards for all of this effort anticipates giving his Homecoming crysanthen>um feature of these coats is the i'act So many organ>zat>ons exist tnlerely to swell the t D I C - I that they have Raglan sleeves., number of keys for it >tembers to wear or to lct - One of the rt with Tl>c 1hnppn 5igs are Iosing t I>cir grip... TheyTl I.dhad imp nt coats its members have mo re activities under their names Raglan sleeves is the three but- to call in their W ' S C brot]>crs to shoIv' then> so>uc SHAi in the year book. This is especially true of certain I'I 'll' " '' ton modelthatcarriesthenotched real beer guzzling...I ' ~il 'A>jdcrsond sa s tllat erson-" organizations on the campus at the present '.J ' 'apel. ti>ne.,ally hc clocsn't care' for these soft drinks.....- The Interfraternity Council meets at'arious .' ""..., Most young men wt]I favor the 1 1»> jj >Ps sccnls 0 c 1rst SHAW stated inter']s and there js no business to be done..... Payn1g striilg on flaP front, not hed laP 1, single- A >var<1 of warning to the steadies...Old Hnz«I>- sleeves. TMS coat carries flaps f O f h I cyc 1s out. to find C. C. O. C. (Cutest on the pockets, and an extra last. year was for the fraternities not to house visit- Couple On I alreadyI d have on 1I>II andd ticketc e Pocpockete, as wellwe as turnedurne RAZl ing athletic teams, or other visiting The ampus)....I my cye HII groups. (,II B«IInel.,rnd Ic» back cuffs on the sleeves. This Pnztb«>.«,Bnn],,' ' ~ yenff Ip;I next time a group of this kind came to the ca>npus C. 'I'.' p'. model wil] be seen mostly in tttn For ] ocr nn<lI >is litt I c Pi pIlji....o>>I<hj>C and 13rodrceljt its sponsors. asked the Intcrfraternity Council to - and solid color mixtures. tI I t I] f 11 have the houses cooperate in housing as usual. This Rain Coats the council readily assented to. Recently-, when a The rain coats for fall will be very popular in a single breasted football team from Spokane came down to play I ~ LILA.{ gg front balmacon Moscow, where did 'their coach go to house his ~ fly st le with I.lJQ~I L l1 slash pockets, and Raglan sleeves. team —to the. high school against whom they tvcre ~+I p 57peS playing. ?21o to the fraternities on the campus. This is a'ood examp]e of the general operation of KEiNWORTHY a light tan or oyster shade. The the rulings of the Interfraternity Council. What is Sa«>rday newest rain coats ar<I in a light jts excuse for existence? To give its annual dance? Thc'cr»r>jd> el, wiih Noel Cl>)van], J>>lie I hydcn, tan color w]th a fly: front, con- What About the heralded Cardinal Key, two years Ilope Willia>ns, Stanley Ihi(1 cs. vcrtibie collar, regular sleeves, ffs D~ ~o>FGs +~ Ifc o s hfh f2+eggy old Sunday —.(Irt,>tl and large patch pockets. These now? This year this organization has done cv- I jy actly nothing. This organization ]ast pnjiy I>> S/>i>j<I, fcatijri;2. '210<2 1'.Ilis, TO]lie Car- coats are worn 101>g, and are full year stepped at the skirt. right out and did some quite va]nable things. If minati, Ida l-upino, I yj»jr ( j,trjj;;uj. I ax '2l they expect to do something this yea> they have to 'AN]) ~ . ' ELDRI go out and find something to do, because things Ijt[ I; I; y SHAK won't come to them to be done. Sj>>ilia'ljrojrgh, starring Nr:jn)a Shearer, I'rcd- MASONIC HONOR I Now lastly, how about Scabbard and Blade, na- eric >2]arch, Lcslic Howard. J. G. Eidridge, dean of facuitv, ME Me@Oil Fox t>onal nl>]ltary honorary! Th>s organ>zat>on has Not 0>>]y rlocs Noc] Cow;rrd star >n thc ]cad>ng at thc Unive1s>ty, is onco Saic Sy SHAW not been heard of on the campus this year. The role of The Scr>jrjjrt>.el, 1>ut hc is its author. A soph- persons in the United States to encouragement of military morale and stimulation islicated story, written by a super-sophisticated au- r«ctve the 33rd—and highest- H. of interest in military affairs is but thor, n>akes this ultra-sophisticate<]. The «gree of Scottish Rite Masonry. 5PEESER, its purpose, play story Xme. can it do this by simply remaining passive? presents Co)var<] as i litcrar) Casanova )vho tramp]- was elected by the southern SALES SHAV Organizations and honorarics that give nothing cs ruthlessly on love until, when the hour of rctri- " " ' .H~ SEB.VICE to their members and do nothing for the school at bution co>nes, hc can find no nnc to love hi>yj. Thursday. Large b which exist Second and they are merely deadwood and shoul<l Julic Ilayrlcn portrays the emotionally honest girl C D Over Bo>sc Iso received 'ashington be done away with as waste matter.—Contributed. Who falls yicti>n to the Co(yard eh<11'>n. )the degree. Small b AFTER</p><p> xc ; THE IDAHO ARGONATUT:IMOSCO%" .FRIDAY OCTOBER. 25, >93S.</p><p>' ' I P f 'i' f-W ~ ' -= 'l,' ~ ~ 'I r "-,ie«ore @c:narc.. e.s o" .. rave s to Art Ga....erieis anc l"xxixts In . urope Id' ttt .Prof. T, J. Prichard, head of'he, women's service honorary corn- member of Alpha Plii social sor- y ''"'ctct'tcct"Ic''~ct"I"" Irene Johnson. Class Teams. Senior: Dorothy Williams, Lu- women who are outa ority spent inost .Of, August and Septem- College V/ardrobei Should Be Plarined Chosen posed af cile Nelson, Edith Brown, Mariette standing in scholarship,. leader- Cardinal. Key will hold another - For Kslbus, Ruth Evans, . Gertrude ship„character,'nd service. meeting Monday -night I cxIt IIEEI-IccEIcr ftfcii~cf fIi~iPiiIII Speedhall d'got TQ Sll1t BOth Type and Indigidual Olesen, Pat Egpe, Dorothy...Arm- 'ctive. on the Idaho campus, was copftned to L'ondon, Ghent, Esther Row'en,- Uerla Dur- th ' strong, riemly-elected president of Education is. the one thing we lo Class. the .: Antwerp,.and.Paris.. teams, and substitutes for Dickersor);.,'Substitittes: 1 ant, Gail the honorary is a senior and a pay for, but,don't want delivered, State He.iaid that this was a part>Oui-! the women's speedball, tournament Helen, Ann Sutton, -Eilene F In Rdditon io being neat, the wardrobe of a"college wontan should arun'el, for arly fortunate year for travel were picked 'hursday..after tbe Katherine Emery,. Velma. Eg- «r'look planned,.and pl not just purcha scd, said, Miss. Marion Fcatherston'c, :last, practice of"the It i iftI tt itfF'; .: 'oc xiaxt dtcados thx oiit. 1 l 1 at; a meeting Eers. 99 4 instructor i'n home ccononucs; iff"'thc fifth of a series of gcv'en lectures 9 lake the number of unusual and special class managers, speedball man- . tourna;. f IJT/ stlgldlxx:xittfts Of ' The:first game of the C., i ". '. sPonsored a&a'tXtftf:, fl 'xbfibitiong'held.this year. by the ager, Julia Moore, Rnd-p5ss:Ma- merit will I SEde'.RufsxfI4te.beextec- srs A.W.S.'n'paris be played. october 25. .,:. Mr.'richard saw Miss .'.:"Every one should dress as bel Lock'e. ognized an+ at precltzted. ell lbc Members Mae Mathieu'mho taught romance la type,'* she'said;",and with-, of teams and. their , by- enginoera throuyhottl„ S Ianguages at the University of;,ln that .type, as an lndividual.- Hester Is respective positions are: frogh; Secrffice the morld., Nr , Xdaho a number of years ago. She It, mould be Rn ideal situa- Pegg)) center forward, Catherine. St. grouP by I,; . is studying at.the. Ecole de Louvre tion to have clothes so indiv- Clair; 'ight inside . forward, Beth csI (University 'of p'aris) for her doc- idual that they would not look Bothwell,i left, inside . forward>. Etch PTER aui torate Bride of Minnis Elodease Frazler; right outtside d'A degree.. good on any other person." To take the place of'ina Var- The. finest morks on the Italian Women are divided hito types forward, . Margaret Brown; left the renaissance outside forward, Ruth Lukens; ian, who ig..in Moscow but.did'ot were. borrowed from on the basis of personality as pgs~ Peggy Hester, daughter of register in school, Ruth Fer- of Italy and exhibited ln France. At follows: youthful 'type, 'ho Mr. Rnd Mrs. Hester, became right half,; Ardis Simpson; left eat Ray ney was elected. president of Car- KEUFFEL 8 ESSER CO.'FW the world's fair at Brussels can half, Jean Thurston; center half; two wear perky bows, short the bride of Ralph Minnjs, son dinal Key last night. Cardinal VottK +txxxfxo 4 ftt"xtitttXE ~444f4+4~F CHICAGO SAN FRAFECTSCO . huge galleries Rita "york; right fullback, Ruth ™ of modern and an- skirts, and Peter iPan collars; of Mrs, W C. Minnis, at:the Hes- which corresponds to Blue ..ST. I OUfs EEQHTnzAL cient art, borrowed from '. Rhodes; left fullback,: Maria RR- Key, the. cap- ingenue, who mear softer ter residence in Pendleton, Ore., Key for men, is an ltpperclags= itols of Europe, were shomn. There phael; goal keeper, Mar'garet Mc- things; and the-dramatic type Tuesday, October 22. The Rev. . was, also a special exhibit of art who look bestj in the. more Mr. MCKenna, S. J., of St. Mary' Pherson; Substitutes: Pauline done during the "low countries tailored dresses. Catholic church, read the cere- Brush, Marguerite DeKay, Mabel period." Morton, Beth Waldrop. 'ij CR . Color types are also selected, mony. srpuf Ho land had a showing of Rem 'he Sophomores not on the broader division of bride's maid of honor was mate brandts worl . Both London and in the game'ophomores, order blonde, brunette, and red head, Mary O'eill. The women're I IIII( Paris were hRYhtg unusually Eood mem- of positions: Ada Marcia Hpebel, theatrical but better by division into "warm" sorority sisters, both being that seasons. A large numbe1'nd "cool" bers of Delta Gamma. Neva Eiginger,.sarah 'W'alker, Pat IIIt of American tourists were.particul- types. Classifications White, Florence Jeppegbn,'Fran- in this.division are made on color The arly'nterested in theater festivals, plighting of the vows took ces Wakefield, Helen Williams, that tones of 'the skin, rather than improvised be- t at Mulden, England, Rnd place. at an altar Evelyn Jenkins, Moscow, on color of . hair or fore Pearl Summers, eyes, the fireplace, which was Julia Moore, 'ib sub- simple test to determine whicn banked. with Moerder;. -The hardest Rdjustment. fpl English ivy. Ivory stitutes: Betty Ingle", 'argaret color type you hre can be .nade tapers, in seven branch candelabra da9 . Americans attemPting to study R- Johnson, Louise Paulsen, Minnie by contrasting the effect on were used, with baskets broad on a limited time schedule your graceful Henderson. Punlor: Vivian La,rson, anf skin of an orange-pink and an of rosexpink,gladioli., ig to -realize that any attempt tp Dorothy Lenfest, Marian Swan- We orchid pink. If find your'ush matters is futile, Professor ypu that son, Pearl Hale, Lena Elliot, Mar- SO skin is warm toned, rust, brown, Rn< I Prichard rePorts. "Studies guerite Manion, are RP- and orange will be Betty Obermeyer, Proafched nlore leisurely flatterhlg. Gladys Smith, Beulah Moore, sec in EuroPe Those who -have cool toned skh,s Hornecoining Activities than in America. Many of Helen How- on ,,I the pub- will look better in blue Rnd P armlet, Geprgina Iic servants (library Rsgigtant E ey Rrth; substitutes: Claire Coppock, <10 shades. However, for those who Planned by Squrs fall shee fea etc;) do not receive salaries and Joan Sandford, - Marian Carlton, %1 it are np distinct type NO CHARGE 4 is necessary to I tip them in order brown, coral, rust, and dun,"reen S leS.... to get 'service: I 99JIP9JCP9~JI 99J tt~JILCJQtf~9J 9J F~IJt L~9JFI~9Jf if hll! any whatever. Oh min Plans .'1'or their participation J the other hand be attractive. These girls for complete No many people of must avoid an uninteregtinS~tan in Homecoming are being made means and without the. necessity I am cplpr G1'ey she said ig by new members of Spur, na- I for employment, undertake volun- trying inspecI! iorl o$ tp Rlmpgt any type tional honorary for sophomore BA,WCK tarily to train themselves for ob- women, under I the direction of scure tasks in public service and "Half the attractiveness of Mhiam McFall, president. your wcltch 9 give'heir time i'or social work. a wardrobe is the way it is Every Saturday Night I "The chief worn.," Posture is an import- Spurs from Washington difficulty in libraries will enter- of Europe lies in ant factor in making State college be the fact that they', it look tained at' luncheon Satur- big - are so old eiliher stunning or uninteregt- at the i:j and that so many the Moscow hotel. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF team changes were ing. "If you have day at The made bei'ore any only one Friday night before Home- them satisfactory cataloguing coat in your wardrobe, by .fll 01'd system had coming they will give a ser- THis FR EE QFFER been devised. Now the number.'of means make it a sport coat. Moose Hall il defe „'I I enade, to which all former volumes has grown so Buy conservative dresses and great, the Spurs are invited. They will Our experts are ready tp do a quite cost of recataloguing re- coat in your wardrobe, by all days prohibits lead the women's serpentine '»iit('tt ri . Ii i 'I . i: i. tr'atttP~at ~Mt tAtftrttltt good turn-for yon snd your arrangement of the style bY the addition of un- libraries. This Friday evening, and on Satur- witch. not indic makes it difficult UsUal, clever accessories," Why accept this Idah ,I to find bppkg day 'will sit in re- and alwaYs takes a specially OFerP Your tofttch corttpfetefy more time than "Get the habit of reading served section at the game. Id ah in our country," Mr. Prichard t'Ftspected tffithout costi If new W. c said. Vogue and other fashion maga- Tentative "To the average .American .this plans for an alumna parts, adjustments or cleaning Id ah zlneg. Inform yourself as to what organization were made at a meet- Dr. H. Burgess i slowness is a perpetual annoyance J. we'B ho 5 are the sources of style. The na- ing of old are required, tell you so Rnd it would, take some time for us Spurs Tuesday at the tipnal affairs are almays reflecred Delta Gamma house. It was de- honestly. And quote you rea- to fully adjust ourselves to'heir in clothes. Eyesight Spceialist:- customs." At present the war cided to continue the wearing of spnablepriccs.C in Ethiopia is bringing a military uniforms, with Rluptnae emblems pmcintoday.'aCEhhft, Mr.,Pritchard said he,.found the.,trend into-.fashions.- -The Italian people in and".'biue~rts",~".tuesdays; 'and thsff "lust~ht" gift the nations visited un- ipaintingg on 'exhibition in Paris e for a birthfia Y,'nnbtersary I failingly to hold meetinggonceamonth. At or courteous and genuinely are responsible for the other Special occffsion? interested Renais- basketball games the group will Soa I ln our country. As far sance colors which our rfeFF Elgins —for, are so popular occupy a section directly behind mne,~ for , as the number il of tourists is con- this season." wofnen, ac- the active Spurs. They'ro beautiful, Tihe'styles cerned, depression seems to be ov- cnrato —tha 6neat watch ral we are now show- er. uas wa laiowt ing are dated ahead 'or pop- tlllllltttttlllll4 Iltlllttlllllllltflllltlllxlltllllllllllllllllllllltlllltlit lllllllllllltlllllillllllllollltlllllltltllllltllllltlttltlltltttlllltltllllf4 ularity. Nothing could 'be Cedar, and Fir Forest SPECIAL PRICES gayer or more yout'hful than Corner Drug R Jewelry . t'e 'Fall 8'ill be Decoration. THE MOSCOW BARBER SHOP exclusive shoes by TO 'STUDEI)I:g8 Store Johansen. Some gloriously .At Annual BaI'l 311 S. MAIN STREET comfbine flat iheels with fl C. E. Bolles, Prop. Phone graceful design others are 2344'ew — Plans for I the annual Fprestergt Illtltlltlttllllltttltttllllttlltllllllltlllolllltltltltttllllltllllllllllllill IIIttItIttitIttttttItttttIttItottIIttttttittIIttttttttttttttIItttIIItttICIIIIt 1Yhere the Street Clock'ells the in smart new styles with ball to be held in the women' Creighton Bldg Time ihigher Iheeb. gymnasium, November The latest notes 2, are near- in ing completion, acc6rding to 4~ styles are Fabric combi- nations and a'Iso Chairman Paul Anderson. The unusual JOkanSea decoration scheme will be n for- COI,LV6 R ORIM9 HWE. CO. Suede effects. est. of fir and cedar mith Paul Bunyon GENERAL and his Blue Ox . very HARDWARE SHOES FOR EVERY much in evidence. Chuck Col- A11 students having deferred payment cards will SIZE BUDGET lins'rchestra will furnish th' Phone 5191 music for the evening and special e n t e r t a i n m en t numbers are please call at the bursar's office and exchange same 8< SS «ills 9 planned for the intermission. Programs will be made of light tickets. You will be green Japanese veneer with a A.S.U.I„ not permitted to scene in a hardwood forest dom- DS'or inating the cover. They will be Mt:,'.come attend the Montaiia garne without an A.S.U.I. ticket. sold at one dollar a couple. The .DafI.s following men are I 3AV selling them in their group houses: Fred Shafer, Laveile Thompson, Francis Be'at- ty, Donald Springer, Ed Stanton, L'yle Kauffman, Hobart Styfi'e, OWI. I)ILUG S'I'ORI'. 9 Dale Sanner, Paul Anderson, Walter Ward, Bob Shilier, John Thomas, Max Kenworthy, and PHONE 2167 MOSCOW sl Sam Ryan. in</p><p>E 1V I YOU:lk. C 'I W, ly 1101.sellc. 'l.w. AI'gonau'I is given the same painstak- in care that wins us salon iome to ~mama hOnOrS your:,:o.~s. On Our eXhibit printS. pe) ttLtiaz I.) It's none too soon to order )'1 'g portraits for Christmas. For only two dollars you can have every issue'. mailed to</p><p> your folks or frierids for the school. year. 'I I aPPOintmaitt.</p><p>I Give subscription orders to Bruce Bowler, .jI97CiI'ISOà Si.'ll:0 Business Manager, or to NEAR THE CAMPUS George E. Horton, 'I Fifteen Salon Honors Awarded Hutchison Graduate Manager Portraits ~tt</p><p>9i:</p><p>P<e Six - IDAHO ARGONAUT MOSCOW FRIDAY OC'I OBER 5, 193 'ij ''E j IItj(i~ j. If]is >Ijflj'ItiPIII>e j'fIjlII!Ioi IS.(". jliijdd s jljffjir 300jI8 I oijf0170N j])IjfrI ' ' I —. s- r ~ Ptl a Cottdur Strtmd In Favored." ~ ',: ': 'reshmen tp piay {offfff ' g. ~,: .. ', '- . '>tte to.Injuries or Several g. ~ l! et+: ':,getg '.;I (halII, f]ITolmUI'a ')U(': ga j,c~ ~'igclmPJOQS Q$ IgS P</p><p>~ ~ ~ 1~ tt Sat d y. Fight C d . "Fytt: Celt'.t Huts N Serb." StottI4 ~~ ~t't~~~te~ ~" ttt @.ttt "geams Evenly -.Matcheg 'Paul, Says golttg gtttqttbttngtt - yGeorge .(I),16~i]I Buchanan.«(WSC) . .:;:.'.";: 170,, v~ j@y-:~p' ' 'j yoey dngust .iyt. mg —raut '::o.e. ~'«;ii Lfh::;:;-:: gao 'Says Paddock ~ '.:':.'ame," Wailer (WSC) 135 ',...::, ':. ":~ eorge. Riddle (I) 126—"An- I Tet]r]ck'e.(WSC)r 126 '-. 'hs '„..Ibhn'':,; ',-':";;I:"--::.,-"„".— The Idaho freshmen foots]] Jt dy. ~ i ter>m left for their annual battle Roy Hangoril (I) 160-Les fat i i W tsi ~l ' .. ds".:.="<.:;. ! : Tatman:(WSC) 126 ',:;:."",;.-:,'::".';::;:;::$g;;-':, .;-::"..:-;,-:,:.;:,':;; 'OVCII]BALL ...;,, ~ t Earl Syencer (I) 126—Paul g, Suckmaster. (WSC) 160 '' ' "'' "'''' ''"" '' '"'""j '' ' '@@M I'2 T 'fL A 6 t(over 'I'« ', ' '~« "' evenlv matched but be]]eve =.Iuke. Purcell (I) 126 Royce time); Seta Theta 'pi 12, . y:"':g::;::."': I Lewiston has the edge on exper- h Nogle (WSC) 126 ''. '' ience. We are lookin<. for 'n aerial attack and have drf]]ed t?~e defense; accpr<]ing]v. Our of- ! Ed Booker 126—Aaron B]ew- fensive wfi].be he same although it sffil lacks polish Rnd tfming." 'atD " Carlos Perkins llg —Dick defeat- Coarh (greene has scanneil ' " Wednesday afternoon by Lambert 119 I!I - ~.: Ing a,.hard. fighting Rfdenbaugh the valleys and dales, near .. . "'-." rrytd far, for his 1935 eleven. Rex To]ryan 165 —Glenn ':,,«d~t ~ . squad, 13 to 2. The victory netted. I%I ':~':,; win Craig 165 <.-~S<,dnhr~gye, . gDOd.yPdd d.RWA Jddy~l With one and one lose, . ''.:::,";".c;,".'.:;.-":,"''::,i..;:. .'v+:... the Pioneers are eagerly Idaho fans are enthushstic fn:::":.:.:.: ',:'..;.:;„. ', ~ '' ASVI trophy. awaiting the baby Uandals, anticipation of the Idaho-WSC,.: -', <~:, .> 'cm m =--dt's~- ~ '~ ':: ''baugh managed to get in Powered bv the bfg Ike Zfe Greene's th man, Normal fullback; ,y sc A. of. the .two schools. 'owerful, and deceptive are the wf Coach Ike Deeter the so of de sIowcd Dc Slopny fields have bp down frosh practices. Combat- he ing snoiv Rnd injuries,. Coach ,sti Paddock has spent a busy RI'I Qve won more than a,goodly .. ',',:„-,:-:,:,F'„y:"':;~@'.''j<t inf Rb share of championships in Q»" r;.':N'h~b."hq'."5-:: 4«<';. o pofn a strained thigh. Blackboard Deeter himself was Pacific ga: coast amateur -champ during a ]Rr the years 1926-27-28. scrimmage with the varsity, Cougars Favorites weather ]Rt e permftt]ng. ter ps o Fr h]ineup for td ays Kame an Saturday night, due to the fact at Lewiston: Tony Knapp, lef t WR S. prominent Vandal fighters. un lier against undy Tedrtch, i I '- ': -: ": to*yurt —:dc:r M <d Cpl . .', '::: Ho< vier Galden tylc«ea ChamP frOm Pert- .,:':::, '::::::-,':::,:::...:, '",-',;::':;:;P:::,. . The Betac SCOred again On a tg:: right cnd, George Smith, quar- lalid, is with::::::::::';.'::~":::::,-":.':::::.;„':.:.::- t:.+4jN',",,:,::::—.:.'.::,',::,':.::.:: Rnd cut-back -HRl.FB<fc< Lel badly handicapped Iong end sweep by '.::, ":; I ter; Harold Iverson, fullback; severe cold. ',"':;:, -":':::.'.'..-':„','::.:,'.':.:':'; ."«4", '; -~. '::,.''::::.'-'." "":,".'. beh'ind inter- HERB b'RPNDWBlleg "END ry a Earl Spencer, too; ': Bather exec]lent I Harold Roise, left half'; '", Rnd,Jim itbe ".'„'',,"',,"..„'.i>"i':.".':">j".,"'ji'll"''„"',: . . . '";:, —::':.::::,:,",-,:'.::,';: Whp ffghtS pau] Tafman R Cpu '.' .', .:', ': ferenCe. The g™eended RS Sa- A CONFIDENT jyfONTANA Outfit COmeS to IdahO tOmOrrOW, bent JOhnStOn, right half. gar fighter prOminent in nOrth- ':'""""".-""""'",""'"a-'-«"""""":-" -"--. " ---.-----'-"" ther drOp-kiCked the ball thraugh ' on winning R Pacific coast conference gam'e. Montana's new coach, BOOMING I'E]EtoUGH opposing lines is R picnic for Stonko Pav- theth barsb ffor ththe extrat point. in Ban]c's club. The broad Serbian fills his v . Doug Fesscnden, f]ankc{] by his two assistants, highlights the top frpmrom a bada cocp]d.. Rpyoy Haanor,fprd kov r right guard Ted Delts Land .'p'nfrd with hand inside berth to capacity with his 200 pounds, which he toughened picture, while the bottom one shows three reasons the Grfzz]fes have MO11tR11R PO111tS an injured right and Ousted from R "shot" at first - for feeling optomjstic about taking R]] the joy out of Idaho's Dad's brui ed. cheeks, is at a dfsad- up over the summer by tack]fngpa]es of'ay. A sophomore, Stonko place because of the ineligibility 'F vantage against Les Buckmaster, is getting hjs first shot at R Grizzly tomorrow. ":." 'Delta por ourt 1n ' ' 'uling, De]tR Tau grasped ~ intramural champ of WSC 170 I ': at j third place, squeaking out R:xar- niii be guests at the fight card!In 22 Year Feud Paul George will appear fn the I Mem A]eph team in R game that . tomorrow night. Fortified by Rn L.' p~C~lhe Og ~~e .~ggge, Q™II/+lasted five minutes 'ver regula- tmpressive showing against the anan, 170-pound intramur Rl ' '* '- d d I tipn time. The Deltas scored Rt O W. S. C, fighters ]Rst. week, Louie's ~ ' tire epening oi the game as cart . .'. meet, a wgG delegation I'Q gf'+I/%1 'oys i Joey August is in R NQ+rjsmger- p Is+fr ..., row afternoon, when the Ida- re-, rJ Burke intercePted k 'Pass ar>d again this weekend in what wl]f match with paul Wailer, ' rb ho V n Is Rnd the Montana WSC'..: sprinted the ]engthj of'he ffc]d. O ': . be more than R mere hand-shak- Pacific coast champion Rnd ing. Grizzlies meet on MacLean pride in the 135-pound divi- ij'Iu<1-smearc<l au<1 quizzical, the iaiuiliar features of j<Villis Smith,! field. Although Idaho holds, . "tt'I p f sion, over whom he., won a "Little Giant 'n western co]leg>ate football ar>d icky Mouse in pro- ena]ties on Martin for rough- an edge over their ancient ri- Pu]1 I; 1 RI -;Spies fsiviy ]Oil>p Rt vcadcrs fvor>t R fu]I-page i]]u man R week ago. I'<rir. y Phil Himing of the majority of the scores. i the November issue of lrarrity Mauaup inn, sopo hoomoreo VandalV d half- Luke Puree]l, a coming Idaho Tire'0 NE>bV COOLERS fo I oc- In the twenty-one meetings be- j ~t ~ fh U S chm Pass back, who was boxer at 126 pounds wi]l have his ~ I. tween the two teams t Idaho has s ! f ' t f ti II.' T I D "'"'"I I recently p]edged! hands 'full against Royce Nog]e, ~ ~ In thef overtimeI period Martin . emerged victorious 17 timhs tp 3 . 'c N 0 i" sho~ be- Doug I-esscn<ier> ' meet when' the' ~g to Phi crack first stringer of WSC: '&S made amends by leaping high in Eta Sig- for Montana. The Ig]4 Kame 1e1Qe~ Rirda]s eocou"ter the Grizzlies to- - ma, underc]ass- the Rir.just over the goa] to pu]]! tb er>deder> e fd> a 0-0- tfe.. morrow. Ipoth meu are new fo the mens national main card, appearing against Bob down Snow's 3p-yard pass from i Idaho has the edge on total the midst of a desperate group I coask though deci<le<i]y»ot to foot- scholastic hon- 5ofnt with~ 45p ~ I j I<loscow fans will have an op- I „, t 138 f o Smimfth ' His 145 po unds class i orary. In order Fo P li of T. M. A.s. With but three-! ball. liar>k ivoui<I Iikc nothing bet- <, their opponents. e . as a little un but last year poctunitv to see some first-class j to make the Four pre]fmfnapyt bouts among; ' 'uarters of a minute to play, the! fer than R win over ><for>tar>a after previous scores fo]]ow: R -p - oot R]1 in their own rack i, right I honorary, Rn R fighters of the .Vandal squad wf]l 'g ~ catch gave the De]ts the "arne I thc four stra' t Io f c tl IDAHO Y MONTANA e sation of the against Gyrizz]ies ..o yar<I ivheu the Montarra i erage 5.5 or usher the main bouts of the ev ~t, ... and 200 points. ' ' of 28 "". " . 1903 0 'etter must be obfai " ...... Sigma Nu Pu]]ed down ipp! I All or porter]' to hsve sir<] Montani>s~ could er Americans, men.jev-:, The statement "A]] (Iufct Pa]>its Rnd ffft]t P]acc by virtue t ]east onc semester of the fres In regarr d to th e turnou t tp th e sy .. 15 en bet . on the Western Front,'rob- have no s>vecfer chance' for a cnii- ' of their easy victory over the! f'c P y K "-'9...... 1916 ...... 0 FR]r ]abc]s the pfcturet ably will nof hold much truth Un]ye I, m A Rs "The G]ants Saturday when a]i ten con- I the three mcn A ]Rrge ~~~~d pf Befss Rnd CR] what ference teams meet in games as far Rs conference K "Kf" t rest." Here fs appears equally large number of Deltas victories go is K ", 20 1920 7 Ind which promise be hotly "pu]]ed" oulv semester. A change to the jun]or ...... boxing below that title: to for the Betas in their „;nue reason the {yrizzlics ivouki I 35 for, contests, and I can see„! 1921 7 Rdc e second fo Id ho I ] ot do- "I 1934, the three sta]warts contested. Three of the teams 'hampionship fracas. The Deltas like to win, there's R private gcu<]ge g t semester sav! 1922 CR]ffornfa, ...... 0 Strong,'illis Washington, and were in vengeant mood over the ' p ~ i g. the Rme. I have had several at the right Ken against the 4 au<la]s as well. 40 ...... 1923 ...... 0 si - U.C.L.A, will be aiming for technfca] Riden- " " I i th bject R d I Smith, Rnd. Fd . Danowskf.— I loss inflicted by 41 1924 clean-cut victories. room as well as on ...... 13 kicked to keep 'haugh, hall. the field, assure the public that ladies Rre plunged, scampered, and I THE 1 Ag T TWO GAMES 14 Ig25 t '. the their season's p«««««d ere he is R triPIe threater. into ~ ~ more than welcome to attend." the New York Gfflnts TENNIS rankle deep fn the Grizzly 37 ~ ~ ~.....1926 12 Nationa]f'f no defeats and ties un- ...... ,... clsampjonship of the I, D. g. 3, Lind]ey I ! think-tank. Two years Rgo, on 42 ...... 1927 ...... 6 I Footba]] ]eague. Teams like the spott d., T.M.A. 4, Delta Chf 0. the si]vert]ps'Rst visit to Mos- 21 1928 6 j role, usually ...... ,... Giants, Rnd. the Chicago Bears IDAHO —MONTANA Chi Alpha'.Pi Lambda Chi 0 j cow, both teams splashed left for the sports 19 ] 4, their I 1929 0 gg~ <'~~lit ~otltpet{(f$ i ...... ,.... Ej 1 h ght .the fancy of the ..These two teams always do Chi A]pha 4 Nu 0 way in a veritable pond through- to s ect, is being eagerly I 6 ' put pi, Sigma ...... 1930 ...... 12 ~st $ggl ms« iljtl I'SPPrfrfltg Pub]tfo'ecause they! uy a thrilling Rnd a hard fought A. T. O. 4, S. A. E. 0 I ouf, R scoreless first ha]f. Honsp- claimed by both coaches, it seems. 21 ...... ,1931 ...... Ig Hf g FF'ttfI FF'ktNM lFACtk better footba]] than the.co]- battle Rnd this will wetz came through Montana's Fcssenden is p]ay year be no chi Alpha Pi 2, sfgma chi 2 j for Idaho in sendhig 19 ...,.....,Ig32 6 ]ege teams., - - exception. The Montana bac]<- Ridenbaugh 3, S. A. E 1 ! traditional fashion late in tile ut Publicity releases declaiming ]2 ...... ,Ig33 6 Bl I Itt Rtltl' otttght The men are bigger; they field is faster than Idaho's, with Delta Tau Oelta 4, Delta C]if 0 fame, snagging the soggy ba]I v«]«raus]y on the subject of 13 Ig34 Ida]io ...... 6 J play together longer; and their two outstanding backs in Blastic Although the schedule has of- Rr>d wading his way to a, touch- reserves Rnd general RB A technique >is brilliant, .campus and Poyovich. The Grizzlies have ficia]]y been played out, there are dolvn. The Grizzlies countered around excellence. 450 138 Brc Idaho cross country mcn are profesfs notwithstanding. Most demonstrated far better punting numerous postponemcnts due to with R score by Hank BIastic, then Nev »<>P]mmorc, the to compete with Bill Martin's of fhe paid footba]]ers have j than Idaho Rnd have R stron bad weather to be played off be- who, not to be out- tctun scorn wh'tman college stresdy played 'three years tine. Idaho's o iy chance triii be fore the championship playoff done by Honsonetz, caught a pasm SQp!Itis fur tonight on MacLean field Rt pf fhe coBege game Kcn in outfightin them. I like Mont- opens. tpo. A five yard penalty on Mon- I ca<I III1er CIR88 Mefst by o'lock. Strong was N.Y.U.'s only All ana by Rt least a touchdown. tana for too many subs put %he A c]e< Sill O'Neffls Cy Adkins, Wal- American; Danowsf<] starred OREGON —U.C.LA. r bag bt ptace t'or a second idaho As PVefifs Qf SetOOIICi ter Kantola, Don K]lng]er, at Fordham; andWB]is Smith, The Californians will be out fo touchdown in the last few inin- Day t j I11te1 Clgss Megt Woodrow Snyder, Stew Ncely, Rt 145 pounds, the lightest avenge last season's 26-3 stingfng utes. Ij and RR]yh Leo will run for dtn profession, was defeat as well Rs to fn Last year Montana, entertain- 0 man .the keep the Fg~+ R -"I''Sn >hnnroi.csproces h,],Iic' uarroiy Maho over the cross country hnported'rom the mountain race for Rose Bowl honors. Iq] 1 ing the Vanda]s Rt an "Rt home" les<I over frosh au<I juniors as the second ""- " '" >r<-'e interclass course. fastness of-Idaho." take the Uc]ans. t A11 Q affair, imPolitely led them by one 'y track iucct close<1 fast night. Scores >low s;iu<: s<>phoinnres, ]-'>; Runners mill speed around the Iast year was Smith's first in STArN>I ORD >y<rASIIIN>GTON 11 ~II ~pr111tS touchdown a]] through the first I]; juniors, 2C> fres]uucu, ~0 ]-G senior 0 track twice and then head half. Speeding Idaho ';iu I'i>olc, frosh captain', up thc professional leagues. He wss Two of the best teams on the backs, ied rcpeafe<1 his ivi»s in previous uiects by ! the..pullman road,to,the .seed]ing,a member. y Wendell Dayton, reserve full, pl «rr>g fiist iii fhc ]0t0 of Idaho football teams coast. Washington is going along >ay<I <lash au<1 the 2>0 >Or<1 iuu to score ]0 Th d Ig33. t id gait and will be hald An interclass relay carnival wi]l PP " . lng the last high spot ln trQck Rcffv half to wrn, 13-6. Comrntfb in strong on the winds down near the university ities for next on 5 fmt ppc STARTING LWEUp severa] of its key men har>dicap- week, to be held home stretCh, Bill O'Nci]l dc- 7 inches. Ray Pearson i LOYAL dairy barns, circling about and ped by injuries. It ]Oaks like WednesdaY, Thursday, Rnd Fri- MONTANA fr-'>fed 1VR]tcr Kaufo]R in t]ie Rnd Andrews tied for sec- by finally ending on the regu]ar day afternoons at 4 o'lock. students, hoarse from ycf]ing, half-mile ond, Rnd Don Cpt Prabab]c starting ]incr>'ashington's year. ' to make the r„n Johnson and 'cinder track in the stadium. medley relay race in which raff<cd around R huge fire Mis- Alfred S 1 il . <;() C b,l C >,I ii'1ORN«l' i at in 2 minutes Rnd 7 Fletcnner tied for Varsity entries have been tap- I d, I one man IVcd»esday scca„<]s M G l on each. team will rur>»rr]R nigiit ta, c>fc'onald K]uigfcr sct ering off t]lfs week with light 880 yards, another 220 bratc tile buning of mjinx" Hartseff .. LER ...... G Rich'efensive team Rlld should take running the for R fast rl~t lap folloived Startlllg with an easy first ]ap, S. workouts in shorter runs„and if yards, the third running 440 Idaho Rf]egcdfy has O» them. I]un-, O'eill Stew Nee]y C o e .. LTR '""...... B do the TrpjanS intO Camp by tv o by Rnd Cy Adkins, but sped up to wfn the r improvements in the past rhrce " yards, and the last carrying the drcds of them turned Gut fu one mile run. M N y 'LGR P k touchdow O'eill Rnd Kanto]R sprinted Kantola was second, ic]d meets mean anything track stick or>c mf]c wi]] be fhe fcR- of the biggest exhibitions of schooi info Rr>d Lee third B ' Wh ] '-S'I'IA],'~- S-SAN I RANCISCO' - t]lc lead ill the fast Time, 5 minutes fans may expect to witness a >- .....C,... tule event Wednesday. A 440- spirit ever manifested on the With R 1 \ quarter. Kimgferer wRS toss of 126 feet ~ S ''' '.' mg bird. and premier contest. 'I yard 'ontana relay, Rnd R 16 pound shot campus, according to Cy Adkf+s 9 inches, Johnson placed an mU pu ing con est will col>c]ude thc reyor s. e c ose scores bywhlch high hlird]cs ~ . y fi sf in the discus. RR]ph Th erson R e e KaMe» ™ fpr th events for the first da ~ hpi DR. ERIVIN GRAVE Vhfftiughf]] ----Ha»awetz . Ry . y "y 'earson, soPhomore, was P o d; David q SANT:y CI ARA —I'ORTLAND Distance mer> wi]] severe]y new coach Doug Fessendcn, seep»d; mLL SPEAK LHR Dev]in The be . lost ] ynn Anderson frosh thc ..„.. portland Pilots suffer their tested in fhe four-mile relay race to Southern CR] Rnd \Vashin- cni Popovich ....RHL IVRrd first defeat of the season. The ...... onprr hursday. Discus tossers and on St te s rvcd only to mstif] son won the of Brprlcs- Rr> easy w r>r>er. Nosfr>K oui I yr>n A+der shot put for the 880-yard re]ay men wi]] s]so moro confidence in t]ie student h with f,o I —'<'b'AS] fhc c]osc t I ] R mark i GOiNZAGA I I]URN see action on feet 'I pa . Psi next Sunday, October 27, Thursday. thus far, Max Kenworth and 71/2 fllches. Kerl Robert- Ingram organized aud Coach Mike Pecarovich's boys Carnival events wf]I end on Rt 9 R. m. R t t]le BlBlue Buc.ct.k, 'ill le tape about sfx inches ' 'as secor>, all An- Iili I coached the Eastern for mere barely able to eke out R 2-0 Friday with relays in the 1 mi]e AUGUST'S Rhe.d Dr...Graue w il] spea k on ]lis trip squad BOKERS n erson in the 120-yard Al] victory last year with Petere cr"On"on Rr>dRr> 2 milem' races, and javelin will ]ovr Lo tf ff t ER i-W t S] in Stage tne last number n 'urd]es. Time, 15 secor> d y ig t the final even NI in the lineup so might have uo throwfn, .stated Coach Rya>a s. sfoll mill ', Mike the show being put, on « th< fo]iov, Dr. Grauc's tali', fn 1925. for th.! Ca]d rvrafh ]1 I r easy tinle Saturday. j last night.ni h . ] t] benefit, of visiting "<lads," >vjro s after the finish of the coun- fr>s j jumpers iii check, J cross , t> y race with Whitman college. ha</p><p>.edÃ</p>
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